#fennec shand is a gay icon
I made y’all an ice cream cone. It’s one scoop Boba x reader and one scoop Fennec x reader. If you enjoy it, I’ll make you a whole sundae.
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Boba Fett - or at least the person she supposed must be Boba Fett - along with his menacing entourage and a masked man in chains entered the antechamber unannounced.
“I’m here to see the mayor.”
Her eyes widened and a furrows appeared between her brows. She tried to scroll through her data pad, but she was reluctant to take her eyes off of imposing figure of Boba Fett.
“Do you have… an appointment?” she asked in a small, hesitant voice. She’d always been able to hold her own, but this broad man had a powerful quality that made her feel like shrinking against the wall.
“I found one of his stray pets. I’m here to return it to its master,” he growled. She swallowed.
The Majordomo, that gladhanding little worm, appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
“Apologies, Lord Fett. I did not see your litter arrive,” he offered as he dipped his head apologetically. “The mayor is indisposed but I’m sure we have an appointment available some time late next week…”
He moved behind her and, as he reached around to take the data pad from her hands, placed one of his palms on her ribcage. This one was step too far. She could tolerate his leering for the sake of keeping herself fed and housed, but she would not be subjected to groping.
“Get your hands off of me before I slap you back into your mother!”
The majordomo jerked back with a stunned expression on his face.
“You want to see the mayor?” she said, looking directly at the Daimyo. She grabbed a key card from a rack on the reception podium, walked defiantly over to the locked door to the mayor’s office, and swiped the card over the locking panel. The red light turned green and the door opened.
“His schedule just opened up,” she said, throwing the key card back onto the podium before turning to walk past them all and out the door.
“I quit!” she shouted over her shoulder.
He sent Fennec to find her. He needed an administrative assistant and she had moxie. Fennec tracked her to a hole in the wall cantina drinking cheap, adulterated spotchka. The Daimyo’s job offer included a generous salary and a private living quarters, but she knew to be suspicious.
“Does the Daimyo know how to keep his hands to himself?” she asked warily.
“If he doesn’t, I’ll cut them off myself.”
Fennec’s assurance was enough for the moment. She accepted the position and found herself packing her belongings the following morning to make the short hike up to the palace. As she was leaving and turning in her key for the cramped little room for which she paid exorbitant rent, Fennec arrived on a bantha to collect her.
“I though you’d have more possessions.”
“I’m flattered, but I’m also poor.”
Fennec chuckled and gave her a leg up onto the bantha. She rode astride behind Fennec, holding her around the waist as the bantha plodded along.
“You’ll like working for the Daimyo,” she said over her shoulder. “He’ll keep you out of trouble.”
“Does he keep you out of trouble?” she asked coyly.
“He couldn’t even if he tried.”
They were both silent for a while. As the bantha climbed the hill towards the palace, Fennec spoke to her over her shoulder again.
“You made him laugh, you know. With what you said to the majordomo. He couldn’t stop talking about it.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised.
“He think you’re gutsy. The Daimyo endeavors to surround himself with gutsy women, apparently.”
“You’ll be free of unwanted advances,” offered the Daimyo, sensitive to her unease with the possibility of being taken advantage of by men holding power over her. “I ask for loyalty, but loyalty is meant to be reciprocated. You are now under my protection.”
“Thank you, Daimyo,” she said, still wary of him.
“You have nothing to fear under Boba Fett,” said Fennec in an unexpectedly soft voice that momentarily caught Boba off guard. Fennec warmed to few of the palace staff, Boba thought. She must like this one.
Boba liked her too. He had now doubt that she would at least try to make good on her threat of violence against Mok Shaiz’ majordomo. Now that Boba knew what a lecherous pest he was, he might just find an excuse to feed him to the rancor. Boba was certain that his new assistant would fit in just fine with his motley crew. Fennec was certainly fond of her, and although he found her striking as well, he had the good sense to leave her be. If she decided to climb into his bed, or Fennec’s, all the more reason to keep her safe.
This was originally going to be a one shot but now it’s a whole thing.
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Has anyone written a Boba Fett x reader x Fennec Shand threesome yet? Because @daimyosprincess gave me an idea…
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Part VI of Fate’s Epitaph, based on a shared lucid dream with @meshlaxbunny
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For the first time in many months, she woke at sunrise. For the first time ever, she woke up in the arms of a man who would tear the whole planet apart to keep her safe. Boba Fett felt familiar, like the warmth of a campfire or the taste of fresh, clean water from her water skin. Like the slow jog of her dewback under saddle. Like the possibility of belonging somewhere, to someone.
She straddled his hips and laid her head back down onto his chest. He put his arms around her neck and kissed the top of her head. They remained like that, drifting in and out of sleep, until Boba’s comm beeped.
Normally Fennec Shand would not hesitate to walk in to Boba’s private chambers and wake him with intel from the previous night’s patrols or a plan for the day, but she didn’t want to intrude upon his privacy this morning. He’d brought that pretty little thing up to his bedroom after the banquet and whatever happened after that was none of her business, but it did make Fennec consider finding a pretty little thing of her own to keep her warm through the cool desert nights. Fennec thought about visiting the flirty little waitress at the open air cafe in the town center to see if maybe she’d want to give a night in the palace a try. Boba needed to show his face in town and scare some sense into mayor Mok Shaiz anyway.
“I’ll be down in an hour, Fennec,” Boba said into his comm. He maneuvered Lalya on to her back and kissed her forehead. He was hard, but restrained his desire. Hers was the lead he should follow in this regard, and she was content with affection that crossed the boundaries of propriety, but only just. He moved to settle his hips between her legs and allowed his erection, straining through his shorts, to rest on her belly. He kept his focus on her face, though, and spoke softly to her in Mando’a with his lips only a hair’s breath from hers. She blinked sleepily and smiled, burying her face where his wide, strong jaw met the muscles in his neck.
She spent the day with her dewback, first accompanying Boba Fett and Fennec Shand into town and then loping up Xelric Draw before heading back to the palace. A full day and night of rest made him fresh and he tossed his thick head and dug into the dirt for a few strides in a fantastic gallop on the way back to Boba Fett’s palace, which the dewback understood instinctively to be his new home. The ride gave her time to think. Was this what she wanted? Was she trading her freedom for another chain? It was, she decided, in both her and Boba’s best interests to have a frank conversation about what was happening between them. She had no designs on his power. Up until only a day ago, he was no more than a ghost from her painful past. He clearly did not intend for her to be his slave or concubine and she had no family worth marrying into. If anything, a publicly verifiable romantic relationship with a laborer and former slave would be seen as a weakness, but he seemed unconcerned to have her by his side in front of the three ruling families of Mos Espa. Her antennae were ever attuned to the possibility of exploitation, but she felt no sense of alarm at Boba Fett’s behavior towards her. He was like the clear blue pool of an oasis - transparent and serene.
To Fennec’s delight, though she’d never admit it, the waitress was serving coffee and batting her pretty eyes at customers. Boba cut his eyes at Fennec and smirked.
“You’re a dog, Fennec.”
“Learned from the best, boss.”
They took a seat at a small table under an old cloth awning and Fennec waived her waitress over.
“Daimyo, Mistress Shand. What can I get you today?”
Fennec made no attempt to disguise the way her eyes walked their way up and down the waitress’ figure.
“Let’s start with your name, sweetness.”
Tisila. Fennec liked the way the girl’s name felt in her mouth. Boba had never seen Fennec flirt and found the whole scenario deeply amusing. He would have teased her were he not utterly infatuated with his own little desert flower.
She was a natural flirt, but Tisila was quite obviously far more receptive to Fennec than any of her regular customers. She had not expected this kind of attention from Master Assassin Fennec Shand, the beautiful and terrifying woman who put the enemies of the Daimyo in their place or six feet under. What had she to offer someone like Fennec?
A nice hourglass figure, thick thighs, round cheeks (both upper and lower) and a bright smile - according to Fennec, who had once described her ideal woman to Boba after a few drinks. Now that she’d seen her up close and exchanged banter with her little waitress, Tisila, she was well and properly smitten.
“I can’t let you have all the fun,” she told Boba on the walk back up to the palace that evening.
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@dukeoftheblackstar THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, COMRADE
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I’ve been UTTERLY EXHAUSTED lately because I started a new job and it’s a rodeo of nightmares. I’m getting my fic writing muscles warmed back up for @meshlaxbunny’s Fate’s Epitaph series by taking a short jog around the track with a sequel to what was supposed to be a one-shot.
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The Daimyo maintained a respectful distance, but Fennec flirted mercilessly. A few weeks in to her new position as an administrative assistant at the palace and she was already fighting the urge to crawl to Fennec on her hands and knees and beg for whatever crumbs of affection Fennec had to offer. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that.
One evening after a particularly long day of navigating bureaucratic foolishness and very real threats of violence, Fennec pulled her favorite administrative assistant into her lap.
“Take a sip of this. I promise you’ll like it.”
Fennec wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck as she took a sip of a bubbly drink from a long fluted glass.
“You like it?”
She nodded.
Fennec reached between her legs and cupped gently with one hand while her other found its way under her shirt to knead her breast and pinch her nipple. The smoothness of these motions simultaneously made her gasp.
“I told you you’d like it.”
For her the night started in Fennec’s lap and ended on her knees in Fennec’s bed with Fennec’s fingers making soft squishing noises as they thrust into her and worked her clit. By the time she fell asleep with her limbs and Fennec’s tangled together, the taste of Fennec’s own pussy on her mouth had not yet faded.
In the morning Fennec kissed her forehead and drew circles on her back with her fingertips.
“So only the Daimyo keeps his hands to himself?” she asked, jokingly.
“The Daimyo doesn’t want to scare you off. Good help is hard to find,” replied Fennec.
“And what if you scare me off?”
“You didn’t seem scared last night.”
He wasn’t jealous of Fennec. If he wanted an attractive bed warmer, he could go out and find one quite easily. But loyal palace staff, that was harder to come by. Best not to spook her by inviting her into his chambers. She did not take kindly at all to the majordomo’s unwanted advances and in any case, Boba was not inclined to coerce a woman.
Seeing Fennec furtively grab a handful of her ass as they went over shipment details on a data pad together did raise his eyebrows. Not just his eyebrows.
She didn’t spend every waking minute with Fennec. They weren’t exclusive, as far as Boba observed. She seemed as independent as ever, only now with the glowing confidence of someone who is getting laid regularly and enthusiastically.
“Come here,” he said flatly to her from the throne one afternoon when he was feeling especially deprived of the feel of a pliant, appreciative lover in his hands and on his bare skin.”
She approached him respectfully, but without the reticence and wariness of her early days at the palace.
“What can I do for you, Lord Fett?”
He removed his helmet and allowed his eyes to soften.
“Would Fennec mind if you came to bed with me, little one?”
“Not at all,” she replied brightly.
“And would you mind?”
She put down her data pad and climbed the throne to straddle him. Their foreheads nearly touched.
“Of course not.”
Her mouth felt like warm rain against his skin. There was comfort in her touch and it surprised him. An oasis, he thought, as he pressed the tip of his cock into her. She gripped his forearms and he studied her face carefully. Boba kept his desperation in check for as long as he could, but once he was inside her he fell apart, kissing her desperately and gripping her jaw with one hand while with the other he dug his fingers into her thigh.
She laid with her head on his chest and his heartbeat lulled her to sleep. The weight and warmth of her was enough to make him wonder if he’d even be able to share her with Fennec.
Maybe there will be a third part, but maybe not. This was a good little exercise either way.
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