#female warrior of light
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years ago
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Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With Drops of Jupiter in her hair
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ladyramora · 1 year ago
Themis x Fem Au Ra WoL Rush Comm PWP ❤️, Angst & Feels 🎭
↓↓↓ Spoilers for Endwalker & Pandaemonium below the cut ↓↓↓
Rating: Explicit
Category: F/M
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationship: Warrior of Light/Themis
Tags: Established Relationship, Love Confessions, Gentle Sexual Bullying, Edging, Fingering, Jealousy, Obsessive and Possessive Behavior, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Aether Sex, Aether Transfer, Sexual Healing, Monster Sex, Primal Sex, Size Difference, Multiple Arms, Blindfolds, Vaginal Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Creampies, Cock Warming, No Pulling Out, Tummy Bulge.
Mitsu's Themis x Fem WoL rush comm
Themis was no fool.
It had not escaped his notice how his little star seemed to be overexerting herself. Though she had obviously done her best to keep her struggles to herself, he was simply more focused upon her than she seemed to be aware of.
Themis could not help how drawn he felt to her. She pulled his attention unlike any other. From the very moment she had crashed into him, his falling star. Themis had been taken with her since that very moment. She was charming, endearing, and smart as any of his esteemed colleagues.
Were there a seat left vacant at the convocation table, Themis would surely suggest her for the role. The convocation was for the betterment of this star, and Themis had bore witness with his own eyes how far this amazing woman was willing to go to help those in need. She was incredible.
Unfortunately, there was one commonality among people who were so self sacrificing, though it varied from person to person. The reluctance, stubbornness, or complete inability to ask for help from those around them. Even when it was obvious to any who cared enough to pay attention that they were having a hard time.
Themis had been more than patient. He had stayed quiet, given her time, waited for her to come to him and ask for help. As the time passed him by, it was with dawning exasperation that he realized he was dealing with a severe case if he had ever seen one.
Themis was tired of waiting. He had given her plenty of chances to come to him. She had let them all slip by, stubbornly insisting on struggling alone.
Well, some intervention was in order.
If she would not come to him, Themis would go to her.
Of course he was self aware enough to know that his intentions were not entirely pure. For some time now, he had put pieces of the puzzle together. The sneaking sense that his star had been involved with someone else. That she was seeing someone other than himself in his face, his words, his actions. Sometimes he would catch her looking at him, grief stricken as if she had been reminded of someone she had lost.
Themis did his best to keep his composure, but he was still a man. The irksome worry slowly niggled away at him, like a persistent itch under his skin.
Perhaps he had been too mild-mannered up till now. Their friendship had blossomed quickly, and from there a physical relationship had developed. There were obvious feelings between them, though nothing so far that had been spoken aloud and confirmed.
Themis craved more. He wanted her friendship, her affection, her heart.
Themis wanted it all.
He wanted her to look at him, to see only him. He wanted to be the strongest imprint upon her psyche.
If she needed some more convincing, he was all too glad to provide. How fortuitous indeed that it coincided with their current predicament.
His star needed his help, and Themis was prepared to give her everything that she needed. Whether she knew she needed it at this moment in time or not.
Themis starts slow. He did not want to give away the plot too soon. A slow, methodical approach was best. His bright little star would undoubtedly catch onto his shift in behavior soon enough. She was far too clever to brush off the pattern.
How convenient that they had business to attend to within Elpis? As it was nothing truly pressing, Themis takes his star by the hand and heads towards the scenic path. Leading them further away from prying eyes, to a place he knew was calm and quiet. The chances of someone stumbling upon them there, be they researcher, familiar, or beast was unlikely. This was a place designed for privacy by a group of researchers within Elpis who were known to have more… peculiar concepts.
“I think we may have taken a wrong turn,” his star remarks, tapping at the compass that had undoubtedly started to act up as soon as they crossed the threshold of this place. The magicks in play here assured utmost privacy, but there were side effects that came with it.
She was beyond adept at magic, no doubt she had sensed the change as soon as they passed through the barrier.
“Judging by the path we took, we're still traveling north. If we adjust towards the south, we should be headed in the right direction…”
Ahh, her sense of direction was incredibly keen.
Themis turns to her, smiling. “There is no need to make haste,” he says to her, speaking her name to pull her attention back towards him.
She glances up, then pauses at the look in his eye. “...Themis?”
Yes, he much preferred to have her undivided attention.
He takes her hand, sweeping his thumb across her skin in a delicate touch, his fingers caressing the underside of her wrist. He tugs her gently towards him, pressing his lips to the back of her hand, feathering kisses over her knuckles. He nuzzles his cheek there, favoring her with a fervent glance under the fan of his eyelashes.
He feels her pulse quicken under his fingertips. A small, satisfied smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
“We have both been far too busy as of late, my star,” Themis murmurs softly. Tugging her closer still, he adds, “I find myself craving your warmth. Would you deny me that?”
He can tell by the endearing movement of her tail that she is flustered.
Since she had not given him an outright rejection yet, Themis is a little more bold. He curls his fingers into her robe, gathering the fabric in his hand ilm by ilm. Slowly revealing the bare skin of her legs underneath, and higher still the pleated bits of fabric that were her skirt and charming ruffles of her small clothes underneath.
His dear star was not one to often attire herself in the trousers that were most common with amaurotine robes. Such that Themis was rather grateful for, and most appreciative of in times like these. ‘Twas far more simple to divest her of, so that he might treat her to delights she was most deserving of at a moment's notice.
“Themis…” She murmurs, glancing around with endearing bashfulness as he slides his hand under the fabric he had gathered. “What has gotten into you as of late?”
“Is it not obvious? ‘Tis all your doing, my dear.” Themis’ smile is positively genteel. His hands? Utterly wicked.
His fingers drag up her thigh, catching on the fabric of her skirt as his palm sweeps across the warm skin of her belly in a slow caress. His fingers dip low over her pelvis, slipping beneath the comfortable waistband of her skirt, his fingertips brushing over the sweet and delicate ruffles of her small clothes in teasing strokes meant to draw out her desire.
“Fret not over such things, my beloved,” he tells her, softly speaking her name. He knew she would have felt their crossing the barrier to this place with her strong affinity for magic, but the wide open space of it left a certain feeling of being exposed. That anyone could come across them.
Themis had reserved the spot for the day, but does not tell her so just yet.
The possibility of being discovered would only amplify the experience.
To engage in such intimate acts in broad daylight was certainly brazen. To do so out in the open like this, under no cover of trees or overgrown greenery was an added thrill.
“Ah, but… For us to do this out in the open..,” she murmurs, her voice trailing off into a gasp as she is sufficiently distracted by his attentions.
“You have forced my hand. I could no longer sit idly by, merely watching as your aether steadily depleted.” Themis says, his voice gentle despite the clear scolding manner in which he spoke to her.
“Well, that was—” She starts to interject, to offer excuses for neglecting herself so, but Themis continues on before she can do so.
“—Ahem. Since you have refused or simply ignored my many subtle attempts to grant you the opportunity to seek succor through easier means, I have decided to take matters into mine own hands.”
His star is quiet at that, her arms crossing as she gave a quiet huff and tapped her fingernails against her elbow.
Themis could only chuckle, a hand raised towards his face in good humor.
She was a proud creature, his beloved star. Impossibly stubborn. To call her out in such a gentle manner must leave her more than a tad disgruntled. How could she refute him when his concern for her was so abundantly clear? ‘Twas simple, she could not.
Themis brushes the backs of his knuckles across her cheek, sweeping his thumb over the elegant pattern of her scales. “What better way to replenish your aether than through physical intimacy? Our bodies are more susceptible…—”
His brilliant star interjects, incredulous, “Susceptible?” The eye she turned on him was scrutinizing. An attempt to turn the tables upon him, no doubt. And whilst Themis' intentions were not entirely pure, he would not have her wriggle her way out of responsibility for her own actions by casting aspersions upon his character. No matter how true they might be at the moment.
Themis clears his throat. Extending his forefinger upward as he amends his statement with an angelic smile, his eyes a bright, compelling blue. “Pardon, what I meant to say is that our bodies are more receptive to aether when engaging in physical contact.”
He raises his finger on his other hand, winding them around one another and then pressing them together, allowing a flicker of aether to transfer between them to punctuate his point as he clarifies, “Our close, physically intimate relationship affords me an advantage over any other in remedying that which ails you.”
She gazes at him as if weighing the truth of his words. Then she sighs, finding no fault in him, and leaning back into him as she relents. “I admit I may have neglected my own well-being. ‘Twas not my intention to do so. Nor was it to spurn your good intentions. Pray, forgive me that. You are most dear to me, Themis. There is naught that matters so much to me as your esteem.”
Themis’ heart swells with affection at her words, and he kisses at her shoulder, her neck.
“As you are to me, my falling star. I seek no apology from you, but for you to amend such habits that are detrimental to your health,” Themis replies, smiling into the warmth of her skin and scale as she tilts her head back with a soft sigh.
“I shall endeavor to do so from now on,” she tells him, and from the tone of her voice alone he could tell that she meant it. She was ever the determined one, and true to her word, at that.
“Then I should be most glad, indeed,” Themis says with a soft chuckle.
It almost made Themis feel guilty for his plans to torment her so deliciously that all that would be left in that clever head of hers would be thoughts of him.
Themis smiles to himself.
He returns his attention to trailing his lips across her jaw, her cheek. From the corner of her mouth to the full bow of her bottom lip where he finds the curve of her smile. He presses his lips against her, seeking to savor that smile. To taste the sweetness of her kiss.
She melts into him. Those lovely, endlessly capable hands of hers clutching at the back of his robe. A sweet, breathless sound spilling from her mouth as he sucks her bottom lip and coaxes her mouth open with the slick slide of his tongue against the seam of her lips.
Themis gives a deep, approving hum in his throat as she offers up her tongue for him to suck at. Succumbing to him so readily, so eagerly.
He could quickly become addicted to being the center of her focus, being the subject of her undivided attention.
Yet Themis wanted to tease her a while longer. Bully her a bit, perhaps. Though it would only ever be by pleasurable means. He could not so easily set aside his feelings of unease. Spurred on by his own feelings of envy, of jealousy. The aggravating embers of uncertainty had been fanned into a flame of irritation. Of competition.
It was not about proving himself, or even about wooing his star. He did so daily. Their relationship had already been established.
No, no.
Though the well-being of his star was paramount, the other side of this was all too simple. It was for purely selfish reasons. He wanted to make absolutely certain that he would be the only one on her mind in this capacity from this point forward. That she would look only at him, think only of him, of moments like this. His kiss upon her lips, his hands caressing her body. The pleasure only he could bring her.
Themis slips his other hand under her robe, his hand stroking along her hip, following the pattern of her scales to the base of her tail. His palm pressing to the small of her back as he leaves a path of kisses over her neck, following the curve of her collar.
The pressure of his fingers becomes firmer, rubbing her through her small clothes.
There it was. Aught that ever inspired much anticipation.
His beloved star let out that first, sweet moan.
So inspiring, ever so encouraging.
Themis was tempted to shed his robes then and there. Show her his truth, if only to have more arms to hold her, more hands with which to please her.
Patience. There would be time for that yet. Now was for the slow build of lust. To feed into her desire until all she could think of was him and all the ways he might please her.
And oh, Themis surely intends to please her. Thoroughly. Several times over.
His dearest star was unlikely to leave this lovely little spot on her own two feet, if he had his way with her in all the manners that pleased him to think of.
The fabric of her smalls had grown damp under his fingertips. Themis uses it to further stimulate her, seeking out the hardened pearl of her clit that was now begging for his attention. Well, who was he to deny her?
Themis swirls his forefinger over that sweet spot, the sodden fabric doing half the work for him by being the perfect combination of rough and wet. The amaurotine teasing her there until she whimpers for him.
“So cute,” Themis laughs gently, obliging her wordless plea by rubbing harder with two fingers.
His star trembles, burying her face in his robe.
What could he do but give her more? Themis tugs the fabric of her smalls to the side. He could picture her perfectly in his mind's eye, her soft flesh made plump by the fabric bunching up, so wet and succulent. Waiting for him to taste her. To devour her.
Themis swallows as his mouth waters in want to taste her, feeling a bit worked up himself. No doubt she could feel it, pressed up against him as she was. The burgeoning evidence of his desire for her.
He keeps his mind on the task at hand, much as he would like to sink to his knees at this very moment and give her everything. His fingers, his tongue, the eager cock that was now tenting the clean, usually crisp lines of his robes.
Now that they would be touching intimately, skin to skin, Themis focuses his aether into his hands. There was no reason he could not begin the task of balancing her aether.
Slowly, of course.
The sharing of aether could be seamless, naught more than an exchange of life energy.
Among lovers it could be the connection of the soul. Thoughts, feelings, memories. The sharing of all that you are. Aether, life, soul.
Themis much preferred to use the more intimate method. Drawing forth his aether to further stimulate and tease her.
Not too much, at first.
He did not seek to overwhelm her.
Just share enough of himself, of his aether to drive her to distraction.
And so his intentions shine through. To her, in this moment, his aether would be a whisper of sensation like the slightest caress. A feather light tickle over her skin. Aught to slowly energize her, replenish what she had lost.
Themis runs his hand over her, palm grinding ever so slightly against her mons, savoring the feel of her under his fingertips. The throb of her pulse, the slick arousal that coats his fingertips as he parts her folds and teases her with gentle strokes of his fingers. Petting her softly, sweetly.
“Themis, please,” she moans, touching his wrist. Seeming desperate for him to touch her already.
Already tired of his teasing so soon?
Themis brushes a soft kiss across her lips. “Patience, my falling star. I have you.”
She groans in her throat, but her hands fall away.
“You are in a most peculiar mood,” she remarks, but gathers up fistfuls of her robe and holds it up for him.
Themis adores that heated look on her face. The furrow of her brow, her lip caught between her teeth when it wasn't protruding out in an adorable little pout. Plainly bothered and wanting more of him.
Like an insatiable hunger, he craves more. He is not yet satisfied with this. He wants to see himself in her eyes, her face full of bliss, of ecstasy that he had given to her.
Themis slips his fingers inside of her, his thumb finding her clit to rub at as he crooks his fingers, his hand moving against her slow and easy.
The intensity of his aether increases from a whisper to a buzz of static, lustful energy channeled to the tips of his fingers to better please her.
He could feel her twitch, squeezing around his fingers greedily. Her legs were shivering. In fact, her whole body was trembling. Every throb and jolt that wracks her frame sending more wetness dripping down his fingers and into the cup of his palm.
“Gods, please,” she moans.
Themis felt that heat himself. Feeling stifled, restrained in his many layers. There was still waiting to do for him, but his star was being quite patient. Something of a reward was in order.
Themis sinks to his knees, flipping up her skirt and tugging her smalls down to her ankles. A dewy string of wetness clinging to the cloth until it breaks as he tugs them past her knees.
For this, Themis does not delay. Burying his face against her and breathing her in as he parts his lips and licks her as far as his tongue could stretch, from bottom to top.
She lets out the loveliest sound for him, a moan of his name. “Ohh, Themis..!”
One of her hands drops away from holding up the fall of her robe, landing instead on his head as her fingers curl into the strands of hair just above his ear.
Themis laps at her dutifully, spreading her open with his hands as he savors her taste on his tongue. He sucks at her folds, groaning as his own desire builds with the delectable task of pleasing her.
He delves deeper, thrusting into her with his tongue, then pulling back and wiggling it against her. He holds one of her legs up, curling her knee over his shoulder to keep her steady as she starts to waver on her feet. With his other hand, he rubs at her with strong, purposeful fingers. Alternating between massaging her with his fingertips, or playing with her clit.
Here, too, did he supply her with his aether. Funneling it into his lips, his tongue, his fingers.
Persistent. Intense.
He was not without his generosity. He would bring her to her peak at least once before he resumed teasing her.
“Ah, I…! Mm.. So… close!” She mewls, tugging at his hair as she bucks her hips forward into his face. Grinding against his tongue, his nose. Her whole body grows taut, her back bowing over his hand as she tips over the edge of the pleasure precipice.
Themis holds her safe and steady, catching her with a net of his aether so she does not tip too far back. The amaurotine not minding over much about his hair getting pulled rather forcefully in the process of it all.
Her pleasure was worth any pain, fleeting or forever.
He gives her time to bask in that bliss, extending it a little longer on his end as he licks her through it. Sucking at her folds, her clit, massaging along her outer folds with his fingers.
He feels her tense again, throbbing on his tongue. Another peak?
My, she was certainly sensitive today.
Themis drinks it all down with full gladness. His tongue is flat and wide as he laps up all that she has to offer him, not wanting to waste one drop of that sweet ambrosia.
Themis gives her time to float through the afterglow. Quite literally floating, on a hammock made of his aether that he laid underneath her like a net. Or perhaps a web. He was plotting to thoroughly devour her, after all. This was merely the beginning. A sampling of what was to come.
Themis had such plans for her.
His brilliant, dazzling star.
He gathers her up, swaying through the air on his aether to land safe in his waiting arms.
“That was…” She starts to say, before pausing and looking down at her hands, her body. “Were we not meant to exchange aether? Aside from being pleasantly tingly all over, I feel somewhat only better.”
Themis laughs, lowering her down to sit in his lap with her back to his chest.
Watching her blink, because they were both quite naked now when a moment before they had both been almost entirely clothed.
“Oh. Well. This is most convenient.”
Themis smiles, settling her quite cozily in his lap. His hands come to rest on her waist, squeezing gently as he rolls his hips forward. His cock pillowed between the plush softness of her thighs, pearly droplets of his own desire beading at the tip. She was warm and oh so wet where his length pressed against her.
He wanted nothing more than to sink into that wet heat, but abstains for now. Allowing his star a moment's rest to regain her bearings before he resumes.
“To answer your question, we are far from through. Or would you rather I offer up my aether in one go here and now so that you may return to running errands for every researcher within Elpis?”
She wiggles in his lap, shaking her head. “No, no,” she says, her voice taking on that charming flustered quality he recognizes as her head dips down to watch as his cock slid between her thighs, rubbing up between her folds. Her soft skin made delightfully slippery for him by her own slick arousal.
“Far be it from me to… disrupt the proper flow of things.”
Themis dips his head to kiss her hair, finding her far too funny and endearing.
“Indeed so, we would not want to disrupt the proper procedure. This is a delicate matter that must be handled by those with the knowledge, with the right touch,” Themis murmurs to her softly, his voice caressing her horns as he embraces her from behind, his hands wandering with deliberate care towards the places she was most sensitive to touch. Knowing very well how she enjoyed the low tones of his voice, Themis puts a little aether behind it to enhance the experience of it.
She had once told him that the thrum of his voice through her horns was a pleasant sensation for her.
The way she shivers with the sound of his voice spoke of the truth of her words. Though perhaps the steady rocking of his hips was another reason that she finds herself distracted.
“Themis, please,” she moans.
A sudden spark of inspiration comes to him.
“Do you trust me, my star?” Themis murmurs.
She answers him immediately, without pause. “Of course I do. More than anyone.”
‘Twas as if there could be no doubt, no other answer than the one she gave him.
Was her trust in him truly so implicit?
Themis’ heart swells, fit to bursting with warmth and affection. He wraps his arms around her, squeezing her in an impromptu embrace.
Her hands lift up to squeeze at the backs of his arms. Returning his affection in what way she could, sitting with her back to his chest like this.
“Does something so obvious as that make you truly so happy to hear?” She asks, smiling by the sound of her lips.
He presses his lips to her hair. Honest as always. “More than you know, my star.”
She pets him gently, running her fingers across his arms where he was still embracing her. “I would tell you no falsehoods. You do not know just how much you mean to me, Themis. For you, I would do anything.”
Themis swallows against the sudden tightness of his throat. He had not known how addictive it could be to hear such things from her lips.
It only made him crave it more.
He wanted to know just how much he meant to her. How he measured up to this other person he must remind her of, they who haunted her so.
If he meant more to her than they did.
His mind was made up.
“Then, would you close your eyes for me?” Themis asks, pulling a piece of fabric from what seems to be thin air.
His star startles a bit as he wraps the fabric around her eyes, being very careful of her horns.
She touches a hand to the blindfold he had fastened around her head. “Just what are you up to?”
Themis chuckles. “All I ask is that you sit still and allow me to please you.”
She relaxes into him, squeezing his arm once more before returning her hands to her sides. “Very well. If that is your wish.”
Themis' greatest wish had already landed in his lap, his guiding star who had fallen from the sky.
His destined meeting.
“It is,” Themis says lightly, and resumes his earlier attention towards her.
The ticklish caress of his aether makes her shiver as he trails his fingertips across her skin. Allowing her a moment to adjust to the feeling of him touching her while she sat blindfolded in his lap.
“It feels more intense like this,” she says, already squirming.
“It is meant to be,” he replies, allowing his hands to wander. “My intention is to remove all distractions, to narrow your focus. To my touch, my voice alone.”
Her voice comes out a little breathy on her reply, “If that is so, it is working quite well. I could not dream of becoming distracted when you have me so vulnerable like this, naked and blindfolded on your lap. There is no other I would trust like this, Themis. You are the only one.”
Themis smiles so hard his face aches with it, his hands humming with lustful aether as they rove over her with a fair bit of possessive greed.
Never had he thought that a few words would fill him with such satisfaction.
Eagerness runs through him, he knows not where to begin. To explore the endless expanse of skin and scale for his hands to map out. Her breasts, her hips, her belly, her legs. The adorable sight of her feet, her toes curling with pleasure. Of course, last but not least that warm, wet welcoming place between her thighs.
He starts at her shoulders, rubbing the tension away, soothing any ache of her muscles as he squeezes his way down her arms to her hands, and raising them up by his grip on her wrists to kiss along the backs of her hands, her knuckles, her fingertips.
She leans into him, sighing softly.
Themis resumes his course, rubbing downward from her collarbone, dipping lower and lower towards her chest.
Her breasts are so soft under his hands, so satisfying to massage in the palms of his hands. Her pretty nipples are perked at attention for him to play with. He delights in the soft sounds she makes as he rolls them between his fingers and thumbs, tweaking and plucking at them to watch her jolt and gasp.
She squirms so cutely in his lap, rubbing herself up against him. More dewy desire dripping from the succulent softness of her folds.
Themis groans softly to himself as she squeezes him between her thighs, rubbing them together intentionally to stimulate him. Even now, she was still cheeky.
He slips his hands between the plush give of her inner thighs, fingers dimpling her flesh as he kneads at her strongly, sliding down towards her knees where he spreads her thighs open. Aught to prevent her from distracting him, or making him give into pleasure first.
He Indulges in a slight rocking of his hips that barely has him sliding against her, under her. His cock slips so very slowly between the silky wet heat of her folds, forward and back, forward and back.
Themis wonders how long he could keep her here, on the edge of bliss. How long he could last himself, when she was so irresistibly tempting.
He takes a slow breath and softens the intensity of his aether back down to a whisper of sensation. Slowing the movement of his hands. Truly savoring the moment.
Slowly from her ribcage to her belly does he traverse, his fingertips trailing over her so reverently, worshipful. He traces the scales that curve her hips, memorizing the unique shape of every one under his fingertips. How lovely their pattern, how unique to her.
His hands slip lower still, his fingertips barely grazing across her skin. The presence of his aether was more present than his physical touch. Aught to further tease and tantalize as he drew nearer to the apex of her thighs.
“Please, touch me,” she moans, bucking her hips forward.
How could he refuse such an earnest plea?
Themis rubs at her obligingly, his fingers kneading at her mons in slow, firm circles. His forefinger slips down into her wetness to slick his fingertip, aught that he uses to swirl across her clit.
“Yes, yes!” She mewls, bucking her hips forward.
Themis hums, and stops.
She whines.
Themis chuckles and starts again. Slower, softer. His aether even milder.
He strokes only at her clit this time, focusing there. His hips rolling gently forward beneath her.
She trembles all over, quivering down to the tip of her tail. Her legs jerking and tensing as he rubs her just right, finding that sweet spot that made her hips jolt up.
“So! Hnngh…!”
Again, Themis stops.
His star lets out a frustrated cry, flopping against him.
“Gods, what are you doing to me?” She gasps, desire thick in her voice. She sounds aggravated, her tail lashing with displeasure. As if she were ready to call on her magic right this moment and demand he finish what he started.
Or else.
“Have I teased you too much, my falling star?” Themis laughs.
“Themis. Either you give me what I want or I will tear this blindfold off and ride you so hard that you'll bruise your most precious appendage. Make your choice.”
Oh, dear. She was serious.
Themis coughs. “Well, I suppose I have no choice left to me but to follow your will.” That said, he dutifully loosens the blindfold.
She crosses her arms. “So it seems.”
He savors the silky slick feeling between her thighs for a few beats longer before lifting her up by her waist.
“Oh!” She squeaks with surprise, her legs and tail lifting up. Her muscles tense as she hung in his grasp, mid-air.
Themis grins, knowing that his strength was ever impressive to her. He may be small compared to his fellow convocation members, or even the average amaurotine, but he did not lack for much in other areas.
He lets go, buoying her with a net of his aether. Spinning her carefully around so they would be able to gaze upon another face.
He particularly enjoys the gasp she lets out as he slowly lowers her back down, ilm by ilm, onto his waiting cock.
They groan in unison. His star stretched open by his familiar shape after some time, while Themis adjusted to that snug, wet heat he had been missing since last they had indulged. They had been rather busy.
She felt like a dream, as always. It was all he could do to hold fast and not lay her out on the soft grass to thrust into her with the wild abandon of a lust addled beast. To test the limits of their combined stamina until one, or both of them ultimately succumbed to the sweet oblivion of the utterly exhausted.
“Themis,” his lover whines, rocking herself back on him. Twisting her hips. So eager, so impatient. The swat of her tail against his skin stung a bit.
Themis hisses her name through his teeth, unable to resist bucking his hips up. His hands grasp at her waist, his little star rising and falling again as she rides his cock, the amaurotine bouncing her on his lap in a moment of weakness. A surge of desire too powerful to ignore.
She reacts magnificently. Moaning and sighing his name. So hot, so wet as she squeezes and throbs around him so deliciously. Her arms reach up to wrap around his neck. Naught to do but enjoy the ride as Themis does all the work himself.
She is sensitive thanks to his efforts. Her pleasure builds fast to yet another toe curling orgasm.
Themis gets lost in it, too. Drawn into her gravity. Forgetting himself and his plans for a moment as he surrenders to the temptation, drowning in the bliss of pleasure and sharing aether.
She was too much for him to bear as he relaxed his guard. Too hot, too wet. Too wonderful beyond words for him to possibly articulate. The tight squeeze of her around him is his undoing.
His fingers dig into her hips as she wrings his pleasure from him. His essence laden with his aether as it pours into her in strong, sporadic pulses.
His focus wavers in that moment. The reins of his careful control falling slack. More than aether is shared with her as a result. His desire for her, the pleasure he was feeling. His thoughts, his feelings, his memories. All of them pertaining to her.
“Themis, what is this…?” She gasps, no doubt swept up in the intensity of it all.
The deeper connection forms a loop between them. His star feeling his pleasure, and he feeling hers. Layer upon layer.
His star peaks again, experiencing multiples of ecstasy. Overwhelmed.
It takes everything within him to stop, but he must.
His star cries out with dismay, forcing Themis to pin her wiggling hips down with his hands so as not to be tempted to start up anew.
“We should build towards such things, my dearest,” Themis tells her, short of breath himself. A bit of a hysterical laugh bubbling up in his throat. His whole body was trembling, strained from the willpower it had taken to close off that connection between them before the endless loop had led them on a path of debauchery that only unconsciousness would cure them of.
Themis’ heart thumps hard in his breast, his thoughts racing. Wondering what she had seen, what she knew now. What sort of peek into his psyche that his moment of vulnerability had given her.
“Themis,” she says his name with feeling.
He closes his eyes. “...Yes, my star?”
Her hand cups his face, cradling his jaw.
“There is no one else,” she tells him softly. Seriously.
So, she had seen.
Enough, at least, to explain his behavior.
Themis leans into her hand, laying his hand over hers as he nuzzles into her palm. “Is there not? There are times when you look at me, my star… I do not think you are seeing me.”
“There was once someone I loved,” She admits slowly. Her expression twisting with old pain, “but that person is gone now.”
Themis frowns. He had not meant to open old wounds.
“Perhaps it is true that you share similarities, but that is all,” she shakes her head, smiling at him. That pain easing from her face as she gazes at him with love in her eyes, her heart writ across her expression. “You are the one I love, Themis.”
Themis leans forward, kissing her with all his built up feelings. That envy and jealousy fueling the hunger of his kiss, his lips sliding over hers. Swallowing the sounds she made, her gasps for breath, as he cradled her head and poured it all into a kiss that lasted several, breathless, heart pounding moments. Until they were both dizzy and needed to part for air.
He tugs her hand towards his chest, pinning her hand under his palm so that she might feel the pounding, truthful beat of his heart.
“Forgive me my foolishness,” he asks of her, speaking her name as if it were the most important string of letters to ever leave his lips. “Perhaps since the moment you fell from the sky and into my arms, you've held my heart in your hand. I love you dearly, all too deeply. It seems I have become quite irrational with these feelings of mine.”
“You are forgiven for all of it. There was no harm done,” She says simply, and is the one to kiss him this time. Quieting any further self flagellation before he has the chance to speak it.
She leans back, thumbing at his lower lip and smiling at him. “All I ask is that you come to me from now on, instead of holding it all inside and building it up in your own mind.”
“Enough now,” She says, the look in her eyes heated, sultry. “You have had your fun, teasing me so. ‘Tis high time I had a turn.”
She bounces herself in his lap, grinding slowly. Her nails graze down his chest, catching on his nipples.
Themis groans. Leaning back on his hands as he watches her ride him, looking him steadily in the eye with that confident gaze of hers.
“I had so much more planned,” Themis moans, unable to stop the buck of his hips beneath her. Gods, he could melt.
She felt amazing.
“Tell me of them, then, and I will tell you whether we will do so,” She says, her tail swaying with mischief. A little breathless as she puts the work in.
Themis laughs, a bit charmed. Well, more than merely a bit.
He was utterly smitten.
“Well, I had thought I might treat you to a tryst with my truth again.”
Her eyes gleam with interest. “Oh? Well, what were you waiting for?”
Themis moans as she shimmies her hips, squeezing him just right.
“It has been some time, I must needs prepare you first,” Themis gasps, his hips snapping up.
His star leans forward. “You've used your aether for plenty of things now, have you not? Or are you too tired?”
Themis looks at her, his blue eyes glittering at her obvious challenge.
“Do keep in mind you asked this of me, my star.”
He sits up, blindfold in his hands.
“This again?” His star asks as he ties it around her eyes.
“The transformation is much too bright,” Themis explains. “If you look at it directly without some measure of protection, you could harm your lovely eyes. This cloth is enchanted to protect against such things.”
His star sits straight, gasping as she feels the sudden flare of his aether.
“Hold very still now,” Themis murmurs to her as his aether swirls around the both of them. “I do not wish to harm you.”
She moans, obviously feeling his aether as it trickles into her. It swells inside of her slowly, stretching her open like a tangible thing. Carefully, patiently, impossibly slow.
All she could do was sit still for him. Keeping his cock warm and wet as he suffuses her with his aether in a manner most intimate.
It was a slow stretch. His aether thickens inside of her and swirls around with the spend he had already poured into her. The bigger it grew, the more mess he made of her thighs and of his lap below her as his aether forces out his cum, sending it steadily trickling out of her.
Light shimmers around him, the brightness growing as his transformation takes hold. The stretch of his aether inside of her was soon replaced by the thick girth of his cock, his true form far larger than the average amaurotine even at half his usual size as he was now.
She could not take him comfortably inside herself at his full size, though they had indulged in some creative play involving plenty of lubricant and the softness of her body.
“How is it, my star? Too much for you to bear?” Themis asks her. He had been careful, exceedingly slow in preparing her, but one word of discomfort from her and he would revert back to his usual size. There were many ways he could still yet please her.
She presses her hands to her belly, feeling him deep. Her head shook from side to side. “Keep going.”
Themis cups her waist in his hands, all four of his arms.
That was something else his star enjoyed in this form. That he had an extra pair of hands to please her with.
Themis quite liked it, too.
It meant he could hold her steady with one pair and explore her body with the other. Or use all four hands to satisfy her.
Themis holds her by the waist, moving slow. He did not want to rush things in this form.
His star was less patient after all this teasing. She had already begun to wiggle and squirm. Testing her level of her own comfort; and Themis’ patience.
He supposed it was what he deserved, having teased her so intentionally.
He runs his many hands over her, his every touch laden with aether. Aught that he offers up to her, to replenish her deficiency as he had intended from the very beginning.
He could not hold this form for too long, for all the concentration and aether it took to maintain it.
But judging how she reacts so positively, moaning for him so sweetly, it would not be necessary.
He lifts her slowly, ilm by ilm, then lowers her down again. Starting a slow and steady pace as he uses his extra pair of hands to his advantage. Touching her all over as he was wanting to do much earlier in their intimacy.
There would be no holding back. Themis intended to use this form to its fullest, however long it lasted.
He paws at her breasts and along her hips, kneading their softness. His fingers pluck and tug at her nipples, his fingertips humming with a strong vibration of aether.
Another hand slid over her belly in a charged, zigzagging path. Exuding warmth and abundant aether.
His star moans most appreciatively as his fingers find her sweet spots. She cannot hold still as he rubs at her, his aether far too potent. He could not restrain it with the same precision while maintaining this half-transformed state.
His star was treated to pure, unfiltered aether at full strength. She was already squeezing him tighter, pulsing around him. It would not be long at all now.
Themis was nearing his limit himself, and quickly. If the way she throbbed around him so hot and wet weren't enough, the sudden presence of her aether brushing against his was enough to edge him towards the tipping point.
He could feel her. Know her thoughts, her feelings. See into her soul as their aether twined together so intimately.
Her memories filter through, filling his chest with overwhelming warmth.
He feels her feelings as she begins from the very moment she fell from the sky. It is overwhelming, but Themis cannot close himself off to it. He drinks it all in, feeling what she felt as their relationship grew.
Surprise, intrigue. A sense of familiarity that slowly shifted to understanding. Warmth, affection. Friendship.
He sees himself through her eyes. His eyes, his smile, his own face reflected back at him. The way he stood, his little quirks and gestures as he spoke, the way he laughed.
Love, love, love. So much love.
It was so strong a feeling as she gazed at him, and she did such so very often. The love in her heart for him was overwhelming.
Themis' heart aches with it, overfull.
She touches his chest, and Themis looks up. Tears brimming over his eyelashes.
It was as if her heart was speaking to him, her voice whispering over every memory: Themis. Themis. Themis, Themis, Themis…—!
“Do you understand now?” She murmurs gently. “I love you, Themis.”
Themis cannot hold it. He covers her eyes with one hand to shield them, squeezing her in his embrace with the other three.
He bursts, his transformation falling away in a flash of blinding light as he pours all his aether into her. All the love in his heart, and everything else he had left to give. Themis gives himself over to her, surrendering himself without worry.
She loved him, and that was all the matter.
His beloved star takes it all, gasping and clinging to him. Riding out the wave as pleasure crashed over her in an overwhelming flood of intensity.
The world turns. Dizzying, far too bright. Everything fades in that flood of blinding light.
The aftermath finds them both sprawled across the grass, surrounded by flowers as they lay in a lover's embrace.
His star gazes up at the sky, her chest rising and falling with her labored breath. Themis cannot tear his eyes away from her to even glance at the sky, unbothered by how much time must have passed them by while they had lost themselves in one another.
Sunset, he gathered, judging by the way the light lit her skin and hair.
He murmurs her name, reaching out a hand to turn her face towards him.
She looks at him with a heart melting smile. Reaching for him with arms wide open as her lips seek his own.
Themis meets her in the middle, pulling her even closer. He pillows her head on his arm, sharing kiss after kiss. She laughs and he turns his attention to her cheeks, her nose, her chin. Pressing his lips to her forehead in one last kiss before he leans back again.
“How are you still so energetic?” She sighs, smiling.
“Youth,” he says. “Or so my colleagues claim.”
She cradles his cheek in her hand, her thumb rubbing the tear tracks on his cheek. “I suppose they all are ages older.”
“Indeed, but nevermind that,” Themis nods, brushing the subject aside.
“How are you feeling, my star?”
She hums, wiggling a bit in his embrace. “Sore, but good. I suppose I should come to you if I am ever in need of more aether.”
Themis smiles, turning his head to kiss her wrist. “I am ever at your service.”
She laughs. “How fortuitous for me.”
Themis sighs softly and squeezes her in his arms, closing his eyes. “Shall we rest for a while now, my star?”
She gives a soft sound. Stroking his hair and down his back. Stroke, stroke, stroke. So soothing. Themis does not fight the drowsiness as it creeps over him. Safe and comfortable in his lover's embrace.
“I imagine you must be in need of a nap, but we have been here for quite a while. Perhaps an hour more. Is that enough for you?”
Themis breathes calm and slow in her embrace, already asleep.
His star smiles, staring at his angelic face.
“Sleep well, my dear emissary. Dream sweet. I will be here when you wake.”
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aboy-and-hisdumb-cat · 1 year ago
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look at my wol i love her so much
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crossroadsdimension · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Cross Sylvan (OC) Additional Tags: Miqo'te Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Female Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Named Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Patches 2.0 - 2.5, journal entries and letters Series: Part 1 of Cross Sylvan, Warrior of Light Summary: A series chronological one-shots detailing the beginnings of my Warrior of Light's journey. Peppered throughout will be letters and journal entries, as well as occasional scenes where she interacts with and gets to know the various allies and enemies she will make within Eorzea.
This is something that I’ve been working on, on and off. And with this being the 10th anniversary of FFXIV, I thought, “why not post the first chapter?”
This chapter is called “First Steps Amid Falling Stars,” by the way! I hope you enjoy it!
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deathflare · 1 year ago
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i was doodling... and then i found out... they are about the same height
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zeearts · 8 months ago
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sleep cuddles in the early morning
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bunsandstuff · 2 months ago
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L'ange de Ishgard
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tsukiffxiv · 4 months ago
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Aspect of Spring: Eorzea Collection
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feeeshy · 11 months ago
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mmmmm her
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shibaleeart · 1 year ago
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And with the annoucement of Fem Hrothgars, I am once again struggling to beat the furry allegations
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years ago
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And he looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at ~🩷
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ladyramora · 1 year ago
Erichthonios x Taimu Comm
Romance, Angst, Feels & Fluff
Rating: Teen
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Main Characters: Erichthonios, Taimu
Minor Characters: Lahabrea, Natus Vincer, Themis, Emmy (Carbuncle)
↓↓↓ Endwalker Spoilers, Spoilers for the Pandaemonium raid below the cut↓↓↓
The return of Natus and Taimu was of course an occasion that ever did raise the spirits of their significant others.
Themis, in particular, Erichthonios did not fail to notice, could become quite dour in the prolonged absence of his remarkable lover.
The return of Natus was indeed as if all of Elpis—and mayhap all of Amaurot as well—breathed a sigh of relief. There were plenty of ill-tempered convocation members without adding the good natured Emissary to the list.
It was a relief to see Themis returned to his usual cheer as soon as Natus made an appearance. The outlandish man come to sweep the Emissary off his feet and make off with him. Truly the epitome of young sweethearts.
Ah, but, speaking of those that were acting unlike their usual selves…
Something was off, not quite right. Erichthonios could feel it down to his very bones.
Though his dearest Taimu had done her best to put forth her usual energy and cheer as they both went dutifully about their chosen tasks, Erichthonios was not so consumed in his own goings-on that he failed to notice the peculiarities of behavior in the one he held most dear.
The work could always wait. It was hardly pressing now, not like the chaos that had been their first meeting. Erichthonios could spare the time to figure out just what it was that had his Taimu acting out of sorts.
She was hovering more than usual, and not just out of her regular want for affection; such that had often flustered him. To be the sole object of such genuine affection was something he was still getting used to, considering his upbringing…
Nay, whatever it was that had her lingering around him was markedly different from her usual habits.
Something was bothering her, and for whatever reason she was not being forthcoming about speaking what was on her mind.
Still, she was not avoiding him. That was a relief. It eased his worry somewhat that whatever had her so troubled was aught he had done. Of course, it did not erase the niggling thought entirely, and so Erichthonios mustered up the courage he could to ask her outright before he drove himself mad with anxiety.
“Tai,” he calls to her softly, reaching out a tad hesitantly to touch her shoulder. “Is aught amiss? You seem… troubled. I am here to listen, ever at your service, should you need an ear. ‘Tis my hope that I could bring you comfort, the same as you have for me.”
Taimu looks at him with those wide, lovely eyes of hers. Like sparkling gems of ruby red and sapphire blue. Today they seem far too sad, as if his lover were ruminating on something truly upsetting, on the verge of despair. One moment away from bursting into tears.
“Erich,” she says quietly, fretfully. As if she were considering for a moment to tell him something of significant weight. But then she stops, shakes her head, and smiles at him.
Ah, that smile. Erichthonios knew that smile. His dear Tai was not one to speak lies, but her smiles were not always true. No matter how lovely all her smiles were, Erich much preferred her genuine emotions over anything false for his own sake.
“I just… want to be around you as much as possible, whenever I can. I miss you terribly when we're apart,” she says, looking down and knotting her fingers together. She pauses, glancing up at him with a furrowed brow, her hands clasped tightly together. “Unless you find it bothersome. I know you have work to do. Should I… give you some space?”
Erichthonios reaches out, unable to resist tousling the blue and white of her hair as he pats her head. She presses into his hand, her eyes closing with his touch.
“You needn't worry about that. I only asked because I was worried about you,” Erichthonios says with a smile, his heart racing just from that bit of contact. His skin felt warm, and his stomach was flip-flopping, full up with what felt like the fluttering wings of ianthine petalouda.
By the star, she was far too lovely. Erich wanted to hold her in his arms and nuzzle his face against the softness of her hair, to breathe in her sweet scent and bask in her warmth.
He would like nothing more than to kiss her until a true smile curled at the plush softness of her lips.
Unfortunately, this was hardly the place to indulge in such things. This was still his place of work, and anyone could stumble upon them if they became too wrapped up in one another. It was far too easy a thing to do. Taimu stirred a passion within him unlike anything he had ever experienced. Once he got started, it was hard to stop.
“There is nothing you wish to speak of, you are certain?” He asks a bit insistently. Would she not be convinced if he were a tad more assertive?
Taimu only smiles that same less than sincere smile at him, nodding her head.
Erichthonios withholds a sigh, wishing that she would tell him what was truly bothering her.
His thoughts wander as he mulls over the ways he might help cheer her up, even if she did not wish to share with him her troubles. He strokes her hair a few moments longer as he does so, an unconscious motion of his hand over her head. She leans into him, obviously craving the contact. Her face burrows into his robe, hiding her expression from view as she breathed in deep and sighed out a long exhale.
Was this enough to bring her a measure of comfort?
Erichthonios feels somewhat flustered as she curls intimately close, wrapping her arms around his waist in a hug that soon becomes a firm squeeze of an embrace. One that he did not doubt would linger quite long.
It was not that he minded at all, except…
The warder glances around, if only to make certain there was no one lingering about to peep on them.
Themis and Natus, mostly. The two men together had become an incorrigible pair, constantly teasing and poking fun at how shy he and Taimu were in their own manner of affection.
As if they had much room to speak, considering the elaborate dance those two had done around one another before finally getting together. Erich had been exhausted just watching them. The only saving grace of that span of time had been how often Taimu had giggled when watching their ridiculous antics.
The only problem was, now that they were together, they made it their business to poke their noses into his relationship with Taimu. Friendly concern, they called it. Hah, what rot.
Erichthonios clears his throat, his fist raised towards his face in embarrassment just thinking of past teasing from those two, but does not stop the gentle movement of his hand over Taimu’s silky soft hair.
He could give her this much, at least.
Yet Erichthonios could not tamp down the overwhelming need to do more.
It was a very selfish desire, he knew. One that stemmed from his need to always see her happy and smiling, but he could not deny
He needed to put forth more effort.
All he could muster, through any means.
Anything to bring back her smile.
Erichthonios did not think he would ever find it easy to seek out the man who was his father. Being in the same room with Master Lahabrea felt as if Erichthonios were taking a test he had not sufficiently studied for.
The very silence felt heavy, weighed down with the history between them. Filled up with everything they do not say to one another. What more was there to be said? There was too much that had happened.
The rift between them had been mended somewhat, but they were by no means a close father-son relationship.
There was still an awkwardness between them. A distance, a gap that would be difficult to close.
Even though his mother was gone, she was still a phantom they could not shake. It was as if her merciless eyes were still looking down on them, finding flaw in every breath, fault in every twitch of a finger.
Erichthonios fists his hands at his sides, his jaw clenching with his gritted teeth.
“I see no reason to deny you your request,” Lahabrea says, looking over the formal request that Erichthonios had submitted for his perusal. To borrow a holding cell was no small matter, but to Lahabrea it was a simple thing.
“I shall grant it for a day, but no longer than that.”
One small thing that the man could do to make up for the ways he had failed his son. Bribery was no way to earn forgiveness, but Erichthonios was fine with accepting these small favors so long as it was something that would make Taimu happy.
Erichthonios breathes a little easier with being granted this favor. He would have found a way to go forward without his father's approval, but it was far simpler to have it. This way, he could better focus his time and attention into crafting something worthy of the woman who held his heart.
As a diligent, dutiful warder, he pays his respects to Master Lahabrea, and turns to take his leave.
It is his father's voice that stops him at the door.
“It is for her, is it not?” Lahabrea asks in a tone most peculiar. “The one who has hold of your heart.”
Erichthonios did not want to share anything, but…
“It is,” he says, his voice softened with affection. With love. “I want to be the reason that she smiles.”
Lahabrea hums. The shuffling of parchment telling that he had put his request with the rest of the stack he had so far approved.
“‘Tis as good a reason as any.”
Erichthonios nods. “I know.”
He leaves it at that. Not wanting to hear what his father might say next. Something about his mother, perhaps. The topic of Athena was still a sore spot between them.
Erichthonios did not doubt that she always would be. Such was the sort of woman that his mother had been.
She had her claws in them even now. Her memory was ever a black shadow hovering over them, her name like poison on the tips of their tongues.
Well, Erichthonios was done with wallowing in the dark. Allowing the expectations of his parents to dictate his every action, afraid of failure.
He knew now what it was like to step into the light, to shake off the shackles of responsibility and to live for himself.
Taimu had shown him true happiness.
The very least he could do was try to give her the same.
It takes some careful maneuvering on his part to make certain that Taimu does not discover his surprise before he is ready to unveil it. So Erichthonios makes use of a favor owed by one of his fellow colleagues, a new face who had relied heavily upon his guidance in learning the ins and outs of working within the walls of Pandaemonium.
It is that colleague who calls upon Taimu for some frivolous form of assistance or other, drawing her away from Erichthonios’ side for the time being, and thus granting him the time he needed to prepare his surprise for her while she was sufficiently distracted.
Honestly, Erichthonios was not exactly certain the man truly worked here…
He was a bit of an oddity who had shown up entirely out of the blue, and never seemed to stop talking about his wife.
There was no guarantee that the man could keep Taimu occupied for long, so Erichthonios set about completing his task quickly. His heart was pounding in his breast with the pressure of needing to hurry, but his body is suffused with the gleeful warmth of doing something for the person he loved and adored.
Taimu seemed to be in better spirits as he led her with her eyes closed towards their destination. To make certain she does not sneak a peek, Erich covers her eyes with his hands, guiding her slowly forward as a steady presence at her back.
Her carbuncle and constant companion, Emmy, made cheerful chirps as the shimmering creature loped in loops around them, bouncing to and fro. Lighting up the dark with the gentle glow of Taimu's of aether as it bounded off ahead of them, off to explore.
Erichthonios did not worry for the curious little creature. Emmy always seemed to come back, no matter how deep they delved into the dark depths of Pandaemonium.
He can hear the smile in her voice as she asks him, giggling, “Where are we going?”
Erich grins, tapping her nose playfully with his pinky. “The surprise is half the fun of it. You'll see.”
He leads her to the repurposed cell, waiting for just the right moment to activate the concept he had carefully crafted. The transformation could be just as breathtaking as the finished result.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” Taimu asks as they start to slow, nearing the center of the empty cell.
“Just a little longer,” Erichthonios says, covering her eyes with one hand as he pulls the concept crystal from within his robe. He activates it, dropping his hand from her face as the one-use crystal scatters into motes of aether.
“Look, Tai,” Erichthonios says, squeezing her shoulder with one hand as he points with the other, directing her attention to the pitch black darkness above them, the ceiling of the cell too far away for their eyes to discern in the dark.
The concept he had created was already at work, the creation magic given form shooting from his hand like a star, glimmering aether lighting up the dark in dazzling, sparkling brilliance. It stops just short of the barrier of the ceiling and bursts into a shower of luminous sparks similar to that of a firework. A dome of creation magic forming within the confines of the empty cell, filling up the dreary dark with color and soft light.
Tiny balls of shining aether arc far above their heads like meteorites, each one finding a place to rest as twinkling stars in the velvet expanse of the artificial sky he crafted just for the two of them.
Erichthonios comes to stand at her side, gazing at her side profile and watching the iridescent display of aether from the reflection in her lovely eyes. It was far more beautiful witnessing how it painted her peachy skin in a shifting prism of color, casting a romantic glow over her features.
The creation magic extends to the floor, stretching across it in a soft glow. The anticipation of something new and beautiful.
It was an endless expanse of flowers as far as the eye could see, one after another, the plant life blooming at their feet. It was all the flowers that Taimu had admired outside of Pandaemonium, within Elpis. Beautiful and ephemeral.
Here in the gentle dark, they glowed with the soft light of Erichthonios’ aether. Familiar, warm, so very comforting.
After the transformation is settled, he speaks to her in a kind, compassionate voice. “I do not know what troubles you. Nor do I need to know, should you find yourself unable to speak of it. Yet I would have you know this… That I will be here for you throughout it all, no matter the circumstances, and that I shall ever strive to make you as happy as you have made me. Nay, even happier.”
Erichthonios takes a breath, smiling to himself. “Never had I thought that I would let another heart touch my own after bearing witness to what love did to my father and mother, and yet… perhaps despite myself, you have become the most important person in my life.”
He kneels down, plucking a perfect, glowing bloom and twirling the stem between his fingers as he straightens up to his full height again. “Though I ache to see you so troubled, I would hurt far more if I cannot unburden your heart even in small ways such as these.”
He offers the flower to her, his brows lifting in a gentle expression, affection writ across his face. His love for her plain in every movement, in the gentlest flutter of his eyelashes, in the curve of his sweet smile. With a bit of aether, the flower changes in his hand, every petal a different color that shined ever so softly. “You are dear to me no matter your colors. No matter the changing season or your shift in mood, I would weather the storm to stay beside you. I would bear it all and more for the slightest chance to preserve your smile. Because… I love you, Taimu.”
Erichthonios is startled at the sudden sheen of wetness he sees in Taimu's eyes, causing them to gleam all the brighter. At the first tear that falls, he feels his heart twist, taken aback as he watches it spill over her eyelashes and trickle down her soft cheek.
His stomach was swooping with dread, tied up in knots of anxious worry as he reached out to touch her shoulder.
Had he done wrong? Was she unhappy?
“Taimu, have I made a mistake?” he asks, his voice low and regretful. His throat closes with emotion, squeezing tight so that he must force the words out.
“You need only say the word, and I will…” Erichthonios raises his hand up, his fist clenching as he flung his arm aside for emphasis, “I will break the magic this very moment..!”
Taimu spins around to face him, the sudden motion sending the tears on her cheeks flying through the air.
He is not expecting her to fling herself at him, so he does not brace for it.
His aether reacts, protection magic built into this concept as a precautionary measure. Pandaemonium was ever unpredictable, and so Erichthonios had layered this concept with their safety in mind, so that they could enjoy their time together without worry.
Their fall is cushioned by the impossibly soft field of flowers beneath them, a flurry of glowing flower petals kicked up by the force of their impact.
Erichthonios is breathless from the wind being knocked out of him by Taimu's tackle, but still cradles her body with his as he gasps out in worry for her, “Tai, are you—?”
She kisses him, her teardrops landing on his face and trickling down his cheeks as if they were his own tears.
She was shaking with the effort of swallowing the sound of her tears, her body ever so slightly jolting with every soft sob she held back.
It made his chest tight with helpless emotion, as if an invisible hand were squeezing his heart in a merciless fist. His eyes ache, his throat tight with oncoming tears. How could he possibly remain unaffected in the face of her upset?
Erichthonios pulls her snug into his embrace, his arm spanning the width of her back as he clutches her to him, his fingers sinking into her silky hair as he cradles her head with his palm.
He matches her intensity, but slowly softens their kiss to something sweeter and softer. His hand stroking across her back until he feels the trembling of her body start to subside.
She breaks their kiss and pulls back, gazing down at his face. Her eyes were red from from crying, her face wet with tears.
Erichthonios reaches out to brush the wispy fall of her bangs behind her ear so he could better see her eyes.
Erich lingers as he cups her face in his hands. Caressing her cheeks and along her jaw, his fingers sink into her hair and frame her ears. His thumbs rub gently over the soft curve of her cheeks and carefully under her eyes, following the delicate fan of her eyelashes. Wiping away the salty trail of her tears with gentle swipes of his fingertips across her flushed, peachy skin.
She leans into his touch, her eyes briefly closing as she let out a shaky sigh. A smile curves across her lips, tremulous but genuine.
Erichthonios tucks the flower he had plucked behind her ear, nestling it amongst the blue and white highlights of her hair. Thankfully, magically crafted flowers did not crumple the same as real, delicate flowers did.
Taimu touches the flower, her eyes watery but still so beautiful. Her smile is softer, fuller. Traces of her usual cheer shining through the heavy cloud that had been cast over her.
Erichthonios thumbs at the corner of her mouth, tracing the curve of her smile with his fingertips. Gazing at her with love in his red eyes, his mouth parts as if he were about to speak, but Taimu presses her finger into the plush softness of his lips. Bidding him be quiet for a moment as she hushes him no louder than a whisper of breath.
“Erich, I love you more than words can possibly say. I hope you know that well,” she says, soft and heartfelt. “I just…,” her voice catches, thick with the threat of more tears, “I worry that… we don't have enough moments together.”
Erich speaks with her finger still pressed to his mouth, his words a little thick with his tongue stuck behind his teeth. Overwhelmed as he was with emotion he could no longer hold back, he could not stay quiet.
“We will make more,” he says, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. His heart in his throat as he tries to find the right words to say.
“All the moments that I can give you. As many as we possibly can, just as beautiful as this. Every day with you is a gift, Taimu. You have shown me a love I had never known. Allow me to do the same by making every day beside you the best as I can.”
Taimu bites at her lips, her eyebrows furrowing as she skims her fingers over his cheek to his temple, rubbing at the corner of his eye. “You're crying.”
Erichthonios turns his face into her hand. “How could I not, seeing you so upset? I love you, Taimu. Your pain is my pain, no matter what.”
Taimu sniffles wetly, smiling for him through her tears. “I love you.”
“I know,” Erichthonios wipes away the droplets before they can spill over her cheeks. “Come here.”
He sits slowly upright, adjusting her comfortably in his lap. Holding her in his embrace and not letting go.
He kisses her forehead, her nose, her cheeks. Tasting the salt of her tears on his lips and savoring the sweet sound of her giggles. He kisses her gently, cradling her jaw in his hand.
“I have another surprise for you,” he tells her when their kiss breaks.
“Is it the moon?” Taimu asks.
Erichthonios’ head tilts, “Moon?”
Taimu stutters, waving her hands. “I—... I mean… this!” With a surge of aether, a small orb floats over her hand, emitting a soft light. “It’s a large, white stone structure that floats in the sky and reflects light in the dark of night! At… at least that's what I've been told by my maker! The sky is beautiful, but it's quite dark…. With this, it is a bit brighter, wouldn't you say so? Of course, this one is just a small, travel size version of it.”
Erichthonios gazes down at it, recognizing it from their earlier times together. Yes, Taimu had used it before to light the way in the darkest parts of Pandaemonium. It was quite an inspired idea. Pandaemonium was a dark and dreary place. Perhaps he should put a word in with Lahabrea about this concept…?
“Is that what you call it?” Erichthonios asks, poking at it curiously. The invisible buffer of aether around it keeping it afloat prevents his finger from making full contact. Most curious.
Taimu nods.
“If you desire it, I shall make one for you,” he says, lifting his hand up with a welling of aether in his palm.
He blows on it, sending the gentle glow of it floating up towards those artificial stars.
Nestled amongst the stars it grows in size, luminous and gently gleaming like the miniature moon she held in the palm of her hand. Just like the flowers surrounding them, it shimmered with subtle color.
“It's beautiful,” Taimu says, though it was different from the moon she knew.
This one was special to her because Erichthonios had made it just for her.
“This was my surprise,” Erichthonios says, a bit shy as he rubs the back of his neck. From seemingly out of nowhere, he pulls a basket full of foodstuffs. Elpis delicacies that Taimu had delighted in trying. These ones, in particular, Erichthonios knew she enjoyed.
“Ohh,” Taimu presses her hands to her mouth in surprise. “You prepared a starlit picnic?”
Erichthonios ducks his head a bit bashfully, clearing his throat. “I thought you might enjoy something like this. Though I admit it was not entirely my own idea, but something I picked up from the endless slew of romantic advice courtesy of Themis and Natus.”
Taimu giggles, shaking her head. “Those two… Well, should I help you set it up?”
She lifts herself gingerly from his lap and helps him to spread out the blanket, setting out the many foods he had prepared.
Some of which she recognized. Sandwiches, onigiri, her favorite types of cookies. “...Did big brother help you with this?” She asks, referring to Natus.
Erichthonios sighs. He supposed it was obvious, since Natus had been the one to tell him of all Taimu's favorites. He felt ashamed that he had not known the answers himself, but some of these foods were of the like he had never before heard of. Yet these two were well traveled in comparison to him, so it stood to reason that they would have come across endless experiences that he could only dream of.
“Yes, he insisted,” he admits. “I was never very good at creating food through magical means, so it was quite kind of him to teach me how to prepare things he was certain you would enjoy.”
Taimu smiles.
Yes, it was quite kind of him to take the time to do so, knowing how precious his time with Themis was. Just the same as the time together between the two of them, Erich and Tai.
“Whilst I have prepared these under the watchful eye of our friends, I fear I do not know in which order one usually eats them….”
Taimu laughs and reaches for the sandwiches first.
“Here,” she says as she places one in his hand, tapping hers against his. A toast with bread.
They both take a bite and sigh happily.
His efforts had paid off, they were delicious.
“Food is most often made through magic within Elpis. It is an ease of convenience for the oft busy researcher. Within Pandaemonium it is much the same. A warder cannot leave their post for too long, after all,” Erichthonios says between bites of his sandwich. “I must admit, to make it with my own hands was challenging, but the difference in taste is well worth the time it takes to prepare it.”
Taimu works her way through her sandwich, nodding along to his words. She must be quite hungry for how quickly she polishes the first one off and then reaches for another on the pile.
Erichthonios smiles, laughing with good humor. “I suppose I need not tell you the difference of taste between magical food and that which is prepared through regular means. No doubt you and Natus have tasted your fair share of magically crafted foodstuffs, being the well traveled explorers that you are.”
Taimu blinks at him with guileless mismatched eyes, her cheeks adorably stuffed with food. Unable to speak without appearing rude with her mouth so full, she gives an agreeable hum and nods her head rapidly. So cute.
Erichthonios chuckles, reaching out to swipe his thumb over the corner of her mouth. Licking the bit of sauce off his thumb out of reflex.
They both pause, looking at each other with some fluster.
Erichthonios feels flushed from his ears all the way down his neck, warm underneath the collar of his robes.
How embarrassing that small intimacies such as these still made his heart race, though they had been formally in this relationship for some time now.
Erichthonios coughs, and reaches into the basket for one of the canteens he had packed, pouring them both a cup.
“Here, you must be thirsty. The bread is quite thick, is it not?”
Taimu beams at him, accepting the cup as he offers it and drinking deep.
Erichthonios dutifully refills her before he even has a sip of his own cup, caught up in just gazing his fill of her. His heart full to bursting at the sight of her so clearly enjoying the fruits of his labor of love for her. Perhaps he should make meals for her more often? A short break here and there to share a few sandwiches together would not hurt, especially now that Pandaemonium had been returned to its usual semblance of order.
“Try one of these next,” Taimu says, offering him a cookie.
Erichthonios reaches to take it from her hand, only for her to pull away.
“Now, say ahh,” she says, her eyes sparkling and cheeks flushed.
She was achingly, breathtakingly lovely.
Erichthonios feels his own face heat up as he dips his head to take a bite while she held it for him in her hand. His lips brush her fingertips as he bites through the cookie. Soft, sweet, buttery.
The flavor barely registers for how his lips buzz at the merest graze of her fingers. By the star.
“How is it?” She asks, her voice soft. Breathless.
Erichthonios swallows hard. “Good.”
Taimu takes a bite of the cookie, overlapping where his teeth had just been.
“Yum,” she agrees.
They had kissed countless times, but Erich yearned to linger on her lips like the crumbs of that cookie.
He shakes his head, pressing a hand to his chest to calm his rapidly thumping heart. Now was hardly the time for such things.
Erichthonios takes a deep drink of his cup. Reaching to try an onigiri when he glances up to check the progress of the creation magic.
It would only last so long, after all. He could hardly keep Tai here all day, no matter how Master Lahabrea had granted him use of it for an entire day's time.
No doubt his father would agree if he asked to use it again. The question was if Erichthonios could stand to accept such obvious bribery. It was wholly and entirely out of character for the man. The Speaker was not one to grant favors unduly. Definitely not to show the barest inkling of favor towards his one and only son.
That would be nepotism; and that simply was not done.
“Look, Tai,” he says, noticing the subtle shift in the sky. The other part of his surprise.
Taimu turns to look, gasping. The sky had begun to brighten, the moon and stars shifting as the sky filled with light and color. The wispy softness of dreamy clouds drifting into view.
“Sunrise,” Taimu murmurs, turning around to watch.
Erichthonios shifts things around on their blanket so he can join her side, watching the sunset he had crafted along with her.
Erichthonios glances down as he feels Taimu lean into him. A smile tugging at his lips as he lifts his arm to drape over her shoulders, resting his cheek on her soft hair.
“Thank you, Erich,” she says quietly. “This was perfect.”
Erichthonios presses his lips to her hair, tugging her closer to cuddle against him.
“This is one moment, Tai. Pray look forward to many more. For the happiness you have shown me. For the heart you have given me. This is the very least I can do.”
Taimu curls closer, wrapping her arms around his waist. She squeezes him so very tight, as if she did not want to ever let him go. “I love you.”
Erich curls his fingers under her chin, tipping her head up so he can kiss her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, and then her lips.
It warms his heart to hear her giggle.
His thumb traces her ear, fiddling with the impossibly soft petals of the flower he had gifted her.
Perhaps he would preserve it for her.
A small memento, hers to keep.
It would be simple enough to do.
“I love you,” Erich murmurs, stroking her cheek with the backs of his knuckles. Gazing into her lovely eyes and drinking in the sight of her joy, the return of her happy smile.
Thank goodness, he had done it.
There was a chirp then, and they both glance up.
“There you are, Emmy,” Tai laughs, patting at her lap.
The carbuncle gives a cheerful trill and hops over to snuggle into her lap.
With Taimu's curious companion returned to them, they continue to enjoy their picnic in relative quiet, just watching the sunrise as it changed from murky blues and purples to a rich red that faded to orange, then yellow. The clouds reflected those colors, pink and blue and orange and yellow.
It was beautiful. A wonderful moment, of many more moments to come.
Erichthonios never broke a promise, and did not intend to start now.
Whatever Taimu wanted, he would do his very best to give it to her.
Her happiness was his happiness.
She was his everything.
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scootdoesart · 8 months ago
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dawntrail doodlessss
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crossroadsdimension · 1 year ago
I love writing journal entries instead of full scenes. It lets me get through ARR so much faster!
We get all the beginning Ascian encounters from Ul'dah in this chapter!
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aerial-elf · 4 months ago
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A sea of ​​gratitude and likes to the wonderful artist @xarat.bsky.social for the most beautiful and the long-awaited art on Gvennery and my beloved bastard Keyser 🖤
Thanks a lot 🍩
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opteekaal · 1 year ago
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Would you love me?
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