#female twi'leks
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archeo-starwars · 2 years ago
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ladydancing · 11 months ago
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My Charlie’s Angels of Star Wars. The ladies of The Dancing Lady, my Star Wars OCs, former bounty hunter Tizz Uuram, smuggler Aola Beck, and former Jedi Rania Chera. An amazing commission done by @somewillwin
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yoitsjay · 9 months ago
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Stereotypes (MDNI 18+)
Painings: Rex X Twi'lek Fem! Reader
Summary: You and Rex always had a special bond. And after enough meddling from Anakin and the 501st, he finally tells you just what he's been feeling
Warnings: porn with a plot, bit of angst, racist stereotypes surrounding Twi'Lek women, smut (unprotected p in V) Rex is hot, creampie, sweet aftercare, sensitive Lekku, sexy ass reader, u finee
Word count: 4,541
Twi’lek’s had such a bad rep in the galaxy and you had to deal with that stereotype that all you were was a whore that leeched off others to make money. So you joined the republic GAR as a trained field medic. You were originally living on ryloth, and you had seen first hand how the republic clones saved your planet and your livelihood.
You worked closely with Cham Syndulla and his wife, and when you had told them that you wanted to join the republic as a medic, they were sad to see you go but understood that your extraordinary talents in field medicine could be a big help to many men who risked their life.
It took about a year for you to take all the tests and get all your qualifications in order, and it was especially hard because of your classmates and teachers who really held up the bad stereotypes against you. But you eventually got in and already you had proved just how good of a medic and doctor you were.
You bounced from battalion to battalion before you found a permanent home with the 501st, at least for a while anyway, and you alongside another clone who was also a medic oversaw a lot of men’s injuries and lively hoods. But because of you the death rate was at an all time low, while also having huge successes too.
To many others clones were expendable, but not to you. You showed these men your thoughts every day and within the next year you were as much as a sister to them as they were to you… especially Captain Rex… however he treated you with a gentleness that contradicted the way he pushed your battle boundaries, knowing that you were capable of so much more than just medicine…
He also cared for you in a way nobody had, not even the other clones you were with. He didn’t treat you like a sister, but you couldn’t pinpoint why… or what he was thinking necessarily.
You and the 501st were stationed on Kamino for a short rest and a supply stock up. You walked the long hallways with Jesse and Fives bickering behind you, acting almost like a personal guard.
The men you worked with may have been extraordinarily kind you you, but many clones were not, especially a lot of the first gen clones with the more… harsher generals. They gave you nasty looks, or some even catcalled you. One time a while ago you were walking alone to get medical supplies and stalk up on Bacta when a clone had backed you up into a corner and tried to do some… nasty things to you.
However Rex came to the rescue that day, and ordered his men to take turns accompanying you to stock up. And they did without question. You were grateful, but you could handle yourself and Rex knew that.
Like another time for instance, again on Kamino you were all in the mess hall eating, when a group of frat clones came up to you and started saying some pretty snide things. You didn't react at first, but when they joked about the kids on ryloth being raised as little whores you kind of snapped, spinning around with your meal tray as you smacked the main clone right in the head, knocking him out before you threw a couple punches at the others before getting held back by Fives, who was laughing his ass off.
You tried not to let these things affect you, but some days just took their toll…
Currently you were on coruscant with Captain Rex, General Skywalker and Commander Tano, who was always the kindest towards you, and you often did a lot of things together during your spare time and breaks, like painting each others nails or doing each others makeup amongst other things, she also started training you in self defense and melee combat with a knife, which would come in handy now that you got promoted to the frontlines.
As you were passing through the barracks you heard some teasing voices coming from the main cots and bunks, it was a big room and you often hung out there with Fives or Tup or Jessie. As you approached the door you started hearing their voices a bit clearer, and what Fives said next had your heart pumping as you moved your lekku to rest on your chest instead of your back.
“It’s so obvious that Rex has feelings for her, you all see these small touches on her lower back, or the hand squeezes he gives her after every mission brief. Or even when he hears her shouting orders to you Kix, we see his eyes searching for her just to make sure that she's okay!” Fives exclaimed, earning agreeable hums from the other clones.
“But does Y/n feel the same about him?” Jessie’s voice piped up, and you shifted slightly to see into the bunks through a crack in the door, seeing now who was seeing, but you could distinguish their voices now, they all had different tones or ways of speaking. You found it endearing…
Regardless you moved in closer, resting your hand on the handle while your other rested on the frame.
“Of course she loves him back, she has too with the way her cheeks flush every time he touches her. Every time she cups her hand over her mouth when he says something in that commanding tone he brings up when giving orders.” fives rebutted, crossing his arms over his chest.
You flushed at that statement. ‘Do I really do that?’ you thought to yourself, glancing around before continuing to listen. “Okay, then what do we have to do to get them to confess? lock them in a closet? in Rex’s office?” Kix asked.
However before they could continue planning you felt a presence behind you, quickly noticing it was Rex who was giving you a curious look, you squealed loudly, losing your grip on the door as it slammed open and you fell forward. You expected to hit the ground but you didn’t, and instead you felt a warm, strong arm wrapped around your waist.
You had your eyes squeezed shut, but slowly you opened one, keeping the other shut still as you looked at Rex, who’s face seemed flushed as he looked at you. You quickly relaxed, placing your hands on his armored shulders as he helped you up. You cleared your throat, placing a hand over your mouth as you glanced back at the others who all had smirks on their faces.
You glared at Fives, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at them, hearing them all laugh in response, but they made no motion to leave. You turned to Rex again, seeing him all flushed still. asked softly, seeing his hands tighten into fists for a moment as you used his title, not noticing how he shivered slightly. His brothers however, noticed right away and within seconds they had cleared out of the room.
You gently grabbed Rex’s hand and led him to one of the cots, pushing him to sit as you looked at his hands. “Are you okay Captain? You're not hurt are you?” You asked, standing between his legs as you grabbed your data pad and gave him a quick scan, picking up that his heart rate was faster than normal, and his face was abnormally hot.
Fives, Jessie and Kix were now the ones eavesdropping, but you didn’t notice, more focused on Rex.
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he stared at you, all fidgety. “Captain?”
“Y-yeah- I mean! no! no… im- im fine just… I need to talk to you- to tell you something.” He muttered to you, grabbing the data pad out of your hands, setting it down beside him as he then grabbed your hands, holding them gently.
“Okay Captain… whatever you need to tell me you can, i won't judge.” You said softly, still standing between his legs. He gulped again, glancing over at Fives who gave him a thumbs up. rex sucked in a deep breath, remembering the words that Anakin had told him.
“Don't be afraid when telling her how you feel, beating around the bush will just make it worse. Just tell her. The worst she can say is no.”
Rex stared at you, pursing his lips before finally speaking. “Will you go on a date with me? before we have to leave for another mission. General Sk- Anakin gave me some credits, and I want to take you somewhere nice… so…” Rex trailed off, looking away from you after seeing your shocked face.
So fives was right, Rex did have feelings for you…
You gently reached forward resting your hand against his cheek, turning his face towards yours as you leaned into him slightly. “I’d love to.”You whispered, pressing a kiss to his browline, rubbing his cheek bone with your thumb before you pulled away. Just then the clones who were all listening, which was a lot more than you thought, all burst into the room and cheered. Rex stood up and smiled down at you, before embracing you tightly.
Fives came up behind you and he gripped your shoulders, shaking you gently before high fiving Jessie, who grinned at you and Rex. “It's about time, we’ve been trying to get you both together for a year now! I guess I owe General Skywalker some credits, he did bet that he'd get you to say something first.” Fives joked, and you and Rex both sent him a look.
You turned to Rex, smiling brightly. “Pick me up at eight” You whispered, pulling away before turning to Fives. “And as for you, you shouldn’t be meddling into people's love lives.” You scolded, but he simply shrugged and walked off to go pay up to the general.
You had left after some more sweet words exchanged between you and Rex, making your way back to your quarters where you commed Ahsoka, and told her the good news. She was quick to come to your place of living in the barracks, and she had also brought over a bunch of dresses that Padme sent her with, since she was with Padme when you told the girl the good news, and then offered up some dresses.
So for a couple hours you and Ahsoka messed around and did little fashion shows for each other with the dresses, until you finally found a dress that complimented your skin tone, showed some skin to entice but covered just enough to leave the mind wandering. The dress had two slits in the front, revealing both legs while having a detailed and gold embroidered cloth hang between the legs. The back of the dress dipped into a low V shape, stopping right above your tailbone.
It was designed in a way where the fabric climbed up your neck, a strap that connected at the back of your neck, looking almost like a choker but connected to the dress. The middle part of the top was a window, which is where your cleavage was visible, and the window was a north star shaped one, which tied into the other starry and moon beads that decorated the bodice and then scattered around the skirt, the beading getting scarce the lower it got.
There was a metal chain that also rested around your lower waist, with matching stars and moons. You put on some long dangly earrings, a chain that trailed down and then dropped into a crescent moon. All the accessories were gold to match the embroidery… and Finally you had the lekku jewelry and headwear. You had removed the fabric and goggles that rested on your head, and replaced it with a starry chain headdress that circled around your lekku, it wasn't stiff, but the chain shaped perfectly and allowed for the freedom of movement.
when you finally stepped out to show Ahsoka she gasped, her eyes going wide. Padme also had shown up and she smiled brightly when seeing you. “Oh wow, your stunning sweetheart- Rex won't be able to take his eyes off of you.” Padme said softly, Ahsoka’s giggles following after. “I hope not…” You trailed off, and Padme noticed the hesitation. “But?” She asked, hearing you sigh.
“I'm worried about the stereotype around Twi’leks and being.. well… sluts… will follow me and Rex tonight and I really don't want anyone to ruin our time.” You spoke honestly, seeing Padme frown… until an idea popped in her head and she pulled what seemed to be a simplistic holster, she then handed it to you, followed by a small, silver blaster.
“Take this with you, and make sure it's visible… and it should warrant off any attention. and if not? Rex is there right? He will defend you.” She said, and you offered her a grateful smile before strapping the blaster to your upper thigh, making sure it was still visible.
“Thank you girls.” You said softly, breaking out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at your door. You sucked in a deep breath and stood there while Ahsoka got to the door, grinning when she saw Rex in a neat suit, thanks to Anakin probably. “Who knew you could clean up?” SHe joked, and Rex rolled his eyes before stepping in. He did a quick scan of your quarters, the republic did nice with this space in the barracks for you, and of course it was personalized to your tastes too…
But when Rex’s eyes landed on your figure, they were blown wide and his lips parted as his jaw dropped. You had one of your lekky loosely around your neck while the other one hung backward. You took a step forward, your heels clicking against the floor which snapped Rex out of his thoughts. He shook his head, reaching out to grab your hand. “your…” he trailed off, speechless.
You giggled, nodding to Padme and Ahsoka for the help they gave before leading him out of the room. “Thank you” You spoke softly, understanding what he was trying to say. At least you hoped that he was trying to say that you were beautiful, and he nodded in confirmation, squeezing your hand as he took a hold of it. But instead of letting go like he usually did, he kept a hold on your hand.
“So where are we going?” you asked him as you walked down the Barrack halls together, seeing Fives and the other 501st members cheer and whistle at you both. You knew that these kinds of whistles were not derogatory, but supportive. These men- Rex’s brothers were calling you gorgeous, and Rex handsome, knowing now that he could actually dress up.
“Well… it's a surprise. The general hooked me up with a good spot on Coruscant, not too busy, but romantic.” He answered, and waiting outside the Barracks was a nice black speeder, with a droid chauffeur waiting for you both.
You blushed and grinned at the effort that Rex had put into this date, and he helped you into the speeder before climbing in after you. Immediately your hands intertwined and you shifted closer to him, leaning into his warmth as the Lekku that was hanging behind you then shifted and slightly wrapped around his arm as well.
He smiled down at you, hesitating for only a second before he placed a kiss on your temple.
The night went by fanominaly, no snide comments from other clones or strangers, you didn’t even need to flash the blaster that Padme had given you. You spent hours talking and laughing with Rex, telling him all about your explodes as a child, and how when the Ryloth rebellion started, you were the first teenager to offer up arms and resources to Cham Syndulla from your fathers farm, and when you were old enough you joined as quick as you could.
Rex told you what it was like when he was a child, a cadet, even if it didn’t last long because of his accelerated growth. Regardless, after eating and a couple drinks, you and Rex were stumbling back into your quarters. You couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, somehow managing to lock the door, only for Rex to pick you up with ease as your lips slammed into each other.
You whispered the directions to your bedroom and he took you there right away, using one hand to keep you up in the air while the other unclipped all the little accessories, letting the belt fall, followed by the little clasp that held your dress together on your neck.
Rex then shifted his kisses down your cheek and jaw before moving to the exposed nape of your neck, sitting you down on your bed finally as he pushed you back, his hands sliding up your exposed thighs before he removed them and instead tugged at the fabric on your hip.
A soft grunt escaped your lips and you lifted your hips, allowing Rex the quick motion of sliding the dress down before quickly pulling it down your legs, tossing it to the floor. He oushed back a bit, letting his eyes wander as he took in your full nude form.
Your cheeks heated up significantly and you moved to cover your breasts, but Rex quickly grabbed your wrists and instead pinned them to your sides, and continued his trail of kisses down your clavicle, past your breasts and then down the center of your torso. pausing right below your belly button before he rose to his feet.
He stared right into your eyes as he removed his suit jacket, loosening the tie which he then brought to your wrists, he paused, looking into your eyes, “Yes… go ahead.” You whispered, and without a word he tied your wrists together above your head, tying it to the bed frame as you shifted your positions to be more comfortable, now laying in the center of your bed with your head resting on your pillows, yout lekku on either side of our arms, curling around them slightly.
He quickly removed the rest of his clothing, and when he finally removed his underwear your jaw dropped, and your legs parted slightly in response. He was… blessed. That's the only word you could really think of that suited him. He was thick, and the perfect length. His tip was flushed, and already leaking pre-cum which told you all you needed to know about him wanting you.
There you both stood, silent as the night as you admired each other. Just then you reached out with your foot, hooking it behind his back, pulling him forward and onto the bed… on top of you. You tugged at the restraints, remembering that they were there with a huff. however you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist, leaning up to press a chaste kiss against his lips before laying back again.
Rex quickly chased it, letting his hands rest comfortably in the dip of your waist. you then raised your lekku, using them like you would use your hand, and you used the tip to brush against his jaw. A shiver went down your spine, one that he quickly noticed.
“Are they… sensitive?” He asked, sliding his hands down to your thighs as he adjusted you so you slotted against him, him in a kneeling position with your legs resting on his hips, his cock nestled between your cunt, which let a hot sensation course through your belly. You nodded to his question after a moment.
“Yes, very… but you can touch them… stroking lekku its- its reserved for intimate times, and can be touched by lovers… so… I want you to touch them, like you're touching me.” You whispered, seeing burning desire creeping up in his beautiful auburn eyes.
Rex then slid his hand up, cupping your cheek for a moment before he gently cupped the base of your lekku, which already sent a shiver down your spine, however when he started moving his hand down you couldn’t help the soft whiny moan that tumbled from your lips at his action. He paused for a moment but you could feel how his cock throbbed against you, and you whined at the feeling.
“Release my hands.” You whispered to him, and he nodded, setting your hands free which immediately wrapped around his neck. You quickly shifted your weight and you forced him onto his back with you now sitting on top of him. You subtly grinded against him, eliciting his own soft moan, which made you grin.
“I want you.” You whispered to him, leaning forward as he caressed the back of your head again, nodding in agreement. You lift yourself up a bit, sliding your hand down between the both of you as you stroked him a few times before settling his tip at your entrance. You were soaked, and with him caressing your lek with one hand, and your breast with the other, you were basically dripping on his cock.
So without another word you sank down on top of him, a loud moan leaving your lips as your head fell back, a low groan tumbling from his, which made you throb in response. “Oh Captain…” You whined, feeling him grip your breast before his hand fell to your hip, squeezing the flesh in his hands.
You began rocking your hips slowly at first, and then started picking up your speed when he started to rut his hips upwards, chasing you every time you lifted up before slamming back down again. Every time you bounced on his cock, you felt the tip nudge against her Cervix which drove you wild. and Rex too with the way he had his eyes glued to your face, seeing every way your brow quivered, or your lips formed an “O” shape when you were about to moan.
Soon enough he could feel you starting to slow your pacem but you were tensing around him, your orgasm building up in your gut like his was. But he didn’t want to even think about releasing yet.
So Rex quickly flipped you both again, making sure you were comfirtable as he lidted your legs up, pressing them back intil they reached your chest. Your eyes widened sliglty but you nodded to him, and just like that he started slamming his hips into yours, the wet and sloppu sounds of his cock sliding in and out of your cunt filling the room, as well as your shared harmony of moans and grunts and pleading words.
What you were pleading for you had no idea, maybe it was your release, or his. But whatever it was he sure as hell was giving it to you.
You opened your eyes after having them squeezed shut fot a few minutes, seeing the sweat collect on his brow before dripping down the side of his face. You quickly raised ypur hand to his cheek, using your thumb to whipe away that bead of sweat, his eyes locking with yours as he leaned down, stealing your lips in an abrupt and firm kiss, hot and passionate like your bodies were acting in this current moment.
A whimper escaped your lips as you tossed your head back, your hands sliding up his back as you dug your nails into his skin, dragging them down as his hips snapped forward. “Im-” You choked out, really not able to form any words. “cumming-” You moaned out, seeing him nod, letting you know that he was close too.
“Together?” Rex panted out, and you nodded, sliding one of your hands to his buzzed blond hair, letting your nails gently scratch his scalp before moving down to his back again.
Rex kissed you once again as if to silence your loud moans, that kept increasing and kept spilling out faster. “Fuck yes Captain!” You moaned out against his lips, hearing his groan as he thrusted one last time before both your orgasms shattered at once. Your cunt gripped him like a vice, and his hot white seed pumped into you, his hips bucking into you a few more times as you rode out your high together…
and when you were spent, and panting he pulled out and flopped onto the bed beside you, his arm immediately wrapping around your waist as he pulled you into him, your sweat and heat mingling together as he peppered soft little kisses all over your face.
“Your beautiful.” He whispered, pressing his lips to yours again, this time in a much softer and delicate kiss, which you happily reciprocated, resting your hand on his cheek while your lekku curled around each other twice. a meaning amongst Twi'Lek’s that meant ‘i love you��
You and Rex laid there for an hour or so, just peppering each other in gentle kisses, before soon you Felt him start to get up, However it wasn’t long before he picked you up in his arms and carried you to the fresher, starting the shower and holding you up while it warmed up.
When it was ready he cleaned you, and you cleaned him, leaning into his touch when he cupped some water and gently let it flow over your lekku. A tingling feeling moving up your spine however it wasn't one of arousal like earlier… It was just a simple touch, and you felt comforted by it.
Soon you and Rex were dressed and cuddled up on the couch you had in the middle of your living area, staring out the large window that gave you an extraordinary view of Coruscant. he pressed a kiss to your forehead and you grinned up at him. “I love you… i’ve loved you for a long time.” You whispered to him, hearing him hum in response. “I love you too… since that time you stitched up that big gash on my chest, from that wild animal on Dantooine…” He trailed off, and you hummed at the memory. “That was a year ago… why didn’t you say anything?” You asked him, your fingers sliding together with his, resting on your thigh now.
“I- I don't know… i guess i was just… scared maybe? scared that it wouldn’t be okay or professional to love you, scared that if I told you, you wouldn’t feel the same… scared that if I admitted to you and myself that if I loved you, I would lose you… and I didn't want to lose you.”
He spoke honestly, and you listened to every word. But when he was done speaking, you moved your hand to his cheek and you tilted his head so he was looking at you, and you offered him a warm smile.”I’m right here now Rex… and you're not losing me…not if i have anything to say about it.” You kidded, seeing a smile climb up his features.
And you were right… Rex never lost you… You stuck by his side through the clone wars, and through Order 66… and you grew old with him, and then you died together… nothing could ever separate you… ever.
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thecoffeelorian · 1 month ago
Day 1: Introduction/First Meeting
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Prompt: First Meeting
Pairing: Tech x OC (Lyn Innsur)
Timeline: Season 1 of The Bad Batch (TBB)
Word Count: 1,265
Brief Description: I created Lyn Innsur as a growing role for my old series "The New Aftermath"...but I kinda dropped the whole AU some time ago due to lack of time/interest. ^^; Still, there's always the slight possibility I take it up again, so she comes along in Chapter 3 of 'The Past Is Another Land' for reference purposes.
Story Link: Click Here!
Special Notes: Click Here for a photo of Lyn:
Tags: @clonexocweek (main); @eclec-tech @orangez3st @badbatchposts @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf
@thora-sniper @silverwings22 @legacygirlingreen because we're all participating 😊
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My right fist comes down hard upon the solid earth as I let myself fall down, and with it, whatever edible things I managed to choke down this morning give a collective lurch. The adrenaline rush of the last few hours has started to wear off, and I’m most likely not the only one within my squad who’s about to deal with its aftershocks.
In fact, I won't be surprised if one or more of my fellow Batchers turns out to have experienced weak legs, shaking hands, and all of the signs that come to a humanoid body after it's no longer in danger. I’m already there.
They stole my child! They stole my brother!
My body may be slowing down, but my mind naturally speeds up in order to counter it. I make mental notes about everything I'm sensing from my place upon the ground, because there's always a chance that I have to use some, if not all, of this information later on. Perhaps it'll be something about this planet’s small purple blossoms, like the ones growing along the edge of this stream.
Or it could be the way that humanoid movements, as well as their corresponding sounds, are a bit more detectable out here during this time of day. Especially if one or more of those humanoids happen to be Imperial ‘visitors’, but only in the distant future, as none of them have made any surprise appearances on this planet just yet.
Or, if I really want to use my imagination...it could be the reason why my hand is able to sink deep into the ground after striking it, the soil almost pooling around my fingers as I start to register its properties.
They stole my child...they stole my brother… This manner of soil, dirt and a host of other words in various languages just might have to serve as a distraction for me. I'm not ready to go find Echo yet. I'm not ready to check back in on Omega, or reconvene with Hunter, or even ask Wrecker if he needs a break. And, as I know that I’m in no shape to face Crosshair, this will simply have to do.
All right...all right. There’s water here, that’s a given…and nitrogen, obviously, the growth of organic life forms would be impossible without it…but what's this little thing right here?
Though my mind has begun to register all of the questions necessary for a minor scientific dig, it's also got a tiny area that seems to be indicating...play time?
No, no, that's not what's happening here! I don't engage in such trivial things as ‘play time’! As one of the most brilliant minds from Kamino, ‘play time’ is one of the very last things I can ever do for the sake of this squad. The Kaminoans themselves already taught me that lesson!
Rather, as my left hand also sinks into the soil, and I start imagining myself breaking a few Imperial bones as easily as I’m able to break this ground���I instead name this feeling as anger. Perhaps even a mild form of rage, I would deduce, for the tensing of my musculature and the stiffening of my spinal column aren’t happening purely for the fun of it. No, they’re like that because my body is ready to fight.
Because I'm ready to fight, and if anyone from their side dared to cross this stream right now, any one of them at all...I feel that I may very well engage them, regardless of whatever weapon they decide to bring into the thick of things.
That isn't what happens, though, because for the next few minutes, I’m left with…nothing. The peace of an untouched landscape, sure…but also the lack of any worthwhile actions that might have otherwise helped me to work off some of my own penned-up fury. Perhaps this, this poison that had started to build up inside of me would come out in a wordless flood at a later time, like–like a surprise training session within the controlled environment of Cid’s bar, where there would be at least one trustworthy figure of some authority standing by in case things got too out of hand. That would have served me just fine, if not also the very important people standing by me.
Until we travel back there, though... I'm careful to remain silent for a while, if only to become better accustomed to this curious new planet. These first few minutes of complete peace and quiet begin to lead me in this direction, at least in theory, for the edge of my anger eases just a little as I get moving.
It's within these minutes that I scan the area a second time, holding my gaze over each new tree, bush, and patch of grass to detect unusual movements that might hint to me of any and all unwelcome visitors. Thankfully, no more than fifteen seconds later, I'm able to move on a little further as soon as I detect absolutely nothing.
Instead, it's the slower, more hesitant movement from several feet away thatcatches my eye... followed close behind by the equally timid female Twi'lek in a gray service uniform, her hands half raised in either a wordless greeting or, thanks to my Beskar armor, an improvised surrender. At this point in time, either one of these is equally as possible.
"Excuse me, but...are you the squad technician…?”
Her left lekku–curiously without any tattoos, though I'm not about to ask her why–twitches upward at the tip in a nervous ‘Hello’. Definitely a greeting, then, provided that her hesitation doesn’t suggest that she’s taken me for some manner of Stormtrooper.
Although, given recent events around a few systems within the galaxy…it really might not be all that surprising if she did.
"Who said I was anyone's technician?”
"Your daughter, maybe?"
Of course.
She must have found her way to some kind of medical facility, most likely to get extra help for Crosshair. No one else in this squad could have been injured so quickly, if only because there isn’t any loose ordnance hiding away on this planet. I made sure of that a few hours ahead of time, as I knew for a fact that we wouldhave enough to focus on down here without any ‘presents’ from the Separatists.
"Hm.... well, I can't exactly give you my name, but I can give you some of my time. Was there anyone else with her? A wounded man with silver hair, maybe?"
The Twi'lek woman nods briefly, her hands falling back to her sides.
"Him and three others. One with long black hair, the other two with none. I–I didn’t ask for any names.”
Perfect. They're all present and accounted for. This could mean that, whatever problems we might have otherwise faced upon this planet, unexpected separation shouldn’t be one of them. In theory, anyway.
“All right, then,” I tell her, not sure if I’m ready to face Round Two of my brother’s temper just yet, or if it would be much worse to keep on avoiding him in his condition. At the same time, perhaps one more meeting could be good enough for us both, whether or not we manage to talk to one another without losing our tempers…let alone our nerves.
In other words, theories are useless if they can’t be proven with the right amount of experiments…and this just might be the most important one I have for some time yet.
"Everyone else is already there, so we shouldn’t keep them waiting. Please lead on.”
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copalcetic · 5 months ago
We talk a lot about how male Twi'leks have ears while female Twi'leks have ear cones, but can we talk a little more about how only female Twi'leks have eyebrows??
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And yeah, they're obviously painted on, because Twi'leks can't grow hair, but they start their make-up young:
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How did this tradition start? Why, culturally, did they decide that women should mimic haired species, but only in this one specific way? Do some female Twi'leks refuse, as a gesture of teenaged rebellion and a rejection of human supremacy? I just wonder these things.
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a-bluedream-posts · 2 years ago
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Darth Talon by Jannetincosplay
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sinisterexaggerator · 11 months ago
Stars Above! | Cad Bane
Chapter 15
Explicit: Semi-slow burn, gratuitous smut /pwp, canon-typical violence, mildly dubious consent, angst, Tatooine Slave Culture.
This chapter: No warnings but for a disgruntled Duros.
Word count: 2.7k+
Notes: This is kind of a short chapter, but it feels right to set it apart on its own from what comes next. In fact, writing shorter chapters may make it so that I update more often, as it's easier to manage, and I still have a LOT of story to tell. <3
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Zulara tried her best to not let fear overtake her, for her spiraling thoughts to get the best of her, even as she sat there all alone. Not truly, but it felt as if she had been abandoned, Todo having powered down with Bane still sleeping soundly in the bacta.
Everything was happening much too quickly, though it had been hours since she’d come here; her head was spinning. She hadn’t eaten, having let her meal fall to the ground at Cad Bane’s entrance to her tiny home back on Slave Quarter’s Row the night before.
Zulara realized she didn’t even know the time, not having a chrono of her own. She supposed it did not matter, although Kayson might come looking for her. She wondered if Hondo was able to curb his anger, or to make up some excuse for her, but in her heart she knew nothing would deter her master once he had a mind to do something—find her secret hiding spot.
It was only secret because she was sure he did not know where Bane was docked, or even what his ship looked like. It was the only thing that gave her hope as she gazed longingly at the Duros, wishing he’d wake up.
She regretted leaving Todo just standing there, his form bent forward in a supine slope, but she had been too concerned, too riddled with worry for the hunter, not to go directly back to his side.
She had lost track of how long she had been there, seated on the floor with her legs folded beneath her; her fingers and forehead flat against the glass, Zulara engrossed by Cad Bane’s every breath—she could not help it.
She had almost panicked, having thought to call the youth named Boba Fett, but after the story she had heard, she steeled herself, refusing to bring him back aboard the ship if she could manage it.
Now, it was not Bane who settled into dreams, but the girl beside him. She dreamt of silly things. Things that were nary possible in this life, things that might have made her smile, but she was not so dotty as to put any stock into them.
Imagine her, flying amongst the stars, free from Kayson and from his business, only having to answer to herself. But maybe Bane would be there, maybe he would take care of her, and she would him. Maybe she could join him in his quest across the galaxy, providing him with some relief once he had finished a hard day’s work—how asinine she was to think that. It would never happen.
In reality, space was dark, cold, and unforgiving, she often floundered when she was made to practice piloting. Never before had Zulara felt so claustrophobic, not until she had experienced breaking atmo on Kayson’s orders the first time she left Lothal, no matter that the stars were beautiful.
When she was positive that nothing could go wrong; when she was absolutely sure that Bane was resting comfortably, the girl would climb unsteadily onto her tingling legs and her own two feet—they had nearly been asleep—finally ambling down the corridor to where the little droid resided.
Zulara did her best to move him to his rightful place: the recharge station. No arguments were given, no sassy backtalk had to be endured, yet she found she missed him. The silence of the ship was more than deafening, besides the warbled sound the pod made as it recycled and replenished bacta, as was its purpose, just like he had one—she presumed something, though she had no proof: It was possible in deep space Bane felt too alone, therefore Todo kept his mind sharp, kept him on his game, in addition to keeping the Duros company.
What friends did he have otherwise? Did he have partners that stood by his side? From what Pampy had said to her, he seemed to work all by his lonesome, with a reputation that preceded him.
Perhaps he liked it that way; perhaps she was intruding, yet he had seemed intrigued by her. She worried every second of every minute of every hour what Bane might do should he find her here once he awoke; she prayed to the Goddess of the Twi’lek people that he might find solace with her and not try to kick her out, or worse.
She felt the click, heard the sound that denoted Todo was plugged in. It echoed loudly in the quiet, bouncing from wall to wall. She glanced about her. There were so many things for her eyes to see and study.
There was a lengthy worktable. It was littered with motors, servos, gears, and wires of all sizes. Some parts looked salvaged, while others might be newly purchased, not to mention microchips of unknown origin and lenses, sensors, other various tools and instruments.
She saw a pair of RW-80 welding goggles, along with a protective visor. There were advanced repair kits of all kinds, including those for blasters. Most curious of all was what she thought were trinkets, things that he might collect. There were different kinds of helmets, and what appeared to be weapons of some sort that were unfamiliar. Cabinets lined the walls; she wondered what they might hold. She dare not snoop too much for fear of repercussion.
Still, that would not stop her. She gathered all the bits and pieces of Bane’s wrist gauntlet from off the ground, double-checking to make sure the hunter was still dozing.
Once seated, Zulara would pick up a nearby broken-screw remover, also known as an extractor. This one had a spiral flute structure, which she used to carefully unwind one that was being difficult. Her hands were delicate, though exacting. They had to be for one thing, yet without a measured touch it was possible to add too much torque to the brittle metal, thus making your job that much harder for you.
She removed its outer shell; it was cracked and badly damaged. There was extra paneling meant for droids nearby that could be welded and reshaped, but first thing’s first—she would need to replace the ruined circuits and find a pair of hypersheers for precision cutting and resizing.
Lavender eyelids batted open; Zulara found herself in slight repose, her own palm cupping her soft cheek as she had tried to keep her focus. It was at that moment she remembered—she had been cooking rycrit stew! With no sense of time inside Bane’s ship, she hoped it had not become inedible.
She spared a glance, Todo had still not activated. She could not have been asleep for too long, as it only took droids an hour to recharge, or so she’d heard—much less time than her.
Zulara suddenly felt like she could sleep forever, or at least for several hours, but she would not let herself succumb to such a notion. At least not until poor Todo could take over, then maybe she might get some rest before finishing the final touches on Bane’s vambrace.
It had been complicated, finding what wires led to what. She had a scare or two, and nearly burnt her fingers. It was fascinating just how it all operated—she wondered if Bane had built it all himself.
The girl was tempted to check on Bane again, but she did not want to accidentally cause a mess in his little galley, sparsely stocked though nearly spotless, and housed somewhere near the ion engines or another source of power; there was a low humming sound that seemed to burr the whole time she was in there.
Her feet found the rungs to the ladder she would use to climb down into the belly of his ship. His living area, the medbay, his workspace, and the cockpit—they all resided at the top, though separated by double-doors and one almost star-shaped hallway. It led off into four other separate, shallow paths—dead-ending at different doorways, whereas the kitchen and dining area, what looked like holding cells, and ample storage space were down below—so was the boarding ramp and holoterminal with access to the HoloNet.  
She was sure that medbay used to be someone else’s living sleeping place, the way furniture was covered and piled up in the corner as if those items had been an afterthought. There was a spare refresher there, besides the one she was sure existed in Bane’s bedroom.
In addition to all the other nooks and crannies, there was the lift they’d use to carry him. It was industrial, flat, and open on all sides, like the ship’s sole was simply rising. It had been designed to act as both roof and floor between two levels; if you were on the lower deck, you had to wait for it to join you.
Zulara imagined it was useful for heavy items, like the pod Bane was currently occupying. She set her thoughts aside, focusing now on the smell that was emanating from down the hall—it was good, thank goodness, and did not smell like anything but vegetables and rycrit stew, like it was supposed to.
The girl would take a breath as she ran her fingers along the counter—it was made from stainless durasteel. She gathered the lid from off her home-cooked meal, inhaling deeply of the aroma that had been building up within. She ladled a bit of broth in the convex shape of the spoon she’d used to cook, then took a taste to make sure it was perfect.
Two wide, yellow eyes—like sparkling jaspers—whirred and vibrated with a light buzzing sound. Servos and joints were manipulated, little arms stretched out for a brief inspection, Todo 360 making sure that his intermotors were all functional and accounted for.
He shook his head, as if clearing unwanted thoughts or a fog that lingered, the faithful droid not quite able to remember what had happened to him. He blinked, his metal body tensing—Mister Bane—he was still inside the tank!
Todo would swivel his large cranium to the left and right; that girl Zulara was nowhere to be found. He wondered if she had gone. Had he made it to his recharge station? Perhaps she had it in her heart to help him, as the last thing he could recall was himself stalling, and only a few meters away from his destination—he was sure he had heard her call his name—if his memory still served him, she had sounded beside herself.
The service-droid stepped away from the mechanism holding him upright—he was now fully operational and at full power. He actuated his rocket thrusters and propelled himself into the center of the hall; he took to its right side, branching off, then opened up the steel-plated door to peek inside.
“Mister Bane!” the droid cried happily.
Todo realized he had nearly scared the Duros, his sharp eyes widening in breadth. He had halted with one leg in and one leg out, leaving his imprisonment, whether he should or shouldn’t. Todo knew Bane detested bacta—its texture, temperature, and consistency were all things that displeased him. He had argued with him more than once, the droid sometimes wondering just what he would do without him should he not be there to convince him otherwise.
“Your health is not a game!” is what the droid had told him, sounding as if he truly cared, though he was composed of nothing more than ones and zeros. In reality, Bane was thankful for him; he was like the nagging mother he never had, sure that without that droid, he would already be dead.
Still, that did not mean he was ready to entertain his fraught concern. His tone was lacquered with it, and the hunter would not have it.
“Bane! You are awake! I was—”
The Duros shot his droid companion with a look that dared him to keep yapping, Todo at once halting his chipper dialogue. What Bane was truly feeling was easy to decipher, as it was always written on his face, and rarely pleasant.
“Sir, I can tell your mood is poor, however there is—”
“Quiet!” was the only thing his master demanded of him, Bane’s voice gruff and raspy as he was thirsty on top of feeling completely useless. It felt as if he had been hit with an errant hovercar, or an entire starship, his body aching in places he did not know could ache.
Todo made a sound equivalent to indignation, yet he held his tongue, even though he did not have one. Bane’s other foot joined its partner on the ground, the Duros idling, lingering, just standing there for what felt like minutes, trying to regain his equilibrium.
Once capable of movement, Bane would begin his lethargic trudge toward his refresher in his private quarters, thinking the only thing he cared about was a warm, inviting shower; the feeling of the sticky bacta on his microscales was anathema and suffocating.
The hunter would hardly notice the wet, viscid trail he left behind in his ship’s short corridor, or that the droid had followed him, desperate to talk to him about something he imagined would be unimportant. His head ached, and his mind was numb, no thoughts present except those about the pain he was experiencing. He would take something—drink something—deadening those things he felt both from without and from within, not knowing that the girl being aboard his ship was anything but another dream.
“Oh, what am I going to do with him? He never listens! And now I suppose I am going to have to be the one to clean up this mess. I am a techno-service droid, not a maid-droid! Not even a thank you for—”
Todo paused in his lonely rant, tilting his head off to one side. His focus remained trained on the little sound he thought he heard—the clank of boots, or footsteps on the nearby ladder’s metal rungs. It was positioned just left of the cockpit’s doors, Todo surprised when he saw a head emerge, covered in dark locks.
“Zulara!” he called to her, coming forward as she pulled herself up, and out, “I thought you had wisely decided to go home,” he started in. “You will be happy to know that Mister Bane is alive and well, and is currently taking a much-needed shower.”
Zulara’s eyes widened with every word; she tiptoed forward, deciding to check on things herself as Todo kept the conversation going, though she nearly slipped in a residue that happened to be foot-shaped. “I am not sure that I can explain your presence here, therefore it may be in your best interest to leave—now—before either one of us gets into serious trouble.”
It was not that she didn’t trust poor Todo, but she had to see with her own two dichromatic eyes; she peered toward the bacta pod. It was open, and Bane was not inside.
The girl would turn, gazing at the floor and at the tacky substance that had left a path to the door across from her; it was obvious that Bane had made his way just as the droid had said. She began to follow it, Todo placing his hands upon his hips as his spheroid eyes broadened and expanded.
“—And just where do you think you are going?” he asked, perplexed.
“To check on Bane,” the girl would offer as a whisper, her footsteps timid; she moved closer to what was sure to be his bedroom. Her heart was pounding, and her internal temperature was rising, all from simply knowing he was somewhere, awake, on the other side.
“That is the worst idea I have ever heard! Do not be foolish!” Zulara would ignore Todo and his warnings, only pausing to hearten her small amount of courage. She could feel him tug her, his little hands having found the backside of her pants, “he will surely kill you!”
“I’ll be all right,” Zulara stated, shooing him away. Like a moth to a flame, she bade herself to go inside.
Todo would balk and scoff, pace back and forth, and wring his hands, but to no avail; none of this would help him. He tried again, “I do not know who you think you are, or what you are doing, but rest assured Bane will—”
The door closed in his face.
“Organics!” Todo would lament, exasperated.
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 2 years ago
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I am in love with the new armor I got for Unna 💚 They look so awesome!
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a-master-procrastinator · 2 years ago
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Twi'leks desperately need more face types (and cyborgs too, while we're at it).
Like this edited version looks very pretty, and I'd love to actually make it in-game.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 13 days ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a print advertisement for the Aayla Secura 8 inch (20 cm.) premium action figure statue, manufactured by Hasbro and released for the American toy market in 2004. Print advert design by David Forrest.
OVERVIEW: "Beautiful, graceful, powerful. Aayla Secura displays the innate elegance and charm of the Twi'lek species even as she wields her lightsaber in battle. She is a striking figure with cerulean blue skin, distinctive head tentacles - and the focused intensity of a lightsaber blade. She stands unyielding in the face of attack, a shimmering promise of strength and defiance to all who confront her in combat. Beneath her captivating appearance and calm exterior roils a dark past, in which her memory as a Jedi Knight was ripped from her and she was deluded into joining the dark side. That time of torment and confusion is behind her, but it has left its mark on her, deep inside, and comes to the surface unexpectedly when memories of past betrayal flash quickly in her eyes as she gazes on her enemy, ready to fight to her last breath for the sake of peace."
-- "STAR WARS" UNLEASHED, by Hasbro, c. 2004
Source: www.behance.net/gallery/4088669/Hasbro-Star-Wars-Unleashed/modules/31993215
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archeo-starwars · 2 years ago
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ladydancing · 1 year ago
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A Twi'lek smuggler and Captain of the Dancing Lady, Aola Beck. This was done by @jun-c
Name: Aola Beck
Species: Twi’lek
Gender: Female
Trade: Smuggler
Age: 29
Alignment: Former Freedom Fighter / Anti-Empire / Anti-Hutt
Weapons: DL-44 Blaster, Multiple Weapons
Abilities: Pilot, Weapons Expert
Wanted by the Empire for Smuggling
Wanted by the Hutts for Theft, Escaping Slavery
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months ago
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Chapter Title: Backlash
Word Count: 1,359.
Brief Description: Brief Description: Captain Howzer x Female Reader, Captain Howzer x Chandrilan Reader (Singular Love Interest). A reaction to betrayal, a threat of arrest, and a test of the potential bridegroom's intentions all converge at the Minola residence...
AO3: Link Here
Extra Notes: This sat in my Notes for upwards of 3 months before I dropped it in here...man, I'm slow and I suck at updates. Anyways, I hope people are still interested in this, as sporadic as I've been after all this time.
Chapter Masterlist: Link Here
The No-Pressure Tag List:
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @cloneflo99 @vrycurious @gun-roswell @padawancat97
@littlefeatherr @yeehawhijack @knightprincess @masterjedilenawrites @skellymom and anybody else on the lookout for more Howzer fics.
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“What. The kriff.”
Whatever happy bubble you might have been trapped in before has now popped…and with it, you’re not sure if you can feel anything else but betrayal.
“So this is why you came. Dear old Dad cried you a river, Briana joined in, and I’m the one who got put up for sale...”
Betrayal from whoever might have ratted you out at home, betrayal from yourself simply for agreeing to come back…oh, but most of all, betrayal from him.
“Now that’s not exactly true—“
“—It’s true enough to me.”
What right did he have, exactly, to sell you out like this?
“I should have known you’d just become Dad’s doormat in the end.”
Was it just some social side effect of the Republic treating his people like factory made machines, or had this been his idea all along?
“More like your own welcome mat, if you will accept me.”
“Don’t get cute with me, Captain. I don’t ‘accept’ anything!”
Either way, it doesn’t look as though “dear old Dad” is all that celebratory any more, because you’ve just succeeded in wiping that shit-eating grin right off his face.
“N-Now Katie, this-this is hardly the time for—”
“—Don’t. Call me. ‘Katie’.”
He’s looking somewhat scared of you this time, in fact, so much so that you start to get a little thrill out of it.
“I’m not your ‘Katie’, I’m not his ‘Katie’, and I’m definitely not going to—”
“—Y/N, please!”
Orinna, by contrast, is giving you the Look. The one you used to get as a kid when she caught you running too fast in the hallway, or else chasing Briana one time too many around the formal dish ware cabinet.
She’s not too keen on watching you do something dangerous today, especially not if she can help it.
“Zis is not ze time to begin a second war, all right? Ze Troopers and ze Separatists ‘ave all laid down zheir arms. Why can you not do ze same?”
“Rebels are meant to fight, and so am I.”
“Mothers are meant to worry, and so am I!”
“Whatever for?”
“Because I do not want ze authorities arresting you! Think upon zat!”
Her dark eyes are glaring into yours at this point, a sure sign that you’ve officially crossed one line too many with her. You’ve never really seen her this angry before, true—but given that this is such a rarity from her, it’s certainly making you think twice before going any further.
In fact…even though you’re still pretty pissed off at Dad and Howzer together, you’re also not thinking twice about raising your hands in surrender. You’ve messed with her head enough for one day, maybe, so perhaps now is the proper moment to back off and stand down.
“…All right. Fine. I’ll do that.”
“I certainly ‘ope so. Capitaine?”
She motions Howzer forward with one hand, but not without both of her lekku moving rather closely into the sign for “May spice salt your wounds”. Obviously, she won’t be that eager to deal with any more of your issues today.
“Feel free to escort Miss Minola inside, for I do not doubt zat you will ‘ave much to discuss.”
“So I am told…”
As for the good Captain, on the other hand, he’s decided to hang back until you were most likely to calm down and knuckle under. So far, he may have the calming down part of you already proposed and seconded.
“…Still, Y/N, if you will allow me to continue—”
“—Any Trooper will, if he doesn’t bore me first—”
“—You may not find me so boring as other men, for I ‘ad a few interesting teachers back on Kamino.”
“Why, what’s Kamino?”
“An oceanic planet.”
“If that is so, then feel free to go back. I’m sure they’re dying to see you.”
“So I am told. Come! We can go zere together!”
Howzer offers his arm to you, a sure mark of gentlemanly manners if this was any other meeting between you that your father didn’t preordain. Under normal circumstances, you might have happily considered this Captain as your escort back inside the manse.
Out here, however, you’re merely gathering your hands behind your back, one eyebrow raised in silent interrogation, and literally everyone—be they ranging from the scolding Orinna in front of you to Brainy Bri watching it all from her upstairs window—are now holding their collective breaths in anticipation for your next reaction.
“Oh? What makes you think I’m joining you?”
“I…don’t yet see a reason why you could not, Miss Minola.”
“Maybe I’d prefer to sit outside for a while.”
“Very well. I will be sure to join you.”
Howzer makes a small performance of lowering himself onto one of the two front benches; then patting the place beside him in hopes of having you as a partner. You certainly would have joined him willingly if it had been up to you alone, because then you would have had a modicum of freedom to do with as you wished.
Unfortunately, no thanks to Dad pushing this match as the main road to freeing up Briana…you’re instead eyeing one of the side tables, wondering if you should make your own show of sitting there instead…or worse.
“Actually…I think I’ve changed my mind, ‘Capitaine’. Perhaps I’ll go inside.”
“What, and miss the view of zis fine day?”
“Maybe it’s too bright a view for my sensitive eyes.”
“Very well, then…let me see you walk, if we cannot sit together.”
“Walk? Whatever for?”
“So I’ll know who to look for when the big day comes.”
“Oh? What makes you think I won’t be running out the door instead?”
“Please, Y/N, I am as good a gentleman as any other…”
They’re all watching you now, Orinna, Dad, Briana from the window and whomever else inside the house who have decided to stop work and peek at the proceedings. Apparently, you’ve gone from Little Miss Nobody to the talk of the entire household in a few short hours, beginning with your ill-fated disappearance.
“…That. I’ll. Try.”
However, now that the side table is within your reach and you’re more or less finished with being the pawn to your sister’s knight…it’s that single piece of wood that you’re not hesitating to use as your next weapon, because in a matter of seconds, you’re sending it flying at Howzer’s head, your only mission being to drive him off your property with or without the black eye that he may so richly deserve—
—And then, with about as much advance warning as you gave him, which at this point is pretty much none—he catches that piece of furniture in midair, executes a near-perfect twirl, and finally sends the table flying back to you, after which you’ve very little choice other than to catch it before it crashes.
This you barely accomplish with all the grace of someone who never played any sports, for the impact alone all but knocks you onto your back while Howzer remains upright and unbruised. For what might be the first time ever, you’re left in a confused silence while the sting of catching a hard object with your bare hands wears off, because only then might you be able to get back onto your feet again with no further interruptions.
In the meantime, though…everyone’s looking on in a stunned silence, not knowing whether or not to panic as they wait to see what you do next. Judging from their past experiences, either you're going to run off in a huff, or else fall into an even bigger rage and throw another piece of furniture. Perhaps anything of the worst nature can happen from your end, as it's more or less the huge bad habit that you've let yourself fall into over time.
And yet...even as how Howzer's watching you cautiously, still figuring out whether or not he should protect himself and get out of here while he still can...that's when you end up surprising yourself as well as everyone else.
"Nice aim, Captain Howzer."
[To be continued in Chapter 6, "Revealed Truths".
Please like, comment, and reblog if you liked this chapter; and I'll see you in the next update! TYSM!]
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spacelesbiandisaster · 7 months ago
My favorite Headcanons for the Togruta Species
And Shili
And Kiros (Kinda)
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Togruta babies are called Cubs (because I think is a cute word and bc they are aliens after all. Also it translate well to my native language, so when I say Cub I thinking of the word "Filhote" and I'm well aware I probably mixing up translations here).
They live in small groups up to 500 members (but rarely more than that).
Note: I'm saying "small" because our smallest towns have 5.000 member's, but ancient Togruta lived in actual small groups with 50 members or less.
Togruta can grow anxious if they don't have a community around them. Their species were made to live in groups.
Togruta's Montrals are capable of hearing frequencies up to 200000 hz (similar to tigers and bats) and are able of echolocate close objects.
They also have powerful noses and can recognize people from their smell.
Their eyes have a peripheral vision of 200°, that combined with their hearing and flair make them the most powerful predator in Shili.
A adult Togruta eats about 1,5kg of meat every day. Ofc there's alternatives such a rations bars that can lower that amount, but considering they feeding exclusive with meat that's the right amount to maintain themselves health.
Togruta are strict carnivorous (this cannon, but I just want to reassure the idea)
The average height is 1,9 meters for Female and 2,5 meters for Males, counting with their Montrals.
Togruta can easily live up to 90 years, some even got to 120, but they rarely live much more than that. It's a little longer than most humans, but they don't come near Mirialan's lifespan of 250 years or Yoda species that basically turn into living fossils.
Males tend to have longer Montrals while Females have longer Lekkus.
They share 80% of their DNA with Akul (similar with how humans share 90% of our DNA with chimpanzee) what suggest they had a common ancestor.
Their vocal cords can mimic sounds to attract their prey and avert other predators (such as the Akul). Trogruta Cubs were specially good at this and it's not rare see them trying to imitate sounds they find curious or funny. This also means they were very talkative, if a Togruta Cubs is quiet something is terrible wrong.
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Because of this trait Togruta are one off the few species capable of learning how to speak Ithorese and Shyriiwook, although their accent is told to be sloppy and child-like.
The muscles on their legs are the strongest on all their body. They were originally a migratory species, so they needed the extra force and speed.
Their gestation period is around 7 months, a little shorter than humans. But their Cubs grow faster and usually start walking around their five mouth after they were born. They development that trait so neither the mother or the Cub stays vulnerable for long.
Togruta skin color have multiple variations, but the more common are: Orange, purple, yellow and dark blue. This colors also appear on the stripes of their Montrals and Lekkus. The flash color scheme serve two purposes: It warn their predators they are a thread (like some snakes do, the vibrant colors usually scares predators away) and it's also a sign of their health.
Health togruta have stronger colors, the more vibrant their color are the more attract they were consider to be.
Togruta are usually monogamous and tend to spend their whole life with a single partner. This whoever is changing due cultural facts, current is not expected to a individual to stick to a single partner but it's a constant event on their community.
Hybrids between other species are rare, however it's uncertain if this is due their biology or they general lack of interest of breeding with other species.
Hybrids between Togruta and Twi'Lek were been recorded although their appearance are highly inconsistent. Usually they keep smaller version of the Montrals and their Lekkus are more similar with the Twi'Lek version, thus stopping growing at a certain length.
It's said they can have hybrids with human and humanoids species (such as, idk, Mirialans), but there isn't enough Togruta in the galaxy making out with humans to know exactly what that would look like.
They change the teeth twice during their lives, one time when they still cubs and another once they hit 60 ~ 70 years. This happens so they can maintain strong teeth for all their lives.
Their canine teeth are sharp ass hell, even more so when they are Cubs. This can be a problem because Togruta bite each other as a form of affection. Also it's not uncommon for them to leave bite marks in visible places on their partners. When other sentient species saw that they thought the marks were from fighting, but turns out it's from the opposite of fighting.
(Note: I saw some other writes with similar headcanons, specially in barrissoka fanfic, and it's cute! But I'm going to make a point here that they can easily kill small animals with their bite, so I get kinda nervous when people make Ahsoka bite Barriss's neck with "all her strength" because that would probably be enough to pierce her skin. So only small bites are allowed here, Barriss doesn't need die like that.)
Togruta's Montrals and Lekkus can turn shriveley if they are raised under stressing ambients. (That's why Ahsoka's Lekkus are so short for her age). Headcanon send by @kayberrie
As I mentioned the Togruta were originally a migratory species, that means they used to made camps so they could hunt in certain areas and then move to another region once the resorts became scarce. This whoever changed with time as they learned to cycle their prey with the seasons.
This is a vague example, but during spring and summer they hunt Thimiars (a rodent species from Shili) and other small prey, but as the autumn comes they start to hunt bigger prey so they can store the meat for the winter. During the winter itself they fish. Base on that their villagers are usually construed near river and always with around the forest.
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Unlike most of sentient life Togruta are against the domestication of animals, so to this day they still hunt for eat, however all the food (with exception of a few ritualistic hunts) are share with the whole village. So if they can't get food for a while they will start prioritize the children and the elderly while their adults focus on solving the problem.
A exception to that is the domestication of Shilidogs, a species of Tooka (relatives to Lothcats) the Togruta adopt as a companion. The Shilidogs keep pests way from the villages and are very good companions for children. Like a real dog.
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Togruta development a way to dry the meat with a space salt (that I don't have a name for yet) so they don't have to throw away the rest of their meal.
Also they when they hunt they make sure to use every single part of the animal and are very against wasting food. The feet of the prey usually is transformed into soup (which they feed the babies and the elderly bc they believe it helps their bones to grow stronger), and the organs are smoked and eaten as a delicacy (god, I hope I used that word right).
As for the actual meat, they cook only with salt but don't you dare think it's blend or without taste! Think about a Brazilian barbecue, that's how it's like.
Once their society started to interact with other planets the Togruta became very close with Wookies and Ithorians mainly because of their ability of speaking Ithorese and Shyriiwook, but also because both of these species also live in forests and share similar values towards dealing with nature.
However their relationship with the Ithorians started pretty rough because when the Togruta first meet the species they believe to be prey animals. Which they kinda are... But this is all put in the past once the Jedi came and solve the misunderstanding.
Because of the Ithorians the Togruta learned how to make the own space ships without destroying their forests.
Because the Jedi help with their relationship with the Ithorians the Togruta respect their order very much and begin to send some of their Cubs to become Jedi.
With their population growth they decide to make a new colonie rather than open the forest to expend their villagers, that's how Kiros was born.
The government of Kiros and Shili are very different. The Togruta of Kiros adopt a lot of the republic politics and build their on government in reference, naming a Chanceller of their own and a senator to represent them to other planets.
Kiros also have big cities rather than the small villagers of Shili.
Talking about Shili government, they usually spread around the planet in small villagers led by a elder council. This villagers are independent but usually live with some level of collaboration, trading goods with each other.
Because they need to deal with other species now they do elect a senator and a small government situated in one of the few big cities they have, but Shili's Togruta couldn't care less about politics and usually let their colony on Kiros deal with all the trouble. If you go to a random village in Shili and ask the name of the senator chances are that most of the people will get it wrong.
Because of this trait most sentient species believe Togruta to be less intelligent, but that's not the case, they just have a different approach to politics.
Kiros is considered a mere extension of Shili, and although they have a more development government they still answers to the people of Shili.
Their economy with the republic are based on the commerce of healing herbs that they collect from their forests. They are far from being the richest being of the galaxy, but they gather enough money to buy the essentials for their survive.
Realistic they don't need much of outside resources anyway because the way they live it's pretty minimalist.
I already mentioned a few misunderstanding others species made while meeting Togruta for the first time, and there was a actual debate if Togruta could be considered a sentient species to begin with, but luckily for them both the Wookies and the Ithorians already faced similar problems and were able to help the Togruta introduce themselves properly to the rest of the galaxy.
As you problem can see, their society are very close to nature and try the best to not break the balance of the chain by hunting more than they need or building house in animals habitats.
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They are usually led by their elder and wiser members, regardless of gender.
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Both man and woman engage with all types of chores: Hunting, cleaning, taking care of the children, religion rituals, you name it!
I'm not finished writing their religion yet, but the have a vast pantheon of gods for various realms of adoration. Their most important gods are the a representation of the Sun, the Moon and the death, but I'm not going into details because I don't have any yet.
I mentioned that they don't like throwing away the rest of their prey, so they carve idols, toys and jewelry from the bones and make their clothes from the skin/leather.
Ancient Togruta also used bones to make weapons, nowadays this pieces are used in religious rituals.
Speaking of religion rituals, the hunt of Akul is exclusive made for religion purposes and it's considered a crime to kill a Akul without a reason.
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The Togruta are very aware they had a common ancestor with the Akul so that's why they respect the animal so much.
When a child is given to the Jedi they first make a celebration with all the members of their village so everyone can say goodbye properly. It's a joy to have one of their own in the Jedi ranks, but it's also sad to some extent because of how close the communities are. That Cub would probably had live their entire life with them and know that they have to go the village take some time to assimilate that. (So yeah, Ahsoka got a little party with mommy and daddy before Plo take her to the Jedi temple).
Raising cubs is seem as a community work, so it's not rare to leave your kids with the neighbors while hunting or working. Usually is some elder man or woman who stays with the cubs since they can't work as well as they once did.
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Some parents make straps bandages in their Cubs Montrals so they can grow in certain patterns. This is especially popular among the Togruta from Kiros and it is a mere esthetic proceed. It doesn't hurt the cub because their Montrals still soft.
They made a holiday to celebrate their friendship with the Ithorians! They invite their alien friend for a three day party as a way to say sorry for trying do hunt them down when they first meet. The Ithorians are a strict vegetarian species, so the Togruta gather exotic fruits to give as a present. The Jedi send represents from both species to act as mediators in case of conflict, but ever since they stated their partnership, hundreds of years ago, they never had any conflict ever again. They truly became best buddies! (And I like the idea of having this alien festival between species that are so different. Let me have my exotic aliens!)
They used theatre to record their history, so instead of books they told teach using their plays. Usually they are full of exaggerated acrobat acts and sometimes songs. Yes, they have musicals!
Their musical instruments are also made of bones and they particular found of flutes.
Kiros is specially connect with all forms of art and their government had imported Togruta plays to all around the galaxy. Their acrobats and singers are praise and recognize as one of the best of the republic. But that's actually why the Zygerian were so interesting on making them slaves on that incident on the Clone Wars.
The children games are usually a sort of exercise to teach them how to hunt, so if you go to one the their villages you problem going to see children "hunting" each other, lefting bite marks everywhere and being absolutely chaotic, but this is considered normal so the adults don't really care. Other species say that Togruta Cubs are usually a nightmare to be around. Their best friends (aka the Ithorians) are still scared of their children.
At some point in ancient history Togruta started to cook theirs meals, but they still eat raw meat on some occasions and specific rituals.
Besides the festival with the Ithorians Togruta have a few holidays they celebrate with their village. They really like a party and even the people of Shili have a special love for the art exhibitions they do during theses events.
That's it for now.
Please feel free to use any of these headcanons if you like them. Also I would love to talk more about them, so you can make comments or ask questions if you have any.
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theidiotwhowritesthings · 2 years ago
Okay so like, I’ve never requested anything so I don’t really even expect you to see this lol. But likeeee, can I possibly request a Din Djarin x reader, where neither the reader or Din know Grogu has the armor under his robe that the armorer gave him, and something happens where Grogu gets hurt and they both lose their minds before getting to him and realizing little dude is just fine. Please and thank you 🥹
Ooooh this is a good prompt. Speaking of, if you've asked for one then it's probably on my to-do list, but i am slow🤡. plus, updates of AFS and a couple other things come before random drabbles.
Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k (i dont think I'm capable of writing less than a thousand words apparently smh)
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"don't let fear make your decisions." -Michael G. Manning
The quarry was laid on his back as a pool of purple blood began to settle in the sand under him. The twi'lek was motionless and your breathing was finally starting to calm. In one arm you held Grogu who seemed nonplussed by the violence at hand and in your other you held the still smoking blaster. When you managed to tear your eyes off the quarry's body they lifted to land on Din who stood stiff on the other side of the body.
"What the kriff was that?" Din snapped. His entire body was drawn taut like a wired rope pulled to tight. He was nearly vibrating in place and the anger that leaked into his voice was palpable. "Karking⏤ what the hell do you think you're doing out here!?"
His tone made your already irritable mood worse. You stuck the rarely used blaster back into the holster at your thigh. "Apparently, saving you! Maybe show a little gratitude!"
"Grati⏤” The word wasn’t even able to leave Din’s mouth. He stormed forward, boots passing the dead quarry, until he stood right in front of you. Close enough that the Mandalorian was forcing you to tilt your head up to look at him. You knew he stood that close on purpose⏤ he wanted to tower over you right now. “The two of you could’ve gotten killed! I told you not to leave the Razor Crest!”
“We’ve been on that ship for two weeks straight, Din!” You argued. “We just wanted a little fresh air⏤”
“I told you this quarry was dangerous, I said⏤”
“All your quarries are dangerous, Din. You⏤”
“When I tell you to stay on the damn ship,” Din grabbed your by the arm not holding Grogu, “I expect you to kriffing listen. Dank farrik, cyar’ika.” The way he spat out your usual nickname made you wince. “I told you this quarry was bad news⏤”
“And I told you that you shouldn't have taken the bounty!” You yelled and tried to yank your arm free. Din held on tight, and Grogu began to babble worriedly in your arms. “I told you we should take a break! Take a breath! We all need it, even you. Especially, you!”
You yanked your arm back again and this time it broke free. Din settled on placing his hands on his hips, but you could still feel his anger radiating off of him. Tempers had been running high the last few weeks, stuck on a close quarter ship while stressing over the Empire being on your heels, and it seemed the two of you were finally letting it come to a head. 
“It’s naive of you to think we have the time for a break.” Din seethed. “I take bounties so we can afford fuel to run, food to eat, and⏤” He shook his head, taking in a sharp breath before continuing. “You tell me to show you gratitude? Gratitude because you risked yours and Grogu’s life for me?” Din took one step toward you and you took two steps back so he stayed a foot or so away. He pointed to himself. “Everything I do, my only priority, is keeping you and Grogu safe. Away from the Empire. So, how about you show a little gratitude and stay on the damn ship when I tell you to.”
Grogu whined in your arms and you shifted him to the other in a poor attempt to console him. You weren’t ready to climb onto the Razor Crest quite yet. You weren’t done with this fight. Din’s anger and words only spurring you on further.
“You think I’m not grateful for all you do?” You spat. “Of course, I am, you ass! I just hate watching you burn yourself into the ground for us. You need to take care of yourself too, Din. That involves taking a break now and then! That’s why I suggested leaving this bounty untouched. I just want to help.”
Din nodded once then tilted his head. “Right. Yeah. Putting Grogu and yourself at risk was a lot of help. I feel much better. Thank you, cyar’ika.”
You scoffed, “You know what, Din? You are⏤”
The sound of an unfamiliar chuckle and your eyes snapped from the dark t-shape visor to the quarry sitting up with a menacing grin. It took less than a second. It happened so quickly that your mind couldn’t register the movements fast enough.
A blaster raised.
A blaster fired.
And, you didn’t have the time to spin away. The force of the blaster bolt knocked you right off your feet and onto the ground. 
You heard Din scream, the sound hoarse and raw and broken, then you heard another blaster go off. As you laid on your back, you realized you weren’t hurting. Your back was a little sore from landing on it, but you didn’t feel the sharp burning pain of a blaster scorching through your skin. That’s when your brain finally clicked. That’s when you realized. Grogu. Oh, Maker. Grogu. Grogu, baby⏤ Your eyes snapped down to see the little boy’s eyes closed and the front of his robe was blackened from the blow.
The scream that filled the air this time was yours. You felt the sound reverberate in the base of your throat, it rattled your chest, but the only noise you could hear was the racing heartbeats that pounded in your ears. You sat up, cradling him to your chest, and you could feel gloved hands pawing at your arms. Someone was trying to take him⏤ someone was trying to take him from you. You screamed once more, your body shook, and a gloved hand cupped the side of your face. Nothing registered until you saw Grogu blink his big eyes open. Your breath caught in your throat. That same gloved hand pulled aside Grogu’s ruined robe and the telltale shine of beskar stared back up at you. A mudhorn adorning the plate that Grogu wore at the center of his chest.
Grogu let out a soft mumble and smiled up at you. 
“Oh, thank the Maker.” Din breathed. “Cyar’ika. Cyar’ika? Cyari’ka!” A hand titled your face up, tearing your eyes away from Grogu who was wiggling in your tight grip. You met the dark t-shape visor of Din’s helmet. “Are you okay? Did it clip you? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head and opened your mouth, but all that came out was a ragged sob. Even after Din pulled you both into his arms, you continued to cry against his silver beskar plated chest until your own chest ached from how badly each sob racked your body. Grogu seemed content to be squashed between you and Din. 
Hours later, in the quiet of hyperspace, Din sat in the pilot’s chair with you on his lap, cradled against his body, while you held Grogu tight to yours. It seemed since the incident Din refused to let either of you go, and you had no desire to complain. Having his arms wrapped around you while you watched Grogu sleep was the safest you had ever felt.
“I’m so sorry, Cyar’ika.” Din whispered. His unmodulated words were muffled by the way he rested his face at the top of your head⏤ buried his lips into your hair to continue peppering light kisses anywhere he had access. In this position, your head tucked under his, you couldn’t see his face. “I am so, so sorry.”
You shook your head lightly. When you spoke, your voice was ragged from screaming earlier, “No, I am. I should’ve listened to you, Din. I should’ve stayed on the ship.” Your eyes began to water again. “I almost got Grogu killed.”
“No. No, that wasn’t your fault. Ner mesh'la cyar'ika, ibic hara cuyir pal'vut.” Din mumbled the end of his sentence in Mando’a. “You were right. I shouldn’t have taken that bounty. I can’t lose the two of you and I’ve grown… obsessive in trying to protect you.”
“It’s worked. You’ve kept us safe. If I had listened to you⏤”
“You’re not prisoners. I can’t lock you away from the world because of my fear.” Din cut in. You let your free hand trace down the small bridge of Grogu’s nose and he scrunched it up at the contact while staying soundly in his sleep. Nothing Din would say could rid you of this guilt entirely. If he wanted to claim the mistake he could, but that didn’t make it any less your fault as well. “Please speak to me.”
You closed your eyes and lifted your head so you could press a kiss against Din’s throat. He shuddered and sighed at the touch. “Can we just agree that this is both of our faults?”
“We can.” Din shrugged, his arms tightened around you. “But I'd rather you not take any of the blame.”
“Yes, well, unfortunately as we’ve learned, I’m not good at listening.” You mumbled.
Din chuckled. “Good. I don’t want you to blindly listen to me. Your ideas are equally as good as mind, if not occasionally better.” He closed the space to press a soft kiss against yours. It was sweet and tender. Not a declaration of lust or desire, but a reassurance that you were there. Din broke away to whisper. “But if you could at least let me know when you are leaving the ship, I’d appreciate it.”
“Only if you promise to take us somewhere pretty soon.”
“I’m already ahead of you, cyar’ika.” As he spoke, his lips brushed against yours and you had no desire to lean back away from him. Din moved his hand and you could feel his hand brush against the side of your arm every time he soothingly rubbed Grogu’s head. “Crest is on route to Naboo.”
You pressed another light peck of your lips against his before leaning your head back down against his chest. Din settled his head back on top of yours, and you felt the soft caress of his thumb against your arm from the hand that was wrapped around you. Din pulled you and Grogu a hair closer, and you reveled in the silence of hyperspace.
"Also, when did Grogu get a mudhorn beskar chestplate?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
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mando'a translations
Ner mesh'la cyar'ika, ibic hara cuyir pal'vut. [My beautiful darling, this sin is mine.]
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ventresses · 10 months ago
Is Ryloth based on Algeria?
A while back, some friends and I had an interesting discussion about why Star Wars has the Twi'lek speak with French accent, and the implication that Ryloth could perhaps be inspired by a country formerly colonized by France.
We discovered there were A LOT of parallels between Ryloth and the country of Algeria
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Political History & Colonialism
Algeria became a colony of France after they invaded it in 1830. Their conquest of Algeria has been called a genocide, and they perpetrated countless atrocities- starvation, epidemics, retaliation for resistance, etc. During that time period, there were popular revolts against the French occupation, and insurgent groups, guerilla warfare, etc., particularly in the decade prior to their independence, which Algerians finally won in 1962.
Ryloth's rulers/most powerful political official(s) are always shown as off-world, corrupt, disconnected from the life and struggles of its people, and allowing the people and resources of the planet to exploited. First, this is under Senator Orn Free Taa, then Separatist occupation, then the Empire.
Throughout that same history of oppression and exploitation, we also see armed resistance movements and guerilla fighters, like the Twi'lek Resistance and the Free Ryloth Movement.
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Algeria is the largest country in Africa. It contains a significant portion of the Sahara Desert, and hosts many impressive rock formations.
Ryloth is a large planet on the Outer Rim. Whenever we see Ryloth on-screen, it almost always shows the desert, is peppered with incredible rock formations, gorges, etc.
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The homes and structures we see on Ryloth are reminiscent of traditional &/or vernacular mud-brick architecture in Algeria and its neighbor, Morocco. For example:
The Syndulla House
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Numa's Village (from The Clone Wars S1E20)
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The Capital City (from The Clone Wars S1E21)
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Interior Design
We also see themes and details that are strongly reminiscent of Islamic architecture in, for example, the design of the Syndulla family's home.
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This is also true of simpler homes, like the ones in Numa's village from The Clone Wars, which utilize subtle geometric motifs and Arabesque patterned windows.
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Mosaic art was one of the hallmarks of Roman and Byzantine and Islamic Empires, all of which Algeria was part of, and had their history and culture influenced by.
The Syndulla family portrait is a mosaic.
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Head Coverings
The vast majority of Algerians identify as Muslim. It's very common practice for Muslim women to wear the hijab, which covers their hair.
Every time we see a female Twi'lek on-screen she is wearing a head-band or head-covering. We very rarely see male Twi'lek do so.
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Language and Accents
As a remnant of the legacy of French colonialism, French is widely spoken and understood in Algeria, though its official language is Arabic.
Many Twi'lek speak Galactic Basic, and do so with a French-sounding accent, though Twi'leki is their native language.
Anything else?
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