charliecharmeleon · 3 years
2, 6, 8????, 21
2. What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched?
i have a pretty high tolerance for fucked up shit in movies so i don’t usually get disturbed by movies, and i also know myself well enough that i can tell when a movie might fuck me up for real so i’ll stay away from it so i’m not actually sure about this! i will say i felt incredibly uneasy after watching he was a quiet man, but also i can see that movie maybe not even bothering anyone else LOL. i had a p bad panic attack as soon as the credits started rolling after watching the skeleton twins, but that one i’m pretty sure was bc of my own shit too! i’m a bad metric for this
6. A film you wish you hadn’t watched.
midsommar was fucking stupid and just makes me mad which i guess is a hashtag unpopular opinion or whatever but i wish i hadn’t seen it so i wouldn’t be mad about it. ari aster meet me in the parking lot i’ve had it up to here with u. i also wouldn’t mind not having seen sucker punch (which i didn’t even wanna see in the first place!!!) bc it was just uncomfortably misogynistic the whole time and made me feel gross. popstar’s super long “haha he has no dick” scene makes that one a contender too.
8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film?
ah shit y’all read?? fuckin uhhhhhh so my number one reading habit is reading a book that i’ve already seen the movie of and am now curious enough that i want to explore the source material so this is a bad question for me i legit can’t think of anything
21. A film with an amazing soundtrack.
oh fuck oh shit here we go. i love listening to sounds. ok. the score to stay (2005) is something i’ve listened to more times than i can count i turn off my brain to that shit. mysterious skin has a beautiful one and if you like ambient music i would also recommend checking out robin guthrie and harold budd’s other stuff bc it’s rly pretty. a single man. special (2006). also you know what? batman forever.
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ebonybow · 5 years
my prompt is the vidcon bullshit i dmed you abt. just a drunk double date in the hotel that ends w drunk double smashing
SOME DAMN GOOD BULLSHIT, i hope i did it justice!!
put your hands on it | 1.4k | explicit
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poiregourmande · 6 years
hansa yellow, burnt sienna (optional), english red, cobalt blue spectral, azure blue, green (SORRY THERES SO MANY, you don't have to answer all of them!)
OH HELL YEAH BLESS YOU i love talking about myself lmao you’re fine
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song?
i don’t believe in guilty pleasures cause i like what i like and anyone who minds can suck my appletaters but i guess i can go with like, songs i’m a bit shy of listening in public, and i guess my answer would be most starkid songs. Goin’ Back to Hogwarts from AVPM; Status Quo from Starship, and like most songs from Holy Musical Batman. They slap so hard but they’re a bit weird to listen in public lmao
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
i’m really not as into art as i probably should be, so no
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
i truly have no idea. i’m not as in touch with the animal kingdom as you are, and like, sure, i have fave animals but none that make me go ME!!
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
Ancient Delphi - the sanctuary of Apollo, and the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia. The sanctuary of Apollo is built on the slope of a valley and you’re surrounded by mountains and you see the slope still dropping below you. I’m not a spiritual person, but in a place like this I had no trouble imagining how they could believe in gods. A bit down the road, you have the sanctuary or Athena Pronaia which features my favourite monument of all time. I will add pics under a cut at the end of the post.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
Earl Grey
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
France, Ireland, probably Greece for a third time or other parts of Italy I haven’t seen. I don’t have plans because rn i’m saving to buy a cabin.
send me a watercolor ask!
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this is the sanctuary of apollo (you can see the amphitheater and the temple of apollo (the rectangle structure with a few columns)
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this is the sanctuary of athena pronaia. doesn’t look like much but i have a thing for round buildings (well any non-rectangle buildings) so i’m in love with it
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ebonybow · 5 years
Dovey and drizzle?
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
yes! i’ve heard stuff at night when i stay at my grandmother’s house, someone pacing the hall and whistling sometimes. i like to think it’s my gramps. 
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
yep! what’s not to believe?
thanks bb!!
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ebonybow · 6 years
what the fuck?; spring breeaaak; timmy's ball !!!
what the fuck?: what was the scariest episode?
for me i think The Disturbing Murders at Keddie Cabin. i personally find the true crime eps scarier than the supernatural eps (despite being a boogara lmao)
spring breeaaak: what’s your dream vacation?
right now it’s anywhere that i can see a hockey game, probably with my best friend. maybe somewhere there’s a beach? i love getting in the ocean. idk i’m so far away from being able to go on any kind of vacation that i don’t really have an answer for this lmao. hockey game + beach + best friend.
timmy’s ball: what object could bring you back from the dead?
like in a nercomancy type ritual? maybe my denim jacket or my glasses lmao. or a can of diet coke and a shot of vodka.
thanks ferv!!!
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ebonybow · 6 years
You’re mutual pining idiots fic that ends in really satisfying spicy boning
WHY do i feel called out
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poiregourmande · 6 years
That’s not a cliche fanfiction tho but we’re gonna pretend I did that on purpose!!! Idk you really give off Oops, One Bed!!! vibes to me. It’s still a polyam ship and it still probably ends in an orgy somehow.
tell me which fanfic trope i am!
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poiregourmande · 6 years
doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?
pretty much the fact that my husband always goes above and beyond to make me happy, to accomodate my needs and limitations, to help me follow my dreams
send me valentine asks
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poiregourmande · 6 years
Fic meme: you’re a period AU with a touch of fantasy, and the ship is 20 different people all gradually realizing they’re in love with each other. It probably ends in an orgy.
tell me which fic trope i am!
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