#feverish fish juice
pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 7 months
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she's so busy dreaming of flowers in her future that she doesn't even see the stars above her head tonight . . .
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scribblestatic · 1 year
I’m gonna hop around with the Venom Deku timeline a bit. Doing it in order and building up all that stuff like a story is a bit much for me rn.
Anyway, I’m thinking it becomes harder to differentiate Venom from Deku by the time he’s 10.
He still eats a ton of fish and fries and whatever else he can eat to fill the gnawing hunger. He hides it as much as he can from his mom now, knowing his food expenses are racking up after seeing her struggling with it one night when he wasn’t supposed to see. 
To take care of it himself, he decides to sneak out at night.
Leaves through his bedroom window and scurries over to a nearby forest. The hunger is crawling in his stomach.
They find a river. There’s bears in the forest and normal people would have to keep watch, but he’s not worried about that. He’s instead hoping to find good, delicious fish. He’s salivating so much, its running down his chin.
They crouch down by the riverside, Izuku’s eyes long adjusted to the darkness in ways normal people wouldn’t be able to without a quirk.
But he knows very well now.
He doesn’t have a quirk.
In the calmness of night, the fish don’t seem to suspect as much as they would during the day. They aren’t salmon, but they will do.
Izuku reaches his hand back, black ichor seeping from his skin as it forms something like a claw. He’s breathing heavier, feeling hungry, as his vision starts to swim and fill with colors he usually wouldn’t be able to see. Venom’s started covering his face, helping him see even better than usual.
Izuku strikes his hand out, and it forms several thin black spikes that pierce straight into 12 different fish. The ends of the spikes form hooks and lock the fish in place before he hurriedly pulls them out.
They’ve barely touched land before he’s eating one alive, skull and bone and all.
The brain isn’t the important part when it comes to fish, not really. The best part is the thick flesh, full of chemicals and juices that pour salt instead of water on the grease fire in his stomach. His nagging pain finally starts to abate, and the feverish feeling he’d started having went away with each fish he consumed.
It would be bad if he stole salmon. He was tempted too, since it tasted the best. But no one had anything against him eating wild fish. It was just the circle of life, wasn’t it?
Still...maybe he should be more careful.
He realizes that about a week later, when environmentalists notice that certain kinds of fish in the local area have been decreasing. They’re going to start looking for the cause.
...Don’t look.
He knows what Venom means.
He can feel his mom’s eyes on him as the environmentalist talks about how startling it is that local numbers have decreased so much. They talk about overfishing and advise nearby families to reduce their camping plans for the coming summer.
He spills the beans almost immediately.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part V
Summary: The morning after Lily and Sy’s night in the barn, the magic doesn’t last as long as they both hope, but neither does the darkness that falls over the farm.
Pairing: Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 8,274
Warnings: M - Language, Violence, Attempted Kidnapping, Blood, Protective!Sy, Mentions and Light Smut, Fluff, Angst, Flu/Cold, Soft!Sy, Trypanophobia
Inspiration: I always wanted to write a Sy story.
Author’s Note: Thank you to @wondersofdreaming​ for all the love and support.
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A harsh and wet sounding cough filled the bedroom, making Lily curl up on herself, shivering, and groaning as her body throbbed under the mound of blankets Sy had covered her up with, when her first round of coughs woke him, mid-morning.
“I'm here.” Sy called, coming into the room with a cup of steaming hot tea and a small saucer of dry toast for her. “Here.” He whispered, setting the cup and plate on the nightstand and fished Lily out of her blankets, then fluffed some pillows behind her back so she was comfortable, when she sat up.
“Thanks.” Lily replied, her voice weak and raspy.
“You're welcome.” He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she nibbled on the toast. “Do you have any cold medicine?” He asked, going into the master bathroom, to open the medicine cabinet.
“I don't think so.” She answered, hoarsely.
Sy frowned into the open cabinet, drumming his fingers against the door and tapping his foot on the worn, black and white penny tile floor, trying to make a decision and calculation, before making up his mind and swung the cabinet door closed.
“All right, I'm gonna shoot over to store and pick up some cold medicine for you, maybe a bag of cough lozenges too. I know your throat must be killing you by how raspy your voice is.” He said, standing beside the bed and gently pressed his palm to her flushed and sweaty forehead. “Yeah.” He nodded, pressing his lips together.
“Do you need anything before I leave?” He asked, staring down at her, tenderly.
Shaking her head, Lily rubbed her goose-bumped and shivering arms. Frowning a bit more, Sy moved around to his side of the bed, nicking his hoodie off the back of a chair, and held it out to her with a gentle smile. Letting out a soft huff through her nose and smiling back, Lily took the black garment from him and slipped it on. Sy kissed the top of her head and went downstairs, grabbing his keys off the small table by the door in the entryway and left for the store, fifteen minutes away.
Lily nibbled on the last bland triangle of toast and was about to wash it down with the few remaining sips of her warm tea, when Aika started barking downstairs, making Lily sigh. It was a common occurrence, Aika loved lounging on the window seat in the living room and would go ballistic when she saw a squirrel, even more so, when the door was closed and she couldn't blow out of the screen door and chase after the poor, puff-tailed critter. She had told Sy, countless times, that he should just put a doggy door in either the front door or in both the front and the back doors for Aika, solving the issue of the German Shepherd barking and clawing at the door until it was opened for her.
But, even then, she would rush out onto the porch, scan for the squirrel, see it had disappeared and whine at her and Sy about it for the rest of the day, or until the next squirrel or chipmunk showed its plump face.
Throat far too sore and voice too weak, for Lily to yell out to Aika, she set her teacup aside and got out of bed, a strong shiver racing through her as her bare feet hit the cold floorboards. She had just made it out of her bedroom and into the hallway, when she heard distant whimper and Aika go eerily silent. Frowning, she slowly went down the stairs leading from the top floor into the kitchen, jumping in her skin and Sy's hoodie at a deafening slam that filled the otherwise quiet house.
The kitchen floor gently creaked under her feet as she slowly crossed it, to peek around the corner into the living room and entryway. Hugging herself against the wall, she didn't see anything. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but the feel in the air was anything, but ordinary. Aika was nowhere in sight, and Lily didn't hear a peep from her. She knew it wasn't Sy either. He couldn't be back from the store yet, even if he was, Sy was a mountain of a man, his footfalls were always heavy as he bumped around the house, and he would have called out to her, announcing he was back home.
None of that was happening in the dead silent house.
Her hands started to shake and she felt lightheaded, gripping the wall to keep herself steady, tears blurring her eyes, as nausea filled her stomach. She knew what this silence was, it was a silence she had feared for almost ten years, a fear she had been slowly learning to forget, but had started to build around her again.
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Lily climbed the two flights of stairs up to her and Jak's second floor apartment, lugging her heavy shoulder bag with her. She was returning from an early afternoon class, already tired and wishing she didn't have one more class later that afternoon as she slipped her key into the deadbolt and opened the door. She froze in the open door, taking a moment to figure out what was wrong. When she realized that the tv she had left on when she left that morning for her first class was off.
A cold shiver raced down her back with a shuddered breath as the apartment door slowly closed behind her. The apartment was silent without the tv going in the living room, which was never a good sign. Usually, when Lily returned from her early afternoon classes, the tv was still on the news or whatever channel she had left it on when she left that morning.
On the days the tv was off, when she got home?
“Where've you been, Bunny?” Jak's voice asked as he entered the living room, arms crossed over his chest and looking cross.
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“Hey there, Bunny.” A familiar voice chuckled behind her.
Lily yelped and spun around, pressing her back against the wall. “Jak.” She whimpered, looking up at him.
Jak was different from the last time she had seen him in Richmond, four years prior. He was still tall and lean, eight-ish centimeters shorter and nearly twenty kg lighter than Sy was. His ash blonde hair was pulled up into a bun and the sides of his head were shaved, his cheeks stubbly and his bottle-green eyes boring into her, like a power drill. The last time Lily had seen him, he had the traditional boy cut and his face was smooth, the camouflage of a good, church going boy.
But, there wasn't a trace of that boy now, that façade had broken away to the true monster residing inside the man, Jakson Abernathy, had turned into.
“I've missed you so much, Bunny.” He said soft, reaching out and gently brushed the knuckle of his forefinger against her flushed and feverish cheek, then brought it to his lips, licking off the tear he had collected.
Lily gulped, the agony of her sore throat forgotten in her panicked fright, facing him. “Please, Jak.” She pleaded with him, her voice a soft and raspy whine. “Just go. We don't have to do this. You don't have to do this.” She told him, hands twisting up in the pouch of Sy's hoodie.
“Move on.”
Jak snapped forward in a burst of rage, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the wall, the back of her head thumping against it with a hard smack. “Move on!” He roared, spittle flying from his lips and hitting her face. “Move on! I've been looking for your ungrateful ass for five years and the only thing you have to say to me is, move on.”
Lily's lips started to change color as the pressure of his hand around her throat increased, her arms shot out and gripped his arm, digging and scratching at his forearm and struggling against him, black and bright spots flashing in her eyes.
“I'll move on, when we get back home.” Jak told her, his thumb moving out to wipe across her lips.
“No, I'm n-not going w-with yo-u.” She choked, struggling to breath.
“Yes, you are.” He growled, nails breaking the skin of her neck. “You belong to me, since the day I met you, you've been mine. You think that fucking caveman loves you?” He taunted her. “You think him fucking your little cunt means he loves you, you're a fucking idiot. He's just fuckin' you for room and board, once he gets his fill and bored of you, he'll skip out.”
“But, me?” He brought his face closer to hers, their lips brushing. “I will always love you, Bunny. I will always come and find you, take you back home, where you belong. I'm the only one for you.”
Lily tried jerking her head sideways, away from his lips, but only earned a punch to the gut, knocking the teeny bit of air left in her body out.
“You always make shit so complicated.” Jak grunted, between gritted teeth. “Some things never change.” He berated her, shaking his head and about to strike her again, when the crackle and pop of tires on the driveway up to the house reached them.
“Fuck.” He hissed, hearing a car door slam, knowing Sy had returned from town.
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Sy searched the cold and flu aisle of the small Celina store, trying to figure out which one would be best for her. “Why do you need eighty products that do the same thing?” He mumbled to himself, looking between the liquid and the pill form of the medicines. “Liquid would be easier for her to swallow, though, with her sore throat.” He reasoned, finally picking a product, then grabbed a bag of cough lozenges, even stopping to grab a bottle of her favorite juice, before heading for the check out line.
He sighed, impatiently shifting foot to foot, as the long line slowly progressed. He glanced at the other two open cashier lines, but they were even longer than his, making him growl, wanting to get back home to Lily already, before he froze, realizing what he was feeling. Lily and her place had become home to him. A real home. More of a home to him than his apartment in Austin or the place where he grew up with his parents. He felt like he belonged there with her and Aika, as if the three of them had created their own little family on the rag-tag farm.
So, when he finally got through the line and paid for his items, he rushed back home to her.
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Quickly searching the kitchen, Jak grabbed a knife from the knife block on the kitchen counter beside them, then changed his hand from her throat to the back of her hair, turning her around and pressing her back against his chest. They stood in the kitchen, the tip of the knife pressed into Lily's throat, while they heard the screen door open and Sy's cautious footfalls step into the entryway.
“Lily?” Sy called out, his body tensing. “Aika!” He slowly set the grocery bag down on the floor, his nerve endings coming to life. “Hello?” He barked, his jaw tight, instinct telling him something was deeply off.
Jak pushed Lily forward, moving with her to stand in the entryway of the kitchen and living room, his and Sy's eyes meeting. Both men looked each other over, squaring each other off, trying to find their weaknesses and strengths, whether they could successfully take each other on; and win. Sy was purely confident he could take Jak out, but what he wasn't sure of, was if he could get to Jak before he hurt Lily with that knife he was gripping.
“So, you're him.” Sy said, his eyes hard and locked onto Jak, his blood was pumping and his hands were clenched into such tight fists, his knuckles were white.
“I am.”
Sy nodded, pressing his lips together. “If I were you, I'd let her go.”
“And if I were you, I would take yourself back out to your truck and leave this place.” Jak replied, motioning out the living room window to Sy's truck. “She's mine, caveman.”
Sy chuckled. “I don't think so, boy.” He grinned, taking a step forward.
“Ah!” Jak barked, taking a step back and pressing the tip of the knife harder into Lily's neck, a bead of blood trickled down and disappeared into the neck of Sy's hoodie. “Unless you want both of us to lose her, you'll back off.”
“I'm no-”
“Just listen to him, Sy.” Lily cried, gulping and whimpering.
“Lily.” Sy shook his head at her, trying to keep a handle on himself, for her safety.
“Please, Austin.” She begged him, a wash of tears streaming down her face and neck. “Please, just go.”
“I'm not leaving you with this prick.” Sy barked, not believing the words coming out of her mouth.
“You are, so just leave.” Lily told him. “I love him.” She sniffled, reaching back to grab Jak's shirt.
“Lily.” He barked, shocked.
“Don't worry about him, Bunny.” Jak cooed into her ear, but was grinning victoriously at Sy. “We're leaving here.” He said, slowly backing them into the kitchen and out the door.
Sy stood in the entryway breathing heavily and rocking on his heels as rage and confusion coursed through his body, but his breathing quicken and his mind became laser focused, causing him to snap into action. Going into a drawer in the living room, he pulled out the safety case the gun was in, opened it, and ran out the back door after them. Sy made it out the back door in time to see Jak dragging Lily towards an abandoned field to the right side of her property.
Running in that direction, he hopped over the porch rail to cut down time on reach them.
Making it a couple yards behind them, Sy could see where Jak had been hiding out while he'd been tormenting Lily. There was an old barn in the field from a bygone farm on the property beside Lily's. So, he slowed down, watching as Jak dragged Lily towards the decapitated barn by the wrist, the kitchen knife was in his other hand. Biting his lip, Sy stopped and pulled back the slide on the Taurus, taking very careful aim, he took several deep breaths, calming and slowing his breathing and heart rate, before squeezing the trigger. A loud pop rang out in the air and the bullet clipped Jak in the thigh, causing him to let go of Lily and the knife and drop to the ground.
Surprised, Lily looked back and saw Sy standing there, dropping the arm he was holding the weapon with and motioned to her with the other. Without hesitation, Lily broke out into a run, sprinting straight towards Sy, all but colliding with him and knocking them both to the ground. Sy hugged her, pressing his lips to her forehead, then pushed her behind him, as Jak struggled on the ground, cursing and swearing.
“You son of a whore!” Jak spat, rolling over, and pressing a hand to the seeping red patch on his jeans. “I'll fucking kill both of you!”
Sy's body, tight as a piano wire, suddenly relaxed and he took a step forward, but Lily clutched at his shirt. He looked back at her, giving her a reassuring expression, before approaching Jak, who continued to writhe in pain.
“Listen carefully.” Sy growled at him.
“No!” Jak roared, pointing a bloody finger at Sy, his face pale and angry. “You fuckin' listen! I'm going to make your lives hell! I'm going to fucking—whoa!!” He shrieked as Sy let off another round into the dirt beside him, getting his full attention.
“As I was saying.” Sy barked, his body stiff again. “Listen carefully.” He hissed, teeth gritted together. “I have a lot of friends in very high places, that if I kill you, they will help me erase your weaselly little fucking existence off the face of this god damned planet.” He told him, heatedly.
“She's mine. My girl.” He said, pointing back at Lily.
“So, if you're don't to get your ass out of this town, out of this state, and if you ever look for her again, let alone think about her, I will hunt you down and finish you off.” Sy told him, towering above the other man, and lowering his head to keep his eyes on Jak's.
“Do we understand each other?”
Jak gulped, looking up at Sy, like a tiny mouse cornered by a Cougar, then glanced around him to Lily, who stood watching the two men, terrified and exhausted, unconsciously wiping her runny nose on the cuff of Sy's hoodie, but her eyes were on Sy. It was in that moment that Jak realized that as fearful as Lily was, it wouldn't override her knowledge that Sy would protect her with his life, making his use of it to manipulate her, null and void. His grip on her was gone, he was nothing but a ghost, fading and being replaced.
His eyes shifted back to Sy. “Yeah.”
“Good.” Sy snapped. “Now, I don't care if you have to crawl, hop or limp, but I want you gone.”
Struggling for a moment, Jak managed to pull himself up, carefully balancing on his feet for a moment, before turning on his good leg, then limping and shuffling away from them, towards the dilapidated barn, where his car was hidden. Sy didn't move from his spot or relax, even as the 2013 Honda left the structure, tires kicking up dirt and dust as he tore down the neglected drive, blowing out of the gateless driveway onto the road with a loud screech. It was only when the car and its sound disappeared that Sy relaxed, flicking on the gun's safety with his thumb and pushed it into the waistband of his jeans, then turned towards Lily. Taking two steps to close the gap between them and collecting her in his arms, Sy scooped Lily up and head back towards their house, only stopping once they were back inside the living room and dropped onto the couch, with her in his lap.
Lily let out a weak breath into his chest, tears dripping down her face and arms locked around his neck. Sy pressed his cheek to her hair, his own chest tight with emotions, and squeezed his eyes shut, tears dripping from his dark lashes.
“Aika.” Lily whimpered, pulling back, wiping away her and Sy's tears.
“Oh shit.” Sy panted back, glancing side to side, alarmed, letting Lily get up and stood. “Aika!” He called out.
Both of them paused, listening quietly, then looked at each other, hearing pitiful whines and whimpers coming from the entryway. Having heard a door slam after Jak had entered the house and not seeing Aika, but clearly hearing her whines, Lily knew there could only be one place for the German Shepherd to be and rushed to the coat closet in the hallway, yanking the door open.
“Oh, good lord.” She gasped, finding the dog inside the closet, front and back paws were taped together, as was her muzzle. “My poor baby.” She cooed, dropping to her hands and knees, gingerly peeling the tape from around Aika's mouth.
“That fuck.” Sy barked, standing behind Lily, and seeing what Jak had done to his beloved Aika, hating him even more for hurting his girls. “Here.” He said, kneeling down beside Lily, and removing a small, folding knife that was clipped to his belt, then carefully cut the tape wrapped around Aika's legs.
Lily removed the tape from around her paws the best she could without causing Aika anymore discomfort and pain. “Oh, I know, such a sweet girl.” Lily murmured, as Aika got up, licking at her and Sy's faces, her shaggy tail beating against the walls of the closet. “I'll give you the entire container of treats, promise.”
Sy chuckled softly, gently petting Aika, relieved that both Lily and the German Shepherd were safe and sound again, and for the most part, unharmed. “Let me see your neck.” He said, cupping her chin between his fingers and turning her head to look at the nick and line of dry blood on her neck. “It's nothing too bad, but I should clean it up.” He told her, standing, then helped her up to her feet.
Grabbing the bag that had been discarded and forgotten on the entryway floor, Sy went upstairs with Lily, Aika close behind them. Setting the bag down on the bed and taking her into the bathroom, he easily moved about the small space. Sy had become familiar with the master bathroom in the few weeks he had started sleeping with Lily in her room, as she helped him combat his nightmares. He grabbed a bottle of antiseptic from the medicine cabinet and squeezed some of it on a fluffy, white cotton ball, then turned his careful attention onto her. Gently lifting her chin and dabbing at the cut, making Lily hiss and bite her lip, he gave her a sweet and sympathetic look, cleaning away the dry and flaky blood.
“There, all better.” He smiled, tossing the bloody cotton ball into the bin.
“Thank you.” Lily smiled, before subsiding into a coughing fit.
Sy snapped back into the reality before Jak rocked their usually peaceful life, recalling why he had left the house in the first place, going to grab the bag off the bed and brought it back to her, taking out the bottle of cold and flu medicine. Tearing the safety seal off, Sy poured the nasty looking green syrup into the clear, plastic measuring cup and held it out to her. Lily's face twisted with disgusted, shivering, but she took it from him and quickly downed it.
“Ew, that is so nasty.” She laughed, nervously, setting the cup down.
“As long as it works.” Sy replied, closing the bottle.
“I thought you were going to kill him.” Lily whispered as she sat down on the bed.
Sy stopped in the doorway of the bathroom, biting his lip and pushing his jaw forward, slowly nodding his head as he thought about it. He thought he was going to end up killing Jak too. He had thought a lot about what he would do if, and when, he met Jak in person, ever since he answered his call and Lily told him about their history, over a week ago. He had pictured beating him to a pulp, killing him and just giving him a good talking too; making a point that Lily was no longer his.
But, even Sy knew, you don't know how you'll react to a situation until it happens.
“I thought I would kill him too.” He admitted out loud, moving to sit down on the edge of the bed, beside her. “Part of me wanted too.” He added with a soft sigh.
“But, then he would have taken you from me.”
Sy reached out and took her hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over her wrist. “My life would be an equal trade for your safety, Lily.”
“But, not for my happiness.” She countered, lifting a brow at him.
Their eyes met and Sy smiled at her, leaning forward to gently kiss her.
“Rest.” He whispered against her lips. “It's all over now.”
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Lily sighed softly, then chuckled, feeling Sy's heavy palm press down on her belly. “So vain.” She giggled, splaying her legs open and resting her ankles on his calves.
“Am I?” He chuckled back, feeling himself moving inside of her.
“You're always pressing your hand to my abdomen, when we have sex. Always enjoying the feel of that fat cock inside of me.” She told him, locking her dainty hand around his thick wrist as his hand stayed on her stomach. “I don't know who takes more pleasure in it, me or you.”
“Both of us.” Sy laughed, leaning over and gently kissed her.
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Sy wiped his sweaty forehead on the sleeve of his painting coveralls and took a step back, lowering the long handled paint roller into the roller pan, that was filled with moth gray paint that he and Lily had picked out to paint the house with, accented by slate blue shutters, dark stained porch support posts and a white door.
“It's looking good, Bear.” Lily said, stepping out onto the porch, carrying a glass of iced tea.
“Thanks, Angel.” Sy smiled, carefully setting the roller down and took the glass from her. “Hopefully, I'll be done soon, and I'll start putting up the roofing.” He told her, between sips. “Do you want to see it?” He asked her, setting the cool glass on the porch rail.
“Sure.” Lily nodded, pressing her lips together and gulping down a sudden nauseous ump in her throat, before following Sy around the other side of the house and off the porch, towards the barn, where the roofing material was stored.
Sy pushed open the barn door, smiling as it glided on its rollers, he had replaced and greased the track, so when the roofing material was delivered it would be easier for him and the delivery men to get in and out of the structure with the heavy boxes. Entering the barn, Sy opened one of the cardboard flaps to the roofing materials and showed Lily what was inside.
“I thought the black would accent well with all the other colors we have going with the house.” He started to explain to her.
“Is it metal?” She asked, reaching out and touching it, finding it cool under her fingertips.
“They are.” Sy nodded, smiling at her. “They last longer than asphalt shingles, you know, the shingles that normally go on houses. But, they're lighter than tile or slate. I also know you love the sound of the rain and hail on the barn's roof, and it's metal, so, I thought you'd enjoy it in the house too.” He told her, proud of his methods. “I'll insulate the roofing a bit. so it won't be so loud, when we get a really bad storm.”
Lily smiled, incredibly touched by Sy's thoughtfulness, as she often was. “Thank you.” She replied, moving over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tight for a moment, until the strong smell of the paint on his coveralls hit her nose and went straight to her stomach. “Oh god.” She gasped, whining, and tore away from him.
Racing out the barn door and skidding around the corner, Lily doubled over and spilled her guts, puking and wrenching into the tall grass and weeds growing alongside the barn wall. Sy's hot hand pressed to the small of her back, concerned, as she continued to dry heave for several more moments.
“You all right?” He asked, rubbing her back and making sure her hair wasn't in her face.
“Yeah.” She nodded, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and stood up. “I just think all the paint fumes are getting to me.”
Nodding and letting out a slow breath, Sy walked back into the house with her and brought the portable fan into the living room, hoping to reduce the strength of the paint smell in the room for her, seeing how pale she was.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked, bringing her a glass of water.
“Yeah, I'll be fine, Bear.” She replied, slowly sipping the water.
“Okay.” Sy nodded, chewing on the corner of his lip. “I'm going to try and finish this side of the house by the end of the day. If you need anything, just call. All right?”
Lily smiled up at him. “All right, Sy.”
Smiling back at her, Sy kissed her temple and went back out onto the porch. Lily sat on the couch for a little while longer, pressing her hands to her face, tired and her stomach still acting up, the smell of paint wasn't as strong with the windows open and the fan blowing, but it was still lingering. So, she went upstairs to the master bedroom, where the air was clear. She dropped on the bed and picked up her phone, figuring the hormonal change from her upcoming period was causing her to be nauseous, and opened a period tracking app she used.
“Oh, fuck.” She gasped, seeing the date on the tracker, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, foot tapping with nervous and antsy energy. “Fuck it.” She snapped, jumping to her feet and went back downstairs, swiping her keys off their hook.
“Where's the fire?” Sy asked, as Lily breezed out the front door.
“I'm just going into town.” She replied, biting her lip.
“All right.” Sy answered, turning back to the section he was painting. “Wait.” He froze, just processing what she said to him. “What?” He squeaked, turning back towards her.
Lily's mouth worked for a moment, flustered. “I'm...going into town.” She repeated, slowly.
Sy set down the paint roller. “Do you want me to go with you?” He asked, eyes scanning her, he could tell something had her distressed, but couldn't put his paint covered finger on it.
“No.” She shook her head, and took a deep breath. “I know you want to finish this, and I think I can do it.” She told him, feeling a slow confidence wrap around her anxiety of going into town by herself for the first time since she came to Celina, nearly five years before.
“As long as you're sure.” Sy replied, regarding her, a soft light of pride in her glowing in his blue eyes.
“I am.” Lily nodded, smiling at him, even more fortified by his pride. “I'm no longer afraid of what's out there, like I used to be.”
“I'm proud of you, Angel.” Sy cooed, beaming at her.
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily blushed, shyly brushing her hair behind her ears.
“Hey, since you're heading out that way, could you get me another roller?” He asked, looking down at the one he had been using.
“Sure, do you need a specific kind?”
“Yeah, a roller with a three-fourths nap.”
“Three-fourths nap, noted.” Lily replied, committing it to memory. “Anything else?”
“Nope.” He shook his head, giving her a quick kiss, before she stepped off the porch and got into her usually unused car.
Lily let out a deep breath as she pulled off her property, her heart thundered in her chest as she approached the small town, nervous about why she was going out there to start with and what the residences would say when they saw her out and about on her own, she knew they would whisper and talk, especially when they saw the items she bought. Lily contemplated going over to the next town of Prosper to get the items, not wanting the gossip to be running rampant around Celina by morning, but shrugged it off.
“Let them talk.” She said, pulling into the parking lot. “It won't change anything.”
Going into the hardware store first, Lily got the paint roller Sy had asked her to get and dropped it in the car, before going into the grocery store for what she had gone out for.
“Hey, Ms. Lily!”
“Hey, Travis.” Lily smiled at the teen.
“You're out and about!” He grinned at her, abandoning his spot at the end of a cash register, where he was supposed to be helping bag groceries, to walk with her.
“I am.” She chuckled at him, biting her lip and blushing.
“Are you trying to overcome your fear or something?” He inquired, tilting his head at her.
“Something like that.” She replied, offering him a sweet smile.
“I'm glad.” Travis smiled back at her, really looking proud of her. “You really deserve to live life to the fullest.” He told her, with a sweet earnest.
“Thank you, Travis.” Lily chuckled, gently touching his arm.
“Marlowe!” A voice barked, startling them both into looking behind them. “Bags.” A heavy set man in a creased pair of slacks and white polo shirt snapped, pointing at the checkout stand Travis had walked away from.
“Sorry, Mr. Gillis.” Travis replied, sheepishly. “I was just giving Ms. Lily aisle directions. The Tylenol is on aisle seven.” He said, looking back at Lily.
“Thanks, Travis. You're a lifesaver.” Lily replied, going along with it.
Travis winked at her and went back to his job and Lily went on her way, weaving around until she found the aisle she was looking for, finding three different types of the product she was looking for and was unsure which would be the best to use. So, she grabbed one of each and started for check out, but back tracked and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol, before going to pay for her items. Thankfully, Travis wasn't upfront, when she got up there, causing her heart to slow down, greatly, in her chest. Even though, the cashier gave her a knowing glance as she rang Lily up, but Lily pretended to not see it, staring at the headline of a magazine beside the register.
Returning home, Lily crammed the three boxes into her bag, before getting out of the car, and Sy was still working on the porch. He turned his attention to her, smiling as she stepped up onto the porch with him, holding out the new roller brush to him.
“Thanks.” He said, taking it from her. “How'd it go?” He asked.
“It went really well.” Lily smiled, her anxiety level starting to go down again, but was still anxious. “I ran into Travis.” She chuckled.
“Oh, how did that go?” Sy laughed back.
“He got in trouble with his boss, but he's a good kid.” She smiled, jiggling her bag of Tylenol.
“Is that what you went for?” Sy asked, lifting a brow at the bag.
“More or less.”
“Hm.” He hummed, pressing his lips together. “Well, I'm glad you did it, I knew you could.”
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily smiled, pushing up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. “I'll get dinner started soon.”
“Good, I'm starved.” He replied against her mouth.
“Always and forever.” Lily teased him, giggling, then went inside.
With Sy still distracted with the porch, Lily went upstairs and closed herself inside the master bathroom, dumping the three boxes onto the sink counter and letting out a shaky breath, glancing at herself in the mirror.
“Here goes nothing.” She sighed, tearing open the boxes and read their instructions. “Seems easy enough.” She talked to herself, trying to keep her nerves under control, pausing when she heard whining outside the bathroom door. “Come on, quick.” She whispered, opening the door for Aika, then closed it behind her.
“You wanna take this for me?” Lily quipped, holding up one of the test sticks. “I didn't think so.” She huffed, when Aika just stared up at her. “It was worth the ask.” She babbled, nervously, before working up the nerve to take two of them.
She nervously paced the bathroom, chewing on her lip or on her fingernails, trying to figure out a way to tell Sy if either of them came out positive. If they didn't, it was easy not to tell him, there wouldn't be a need to, it was just her own silly paranoia. Maybe her tracker was just off, she was bad at remembering to update the thing after her periods ended and things had been crazy around that time, dealing with Jak. But, what if her tracker was right, what if she was really a week late. Ever since their first time in the barn during the storm, Lily and Sy enjoyed having sex with each other every chance they got, for God's sake, they had sex up against the kitchen table the night before, while they were supposed to be making dinner, only to end up burning it and having to call out of pizza instead.
There were so many moments in the last month that could have ended up with Lily being at this point, that it was nearly impossible to say which one it was.
The five minute timer on Lily's phone started to ring and she tapped it off, but still didn't have the courage to look at the two sticks balanced on the sink's edge. Pressing a hand over her eyes and stepping up to the counter, Lily counted to five under her breath, then yanked her hand away from her eyes, quickly looking down before her spur of the moment courage failed her again and felt her stomach drop.
“Oh fucking shit.” She snapped, despite the grin on her face.
Staring at the tests for a moment longer, Lily opened the bathroom door and walked down the hall, to the main staircase, that was closest to the front door, but froze. A chill of fright filling her, what if Sy wasn't happy about the results, what if he freaked out and left or worse.
“No.” Lily shook her head, pushing that fear down. “Not my Bear.” She said, gulping. “Austin.” She called down the stairs to him.
There was a quiet moment, before the screen door opened and slammed shut again.
“Yeah?” Sy called back up the stairs to her.
“I need you to come up here.” Lily replied, biting her lip and taking a calming breath.
Sy's heavy footsteps came up the stairs, then he appeared before her, brows lifted in question. “What's up, Sugar butt?”
Lily motioned down the hall with her head, then moved back into the bedroom. Sy smirked, his step picking up a bit, figuring she was in a mood, and was more than happy to oblige her. But, he frowned at her, when she stopped beside the bathroom door and pointed inside of it, her eyes meeting his. Blinking once at her, Sy stepped into the bathroom, figuring now, that something had broken and she needed him to fix it, but what he found wasn't anything that was broken.
Far from it.
Sy's eyes instantly found the two used pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter, one of them showing two noticeable blue lines and the other one with the clear word, pregnant, in their indication windows. His mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide with surprise and shock, his brain going blank for a moment, unable to compute anything more than those two positive tests, before looking at Lily.
“You're sure?”
“I took two for a reason.” She replied, stared back at him, just as wide eyed. “I have a third, but I didn't think there would be a need for it, if the first two were the same result.” She explained, licking her lips.
Sy turned on his heels and strode over Lily, who spooked slightly, taking a step back from him, unsure how he was reacting, despite trying to reassure herself he wouldn't be angry about it. But, Sy caught her up in his arms and picked her up clean off her feet, nearly crushing her in his thick arms and against his chest, spinning her in a circle and burying his face into her neck, smiling and laughing, overjoyed, beyond belief.
“So, you're not angry?” Lily asked, holding onto him.
“Are you kidding me?” Sy laughed, pulling back and looking her in the face, beaming with tears in his eyes. “How could I ever be angry?” He asked her, like it was the most absurd thing in the world. “I love you, Lily, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said, setting her back down on her feet and brushed his fingers through her hair, tenderly.
“I, sure as hell, want to have kids with you.” He told her, sincerely, cupping her face in his hands.
“I do too.” She whispered back, overcome with relief and joy, and grasped his wrists.
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With the two pregnancy tests reading positive, Lily called the closest OBGYN in the area, which was twenty minutes away in the town of McKinney, and made an appointment with them for the earliest availability, which was three days later.
“I was thinking.” Sy said, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove them to the appointment.
“Oh?” Lily replied, looking up from the ultra-soft, dove colored, yarn in her lap.
“I want to give up my apartment in Austin, and permanently stay out here with you and the baby.” He told her, glancing at her for a moment, smiling at the baby blanket she had started to crochet the night before.
“I already thought you were here permanently?” Lily chuckled, eyes sparkling at him. “Place in Austin or not.” She said, eyes turning back to her needlework.
Sy reached across the center console and gently took her hand in his. “You have no idea, how much you have made that farm a home for me. How much you've become home to me.”
Lily gripped his hand tighter, feeling the deep emotion of the moment. “I feel the same, Austin.” She whispered back, tears filling her eyes and spilling over, dripping onto the yarn. “So much, the same.”
They made it to the building Lily's new doctor worked out of and signed in for their appointment, filling out paperwork, while they waited for their turn to go back. Both of them were nervous and excited about the appointment, to find out more about the baby and what life would be like from here on out. Sy wanted to know what the gender was, but knew that wouldn’t happen for several more weeks, while Lily just hoped she wouldn't have any major complications during the pregnancy, her nausea was already starting to get more frequent, having been woken up early that morning to rush into the bathroom to throw up.
“Ms. Moore?” A nurse called out.
Lily and Sy stood up and the nurse showed them into the back, pausing for a moment to hold out a small urine sample cup to Lily.
“There's a bathroom two doors down, on the left, fill it to the line, and when you're done, leave it on the little counter in there, then I'll show you both to the exam room.” She explained to Lily.
Lily nodded, a slight shake in her hand as she took the cup from her and went down to the bathroom, doing as she was told. It took Lily a moment to get going, her excitement and nerves taking up so much of her attention. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking a shaky breath, her mind flashing back and forth between every conceivable scenario between her, Sy and the baby. Her belly growing rounder than a ripe watermelon in summer, Sy finished up the house and working on a nursery, while she crocheted the blanket. The patter of feet in the house, the sound of laughs and barks in the yard as the baby and Aika played together.
But, also the fear of Sy suddenly deciding he didn't want a life with her and going back to Austin, leaving her to raise the baby on her own, or the absolute worst, losing the baby all together.
“Not going to happen.” She chanted under her breath. “He loves me.”
Taking several deep breaths, Lily managed to fill the cup to the line, secured the lid on it and set it down on the small shelf screwed into the wall across from the toilet, before washing her hands and going back out into the hall to join Sy and the nurse.
The nurse smiled at her and showed her and Sy into a sweet little exam room, where Lily took a seat on the table, letting the nurse take her vitals.
“The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Moore.”
“Thanks.” Lily smiled at her, legs gently swinging and hands clasped in her lap.
Sy stood in front of Lily, untangling her hands and held them in his, squeezing them as he felt them shake. “It'll be all right, Angel.” He cooed at her, pressing their hands to his chest and stood between her legs. “You're doing so good, my sweet thang.” He chuckled, starting to tease her a little bit, knowing it would lighten her mood.
Sy tried to cover his own worry and fear, wanting to look and be strong for Lily, knowing she was just as terrified as he was. He had wanted a family, a kid, for a long time, but not just a kid to have a kid for the sake of it, to have someone to carry on the bloodline and legacy. He wanted to have a kid with someone he loved, to have a life. To be someone more than Captain Austin Syverson of the U.S Army. To be, Austin Syverson, Father, Dad and husband, maybe even grandpa one day.
That had been Austin's dream.
And here was Lily, his beautiful, sweet Angel, who had saved him. He loved Lily with his entire soul, he would live for her and he would die for her, and now, she was carrying his daughter or son, proving him wrong, when he thought he couldn't love her anymore. Giving Sy one more thing on his bucket list. She gave him a purpose, she gave him a place to belong, and she gave him unconditional love and support. Lily made Sy feel wanted and complete. He couldn't think of anything more he wanted, but he had a feeling that Lily might give him more than what he expected.
“Snookums.” He laughed aloud.
“Oh god.” Lily laughed back, shaking her head at him, starting to feel better. “Watch yourself, Pooh Bear.” She teased him back, pressing her palms to his chest.
Sy rolled his eyes at her, leaning slightly forward and gently rubbed noses with her, with a soft knock on the room door and it opened, a short lady with smooth caramel skin and a white doctor's coat stepped into the room, smiling sweetly at both Lily and Sy.
“Hello.” She greeted them, extending her hand. “I'm Dr. Evers.”
“Hi.” Lily greeted her back and shook her hand. “Lily.” She smiled.
“Sy.” He replied, shaking her hand next.
“So, you're expecting?” Dr. Evers beamed at Lily, genuinely happy for them.
“Yeah.” Lily grinned, excited and shy. “I've been nauseous, which usually happens on my period.” She began to explain. “So, I was checking when my period was due to start, on a tracker I have on my phone, only to realize, I was nearly a week late.” She said, glancing over at Sy.
“I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive.”
“Great.” Evers nodded. “The urine test you took came back positive as well, but I'll also want to take a UPT test as well, to be extra sure.” She explained to Lily, just as the door opened again and the nurse came back in, pushing a small metal cart with two plastic tubes with rubber caps and a needle inside a sterile package.
Lily's hand instantly shot out for Sy's hand, eyes wild, gulping and paling slightly. Sy let her squeeze his hand as hard she wanted, while rubbing her back with his free hand, leaning in and pressing his lips to her temple. Lily, reluctantly, held her arm out to the nurse, who gently sterilized the inside bend of her elbow and took out the needle, that had a thin tube and cap-like object attached to it, that she slotted one of the test tubes into, before skillfully inserting the needle into Lily's arm.
“See, not so bad.” Sy smiled at Lily's soft hiss, watching her rich blood fill up the tube, and gently pet her hair. “Proud of you.” He added, softly.
The nurse filled both tubes, removed the needle and covered the injection site, smiling sweetly at Lily, then left the room with the blood samples.
“So, the test results will take two-= to three days to come in.” Evers explained to them, once the door closed. “The office will give you a call with the results. Until then, I want you to rest and take it easy. I'll prescribe you a prenatal vitamin and something for your nausea. Once we get your results and they’re positive, we'll set up another appointment and go from there.”
“Sounds great, Doc.” Sy grinned, giddy as a school-boy about being a dad.
“That it does.” Lily agreed, ecstatic as well.
-- Part VI --
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
Hi! Could you do prompt 10 and the OT4, preferably nsfw but whatever floats your boat. Love your stuff :)
Here you go! It is indeed NSFW.
There's also a magical aphrodisiac that's taken accidentally, but everything is still fully consensual; the person who takes it is just extra horny.
10. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
One of the most common complaints from exiled Sylphs, after the obvious, was the way it fucked up your circadian rhythms. Barclay had been gone long enough that he’d stopped noticing it. Then Aubrey and Dani started inviting people on outings on the Sylvain side of the new gate and he learned that his body never really forgot the habits he grew up with.
Case in point: he’s already been up for an hour, puttering about the kitchen in the palatial ski cabin they rented near the Blue Iron Mountains, his internal clock knowing this level of strange half-light means it’s time to be up and active. Half the Sylphs have been up all night and show no plans to go to bed, the other half are still sound asleep. With the exception of Aubrey, the humans are all burrowed in bed. At least that’s what he thought.
“Mornin’” Duck shuffles in from the porch, dusted in snow and clad in sweats, sipping from a wooden cup.
“Morning. Couldn’t sleep?”
“Nah, ain’t been up that long. Just needed my mornin bean juice and, uh” he mumbles, “couldn’t figure out how to work the coffee maker here. So I walked down to the main lodge to get some. Or, uh, the closest they had. Said I needed somethin’ to wake me up.”
“Lemme get some started. If you wanna hang out a sec, I can give you a cup to take back to Joe. He made me promise not to let him oversleep.” He fishes one of the ten, massive bags of coffee grounds they brought from Kepler out of a cabinet.
“Must’ve said that after I was conked out.”
“That was two minutes after we went to bed.”
“Hey, ‘Drid’s nice and comfy.”
“Got that right.” Barclay starts the percolator.
Duck leans against the counter, “How’s being back home feel?”
“Better than last time. It’s not feeling as...overwhelming anymore.”
“Glad to hear it.” Duck bumps their elbows as he fishes out some mugs, “you need any help with dinner tonight?”
“Nope, gonna let everyone forage through the leftovers.” He pours out two mugs of coffee, tips some cream into the second as Duck sticks the wooden cup into the rapid dishwasher.
The ranger takes the coffee, lifts one in goodbye, “Thanks for these. And if you get tired of being out here, know you’d be real popular if you come back to bed. Even give up my spot on ‘Drid for a bit.” He winks and disappears down the hall.
The cabin comes more and more to life as he sips his tea and whips up winterberry muffin batter. By the time the muffins are done and devoured, Joseph is nestled next to him in an easy chair and the group consensus is that today is the day to hit the more advanced slopes.
“Indrid, are you coming?” Dani calls, tying on her sweater.
The pile of blankets near the giant fireplace replies, “No. I very much enjoy spending time with you all, but I am not going anywhere colder than this room.”
“I’m passing on this round too. That fall yesterday bruised me up more than I care to mention” Joseph wipes his hands on a napkin and hops out of the chair, “besides, I want to keep an eye on Duck; he’s not feeling well.”
“Oh no, what’s-”
“Feverish” Indrid’s head swivels to look at the others, “and rather out of it. Which is odd, because he seemed fine when he returned to bed this morning.”
“Could be the altitude.” Jake pops on his beanie, “major bummer. Okay dudes, let’s go!”
Barclay waves goodbye as they pile out the door, then goes to see if the Mothman will let him share some blankets.
“Nmmh?” He lifts his head from where it’s pressed to Joe’s leg. He looks so...pretty from this angle.
“I’m going to see if Barclay wants to take a little walk to stretch our legs. Indrid’s still in the living room if you need him.”
Duck frowns; he doesn’t want Joe going anywhere. He should stay here and take off his clothes, press their bodies together, and feel him up until every curve and bump of his body has been thoroughly pawed.
“It won’t be long, I promise.” The agent bends, kisses his forehead, and then he’s gone.
For a while he lays in the warm darkness, as content and sleepy as a hibernating bear. Then the same heat that’s been ebbing and flowing through his veins since this morning creeps into his chest. The urging to fulfill some nebulous want grows louder. He grabs Joe’s folded pajama shirt from the foot of the bed and buries his face in it, certain that will soothe the ache.
It does for a moment, the traces of mint soap and fancy cologne--Joe swears it’s from the drugstore but he must be lying, it smells too good to be cheap--letting him pretend he’s resting his cheek on a lean chest.
Then things get a thousand times worse, his mind supplying the filthiest slideshow of his boyfriend possible; Joe smiling at him as he lavishes his belly with kisses, Joe flat on his back as Duck fucks him, Joe in his suit, slipping his hands into Duck’s back pockets to steal a squeeze before work.
He groans; Joe said it’d be a short walk. What’s taking him so goddamn long?
Wait a minute. Joe said something else too. He said Indrid was still here.
Indrid, with his long tongue and wide smile. Indrid, claws sharp and voice so fucking commanding when he wants it to be.
Duck is out of the bedroom as fast as his worryingly shaky legs will take him. Indrid is on the floor by the fireplace, paperback romance in one hand and mug in the other. His back against the couch and a blanket of shimmering grey wool draped over his shoulders. He’s puffed up, just as he’s been since they reached the mountains. Duck giggles every time he sees him, teasingly calls him a fluffball as rises on his toes to kiss a downy cheek.
“Oh, hello sweet one.” Indrid closes his book, “are you feeling better? Oh, well, hello then.” He chirrs happily as Duck settles into his lap and digs his hands into his feathers.
“S’okay?” Duck gazes hopefully up at him.
“Of course.” A gentle flick of a tongue on his cheek, “you know I adore having you in my arms. Is there anything you need?”
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head, shivering in relief as feathers brush his skin. Just having the bulk of Indrid to rest on, feeling the little trills and hums in his chest, it all makes the heat relent and he’s now certain this is what he needs to feel better, “can keep readin’ if you want. Probably just fall asleep.” He leans enough to kiss the edge of Indrid’s left wing, then relaxes as spindly arms gently rest on his shoulders.
The fire crackles and pages turn, Indrid idly rubbing his back as he daydreams. He loves his claws, the reminder of the strange, otherworldly creature hidden beneath the gangly, smiling human he fell in love with. The felt so good, twined in his hair as Indrid taught how to blow him in his Sylph form. And when they prick his thighs, holding his legs open so Indrid can fuck him deep while calling him a good boy.
“That doesn’t seem like a nap, sweetheart.” Indrid sets his free hand on Duck’s ass as slowly bounces in his lap.
“Fuck, sorry, I, I didn’t mean to, you just, fuck, sugar, the things you do to me, I want you so bad.”
“Goodness” Indrid purrs softly, nuzzling his forehead, “let me just find my bookmark. Joseph keeps reminding me not to dog-ear library books-”
“You, you can keep reading. I don’t wanna interrupt you I just, I want, fuck, it’s like I got a goddamn volcano in my chest and I need to let it erupt to get rid of the heat.”
“...And you do not want me to take you to bed to do so?” Indrid cocks his head.
“No? Fuck, it’s kinda hard to explain but right now I both wanna get off and prove that I’m good, that I ain’t any trouble, and the thought of you lettin me do that turns me on even more.”
Indrid sets the book aside, cupping his face. It takes Duck a moment to understand he’s studying his eyes.
“And if you needed to stop, or needed me to do something else, you would say so?”
Duck grins in what he hopes is a charming--rather than goofy--way, “you know it.”
His boyfriend nods, satisfied. Claws grips his hips and shift him sideways so he’s straddling Indrid’s thigh.
“I foresee that being particularly pleasurable for you. Now be a good little human and try not to jostle me too much.” He retrieves his book, flipping pages as Duck rolls his hips with abandon, moaning happily as his cock grinds on soft fabric and, beneath it, the firm muscle of a long leg.
A warning squeeze on his thigh, “Not so rough, sweet one, the letters are jumping too much for me to read.”
He whimpers, forces himself to slow down, to rut in long, slow motions instead of frantic ones.
“Much better.” A kiss on his head, a gentle pat on his ass. Fuck he loves this, the way he can bury himself in Indrid’s down, the way he feels small and protected, like all he has to worry about is being good while Indrid completely surrounds him.
Wings circle his back.
“You were about to ask.” Indrid murmurs, voice dripping with indulgence.
“Thank you, fuck, sugar” the heat that’s dogged him all morning pools in his gut, “goddamn you look good, gonna, gonna comb out those wings soon as I’m done, gonna make you purrFUCK.” He gasps, fisting his hands into Indrid’s chest because he’s not entirely sure he won’t float away if he lets go.
Just as he thinks the last of the desire is burnt off, it bubbles back up as if he didn’t just cum so hard he saw stars. His hips are already moving, his breaths sending puffs of down into the air.
“Needy thing.” Indrid grins at him, dips his head to indicate his own emerging cock, “but you’re being such a good boy. Tell me, my love, shall I take you now? Or should I finish the chapter I just started?”
“I, I wanna see how many times I can cum before you fuck me.”
A clawtip traces a heart on his cheek, “Carry on, then.”
Joseph isn’t as used to Sylph boots as Barclay is, so the cook enters the cabin ahead of him. This means he runs smack into his boyfriend's back when he stops dead in the living room.
“Having fun, little moth?”
“A great deal.”
Joseph steps around Barclay to find Indrid lounging against the couch reading and seemingly unbothered by the flushed, sweating ranger grinding on his leg.
“Guess he’s feeling better.” Barclay smirks.
“I suspect he’s feeling the same.” Indrid lays the book on the end table, “given that he’s cum three times since we started.”
“N-not my fault you’re so goddamn gorgeous.” Duck growls, whining when Indrid lazily kisses him.
“My point is, ah, well” Indrid’s antenna twitch sheepishly, “there was a future I meant to alert him to last night and promptly forgot about until now. What did you order from the cafe this morning, my love?”
Duck pauses, brow charmingly furrowed, “Fire flower tea?”
“You may have meant to order that, but what you actually ordered was red flower tea.”
“Oh jesus.” Barclay winces; he’d gone over a list with all the humans before their first trip about which Sylph ingredients might have unexpected effects on them. According to Joseph’s notes, red flower tea, in his or Duck’s bodies, is an aphrodisiac. Were Duck in distress, he’d be herding them all out the door to the nearest hospital. But given his blissed-out expression and the state of Indrid’s feathers, he’s not worried.
“In Duck’s defense, ‘fire’ and ‘red’ are very similar characters. But maybe you’re due for some more flashcard practice.” Joseph perches on the armrest nearest Indrid, unable to wrench his eyes from the way Duck’s ass and thighs jiggle as he humps their boyfriend.
Duck growls playfully, “Hell yeah.”
“Damn, usually I’m the one who gets turned on by you being a nerd.” Barclay comes up behind him, rubbing his shoulders.
“C’mon, handsome, take off those fancy-ass jeans and lemme suck your dick.”
His hands are on his fly when two auburn-furred ones clamp down on top of them. Duck whines, and Joseph looks up to find Indrid preventing him from getting out of his lap.
“While I understand the urge to pounce on Joseph, I am not about to let you rile me up only to go get someone else off first. It’s only polite to finish what you started. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes.” The other three reply.
Indrid preens, “Excellent.”
Duck’s pants hit the floor (Joseph is very glad there’s a grate between the fire and their shed clothes). He expects his own to join them, but Barclay only unzips his fly and pushes his jeans down low enough to stroke his dick. He rests his head back on a fuzzy chest as Indrid pushes Duck onto his hands and knees and unceremoniously shoves his cock into him.
Of the four of them, Duck is the least vocal during sex. Talkative, yes, but if someone is moaning and yelling loud enough to wake the neighbors, it’s the others who are to blame. So the ecstatic, drawn-out moan that bursts from him when Indrid sinks in is truly a rare and wonderful sound.
“I got an idea” Barclay rumbles in his ear, scoops him up and deposits him on the couch cushions before kneeling next to him. Joseph eases off pants, laughs when Barclay pulls off each of his socks with a flourish before kissing his legs. Then teeth nip his thigh and the cook growls, “spread ‘em, babe.”
He gladly obeys, let’s out his own grateful moan as Barclay fucks him with two thick fingers. The Sylph stays beside him, kissing and nibbling his torso while giving Duck an excellent view of what he could be doing were he not pinned under a ravenously horny Indrid.
“Fuck, sugar please, please lemme get closer, I’ve been good, fuckplease.”
“Patience, my love. Barclay, kindly fuck Joseph harder.”
He inhales excitedly. But Barclay’s fingers slow, voice low and dominant as he says, “And who says you’re calling all the shots today, little moth?”
Indrid narrows his eyes, “I do, dearest.”
Any frustration Joseph feels at the loss of Barclay’s fingers is erased by his excited curiosity as the cook stands and takes one long stride to loom over the seer.
“Yes, darling one?” Indrid smiles sweetly, managing to bat eyelashes that aren’t there, “what do you whaAAAAAnt.” A trill rattles the windows as Barclay grabs both antennas in one hand. He tugs and Indrid’s head whips sideways, mouth opening the instant Barclay’s cock brushes it. His free hand grips the seers jaw, forcing it to stay open as he fucks his face, grunting happily and panting out what Stern knows to be Sylph dirty talk. Joseph only recognizes, “beg,” “mine,” and “pay for” before warm lips wrap around his dick. Duck’s managed to work his way forward, Indrid’s cock is barely still in him, jerking and thrusting shallowly as he purrs around Barclay’s dick.
Duck lifts his head for a beat, “Next time you wanna go for a walk, do me a goddamn favor and let me jerk you off first.”
“I, ohlord, I’m sorry, that was very inconsiderate of me.” He teases as Duck snickers and clambers up to straddle him, the ranger rubbing his dick eagerly as he dives in for a kiss. Kissing Duck always makes him feel like a teenager, like sex is messy and new and so fun that he can’t help but smile.
He cums abruptly, gasping and dragging kisses along Duck’s crooked grin. The ranger looks very pleased with himself, his own hips finally stilling as he gathers Joseph into his arms and whispers, “Love you, city mouse.”
“I love you too.”
A howlgrowlpurr makes them both glance towards the fireplace. Barclay is tugging and stroking Indrid’s antenna as he cums down his throat, the seer frantically touching himself. Indrid grabs Duck’s discarded sweatpants, cumming in them with a weak trill as Barclay pulls away, running his fingers through the feathers on his head as he slumps against him.
Then Indrid’s eyes snap open, “The others will be here in three minutes.”
“Shit” Joseph scrambles up, grabbing his stray clothes and pulling Duck after him towards the bedroom. Barclay and Indrid hurry in behind them, locking the door to be safe.
“Catastrophe avoided” Indrid sighs.
“Thank fuck.” Duck flops onto the bed.
“You feeling okay?” Barclay heads to the attached bathroom to wash his hands.
“Yeah, think the tea finally wore off. Oh, uh, where’s your bag, ‘Drid? I meant it when I said I was gonna groom your feathers.”
“Catch” Barclay tosses him a comb and a bottle of magenta oil before guiding Joseph over to the bed and wrapping himself around him. Joseph leans out of his fuzzy blanket to kiss both Indrid and Duck on the cheek as Duck spritzes oil on the comb and Indrid spreads his wings, chirping when Barclay runs his finger over the end of one.
“Duck? Barclay? Everyone okay in there?” Aubrey calls through the door.
The four of them glance at each other.
“Everything’s perfect.”
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 150
I think for the time being, I am going to quit calling myself ‘late’ posting as long as I get the chapter up on the right day of the week *facepalm*.  Bc I am barely keeping ahead, much less remembering to queue things up.
I am so, so sorry about that....
Fair warning before anyone @s me: The French is a joke, so if I got it super wrong I am equally sorry to the degree of which it’s wrong.
Unless it’s obscene. Then I want to know so that I can laugh with you, and I am LEAVING IT.
As always, shouts out to @baelpenrose, @the-raven-fae, and @charlylimph-blog!
Heaving an enormous Dutch oven onto a burner, I turned on the heat low and started chopping vegetables. After the first celery stalk, I glanced up at Derek, who sat across from Maverick in our living room.  The quarters were shaped differently, which had distressed Derek initially, but the addition of his favorite blankets to the sofa had helped.  Currently, he was completely distracted from even Mac: staring off into space, his fingers flying and flicking with a feverish, almost convulsive movement.
Maverick glanced up at me with a smile before following my gaze. “Yep, the cyber siege continues.  He’s doing well, from what Zach told me.”
“I thought he was only supposed to attack human-managed systems,” I grumbled, thinking back to the cold shower I had been subjected to that morning. Turning back to the vegetables, I made short work of the celery before taking my frustration out on the carrots. Scooping the diced vegetables into a bowl, I started measuring out paprika, sugar, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano into another bowl.  “Where’s Sam, by the way?”
“On the way,” Maverick promised. “With Terran-style tomatoes, he swears.  And Derek is only attacking systems we manage.  When BioLab 2 was set up, we had to take over water management, to protect the lab from any sort of contamination.”
The knife in my hand, brandished at three cloves of garlic, clattered to the work surface. “Seriously?” I glared at the tap, suddenly suspicious.
“Probably get water from the console,” he winced, nodding briskly at Derek, who nodded in confirmation without stopping his tapping and flicking gestures.
Groaning, I shook my head and crushed the garlic, removed the skin, and started mincing. All that was left was to wait on the tomatoes from Sam.  The garlic was potent enough, and I wanted to avoid cutting any onion until absolutely necessary since Derek was clearly parked for the duration.
I was saved about fifteen minutes later when Conor and Sam stopped at the door.  Sam waved cheerfully and held up the requested vegetables while Conor removed his boots. A quick shuffle later for Sam to remove his own shoes, and both came to the food prep area - too small to be considered a proper kitchen - to greet me. 
First, Conor gave me a big, smelly hug and a kiss on my hair. “Did you already slice the bread?”
“Ew, you gorilla!” I laughed. “And I haven’t sliced any bread yet, I wasn’t sure how long I had and I didn’t want it to get too stale.”
“They’re toasties, love.” He shook his head with a grin before swatting me on the butt. “No one cares if the bread was a bit stale before you started.”
Over his shoulder, Derek’s head bobbed side to side. “I think someone disagrees.” I looked meaningfully past him.  To Conor’s credit, he looked sheepish.
Sam squeezed around and handed me the tomatoes and gave me a hug. “Thank you for making soup.”
“I know it’s our favorite,” I winked before shooing him out of the area. “Not enough room for more than one in the kitchen. Y’all go unwind out there, and make sure you warn Derek that I’m about to start cutting onions.”
As he held up his hands and jokingly scurried away, I turned to the stove and started cursing myself. I’d forgotten to start boiling water. Snagging a small saucepan, I got a carafe of water from the console and started rectifying that, tossing in a generous pinch of salt.  Gently, I cut an X into the bottom of each tomato and set them aside before peeling and dicing the onion.  Immediately, the onion, carrots, and celery went into a food processor.  “Derek, I’m about to be loud,” I called softly before counting to ten to give him time to cover his ears or step into the corridor.  A quick blitz later, the vegetables were perfectly between a mince and a puree.
A quick swizzle of oil went into the already-hot dutch oven before adding the mirepoix and giving it a quick stir. As if on cue, Tyche and Antoine breezed through the door, noses twitching.
“I smell food,” she announced, stalking into the kitchen.  One look at the ingredients was all it took. “Ooooo you’re making the tomato soup.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “I am, and you know I don’t have room in here for spectators, unfortunately.” Arching an eyebrow, I pointed the spoon in my hand at the table.
She wasn’t having it. “One of these days, you’re going to show me how to make that. May as well be today.”
“Nice try, but I need some secrets. Besides, the longer I argue with you, the more likely the vegetables are going to scorch. Scoot!”
She scrunched her face at me but acquiesced. As I scooped the garlic into the pot, I heard her change topics. “How much longer is the stress test? My music keeps getting mixed up with Antoine’s. I don’t mind it, but…”
Antoine smiled softly and shook his head. “But it is quite a shock to expect classical music and instead her rock starts playing.”
Personally, I liked both, but still shuddered at what he was talking about. Carefully lowering three of the tomatoes into the now-boiling water, I glanced at the sauteing vegetables and gave them a quick stir to check. “We have about six more days before the repairs start, maybe four more after that?”
Conor sighed. “I wish we could ask if anything important was being hacked, not just annoying environmental controls.”
“Plants aren’t dead yet,” Sam pointed out, tipping his bottle of water toward Conor in a practiced gesture.  Everyone laughed when, rather than being reassured, Conor leapt to his feet to check on his ‘babies’ in the room.
Cursing, I dipped the tomatoes out of the boiling water and dropped them immediately into an ice bath.  A couple pokes with my trusty spoon showed they weren’t overcooked, thankfully. “None of my information for work has been acting up,” I admitted as I started peeling them. “But Pranav advised that more critical data would either go completely missing or not show any signs of infiltration.  We won’t know until after the test is over.”
“Lovely,” Tyche drawled as she watched Conor fretting over the plants. “So it’s all or nothing.”
I shrugged and dumped the tomato paste - admittedly, from the console - into the pan of other vegetables.  When I stirred, I was satisfied that the carrots, onion, and celery had cooked down to where they were soft. “In a weird way, it makes sense. They’re testing for catastrophic data breaches, which would pull everything down, or for data theft, which you wouldn’t want to leave traces of.”
The corner of Antoine’s mouth quirked up as I dropped three more tomatoes into the pan of boiling water. “No hidden boba tea this time, that is reassuring.”
Hands still moving without hesitation, Derek whipped his head toward Antoine, paused, and turned back to where he had been staring. Derek’s version of a glare.
“That was Charly,” I responded in unexpected unison with Maverick and Conor.  I smirked while dumping the already-peeled tomatoes into the processor with another pinch of salt. “Seriously, Derek had nothing to do with that other than divine retribution.” I paused for a moment. “Although I do have to admit that the cold showers do seem to track with what Charly reported.”
That only got a shrug from Derek, which was as good as an admission.
The conversation shifted again - something Conor and Sam were working on in the aeroponics labs that I had already heard multiple details on, plus repetition.  Tuning it out, I pulled out the last three tomatoes, dropped them in the ice bath, and took a platter with a loaf of bread, sliced cheese, and butter out to the table. “Mav, can you start setting up the sandwiches?”
He went to stand, but Tyche shooed him back down. “I got it. She may not let me help make the soup on this one, but I can prep a grilled cheese with the best.” Staring me in the eye, she started cutting slices from the loaf defiantly.
I just laughed it off. This was the only tomato soup either of us liked, and she had been chasing me for the recipe for ages.  It had become a running joke at this point, so without hesitation, I moved back to the food prep area, peeled the remaining tomatoes, and gave another warning that I was going to be loud.  Some more blitzing later, the now-pureed tomatoes went into the pan of veggies along with the spices I had already measured out, the juice from one lemon, and enough water to fill the pan three-quarters full.  Leaving that to boil, I moved the boiling water off the stove and swapped it for a grill-pan.
“Sophie!” Conor cried from the armchair where he perched. “You’ve seen the plants we’re growing in the lab! Tell them we’ve managed a crop of roots!”
I winced. “Jury’s out… I’m not sure how aeroponic potatoes are going to turn out, but I can confirm they are in the process of finding out?”
Tyche’s knife fell to the table, and she moved her mouth silently in a very accurate imitation of a fish before managing to sputter. “Air-grown… potatoes?”
The confusion on Antoine’s face was painful to look at. He started to speak before stopping himself and instead pulling up his datapad, jotting a message, and flicking it out to the room.
When I read the message, the confusion was so clear that I hurt my sinuses snorting. Des pomme de terre en l’air? Pommes aeriennes? Talk about being lost in translation…. “Conor, Sam… I think Antoine has the perfect name for those if they work out. Just sayin’”
Tyche snorted and shook her head before handing me the platter, with a stack of perfectly buttered bread, two slices of cheese between every other slice of bread.  The soup had just come to a simmer, so I was stirring intently and just nodded for her to start grilling sandwiches.  Several appreciative sniffs and twenty minutes later, six bowls of soup and six matching sandwiches - three cut vertically and three cut diagonally, because it mattered and was not a battle I was willing to fight - hit the table.  Tyche politely placed the salt cellar and a pepper grinder on the table, although the glare she dished out to the collected group promised strong retaliation to anyone who touched them.
I held up half of my grilled cheese in a mock-toast. “To soup night!”
“To air potato soup, soon!” Maverick offered up with a grin, only for everyone to echo his sentiment with the exception of Derek - who just held up half of his sandwich with one hand and tapped away with the other, not even relenting to eat.
Frankly, as long as he spared a hand to eat, I couldn’t bring myself to care.  He took these tests very seriously, and generally only stopped when he was completely asleep.
Everyone dug in, but it was only after my first spoonful that I spoke up. “Considering how long it took to make sure the tomatoes wouldn’t be poisonous, I’m not sure the potatoes will be ready before we get to Von.”
Conor and Sam nodded, as did Tyche and Antoine, but Maverick stopped with his bowl halfway to his mouth.  Setting it down gently, he angled his head. “What do you mean, poisonous?”
“They’re nightshades,” Conor told him, as calmly as if he was telling us that water was wet. “Tomatoes are the only edible berries of that family, and potatoes are the only edible tubers, so we have to be extra careful.”
Maverick’s eyes grew wide and turned toward his soup. Tyche just reached out and patted his hand. “You’ve eaten this soup for years, and you love tomatoes. They’re safe, I swear.  And Sam won’t let Sophia near the new ones until he’s completely sure they’ll be okay to eat.”
Sam nodded, shoving a soup-covered wedge into his mouth. “We’re growing them in simulated Von-light, hoping that keeps the roots from creating chlorophyll.  If we’re wrong, there’s a forty-three-point-six percent chance they won’t grow at all, ten-point-five percent chance they will give you a stomach ache, eighteen-point-four percent they won’t taste good, and twenty-seven-point-five percent they will taste good and be safe to eat at the same time.”
“Meaning they won’t kill you, you might get a tummy ache, but most likely for this generation, they just won’t grow,” Conor translated.
“Hang on,” I held up my spoon. “What kind of stomachache are we talking here?”
The mad botanists looked at each other and made a few thoughtful faces. Finally, Conor nodded and Sam spoke. “Unripe apples,” he stated flatly. “But just unripe apples.”
“Oh, that’s not too bad,” I shrugged and crunched into my sandwich.
Derek finished his half-sandwich and blindly reached for another. He had it halfway to his mouth before he looked at it and dropped it back to the plate in alarm. You would have thought it tried to bite him rather than vice versa.
Antoine shook his head and reached past the vertically cut sandwich Derek had dropped and delicately handed him a diagonally cut one. “Here you go, friend.”
Glaring at the sandwich like it may betray him, he bit it viciously before going back to the screen he could only see in his mind, seemingly satisfied that the sandwich would not change into the offending shape.
I told you, it matters.
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saveourskinship · 3 years
Truth and Lies
There are some lies we tell ourselves so often they become the truth. We revisit the memory of the truth and lie again and again until eventually all we are left with is the lie and the truth is buried in a sea of grey cells.
“Merlin but I hate Granger,” Draco said. Blaise wondered with how often he’d heard this, if he could coerce Draco giving him a Galleon every time it was uttered. 
Though even with the vast Malfoy vaults Blaise thought he’d be able to bankrupt them by graduation.
“Did you SEE what she did today?” his friend vibrated with rage. More mirage than man.
“When it comes to Granger I employ the monkey principle,” Blaise drawled.
“The what? Say something sensible, Zabini!” Draco spat. Blaise desperately wanted to point out Draco’s lack of that particular virtue, but his beleaguered and tattered soul could not be, in a word, arsed.
Instead, he placed his hands reverently first over his eyes, then his ears, then his mouth. 
When Draco sputtered at him for further explanation like a fish trying to give a lecture, he rolled his eyes and explained with all the weary put-uponness of Snape attempting to teach Longbottom something.
“See no, hear no, speak no evil,” he stoically blinked.
Draco’s eyes widened and he looked shocked, “She’s not... well, she’s not evil.”
“Isn’t she though?” Blaise sighed. 
How often the witch was mentioned with insults traipsing after her name from his pale, annoying friend it seemed like she should be. She was certainly a nuisance but only because her presence rendered Draco a convulsing, frothing mess. 
And she didn’t even seem to notice which was rather unsporting of her.
Blaise contemplated Granger outside the realm of Draco’s vitriol while his friend paced around flailing about the witch granting him a favour for Prefect rounds so he could still attend his Quidditch practices. 
“She’s making me a target for everyone else, it’s like some sort of performative art piece on my so-called exceptionalism,” he was raving nonsensically.
“Actually, she’s quite pretty,” Blaise concluded.
Draco made a sound like the wind had been knocked out of him. It was deeply unattractive.
“Blaise, that’s - that’s disgusting,” Draco recoiled and shuddered the words out like he was gagging on the thought.
“She is, though. I might ask her to hang out, she’s not with Weasley anymore right?”
“But Blaise, her hair and her teeth and just - ugh!” Draco screwed up his nose. 
“I admit, when we were younger her hair did tend to swamp her, but it suits her face now she’s grown. And thanks to you her teeth got fixed in fourth year,” he listed his head contemplatively towards the ceiling. “I’d go as far to say that Granger is hot now.”
“You did not just say that. Gross, Blaise, gross.”
Blaise just shrugged and let Draco flop into an armchair now that he’d tired himself out letting out the occasional repulsed scoff and glare in Blaise’s general direction.
The next morning Blaise sat next to Granger in Charms. He spoke to her and watched Draco nearly break out into a rash which was worth the perfunctory ‘Hello’ alone.
Turned out Granger had often summered in Florence, and they had a few of the same favourite spots in the city, including a particular gelateria near his palazzo. She was a fan of his mother’s music and all in all wasn’t horrible to talk to.
“I know about you and Ginny,” she whispered as they practiced wandless summoning charms.
He smirked at her, “Oh, yes? You must be terribly disappointed in her.”
She shook her head, “No, she seems very happy actually,” she gave him a genuine smile. “You should come to Hogsmeade with us next weekend. I think she’d like us to be friends.”
“Only if you convince her to come to Italy in July, she doesn’t think her family will approve. You can come, too, if you like,” he offered.
“I’m sure I can do that,” she winked at him, and Draco smacked himself in the face across the room when he failed to catch the book he was summoning.
Draco was feverish at lunch that day.
“What was with that perverted display in Charms, Zabini? It was utterly vile the way you two were looking at each other.”
“She asked me to go with her on the next Hogsmeade trip,” he replied easily. Casually. Like Draco wasn’t about to have a heart attack.
Sure enough, Draco slumped and paled like he’d lost all feeling down his left side.
“Oh, and she said she’d come to Italy with me in July,” he added, just to see if two sentences were enough to be the cause of death of his friend.
Almost. Draco went grey like he’d been embalmed and stiff with supposed rigor mortis. Sadly, he could still speak so it wasn’t the devastating mortal blow Blaise had hoped for.
“But Blaise, July is when I’m going to be in Italy with you, too,” his voice dead and hollow.
“Mm, well, I’ll need someone to entertain Granger while I spend time with my girlfriend so do you think once you’re away from school and Slytherin and your family you can be civil to her?” Blaise blandly asked, buttering a bread roll and briefly catching Ginny’s eye while Granger spoke to her. 
His witch gave him an adorable smile and blushed.
“Girlfriend?” Draco gaped. “You don’t have a girlfriend.”
“No, you don’t have a girlfriend,” Blaise corrected him. “I always have a girlfriend but I’m quite serious about this one.”
Draco narrowed his eyes at him, “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
Blaise shrugged, “With a terribly unorthodox method, but it seems to be working.”
“And what would that be?” Draco scornfully retorted.
Blaise fixed him with a stare, one that went deep into his friend and tried to coax out that so very buried truth in him, “With kindness, obviously.”
Draco darted his eyes around trying to figure it out.
“The palazzo has a lovely pool,” Blaise mused. “I wonder how much Granger likes swimming.”
Draco attempted to drown himself in his pumpkin juice. Blaise pulled him back from the brink with a firm hand on his shoulder and a low word in his ear.
“Do you really hate her, mate?” directing a nod towards where Granger was prettily talking to Ginny and prettily blowing on a spoonful of soup and prettily tucking a curl behind her ear.
“Oh,” Draco said with a spasm of surprise. “Ohh.”
Blaise clapped him once and went back to eating. Things were silent for a bit.
“So, Italy in July, right?” Draco queried with an excited tremor.
See that’s the thing about truths, they’ll always be stronger than a lie. It just takes the right set of circumstances to have them bob right up to the surface again.
Blaise smiled, “Yeah,” he said watching his friend light up. “Maybe even August, too.”
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lluvguts · 3 years
Cool Blue ; Chapter Four
hold you here, my loveliest friend
☽ warnings: none
☽ fic masterlist
The air in Alberto's room was stuffy and filled with the uneasy smell of the sweat his bare skin on the sheets left after a fitful sleep. He flung an arm from the blankets to fiddle with the window latch until his sluggish muscles threw it back and open, letting fresh ocean air inside.
He opened his eyes. His face was covered by the white bedsheet like a dead man or just a boy realizing his mistakes much too late and he quickly threw that off of him, too.  With the window open and the bottom of the frame just inches from Alberto's nose, nothing stopped the sunlight streaming across his feverish skin in beams and the shadow of the white chipped frame to cast a thin shadow as relief to his sleepy eyes.
The sleep was thick in his green eyes, as he suffered through an uncomfortable dreamless night spent mostly staring at the ceiling with Luca's face burning a hole behind his eyelids.
Oh, God. Luca.
A quick glance at the nightstand was all it took. The polaroid photos were undeniably there. Their white corners, their colored reflections in the daylight. Making those feelings from the night before stir again.
"Alberto? Are you awake yet?" Massimo had his hand splayed flat to the door and knocked.
He jumped at the sound of his father's voice behind the door. Alberto cursed himself for not having a clock in his room, even though he was fervent on the opinion that they were useless and dumb and didn't look nearly as stunning as the sun overhead to tell the time. But now, with the sky streaming in and more worried knocks sounding through the thin walls, Alberto ran a hand through his hair and guessed it was nearing noon. Why hadn't Massimo woken him at dawn with Giulia, to begin the day's tasks? It wasn't like him to allow Alberto to sleep in...
Alberto rolled out from the sweaty confines of his bed and stood, wobbly, to respond.
"Uh, yeah, Papa? Sorry, was I supposed to be up earlier?" He said as he went to the door to open it for Massimo. He saw his father, fully dressed and looking hesitant while Alberto was still in his pair of thin cotton shorts and an equal expression of confusion.
Massimo swapped his worried frown for a quick smile, and affectionately ran his hand across the top of Alberto's messy curls.
"It's okay, son. I figured you, uh," His hand fell back to his side, fidgety, uneasy. "...Needed the rest."
"Yeah..." Alberto let out a high, nervous laugh. His voice was still groggy and dry from sleep, coming out sounding wrong. He coughed, only making their already thick silence even thicker, then stared up at Massimo. He desperately needed a glass of water and maybe a shirt just to top things off.
"Why don't we...uh..." Massimo tried again, searching for the right things to say in the wooden floorboards. "...Have breakfast? Go get dressed and I'll start the coffee."
"Okay," Alberto placed one of his feet behind the other, still standing there awkwardly. Wasn't it a little late for breakfast?
Machiavelli slipped through the gap in the door as Alberto closed it, unprompted, and left Massimo to get the coffee grinder. He sighed against the door frame, scooping up Machi though the cat had his protests.
"Santa Mozzarella..." He breathed, burying his sunburned nose into Machiavelli's neck. The phrase reminded him immediately of Giulia and he smiled around the cat's fur.
He carried Machi in one arm as he, in his dazed, barely awake state, yanked open dresser drawers looking for a shirt and, finding none to his liking, slammed them half-shut.
His head felt too heavy to teeter above the rest of his body, like all of the empty dreams he'd had that night were really just static filling up his brain. The cat growled at the sharp sound of the dresser, and equally at Alberto's annoyance so early in the morning.
"What am I gonna do, huh?" Alberto set the Machiavelli down on his bed and pulled on a customary tank top. Machi burrowed into his sheets, letting out all sorts of odd noises.
He growled deep as he sniffed the bed, then pawed angrily at Alberto's pillow, looking so cross at the linen for no apparent reason until it clicked.
"I know you smell him," Alberto bent down and stroked Machi's raised fur to calm him down. "I can't get it off."
The cat glared at Alberto out of the corners of his orb-like yellow eyes. He continued to paw and swipe at the pillow, hissing and huffing the whole time.
"That's Luca," Alberto kept his voice low and pointed at his bedsheets. "What you're smelling? Yeah. That's all sea monster."
Machi blinked slowly and stopped for a moment. His tail had been lashing wrinkles into the sheets but it hovered, flickering his interest. Then he returned full force to his havoc and dug his claws into the mattress.
Sighing, Alberto left the cat to destroy his bedsheets and went into the kitchen. Massimo was humming gently a tune Alberto didn't know with his back turned, the coffee maker grumbling and gurgling to his right while he sliced oranges with his hand. He had a cookbook propped to one side of the orange to steady it as he brought the knife down.
Alberto stepped in to help him, pulling the book away and holding the half of the orange.
"There," Alberto said, smiling.
Massimo chuckled and handed Alberto the knife. "Thanks. How about you cut the rest of these up for us, and I'll pour the coffee?"
"Sounds good to me."
Massimo shuffled around Alberto in the small kitchen space, grabbing coffee mugs off nailed-in hooks and pouring out generous amounts into both of their espresso cups.
Alberto tried to focus on cutting up the fruit but he was still stuck on the fact that Massimo, who woke up with the sun and couldn't spare a moment to rest, let him sleep through the early-morning fishing?
But Massimo broke the silence before he could ask. He slid one cup over to Alberto, then pat his back, motioning for the dining table.
"Listen, figlio. I already did the fishing for the morning. All we'll have to do is check the nets in a few hours."
Alberto arranged the orange and grapefruit wedges into little rows on his plate, then bit his lip and re-arranged them. "I figured that much."
Massimo grunted and took one of his oranges. "Do you know why we're sitting here, Alberto?"
"Uh...no?" He said in that annoying high keen again, unable to keep his voice level. He really didn't know why Massimo wasted his own time doing all of the work himself...just to have a late breakfast with him? Was he in trouble?
"Am I in trouble for something, Papa?" Alberto voiced his internal worry. The grapefruit flesh he'd torn from the rind was splayed flat and bitter on his tongue.
"Oh, no. Of course not." He smiled through his moustache, a bit of citrus juice clinging to the bottom of it. "I just wanted to tell you that I understand. And that I'm here for you."
He blinked. "Understand what?"
Massimo didn't miss a beat--even though Alberto knew that under the table his hand was clenched. "I understand that...you're getting older, and as you get older there are some...changes, and that's okay. You don't have to tell me about her unless you're ready."
Alberto inhaled the espresso wrong and he felt it burn through his nostrils. He coughed harshly, holding one hand to his throat and spluttered. "What?"
Getting older? Changes? Most of all, girl? Was he walking around blindfolded? He might have only been born with one arm...but he certainly had two fully-functioning eyes.
Massimo put his hand back on the table and took his mug, dainty in his large grip. "I should have seen the signs a long time ago. Never home...the weird smell...how nervous you are at dinner...I see it now, Alberto. So, tell me about her, yeah?"
Alberto paled. With Massimo, there was no way around this. What he said was final, so if he thought Alberto had a female love interest, then he had a female love interest.
"I...uh, she's--" Alberto took another scalding swig of coffee to distract himself. He felt a blush creep up, in the least delicate way possible, on his cheeks. "She's really great."
"What's her name?" Massimo picked at the fruit on the table, eyes flickering from the plate to his squirrelly son.
"Lucia!" Alberto blurted out, chest tight. Massimo barked out a hearty laugh and squeezed Alberto's trembling hand across the table.
"Don't be nervous, my boy! This is great news! And what does she look like?"
He felt like a fish out of water, which made him think of Luca, which made his cheeks redden, so he was stuck with his lips parted, completely stunned.
"She um...has really pretty...uh, eyes?" Alberto tried.
Massimo's dark gaze sparkled with joy for his son and his hold on Alberto's knuckles tightened. "That's okay, Alberto. Don't worry. I won't tease you over your lovely Lucia..."
Oh, God. Alberto gulped and scanned the room for something, anything to look at other than Massimo. The orange rinds. The coffee stain on the napkin from a previous breakfast. Giulia's sock left balled up in the corner by the humming ice box.
"...We'll have to meet her!" Massimo laughed. He'd been talking while Alberto was panicking, and his green eyes widened in horror as he took in the words.
"Oh, I don't think that's the best idea--"
"Nonsense!" Massimo stood from the table, collecting their plates. "Any girl who likes mio figlio will have to meet the rest of the Marcovaldo family! But, Alberto,"
He set the plates down again in his burst of excitement, leaning with serious eyes and a serious, but equally scary hard set of his mouth. "You two aren't...you know--"
If there were more espresso to drink in Alberto's mug, he would have gratefully choked on it.
"--Because if you are, son, I should know about it."
Was this nightmare ever going to end?
"T-That's okay Papa, because that's never g-going to happen!" Alberto almost shouted.
"Oh, I wouldn't say never. It all will happen in it's own time--"
"May I be excused...?" Alberto glanced up wildly at his father, blushing and sweating and hating every additional second this conversation lasted. "Please? I...I have to get something in town! Flowers!" What was he thinking? "Uh...yeah! Flowers for Luca--Lucia!"
"Oh, well..." Massimo straightened up, some of his cheeriness dampened. "Okay. Be sure to grab some for the house too, yes?"
Alberto made a beeline for his bedroom. "Yes, Papa."
"Girls love roses, Alberto. Get her some roses."
"Roses! Got it," Alberto cataloged that information away into his brain for never-use. He felt unexplainable guilt for stringing Massimo on like that, but what else was there to do? Try and convince him that, just like he was born missing an arm, Alberto was born attracted to something....different? And, just as daunting, being made another way didn't mean it was wrong?....Right?
Machi peeked his head out of the mound he'd created of Alberto's sheets, mewling when he examined the worry that creased his brow. He grabbed his wallet on the nightstand, making a pointed effort to avoid looking at the photos. Knowing they were there made him acknowledge the fact that whatever he was feeling was there, too. It was real. He was real.
"Yeah, Yeah. Soak it up while you can," Alberto waved an arm at Machiavelli now curled up around Luca's smell, then shut the door. "Little traitor."
/ / /
With the sun rising higher in the sky, it was the perfect time to sit outside the thin streets of Portorosso to smile and relax--unless you were Alberto. Who, after finding a bouquet of wildflowers for the kitchen window at the negozio di fiori, was sitting in a patio chair overlooking the fountain with his knees pulled to his chest. The flowers sat on the circular table next to him, catching the sun's warmth and sparkling through the clear plastic they were wrapped in. Alberto sighed and let the side of his cheek rest on one knee, twiddling with the metal holes grated into the table. A finger brushed the thin petals, muttering to himself and replaying the conversation he'd had with Massimo for the last hour. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed Luca. Maybe after he dropped off the flowers at home he could go see him again.
"Waiting for your special someone?"
Alberto jumped and sat upright, looking at the shadow that had intermingled with the honeycomb of the patio table, then back up at the voice. It was an older woman, who despite the heat had a thick shawl draped along her shoulders, smiling around greying brown hair.
The woman was fixed on Alberto with a knowing glance at the flowers.
"Oh! Uh--yes, signora." He dug one hand nervously into the back of his hair. The streets were next to empty a half-second ago...
She reached down to take Alberto's hand. "Signora Aragosta."
"Alberto Marcovaldo," He shook her hand, surprised by her skin unmarred by sun or wrinkles, and the thin sheen of sweat that beaded on her knuckles. Signora Aragosta let out a small laugh, still bent down to stare at Alberto.
She sniffed the air, dark eyes flickering around at the buildings behind him.
"How long have you known the sea folk?" She asked him in a hushed voice, covering the side of her mouth with the shawl so as not to draw any attention to herself.
"S-Sea folk?" Alberto leaned back in his chair, not at all enjoying where this was going. Did she work with Ercole's parents? Did she somehow find Luca...?
She tapped Alberto's bare shoulder, freckled and tanned. "Don't think you can fool me, sweetheart. I could smell him on you from a mile away."
"You...can? Is it really that, uh, obvious?" Alberto whispered back while gaping at the old woman. "And how did you--you know it's a him?"
Signora Aragosta giggled to herself. "Relax, boy. To everyone else," She ironically gestured to the empty street. "The scent is just regular old fish. The smell of a male's scales is much stronger, more potent. Not as sweet as a female's...But I'm a bit surprised that I've found it again, after all these years."
"Found what again?" Alberto couldn't help but ask, knowing it was private but this woman had decided to share anyway.
She kept her gaze low and ruminative, looking to the flowers as she spoke. "I almost forgot what they smelled like, so strong it burns your nose, no?" She laughed a bit and playfully flicked her own nose. "I miss her every day."
"Your own...friend?" Alberto said carefully.
Signora Aragosta steeled herself and tipped up her chin, looking stern. But perhaps all Alberto did was mistake her graveness for grief. "My wife."
"And she's? You're--?" Alberto couldn't get the words out he was so startled by this news.
"Oh, hush. I'll just tell you," She pulled out the chair opposite him and settled in.
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Hey, could you make Fluffy Undertaker where he helps his s/o that have anxiety? She's worried about online classes and because her depression/anxiety made her lost all the last year? Sorry about my English~~
Yes of course, and your English is really good!! Just as a little side note, all the remedies Undertaker uses in this are real ones, none medicinal and very effective. Obviously check allergies if you’re going to try essential oils, but all of this stuff genuinely helps. Anywho, sorry this took so long and hope you enjoy!
❗️Warnings; reader has a panic attack at the beginning ❗️
Undertaker knew something was wrong as soon as he saw you. He had left the parlour for all of a few minutes to get some milk, but when he announced his return and received no reply, he was immediately on alert. He slowly put the groceries down on top of a coffin then made his way through to the back rooms. His face fell to a concerned frown when he heard quiet crying. He pushed the door open to the kitchen only to be met with the saddest thing he had seen in quite some time. You were on the floor, curled up with your knees to your chest and you back to the nearest wall.
Your hands were trembling ferociously and your whole body felt weak. Nausea was climbing its sickening way up the back of your throat and your breaths were heaving, rattling, hardly allowing any air to enter your lungs at all. Mentally, you were spiralling. Having lost your entire last year, going back to online cases now seemed even more daunting than perhaps it was to others and you couldn’t get a lid on your panic for the life of you. You only realised Undertaker was repeatedly saying your name when you felt his hand rest gently on your arm.
The reaper felt your whole body jump as soon as he touched you which only served to deepen his concern. The reddened, fearful eyes that looked back at him hardly seemed to belong to you. In an attempt to gain your focus, he pushed his bangs back from his eyes and immediately commanded your gaze. You failed to stop panicking, but at least you knew he was there now.
“Y/N,” the mortician murmured in a low voice, “I just need you to breath, alright?” You broke into feverish apologies for your current state, for everything else you could think of in that moment and it didn’t take him long to realise that you had been like this for a while, maybe even as soon as he had left. With that in mind, he stood up and quickly rummaged through one of his cupboards, reappearing seconds later with a whole lemon. He crouched down in front of you once more and held it up to you.
“Bite this,” was all the explanation he offered. Now both upset and confused, you went to say something else against the idea only to have him force the fruit into your mouth regardless. You bit down out of reflex then started gagging on the sour taste. By the time you pushed his hand away and half-choked on the juice, you were so intent on asking what the hell Undertaker thought he was doing that you hardly realised you had been shocked right out of your panic attack. You stopped midway through berating the reaper and frowned, glancing back at him to be met with a grin.
“How did you do that?” You asked incredulously. You had never managed to get out of a panic attack that easily in your life.
“Grabs your brain’s attention,” he replied, “it can’t keep panicking because it’s too busy trying to work out what the hell you’re doing. Anything sour and fairly horrible tasting does the trick, but citrus is especially useful. Now why don’t we go somewhere more comfortable, hm?” With that, Undertaker helped you to your unsteady feet and supported you as you walked to the sofa, hands still shaking. He again helped you to sit down, fingertips running up and down your arm as he told you he would be back in a moment. You swallowed harshly and bent forwards, resting your head between your knees until the feeling of sickness finally dissipated.
Undertaker had paused when he left the room, a silent sigh passing his lips. He hadn’t asked you what was wrong because he already knew. You frequently mentioned starting online classes again and he could practically smell your fear spiking. He made a massive effort to divert your attention in those moments to prevent something like today from happening. As he started making his way back to the kitchen, he continued to mentally berate himself. He knew how worried you were about this, so why hadn’t he realised you were on the brink when he left earlier on? Eventually, he decided he would have to analyse it later. He fished around the back of several kitchen drawers until he found small glass bottles containing a benzoin tincture and lavender oil, then set about making you a cup of chamomile tea.
You turned towards the door when you heard the mortician come back in. He smiled warmly at you then gave you the tea, proceeding to set up a mist diffuser for the lavender oil and returning with the benzoin tincture. He sat next to you and handed over the small bottle. He explained that you needed to breath it in without actually touching the oil to your skin.
“All of this will help to calm you down, Y/N, I promise,” he reassured you softly. You found it did indeed relieve your panicked state of mind and body, leaving you feeling relaxed, if not incredibly tired. The mortician slowly reached out a hand towards you, asking if you wanted to cuddle. He wasn’t sure if you would want to, or if you would just want some space.
“Would you mind?” You asked quietly, immediately feeling better about yourself when Undertaker grinned widely.
“’Course not! I’m here, whatever you need,” he reminded you, then just about engulfed you into his arms. You buried your face in his shoulder and deeply inhaled his comforting scent as he started running his hands up and down your back, one coming to rest over your lower spine and the other between your shoulder blades. He left gentle kisses on your head and whispered comforts to you until he felt your heartbeat finally return to normal, until your fingertips remained steady whilst they were buried in the folds of his jumper. You stayed there long into the night, eventually falling asleep in the mortician’s embrace.
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chim-chimchii · 4 years
Girls Talk Boys (Lucas)
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Genre: The spiciest sauce! The steamiest sauce!
Word Count: 1,450
Note: For those who don’t know, “sauce” is my term for some pretty mature content. It isn’t smut, but it’s still pretty steamy if you ask me. This is the drabble I was hinting at a couple weeks ago. Feedback is always appreciated and if you have a saucy request don’t hesitate to send it my way!
Set The Mood: Girls Talk Boys by 5 Seconds of Summer
. . . . . . . 
The buzzing of your phone distracted you momentarily from the conversation you were having with your closest friends.
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You looked up from your phone to see your friends were still gossiping about the same thing; no one noticed you were smiling at your phone like an idiot. Earlier everyone was crowded around your phone trying to figure out his feelings towards you through his flirty texts. Your eyes fell to your phone once again.
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You locked your screen and slipped it into your pocket; when you glanced up at your friends, they were all staring back at you.
“Lucas was texting you, wasn’t he?”
It was difficult trying to hide your smile. “He wants me to go over.”
They broke out into a fit of laughter and excited squeals.
“He’s so jealous that you’re out with us! Are you going to go?”
It took a moment to answer back because you wanted to see him, but on the other hand, you were also tired of not knowing what you were to him. A friend he just liked kissing? Or something more?
“I don’t know; I’m having fun with you guys.”
They rolled their eyes collectively.
“You need to find out what he wants from you. Whatever you guys have been doing has been going on for too long.”
You nodded in an understanding manner and stood up. “I’ll let you guys know what happens.”
They sent you off with a hug and words of encouragement.
Lucas’ apartment’s drive was short, but the whole way, your heart was pounding, and it continued to pound right until you got to his door. Before you could knock, Lucas opened the door wearing his signature smirk.
“I saw you pull up, so don’t give me that weird look.” He said quickly.
You weren’t even aware you were making a face, and before you could answer back, he took your hand and pulled you inside.
“Did you have fun with your friends?”
He politely took your bag off your shoulder and placed it on the table next to the door. You held onto his bicep with one hand as you unstrapped your sandals with the other. Once you were barefoot, the two of you made your way to the living room, where he had your favorite blanket of his neatly folded on the sofa’s arm.
“There are some comfy clothes on my bed if you want to change,” Lucas said as he made his way to the kitchen to prepare some drinks.
“I’ll go change then.” You gave him a small smile before padded down the hall in the direction of his room.
“Hey, do you want lemon in your water?” He yelled after you.
“What do you think?” You shouted just as you were about to close the door.
There on his bed was a hoody and a pair of your leggings. As quickly as you could, you changed. Lucas’ scent hit you immediately upon slipping it over your head. He smelled like his body wash and faintly of mint from his toothpaste. After regaining your focus, you exited his room and made your way back to Lucas. He was already sitting on the sofa, sipping on his glass of water. He glanced over at you as you approached.
“Did you want to continue watching the drama we started the last time you were here?”
He motioned you over to sit next to him, and immediately after you sat down, his arm wrapped around your shoulder to pull you into his side. Everything about how close you were to him felt natural. The smell of his cologne and your perfume mixed to create an entirely new scent made your head spin. You were getting drunk on just being close to him.
It wasn’t long until your phone began to vibrate thanks to your friends spamming the group chat. You tried to reposition yourself so Lucas wouldn’t notice the vibration coming from the hoody pocket, but it was no use.
“Are they already wanting details?” He looked down at you with a grin; you stared back up at him with an apologetic expression.
“I’m sorry. Let me just turn it off.” You sat up slightly to fish your phone from the pocket; Lucas chuckled softly.
“It’s okay; you can text them and tell them everything. Like how you’re wearing my hoody, how I’m holding you, or how I really want to kiss you right now.” His words were laced with seduction; his gaze was intimidating; it brought a blush to your cheeks.
“I don’t want to tell them anything.” You said in a small voice. It was a blatant lie, and you could tell he knew that. Of course, you wanted to tell them everything.
His slender fingers grazed your knuckles; he began to play with your hands absentmindedly. Measuring his hand with yours, admiring your fresh manicure, they were, of course, painted his favorite color, and if he noticed, he didn’t say anything.
“Is what we do so private that you can’t even tell your closest friends?” He suggestively raised his eyebrow, which made you want to bury your head and hide.
“I tell Ten and Kun everything we do, everything about you.”
“And what about me? What do you say?” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
He hummed teasingly. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
The feeling of being shy disappeared upon hearing his mocking tone. “So you’re just going to mention that you talk about me and not tell me what you say? You could be talking bad about me.” You huffed and sat up straight.
He laughed lightly, and before you knew it, he pulled you onto his lap. You were now straddling his legs.
“I tell them how with just one kiss, I feel intoxicated.” His lips were grazing against the skin of your neck. His breath felt like steam against your already feverish flesh.
“I tell them how you always leave me wanting more with one touch.” He placed a lingering kiss on your collarbone.
“Lucas--” You felt out of breath, it could have been from his words and actions, but it could have also been from how tight he was holding you against him.
“What about you, Y/n? What do you tell your friends?” He was taunting you again.
You gulped and tried to think of the right things to say, but his lips were hypnotizing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, lazily. Lucas hummed into your neck, waiting for a response.
“Do you tell them I’m your lover? Or that I’m all you need?” Lucas’ hands moved from the small of your back and to the sides of your thighs. He squeezed them slightly.
“I’m waiting.” His voice was so deep it shot electric currents up your spine and brought chills to your arms. You almost let a moan slip, but it wouldn’t seem out of place if you did.
“I tell them everything. I tell them how I never want you to let go of me, how you leave me breathless with everything that you do.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and let yourself relax into his touch.
Did you need him to explain your relationship now even though he just confessed to telling his friends everything about you? You admitted your feelings as well, so did that mean you guys were more than friends?
With your hands on his shoulders, you pushed him away gently.
He looked at you and licked his lips. “Y/n?”
“I need to know how you feel about me.” As the words came out of your mouth, you felt the anxiety building inside.
Lucas let out a snicker; his hands slid up your body and up to your face, where he cupped your cheeks. “I thought it was obvious.”
He brought your lips closer to his. “You’re mine.”
This time instead of him initiating the kiss, you leaned forward. You had kissed him multiple times before, but this kiss felt different. It felt like biting into the sweetest fruit known to man, letting the juices drip down your chin and onto your clothes but not having a care in the world about consequences because, at that moment, everything was perfect. You knew how he felt about you, and he knew how you felt about him.
Lucas inched back for a breath of air. “So, are you going to tell your friends about this?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and slipped your hand to the back of his head to guide him into another kiss.
“Some things don’t need to be shared with friends.”
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softboywriting · 5 years
In Sickness & In Health | Shawn Mendes
Summary: Being sick on your three year anniversary sucks, but Shawn is there to take care of you regardless. [fluff] [non au]
Word Count: 1.6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Getting sick is never fun, no matter what the ailment may be. It's been a long while since you've been ill, years perhaps. So long in fact you've forgotten what it is to be plagued by a stuffy head and a sore throat, to live off cough drops and NyQuil as if they are your life blood. Being sick with a cold is not a plight you'd wish upon anyone and you truly hope no one would wish upon you, but here you are, your eyes and nose red, throat on fire like you've swallowed a torch. It's that time of year when the air gets crisp and people tend to gather together to stay warm and stay out of the cold. The time when viruses and bacteria spread like wildfire in the wind among humans. Wildfire that's burned it's way into your body.
You lay in bed, blankets up to your chin. Fuzzy socks adorn your cold feet, and you rest, propped up on three pillows behind you. You've got a bedside table full of beverages you've worked your way through during the day. Water, tea, what was once warm cider and some orange juice. Truth be told, you should get up and take them to the kitchen and get fresh water, it's been quite a while since you filled the bottle that's nearly empty.
The clock on your nightstand reads a quarter till three in the afternoon. Shawn will be home soon, maybe you could wait until he gets there. Maybe he could get you some fresh tea too. Mmm, fresh tea and a warm blanket. Yeah, you'd ask him to throw one of the couch blankets into the drier for you.
"Baby?" A voice floats through the house. It's Shawn and you smile, glad not to be alone and sick anymore. "I'm home."
The door to the bedroom opens and you give him a weak wave. He smiles, the concern and worry written all over it but still hidden behind a gentle turn of his lips. You know he frets every time you get sick, every time you have so much as menstrual cramps. Shawn hates to see you not feeling one hundred percent yourself, he feels as if he has to fix it, no matter what.
"I need water," you mumble, glancing to the bedside table "I was going to get up."
"Likely story." Shawn says, taking your water bottle and then reaching for your forehead. He presses his palm to your skin. "You feel feverish. When is the last time you took some medicine?"
He sighs heavily, disappointment evident. "I'll get your medicine and some water. Would you like anything else?"
"Mint tea."
"And food? Have you eaten?"
Shawn cups your cheek and you look away, not wanting to meet his eyes. You know he wants to scold you. "Do I need to stay home for a day or two so you will get better?"
"No! I'll take care of myself."
"You’re sure? Because I really miss my girlfriend." He pets your hair back off your forehead. "All I've got now is this sick blob."
He cracks a smile. He's teasing you, as if he can't resist for one hour. It's what you love about him, how he's always so playful and loving. "I love my sick blob." He leans over and places a chaste kiss to your temple, hand cupping your cheek as he brings your head to meet his lips. "I'll be back alright? Don't die on me before I finish your tea and some dinner."
You close your eyes and stick your tongue out, faking dead and it earns you a chuckle as he exits the room. You'd love for him to stay with you, to take a few days off from the studio, but you refuse to be selfish. ____________________
The smell of toasted bread and butter breaks through your clogged nasal passages. It consumes you're senses entirely and makes your stomach growl in anticipation. You've got a good idea what Shawn's cooking, but that doesn't make you any less curious. You get up from your bed and wrap a blanket around your shoulders to toddle your way into the kitchen.
As you suspected, he is making grilled cheese.  It's one of the few things he makes better than you, but only because you lack the patience to let the bread cook low and slow while the cheese melts inside. You want your bread toasty immediately, which always results in over toasting or borderline burnt edges with cold cheese.
"Did my irresistible meal lure you from that cocoon you've made?" Shawn asks with a smirk as he flips the sandwich in the pan.
"Yes. Can I have some soup too?"
"Tomato basil is in the microwave now. I got your favourite kind from the cafe down the street."
"You left?"
He shakes his head. "I got it on my way home. I knew you'd be hungry."
You sink into one of the dining chairs at the small table on the outside edge of the kitchen. "You know me so well."
"I do." He places his spatula on the counter and walks over to you. "Is your medicine working?"
"Mmhmm, it's making me less stuffy and my throat is better." You cough a bit and he gives you space, just a step or two back. "Thank you."
"Of course."
"Aren't you afraid of getting sick?"
"Sure, but I wouldn't leave you alone." He goes back to the stove and takes the sandwich out of the pan. It's perfect, as always. "I'd rather catch your cold than know you suffered alone and miserable."
"You're so good to me." You smile softly, and he tilts your head up as he places the grilled cheese in front of you. He's got the kindest look in his eyes. "Yeah?"
"If I ever treat you less than a queen then you should leave me." He places a kiss on your head. "I swear I will always love and care for you when you're in need. I promised you that on our two year anniversary, and I'm going to promise it again now on our three year anniversary."
"Shit...I didn't realize it was already that time." You sigh and he places the bowl of soup in front of you and takes a seat opposite you. "I've been so sick all week I spaced it off."
"It's alright, we can celebrate after you're better."
"True." You take a bite of the sandwich and smile. It's so good, absolutely delicious. "Did you make reservations?"
Shawn nods. "I did, at the italian place downtown. It's fine though, don't worry. I gave the reservations to Brian for a date."
You groan. The italian place was by far the best restaurant in all of downtown Toronto. There was no beating their alfredo with pesto chicken. It's is to die for. You're a little jealous you're missing out but you know Shawn will take you later.
The two of you talk a bit more while you eat. He says he's working on a couple songs with some new writers and that he thinks they may make it to the new album. You ask about his parents and Aaliyah since you haven't seen them in a while. By the time you're down to the bottom of your soup you see something in it. Something dark.
"What's in my soup?" You ask, fishing it out with your spoon. You lift the small round object out of the soup and set it on the table. It's a ring.
"So..." Shawn clears his throat.
You wipe the ring off with a paper towel Shawn got for you earlier. "So what? Are you proposing to me right now Shawn?"
He lets out a nervous laugh. "No not quite, it's a promise ring? I wanted to get you one as a placeholder for a real ring, and I couldn’t wait. It felt wrong not to give it to you today on our anniversary."
You slide it over your ring finger and it fits perfectly. It's a beautiful silver band with three good sized diamonds set in the center of a tiara shape adorned by your birthstone on the sides. "You want to marry me?" You tremble, eyes wide as he stands up and moves over to kneel down beside you.
Shawn takes your hands, so much smaller and delicate than his. He just beams, seemingly lost for words as he stares at you like you're everything in the world. "I would like to someday. Do you accept my promise to love you and marry you one day?"
"Yes," you squeeze his hands. "Someday, I'd love to be your wife."
He stands and presses a kiss to your lips, so sweet and gentle.
"You shouldn't kiss me."
"Eh, a cold isn't going to stop me from telling my girlfriend I love her on our anniversary." He kisses you again, this time with his fingers threaded between yours. "Nothing could keep me away from you."
"I love you so much," You mumble, trying to hold back tears, head pressed to his for a sense of stability.
"I love you too, happy anniversary honey." He says and wraps his arms around you, cradling you close as you let yourself cry because you're so happy. Never did you think he'd give you a ring, especially not while you're sick and moping, but here you are and there that beautiful ring is on your finger. You suppose the vow to love your significant other in sickness and in health truly is one Shawn has proven he will stick to.
The end.
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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sirensmojo · 4 years
“The drink”,2/2 -  Alex Hogh x Reader
Summary: The second part of the night wasn’t as calm as the first one as Marco leaves the pub letting you and Alex alone. A strong desire for you grew in him and some kind of tension thicken the atmosphere. You show him this desire is reciprocating your own way and that kinda turns him on.
Warnings: actress!reader fluff, smut, unprotected sex
Cord Count: 3,970
❰ Previous part  II Masterlist
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After a few hours, the two other friends of Marco were so drunk, they couldn’t standstill. One even climb on the bar counter and to be honest Marco seems to babysit them, it was so funny to watch at least when you weren’t looking at Alex... You talked together all evening he seemed very concerned by your way of seeing things and life itself. “Look at that dork,” Alex says to you making a hand movement toward Marco. You followed the direction of his hand and found out Marco has finally joined his friend on the counter tired of trying to convince him to come back down. You burst out laughing at the view. “Marco!” You yelled, his face turns at you, and he grins. He finally comes back to you “Hey, I’m going home I think, I am so tired of babysitting those dumbass, it’s always the same thing with them” he said, he wasn’t drunk at all, in fact, Marco was the type of person able to drink like a fish and keep a clear mind, he needed more than those six drinks his friends took to be wasted. “Not everyone is like you my dear” you shrug your shoulders and give him a quick smile. “Or else like you Y/N, you think I didn’t notice how much you drank since you got here?” He chuckles and comes closer to kiss your forehead placing his hand over your cheek “Be safe okay?” He adds very concerningly. “I will Marco” you assure him while he looks into your eyes. You always loved that about Marco, he always was so genuine. Even if you didn’t speak every day or see each other often, nothing changed between the two of you he always treated you like his equal not like a younger sister because he knows you too well. If he did that you would probably punch him in the face and take it as a way to imply you can’t take care of yourself and he knew that wasn’t true either, but that doesn’t stop him caring about you when you were together. In fact, you were a bit confused when you go out together at night he would always propose to take you back home, even if you didn’t let him... And then you remember Alex, how did you dare forget about him you raise your eyes to look toward him and you can see Marco whispering something in his ear and you knew exactly what he was telling him. He wanted Alex to take you home when you’ll be done here. It was true, you wanted to stay here a little bit more with Hogh, but your ‘thing’ for him was so obvious for Marco to just assume you would do so? The answer must be yes because Marco is now leaving the pub without looking back not even once. You freak out a little bit when you now realize that Alex and you are alone again and you wonder what will be the next stage you’ll reach with him. “You want to get out of here?” His voice takes you out of your head and you look up to him while raising a brow. “The night is not over yet, don’t you want to join me in my adventure Hogh?” You tease him and wink at him. A smirk surface on the edge of his lips and he giggles. “ You never grow tired of taking me by surprise?” he replies. Then you slowly shake your head to each side and smirk back. “No.” You simply say taking his hand into yours while you bring forward the avenue. 
You inhale loudly running into a small street and throw your arms in the air while turning on yourself your eyes closed. It felt so good to be out again, life couldn’t be more pleasing at that moment, you in the streets of your favorite city at night. Then you stay eyes closed with a silly smile, steel feeling a bit dizzy. “Y/N” you hear, the voice was so close it was only a murmur and you could feel a warm breath blowing on your eyes. Suddenly you open them and realize that your restlessness got you right in front of Alex, you had to look up to be able to see his pupils turning black. You hold your breath for a moment that seems to last forever. “Alex, please” you whisper. It seemed like your permission was all he waited for because as soon as you stop talking, his lips crash into yours while his hands cup your face on each side. You place both of your palms on the low part of his back and just abandon yourself into this kiss that doesn’t seem to end. You could taste the beer he drank on his soft yet pleading lips while the warmth of his breath gets tangled with your own. He slowly adds his tongue when giving you another kiss and you open your mouth without hesitation. At this moment, every single part of your body is alert and a shiver makes its way down your spine when Alex slide one of his hand on your neck. You split up your lips searching for air and push your forehead to his to which he replies by a growl. You stay still to appreciate the moment while your heartbeats went faster and faster. “You are making me a fan of you Y/N” his nose get in touch with yours and you let out a sigh in his mouth, “I didn’t mean to,” you say while smiling “That’s exactly why it works” he chuckled as he breathes in, then he wrapped his arms around your body and tighten his grip forcing your face to crash upon his upper torso. You stay still taking a deep breath in and you manage your lips to the hollow of his neck where you breathe out and let your tongue meet his skin. He let out a sigh and tilt his head so you could hit him on a better angle and that is exactly what you did. Your teeth join your tongue to play with his skin and he slides down his hand to your hips and slowly opens his eyes while you snake your fingers underneath is a black shirt. You can feel the end of your fingers crackle in contact with his naked skin and you couldn’t help smiling to yourself because your skin was finally in touch with his. -I want him right now- you think before realizing you are into the middle of the street, thank god nobody was there but you slowly smile against his neck thinking about all the nasty things you wanted to do to him in here. 
You feel like he is also coming back to reality because his arms became loose around your body until he completely let you go and simply run his fingers on your arm until they reach your hand and gently intertwine with your fingers. You smile at him and he does the same eyes locking with yours. His thumb rub softly your skin and you quickly tiptoe to come to rob him a kiss before grinning at him. He chuckles and looks at you with sparkling eyes. “You know I want you Y/N, why complicate even more what is already complicated?” he asks, going past his nose with his finger nervously. You understand exactly what it meant and you can’t help but coming closer to him again and press your palm right on his growing bump. “Oh yeah?” you tease him ardently searching for his gaze. He quickly glances around and then his lips draw a beaming smile while he starts walking toward you in a hurry, so close that you are forced to move backward until your back hit a wall making you growl in pain. He completely leans over you and you put your thumb and your fingers on both sides of his neck and squeeze it as if you didn’t want him to come any closer.  His eyes turned dark with lust and he gives you a cold stare to impress you, he wants you to surrender but you show boldness, tightening the grip around his neck. The atmosphere was tense and thick with sexual tension as you two were fighting for dominance and you liked it, so much that you could feel a fire slowly growing in your core and some of your juice slowly releasing. “Who are you Y/N?” he asks with a hoarse voice as he puts his index under your chin and drops off his bottom lips on yours, without kissing you. You crash your lips on him and you let your hand caress the back of his neck while he hungrily presses his body against yours. His fingers sneak under your silky dress and he lifts up your leg upon his hips while you moan in his mouth trying to catch air. “ I need you now Alex.” You say breaking the kiss and look at him in the eyes. At that moment he smiles at you and you just kiss him softly and chuckle. 
Now you run toward the street on your way home “I’m heading homeeeeee” you scream and you could hear his steps not so far behind you followed by his laugh “Stop running, love” he says trying to catch you. But you giggle and run even faster until you reach your building. He stops behind you and places his palm on your naked shoulder you look up to his face and drop your head on his hand closing your eyes. Then your search for your keys and open your apartment. Alex gently pushes you inside and closes the door behind him before he turns himself to face you. He walks closer to you and you grab onto his shirt to pull him even faster his forehead meets yours and he kisses you with desire. You lick his bottom lip and he catches your tongue with his teeth with a moan. You pull thirstily onto his shirt and bring Alex to your bedroom without breaking your feverish kiss. Once in the room, you take his fabric in your hands and take it off his chest to throw it on the ground. To be honest, if you had enough strength you would have ripped it off... His lips left yours and he made his ways to your neck with warm kisses while you became a moaning mess. When he reached the hollow of your neck you just undo the buttons of his pants and dive your hand into his boxer to reach for his hardening. You gently stroke it a few times and the delicious sound of his groans on your skin makes you even wetter than you already were “You feel so fucking good Y/N” he says in your ear while he rides up your dress. ‘Alex...’ you moan when his fingers reach your cunt and all the juice you already released, he wanted to know how wet you were for him and he wasn’t disappointed “Fuck Y/N you’re so wet I’m diving in” he shouts out and the two of you burst into laughter your eyes closed and your lips touching. He then lay you down and undress you with all finesse of the world and you can’t help but raise your hips to his you wanted to feel his hard cock in between your legs. Alex pushes your hips back down to the bed abruptly ‘Be patient we’re getting there my love’. You catch your breath in your throat and slide your fingers into his short hair and pull it. He leaves kisses all over the skin of your collar bones and manages to free your nipples with just one little movement. - What a man - you thought before feeling his warm breath on one of your tit “I am a fan” he let out while one of his hand grapples your other breast. His kisses became more and more feverish until he finally let his tongue over your little bud. You let out a long moan and took his head in your hands trying to go along his movement. “Damn...” You murmur biting your bottom lip. He kisses your stomach while going down causing you to spread automatically your legs and you can see his pupils twinkle while he bites his own bottom lip “Oh Y/N... You look so fucking delicious” he whispers, he glances at you and you at him and you both chuckle and you feel like you are in high school again “I am the first woman you see Hogh?” You tease him. “There ain’t no one like you... That’s for sure” He slaps back and you take his head in your hands to kiss him once again. He fondles your inner thighs with the back of his hand and pulls apart your folds with the tip of his fingers until he reached your clit. His fingers were full of your juice causing him to moan in your mouth. He was so pleased with himself knowing he was the cause of you being a total mess “How much do you want it Y/N”? He asks while going down to finally have his head in between your spread legs. “Please...” you try to say as clearly as possible but his fingers playing on your clit began to make you feel dizzy. He stopped and looked up at you, you groan in disappointment “Alex that isn’t funny at all” you retort while lifting up your head to see his face. At that exact moment he licks your cunt from your ass till your clit obtaining a straight scream from you in a high pitch tone “Fuck...” you groan and he started to suck on your bud looking lovingly at your face taking great delight in the show. He then let in two of his fingers inside of you curling them instantly, he found your G spot in no time and starts to tease it while his tongue was still sucking and licking on your bud. “Alex...” you moan, his warm breath on your sensitive skin didn’t help you calm down as the pleasure was increasingly growing inside of your body. You were now desperately panting under his tongue and his fingers stimulating all your senses. Your screams filled the entire room followed by the groans of the man in between your legs and in no time. You felt your first orgasm building itself in your core “That’s it love, come for me” said Alex and with a last moan you felt your entire body explode like a giant firework, your cum was now running against the lips of Alex that licked it once again before stand back up and clean your juice off his lips with his tongue.
 “Oh my god you’re so sexy Alex” you let out with the hunger to feel him inside of you. It was like he read your mind because he aligns himself in between your legs “I can’t wait no more Y/N, I can’t play this game any longer. I guess you’ve won” he said almost pleading to get inside of you. “I’m sure you feel as good as you taste pet...” he looks right in your eyes and rubs his cock on your folds. You bite your lips and he met yours to get an intense and eager kiss. “Just stop talking and get inside, please” you plead finally breaking the kiss. He doesn’t need you to say it twice and crash his hips onto yours and thrusts into you with a long moan “Oh God... It’s damn sure I’ve won” You let out loving the way he slides completely inside of you filing you entirely. “Fuck, you’re still so wet Y/N,” he says beginning to come in and out with a slow path. It was like you could feel a wave of glitters washing your body each time he thrust in, your cunt welcomes him so well just as if he was coming back home after a lifetime. Your hands searched for more of him running down his spine to finally press his hips to yours with as much strength as you could possibly put. “Oh fuck Y/N you feel so fucking good around my cock I feel like I’m thrusting into pure bliss” he moans without stopping rushing his hips to you. “You’re so nasty” he murmurs as he leans over to kiss you. His path becomes faster and harder, you can feel him into your stomach and your hips rise to meet his in another angle as your butt got off the bed to stabilize in the air. Wrapping your legs around his hips he stands back up and grabs your legs near your butt kneading your skin in his hands so insensitively, you were sure you’ll find bruises all over your skin tomorrow but at the moment it felt so good. You couldn’t contain your high pitched screams that wanted to get out and Alex wanted to hear them anyway. Each time you would scream he would eventually thrust even more violently to see what was your reaction. “How much do you like it Y/N?” he asks as you look at him with nothing but lust in your eyes, you wanted more of him. “Don’t you see how much I like it?” you say in a high pitched moan. He was admiring how much energy you put into fucking him while you were still being bold even know you were or the verge of another orgasm. He pulls your arm to his chest abruptly and you find yourself hang up to his body as you grab the back of his neck to stabilize. Your heartthrob and at this moment you know you are close to collapse again in a lightning orgasm. Alex was now sucking on your tits as you harshly lowered your body on his throbbing shaft. “Fuck” You moaned before your hands go reach for the head of your lover driving his face up to yours so could kiss his delicious lips soak with your juice. When your lips met an electric flow make him groan in your mouth and you can’t help but kiss every part of his face. “Y/N...” he warns.
 “Let me ride you to pure bliss min elskede(my love)” you whisper those last danish words to his ear and he doesn’t respond he just lay down on his back letting you ride him. He was mesmerized by each of your word and movement, he had heart eyes and as you were moving on him they only grew wider and darker. His eyes were full of lust for your person and the way he was touching you oozed infatuation. You could feel one of his hand knead your breasts while you were moving your hips back and forward to his with both of your hands landing into your hair. He took your ass in between his fingers and started to squeeze it harshly owning moans from your lips. You gaze his face that was wincing in pleasure and couldn’t help a grin. Your moans mixed up with his groans made a delightful melody that sounded just like honey to your ears. “Skat(baby)...” he whispers and you can hear he is on the edge. You lean over him bite into his ear then lick down his neck to finally bite on his thin skin as he snakes one of his arms around your waist and tightens his grip holding you closer to him. Your breast squeeze to his chest and he thrusts into you harshly as you let out an orgasmic scream as he thrusts once again, then twice, then thrice and this new angle wake something inside of you as your groans his and filled the room once again. He murmurs danish insults and that was enough, you couldn’t take any more of what that sexy man had to offer. You open your eyes and face a sweaty nonetheless beautiful face of his and there you are, reaching your climax. “So much sexiness Alex...” you let out in a loud moan as your walls began to clench around him. You feel his cock throb and then his load spill inside of you as you purr much to your satisfaction. You flop down on his chest as you try to calm down your breath. He doesn’t move and sigh in relief as if you two had to climb the highest mountain. You taunt at your own thought and kiss his sweaty chest. 
“You’re so sexy Alex, you make it hard for me” you sigh thinking about what the two of you just did. You clearly wanted him, everything you saw tonight made your heart melt until now you could still felt the warmth in your heart. You couldn’t deny it even chilling in his arms felt so good. “Y/N?” he asks attempting to pull out of your face a strand of hair, his other arm locked your body with his. You freed his cock by pulling it out of you and lay down next to him resting your chin on his chest. “Why do I make it hard for you ?” He asks gazing at your face “All I know is we spend the evening together and you were ignoring me a lot” he grumbled as a smile grew on the side of his lips. “I wasn’t Alex” you replied. “You’re thinking too much, isn’t it worst?” You sigh and land your head against his chest “You think it’s worst?” you ask him with a baby voice “You’re about to kick me out of your life, so...” he let his sentence unresolved and look at the ceiling. -How did he know I was about to tell him we couldn’t be anything?- you thought to yourself. He was one of the most handsome men you ever had the chance to meet and he was worrying that you wouldn’t allow him to stay in your life? You softly cup his head with your hand and he looks down at you “ You want to be in my life?” you pout “You didn’t align more than two sentences half the night while I was trying to break into there” he said patting your forehead. “I actually liked every single thing you showed me that evening, and what we did some minutes ago...” you start “we were pretty good at it” you tease his arm with the tips of your fingers. He inhales deeply and put one of his hand on your thigh, stroking your skin. “You make it hard for me Y/N” he closes the gap between your two faces and touch your nose with his. “I want you Alex...” you whisper as you squint to his lips. “It is so late Y/N how can I turn you off?” He whimpers before sliding you on your back owning a whoop from you, your eyes sparkle and he smiles seeing he has that effect on you. “You are gorgeous,” he says before he hurries his mouth around one of your nipples, ready for another round.
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wwwafflewrites · 5 years
The Not-So-French Mistake
Chapter 1: Angelic Abductions 
Sydney woke to an unfamiliar ceiling. She stood, eyeing the room, hands outstretched in a protective circle. The setting sun beamed in through the yawning windows and their golden rays glared over her face. Feverish, sweltering heat crashed down and sweat trickled off her forehead. It was the occasional, rickety hotel room with thin, decorative curtains and typical furniture. Yet a threat lingered in the air. 
Her apparent amnesia heightened her fear. However, with the lack of visible threats, she allowed her rigid shoulders to drop an inch. Nothing was off, per se, besides the apparent fact that she hadn’t recalled purchasing a hotel room; and for reasons unknown, her senses were warning her that she wasn’t alone: like a hidden, buzzing alarm somewhere in her conscience.
On cue, a gentle, cool draft blew in the room, and there a man stood at the foot of the doorway. He entered the room, his stare stoic and concentrated with a calm expression shaping his intense features. The khaki-colored trench coat embracing his shoulders fluttered with the breeze while his stark-blue tie politely waved.
Her eyes betrayed her. She dug her nails into the sweat of her palms, forming anxious fists that would dubiously protect her from whatever evil lay before her. An ocean of questions flooded her brain in a panicked moment, and she cowered fearfully. Her elbows tucked into her ribs, palms out in surrender like a frightened animal.
The man blinked benignly. Curiously, he took a step onto the lip of the carpet. He spoke honestly: “My name is Castiel.”
With a set jaw and a wary mind, she regarded the man. He appeared harmless: his ruffled dark hair and clear blue eyes dampened her nerves significantly. Continuing to gape like a fish, she struggled to form intelligible sentences. She finally demanded, “Where am I?”
Castiel neared cautiously to avoid alarming her. “A place you do not belong.“ He extended his arm toward her face, two fingers caressing her temple in a gentle profession.
A wave of bliss shot through her, blessing her muscles into a restful state. The darkest corners of her mind eased and folded under the grace’s fluid power, and she folded into unconsciousness as her eyes fluttered shut. She went limp and steady hands caught her before she descended onto the tile floor.
Castiel supported her deadweight and unfurled his wings. Then, with a confident rush of wind, the humid prison of a deserted hotel was behind them. The angel observed his new surroundings, while he gingerly assured the girl’s safety within his arms. Castiel pushed past a startled Bobby and grunted as he set her on the couch.
Bobby’s face wrinkled his brow in confusion and then raised them again, ready for a thorough explanation. “So, who’s the girl?”
Castiel narrowed his eyes, although his expression remained passive. He revealed three gleaming angel blades hidden in his trench coat and displayed them on the table. “Angels had locked her within an abandoned hotel not far from here.” His tone was soft and concerned. Regretful.
Dean and Sam both looked exhausted: the bruised raccoon eyes from lack of sleep and the slouched mannerisms proved their late-night research and hunting.
They had chosen their stance throughout Bobby’s country home: Castiel stood with his hands in his trench coat pockets while watching over the girl, Sam and Dean were both inclined up against the antique table, and Bobby had situated himself in a wooden seat.
Dean raised an eyebrow at the girl splayed on the couch. Her auburn locks fell onto her shoulders in chocolate waves. A snugly fit jean jacket enveloped her, the sleeves’ ends frayed and torn with age and worriment, while a plain black tank top fit her middle. Black leggings clung to her knees in wrinkles, but, oddly enough, no shoes were present. Dean immediately remarked, “Can she even drive yet?” For someone associated with angels, she was awfully young.
Castiel paused, considering it literally, and before he could embarrass himself by answering, and Dean stopped the angel. The hunter chuckled and rephrased his question, “Cas, what I mean is: Why do the angels care so much about a teenager? Is she human?”
Castiel looked regretful when he replied, “Yes. She has a human soul. Whatever the angels are searching for, it is foolish.” The angel blades along the table clattered as he nudged their handles, recalling their owners apologetically. The angel huffed, reluctant to tell as they waited patiently for him to explain. He owed them one, however. After all the favors the Winchesters had given, they at least deserved answers. “They stole her from a… variance of our dimension.”
Dean pouted a lip. “So, what? They went all, Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe on her? Yanked her out of the professor’s magic wardrobe?”
The angel watched, lost as Dean made references, so he merely continued explaining without acknowledging them. “No, Dean. She doesn’t exist here. That’s what makes this extremely dangerous.”
“Like… Aslan kind of dangerous?” Dean smirked.
“Aslan? The Turkish word for… lion?” he said, looking bewildered until he had decoded Dean’s phrase as a casual joke. He huffed, “No- no, Dean. This level of interference could cause catastrophic damage to our universe. This could disrupt time itself if we don’t prevent it. This could alter fate.” Castiel sought to prove how world-altering this could become.
Dean shrugged. “Another chance that our world may be royally screwed. Why am I not surprised? You know, sometimes I feel like the world is just begging for attention.” He took a calm sip of his half-empty glass. “So how do we get her… back?”
Castiel shook his head. “I don’t know if we can. There are infinite realities out there, Dean. Finding the correct universe would be like searching for a specific atom in an entire galaxy. It’s… unrealistic. Even to our standards, ” he said.
The hunter sent a silent impressed look. It wasn’t like they were defying the laws of nature on a daily basis or anything, but he couldn’t argue.
Sam froze. “Hey, wait. Is this related to that alternate reality we were thrown into by Balthazar? The one with our lives as a television show with no mojo? I remember now. Our names were, eh, Jared and Jensen?” He remembered that day. A world where supernatural, demons, and angels didn’t exist. Nothing of the sort had ever walked among anyone. It was a blessing, really. Plus, Sam and Dean had been ridiculously rich. He didn’t have a bad memory of the place, besides the angel Virgil pouncing on their tails.
He remembered how Cas had been. Or mostly, how he hadn’t been. Misha Collins, he recalled vaguely, the sweater-wearing variant of their angel friend. His voice had been higher-pitched, too: less gravelly and low. Misha had been rather vulnerable as a human. From the homeless man’s descriptive details, Sam had pieced together that Misha had blubbered and squealed blatantly as the blade of Virgil’s knife had pinched threateningly at his neck. Nobody could blame the guy: he had been an innocent, inexperienced variant of their mid-war Castiel. Although, now that the angel was here in the flesh while Sam speculated, he couldn’t help contrast Castiel’s and Misha’s polarity.
Castiel nodded. “Yes. A similar one.”
Sam made an abundance of facial expressions when he was thinking. His eyebrows would draw crinkles along his forehead and his teeth would grind together in thought. His eyes remained steady and sure. “Then couldn’t we use that symbol we used the last time? The one that glowed red on the window we jumped through?”
“No.” The angel answered sadly. “Not that simple. We knew about your location.”
Sam leaned back further against the table at Cas’s response. It never was that easy, was it? “So that’s it? We… let her stay?”
Without hesitance, the angel replied, “No. That could altogether upset the natural order. I suggest we find the angel responsible.”
All three hunters eyed the angel in anticipation. When he didn’t respond, Bobby spoke up, “Who, then?”
Cas fidgeted. “I don’t know yet.”
It was quiet after that. A whistle of hot wind trickling in from a loose window and danced throughout the house, filling in the silence the group left. In all seasons, nature’s sounds were talkative at this end of the country. The cicadas chirped enthusiastically when the stars blinked above, and the mosquitoes nipped when summer sweat pooled in their shoes. It differed completely from the city. There was no whining of engines besides their own, and the air smelled of sweet ponderosa pine: a soft, blended aroma of vanilla and butterscotch. The Singer Salvage Yard was a rusty home for the hunters, but it was home.
Dean couldn’t shake the instinct within him that told him to question the scenario, so he spoke up, headstrong. “Okay, but is this even a bad thing?”
“Of course, it’s a bad thing-!” Bobby barked incredulously.
“Yeah, yeah, but Cas said it could alter fate. So what if this could improve things around here? I mean, if we recruited her, think of the hunter she would-”
“That was not meant to encourage you, Dean.” Castiel disagreed. “You know too well how this turns out. Becoming vain over ‘good intentions’ backfire. They always do. Of all people, you should have learned this lesson by now.” He pivoted to take a glance at the comatose teenager on the couch cushions. She seemed at peace now, but once she woke, it would be worse than at the hotel. “She was petrified when I retrieved her. Imagine if she learned what lurked in the darkness. It could break her, Dean.”
Castiel had a point.
Dean shifted uncomfortably,  recollecting old memories that started with the phrase: ‘good intentions’. Sam’s par against demon blood and had spiraled into the upbringing of the devil himself and the apocalypse along with him. The time Castiel had been juiced up on souls and transformed into ‘God’ was also an example of ‘good intentions’ gone wrong. 
Dean could additionally add the constant sacrifice of his life for Sam’s as another example of where he could officially state he had literally been forming deals with death. Wearing Death’s ring and impersonating him for an entire day just to bring Sam’s soul back from Lucifer’s cage was a rather personal issue of his. Protective was a light term.
Cas sensed the hunter’s change of attitude and figured it best to drop the topic while they were still civil and level-headed. “I suggest you all sleep. I’ll take watch.” The angel shuffled into a comfortable position, preparing to stand silently for the rest of the night as the chirrups and warbles of birds outside hushed.
So, the idle room roused, itching for its inhabitants to sleep as the stars sat above them.
Bobby was first to act, and he migrated from his seat to settle for the night. The stairs gave a distinct thwap thwap of socks against the wood to indicate he was heading off to bed and leaving the boys to their own business.
Sam rose from his corner of the table, stretching and lumbering off to the car to rest like a defeated moose. The couch was occupied, so he was making do.
Dean raised an eyebrow, trotting off to grab another drink. Nobody bothered to protest against his habits because, unfortunately, this was Dean’s way of coping with the obstacles life threw at him. Eventually, Dean would settle; however, the rattle of a fridge shutting proved it would not be for a while. He returned to the living room, glass now refilled with alcohol. He sat at the desk chair Bobby had abandoned and swayed pleasantly to the hum of crickets sounding through crevices in the walls.
Dean flashed an amused look towards Castiel. “You know, you don’t need to stand over her like a hawk. You carved the sigils into her ribs, right?”
Castiel was, indeed, hovering over the teenager. He blinked, realizing his mind had gone blank with fatigue. Faltering, he swapped his attention to the hunter. “Yes… I suppose I did,” he said, giving a weary, brief look to the couch once more before sitting on the floor with his hands rested on his knees.
“Then she should be fine.” Dean expressed his interest with an inquisitorial gaze. “What’s got you worried, Cas?”
His friend was unusually uptight. “If angels deliberately brought her here from another dimension, she must be valuable to them. If we lose her once…” he trailed off.
“We won’t,” Dean stated with confidence.
Castiel frowned pensively. “I know.” He looked to the floor, pulling at the sleeves of his trench coat. “I’m draining, Dean. My grace is fading, and by the day humanity is prodding at the floodgates for cracks and fissures. I fear one day I’ll wake up as a human.”
Dean paused at the words ‘wake up as a human’ and carefully said, “But… you don’t sleep.”
“Exactly,” Castiel muttered. He rested his forehead along his palm, finding it heavy. “I’m finding it difficult to avoid the temptation of sleep.” The angel exhaled, closing his eyes and succumbing to his exhaustion.
Dean ceased to stir his drink and instead planted it on the desk. He threw a blanket over Castiel’s resting form with a soft smile. Resting his elbows on his thighs, he absorbed the night. He browsed Sam’s laptop for data on dimensional travel, but results proved frustrating. In periods of boredom, he would rise from his seat and amble around, occasionally refilling his glass. This was what Dean accomplished when he was restless. It was just another night of nothing.
Eventually, after hours of repeating this process, the hunter drifted away as dawn illuminated the house with a tame gold. He sunk into the chair, his head lolling until it sagged against the wall.
Fortunately, it was a dreamless slumber.
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nekkednoklnd · 5 years
Cabin Boy
Chapter 4
The night was black as a thick rain fell soaking my body as I stood naked in the field. His thick arm encircling my belly gave me shivers. His long hard cock pushed deep inside my loins from behind. I quivered. His hand pushed mine away from my own thickness. I closed my eyes as his thick fingers gripped it hard. My head slumped back against his chest. My knees weakened. I fell down in the thick grass. He stood above me. His dark skin glistening in the rain... I was face down. I could smell the wet dirt through my nose. I could taste the wet grass in my mouth. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I was sweating. He was on his knees behind me. His cock deep inside my ass. He fucked me hard again and again as I lay whimpering underneath him. I was in a warm place. At peace. I was dreaming I was getting fucked. I came too as Chuck's mouth sucked the loose skin hard on the nape of my neck deep in his mouth. I was laying on top of him. My back against his chest. My head against his chin. His stiff cock driving deep inside. He had me around my knees as he pulled them up and out holding me in place as he continued to ram me as hard as he could. I stiffened for just a split second as I woke to my new reality. Then, closed my eyes, relaxed my hips and cooed as he repeatedly fucked the life back into me. He would fuck me this way every morning. His morning woody wakeup fuck, he called it. I felt Chuck come with a terrific blast, stiffening and holding himself in me until the last of his explosions squirted deep in me. He rolled off the bed with me still connected, carrying me just as he had fucked me to the shower. We entered the shower, his right arm let go of a knee and tightened around my belly. My legs dangled, my ass impaled on his spike as he turned on the shower. The cool water brought me back around. I hung there like a limp rag doll on his spike. My knees weak. My toes barely touching the tile. He grabbed my cock and balls and began to massage in some soap. Oh, the high. Having his cock in my ass and his big left hand jacking me off. I came with big explosion and a moan to match it. Chuck slowly pulled his cock out of me. I gasped, my eyes closed, my head tiled down, as the last inch of it squirted over my sphincter. He turned me around, pulling me up and into his arms. Our mouths locked. My arms shot around his neck. I clutched and pressed my face to his. I wanted this to never end. A quick hard slap on my ass pulled me from my bliss as he pulled his mouth away from mine. "How's that ass lad," Chuck asked, his cheshire grin spreading over his face. "Fellin better this mornin?"
I shook my head just a little. The sting was bad, but not nearly as bad as it felt the day before.
"Good," he said. "We'll need to work on it again tomorrow." "Com'on," he said, stepping out of the shower, "get yourself dried off. You have plenty of work to do this morning before I test your sea legs." His words came back to me from the day before. I needed to call work to let them know I'd taken a job for the summer. Call friends and reassure them I'd be fine without them. Last, call my landlord to let her know I was moving out and a crew would come around to pack my things and move them out. "Put your towel here," Chuck ordered, pulling open a door before discarding his, "and put a fresh one on the rack." "I have a tooth brush for you here," he said holding up a long thin box, "three times a day. And remember, don't make a mess. Rewards and discipline . Rewards if you continue to do things correct and discipline if you don't as you found out yesterday." My head spun for a second. I was his fish on his line and he was reeling me in. His words were to become my mantra. I'd do everything he asked of me and more. My job was to please him always. I turned off the water and stepped from the shower. I dried and placed the towel in the hamper as he ordered. Brushed my teeth and wiped the sink as he ordered. Found a brush in the drawer and ran it through my hair, making sure I removed every loose strand and flushing it.
The scent of frying pork fat and eggs tickled my nose as I walked from the bedroom. When I approached the landing of the stairs I could see Chuck sitting on a stool with his back to me, and a dark haired woman standing across the counter from him. They both looked up as I came bounding down the stairs. "Come here," Chuck ordered, "and meet Rosalinda."
As I stepped off the last stair I could see she was wearing only a floral bib apron. Her oversized breasts bulging out on both sides.
“Come here,” she ordered. “Let me get a look at you.”
As I got closer I could see there was more to her that I hadn't noticed. Something about her. Manufactured. Breasts larger and rounder than they should've been. Her cheek bones and lips weren't right either. Sunk in. Plumper.
"So," Rosalinda said with a Lisp, "is this your new little cocksucker?"
She grabbed my arms pulling them out and spinning me round.
"Oh now," she said, "this is a cute one."
Her hands dropped mine, sliding to my waist. She pulled me in. Her arms encircling my back, hands embracing my ass. She pushed her mouth to mine. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. Her tongue darted in over mine. I tilted my head as she pushed her tongue deeper. With one precise move one hand slipped up my back grabbing a handful of hair as the other gripped my excited cock.
"You are quite the little fucker," Rosalinda said. "Nice cock and balls as well."
I felt feverish. My knees weakened.
"Well," she said pushing me to the floor, "let's she how good of a cocksucker you are."
Rosalinda raised her apron exposing her thickening hairless brown uncut cock.
"Come on now," she ordered, "open that beautiful mouth of yours and let me slide all the way down."
Opening my mouth wide, tilting my head slightly I drew the head in over my tongue and down my throat. it went all the way down in one quick move. I pushed my face to her belly. My chin to her balls. She sunk her hands into my hair twisting it around in a ponytail.
"Oh," she moaned, pumping her hips at my chest, "you are a very good cocksucker."
Slap. Slap. Slap... I could feel her getting hard as she began fucking my face faster. Muttering something in Spanish and moaning she kept pounding holding my hair tight in her hand. I closed my eyes. She fucked me more. I heard her groan and begin to pulse. She was getting ready to come. With one big shove she pushed herself all the way down my throat and held it there. Her cock began to twitch. I could feel her come splattering down my throat. She cussed and moaned holding my head in place. In a minute she was done. She slowly began to pull my head off her cock. As the head of it passed over my tongue I pushed my head in sucking the last of her juices down my throat.
"Oh," she moaned, bending over and kissing the top of my head as I let her cock drop off the tip of my tongue.
"You are a really good cocksucker," she said using the back of her hand to push the hair away from her glistening face. "Come now get off your knees and eat the rest of your breakfast before it gets cold. I'll play with you later."
With one hand fondling my cock and balls and the other massaging my ass, she gave me my a light peck on the cheek. When I turned to step away she followed close behind.
As I turned to look at Chuck I could see his thick cock jutting away from his crotch. He turned on the stool to meet me. I slithered in between his thighs cooing was my hands began to fondle it. I tilted my head slightly, pushing my mouth to his. Butterflies erupted in in my stomach, my temples flared, I was ready to get fucked again.
I turned my ass to him and began to slowly bend forward. Chuck took hold of my hips and pulled me backwards stabbing his cock deep inside. My knees weakened as he began to ram me hard over and over again. I grabbed the edge of the counter for support. He forcefully jerked my arms back locking my wrists behind me with one of his giant paws. I fell forward to the counter. Plates flew sideways. Glasses toppled. The greater the destruction, the harder he fucked me. I could hear Rosalinda’s excited exclamations through my fog. Pain mixed with pleasure. Red hot, I began to sweat through my temples. I was his meat to abuse. He exploded in me with one big glorious jab. He held me tight sucking in air. I lay there panting as he twitched inside of me. He was such a furious fucker. He melted my will away.
After some time he pulled me off the counter with his cock still inside. Pulling his stool up underneath, he sat down with me impaled. Gripping my shoulders, he pulled me upright.
“Spread your legs and sit back,” Chuck ordered. “You ain’t going nowhere. Rosalinda clean up this mess and bring my boy some food. My boy has work to do.”
My head was going crazy. I cooed as I sat back pushing my ass down on his throbbing cock. I did as he ordered wrapping my legs around his and locking my feet behind his massive calves. Turning, I kissed him under his chin, nuzzling my head to his shoulder. He clutched his left arm around my waist holding me in place.
“Good way to get the day started,” Chuck said, “gettin that ass of your’s fucked twice before breakfast.”
I gleefully laughed. The thrill of becoming someones sexual property sent my heart racing.
“And one cock sucked,” Rosalinda added dropping the full plate in front of me. “Here you go my beautiful little cocksucker, eat up. You’ll need your strength to make it through the day around.”
I wiggled my hips as I picked up my fork causing some of Chuck’s juices to seep out.
“Keep that ass tight,” Chuck ordered. “Don’t need you losing some of that good breakfast.”
I did as he ordered. Keeping my sphincter tight around his log until I’d finished Rosalinda meal.
“Now it is time for dessert,” I said dropping my fork.
I unlocked my feet and pushed my ass away from his groin. I caught his cock in my hand as I turned rising up off him. I pushed it in over my tongue, cleaning every inch of it before raising my head.
“Good boy,” Chuck said, “You’re learning quickly. Gonna be hard to let you go.”
I smiled. I liked the idea of his rewards. I wondered just how far I’d have to go to stay in his good graces. The first seed of doubt had just crept in. Then Rosalinda said the most amazing thing.
“Raoul needs to brand this one for you,” said Rosalinda.
My heart skipped a beat. My temples flared. I became flush at the thought. I blushed I guess because Chuck reached out and grabbed me around my ass and pulled me in and kissed me hard.
“Yeah,” he said spinning me around and rubbing deep inside my crack. “You ready to get that ass of yours branded?”
I swallowed hard and just looked at him not knowing what to do or think. A thousand different things shot through my brain. Who was Raoul? Should I even consider letting this happen? The pain. What would it feel like? How long would it last?
“You’d be mine forever,” Chuck said. “You ready to mine forever?”
My tongue thickened in my mouth. I couldn’t answer.
“Who’s Raoul,” I asked.
“He’s my man,” Rosalinda replied grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me out on the back porch. “Look, over there in the boat shed. That’s him.”
At first all I could make out was a dark shadow moving. Then, he came into the light. He was tall and thick. Way above six feet. Wearing only denim overalls and black boots. His shaved black head glistened in the morning sun. I couldn’t stop staring at him. He stared back at me. He smiled. I guess I smiled back, I don’t remember. My heart raced. My knees got weak just looking at him.
“You go say hi,” Rosalinda suggested. “Go on now. He don’t bite.”
I looked at her, then back at him. Chuck had followed us out and was standing, watching off to the side. I looked over at him. His Cheshire grin had returned. He was testing me. Waiting to see just how far I’d go.
I felt like I was in a dream. It wasn’t me taking my first step down the stairs. I looked back at Rosalinda and Chuck. He pushed his chin out suggesting I continue. I gingerly glided from step to step. Before I knew what I was doing I was headed over the lawn to the edge of the shed stopping right in front of Raoul. He smiled down at me, then turned and walked back into the dark. My feet touched cool dirt as I followed him in. I stopped for a second to let my sight adjust. That’s when I saw where he’d stopped. Next to his thigh was a flat, wide, scarred saw horse, darkened with grease and time. He moved away as I drew closer.
By now Chuck and Rosalinda were standing in the dark behind me watching. I looked over my shoulder at them, then back at the saw horse and Raoul. I turned and perched my ass cheeks on the edge looking up at him. The bench was cool and rough next to my ass. My heart raced as Raoul stepped to my side. Reaching out he placed his giant paw on my shoulder and gently turned me around. He pushed my shoulders down slow. He pushed his hand under my belly beckoning me to move my head closer to the end. I lay prone, face down, my legs and arms dangling on each side. He pushed a dirty grease rag under my chin and pulled back my hair and tied it with another. He took hold of my left wrist and pulled it down. I watched as he bound it tight to a metal eye with a thick leather strap. I turned my head away, staring at the dust covered ropes and ties hanging on the wall in front of me as he went around the bench securing me in place. He wrapped straps around my chest and waist securing me tight.
I was nervous. I was high. Never could I imagine I’d ever put myself in such a place. Chuck was right in front of me. His cock level with my mouth.
“Open wide,” he said.
I opened my mouth. I thought for a second he was going to stick it in. For some reason I thought he was testing me. Instead he inserted a thick leather gag, fixing it tight to my head. I guess that is when it really struck me they were going through with this. My ass was literally getting branded. No jokes. No play. This was it. My mind raced. My head spun. A mask went over my mouth and nose. I sucked in hard. My body began to lighten. My head felt very high. Something went in my ass. A speculum. Spreading my hole wide. Wider. Something else went in. I could feel my intestines begin to expand. I was really high and loose. I lost track of where I was. I lost track of time. I smelt the burn. I never felt it. It was all over in seconds.
I woke up still bound to the bench. My whole body felt as if it were made of lead. Their laughter caught me by surprise.
“You were like a deer in the headlights,” Chuck said pulling the gag away from my face. “You gave in so easy. You must really want it bad. Being somebodies property.”
I didn’t know what to think. I wasn’t branded. Why go through all of this if I wasn’t. He was testing me. Seeing if I would do it. I had acquiesced. I did his bidding without an after thought. I gave myself over to him. I was his.
Raoul began uniting me. I was coming back around. As my hands came free I pushed away from the saw horse sitting upright near the end. Raoul chuckled a deep guttural chuckle. His large black paw pushed off my shoulder and down my back. I turned my face up to his. I wanted to kiss him.
“How did you enjoy it,” Chuck asked.
“What,” I replied still groggy.
“That big black dick of his,” Chuck said.
I turned my face once again to his.
“Yeah,” Chuck said, “he fucked you. He fucked you real good. I thought it best to loosen you up with Nitrous before he pushed that big black cock of his up your ass. Next time, I’ll just have him fuck you. Spread those cheeks of yours real wide and fuck you. Now, come on. You have some calls to make and I gotta get the boat ready.”
Chuck righted me as I swerved while I was trying to stand.
“Um, hum,” Raoul said, his hand spreading over my ass, giving it a pat. “You got one fine ass boy here. Yeah, one fine ass boy.”
I was so high. I was overcome with a giddy sense of glee. The thought of being in the same bed with both Rosalinda and Raoul sent me on a new plain.
I sat on the couch and began to dial. First my landlady. She was disappointed to see me go, but of course I needed to spread my wings and fly a bit. I let her know it as only for the summer I thought. She replied she'd rent the apartment out from month to month on the chance I'd return. She was sweet.  I told her Chuck was sending some guys to pick up my things. She let me know she'd take care of everything and have it waiting for them. She was truly the best landlord I'd ever know.
Next, I called work to let them know of my good fortunes. They weren't as upbeat as the landlady, but what the hey, they wished me success.
Last, I made the call to friends. Some were jealous while others didn't quite know what to say. My best friend Tony was jealous. He's the only one I ever told the truth to. I blew him away when I relayed how my morning had gone. He told me to never come home. Within thirty minutes I was done and back outside.
Chuck was standing on the sailboat tying ropes and fixing the sails. As I got closer I could hear the chug, chug, chug of the diesel engine.
“Come’n boy,” Chuck yelled from the deck, “It’s time to see if those sea legs of yours are as good as that ass is.”
The wharf burned my naked feet. I was so excited, I scampered towards him on my toes. With one quick move I grabbed hold a guide rail post and pulled myself aboard. Chuck bolted, grabbing my wrist he pulled me face down on the deck and began to slap my bare ass with the handful of rope.
“You stupid arse,” he bellowed, slapping my ass over and over again, “you’re supposed to ask before you come aboard. Now get your arse up off this boat and ask me properly before you come aboard.”
My butt stung, but not as much as my pride. I knew better, but never thought it applied to me on this boat. Chuck let me up with a scowl on my face and sting on my butt. I kind of liked the burn. It got me excited. I stepped over the rail to the dock. I humbly asked for permission to come aboard and was kindly granted. I climbed back over the rail and stood for a second looking down at Chuck standing behind the wheel. Without thinking I stepped down into the cockpit never taking my eyes off his. I went around the wheel and was standing there looking up into his eyes when, with one swift move his arms were around my waist, his hands gripping my burning ass and his mouth was completely covering mine.
I succumb to his will. My cares flew away. He held me tight against his naked skin. I was so horny. My dick got hard as a rock.
“Go let loose of the bow lines,” he ordered, turning me around and slapping my ass.
I took step forward, stopped and bent over so he could smack me again.
“So,” he said, standing behind me, “you like getting your ass tanned.”
With that he reached around grabbing my hard cock and began spanking my ruby cheeks. I was about ready to explode when he abruptly stopped. He dropped me sprawled on the deck. I lay panting as he stood above me.
“Go let go of the bow line,” he ordered again, giving my ass one last hard smack.
I did as he ordered. Untying the line from the cleat before tossing it to the dock below. I stood, one hand on the forward mast stay for a second looking down at the water as he pushed the engine into gear. The boat slowly slipped away from the wharf. He looked like a tanned Norse god behind that big wheel. I was so high on belonging to someone. I would do whatever he demanded of me. He signaled for me to come aft. I let go of my grip and walked back to him, stepping back down into the cockpit and dropping down beside him.
“Here,” he signaled, grabbing my elbow and pulling he down between his legs. “Sit here on your knees and push my cock and balls down that pretty little throat of yours.”
I knelt before him with my feet spread so I could sit all the way down. He pushed back my hair as I opened my mouth and gently guided his warm cock over my tongue to the back of my throat. With a quick shove on the back of my head he was all the way in.
“Open that mouth wide,” he ordered, pulling down on my chin, “and push my balls up in there too.
A second later my lips were against his skin. His cock way down my throat with his big salty balls resting in my gaping mouth. I felt a little jerk. A trickle. He was peeing into my belly. Another jerk. He grunted as the flow turned to a stream. It felt so weird. His piss boiling in my stomach. It was a good long piss. He emptied his bladder in me.
“You did good boy,” he said, his paw rubbing the top of my head. “Now get me hard so you got something to ride as we bounce across these waves.”
He could see my eyes smile as I pulled my head up tasting his briny liquid. He quickly pushed my head back down shoving his thickening cock back down my throat.
“Oh,” he cooed, “you are such a good little cock sucker. That’s it boy, suck your daddy’s cock til it gets so hard.”
Every time I pulled my head up he shoved it back down pushing the walls of throat wider and wider. He had a wad of my hair in his hand began to pull and push my head up and down.
“Christ. Fucking Christ,” he yelled.
He was about to explode when he pulled me all the way up off his thick hard shiny cock.
“Climb aboard,” he ordered, as I stood facing him.
I spread my legs and climbed onto his lap. He pulled my cheeks apart and shoved my hips down impaling my body. My head laid against his chest as a bead of sweat escaped from my brow.
“That’s a good boy,” he said, petting my back and ass. “You stay right there til we get all the way out in the bay.”
He had the boat almost to the end of the inlet and I was getting fucked again. I didn’t care or look up from his eyes as I moved my hips in one continuous elongated circle while onlookers stared as we passed them by. I was fucking him this time.
He smiled up at me, one hand on the wheel and his other paw gripping my ass cheek. He slowed the engine as the boat inched forward into the bay. As the boat bounced and rolled from wave to wave I rode his cock like a bull. My head tilted back. My arms stretched out. My fingers entwined around the back of his neck. With each roll and bounce I rode his cock all the way out into the bay. He never came. His gigantic cock stood perfectly erect the whole time.
With a hard slap on my ass he turned the boat into the wind.
“Go forward,” he ordered, “’n loosen the ties on the jib. Then come back here ’n raise the main.”
I pulled my hips off his cock and crawled my way across the cushions. I pushed up and climbed over the deck to the jib. Weak kneed, but full of determination, I balanced myself, gripping the fore-stay while untying one after the other.
As the jib unfurled he pulled in on the line, tossing it around the aft winch before pulling it snug. I awkwardly made my way to the mast, unfurled the stay, circled it over the winch and began to pull the mainsail up.
“Push the button on the side,” he ordered. “it’s got a motor to drive it.”
With my knee I pushed the button and guided the rope through my hands as the sail rose up the mast and locked into place. I curled the rope and tied it off before dropping back down in the cockpit and stepping to his side.
“Come sit back down and help me steer,” he said.
I was about to straddle his hips when he spun me around.
“No,” he ordered, “the other way.”
I read my feet on the outside of his, pulled my cheeks wide apart as he guided me back down. One quick pop and he was all the way back in me.
“Take hold of the wheel while I adjust the sails.” he ordered, as he cut the engine and pulled the ropes through the clamps. “Now take it off the wind a bit and let’s get ‘er underway.”
I turned the wheel, the sails filled and the boat sunk over and pushed forwards. He adjusted the sails, wrapped his tanned paw over my belly and pulled me close. I sunk back onto his chest. The boat pushed up and over the waves. My hips slid with them. He felt so good in me. My whole body relaxed.
“This is how we’re gonna do this,” he whispered in his deep throaty voice. “You gonna ride me like this the whole way.”
I cooed. Turned my face to his. He pushed his mouth over mine. I was in heaven.
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whumphoarder · 6 years
hey hey hey, would it be possible for you to write something about Peter being bedbound because of an illness? I just think he’d make a terrible patient. Or alternatively, he’s a miserable sickie and the other avengers are each trying to cheer him up. Just... bedbound Peter.
Hey! Thanks for the idea! (let’s just ignore the fact it’s been in my inbox for a few months whoops)
Tony is just re-entering the Medbay with a glass of orange juice—no pulp this time, because a sick Peter is an abnormally picky Peter—when he nearly crashes into the wobbly teen currently stumbling his way across the floor, his IV cart trailing behind.
“Peter!” Tony snaps. “What the hell are you doing up?”
“Going for a walk,” Peter rasps out. He tries to push past his mentor, but Tony just places a foot in front of the cart’s front wheel, halting him.
Raising his eyebrows, Tony crosses his arms over his chest. “Exactly what part of ‘mandatory bedrest’ was unclear?”
Peter rolls his eyes—something he’s been doing an awful lot of ever since Bruce sentenced him to Medbay three days ago. “I still don’t understand why I have to stay in bed,” he grumbles, attempting to maneuver the cart around the other man’s shoe. “It’s called walking pneumonia, Mr. Stark. Walking is literally in the name.”
“It’s a misnomer,” Tony retorts. He presses the locking mechanism on the IV stand with his foot, earning him a groan from Peter. “And after this week, I’m officially petitioning the CDC to change the name to ‘plant your ass in bed and keep it there’ pneumonia.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest but instead immediately dissolves into a violent coughing fit. Tony quickly loops an arm around the kid for support as he hacks and sputters.
Eventually the coughing tapers off, but Peter’s breaths still rattle in his chest.
“C’mon, kid,” Tony says, steering the feverish teenager back towards the bed. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“But I’m so bored,” Peter whines before hacking out a few more horrible sounding coughs. “I’ve been watching Netflix so long that it paused the show to ask if I was alright.” He shivers as Tony coaxes him back onto the mattress. “And I’m not alright.”
Tony heaves out a sigh. Then, glancing up at the ceiling, he says, “FRIDAY, see if anyone in the compound has an hour to spare.”
“Got any sixes, kid?” Tony asks.
“Nope. Go fish,” Peter replies, and Tony takes another card from the deck.
Clint smirks. “Got any sixes, Tony?”
Glaring at the archer, Tony passes three cards across the table. Clint flips them over and adds the final card from his hand, completing the set. “Oh look, I win again.”
“Alright, that’s it,” Tony grumbles as he gathers the cards together. “We’re switching to Blackjack.”
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pennys-th0ughts · 5 years
A New Beginning 🌱
– You could have a nice job as a chef ¿you know? – Emilee pointed while cleaning her lips with the napkin after emptying her plate.
I smiled at her compliment and took a sip of water. Lunch went pretty well and after that we had some dessert, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream. Once we finished Emilee took a bag and put some fruits and something to drink inside, a light blanket and a couple of cake slices. She picked up her small purse from the couch and looking at me excited, she said:
– Let’s go. There is a nice place I want to take you…
I accepted her proposition asking her to come with me to the hotel to pick up my things first, the check-out will be soon and I didn’t want to raise any suspicions. She agreed, we took a cab and got there before time; I went up and grabbed the rest of my stuff, signed the check-out book and we left. Fortunately my luggage wasn’t big thus it was slightly comfortable to carry so I took it with me to this place Emilee wanted to go since it will spare us the time to go back to her place. We took a bus in the nearest bus stop and headed there, we were fifteen blocks away from that place so the ride would come in handy.
Almost twenty minutes later we were finally there. We got down of the bus and walked looking for a good spot to sit. We were at the Millennium Park and it was really beautiful, there was a fountain and a little pond with a bridge, some ducks were peacefully floating over the clear water and cleaning their feathers while some koi fishes were at the bottom.
– ¿So? – She asked waiting for my opinion about her choice-. ¿Do you like it?
– This place is surprisingly amazing, doll – I finally said caressing one of Emilee’s cheeks-. ¡I love it!
She took the blanket out of her bag and gave it to me so I put it on the grass, we sat down and she placed her purse to a side. I invited her to use my legs as a pillow so she could rest her head; minutes later I was playing with her hair and caressing her forehead. The few times she looked up and fixed her grayish eyes with mine I could appreciate the beauty of them; they seemed to be like two gray glass marbles being pierced by a ray of light. My eyes went from hers to her pink shiny lips and I got tempted to kiss them, she smiled at my uneasiness, sat down on my legs and kissed me out of the blue merging her fingers with my hair.
– I love the coper color of your hair – she said undoing my pony tail once more-. It looks like…
– Fire – we both said at the unison.
Emilee looked at me half puzzled half playful then she just hugged me like a koala bear; I returned the hug pressing her against my body tenderly as if she was made of the most fragile crystal. We spent some minutes that way, in silence, just feeling the warmth of our bodies, the almost palpable beating of our hearts and hiding the feverish passion we were being slaves of. In that precise moment I felt it again and made it all clear, Emilee and I were the same, like the reflection of a broken mirror, like two drops of water crashing against the floor; we were different on the outside but identical on the inside. Our appearances were costumes hiding the true nature of our kind making us blend in so we could survive in a world where there was no place for creatures like us. We were outcasts from a parallel universe where darkness was our light and immortality was our certain fate, where the thirst of blood was imminent and the hunger for human flesh couldn’t be eradicated. The dimension we came from was a vast land of endless chaos, pain and agony but where we could be seeing as the monstrous beings we were. All of that came to my mind as the cold and bitter memories they were.
– Bob… – Emilee brought me back to reality once again-. ¿Are you alright?
– Yes – I lied faking a smile-. I'm sorry, I was…
– You were elsewhere – she interrupted me with a slight but honest smile on her lips-. I know. I felt it too.
My eyes widened and this time I couldn’t hide my bewilderment, Emilee came so close to my face that the tip of our noses were almost touching, and then holding my look, her eyes began changing to their true color. The yellow branching was predominant in her eyes and the orange tones made them look like some kind of sunset. At this point I was even more shocked because she was entrusting me with her most important secret and that made me feel confident about revealing mine. I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed about the bond she was building between us and how strong it was getting the more time passed. I caressed her cheek and kissed her again and when I opened my eyes I showed her what they really looked like, she smiled looking reassured and sat down on the blanket.
– ¿Cake? – She handed me over a slice and took out a bottle of orange juice from the bag.
We ate in silence, enjoying the sweetness of the chocolate cake and the chirping of the birds that sunny afternoon. When we finished eating we decided to take a walk around the park and then the pond. During our walk Emilee hold my hand, she seemed happy and her smile was always present. The feeling blooming inside my chest was awkward but it felt nice, as if a thin ray of sun was finding its way through the deep abyss where my heart was. Knowing I wasn’t the only one of my kind in this world was something good because it would mean we still had the chance to make it ours in time.
The sun was hiding in the distance and a mixture of orange, yellow and violet pastel tones were merging with each other creating some sort of renaissance painting. We were admiring how the sunset was dying and the twilight was opening its eyes once more to a new short life sitting on a bench close to the pond, the dark water was mirroring a full moon as if it had a twin sister ready to come out and play. A cool and soft breeze started to blow; Emilee hadn’t brought any coat so I borrowed her my jacket.
– We should go back, doll – I proposed to her while rubbing her arms to get her warm.
– There is another place I would like to take you, Bob – she smiled shyly-. I promise it won’t take us long and I can assure you, you will like it.
Emilee was aware that that particular smile was enough for me to give in to her ideas and the innocence in her try was adorable. I shook my head laughing and offered her my arm so she could take me to that place.
After being some minutes walking we finally got there. The lights in the park were already on and the buildings surrounding the place were also lit up. When we step on the ground where that huge silver thing was my jaw fall freely, then I heard Emilee’s laughter.
– ¡I knew you would like it! – She said amused seeing my reaction.
– ¿What is this thing supposed to be? – I asked full of curiosity.
– It is what you see – she shrugged her shoulders and hid under the big sculpture-. This giant shiny silver bean was built in the year two thousand four and finished two years later – Emilee told me a little about its history-. The owner of this big “magic” bean was mister Kapoor and he will always be remembered with it. Amazing ¿isn’t it?
My perplexity got even bigger when I got underneath the giant structure with her and looked up; the reflections were repeated many times as if they were lots of galaxies about to be swallowed by the void in the center of this magnificent sculpture. Emilee got close to me, wrapped her arm around my neck and took a picture with her cellphone. She made me run after her a couple of times and when she finally let me catch her I was feeling more amazed than before.
– You look cute with my jacket on.
– ¿Would I look prettier without it? – She asked mischievously winking an eye at me.
My eyes narrowed menacingly and I instinctively bit my lower lip because I knew exactly what she meant by that, she took my hand and we left.
Once the door was locked she slammed me against the wall and kissed me furiously taking my clothes off on the way to her bedroom. We got upstairs tripping on and bumping against almost everything in our path, Emilee closed the door and the show began. I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched her taking her clothes off slowly, as if she was performing some kind of ritual, which was definitely working on me. Once completely out of her vestments, she started a slightly painful but satisfactory metamorphosis. The other three pair of arms got out from her body making their way out of it through her ribs and reaching their natural length. In her face two more eyes began opening, crowning her forehead as if they were amber stones. She didn’t want to lose her human form completely so she stopped half way and bowed at me showing me some of her real features. The soft layer of hair in her six arachnid legs was whitish as the snow and their tips were black like charcoal.
– Your beauty is stunning, doll – I got to say before she shut me up putting one of her silky paws on my mouth.
I let the rest of my limbs come out, but my appearance was very different from hers, my hairs were black and my back and chest were adorned with a big blood red spot, the ends of my legs and my three pair of eyes were also the same color. Back in my world those colors were meant to lure the females into a mating ritual but here they were completely useless.
I grabbed Emilee by the waist and made her lie down; I took some web from my abdomen and tied a pair of her upper legs to the headboard and then her human legs and other pair of arachnid legs to the foot of the bed. I let her human hands free so she could do whatever she wanted to do with them; I figured she would eventually need them, then I began torturing her in a slowly but pleasant way.
The tip of my tongue began tracing an erratic path, starting from her belly button and going up until her already hardened nipples which I kissed and softly bit. My lips played a bit in her neck and she began moaning, my kisses went downhill bumping from one spot to other making Emilee to arch her back like a cat. I hold her wrists above her head and started playing with her pussy already wet; I placed her clit between my fingers and rubbed it gently until she begged me to get inside of her, but I covered her mouth with the palm of my hand and kept playing with her arousal for a couple more minutes, only this time I would rub my pelvis against hers. Emilee’s body was getting really moist because of the sweat and I was having an almost painful boner but I didn’t care, the mixture of pleasure and pain was exciting. I let her hands go and she grabbed my hair pulling it backwards very hard.
– ¿Are you punishing me, princess? – I asked her with a mischievous smile on my lips.
– Yes, I am – she made me bend forward and when I had her mouth close to my ear, she whispered-. You have been a very naughty boy. Now I want you to fuck me really hard, daddy.
She teared apart the knots that tied her ankles and wrapped her human legs around my waist, she plunged her nails in my shoulders and bit my lips possessed by pure lust. The last word whispered by her sinner mouth was all I needed to make her mine over and over again; I was out of control and so was she. We were reaching the highest point of ecstasy and I was at the edge of cumming when she begged me to cum inside of her.
– So, little girl wants daddy’s seed ¿uh? – This time I plunged my claws in her thighs-. She will have it then…
I let myself go and filled her pussy until the bedsheets got wet, both feeling little spasms running all over our satisfied bodies. I lied down next to her and Emilee hugged me with her trembling arms hiding her face in the hollow of my neck. We were exhausted but happy. Sometime soon, Emilee would lay thousands of eggs and our future children would help us rebuild a new world.
I pulled the bedsheets up and covered us, we had a short night ahead but a long life together and we would start living it at the fullest from that very moment…
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The End
Enjoy it darling @sunflowerskissed 💕
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deathbyvalentine · 5 years
Magic For Wolves
The first thing I did was bury the bones. Bones could be more effective than a fence, if you knew where to put them. So I took my ruler and measured six inches into the soil and dug there, small graves perfectly suited to the bones that would rest there. They encircled the house, only the overturned soil hinting where they lay. It was only afterwards it occurred to me that the circle looked like a target, the house sitting at the bullseye. I doubt it would have stopped me if I’d realised during. We were always targets, visible or not.
He was washing the dishes when I came back inside, tutting when I thrust my hands under the tap to get the thick dirt off my palms, splattering the dishes. He tutted but didn’t complain which was my brother’s personality in a nutshell. He quite enjoyed being long suffering, I suspected, and I gave him plenty of opportunities to be so. Or so he said. I was never aware of my being difficult until long after, usually when I had overheard some whispers from the in between the landing banisters. There had been less of that recently, due to him having nobody to complain to. I preferred it just the two of us personally. There was less chatter, less noise, less pointless static filling up the air and cluttering up my head. Sometimes we could go long days without talking, just sighing and tutting instead. It was like his own language. Mine was made up of chirps and clicks, copied from the birds in the thorny brush outside. He understood it anyway, I think.
The reason we were alone now is because I didn’t bury the bones last month and Saffy got got. Even though I liked it better now, I had liked her fine. She was tall and wore dresses that had been bleached paler by the sun. She laughed constantly which made my brother smile which made me okay. The morning after she hadn’t come home, I had found a pale yellow scrap down by the river, caught in the breeze. I knew it was from her favourite Sunday dress so knew she was gone. I gave it to Robert and he’s using it as a bookmark nowadays. 
I told him I was going to bury the bones today and he had nodded with those great brown eyes of his. His eyes reminded me of mud and the woods and the dark fur I only managed to see in flashes. Robert wasn’t a wild thing but I sometimes wondered if he was one when he was my age. I couldn’t imagine him as anything but what he was now, but he must have been smaller once. I wonder if he knew what I knew - about the bones and about the tree carvings, about the words you should say for luck and the rivers you should never cross at night. These weren’t the sort of things you learnt. They came to you, little flashes like silver fish. The kids from the village called me a witch but it was just common sense. The world around you talked and you had to listen and at the very least talk back. 
I had been smaller than I was when I realised how important it was. I had fallen asleep with the window open, even though it was winter. I had woken up shivering, the cold moonlight that had fallen through the window chilled me to the bone. I had gotten up, bare feet on the wooden floorboards. I padded over to the window. Things were different at night. All the grass and hills and trees were not the same ones anymore. They were dark or silver, some of them had faces and some of them weren’t there at all. The village was only just visible, nestled at the end of the long road. And the wind whispered, coming from far away. I almost fell asleep on my feet looking out because it wasn’t all scary. It was beautiful too. I could hear the river and the leaves moving and something underneath it all, something like the earth humming.
My eyes were just closing and I was swaying a bit on my feet when I saw it. Standing below, it’s eyes empty and silver. It didn’t move and neither did I. I think I held my breath. I knew it could hear everything. It could hear my heart and my eyes when they blinked and if I breathed it could hear that too. We looked at each other. We looked and we looked. Then there was a noise from deep in the valley and off it sprinted, quicker than quick.
In the morning, mother said I must have dreamed it, that the moon was hidden behind clouds last night to begin with and besides, who would be wandering around at that hour?
Well she died three weeks later, so what did she know?
The fence did its job admirably but I was running out of bones. You couldn’t use the same ones twice and though sticks with runes did an okay job, they weren’t nearly as powerful. So I asked Robert for money and went into the village. 
Usually we looked after ourselves. We had chickens and vegetable beds, but Robert said we weren’t to kill anymore chickens until next year and anyway, we needed things we couldn’t make. Things like soap and candles and matches. He said I could spend whatever was left after the list was bought, as long as I didn’t tell him what I bought. This worked for me. Things being secret made the magic more potent. 
I didn’t step on a single crack on main street but that meant I was looking at my feet which meant I walked straight into someone. They were putting up posters on the telephone poles that dotted the street. Nearly every single one was covered, not just by this newest poster, but by ten or so similar ones that had gone before. All with faces rendered in black and white, all missing. I knew were they were but Robert had told me that if I said so, it would just upset the people of the village.
The people of the village loved Robert. They said his red hair was lucky and with his temperament and our house any girl would be lucky to have him. Everyone thought he was going to marry Saffy so now she was gone, they were jostling for attention again. Sometimes we woke up to baskets on our doorstep, filled with jam or bread or flowers or love notes. I hated that - it meant I had to go and check all the way around the circle to make sure they hadn’t kicked up any dirt or disturbed the bones. It was stuff like this that made the village people go missing. No respect, no common sense. They didn’t even notice the world around them if it wasn’t written on a newspaper or banker’s letter. I didn’t mind the jam though, that could stay.
When I got home, I gave Robert his bag of boring things then took my bag of exciting things to my room. I had bought; one steak, a deck of playing cards, a new pen and a whistle. I had also found on the walk home a handful of blackberries, a dead cricket and several interestingly shaped stones. The stones went onto my collection shelf and the blackberries went into a bowl to be crushed later. Blackberry juice could be used to dye fabric or wood, staining it a deep rich purple. You could always tell when someone had been eating blackberries. It stained skin too, fingertips and lips especially. It wouldn’t wash away, not for a while, not even with soap.
When that was done, I went outside and tucked the steak underneath the elderberry bush. The sun was starting to be drawn out the sky, like poison from a wound, leaving only stars behind. I appreciated it for a moment, the lazy buzzing of sun drunk insects, then headed back inside. I barred every door and latched every window. That was the sort of thing you forgot to do precisely once.
I didn’t sleep well. Dreams plagued me and made me walk while still asleep in my bed, my arms and legs aching when I woke up. I inspected myself in the bathroom mirror after stirring myself. An anxiety overtook me whenever I could not sleep, caused by remembering how much she tossed and turned before she simply disappeared completely, as quick as a spell. I looked at my reflection for signs of her illness. But there was no feverish flush high on my cheeks, no white spots on my tongue. When I sneezed, no blood painted the handkerchief. Cheered by this, I rescued Hazel from under my bed and carried her downstairs.
There was a stranger in the kitchen with Robert. My eyes flickered to the back kitchen door, but it had been rebolted with no sign of forced entry or scratches. Robert was smiling, which both reassured and scared me all at the same time. The stranger was a man with blonde hair and grey eyes and grass stains on the knees of his pale suit. His fingers were resting against Robert’s wrist when I entered, like he was taking a pulse but he moved as soon as he saw me. I stood in the doorway, Hazel squirming in my arms until I dropped her. She padded across to her empty food bowl and looked at me balefully but she would have to wait.
The silence lasted longer than anything ever had, but it was Robert who spoke first. Apparently this man was a police man, checking up on the village and us, to see if we knew anything more about the missing people or if anyone had threatened us. Nobody had, not in a long time, so I wasn’t sure what he was still doing here and I said so. He laughed, though it sounded like a laugh on the radio and picked up his hat, sliding over a card to Robert and telling him to call if he needed anyone to talk to. Which was a stupid thing to say because Robert had me. I watched him leave, still standing in the doorway. Robert got up and began fussing over breakfast plates and bowls and not looking at me. A great and terrible passion rose in my chest (that’s what my father called it, a passion) and I got so angry I pushed the milk jug off the table so it shattered on the stone floor into a thousand shards, maybe more. Robert stared at me. 
“Ellen, what was that for? You know we don’t have another.”
“That was for Saffy.” It wasn’t but I wanted to see him flinch, and he did, his eyes going big and hurt. “Since you’ve forgot.”
“No I haven’t. I’m... I’m allowed to have friends.”
“I’m your friend!” I bared my teeth. “You know what happens to our other friends.”
“I...” He trailed off because he knew I was right. Triumphant, I snatched a piece of toast from the pile and went back upstairs.
I stayed awake until it was pitch black and the moon rose over the horizon. I wasn’t meant to, but sometimes it was okay to look. Sometimes. I peeked over the window ledge and they were standing there, like I knew they would be. More of them than the first time, the wind catching their hair and fur, even though I couldn’t see the grass moving with it. 
I felt a tug in my chest that I thought maybe was sadness when I saw the state of Saffy’s dress. She used to like to stay so neat, ironing it until it had no creases and brushing it free of Hazel’s fur. Now it was torn and ragged and dirty and even if it hadn’t of been, it would have looked all wrong on her because she looked all wrong. She looked like her skeleton was wrong for the body it was in and her eyes didn’t see me anymore. They all faced the house, their shadows being cast across the hills.
I wonder if Robert looked too sometimes, or if he felt too guilty about it all. Or maybe he thought I was the cursed one. Either way, he would fret. I came away from the window and crept into bed, falling into a sound sleep. Tomorrow, I would go to the pond and collect frogs. I would sleep well.
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