puppyeared · 2 months
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u know when youre bored of everything and it feels like theres a hole that youre trying to close but it just keeps sucking everything up
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sunrayretriever · 10 months
craving so bad a dill pickle pinwheel
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ni-kinoni-ki · 2 months
Ikura circus
Fly n fit trapeze studio
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alluralater · 8 months
yearning this, yearning that. i still haven’t fucked the girl i’ve had a crush on since middle school and every time i see her like my sporadic two year instagram posts rather than ask me on a date, i die a little bit more inside. i’m tired of yearning, throw me into the endless pit of darkness so i can contemplate my existence for a while
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alicelufenia · 6 months
Literally everyone else: *phew* that was quite the unpleasant experience, but I'm no worse for wear 8D Thank you kindly! Cordial character-appropriate snark!
Minthara: My only fear in this life was falling into her clutches again and then I DID and I thought this time I would not survive her. She hurt me in ways I may NEVER recover. And the worst part is I can't even dismiss her as a unknowable monster because deep down I'm JUST LIKE HER and still would be if not for being shown this one random act of mercy by you.
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pseudowho · 5 months
your nanami is sooooo ffffffuuuck i love him so mhch i'm insane!!!!!!! you write him so well if you have no admirers consider me 6ft under the dirt lovelovelove your writings mwah
I fffffuuuuucking love him, I'd eat him all up if I could 🫠🫠 this is largely just me expressing all the filthy things I'd like to do to Nanami Kento, and all the filthy things I'd let him do to me.
But also, all the soft things. The boring domestic things. The angsty things.
Ugh, delicious.
I'm so glad you love my work 😍 come and play, keep reading, keep being cute 💕
-- Haitch xxx
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strykingback · 10 months
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"Ffffffuuuck... me..." Zek just feels his confidence shaken up a bit as he just walks out to the ballroom balcony. just to try and maybe calm himself down a little but he's just beginning to overthink things is all.. ... as he looked at the stars... "What would you do Mothers? How would you-.....?" Zek said before he finally realized....
"He just needed to be himself.... which he turned around and returned back into the ballroom with renewed confidence. "I need to do this now... before the ball ends."
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beaubambabey · 2 months
Ffffffuuuck I missed the Steam Summer Sale
Removes all the games I was gonna buy from my cart
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numberonepartyboy · 4 months
ffffffuuuck <- still not ok from realising that she has a type in shipping
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mooifyourecows · 7 years
TFW you spend several hours editing and writing extra scenes for your chapter and you are really happy with how things have turned out and are about to save and post but then your cat walks across your keyboard and you lose all your progress and it’s 3 a.m. and you’re tired and frustrated and oh my god that’s so much fucking work completely erased so you just burst into tears hahahaha am I right
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fluxedbuds · 4 years
w. wait. How much of Lalna's past does Nano actually know
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Excuse me.
E X C U S E  M E
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saoney · 2 years
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mxrp-official-steve · 2 years
I am however going to step in here RQ and say some stuff
1. They totally have a log of edits
2. You just posted this publicly on tumblr through a tag blog so they’re totally gonna do a sweep once they see it
3. You are almost certainly going to get banned
Like I get not liking the system but as someone who was around to watch the discussion in the discord server shortly after the incident that incited it i am well aware of why its in place, and agree with it at the end of the day. Some ffffffUUUCKED shit happened inb the first two years of cherp being a thing man it was insane. 
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emerald-fire-3510 · 5 years
@ me after my sixth cup of Coffe That Can Kill and 70+ hours no sleep as I play Minecraft
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disdogeboi · 3 years
the REAL MYSTERY behind the Walten files
so people in fandom crying Jack walten this, Jack walten that, ohhhh wheres Jack walten, and poor Jack walten, well the answer to that is FFFFFFUUUCK that, fuck him, and fuck his family they can all die in a fire for all I care the REAL question we Should be asking is who and what happened to the guy who was making the burgers for Bons burgers what happened to him where's His family and you know what? Just for good measure FUCK Felix as well glory loving fuck
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