coco-romcom · 8 months
Pain tolerance
Women have higher pain tolerace than men, it´s just how they are build!
no its not
The first time i felt pain i was six years old, at a hair salon, the hair dresser tried with heat and strength to erease all of the curls in my head, erasing the memory that there ever was a wave, i cried and my mom told me how pretty i looked. She took me there every week for months.
The second time i felt pain i was twelve, I had really bad acne, mom took me to the doctor and he gave me creams that burned my skin and recomended me a lady with not so gentle hands that squeezed all the gunk off my face until i had no tears left to cry. I went once a month for years, and the creams were my prayer every night that didn´t let me sleep, until the acne went away.
The thirtd time was more constant, more chronic, my shoulders sinked with the burden of womanhood, my back hurts as my chest got heavier with the expectation of femininity. and there was nothing i could do about it, im still in pain.
The fourth time i though it was wrong, it coudnt hurt that much, it was supposed to be enyoiable, but the only one enyoing is him, i let it slide the first time, i thougth it was his fault, then the second with a different one, and the third too, all the same. by the fourth you just get used to it
We are not build with pain, we are raised with pain.
We are born in pain, raised with pain and give birth in pain, all of it and then pretend that its nothing.
its not build in us, its forced in us
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ccdhc · 1 year
é muita coisa na cabeça. nao consigo parar de pensar. é presente, passado e futuro. futuro nao tao distante, passado não tao longe, presente nao tao perto e muito menos constante e seguro. as vezes eu so queria desligar. sao os medos. medos. medos que parecem grandes (talvez realmente sejam, mas me recuso a aceitar), medos que ainda nao conhecem o caminho da minha mente, mas sabem caminhar nela. sao 23:52 e eu nao consigo dormir porque nao tenho um grupo conciso de amigos, nao me identifico com ninguém, sou muito boa em tudo mas nunca sou boa em nada. Tenho saudade de um passado que acabou de passar. mas não é porque tenho saudade que eu voltaria para lá. Me sinto uma borboleta em meio de jacarés. interpretem como quiserem. todas as interpretações estão certas.  Só queria ser menos “sabe tudo”, menos única, menos chata, menos madura, menos crítica, menos estúpida, menos eu. Quero poder ser quem eu sou sem ser julgada. admiro a autenticidade do meu pai, mas ele também acabou sozinho no final. Quero me reconhecer ao me olhar no espelho, queria lembrar da minha infância (parece que foi em outra vida), quero comer sem me preocupar em colocar tudo pra fora instantes depois, quero gritar, quero ser uma adolescente burra, ordinária e sem sal, que nao sabe quem foi kafka e muito menos freud. quero me reconher nas minhas fotos de infância. Eu amo coturnos, magreza, meus olhos com sombra escura e meus cabelos longos e extremamente lisos, minhas unhas pretas, minha jaqueta de couro. é muita coisa na cabeça. Quem sou eu? Quem eu sou? Medo? Fúria? Cansaço? Incerteza? Certeza? Fim? Começo? Picada? Antídoto? Paz? Guerra?. Nao sou nada. Sou o vazio que sinto. Sou a luz do por do sol indo embora, sou a dor do prazer, sou o gelo que queima. São 23:52. é muita coisa na cabeça.  -autoral. 
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lopposting · 2 months
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4uru · 9 months
Man. Go watch Bulbul on netflix. Just do it. Bc i am sick and tired of being the only one to ramble about this movie. Ekta maal banaise maal. Mane srsly bhai ja pls-
(Femrage, violently killing rapists and pedophiles, horror, witches / churails, desi rural legends/mythology, social commentary on child marriage) JUST GO AND WATCH IT U COWARDS-
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I think I know how the Marauders Map ended up in Filch’s office.
Filch had been at Hogwarts under the title of Caretaker from approximately 1973, which was - coincidentally - two years after the Marauders begin their residency at Hogwarts themselves. Rather than being the long-suffering if torture-obsessed squib that most of us think of him as, I recently read @wizardlogic and his art history purist version of regular old Filch which I LOVE>>>>
Anyway, I know HPWiki goes on to theorise that it was Snape (subtle) who was the ultimate betrayer of the magical map and passed it into the hands of an otherwise controlling and under-qualified abuser. I seek to dispute this with a possibly projective, emotionally strung and fairly assumptive rebuttal. Thank you fo reading thus far. *High five*
As much as the word  a l w a y s  still brings more than a single tear to my eye, I feel strongly for every single woman who’s had a beloved friend abuse their relationship by pressing unwarranted feelings, leaned into a dangerous vice or group of friends against better judgement, been fighting their own demons without succumbing to the “dark side” of this friend and even been willing to lay down their life to help them only to be hurt. 
Hurt people hurt people you know? I know these people. These people have hurt and maybe even scarred me. I still love these people. It’s a soft spot you want to protect. You want to protect them. It literally NEVER ENDS. You know the theory that at the time of their murder, Lily was pregnant? You know that same theory that says Lily and Severus had made a tentative amends and he was named godfather of the new little fluttering snitch in Lily’s womb? That’s what I mean! It’s like no matter whether Snape was  turning a new leaf, or being manipulative, or if he was being manipulated by others - any sincerity no matter how manufactured, would have worked on Lily. She had so many well-intentioned sister inclinations that were being unfulfilled by a sister who had cut her out, she had such a strong need for family, and Snape was her family too, no matter how poorly he treated her it would be the same way Lily would have forgiven Petunia in an instant. It’s why we love the Marauders, but we love the Marauders plus Lily even more. 
Family isn’t always nice. They know the boundaries with each other. They know when breaking them will hurt; like Mudblood spilled across the grass. We may not have ever met her in the pages of Harry Potter’s life properly - she wasn’t even 22 years old when she died - I’m no doubt projecting, but I know that fiery red-head wouldn’t have let the embarrassment of that nerve-edged afternoon go without her own kid of punishment. At the time of the big fight we remember from the flashback James’ threat of removing Snape’s undergarments (another trans-theory I have a particularly fond affinity for) - we remember Lily’s disgust at being blackmailed into saving her friend from any further humiliation, and then her heartbreak and anger at being attacked in a different way - from an unlikely source hanging in her mind in wait for her defence. She’s sure to recover, the word isn’t new and she’s very familiar with the new crowd her friend is spending more and more time around. It’s only a gut feeling and it’s NO WHERE NEAR the kind of horrific return of the not distant-enough fear of Grindelwald’s dogma which would have seen her family enslaved and herself treated possibly with a kind of suspicion that was really a very real metaphor of the same Cold War we were  experiencing in the muggle world. She was scared but not scared enough. She felt responsible not only for Snape’s treatment but also by his downward spiral - possibly a metaphor for the same depression Jo tried to inspire with a Dementor literally years later. 
Lily is a loving, empathetic but more importantly, a JUST person. Remember that her most defining quality is being a Gryffindor - they are just, they don’t care about rules - they care about justice. Lily is the one person who feels that she can see both sides - both faces of Severus Snape, a boy she loves fiercely like a brother, who she feels responsible for, who she feels a familiarity which entitles her to serve  justice not just to him - but also in his defence. Remember she might have a strong and loving friendship already with Lupin/Sirius (and Peter? Very little fanfic seems to be written on THAT potential character-shattering-death-induced-heartbreak???) *BUT* she still has a pretty big wall up ready for James, a boy who is not just partaking in an adolescent rivalry with a brother she cares deeply for, but a sensitivity for a version of herself, who misses her sister and who resides, without her obvious realisation, in this child-hood friend.
Lily has never been afraid of anything except the fear of losing those who she loves, and even then she was a force to be reckoned with which I’m sure we can all agree with. How else to truely reap the kind of justice she was seeking on behalf of her friend, no matter how estranged, but to weasel her way into the perpetrator’s life and find a truely sweet way to punish his emotional abuse of her? It may have been the 70s, but women have held a sort of collective rage at being expected to resist the urge to react with whatever indifference, hurt, pain or disgust felt from unwelcome advances because of society especially in public for long enough that I’m surprised we don’t all sport red hair as metaphor to this collective furnace of rage building within. Asking her to date him in lieu of her friend’s public humiliation? She would definitely be going one better. She already had a hunch that there was a secret between those four boys and she was too controlling of her own emotions to allow the hurt of that w o r d to get in the way of her scheming. All she would be doing was exacting the same justice that James whateverthehellwasinthatfuckingmessofhair’shead Potter deserved.
It didn’t matter that she couldn’t yet imagine a future where she would speak to Severus again, it didn’t matter that James’ best friends were boys she too had begun to think of as her own friends. It frankly didn’t cross her mind that what they were doing was protecting each other with this thing they were obviously hiding, let alone protecting only one in their midst. O H NO. She was single minded to the point of clarity. Only one would be going down and she had just the womanly wiles to get this job done.
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yugiohz · 2 years
fellow animanga blogs maybe block radgirlsummer, ms-hells-bells, terf-scorpion, bellmeare, amazingboxlist, femrage apparently they feel represented by ppl who complain about misogyny in animanga
also can people pleaseeee stop using the word rad in their urls if they don’t align with those people because it’s an instant block from me I’m not risking it
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transexualpirate · 3 years
transphobe blocklist prototype!
sorry it isn't very organized. those are just some of the most repetitive people that we've seen on transgenz, spilling terf rethoric and some of them even go as far as to raid people's blogs. some of these are also racists orbiting radblr.
if you think you shouldn't be on this list, please feel free to come to my dms. but be reasonable. start a CIVIL conversation, or don't bother.
@fuckthepope @fuckthepope1534 @terfery @searchingforproofsthatimwrong @garden-owler @yourenotagirlbitch @terf-scorpion @radmista @sickerbook @bullydyke @kirby-with-feet @sendmenubes @pro-woman-princess @dilsency @profetens-apenbaring @pearlsofmind @finnishrogue @femsolid @ms-gay-frogs @partycitywigsale @outlawmen @mattsnightmare3 @fuckgender2 @menalez @sapphicshinigami @overtterfistry @gnc-centric @iamxueyang @magnetictapedatastorage @radgoblin @radkindoffeminist @terfiewerfie @dykeyuu @piquegender @desaturated7 @bisexual-slime @misgenderer @kiefbowl @fox-steward @hmm-uteri @femrage @radicallyaligned @saramonasaid @trans--receipts @someone-will-remember-us @redviolence @womented @jcanofarc @terfdabi @cisallogayreformed @radfemcore @kuhweerz @rudetehm @angrylandblaze @tetraterezi @lilleisak @officially-dykemarching @tehm-ally @honzo-main @gaggot @harringtn @twoxliberation @femalebrained @geoffscrabshack @ivegotnothingbettertodo @penisfingerz @radc2 @apostle-of-sapphos @dangan-fruit-can @zh0re @missouriangothic @fakeboitherottengirl @acid-mommy @asenaries @cisnip @darcy-of-europe @chromosoid @probablyaterf @traumatizer @slavichoodrat @shid @celtyradicalfem @greymatter1982 @greymatter-1982 @girlsfrommars @strawberryessentialoil @barbiesplasticsurgeon @19-16 @biologyisaterf @miss-shorty @byyourladyhell @blossominribcage @e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e
stay safe out there, y'all.
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skywalkersays · 2 years
hey uh dont want to start anything but i see that youve reblogged anti terf posts in the past so i figured id let you know the blog femrage is a terf and has posted some really hateful and unfair things about trans women
thanks for letting me know. deleted it. i cant keep up with these people
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orivu · 3 years
I hate to be that person but that femrage blog talking about OF is a terf. That post got pinged by my filters and it didn’t take me long scrolling on their blog to see them reblogging from other terfs :-(
oh shit :< thanks for telling me!!
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takecare-press · 6 years
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As pertinent as ever. Made by the genius @femrag 💖 http://ift.tt/2H50X3S
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#Repost @jenkirkman (@get_repost) ・・・ Regram of @femrag -I have always thought this!
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suchagoodgeek · 8 years
Spotify has some great women-themed playlists today! I've been listening to "Women of Rock," and am now properly full of fem-rage.
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daftpunk-delorean · 11 years
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askthehackerspies · 12 years
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And here I thought words were soothing. 
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takecare-press · 6 years
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Any one want to submit some work to a rad zine? Some work in the topic of how you’ve canceled men in your life? How you’ve reclaimed your feminine parts? How you noticed other men being canceled? For some other reason that feels relevant to this topic? Well, pals, I say GO FOR IT! @femrag the lit magazine is accepting submissions till the 21st of January. http://ift.tt/2zLGey2
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