#fernando torres x reader
findingnemosworld ยท 2 months
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You never forget your first love โ€ฆ โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜โซ˜
Love is a double edged sword, and in her case, she'd gotten the sharpest edge -once, so in love and elated to be with him- promised a lifetime of elation and love, only to lose him in the span of months due to life and his ever growing passion of football, a promise to stay in touch had been broken five months into their mutual correspondents, folding their chapter behind them to move forward in life, not once believing that fate would bring them back, until ...
"Y/N? ... Y/N, yoohooo Y/N???"
She was in the midst of working on her latest commission when the sound of her best friend and gallery owner Elizabeth interrupted her thoughts, "Hey Liz, what's up?"
Elizabeth chuckles, "I was about to ask you the same thing!" she gestured to her. "You seemed lost in your own world up there!"
She chuckles as well, "Yeah ... yeah, I was, wasn't I?" she paused for a moment, ๐‘†โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘™๐‘‘ ๐ผ ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘™๐‘™ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ? ... she wonders, "I was just ..." she began.
"Thinking about him?" Elizabeth asks with a knowing look, "You seem to forget I was there when you two first met."
Y/N smiles sadly, recalling their first encounter -twenty years ago, she was an up and coming artist, tasked with the golden opportunity of painting a mural of the then newly crowned premier league champions, Liverpool- and through said opportunity, she met the club's golden boy, El Niรฑo - Fernando Torres.
The pair bonded almost instantly over their love for football as well as music, and what started as a strictly platnoic friendship had resulted in a few dates here and there which eventually lead to a whirlwind romance that lasted for about seven years until his eventual departure to Italy, where the pair had agreed to become friends albeit that didn't last as they've lost touch with Fernando finding love elswhere, as she did as well.
"You know ..." Elizabeth began with a soft tone. "He was named as one of the legends set to play in the upcoming game!"
Y/N's eyes widened, "Oh?"
"Yeah ... and it gets better!" Elizabeth adds on.
"What?" she retorts with an arched brow.
"He called ... and asked about you." Elizabeth said.
Her heart leapt at the mere notion that nearly twenty years later, he still remembers her. "He- He did?" she wonders with a croaked voice.
"Uh huh ... and on top of that, he gifted us with two tickets." Elizabeth adds on.
"He ... wait a minute, you can't be serious?" she said, stunned by the revelation.
Elizabeth waves the two tickets and says, "Oh but I am ... next week, we will be seated in Anfield, cheering the love of your life ..." she states with a playful tone.
"ELIZABETH!" she groans.
Elizabeth laughs, "Don't you ELIZABETH! me, missy ... you and I both know that despite that shitty marriage you had with Manuel, your heart has been and always will be occupied by one Fernando Josรฉ Torres Sanz."
"Ok, first off ... that was weird with the full name, and second ... he's probably doing this as a cordial attempt to be friendly and polite, surely he's not in love with me." Y/N waved off the notion in of it self, there was no way he was still in love with her. "Besides, isn't he still married?"
"Actually not, he is a proud single dad to a boy and girl." Elizabeth said, "Apparently he and his wifey called it quits three years ago."
Y/N shot her a deadpan look, "You stalked his social media, didn't you?"
"A little!" Elizabeth shrugs with a grin.
"Idiot!" she grumbles. "Fine ... I guess we're going to the legends game, but there is just no way, absolutely no way that he still remembers me."
Oh but he does, he does remember her.
To say that he was elated by the offer would be an understatement, he hadn't stepped onto a pitch in over five years since his retirement, content with closing his chapter to focus on helping the younger generation of his boyhood club achieve similar heights, the propsect of playing again seemed far too foreign until the opportunity of partaking in a charity match had landed, and well ... who was he to say no? a return to the very club he remembers fondly was a given at this point, however that was only part of why he had accepted, the other part of the reason being her.
His first love, his first heartache and -the one that got away- that's not to say he didn't love Mariana, his wife as she'd given him Federico and Gabriella, his pride and joy, yet Y/N ...
The vibrant artist, the one that managed to effortlessly capture his heart without even trying, their seven year romance had been his most cherished memory, so much so that everytime she hosted a gallery, or even auctioned off an art piece to help with her local charities, he'd be the first to purchase and support albeit anonymously as he held a deep sense of regret for how they had lost touch.
Until ... the legends game.
Admittedly, he was afraid that Elizabeth -her closest friend- would not answer, hell if anything, he was afraid she'd hang up before he could even muster up a word, surprisingly she seemed receptive to the notion of attending the game, even more so, convincing Y/N to attend with her, but he had firmly believed that she would not attend the game, much less be open to speaking to him again after so long, however he was rather stunned when Elizabeth relayed the news of Y/N attending the game in a week from now.
The days felt like a lifetime, with each training session -his heart leapt with joy at the prospect of seeing her in the stands, hopefully cheering him on- so much so, that by the time the match was set in place and the team was warming up on the pitch, he couldn't help but glance around the masses of fans in hopes of catching a glimpse of her ...
Steven, his former teammate and close friend noted his antsy expression causing him to wonder, "Looking for someone?"
Fernando shakes his head, opting to deny it. "No."
"Really?" Steven retorts with an amused tone, "Cause I could've sworn that that's Y/N over there ..." he gestured to his left.
Fernando whipped his head so quick that Steven couldn't help but chuckle at him -indeed, to his left ... sat Elizabeth and Y/N at the fourth row, both of them dressed in Liverpool jerseys- Y/N was chatting to Elizabeth when all of a sudden their eyes locked and he could have sworn, he was transported back to 2007, his debut match where similar to now, she sat in the stands cheering the team on as loud as she could.
"Nando, ..." Steven chuckles, "You alright mate?"
"Yeah, yeah .." Fernando smiles.
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"Oh my god ...!" Elizabeth exclaims.
Y/N sighs, she was certain what Elizabeth was about to say as she had noticed his eyes lingering at her every now and then during his warmups, "He wasn't staring!!"
"Uh huh ..." Elizabeth smirks, "That man was so distracted that Steven had to remind him."
"Can you just stop please?" Y/N glares at her.
Elizabeth laughs, "No I won't ..." she paused before adding, "How much do you want to bet that he'll score a goal?"
"Elizabeth ...!" Y/N exclaims with a tight lipped smile, "Can we watch the match please?"
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The match was certainly a joy to watch for older fans whom have grown up with the legends playing, while the first half seemed off due to the reds conceding, it was the second half that seemed to turn things around, with a variety of talented individuals such as the likes Gregory Vignal, Djibril Cisse and Nabil El Zhar scoring goals to take the lead back from the Ajax legends, however it was the final goal that captured the attention of Anfield, including Y/N.
Fernando had swiftly managed to evade the Ajax legends defense to score an incredible fourth goal that sent the entirety of Anfield into a course of cheers, both Y/N and Elizabeth stood up and cheered with the fans as Fernando celebrated with his teammates, however what he did next had captured everyone's attention, he tilts his head towards Y/N and gives her a subtle nod.
Elizabeth noticed the gesture and said, "I told you ..." she squeals quietly, "I told you!!!" she giggles.
"Stop, he wasn't looking at me ..." Y/N retorts, albeit her blushing cheeks said otherwise.
This was their own special way of communicating, during the early stages of their relationship, whenever he scored, he'd look at her, nod and smile -not wanting to attract further attention towards her- as in her words, the notion of becoming a WAG at the time did not appeal to her, and he respected that.
After the match, Elizabeth had all but insisted that the pair wait next to her car instead of driving off which confused Y/N, "What are waiting for exactly?" she asks Elizabeth.
Elizabeth smiles softly, and gestures to her left, causing Y/N to turn to her left and there it was, Fernando was walking over to them, she turns to Elizabeth, "You sneaky bitch!"
"I got myself a ride so .... bye!" Elizabeth grins leaving the pair alone.
Y/N opened her mouth only to close it when Fernando finally stood in front of her, "Hi ..." she smiles.
"Hey!" he said breathlessly, a soft smile across his lips.
"You look ..." she trails off, with a shy smile.
"Sweaty ..." he laughs, "I know."
"I was going to say handsome but ..." she laughs.
The word falling ever so softly from her lips caused him to blush, and rub his neck gently. "Thank you." he paused for a moment before adding. "You look amazing ... very amazing actually."
"Oh please!" she giggles, waving off his compliment, "Hardly but thank you."
"You've always looked beautiful in my eyes ...." he said with a soft tone. "You looked beautiful back then, and you look even more beautiful now."
Her cheeks flush, and she looks away shyly for a brief moment before giggling, "Ok ... erm, do you ...?" she trails off, pausing as she wondered if he'd accept. "How long are you staying in Liverpool?"
Fernando pauses, for a bit before replying. "Two weeks before the pre season starts, why?"
"Maybe you'd like to get dinner sometimes, or just you know? ..." she smiles softly, "Spend time together, for old time's sake."
A soft yet shy smile appears on his lips before he replies, "Sure."
Her eyes light up, "Yeah?"
"Yeah?" he nods, "Is your number still the same?"
She nods quickly, "Uh huh ..."
"Then I'll call you ..." he smiles before gesturing to the bus, "I better head back, I'll see you later."
"Yes, ... you will." she waves, before entering her car, she took a brief moment to gather herself before grabbing her phone and texting Elizabeth.
I asked him out for dinner and he said yes.
A few minutes later, Elizabeth replies.
Ooooh get it girl!! I mean he's a walking DILF now so I wouldn't put it past you ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ฆ
Y/N groans, then types back.
I hate you!! ๐Ÿ™‚
Elizabeth types back,
Love you too xoxo ๐Ÿ˜˜
This wasnโ€™t a date, just two friends catching up, was what she reminded herself as she zipped up the beautiful cherry colored dress that seemed to fit her like a glove โ€“her hair was curled to perfection, coupled with a beautiful yet elegant makeup look that topped her appearance off rather wellโ€“ for a brief moment, she stares at her reflection in the mirror, hoping that it wasnโ€™t too much.
Gosh Y/N, youโ€™re the one who asked him to have dinner with you and now youโ€™re worried, she internally chastised herself, then checked her appearance before thinking, Iโ€™ll just be myself, yeah myself โ€ฆ
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound the doorbell, Oh my god heโ€™s here โ€ฆ a wave of sheer panic washes over here as she double checks her appearance before walking over to her door to open it, and there on the other side, stood Fernando dressed in a white dress shirt coupled with washed jeans, shoes and the unmistakable scent of his cologne that she still remembers.
"Hi!" she whispers with a soft smile.
He smiles back, "Hi, um โ€ฆ" he gently pushes the lavender and white roses bouquet, "These are for you," he added shyly.
Her eyes widen and cheeks flush at the sight of the beautiful set of flowers, "Oh!" she exclaims, grasping the bouquet. "Thank you,"
"No need, I chose these because they mean a second chance โ€ฆ" he trails off with a soft tone.
"A second chance?" she repeats, mirroring his soft tone.
"Yes," he nods, "A second chance to โ€ฆ" he trails off, looking away shyly before looking back up. "Make things right!"
A brief wave of silence washes over them before she pipes up, "Shall we?"
"Yeah, yeah โ€ฆ" he nods, leading her out of the flat. "I got us a reservation at the Italian place we used to go to."
"Itโ€™s still open!" she giggles.
"Surprisingly, yes." he smiles. "Itโ€™ll be just like old times โ€ฆ"
"Yeah," she repeats, "Just like old times."
The drive to the restaurant was surprisingly silent for the most part with a few brief words exchanged in between, "Your art has been quite impressive!" he exclaims.
"Thank you, โ€ฆ itโ€™s crazy to think that twenty years ago, I was just starting out." she remarked with a gentle smile.
"And here you are, a renowned talented artist." he smiles, "who's also beautiful ..." he added quietly unaware that she had heard him.
They arrive to the restaurant forty five minutes later, and just as she was about to open her door, Fernando all but bolts to her side of the car, opening the passenger door for her.
She giggled. "Nando, I can open my door."
"I know but humor me please, ... you always loved it when I opened the door for you." he reminds her with a soft tone.
Her lips curl up at the vivid memories of their date nights where indeed, she'd melt entirely from how gentlemanly he was towards her. "I did ..." she murmurs softly.
They walk up to the host, "We have a reservation under the name Torres!" Fernando exclaims with a polite smile.
"Ah yes ... right this way sir!"
The host leads them to a private booth, resulting in her remarking. "Nando, don't you think it's a bit too much?"
"No," he shrugs before adding. "It's fitting to the most beautiful woman I know."
"Damn you and your charming tone!" she laughs softly.
"Oh please!" he laughs as well, "You love it."
The pair sit across from one another, and a few minutes later -a waiter arrives with two menus, stating that he'd return to get their orders- he nods in thanks, before glancing back at her and stating, "What do you say? should we get our classic order."
"Fettucine Alfredo with a side of Eggplant Parmesan." she recalled their favorite dishes to order.
"With lemonade ..." he adds with a soft tone.
"Gosh!" she breaths out a soft laugh. "It's like we're back to where we were."
"Except we're older now," he replies.
The waiter comes back, they order their meals -just then, Fernando turns to her, unable to resist saying- "You know, ..." he began with a soft tone, "I regret how we lost touch back then."
Her eyes soften as she recalls how their initial promise to remain in contact following their split had dwindled due to life and other obligations, "Nando ..." she whispers.
He sighs, "When I'd see your missed calls, or messages ... I wanted to respond," he paused, choking back a sob. "I really did but ..." he looks at her, "I never had the courage to, I just figured you hated me and no longer wanted to contact me."
"Oh Fer ..." she sighs, "I ... I never hated you."
"You should have, ... I closed our chapter and just, moved on like you were never there." he murmurs with a dejected tone.
She laughs, "That's just life," she reached over and grasped his hand. "I never hated you, I was upset ... because the first and only man I ever loved, had slipped through my fingers, I don't blame you for no longer speaking to me, if anything I blame life but hey ..." she smiles, "There's an upside, you have two amazing kids who you should be very proud of."
He smiles, "I am ..."
"Good, and now look at us, two old souls reconnecting," she beams before jokingly adding, "Except I actually look old and you look just better than before."
"Stop it!" he chuckles, "You look gorgeous, I mean the blonde hair back then looked amazing now but now, the brunette hair just makes you look more angelic."
"Again, damn you and your charming tone ..." she giggles. "How is it that you aged like fine wine both inside and out?"
"I guess it's cause I never stopped loving you." he remarks.
Her eyes widen, "What?" she whispers.
"Yes, I never stopped loving you Y/N, twenty years only made my love stronger and it would actually ... make me happy if we could." he paused, looking away shyly before adding, "If we could try again?"
The prospect of diving back into a romantic relationship following her disastrous marriage was definitely tricky, that wasn't to say that she did not love Fernando, she actually never stopped loving him but the mere idea was definitely a murky one to dive into, "I ... I don't know what to say, but ... maybe we can um."
Noting her hesitation, he rushed to say. "I don't want to force you, or ask you to jump back in but ..." he gulped, "The fact of the matter is, that ... I never stopped loving you Y/N, Mariana even knew it, so much so that when we finalized the divorce, she advised me to seek you out, knowing that my happiness is with you."
Now that was a shift, usually -a wife, or an ex wife for that matter would be jealous of the notion that their partner/former partner would find love elsewhere- "She did?"
"Yeah, so I guess what I actually mean is ..." he said with a soft tone. "Let's take it slow, rediscover our friendship to go back to how things were."
"I don't know, I ... I'm scared of us not working out, especially because of the long distance, cause ..." she sighs, "My life is here in Liverpool, and your life is in Madrid."
He sighs, "I know but, I want to try ... I missed you gavilรกn, so much."
Her heart ached at his tone, coupled with the nickname he gave her at the early stages of their relationship. "I missed you too."
"Just think about it?" he asks her, "My number is still the same, I'll answer you through social media too, just ... I can't lose you again gavilรกn, please." he whispers the last part.
She remained silent for a brief moment before nodding, "Ok!" she exclaims.
His eyes light up, "Good, good!"
Following their date, he drives her back home, a wave of comfortable silence fell between the pair until he arrived to her building, and just before she left the car, she turns to him. "Nando?"
"Yeah?" he replies with a soft tone.
She leans over, pressing a gentle featherlight kiss to his lips which both stunned and had him melting like snow on the first day of spring, he placed his hand on her hip as the kiss lasted for about a minute before she pulled away, and whispered. "Goodnight!"
"Goodnight!" he smiled, watching her exit his car then disappear inside.
He wasn't certain how things would go in the coming days, but a part of him truly believed that she'd say yes, as ... you never forget your first love.
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httpsdana ยท 3 months
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
next part
Football runs in the family they say. Pedri Gonzalez was one of the new star boys of this generation. No one cares about his family or past, they just acknowledge the present.
A few knew that he had a sister. She called herself 'the forgotten child'. No one knew that she was a barรงa femeni player. Because simply no one cares about women's football.
The talent she had only bloomed in La Masia. The football dream academy. She was there alongside many other ladies that are well known. Aitana Bonmati and Salma Paralluelo were two of the players she played with when she was younger, but they got the chance to play for the first team before her, which only motivated her to push herself more, now reserving a spot in the starting line up of the women's team.
So there she was now, with the most g/a in Liga F, and the star of her team. Still no one knew her blood relations with the star boy Pedri, as she preferred to have her own name, rather than be hidden in the shadows of her twin.
What she didn't know was that she had some admirers from the men's team. She knew all of the players of course, unlike others she watched men's football and followed the barรงa men team. She admired the youngsters, got inspired by the experts, and found motivations in players who have seemed to come back from the death. The Shark Ferran Torres.
The number 7 has caught her attention after seeing the change in his mentality from the previous season to the current one. He seemed more stable and determined to prove others wrong, just like she did.
She didn't know that he secretly praised her, and watched her highlights through out the years. He began watching the women's team's matches because of her. He even learned some stuff from her, making him appreciate her even more, without anyone knowing.
No one needed to know that half the reason behind his change of mentality, was a 20 year old lady who played football and inspired him more than anyone else could.
He didn't know she was the twin of his best friend. Which is what causes the twist in their futures.
"y/n you are the star of your team, people knowing about you being my twin now isn't gonna change anything" Pedri said, annoyed by the thoughts his sister had.
"who told you so Pedro? I prefer to stay like this than get more attention for being your sister" she rolled her eyes and flopped on the couch next to Fernando, who seemed unbothered while he watched a movie and ate some popcorn.
"god I wanna know who put these thoughts in your head. I miss going out with you" he let out a sigh, sitting next to her on the couch
y/n shook her head and focused on the movie that was being played.
"how about you meet my best friends? you literally don't have any social skills or friends" he complained making her roll her eyes
"Aita is my friend" she shrugged, knowing this was partially a lie. they were just teammates, not the type to go out on free days
"yeah and Ronaldo is better than Messi. you know she's not your friend" he rolled his eyes
"why are you so bothered anyways?" she asked, stealing some popcorn from Fer, making him hit her hand.
"you may not notice it now, but this will slowly destroy your mental health later on. you should go out and meet some new people. look beyond football and enjoy your free days" Pedri said.
He was slowly getting in her head, and she knew he was right. She let out a sigh and nodded her head.
"I'll think about it. how about I beat your ass in fifa now?" she smirked, making him gasp jokily.
"yeah as if you can do that" he scoffed, turning Fer's movie off to turn his PS5
"hey what the fuck?" Fernando said, making them laugh. Fer shook his head and glanced on his phone before getting up.
"mom texted she needs some help at home, I'm gonna go now" he said, taking his stuff and walking out of Pedri's apartment.
"haha! that's 3-1 to me. you're such a loser" y/n slapped the back of Pedri's head, making him glare at her
"whatever I let you win anyways" he shrugged, making her laugh
they were interrupted by a knock on the door of the apartment. y/n looked at Pedri, who shrugged and got up to open the door.
She turned off the PS5 and put the movie back on, before Pedri walked awkwardly to the room. y/n stood up confused, before someone appeared behind Pedri.
"y/n, this Ferran. Ferran, y/n..my sister"
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footballffbarbiex ยท 4 months
Who Do I Write For?
After much consideration, Iโ€™ve decided to close my extensive list of who I write for following this post. The reason for this is because while I enjoy writing, I find that Iโ€™m demotivated by taking requests from nonnies who wish to read a certain player because they usually cite that thereโ€™s not enough updates about said player on here, but then I donโ€™t hear from them again once itโ€™s posted. This does not give me any incentive to keep doing this and instead, it's pushed me to want to do the reader rewards even more.
The below list is not applicable to Patreon members, and does not apply to all current requests that I have already accepted.
Should I choose to continue to post following the completion of my requests that I have, or if I choose to open them for one reason or another, then the below men are who I will now be writing for:
Antoine Griezmann.ย 
Dominik Szoboszlai.ย 
Darwin Nunez.
Fernando Torres.
Jan Oblak.ย 
Joe Gomez.ย 
John Stones.ย 
Leon Goretzka.ย 
Mario Hermoso.ย 
Oscar Mingueza.ย 
Rodrigo De Paul.ย 
Roman Burki.
Ruben Dias.ย 
Trent Alexander-Arnold.ย 
Virgil Van Dijk.ย 
Ones that I may consider -
Kostas Tsimikas
Marco Rose
Mason Mount
This too can change so please check with each round of requests to see who you can put forward. If your favourite is not on there, you are more than welcome to either:
send me an ask if I'd consider x player with x plot - do not automatically assume because of past consideration.
or to put forward an idea for as anย Anyone You Wantย 
or put them forward for when I do my โ€œunderrated weekendsโ€
Iโ€™m happy to take requests for them then. ย 
This has not been the easiest of decisions to make but it's one I feel I need to make in order to try and be happy.
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hornyramostan ยท 1 year
All i wanna do is make love to you;
Fernando Torres x reader
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Saturday morning. You and your boyfriend where in the mall looking for what to use for a friend's wedding.
You love shopping. Entering all the shops, looking through all the windows looking for the perfect dress, it was just perfect.
You wished Fernando could say the same. Let's say he's not a very patient person, althoug he tried he couldn't but get more histerycal.
So, you too agreed that it was going to be fast. Fernando found a simple but elegant black suit in less than 10 minutes. But for you, this things wheren't easy. You wanted something different that the amount of other dresses that you had.
It was when you both stopped at Zara when you saw it. The most beautiful dress your eyes ever seen. You rapidly grabbed Fernando's hand and head over to the dress.
Without yet having processed what had happened, Nando sitted down waiting for you to show him the dress.
It was when you left the dressing room that you saw how your boyfriend's eyes lit up.
-You like it?-
-Y-e-e-s i mean, it doesn't look bad -
You were a little disappointed with his reaction, you thought it was going to be, I don't know, different. But that doesn't matter, you like it and you were going to buy it.
You were about to take it off when someone quickly entered the dressing room.
-WHAT THE FU- You were silenced by a big hand covering your mouth, a big hand that you knew too well.
-Shhh, someone could hear us- Your boyfriend of two years Fernando said.
-What are you doing here, It is a very small space, we did not both enter- in fact, you were right, it was a small cubicle and you were pressed against the wall while your boyfriend pressed his body against yours holding your hips.
-This dress looks so good on you babe- He said distributing wet kisses on your shoulder.
-M-mh nando...-
-The dress is nice, but do you know where it would look best?
-On the floor of our room, along with your bra-
-Mmhh? So what are you waiting for?-You said with a playful tone.
Nothing more had to be said for both to come out (with the dress on) pay, and desperately get into the car to get home as quickly as possible.
The radio was playing "All I wanna do is make love to you" by Heart which only intensified the atmosphere, let's just say you were a little late for the wedding.
Hello! Well it's the second time posting and i wanted to thank you for the support with the last imagine โค๏ธ.
Well this is with one of my favorite ex-futbolers so fuck yeah Fernando Torres.
Hope you like it!.
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percervall ยท 1 year
3 & 10? x
thank you anon! ๐Ÿฅฐ
3 - Let me see... I have a whole google doc with just ideas/lyrics. Turns out there's like 4 ideas that I haven't written yet? The football one is based on a cover of a song called Dance Without Me in which the player sees his ex at a club dancing with a player from a rivalling team.
For f1 I have a couple, one of which is a Professor!Toto Wolff fic that may never see the light of day (and a Greek Mythology AU that needs to be written but I don't have the time to figure out the plot details)
10 - Top 5 on AO3 by kudos Knights of the Kitchen Table (a BBC Merlin modern AU) Three times the male anatomy freaked Madeline out and one time it didn't (James McAvoy/OFC) Home (Xabi Alonso/Steven Gerrard) Cinnamon (James McAvoy/OFC) it's only half past the point of no return (Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres)
Top 5 on tumblr according to the top posts on the app it all fades to nothing (when I look at him) Toto Wolff x reader give me love and compassion Daniel Ricciardo x reader I wanna give you my love (you are my addiction) Joe Gomez x reader want you to be the last one I ever love Darwin Nรบรฑez/ofc if your cascade ocean wave blues come Marcos Llorente x reader
send me a number!
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gokinjeespot ยท 7 years
off the rack #1155
Monday, March 13, 2017
ย I wonder how many workers screw up daylight savings time and are an hour late today? I hate being late for anything. I'm so obsessively early that it's annoying but I am reliable.
ย I cannot wait for it to get warm outside again. These cold snaps are getting to me more as I grow older. My mitochondria don't seem to functioning as well to keep me warm. The physiological changes of aging suck. I just might have to start wearing long johns with the flap in the back.
ย Man-Thing #1 - R. L. Stine (writer) German Peralta (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This new book certainly has a nostalgic feel to it as it harkens back to the horror comics of the 1980s. I was expecting the usual shtick of "whatever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch" but the swamp creature can talk now? I didn't see that coming. Doctor Ted Sallis regained his consciousness and speech (when did that happen?) but not his human body so he tries to make it as an actor. Yes, it was a "what the?" moment. I like seeing new takes on old characters but this one didn't work for me. There's a nifty little back-up story by R. L. Stine (writer) Daniel Johnson (art) Mat Lopes (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters) that was more entertaining than the creature feature. Too bad they didn't call this book Adventures Into Fear. That might have made us older fans less critical.
ย Detective Comics #952 - James Tynion IV (writer) Christian Duce & Fernando Blanco (art) Alex Sinclair, John Rauch & Allen Passalaqua (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). Part 2 of "League of Shadows" has Lady Shiva creating chaos in Gotham City and putting the Bat team down a few members. I don't know if the new piece of personal info about Orphan was common knowledge but it sure shocked me.
ย Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys #1 - Anthony Del Col (writer) Werther Dell'Edera (art) Stefano Simeone (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). "The Big Lie" is a murder mystery worthy of these iconic teenage sleuths and mature readers, many who may have read their adventures when they were younger. I never did so I am seeing these characters with fresh eyes. I get the feeling that this is similar to how the Archie gang has been updated and I like what they're doing over at Archie so I am sticking with this new version of Nancy, Frank and Joe.
ย Jessica Jones #6 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). One mystery solved, another to go. But first Jess has to square things with Luke. This was a very satisfying end to the first story arc.
ย Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #16 - Robert Venditti (writer) Rafa Sandoval (pencils) Jordi Tarragona (inks) Tomeu Morey (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). What a fantastic fight that Guy Gardner has. I had Marvin Hamlisch's "The Entertainer" going in my head after reading Jessica Jones #6 because it reminded me of The Sting. Now I have the theme from Rocky stuck in my head. The art this issue was so very nice.
ย Josie and the Pussycats #5 - Marguerite Bennett & Cameron Deordio (writers) Audrey Mok (art) Kelly Fitzpatrick (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). Loved the cover by Asami Matsumura. Women sure talk about relationships a whole lot more than guys do.
ย All-New Wolverine #18 - Tom Taylor (writer) Nik Virella (art) Michael Garland (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). So that problem's solved. Laura figures out a way to get out from under Kimura's thumb. I hear the Logan movie didn't suck. I'm glad they introduced Laura/X-23 in that movie. I wish all the folks that went to see it would give this comic book a try. I've liked it since it started.
ย Wonder Woman #18 - Greg Rucka (writer) Bilquis Evely (pencils) Scott Hanna (inks) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). Part 2 of "Godwatch" explains why Cheetah hates Diana. Friendships play a very important part in this story.
ย Lady Killer 2 #4 - Joelle Jones (writer & artist) Michelle Madsen (colours) Crank! (letters). Josie and her husband find themselves in tight spots at work and I'm sure the clamps will get tighter in next issue's conclusion of this second story arc. There are a very few artists that write their own stuff that I really like and Joelle is one of them.
ย Old Man Logan #19 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Filipe Andrade (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is Jeff's last story on this book. I'm going to miss him. He has made Logan interesting again. Jeff is setting it up for Logan to go back to the Wastelands to maybe change the fate of the place that he came from. We'll see if Logan actually makes it there next issue.
ย Spider-Man/Deadpool #15 - Joshua Corin (writer) Scott Koblish (art) Nick Filardi (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I wasn't going to read this issue because it's part of the "'Til Death Do Usโ€ฆ" crossover story where Deadpool fights with his demon wife Shiklah, but I'm glad I did. Josh threw in a few good pop culture references that made me smirk. Nothing laugh out loud funny but enough to make me have a good time reading. That's all I ask from a comic book. This means that I will read issue #16 too and I might even pick up Deadpool and the Mercs for Money #9 and #10 to read the other parts.
ย Star Wars Doctor Aphra #5 - Kieron Gillen (writer) Kev Walker (pencils) Marc Deering (inks) Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Aphra and her father find what they're looking for and it's her dad's archaeological dream come true. That dream may turn out to be a nightmare though. It's another exciting cliffhanger that makes you want to read the next issue as soon as it hits the racks on April 12.
ย Inhumans vs. X-Men 6 - Jeff Lemire & Charles Soule (writers) Leinil Francis Yu (pencils) Leinil Francis Yu & Gerry Alanguilan (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). That's all they wrote folks. The threat to mutants by the Terrigen cloud is neutralized at last. Inhumans and X-Men don't suffer any great losses. Some characters change and that's what I expected from this great big war. Let's not have another one for a while okay?
ย Kingpin #2 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Ben Torres (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This story is more about the writer that Wilson wants to hire than it is about the big Fisker. I love this version of the Kingpin though. Ben has modeled him after John Romita Sr. and Frank Miller's massive, powerful interpretations. The last few pages made me decide to continue reading.
0 notes
httpsdana ยท 3 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ’
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
"come on pleasee" Pedri nearly begged.
"Pedro I don't feel like going out tonight, just drop it" y/n rolled her eyes.
They were at their parents' house, and Pedri got a call from one of his friends that they're going out for some drinks
Fernando walked into the room, rolling his eyes at the twins that always seem to be fighting
"what is it now?" he asked
"Gavi called me and told me they're going out for some drinks. y/n won't agree on coming with me" Pedri said, making y/n huff.
"who's gonna be there?" Fer asked, making y/n look at him suspiciously
"well Gavi and Ferran for sure, probably Fermin and Felix too. I'm pretty sure Raphinha is bringing his wife with him, so y/n should go too" he whined
Fernando looked at y/n with a knowing look when Pedri said Ferran's name, y/n's eyes widened while she shook her head quickly at Fernando.
"she'll go. get up" he pulled her on her feet, while Pedri smiled. y/n groaned and followed Fernando to her room.
"why did you do that? I don't feeling like talking to anyone today" she said annoyed.
"this is your chance to get closer to Ferran without it being too suspicious to Pedri" he said, opening the closet she had and looking for something she can wear
"who even told you that I want to become close with him" she lied, knowing that's the thing she wants the most
"just shut up and wear this" Fer threw a tiny dress she forgot she had on her and walked out of the room
"god i hate you" she let out a sigh, and got in the uncomfortable dress her brother had thrown on her.
When she finished she started working on her hair. She only showered it yesterday so she left it down and went to her make up. Nothing too special just the base and some eyeliner with her favorite lip combo.
When she finished, she sprayed one of her favorite perfumes on and took a deep breath before walking back to the living room where Pedri was.
"you look good. let's go now, they're waiting for us" Pedri said, walking out of the door.
y/n waved at Fernando and yelled a goodbye to her parents.
"will there be too many people?" y/n asked, her anxiety already building up.
"I'm not sure, but like we're going to a club so obviously there will be many people" Pedri shrugged, making y/n internally groan
"just enjoy hermana. everyone will love you" he looked at her with a smile, before turning and continuing his drive.
"this is my sister y/n" Pedri introduced her, as soon as they arrived at the table his friends were sat at.
"you didn't tell us you had a sister. nice to meet you y/n, I'm Pablo. just call me Gavi" he shook her hand immediately, while she gave him an awkward smile.
Fact is she knew everyone already, but of course no one knew her.
"ohh you play on the barca femini team right?" Fermin Lopez said, making her smile a bit. She appreciated that someone actually knew who she was.
She nodded with a smile, while Fermin smiled back at her.
Meanwhile Ferran was watching every interaction between the two of them, and for some reason bothered with it.
He was a bit disappointed when she didn't greet him, not knowing that she was trying her best not to look at him just because of how captivating he was.
"why don't you go get a drink and loosen up?" Pedri suggested, noticing that she was sitting awkwardly and not talking to anyone.
y/n wanted to say no, but she also wanted to get away from all the people around her, so she nodded and got up.
Ferran's eyes followed her to the bar, confused why she got up
"where did she go?" he whispered in Pedri's ear
"just to get some drinks" he shrugged, not thinking much of it.
y/n ordered a coke, and waiting for the bartender to make her drink.
"hey pretty one. can I buy you a drink?" a voice from behind her said. She froze when she didn't recognize the voice, and swallowed the lump that has formed in her throat.
She looked behind her and saw a creepy tall man, with muscles and tattoos all over his arms.
She shook her head and turned back, hoping the bartender would hurry up.
At the same time, Ferran noticed the guy that approached y/n, and got up from his seat immediately when he saw the uncomfortable look on her face.
"come on. it's just a drink" he said, standing too close that she felt his presence intrusively invading her personal space.
An overwhelming sense of panic and unease washed over her when she felt his hand on her waist. Her breath was shallow and a knot was forming in her stomach.
All she wanted to do was push him away, but she seemed to be frozen and can't move.
"hey babe. did you get your drink yet?" a familiar voice said from behind her. The man behind her moving away quickly.
She let out a shaky breath, turning to see Ferran standing there with a worried expression on his face
"you okay?" he asked, taking small steps closer to her.
"I just need to get some air" she whispered pushing past him and getting out of the club
She stood outside, her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest, pounding so loud she could almost hear it. Every breath was a struggle, as if the air had turned thick and suffocating.
She clutched her chest, feeling the tight grip of anxiety squeezing her. The world around her seemed to blur as her mind raced with fearful thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything else. She desperately tried to find a sense of calm, but the panic had taken hold, leaving her feeling helpless and overwhelmed.
Ferran ran behind her, seeing her struggle to breath. He sat her down against the wall, cupping her cheeks in his hands and trying to look her in the eyes.
"hey look at me. Take a deep breath. You're safe now preciosa" he said softly, his voice soothing. (precious)
y/n felt his calming presence in front of her, as the blur in her eyes was starting to disappear. Ferran guided her through a breathing exercise, until she was able to breath normally.
His hands still on her cheeks, as she looked up at him with appreciation, unable to speak any word.
He smiled down at her, his thumb running over her cheekbones as he looked closely into her brown eyes.
He brought her face closer to his, pressing a small kiss on her forehead and hugging her securely
y/n couldn't fight the urge to not hug him back, and wrapped her arms tightly around his muscular torso. She couldn't help the tears that started to stream down her face. Ferran was giving her a sense of security she had never felt in her life. And that was terrifying considering she only knew him for a little while now
"don't cry precosia. you're safe and no one will hurt you" he whispered in her hair, his fingers running down from her head to her back, rubbing it calmly.
He pulled her head away from his neck, running his fingers under her eyes to wipe her tears away.
"do you want me to take you home?" he asked her, his hands never letting go of her face
She nodded her head slowly, before Ferran got up and pulled her up with him.
"let's just tell Pedri" he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside with him.
"Pedri. I'm leaving and y/n said she's tired so I'm taking her to her apartment is that okay?" he asked, although Pedri was looking half drunk already
"yeah yeah. just take care of the road" he nodded, giving his sister a pat on the shoulder before the two walked to Ferran's car
The ride to y/n's apartment was silent, only the faint music of the radio playing in the background while y/n helped Ferran reach her apartment. When he did, he turned the car off and looked at y/n.
She didn't want to be alone at the moment. So she acted on her intuition.
"do you wanna stay a bit. maybe we can watch a movie or something..." she said hesitantly, seeing how Ferran's face lightened up a bit
"are you sure? i really don't want to make you uncomfortable or something" he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand
"please, I don't wanna be alone right now" she said in a low voice, making Ferran's heart break slightly at the girl in front of him
"of course I'll stay precosia" he said with a small smile
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httpsdana ยท 3 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
"y/n, this Ferran. Ferran, y/n..my sister"
y/n froze in her place, unable to breath out any word. Shock was evident on Ferran's face. She didn't know if it was because he didn't expect Pedri to have a sister or for another reason.
"um...hi" y/n said nervously, now playing with her fingers and avoiding eye contact with Ferran
"hey, nice to meet you" he flashed his charming smile, putting his hand out for a shake.
y/n looked at his hand for second, before placing her hand in his. As their fingertips make contact, a jolt of electricity jolts through her veins. All she felt at that moment was the warmth of his soft touch. She looked up at him, wanting to know if he felt the same as her.
He was looking at her, taken back by the spark he felt, secretly hoping she felt the same as him.
Pedri cleared his throat, making them let go quickly, before he spoke up
"me and Ferran are gonna play some fifa, you staying?" he asked, making Ferran interested if she's leaving or not
'uhh...I actually have to go...I have to do...some things at home" she mumbled the last part, before escaping to the living room to get her keys and phone
"don't mind her, she's just a bit shy at first" Pedri reassured Ferran, who only nodded and tried to hide his smile.
y/n glanced one last time at Ferran, before rushing out of the apartment. She got in her car and exhaled deeply.
The Ferran Torres, who she secretly admires...had just found out she was his best friend's sister. She hoped she won't see him again, or to see him without her being awkward as she was now.
Pedri's words were starting to make sense now. She literally had no social skills that she didn't know what to say to Ferran. She even realized she had no one to talk to about whatever happens in her life. There's no one she can tell about her secret liking to Ferran Torres.
y/n dropped her keys as soon as she stepped in her apartment, flopping down on her couch as Ferran's shocked face was printed in her mind.
She wanted to talk to him, to get to know him, but she didn't have any abilities to speak to him, without her anxiety taking over
She grabbed her phone and opened her contacts, scrolling through them. The only one she knew and trusted was her brother Fernando. She pressed call and put the phone on her ear
"y/n? is everything okay?" He asked, a bit surprised as she never called him before
"can you come over? I really need someone to talk to right now" she said in a low voice, hoping Fer would come.
"of course hermana. I'll be there in 5" he said.
y/n smiled, relived that she won't be alone.
"thank you Fer. appreciate it" she said, before hanging up.
"damn" Fernando said, making y/n look at him weirdly after she finished talking
"that's all you have to say?" she raised her eyebrows before he cleared his throat
"no I-I mean...i really have no idea what to tell you" he said slowly, making y/n sigh deeply
"you should talk to him and get to know him. agree on going out with pedri and his best friends. he's definitely one of them" he said, making her shake her head immediately
"no way, the last thing I need is for Pedri to know about this or even suspect a thing" she denied the idea quickly
"how about you start simple. follow him on Instagram" Fernando said.
y/n thought about it, thinking there was nothing wrong with it
She opened Instagram and headed to his account. she was about to hit the follow button, until she saw it as 'Follow Back'
he was already following her
"uh... he's following me already" y/n mumbled, trying to hide her smile.
"then follow him back what are you waiting for" Fernando yelled, making her chuckle
She hit the follow back button and dropped her phone next to her
"see it's all good. I'm glad you talked to me about this you know?" Fer said, making her look at him
"well to be honest I had no other person to talk to about this. Pedro was right, i literally have no friends besides you and him" she covered her face with her hands
"you should go out more and discover the world hermana. This isn't going to work out if you keep stuck between the apartment and the pitch" he shrugged
(next chapter is from Ferran's POV)
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httpsdana ยท 2 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
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footballdrama oops looks like y/n has found herself a mystery man ๐Ÿ‘€. They were seen walking with their hands over each other ๐Ÿ‘€
user829 I did NOT think she's the type to get a boyfriend for some reason
user547 I wanna know who that guy is
-> fan893 imagine if it's like a football player too ๐Ÿ˜ญ
-> fan893 I've actually seen people ship her with Ferran ๐Ÿ’€
-> user547 I've seen it too!! they would actually make a cute couple
Load more comments
y/n dropped her phone on the couch, wondering how someone was able to capture a picture of them without even noticing. She then received a message from Ferran.
Ferran <3
you saw the picture right?
yep. how did they even see us
I'm not sure. I'm sorry for that
don't be. it was worth it
i really hope you enjoyed your night as much as I enjoyed mine
I did. a lot <3
I'm glad you did precosia. have a good night pretty girl
you too Fer
y/n smiled, feeling like an idiot at how wide her smile was. She sighed in satisfaction, getting up to her room and getting ready to sleep.
y/n was woken up by the sound of harsh knocking on the door. She got up confused, at who might be early in the morning.
She opened the door, rubbing her eyes to adjust to the light from outside.
She saw Fernando and Pedri standing there, Fernando looking forced to come and Pedri there with a wide smile on his face.
"you were on a date?!" he asked, making y/n roll her eyes.
She wanted to act as disinterested, while her heart was almost beating out of her chest.
"yeah so what?" she snapped, making Pedri roll his eyes back
"who is he? do I know him?" he asked, stepping inside with Fernando and closing the door behind them.
"it's none of your business and you don't know him" she sassily replied, crossing her arms over her chest and sitting down on the couch next to them.
"who so rude? was your date that bad?" Pedri teased, making her roll her eyes. Fernando nudged Pedri and told him to shut up.
"wanna go out get breakfast with us? Pedri is paying" Fernando said, making y/n look up at them quickly.
"who said I'm paying?" Pedri argued, making Fernando slap the back of his head
"if Pedri is paying count me in" y/n smiled teasingly at Pedri before going to her room to get ready.
"tough day?" y/n said to the phone
"yep. we've got the second leg of the clasico in 2 days and the coach is not taking it easy" Ferran sighed, making y/n smile.
"it's okay. i hope you guys win this one" she said.
"yeah me too, are you going to be there?" he asked
"definitely. me and few of the girls are going" she replied, making him smile.
"then i better not embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend" he chuckled, making y/n blush deeply even though he can't see.
She's still new to all this girlfriend/boyfriend thing, but she can't deny that she was enjoying it.
"don't worry you won't" she laughed.
The final whistle. 3_2 to Real Madrid. y/n slumped down in her seat, seeing how every player was disappointed, and how some of them were crying. She felt bad for the youngsters, Lamine and Cubarsi, who were in tears.
She saw Ferran on the ground, covering his face with his hands. All she wanted to do was go and hug him.
She saw some of the wives going down to the pitch, so she followed them, telling her teammates that she was gonna see her brother.
She walked down to the pitch, looking for Pedri first, when she saw him she gave him a big hug, telling him everything will be okay.
He didn't seem to want to talk, so he let go of her and started to walk away. She turned to Ferran, who was still sat on the ground with his face covered.
She walked to him, looking around to see that the stadium was almost empty now, and half of the players were out already.
y/n sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder tightly. He looked up, seeing his girlfriend, smiling sadly and hugging her back tightly. They sat their on the grass, their arms around each other in a warm hug.
"I'm sorry I disappointed you." he mumbled, making y/n pull from their hug to look at him
"fer... you didn't and could never disappoint me. it was gonna happen as soon as Lamine's goal was disallowed . It wasn't your fault nor any of the other players fault. you'll do better next year" she spoke softly, while he cried silently.
Ferran then got up, leaving y/n sat on the ground. He helped her up and motioned with his eyes towards Pedri that was looking at them now.
y/n's heart dropped as she saw the look on Pedri's face.
"I'm gonna go talk to him" she mumbled, leaving Ferran standing there, hoping he didn't cause much trouble with his girlfriend.
"hey you good?" she asked Pedri, afraid to hear his response
"why were you with Ferran?" he asked rather rudely, his eyes glaring at her then at Ferran that was now close behind her
"I just wanted to make sure he's okay like I did with you" she murmured, not really knowing how to lie
"why him? are you friends with him or something? or is there something I don't know?" he raised an eyebrow, making y/n look at him immediately
"what? no! there's nothing like that, we're just friends. didn't you introduce me to him so I can have friends?" she asked, realizing he was almost believing her.
"yeah...I guess" he mumbled, before telling her goodbye and walking down to the locker room.
Ferran then appeared behind y/n.
"everything okay?" he asked, worried Pedri night be angry at his twin or something
"yeah yeah. that was close though" y/n said with a sigh.
"you shouldn't have come down to the pitch" he said.
y/n looked at him, wondering if he meant he didn't want her there to comfort him
"oh sorry. i just wanted to make sure you're okay" she mumbled, feeling like she was bothering him with her presence.
Ferran sensed her shift in mood, and realized he should've chosen his words differently.
"wait i didn't mean that I didn't want you there I meant that Pedri could've known or something. I'm glad you're here y/n" he said, a small smile on his face.
She smiled back at him, mentally slapping herself for doubting his intentions.
"you go to the lockers. come to mine after you finish everything. I'll make you some food to relax" she said. He smiles gratefully, hugging her before leaving down the tunnel
"someone was down on the pitch and filmed us. the video has gone viral now" Ferran sighed.
y/n shrugged, she didn't care what the media thinks or sees if Pedri knows that they're friends. The fans ship everyone together so as long as Pedri doesn't know, it doesn't matter.
"it doesn't matter as long as Pedri doesn't suspect a thing...which he kinda did today" she mumbled.
"sneaking out is fun and stuff...but I want to be able to show you off y/n, why can't we just tell Pedri about us and end all of this?" he asked, sitting down on the countertop as y/n was preparing their dinner
"you don't get it Ferran. it's not that easy" she sighed, avoiding looking at him.
Ferran got up and stood behind y/n, putting his arms around her waist and laying his head on her shoulder. He pressed a few kisses on her cheek.
"why not baby?" he whispered
baby. it was his first time calling her that, and she felt like she belonged to him by just hearing that.
"he wouldn't take it nicely" she whispered back, trying to focus on the food she was making instead of his fingertips that were dancing on her waist under her shirt.
"so what? he'll be upset for a while and then he'll get over it" Ferran said again. y/n dropped the knife in her hand and turned to look at Ferran.
His hands stayed on her waist, while he looked down at her, pulling her closer to his body.
"you don't know Pedri as much as I do. he can stop talking to both of us forever if he didn't like it. And I really don't want that for both of us" she said, putting her hands on his chest to steady herself.
"what if he didn't mind it? there's no harm in asking" he said.
y/n exhaled deeply, removing his hands from her waist and turning back her focus to the food she was preparing.
Ferran noticed that she was upset, and he didn't want that. He pressed a kiss on her head and wrapped his arms around her shoulder, whispering an apology in her ear.
"it's fine just...please stop asking about it before we figure a way out of this" she mumbled, hearing him hum in response
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httpsdana ยท 3 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ–
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
Ferran and y/n have now hung out a few times now. They didn't have much choices to go out because of the media and mostly Pedri.
y/n was so comfortable around Ferran now. She didn't feel shy as much and can be herself around him without feeling weird about it.
"hey precosia. how are you?" Ferran said through the phone, when y/n picked up his call.
"hey Fer. I'm fine. just a bit tired" she sighed, flopping down on her couch.
"everything okay? what happened?" he asked, his voice laced with worry
She smiled at his affection, feeling lucky to have mer him.
"yeah just had an intense training session before our champions league game" she said
"i wanted to ask if you'd come over but if you're tired maybe I can come?" he suggested.
"yeah of course. I'd love some company" she smiled
"deal. I'll be there in no time" he said
"I'll be waiting. drive safe" she bid goodbye before hanging up
y/n organized her room and the living room a bit before Ferran arrives, and ordered them some pizza
After a few minutes, the door knocked and Ferran was on the other side of the door.
"hey come in. the pizza is about to arrive" y/n widened the door. Ferran smiled and stepped on, giving her a hug and taking off his jacket.
The pizza soon arrived, and they sat down to eat, drinking some coke alongside the food.
Halfway through their food, the door knocked. y/n's heart dropped as she didn't expect anyone
"expecting anyone?" Ferran furrowed his eyebrows. y/n shook her head anxiously and got up.
She looked through the peephole. Only to see Pedri and Fernando standing their.
"fuck" she whispered, running back to the living room
"Pedri is here. hide in my room, or the closet. whatever just don't get our until I text you" she said quickly before Ferran took his phone and ran to her room
She hid his jacket in one of the drawers of the living room and ran to the door
She took a deep breath then opened the door
"Pedri, Fernando. didn't know you guys were coming over" she faked a smile, letting them in.
"yeah we thought we might surprise you actually" Pedri said, dropping down on her couch
Fernando sat next to him, watching y/n's uncomfortable expression
"you were eating pizza?" Pedri asked, grabbing a piece and starting to munch on it
y/n nodded, her eyes then widening when she saw Ferran's cup of coke still there. She didn't say a thing, hoping they won't notice it.
"for who's this?" Pedri said suspiciously, pointing towards the extra cup
think y/n think. think of a believable lie.
she cleared her throat before speaking up
"uh my neighbor was actually over and we were just eating pizza before she had to go" y/n said slowly, realizing she actually said a good lie
"you're friends with your neighbor now? who even is she?" Pedri asked more questions making her roll her eyes
"yes we're friends you just don't know her now stop asking so many questions" she said, grabbing Ferran's cup and taking it to the kitchen
Fernando followed her, stopping her from going back to the living room
"is Ferran here?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her.
She felt her stomach drop when he spoke.
"w-what?" she stuttered, mentally slapping herself for making it obvious.
"he's here isn't he? or did he leave?" Fernando smirked, raising his eyebrows
y/n let out a sigh, running her hands across her face
"how did you know?" she asked
"well the cologne is strong in the living room and it's obvious it is a man's cologne. you should be thankful Pedri is too stupid to notice it. where is he anyways?" he asked, making y/n groan
"he's in my room somewhere" she said, hugging herself with her arms, feeling uncomfortable with Fernando knowing about it.
"I'll take Pedri and we'll leave. Make sure to tell me everything next time" he warned her, pointing a finger towards her face. She smiled and nodded gratefully at him
They walked back to the living room, Fernando slapping the back of Pedri's head.
"get up we're leaving" he told him
"but we just arrived" Pedri complained, making y/n roll her eyes
"i remembered I have plans, and you're taking me there. get up and stop complaining" Fernando replied.
They hugged y/n goodbye, her whispering a low thank you to Fernando.
When they left, y/n let out a sigh and ran to her room. She slowly opened the door, only to be met with Ferran asleep in her bed, the blanket covering his body as he hugged one of her pillows.
She felt her heart melt at his cute pout, grabbing her phone slightly from her pocket, and taking a picture of him.
She left him asleep and watched a show in her living room until he woke up.
(next chapter is quite intense)
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httpsdana ยท 2 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
Everything was messed up. y/n's performance hasn't been as consistent as before, causing her to losing her spot in the starting lineup.
Pedri was avoiding Ferran in every possible way. He wouldn't celebrate with him after a goal. He wouldn't hug him when being subbed off. He doesn't even look at him at training.
And the fans have begun to notice it. You see sad edits of Ferran and Pedri, and how they don't seem to hang out as before.
Pedri was also not speaking to y/n. They haven't talked since the incident and always avoid family meetings. They haven't had a proper dinner with their parents for almost 2 months now.
It's always y/n and Fernando or Pedri and Fernando. Never the three of them. But they tried their best to avoid this conversation with their parents.
"hey love" Ferran said, when y/n appeared behind the door of her apartment.
"hey babe" she said back, giving him a small kiss before pulling him with her to the living room.
She sat him down and laid her head on his lap. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes as Ferran started to run his fingers through her hair.
"everything alright amor?" he asked, noticing her unpleasant expression.
"I can't stand this anymore Fer" she sighed, opening her eyes to look up at him.
He sighed too, tangling her hair with his finger.
"I know baby. me too, but what are we supposed to do?" he said. She shrugged, taking a deep breath. Ferran leaned down, pressing a few kisses on her forehead and cheeks.
"can we try to talk to Gavi or maybe Fermin?" y/n suggested, in which Ferran sighed.
"both of them are avoiding me too" he mumbled, making y/n's face drop.
"them too?" she murmured, feeling her eyes tearing up.
"baby don't cry. we'll figure this out please" Ferran said, running his thumb under her eyes to stop her tears from falling.
She sat up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
"maybe you try talking to one of them?" Ferran suggested, making her shrug
"trust me Fermin would love to talk to you" he scoffed, making her look at him confused
"what is that supposed to mean?" she asked, rasing her eyebrows
"that boy obviously has a crush on you. the way he gives you heart eyes the whole time he's around is annoying" Ferran rolled his eyes, making y/n grin slightly.
"are you jealous?" she asked, leaning closer to Ferran. He turned his face away from her, his jaw clenching a bit. She grabbed his chin, kissing him softly, making his face soften a bit.
"unfortunately for him, I'm into older guys not younger ones" she mumbled against Ferran's lips, making him smile down at her
"here take Fermin's number and ask to meet him. he can convince Pedri to talk to one of us. They have been hanging out a lot recently" Ferran said.
He grabbed his phone, searching for Fermin's contact. When he found it he sent it to y/n, before she opened her phone and texted him.
hello fermin. this is y/n. how are you doing?
sent at 4:37
"why do you have to ask how he's doing. just tell him to get Pedri to talk to one of us" Ferran complained, making y/n laugh at him
"I'm being polite Fer" she pushed his shoulder, making him pout. She leaned in to kiss him, when her phone dinged, she quickly grabbed it, making Ferran groan.
She opened the message that she received from Fermin.
hey y/n! I'm great! how have you been? x
Ferran snatched the phone out of her hand, furrowing his eyebrows at the message
"why the hell did he send it with a kiss?" he said, reading the message again
y/n snatched the phone again.
"what should I tell him? should i ask to meet up with him?" she asked, still looking at her phone
Ferran didn't reply, making y/n look up at him. He had his jaw clenched and his leg was shaking up and down.
"babe?" y/n said, while he hummed in response, not looking at her.
"Ferran" she said more sternly.
"yeah" he mumbled, still not looking at her.
She smiled at him, throwing one of her legs over his thighs, sitting on his lap to make him look at her. She grabbed his face in her hands, forcing him to make eye contact.
"Ferran" she mumbled, looking into his eyes.
He hummed again, glancing down at her lips, before quickly looking up at her eyes.
"you know i like you right?" she said, making him smile a bit. He tried hiding his smile, looking away. She giggled, making him look at her again.
"i know" he said. She smiled, brushing her hand through his hair. She pecked his lips a few times, then grabbed her phone, still sitting on Ferran's lap.
"so what should I tell him?" she asked.
"tell him to meet up, with the both of us" Ferran replied. She nodded and started typing out her message.
I'm fine. I was wondering if you can meet up with me and Ferran tomorrow? it's really important
um I'm not really sure about that you know. because of Pedri and stuff...
y/n sighed, showing Ferran the message. "try convincing him, he'll agree eventually" he said.
please Fermin. It's really important and it's about Pedri. please
okay fine. we'll just meet up before training at the cafe outside.
thank you so much Fermin. appreciate it
anything for you y/n <3
"he's so annoying" Ferran rolled his eyes, taking y/n's phone and throwing it to the other side of the couch.
y/n laughed, dropping her head on Ferran's shoulder. She sighed, hugging his torso to feel his warmth
"it's gonna be fine darling" he mumbled, kissing the side of head.
"y/n! hi! Ferran..." Fermin said, first starting excitedly then mumbling Ferran's name.
"Fermin...sit down" Ferran said, motioning his head towards the chair that was facing the couple.
Fermin sat down nervously, swallowing the lump in his throat
"so...you know that me and Ferran are dating" she said, carefully looking at Ferran
Fermin cleared his throat and nodded.
"and that Pedri didn't like it at all and stopped talking to us" she said. Fermin nodded again, already knowing where the conversation is going
"we want you to speak to Pedri and make him talk to us" Ferran said immediately making Fermin sigh
"listen guys. Pedri doesn't like or want me or anyone talking about you two. the second he hears any of your names he gets angry. Once Gavi tried to speak to him about it and he didn't talk to him for the rest of the day" Fermin explained, making the two look at each other.
Ferran saw the disappointment in y/n's eyes. He grabbed her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles.
"maybe try to arrange something with him but instead we go?" Ferran suggested, making y/n look at Fermin quickly.
She saw the uncomfortable look on his face, then he looked at her while she begged him with her eyes. He let out a sigh and nodded
"fine I can do that. Just be here at the same time tomorrow. I'll tell Pedri that me and him will meet here" he said.
y/n smiled widely, making Fermin smile too. Ferran cleared his throat, making Fermin look at him before getting up
"I'll just go now" he said. He gave y/n a hug, and Ferran a handshake before walking out of the cafe.
"see it wasn't that bad. we can talk to Pedri and make him forgive us" Ferran said.
y/n smiled at him, leaning towards him and putting her head on his shoulder.
"I just hope he talks to us again" she said, letting out a sigh.
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httpsdana ยท 3 months
๐”๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐“๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ~๐€ ๐…๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง ๐“๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ“
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summary: Barรงa players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
"make yourself at home. I'm just gonna change out of my dress" y/n said, in which Ferran smiled at her and nodded
He walked to the living room, walking around the cozy apartment. It was basic, yet so peaceful. It felt like y/n.
Meanwhile y/n was freaking out in her room, wondering if she did a mistake by inviting Ferran. She opened her phone and scrolled quickly to Fernando's number.
After two rings, he answered.
"hey how's your night going?" he asked
"shit but that's not the case. I kinda did something..." she trailed off
"what did you do?" he let out a sigh, making y/n clear her throat.
"I kinda invited Ferran over and he's now in my living room..." she said awkwardly
"you did what?!" he yelled, making y/n feel more bad about the situation
"i shouldn't have done it right? oh my god I knew this was a bad idea" y/n rambled before Fernando interrupted her
"no no that was a nice move, I just didn't expect you to do it honestly" he said in a calmer tone, making y/n groan.
"so what am I supposed to do now?" y/n said in a panicked voice
"don't overthink it hermana. just go over there and enjoy yourself with him" he said before hanging up, leaving her no chance to ask anything
y/n groaned and started to take off her dress. She grabbed a jersey that was laying on her desk and put on her shorts.
She fixed her hair in the mirror, taking a deep breath and walking back to the living room were Ferran was sat
"hey, what should we watch?" she asked, sitting on the couch next to him, but leaving some distance between them
Ferran looked at her with a smile, shrugging his shoulders
"anything you'd like i really don't mind" he said, still smiling at her
His smile was contagious, she couldn't hide her little smile. She noticed he was still in his trousers and black button-up shirt.
"would you like to change? I mean I could give you something from my closet if you want..." she said, playing with her fingers on her lap
Ferran's heart melted at her thoughtfulness, before he shook his head
"no need it's fine" he said.
For some reason y/n was a bit disappointed by his rejection.
"oh okay" she mumbled
Ferran immediately noticed her change of mood.
"you know what. I would like some other clothes, these trousers are getting uncomfortable" he said, y/n looked up at him. He was smiling at her with that soft look on his face. She nodded and got up, grabbing him one of her oversized shirts and sweatpants that Pedri had left at her house.
"you can change in the bathroom. I'll choose the movie and make us some popcorn" Ferran nodded and started looking for the bathroom. When he found it, he got in and got changed.
y/n now has opened Netflix and started searching for a movie. When she did, she went to the kitchen to make their popcorn.
She opened the cupboard to grab a pot, only to realize it was placed on the highest shelf. She stood on her tiptoes, trying to reach it with the tip of her fingers.
"need some help?" Ferran was stood, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over with an amused look on his face
He looked good wearing her shirt and the grey sweatpants.
Blood rushed into her cheeks as she felt exposed. She fixed her posture and cleared her throat
"uh yes please" she mumbled. Ferran walked over to her, trapping her between the counter and his body, reaching his arm above her head, while y/n swallowed the lump in her throat, at how close their bodies were to touching. Ferran grabbed the pot, looking down at y/n. She looked up at him, before he moved away and handed her the pot.
y/n looked away immediately, moving to start with the popcorn
"how are you feeling?" Ferran asked, sitting down on the countertop
"better. thank you for helping me out there" she said, not daring to look at him
"no need. I'm glad I was there" he said, watching her every move
They stayed silent, until the popcorn was done.
"come on" y/n told him, walking to the living room while he followed her.
They sat in comfortable silence, watching the movie.
"it's getting really late, i have to go" Ferran said, getting up from the couch.
y/n got up too, walking behind him to the door
"we should do this again" Ferran said, turning around to look at her. She nodded with a smile.
Ferran looked at y/n with a warm smile and walked closer. With a gentle and caring embrace, Ferran wrapped his arms around y/n, pulling her into a tight hug. It was a beautiful moment, filled with comfort and a sense of closeness.
y/n felt a rush of happiness and gratitude, cherishing that heartfelt hug from Ferran. It was a sweet and meaningful gesture.
"good night Ferran" she whispered into his neck.
"good night precosia" he whispered back
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footballffbarbiex ยท 6 months
With 2023 almost wrapped up (the remaining Christmas / Winter fics are still coming, I promise) and 2024 here in just over 24 hours, I've looked back on what I've enjoyed this year and what I haven't. Admittedly, my pregnancy and raising two small humans has been harder than I thought. But reading through what you've enjoyed and look forward to has made me happy.
Though I'm still hoping for some more entries, the answers I've received are as follows:
What have you enjoyed this year plot wise:
Any smut has been god tier. (this person is/was also a patron and I'm sobbing. thank you for the support)
single parent x2
forbidden tropes x3
So...Teach me x3
Cosy comfort fics x 2
literally everything I've ever written (๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ)
Who have you enjoyed in 2023 on my blog:
Thiago Alcantara
Antoine Griezmann x 3
Rodrigo De Paul
Jan Oblak
Leon Goretzka x 5
Marco Rose
Roman Burki x 2
Joe Gomez x3
All of them
Jack Grealish
John Stones x3
Charles Leclerc x3
Ruben Dias x3
Trent Alexander Arnold x 2
Dominik Szoboszlai
Marco Reus
Virgil van Dijk x 2
Any and all from LFC
all the boys from Barca (have I written for the Barcelona men?)
Darwin Nunez
Anyone except Real Madrid players
Mario Hermoso
Who are you looking forward to seeing on my blog in 2024?:
Marcos Llorente
Mario Hermoso x 2
Dominik Szoboszlai x3
Mats Hummels
Leon Goretzka x4
Antoine Griezmann x2
Rodrigo De Paul
Jan Oblak
Sergio Ramos
Joe Gomez x 3
Non Premier League players
Marco Rose
John Stones
Charles Leclerc x2
Trent Alexander Arnold x2
Alexis MacAllister
Darwin Nunez
Dusan Vlahovic
Nico Schlotterbeck
Ruben Dias
Roman Burki
Fernando Torres
More Barca players and more f1 drivers
The plots you want to read more about in 2024 are:
Soft fluffy smut x 11
Dating the managers daughter x11
friends to lovers x11
I've missed you type sex x10
dating your brothers teammate x10
kinktober / kink bingo type plots x 9
moving in together / buying furniture (domesticated fluff) x9
she / you being the player's child's teacher x8
first dates x7
baby daddy x6
single parent x6
something else x6 (see below)
sex with an ex x5
proposals x5
Something else*:
CNC x2
threesomes x2
tension at work
physio x player
sad / angsty type plots
enemies to lovers
Bonus points for the below:
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and I just want to shed some love on the feedback because I do go back to read this section when I'm feeling down about my writing and it has truly perked me up. I love my readers so much.
But these two in particular made me cry a little harder (I'll blame the hormones that are still plaguing me)
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