star-trek-pop-quiz · 5 months
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #30
( 12 / 05 / 2024 )
Question 1. What House is Ambasaddor Lwaxana Troi a part of? a. the Fifth House of Betazed b. the House of Trixx c. the Seventh House of the Opal Sea d. the House of Troi
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE Jonathon Archer was raised by a single mother.
Bonus Question: What is his mother's name?
Question 3. What year was the Mother Horta born? a. 2031 AD b. 5621 BC c. 1701 AD d. 44773 BC
Question 4. How many times has the Dax symbiont had a child? ( Prime Timeline ) a. 9 b. 12 c. 18 d. 0
Bonus Question: How many children did Dax have as a mother?
Question 5. Fill-in Question! ( Spelling Counts! ) What do Ferengis call their mothers?
Bonus Question: What is the name of Rom and Quark's mother?
Score: __/ 5 + 3 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. a. the Fifth House of Betazed
Question 2. TRUE.
+ Sally Archer.
Question 3. d. 44773 BC
Question 4. a. 9
+ 5 as a mother, 4 as a father.
Question 5. Moogie.
+ Her name is Ishka.
Happy Mother's Day!
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nx01whore · 10 months
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Because it's the law. And without law, society would descend into chaos.
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If you ask me, this society could use a little chaos.
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astralbondpro · 1 year
How was Gilbert Gottfried never a Ferengi? Seems like a major missed opportunity.
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coco-little-rose · 1 year
The two romantic relationships I hated the most in Star Trek DS9 were:
Tora Zyal/Elim Garak: no chemistry at all, the age gap was uncomfortable even if they are Alien and finally Zyal was forgotten by everyone including Garak.
Ishka/Zek: I know Zek was used as some kind of comic relief. I never really liked this character. The way he treated Pel, forcing her to be on the run was awful. Suddenly, he started to understand Ferengi women were people just because he dated Ishka. I'm sorry but love isn't going to change a misogynist guy. Aside from his interaction with Ishka, we don't really get to see a true evolution. The best thing he ever did was to choose Rom for his place. The issue with Pel was never solved and she was saved because Quark paid Zek. Otherwise, she would have been arrested. Ishka deserved better.
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asamandra · 2 years
Okay, so... in Germany we have this phrase for a remarkable stupid person: “Arsch mit Ohren”. Literally translated it means “Ass with ears”. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea.
The thing is... Star Trek DS9 was released in 1993... that’s... quite a few days... so... today I was watching a DS9 episode and Quark was looking down and I thought ‘he, his head looks like an ass’ and then I noticed the huge ears and it hit me... after twenty nine fucking years!!! Ferengis look like asses with ears!!
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It took me TWENTY NINE YEARS!!!!!
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ladygrinninghole · 17 days
obsessed with star trek repeatedly writing themselves into a corner by creating alien races that are supposed to be The Bad Guys when that explicitly conflicts with their previously established notion that no group of people is inherently good or evil.
first it was the klingons—they’re originally supposed to be this cruel, bloodthirsty, war-obsessed people—and then tng comes along and it’s like wait no maybe war and violence is a part of their culture and actually ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies so we have to be woke about it.
hey these are the ferengi and they’re supposed to represent everything we hate about capitalist society; they’re greedy, scheming, profit-obsessed, and they look like ugly little trolls to emphasize how much we fucking HATE capitalism. oh wait fuck here comes deep space nine and we have to recognize that they’re PEOPLE. okok what if the pursuit of profit is actually part of their culture and ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies. so we have to be woke about it.
this is the borg, they’re a hivemind race of cyborgs who have no sense of individuality and their only motivation is assimilating people into their society. they want to assimilate humanity and we are completely defenseless against them because their technology is eons ahead of our own and they’re incapable of being reasoned with. oh sweet we have a borg prisoner this is the perfect opportunity to commit genocide against them. fuck actually we can’t commit genocide we’re woke and communists and in space.
hey these are the cardassians, they’re part of a cruel and vicious empire which is supposed to be a representation of fascism and authoritarian regimes, they’re a cold, bloodthirsty people with no sense of empathy or compassion, their society literally references 1984 on multiple occasions, and they’re known for the insanely cruel and inhumane methods of torture they use against their prisoners of war. we hate the cardassians…….. except, here’s a cardassian kid who grew up on bajor, and……. fuck. he’s a person. now we actually have to consider his humanity. and being racist is actually……. bad.
this is the jem’hadar, they’re genetically engineered soldiers who have no sense of individuality and only live to defend the state. they’re all born addicted to a synthetic drug that’s manufactured by the state and administered by their masters—this is how they’re kept subservient. they’re ruthless and powerful and they’re incapable of being reasoned with because their only motivation is violence and killing. so we should kill them all, right? FUCK….. what if they’re actually people. goddamnit. now we have to consider their humanity.
hey these are the romulans. hey these are the founders. the list goes on. i just find it really interesting
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departmentq · 28 days
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roguetelepaths · 1 year
You know, I bet the Ferengi have someone like Ea-Nasir and he's like. a saint or something
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lt-kaollumn · 6 months
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Come get your drinks at QUARK’S!
unfortunately, Quark is understaffed this evening and has to run tables himself. he’s not happy, but at least he’s fabulous.
(prints in progress!)
So, whatcha having?
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trenicat · 3 months
I know out-of-universe they probably came up with the whole vacuum desiccation thing because "the ferengi sell their ashes" and "the ferengi sell taxidermied body parts" seemed too gruesome or not scifi enough and it's supposed to be a haha funny capitalism parody
BUT it is interesting how a society in an almost-perpetually rainy environment, whose religion contains prominent water imagery, has funerary customs which emphasize dehydrating the body. Of course part of it has to do with the remains being easier to handle/sell, but there are other ways to achieve that. I feel like it has potential, there could be something about how the ferengi view the body and soul. E.g., maybe in some parts of ferenginar they believe/d that the soul is water, and that removing the water from the body helps the soul reach the divine treasury, and the practice caught on regardless of whether the original belief did
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milton-dammers · 3 months
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Jeffrey Combs (all episodes) Deep Space Nine
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feral-ferengi · 6 months
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I couldn't resist redrawing this one..
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..but then with Quark. ✨️
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andyoullhearitagain · 4 months
Spock's eyeshadow this, Spock's eyeshadow that, what about Quark's smokey eye, huh? We need to be talking about this.
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the-last-dillpickle · 28 days
One of those 'Oops we got blackout drunk and got married in Vegas' trope fics but it's Julian and Quark waking up married at Vic's
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ds9-polycule-tales · 1 year
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Credit to Dominion Media Television on FB
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devotedlittlefreak · 8 months
I wonder if there was a whole department of DS9's prod entirely dedicated to Ferengi clothing.
Did they hired a dozen people in 1992, and the job description was like : "This man will need to serve cunt every week for the next 7 years."
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