sillywitchsong · 5 months
Working on tweaking the aspiration calculator...and popularity looks like it might have had a mistake in it (instead of subtracting lazy it was subtracting grouchy). I don't think I'm going to change the aspirations of my already teens, but upcoming will be adjusted to my tweaks. We'll see what happens...
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Screen shot of what I changed highlighted
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sillywitchsong · 5 months
Crow's Family tree under the cut
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And Crocky
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So I got two of the Stone girls moved out (Ebony is with Jesse Clarke) I don't know what to do with Crystal. She's woohoo with everyone and got kids to boot. Is she going to single handedly populate the orphanage with her blood?
Orphanage is not yet built...it might have to be...
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So who is going to win the emporship? To be determined when Lemming ages to adult...
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sillywitchsong · 6 months
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Almost finished with round 5! Freebird family is the last group...
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Whew! Thought I didn't snap it in time...
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Playing around with photo shoots for something else... (family tree photos to be exact)
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This is Bird. I don't think any of my other families have rolled wants to interact with her (well, she's 5, and just aged up, and one house I did not bring the child aged sims over to play to try and reduce lag...so my fault I forgot who she is)
She probably won't be the last forgotten one...and I've already mixed up Rosewood and the Stones...
What happens after the next generation when this baby boom explodes into other households?😅
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Well, Crow had his first kiss with Ivy...
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Hard to take portraits when she's in bed. And I think this screen is showing me she was the first sim to lose her figure (it's bottomed out by end of round)
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Armadillo was named by my son...
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The light is so good here, but the piano book is blocking a better close up
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Baby time...
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sillywitchsong · 6 months
Oh, justified getting bird cage to myself by declaring seeing the bird as capturing it...
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Darn, didn't get a shot of the white bird. But the Stones got their own too.
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sillywitchsong · 6 months
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Rosewood has a new look
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And now we finish the Yvonne family with Juniper age 3.
Maple is 54, Oakley is 36, Rosewood is 14, Oliver is 10.
Thank goodness. Last round they could barely fish because everyone kept having heat strokes. I thought about locking 10 kids for Maple, then realized how old she is... Will she even see grandkids? Started adding land line phones in because the kids need them. The game is wired for being able to use the phone... and I can't stand using the cell phone. Oh well, never did like history class. Let me have fun.
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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Ruth took a little bit longer than I was expecting...say hi, Oaklin!
Found it fitting that he was named after his grandfather Oakley
And then. Gasp*😮
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Maybe I should have waited till daylight, made it seem like he placed an add in the paper...but he couldn't wait. His son might starve and he pass out from exhaustion first. So meet his mail ordered bride.
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Beyond exchanging vows they haven't spoken a word to each other. Juniper literally said vows at the foot of his wife's grave then went straight to bed. His new bride has been up all night feeding the baby and taking care of the toddler...
Unfortunately that's all I had time for this week...
And that is the fifth sim in a row I've lost to Death on pleading...luck is playing hard ball with me...
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
Ok. Ick warning
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We have Crow Freebird with his two kids via Ivy-who married his brother. Then we have Crystal Stone and her two kids, one with Oakley and one with Derik.
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I got distracted by a date and she aged up without the interest panel open. This is what I changed her to after I figured it out.
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Crow and Crystal's daughter Tigress!
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And immediately after baby is born the step siblings have a first kiss 😝
I tried to have her scope out the other teens...and her step sibling was the only one she had positive chemistry with! The other non relatives were negative chemistry
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Whew. Can't see it from this angle but her diaper is stinky
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"Smells bad" face
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His que is an acr romantic kiss...not sure why the arm is up...
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Topaz and Heron will age up next round...
And some new cc...she can't walk or talk, but knows how to wave like a bronco rider...
Next up we begin Oliver's round, starting right after Crystal moved out
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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Are you worried about the size of that ring?
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This could be bad...are you gonna tell her? I'm not going to tell her...
It might not be all that bad...I think all but one of those girls is married...
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Oh wow. Derik is getting up there!
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Spoilers. Root has to finish out his round 10, then he will move in at the start of round 11.
Fun times. Fun times.
Crow is next (his lot is next to the one community lot) and with my teen adjustment to the ages...Cherry may end up aging at the same time as her older cousin (just think of it as maturing early for her age) it won't effect the math any, just when she can start having babies (and it may effect stopping babies on my older sims 🤔)
4 day weekend meant extra time to play...and there were no other obligations that got in the way this week! Woo!
Till next time...😉
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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So as Derik is immediately seeking solace in another woman's arms...Oakley is scaring Kookaburra awake
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They have 2 bolts that are 3 by end of round
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Quickly fall in love
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I don't know if she is engaged or not...I've had sims roll wants to be engaged to others while engaged before...
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It quickly rolled away (whew)
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Uh...ok? I don't know why the game keeps telling me this...(usually once for several house rounds)
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Yay, Kookaburra badges!
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Adult birthday! Now to get you some
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Invite over best friend and previous love interest (from memories)
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That went quick. I guess it helps when they only had eyes for one...
.......don't worry. It's the last day of her round now...
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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I look up and Derik has abandoned being cashier. I have no idea where he is. So Kookaburra has to abandon the water balloon fight and jump on register
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So I'm looking at business stuff...and she did this...
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She has absolutely 0 body skill... I'm on the edge of my seat. Is she gonna turn? Will she actually win? (I don't have better fights, is that a thing?)
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Awww, Kookaburra is crying
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NOW you fall out of love of her?
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Uhm...was it her dying that did you in or falling out of love?
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I allowed her to die of old age. I mean, as an elder you shouldn't start fights like that anyway...
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I had a laugh at this. Derik just goes crazy...and Kookaburra paints her feelings
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Oh look Oakley is haunting tonight
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
If the last post seamed short...it's because things are about to Go Down
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It looks normal enough as we begin (after being in aspiration failure 3 households in a row he must be feeling better)
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Fawna restocks her shop and Derik and Kookaburra help her open and run it
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I don't know if he just autonomously wanted one and I bought it last round or if I got bored and gave him one... wolves staying up almost 24 7 is getting old fast
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So right after he autonomously started painting I telleported all the remaining founders over (plus Spruce I think?)
Fawna saw him flirt with Maple Yvonne, I think
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Derik had 3 bolts with Maple at the time. He couldn't help himself.
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I had no idea why he was getting out of bed right after getting in it. I was expecting him to die of the flu. (Mini heart attack moment)
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Fawna autonomously flirted with this guy, and then I get this...
Sorry honey...no jobs for playables yet (ok, must have any townies quit when they move in )
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Business is booming (don't I have the limit adjuster? Somewhere? I should find it)
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Fawna is racking up the badges tonight! And for some reason there are 3 or 4 lunatics throwing water balloons around (and Kookaburra is getting in on it too)
......(I hit my picture limit).....
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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This must be Guileful Pixie...one of the four female PTs I installed
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Well...those birthdays are all a round away. And at the end of this session I adjust my mods age length (so the next generation will age much faster...they only have 30 days of adulthood (and no, I did not add the 10 I took away from the teens back...maybe after the black death stage I'll adjust again)
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Since the teens can't get pregnant 6 days before aging up, and there is no college they pretty much just socialize and skill. And with two rounds of teens wanting no social wants...I got very bored. Even the tiny moments mini challenge is geared to adults for the drama...so fewer days as teens it is. We'll see if I regret it next round or two (after current kids age up to teens)
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Next up, Derik, Fawna, and Kookaburra Freebird. House 5 of the founders
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
Time for house 4, the founding Clarke's! I can't wait to see the alien nooboo!
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Ok. Have a name for the alien parent now...still no idea which one it is, but I bet I can figure it out once the baby arrives
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Start off with portrait shots for the family tree app (half are still night time shots!)
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She is adorable (I wonder where you can find the alien skin to edit the baby hair?) Say hello to Aurora Pixie!
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Ever had your sims play with the jack in the box? They get scared (and a scared memory) and if they have low motives could wet themselves...
Next up, I figured out the other Parent by going into cas and looking at the pre-made sims in the bin.
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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Tulip rarely fished this round (could be bad...means less money when she moves out in two days)
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That is her love interest, Lemming Freebird, kissing Nichole Clarke.
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She decided to give him a noogie after watching him make out too.
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I think I'm going to rule that I'll give her one day to get knocked up as an adult, marry the offender, or roll a random townie in and marry him. (Cave dwellers have no manners, and just cart away whomever they want) This way Tulip has a chance to roll an engage want...if she doesn't consider herself bargaining on a mail order husband (who may or may not be compatible)
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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The round with Maple Yvonne was so slow...
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How can that be the first thing you've eaten?
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Tulip wanted a date, Lemming had high chemistry with her and friendship status. One second into the date and they fell in love
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I spent several in game days trying to figure out how to go out instead of sneak. Hint, it's earlier. Like 7 or 8 pm. And you select Sim then go out (after you get permission) at 11 it's sneak only...(must have a midnight curfew, right? That's what I had growing up...)
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I spy with my little eye...
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An Armadillo booty call
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NOW you become best friends?!
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So before I could continue play I had to load each lot and yellow box the kids so we can call them all over whenever. (And then I end up teleporting groups anyway) but it was so easy to have daylight teen dates!
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Oooh...wait till you see what Tulip does on the group day...
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sillywitchsong · 3 months
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I aged Ruben with the grow up option (technically the way we're supposed to...but it's a heck of a lot easier to math if you just do nothing...That being the case, add 4 to the elder ages from the bar to get their actual age...)
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Oh man. He shaved his head. Your dad had hair kid...
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They both went at the exact same time...
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Fortune again.
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Awww cute
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Malachite moves out as a random townie picks up the paper...
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Oh look who showed up! And he's doing his death animation constantly (I randomize on a d10 excluding old age. It's a privilege to die of old age!) This one is disease...
He only scared Amber once, right after she woke up so nothing happened...
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Oh yeah. Need to add cuisine as Ruben's oth
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Is this an oversight or did I screw up my game?🤔 I saw Cyjon had zombie fixes that fixed this same issue (rolling wants to become while being one...fearing those that already are...) is this my games way of saying she's too happy, make her cry? She just lost her husband, what more do you want?! (My want trees in simpe are reading from file 6 if that matters. And while I can scroll to file 7 it doesn't stay...really wondering if I need to reinstall...)
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