zidane-xv · 3 years
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tagged by @babyvoxofficial​ for 9 current favourite songs! (+bonus 1 for 10!) basically a little bit of what i’ve been listening to to kick off the first week of this year... i’m listening to like 3-5 albums a day help i’m so hungry for music lately this is just a samplng
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tagging @supimmark​, @eruukat​, @mixedmiraculous​, @erroneousmonk​, @kingkoopasconeyislanddiscopalace​, @zoctorziggy​, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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babyvoxofficial · 3 years
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tagged by @star99 for current 9 fave songs:)
tagging: @zidane-xv @feraligatrusedfly @harpielady @92s @scorpjenn @riphagiasophiacat @circusworms @thespinyechidna @lecheconlimon @crispy6usiness @bonghitsforalgernon and anyone else who wants to - tag me in yours so i can check out your songs!!
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notstars-doors · 5 years
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that moment when your best friend is a real actual Goddess
Taken by me
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nabulos · 7 years
2017 Year In Review
I had promised myself that 2017 would be the year of creation. Where I would really put an effort into my creative self, as well as my ambitious self. So let's see how that worked out.
Before we get into the actual summary, I just wanted to say that I spent New Years Eve with family, playing card games, in such genuine happiness and warmth, that it felt nostalgic, and ephemeral in a way that is altogether happy and sad. A bittersweetness, that I hope is only complemented by good things that I know I can look back to this year.
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So let's start of with creations: I made 73 completed works of art, as well as having really delved into my novel Out of those completed works of art, 21 were personal drawings, 31 for a COMPLETED Inktober, 7 for showing, 6 for friends, 5 for radness, and 3 non-drawing pieces.
Next let's go to ambitions: I was able to really start my archive work for my family Bought all the pieces and assembled my brand new super duper deluxe desktop I also bought a new laptop that I can/have draw/drawn in. I also was able to buy videogames for the first time on my own in about 5 years and prep for streams I started some crazy big projects, that I hope to see completed in this year
Next friends: I was able to meet up with @aurelious-auria and @feraligatrusedfly alongside a bunch of my other friends I was told by many people that they love and appreciate me, and i was able to personally justify that through the nerdiest thing i could think of: a poll I also started to RP with a friend, and through it became a lot closer to her And oh gosh, so many people gifted me things and wrote me things, and drew me things, that I know I'm loved
Other positive things: While the depression is still kicking my butt, I have found ways to fight at it, and make myself feel better, if only for small bouts I started to open up to the idea that my talents are decent, and that there may be a hobbyist future in it for me I became more confident in my personality and have found ways to prevent the bouts of crippling self loathing through cataloged reassurances I started using "XD" again unironically, and god do I feel unburdened.
and now, the negatives:
The biggest thing that destroyed me this year was the passing of my grandma. Something that I still have trouble really talking about. It's strange and awful, but known and expected. I just wish it wasn't. To that point, many people passed away this year, and one that hit me close was Chester Bennington. I don't think I have to elaborate why, but yeah. Politics this year has been an enormous strain, and I have had a non-ceasing paranoia since the election last year. Seeing the way I have to maneuver and speak out about basic human empathy has really hurt my soul. I have had such enormous feelings of loneliness and isolation, that was only compounded by the fact that I've only hung out with people 14 times this past year.
Into the new year: It has been a strange and tumultuous year, but I've found ways to combat it. Perhaps not successfully, but better than last. History tells us that time is cyclical, that tyrants rise, revolutions happen, radical change comes, things settle, and then things escalate to tyranny again. I don't want our cycle to end in the fall of the republic, but I don't want to sit back idly either. I will keep fighting the fight to make myself better, to help others, and to create as much of a positive force in this world as I can. I created so much this past year, and I will create more in the coming year. I will keep going, and inshallah, god willing, we will all make the world better for each other.
Fight for a good new year. Dare to believe you can survive.
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questions for the blogger!
i was tagged by everyone’s fave cherub @bonghitsforalgernon :*
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. nicknames: gigi, alberta einstein (that’s a new one someone gave me it’s just so fucking funny kfhsalkfh)
2. gender: girl! haven’t though too much about it
3. sun sign: scorpio :( 
4. height: 5′4 i think?? but i wear heels all the time so you’d never know...
5. time: 10:21pm
6. birthday: 14•11•1998
7. favorite bands: shinee, stellar, brown eyed girls, wonder girls, t-ara, f(x), loona, miss a, snsd, red velvet... idk i don’t have a problem with any kpop groups except like g*t7 lmao.. other than kpop i really can’t think of any bands LOL
8. favorite solo artists: hyuna, taemin, jonghyun, mariah carey, gain, uhm jung hwa, beyonce, sade, 
9. song stuck in my head: move (taemin)
10. last movie i watched: i think it was the wind rises...
11. last show i watched: probably house hunters tbh
12. when did i create my blog: should be 2013...
13. what do i post/reblog: stuff that fits my color scheme (that’s what the 14 tag is btw), various fandoms, fashion, kpop, some like sj stuff lol
14. last thing i googled: “not unless you’re gay man”
15. other blogs: i have a linguistics blog :) and the blog for my shop!
16. do i get asks: almost never LOL
17. why i chose my url: lesbian
18. following: 600
19. followers: 1026
20. average hours of sleep: 7-8h :) 
21. lucky number: 14!
22. instruments: used to play alto sax in school.. am gonna get back to learning piano by myself soon :) 
23. what am i wearing: sweater and leggings!
24. dream job: linguistics professor :D anything in linguistics tbh
25. dream trip: china, once i learn more mandarin :) 
26. favorite food: bbq eel man...
27. nationality: canadian-uruguayan (finally got my dual citizenship lol)
28. favorite song right now: come 2 me (uhm jung hwa)
29. last book read: sailor moon vol 12 LOL
30. top three fictional universes you’d like to join: hmm they’re all always going to shit before the heroes come save them... sailor moon? i just want to see pluto and give her a kiss.. howl’s moving castle so howl can give me a kiss.. i really can’t think of any others i haven’t watched any shows in so long LOL
tagginggg @zidanexv @feraligatrusedfly @crispy6usiness @the-king-of-tarot-flowers @cherryearrinqs  @ochacolate @trenchgun and whoever else wants to do it :D 
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theskee · 9 years
Hi! just wanted to pop in and say I love when u go on food reblogging sprees! i love hoarding all the desert recipes!! ^w^
Thank you! I just get in those moods and obsess about food! Glad I’m not the only one who enjoys that!
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lanceandblake · 9 years
ginna be real i thought ur etsy name was NARFqueen and I just laughed because what's a NARF? I dunno but it sounds hilarious
LOL a NARPF is the National Association of Retired Poor Folks
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lolita-tips · 9 years
Hi! I noticed you had some taobao service recs in your faq, but is there a specific one that you personally trust?
I always use TaoBaoNow. They’ve always been very good to me, easy to talk to and quick to respond to communication and their ordering system is very easy to use.
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nyx-n-nox · 9 years
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thespinyechidna · 10 years
Tag thing
Repost with your own answers then tag ten people! I was tagged by 80smagicamew Name: Jayden
Nickname: Jay and Gayden….lol
Birthday: November 7 (1996)
Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: gay af
Height: 5’10-ish??
Favourite colors: blue
Time and date it is here: 10:12 PM
Average hours of sleep a night: anywhere between 5 and 10 depending on the night
Lucky number: I don’t really have one but I like 24 for some reason
Last thing I googled was: busáras (didn't know what that was lol)
Most used phrase(s): there are so many
First word(s) that come to mind: bugle horn (is that a real thing)
Last thing I said to a family member: "yeah"
Favourite fictional character: uuuuuuuh. Idk probably anyone from the office or parks and rec

Favourite beverages: cherry coke, gingerale I guess
Favourite food: quesadillas!!
Dream holiday: anywhere with lots of nature to explore
Dream wedding: getting married is literally the last thing on my mind rn so idk :p
Dream job: Idk probably a language teacher or a translator
I’m tagging: 
- meumie
- ezmiezitt
- caprisunandrocky
- feraligatrusedfly
- notstars-doors
- butraura
- hannahheart96
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vivalamerlin · 10 years
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my babes <3
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notstars-doors · 5 years
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Looks like the Goddess was shining down on us that day ✨
Link: me!
Zelda: @cecenicks
photographer: @feraligatrusedfly
(tumblr killed the quality, click for high def)
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nabulos · 7 years
I got tagged!
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 people you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @krinsyn
​Names: Nabeel, Nabulos
Nicknames: Nab, Beel
Zodiac sign: Saggittarius
Hogwarts house: slytherpuff???
height: 6′
Orientation: heterostraight
Ethnicity: Brown
Favorite fruit: mango
Favorite season: fall or winter
Favorite book series: The Chronicles of Narnia
Favorite fictional character: Optimus Prime
Favorite flower: Daisies? Never been asked this before...
Favorite scent: cold air
Favorite color: purples, reds, oranges
Favorite animal: horse
Favorite artist/band: Daft Punk (runner up Celldweller)
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: I dont particularly like warm liquids
Average sleep hours: 5-7, but not continuous
Number of blankets i sleep with: 1
Dream trip: basically all the countries in the UAE/asian equator, and mongolia
Last thing i googled: rise of the tomb raider cheats (I just finished the game)
Blog created: November 2010
How many blogs do i follow: 84 (I need to cull soon)
Number of followers: 700-ish
What do i usually post about: transformers, social justice, puns
Do i get asks regularly: unfortunately no
I will tag: @sleapygazelle @wolfwisp @eugas @feraligatrusedfly @calllipygian @opalandthegems @astralfantasma @ghstpkmn @sscagnetti @mizuaoi @c0nstantm0tion and anyone else who wants to!
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ren-vii · 10 years
feraligatrusedfly answered your post: promo? giveaway? contest?
do the funkiest dance you can imagine and post it here. i swear to god will draw you something in return just do it please
i will absolutely do this. prepare yourselves.
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lanceandblake · 10 years
period buddieeeeeessssss
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notstars-doors · 5 years
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The Lady and The Handmaiden
@feraligatrusedfly @cecenicks
Taken by me
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