atlantis-scribe · 1 year
I feel like Stargate is my chick flix tv shows.
you and me both, luv
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aangvanced · 4 years
Thanks for the lovely comic and you inspired me to want to make a campaign comic/story for the Iliad, but that would be hard since so many things rely on the story of the Iliad and the amount of characters. 
femamerica13 - That would be, and I don’t say this lightly, the most epic thing ever.
[There was supposed to be a Critical Role gif here of everyone saying “Do it!” but I can’t find it. Instead you get this:]
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theprogresskid · 3 years
Finished this journal in about a year, and I enjoyed the washi tapes and stickers
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submitted by /u/femamerica13 [link] [comments]
from Journaling: for people who have journals https://ift.tt/pEA0xB2
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star-temeraire · 7 years
i was tagged by @bottomkirk
1st rule: Tag 9 people you would like to know better.
2nd rule: Bold the statements that are true.
I am 5′7 or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (physical therapy yall)
./I have or have had braces*
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship (sort of)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school/work
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least two languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
I’ll tag: @lieutenant-sapphic @first-officer-spork @thebfoot @illogical-my-ass @femamerica13 @audjolras @gavr-che @shadowgoddess1367 @alloverthegaf
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starspork · 7 years
I was tagged by @obes-kenobes
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - age: 16 B - birthplace: Kentucky C - current time: 5:01 D - drink you last had: An Arnold Palmer E - easiest person to talk to: @thebfoot F - favourite song: Ready, Aim, Fire by Imagine Dragons G - grossest memory: Idk man nothin really grosses me out, there was one time that my right big toe nail came up when the bathroom door caught it and pulled it up bc my brother SHOVED it open. Thx bro H - horror yes or no: i dont get scared and i dont really watch it bc of that I - in love: lol no, i have never been in a relationship and never had a crush look how lame i am J - jealous of people: not unless you are super rich or super hot K - killed someone: i would love to, id do it if it wouldnt ruin my life L - love at first sight: No, you can lust at first sight and that may turn into love later, but no  M - middle name: Angeline, no one ever guesses it N - number of siblings: only the asshole little brother O - one wish: To be able to travel to fictional worlds whenever I wish so I could join Starfleet and shit P - person you called last called: uhhh my dad to find out where the fuck he was Q - question you’ve always asked: Why? R - reason to smile: I have a loving family and pets S - song you sung last: The soundtrack to The Hunchback of Notre Dame, damn that movie makes me cry everytime T - time you woke up: lol like 12pm, I went to bed at 4am soooooo U - underwear colour: im in pajamas still, nuff said V - vacation destination: Seattle or London, bc rain and cold W - worst habit: Shipping things and using fandoms irl, its a problem X - x-rays: only for the dentist, ive never broken a bone Y - your favourite food: Chinese food, they make the best shit Z - zodiac sign: Scorpio
uhhhhh @thebfoot @make-pasta-not-h8 @femamerica13 @audjolras 
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femamerica13 · 7 years
Star Trek/Frozen AU
I finally posted the first chapter of Spock, Let it Go!
It’s on fanfiction.net and my pen name is femamerica13
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stardreamerl0ve · 8 years
_ or _
I was tagged by the great @my-insanity-is-an-artform, thank you!
Rules: Answer all of the questions, add one question of your own at the end, and then tag as many people as there are questions!
1. Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, but I’ll drink Pepsi. Soda is nice.
2. Disney or Dreamworks?  
Oh, my gosh, how am i supposed to choose? Ummmmm, Disney, I guess, cause Moana.
3. Coffee or Tea?
  Tea. All you coffee drinkers have no tastebuds.
4. Books or Movies?
  BOOKS. Books have seven hours to tell a story; a movie only gets one.
5. Windows or Mac?
 Windows allll the way.
6. DC or Marvel?
 DC for TV shows, Marvel for movies.
7. Xbox or Playstation?
 Xbox, I guess. I don’t really play on either.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect?
I’ve never played either, but the person who tagged me put Dragon Age, so I’ll put Mass Effect.
9. Night Owl or Early Riser?
 Absolutely Night Owl. I go to bed at 11:15, at the earliest.
10. Cards or Chess?
 Ohhhh, don’t make me pick! Cards is better for groups, but chess is better for two. In the end, I’ll have to go with chess though.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?
 Vanilla please. Chocolate is all well and good, but vanilla is amazing, okay?
12. Vans or Converse?
Uh, I wear sneakers?
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar?
 I do not know these people. Having said that, Adaar is a cool name.
14. Paragon or Renegade?
I like a song called Renegades?
15. Star Wars or Star Trek?
 Star Wars probably. (pew-pew)
16. One episode per week or binge watch?
Binge-watch if I can, but school generally means I have to go the one-ep-a-week route.
17. Gandalf or Obi-Wan?
Obi-wan, mostly because I haven’t seen or read Lord Of The Rings.
18. Heroes or Villains?
VILLAINS ARE THE COOLEST. If they’re written well.
19. John Williams or Hans Zimmer?
20. Disneyland/World or Six Flags?
21. Forest or Sea?
SEA. I am a born and bred ocean girl.
22. Flying or Reading Minds?
Flying, of COURSE, flying. Like, c’mon, who doesn’t want to run their fingers through the clouds?
23. Twin Peaks or Northern Exposure?
I don’t- what are these>
24. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
Harry Potter all the way! (see number 17)
25. You’re banished to a deserted island, which Benedict Cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you?
Uh, probably Sherlock. He seems smart enough to find water and food and things.
26. Train or cruise ship?
Oh, I can’t decide! Probably cruise ship though, cause I went on one to go to Alaska and it was the best time of my life.
27. Brian Cox or Neil deGrasse Tyson?
 Neil deGrasse Tyson! He’s crazy cool, and also I LOVE Cosmos.
28. Art museum or science museum?
Science museum! We had a really awesome one called Explora when I lived in Albuquerque. It was the COOLEST, hands down.
29. Irish Pub or Night Club?
I’m underage.
30. Aang or Korra?
I haven’t actually seen LOK, so I’ll have to go with Aang.
31. Swimming in a pool or lake?
Lake! Pools always feel kind of sterile to me.
32. Classic music or classic literature?
Classic music, please. I have such a hard time reading classic literature.
33. Oxford comma or no oxford comma?
It really depends on the day, but I generally use the comma.
34. Digital or Paper books?
Digital. I ran out of space with paper books.
35. Rainy or Sunny days?
Rainy! This may have something to do with the fact that I’m a California girl who never gets rain.
36. Fantasy or Science Fiction?
FANTASY. Sci-fi is nice, but nothing beats a really good fantasy novel.
37. Flowers or Succulents ?
What about succulents with flowers?  . . . no? Okay, flowers then.
38. Berestain or Berestein?
I . . . don’t even remember those.
39. Jazz or Blues?
Jazz, I guess.
40.  Love at First Sight Trope or Friends to Lovers Trope?
Friends to Lovers trope, one hundred percent. That stuff’s the best.
My turn! 41. Fluff or angst?
I’m tagging (41 people, oh god): @andromeda1122 @geeklychic1012 @glorybringerfan @ofcatsandstars @sophiexfitz @project-moonlark @everblazing-kenric @kotlcfangirl @dexdizznee @custardbursts @the-night-falls-on-its-face @kaxpha @doctor2-lizze10 @phospenumbra @ndnprct3 @nerdlycharming @cinnamonecho @sniperlance @siocynder @m3ntalcarnivalart @wylieendal @strongtoes @xylia-neo @yourstargod @talortut @funkyfryingpan @jeannike @edorazzi @shpigster @keefetheshimmerbooty @crispyninjadonut @ghostii-bea @itzrey2 @femamerica13 @books-are-like-dragons @realdimerald @persimnon @pozolegirl @mysteriousmissfoster @sandraisbooked @celestial-pancakes
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
For the made up fanfic title game:
Only the Good Die Young for SG1
I'll Stop the World and Melt With You for SGA
Only the Good Die Young (SG-1)
a conversation between Jack and Charlie (is he a ghost? a hallucination? another Goa'ul mindfuckery? Daniel's attempt at therapy? who knows) during Abyss while Jack recovers from another torture session with his buddy Ba'al
I'll Stop the World and Melt With You (SGA)
it's a fun little song, so we'll have a dark!fic where Teyla loses her unborn child and goes on a rampage to bring down Michael
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For Harry Potter AU, Spock is Herimone, Jim is Ron, and Bones is Harry.
Instead of Aragog it’s a giant tribble and Jim is terrified. 
Uhura is Ginny and she is just so, so unimpressed by everything these three idiots do.
Khan is Voldy and most of his show downs with Bones are predominantly Bones yelling at him
Harry Mudd is Lockhart and Spock has a huge crush on him and Jim and Bones never let him forget it
Pike is Dumbledore and Bones spends a lot of their solo time trying to improve the school’s safety standards
Scotty is Hagrid. His dog is a robot. He turned to muggle engineering when he was kicked out of Hogwarts
Chapel is McGonagall and she just has no time for Jim and Bones’ bullshit. She’s fond of Spock, though
The Gorn is Draco and he just keeps trying to fight Bones, it’s surreal
Cragge and Goyle are both Tellarites
Sulu and Chekov are Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan and Chekov has a curse on him that when he says “Russia” something nearby get set on fire and that’s why he keeps burning things
Rand is Luna, M’Benga is Neville. The Weasley twins are both Kevin Riley. 
The giant snake of Slytherin is actually the Horta and they don’t kill her, they save her and her children
Fluffy is another of Scotty’s terrifying robots
Quirrel is that dude from the Jack the Ripper ep, the little bald guy who was possessed by Jack the Ripper, but in this he’s possessed by Khan instead.
Spock drinks polyjuice potion in second year and turns into half a unicorn dog
The Durmstrang students are Klingons and the Beauxbaton students are Orion. This means Spock is hot for a Klingon, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
❇ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ❈  Join Star Trek AU Friday!  ❉ ✱ ✲ ✴ ✵ ✶
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For the who you (plantonically since I have no major romantic interest in anyone) ship me with meme: female, 5 feet 7 inches, short brown hair, green eyes, pretty skinny, love to read, is a 3rd black belt, introvert, loves beings around friends just listening to them, has a hard time being understood by people, usually hyper, majoring in electrical engineering, loves sci f and fantasy, and likes my wood shop and ag mechs class, but is pretty clumsy, for star trek
I would platonically ship you with Sulu in a HEARTBEAT! It sounds like you have tons of different interests ranging from very active (martial arts) to more passive (reading) and he could relate on so many levels! Y’all would really bond over creating things and working on gadgets and he’d be one of those friends who would hang out with you while you each worked on your separate projects and it would be really low-impact socializing so you wouldn’t have to worry about recharging too often. Plus, you could teach him a thing or two about martial arts while I’m sure he’d be stoked to teach you fencing!
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star-temeraire · 7 years
tagged by the lovely @mwatneys aw man i love being tagged in things!
rules: tag your 10 favourite characters from 10 different fandoms 
1. Geordi LaForge - Star Trek
2. Captain Holt - Brooklyn 99
3. Alec Hardy - Broadchurch
4. Blake Belladonna - RWBY
5. Ally - Day 5
6. Jane Roland - Temeraire
7. Saphira - Eragon
8. Josh - Please Like Me
9. JJ - Speechless
10. Carlos - Welcome To Nightvale
tagging - @alloverthegaf @first-officer-spork @thebfoot @femamerica13 @audjolras @gavr-che @shadowgoddess1367 @free-gavin @celestial-cat-prince @achievemen-puns @nova-prospekt-attendee @cuteboysandbands
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journalsanctuary · 8 years
So I re-watched Indianna Jones and the Last Crusade, and I realized that the Grail Diary was a proto bullet journal. So, what would you do if your bullet journal was that important to the world.
Okay, confession time - I haven’t seen any of the Indiana Jones movies D: (it’s on my to-watch list tho) so I don’t really know what the Grail Diary is, but to answer your question, well, that would be cool :D but really, I mainly care about the fact that it’s important to me (lol what a lame answer :D I might give you a better one when I finally see it :D)
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stardreamerl0ve · 8 years
Rules: enter your answers then tag 10 people! Use the first letter of you name to answer each question. Real answers only. If the person who tagged you had the same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use the same word twice.
Name: stardreamerlove!
A four letter word: sane (which i am not)
A boys name: Sebastian
An occupation: SPACE PERSON!!! or scientist. probably scientist. but i’ve been on a space kick lately so.
Something you wear: sweatshirts
Food: sweets!
Something you find in a bathroom: sink
A place: Sydney, Australia! San Francisco, USA! there are a lot!
Reason for being late: sick, stalled traffic, snow!
Something you shout: SWEET MERCY (i do this a lot)
Movie title: Sing!
Something you drink: sweet tea!
An animal: sea cucumber (these little guys are pretty cool)
A type of car: Saturn (according to my friend, it was a brand of car)
I tag @geeklychic1012 @talortut @realdimerald @yourstargod @femamerica13 @edorazzi @glorybringerfan @funkyfryingpan @itzrey2 @the-night-falls-on-its-face, and one extra, @thegreatgulonincident!
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koyohtaydreams · 6 years
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US to US #700 from femamerica13 https://ift.tt/2Ny7Wpl
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kingofthewilderwest · 9 years
I really enjoy your blog, and keep it up. I was wondering if you can write an AU of the end of Star Wars: The Empires Strikes Back, and Hiccup as Priness Leia, Fishlegs be Luke, Han as Camicazi, Alvin as Darth Vader, and Excellinor as the Emperor.
Note: The following response and drabble contain spoilers to “How to Fight a Dragon’s Fury.”
This is a really cool prompt! I’m sorry I haven’t written it sooner. It makes me incredibly excited and makes me want to write a full crossover fanfiction between HTTYD and SW now.
Your character matching is gold. The relations are spot on. Alvin the Treacherous is someone who’s lost half of his body in his pursuit for power, just like Darth Vader. Excellinor the Witch rules over him and is the one with the true power and authority. Hiccup is like Leia, proud royalty who is rebelling against the Empire, and Camicazi has the bluntness, audacity, and disgust for proper authority we seen in Han Solo. As far as Fishlegs being Luke Skywalker… people who have read How to Fight a Dragon’s Fury know precisely why it’s perfect to pair Fishlegs with the young Skywalker. We have everyone related to each other just as we want it to be - Fishlegs, Hiccup, and Alvin are all part of the same family, just like Luke, Leia, and Anakin are in Star Wars.
I’m going to do one specific change in the Star Wars storyline in the following drabble simply because I wanted to bring out an interesting parallel between The Empire Strikes Back and How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel. But even with that, as well as some other minor liberties taken (I didn’t want to write out the FULL fight scene between “Luke” and “Vader”), I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much again for this incredibly enjoyable prompt.
His eyes were wide as he sneaked through Bespin, hand clutched tightly to his lightsaber. From one white hallway to another he skirted, always with a trajectory in mind, a goal. He could feel them with the Force. His friends… in trouble. In pain.
No. No no no no. I came here to SAVE them. To stop them from feeling this. I can’t be too late. I can’t I can’t I can’t.
He peeked around a corner. Windows rose up on either side, wide glass panels opening up to reveal the sunset outside. Indoors, Imperial Storm Troopers marched, boots loudly clomping on the pristine floors. It was white against white. So much white. But the black blasters in their arms stood out clearly, and made Fishlegs inhale subconsciously, nervously.
Anxiety rattled his heart. He could feel it thudding so hard he wondered if the Stormtroopers could hear its poundings half a hallway away. This was dangerous. This was beyond dangerous.
It wasn’t normally like Fishlegs to be brave, to charge out to save the day. Camicazi and Hiccup usually had to pester him to even get him out the door to confront a simple Gronckle or Womp Rat, let alone face the Empire-crowded quarters of the Cloud City. However, currently he could make no choice except to be here. Visions from the Force had plagued his mind while he trained with Yoda at Dagobah. While Yoda had been cryptic regarding the nature of the visions, he had told his pupil they were images of the future. Fishlegs could not allow his friends to be tormented like this.
He had come to save them.
I better not be too late.
At that moment Fishlegs noticed a bounty hunter dressed in Mandalorian armor stride forward. Hurriedly Fishlegs crouched down, hoping he remained completely out of sight. He watched as the bounty hunter led a small party down the hall, including two guards who flanked a floating encasement. It was a human-sized brick… no, carbonate… with a face protruding out of it like a half-carved sculpture. Fishlegs could not see the details at this distance, but he could sense who was encased inside. 
His best friend, Hiccup.
Images flashed in his mind. The vision he had seen on Dagobah was coming true.
Fishlegs’ guts squirmed. It was horrible to see his friend like this. It was a horrible reversal of when they were back on Hoth; there, he had been entrapped in ice, frozen in a column by a dragonesque Monster. Hiccup had found him. They had stared eye-to-eye. And Hiccup had rescued him from the icy prison.
It was time for Fishlegs to repay the favor. He attached his lightsaber back onto his belt - no need to use it yet with Stormtroopers - and pulled out the blaster he had rested on his hip. His stomach roiled at the thought of attacking the guards, but he could think of no other way to rescue Hiccup. He peered around the corner of the hallway and prepared to shoot.
But even as Fishlegs began to creep forward, two Stormtroopers in the ensemble turned around, blasters at the ready. It was immediate open fire. Laser lights flashed, and Fishlegs hurriedly ducked aside. Without thinking, he began racing down the halls, as fast as he could to escape them. He could hear the explosion of the bounty hunter shooting, too, which made him panic all the worse. Fishlegs flew down the hallways faster than a speeder.
For the love of the Force! You cowardly, queasy caniphant. You blubbering, buffoonish bantha fodder. You stupid, senseless Sarlacc snack. Some hero you are, running away like that!
He almost crashed into another entourage of Stormtroopers, these guards parading several prisoners through the city. Camicazi. Her copilot Chewbacca. A third person whom Fishlegs did not recognize.
This time Fishlegs did remember to fire when the Stormtroopers shot at him, even though he did - of course - dive for cover into an open door. He ducked around the corner, aimed his blaster wildly, tried not to squeeze shut his eyes, and shot again. A loud, resonating boom filled the halls, followed by the blasts of his enemies firing back. Above it all he heard Camicazi’s voice, high as always, but with a bit of an uncharacteristically frantic edge to it. “Fishlegs! Fishlegs, no! It’s a trap!” And she and the others were yanked away. The Stormtroopers flanked their prisoners rather than pursuing Fishlegs, probably recognizing that their attacker was too timid to fire another blast. In a moment, all fell… silent… leaving Fishlegs to stare, traumatized, unblinking, at a white wall before him.
It’s a trap.
The last thing he wanted to hear, especially since Camicazi was someone who tended not to fright. This mission was dangerous enough without the Empire setting him up for a - for a - a - trap.
But he didn’t have a choice. He was already here on Bespin, his friends were already in grave danger, and he was the only one who could possibly save them.
After taking a nervous gulp, he darted down the hallway to follow after Camicazi. He had to at least save someone. The corridor led straight to a door, which Fishlegs opened after only a bit of pause.
The room into which he stumbled was dark. Large, spacey, with only some bits of machinery here and there… an ominous room, with a deep reverberating rumble pulsating beneath his feet. He could feel the bass frequencies buzzing through his boots. He stared about in confusion, not spotting Camicazi, nor Hiccup, nor even a Stormtrooper helmet anywhere. He was, as far as he could see, completely alone.
That can’t be right. He stepped through the room for a bit, noticing a circular shut door beneath his feet. Fishlegs walked around it, peering about the machinery in the room, attempting to detect what this room was, what was going on. His ears stretched out through the room to hear if there was some living soul here. As much as he could, he reached out with the Force as well, trying to sense the presence of his companions.
He touched someone, but it wasn’t who he expected.
Lights embedded along an extended stairway turned on. Behind him, he heard the distinct sound of a cyborg breathing. That distinct sound of heavy, dark respiration he would recognize anywhere. Alvin, better known as Darth Treacherous.
“The Force is with you, young Skywalker,” the mighty Sith lord intoned. He stepped out from the shadows, striding forward very slowly, feet clomping forward at a slow, steady pace. But even though Darth Treacherous lingered in shadows, standing atop a dais on which some foggy gray gas curled, Fishlegs could see his adversary’s form. A man more machine than human, who had lost his limbs over the course of their encounters with one another. Once he had looked like a normal man, but now, his face had been covered in a mask, his limbs replaced by mechanical prosthetics, and even his torso had received heavy modification to keep him alive.
Darth Treacherous took a few steps forward. “But you are not a Jedi yet.”
Every instinct inside Fishlegs screamed to turn away and run. But there was no way he could run from a Sith lord. He had to confront Darth Treacherous… and hope to survive. Legs shaking, he wobbled up the steps to stand on the same dais as Darth Treacherous, and they stood there, staring at one another, saying nothing. Fishlegs’ hands fell to his sides, he grabbed the lightsaber at his belt, and turned it on. A blue blade blazed before him.
I can’t believe I’m doing this.
Very slowly, almost in leisure, Alvin the Treacherous ignited his own lightsaber. Red glowed before him. But he did not attack.
It was Fishlegs, wildly swinging, who commenced the first strike. His blade was turned aside, Treacherous swinging his weapon out and downward in a deflecting circle. Fishlegs tried again. Three strikes, one, two, three, all of them met with casual blocks. Again. This time, the taller man leaned in and shoved Fishlegs just forward enough that he stumbled backwards, tripped on a stair, and staggered down a few steps.
There’s no way I can beat him, Fishlegs thought at once. He cringed, waiting for Darth Treacherous to strike him while he was yet vulnerable. But that did not happen.
He stood on the step and carefully reformed his double-handed grip on his lightsaber. He stared up at Darth Treacherous’ emotionless black mask, fearful, questioning. But instead of receiving answers, he only received an attack. Darth Treacherous took the offensive for the first time.
They launched into another round of lightsaber strikes. Though Darth Treacherous did not seem to be trying to kill him, he still contained the advance. Fishlegs was forced down the steps, and he found himself deflecting attacks at more and more the last minute. Rush up to the shoulder. Duck away, turn right. Swing at the side. Block. Sparks of blade hitting blade. Swing at the head. Duck again. Back up, stumble to the bottom of the stairs, pulling up a lightsaber blade, hope not to die. Clash, clash, clash. 
Suddenly he found himself falling. The trap door in the floor had opened up! Frantically Fishlegs jumped, using the Force to shoot him to the ceiling. He barely launched up before the chamber into which he had fallen shut. He shuddered, realizing at once what had happened. He had almost been sealed in that chamber and frozen in carbonate, just like Hiccup had been.
Like Hiccup.
He could feel the blood boiling inside him. Anger, frustration, hate at Alvin. As much as Yoda had told him to put his feelings aside, sometimes Fishlegs felt himself go into a rage… go… berserk… without any explanation and even less control. At once he threw himself at Darth Treacherous. No more were his blows tentative. He struck out with all his force, again and again, using strength that belied his skinny frame. Powerful blow hit powerful blow. Darth Treacherous, in surprise, was the one to back up now.
“YOU! CAN’T! DEFEAT! ME!” howled out Fishlegs. He accompanied each word with a vicious strike, one at the head, another at the chest, a third at the shoulder, a fourth lower. “YOU! WON’T! DESTROY! ME!” 
Blue against red. 
Fishlegs strode forward, pushing against Darth Treacherous and driving him back. Darth Treacherous drove him back in turn. At once an army of objects shot forward to Fishlegs, propelled by the Sith’s use of the Force. Fishlegs found himself swinging his lightsaber at hardware rather than his opponent. It was all he could do to keep up with the onslaught of attacks. He was forced backwards once again - and pinned up against a wall.
Darth Treacherous strode forward, lightsaber at the ready. He let all the other objects he had been throwing with the Force drop down to the ground. They reverberated in one ominous clatter. Then, Darth Treacherous spoke. “There is no escape,” he intoned in his deep voice. “You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and the Empire. I will complete your training.”
Fishlegs glared at the Sith lord but did not drop his weapon. “Liar,” he said, aggression still fueling him. “Liar! You’ve never done anything except try to gain power for yourself. I don’t trust you. I’ll never trust you. I’ll NEVER join you!”
“The Dark Side and the Empire will win. If you don’t join me, I will destroy you. You have something of mine I want back.”
Fishlegs frowned. “I… don’t own anything. Just this lightsaber. And this… necklace… from my mother.” With his one free hand he started to feel at the necklace he always wore around his neck.
Darth Treacherous corrected him. “From your father.”
Fishlegs stared. His eyes widened. “No,” whispered Fishlegs, white to the lips. “It’s not true… it can’t be true… you cannot be my father…”
“Search your feelings,” the horrific black monstrosity responded. “You know it to be true.”
And indeed Fishlegs could feel in his mind with the Force… it was true. It was. For fifteen years he had searched for the man who was his father - fifteen years! - and it turned out to be none other than the most feared man in the galaxy. 
He could not hold it in. With great agony he screamed out, “No! No! NO! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL FOR ABANDONING MY MOTHER AND LEAVING HER TO DIE OF A BROKEN HEART!”
And even though he was pinned against the wall, at the disadvantage, he threw forth his lightsaber and attacked again. The fight began anew. Darth Treacherous, caught by surprise, stumbled backwards, allowing Fishlegs to squeak out from his tight position. Blade cracked against blade, above their heads, at their ankles, crashing into equipment around them as they overswung, attack attack attack, block block block, defense and offense, swing and thrust. 
If Fishlegs had felt overwhelmed by emotions before, now he could think nothing. He burst in shock and anger and trauma. He fueled it all into his fighting. He tore at his opponent best as he could, violently refusing and retaliating against the news. He could NOT accept that THIS MAN was his father!
It happened all at once. One moment he was screaming in anger. The next, he screamed in pain.
Fishlegs fell back, howling, clutching his arm, as his lightsaber dropped to his feet.
Clutching the half of his arm that was left.
He couldn’t process it right away. One moment, he was fighting Darth Treacherous, reflexes blocking blow after blow. The next, he was lying on the ground, helpless, with his severed left hand bleeding at his feet. In the midst of all that pain, he sluggishly realized what had happened: his opponent had just cut his arm in two.
His FATHER had cut his arm in two.
“You fight a losing battle,” said the cyborg above him, his deep breathing accelerated but still somehow intimidating. He stepped forward, and with his one good foot, kicked Fishlegs’ lightsaber away from him. It clattered off somewhere in the darkness. 
Fishlegs shuddered through the pain. He could barely hear what Darth Treacherous was saying, but in the back of the mind, he listened to the following words. “You can only come to your true power by turning to the Dark Side and learning what it is to be a Treacherous.”
“No!” Fishlegs screamed. He did not know if he howled because of his hatred against Darth Treacherous, or because he was suffering so much physical agony. But somehow, in the midst of the fog of agony, he thought something lucid. Through clenched teeth Fishlegs hissed, “You are right. I am not a Treacherous. I disown you. I cast you out as my father. I expel you.”
He noticed an escape behind him, a window through which he could crash. He had not noticed it before because its light had been blocked with shades. It would be wild to jump through it, but at this point in time, better to free fall than to spend any more time with this man. Staggering to his feet, Fishlegs gallantly proclaimed, “You’ve failed. I’ll never turn to the Dark Side. I am Fishlegs No-Name, a Jedi.”
And he hurled himself toward the window for escape.
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
10 People to Know Better
Tagged by @darklysnarky :)
Relationship Status: single
Last Song I Listened To: Black Sheep by Metric
Three Favourite Foods: chocolate cake, chicken intestine bbq, & sugar apple
Last Thing(s) I Googled: '[word for sugar apple in my native language] in english' lol
Dream Trip: i've just spent the last couple of weeks arranging this trip next month with two of my best friends to get us hand-poke-tattoed in the mountains. fingers crossed it all goes according to plan!
tagging: @sparrowsarus @itwoodbeprefect @femamerica13 @logicgunn @johnsheppard-assshaker @lostmeadowjade @alienfuckeronmain and anyone else who wants in <3
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