#fez x chubby reader
plussizeficchick · 3 years
‘Til the End│Fezco x Reader
Warnings: Season 2 episode 2 spoilers, C*l Jacobs, written with a black chubby reader in mind, though race-neutral
Rue’s Narration
What could be said about (Y/N) (Y/LN). To be honest, I don’t fucking know. She never did like to get into her home life. Anytime I’d asked, I always got the same answer. “Fez is my family. Where he goes, I go.” Whatever that meant. I mean, it was clear that they loved each other, they’ve been together since they were in high school, so I guess it’d be expected of her to say that. Still, she was a mystery. A mystery that only Fez was able to solve.
She took care of him. Both him and Ashtray, and oftentimes Fez wonders what kind of life she could’ve had if she’d never met him. But then she comes rounding the corner with some dessert she’d baked with the biggest smile on her face and he’d think that maybe she did love him. Maybe she is in it for the long haul. So he basks in it, her love, and hopes she can feel it too.
(Y/N) was at the NYE party. She’d wanted to get a head start with Fez’s business, so with the small amount of supply she had, she set to work getting customers. When Fez showed up he’d do all the heavy dealing, for now, she’d just get the ball rolling. She was walking through the house, bumping into wasted teens as she smoked her blunt. Fez had recently gotten some new rolling papers and she wanted to test them out. She was leaving a room when in the corner of her eye, she saw blonde hair swaying. She turned her head slightly, not wanting to make it obvious that she was looking at the couple in case they saw her, but from what she saw, they wouldn’t be looking up anytime soon. It was a blonde that (Y/N) wasn’t familiar with, but she’d recognize that dark hair from anywhere. The Jacobs boy. The same boy that got her home raided. She saw them entering the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind them. Hmm. That may come in handy.
She makes her way to an empty couch, bringing the spliff up to her mouth and taking a deep inhale. She blows out the smoke and kicks back, waiting for more pillheads to flock to her.
It's not even twenty minutes later when she feels the couch dip beside her, “Hey, ma! Whatchu’ doin’ here by yourself?” She hears from a familiar voice. She turns and sees her boyfriend, eyes immediately lighting up. “Babe! When’d you get here?” She asks, handing the blunt to him. He takes the blunt and pulls, blowing the smoke into her face. “Few minutes ago, Ash somewhere getting started.” He says, sitting back. (Y/N) immediately gets into their cuddling position, her back against his chest, one foot slightly put up on the couch. “Everything went okay at the meet?” She asked, taking the blunt back from him. “As good as it can go with Rue there.” He jokes, drawing a chuckle from her. She was about to answer when she felt the couch dip again. They both look up to see Rue’s friend Lexi, looking distraught. “Lexi?” (Y/N) asked, sitting up slightly to look at her. Looking up, Lexi looks at the couple. “Oh, hey! Um, by any chance have either of you seen my sister? I’ve been looking everywhere for her.” She said, eyes scanning the room. (Y/N) furrowed her brows, “I didn’t know you had a sister. What she look like?” She asked. Lexi pulled out her phone and showed them a picture of her sister. (Y/N) immediately recognizes her as the blonde girl that was with Nate. “Oh yeah, I seen ol’ girl in the hallway. Over there.” (Y/N) pointed her in the direction where she’d last seen the girl. Smiling, Lexi got up and went in the direction given. The couple glanced at each other before Fez presses a kiss to her head, taking the last of the blunt from her. They settled back into each other, talking about any and everything.
Throughout the night, Lexi had periodically sat and chatted with the couple, mainly (Y/N) because they seemed to have more in common, when suddenly Fez tapped his girlfriend’s thigh. “Hey, so I got something I needa do. Can you grab Ash and wait in the car, f’me?” He asked. Knowing what that means, (Y/N) nodded, wrapping up her conversation with Lexi. “Hey, so I gotta get going but, you’re pretty chill, you know? You mind if I text you?” She asked, holding her phone out to Lexi. Blushing, Lexi shook her head, “Not at all. Hit me up, whenever.” She said, shuffling awkwardly. Chuckling, (Y/N) sent her a wink. “See you around.” She waved, making her way to the back to find Ashtray.
She spots him after a few minutes of looking around, making her way over to him. “Yo, Fez says it’s time to pack it up.” Nodding, Ashtray starts putting everything away, ignoring the calls of customers trying to buy.
They make their way through the crowd, when (Y/N) doubles back, looking for Fez. “Aye, you get the car started, I’m gonna look for Fez real quick.” Shrugging his shoulders, Ashtray takes the keys and goes to start the car.
The countdown is starting and (Y/N) is looking around the sea of partygoers for her boyfriend. She sees Rue and Jules, but notices that they’re talking rather intimately, so she continues her search. Suddenly, she hears glass breaking and people screaming. She follows everyone making their way to see the scuffle, pushing people out of her way. She comes to see Fez’s fist make a sickening impact to Nate’s face, blood gushing from his nose. “Fez- Fez! Stop, let’s go!” She yells, hoping her voice can reach him. Fez falters a bit, stopping his movements for a few seconds before he makes a final blow to Nate’s face, standing over him.
He turns, his eyes softening when they land on her. She gives a brief smile before grabbing his arm, a brief gotta get out of here slipping past her lips as she quickly grabs his green sweater and pulls him to make a dash to the car. “I told you to wait with Ash.” Fez says, as they get into the back seat together. Ashtray pulls away and speeds off, narrowly missing the cops.
Rue’s Narration
That night, (Y/N) and Fez spent the night just holding each other. They knew that fucking up Nate would mean trouble, but as far as they were concerned, as long as they had each other, they’d be okay.
A Few Weeks Later(still Rue’s Narration)
(Y/N) and Lexi had pretty much became like best friends. It first started with texting, (Y/N) sending her good morning texts, sometimes just checking in. Then it progressed to them really talking about their interests. Eventually, they were facetiming like old girlfriends, catching up with each other. Lexi updated her on things with her life, what’s going on with her friends. She even filled (Y/N) in on drama that she had been completely oblivious to. It was nice for the both of them. To have a friend. A real one you could depend on. (Y/N) was especially thankful for it now.
“So, yeah. And fucking Cassie. I don’t know why but she told on Fez. Like, told Nate’s dad everything.” Lexi grumbled over the phone. (Y/N) paused on her cooking to focus on Lexi. “She what?”
Rue’s Narration
Okay, so one thing I do know about (Y/N) is that you do not fuck with her family. Like at all. Once, a customer got a bit too aggressive with Fez, so she was already pretty pissed. But then the guy said something about Ashtray, and she didn’t hesitate to pull out a gun from her waist and smack the shit out the guy. The emotion on her face, or rather, lack thereof, was the only time I’d ever seen her upset.
So, this whole “Cassie-snitch” thing was some real uncharted territory. For both Ashtray and Fez.
“Yo ma, what’s got you all worked up?” Fez asked, leaning against the counter. (Y/N) was pacing back and forth, looking at her phone and biting the tip of her acrylic. “Nothing, it's just- You remember that girl we talked to on NYE? At the party?” She asked, looking into his eyes. He nods, urging her to continue. “Well, her sister decided to snitch and tell Nate’s dad who fucked him up.” Fez sighs, running his hand over his head. “But, I’ve got some info on her, so I just gotta do what I do and she’ll know not to fuck with my family again.” Fez raises his brows at her words. “Shit, my fault ma. I ain’t know you get down like that.” He says, drawing a chuckle from her. “Boy, stop playing.” She says, stepping between his legs. They’re taken away from the intimate moment when they hear someone clear their throat. “Good evening.” (Y/N) looks up and recognizes the customer as Nate’s dad and she freezes. Fez notices her shift in attitude and eyes Ashtray through the freezers. “What’s up, man?” Fez answers, keeping his hands around her waist.
The tension is high in the room as Cal ventures through the store, trying to make small talk. He eyes (Y/N) as he makes his way to the front of the store. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” He says, appraising her. “I be around.” She waves him off, her eyes finding her acrylics more interesting. Cal nods, before slowly reaching into his pocket. Fez expects him to pull out a gun, but is pleasantly surprised when Cal pulls out a $20 bill. “You all have a nice night.” He says, leaving the store. Fez follows after him, watching as he pulls away.
Fez makes his way back over to (Y/N), assuming the position they’d had previously. (Y/N) takes to running her long nails over his head. He sighs at the feeling, resting his forehead against hers. “That him?” Fez asks her. She nods her head, looking him in the eyes. “Til the end?” He asked, squeezing her soft waist. “Til the end, my love.”
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wakandamama · 5 years
The Fezco Fic at 6k words and still not done...
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
hiii, I’m so so so in love with ur writing !! 🥺 I was wondering if you’d be willing to write anything involving a chubby! Or edgy/goth! Reader x Elliot or fez? Hope ur havin a good day 🖤🖤🖤
And wanted to add that ur characterization of both of them is sooo spot on its *chefs kiss* ur so talented Fr
Here, instead of writing a long ass fic, I'm going to do head cannons so I can do it for both of them!
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- No matter how tough you seemed, Fez was completely soft for you.
- He didn't worry about any of your insecurities or listen to you talk poorly about yourself, shutting you up with a kiss.
- He didn't give a shit about your attitude, in fact it made him love you more.
- He loved when you talked back to him, not caring about your angry look, a laugh leaving his lips.
- He had a difficult time taking you seriously when you were angry at him, no amount of angst or dark, dim clothing could make him feel any less soft about you.
- You'd call him names playfully, "watch your mouth, angel" being the first thing out of his lips.
- He knew you hated being called angel.
- He didn't give a shit, he thought it suited you.
- He knew how to push your buttons and you knew how to push yours too.
- He knew most people were a bit afraid of you, always hesitating to ask you questions or approach you, which he found hilarious.
- He couldn't understand for one second why your tough exterior swayed anyone around you.
- Maybe it was because he got to see you when your make up was off, you just clothed in his teeshirt.
- He loved that only he could see you like that.
- And he figured, why not let people be nervous around you and afraid of you?
- It just meant that he didn't have to worry about you or anyone fucking with you.
- Cuz you could handle yourself, that he knew damn well.
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- Elliot was afraid of you at first.
- He fought his nerves for months before actually coming up to talk to you one day at school.
- You were confident, your hands on your soft, round hips as you watched him stutter.
- He considered himself to be fairly edgy, but he learned quickly that he couldn't make his 'edgy and dangerous' drug addiction his whole personality.
- He loved your personality. There were so many different sides to you.
- He didn't know many at first.
- He liked that you were a bit darker, a bit on the quieter side with tons of thoughts behind your, typically, painted eyelids.
- He wanted to know every dark thought in your mind.
- He was in love with your sarcasm and your dark humor.
- He learned later on about your insecurities, his lips dragging over every part of your body that you hated. He didn't care. He loved every part of you.
- Everything about you was comforting to him.
- He could just watch you, eager to hear you talk for hours and hours about literally anything.
- He wanted to get tattoos with you, piercings, anything.
- He wanted you to laugh at him as he hissed out of pain, the needle on his inner arm, your name being written out on his soft skin.
- He wanted you to corrupt him. In more ways than one.
@bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @wolflover384 @nstyles4299 @distantsighs @szlaco @poohkie90 @tsukishimawhore @peter-maximoffs @thedivineeuphoria @spinkspanther @taysirene @joselyn001 @srhxpci @lelieja @elle4404 @elliotsbeigeguitar @givemefoodandlovesstuff @yeswhatever33 @vane28282 @amirrahfranson @beth123lg @glizzymcguirex @f-mu @vvaalleennttiinna @crunchytoenailsyum @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @yaspillz @jeyramarie @steezysimfinds @skylievin @melovesmut @letmebeyoureuphoria @rafecameronswhore
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casualwriters · 3 years
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Request open/ send them please | Prompts !!
Peaky Blinders
Raising a little girl with John Shelby
Being Luca sugar baby 
Finn Shelby with a S/O who part of the Circus 
Beautiful in all shapes Bonnie 
Finn with a Naive S/o 
Boys dating someone who is Def 
Hogwarts Moodboard 
Protester John Shelby 
Jealousy Finn Shelby 
Telling Micheal your Pregnate 
JJ Catching you Dancing 
Them with a Shy Chubby S/O 
Topper dating there S/o who struggles with PTSD 
Outerbanks in Percy Jackson House Moodboard   
JJ being mad when he see you with Topper 
The Lost Boys 
Polly Lost Boys X Nonbinary reader who has piercings and tattoos 
Rainy day Polly Lost Boys X Female reader 
There S/o who lost someone close to them 
Full Moon Gone wrong Paul x Reader 
Eddie munson S/o being apart of The Lost boys 
The lost Boys with a werewolf partner 
Lost boys going to the murder house 
being the oldest Emerson sibling and sneaking out to see Paul.
Horror and More  
Polly  Lost boys with piercings and Tattoos 
Slasher with a tall S/o 
Billy Loomis liking Stu Older sister. 
slasher taking there s/o home when there drunk
Slasher characters s/o dealing with rascism
Slasher falling for there S/O who a mermaid 
Slasher character with a demon S/O
Jason Dean with a naive s/o
playing in the leafs with Walter De’ville 
Being the third De’ville bride 
Rise of the pink ladies  
‘‘ Best friends “ Richie x fem reader 
Sons of Anarchy 
S/o being Ima sister and dating Happy 
Video Games
Drawing a portrait of them ( Life is strange ) 
( Nathan Prescott ) S/o who has bad anxiety 
Josh Washington  prompt ( Until Dawn ) 
Reader helping Nathan with a break down
single mother | Fez x reader WARNING ABUSE   
Enemies  | Elliot x female reader 
Stranger things 
( Billy Hargrove | I Won’t go away 
Billy with a Witchy s/o 
Shoot to Thrill Billy x female reader 
Sleepy cuddles with there s/o
American Horror Story 
Ahs characters when someone flirt with there S/O
Austin Sommers  with a male musician mate 
Marvel & Dc Fandom
Dancing in the rain - Bucky Barnes 
Claimed as mine (mid smut )   - Bucky Barns  
Kara Danvers helping you out of a meltdown [ Autistic reader]
Dick Grayson stuck in the elevator with reader
Love on the Line of fire ~ Roy Harper
Dc boys giving readers hickeys when jealous
The witcher
Arrange marriage drabble / Cahir
Baulder Gates 3
Oh yeah, we're parents ( Gale X Teifling fem reader)
My favorite Tav's Moodboards
Suprise Vistor - Halsin
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