pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 88
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Ferretswoop is victim of a landslide.
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Curlypaw and Quillpaw become warriors.
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Boniseeker refuses to give up his previous kittypet life despite being in the Clan
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Conkersnarl joins the Clan. He is intact and will become a mediator if he survives
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 71
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Last moon, Flamepatch went missing but came back to the Clans with a collar. It seems, however, that he has made some relations he is not quite ready to get rid of. It seems some cats in the Clan are spreading rumors about it. Creekarch started them, angry that a "kittypet lover" would scold him on his warrrior duties/think himself better. Turtlestar is worried about the rumors spreading to other Clans and they will start judging him for his decisions wit outsiders, tho he will not be swayed
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Coniferpaw is finally made a warrior!!!
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Unfortunately in the same moon one of his littermates died of greencough
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Turtlestar is doting on his two mates
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Hatchdawn broke the warrior code but was not caught
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 60
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Polyamorous Turtlestar!
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Fallendrop is expecting another litter of kits, seemingly tempted into queenhood after Robinpaw
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Songfreckle is praised for defending the borders
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It seems Ospreykit has not learned from his litter and denmates' mission, cheekily saying he couldn't hear them. Whatever hole the kits have been using to sneak out has since been found and patched up, as it is clearly becoming a problem
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Coniferkit is just constatnly ratting out Creekpaw
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 44
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Ferretswoop retires to the elder's den
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 43
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Ferretswoop is not allowed to leave camp for a moon
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 34
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This is the first Turtletooth has been caught in any interaction with outsiders that was not recruitment. While he has been neutral, many are starting to suspect he is on the side against the other Clans.
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Another mated pair!
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Tensions are still high after Patchoulipaw's death, and Whisperpaw blames Patchoulipaw's former mentor for it.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 32
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Trans masc Frozenleaf!!
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Last moon, Patchoulipaw got bitten by a badger on a training patrol and has succumbed to his wounds. His siblings Whisperpaw and Leafpaw are the most grief-stricken.
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Charfur is also caught outside Clan territory, perhaps looking for a spot away from the other Clans, having never fully liked the others and their StarClan given home. It seems Ferretswoop went with her, grief stricken in her apprentice's sudden death, but was not caught.
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Bumblecliff has joined the Clan as our new mediator! She is spayed.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 30
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A new set of apprentices!
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LionClan and PikaClan are still wary of each other.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 29
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PikaClan is now short a mediator and a promising warrior, our first two Clan Founders dead (gonna have prevent fading on for all Clan founders). Erminerise will be particularly missed.
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It looks like twolegs are looking to rebuild the animal shelter the Clan once came from.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 13
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Our first mated pair! I thought she had a crush on Mossystar but I guess that quickly changed.
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Relations are starting to go slightly better with SplinterClan.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 6
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LionClan might be on SplinterClan's side here. It seems a good chunk of the Clans are not happy with PikaClan's arrival despite StarClan's warnings.
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Minknudge is our first StarClan cat
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Ferretswoop's crush on Mossystar is leading to some unfounded jealousy.
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While Charfur is a bit more prickly, she means well for the Clan and enjoys their company.
Also fun tidbit, Twigpaw and Turtletooth have argued three patrols in a row now.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 4
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Another new warrior! They just keep on coming lol. Rolled on the wheel in case Curlewbracken was taken at any point but he was not
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Frozenpaw has become Frozenleaf
Twigpaw and Apricotpaw are apprentices to Turtletooth and Charfur respectively
Lowbat seems to be crushing on Ferretswoop; Snootsbadger is getting a crush on Mossystar
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Charfur seems to be the most reluctant about Clan ways so far and isn't afraid to let others know.
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Not only is SplinterClan upset Curlewbracken chose to leave them, they think they were trying to steal their kits as well. They keep leaving remarks that they should have named themselves WeaselClan.
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pikaclan · 11 months
Founders, Starting Lore, & Moon 0
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Above are our Clan founders! Every cat except for Twigkit and Apricotkit are neutered because they are exactly 2 moons. Loachpaw is our StarClan Guide and holder of our lore and our rules. In the rules mass extinction is currently off, but I will toggle it on and off as I see fit. Everything else is always on. We also just ignored the fact she died 28 moons ago and pretend it's much longer haha. Below is the lore and rules
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Below is Mossystar's leader ceremony
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Notable relationships considering the Clans' first impressions of each other are as follows: Notable starting relationships: Havenheart dislikes Apricotkit Charfur dislikes Ferretswoop, Frozenpaw, and Lowbat Erminepaw dislikes Turtletooth Twigkit dislikes Turtletooth Apricotkit dislikes Ferretswoop and Havenheart
Now we truly begin . . .
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Interesting first border patrol prompt Wonder what FlightClan wants . . . Next Moon ->
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