#ff satans coffee house
ma-worm · 5 years
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Satans’s Coffee house lock/home screen
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lil-dorkling · 5 years
Bright Moon 7
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Chocolate grabbed hold of a busy Coffee and made Coffee sit down next to him.
Coffee: Oh, sorry there customer. Here's your coffee.
Chocolate: Coffee...
Coffee: Sorry for the wait, here's your sandwich.
Chocolate: . . . Coffee?
Coffee: You changed your hairstyle today. It looks good. Uh... yeah!
Chocolate: (Sigh) Coffee, can you lend me this beautiful young lady? (Sound of kissing the back of a hand) Thank you. Of course, nice young ladies are always so adorable.
Coffee: Chocolate? What's wrong? What's happened?
Chocolate: Coffee, you've been busy all day. You haven't taken one break.
Coffee: But . . . so many customers. . . 
Chocolate: (Coffee is pushed onto the sofa) Don't worry so much. Right now, you need to rest.
Coffee: Uh. . . but. . . what about the customers?
Chocolate: Shh—right now, you just need to sit on this sofa and watch me.
Coffee: Huh! . . . Alright. Thank you.
Chocolate: My pleasure.
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asexual-levia-tan · 6 years
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that explains some things
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this i would demand an explanation for if i wasnt terrified of the answer
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startouched · 4 years
ff milk skin story translation.
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translator. wanted to share this cute little flavor story for milk’s new skin, master of demons. a lot of it retells the events in milk and coffee’s backstories - what happened to their MA, how satan’s coffee house was founded, why it’s called that - but i found it a much-improved retelling, lol.
i usually translate for the ff wiki, but figured i’d post this one here too. if you have any questions or corrections, feel free to message me!
Today was spring cleaning for Satan's Coffee House.
Without my even realizing it, a long time had passed since Coffee and I first came to this forest. In the beginning, there was only him and I - but now, many new friends have joined in.
And as the number of people at Satan's Coffee House increased, so too did the amount of stuff we accrued. Since we had some spare time today, we decided to tidy up all the things from days gone by.
"...this is your dress?" Black Tea suddenly asked. I turned my head and saw that she had found a long black dress in a pile of my clothes.
"It might be." I thought it looked familiar, but it definitely wasn't my style.
Black Tea bent down again and pulled out a much heavier object from where she'd found that dress. "...and this one?"
She pointed at that massive black battleaxe, looking at me like she was seeing me in a new light - and I finally remembered.
That outfit was from a very, very long time ago - a time before Satan's Coffee House even existed.
Back then, Coffee and I lived in the township with our Master Attendant. Until one day, a great fire killed our Master Attendant and left our home in ruins.
To realize Master Attendant's lifelong dream, Coffee and I opened a coffee house in the township. With Tiramisu's help, business went well.
But not too long after, Tiramisu came to me secretly and told me the truth. This prosperous scene we saw was actually something Master Attendant had asked her to create. Humans had not actually accepted this new beverage called "coffee" - they only braved drinking it because Tiramisu was offering kickbacks.
Furthermore, Tiramisu revealed that Master Attendant's death was not an accident. It was in fact a murder by those who objected to food souls and humans being treated equally.
I asked Tiramisu why she told this to me, and only me.
She responded that after Master Attendant died, I seemed much calmer about it than Coffee did, so she felt that I would more quickly recover from the shock of knowing the truth.
She said, too, that she was very worried about Coffee. The truth had to come out eventually, but she saw how much love Coffee had put into this coffee house. After hesitating for a long time, she finally decided to tell me the truth and let me decide what to do.
"You should tell him. He will make his own decision." That is how I answered Tiramisu.
The next day, the store was as busy as it always was, and I did the things I needed to do as I always did.
Even though I knew the people in front of me might be forcibly suppressing their terror just to smile at us, that the coffees I so carefully packaged for them might just be sneakily thrown away after they left, I did not show any signs of unease.
We were merely buyer and seller. It did not matter why they came here, so long as they paid me and I provided the service we offered.
Then, Tiramisu arrived. Without causing a fuss, she asked to speak to Coffee alone.
That day, even when the coffee house closed for the night, Coffee did not return. I closed the store and cleaned up. Finally, I found him alone on the roof, staring blankly into the distance. Tiramisu had already quietly left some time ago.
Coffee seemed to know everything. He looked at me; I waited for his decision.
After a long moment of silence, he finally opened his mouth. "Let's leave this place. Let's go somewhere where people can't find us."
I had already prepared myself for whatever he might say, but when he said it for real, it took me a moment before I could respond to him calmly. "Okay," I said.
After that day, we spent a little time packing our belongings and closed down that short-lived coffee house. Coffee was in low spirits the entire time, but he said nothing to me. When we were together, he was always the one who led the conversation; now that he was silent, I did not know where to begin.
This continued until the day before we left. After I finished packing my own bags, I noticed Coffee sitting in the coffee house. In front of him were the empty tables and a single key.
That was the key to Master Attendant's house, and that was the home that Coffee and I once lived in. But in the great fire, our door had burnt away. This house key no longer had a purpose.
I rarely tried to guess at people's thoughts; that was too troublesome for me. But today, I was struck by a sudden desire to do something for Coffee. So I asked him, "Do you want to go home and look around?"
After the fire, we had not gone back. Coffee did not want to dwell on old memories, while I simply thought it did not matter what happened to the house if Master Attendant was not there. So I, too, never went back.
"Coffee, I don't like repeating myself."
"...no, I don't want to go. Tomorrow, we'll leave this place. I don't want to do something irreversible because I got upset."
"Then you should go back and rest. I'll go take a walk."
Coffee stood up. As he walked by me, he patted my head as if he were trying to comfort me - but right now, he seemed more in need of comfort than I did.
I considered the key that had been left on the coffee table, and then I walked over and picked it up.
The fire had turned Master Attendant's house into a wasteland.
I didn't know why Coffee still had lingering feelings towards a pile of broken shingles, but I had decided to come here in his stead. Perhaps this way, he would feel a little happier.
But as I walked through all the black ash, I couldn't find anything to even represent our Master Attendant. I wanted to bid a final farewell to him - but nothing was left.
I looked in every corner until finally, I found a milk crate that had fallen over near the door. This milk crate had been blackened entirely; it was nothing like how I remembered it. But when I recognized it for what it was, I suddenly felt a twinge of emotion.
Back then, one of the jobs Master Attendant had given me was getting milk from this milk crate every morning. It was a boring job, and I constantly rebelled against it, but in the end, I couldn't talk logic into him.
"It might seem like a repetitive task, but there's still something different about it every day. The milk you get each day is different, the temperature of each day is different, the flowers in the garden are different, and..."
He was too long-winded. I didn't care to listen, so I would simply turn and leave.
Later on, Coffee became a part of our lives. Once, he secretly told me that Master Attendant did all of this on purpose. Master Attendant thought my feelings towards life were too bland, and only when I was forced to do something repetitive would I seem a little more "lively."
In other words, it was just to make me angry. Truly a man of poor taste.
Back then, I often thought it would be better if I didn't have to do this kind of repetitive task. But after Master Attendant left us and my thoughts became reality, I didn't feel any happier.
Thinking about this, I decided to open that milk crate one last time. I intended to put the house key in it - perhaps that could be considered a fitting farewell.
But entirely outside of my expectations, the crate was not empty. In it was a letter.
Because the milk crate was far from the ignition point, the letter had escaped the all-consuming fire. Perhaps this was the only thing left in this world that belonged to Master Attendant. 
I opened it.
Even more unexpectedly, this letter had been left to Coffee and me by our Master Attendant. Before the incident, Master Attendant had had a premonition that something might happen, so they encouraged Coffee and me to leave. When he was alone, he hurriedly wrote this letter - and soon after that, he was attacked by those of the opposing faction and perished in the fire.
The letter was horribly long. It was just as long-winded as Master Attendant.
There were a few important points.
Master Attendant believed that food souls were heaven's gift to the world, so he had always fought to have the people around them accept the existence of food souls. But he had also understood that if he sacrificed himself for this cause, then Coffee and I would likely flee from humanity, never to return.
So he could only leave us this letter. He said - in this world, there are many places where humans need the help of food souls. He hoped that we would continue to help people, but that this was his own selfish wish. He could not order us to do so, so he left this letter in the milk crate.
"With the way you've always hated this crate, Milk - perhaps when I'm gone, you'll never open it again. So, I'll leave it up to fate to decide if you see this letter or not."
"Of course, on the slightest chance that you, Milk, will once again be willing to open this crate, see this letter, and even read to this point, I just want to say - see, even if you've done the same thing ten thousand times, sometimes there's still serendipitous results, right? So in the end, this argument is mine to win."
...what a truly persistent man.
I took the letter back to the coffee house and told all of this to Coffee. After he read it, he was silent for a long time.
Our bags were already packed; tomorrow's carriage was already booked. The coffee shop had already been sold to a new owner. But I knew none of this mattered. The important part was what he thought of it.
Should we help humanity? Or should we flee from them?
"Go to bed early. Tomorrow, our departure time is rather early."
In the end, that was his answer.
After Coffee and I left the township, in many parts of Gloriville, mysterious black mailboxes appeared overnight. People were surprised and terrified; after all, no one knew who set them up.
This was Coffee's idea. In the end, he still decided to give humans a chance.
To use Master Attendant's words - a mailbox like this might only have the slightest chance of someone writing or sending a letter in it. This was all he was willing to offer.
Since humans thought food souls were terrifying creatures, then we would use the equally terrifying Satan as our logo. Coffee wanted to see under what circumstances would humans surrender to their desires and, without regard to the consequences, make a deal with those they considered demons.
For a long time, the mailbox remained empty.
Until one day, the first letter showed up. But this letter's contents were far different from what we had expected.
The writer was a child. He used simple and childish words to explain that his village had been destroyed, and he was willing to trade his soul to the demons in exchange for his parents' lives.
Without hesitating, we decided to visit that address of this letter.
Surprisingly, in that village, we saw Tiramisu, who we had not seen for a long time. She was helping with the wounded in the village in arranging a recovery plan for after the disaster; she seemed quite practiced at the task.
When she saw us, her eyes lit up and she immediately recruited us to help out. We worked until nightfall, until everything was finally organized.
"Good thing you came! It was your hard work that made everything go so smoothly." Tiramisu had been busy all day, but her face still held a smile. The happiness and gratitude, too, that the villagers showed Coffee and me left us at a bit of a loss.
We quickly left that place.
On the way back, Coffee suddenly told me that he finally grasped a bit of what Master Attendant's letter had been about.
Humans did not naturally hate food souls - rather, they were too weak, so they felt fear at the sudden existence of a stronger force. They were weak; that was why they wanted to get rid of those who were not.
I expressed my agreement.
When we came back, Coffee and I wrote a response to that child's letter, using the names of his parents. We told him that his parents were doing well; they were living in a place called Satan's Coffee House, and even though they were not by his side, they would always protect him.
Afterwards, with Coffee's "encouragement," I bought a black dress and pretended to be a real demon to deliver that letter to the child's house.
When the child finished reading the letter, he held it to his chest like it was a precious jewel and fearfully stared at me. "Are you going to take my soul?"
I answered him, "Of course. But your soul is too little right now. We have decided to leave it with you for now, for at least a hundred years."
That was the story behind this outfit.
The story of Coffee and I, and the story of the entirety of Satan's Coffee House, began in that moment.
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medaart · 5 years
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Thanks for the warm reception to my previous FF arts! I decided to draw some more (the plan is to eventually do the entire Satan’s Coffee House crew in this style). 
If you’re interested in a character I haven’t drawn yet, please check the commission info at the top of my page!
Previous Food Fantasy art: Milk x Black Tea | Coffee x Chocolate
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constelix · 6 years
a bang for your buck
christopher bang on “queer eye”
*this isn’t meant to be hate or disrespectful, i just thought about this at like 1 am and i finished watching season 3 yesterday so yeah.*
q: why did you nominate chris?
woojin: he needs sleep :( *continues listing off reasons*
minho: honestly? i just wanted to meet the fab 5 and join them, but chris needs them too i guess.
changbin: hopefully the fab 5 will help me too so everyone can stop clowning me.
hyunjin: he just really needs it, all aspects of it.
han: take one look at him and tell me he’s sane.
felix: my fellow aussie needs all the help he can get, it’s for the best.
seungmin: hopefully this will get one more sane member in the group, i’m almost about to go insane myself. i just need that someone to keep me sane and i’m hopeful that that member will be chris.
jeongin: please help him :(
antoni: so in your kitchen i see a bunch of fried chicken, ramen, and coffee. do you ever cook?
chris: i live in a dorm with 8 children who will burn the house down with a teddy bear, please don’t take my coffee away it’s the reason why i’m even awake right now.
bobby: so, i’m not seeing much of “you” in this space. tell me about that.
chris: i’m only here for like 2 hours and that’s only to make sure the building is in shambles and to make sure everyone’s still alive. other than that i’m always in ~jyp~ so come on over buddy.
jonathan: ~baby boy~ (inherited from chris), what’s going on with your hair? it’s more fried than all the chicken you eat! you need some self! care! get that 9 hours of sleep! get that healthy, curly locks! get that life style you deserve!
chris: all i heard was ~baby boy~ and chicken.
karamo: dude, you need sleep. you need ~chris time~. you need to make sure you take care of yourself.
chris: i have 8 children, that’s literally impossible. what’s “sleep”, i’ve never heard of that before and ~chris time~? i think you mean chan’s room.
tan: i can’t throw any of this away because it’s all stray kids merch, but the ones that aren’t merch you pulls off. but i’m thinking about giving you some color-
chris: *is already back in australia*
q: any final thoughts, comments, or messages about/for chris?
antoni: spice up your life. and hire a housekeeper or something ffs you need help with those 8 kids of yours. maybe getting a ~corgi~ will help teach them ~responsibility~.
jonathan: i have literally no words for once. but he did teach me my new favorite phrase ~baby boy~ and ~baby girl~. i think he called them ~baby stay~.
bobby: come back home ffs.
karamo: dude take care of yourself ffs.
tan: add some color to your life ffs when i opened your closet it looked like satan’s asshole.
minho: bro i love you but just take care of yourself. 🅱️ops don’t make themselves.
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ff-translations · 6 years
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FF translations: Milk Tea Fondness Story V
Milk Tea 「Eh? You’re done with your story already? Macaron hasn’t even heard enough yet! 」 「Of course its not done, let me rest a little then continue, okay?」 In some forest in Gloriville, there is a Satan Coffee Shop where many food souls are gathered together.
Even though MIlk Tea isn’t part of their group, she would still go over with Tiramisu after one of their many adventures to share the stories that they’ve experienced along their journey, as well as the stories that she wishes to write. After all, Satan Cafe is the place where she met Tiramisu, and all the food souls here all have something that she’s curious about but can never figure out. But, even though she has went on many travels with Tiramisu, she still can’t figure out why Tiramisu wishes for peace so much. 「After that, TIramisu went to the forest to look for the Monkey Wine. Here, this is the other jar that we brought back. 」 While she was still telling her tales, Milk Tea poured out some cherry wine at the same time. The mellow scent of the wine attracted a curious Macaron over.
「Did you guys not meet the monkeys at that time?」 Milk set down her cake, sat by Macaron, and listened to her stories. 「We did meet them, that day was super thrilling, we were almost seen by the monkeys!」 「If we were noticed, it would have been such a war-- Macaron, you cannot drink!」 「Uwah…...Why does Macaron feel like her head is spinning, the world too.」 「I’ll bring her back to the room to rest then.」 After stealing a sip of the wine that Milk Tea brought back, Macaron who is a food soul who has never had a drop of wine before didn’t know that the Monkey Wine would be so strong. With only one cup, she already fainted into Milk’s arms.
「Then will you come back later, Milk Jie Jie?」 「No, I still have other work to do.」 「Listening to a story isnt a repititive task, right? Milk Jie Jie do you not wish to come and listen more…...」 「What did you say?」 「No, nothing!」 Milk carried Macaron in her arms and stood up. Sending Milk off with a smile, Milk Tea pushed her glasses up and pulled out her diary from her trunk, and in it contains a list of synopsis for the story that she wants to write this time. Seeing that there was no one around Milk Tea anymore, Tiramisu walked up to her and read the story in her diary over her shoulder, then let out a laugh. 「Romeo and Juliet, their families have a deep hatred for each other. Their mothers were the closest of friends because their houses were opposite each other’s, and under the private encouragement of their mothers, the romance between the two bravely budded, and even helped their families gradually make peace with each other--Milk Tea, is this the story you want to write about this time?」 「It’s just an initial thought, I still want to write an adventure novel and let them be in love while adventuring--so this time, I’m preparing to leave tomorrow.」 Upon hearing Milk Tea’s words, Tiramisu’s expression was one of shock. She always knew that Milk Tea loved to travel around and not stay in one place for too long, but she never thought that she would leave so soon this time. Even on the day they first met, after Milk Tea started talking to her, she already invited Tiramisu to go on a trip, but that still a decision that she made after a few days of getting to know Milk Tea more. 「After all, this time I’m writing an adventure novel and there’s a sense of urgency, so if I go to an environment that is suitable for adventure, I should get more inspiration!」 With the excited look that MIlk Tea showed, Tiramisu tilted her head to the side and let out a little smile. 「Yeah, what you’re saying is very logical. Then I’ll be looking forward to your new work~」
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no53472 · 6 years
More after the cut--nevermind, the cut is gone.
Tagged by @spaceaceben !!!
Nicknames: What if you guys just call me No (aaand confusion ensues)
Height: 5'1" on a good day (I am a smol tiny ass gremlin because, yknow, closer to the ground, closer to Satan)
Time: Game time ffff
Fave Band/Artist: P!atD, Lauv, Two Feet, Emmit Fenn, Terror Jr
Song stuck in my head: Caramel by Terror Jr
Last movie I watched: Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse 👌
Last thing I Googled: Jollibee delivery hotline (lmao)
Other blogs:
Do I get asks: On rare occasions 😭
Why did I choose this URL: It's a code and it's the only one I tried that wasn't taken ffs
Following: Lots of HPHM peeps/RPs, HPHM/Harry Potter fanartists, aesthetics, some memes
What am I wearing: My shame My coziest hoodie and lounge shorts
Dream trip: I've never been to Africa nor South America
Fave food: Pasta, ox tongue, fried chicken, nachos, yakitori is up there too
Instruments: Piano
Hair color: As black as my soul
Languages: English, Filipino, a teaspoon of Spanish
Most iconic song: All Star by Smashmouth
Random fact about me: I travel a lot. My last big trip was all around the Adriatic coast. 10/10 would go again
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Nationality: Filipino (Hmu, kabayan homies)
Fave fruit: I think it's called sugar apple in English
Season: We only have wet and scalding hellscape here, so I'm going with wet.
Scent: Bamboo, mint, or lemon
Color: Burgundy
Animal: DOGGO
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Coffee
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hours
Fave fictional character: Tal-butt for HPHM
Year blog was created: 2018 August
Fave subject: English in high school, communication skills (speech, basically) and history in college
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Fave artist: (Senpais suddenly followed me recently so... I'm too shy to say 😬)
Tagging: @sbunny-sbook, @sungoddessra, @neonbluewaves if you haven't already! 🌟
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