#ffn ftw
bikelock28 · 2 years
- Got any Remus lupin centric fanfic recs please?
Thanks for asking. As always, the best way to find my fanfic recs is to look on my favourites on FFN :)
Here are some Lupin ones I could find:
Hermione + Lupin. An unholy union if there ever was one. Personally I find TheDivineComedian a bit overly dark and cynical, and sometimes their language is too florid. But this is a very interesting idea with some brilliant insights, and I enjoy how uncomfortable it is.
A short Snape/Lupin piece, full of good characterisation, set during PoA. It's easy to overlook given Wolfstar, Remadora, DEATH, but PoA is the main Lupin book!
...which brings us to this sweet story about Lupin and McGonagall.
A little cliche, but overall a good study of Lupin's secrecy and detachment. And some nice Sirius dialogue.
Possibly remembering wrong, but this might be the fanfic which made me a Remadora shipper.
I LOVE this story. I'm so sad Lirazel never finished it because I'm sure it would have gone to interesting places, but I can't predict what they would have been. Lirazel was a fab writer (are they on Tumblr? If yes send me their way so I can fangirl) and I encourage you to read some of their other works. I wish they had finished this excellent story, although it reads fine as 4 one-shots.
A short Marauder fic, essentially a 4-way character study.
If you are asking me, you have probably read some on my fanfic, in which case please review :)
(You are also welcome to come off Anon to asks questions, or just message me, I promise I'm nice x).
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catnatch · 6 months
another souyo fic rec list!
this one is exclusively for fics that have never made it off the badbadbathouse/livejournal (to my knowledge/memory). I have my big ass list of every single souyo fill, but this one is curated with summaries, so hopefully it'll be useful to new p4 fans or anyone who doesn't know where to start with p4 on lj!
(these are all from bbbh, so the main post text for all these will be somewhat suggestive, but I will separate sfw fics from nsfw)
SFW fics!
Sunday, 7:43: I've mentioned before but my absolute fav P4 fic <3 even the prompt is the sweetest: a ficcy about the precise moment Yousuke realizes he's in love
Domesticity: Yosuke gets a gray hair :^)
Name That Tune: after Yosuke gives him a mixtape, Souji surprises him with the song he likes the most-- it goes exactly where you think but the buildup is still so good :') this one I feel like I did see on AO3 but I can't find it again if it is
The Frog in the Well (or, Yosuke and the wind.): character study of Yosuke's connection to his element (okay not so souyo but it's got such fantastic use of language...)
Sick Day: good old fashioned sick fic :') actually more of a ensemble fic rather than purely souyo, and the peeks of characterization therein are choice [warnings for vomit]
Cook the Food, Not the Kitchen: teaching the IT to cook- another ensemble fic! but souji def has plans for Yosuke in this one ;) unfinished but very amusing nonetheless
Façade: in order to go out on a public date, Souji elects to disguise as a girl. i like fics where they work thru their issues... but it's still quite fluffy! this one miiiight be on AO3 or ffn
One Way to Start the Morning: Yukiko and Yosuke talk about being in love with their best friends... as much as Yosuke can admit it anyway. realistically awkward but genuine Yosuke and Yukiko friendship, hooray! [warnings for one use of slur]
Whisperwind: Yosuke gains telepathic powers and it's too much (a sorta Carrie au). very surreal but well done horror fic (there is souyo but as you can imagine, it doesn't end well) [no smut but it is very gory so think maybe R? instead of NC-17; major character death]
Contact: souyo's relationship through touch. wonderful sense of tension and space throughout this fic, and i love viewing their progression thru one specific lens
Breaking Up is Hard To Do: Yosuke confesses... the night before Souji leaves. once again the genre is souyo/working on their issues. excellent, naturalistic dialog and not too angsty...
[untitled]: souyo told purely from other character's perspectives. unfortunately unfinished; we really need more outside pov fics !
A Special Report: "I like my women like my coffee" ngl rec-ing purely for Souji's answer ;D (nothing explicit but as u can expect from the prompt, suggestive jokes abound) also sports club trio ftw!!
NSFW fics below cut!
Play Time: Souji likes Yosuke's dick- even outside of sex! i am SUCH a big fan of casual, almost boring intimacy. adult in the best way, funny and so so domestic
The Last Breath We Take: sometime after Yosuke dies, Souji is sure he's being haunted. more bittersweet than outright sad :') (also the nsfw is very indirect and light) [warnings for major character death]
A Night Like This: Yosuke's dad finds out Yosuke's dating Souji and does not take it well. Yosuke isn't a complete pushover (but he is still a sad boy) so that's refreshing! [warnings for abuse]
Bruise My Head: Souji gets a bit fat and meets up with Yosuke years after. flashbacks (one is the short nsfw in this fic) are interspersed in this future fic, and it's an interesting examination how they might change and what stays the same (and how there's always something to work on) [warnings for eating disorders + brief self harm mention]
Technique: Yosuke totally knows what a blowjob is. totally. (smut that doesn't go perfectly >>>>>)
Its a Hard Life: Yosuke falls on hard times, becoming a prostitute and gets a regular who looks very familiar (it's Souji's dad). listen, I'm not gonna pretend that this one isn't carried by pure DRAMA and whump [warnings for dubcon + noncon]
Unfortunate Timing: souyo are having phone sex when Nanako has the WORST timing. Souji's dilemma is supremely entertaining, and we love bratty!Yosuke [warnings for Nanako? she's not a part of/aware of the sex per se but she's in the vicinity if that squicks you out]
Experience: Kanji learns a thing or two from established souyo. the Kanji pov is an interesting angle to view souyo and how well they work together [warnings for dp]
I HAVE NO DUNGEON, AND I MUST TROLL!: Yosuke has a personal blog- very personal- that starts getting hate from one anonymous Souji. this fic is unique for presenting the lj/comments true to life and there's a lovely floaty style to the offline sections; this fic is also an interesting look into Jerkji, who we don't see often in fan characterization anymore [warnings for manipulative!Souji; eating disorders (adjacent); dubcon; suicidal actions]
and finally Sympathy Crime even though pretty much everyone already knows about it AKA the fic where Adachi manipulates Yosuke into a relationship and it takes a tole on the investigation. heed the warnings of abuse, rape, torture, and suicidal thoughts/attempts seriously as the fic goes in depth to depict these, the horrifying effects, and then recovery. It does not pull any punches. The fic really understands how anyone can be susceptible to abuse and how important a support system/lack thereof is. It is incredibly well written- and that is in part because it has a message about horrendous acts of abuse. Additionally, it's a 200k+ (i think) word read so it is A Lot. Sympathy Crime is 100% not for everyone, but if you think you can tolerate reading the subject matter, there is a reason why this is a monolithic fic in P4 fandom history
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wyrmy · 2 years
Wayward Child
When Kallamar envisioned parenthood, it was supposed to be like that of Heket’s experience raising her children. Instead he finds himself becoming increasingly frustrated by his youngest daughter.
There is only one way this will end.
Chapter 1: Mala
AO3 || DA || FFN
Fandom: Cult of the Lamb
Rated: T
Genre: General
Characters: Kallamar and OC, (Heket, Leshy, Narinder and Shamura guest starring)
Pairings/relationships: One sided OC/Kallamar
Summary: Mala pines after Kallamar. Kallamar makes her a proposition (play on words ftw).
Warnings: What essentially amounts to (a brief and awkward) discussion of sex but more danced around.
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epitheterasedgen · 5 years
shamelessly plugs my ffn account in case anybody didn't know about it
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wistfulcynic · 5 years
ooh, I like this one
tagged by the lovely @optomisticgirl and @sherlockianwhovian
Username: profdanglaisstuff (profdanglais on AO3) (It means ‘English teacher’ in French, which basically encapsulates me) 
Fandoms you write for: only OUAT, though I’ve been thinking about making an attempt at Good Omens. We’ll see.
Where you post: Tumblr and AO3. I haaaate FFN’s interface, it put me off fanfic for years. 
Most popular one-shot: Um. *consults AO3 stats* Going by kudos alone it’s a tie between A Dream Together and Honeysuckle. Hits to kudos ratio has Honeysuckle as a clear winner. So it depends on whether you’re a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw I guess. (Ravenclaw here, so it’s Honeysuckle FTW). 
Most popular multi-chapter story: Raised With the Fume of Sighs is the clear winner here, no matter your House. 
Favorite story you’ve written: Their Way By Moonlight. Though The Very Witching Time is a close second. I got so deep into that story that when I finished it I actually had withdrawal symptoms, I missed it so much. Apparently that’s not an uncommon thing, lol. 
Story you were nervous to post: Osaka-shi Serenade, because it’s so personal. 
How do you choose titles: Usually I google quotes on a topic related to the story’s main theme then choose one that sounds good. Sometimes it’s an oblique song or movie reference. I’m not great at titles. 
Do you outline: yes? kind of? I try? I completely flew by the seat of my pants until Their Way By Moonlight because I needed to have a plan for that, and it STILL ended up going in ways I didn’t expect, so... 
How many of your stories are complete: 23, according to AO3
How many of your stories are in progress: Realistically, 3. The ones I am definitely going to finish. 
Coming soon: A silly drabble that will drop tonight, then a return to The Very Witching Time verse with a little bit of puppy!Liam for @cspupstravaganza
Do you accept prompts: People are free to send them to me, but I make no promises about actually writing them. 
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: I’m in the middle of a couple of birthday fics for some BRILLIANT people that I think are going to turn out well. 
A tag for: @thisonesatellite @stahlop @ohmightydevviepuu @kmomof4 @snidgetsafan @shireness-says @thejollyroger-writer @darkcolinodonorgasm @winterbythesea
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Kaemaki Week 3- Life
On Ao3 | On FFN
For the most part, Maki kept to herself after waking up. She only talked to Shuichi and Himiko a few times, but really just stayed in her room. She didn’t care for most of the others enough to be bothered by them, and she was certain that some of them wouldn’t want to talk to her, either. So why bother? Her room was a perfectly fine place to just exist.
Exist...and think. What she thought about was dumb, especially given the cirsumstances they were in during the simulation. And she was loathe to admit it, too, but she realized far too late that the feelings she had for Kaito did not consist of romantic love. No, she’d taken those initial feelings and redirected them onto him after the death of the only other person who would approach her for a conversation.
Shuichi knocked on her door. Only Shuichi knocked. Anyone else either came in (Kaito) or yelled through the door that they were coming in (Himiko). “Come in.”
The first thing she noticed was that he already looked significantly less frail than he had in the first dew days. He smiled, something she also noticed he’d been doing more and more. Good for him. “Kaede’s awake.”
That explained the smile. “That’s good.” She had to play this off. He didn’t know.
“She wants to see you.”
That got her attention away from pretending to read. “She does?” Thanks to years of training, she was sure her face didn’t betray any semblance of emotion, but she couldn’t help but worry that it did. She closed her book, not bothering to mark her spot. “What room?” As if she didn’t already know.
Something glinted in Shuichi’s eyes, like he knew what she was thinking. Drat. “Two-sixteen.” Right down the hall from her. “I’m going to-” He made vague motions with his hands, pointed to down the hall in the opposite direction. Cryptic way to show that he was going to visit Kokichi again. “I’ll see you later.”
She waited for the count of twenty after he left to go. Nobody else was in the hall, but she could hear chatter from the other rooms. With some still recovering from phantom wounds left from the game, it was easier to move from room to room than congregate in the common area.
Kaede’s room was two down from Maki, with only Tenko’s room in between them. Her door was only partially closed, but Maki knocked for good measure. “Come in!” came Kaede’s cheery reply.
“Back to your old self already,” she said, slipping in and closing the door behind her. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I can barely take a deep breath, but fine otherwise.” Good. Postmortem wounds apparently left no aftereffect. “Um, I wanted to talk to you. About the game.”
A warning sign went off in her mind when the game was mentioned. She didn’t like to talk about it, but she couldn’t say no. Not right now. “If it’s about what you did, it was stupid.”
“And it got you killed.”
“I’m aware of that, yes.” She deflated a little, running a hand down her face, but perked right back up. “But I’m fine now, right? We all are.”
Maki crossed her arms to hide her fingers curling into fists. “That’s beside the point. Your plan got you killed, and watching that was a lot harder than you would think.” She sat in the chair next to Kaede’s bed, not meeting her eyes. Loving someone in a killing game was hard.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to affect you that way.” She took what Maki supposed was a deep breath, but it was quick and ragged, almost gasping. “Which brings me to what I wanted to talk about. Just hear me out, alright? During the game, hanging out with you and getting to know you was my favorite thing, and I know you were kinda reserved and abrasive but I really liked talking to you and right before the time limit I think I started to have a crush on you and I woke up with those feelings. I know we don’t really know each other too well and that it’s probably way too late to even say this but I just wanted to get it off of my chest.”
For someone who said she couldn’t take deep breaths, that was a lot of talking. Maki was stunned, but a quick search of Kaede’s face told her that she was genuine- and waiting for a response. She didn’t even know how to arrange her thoughts into a coherent response. “We’re not on a time limit now,” she eventually said. “We could get to know each other better here.”
Kaede broke out into a grin, her eyes lighting up. “You mean it?”
“I do.” She drummed her fingers against her jeans- way more comfortable than a skirt- and stood up. “Have you had anything to eat yet? I could raid us some donuts and tea and we could start now.”
Somehow, Kaede’s grin grew wider. Maki didn’t think that was possible. “That sounds perfect. You know, I’m glad I met you.”
Maki returned her words with a small, warm smile. “I’m glad I met you, too.”
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i don’t even remember why i moved to ffdotnet. i very much remember learning english there though. true, there is a bigger potential audience when you write in english, meaning that you’re likely to get more comments. but the comment mentality in german fanfic spaces is different, at least in my experience. i still post translations on ffpunktde sometimes, and i get less comments, but the comments i get tend to be more thoughtful and feel like there’s more soul in them. but that might just be me
Hell yeah, learning English through FFN ftw. Gotta admit I owe that website big time. I still remember my very first attempts at reading in English. I’d copy the entire chapter and paste it into google translate, and then I’d try to piece it all together somehow by reading a bit of the (shitty) translation and a bit of the original where the translation didn’t make any sense. It was... an experience.
I haven’t posted on ffpunktde in 84 years, but I still stalk the forum frequently. One thing that amazes me is how in English spaces, Tumblr and AO3 mainly, the general agreement seems to be not to criticize a fic if the author hasn’t specifically asked for criticism. Meanwhile, in German fic spaces, people are like “This person has posted this online to read and I have Opinions so I WILL tell them my criticism even if they didn’t ask for it.” It’s interesting really. But I do agree that German reviews are usually longer/more specific than many AO3 comments that are often something very short (not that I’m complaining about short comments, I like any kind of validation yes shower me with it thanks) like “Loved this!”. This would probably make an interesting study. 
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camelliacats · 6 years
evening sky extravaganza
A freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3.
Fic: "evening sky extravaganza" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Demelza Robins/Angelina Johnson
Rating: K
Words: ~420
Additional info: romance, femslash, poetry, freeverse, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: When nerves got to Demelza, she sought professional help…of the other kind.
"Taking a step off this Earth I'm lighter now, I'm floating Haa, I’m here Loving even more things about you I’m watching my favourite view"
—Ai Otsuka, "Rocket Sneaker" (translation)
D e m e l z a
  (one witch likes to think it means "admirer")
  She loved the sport; Quidditch had to be in her blood
  Ginny agreed—"C'mon, Demi—you would kick a*r*s*e!"
  So Demelza waited&debated&watched a raven-haired beauty light up the night sky with a passion for Quidditch that scorched her teammates:
  A.n.g.e.l.i.n.a J.o.h.n.s.o.n. (h_e_l_l_f_i_r_e, come to l~i~f~e)
  But then the year was ^up^ ((?What?))
  And Demelza panicked; she didn't want to join later, she wanted to join NOW!NOW!NOW!NOW!NOW!
  It was all right Ginny would join next year She&Ginny would be excellent on the team There would be n(o)t(h)i(n)g to worry about
  [except the s_t_a_g_e !fright! that was a part of the poor girl…]
  Demelza waited&debated&a summer almost
  S L I P P E D
  through her f-i-n-g-e-r-s But then she had a pinky-full of courage&a steady letter-writing hand—
  And then she got to see the raven-haired hellfire again
  Angelina bought this plea for «help» She couldn't just drop being Captain just because she'd graduated (Perish the thought!) So Demelza helped her out, in a way, by asking her to be her "p e r s o n a l t_r_a_i_n_e_r"
  "CHIN up!"
  "~FLY~ straight!"
  "You expect to catch the Q/U/A/F/F/L/E with those shaking hands?!"
  Demelza could take it a l l She could take it&then some She'd give anything to
  Be like Ange Play like Ange L,i,v,e like (for?) Ange
  And so a season passed b.y. (flutterflutterflutter) && Angelina assured her that she'd make an excellent addition to the team (even though Ange couldn't fly w i t h her…)
  Demi entwined their fingers—"Come&see me sometime"
  Angelina had dOuBtS… What did that mean? Was she just watching over Demi? Or had their time together
  H a T c H e D
  into something more?
  {Angelina saw her fly, and then she knew—
  D.e.m.e.l.z.a R.o.b.i.n.s.} (a s~e~a~s~o~n of monsoons, in one skillful girl)
  A win—cheer! A tie—aww! A lose—boo!
  But Angelina stuck around ar d.o nu to see&speak with Demi, nevertheless; always "G r e a t g a m e!"
  Because no matter how badly the others sucked (Where was Harry?) (Ron's okay) (Ginny shouldn't lead the team in Harry's place) Demi was always gold…and she was always rewarded
  [Let's go for a night fly—c'mon!]
  They had both realized it long ago.
  That Christmas, Demi told her family she'd stay at the castle.
  Of course, Angelina had her own place long by then.
  (You do the math—who caught the Snitch?)
An excellent piece to open their doorway! XD I love the description of Ange as hellfire, though, *lol*.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: *lol* Still a v cute ship. Quidditch girls FTW! :3c
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lasbrumas-archived · 7 years
I'm hitting you up before anon does, ffn members as greek gods/goddesses.
Okay this took me forever…. Also if you don’t see your name, it’s because we haven’t talked much and couldn’t think of an appropriate goddess. Sorry!@forever-and-almost-always : oh Kendra… you angry child. You get Praxidike, the spirit of exacting justice. You’re so down to fight for your friends (and that one anon). And though we might poke fun at you for it, it’s a wonderful thing we have you on our side. (Also shout out to Lillie for helping me find the names.)@ofmoonlightandthesun : Lillie! I almost almost went with Artemis. It was close. But then I dug around a bit and settled on Leto! You’re so knowledgeable about the Greek gods but when you share it with us, I feel like you’re imparting your wisdom like a mom might. Also you will so fight for youngsters everywhere.@andrxnmeda : Oh man, Victoria, you gave me such a struggle. But I still love you. I went with Nike. You give me very Athena-like vibes but since I already had Athena down for someone else, I went with the goddess sometimes attributed to Athena.@kanokas : I put you down as Helios. Right away I wanted you to be something sunny and warm. Plus, Helios is apparently the god of sight and you do watch over us in a way as the creator of the net.@nestha : I hope you don’t feel too betrayed Lillie, but I think Lacie is Artemis. She’s sharp as a tack, keeps her cool around us weirdos, and can shank you five ways. I’m afraid of what would happen if we messed with her.@chaanv : Surbhi, you’re Iris! To be completely honest, I’m not sure if it’s your rainbow icon or what, but my first thought was Iris for you. You just seem so cheerful, even when talking about potentially dying in an earthquake. Know that I love you for that.@scraphim : Galatea for you. You just seem so chill and she’s the goddess of calm seas. Also I love the ocean and you’re absolutely bubbly when you talk about your OCs and works! (See what I did there? Ey ey bad puns ftw)@mysticalmagicalpineapple : Maya! You are Hebe, because you just exude this youthfulness and also you stole a pineapple for a picture and that’s just??? So adorable??? Plus you’re super sweet and vibrant.@thewinedarksea : You, my friend, are Persephone. You are a dark queen and powerful in your own right. Plus your edits just let out all this dark, magical power that’s very in tune with nature? Idk, it’s a feeling.@daphnaea : Nia, you are Eirene, one of the Horae. You just exude this playfulness I associate with spring and sunny days. And it matches your icon so you know :)@histcria : You are Athena. You come off as calm and collected, but also very passionate about politics and knowledge. You also just exude this authority, like “yeah I’m the bitch.” Which is a good thing, I swear.@primordialnyx : Riana, you get… Nyx, not surprising lol. But I do feel you embody the mystery of the night but also the nice, soothing part of it (for me anyway, I like the night). And lovely and ethereal too.@lilttlebird : Harmonia for you! We don’t talk much, but your edits are aesthetically pleasing and you seem pretty chill.@scottpilgvrim : Annabelle, you got Themis. Why? Because one of the things I remember most about you was the time you were ready to throwdown for Kendra and talked about protecting your friends. You’re not afraid to bring down walls with the force of your justice. Perhaps you and Kendra should get together and form a squad.@queeenpersephone : omg how did I miss you? But I feel you’re Aphrodite because I swear the only thing we’ve talked about is platonic love and ships and if that’s not Aphrodite I don’t know what is.Again, sorry if I didn’t get to you. Also if we do talk or have talked and I somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add you.
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gaolcrowofmandos · 7 years
85 Questions
Tagged by @burdenedwithgloriousfandoms --thanks so much! <3
Last... 1. drink - water 2. phone call - one of the contractors on my team at work? 3. text message - my mom 4. song you listened to - 'Twilight of the Gods' - Blind Guardian 5. time you cried - can't actually remember... This is pleasant and unusual.
Have you ever... 6. dated someone twice? - n/a 7. kissed someone and regretted it - n/a 8. been cheated on - n/a 9. lost someone special - I mean, everyone is special, but no one I was extremely close to. 10. been depressed - O_O 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - n/a #teetotaler
Fav colours: 12. indigo 13. black 14. silver
In the last year have you… 15. made new friends - Indeed! 16. fallen out of love - n/a 17. laughed until you cried - several times (props to tumblr and my sister) 18. found out someone was talking about you - yes--it wasn't bad, though 19. met someone who changed you - somewhat 20. found out who your friends are - sort of? 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope
General: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - like 2? (but then again, I think I only have like three friends... I never go on there) 23. do you have any pets - My landlady has a cat, so vicariously yes. 24. do you want to change your name - No 25. what did you do for your last birthday - I think I ate pancakes? 26. what time did you wake up today - 5:42am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - trying to sleep 28. what is something you cant wait for - the Last Jedi novelization *cringes excitedly* 30. what are you listening to right now - Blind Guardian and Fall Out Boy 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - three Toms at work over the past year, plus my aunt's ex once or twice 32. something thats getting on your nerves - how damn cold it is around here 33. most visited website - Y'all know it's tumblr. 34. hair colour - medium brown 35. long or short hair - to my waist 36. do you have a crush on someone - nope 37. what do you like about yourself - My time management skills have been coming in clutch lately? 38. want any piercings? - thinking about getting one or two more in my cartilages 39. blood type - No idea. 40. nicknames - CrackinAndProudOfIt/Crackers on FFn; also I like it when people randomly shorten my name to 'Rach’? 41. relationship status - single (dat aroace life...hence the abundance of 'n/a's on this survey) 42. zodiac - aquarius 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - Stranger Things, Cable Girls, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, HunterxHunter 45. tattoos - not yet 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - twice when I was a kid 48. piercings - just my upper right cartilage 49. sport - n/a 50. vacation - Usually just home to Kentucky to see my mom and sister 51. trainers - This cheap pair I bought last March...already walked a hole through them, too.
More general: 52. eating - lots of soup and oatmeal lately 53. drinking - always water 54. im about to watch - TLJ again on Friday (5th time ftw) 55. waiting for - July so I can be done with school forever 56. want - to know how to end the stories I start writing... That would sure be nice. 57. get married - nope 58. career - linguist working abroad
Which is better? 59. hugs or kisses - hugs 60. lips or eyes - eyes 61. shorter or taller - In what context? 62. older or younger - You mean like in a relationship? 63. nice arms or stomach - For me personally or for other people? 64. hookup or relationship - relationship, if I must 65. troublemaker or hesitant - all kinds of hesitant
Have you ever... 66. kissed a stranger - on the cheek, when culturally appropriate 67. drank hard liquor - no 68. lost glasses - just sunglasses! 69. turned someone down - sorta... 70. sex on first date - nope; also n/a 71. broken someones heart - not that I know of 72. had your heart broken - not by a person 73. been arrested - nope 74. cried when someone died - a little 75. fallen for a friend - nope
Do you believe in... 76. yourself - Working on that. 77. miracles - yes 78. love at first sight - nope 79. santa claus - actually never have *salutes very conservative Christian mom* 80. kiss on a first date - Believe in it? I mean, maybe? Depends on the context. 81. angels - yes
Other: 82. best friend’s name - my sister's :) 83. eye colour - blue-green 84. fave movie - tied between The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi 85. fave actor - Carrie Fisher, of course
If they'd like to play, I tag: @vendeamellon, @butchvalkyrie, @ten-summoners-fails, @reblogthiscrapkay, @raisingcain-onceagain, @nixiegenesis, @straightouttahimring, @maedhrosrussandol, @filmamir, @ladylannister95, @kingsofsorrow, @feanope, @woodlandcrowns, @elf-in-a-mask, @belamestiza, @xjuliuscaesarx, @prackspoor, @violinclad, @mythopoeticreality, and anyone else who wants to!
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
by SwifteForeverAndAlways
When Bobbi Morse moved from San Diego, California to the small town of Forks, Washington; she knew things would be different. What Bobbi never expected was to find herself in the midst of, and falling in love with, a vampire. A MockingPrincess spin on the Twilight series with some changes, mainly to the more controversial parts of Twilight. Contains some X-Men characters too!
Words: 140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of MockingPrincess FTW
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Bobbi Morse, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Piotr Rasputin, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Kara Lynn Palamas, Gordon (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Lance Hunter, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Bobbi Morse/OC, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Wanda Maximoff, Piotr Rasputin/Original Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Undisclosed Relationship(s), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Twilight AU, crossposted from ffn
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
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ao3feed-karapalamas · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
by SwifteForeverAndAlways
When Bobbi Morse moved from San Diego, California to the small town of Forks, Washington; she knew things would be different. What Bobbi never expected was to find herself in the midst of, and falling in love with, a vampire. A MockingPrincess spin on the Twilight series with some changes, mainly to the more controversial parts of Twilight. Contains some X-Men characters too!
Words: 140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of MockingPrincess FTW
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Bobbi Morse, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Piotr Rasputin, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Kara Lynn Palamas, Gordon (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Lance Hunter, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Bobbi Morse/OC, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Wanda Maximoff, Piotr Rasputin/Original Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Undisclosed Relationship(s), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Twilight AU, crossposted from ffn
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
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turnaboutwriter · 5 years
WIP Ask Meme
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. 
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
I was tagged by no one because I’m shameless.
Man, I actually forgot about some of these WIPs. It’s a good thing I looked through everything in my files and found them, though, because now I want to finish them. 
Also, anything that is in the process of being published on FFN or AO3 will be striked out like this -- and so, I will not be accepting asks for those, sorry!
ab intra
bluebell berry final 
crimson secrets
Faking It
gravity or satellite idk
kanto trio drama ftw
Hot as a Hare
klema i love
Missing Scenes and What Lie in Between
myths in the galaxies
preggo serial killing
Safe Travels (this is actually the name of a file, and in that file are six documents: hoenn, unova, johto, kanto, kalos, alola, sinnoh — fun fact, johto, kalos, and alola are nearly done)
to the edge of the earth
too many troublesomes man
Vulture’s Row
I tag anyone that wants to do this!
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
by SwifteForeverAndAlways
When Bobbi Morse moved from San Diego, California to the small town of Forks, Washington; she knew things would be different. What Bobbi never expected was to find herself in the midst of, and falling in love with, a vampire. A MockingPrincess spin on the Twilight series with some changes, mainly to the more controversial parts of Twilight. Contains some X-Men characters too!
Words: 140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of MockingPrincess FTW
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Bobbi Morse, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Piotr Rasputin, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Kara Lynn Palamas, Gordon (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Lance Hunter, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Bobbi Morse/OC, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Wanda Maximoff, Piotr Rasputin/Original Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Undisclosed Relationship(s), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Twilight AU, crossposted from ffn
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
0 notes
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
by SwifteForeverAndAlways
When Bobbi Morse moved from San Diego, California to the small town of Forks, Washington; she knew things would be different. What Bobbi never expected was to find herself in the midst of, and falling in love with, a vampire. A MockingPrincess spin on the Twilight series with some changes, mainly to the more controversial parts of Twilight. Contains some X-Men characters too!
Words: 140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of MockingPrincess FTW
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Bobbi Morse, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Piotr Rasputin, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Kara Lynn Palamas, Gordon (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Lance Hunter, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Bobbi Morse/OC, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Wanda Maximoff, Piotr Rasputin/Original Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Undisclosed Relationship(s), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Twilight AU, crossposted from ffn
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uoeGMN
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incorrectmidc · 7 years
1,2,3 please! 😀
1. Things that inspire youBeautiful quotes, prose, etc., especially those angsty ones. I read one line that I like and I immediately go, "why not?"I have lots of drabbles inspired by quotes that stay unpublished because they are almost always unfinished. (/ω\)2. Things that motivate youCanon universe that doesn't satisfy me. Take for example, Midnight Cinderella. There are scenes where I think, "what if MC did this instead?" It's a great motivation tbh. All of my stories ー well, most of them ー are all self-indulgent. XD3. Name 3 favourite writersThese 3 belong to fandoms outside Midnight Cinderella and I love them all to death. 💕❇ METAMORCY (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) ー we both ship R27 in the fandom, or i think her writings did convert me to ship Adult Reborn & Tsuna. Awesome writer with awesome plots. I even get to write a Secret Santa fic for her back in 2013 and I was so so sooooo nervous when it was time to publish it. I'm glad she liked it though. (*´▽`*)❇ ROSELILIA (Kuroko no Basuke) ー AkaKuro FTW! Hehehe I've been in the KnB (akakuro specifically) fandom for almost 3 years and have written lots of fics for AkaKuro. Roselilia was one of the best writers in the fandom and she gives encouraging words and advice to people. Sadly, she took down all her work in ffn. It was a huge loss tbh and I hope to read her fics again someday. :)❇ SAROLONDE (Haikyuu!!) ー It's KuroTsuki this time, and sometimes BKAKAKRTSK. Gihihi~ her krtsk fics were the other reason for my initiation into Haikyuu!! I was looking for a story about Akaashi but stumbled upon a krtsk fic. The summary was interesting so I decided to read it and bam! Instant krtsk fan. Ohoho~ still waiting for her to update her works btw. ∠( ˙-˙ )/
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