#ff2 soda pop
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fuckmatpat · 2 years ago
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so true.. all such Nice Suggestions  i am writing it down ..
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splatoonpolls · 1 year ago
hi your "he looks so sad :(" tag made me laugh so much sdfghjhgfd - if it helps any i drew that with this emoji in mind -> 🥺
It looked like the ice cream parlor closed right in front of him :( apologize to him /lh
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aimervee · 1 year ago
hi i saw on your art account a drawing with a pmd rescue team... team that's skitty and torchic and anyways point im making is 🤝 !!! on the skitty oc for the pmd rescue team thing :D
if i may ask... what're their names? :0 the skitty and torchic look Very Cute :D
OHHH I'm so glad you like them!! admittedly I don't draw them enough although they're very near and dear to my heart :']
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their names are Poppy (skitty) and Peach (torchic) of Team Dreamers! (the team name is because I had a dream about a skitty and torchic pmd team before playing Rescue Team DX haha)
and here's a little snippet from my last playthrough of DX, featuring these two and my favorite scene in the game <3
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graminos · 1 year ago
🍁 for the oc ask game!! :D
Favourite seasons, huh? This is an interesting question to answer.....
(Mari -> Azumarill/OC, Chrome -> Explorers Hero/Pikachu, Port -> Explorers Partner/Mudkip, Ember -> PSMD Hero/Cyndaquil, Twig -> PSMD Partner/Bulbasaur)
*Mari*: Winter would definitely be her favourite. She loves the cold, and rolling around snow is something she enjoys doing a lot.
*Chrome*: Probably autumn. Chromes the kind of guy to not care much bout this stuff unless it bothers him, and all the other seasons bring something that he doesn't like (pollen, heat and cold). All autumn brings is cool winds in his mind.
*Port*: He used to travel alot before joining the guild, trying to find a call in life after leaving his home. Winter is his favourite cuz it reminds him of home......
*Ember*: Spring or Summer, either one works for him. Main reason? The sun. Thats it, he just likes the sun.
*Twig*: He likes them all! He can't really choose, even if you forced him to. Every season is wonderful to him.
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hannah-heartstrings · 3 months ago
Get to Know You / Catch Up Tag
Tagged by: @druidx
Tagging: @ff2-soda-pop @mageofcolors @babyblueetbaemonster @thequeenofthewinter
I don't do these very often 'cause my answers don't change much or I feel like they're boring but here goes.
Currently reading: I'm not 😅
Last song I listened to: It's Christmas Time by Music Travel Love, it's got the right vibes for the fic I've been working on
Last series: I don't remember, it's been so long
Last movie: I don't remember this either
Currently watching: I'm not watching any shows, but I have been watching my mom play Infinity Nikki
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: Here lately I keep wanting sweet, but my stomach can't actually handle much sweet, I think I just like the aesthetic of eating cookies XD
I'm currently enjoying some tolerably sweet cherry yogurt though
Relationship status: Happily married to my singleness 😌
Favorite color: 💞🩷🌸���🌸💕💘
(Pink for anyone who can't see emojis)
Current obsession: Thiefguard still, also winter and Christmas aesthetics, and sometimes Infinity Nikki but other times I get distracted by it for too long and feel tired of it
Tea or Coffee: My caffeine of choice for the last few years has been Ocean Spray's cranberry and pomegranate Cran Energy, it has some green tea in it so I think it counts here? I usually just drink water though
Last Thing I Googled: If the Dorothy Gale looking dress in Infinity Nikki is limited time, it is, which means it'll probably be gone by the time I get around to playing the game myself, but oh well, I was planning on avoiding the gatcha store anyway I just saw my first hyperfixation and got weak XD
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suad-khaled · 2 months ago
Currently at $45,720—just $280 away from the $46k goal!
Every single day is a battle I can’t win alone. My baby, Khaled, is only 6 months old, and he needs formula, diapers, and warmth to survive. Food suitable for him doesn’t even exist in the market.
💔 Share our campaign. Write a post. Amplify our plea. Your voice could be the one that saves his life.
Follow me for updates and help us reach the finish line. To you, it’s small. To us, it’s everything. 🙏
@lemoneychicken @coochienator @cactus-reblogs @trashrunes @snazzydwarf
@kinderes @anassemblageofpassions @autisticzaphodbeeblebrox @cdzen @catiematie
@electrozeistyking @selfish-solace @whatthefucktaylr @fuckingayassbitch @ruitethewingedfox
@livinghour @masokink @ff2-soda-pop @baeshijima @dirtangeldean
@legendarydaimon @juney-blues @creatconker @eternatuslesbian @androgynealienfemme
@earthmoonlotus @jammatown919 @swapauanon @barringtonishigh @dvanaestmrva
@pandesouth @diamondnokouzai @eggcats @pansexual-misanthropist
@israel-isracist @twisting-roads @square-root-of-moth @thelittlestspider @liferetainsitssparkle
@harley-angel @jedi-valjean @semisgroupie @terrible-life-choice @zakofalltrades
@cybrthrillz @sentient-carrot @fuckingayassbitch @treeen @prime-adeptus
@relelvance @hiya-im-mary
i don't wanna sound hopeless but i feel like so many of you don't care or have stopped caring about palestine.
the news of hospitals being bombed, children being massacred, people dying from the cold, and the famine spreading in gaza does not seem enough to grab attention or make people care.
what new tragedy needs to befall gaza for you to start talking about it? the occupation kills a child every few minutes. people are cold and are starving. refugee camps are being bombed with bombs that can level city blocks.
this all happens because of all of us. we are complicit in this genocide because our governments use the taxes we pay to send weapons to the occupation. weapons that are used to kill children and impose a blockade that is starving 2 million people.
the very fact that we're still going about our days when all of this is going on breaks my heart. especially because we have failed to stop our governments from using our money to arm israel.
i urge you, please be generous and donate to suad and her baby khaled. he is just six months old and suad is unable to find any formula for him. if she finds anything, it is extremely expensive. the baby also needs warm clothes and is suffering from a respiratory problem and needs a nebulizer.
@suad-khaled has been verified [#279]
please help suad and her baby boy
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splatoonpolls · 1 year ago
Maddy Meduasa by @anemonequeen vs Aries! by @ff2-soda-pop
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my splat3 sona! shes a funny anemone girl she's the heiress to the throne of a not-so-distant region called Choralia, populated by mostly sea anemones. She's in hiding though, since she doesnt want the responsibility of being queen and she's strictly anti monarchy. She has a purple clown fish named perseus who's constantly acting like she still wants to be the heiress. She moved to the splatlands from reef city, the capitol of choralia. She constantly has her headphones blasting loud music as a form of stimulation, as she enjoys the vibration. She runs a music store in splatsville called Medusa's Temple, but it's barely open cause she's out playing turf war and napping
The older brother to my other OC, Nova, Aries is literally just Some Guy. He moved to Inkopolis at around 16-18, and has been living there ever since, currently finding steady work at Grizzco (it kinda sucks but like. it pays the bills and stuff). Not much interesting happens to him, he just kinda lives his life, does his salmon run shifts, hangs out with friends... Normal stuff. His little sister moves to Inkopolis too when she's 14, and for a few years nothing happens until he visits her one day and one thing leads to another, and he discovers that she is Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! Also apparently his coworker at Grizzco is part of this too. But um... Okay. Sure. Whatever, as long as she's SAFE about it (is she? haha no. but aries doesn't need to know that <3). Eventually a few years after That he randomly gets a phone call from her and she's like "hey yknow your Job??" and hes like "yeah??" and she just tells him his boss is some mammal creature somehow and just tried to destroy the world. also hes banished to space now i guess. she does not elaborate. he still has to go into work that day. he seems Deeply Confused all day but whenever his coworkers ask hes like "....dont worry about it!" which doesn't actually help and probably just worries them given how he looks Confused and Concerned About Something but keeps being like "nothing is the matter dont worry about it" but really hes just in this constant state of "what. the hell actually??????" 'cause like. what is he even meant to Do with this information. it's not like he can do anything with it really But y'know, aside from whatever That is, he has a completely normal life, but also somehow people he knows keep ending up involved with that sorta thing and he's just. there. just trying to live a Normal Life despite all that going on. compared to my other splatoon ocs hes quite literally just Some Guy sdfghfd
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graminos · 1 year ago
grovyle pmd for the blorbo bingo? :0
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I grew on him A LOT. If there was a "hes so cool hes so cool hes so cool" option I would've circled that one multiple times. He is such a badass pokemon, imo, though he definitely needs therapy. (hes still a dumbass lizard in my brain, though. Just that he is a suave dumbass lizard)
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hannah-heartstrings · 1 year ago
@babyblueetbaemonster tagged me in a game where you use this picrew to make some OCs.
I have a lot of OCs. It took me a bit to decide which ones to make, but looking at the options I found that they're perfect for the main character of my original story, Cottagecore Vampire (working title but I feel like it gets the point across nicely).
Which makes this a good excuse to post character intros. XD So here's the cottagecore vampire herself, Violetta:
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The super cheerful and friendly but lonely vampire. She has a bit of a sunburn because she's bad for not waiting till the sun's completely set before running outside. She spends what time she can with the townspeople, then spends her nights running through the woods, talking to crows, tending her garden and various hobbies, all while slowly weakening because she refuses to hurt anything to drink blood. I love her so much.
The town doesn't know she's a vampire so they don't have context as to why she only comes out at night or bought her bed from the undertaker instead of the carpenter, they just think she's freakin' weird but they adore her anyway.
Also her two best friends:
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The innkeeper's daughter, Jahmelia. Hardworking and adventurous, she wants to help her parents with the inn but she also wants to explore the woods with her best friend and struggles to balance those two things. Is about to enter her rebellion phase.
And Devon, the shy, broody, loner boy who's sweeter than he lets on. Never gets left alone now that Violetta knows that someone else is staying up past midnight.
Thanks for the tag, Blue! This was a lot of fun, and I even worked on the story a bit while working on this.
Now I'm tagging, no pressure: @inkysqueed @emeraldhazeart @aroaceamyrose @ff2-soda-pop @punkinspice @druidx and anyone who wants to.
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suad-khaled · 2 months ago
Currently at $43,090—just $410 away from the $43.5k goal!
Every single day is a battle I can’t win alone. My baby, Khaled, is only 6 months old, and he needs formula, diapers, and warmth to survive. Food suitable for him doesn’t even exist in the market.
💔 Share our campaign. Write a post. Amplify our plea. Your voice could be the one that saves his life.
Follow me for updates and help us reach the finish line. To you, it’s small. To us, it’s everything. 🙏
@lemoneychicken @coochienojutsu @cactus-reblogs @trashrunes @snazzydwarf
@kinderes @anassemblageofpassions @autisticzaphodbeeblebrox @cdzen @catiematie
@electrozeistyking @selfish-solace @whatthefucktaylr @fuckingayassbitch @ruitethewingedfox
@livinghour @masokink @ff2-soda-pop @baeshijima @dirtangeldean
@legendarydaimon @juney-blues @creatconker @eternatuslesbian @androgynealienfemme
@earthmoonlotus @jammatown919 @swapauanon @barringtonishigh @dvanaestmrva
@pandesouth @diamondnokouzai @eggcats @pansexual-misanthropist
@israel-isracist @twisting-roads @square-root-of-moth @thelittlestspider @liferetainsitssparkle
@harley-angel @jedi-valjean @semisgroupie @terrible-life-choice @zakofalltrades
@cybrthrillz @sentient-carrot @fuckingayassbitch @treeen @prime-adeptus
@relelvance @hiya-im-mary
Before the New Year Begins… Give Khaled a Chance at Life
As the world counts down to new beginnings, I’m counting the hours, desperately fighting to keep my baby, Khaled, alive.
Khaled is only 6 months old, a tiny soul who knows nothing of w@r. He doesn’t understand why he cries from hunger or why it’s so hard for him to breathe. But I do. And it breaks me that I can’t give him the simplest of rights: food, medicine, and safety.
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Every child deserves a chance to smile, to breathe, and to live without fear. Khaled deserves that chance
💔 Before the new year begins, will you help Khaled start his life with hope? Here's how you can make an impact:
Share Khaled’s story. One post could connect us to someone who can save him.
Donate today. Even the cost of your coffee can mean another day of life for Khaled.
Write a personal post. Your words can amplify his cry for help.
💡 Give Khaled the gift of life: click here to help.
Let’s come together to give my innocent baby a chance. Let’s end this year with an act of kindness that could change everything. Don’t let Khaled’s cry go unheard.
Please, I need you now more than ever. Khaled needs you. Let’s make sure this story doesn’t end here. Let’s write a story of hope together, Help me save him before it’s too late. 🤲
Please, don’t let us fade away in silence.
I’ve been verified by Nabulsi, El-Shab Hussien, and NorthGazaUpdate, 90-ghost, and I’m listed on the vetted list on 279 line.
@godspersonalclown @murenaaaaa @blue-glasses-dork @tomathomatommy @whimsical-musingss
@ctechnoblade @nerdytextileartist @helloemptyset @rhythm-of-the-wardrums @paper-mario-wiki
@punkitt-is-here @peri-requiem @antixabound @antixabound @shadowinthetrees
@charrednewt @apocalyptic-dancehall @nevert-the-guy @x-critter2022 @bigboobshaunt
@maxknightley @jesterraconteuse @ikeepforgettimypassword @averagenotnormal @jenqatower
@kingofthebookcase @funhousefreakwrites @redacted-metallum @quartzyposts @6yin6yang6
@mazm-imagines @ur-local-anxiety-gremlin @sminny-wew @ocherednoe-dno @wolf-tail
@stabbedwitharustyynail @keysmandude @hamsterlover38 @phoibos-querella @arachnidtub
@mansikka-wizard @welcometogrouchland @willowthighpillow @ssenza @shikse
@gh4ul @sundung @fandom-master-mind @aconstantallegory @proffittproductions
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graminos · 1 year ago
trick or treat! :D (i almost made a typo but. dw about it sdfghjhg)
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hannah-heartstrings · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @druidx to make an oc in this picrew. Actually there was a choice between picrews, but I just had to pick that one, it's too cute.
So here's Lecrinn:
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She's a sweetroll topped with cinnamon and strawberries.
(Actual Lecrinn for reference)
Mostly I was trying to make it match her color scheme. The paper's supposed to be her leather armor, with the black ribbon being that strap that goes across the front. I thought cinnamon might match her hair, and the strawberry her red hood.
But also being sweet with a touch of spice seemed to fit her. And she loves strawberries.
Plus there's the cinnamon roll meme. XD
The wooden plate fits the colors nicely but was actually picked to represent the Waterfront, where she grew up.
Two bonus versions I couldn't resist making:
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This one seems to be masked with grayish fox icing.
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And I laughed when I clicked on that option. The lines imply to me that it's trying to attack me, like I'm being threatened by a cupcake, which is probably what it feels like to be threatened by Lecrinn.
Tagging: @emeraldhazeart @aroaceamyrose @babyblueetbaemonster @inkysqueed @ff2-soda-pop if you guys want to, plus anyone else who does.
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hannah-heartstrings · 2 years ago
Thumbprint Challenge
Thanks for the tag, @druidx!
Rules: look back on your work, both past and present, finished and unfinished. what are five to ten narrative elements or tropes that continuously pop up in your work?
I have so many things that crop up a lot, sometimes I think I’m just writing the same story over and over. XD
1. Found Family
2. Dealing with trauma and recovery
3. Best friends who are polar opposites
4. A small cast of characters that I either treat like they’re all the main character or it shifts who the main character is each story in the series
5. One character that’s always causing trouble and loving every minute of it
6. One character who’s perpetually done with the rest
7. One character with big dreams of changing/saving the world but has crippling self doubt (who isn’t based on anyone in particular I’m suuure)
8. Parallels, so many parallels, a lot of them on accident XD
9. A lot of my stories don’t actually have romance but if they do I basically have one ship dynamic and it’s girl with way too much to deal with and her emotional support best friend who’s had a crush on her practically since he met her
10. A flat arc character whose struggle is to not change, to hold on to their hope and to what makes them themselves when the world tells them to give it up
I love all of these tropes sooo much, which is probably why they show up so often.
I really love this one, so I'm going to tag a lot of people. XD @ff2-soda-pop @emeraldhazeart @inkysqueed @mareenavee @sylvienerevarine @nerevar-quote-and-star @daisywords @toboldlywrite
No pressure! And if anyone else wants to, consider yourself tagged.
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kinzvestigation · 3 years ago
Hello! I was wondering... What was the T-shirt Designer? I only have vague memories of it, but also have some stuff related to it in one of my rooms on my old account but also I can't remember what it exactly did? Also I'm struggling to find information...
The T-shirt designer was a feature accessed via the kinzstyle outlet that let you, well... design a t-shirt! you had access to a variety of graphics to just slam together into any egregious mass your five year old self wanted. after you finished, you had the option to be taken to the estore to purchase a real life version of the shirt you just made!
I'm very curious about what you mean by having "stuff related to it" in one of your rooms, the only thing i can think of is that when the shirt came, it had a code for a virtual version of the real life version of the virtual shirt you bought that you could hang on a wall. that would have to mean you'd bought one!
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senseiwu · 2 years ago
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I posted 11,474 times in 2022
That's 5,828 more posts than 2021!
3,111 posts created (27%)
8,363 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,798 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 2,325 posts
#sensei wu - 662 posts
#asks - 436 posts
#my art - 348 posts
#videos - 328 posts
#lord garmadon - 232 posts
#nya smith - 223 posts
#zane julien - 210 posts
#ninjago morro - 203 posts
#misako montgomery garmadon - 202 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#idk how tjeyre all in ninjago 💔 maybe they remember skybound somehow and are like 'yknow what screw nadakhan he doesnt actually care about
My Top Posts in 2022:
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It's this meme
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unsmooth dareth.
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Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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graminos · 1 month ago
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im ngl, im pretty sure this was automatically downloaded from one of my chat groups, cus I dont remember manually downloading this lol
@whentheleahvesfall, @birdkittenn, @ff2-soda-pop, @earthykinous and anyone else can join in!
Let’s play a game
Everyone post the most recent picture in your camera roll. You only get one sentence to justify yourself if you wish. This one is mine.
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My boyfriend is rly good at Latin, so I was looking up how to say ‘I love you’ but found this instead :)
Your turn!
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