#ff g'raha
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celestefox13 · 7 months ago
So..... can we talk about how Sphene is a foil to Shadowbringers G'raha?
Like, under slightly different circumstances, or if he started to doubt his plan having a chance at success, he could've distressingly easily become like Sphene.
He admits to how he tried everything he could think of to save the WoL on the gondola ride. And the unspoken part, that perhaps even he doesn't consciously realize or want to acknowledge, is that he did everything he could think of without violating his morals. He held onto lines he wouldn't cross.
But what if he hadn't? What if his poor heart finally broke and he decided the means were justified if it meant saving the one person he wanted to save?
Or what if Emet got to him and figured him out sooner and managed to get the idea in his head that an umbral calamity would be a small price to pay if it meant saving the WoL?
The scale is arguably smaller, and much more intimate and close to the heart, than Sphene, but the steps to lead to that alternate timeline where our precious G'raha Tia burns the world and beyond if it means saving us was probably a lot closer than we ever dare consider.
The fact that he managed to endure and save everything that he did while going through all of the research about what leads up to the WoL's death in the world he woke up to, and didn't lose his morals in the pursuit of saving the WoL is an impressive display of mental and emotional fortitude.
But his poor heart. All those years of stress and frustration whenever a wall was hit, or an idea didn't work out when applied even in theory.
Their desperation levels even reach similar points. Because on every try to pull the WoL to the First, there IS desperation in his voice, increasingly so with each attempt. The try that finally works, he rushes to where they land because he has to be sure. He has to see with his own eyes to confirm that this plan that he finally landed on after YEARS of hard work and research is at least working on step 1. That he's finally gained a foothold on his goal.
And what a blessing that that plan didn't end up like Sphene's. That he never hit a point where the thought of "by any means necessary" truly meant by ANY means necessary. But now I wonder and worry about how close he may have been to that edge.
"This tragedy, even greater than the Seventh Umbral Calamity, must be undone. If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten." - G'raha Tia about his goal to save the WoL
"For them I will do anything. If bloodshed will save my subjects, I will become history's most brutal Queen." - Sphene about her goal to save the Endless
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celestefox13 · 6 months ago
Good. He doesn't get enough chances to
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he yappin'
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agui-chart · 5 months ago
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chaobunnyarts · 2 years ago
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Scion postcards! I’ll have these at Fanfest as part of my Delivery Moogle cosplay. Tell me who your favorite scion is and I’ll give you a postcard from them!
If I’m out of your favorite scion, well, Soroban will always have your back!
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yzeltia · 1 month ago
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meullie · 2 years ago
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i forgot to post this on here
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ryunumber · 4 months ago
what's the number for the Crystal Exarch from FFXIV?
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G'raha Tia a.k.a. the Crystal Exarch has a Ryu Number of 3/2.
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year ago
ok so ive never properly played genshin and don’t plan to but i know a bit about it’s lore and characters and i think it’s really neat. however i have thousands of hours on ffxiv. on that note please explain why graha and childe are similar. i only have very basic knowledge on childe and i gotta know
Fellow ffxiv enjoyer. <3
(anyone asking me about G'raha has a 100% chance of getting a wall of text and I'm not apologising for that. enjoy your wall of text)
I'm not entirely sure I'm not a case of a person with a hammer to whom everything resembles a nail, but I do think they are the same archetype.
Sweet characters who could have been perfect sidekicks (who still are perfect sidekicks) but listened to too many epic tales as kids and found themselves in a wrong place at a wrong time and now have to play a key role in some universe-changing story.
Both are defined mostly by their stubborness, they are not very suitable for the roles they've chosen and fail over and over again until they do it somewhat right (barely).
No matter how badass they look, their power is not their own, G'raha is a glorified technician of someone else's miracle and little else than a living key, Childe wields an art of old Khaenri'ah without fully understanding it. It's all borrowed from someone else who needed them to achieve a goal.
They do look badass, but mostly because they larp. I'm honestly not sure which one enjoys theatrics more.
Civilisations that created the magic they use specialised in perversion of the natural order of things. They try to use it in relatively noble ways and mostly hurt themselves but the flavour is there.
Both are unbelievably tragic and both somehow make their stories seem almost lighthearted. Complete absense of self-pity. I think that's what makes them both so charming, it's a rare trait.
Both have an incredible capacity for loyalty and love and an incredibly twisted view of what relationships look like. "I'll cross time and space for you, I'll die for you, I'll build a city for you, I'll live for you but please don't ask me to share my plans." "I'll sacrfice my own health and respect of my subordinates to keep my brother's happyness, probably my humanity too, but don't expect me to actually interact with him."
Both have something that looks like self-sacrificial tendencies bordering on suicidality while being, if we are honest, a self-serving trait (partially born out of low self-esteem but still self-serving). They want to live in an old myth and sacrificing oneself is a perfectly reasonable price for that.
Huge egos. And I mean Huge Egos. It's a bit less obvious in Graha's case but I know the type, you see guys like that in PhD programs a lot.
Huge dorks. Both of them.
Both are stuck somewhere between human and non-human and, hmm... their ability to remain human is the most astonishing quality of both. By all accounts, neither should have. They somehow did.
Both are incapable of lying to the point where a third of each fandom headcanons them as autistic. Both are somewhat all right with tricking people without technically lying (although Childe had more practice).
Both are secretive because no one would understand anyway.
FF XIV is a kinder story, so it's easy to overlook, but technically G'raha is a case of body horror, accepts the role of a villain for a while and hides from the player way too much. Hmmm... Where else have I seen it. Hmm. Oh right. That ginger guy from Genshin.
Minor things:
Both are little shits and enjoy annoying the hell out of people they dislike.
Abysmally bad fashion sense. There should be a name for this particular type and level of bad. I don't think I've seen this anywhere else.
And then there's the colour scheme. Red+black+white+blue and red+black+light grey+blue (it's an "anime magician" color profile, I think. black-red-white as alchemy colours + blue as pure magic/something elemental). Childe doesn't quite fit but still the combination is rare.
They way they talk. Dear gods. Who the hell talks like that.
Here's where the similarities end.
One is morally grey but ultimately a good guy (technically. I think the point of ShB was that Emet and G'raha are almost the same), another is a morally grey but still (kind of) a bad buy.
At every step of his story Graha is surrounded by people who love or at least appreciate him, Childe is pretty much on his own and surrounded by people who are either shitty or clueless.
G'raha is kind. Truly and astonishingly kind, in a doomed world he chooses to love everything he touches. Silly little priest of hope. Of all the things he has done this is the most wondrous, I think. Not the time travel, not the city he founded, just being able to remain kind after everything that happened to him.
Childe is... well, Childe. I think he is a deeply decent person (to the point of having a visceral distaste for any kind of unfairness) and he's idealistic but he's indifferent more than he is kind. Empathy usually develops only when someone has shown the person empathy first and, as far as we know, he didn't have much of that in his life.
Also G'raha builds things. Childe breaks things. Childe breaks pretty much everything he touches.
One is an archeologist and a mage and another is a warrior.
I think these differences are caused mostly by the settings they were put into. Childe raised in Sharlayan would have been a very different person. G'raha trained by a voidsent and shipped off to Garlean military would look very much like Childe.
G'raha also has a beautiful character development arc. I love his ShB role. He has this huge ego in the raids and is insufferable and then we see an older and wiser him with a bunch of actual achievements and a bad case of impostor syndrome (trying to do anything real always humbles a person, we all know that real world is held together by sticks and scotch tape. honestly, this change alone is beautiful). And he gets to be an actual hero when he abandons all hope to be Important and resigns to die as a nameless villain if it saves everyone and spares his loved ones from heartbreak.
Childe's character development is yet to happen and I'm not hoping for much but we'll see.
The only difference that definitely isn't created by setting is that G'raha is naturally manipulative. In a kind-hearted way and mostly for the sake of better larp but he isn't that straightforward. Childe is spectacularly blunt for all his mysteriousness.
As a bonus, they both compare main characters to stars, but in completely different ways.
"No doubt your heroism will be the star by which I chart my course," says G'raha to the WoL.
Childe mentions the morning star, which is, of course, pretty and a good companion to a lonely traveler, but also it's not a celestial body you can chart your course by.
It's a guy whose signature weapon is called "Polar Star" and his first artifact set was full of nautical themes, so I think he fully understands what he's saying. "You are my friend but I won't change anything in my life for you."
So I don't think his story will be anything like G'raha's, his life took a different turn very long ago. I do think they used to be similar as kids, bookish boys who dreamed of adventure and being special. So it's fun to compare.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. <3
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cryptid-crusader · 2 years ago
I am getting near the end of Shadowbringers and I just did the fight with Vauthry and I just keep thinking about how when you first get to the Crystarium you can ask the Crystal Exarch about G'raha and the Exarch is just like "Who?" :) But you know that boy was over come with the joy that he was remembered by the one he holds so dear and worked so hard for for so long. Shits got me 🥲
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greenleafo · 1 year ago
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Last cozy winter commission of 2023 with a lovely WoL and G'raha! Thank you so much for the support <3
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eriyu · 1 year ago
I was looking through your character's tag and I saw that she has relationships ranging from 'very complicated' to 'fuck buddies and very uncomplicated' and I just want to know more about them. Specifically, why is her relationship with Raha complicated as opposed to Thancred where it's simple?
Oh I love this question. :D
The short answer is just because G'raha is in love with her and Thancred isn't.
There's never been so much as a hint of romantic feeling between her and Thancred, and they've both had their share of casual sex before, so it's very easy for them to just be FWB. That's not to say nothing's ever strained their friendship, between various traumatic events, one of them accidentally spending five bonus years in another world, etc etc, but I say it's simple because there's zero desire on either of their parts for it to be anything but platonic.
G'raha, on the other hand....... Ehryu really, really cares about him; he is one of her favorite people ever, and she is physically attracted to him, but she's grey-aro and if her feelings are romantic at all (maybe? if she squints hard enough?), it's not at all the same as what he feels for her.
So Ehryu thinks he deserves more than what she's willing and able to give him and doesn’t want to lead him on and hurt him, and for G'raha's part, he doesn't want to tie her down or guilt her into anything she doesn’t want. At the same time, it's very difficult for both of them to ignore that there's something there, and eventually (during 5.4) they do talk it out and come to a compromise that lets me be self-indulgent makes both of them happy. :')
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jbcatboyedits · 1 year ago
*Me on Saturday seeing I had Reddit notifications and my twitter was not loading*
"somethings happened in the FFXIV fandom: Dawntrails Date drop?"
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Well I guess I have to edit the video stills
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Lol yeah, two mentions in under six months what's going on? I'm happy but I'm never getting used to hearing him talk about G'raha.
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sebritz · 1 year ago
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mr tia
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agui-chart · 6 months ago
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Asteria's learning dragoon
(and the curse of being an adorable cat)
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chaobunnyarts · 2 years ago
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I reprinted the Scion postcards I made for Fanfest and added them to my fanart shop!
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yzeltia · 6 months ago
FFXIVwrite2024 6. Halcyon
Characters: Wuk Lamat, Gulool Ja Ja, Koana, V'anille Tia, U'rahn Nuhn, Zoraal Ja, Y'zel Tia, Bakool Ja Ja, Gulool Ja, Krile Mayer, G'raha Tia, Violet Fisher, Alisaie Leveilleur Expansion: Dawntrail Rating: T Summary: Lamaty'i's perfect day.
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“Papa! Papa! Watch this!”
Wuk Lamat let out a little howl of excitement as she launched herself up in the air, spiking a blue and white ball with her ball toward Koana as the Head of Resolve turned to watch while crunching loudly on a rather large taco. Koana rushed forward but found himself stumbling into the sand, letting the ball bounce beside him then whiz past toward V’anille at the aetheric barrier the former had created to make use as a goal. A loud victory fanfare played across the beach as Wuk Lamat let out a “Wahoo!” and turned to give a high-ten to U'rahn at their goal.
“Well done Lamaty'i,” Gulool Ja Ja praised, giving a booming clap of his hands together. “Though we shall see your victory short lived once Zoraal Ja is ready to play. Isn't that right son?”
Zoraal Ja let out a grunt of acknowledgement, narrowing his eyes as he rolled his shoulders only to straighten up and let out a surprised gasp as a pair of hands slid down his back.
“Sit still will you! Your scales will dry out from the salt if you don't let me do this,” a pink-haired Miqo'te scolded, popping up from behind Zoraal Ja’s back, rubbing lotion over his arms.
“Sorry,” Zoraal mumbled, facing away from his family. 
Wuk Lamat crossed her arms and leaned toward Koana as he brushed the sand off his body and readjusted his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Hey. Who's that all over Zoraal Ja?”
“I believe it is the Doman Consort, Y'zel Tia,” Koana responded.
“Ooooooh. I didn't think Zoraal Ja would let anyone get that close to him…if he wasn't trying to stab them,” Wuk Lamat mused before covering her mouth with her paw. “Are they…?”
“That is none of our businesses Lamaty'i. You've already proposed on one brother’s behalf. At this rate you'll be playing matchmaker for father too,” Koana sighed before idly playing with his wedding ring as he looked over to V'anille smiling and giving him a little wave then jumping as a loud popping sound shot across the beach. 
“Aw…my ball,” U’rahn whined, slumping a little as his ears drooped as Bakool Ja Ja lifted his foot and peeled the flattened off his foot.
“Why did you do that Bakool Ja Ja!?” Wuk Lamat demanded, tail flicking up in anger as she stomped a foot into the sand.
Bakool Ja Ja cowered back a bit. “I just…,” the Mystic started.
“I just wanted to play too,” Mighty finished before shoving a bag into Wuk Lamat’s arms before running away with tears in his eyes.
“Not again,” Y'zel sighed, finishing rubbing scale lotion on Zarool Ja’s cheeks before hurrying off after Bakool Ja Ja, looking back to fall. “Make sure the Dawnservant is covered too!’
Wuk Lamat blinked then opened the bag, finding a party sized amount of Anut Tii’s Tacos inside. “Oh! That dummy. He should have just said so.”
“But uh…you're the one that yelled at him,” U’rahn pointed out while Gulool Ja Ja joined them in the sand.
The Dawnservant scratched at his chin of Resolve, watching Bakool Ja Ja get chased down by Y'zel, many people leaping out of his path. “I think he likes you Lamaty'i.”
The bag of tacos fell to the ground, Wuk Lamat's jaw dropping as her eyes widened up at her father. “Papa! No! Don't be gross! He does not,” Wuk Lamat protested, her face heating up.
“I will have to keep closer watch on him,” Koana said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose while Zoraal Ja wandered over, hand on the hilt of one of his blades.
“You're all the worst! Cut it out! Right now,” Wuk Lamat demanded.
“Is Auntie Lamaty'i going to marry Bakool Ja Ja?” Gulool Ja’s voice sounded out from behind.
Gulool Ja Ja let out a ground shaking laugh as Wuk Lamat wheeled around, finding her nephew holding a rather large ice cream, G'raha Tia and Krile accompanying him, both trying to politely hide their snickering behind their own cones.
“No! Never! Everyone better cut it out right now!” Wuk Lamat demanded, eyes welling up as the teasing got to her.
“Alright Lamaty'i. We’ll stop,” Galool Ja Ja soothed, patting his daughter's back gently before looking to his grandson with his ice cream. “Why don't you show Grandpa where you got that? He could use a treat.”
“Okay! This way,” Gulool Ja said excitedly, hurrying off back the way he came, the Dawnservant following.
“Aw. I wanted to Papa to get a chance to play with us,” Wuk Lamat whined as U'rahn went blue in the face behind her trying to blow up his ball again.
“If you can't play your silly game then we can entertain ourselves with practice combat,” Zoraal Ja said, unsheathing his blades.
Wuk Lamat turned, looking at her elder brother as he attempted a smile. She took a step back then let her ears perk as Violet’s voice called out, “Lamaty'i! Stop playing with boys and come swiven join us already!”
“Oh! Maybe next time brother! It seems like it is girl's night! Why don't you train with Koana? Or U'rahn! He's indestructible,” she said, backing away with her paws back before looking around Zoraal Ja as U'rahn flopped backward into the sand out of breath, “Um..mostly.”
With that, she turned heel and hurried to join Violet and Alisae at the bar in Xbalyav T’ve. Taking a seat, she beamed then pulled over and ordered a pineapple cup before spinning around on her stool. Violet hummed, sipping at some sort of dark coloured liquor while Alisae nursed a virgin daiquiri. She brushed her hair from her face as she looked out toward the horizon, the setting sun starting to let pinks and blues paint the sky. The boys out in the sand scuffled about, playing fighting until suddenly fleeing as Gulool Ja Ja jumped in with his swords drawn then seized up as his back gave out again.
“Oh Papa,” Wuke Lamat sighed with a little smile, setting her drink aside before running out to join her brother’s in trying to get the Dawnservant back up on his feet again.
V’anille frowned as he found Lamaty’i smiling and hunched over her writing desk beside a stack of unfinished paperwork while Koana shook his head and sighed behind him. “Oh Papa, you’re getting too old for this…,” Lamaty’i said in her sleep.
“Should I wake her,” V’anille asked, looking to his husband as he moved the paperwork to see if there was something he could do for her.
“No. She seems to be enjoying herself. Let her have rest,” Koana said, draping a blanket over his sister’s shoulders before kissing the top of her head then taking V’anille’s hand to lead him out of the room and back to their chambers to let Lamaty’i enjoy her dream a little longer.
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