#feral pope rick
cassowariess · 10 months
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invisiblegarabgetruck · 10 months
The end credit got me laughing lol 😭😭
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 9: Mort: Ragnarick
(God is dead and we killed him…and killed him…and killed him)
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Turn away now to avoid the Viking hordes of spoilers ahead
My Favs
Delightfully unhinged…
This is a perfect description of the episode (and this season as a whole)
Somehow this episode combines the afterlife of Norse mythology, Pokémon, Bigfoot becoming an enemy-turned-ally and a showdown with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church into a story that is cohesive and wildly entertaining. Every single screen grab of this episode is one WTF moment after another, probably more so than any other episode to date.
…and sacrilegious
Did I mention that the villain of the episode is the Pope himself? Well it is.
“Fuck you, I’ve been tired”
Gotta love a sassy Morty moment.
Feral Clone Rick
I can imagine the conversation the director had in the recording booth,
“ Hey Ian, we’re going to need you to sound like a rabid squirrel at this moment. No, more rabid. More rabid.”
Plus, I don’t know what comment the writers are saying by implying a feral, animalistic version of Rick can make his way up the hierarchy of the Catholic Church….
Heavy Metal song during the tower defense sequence
Bigfoot being transported into Summer’s clone
Honest moment, I didn’t get why Summer/Bigfoot commented on how small her feet was the first time I watched this episode. I am slow on the uptake.
Popey Ball
I love me a corny pun and the fact that Rick had to point out this very corny, very obvious pun was icing on the cake.
Saying goodbye to Bigfoot
It absolutely killed me that they forced Bigfoot, who is just some guy at this point, back into the woods like he some stray animal. So mean!
Not My Fav
I wish we could have explored other afterlives.
When I saw the cold open for this episode I got really excited because I’m a bit of a mythology and religion nerd and I was expecting that this episode was going to be more of a deeper dive into different kinds of afterlives. It was a little bit disappointing that we only visited Valhalla and, very briefly, Jerry’s concrete and fog machine heaven. If I had written or pitched this episode I would have loved to see Rick and Morty hop around to different religions’ afterlives (Greek, Egyptian, Christian, Buddhist,etc.) and use different elements of those afterlives to harness infinite energy and defeat the Pope. Maybe in an early draft they went in that direction and it just got too bogged down and they had to cut back. Or maybe Valhalla is the only afterlife that Rick had a chance of getting into. He sure isn’t getting into Christian heaven after this episode.
My Thoughts
The concept of an afterlife is a bit tricky to develop in a show where one of your main characters is a staunch atheist and there is a scientific and naturalistic explanation for everything, including things that are traditionally associated with the supernatural, i.e. the afterlife. Of course, the explanation is nothing but science fiction mumbo-jumbo, that is said rapidly and moved on quickly, less we dwell on the nonsense too long. Nevertheless, I prefer the attempt to create consistency in the show's philosophy rather than have the writers throwing their hands in the air and conceding to the existence of the supernatural. Curious observation, we never see any deities in Valhalla and the Valhallans haven’t either since Rick is able to convince them that he’s Odin. Feral Rick being hung on a crucifix didn’t escape my attention either. It’s a running joke that Rick’s a god but maybe it’s not a joke after all…
This seems like a standalone episode but there has been a trend since season 4 or season 5 to have the penultimate episode connect with the finale, so I’m interested to see if this trend will continue. I don’t buy that Rick wants to tap into the afterlife just for the wealthy of infinite energy. Do you?
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drawmanations · 10 months
RnM S7 E9 final thoughts
honestly I have to get to writing my next whumpcember and start on the one the day after, so I won't bother with the pros/cons
Besides, it is very biased so-
I honestly liked it. Like 'how poopy got his poop back' alright, just a solid one. I found it very funny and I did chuckle a it at the Pope ball joke.
I was fully expecting Rick to inherit the body of the feral Rick, but the feral Rick being someone different and becoming the pop is much better. And I honestly enjoyed the pokemon references
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angelthefirst1 · 2 years
Beginning to the end of Coda
Beth: Hey it's been awhile...I'm gonna be honest I forgot about you... 😉
It's been awhile since I've had motivation to post about our long lost Sheriff or Twd, but no...I have absolutely not given up, I've been patiently waiting for her.
Nothing has changed, none of the signs have gone away and infact as we get more information the clearer I think it's becoming that they planned to make her story the Coda to the main show.
Did I ever think it would take until the spin-offs? No...
But, looking into the Daryl spin-off and with the limitated information we have on it. A few things peeked my interest.
Daryl is heading to Paris where he will fall in with a religious group, and he gets taken there against his will.
As we see everything repeating and inverting i believe the template will be the Leah story all over again but with a different outcome and Beth - obviously.
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It seems the spin-off will repeat the story of how Daryl falls in with Pope and his religious group against his will and it's in part because of Leah.
For Daryl in season 4, the Claimers came after losing Beth but before finding her again. While the Reapers came after Leah but before he finds her again (where he ultimately kills her)
It was a long time between them next meeting again, 4-5 years I believe.
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The write-up on the Reapers stoyline deliberately connects them to the Claimers and we know the Claimers connect us to Beth's timeline and they are inverting and repeating that same story with Leah, showing us parts of what will happen before the main event still to come.
Emily has been to France at last twice that we know of and could well have filmed while there...
She posted this while there in 2017 which is very suspicious and makes me think this has been on the cards for a long time.
I guess we will see...but I'm looking for any French connections to Beth or Leah that might point further to this.
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She was also in Paris last Christmas I believe.
The two (Leah and Beth) are so obviously shadows of each other but Leah was just a harbinger of the new Beth to come.
Leah is repeating Beth's past, while showing Beth's future.
11.06 On the inside, is a great example of this.
It shows Connie and Virgil in a repeat of the alone house
I've always said that Beth and Daryl in Alone were being watched, just as Connie and Virgil found out in this episode.
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They are not alone and Connie scratches it into this painting, which is called The wolf and fox hunt.
Beth being the Wolf (we know that she claims that title from Still) will be hunted at some point.
The creatures in this haunted "Alone" house with Connie are called "Ferals" and are described as humans who lost their sense of self and become animals. The opposite of the funeral home where Beth praised Whomever was living there for not losing their humanity.
The same episode shows another angle of the timeline around Alone, as the Reapers are searching houses looking for Maggie's group.
Repeating the Claimers search for Rick and Michonne, while Daryl is in the middle of the two groups.
Meanwhile Connie (Beth) is missing...do you see how they have twisted everything to include all the same aspects, stories and visuals of the past? While telling a new story...
They are converging many aspects from season 4. Daryl pulls on the electrical wires outside the houses to alert his people, he becomes a version of the Alone dog setting off the traps ouside and alerting Maggie who is inside of the danger.
They have combined visual aspects from Alone, and the Claimers era, things like the boards on the windows to the pictures on the walls designed to replicate both the funeral home and the Claimers house.
Daryl is one of the "Claimers" here but in this timeline it was when Rick was hiding in the house under the bed, this time it's Maggie's group hiding under the floor.
They all quietly escape the house avoiding detection just as Rick did.
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Leah also mentions her version of the Still cabin fire, which is a past event on her timeline. And as Daryl was with her in that fire the two worlds have been smashed together.
The obvious:
Judith has been playing Beth in this coda retelling of season 5.
We have known that for a long time and "Rest in peace" is the perfect antonym of Coda where we did not see Beth laid to rest, instead she's still just missing.
That was again emphasised at the close of the series by showing us graves or plaque memorials of the dead.
Still no Beth memorial anywhere to be seen. That's deliberate...
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The reason being we still have no idea what happened after Coda although... they did tell us just with Judith instead.
We see Judith get shot in the same spot Dawn got stabbed by Beth.
We see Daryl go to her...
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We then see the exact moment where a cloud or fog was visually added to Beth's story, blocking our view of what happened to her.
The parts they skipped over with Beth are marked by Daryl shooting the fire extinguisher and blocking our view of the events to come...
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We here see them with Judith instead
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Daryl carries Judith just like Beth, ouside the "hospital" Eugene meets the group outside as they exit the building.
Walkers surround the building and they get trapped...
Judith opens her eyes indicating she is alive. (Beth's timeline it's possible no one will know)
Continued part 2...
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