#festival geno
meimeikyu · 2 months
gjjdhfjjdks omg today is geno sans bday the guy the silly!!! take some festivalverse geno doodles for this occasion:D
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close ups under cut :3
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angrybatart · 9 months
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Oh, right. I should upload this before the year is over. Sorta finished. Sorta not. I've unfortunately run out of motivation, AT THE MOMENT, to make it pretty.
For now,
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jaijaitbinks · 1 year
Fixating tf out of Sai and Genos going to a pride festival together, something neither Sai nor Genos has gone to before, and the entire time Sai is pretending he knows what they're doing and what's going on while Genos looks to him for guidance, cuz he doesn't know what he should be doing at a festival and assumes Sai does because he was the one to bring up the idea of going.
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skelesunderthetale · 4 months
How about what they would do on a date? Like activities and stuff like that
What they would like to do with you
Characters: Blue, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Goth
Underswap (Blue) Blue would love to share his passion for sports and exercise with you! Going on a walk, at the gym, at the beach to play some volleyball and then cool off by getting in the water… Not only are they good habits, but also they are some things that he likes and wants you to enjoy just as much. If you aren’t used to sporty activities, if you had bad experiences, it’s okay! If you are willing to try stuff out, he’ll be empathetic of your experiences and make sure to be attentive and guiding. If you aren’t ready and prefer to stay in, he’s also fine with watching action movies, comedies, or even cheesy romance with you. At least he can cuddle with his favorite person meanwhile! Dreamtale (Dream) Dream doesn’t have much time on his hands, it’s obvious. When he has enough time, and when he can actually put all his attention on you, he likes to either stay inside your home to fully relax together, do some puzzles, cross stitch, read, or even watch documentaries. He only likes TV when it makes people learn things, good luck making him watch reality shows (he’s old). If you actually want him to take you out, he’d propose a nice dinner somewhere calm and cozy, or go on a walk in a special garden place. Dreamtale (Nightmare) Nightmare being himself, he hates going out during the day, or at least when it’s sickeningly sunny and pretty. He likes foggy weather, when it’s dark, and when you can look up and see the clouds almost hiding the moon. Speaking of the moon, that’s probably one of the calmest activities you can do with him: star gazing. If you are sleeping, he would bother waking you up so you guys can watch the sky together through the big window of your bedroom. Honorable mention to: reading! He’s an old soul (if he still really has one?) and can give you easily any definition you need if you have a hard time reading some of the classics he has in his bookshelves (you saw one that dated from… like… 1798…)
Something New (Killer) Killer loves cats. His hobby is to bring a new cat everytime he comes back from a mission at this point… So to cope with his lack of time that he can spend with you, he simply makes you take care of them with him. Feed them, make sure they are okay, pet them and play with them until they are all sleeping from exhaustion. If you are allergic… Well, he’ll have to think really hard to think about something else to do with you… Actually, he has a very enjoyable sport in mind :) He’s kidding! Unless…
Dusttale (Dust) Dust is a homebody, it takes him an enormous amount of willpower to actually get out of bed each morning to do whatever jobs he needs to finish before sunset. He loves you though, and his brother wants him to do what he can to make you happy. Thank his hallucinations, because they are probably the reason why you didn’t die during your first encounter… If you want to chill at home, well good for him! I mean… you guys! He’s not really doing anything though, he’s kind of just watching you do things. Will it be drawing, dancing, singing, watching a show or video, he’s silently watching. No judgment behind those eyes though, so don’t feel silly or embarassed. If you want to go out, well he just hopes it’s not somewhere like a festival or anything.
Goth (JessyDS comic version) Goth is funny to be around, and like his name can lead to think… he’s goth, and metal, and likes anything that sounds a bit louder than usual. He’s edgy, and it shows. If he was rich, he’d buy you guys tickets to every concert of bands he likes that isn’t a 10 hour drive away. And merch! IT’S EXPENSIVE. The number of times you saw him beg his dad for 10$ then beg his other dad for 100$ (Reaper understands his passion a bit more than Geno does…) When you go to a concert, it’s loud, people stink, the lights blind you, but it’s fine: at least you can feel his wings brushing your back. --- Author note : Im not a poser, and also comments are very welcome! Requests too! I love interacting with the community
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mostlybarrett · 25 days
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View of English rock band Pink Floyd performing live on stage at the Barbeque 67 music festival at the Tulip Bulb Auction Hall in Spalding, Lincolnshire on 29th May 1967. The band pictured from left to right are keyboard player Richard Wright, guitarist and singer Syd Barrett (obscured) and drummer Nick Mason. This image is from a recently discovered collection featuring Barbeque '67, also known as the Spalding Rock Festival. Organised by Grantham promoter Brian Thompson, who had booked Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band, The Move, Pink Floyd, The Jimi Hendrix Experience and Cream, all supported by a local band called Sounds Force Five to play in the Tulip Bulb Auction Hall in Spalding, Lincolnshire on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday 29th May 1967. The event was advertised nationally, with thousands making their way to the market town and resulting in radio appeals for people to turn back. The attendance was estimated between 4,000 and 6,000 with twice as many unable to gain entry. Tickets to attend the event cost just £1. (Photo by George Elderton/Paul Popper/Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images)
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rayadraws · 1 year
Some of the ways we are beyond blessed as SGS (saigenos/genosai) shippers:
- Thousands of fanart
- Thousands of fanfic
- A wide variety of fan comics/doujins
- Cute merch, both official and fanmade
- Bi-yearly fan conventions in Japan. Previously nendoroid fans would meet up and have doll picnics and take pictures of their nendos and make SGS themed foods
- A video of Genos' VA saying (in Genos' voice) "I love you Saitama-sensei!"
- An official drama CD where Saitama and Genos play out their version of Romeo and Juliet
- A series of drawings by Murata with Saitama and Genos in a cinderella AU, with Saitama as the prince and Genos as cinderella
- Murata making comments during his livestreams that he knows about the shipping and subtly joking about it. Murata commenting and RTing from openly shippy SGS accounts
- ONE making a point of saying he has no problem with shipping of his characters
- The English VAs tweeting about how they ship it too, joking about them going on a date etc. Saitama's VA signing a fan's print with "I ship it too"
- The Japanese VAs using body language and phrases with double meanings like "fine, I'll go out with you" during the opm festival. Genos' VA being asked to pose the Figmas and putting Genos in Saitama's arms
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sirsen · 1 year
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I was looking at some of my old drawing and found this boy. I designed him for an event, but I don't really remember what my idea for him was, so I'm just making up some ideas from him now. The setting for the event was like a Japanese festival, so that's why they're wearing kimonos.
This Geno is a spirit who was killed by a human, but instead of going to a save screen like the cannon Geno, he is basically a ghost. He can go around his home town, but not outside it, and no one can see or hear him.
Geno will often stay near his brother, Papyrus. Since Papyrus tends to talk to himself a lot, Geno will answer him as if he can hear him and pretend to hold a conversation with him when he was alive.
Before Geno died, Papyrus wanted to be a master roman chef, but with his brother gone, he has given up on that dream. Now he only aspires to be a samurai, so that he can be strong enough to protect the people he cares about and never lose another loved one.
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cammiluna · 9 months
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Last art of 2023!
I'm gonna start a short comic in 2024 following Geno (hence running two comics starring someone named "geno") as he has to secure the doll he once inhabited on his way to return it. It takes place after Immortal Fool, but you don't need to read iFool for this.
For now, it's gonna be on comicfury via the old bonus comic page , and updates will be whenever I'm able to make a page. it'll be in black in white with maybe some colored panels like ifool came to be.
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meloartchive · 5 months
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mr. rock festival was my father. please, call me geno
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come-down-that-tree · 7 months
Prologue Previous
Warning: unjustified violence against a sweetie and some paaanicking :(
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 16: Kutya pamutambo wemaruva
A week or so had passed since his little soul-to-soul with Geno and his injury…
While that arm was not fully healed yet, the other didn’t seem that bothered about it and even regained almost all of his limb’s mobility. He told them he got all of it back but Nightmare noticed how stiffly he moved it and how he favored his right even though it was obvious it wasn’t his dominant hand. 
Nightmare bit into his piece of pear pie. It was sweet and juicy. They didn’t have such high-quality snacks everydays, so he was planning to enjoy it.
How long has Geno been here now?
The weather had yet to turn cold so it couldn’t have been that long.
It felt like it however.
The guardian licked his fingers clean and glanced at the other two. They were silently sharing some lemon bread.
The village must be in a good mood, it was more and more frequent to see Dream coming back bearing a full basket of food and gifts. They even now had a spare blanket and an old cushion they decided to lend to their guest.
…Do you still consider someone who stayed for long at your home and wasn’t showing any sign of moving out as a guest?
Geno met his eyes and slightly inclined his head.
He averted his gaze to watch a random blade of grass.
Oh, a ladybug.
“Is the pie any good?”
Nightmare nodded in his brother’s direction, not feeling like talking just yet.
“Nice. I’ll keep my part for later.”
If the definition of “guest” was, as of now, outdated to describe Geno then…what was he? 
“I’ll put the basket away. You should go for an afternoon nap, Geno, you look tired.”
That was true the other had progressively slouched against his cushion during the meal and his dimming eyelight seemed to scream sleep.
He didn’t even answer the proposition and promptly klonked out.
That capacity to fall asleep fast and clean was impressive. 
Nightmare stood up, dusting himself off and calmly helped Dream cleaning the last traces of their meal…while keeping an eye on the sleeper.
He couldn’t help but be pensive about all that.
He couldn’t lie to himself anymore. He didn't hate Geno. He didn’t fear him either, even though he saw hints again and again of how volatile and dangerous he could be.
Nothing happened recently.
It had been quiet.
They talked a lot. About books. About the sky. About childhood adventures and stories.
It was… nice.
And if he often found himself slightly leaning against his shoulder to sleep at night, that was his problem.
Two amber wells entered his field of vision without warnings and startled him.
“What are you thinking about ?”
He caught himself with one hand against the tree before answering.
“Nothing, nothing at all.”
He couldn’t say any of his thoughts, he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he told him he was thinking about how he didn’t despise Geno anymore.
“Hmmmm, I’ll let that slide… For now!”
With that said, Dream all but jumped on him and he barely avoided falling again. Shifting his feet to stand steadier, he glared at his brother.
This one was making pitiful wet eyes and he knew -oh he knew…- that he was going to be asked something he wouldn’t like soon.
“Soooo, I was thinking…”
And there it was…
“What were you thinking…?”
The doubt and carefulness he tried to convoy didn’t seem to deter his brethren. Sadly.
“You noticed how I’ve been given more gifts recently…?”
“I did… I assume the village’s mood is high for some reason?”
He got shaken quite roughlessly by that overly excited puppy.
“YES! Today is the first day of the Verflor festival so place is absolutely decked out in flowers! And there’re food stands and dances and music and we need to go!”
Nightmare gripped his arm, focusing on the sensation of a fistful of fabric under his fingers.
“...Yes, we. Come on! It’s been ages since the last time you went down! You didn’t even go borrow books recently…”
Dream trailed off for a second before bouncing back into his plea with gusto.
“I know we’ll have a blast! I’m pretty sure the central bookstore said they wanted to put up a stand with newly arrived finds, you can’t miss that!”
Oh he could. But the offer sounded slightly less bad after that statement, somehow. He was still not convinced.
“I’m not su-”
“And don’t wake up Geno. Guy’s great but you spent so much time with him recently. Can’t I request some wholesome brother bonding time when I really feel up to it?”
Yeah, he was not winning against this one. Might as well give up, enter the village for five minutes, find a random excuse and go back right away. Easier than to argue now.
“...Ok, fine. We can go for a bit.”
He was promptly released as Dream twirled around, looking truly enchanted by the news. After a few seconds of this show, Nightmare was once again caught by the arm and pulled harshly enough to make him stumble (again). 
That day was going to be exhausting, wasn’t it?
Surprisingly, the ruckus did not rouse Geno out of his food coma and they runned down the hill, clumsily, as they dug every once in a while their elbows into each other’s ribs.
And soon.
Sooner than Nightmare would have liked if he had a word on the matter.
They reached the village.
And, as promised, the verflor festival was in full display.
Fresh flowers -that kids must have collected early in the morning- were decorating every possible surface. Daylilies and bacopa pots were proudly displayed under each window. The mix of perfume was so strong that he wondered briefly how nobody fainted yet -as far as he knew. A bird-like teen was running around with a water can, making sure the heat was not getting to the vegetation.
That task must have taken all their focus as they almost bumped into him…and apologized without even looking.
The lean feathered guy just runned off to their next pot and fussed over a slightly damaged balloon flower.
“It’s been so long since the last time we went together to that event! How long has it been again?”
Nightmare pretended to think before giving his twin the answer he could have given in a blink.
“6 years, I think.We needed fresh flowers.”
“Ah yes I remember, maybe we should pick up some today as well?”
“...yeah, we should.”
Dream clapped his hands, looking satisfied.
“Then it’s settled! We look around, enjoy the event and pick up some plants -and maybe a book if you find something interesting?- before going home!”
And without waiting for an answer, Dream grabbed his hand and started energetically walking and making comments on how each display of flowers were installed and by who.
Surprisingly, he found himself infected by the other’s joy and quickly started truly appreciating the evening. Some people watched him curiously and some others were sending some rather nasty glares but he ignored all that and focused on his brother’s unending chatting.
They picked up some flowers and put them down their pockets, uncaring of if they’d survive the trip. A flower didn’t stop being pretty just for some bruises and missed bits after all. And both of them were now wearing flowers breaded firmly into their crowns, almost fully masking the glistening metal. Coreopsis, poppies and some treasure flowers for Dream. Delphiniums, lilies-of-the-Nile and some drooping verbenas for him.
The day was sunny and rays bounced across the windows, producing rainbows in water puddles.
The people were merry and colorful dresses and shirts were twirling around in every corner.
It was loud.
It was bonded.
It was so many things he usually avoided.
But somehow…
It was nice.
He could see a table set just down the street with books laying on. From here, he thought he could recognize a cover or two. That red one with the white handle casting a shadow of a knife’s blade, for example, was the cover of a story that was hard to forget…
“Dream, I want to make a stop at the book table just there!”
Dream didn’t answer and soon, he realized he wasn’t holding his hand anymore.
“He can’t be far, he was blabbering about some pie smell just a moment ago…”, he muttered as a self-reassurance.
When had he let go? Or was Dream the one who let go?
The streets suddenly seemed less welcoming. 
It was loud.
It was bonded.
It was so many things he usually avoided.
After getting bumped into a few times (and getting insulted for it), Nightmare scooted against a wall and fiddled with his fingers, keeping an eye on the crowd moving around.
He just needed to find Dream and they could leave that place and all would be well! There wasn’t any need for stress here.
Everything was swell.
His hands were pulling on any bit of fabric he could grab onto and he really hoped it wouldn’t tear from the abuse later.
Where are you?
People are staring.
People are judging.
They’re staring. They’re staring. They’re staring.
Calm down, Night’. Deep breaths. Happy thoughts.
His legs were shaking and he couldn’t afford being seen panicking so far from his haven.
They’re staring.
That guy is staring. The children are staring and giggling at his misfortune. That mother is mocking him.
Even that dog is against him.
He needed…out!
But Dream?
Why did he leave him here alone?
Why did he drag him there at all?
Did he…?
A glint of golden metal caught his attention and he dashed in that direction.
Unfortunately, he lost the trace fast but he kept running through a few streets just in case.
He just couldn’t bear everything so he sped off into smaller and emptier streets until he was finally alone.
Then, he crashed in this tiny dingy one-way street that smelled of anything but flowers and wept on his knees for a while.
Why must he be like that? Five seconds alone in the street and he started acting worse than a toddler. No wonder he was hated around here… He must have been such an easy target that any aspiring violence couldn’t help but look his way and see a snack.
His pants were damp from his tears before he calmed down enough to close the watergates.
The guardian raised his head to look around.
It was a fairly narrow space but some could still stand up without being squished together.
Beside the walls, he could see the sky and even the top of their tree, merely a green stain dotted with warm gold and purplish black against the blue of the day.
So small.
Nightmare sighed and vowed to only rest a bit more before heading back home.
That corner was void of flowers and he relaxed in their absence. 
Wind was making dance two lonely leaves that swirled and twirled before being stopped by a wall then the ballet stopped until a new burst guided them to a new barrier and this, again and again.
Far away he could still hear some laughter and music but he ignored the background noise.
He ignored the distant steps, running and dancing, enjoying the celebration.
He ignored all those sounds to focus on the leaves, on the crown’s weight on his head, on the warm feeling traveling through his vessel of a body and some forgotten tune, he couldn’t name but felt soothing, flowed out of him.
He shouldn’t have, probably.
He shouldn’t have blocked out the rest.
Maybe if he hadn’t…
He could have slipped away in time.
Before the steps were not so distant.
Before the voices were right in front of him.
Before he was trapped with these three.
But he did, so when two monsters and a human showed up, he was taken by surprise.
After that?
There wasn’t much of a conversation. It had been a very one-sided ordeal.
They pushed him, making his thoughts rattle each time his back hit bricks.
Stay calm, they’ll get bored soon.
The purple hare tugged on his sleeves until they ripped.
He already went through this dance and song enough to know how to act to minimize dommages.
The plant bear clapped and hummed, not participating but enjoying it nonetheless.
Do not retaliate, it would only aggravate the situation.
“Ah that’s boring, let’s up the game a bit!”
He had been too boring, that wasn’t going to end well.
The last lanky teenager looked at him for a second before leaping towards his head.
“Give me that circlet thing! That’s too fancy for you!”
A scalding warmth spread through his bones at these words. And he dodged and let the guy crash against the bricks at his turn. 
That was where he drew the limit.
Nightmare winced at the harsh sound of flesh hitting solid and crouched down in an action ready. 
He wasn’t going to allow those to even dare touch his crown.
Soon, joyful expressions turned sour and he was attacked once again.
Some vigorous kicks made one tumble while another retreated.
One was on the ground, grumbling about stained clothes.
One was looking at him, calculating.
And the last…?
Strong arms caught him under the armpits and he was left wiggling in the air, captive by the superior strength of the bear monster who was towering over him by their sheer size.
 Ah. He had lost fast.
He squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation as his aggressors came closer.
A tremor runned through his holder and he wondered…
What could have made them hesitate all of the sudden?
End of chapter 16! Go to chapter 17?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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rimouskis · 3 months
1) favorite sid memory
2) What rule change would in NHL?
3) Favorite off season activity
like a memory I personally have? that'll be my magnum opus, which was: refusing to make eye contact with him the one time I met him because I was so fucking scared lol. I don't fault myself a bit but good lord my timbers were shivered. a close second up was his "fuck you I'll do it myself" performance in Chicago wherein he got a goal and three assists to GUARANTEE we won Geno's 1000th game. if we're talking about just "something he's done" well in that case it will have to be the time he tried to feed and pet a deer in Banff when the team did their little teambuilding mid-season retreat there, which I've decided is the reason the Pens absolutely curbstomped every other team on that roadtrip.
I'd make it illegal for Sidney Crosby to cut his hair short. Everyone clap. (honestly I'd make it a no-second-chances rule for head contact. immediately game misconduct, automatic hearing with the DOPS, mandated loss of salary, something like that. doesn't matter if it's accidental or not. you bash someone's head, you're punished for it.)
not to be an ultimate betrayer of my fellow hockeyers but I fucking love the offseason lol I LOVE SUMMER. I LIKE BEING OUTSIDE. I LIKE GOING TO STREE FAIRS AND ART FESTIVALS AND CONCERTS AND PARKS AND RIVERS AND TRAILS. it really helps distract me from the no-hockey (and I think having a little hockey detox every year is very good and lets me refocus on doing other stuff for a while, which is soooo nice). anyways my favorite summer activity is Leave My House <3
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meimeikyu · 3 months
hi okay more festivalverse rambles
so geno n dust r kinda a duo 2 me n have some similarities in my au, mainly being they are both unconventional (created) gods, and they were both brought back from the dead without their consent
their main DIFFERENCE however is their outlook on that fact. geno wanted to have more in life he wanted to get more out of it but didnt get the chance, so getting revived 10 years later and being immortal though not being the best outcome he really is okay with because. he gets to be alive again. everything is different sure but he wanted to live and he gets to
DUST HOWEVER. dust HAD lived. not a good life, definitely not a great one but enough of one. one he was.. mostly content with. and he had a specific view on if he was going to die he was going to die. he knew itd happen, not when it would, but that it would and he was okay with that. so getting ripped back from the dead by someone who SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER was fucking horrible for him. not only that but his death was not calm or peaceful it was scary and painful and HURT. so being brought back from that permanently affected his soul in a way that has that pain and anger and fear ingrained into him permanently. and it kinda only goes worse for him for a bit from there :/
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angrybatart · 10 months
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Another WIP shot, but I've been sitting and struggling with this for a while.
I wanted to add a decorative pattern or landscape thing to Geno's cape. But when I tried looking up refs I needed, nothing came up. I wanted to do the mountains from the older Mario games that had eyes on them. Tried looking up Super Mario World SNES backgrounds. Nothing that I was looking for came up. Like ARE YOU TELLING ME I IMAGINED THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS/HILLS HAVING EYES??? (PLEASE tell me I didn't imagine it...) I know there are clouds with eyes, but you can't tell me that the mountains or hills had eyes in some levels.
Still stocking with blue, and white, as a color scheme for the cape and hat.
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theomnicode · 11 months
Saitama’s birthday
Saitama offhandedly mentions to Genos that it’s his birthday and Genos exclaims “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY, WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO!?”
Saitama only gets out an “uuh…”
Genos immediately rings up everyone to meet up and quickly schedules them for karaoke and other outings like a festival, but come evening Saitama feels tired and he says he had kinda hoped to have more time to spend with Genos. Just with the two of ‘em in a quiet, nice setting.
Genos then quickly grabs a basket and speedruns through some quick snacks and grabs Saitama’s hand. They go for a nice half an hour run outside the city to find a spot to stargaze in and eat onigiri, while illuminated gently from Genos’ built in tech and paper lamp Genos had somehow gotten his hands on.
Genos starts singing a happy b-day song but Saitama says it's quite loud and Genos tones it down to a soft tone and Saitama lays his head on Genos’ lap and thanks him for a fantastic birthday. Genos leans down and kisses him on the forehead and Saitama pats his cheek.
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aponian · 6 months
Read from left —> right
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“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Do you remember me?”
messy sketch, mb.
reminds me of a drama CD track “A festival with Saitama”. Genos seems to have repressed memories of his past, that he can’t even recall if they are real or not (that’s really sad). figured that he wouldn’t be able to recognize Tamaki when they met each other, however, he thought at one point that he probably had seen him before with some memories popped in his brain, but he wasn’t sure if they were real or not either.
Tamaki is the complete opposite. He remembers his face and their memories together clear as day, they were real , despite Genos turning into a cyborg ; still recognizable to him. He’d have to accept it ig 🤷‍♂️
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sillygoofyqueer · 6 months
QUICK HEADCANONS TO SATE MYSELF (and make sure I don't forget what I cooked up while sleeping):
Reaper is the God of Death and Community, often perceived by mortals as a skeleton in a robe with a scythe. However, he looks humane in most regards and wears mainly mortal clothing and a cloak that obscures his face when reaping souls. He still holds the scythe, but usually keeps it in the form of a pendant holding his cloak together. While those in the higher class of this fantasy setting fear Death and treat him as violent and evil, something to be warded off and evaded, those in the lower classes are known to treat Reaper as a peaceful guide, and often leave small gifts of food for him on their doorsteps at night. There are few shrines to him, often in small villages, meaning they are less well-kept but still cherished dearly by villagers. He visits them all whenever possible. They even have days sacred to the God, involving small bonfires and gatherings in his honour. Reaper's sacred animal is a crow, and he is often portrayed by mortals with a crow upon his shoulder, and birds are seen to be linked to him as well. Despite being portrayed by upper classes as an enemy to the God of Life, the lower classes paint a more realistic picture of him as the lover of the God of Life.
Geno is the God of Life and Peace, often perceived by mortals as a sort of biblically accurate angel with white robes with a staff of oak at his side. However, he is a young man, usually in mortal clothes unless making a divine appearance, with blue eyes that hum with power. He keeps the staff, however. Those in the higher classes of this fantasy setting often pay a lot of attention to Life and worship him in the same way backstabbers worship their higher ups, both itching for the same kind of power that Geno wields. Due to this, it is much more likely to see shrines and temples dedicated to him in most major cities, always brimming with opulence - as well as extravagant parties and festivals thrown in the name of the God of Life almost every month. He finds them shallow. The lower classes seem to hold Death in higher regard, but they still cherish Life, burning small offerings in his name whenever possible, and always having an incense stick burning for him in their small shrines erected for the God of Death. Geno prefers these much more. His sacred animal is a lunar moth, and he is often portrayed by mortals with lunar moths at his side, something that is vaguely true. Upper classes try and frame Life as the hero and Death as the villain, but lower classes are steadfast in the belief that Geno and Reaper are entwined lovers. (you can find what is basically a masterpost of this headcanon series here)
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