decayroute · 3 months
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source - muon098098
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strangekiitten · 6 days
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This is the Fem!Andrew & Ashleys relationship. To me.
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solaceinabandonment · 8 months
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Artist: Izouumi
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coffincestuous · 4 months
andrew transitioning & looking more and more like her mom. think about it.
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coolmaycroft · 8 months
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Audrey graves, Fem andrew
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l0ser313 · 13 days
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Just pulled this outta the depths of my ass, I forgot I made these
Femdrew Gayves and Mascley Gayves
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andrew-nobody · 9 months
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📍 About this blog
Hi, I’m Andrew, I’m a fictive from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. I made this blog because I felt overwhelmed by walking into a system and suddenly being real.
My system is 29 years old.
Send me an ask?
I’m happy to answer questions about plurality, about my experiences in the game, personal shit, kinks — whatever comes to mind.
I might not be able to answer right away. I like to draw in my answers when I can.
Open to role-play as well.
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Nothing I say on this blog is meant to be taken as canonical fact, nor is it meant to impose on anyone else’s interpretation of my character in the game. I speak only for this version of myself.
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This blog follows from @crobody
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Minors, antis, and non-freaks DNI.
🛑 Please no femdrew/crossdressing/forcefem etc content here. System host is transmasc, not interested in causing system dysphoria.
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION while I sort my shit out.
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#andrew-reblogs - Anything I reblogged! If you don’t want to see reblogs, block this tag.
#andrew’s-yammering - Me chatting with people beyond answering asks.
#androodle - My drawings.
#doubles - Interacting with other Andrews.
#poetry - It’s poetry.
#answered-asks - Asks I’ve answered. I also tag asks with the username of the asker, or “anon.”
#kinks - I’m kinky.
#plural, #fictive - Stuff related to being part of a plural system.
#meta - Stuff about the blog.
I also tag characters.
I’m not perfect and might forget to tag something. Please feel free to let me know.
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elphelelt · 1 year
salutes any artist that drews femdrew u mean so much to me
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin’ Ross pt9
Old old friends, trying not to stare, crown differences and Rapunzel’s new plan.  pov everywhere with this one, too sick to care.
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"This is so great I never thought I'd find Cat's Eye Rudy," Rose stared up with one eye into the slitted pupil of the red marble as she held it to the sky.  She beamed at Casandra and, forgetting her shyness for a moment, hugged her, "Thank you so much!"
Cass let out a nervous chuckle at their sudden closeness and brushed a lock of hair back as Rose stepped back, both blushing faintly.  "I should be thanking you; I would have gotten taken in by that charlatan if it weren't for you."  
"Really?"  Rose gave her a curious look as if the idea that the shopkeep was trying to cheat Cass hadn't occurred to her.  "Well, if you hadn't brought me along I wouldn't have found the cat's eye, and I saved a whole crown of my saving too."  
"You only have five crowns?" Cass stared agape for a moment before quickly covering her mouth and straightening her face.  
"Only one now," Rose chirped rolling the marble in her fingers before pulling open the pouch at her waist and dropping it in.  "So worth four months of saving."
Cass chewed her lip quietly for a moment her hand going to the bag of crowns she had on her her hand straining a little to lift them now.  
"Is that my best customer I see with a pretty girl on her arm." A familiar voice broke through Cass' thoughts, and she looked up to see an equally familiar wrinkled old face, sun slanted eyes, and wry smile.  
"Jalen!"  Cass grinned and stepped up to the old man's booth, the front of which was flagged on either side by barrel's full of weapons.  Rose gave them a curious look for a moment before following behind Cass.  "I thought you retired?"  
"You have to have crowns to retire," Jalen grinned, he didn't seem to be at all discontent with his lot, though with his weathered hand held behind his bent back he looked like the picture of a retiree.  It was nearly impossible to tell where his narrow eyes were looking, but Rose seemed to go a little stiff as Jalen asked, "So who's your new friend?"  
"Oh this is Rose," Cass stepped aside fully exposing Rose to the old man whom she smiled too and gave a little wave not knowing how else to greet the unfamiliar old friend of Cass'.  "She's a blacksmith, and she's helping me find some new additions to my collection."  
Jalen nodded back to Rose and let out a sigh, "Sadly I have nothing interesting enough for such an adamant collector as you."  
Cass tried to fix him with a deadpan look, but her grin ruined it, "Ya right Jalen, I know you better than that.  You wouldn't have called me over if you didn;t have something interesting to show me."  
"You give me too much credit my dear," Jalen gave a slight shake of his head, then gave a small grin and peeked open an eye at Cass.  "Besides you wouldn't just come over to talk?"
"Of course I would," Cass leaned over resting her elbows on the stall counter as she began to chat with her old friend.  Rose's eyes suddenly looked away, and she blushed trying to find something to occupy her gaze until Cass stood up straight again.  
Rose eyes fell on one of the barrels of weapons, and she quickly stepped over to it and began moving and turning the hilts of swords and the heads of axes searching through them.  They were all serviceable weapons, though made of low quality steel and not well maintained.  
As she was pushed aside a unsheathed blade, it struck against something unseen deeper in the barrel that rung with an unusual tone.  Reaching in, the naked blades so dull she had no fear of being cut, and grasped the rough round head of something.  Pulling it out Rose found that she was holding what looked like just a metal ball on the end of a metal shaft, its surface was blackened as if it had been pulled from a fire.  
"What's that?" Cass' voice drifted over Rose's shoulder, and she turned to see Cass and the old man looking over at her find.  
"Just an old mace I pulled out of the ashes of a burnt building, it's lighter than it looks, but it's nothing special, 'cept that it has no spikes,"  Jalen commented shaking his head at the item.  
"It's hollow." Rose rapped a knuckle against the head of the weapon, and it reverberated as no solid head would have.  Passing her thumb over the top of it she felt the burnt metal give way and digging her fingers into it pulled up a plug at the top of the weapon revealing it's empty and slightly rust stained interior.
"That's a battle aspergillum!"  Cass exclaimed and reached over taking the weapon in hand and scraping her thumb across the burnt surface exposing a few tiny holes in the weapon's head.  Rose gave her a confused look, "Aspergillum are those wand things priests use to sprinkle blessed water during ceremonies.  That water is supposed to be harmful to undead if you believe in that sort of thing, so they used to make ones like this that are used as weapons."  
Rose took the aspergillum back and looked it again, "Hollowing metal this thick would be difficult, not to mention dotting it with holes like this.  It would take a master's hand to make something like this."  
"And you said you didn't have anything special Jalen," Cass folded her arms and gave him an almost smug look.  
The old man shrugged, "What can I say, it's better to be lucky than clever."  He eyed the item and rubbed his white stubbled chin.  "You can have it for three crowns."  
"Three!" Cass shook her head, "No way it's much too rare for such a low price, six crowns."  
"I suppose, but it's all burnt and damaged,  I couldn't sell it for more than four crowns."  Jalen shook his head this time much slower and reluctant than Cass.
Rose watched the pair haggle in what she was sure was the reverse order she had always seen her mother do it, but then she was never good at haggling.  Cass suddenly seized her by the shoulder and pulled her in close pointing a finger at her.  "I have an expert blacksmith right here who can fix it up new in no time.  Five crowns and that's my final offer."  Cass threw up five fingers and stuck her nose in the air a sigh Camellia had always used right before she either got what she wanted or walked away.  
"All right, all right my dear have it your way, fire crowns."  Jalen acquiesced helplessly, and Cass grinned victoriously.  
"I'm just saying Blondie; I don't see how you're going to find out anything following them wandering around."  Eugene shook his head, his eyes still a little red, but at least he had stopped blubbering once Rose had put the marble away.  
Rapunzel's face went from a frown to a 'ah-ha' smile as she watched Cass and Rose depart from Jalen's booth.  "You're right; I need to talk to Femdrew myself, Pascal and I will get the truth out of her right."  
Pascal nodded definitely and mimicked a thumbs up with his two toed foot.  
Eugene's face fell, and he buried it in his hand, "At least stop calling her that."  
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l0ser313 · 1 month
Transphobic lesbian andrew
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Here’s your slop ! Femdrew Gayves!
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andrew-nobody · 9 months
Hello! I dunno if I'm gonna word this right so bear wit me please. But I'm curious.
I heard from a lot of systems that when there's a fictive they're WAAAYYY different than they were in the source.
What's that feel like? I mean... how do I explain? Like, you're suddenly... alive? Sorry if that's offensive, I unno a good word for what happens. Manifest?
And then you're seeing all this stuff about you but they're also kinna NOT about you personally?
Is that super overwhelming? How do you deal with that?
I hope that makes sense. I'm so bad at explaining and wording stuff.
Great question. Not offended, glad you asked. Just the way you’re asking gives me the impression that you get it.
It’s incredibly overwhelming! That’s a big reason I made this blog. Before the blog, I kind of walked into the Motel (the innerworld) with no sense of where I fit into it, let alone the world-at-large. But here, answering questions and stuff, it gives me direction, a purpose. A way to connect to my source, and all the people who love that source. And I want to contribute to that, because I feel like a part of it.
I am sort of suddenly alive. I suddenly exist. And the rules are different. Reality is different. I still have all of my memories from the game. That was all I knew before I “walked in.” Hell, I have memories that aren’t even in the game, but they’re blurry and hard to define until I explore them - kind of like that ask about if I’d ever want a pet.
More under cut….
I don’t want to say that I’m “WAYYY” different than my source. I’m kind of like an alternate reality version of that Andrew, I guess. Like, yeah… I fucking killed people and even ate them and also I didn’t do that because that happened in a game.
Would I kill someone now? Well, no, my circumstances are completely different for one thing. Also I don’t want to perpetuate a stereotype of an “evil alter” that can switch in and commit acts of violence. But when I put myself back in the headspace of my source and the exaggerated experience of fiction, I can still feel it. And when it comes to the play of an ask blog, why not do a little murder? Or whatever. Who’s it hurting?
When it comes to seeing people talking about a me that is not me, there’s definitely cognitive dissonance there. I just have to try to separate their experience and interpretation of the me that is a publicly-consumable character versus the me that is me.
For example, a lot of people are really into transgender/“genderbent”/femdrew/Andrea—whatever you want to call her. Seeing those interpretations give me some gender dysphoria, probably because the host of my system is trans masculine. But none of those interpretations are about me. So it’s simple, I just keep scrolling. I move along. Trans Andrew is just as valid as I am. And I know every version of me is important to the person that version is stemming from, and it says more about them than it does about me.
As for suddenly being in a system full of people I don’t know. It kind of sucks! Everyone here can read my mind?! I’m not used to that kind of lack of privacy, and I used to live with Ashley so that’s saying something! And I’m not the only fictive here, either. (There are fucking Teen Titans here? Lmfao??) And that’s difficult because, you know, we don’t all get along.
Anyway that was a LOT longer than I meant it to be. Kind of a whole vent post! Hope you don’t mind, Anon.
If you see this, feel free to shoot me a DM? I’m happy to talk more about this in detail (though I guess I already have…). Hope to hear from you.
Thanks so much.
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin’ Ross pt7
Rapunzel learns about Rose and Eugene gets dragged along for the ride.
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"Oh wow Eugene, Cass look at that this one has nothing but sea shells."  Rapunzel giggled and rushed up to the booth her eyes glittering as they scanned across the collection of shells as the stall keep, an old sailor, watched, his big muscular arms folded across his chest.  Eugene moved up behind Rapunzel and gave the intimidating sailor a weary nod which he returned with a broad smile that revealed teeth caked with barnacles.  Eugene raised his hands defensively and took a step back bumping into Cass who was looking into the distance.  
"Sorry Eugene," Cass apologized absently causing both Eugene and Rapunzel to look at her in shock as she absently smoothed out her dress.  
"Unn Cass?"  Rapunzel started concern playing across her face before falling silent, Cass never let Eugene off without some snippy remark.  But She reconsidered saying anything that might disrupt the moment.  Maybe if she held her breath and didn't move the pair would continue to be polite with one another.  
"Are you all right Cassandra?"  Eugene drew out her name in that long prodding way he did when they fought, and Rapunzel saw the distant look fade from Cass' eyes.  On her shoulder, Pascal slapped his forehead and ran a paw down his face.  Eugene and Cass both had roles in their shared animosity, but did he have to hurry back to it so quickly.  
"I'm fine Fitzherbert," Cass shot back mimicking Eugene by drawing out his name the same way as she shoved him pointedly next to Rapunzel.  "Now stay close to Rapunzel until I get back!"
"Back!  Wait, Cass, where are you going?" Rapunzel stepped past Eugene a hand on his shoulder as she worriedly searched her friend's face.  Cass had seemed preoccupied even a little anxious all morning, and now she was going off on her own just as they arrived at the Tent Market, this all was starting to feel uncomfortably familiar.  
"Oh nowhere Raps, I just have some things to at the market while it's here.  You guys don't want to tag along with me all day."  Cass waved off the question with a roll of her eyes as if whatever she had to do was just a silly little bother or something that Rapunzel would find boring, but the smirk on Cass'face betrayed her eagerness.  "Eugene will look out for you Rapunzel, and there are guards everywhere."
"Come on Blondie, Cassandra's right."  Eugene interrupted Rapunzel's protest, not that she knew just what it was that she would have protested about Cass going off on her own.  "Come, and I'll show you the hidden wonders of this place, these people like the back of my hand."  
"Flinn Ryder friends with a bunch of cheats and charlatans, how am I not surprised."  Cass drolled much more like herself than before, crossing her arms and fixing Eugene with a pointed glare.  However, instead of a second thrust, she turned and started off giving them a wave.  "Like I said there are guards everywhere, and Pascal will keep an eye on you Raps, so have fun till I get back."
"What?  Cheats and charlatans!  My friends might have been liars and thieves, but they were honest liars and thieves."  Eugene said folding his arms defensively, but instead of pointing out the flaw in the logic Rapunzel was just silent for several long moments.  
She watched Cass depart glancing away several times as she told herself that she shouldn't pry into Cass' business.  Cass was her friend, and she should trust her and Cass wasn't doing anything anyway.  Sure she had been acting a little weird for the past couple of days, washing that strange cloak even though she hated doing laundry and then leaving that castle with it and not coming back for hours, and coming back without it all red faced and in a remarkably good mood.  Being distracted for days and then, without a word about it before, going off into the Tent Market alone for more undisclosed 'business.'  
"Rapunzel, what's the matter?"  Eugene's voice finally broke through the haze of Rapunzel's thoughts.  
She looked at him and then back at Cass, before narrowing her eyes determinedly, seizing Eugene's hand and pulling him after Cass who had nearly disappeared among the tent stalls.  "Come on we're going to follow her."  
"Follow Cass?"  Eugene exclaimed earning a harsh 'shhh' from Rapunzel and Pascal.  "Blondie, if the Dragon Lady has things to do on her own then let her, she's not going to be happy to find us sneaking around and following her.  And I'm the one who's going to get blamed."  
"I want to make sure she's ok, the last time Cass acted like this she was trying to catch..."  Rapunzel bit her tongue not wanting to say the name, "Him.  If she's doing something like that again, I want to make sure she's safe.  Besides," A grin came back to Rapunzel's face, "Pascal's taught me the art of blending into my surroundings."  
Cass was none the wiser of Rapunzel following her, mostly due to never once turning back to see the princess attempting to cloak herself among the tent curtains, holding up discarded sales wear to cover her face just enough so she was still easily recognizable.  Cass was too busy wander up along the aisles of the tent stalls looking this way and that as if searching the crowd for someone.  
"Cassandra!"  A voice suddenly called out from behind her and Cass whipped around, entirely missing Rapunzel and Eugene, and smiled as a young woman in blacksmith's clothes sprinted through the crowd towards her.  Cass managed to stymie her grin into a pleasant smile as young woman reached her.  She stopped to pant for several second before managing to get out, "Sorry I'm late, my boss made me work double time to get the afternoon off, and then I couldn't find you and-"  
"It's fine Rose," Cass waved off the apology and smiled despite Rose's sweatiness and the soot caked to her face.  "We probably should have figured out some place to meet up."  As she spoke, Cass reached down and pulled a handkerchief from her dress and brought it up to Rose's face.  
"Wait, it'll get stained."  Rose protested recoiling from it a little.
"Don't worry about it," Cass dismissed and ran the cloth down Rose's cheeks, across her forehead, and down along her nose.  Rose grinned in delight.  
Unseen by the pair Rapunzel narrowed her eyes at Rose and quietly growled, "Femdrew."  
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/M!A: Christmas has come early for you, Andrew! Here! Have some boobs&lady junk. In other words, female M!A for the rest of the day! Poof!
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