#ffx fanfic
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cainballad · 2 months ago
@lastaim got me a ReMarkable paper tablet for Christmas and I’ve been using it nonstop. It’s something I always wanted for YEARS. 🥰
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I love writing and the fact it can translate my handwritten notes into text is so wild.
It feels like I’m writing on paper which I love.
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And yeah, that’s a WIP fic about Jecht and auron.. I have MANY many WIP and hopefully this year I finish some and post on ao3 which sometimes I forget I have lol
I think I have two ffx fics there and one ffxiv about the campfire scene during HW
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kaddiekait · 10 months ago
Capillary Waves | Final Fantasy X
I finally wrote the prequel fic I always wanted.
Summary: Couldn't they shove him onto the next boat out? Jecht and Auron would rather be anywhere else. But Braska is determined to drag them on his pilgrimage.
A prequel fic centered around Braska's pilgrimage through Auron and Jecht's POVs. The relationship is a slow burn, please read the tags(some tags are for future chapters).
Here's the AO3 link!
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fvlmen · 1 year ago
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Showcasing my fics – part 1/?
I opened this blog mainly to share my fanwork, so here we are. Who would want to read or play through Braska’s pilgrimage? My 14 yo self, for example. Who would want to write about it? My 14 yo self, and yet she wasn’t skilled enough.
So, as an adult, I teamed up with a friend and we are writing it. Braska’s pilgrimage. But gayer.
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kyasarinkishinuma · 2 years ago
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Pairing: Auron x Reader
Themes: Angst, major character death
AO3 link 
"Sometimes you wondered if he watched over you. Sometimes you wondered if he thought of you in his final moments, in Zanarkand. Sometimes you wondered if you’d ever see again.
What you did know was your heart had left Spira along with him. And you liked it better that way. You’d never visit him in the Farplane, either, even once the Guado opened it up again. It was best that way.
With Auron, you can never expect a happy-ever-after."
When (Y/N) first meets Auron he is devastated, devoid of any purpose after being kicked out of the Warrior Monks. She helps him rediscover himself and meet a new friend along the way. She is glad for him, even if she knows this journey he is going on is not one he will come back from.
But when he does, it's bittersweet. A ghostly reminder of a love she has long harbored in her chest.
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ffgentszine · 11 days ago
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Join us in celebrating the legendary gents of the Final Fantasy franchise. Contributor Applications are now open until March 16!
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Thank you for the shares! @all-zine-apps @zine-scene
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thevanillerose · 1 month ago
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own anything except my own writing. All properties belong to their respective creators. A/N: I WILL SHIP THEM TIL' THE END OF TIME.
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Though the memories were faint, they still remained.
Yuna tucked a short brunette strand of hair behind her ear delicately, and walked with a gentle gait. The air carried the smell of salt upon it, the streets of Zanarkand wholly illuminated in festive lights. Crowds of people came brushing past but few really noticed her.
Her hand lowered and clasped with her other before the long skirt she wore. She walked in pensive silence, consistently thinking back. Back to the display she had seen in that arena. That grand orb of collected water...
Tidus had many fans, and she soon saw why. His prowess as a Blitzball player was truly unrivalled. He was weightless, like a bullet speeding through the azure around him, breaking through the blue and sometimes bursting up out of it in an explosion of droplets. He flipped and dove and only earned all the more admiration from his fans with his showy performance.
It was like something from a dream. Yuna was mesmerized by his form, never taking her eyes off it for even a single second. And she swore, as he came soaring down through the air towards his opponents lair again, that those bold blue eyes of his met with her own mismatched hues. Perhaps that was just wishful thinking on her part, but when he plummeted into the water again she felt a heat touching her cheeks.
That heat remained, but so too did the confusion, long after the match concluded and she walked out of there. As she looked up at the peaceful night sky she couldn't shake the feeling.
Do I know him from somewhere? He seemed so...familiar...
Her head shook those thoughts away. Silly. How could she know someone she never met before? It wasn't like she mingled with celebrities, she was just a regular girl, busy with her studies. She lived a pretty normal life here.
Yuna decided the best thing to take her mind off it all would be some food, and so that became her first priority. There was a restaurant not far from Tidus' boat house, so she subtly chose to go there and have a meal. She nibbled on her crustacean omelette while watching the various fangirls crowding around the area. She supposed that Tidus wouldn't show up for a while, yet it actually didn't take him long to suddenly come jogging over out of the blue, no doubt hoping to flop down in bed and rest after that match.
The screams that ensued were loud enough that she actually had to set down her cutlery and cover her ears. Wow...he really was popular, wasn't he?
Though as Yuna's eyes settled and watched him signing autographs, she couldn't deny that her own heart was pounding. She gripped the fork harder in her hand, trembling a bit while she watched him. Why did she feel this urge to rush over there and hug him? And why did it feel less like a fan's desperation...and more like a need to be reunited?
Had they met in the past? She felt like she had memories of him yet nothing was so tangible. It was a source of fear for her, feeling this way, for she simply couldn't understand it. How could anyone?
It didn't make sense at all...
Yet she was compelled. Compelled, once the crowd died down and she finished her food, to approach this sandy haired, tan skinned boy who she recalled from some distant past. He drew her in like a magnet until her delicate self was standing behind his form at the door. And she piped up with some sheepishness:
Of course she stuttered, nerves had gotten the better of her. She was even trembling a little while she looked at his back, saw the way it froze before he could enter his houseboat. The boy gradually turned, and the moment their eyes truly met with one another they both widened. A sharp thump attacked the centre of her chest, heart feeling like it could have burst through it entirely. Her breathing was quick, her palms a little clammy.
He turned to her gradually, the sea breeze ruffling his lightly hued strands.
Tidus...star player of the Zanarkand Abes...
The boy took a step her way, his gaze never leaving her for a moment.
The boy who appeared one day. On the shores of Besaid-
...Besaid? Do I know of such a place?
Yuna's breath hitched. Finally it hit her. The memory that had eluded her for so long, like water trickling down between her fingers. The crisp, clean water that had surrounded their island. Water that she now saw reflected in those sapphire eyes of his.
She cupped it safely in her hands and held it close to her heart.
Summoner Yuna...was what they called me. He accompanied me on my pilgrimage. He was my Guardian...he protected me so many times. I almost became another's but yet...he saved me.
...I loved him. I loved Tidus.
...I still do.
She might have cried when she remembered that most bitter truth. When she had to face that horrible fact that had always been niggling at the back of her mind. Something which so threatened the world around her that she didn't dare say it, for fear of making it all vanish.
None of this is real. Is it?
He stood before her now. So close she wanted to stretch out her arms and hug him, pull him close again as he had once done so with her. They existed in the same world now. Forever here...destined to be together. Though it hurt to discover you were dead...it also brought with it a strange sort of comfort. He would no longer be alone here as he had been once before. This warmly lit paradise was theirs...and it would stretch on eternally.
As her arms did stretch for him. Yuna saw a smile break out upon his face, and a tender one graced her own lips too.
Finally, they could be-
“Do you want an autograph?”
She seized up, and her arms paused their ascent, subtly lowering again. Tidus came ever closer, grinning obliviously while clasping his hand around the back of his neck. “I guess I can do one more today.”
The world seemed to become vague again. This place surely had to be a dream after all, for that was how it felt. Intangible. Nonsensical even.
He'd brought her here by his own will. Those final moments they had shared as they had sunk deeper and deeper into the blue had been punctuated by that simple wish. A wish that would allow them to cross the threshold together, hand in hand, knowing that they had succeeded in life, even if death was now greeting them.
It hadn't seemed like such a cold embrace then.
Yet despite that...he didn't remember. Perhaps he would eventually, as she had done so. Yet perhaps he never would. He might live out the rest of his days obliviously. They might be forced to start from the very beginning again.
But...was that really so bad after all?
In this distant, dreamy place, they'd start a new life. One that Sin would never touch nor take away again. It would take time, granted. But time wasn't something that either of them had to worry about anymore.
Despite it all, despite that touch of sadness in her expression, she still met his wide and happy smile with one of her own. Perhaps she even let out a little laugh, just like he taught her.
“...Please. If I may.”
“Sure, have something I can sign?” Tidus questioned, and Yuna simply lifted an arm again, holding out her pale and perfect skin before him. Blinking a few times, his cheeks flushed a bit and he kept scratching his neck. “Ah, you sure? I dunno if this pen is permanent...”
“I'm sure.” Yuna nodded.
Shrugging, his touch soon gently curled around her limb, drawing it a little closer to him. The feel of his warm palm against her skin, the slightly rough touch of the glove he wore, it only reminded her of so much more. The hot tear that dripped down her cheek went unnoticed, and for that she was grateful.
He ought to be happy now. She hoped she'd share that same happiness soon.
Tidus looked up at her, pen at the ready.
“What's your name?”
She bowed her head a little.
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rune-writes · 6 months ago
His Moon and Her Star
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Word count: 2K
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Tidus/Yuna
Summary: A look into the moments Tidus and Yuna shared throughout their journey across Spira: the dreams he offered, the promises he made.
Notes: written for @tidunazine ! I was offered the opportunity to become guest writer. Thank you so much ^_^ I had a blast working on this fic~
Read on AO3.
He was an odd sort: awkward, clumsy, and always telling the tallest of tales. At least, the others thought they were tall tales. Yuna believed him. When she told him so, he broke into the widest grin that barely fit into his face. 
“I wish you could see it,” he later said. “Zanarkand; the city that never sleeps.” His glance cut over to her face, the grin still in place. “I’ll take you there someday.” 
The offer had come nonchalantly, his face a picture of resplendent jubilance, almost bright like the sun, unaware of the fate that awaited her at the end of her pilgrimage.
It was apparent, from the first few moments of meeting him, that Tidus’s Zanarkand was not the same as the Zanarkand they all knew. Sir Jecht, her father’s guardian, used to tell her the same thing. No wonder; they were father and son, as she later learned. She noticed it in the way they carried themselves; their hearty laughs; their staunch refusal to let anything, not even their predicaments, dampen their mood. A trait she would like to copy one day. Tidus always frowned every time someone noted the similarities, but nevertheless, they had become a source of comfort for her.
It was during a warm afternoon that Yuna found him practicing blitzball outside the inn on the road to Luca. Wakka and his team would be competing in the tournament there. Tidus, too, apparently—a trump card to finally break their twenty-three-year losing streak. Wakka had looked so confident when he announced this to everyone, much to an aggrieved Lulu, because it was clear to everyone that Tidus wasn’t—shouldn’t be—right in the head. Not when he spoke of cities of dreams with lights and revelries all year round in a place where ruins had stood for a thousand years and overrun with fiends, right? But when he displayed his skills in front of the Besaid Aurochs, no one could dispute that he might be—at least, regarding his status as a blitzball star player—telling the truth. 
“I see you, you know.” 
Yuna blinked, then straightened her back. Tidus had stopped tossing the ball into the air, now cradling it against his hip as he stared at her through the gap in the leaves. Heat flushed across her cheeks; Yuna covered it with a cough. 
He crossed to her hiding spot behind an array of green plants by the inn's side door, sitting on the white stone steps. His lips curled into a mischievous grin. 
“Wanna play?” He offered her the ball. “You always look like you wanna play with us.”
“I—” She paused, gauging the ball in her hands. In all honesty, she hadn’t wanted to play—never thought to join them. She’d always been content watching from the sidelines on her breaks between summoner training. But there was something about Tidus’s style that reminded her of Sir Jecht and, hence, her father. She looked up. Tidus cocked his head to the side and nodded encouragingly at her. 
He was already moving away before she could give an answer. Yuna found no reprieve. 
“I don’t know how to,” she finally replied even as she followed him to the small clearing beside the inn. 
“I’ll teach you.”
Easy for him to say, but Yuna tossed the ball to him nonetheless and listened to his instructions on how to catch. She never understood the rules but Tidus’s animated face as he tried to explain as simply as he could was enjoyable to see. At some point, she’d begun to smile, which made him pause. 
“What’s that look for?”
“That smile.”
Yuna wiped the expression from her face. She hadn’t realized. “I just… thought it’s fun.” Tidus didn’t break his gaze. “It’s always fun watching you play—you guys play,” she quickly amended. 
He smirked, seemingly noticing her slip. Yuna shifted her eyes away, a blush coloring her cheeks.
“Wakka said they've been on a losing streak, but I’m gonna change that. Just you watch. The Aurochs will be the one to dominate the Luca tournament.” The smirk turned into a confident grin, and once again, Yuna couldn’t help the smile returning to her face. 
That night, Macalania Woods stood silent. No wind rattled the trees; not even a breeze to ripple the water. Sitting on the sandy bank with her clothes dripping wet, Yuna had pulled her knees to her chest and whispered the words that had been weighing on her mind: 
I’m sorry. 
For not saying anything. For keeping things to herself. 
Tidus stopped wringing water from his clothes and looked at her. Yuna stared fixedly at the still water. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him prop his arms on the ground then direct his gaze upward to the star-studded sky. 
“If anything,” he spoke, his voice soft, “I should be the one who apologizes. I said all those things without really knowing what your journey is about.”
Yuna shook her head. “I kept it a secret. The others doubted your story but I didn’t—”
“Then it was as much their fault as it was mine!” Yuna flinched at the edge in his voice. “Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, even Auron… They kept quiet as I babbled on about beating Sin and going places after this pilgrimage was over. But beating Sin would mean—” His breath caught; Yuna’s fists clenched around her hakama. “I wanted to show you Zanarkand. My Zanarkand. But never at the cost of your own life.” 
Silence followed his angry outburst. As though shaken, the previously tranquil pyreflies now bobbed and hovered by the lake. She had always known what her fate would be and accepted it unquestioningly. She still did. 
“But you said you were happy,” Tidus went on, “and maybe I can understand why they let me be.” She glanced to her side. Tidus was looking at her, a smile to his lips tinted blue by the pyreflies’ glow. “That’s why we’ll make lots of memories together—the best, greatest, most fun memories you’ll ever have that you’ll face Sin with the bravest of smiles.”
She wasn’t lying when she told him he made her happy. To see him laugh, and smile, and talk like a tomorrow existed beyond the summoning of the Final Aeon. It had freed her from the constraints of her friends’ worries and sorrow. 
She felt the tension leaving her grip on her hakama. She would leave, but Spira would be protected and her father’s legacy preserved. That was enough for her. 
“Thank you,” she said past the growing lump in her throat. 
Before she could second-guess herself, Yuna leaned her head against his shoulder, relishing his warmth and steady presence. He was her sun: blinding and brilliant against the darkness of the night. Would they call her selfish for hoping that he could stay with her? He anchored her, past her fear and pressing doubt, a reassurance that everything would be alright.
It was like waking up from a dream. 
The sun rose on the city of Bevelle, painting it in hues of pink and gold. The people were still asleep. At times, Yuna would hear soft steps on the corridor outside: maids preparing for the day. Yuna’s clothes had been laid out on her bed. She couldn’t sleep. She sat at her desk, watching the backdrop of an inn room within a sphere. Her friends had recorded it when they had been staying in the Calm Lands. That seemed like a lifetime ago. 
Someone cleared his throat. “One, two… Test,” came a voice from the sphere. Her throat ached when Tidus’s face appeared in the projected light. “Hey, is this thing on?” 
“Yes, it is, doofus, now hurry up!” Rikku was barely visible from the corner. 
“Uh, right then.” Tidus cleared his throat, sat straighter, and looked directly at her. Yuna’s breath hitched. “Hey, Yuna,” he said. “Congrats on defeating Sin.” 
It had been a week or so since their battle with Sin. Yuna’s life had been a whirlwind of meetings and reforms with the remaining Maesters of Yevon, and then meetings with the people to confirm that Sin was finally, truly gone. An Age of Eternal Calm, they’d said. Yuna had smiled throughout it all. 
Later today, she would address those same people on a stage at the Bevelle courtroom. Her speech lay beside the sphere on a piece of white parchment. Someone had written it for her, made her promise to read and remember every line. She hadn’t liked the contents very much. Nerves getting the better of her, she had gone and walked around her room, searching every drawer and cabinet for something that would catch her interest, until she came across the sphere in a bag—Rikku’s. 
Now the tears she hadn’t been able to conjure trickled down her cheeks one after another. Her heart had seized at the sight of Tidus’s glowing smile. Rikku quickly shoved him aside after he’d said his piece and said it was her turn next. Yuna laughed at that. Then the others took turns, and when it was almost over, Rikku sat in front of the sphere again, only for Tidus to grab her arm and push her out of the room. She protested, but Tidus said she’d have lots of time to congratulate Yuna later. He shut the door before Rikku could get a word in. 
“Now that that’s settled,” he mumbled. He looked around, looked at the sphere, scratched the back of his head, then sat in front of it again. He closed his eyes for a while before taking a deep breath, and when he opened them, the bright blue of his gaze, so like the pyreflies’ light in Macalania, met hers. 
Her lungs constricted.   
“If you’re seeing this, Yuna,” he began to say, “I guess that means I’m not there anymore.”
The tears that had started as a slow trickle became a steady stream. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you. I guess I didn’t want to worry you. I only learned about it too when we were traveling across Mount Gagazet. Bahamut came to me and pleaded for my help. You didn’t want to abandon your people; I didn’t either. If there was a chance to free you from your shackles, then I’d gladly do it, even if it’d cost me my life.” He laughed, somewhat self-deprecating. “I guess we’re more alike than we thought. Anyway, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep all my promises, but I hope I did keep one. You have all the best memories stored in those spheres I had Rikku record.” He paused. “I’ll always be with you, Yuna.”
The recording stopped. Tidus’s face remained for a second longer, before the light vanished, and the sphere dimmed. 
Yuna gasped. Anguish she’d managed to keep at bay now surged like the high tides of a tsunami, threatening to drown her whole. Sobs racked her body until it was all she could do to remain in her seat. 
There had been times when Yuna thought it had been a dream: the silly laughs, the funny jokes, the kiss in the lake. He’d been too perfect, knowing just what to say and what to do, keeping her spirits up when she had been on the verge of breaking. And then he was gone, just like that, with no trace in the world. She’d whistled at the pier time and again, but no fresh-faced boy with a sunny smile ever rushed to her side. Her father had left her keepsakes to remember him by, but Tidus was someone who should not have existed in the first place. 
The sphere sat silently on the desk. Her fingers twitched; she pressed the play button again. 
“One, two… Test…” Tidus’s face came on. “Hey is this thing on?” 
“Yes, it is, doofus, now hurry up!” 
Tidus left no keepsakes, but this sphere was proof that her memories were real. As the morning light seeped through the curtains, Yuna’s lips curved into a gentle smile. 
~ END ~
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oveliagirlhaditright · 14 days ago
Yuna's True Rock - A Tiduna Story Posted for Valentine's Day
Summary: Yuna's so sidetracked by Jyscal's sphere, and the need to marry because of it, that she tries to get the party to seek shelter under a Neslug in the Thunder Plains (not realizing it's a dangerous fiend and not something that was built there for shelter). And in seeing this, and truly worrying about Yuna, it causes Tidus to slightly voice his opinion more in this section than it did in the game proper. Tiduna. Oneshot.
Author's Note: Sections of dialogue here that are from Final Fantasy X itself, are of course the properties of their respective owners, whereas everything else is mine:)
Yuna's True Rock
"Everyone… wait," said Yuna suddenly, breaking up the quiet (save the thunder) the group had mostly found themselves in since entering the Thunder Plains.
And Tidus was glad to hear her voice. Though he was still upset about the whole talk of marriage that had begun in Guadosalam, that had led to the group’s newfound awkwardness, he had started to fear that Yuna had forgotten how to talk or that he would never hear her voice again.
“What’s up?” Wakka asked, stating the obvious. Though Tidus found he could hardly blame his friend for it. He was dying to know the answer, too.
"Here?" asked Lulu, shock evident in her voice.
"We're almost out of here! Let’s go!" Rikku pleaded; and Tidus truly felt for her, with how terrified their new companion was of the lightning. And he was admittedly taken aback that Yuna was bringing whatever this was up now, when they were almost out of dodge.
"I have to say it now!" Yuna pressed. "Here, we'll go talk under that shelter," Yuna urged, heading off to what looked like a little hut, a ways a way.
…Except that it wasn't that at all. It was a large turtle-like fiend, with the nastiest tongue Tidus had ever seen. It was its shell that Yuna had seen as a temporary sanctuary, and she still seemed to—she hadn't noticed the fiend come out of its shell. And she was going to be its supper if she didn't get out of the way now!
"Yuna, look out!" Tidus exclaimed, as he moved just in time and threw her out of the way and towards an actual sort of shelter that he saw, in the direction of Auron.
"I'll watch over Yuna! You destroy the Neslug!" Auron called out to Tidus, which was exactly what the blitzer had wanted to happen—because of course he desired their Summoner’s safety—but man, did he somewhat wish that someone like Wakka could have gotten stuck over there with Yuna instead, because Tidus was betting they were going to need Auron's piercing ability!
"Hey! Head in the game here!" Lulu exclaimed just before doing a thundara spell on the fiend, that definitely did some damage to it… but was it Tidus, or did it mostly just serve to make it mad?
"Roger! Star player back in action!" Tidus promised before slapping his face once to return his attention to the matter at hand. Then, deciding that an Energy Rain might be best here, he said "Eenie, Meanie, Miney, Moe!, before leaping into the air and raining lasers down on the enemy… and even that hardly did anything, as the monster was just barely risen into the air by the blast before landing again. And it almost looked bored?
"Stand back! I'll summon!" Yuna cries out, as she tried to run in their direction.
"Yuna, no!" Auron discouraged, grabbing her arm to halt the action. "If you die before reaching Zanarkand, Spira will know no Calm. And that includes your Guardians!" Yuna looked as though she was torn between helping her friends and her duty to Spira, but in the end she chose the latter. "I'm so sorry, everyone," she bowed. "Please, do your best!"
"Here, I'll do a mix!" Rikku decided, reaching into her pockets for ingredients and turning away from this “Neslug”, in surely hoping it wouldn't notice the deadly mixture she was concocting.
Tidus didn’t know what Rikku had mixed, but all of a sudden… he felt stronger than he ever had in his life. Like he could fight nine of these things and still be okay if more came.
Grinning, he jumped into the fray again and shouted "yah!" Before slicing into the fiend with all his strength. And Tidus was more than satisfied with the "schlunk" sound his sword made, as it seemed to go through its shell before hitting it hard on the head that it had finally reached to.
Tidus turned to look at Yuna, to see if she was seeing this, but alas. Victory was not to be his.
Because Tidus heard someone he wasn't expecting—someone he'd almost forgotten about, as he’d stayed in the back, waiting to see if he would be tagged in—copy his yell, before hurtling their ball at the beast… And the fiend then crumpled under the weight of it (Tidus thought that Wakka must have benefited from Rikku's overdrive, while Lulu had taken a break to try and restore some of her magic), and suddenly was very dead.
"Hmph. You've made us wait long enough. Get over here and hear what Yuna has to say!" Auron ordered swiftly, hardly giving the fighters any chance to breather.
And holding his hands up in the air, Tidus ran back over to the duo and prepared to do just that.
"I've decided to marry," Yuna explained once everyone had gathered again.
And suddenly, Tidus wished that he had never hurried so to get over to her. Maybe that he hadn't gone to Yuna's side here at all. He felt the ground beneath him opening up to swallow him whole, and no one seeming to notice or care. And maybe… maybe it was better this way. Maybe he wanted it. Because the idea of Yuna in the arms of anyone else-
"I thought so…" Lulu said stiffly, Tidus noticed. And at least not happily. At least there was that.
"B-But why? Why did you change your mind?" Wakka chimed in.
“For Spira’s future. And Yevon’s unity. I thought it would be the best thing to do,” Yuna answered, curiously refusing to look anyone in the eye. Or was it him that refused to look her in the eye? Tidus wondered.
“That isn’t good enough,” Auron argued, clearly angered by the whole ordeal.
“Wait is it… is it because of Lord Jyscal?” Lulu asked, as though she had had a sudden epiphany.
And though Tidus knew that his heart truly resided with Yuna now, never had he ever wanted to kiss someone more. Because in her seeming to have her own epiphany, he though that he, too, had seen the light and at least been offered a bread crumb here. “Hey! That sphere!”
“Show me,” Auron commanded… And the way that he said it, it was to Tidus as though he expected something so dire on there, that it was beyond their wildest dreams.
Something, that Yuna, didn’t seem to discredit and just made him even more fearful of it, when she answered with:
"I can't," not even giving an inch, which wasn’t like the kind Summoner in the slightest.
This sphere must have been horrible to make her change her mind about marriage so suddenly… and to have made such a near fatal mistake as she did with the Neslug.
And suddenly, Tidus knew he couldn't bite his tongue against that. Auron might have been getting Yuna to promise she'd still journey if she married—as this horrid conversation continued, and Tidus not only felt like he was continuing to sink, but also extremely cold now, too—but he was missing the big picture!
"That- that fiend could have killed you, Yuna. Eaten you! And you were going to walk right into it. If this- this sphere and marriage has gotten you so preoccupied, I can't see how it's good for you or Spir-"
But as much as Tidus wanted to leave it at that, Yuna's eyes were pleading with him now. She knew that he was right, but she was begging him not to finish that sentence.
And what was a Guardian, but one who would follow his Summoner anywhere?
So Tidus sighed, put his feelings aside, and instead finished with, "But I guess that's why we Guardians are here for you. If you trip-up, we'll be your rock. Always."
And Yuna's eyes and smile were as beautiful then, as they had been when she told him "thank you," on the shoopuf—filling up with secret things only for him.
Seymour might marry her for political reasons, the Blitzer thought while nearly gagging. But he'd never have what they had.
Lulu laughed. And then she replied, "He fumbled his words there, but I find he has the heart of the matter. Yes, we’ll always be with you and protect you, Yuna. No matter what."
"I thank you all," Yuna quickly bowed.
“We’ve stayed here enough. Let’s continue this conversation in Macalania, yes?” Auron queried.
“Thank you!” Rikku beamed, whilst jumping into the air once.
And as it turned out, they would.
First, to soften Yuna’s heart after things had gotten tense between them, with their whistle.
Author's Note: Inspired by YouTuber “Dansg08” talking about how the Neslug was surely originally meant to be a boss somewhere in FFX, but it got removed for some reason and just got put in the Monster Arena. I then tried to figure out where it might have been originally, and the Thunder Plains made the most sense to me (since there’s no boss there and maybe the shell could have been meant to protect it from the lightning there). And thus this fic was born. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months ago
Summary: With the death of Tidus's mother, Auron suddenly discovers he's been appointed guardian for a kid he just met.
Author: @legendaryguardian
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chibiyoru · 11 months ago
So I just realized that I never got to share my Aurikku fanfic on Tumblr.
I'm fixing that RN.
Posted till chapter 4, working on chapter 5 this week with intentions of posting on Saturday or Sunday <3
It spans from the first encounter, a bunch of headcanons in a trenchcoat and a what-if post FFX2 so it's gonna be a RIDE.
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postalninja · 8 months ago
for the prompts; Zip Me :>
The only thing Auron found more satisfying that watching Lulu get dressed was being the one to undress her in the first place. He'd done the latter already tonight, and after having methodically undone her, shedding the layers of her carefully cultivated armour until he could reach the woman inside, it was time for her to put herself back together again. She was efficient about it, but there was a sensuality to the process nonetheless. From slipping her stockings back up her thighs, to refastening the myriad belts that secured her dress into place, to assuring the meticulous perfection of her hair... it all fascinated Auron. He had just finished tucking his trousers into his boots when he looked up to find Lulu wrapping her corset around her waist. Her fingers were deft as she fastened the front closures, hidden beneath the edges butting together at her sternum. With this accomplished, she reached back for the laces, a breath of a sigh escaping her lips as a tiny frown-line appeared between her brows. Auron rose and stepped behind her, running his fingers in a caress across her hip. "Let me," he murmured, moving to grasp the cords from her hands. Lulu hummed lightly in response, dropping her arms forward and squaring her shoulders delicately as she waited. He pulled on the laces and felt the garment compress around Lulu's torso, but only to a point. "Pull where the laces overlap, from the top down to the middle, and then from the bottom up," she suggested with an amused lilt. Bending to the task, Auron did as instructed, tugging at the crisscrossed cords and then pulling the slack from the laces where they hung at Lulu's waist. The corset constricted and Lulu straightened her posture with a satisfied hum. "How's that?" he asked, holding the laces taut with one hand as he caressed her waist with the other. "A bit tighter," she requested, and Auron obliged, repeating the process once more. "Perfect," she declared, and he tied the loose cords into a double bow at her instruction. His hands lingered, fingers encircling her waist as he admired the silhouette the corset created. The rigid structure was at once enticing and maddening, that it denied him access to the soft flesh beneath. "I'm tempted to undo all of this work," he hazarded in a low voice, idly plucking at the laces as if to untie the bow again. She let out a sultry laugh in response. "A guardian must exercise self-control, Sir Auron," she replied, the hint of amusement in her voice doing little to counteract the way her increased formality and lecturing tone were stoking his ardour. Both his hands settled at her waist before she turned in his grasp to face him, lifting her arms to encircle his shoulders. "We'll find the time to be alone again soon enough," she promised, her eyes meeting his. He tilted his head forward to capture one last kiss from her violet-painted lips. "Know that I'll be looking forward to it," he breathed against her mouth, the rumble of his voice echoing the swell of desire that roared to life within him.
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kaddiekait · 4 months ago
Final Fantasy X Prequel Fic -
Capillary Waves Chapter Two
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prequel to ffx, Braska's Pilgrimage (Final Fantasy X Series), Hate to Love, Canon-Typical Violence, marked Explicit for later chapters, it will be a bit before anything happens though, Alcohol, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Slow Burn, Explicit Language, one-sided Auron/Braska, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Unhappy Ending
Couldn't they shove him onto the next boat out? Jecht and Auron would rather be anywhere else. But Braska is determined to drag them on his pilgrimage. A prequel fic centered around Braska's pilgrimage. Please read the tags(some tags are for future chapters).
Chapter Two: Auron
Auron's bag had been packed for three days now. He had thought that would make him feel prepared. But it just made him anxious. Packing light made him feel like he was forgetting something. He had gone through the bag every day since he got it packed. But Auron figured checking the bag one more time couldn't hurt.
Braska had to remind him multiple times while packing that there was civilization along the way. They didn't have to carry everything on their backs. Carrying enough supplies for weeks would only slow them down. His friend should just be happy he managed to parse things down to one bag.
Auron decided to stop worrying and made his way down to the courtyard. The sooner they left, the sooner they both could come home. Braska was easy to find. The man was tall and lithe, with long light hair. He was the tallest thing next to the old warehouse turned jail. Just a few months ago this area was a mix of old trees and statues. Next to the sea, it had been a popular spot for late-night walks. Now it was just upturned dirt.
He weaved through the wheelbarrows left by the construction crew. It was a surprise they had any tools in the area. The neighborhood nearby still had a few families living in haphazard sheds. Sheds that definitely wouldn't withstand a strong storm. Or another attack.
Fortunately, Auron reached his friend before the thought could fully finish. “How long have you been waiting for?”
“Quite a while.” He brushed a strand of hair behind his ear. “I thought being early was polite.”
“We could just go. Honestly, I don't even know why you'd want to bring someone else along.”
Braska made eye contact before continuing. “An extra set of hands can't hurt. I mean you want to make it! Right?”
The laugh Braska let out was unnatural. Too high-pitched. He watched the laugh twist his mouth into a tight smile.
“Yuna wants you to say goodbye.”
Auron shrugged. “Are we stopping at your place before we leave town?”
“No, someone moved into my old place a few days ago. Yuna and I have just been staying with friends.”
“You sold your home already?”
Auron snapped his eyes shut so Braska wouldn't see them roll. He had assumed the boxes they packed were just temporary storage. Auron could already see Braska crashing in his living room when he decided this 'pilgrimage' was a fool's errand. The short-sightedness pissed him off. He started to think he was being too nice. Auron started to think telling his friend he was being crazy might be the loving thing to do.
“Why not?” The look Braska gave him warned him not to push.
“Well, either way, I wouldn't mind stopping before we go.”
Braska stopped talking suddenly. His head now turned to the man who had summoned them here. Maester … smiled at Braska warmly. Auron didn't get the same courtesy, only greeted by a curt nod. Auron asked about the maester's family in a desperate attempt to ease tensions.
“Yes, Bea is well. Though I'm sure you don't actually want to hear about her.”
Realizing that his mistake, Auron clamped his lips shut. Not that it would be hard. He truly didn't want to hear about Bea. He definitely didn't want to think of how she always snuck him snacks on guard shifts. He didn't want to remember the advice she tried to give him as they tried to pass the time. She had been so mad when he told her about the pilgrimage . Auron hated to think of her reaction. Or how despite all that she still helped him pack last night.
What he wanted didn't seem to matter though. Auron was desperate to focus on anything else. But this had always been his least favorite guard post. The Bastille was short on pleasant sights. Instead of the salty ocean air outside, the inside air was a mixture of moss and piss. Rows of empty cells forced visitors to admire the décor. The once-colorful paint peeled off the walls. Bits of blue and red hung off limestone like skin tags. The stone underfoot felt close to gravel. Anyone walking on it kicked up chipped rocks with each step. Auron wished he could tell Maester Mika to go fuck himself.
Especially since the cell he led them to held the drunkard that Auron had apprehended a few nights ago. The same man had stolen liquor, smashed the farmer's cart, and fought two different all before puking in the temple fountain. He was sure it had to be him, though thankfully he no longer stunk of rum. The man hadn't had his wits about him when he tried to leave the bar. Even then he had managed to slip out of paying his bill. Auron only found him once the man had passed out in an alley blocks away.
As they approached the cell Auron realized he never learned his name. When Auron woke him up in the alley the man was a stuttering mess. Unless his name was Abe or Zanarkand. Those were the only words that made any kind of sense.
“Feeling better now?” Auron hoped he'd just tell them to piss off. Surely someone this impatient wouldn't be up for a weeks-long journey.
“I will be once I'm out of here.”
Where we're going isn't any better.
“And home is?”
The maester cut off Jecht. “He says he's from Zanarkand.”
“Where are you really from?”
See, he's not taking this seriously.
“Unfortunately there are no ferries sailing there. So Jecht, you can either serve a year to pay for the property you destroyed last night. Or you can help guide these young men to Zanarkand and leave my city. You'll even get a stipend for traveling with them.”
“I don't need the money man. I'll leave though as soon as you let me out.”
“Have it your way. But even if you take the boat, you’d still be a week away from Zanarkand. And it won't be here for another four days. Plus you need to pay for all the damage you caused.”
“Shit how much?”
“About three thousand gil.”
“We plan to be in Zanarkand in a little over a month. You'd be doing manual labor four times as long.” Braska pressed himself against the iron bars, whispering something he couldn’t quite make out.
Auron didn't know what convinced him, but Jecht finally stood up. The maester motioned to the guard to open the door. The man was near Auron's height. When Auron had finally caught Jecht, he had rambled about being a blitzball legend. Seeing the leathery muscles before him almost made him believe it. It was almost too easy for him to picture putting a sword in his hands. And the thought of some extra company made the thought of the trip bearable. Auron was going on this pilgrimage as a favor, but Braska seemed intent on making that favor harder. The man had been insufferable for months. The past week all he had done was eat, sleep, and pray. Jecht at least seemed amusing. 
But that didn't change the fact that Jecht smelt like a gym towel. And had the foul personality to match. He'd be an embarrassment in every single temple. His friend's pilgrimage was already a joke. Someone like Jecht causing a scene would just light a match to the powder keg of ridicule that followed them. This had gone on far enough. Nothing good could come of this. Indulging Braska like this would only keep this farce going longer. Auron tried to keep his voice calm.
“Braska, no. We can't take this...drunkard.”
“So am I getting out or not?!” Jecht didn't make the same effort to hide his frustration.
Braska glared at Auron when he spoke. “You are.”
Auron waited for his friend to tell him off. But Braska had settled for ignoring him instead.
Find it on AO3
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aurikku-coupdetat · 1 year ago
Coup d'état Chapter 10 online!
Do you love slow-burn adventure-themed action-filled-cliché-loving-comfort fanfic? I do too, even though I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing heh
Either way, here it is! Enjoy, review, lemme know what sucks and what not! Love uuuu
Ao3 - Coup d'état Chapter 10 - sky warriors You can find it on FF.net too!
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azrielai · 5 days ago
omg youre a genius
normalise making a list of character x readers u like to read so you can spin a wheel every night before bed to decide ur bedtime story xx
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reverend-meat · 8 months ago
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oveliagirlhaditright · 7 months ago
Summary: What if the option to get "Star Player" on your blitzball team in Final Fantasy X-2 was actually one of the endings you could get in the game? This fanfic explores that idea.
"What's all this commotion about someone who joined my blitzball team without my knowledge?" Yuna huffed, with her hands on her hips. She was looking at both Rikku and Paine as she said this, but deep down she thought that if either girl had made this decision without her (if they hadn't made it together), it would be Rikku since she was more mischievous.
But surprisingly, it was Paine who spoke up. " We both decided this, Yuna. And I really think you should give 'Star Player' a chance. We really have a chance to make it to the championship next season with him by our side."
"St-Star Player?" Yuna stammered, before falling onto the bench in the stadium locker room she'd been leaning against. It couldn't be, could it?
The fayth, just over a few weeks ago, had told Yuna they'd do everything they could to bring Tidus back after she'd stopped Shuyin and Vegnagun, but that they couldn't promise anything.
However, even after hearing that they were uncertain in their abilities to resurrect the dream of the fayth, Yuna had flown back to Besaid in the Celsius feeling hopeful that Tidus would somehow be waiting at home for her when she returned. Their journey had started their, after all, and they had had some nice memories there… so had it been wrong to dream? And maybe even beg the fates that Tidus could see it as some sort of home himself?
But alas, when Yuna had arrived back on the island, there had only been Lulu, Wakka, and baby Vidina to greet her—who she’d been more than happy to see—and as more and more days passed, she’d tried to put her talk with the fayth of Bahamut behind her… but this very well could have been something! Because as confident as Spira was becoming without the chains of Yevon holding them down, she still could really only imagine one person calling themselves “Star Player.”
“Is he in the sphere pool now?!” Yuna demanded of her best friends, grinning so widely she was sure she looked like Leblanc whenever she got attention from her Noojie-Woojie. A comparison Yuna hated thinking about, but one she would still gladly deal with if what she was thinking was true.
“Maybe, Yunie?” Riku ventured, sharing a look with Paine. “I’m not actually sure. Buddy was the first person to see him. And we signed him after we heard all of his impressive stats from him, but-”
Without wasting a second more, Yuna rushed towards the entrance to the sphere pool to see if this mysterious “Star Player” or any of her teammates were training in there. But she was fresh out of luck. And Yuna hung her head for the opportunity lost.
But this time, she didn’t lose hope.
Because if a “Star Player” had really joined their team, she’d have ample time to see him, right?
That theory of Yuna’s was proven false when days had gone by, and Yuna had yet to meet this “Star Player—or learn his name—despite trying to catch him at the sphere pool or talk to someone who knew him.
Seeming to sense her discomfort, while Yuna sat by the pool dejected at the end of the day, Rikku explained, "he has a pretty erratic training schedule, Yunie."
“One where he doesn’t train with us, but by himself?” Yuna questioned, knowing that she was close to whining, but not being able to help herself. She wouldn’t have been like this if the fayth hadn’t said that they might be able to bring Tidus back… but they had. And now she was living in the world of questions, it seemed.
“I think he might be shy?” Riku tried. “I mean, you know what it’s like meeting a large group of people for the first time. Give it some time, Yuna. I’m sure you’ll run into him eventually.”
Yuna’s response to that was to blow her bangs out of her face, exasperated. “Your advice is… disaster-iffic, Rikku. But I suppose we have nothing but time, now that Sin and Vegnagun are gone. So alright, I’ll bite.”
Even if she wasn’t happy about it, she would.
Yuna told herself to stop thinking about who may or may not have been Tidus somewhere around Luca (who might have been trying to surprise her? With Rikku and Paine’s help?), and to instead practice playing blitzball herself. Everything that had gone down with Vegnagun had kept her out of the water for too long, she thought. And if she wasn’t careful, she might be back to only her two minutes and forty-one seconds again.
Yuna started with practicing the butterfly and backstroke—as it was no use working on blitz moves if she wasn’t warmed up with the basics down, right?—and she was just starting to attempt her luck with a Venom Shot when she saw someone in the pool with her out of the corner of her eye.
And was it her… or did they almost seemed to be dressed to blend in with it, as they sported a black hoot that seemed rather familiar and a blue suit? But what was even more amazing than all of that, was that they seemed to be in the middle of doing the Jecht Shot!
Swimming towards the other side of the pool as fast as she was able to now, Yuna tried to reach this “stranger” before they disappeared entirely again, even as both of them moved to get out of the pool. And she saw a few strands of blond hair poking from their hood, as they disappeared beyond the corner and then slipped into the boy's locker room.
…Was it enough to hope? Yuna was definitely thinking so, even if it definitely seemed like fate was playing a peculiar game with her.
"Yunie… I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I think that blitzer might be done for the season," Rikku told the Gullwing a few days later, as she took both of her hands in her own.
"Wh-What do you mean?" Yuna protested, stepping away from Rikku as she did so. And yes, even ripping her hands out of her cousin’s grasp as probably would happen in some drama, Yuna supposed, but she didn't do remove her hands from Rikku’s own violently. And she only did so because she'd stumbled back in shock (And could one blame her? A voice said in the back of her mind. The fayth's words to her now almost felt like a slap in the face. And the whole situation was really and truly bizarre). "What kind of blitzball player, with that kind of talent, practices a few times—and just practices, not even plays—and then just disappears?!"
"You have to remember that the season is over, Yuna," Paine told her gently, patting the seat on the bench beside her for Yuna to come sit down. And as Yuna sat down beside her, she had a flashback to when Paine had before warned others not to get her hopes up about Tidus. Could this really be that situation again? "Maybe the blitzer was just having some fun, and…"
"I… guess," Yuna said, finally doubting herself. Maybe the person she had caught a glimpse of had looked more like Shuyin than Tidus. But then again, hadn’t Tidus been based off of Shuyin? That was how Yuna thought she understood things, anyway…
Oh, screw it! She didn't care what anyone said! Deep down, she knew that the blitzball player that she’d seen had been Tidus! She did! She knew it, just like she knew that she had loved shoopufs more than anything when she was a child!
“And speaking of it being an off-time for blitzball… Paine and I were talking—the whole team, really—and we think we could take a break from it until the season starts. Oh, don’t look at me like that, Yunie!
“Don’t you want to see Wakka, Lulu more and the baby more? They were so thrilled to see you! And you seemed so happy to see them! Paine’s thinking of getting the Crimson Squad back together, and Pops says there’s something he just has to show me back Home. The point is we have a lot to do for a ‘summer vacation’ of sorts before we really get blitzing again, y’know?”
“And you feel the same way, Paine?” Yuna dared ask her more strait-laced friend, fighting back tears. She didn’t know why she was: as Rikku had said, it seemed the whole team had decided this, but there was a part of her that was hoping that if some of this was Rikku just flying off the rails here, Paine would tell her so.
But instead, Paine looked at her with pained eyes—and maybe something else there—and said, “I do.”
And so, Yuna did what she’d once done for so many years and practiced smiling even though she was feeling sad. “I understand you two. And thank you. For everything. But you’re right… it really is supposed to be summer vacation now. Go live your lives and know that we’ll get the championship next season!”
After the girls hugged and did one last fist pump for the Gullwings, they left Yuna alone.
And Yuna?
Yuna found herself walking into Luca stadium one last time, with her hands laced together behind her back.
It was then that she saw something—or rather someone—who took her breath away: they were sitting in a stand a hare's breadth away from her, looking as pensive as she felt: with dyed blond hair hiding their black roots, a yellow jumpsuit with pants that were cut to different lengths, and evergreen gloves that she had once thought the Calm Lands' grass might have been colored similarly to before she saw said grass herself, and realized it was slightly lighter than his gloves.
‘But it can't be him’, Yuna told herself. The fayth weren't even sure they could bring him back, right? And if it was… wouldn't Rikku and Paine have told me? Or Tidus have come to me right away?
The moment he looked at her with the kindest cerulean eyes she had been dreaming about for two years, Yuna knew straight away who she was looking at. And she fainted dead away, as she heard a curse and arms circled around her.
When Yuna came to, she didn’t remember what would happen. But she knew right away where she was: a mostly abandoned locker room in Luca, that had been created when they thought that the water in the sphere tank was going to be real and not a simulation. Thus, there was all kinds of medical equipment in here. Why, oh, why would she be in this room? She hadn’t been when she’d fallen unconscious. And Yuna presumed she must have fallen unconscious to be in here now, so how-
Suddenly, he was in her sights, and it all came back to her. And the first words that came out of her mouth upon seeing him were not the words she thought she’d say if she ever saw him again at all.
"Tidus, you jerk!" Yuna exclaimed, tears of joy and anger streaming down her face as she spoke. "How could you not tell me you were back?! Do you have any idea what this was like for me? What I-
And here, Tidus scratched the back of his head, embarrassed, a trait that Yuna had so missed seeing, before he tried to explain himself. “I’m so sorry, Yuna. And I really owe you an explanation for everything, huh?”
Yuna’s answer to that was a simple raise of her eyebrow as Tidus came to sit down beside her on the cot, and took off a cuff that had been on her arm. Huh. She hadn’t even realized it was there. (1)
"I wanted my being back to be a nice surprise for you, y’know! And my first thought was through blitzball! Since we talked about my past in Zanarkand a lot, and water has meaning for us.”
Hearing those words, Yuna blushed, definitely catching the meaning of that. “I also kept an eye on you in the Farplane and knew you’d become such a great blitzball player yourself! So, I planned with Rikku and Paine to surprise you on the field.
“But I guess from the beginning I ended up thinking it was a pretty dumb idea, because two of the times I meant to do it, I ended up chickening out… Then, the time you did end up seeing me, was pure dumb luck—where I’d been out there swimming for myself—and then you came out. And I didn’t have a moment planned, so I ran. Then today, I was sitting in the stadium in Luca wondering what to do, when you came out again and saw me—uhh, fainted—and here we are.”
Well, that certainly explained everything, Yuna thought, almost amused now. And it was good to know that Rikku and Paine (and Buddy, presumably) had been following his lead, wherever it led. So they weren’t done with YRP, like she had begun to fear, Yuna told herself. But surely they had been waiting for wherever his “surprise” would lead next when he figured it out.
And speaking of his surprise… really, Tidus was so sweet. The thought he'd put into wanting their reunion into meaningful really had been thoughtful… and Yuna could almost feel herself falling in love with him again for it as she gazed at him now. Like when she'd looked at Tidus when they'd talked about the weather years ago, and then laughed at that cliché, and she knew despite everything… something was starting there.
But at the same time… "Tidus… while I appreciate what you were trying to do, please don't ever make me wait to see you ever again! Especially when I- I lost you like I did. Being without you, it- it hurt so much. And given the choice of miraculously being reunited with you as soon as possible, or holding off on seeing you again for you to put on some show… well, wouldn't you choose the former if you were in my shoes?"
At that, he winced. And though Yuna hated to see it, she knew that it was necessary and hopefully imparting on him just what she’d been through these last few days through his unintentional game. Because, after all, while he’d been in the Farplane these last two years, she’d been here in Spira living her life, and often times it had been painful.
“Yuna, again, I’m so sorr-”
But the sphere hunter cut him off with a kiss on the cheek before he could berate himself too badly.
"I forgive you, Tidus. I understand how it all got out of hand. But you would think that when we finally earned our happy ending, things would go right!" the high Summoner exclaimed as she threw her hands up into the air.
Tidus poked Yuna in the stomach once then, and she couldn't help but laugh. "I don't really know if you want things to be perfect, Yuna. Things might be too boring that way." And the blitzball player feigned a yawn at the end of that sentence that would have had the nineteen-year-old seeing red, if she hadn't known it was fake.
"You take that back!" Yuna poked Tidus now, but with much more vigor. "There's a difference between 'boring,' and me thinking the fayth failed in bringing you back… As well as your 'perfect reunion' for us going so left field, that we're in an abandoned locker room of Luca stadium's, y'know!"
And at that, Tidus chortled: one that was akin to the one she had heard after they had tried to fake laugh two years ago. Yuna tried to be angry at this, and to turn her face away from the love of her life in a huff, but in the end, she could not. It was something she had ended up longing for more than she ever had for an eternal calm.
"How about this, Yuna?" Tidus sobered up, wearing the most beautiful smile she had ever seen a human being wear. "How about we just promise to have a good life together?"
And while Yuna would have loved to banter with him more, a part of her definitely thought he deserved that, those words—the idea of that kind of future—was all she’d ever dreamed of. So, what could she possibly say, but? “Oh, Tidus, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Of course!” And this time she drew him in for a kiss.
And while Yuna hadn’t been the one trying to plan a surprise here, after she was done kissing Tidus silly and she saw his stunned reaction, she definitely thought it had been a surprise worth waiting for.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve seen enough of Luca’s locker rooms for a while,” Yuna said, offering Tidus her hand and helping him up. “Want to go home and see Wakka and Lulu?”
“I’d say my home is wherever you are, Yuna. And if that’s where you are, I’m all in.”
“All in…” Yuna echoed, so happy she could barely even say the words for how much she was smiling.
Tidus kissed her on the cheek now, and hand-in-hand, the two of them left Luca stadium. Together.
Author’s Note: (1) I had the idea that after Yuna passed out, Tidus was trying to check Yuna’s vitals with machina he didn’t even really know how to use. LOL. But the idea sort of disappeared in the story. Oh well.
Speaking of, for this fic, I decided to do something that I’ve seen at least one other FFX author do (maybe a few others), where Zanarkand actually used real water to play blitzball in, but the water is a simulation in Spira (and that’s one of the few ways where Spira was actually more advanced than Zanarkand)—if anyone was confused by Yuna’s one line about the water in the Luca field being a simulation.
I’ve had this story idea ever since I beat Final Fantasy X-2… which was, like, seventeen-eighteen years ago. O_o And even though I always did, I never really set out to try and write it until now. But I’m so glad that I finally have, because it was a fun idea that turned out rather well, I’d say.
This is for my bestie friend’s birthday. And I hope she’s having a great one!:D
Thanks for reading!
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