#ffx worldbuilding
mekatrio · 2 months
loved ffx but im so happy i played tota cuz it touched on religion + had its protagonist die wayyyyyyyyyyy better than ffx did
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alex-multiverse · 10 months
Kh Worldbuilding headcanons: Destiny Islands Edition
No one ever talks about the original worlds in kh and i find that a travesty because these places are a really, REALLY good mine to play around with. (u can also use them or expand on them if you really like)
So im gonna share some HCs i have about the original kh worlds, starting with Destiny islands..... but before that some basics: also this is kinda long so under the read more it goes
In general:
Kh "worlds" arent really floating in space. the stylized icons we see in game are more akin to dimensional rifts rather than actual planets (seriously who thinks this is how the world looks fr)
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Following on with the dimensional rift: as the "worlds" arent really pieces of the original world, they are something more akin as parallel dimensions or something along the lines of something like ff14 (mostly because i would rather die first than live in a world with 5 different versions of britain existing at the same time)
As much as dark road is cool, the explanation for the empty worlds is dumb and for the purposes of this exercise, instead ofthe worlds filling the people gradually after it is created, i consider that the worlds as they exist are the result of the surviving children of the war making their stories real in the fractured reality of the original world (it also follows the weird theme of reality/unreality that kh4 seems to go for) and it turning into a different version of earth as we know it, with some exceptions, such as monstropolis (which exists independently as a parallel land to earth in its canon) and Deep space (which is straight up NOT earth and was more like, the rift of lilo and stitch's world pointing at the high counselor's fleet BEFORE the actual movie started) and also the OG worlds who dont have something to be based on for reasons to be explained later.
the only world that exists in the ocean between as it is, is the Keyblade graveyard. because it was so majorly fucked up by the war it both shattered in the physical and dimensional way after it happened.
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Now that that rant is out of the way, LETS GO TO THE MOST UNDERRATED WORLD IN THE SERIES:
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Destiny islands is in fact, more than 2 islands, being a big archipelago with a bigger "main island" where our three protagonists live at. this one we have seen before in kh2
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Destiny islands, is, by far, not the only chain of islands in the world. in fact, theres way more islands beyond the horizon.
We know the islands have a mayor, thus we know that they must have cordial diplomatic ties with different islands near them.
Due to FF characters existing here, i am very tempted to assure that some of the races from ff8 and ffX exist in this world (you are now imagining kimahri playing with a tiny kairi after diplomacy stuff with her dad just ended)
Due to DI being an original world, it is actually a shard of the original world that didnt really changed much compared to the other original ones. its major difference is that it is an ocean world like Wind waker hyrule or the Grand line from One piece
Magic is a real thing in the original worlds populace, you just really need to get good at it, learn it, be magical by default, or cheat and get a keyblade somehow
Religion in the og worlds strike me as something akin to the way people prayed to the aeons of yevon in ffx or the astrals of FF15. with people praying to the ff summons on a case by case basis and depending on their preference for patron gods. Ie: Leviathan being a goddess of the ocean and water who is prayed to by sailors or fishermen, while scholars prefer ifrit using an interpretation of the fire of knowledge. (you know. like a furry prometheus that doesnt get eaten by an eagle daily)
I'll probably go on more detail later, but for now, the summons that get prayed to the most in DI is probably Leviathan for the aforementioned reasons, Ramuh for nature and agriculture reasons, shiva for tradition and combat reasons (related to riku in my particular headcanon) And Titan for economical reasons, wow alex making the rock man into the economy guy i wonder where you have heard it before
Speaking of economy, DI currency totally has tiny paopu fruit symbols in its coins and bills, and its a legal course currency in its neighboring islands because they too dig the paopu fruit symbolism
Munny looks like malleable diamonds because it probably just morphs into the appropate currency depending on the world we're in, moogles only use them as they are because they are both the people doing synthing and also shady as hell. do not trust the pompom people.
Going back to the Paopu fruit: its quite a common tree fruit in the islands and in fact is industrially harvested in some islands both as an export and in-island use.
The paopu folk story is actually mostly just a misconception for an older tale. originally involving sailors and a promise to return home safe. it eventually turned into "sharing one will entwine your fates forever"
Paopu pastries are a common dessert, and paopu wine is used often in weddings.
Monsters ARE real in the islands and roam the most inhabited places. These are often hunt for game and for safety reasons
THAT MEANS, chocobos are also a thing people use in the most rural parts of the islands for fieldwork, transportation and sometimes food.
Blitzball is MAD popular and they Often do tournaments involving several islands. DI itself was almost a perpetual champion up until jecht retired, then they win every so often instead of always
Boating licenses are a thing, but kids can still use their little boats because they have to row them. think like, the difference between a bicicle and a motorbike.
There are bridges for tram systems between islands that are close to each other, usually reinforced for sea and storm reasons.
Legally speaking, equal marriage is a thing and even polyamorous ones because why being an ass about it.
Healthcare is mostly public, but there are Specialty care stuff in the main islands that costs money because of course it is
Because sora and riku are japanese names, i prefer the island to be something like a tropical japan, so most of the people in DI have japanese names.
That would be all for now. tune in next time when i tackle on Twilight town, who may or not be in perpetual twilight (is not)
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vyriadurav · 11 months
Final Fantasy X and Forged in the Light of New Stars, my magitech isekai
I'm remembering FFX and specifically the worldbuilding of it and I think it is not only giving me ideas for Forged, but inspired Forged originally (Forged has always been partly my homage to FF's magitech worlds, but I think the archipelago is due to X) Spira has this really rich feeling culture, the way that the faith of Yevon is woven into everything, the way that Summoners aren't just heroes on a mission, but the medium between the living and the dead, the way that tragedy leaves scars, the whole deal with Sin, it's so good!
the Al Bhed as a distinct culture trying to push back against the narrative of Yevon, the way Yevonites absolutely break their own taboos while justifying it in the name of power, the whole system is just really well set up especially when you see it all through Tidus, a stranger.
So how does this relate to Forged?
Well, Forged is an isekai about a trans woman and a rotten egg, Gwen and Brian respectively, who are transported to Tellara: a world of magitech and wonder that bears the scars of a great cataclysm that shaped the current state of the world. Tellara takes place in an archipelago where people have rebuilt since the oceans rose and wild magic ran free due to the vanishing of the Goddess of Chaos, Teara.
Magic is a central part of Tellaran life. Wielding it directly is dangerous, because of the warping influence of wild magic, so it is wielded through the art of Alchemy, which contains the magic within arrays and language to achieve specific effects safely, and by Mages, who wield magic as Tellarans of old did, directly and intuitively, by changing the nature of their souls to be inviolate by the effects of wild magic. Doing so also changes them permanently into something new.
There's a cultural festival that has taken place in the story thus far, Shatternight, which honors the memory of the lost gods and those who perished in the cataclysm, while also celebrating those who survived and the flourishing that has taken place since. I am contemplating a priesthood of sorts that is inspired by Yuna's sending dance, where they take the idea of remembering the gods further and seek to provide solace to the dead by ensuring their memory is saved for as long as possible.
Spira is one of the best worlds I think Final Fantasy has ever had and I am going to be doing a lot of thinking about the lessons I, as an author, can learn there. (If you want more info on Forged and where to read it, please check out my pinned post: here)
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reignsan · 1 year
the FFX 2.5 novel revealing the Al Bhed were the ones who invented machina and so were indirectly blamed for the Machina War and therefore Sin by Yevon is some neat worldbuilding. It also explains why they speak a separate language and why their eyes are like that; they were government-mandated identifiers used to make sure the Al Bhed were always seen as "others" by the rest of Spira.
The novel's not super great but I like the pre-Yevon lore it gives.
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sflow-er · 1 year
ˏˋ°*♡➷ get to know me ༊*·˚
I was tagged in this lovely game by @lazybug16 and @bluedalahorse - it was so much fun seeing both your 'moodboards'! 💜
The idea is to pick a favourite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, colour, and hobby and present them as pictures.
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I'll put a list/explanation below, but it's going to be long, so let's do the no-pressure tags first: I think most people have been tagged already, but I can't keep up. So I'm just going to tag a few people whose names I don't think I've seen and apologise if you've already been tagged - or even made a post that I've missed!
@scatteredpiecesofme @silvagrey @groenendaelfic @raincitygirl76 @plantbasedfish @palehottubchild and anyone else who'd like to do this!
Movie: I've got a lot of faves in a lot of genres, but The Princess Bride (1987) has been one of my comfort films since childhood. I never could resist a good fairytale! I kind of wanted to use an ensemble poster to fix the severe lack of Inigo Montoya in this Westley/Buttercup one, but I think this fits the moodboard better, both aesthetically and thematically (because there's a lot of romance on this board).
Character: Again, there are lots of options! But I want to pick 1) a woman, and 2) a longtime favourite, so... Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. Either book Lizzie or 1995 BBC Lizzie played by Jennifer Ehle will do. Who doesn't love an intelligent and determined woman who is loyal to her loved ones, speaks her mind, and grows from her mistakes? Oh, and who only warms up to the handsome aristocrat gentleman with a massive estate after he listens to her criticism, makes up for his mistakes, and demonstrates some character growth?
Dolphins: Love them. Happened to see some wild ones in Ireland this summer. Keeping them in captivity for humans' amusement is heinous.
Coffee: The thing about coffee is, if you don't drink it, you often feel like a nuisance when visiting people in my country. Especially older people, who don't necessarily keep tea in the cupboard. So, I learned to drink it in my late teens despite hating it at first, and once my tastebuds had adjusted, I fell in love.
Song: Swing Life Away by Rise Against. A very simple acoustic ballad about love, friendship, and how little you actually need to be happy in life. It's also mine and my spouse's song that was even played at our wedding ceremony (without vocals on guitar, violin, and double bass).
Season: I am very much a four seasons kind of person, but I guess spring might be my favourite.
Book: I've got so many to choose from, but I wanted to pick something queer, so: Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar, Jonas Gardell's trilogy about young love and the AIDS crisis in Sweden. It's absolutely fantastic and absolutely heartbreaking (not a happy read!). It's also been adapted to an excellent three-part TV series that can be found on Youtube with English subs. (Short English trailer, 6-minute Swedish trailer.)
Gardell is also a fitting choice because it was his recommendation on social media that got me to watch Young Royals, and I wouldn't be here on tumblr without YR.
Colour: My favourite colours are red, green, and dark grey. I've been in a green phase lately and it fits this moodboard best.
Hobby: Video games. I've been a PlayStation gamer for well over 20 years. I mainly play adventure and roleplaying games; titles with good storytelling and worldbuilding. Some of my favourites include older Final Fantasy games (up to FFX), the Uncharted series, Life is Strange series, Mass Effect trilogy, The Last of Us Parts I & II, Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, and Telltale's The Walking Dead 'seasons' 1 & 2.
In keeping with the theme, perhaps I should also mention that some of my fave WLW ships are from video games! Ellie/Dina from TLOU: Part 2, Nadine/Chloe from Uncharted: Lost Legacy, and Chloe/Rachel from LiS: Before the Storm (although I do love Max/Chloe in LiS OG too).
Thanks again for the tags, this was fun!
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vylequinne · 1 year
Hey, I'm Quinne! Making a tumblr so I have somewhere to shout into the void and throw a shitpost down a bottomless well.
Trans Non-binary (gender, i hardly know her)
use They/it
Im a huge fan of JRPGS and horror games alike. Favs from each genre would be FFX and RE8. I could talk hours about both genres so please yell at me about them so I can yell louder. Aside from games, I like to cook (another hyperfixation here :3), read manga/watch anime, and occasionally draw/write.
I do have a writeblr tho it's kinda defunct since a bunch of life stuff happened since then and I realized writing as a hobby is more interesting for me. I'll probably post some short form stories or concepts/worldbuilding I'm working on just for funsies. Please ask questions/interact or even just talk to me about your stuff, I love hyperfixating about creative stuff with people! :3
Looking to just chill around and make some friends on here, so don't be afraid to shoot me a message. Might end up posting some art here and there once i feel confident enough in my skills for that.
Minors DNI!
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icyday · 1 year
12, 13, 37, 50. 💜
From this post
Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
I don't think I read enough (or write too many of the same things enough) to have any definitive answers to these.
I guess for 12, there was a point where I wasn't really into the concept of 'soulmates' or something similar. Mostly, I think because I like my ships with some kind of semblance of free-choice. But in retrospect, I like the idea of two people who are indelibly connected somehow. (Just think Raye and Mariah/Mara from my own OCs, or as a canon character pairing, a Yuna/Baralai concept from FFX-2 that I never quite got off the ground where they're experiencing lingering side effects from the whole Lenne/Shuyin thing ) so long as there's conflicting priorities or something else actually makes getting together a Bad Idea.
For 13…I used to be a lot more into (or at least tolerant of) het with some of the more traditional romance tropes. I remember re-reading "Those who Come Closest" last year and cringing a bit at the very het, kind of gender-essentialist treatment of the dynamic given in the Ifrit and Shiva chapters specifically.
Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
My Skyrim fic! The Final Confession of Shabhira Moons Stalker
It's not exactly the deepest of cuts, since it's a Yuletide fic. But I'm still really proud of this one. The intent of the story was to write something that could either be plausibly added to Skyrim (or another Elder Scrolls book) as an actual freeform quest, and I definitely feel like I pulled that off in how Shabhira's journey plays out. The worldbuilding still holds up, and the overarching plot of the silent saboteur is one that still captivates me.
Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
To expand bit more about NDKO (the Disco radio station that Raye listens to when Mariah leaves her alone) and the Disco scene in Hell in general:
DJ Magik Mik, the host of the morning show that's used in the story, keeps his Band nature a well-kept secret, even for a D-list celebrity, to the extent that anyone likely to encounter him is forced to sign a very, very strict NDA regarding his Band. That doesn't stop the radio station from advertisting 'Magik Mik' band reveals every few months or so, but something always seems to happen just at the point of reveal that keeps anyone from actually guessing. Balseraph and Shedite have mostly been ruled out, but there's still several running guesses, including a few brave souls who think he's actually an unfledged demonling. An actual Band reveal would dispel pretty much all of the mystery around Mik, so he's very keen to keep up the charade as long as he can.
More in general, the 1980s Disco scene in Hell is quite…fraught. Its popularity has spread out to quite a few Words including some that don't play well with Media, read Death and Fire specifically. This makes running events for NDKO listeners quite fraught, since any event actually worth attending is going to bring in demons who don't know how to (or don't care to) play nice. By the early 1980s, Disco isn't actually very popular among Media or Technology anymore, which makes Mariah's choice to play it in her work room a little weird and off-trend, which isn't suspicious because, well, Mariah's more than a little weird and off-trend.
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dankokaji · 8 months
Fandom: Final Fantasy X | X-2 | -Will-
Characters: Shinra, Baralai, Paine
Pairings: Hints of Baralai/Yuna
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3000
Additional Tags:
Post-FFX-2, Before -Will-, Meta, Worldbuilding, Fiend Tales, Shinra's Bestiary, Shinra's Adopted Now, Big Daddy Baralai, Auntie Paine, One Big Happy Family, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Platonic Relationships
Summary: Shinra almost brought about the apocalypse twice in the name of research during Baralai's ill-timed, sudden disappearance under Shuyin's possession. As the Chancellor, Baralai takes responsibility, fostering him in the meantime to stall his sentence while the Spiran Council screens through his entire bestiary.
[A Companion Fic to Last Will & Testament. Takes place approximately six months before -Will-.]
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randomkposts · 2 years
While I am thinking about final fantasy X
How long does a calm last?
Every fanfiction has their own take on it. And while the game does indicate Calms are varients, I think numbers like a year or two (or shorter), are unrealistic.
Lady Yunalesca defeated the first Sin 1000 years before Yunas in game journey.
Gandof, the first Summoner after Yunalesca came 600 years after her. Gandof also accomplished other great deeds, like Qactuars entrapment apparantly. So 400 years pre- game. I have to wonder what Sin was up to? Did he have Annual attacks? Are all other parts of the world destroyed besides Spirian Islands? Hard what at that official history. So while probably Sin has probably done a hell of a number on the Spiran poupluation, I don't know that how Spira is still standing if Sin is half as destructive as it was in game. FFX your world is sad and beautiful, but your lore makes me want to kick things sometimes. And this is one of them. Probably not what I should do at 2am, but yolo.
Possible theories include but are not limited to- Sin has gotten faster over the years in travel time to sow more destruction.
-Sin has recovered from the calm faster over time, like a virus learning resistance to antibody.
-Sin conqured other worlds occasionally coming back to cause Havoc on Spira.
-Summoners with the strength to seal Sin have had their leinages die out.
-Jecht personally got into a pissing match with his son, and the destruction seen in game was an unusually high ammount?
In order for Spira to still be standing, the poupluation has to have time to recover. And it takes 15 years for someone to be somewhat of an adult. Sort of. And we have to assume that summoners are not grown on trees, and that it takes more then just changing your job class to be an effective one. At least 2-3 years. In other words, training. Apparantly his Calm was short lived, in whatever the hell that Means in Calm timelines.
High summoner Ohalland came 230 years before Yuna. The blitzball playing priest. It doesn't specify the length of his calm, but apparantly he was only the third.
The numbers make me baffled, ok. Theres 170 years between them, assuming the numbers are accurate. 170 years between High summoners second and third. 600 between the first and second.
This does not make a lot of sense of the Calm is two years. Two years is not a lot of time to recover the poupluation after being struck by the uncaring fists of death and destruction.
Yocun was 100 years before game. She was the Crusader High summoner. She had a sword, and is apparantly the first female summoner since the original. Her Guardian is a warrior Monk!
Then 13 years before the game, Sin killed Braskas wife, and So Braska went back to the temples to get summoner training after all his priest training. So now theres a 90 year gap.
But I'm still in disbelif over the only five High Summoners Over 1000 years period, and the intensity of the gaps. Like Sir, I'm no mathmatician, but your numbers are insane. Absoloute hard what. If any Sin is capable of disintigration like at Mushroom rock, and even without that drownings seem to be frequent given its tropics, what has the rate of death been over those thousand years? Not just direct death from monster attack, but death from messing up the landscape, or killing the people needed to bring in harvest and support the poupluations. The property it destorys, people crused in homes, breathless in the merciless ocean?
Summomers do not have a high sucess rate, with both dead summoners, and ones who give up encountered on the journey. Lulu has been a guardian to both an ex-summoner, and a Dead one.
So I think that, while high summoner is not a roll anyone should be able to fulfill, I think that its sensible for there to be more then five High Summoners before Yuna. Let Takumi and Kaya, Katara and Sakura, Dimitri and Lambert have been summoners in the time before Yuna. Make some OC High summoners. I've just expanded the summoner count to nine, and even with those numbers it still feels pretty unbelivable.
Like, lets give the Years of Calm an unlikly number of 20 years. 9x20 =180. Lets give Gandof 10, beacuse actually his was apparantly short. 170. And give Braska 7, as thats when Yuna joined training (3 years before start). 163. Thats 837 years of Sin rampaging. Or 900 with the original at 20 years.
And thats paced throughout the 1000 years.
Lets go to 10 years for 3, 5 for Gan, 7 for Braska. Thats 42 years of Calm. 17 within a 100 year time period.
If Sin is something that builds up the longer it is active, then that period of 600 years before Gandof became a summoner is boggling. What is Sin doing? Spawning Jenova?
Even if we give Yunalesca and Ohalland 25 years of Calm, for ridiclously long, Braska 7, Yocun 15, and Gandof 10 thats still less then 100 years for recovery, paced out over 1000 years. Just what in the world is missing in the history between what was covered up in the church, and what is lost to time known only to the fadeing ruins? Other summoners, so my bet goes. Swallowed by church propaganda and time.
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mekatrio · 2 years
been pissed off abt ffx's worldbuilding everyday for a week now... im normal.... so normal......
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fisherrprince · 2 years
*slides in on fuzzy socks* hi hello i was wondering. If you have any fic recommendations for kh. Because I just finished kingdom hearts three and am looking at the number of fics on ao3 and am Very intimidated so,,,, (dont feel like you gotta resp to this tho!)
oh anon, yes
I’m gonna break this into two categories, not because I have 100 bookmarks for you, but because organization makes me happy and I think just coming out of KH would make u more inclined to canonverse than aus or more conceptual fics… all of which I have!! And keep in mind a lot of really good fics on ao3 are ships. So let’s see here
(I don’t need you to) worry for me - cigna_hime - I present you with an amazing fic about vanitas seeking out ventus way before he was supposed to, and ending up a wayfinder. Fic that makes me feel soooooo many emotions
Dandelion seeds - corishadowfang - khux likers do you want more dandelions? And Union leaders? Of course you do dandelion seeds is a collection of oneshots following ephy and the other leaders as they try to run daybreak town for four years together. This has made me cry as well. If you like this read her other work it has subject x skuld and treasure planet in it yes yes yes
Like some pitch moon - alcor - this one is very violent and it is also VERY SATISFYING, im not even a leaisa and leaisa go BRRRRR. also there’s some really cool stuff with ymx and kairi in here. Lea and Kairi enter the final battle of kh3 together, and something sure hits the fan.
runs on happy faces - bukkunkun - short, sweet, so sweet, so so sweet, sora grows up on the gummiship
the joining of unlike things - mousapelli - love this one!! worldbuilding about keychains!! Forging keychains! Roxas and riku and sora and aqua!
reminiscent - therasia - REMINISCENT GOOD. Ventus misses Vanitas (or at least the challenge) and goes to fight the vanitas remnant about it, to the detriment of literally just himself a lot. Tagged as ship but as it’s unfinished, it’s not really there yet
like old times (before we had a care in the world) - prototyping - I could prolly have a whole category about wayfinder fluff. I do have a whole category about wayfinder fluff psst hey kid
aus (outside of canon)
See you in shibuya - end-alls - TWEWY TIME this one is FUN. It’s a whole what if about yozora, Sora, and riku in the reapers game, and I love the spec worldbuilding and character stuff. also vanitas gets a leather jacket. What more could you ask for
they may pass - magicites - ventus vanitas ffx au! a sellsword and an al bhed summoner complete their pilgrimage. I’m on the floor sobbing my eyes out and the author knows I’ve done this multiple times and she laughs at me (not really she’s very nice.)
cough it out - ??? - verrrrry cute soriku confession fic. sora is sick and riku accidentally gets roped into not avoiding him anymore. Also sora is obsessed with Disney movies
cool sea turtle beats to relax/rehabilitate to - frootlups - dandelions run a sea turtle rescue and it’s literally one of the only chatfics I have ever found that feels like an actual discord server they would have. this one is so fun and Ephemer saying “I’m literally obsessed with you. Like wtf is wrong with you” is in my head forever
at the edge of hope - bookwormally - PACIFIC RIM AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently being updated WHAT more could you WANT they pilot JAEGARS TOGETHER
umbra, penumbra - end-alls - vanitas-ventus roleswap. Ventus is spooky scary, and gets his hand licked by a darkness rat. I made fanart for this one it makes me go :]
a lot of these authors have many other very good works, and I have a stockpile of fics that are Similar (like my ten wayfinder fluff fics) - so, like if there’s only one oneshot here or only one cool au and you want more, lemme know and I’ll let you know if I have em! I kind of guessed and went for the medium long, some shorter
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bahbahhh · 2 years
WIP Tag Game!!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either.  Sketch titles?  Comics?  DnD campaigns?  If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!  
Thank you for the tag @zeldaelmo & @hyylia
1) more short worldbuilding about side quests and NPCs in BotW. Might try to loosely tie them together with theme(s) in a collection. Hyper-focused on“medicinal moldgua” and “missing in action” and also the EX content of Trial of Sword at the moment
2) Kass and The Champion’s Ballad/ toying with the idea of swapping between Link and Kass POV
3) The Killing Moon (it is so close to done)
4) Corrupted Zelda BotW2? - Loosely based off a stranger things s3 line “All of this time, ten thousand years, we’ve been building it. Don’t you see? It has all been for you.”
5) Shadow of the Triforce ( BotW x Shadow of the Colossus mashup, might be BotW 2 stuff again. Title is not set in stone).
6) FFX x HWAOC  mashup - Dream within a dream stuff, Zelda’s trying to wake up. 
7) Four Swords and the Fall of Hyrule (BoTW prequel)
pls feel free to send an ask! most of these are just ideas at this point but...
I think most of you have been tagged...but anyone who sees and wants to play, tag me back so I come look!!
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elfyourmother · 2 years
22, 27, and 30 for the FFXIV asks, please!
22. You obtain one in-game item to use/wear IRL, what do you pick and why?
Fat Cat is the only possible answer to this question. Because Fat Cat.
27. You now have the ability to add in one character and one dungeon from any Final Fantasy title prior to XIV, who/what do you pick and why?
I get that if it was gonna happen it would have been during Stormblood but this game is in desperate need of an ex-imperial general who was genetically engineered and experimented upon so that she could perform magic and then subsequently defected and fell in love with a thief treasure hunter with the resistance is all I’m fucking saying.
As for dungeons I am still kinda salty that in an expansion rife with FFIV love that featured 2 of the iconic dungeons from that game (albeit one of those was really in name only *side eyes Tower of Babil not using The Music*), the Giant of Babil was nowhere to be seen--that’s still one of the iconic sequences in the franchise, certainly in the SNES era. but I comfort myself with how at least it looks like we’re getting Theo & Co for the trial storyline this time around.
the Via Purifico from FFX is an honorable mention though, it’s such an underrated dungeon imo and I actually brought it into my personal worldbuilding in Giseleverse as being the secret dungeon beneath the Vault that people get disappeared to. It’s actually where Aymeric was imprisoned after confronting Thordan during 3.0 MSQ and it’s going to figure into that post-Dragonsong Law & Order: Special Heretics Unit fic with Ysayle that’s on my long list of things I wanna write (the Inquisition finds out she’s alive and being sheltered by Aymeric and puts her on trial for her crimes).
30. What do you hope for in the next expansion?
That Gridania actually gets some plot focus, hopefully being forced to reckon with its many, many issues the way Limsa, Ul’dah, and Ishgard have. I mean my Elezen is a Wildwood who only got that way after being reborn from another shard and I started in Ul’dah so I literally have no dog in this fight but it really feels like the Elementals clashing with the revamped cosmology for ARR resulted in Gridania basically getting put on a bus, and I don’t think it helps at all that the Scions who had it as their territory got virtually no screen time after the ARR story branches converge, then we lost them both.
The Tank role quests helped give Kan-E some much needed fleshing out but it’s wild to me how this major city-state gets so little attention. I shouldn’t feel like I chose “correctly” as an Ul’dah player. And the little I did see of that place on class quests made me feel like the place is long overdue for a reckoning the way Merlwyb finally got called to account for the tribal issues Limsa got at the end of the ShB patches. That society is actually so fucked up once you look past the pretty trees
Also like...as a severe understatement I have a lot more faith in Yoshi-P, Ishikawa et al than Blizzard but previous experience makes me Wary when MMOs wrap up major, years-long storylines and start having to come up with new plots. I don’t want to see this game take a nosedive the way WoW did when they ran out of WC RTS plots to followup on post-Wrath of the Lich King. I also hope the next expansion sticks the landing because I have the unpopular opinion that EW peaked with Elpis and never really recovered (UT was just...not good)
Also also: Radz-at-Han housing district, outdoor item limits raised for smalls, “fc room” type instanced housing in Fortemps Manor or the Meghaduta, and something better than this absolute horseshit lottery system
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themyscrian · 3 years
i hope that, if we get to see more of the South Sea Isles that lalafell are from, they pull from FFX and base it on Spira the same way they've pulled inspo from other games before
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lalafell are usually associated with white mage and other healers in a lot of their promo art too, so you could easily reference/build on how important white magic is in Spira's worldbuilding when fleshing out the South Sea Isles.
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girlonthelasttrain · 3 years
I always remembered the FFX worldbuilding being visually cool but also nonsensical because why would people even build cities near the sea if there's this undefeatable sea monster always lurking around?? Every major human city in Spira is literally built ON the water. But then the game subtly tells you that Spira's inland is mostly barren wasteland, the result of a war fought a thousand years earlier. So people have no choice but to live on the coast, and getting killed as a result. It's pretty logical, but it makes things even more horrifying.
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vylequinnewriting · 3 years
Underwing Challenge Day 1
Hello, everyone. There’s a little challenge/event being organized by @blindthewind that seemed fun, so I thought I’d participate. Here’s day 1.
Let’s start with the basics. Introduce yourself and your blog! What genres do you like to read, and which ones do you like to write? Give us a few facts about yourself too!
I’m VyleQuinne, and you can call me Vyle, Quinne, a combination of the two or anything else ya might think fits me. My blogs mostly a place for me to post original works, memes, advice, and a healthy amount of ask games. I like to brainstorm here, especially with newer projects.
I mainly write dark fantasy, with some projects stepping into urban fantasy and straight horror. I’m not particularly well read but I’m a fan of most genres. I tend to be mostly interested in the same genres I write. I read/write more for tropes than genres, especially stuff like found family, enemies turned to allies, and stuff like that. I focus a lot on worldbuilding and boy, can I ramble on and on about miscellaneous topics in my world. A majority of my OCs are queer, just like the world they’re set in.
As for some facts, I’m a huge fan of RPGs as a whole. FFX holds a special place in my heart in particular (weird laugh scene and all.) I tend to get a lot of inspiration from them and write according to the flavor of the month because of that. I love discussing games with people, be it dissecting or just saying “X game is fun and here’s why I like it.” I have some fairly minor experience with development (mostly just Twine and an even smaller amount in Unreal) and would love to write for a video game one day.
I have similar feelings about manga and comics, and even have plans to make a webcomic out of one my WIPs eventually!
I’m currently a year or so out from a Bachelors in Creative Writing. I generally take a break from writing around the time school starts. I almost done with this semester so I’m hoping to do a huge chunk of writing come summertime. 
That’s all from me, folks! I’ll see ya on day 2 when I introduce my WIPS. Looking forward to see what everyone else has cooking!
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