ferfal · 2 years
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10 elementos para el kit en caso de terremotos y cuanto tiempo puedo sobrevivir bajo los escombros? Videos subidos a SupervivenciaModerna👍 10 items for Earthquake preparedness anh how long can you survive burried under rubble? Videos uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist👍 #prepared #ferfal308 #survival https://www.instagram.com/p/CopiA8FKKsS-7bEsh0IPiDQrCdMXgqSaMR9tRs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dosurvival · 2 years
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fidelidadpatria · 3 years
Cuchillo Bayoneta M9 del Ejercito de EEUU ( Counter-Strike )
Cuchillo Bayoneta M9 del Ejercito de EEUU ( Counter-Strike )
Seguime en Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/ferfal308/ 1)DONDE COMPRAR MIS LIBROS: Mis libros en Amazon “Manual de Supervivencia Urbana” https://amzn.to/31tXKqa y Amazon.com:https://amzn.to/38FqcYH Comprar desde Argentina https://tiendamia.com/ar/producto?amz=840917748X Para Mexico https://www.amazon.com.mx/Manual-Supervivencia-Urbana-T%C3%A9cnicas-T%C3%A1cticas/dp/840917748X 2) MI CANAL EN…
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ferfal · 3 years
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En que situaciones es de utilidad la municion no-letal de escopeta? Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍👍 In what scenarios would you have a use for less-than-lethal ammo? Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!👍👍 #ferfal308 #ferfal #SupervivenciaModerna #themodernsurvivalist #shotguns #homedefense #lessthanlethal https://www.instagram.com/p/CP-PlG6rj1AeLB7TPZmLsY8RYMdgz6Z1a8kNfs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ferfal · 3 years
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Mora 731, video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!🔪👍 Mora 731, video uploaded to TheModernSurvivalist!🔪👍 #ferfal308 #ferfal #themodernsurvivalist #SupervivenciaModerna #morakniv #cuchillodesupervivencia #survivalknife https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1C77Hrh6rnnwUQRGIzuFNHimNo-ZRPByAM5E0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ferfal · 3 years
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Que tan bien o mal tiras? Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍 How well do you shoot? Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!👍 #ferfal308 #ferfal #tirodefensivo #armasdesupervivencia #survivalguns #defensiveshooting #selfdefense #shooting #glock17 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQwuM1jrY18rADRaWGCWnDIqMwC1o9TGQnSkJQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ferfal · 4 years
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Hola gente! Ya esta disponible mi cuchillo de supervivencia "AITOR FERFAL" en la nueva pagina de Aitor knivesaitor.com🔪👍 Hello people! Mi new survival knife "AITOR FERFAL" is available at Aitor's new website knivesaitor.com!🔪👍 #ferfal #ferfal308 #themodernsurvivalist #SupervivenciaModerna #cuchillodesupervivencia #survivalknife #aitorferfal #knivesaitor a#aitorknives @knivesaitor https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhcjEyLtQbbF7mA3mlqYUOsS8QgQ1XRYTSBBI0/?igshid=hu1hxeff8uzt
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ferfal · 4 years
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Incendios, inundaciones, 10 consejos para cuando te quedas sin nada. Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍 Fires, floods, 10 tips for when you lose everything! Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!👍 #ferfal308 #ferfal #SupervivenciaModerna #themodernsurvivalist #bugoutbag #buggingout #firearms #survival #supervivencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CMViXBtLyG4L18rBONNRIjUEm5N38pz4QU8o2k0/?igshid=1upe3ap0kd6dz
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ferfal · 4 years
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Como desarmar y limpiar una escopeta Hatsan Escort Magnum semiautomatica. Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍 How to fieldstrip and clean a Hatsan Escort Magnum auto shotgun. Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!👍 #ferfal308 #ferfal #hatsan #shotguns #armas #survival #survivalguns #escopetas #hatsanescortmagnum https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-SyJHMVoTCGXG0bErbGW4KLlWANy23y7qumU0/?igshid=1teq7qop8hf8s
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ferfal · 3 years
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Mochila de Supervivencia de 72hs de la Cruz Roja, mas algunos consejos y recomendaciones propias. Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!😄👍 The Red Cross 72hs Survival Bag Kit, plus a few thoughts and recommendations of my own. Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!😄👍 #redcross #72hsbag #bugoutbag #mochilade72hs #SupervivenciaModerna #TheModernsurvivalist #ferfal #ferfal308 https://www.instagram.com/p/COQP2_mLysnTrwVN68dnwf2vH0PkHzlZvMcGuI0/?igshid=112c5tfl0kbyr
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ferfal · 3 years
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Fällkniven A1, un clasico de los Cuchillos de Supervivencia. Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍😄 Fällkniven A1, a classic among survival knives. Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!😄👍 #ferfal #ferfal308 #survivalknife #cuchillodesupervivencia #fallkniven #themodernsurvivalist https://www.instagram.com/p/CNfwo7ir0cZepSjeCB6ncR1110Vq4Y0azyS6Qk0/?igshid=b7regueefohp
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ferfal · 4 years
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Mi EDC del día hoy. Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!💪😄👍 Today's EDC video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!💪😄👍 #ferfal #ferfal308 #themodernsurvivalist #SupervivenciaModerna #edc #streamlight #coldsteelknives #victorinox #equipodiario #equipodesupervivencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CM8fLSDLJKPD6XNts9ux12J5vrE8wRMa9MFATU0/?igshid=1ojdspmh94vt5
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ferfal · 4 years
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What would I take to survive in "Fallout" world?😅👍 Que llevaria para sobrevivir en el mundo de "Fallout" ? Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!😅👍 #ferfal #ferfal308 #themodernsurvivalist #SupervivenciaModerna #falloutnewvegas #falloutgame #survivalgear #equipodesupervivencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CMaHdzaruWpWiFohG9HK24ps2mhJ6Mpuusk2rg0/?igshid=1swaan8zwup67
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ferfal · 4 years
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Ontario SP1: Is it The BEST Kabar knife? Video uploaded to TheModernsurvivalist!💪👍 Ontario SP1: Es el MEJOR cuchillo Kabar? Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!💪👍 #kabar #kabarknives#ontario498 #ontarioknifeco @ontarioknifecompany #ferfal #ferfal308 #themodernsurvivalist #SupervivenciaModerna #cuchillodesupervivencia #survivalknife https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSOOFxrk_EWGZEHiSF1z1sE8YwyAAuzg06obM0/?igshid=1kebsrqxf4zio
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ferfal · 4 years
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Que debes tener en tu bolso VIP? Video subido a SupervivenciaModerna!👍 Whats the content of your VIP Bag? Video uploaded to TheModernSuvivalist!👍 #ferfal308 #vipbag #documentsbag#survival #bugoutbag https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxNluCqGbhDOQzDbS4_P_PVOPQFr7FIfzFLVk0/?igshid=1cuaf49h5qh0d
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ferfal · 4 years
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Bug out Bag... mochila de 72 Horas, video subido 👍😉 #bugoutbag #mochilade72horas #equipodiario #SupervivenciaModerna #supervivencia #preparacionismo #ferfal308 #ferfal #preppers #preppersargentina https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfmcUOKCo_2sCMEY7dvwayLfU2tp2FU3YUdXI0/?igshid=elfhg4jahwun
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