#fem reader x natasha romanoff
olsenmyolsen · 22 days
Let's Go For A Little Ride
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master list
dark master list
Driver Natasha AU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: For about two months, a redhead has stopped by your place of work, the diner, and ordered the same thing over and over. You two started as strangers, but what happens when she's about to leave?
Word Count: 3.3K
Content: Mutual Pining, Longing, Hot Natasha, Fluff, Kissing, Dangerous Driving
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You hated quite literally everything at this exact moment.
You hated the feeling of your hair on your neck, along with the sweat on your forehead. You hated how every ungrateful customer seemed to be visiting the small diner you work at today. You hated how loud they were. You hated how you, even through all of that, in the back of your mind, you could hear your mother asking when you would get a better job or go back to school.
You hated it all.
And yet. As you calmed yourself down and walked out of the kitchen to the countertop of the small restaurant, it all seemed to fade into the background when a redhead in a leather jacket pushed through the front door, knocking it into the little bell above it.
With one look, she changed you and had you hooked.
Her name was Natasha Romanoff.
However, you didn't learn that until she came by again the following week around the same time. She was always sporting the same leather jacket. Her hair would change from braided to a ponytail or curls one weekend. But her green eyes danced with your eyes. They became softer every time the redhead came in.
By the third week, you found out Natasha had a cat. Liho. According to Natasha, she was a rescue and had a knack for "always getting me into trouble." You laughed a little too hard at that, but Natasha loved hearing it regardless.
Slowly but surely, your hatred of the job declined as your feelings and crush for Natasha expanded. Sure, you knew it was silly and that she was a paying customer who was kind to the person serving her food. But her lingering touches and sweet remarks couldn't have been for nothing, right? Plus, there are tons of other places a person with Natasha's physique could be eating at. So why continuously stop at your shitty little diner?
After around two months, you got an answer.
You lifted your eyes up and out the diner window as a roar came from a speeding black sports car that peeled off the road onto the gravel lot before pulling into a parking spot as if it were nothing. You guessed who it could be, but seeing the door open and Natasha rise out of the driver's side with her sunglasses, white tank, leather jacket, and a smile was just as perfect as you would think.
The few other patrons and wait staff also watched as the redhead walked into the diner like it was nothing.
Not that you or Natasha noticed. Too busy eyeing the other one up as, Natasha entered the business and came closer to the bar top with a shy smile. "Hi Y/n." Your name from her pink lips sounded more and more beautiful each time you heard it.
God what you wouldn't give to hear it another way.
"Hi, Natasha." You smiled back and placed a water and a menu in front of her, even if she hadn't ordered anything other than the same meal for the last couple of weeks. Natasha looked up from the closed menu in front of her to look at you in the eyes. She smiled as you nervously looked away before keeping your eyes locked with Natasha.
"What?" You said quietly before lifting your hand to wipe your face. "Is there something on me?" Natasha shook her head. "No. There's nothing." She giggled as she rested her arms on the counter, and suddenly, it felt like it was just the two of you as you looked into her dangerous green eyes.
"What time do you get off?" Natasha asked a series of words you had not heard before. You froze and stumbled with your own words before shutting your mouth and starting over.
"Four." You answered. Natasha hummed and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only a little past one.
Damn, you and your mid-shift.
Natasha looked back at you. "Okay." She spoke softly and smiled before opening the menu. You looked at Natasha and smiled back before furrowing your eyebrows a tad. You leaned a bit closer, the edges of your fingers running over the countertop. "Natasha?" Natasha put the menu down and looked back up to you. Awaiting your question. "Why do you want to know what time I get off?"
Natasha smirked and lifted her hands to place them gently on yours. "Because I want to hang out with you." Her touch was blazing hot, and it made you melt. "Outside of these four walls." She added, and you nodded. "That sounds nice." You replied, but the words flowed quickly and freely from your lips. You weren't sure you had actually said it.
But you knew you had when Natasha placed more pressure on your hands. It was comforting. "Good," Natasha replied, making you smile like an idiot before you blushed hard when Natasha said. "There it is." About your smile.
You wished to keep this moment alive and going, but of course, you had to pull your hands away and let the cool air hit you when a patron down at the end was asking for a refill of their coffee. "Sorry." You said to Natasha, who shook her head and waved you off. "Go. We'll have time later."
Time for what?!
You weren't sure, but Natasha stayed in the little diner at her spot at the counter for the remainder of your shift. You don't think you smiled that much and for that long in a while, but Natasha seemed to have that effect on you. That and made sure you did your best to embarrass yourself by dropping people's food and coffee.
Okay, yeah, it only happened twice, but still, when you looked up from the mess, Natasha's lips curved into a smile, which were the only thing you saw.
"Okay, so give me like a few minutes to grab my tips, and then I'll clock out." You said to Natasha as you were putting up your hair into a ponytail after your band broke. Natasha watched your fingers fly through your hair like a wave before she found your eyes and smiled at you. "That sounds great. I'll be out front." Natasha replied to you and went to pull out her wallet from her jacket, but you stopped her. "Don't worry about it. I covered it already."
Natasha looked up to you with a less than amused face. "You paid for my lunch?" Her voice wasn't as soft as before. Not that you noticed. You just loved it when she talked to you.
You finally took your hands away from your hair and smiled with a shrug. "Yeah, it was no big deal." Natasha continued to pull out her wallet and open it up. You could see stacks of bills inside. "You make money from what people order and how great your service is." Natasha pulled out a $50 bill to give to you. "Take it. You deserve it."
"Natasha, I'm not taking your money." You laughed. "We're more than just employee and customer." Natasha liked hearing that but hated that you were right because she still wanted to give you more than what you got from this place. But with a sigh, Natasha pulled the $50 back into her hand. "Fine. But you owe me."
"Owe you?" You questioned with a slight tease in your voice. Natasha nodded and smirked. She was having fun. "I'm taking you out sometime in the future." You smiled wide and stared into Natasha's green eyes for a moment. "I- uh- sure. That sounds great!" Natasha smiled back. "Great... I'll be out front."
Natasha pointed with her thumb to the sleek black car outside, and you nodded before watching her walk away.
Those jeans did wonders.
A few moments later, after Natasha told a guy to fuck off from touching the car, did you make it outside. Natasha watched your shoes hit the gravel as you made your way over. Natasha could also tell how you must've used the bathroom to try and freshen yourself up as you appeared to be lighter, not to mention how you were now wearing a grey sweatshirt and gym shorts instead of your yellow diner outfit.
"Hi." You awkwardly said as you stopped a few feet in front of Natasha with a bag over your shoulder. "Hi." Natasha smiled through her sunglasses and lifted herself away from the car. She stood next to you and looked back at it. "Do you like it?"
"The car?" You asked Natasha to ensure the two of you were on the same page. Natasha laughed at that. "Yes, the car." You looked from Natasha to the car again. Fully taking it in without a hot redhead in or on it. "It looks great!" You then looked back at Natasha. "What is it?"
Natasha laughed loudly and motioned for you to follow her to the drivers side. It being on the other side than what you were used to. Natasha opened the door for you and took your bag from your shoulder in one motion. The action makes your stomach flip and your brain break simultaneously. "Hop in," Natasha said as she took your bag and put it into the trunk.
This would be a surefire way to get kidnapped, but with Natasha doing it, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Still, you stood outside the vehicle. "Natasha, I'm all sweaty from work, and I smell like vanilla mixed with cheeseburgers. I don't think you want me in your car."
Natasha closed the trunk and walked back to you.
"Well, lucky for you, I like vanilla and cheeseburgers." She then shined her pearly whites at you as you blushed before she placed her hands on your arms and moved you to sit in the car. "Besides, it's not mine. I'm just testing it." Your butt touched the leather seats. "What do you mean it's not yours? You're testing it?" You questioned as Natasha walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat next to you.
God, she looked fucking sexy.
Natasha lifted her sunglasses and moved closer. Over the middle console. Her green eyes looking in your eyes. "I'm a test driver for multiple car companies. They send their cars out, or I fly to them." Suddenly, Natasha made a lot more sense. That's why you never had seen her until recently. That's also probably why she always drives something different every time she arrives for lunch.
Looking at her made you think of that Billie Eilish song.
You pulled your lip into your mouth before looking back at the car. "So what's this one?" You ran your fingertips carefully over the steering wheel. "This is a Lotus Emira." You nodded as if it meant anything, which made Natasha smile. You pretending to care.
"You can drive it if you want," Natasha said after a beat of silence. You whipped your head over to her. "How much does it cost?" Natasha tilted her head, not expecting that answer. "To drive it?" You shook your head. "The car."
"Over 100K."
You immediately hopped out of the driver's seat and started coming around the front of the car, which made Natasha chuckle before she exited the vehicle. "I'm going to leave the driving to you." Natasha smiled and followed you to the passenger door. She held it open for you and closed it once you got buckled in.
"The offer still stands," Natasha said as she started up the vehicle. Under Natasha's foot, it roared to life. You could feel the horsepower slightly shake the car, which Natasha assured you was normal.
But what definitely wasn't normal was how she kept glancing at you, almost like she was trying to look at every detail of your face. So much so that you called her out on it once the two of you were flying down the two-lane road to wherever.
"Okay, do I have something on my face now!?" You asked, making Natasha shake her head and playfully roll her eyes as she zoomed onto another road. "No, I'm sorry. I just..." Natasha trailed off as she thought of the right words to say. "You just?" You asked as Natasha slowed the sports car down once the two of you reached a fence. A security guard took one look into the car and waved you in.
Your question hung in the air as you were now on an abandoned airstrip. You looked around at the view before looking at Natasha. She stopped the car as the tires rolled onto the tarmac.
Natasha looked over to you. She lifted her sunglasses up and moved towards you. "I like you. I like seeing you."
Her answer took your breath away. Sure, you flirted or at least attempted to, and it worked?? She liked you??
"I- I like you too." You came right out and said it. No point in hid- "I leave in the morning."
Those words left Natasha's lips like she never wanted them said. They hurt.
"What?" You questioned, making Natasha lift her downcasted eyes to you. "They want me in Germany." She answered quietly before looking down as she picked at her fingers. "I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure what we were..."
Your heart formed cracks but grew warm all in one swoop.
And then the two of you sat quiet for a moment. Natasha lifted her eyes to you as you looked out the window of the car, off into the distance.
"I still like you." You turned to Natasha as she finally switched from her puppy dog face. "I like you too," Natasha stated again, making you blush. "I find it hard to believe." You replied with a laugh, making Natasha shake her head. "Not funny." She cleared her throat. "And it's easy to believe. I think you're stunning."
You threw your head against the car seat. "Natasha, there is no way that's true. You've only ever seen me all sweaty and greasy and-" "and smelling like vanilla and cheeseburgers." Natasha smirked as she finished your sentence. "I told you I like it."
Your face became red as you shook your head and turned your eyes out the window at the tarmac in front of you guys. "So now what?" You asked with a smile.
Natasha followed your eyes sight. "I guess we make the most of this moment." You turned to her. She looked at you. "There's some cars in the hangar over there." She gestured with her head to one on the left. "We can see which one suits you." Natasha winked before starting up the car.
Natasha and you spent the next couple of hours laughing and talking while you sat in the passenger seat as Natasha showed off the reasons she's the best.
It felt like you were in a movie whenever she spun the car around. Your hair flew out of your ponytail and into your face, making you laugh while Natasha shifted the car before laughing at you.
Scenes like that play out more and more.
You even took your shot at the slowest car in the hangar. You had never gone that fast in your life.
But it left you wanting more, wanting Natasha more. Wanting the night sky not to fall into you both. But yet it did. The stars shined bright in the sky above as you and Natasha laid on the hood of a car the was worth more than the two of you combined.
"How did you get started?" You asked as Natasha handed you a beer from a cooler she brought out from the hangar. "My friend Carol hooked me up. She's a professional driver in the GT women's series. Her team was looking for test drivers. She called me up, and one thing led to another, and now it's my career."
(A/n: Carol will be a future story too.)
You took a sip of your drink as Natasha talked. You could see it in her eyes how much she actually did enjoy it and love doing it. "That's great." You spoke up as Natasha looked at you with a sad smile. "Yeah, but I'm never in one place for too long. I can't really plant roots." Her green eyes looked at you and your lips before turning away.
You saw it.
"How long will you be in Germany?" Natasha wasn't sure, but she gave you a guess. "Three weeks. Maybe longer." You nodded as Natasha licked her lips before sipping the imported beer. "And after that?" You asked.
Natasha shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe here." She said, even though you both knew that probably wasn't true.
"It's okay." You said as you found yourself closer to Natasha. She looked into the sky and let the moment rest. "Hey, Natasha." You spoke up, making Natasha turn towards her left, and the next thing Natasha tasted was your lips on hers.
The two of you sharing a messy top lip kiss as you fall onto her. Natashas back hitting the hood of the car as you two find a rhythm. Natasha drops the beer bottle from her hand and lets it roll off the car before it smashes onto the ground as her hands find your hair. Her fingertips brushed against your scalp as she moaned into your lips. Your body presses against her before air becomes a problem.
The two of you pull away, catching your breath. Natasha looks at you with desire in her darkened eyes. You look at Natasha, shocked by your own actions. "I'm sorry." Natasha stops your stupid apology by kissing you softly this time. "Don't. It's okay." She whispers before she kisses you again with a smile.
"What time in the morning do you leave?" You ask as you separate before kissing again. "My flight is at 8." Natasha kisses you, and you melt like butter before lifting yourself away from Natasha. "We don't have to talk about it," Natasha says to try and help you in any way she can, but you shake your head as you think of a plan.
You look to the redhead. "Do you think we'd work together?" Natasha doesn't know what you're asking. "What do you mean?" She scoots close to you again. Her hand on your thigh. "Like..." You look away. "Like as a couple." You mumble before Natasha pulls your chin to look at her. "One more time?"
You smile. "Like as a couple..." Natasha hums and moves her hand up and down your thigh with some light pressure. "I don't know, honestly. I'd like to say yes, but we never know what the future holds." Natasha answers you with a soft tone of voice as she keeps her eyes on you. "But I'd like to give it a shot if that's what you're asking."
You grab Natasha's hand from your thigh and hold it. "I really hate my job." You say, making Natasha smile and laugh. "You're probably the only reason I haven't quit yet." Natasha couldn't believe her ears. "Little ole me?" She fans herself and puts on an adorable Southern accent, forcing you to laugh and roll your eyes. "Oh gosh, is this what I have to look forward to." You fall against the hood and windshield of the car. Natasha slaps your arm. "You like it."
You smirk. "I do."
Now it's Natasha's turn to roll her eyes as she lays beside you. "So you'll come with me?" She wants to ensure she won't leave tomorrow with a broken heart.
You nod. "Good thing I have my passport." Natasha chuckles and smiles warmly at you. "Have you ever been to Germany?" Natasha asks, but you shake your head. "Well, I guess I'll have to spoil you."
"I could get used to that." You then look at the car under the both of you. "Well, that and watching you drive."
Natasha leans forward, and just before she kisses you, she whispers: "Oh, you have no idea."
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dividers by @/benkeibear
356 notes · View notes
scarletlizzard · 7 months
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Inked Desires
Pairing: g!p Natasha x fem! Reader
Tags Minors DNI: smut, Natasha has a dick, also covered in tattoos w/ piercings, buff out of this world, she's hot okay, cunnilingus, handjobish, unprotected sex, breeding yup, alcohol at the beginning
A/N: I'm cheating and putting these two requests together, oops! This is my first time writing something like this, so please be gentle. Also, would really love some feedback on this so I know for the future to either write more like this or just tell me to stop now. Thanks so much for reading and thanks for the requests!! 🩵
"Here, take this!" Your friend says over the loud music, handing you another cup half filled with a mixture of liquor.
You don't question her and take the cup from her, drinking it down in only two gulps. Kate laughs and cheers as you do, doing the same with the cup she held.
By now, you were a few drinks in, and the house Kate had dragged you to was full of people. This definitely wasn't your type of scene, but as you danced among the bodies in the lowlit living room, you couldn't help but feel grateful she had.
As your hips move against your friend, she leans over to your ear. "She's staring at you again," Kate laughs, and your eyes move to the corner of the room.
There was the stranger of the night, a tall woman who stood out, whose green eyes had been watching your every move since you walked in the door. Her muscular arms were covered with art of all kinds, disappearing up into the sleeves of her shirt. She brought her red cup to her lips again, her face mostly hidden from the light.
Instead of replying, you only continue to dance, this time keeping eye contact with your stranger. The woman watches as your hips sway, your hands traveling your own body as you move to the music. It doesn't take long after that before she's finally striding across the room, standing a head taller than most of the crowd.
When she reaches you, you can finally see the rest of her gorgeous face. Above her sprightly green eyes, you noticed a piercing on her eyebrow, a few on her nose, and one on the bottom lip of the smirk she gave you. As she stands in front of you, you literally have to look up at her, and you realize she was much more toned up close.
"I'm just gonna grab another drink!" Kate raises her voice above the music for the two of you to hear.
"I'll catch up with you later!" You shout back to which she only laughs and shoots you a "Yeah, right," before walking off.
You turn your attention back to the stranger.
"Hi," she smiles.
"Hi," you reply curiously.
"I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" She asks. Her eyes shamelessly roam the soft features of your face and the curves of your body.
"Y/N... this is my first time here. What's yours?" You ask with a blush on your cheeks. She tucks back her red hair behind one of her ears, revealing to you even more piercings.
You don't know if it's the alcohol or the feeling the stranger ignited in your chest, but you feel compelled to step forward and rest your hand on her muscular bicep. Your finger traces the tattoos that littered the skin there.
"Natasha," she says with a smile. "Wanna go upstairs?" A cock of her eyebrow with the piercing sticking out is enough to get you wet.
As soon as the door closes, the two of you are on each other, kissing feverishly. Her hands are under your shirt, touching your skin as she lifts you against the door. Your legs wrap around her hips, and you smile against her lips at how easily she lifted you. She was strong. You could feel her muscles under her tight shirt, squeezing you impossibly close.
But when her tongue slips past your lips, you gasp and pull away, a string of saliva pulling between your mouths.
"What's wrong? Do you need to stop?" She asks with a concerned expression. You look at her with wide eyes.
"No - no, I'm fine, it's just. Is your tongue...?" You didn't know how to ask. She chuckles and ducks her head before looking back at you. Natasha lets her tongue slide across her top lip, and it's then your suspicions are confirmed.
"Split, and yes... it will feel better," Natasha says in a cocky tone, her lips attaching to your neck as she carries you to the bed. You feel your back hit the soft mattress, and she lets go of you to remove your shirt.
"I want to see them all," you breathe out and run your finger over the skin on her arm. She smiles and pulls back, taking off her shirt to reveal she was completely covered. "They're beautiful..." You let your eyes take in the sight of the art, your hands tracing the dark lines and over the grooves of her abs. Natasha is a God.
As she continues to undress you, she kisses as much skin as she can, her lips soft and wet with every touch. When she gets to your breasts, you feel her tongue spread, taking your nipple between the two halves and sucking it.
"Oh- oh fuck," you moan out, suprised at the unfamiliar feeling and how good it felt. Natasha hums and lays you back, kissing down your stomach. When she spreads your legs she looks at you with hungry eyes, seeing how wet you already were.
"All this for me, baby?" She asks, letting a finger move up and down your wet folds. Your body shivers with anticipation. The way she looked at you, the way she looked, you were willing to let this stranger do absolutely anything to you.
"All for you.." You husk back, watching her split tongue wet her lips again.
Natasha kneels down at the edge of the bed and puts your legs over her shoulders, her hands grip your thighs tightly.
"How fucking lucky am I then?" She smirks up at you before placing soft, teasing kisses on your thighs.
You feel her mouth attach to your clit, and the heat in your stomach burns hotter. She licks up your slit, groaning as she tastes you.
"Fuck you taste so good," Natasha moans and let's her tongue lick up to your clit. She let's the two halves spread and rub against you. The new feeling makes you arch your back, your head thrown against the comforter.
"G-God Nat, that feels so good!" You moan and try to squeeze your thighs, but her grip kept your legs spread as she continued to eat you out. The sounds of her mouth against your wet pussy were the most sinful sounds you had ever heard, and the moans leaving your mouth were sounds nobody had ever elicited from you before.
She groans against you, the vibrations causing even more pleasure. "That's it baby," she says in between licks, "Want you to cum all over my face." Natashas tongue moves in two different ways, the coil in your lower stomach twisting up.
Your hands grip the comforter as she moves quicker, and the coil begins to unravel as you come undone
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," your back arches again and your legs tremble around her head as you let out a pornographic moan. Natasha hums agaisnt you as you come, her hands not flinching to hold your thighs apart.
She licks every drop, her tongue swirling around your sensative clit one more time before she lets go and stands up. "Come here," Natasha commands, and with a dizzy mind you sit up, trying to catch your breath. She bends down to take your jaw, kissing you rough and sloppily. You forces you to taste yourself, and her tongue pushes in your mouth, wrapping around your own tongue.
You can smell your own arousal on her face, feeling it wet your nose and lips. You blush, almost embarrassed with how wet this stranger made you.
"Now lets see how well you can ride my cock," Natasha chuckles and pulls back to remove her remaining clothes. Your eyes are settled on her breasts, unable to remove them from the piercings on her nipples. When you can pull yourself away from the sight of the silver metal against pink, you look down to see her remove her underwear. She was hard, painfully hard just from eating you out.
She tosses the boxers in the corner where other random clothes lay, and you gave her a curious look. "It's my room, don't worry. Didn't even know you were in my house, did you, love?" Natasha strides back to the bed and sits with her back against the headboard, pulling you closer to her.
"No, I didn't. I'm sorry... my friend kind of dragged me out tonight," you say with red cheeks, and she kisses you desperately.
"Thank God she did," Nat mumbles against your lips. She lets out a groan as your hand reaches between the two of you to lightly grip her cock, and you could feel how she was already throbbing for you. You begin to move your hand up and down slowly as the kiss turns sloppy, her tongue sliding yours between hers. Natasha revels in the feeling of her in your soft hand, your delicate fingers moving along the veins of erection.
"Shit - that feels so good," she moans into the kiss as your hand movements speed up. Your thumb swipes across the tip, precum dripping out already. You smile at the low moan that leaves her lips and continue to jerk her as you kiss. "I need you, please. Fuck I need to be inside you," she begs, and the sound of her begging was something you wanted to hear again. You take her lower lip between your teeth, sucking on the piercing before letting go with a 'pop'.
"I wanna ride you so bad, Nat.. I'm so wet for you," you whisper and let your kisses trail down to her sharp jaw. You feel her cock twitch in your hand as you speak and she grabs your wrist to stop your hand movements, panting as she does.
Natasha turns you around quickly, groaning at the sight of your ass as you straddle her lap and let her hands guide you onto her thick cock. You slide down slowly, letting out a moan when you feel her filling you up.
"Just relax baby, you're so fucking tight," she mumbles as she watches herself slowly disappear inside of you. She let's out a low moan as she feels your hot cunt swallow her, the back of head hitting the headboard when she feels your walls squeezing her. The feeling alone was enough for her mind to sever ties with reality, the only thought was you.
The sensation has that coil tightening inside of you again. You rest your hands on her toned thighs for support, relishing in the way her muscles flexed underneath your fingertips.
Natashas' hands continue to guide you, and after you had adjusted to her large size, you begin to grind yourself down on her lap.
"Just like that baby, fuck... feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock. You were just made to take me," she groans, her words only driving you to move your hips faster.
Her large hands move to your sides and up your body, groping your skin as she starts to move her hips up to meet yours. The two of you find a rythem together, and soon you find yourself willingly bouncing on her cock. Her hands moved to gather your hair, wrapping it into a fist in her right hand. She tugs on it and pulls your head back, a loud moan leaves your lips at the feeling.
"You like it when I'm rough with you, don't you?" She smirks, tugging your hair again.
"Yes - god, yes, Nat!" You whine as her lips find your neck. She bites down hard on your pulse point, surely leaving a mark, and leaves hot open-mouthed kisses along your skin.
"I know you do, you little slut. Fucking dripping on my cock. You feel how easy I slide in and out of you?" She says and with her left hand she grabs your jaw. "Answer me."
"I'm so wet, you make me so wet," you whine again, feeling her fingers move between your teeth. You suck hard as you look in her eyes, your tongue swirling around spit dripping down your chin. When you bite down, it surprises her, but she only chuckles darkly.
In a second, Natasha had let go of your hair and pushed you down face first onto the mattress. You gasp at the sudden emptiness, but soon after, she's lifting your hips and sliding into you again. Both of you moan at the feeling of how deep she goes.
"Christ, it doesn't matter how long I fuck you. You're just - so - fucking tight," she grunts in between words, her cock drilling you into oblivion. With every thrust you can hear the bedframe hitting the wall, and you can't help the pitiful noises that leave your mouth.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum," You rasp out. A sharp slap on your ass makes you whimper as you feel it begin to sting.
"No, shit, hold it in," Natasha warns. You feel the pressure of her body move on top of you. The piercings on her breasts rub against your back with each powerful thrust, and her arm moves underneath your neck to hold you tightly.
Natasha grunts in your ear as she pounds into you, letting out a moan when she feels your slick cunt tighten around her length. "I'm almost there, baby. Are you gonna be a good girl and come all over my cock?"
You nod the best you can in her tight grip, only able to get out a "Yes," in between gasps.
"You feel so good, Y/N. You want me to cum inside you? Fuck- I wanna fill up your tight little pussy so bad..." She groans against you and her words send you over the edge.
"Oh god, Nat! Please fill me up, please," you beg her, and just the thought of it is enough to let go. Your orgasm ripples through your body, sending shockwaves of pleasure to your core.
Natasha moans loudly as she feels you coating her cock with your cum, and she can no longer hold back. "Fuck- Y/N!" She groans and you whine as you feel her hot load spurting inside of you, her cock twitching as she slows her movements. "Take every.. last.. drop.." She pants as she thrusts a few more times.
The two of you stay like that for a while, her cock inside you as she stills above you. Your head rests against her arm as you attempt to catch your breath. When she removes herself slowly, and you wince at the soreness and empty feeling. Natasha lays next to you and you turn on your side to face her.
"Hi," she chuckles at the exhausted features on your face.
"You just fucked the life out of me and you're going to say... 'hi' ?" You laugh, suprised to see a blush on the strong womans cheeks as she laughs along with you. Your hand reaches out, resting on her stomach and tracing the lines of her tattoos again.
After the two of you clean yourselves up, you begin to dress yourself, feeling her eyes on you as you pull your shirt over your head.
"You don't have to go, you know. I'm not like that," she says gently, and you look up to see her pulling on a pair of jeans. You smile at her kind demeanor and walk over to her.
"I have to take my friend home," you say and lean up on your toes to kiss her cheek. She has to bend down for you to reach her lips, but she doesn't complain.
"Well, maybe I can take you out sometime," Natasha smirks and rests her hands on your waist. You nod as you look up to her.
"I would love that.." You reply honestly, wanting nothing more than to get to know her and count the endless tattoos that cover her body.
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scarlethexelove · 2 months
Growing A Family
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Milf!Reader
Word Count: 1451
Warnings: Smut, Intersex!Natasha, P in V, Nat really wants a baby, a bit of a breeding kink, Belly bulge, kitchen sex, Unprotected sex obviously, maybe other things.
Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
A/n: Been sitting on this idea for a while. Just Nat being cute and deserving a family. This is just nice and cute and soft. Did I mention Nat is adorable.
Your soft hums fill Natasha’s ears as she enters the kitchen. She leans against the door frame admiring your form as you clean up. Your jeans hugging your hips perfectly, your plush thighs, and how they accentuating your ass deliciously. You haven’t even noticed her return as your mind stays focused on the task in front of you. Nat pushes herself off the frame and makes her way over to you. She tightly grips your hips as she presses her front against your back. You gasp in surprise but relax in her hold. “Mmm your ass looks delicious in these jeans.” Nat kisses your shoulder as she pulls you impossibly close. “Thank you baby.” You giggle as a blush spreads across your cheeks. 
Nat has just returned from dropping off your daughter at Yelena’s place wanting to give you a break and spend some quality time together. Setting her plan in motion. Her lips trail to your neck nipping at the skin as her hands slide up under shirt cupping your clothed breast. “Natty.” You try to swat her away but the moan you let out as she sucks harshly on your pulse point has you faltering. “Have a baby with me.” She whispers in your ear as she pulls your bra down causing your breast to spill out giving her access to squeeze them. 
A whimper falls from your lips but you try to compose yourself. “N-Natty. We talked about t-this.” You stutter slightly. You two have had this conversation before, no kids until she retires. You’ve been a single parent before and said you wouldn’t add another child to your family if you had to do it again. Nat understood this and accepted your conditions. She wasn’t ready to give up that life before but now she was ready. She wanted to settle down with you and raise a family together. She loves your daughter as if she was her own and wanted nothing more than to give her a sibling. 
“I had a meeting with Fury this morning.” Nat mumbles against the skin of your shoulder. You give her a hum, encouraging her to continue knowing she is leading this somewhere. “I’m done detka. No more missions, no more being gone for weeks on end. I want to be here with you, with Elizabeth, to grow our family. He offered for me to train recruits as needed, so I’ll only have to be there a couple days a week.” She kisses your shoulder softly as she speaks and softly massages your breast. You try to turn around in her hold, but she holds you tighter, pushing you further, pinning you between her body and the counter. 
“I’m going to put a baby in you.” Nat bites down on your neck. You can’t help the moan that slips past your lips wanting nothing more than to feel your wife filling you up. You can feel her already hardened cock pressing against your ass. “Please.” You whimper. One of Nat’s arms wraps around you tightly as the other moves down. Her fingers find the button to your pants and undo them, the zipper following soon after. Her fingers hook into the waistband of both your jeans and panties as she pulls them down. You help shimmy them down until they are around your knees. 
Nat then moves that hand between your bodies, pushing her sweatpants and boxers down to her thighs. She nips and sucks at the skin of your neck and shoulders. Her cock slaps against your ass before she humps you slightly. Her cock already getting coated in your arousal as she does so. “Fuck printsessa you're so wet for me already.” You nod. “Please Natty want you to fill me.” Nat groans. “Oh detka I’m going to keep filling you until you're pregnant with my baby.” She lines her member up with your entrance slowly pushing into you. 
When the head of her cock fully presses in, Nat moves her hands back cupping your breast in each hand. She tweaks your nipples the further she presses into you. Both of you moan at the feeling of her filling you up. “Always so tight for me printsessa no matter how many times I fuck you.” Your walls deliciously squeezing her the further she pushes in until she is fully sheathed inside of you. You let out a gasp at the feeling of being so full. 
Nat lets you get used to her size as she continues to massage your breast. “Fuck I can’t wait to see these grow. Your belly swollen with my baby. You will look so fucking hot.” Nat mumbles against your skin. You nod along with her words. “F-fuck, please Natty want it so bad.” You start pressing back into her letting her know that she can move. She starts to slowly pull out before pushing back in. Her thrust starts off at a slower pace as she builds up speed. You let out small gasps and whines as her pace builds. 
You let your head fall to the side giving Nat more access. One of your hands moves up and behind you as you lace your fingers through Nat’s hair as she litters marks on your skin. Her thrust finds a steady pace as her cock plunges into your hole. Your walls are sucking her in with every thrust of her hips. Your moans grow louder as they bounce off the walls of the kitchen. Your body is still pressed against the counter as Nat holds you up. “So good.” You slur your words as the pleasure courses through you. Your grip on Nat’s hair tightens, causing the woman to moan and bite down harder on your skin. 
As Nat thrusts into you, you press your body back into hers, matching her pace. Her cock reached depths that you didn’t know where possible. One of Nat’s hands slides down your stomach until she feels how her cock fills you up. With every thrust pressing lightly into her hand has her moaning loudly in your ear. She presses down on the spot causing a gush of arousal and your mouth to hang open in a silent scream. “Feel how deep I’m inside you. My big cock filling your tiny little hole to the brim.” You nod and moan. “Y-Yes, fuck.” She smirks. 
The closer you grow to your release, your walls squeeze and suck Nat in. Her thrust are starting to become more erratic as she chases her high. She presses down harder on your abdomen, causing your grip on her hair to tighten her scalp, burning with a mix of pleasure and pain. You don’t know how it is possible as her thrust speeds up. Your orgasm is quickly approaching, and so is Nats. “Mmm wanna cum.” You whine already teetering on the edge. Nat’s thrust are sloppy and you can feel her cock twitching inside of you. “Hold it printsessa.” She murmurs in your ear. 
It takes everything in you to comply with her words. You're so close to letting go that you don’t know how it hasn’t washed over you yet. Nat keeps thrusting as your walls clamp around her, desperate for release. It doesn’t take long before Nat is also on the edge. “Cum detka.” She presses down again on where her cock fills you causing you to let out a scream of pleasure. The pressure causes you to release all over her cock. Your whole body trembling in her hold as the powerful orgasm washes over you. Her hips stutter at the same time as she releases inside of you. She paints your walls white with her cum, filling you even fuller than you already were. She groans as your walls milk her dry. Nat ruts into you to prolong both of your orgasms. She slowly comes to a stop when you whimper a bit from how sensitive you are. She doesn’t pull out wanting to keep her cum inside of you for as long as possible. 
“Are you okay detka?” Nat asks as she holds you gently in her arms, keeping you upright as your legs shake. You hum as your head falls back on her shoulder and you relax back into her. She peppers you with soft kisses as you both calm down. “I love you.” You mumble tiredly. Nat smiles. “I love you to printsessa.” 
A peaceful bliss washes over you as your mind wanders to the future. Growing your family with the woman that you love seems to come at the perfect time. A new journey for you to take together, but you're both excited for it. To finally have all that you could have ever wanted with the perfect woman.
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dontsh0vethesun · 1 month
i’m hungry, i hope you feed me
my username used to be just-a-torn-up-masterpiece
natasha romanoff x reader
summary: carol and valkyrie bring you a bottle of an asgardian aphrodisiac, you decide to put it to use
18+: sex potion?, smut; edging, fingering, face riding, oral, overstimulation, slight degradation, masturbation, underwear used as a gag, lots of biting nom nom
a/n: please let me know if you want a part two where valkarol join in too because i’m so tempted 🙏
word count: 2.4k | song for the vibes - ‘desire’ by meg myers
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Carol and Valkyrie sat across from you, recounting their recent visit to Asgard whilst you leisurely sipped on drinks; the conversation was always easy and the four of you had made it a habit to spend your evenings together whenever you could. 
As the evening bled into the night, you were gulping the last mouthfuls of your drinks before you parted ways; Carol reached beneath her seat, pulling a bag into view. 
“So, we brought you a couple of gifts,” she spoke with a mischievous smile pulling at her lips. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you returned, eyeing the bag she pushed across the table. 
“We know,” Valkyrie returned. “But we always do. Plus, we know you get sulky if you don’t get a souvenir.” 
“I do not,” you gasped, finding three pairs of questioning eyes peering back at you. “Okay, fine, I like gifts - is that so wrong?” 
“I, for one, think you deserve gifts every single day,” Natasha grinned, poking your side teasingly. 
“Open it then,” Carol groaned, growing impatient with her excitement. 
You eagerly took her command and reached in, grabbing something from the bottom of the paper bag and immediately smiling at the sight of it. 
“Is this what I think it is?” 
“If you think it’s a piece of rock from Aladna, then yes,” Carol laughed, leaning back in her chair as you marvelled at it. 
“You got me space rock - finally.” 
“Well, considering you ask me to bring you some every time I go to space, I figured I’d actually make good on my promise.” 
“The other gift was my idea,” Valkyrie smirked. Natasha reached in this time, wrapping her hand around the neck of a bottle. She peered at the label for a moment before laughing slightly. 
“I’m not sure we need this,” she cockily murmured, handing the glass bottle over to you to read. 
“Don’t knock it before you try it, Nat,” Carol grinned in return. 
“An Asgardian aphrodisiac?” you asked, feeling your cheeks heat up bashfully. You missed the way the three of them exchanged looks at how adorably shy you can get. 
“It’s strong stuff, have fun ladies,” Carol laughed. 
“And let us know how it goes.” 
Despite agreeing you wouldn’t use it - not any time soon, at least - only a few days later, you were sat with two shot glasses in front of you. Natasha poured the pale pink liquid until they were full to the brim before sitting in front of you on the bed. 
“I have a wager for you,” she murmured, a playful smirk pulling at her lips. You looked at her curiously for her to continue. “A competition to see who can abstain the longest.”
“You’re setting yourself up for a loss already,” you grinned. 
“Mm, I don’t know,” she cooed, stroking the back of her fingers along your cheek to feel how easily they heat up with her attention. “You get pretty desperate. And you’ll be so pathetically eager for my attention - begging me to get you off.”
“Well, what does the winner get?” you huffed, looking away from her before you gave in before the game even began. 
“Total control,” she returned. “If you win, you can do whatever you want with me - I’ll do anything to you that you beg for. And, if I win,” she began, pretending to ponder on her response. “I think I’ll keep that to myself for now.” 
“Then let the best woman win,” you answered, passing her a glass whilst you lifted yours to your lips, waiting to drink the liquor down at the same time. 
Twenty minutes later your back burned against the headboard of the bed; you’d built a wall of pillows between your bodies whilst you distracted yourselves with a movie. 
Every inch of your skin was on fire, your veins pulsed with need. Within thirty minutes, your shirt had been discarded with a petulant huff, hoping to cool off under the light breeze coming through the window. Your core throbbed and begged for some attention - some sort of release - but the smugness on Natasha’s face each time you squirmed in your seat only fuelled your competitive streak. 
The movie wasn’t even halfway through and you’d both stripped down to your underwear to combat the prickling heat the dreaded drink had caused. Natasha’s neck shone with beads of sweat, and you thought of dragging your tongue along her skin to taste it. She was so close that you could pull her into you with ease, pushing her hand between your legs; the desperation made you dizzy. 
She looked over at you when she felt you staring, her eyes dark and lust-blown, pupils wide and cheeks pink. Her breathing faltered beneath her desire and her fists grasped at the sheets to keep herself from touching you. 
“You giving up yet?” she rasped, desperately wishing you would so that this awful competition could be over. 
“No.” Your voice was breathy, it made her need you more. She could see your thighs clenching tightly together, your hips beginning to subtly buck upwards. 
“I can see you need me to touch you,” she mused, licking her lips. “I could make you feel so good, baby. I could give you what you need.”
You let her words linger. The way your cunt throbbed and ached was almost painful, your hand began its descent without any thought. You were so close to bypassing the waistband of your underwear until a hand wrapped itself around your wrist. 
“I don’t think so, sweetheart,” she mocked with a laugh. “Just admit defeat.”
You’d lasted 45 minutes. Surely, that was long enough to keep her from holding this victory over your head. You couldn’t wait a minute more. 
“Fine,” you grumbled, rushing over to plant your knees on either side of her, instantly pushing your clothed cunt against her thigh. You gasped at the mere contact and gave in to the kiss she dragged you into. Never have you felt a kiss so heated with passion, a newfound arousal made for sloppy kisses, teeth clashing and hands groping at anything they could reach. 
You felt as though you were on the brink of combustion, teetering on the edge with just a push against her; each nerve ending in your body was alight, frayed and ready to spark at a mere glimpse of heat. Natasha moaned into your mouth, grinding against your knee as best she could. You could feel the growing dampness of her underwear. 
She pulled you closer and closer to release; your body twitched and bucked with reckless abandon until she pulled away just at the precipice. You whined as she lifted you out of her lap, positioning you on the bed as she shuffled away to kneel before you. 
She kept her eyes on your panting form as she slipped her underwear away from her, putting her soaked cunt on display,
“Don’t think I forgot about our deal, honey,” she breathed, tossing her bra to one side, making a show of the soft pinching of her pert nipples. 
“But I-”
“Mm mm,” she tutted with a shake of her head. “No talking. And no touching.” To keep you silent, she forced her underwear past your lips, and you slackened your jaw to obey. “Patience is a virtue, little slut; good things come to those who wait, so sit back and look pretty, and I’ll fuck you when I’m done.” 
You fisted at the bedsheets to refrain yourself and, despite every muscle begging for the opposite, you kept as still as you could. She wasted no time before her fingers danced over her clit, swollen and sensitive, pulling a grunt of desperate arousal from her throat with the slightest pressure. Her hips rolled, her digits thrust into her core, and her head leaned backwards.  
It was the most desperate you’d ever seen her; a pure ravenous streak coursed through her and you could see it in the fervent movement of her digits. Each rub of her thumb against her made her gasp a moan, and her body flushed deep pink with need. 
You could hear how soaked she was - you could see it dripping to her knuckles - you wanted to wrap your lips around them. A choked moan fell from her lips as she came, you’d never heard her make such a cry of hunger before but it only made you need her more. 
“Fuck, I wanted to make you wait a little longer, but I can’t,” she sighed through heaving breaths. “I’ve never needed you so bad - I feel like I’m starving for you.” 
You couldn’t even utter a reply before her lips were claiming yours, hungry like she was parched and you were her only source of salvation. Your bra and underwear were soon discarded and your skin pressed against hers in a burning heat, the scent of sweat and sex filling the air. She knelt between your legs, trailing her fingers down to swipe through your folds; she smirked against you at how drenched you were and brought the shining digits to her mouth to lick them clean. 
Natasha’s eyes were primal when she looked at you, sparing no time before she shifted on the bed, licking a stripe through your cunt. It was messy and sloppy, each suck to your clit and flick of her tongue; the hand that wasn’t roughly digging into the flesh of your hip was buried between her legs; she practically whined against your sex whilst she humped her own hand with pathetic need.
She felt you near the edge of release and, for her amusement only, she pulled away. She left you hopelessly balancing on the precipice of relief whilst she came again, sinking her teeth into your inner thigh so roughly you’re sure they drew blood.
“Nat, I-“
“No. Just do as I say.”
You obeyed, of course, somehow enduring three more waves of relief being ripped away from your grasp. You ached and your eyes grew tearful with how much you just needed to be allowed to cum. Your jaw ached too from the way your teeth had been tightly clenched, biting into the underwear she decided to shove past your lips again when all you did was whimper and murmur unintelligible grumbles of disapproval. She’d allowed herself the freedom of rutting against her hand, soaking the duvet beneath her, whilst simultaneously leaving you in painful purgatory. She’d lapped at you for so long that your core burned with pain, clenching around nothing with tear-stained cheeks. 
After what felt like an eternity, she pulled away from you completely; her lips were plump and shining with your slick, stray hairs clung to her forehead and the rest was mussed up from the aimless tugging of your hands. 
“Such a pretty little slut,” she mused, panting almost animalistically as she cupped your jaw and pulled her underwear from your mouth. “Such an obedient girl.” The Asgardian elixir still had her pupils wide; both of you continued to thrum with desire, hearts thudding. 
Despite the want for attention between your legs, you couldn’t withhold your excitement when she crawled up your body, gripping onto the headboard as she lowered her cunt to your lips. The taste of her coated your lips immediately, soaked and hot and ready for you to devour. You moaned at the flavour, letting her grind onto your face with mindless pushes of her hips, burying your tongue deep within her. With the way you were so sex drunk, you ached to consume her entirely, dig into her as far as you could until the end of you and the beginning of her was too difficult to distinguish. 
She moaned at the feeling, pulsing around the muscle of your tongue, revelling in any feeling of friction applied to her sensitive bud that she could get. Your lips latched around her, messy and unbecoming and your nails clawed at her thighs whilst your own clenched as tightly as they could. 
“Fuck, you’re doing so good,” she grunted out above you. “Make me cum, baby - God ‘m so close.”
The eager, desirous pleas spurred you on until she came onto your lips. You swallowed down each drop she gave and pressed soft kisses against her as she came down from the high. 
“Nat, I need you, please,” you begged. “I feel like I’m gonna explode.” 
She laughed at your pouted mumbles, kissing along your jaw with bites into the flesh, stroking her fingers down your body until they slid through your folds. The pads of her fingers were instantly soaked, easily pushing into your wanting hole. 
“You’ve been so patient, honey,” she whispered, languidly moving her fingers with the heel of her palm nudging against you. You gasped at the sensitivity, twitching up into her touch. It was soft and gentle; she pampered your abused cunt with tender attention, letting you fall over the edge as soon as you needed to. 
Natasha knew you needed more - even she longed for more despite how many times she’d brought herself to climax - so she kept her attention on you. Your body was littered with marks, anywhere her teeth could reach had grooves and bruises from her bites. She thought of pleasing you forever; staying splayed on the sheets for as long as she lived until you were both worn out and spent. 
The air was filled with sounds of her fingers fucking into you, hoarse moans from the back of your throat and pants for breath like primal animals. The breeze didn’t cool your skin anymore but you were so wrapped up in one another that the sticky warmth didn’t matter.
You came again, and again until you had to push her hand away with a wince at just a ghost of a touch. You needed more but you couldn’t take it, she pulled away with a loving kiss to your lips. 
She crawled from the bed wordlessly, legs wobbling as she padded away, returning moments later with a glass of water for you to share. She took a sip before handing it to you, sitting next to you with kisses pressed against your shoulder as you drank. 
“Carol and Valkyrie are evil,” you grumbled between gulps. 
“I didn’t think I’d still be so horny after all that,” Natasha answered with a laugh. 
“I know,” you sighed with a mirrored chuckle. “How about I return the favour - we can take shifts until it wears off.” 
“Or until we pass out,” she smiled, already dropping the emptied glass to the floor to pull you on top of her.
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waltermis · 4 months
Are You Kidding Me?
*Vision and Y/N heading out for a mission*
Wanda: Vision
Vision: Yes, Ma'am?
Wanda: Be back in time for dinner.
Vision: Uh, yes, Ma'am
*They leave*
Wanda: I'm so sorry you had to see that
Natasha: See what?
Wanda: The way we just snapped at each other.
Natasha: Are you kidding?
Wanda: *sigh* Obviously Vision and I are going through one hell of a rough patch
Natasha: If I talked to Y/N that nicely, she would think I'm cheating on her
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abbyromanoff · 10 months
DAY 2: BETTER THAN HIM - Yelena Belova
DAY 3: VISIONS - Wanda Maximoff
DAY 4: OLDER - Wanda Maximoff
DAY 5: NEVER KNOW - Natasha Romanoff
DAY 6: DESIGNS - Natasha Romanoff
DAY 7: GOLDEN GIRL - Maria Hill
DAY 8: LET ME LOVE YOU - Agatha Harkness
DAY 9: MISTLETOE - Maria Hill
DAY 10: HOAX - Claire Debella
DAY 11: UNFAIR - Carol Danvers
DAY 12: KEEP QUIET - Emily Prentiss
DAY 13: HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Kate Bishop
DAY 14: DOUBLE TROUBLE - CarolValkyrie
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just-aake · 4 months
Detecting Love Part 2
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Sequel to Detecting Love. Can a spy who's been trained to lie her entire life show the person with the power to detect lies the truth what it means to be loved?
Warnings: fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort
Words: 5171
Natasha Romanoff lies.
Now, that’s to be expected, considering she is one of the greatest spies in the world. Ever since she was a child, she has been trained to be able to deceive everyone she meets.
Lying comes as easily to her as breathing, and deception is woven into every fiber of her being.
A charming smile here. A flirty wink there. 
Sweet words flow from her lips like honey.
Making everyone fall in love with all of the different false personas that she created for herself.
With a life and a past as shadowed as hers, it makes sense why she never even dared to imagine finding a person who can tolerate, let alone embrace, someone like her.
Then, she met you.
With your unique power to literally see through lies, you can detect the truth from her even when she’s at her most convincing. And despite learning about who she was and how she is, you accepted her unconditionally, not just as a friend, but as a partner.
For Natasha, being with someone who can truly see her is scary, and yet, that feeling is also better than breathing itself.
The two of you have been dating for several months now, and Natasha has never been happier.
Even if she sometimes occasionally struggles to express her affection openly in public.
As the two of you stroll through the compound, her eyes drift down once again in contemplation to your hand swinging casually at your side.
As if sensing her silent deliberation, you suddenly ask her curiously.
“Do you want to hold my hand?”
Natasha straightens at your question and faces forward, responding promptly in an even tone, “No.” 
Now that is sure to sound honest to anyone else who heard it, but you’re different.
Natasha makes sure to trail back slightly behind your line of sight in an attempt to hide the glow she knows you’d probably see around her.
You don’t comment on her evading action, but a faint smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you maintain your pace toward the Avenger’s personal elevator.
The two of you stand side by side, waiting for the elevator to arrive when Natasha suddenly feels the back of your hand lightly graze her fingers before quickly pulling away.
She narrows her eyes in suspicion at you, but you maintain an innocent expression, your gaze fixed on the decreasing numbers above the elevator doors.
Facing forward once more, Natasha is about to dismiss the action as an accidental touch when she feels it again – the fleeting brush of your hand against hers. 
This time, she doesn't hesitate to shoot you an accusing stare. Yet, you continue to feign ignorance, your expression a perfect mask of innocence. 
A couple of seconds pass before your hand makes contact with hers for the third time. 
Before you can retract your hand, Natasha swiftly catches it and intertwines your fingers with hers before letting out a defeated huff.
You don’t utter a word about her actions, but a subtle smile curves your lips, exposing your amusement at her reaction. 
With a soft squeeze of her hand, you pull her into the elevator, the door closing shut behind the two of you.
It's moments like these that remind Natasha why she fell for you — your ability to see past her lies, even the most trivial ones.
Once the elevator door slides open to the private floor, the two of you are met with sounds of a heated argument between the Asgardian Avenger and his visiting brother.
“I know you did it, Loki! This is not the first time you’ve taken and hidden a treasure of mine!”
“Oh, would you stop being so dramatic? We're talking about a mug, not some enchanted artifact.”
You raise a questioning brow at her, silently asking her whether you two should come back at another time, but Natasha shakes her head resolutely in response, not willing to let anything prevent her from missing her morning coffee.
As the two of you walk past the brothers, Thor finally notices the new presence in the room.
“Y/n!” he calls excitedly. 
His hand lands on your shoulder, catching you in place between the two of them which in turn pulls your hand from her grasp.
Thor’s other hand points accusingly at his brother.
“Is Loki lying about taking my mug?”
Realizing that you’re being dragged into the middle of the argument, your eyes dart to Natasha for help, only for her to give you a thumbs up in encouragement as she takes a sip of the coffee that she just poured from the freshly made pot.
The other Asgardian crosses his arms and snickers derisively at his brother.
“Do you really think that this simple mortal can expose the literal god of mischief? I didn’t take your stupid mug, and she can’t prove any—”
“He’s lying,” you answer plainly, seeing the red aura surrounding the Asgardian.
Loki shuts his mouth in surprise, blinking at you for a moment in disbelief, before pointing at you with a disdainful look.
“I don’t like her,” he states bluntly.
“Ah ha!” Thor exclaims victoriously. “You did take it!”
The two continue with their arguing as you discreetly sneak away to Natasha’s side.
She hands you a cup of coffee which you accept with a soft thanks before an alarm on your phone rings, showing your reminder for the day. 
You groan lightly in disappointment, causing Natasha to raise a questioning brow at you as she raises her cup for another sip.
“I have some interviews to get to this morning, so I’ll have to see you later,” you tell her before pressing a quick kiss goodbye to her cheek.
“I love you,” you whisper against her skin.
Swallowing her sip quickly, Natasha turns her head towards your direction, the reciprocating words also on her tongue.
But you’ve already rushed away around the corner, disappearing from view. 
“…love you too,” Natasha finishes in a soft disappointed tone, her lips twisting at your action. 
Public displays of affection aside, Natasha has no problem wanting to tell you how much you mean to her.
But for some reason, you always seem to conveniently find ways to escape whenever she’s about to say those words to you.
“Now I’m no expert on relationships, but that right there was some cunning evasion tactic,” Loki comments, smirking at Natasha. “It appears that she’s not really interested in receiving such words from you.”
A slap on Loki's shoulder propels him forward a couple of steps as Thor reprimands, “Stop trying to cause problems for them, Loki.” 
He then turns to Natasha with a firm nod. 
“Don’t listen to him, Nat. Y/n loves you.”
Of course, she knows that. 
You whisper those words against her skin every morning when you think she’s still asleep and then again against her lips when you wake her up. 
The problem is that it seems that she never gets the chance to return the gesture before you find some way to rush away from the room or keep her mouth otherwise occupied and distracted.
A thud on the counter pulls her from her thoughts as Loki leans against the table with a mischievous grin.
“That girl can detect lies, right? Then why don’t you just tell her that you don’t love her, and then she’ll see the truth. That should be easy enough for you. After all, lying is your specialty,” Loki remarks before a smug expression forms on his face. 
“Unless that is, the truth is that you don’t actually love her,” he taunts.
Natasha glares at him silently, refusing to fall for his baiting provocation. Not wanting to give the trickster god any more amusement, she quickly downs the rest of her coffee and leaves for the meeting room, deciding to try again with you later.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
With the briefing finishing early, Natasha decides to visit your office during this break in between her meetings. Conversations flow around her as she walks past the front desk toward the administrative part of the building.
“I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t let you enter without an appointment.”
“Well, is there any way you can just send a message to Y/n to let her know I’m here?”
Natasha’s head snaps up from her tablet at the sound of your name and curiously turns to the person who said it, only for her eyes to widen slightly in surprise at their identity.
Your ex-fiancée 
Stopping in her tracks, Natasha redirects her attention to the two of them.
“What did you need to see Y/n for?” she asks.
Your ex turns to her at her question, and an expression of amazement crosses her face.
“Oh, wow, you’re Black Widow.”
Brushing off her awed exclamation, Natasha crosses her arm expectantly as she repeats, a slight tone of protectiveness entering her voice.
“Why are you looking for Y/n?” 
Noticing her serious gaze and intimidating demeanor, your ex fidgets with her hands nervously as she responds.
“It’s kind of a private matter with an old case that I need her help with,” she explains.
Despite being the one who broke your heart, your mutual break up with her meant that the two of you are still somewhat friends, and as much as Natasha wants to, she can’t prevent your ex from seeking you out, especially since it seems she needs your help.
With an internal displeased sigh, Natasha gestures with her head towards the direction of the elevators.
“I’m heading over to her office right now if you want to come with me,” Natasha offers, nodding at the receptionist reassuringly to indicate that it’s okay, before walking away without another word. 
Natasha hears your ex scramble to follow quickly after her once she processes her words.
As the elevator doors close with the two of them inside, Natasha pulls out her phone to send you a warning text.
I’m on the way to your office with your ex.
A read message quickly appears under her text, indicating that you have seen it, and then a text bubble promptly pops up as you respond.
“So, do you and Y/n work together often?” your ex asks, trying to fill the silence with casual conversation.
Natasha looks up at her question, tucking her phone away. She crosses her arms and leans back against the elevator walls, adopting an intimidating posture, as she gives her a hard stare.
With a calm yet assertive tone, she tilts her head curtly and replies with the truth. 
“She’s my girlfriend.”
An awkward silence fills the small space after her answer, and your ex’s eyes dart around the enclosed space, seemingly realizing she’s essentially alone with the Black Widow who just revealed that she is in a relationship with you. 
Sensing her nervous energy, Natasha relaxes her posture, offering a more friendly demeanor.
“Relax, if I was going to do something, I would have done it already,” Natasha reassures. 
Your ex nods hesitantly, acknowledging Natasha’s attempt to diffuse the tension. After a moment of contemplation, she gathers the courage to speak up again. 
“So, you know about Y/n and her ability?” your ex asks, her voice tinged with curiosity.
“Yes,” Natasha confirms, adding, “And about what happened between the two of you.”
The revelation hangs heavy in the air, plunging the elevator into an uncomfortable silence once again. 
Honestly, Natasha knows she shouldn’t keep putting your ex in these awkward positions with her responses. 
However, just because you are on friendly terms with her doesn’t mean Natasha has to be, especially considering she never held any goodwill toward the woman before.
Natasha redirects her focus to the digital display above the door, silently cursing and blaming Tony for the sluggish pace of the elevator. 
“I-I honestly did love her,” your ex confesses, breaking the silence once again.
At her statement, Natasha regards her with a raised eyebrow, silently prompting her to elaborate on her sudden declaration.
"I mean, Y/n’s great. It’s just…it got hard to imagine being with someone who always knows if you’re telling the truth or not,” your ex explains with a small sigh, offering a tiny sympathetic shrug before asking. “I’m sure you understand that feeling too, right?"
Irritation flares in Natasha’s chest at your ex’s words, her protective instincts surfacing in defense of you.
"Maybe the fact that she can see someone for who they truly are is what makes being with her so special," Natasha counters, her voice firm with conviction.
The remainder of the elevator ride passes in tense silence until the doors finally open with a ding, signaling their arrival at your floor. 
Throughout that time, one part of the conversation continues to bother Natasha, and she finds herself asking, wanting to know the answer.
“Did you tell her often?”
“What?” your ex asks, blinking in surprise and caught off guard by her sudden question. 
Natasha presses her lips together momentarily in displeasure at the topic before clarifying, “Did you tell Y/n that you loved her often, you know, before your feelings changed?”
“Oh, um, kind of,” she admits, a faint chuckle escaping her lips. “It’s actually kind of funny. Y/n would always have this cute little shy smile whenever I said it, so I ended up saying those words to her a lot.”
The irritation in Natasha’s chest intensifies at her answer, and her feelings must be evident on her face because your ex starts waving her hands frantically in a slight panic.
“But I’m positive Y/n won’t react the same way if I said it now,” she adds quickly.
Instead of responding, Natasha leaves the elevator without another word. 
Your ex’s reassurance does little to ease the irritation that she feels at not yet having been able to say those words to you herself.
The two of them arrive at the door of your office, only to find it locked with the lights turned off.
Just as Natasha is about to text you to ask you about your whereabouts, you emerge from around the corner, skidding to a stop in front of her.
Confused at your flustered state, Natasha gives you a questioning look as she asks, “Why are you rushing?”
You take a couple of deep breaths to catch your breath before answering.
“Because…I didn’t want to…to leave you waiting.”
Natasha feels her heart flutter at your words, her posture relaxing for a moment.
“…wow…you look good, Y/n,” your ex comments.
Natasha’s body immediately tenses again at the reminder of your ex’s presence, and she becomes further annoyed when she takes in the state of your appearance that prompted the remark from your ex.
You are in your usual workout outfit, a standard black tank top, showcasing your body with a gleam of sweat still on your skin, evidence of your workout session.
As if sensing Natasha’s increasing irritation, your ex gestures awkwardly in fear toward the waiting area some distance away.
“I’ll just wait over there.”
Natasha watches your ex walk away with a slight glare in her eyes. 
When she turns back to you, her expression instinctively softens with affection and curiosity.
“Where were you?” she asks.
“My last couple of interviews had to cancel, so I decided to go train for a bit,” you answer with a slight shrug. “You know, since you suggested that I try training whenever I’m bored and have some free time.”
Natasha's lips twist slightly in conflict at your response. She's happy you took her suggestion to heart, but now she's also upset that it led to you appearing in front of your ex in such a state.
Gesturing toward your ex, you ask, “Did she say why she’s here?”
Natasha sighs and shakes her head.
“She only mentioned that it was an old case that you can help her with.”
“Okay,” you say, nodding in understanding, probably already knowing what she’s referring to. 
Then you look at Natasha with a cute tilt of your head. 
“After I finish up with her, do you want to go out for some lunch?”
A small smile forms on Natasha’s face, her earlier irritation melting away at your suggestion. 
However, she knows she might not have enough time to wait and go out before her next meeting.
“How about I go ahead and pick up some takeout first, and then we can have lunch in your office when I return?” Natasha offers as a compromise.
You smile at her in response and press a soft kiss against her cheek.
“It’s a date.”
As you’re about to move past her, Natasha presses her hand firmly on your shoulder, stopping you and pushing you back to your original position.
You give her a questioning look in confusion.
“Did you take my hoodie again?” Natasha asks accusingly. 
Your eyes dart guiltily to your office before you mutter under your breath with a soft pout, “Maybe.”
Natasha nods slightly in contemplation, her eyes glancing at where your ex was waiting and then back to you.
“Put it on,” she says plainly.
You raise a brow at her in confusion and gesture to your body.
“Nat, I’m covered in sweat. I didn’t get a chance to hit the showers before you texted,” you explain.
“That text didn’t mean that you should come here all hot and sweaty in front of your ex like this,” Natasha remarks pointedly, crossing her arms.
A teasing grin pulls at your lips as a look of understanding crosses your face.
“You think I look hot right now?” you ask happily.
“Seriously?” Natasha deadpans. 
Unbothered by her signature intimidating gaze, you pull her closer by the loops on her belt and lean in with a slight tilt of your head.
“Are you jealous?” you tease lightly, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you try to hide your pleased grin.
Natasha rolls her eyes, though her lips quirk up briefly in amusement. She knows whether she responds truthfully or not, you probably already know the answer without the help of your ability, so she responds instead.
“Keep it up, and I’ll just come back with one takeout box for myself,” she warns.
You laugh lightly at her response, nodding your head in concession.
“Alright, I’ll put it on,” you promise, before leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. 
As you pull away, you whisper, “I love you,” the words brushing softly against her lips.
Natasha’s eyes had fluttered closed at the touch of your kiss, but they snapped open when she remembered she wanted to say those words back to you too.
However, to her disappointment, before she realized it, you had disappeared from her side. 
Turning around, she finds you already in your office, putting on her hoodie.
A mocking chuckle sounds beside her, and she turns to see Loki leaning casually against the wall.
“Oh, you didn’t even try that time,” he taunts.
Without hesitation, Natasha raises her wrist and shoots a widow bite at him. It flies through his body, dispersing the apparition that he had left there.
Groaning in annoyance at his presence, Natasha quickly leaves to go get your lunches before he can reappear and provoke her further.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“So this is the one lie detector that you can’t beat,” Fury comments with intrigue, as he examines your file.
Natasha closes the folder promptly and takes it from the table in front of him, stating firmly, “Her name’s Y/n, and no, you can’t have her. She’s just going to help review the list of potential recruits for you. Nothing else.”
She gives him a pointed look, stressing, “Especially not any SHIELD interrogations.”
Leaning back in his chair, Fury chuckles amusedly and raises a brow at her.
“Protective, are we?”
Before she can affirm the lengths she would go to minimize the risks you have to take, the door slams open, and you stroll in, giving her a wave and a charming smile. 
You stop in front of her, taking her hand suddenly in yours and giving it a light swing. 
“Ready to get started?” you ask. 
Natasha’s eyes narrow in suspicion. Something about your behavior was off and unlike you. 
She examines your expression critically, and then in one swift, fluid motion, she grabs your wrist and upper arm, pivots on her heel, and shifts her weight, seamlessly flipping you over her shoulder. 
With a resounding thud, Natasha slams you down onto the meeting table, the impact rattling the room.
Fury whistles lowly with a slight wince, a mixture of sympathy and admiration in his tone.
“Tough love, huh?” he remarks to her.
Natasha rolls her eyes at his comment and shakes her head, reaching to her side to grab something. She takes one of “your” wrists and snaps a golden cuff onto it. 
Immediately, the figure on the table shifts from your face and form to Loki’s. 
His eyes glare at her as he gathers his bearings, giving a slight grunt of pain when he moves.
“As if this woman knows anything about love,” he scoffs, standing up from the table with a groan.
Fury hums curiously at the sight of the trickster god, turning to Natasha.
“Who let him in here?”
Natasha sighs as she crosses her arms, replying, “Unfortunately, Thor and he are on friendly terms at the moment.”
Loki raises his hand and waves his finger at her in reprimand.
“Exactly. Now, is this any way to treat a guest of yours?” he taunts with a smirk before his eyes drift to the cuff on his wrist. His expression falls in recognition. “Where did you get this?”
A smirk forms on Natasha’s face as she answers, “Thor lent it to me when I asked. Since I know better than to just take his things.”
The cuff in question is an enchanted artifact that temporarily blocks the magical abilities of the wearer as explained by the god of thunder.
Loki scoffs in disbelief, placing one hand on his hips while waving his other wrist at her. 
“Hilarious, now take these off,” he demands.
Natasha’s smirk remains fixed as she shakes her head.
“I don’t have the key,” she admits, tapping her chin thoughtfully before revealing, “It must still be with Thor. But I’m sure you’ve already apologized to him for earlier, so you’d have no problem asking him to release you.”
Loki scowls, his expression darkening with disdain, and then he swiftly turns toward the exit.
“It’s no wonder that girl doesn’t want to accept any love from the likes of you,” he spits out angrily.
Natasha’s lips twist downward at his words, but before she can respond, a knock on the door interrupts the tense moment. 
Taking a calming breath, she calls out, “Come in,” already knowing who it is.
You open the door at Natasha’s invitation, only to dodge out of the way as Loki storms past you out of the room, muttering angry curses under his breath.
Turning back to Natasha, you notice the telltale red aura fading from around her and wonder what was the lie that you assume she had just told him.
As you approach her, Natasha’s contemplative, sullen expression quickly shifts to a neutral one when she catches your concerned gaze.
Before you can question her about it, Fury claps his hands firmly, looking between the two of you.
“Alright, let's finish this quickly then.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Seated on your sofa, Natasha hugs a cushion pillow closer to her chest, seeking comfort as Loki’s harsh words echo in her mind.
Is it just a coincidence that you manage to avoid her every time she’s about to say those words to you? Or is it possible that the truth is you don’t actually want to hear those words from her?
You place a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of her, snapping her out of her spiraling thoughts as you finish explaining what your ex needed from you.
“So, I just need to submit my notes on the case so that the court can close it out,” you explain.
Natasha hums absently in acknowledgment, but her mind drifts back to her insecurities.
Was Loki just messing with her or were all of your previous evading actions really on purpose?
Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Natasha decides to settle this once and for all.
As you take your seat next to her and start the movie, Natasha initiates her plan. She quickly maneuvers herself over your lap, straddling you as her hands rest on your shoulders, pressing you firmly against the sofa with her body.
Your hand automatically rests on her waist and begins tracing light patterns against her side, but your lips twist into a small pout of confusion as you remark, “As exciting as this is, I thought this movie was your favorite.”
Natasha closes her eyes briefly, internally groaning at your adorable words and how incredibly in love she is with you. 
If only you could hear it from her for once.
Determined to not fail this time, she tries again.
“I lo—”
Her words are cut off, swallowed by you, as you pull her down into a deep kiss. 
Instinctively, she melts against your body, sliding her hands to caress the back of your neck, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss as she gets lost in the feeling of your lips moving against hers. 
Then, realization hits her, and she snaps her eyes open and pulls away. 
“Hold on, I’m trying to tell you that I—”
“I know,” you interrupt, your hand covering her mouth to stop her mid-sentence. 
That’s when Natasha sees it.
The fear in your eyes.
“I know,” you repeat, giving her a look of understanding before swallowing nervously. 
You close your eyes as your head drops to your chest, a sad chuckle escaping from you. 
“You know, in all my life, I have never been afraid to discover if someone was lying to me,” you admit, shrugging lightly. “I’ve always known that people can lie, so it’s never really surprising or hurtful when it happens.” 
You let out a weary sigh and look up to meet her gaze with a sad smile. 
“Except for that one time.”
Natasha knows what moment you are referring to — the night your powers revealed that your ex no longer loved you.
The memory flashes in your mind, vivid and raw, as if it happened only yesterday. The betrayal, the heartache, the crushing realization when the red aura appeared around her after she uttered those fateful three words to you.
Your attention returns to the woman in front of you, the one who helped heal your heart. The one who now holds it. 
The one who also has the power to hurt you in the exact same way, even though you know she won’t.
“I love you so much, Natasha,” you say with breathless adoration and honesty, but your expression pinches in fear as you continue, your voice trembling slightly. “But I don’t think I'm ready to hear it from you yet. Just…not those exact words.”
You sigh sadly, understanding how unfair your words are to her, and your chest tightens guiltily as you apologize, “I’m sorry. Look, I’d understand if you want to leave.”
You look away from Natasha, your mouth pressing together tightly, fighting the urge to cry. 
The silence stretches out in the room before Natasha gently cradles your face, bringing your gaze back to her.
“You make me happy,” Natasha declares firmly.
You give her a confused look at her words.
Ignoring your question, Natasha continues, asking meaningfully, “Am I lying?”
Your eyes observe her for a moment, but you don’t see any indication of a red aura appearing.
“No,” you answer in confusion.
Natasha nods before continuing, “I don’t mind that your powers reveal truths about me, like the moments when I want to hold your hand or when I’m jealous.”
She tilts her head at you in question.
“Am I lying?” she asks again.
Still not seeing any red aura appear around her, you shake your head at her in response.
Natasha rests her forehead against yours, letting out a deep breath, before continuing, “I’m afraid that one day…” she pauses, taking in a shaky breath to prepare herself for what she’s about to admit out loud. 
“…one day you’ll wake up and decide that because of who I was, who I am now is not enough for you to stay with me anymore.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you go to reassure her, “I wouldn’t—”
“Am I lying?” Natasha interrupts, not wanting you to worry about comforting her at this time.
Your eyes soften sadly when you see the vulnerability and fear in her eyes at her words. 
You reach up to cup her cheek, your thumb caressing her face gently in comfort as you whisper, “No.”
Leaning against your touch, Natasha lets out a steadying breath to compose herself for the final part of her point.
“So when I say I can wait…” she pauses, looking into your eyes with a serious and determined expression, making sure you can see the sincerity of her next words. 
“…I’ll wait for as long as you need so that one day I can say those words to you…am I lying?”
You watch her carefully for a moment, but nothing appears to counter her claim. Realizing her intentions to reveal her feelings in another way, your heart fills with love and adoration for her as you answer with a soft smile. 
“No, you’re not lying, Natasha.”
She gives you a gentle grin and cups your face, pressing a soft kiss against your lips before admitting, “That’s because when I’m with you, Y/n, it never feels like I’m living a lie.”
A breathless, awed gasp escapes from you at her words, and you can’t help but pull her in closer, her red hair falling around you like a curtain.
“I love you,” you whisper against her lips, the words filled with genuine adoration for the woman.
Natasha smiles softly at your words and closes the distance between the two of you once again, her kisses tender and filled with all of her unspoken feelings. Her lips move against yours with gentle urgency, conveying everything she can’t yet say aloud.
The warmth of her touch, the sincerity of her kiss, and the way she holds you protectively — all of it reassures you. 
It doesn’t matter that those three words haven’t been spoken explicitly — her actions, her presence, the look in her eyes says it all already.
Natasha may be considered one of the greatest spies in the world thanks in part to her exceptional ability to lie, but even she can’t hide the truth from you.
Without needing to hear her utter those fateful three words aloud, you already know the truth in your heart.
That Natasha Romanoff truly loves you too.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
a/n: Thank you for reading and for all the love that you all gave to the first part! I hope you enjoyed this one too!
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marvelfilth · 10 months
Jealous girl (18+)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
Warnings: secret relationship, smut, jealousy, possessiveness, daddy kink, fingering, age gap (reader is in her early 20s, Natasha's in her 30s), praise, pet names, orgasm denial
Summary: your best friend Peter needs help, Natasha's not happy about it at all.
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You're standing in the kitchen when it happens.
Peter barges in, his hair a tangled mess, his sweatshirt inside out. You jump away from Natasha's arms, making her spill her protein shake. She shoots him a dirty look, her lips curling up upon registering his disheveled state.
You try to keep the annoyance from showing on your face, but you know you're doing a terrible job when Peter winces apologetically, throwing a bag full of Ben and Jerry's on the counter.
"Code red," he pants.
You straighten immediately, trying to shoo Natasha away with a look, but, instead of leaving, she makes herself comfortable on the counter with an excited glint in her eyes.
You've been friends with Peter ever since he ran you over with his bike in kindergarten, leaving you with a tiny scar on your shin, and a fear of any two-wheeled object. Your friendship grew over the years, and soon enough you were joined at hip, going to the same school and college, tagging along on his patrols, mainly to keep him out of the police radars.
"What's wrong?" You ask, fearing the worst. "Is Venom acting up again? Is it Felicia? I swear to God, if it's her again I'm gonna-"
That's when you decided to make a secret code to help you stay under the radar. In hindsight, you could've thought of something more elaborate than code red, code green and code yellow, but neither of you had enough brain power for that.
"It's MJ!" He cuts you off, shifting on his feet.
You stammer, looking at Natasha for help, but she appears equally puzzled. "I didn't think she had it in her, to be honest," she says, taking a sip of her shake.
"What?" Peter yelps, before jumping up, his hands flying up in an X motion. "No! She's not- No! She's not a villain, or a criminal, or anything like that."
You decide you've had enough of his blabbering, so you take hold of his shoulders and corner him against the counter. "What is it, Peter?"
He takes a deep breath, his cheeks painted crimson, and blurts out, "I really need you to kiss me."
You jump away like you've been burned, shooting an alarmed look to Natasha, but she doesn't register it, her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, her knuckles white from the grip she has on her protein shake. You think you can hear it creak.
You turn back to look at your best friend, who's blissfully unaware of your relationship with the most dangerous person in this building, just like everyone else on the team.
Natasha's reluctance to share her love life with her teammates came to bite her in the ass.
"No, wait. That came out wrong." He winces, his eyes darting to Natasha. You can hear him gulp when their eyes meet.
"I think you were pretty clear, Parker," she gritts, jumping off the counter, and comes to stand behind you, hovering over your shoulder.
You send him an encouraging look, taking hold of Natasha's hand behind your back.
"I have a date with MJ-"
"Doesn't explain why you need my- Y/n to kiss you."
You shoot her a warning look. "Let him finish."
Her jaw clenches, but she relents, nodding to the boy to continue.
He looks like he regrets every life choice that led him to this moment.
"Okay, so. I have a date with MJ, and I planned it all out, right? But… um… there's a problem." He clasps his hands, thumbs fiddling. You stay silent in fear of him closing off, and patiently wait for him to continue. "I've never had a girlfriend before, and I've been kissed twice, if you count that one time when Ned fell on top of me and kind of swallowed my face." Natasha snorts, and Peter blushes deep red, his eyes pleading. "I need practice because otherwise I'll just embarrass myself, and she'll hate me forever."
You feel Natasha tense up again, and you're ready to ask her to leave, but she beats you to it, speaking up before you could open your mouth. "I don't think MJ would like you kissing someone else right before your date." Her tone is even, carefully emotionless, but you feel the way her breathing shakes slightly, her grip on your hand tightening.
Peter looks at you, brows set in confusion. "But it's Y/n, she doesn't count as someone!" You huff, indignant. He winces, but goes on. "I could ask Ned, but I don't think he has any experience, so please, please do this for me?"
You turn around to face Natasha. "Can you leave us?"
Her eyes narrow, lips curled. "You're not kissing him." Her hands land on your waist possessively, and you're suddenly turned around. She lowers her chin to your shoulder, lips grazing the shell of your ear as she speaks, "Listen to me very carefully, Parker."
Peter gulps, and takes a step back, his eyes wide and alert.
"You're going to leave and find someone else to help with your little problem. We'll pretend this conversation never took place, and you'll never even think about kissing Y/n again. Am I being clear?" She almost growls, her eyes flashing.
Peter nods dumbly, before hurrying to the door. He stops halfway to shoot you a bewildered look over his shoulder. "Wait… Are you two-"
"Out, Parker," Natasha barks, her face half buried in the crook of your neck. You blush, and wave your friend goodbye, grateful when he disappears behind the door without any further questions.
"Tasha," you whine, turning in her hold. "That wasn't necessary."
She scoffs, and picks you up with practiced ease, settling you on the counter and taking place between your parted thighs. "Yes it was." She sucks at the tender skin just below your collarbone, leaving a stinging bruise. "I can't believe you wanted me to leave." She squeezes your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. Her mouth is all over your neck - sucking, biting and licking, claiming. You're sure no amount of concealer will be enough to hide the marks.
"Natty," you whimper, "he's my friend, I wanted to talk some sense into him."
She hums, the skin on the underside of your jaw pulled between her teeth. "I did the same thing, no?" Her fingers sneak past the waistband of your shorts, but you're quick to catch her wrist.
"What are you doing?" You look around, panting heavily. "What if someone walks in?"
"Daddy," you moan, pushing her face lower. Her fingers feel so heavenly that you don't even care about anyone walking in - you need her tongue, now. "Please."
You're pushed flat against the counter then, your back on the cold marble, your ass hanging right off the edge. Your fingers disappear in her tresses when she bends down to place a kiss on your clothed cunt.
"Let them see who you belong to," she murmurs, entering your aching core. You bite back a moan, arching in her hold, your pussy clenching around her long digits. Fleeting kisses are placed all over your stomach, her fingers curling inside your heat.
She chuckles, gently biting on your hip bone. "So needy already? I barely started." She adjusts the angle, fastening the pace, but your shorts get in the way, making you huff impatiently.
"Take them off, please," you whimper, clenching around her.
"And when someone walks in, and sees you spread wide open, what then? You think I'd allow anyone to see this pretty pussy?" Her fingers scissor inside you, stretching your walls.
"That's right," she hums, "because it belongs to me." She pulls out to land a short slap on your slit. "Perfect little hole for daddy to play with."
She teases your folds, collecting wetness before pushing her fingers into your mouth. You eagerly suck them in, letting her fuck your mouth, tips of her fingers pushing against your throat. "Such an obedient girl," she murmurs, dark eyes fixated on your lips. You squirm, hips rocking against her abdomen with desperate need of release.
She pulls out her fingers, smearing your slick mixed with spit over your chin.
"I need you," you whine, catching her wrist and leading her hand lower, your panties sticking to your drenched cunt.
She takes the fabric in her fist, and tugs it up, making it press against your pulsing clit. You moan loudly, throwing your head back. She kneads your supple breast with her other hand, and you arch into her, pulling her closer to your aching core with your hips.
"We'll tell everyone tonight," she murmurs against your lips. "But right now you need to be a good girl and take everything daddy gives you."
You nod, feeling your pussy clench around nothing, begging for Natasha's fingers to return. She tugs on your lower lip with her teeth and plunges three fingers inside, hitting a spongy spot deep in your heat. You arch off the counter, pressing against her front, your legs clenched hard around her hips. She grunts lowly, setting a slow pace, making sure to explore your pussy with each thrust, collecting your wetness when she pulls out only to push it back inside. You bury your face in her shoulder, your fingers disappear in her hair, tugging at the tresses.
"Good?" She whispers against your ear, spreading her fingers inside, her thumb firm on your clit.
You gasp, and bite down on the muscle of her shoulder, nodding with your eyes clenched shut. "S-so good, daddy."
She hums, her full lips pulling in a smirk, and starts circling your pulsing nub. You throw your head back, moaning loudly, and she takes the opportunity to paint your neck purple, sucking on the tender skin hard enough to leave bruises.
"M'gonna… I'm gonna come," you whimper when she hits your sweet spot, making your toes curl.
"Did I say you could, babygirl?" She chuckles into your neck, making sure to hit the spot with each thrust. You shake your head, closing your eyes and furrowing your brows in effort to stop your approaching orgasm, your body as tense as a drawn bowstring. "That's right, baby," she cooes, kissing the corner of your mouth, "you're not allowed to."
Your heart drops to your stomach, torn between wanting to be Natasha's good girl and giving in to the pleasure. “Please, please let me…” you whine, buckling against her hand.
She pulls away, her eyes level with yours, and you want to sob from how good she feels inside you, your pussy clenching around her slender fingers.
“You’ll hold it for me,” she says, “and I'll make up for it later tonight.” You almost huff in frustration, knowing that you'll have to walk around the Compound painfully wet for the rest of the day.
She grabs your jaw, seemingly reading your thoughts. “And don't even think about touching yourself.”
She pulls away abruptly and tugs you off the counter before fixing your shorts and stepping away. You blink rapidly, disoriented by the sudden change, your pussy aching in the sweetest way.
Sam enters the kitchen a second later.
You subtly wipe your mouth clean, and even out your breathing while he rummages the upper shelves. Natasha's eyes glint with mischief as she slowly wipes her fingers with a paper towel.
"You up for a training session?" She asks Sam, and you shoot her a furious look. Your glare does nothing to the redhead, as she continues watching you silently, a teasing smirk pulling at her mouth.
Sam scoffs, looking between you two. "Like you weren't about to get nasty two seconds ago."
Natasha chuckles, her eyes flashing. "About to? You need to work on your observation skills, Wilson."
Sam stills, his eyes darting between you two, and you look away, knowing that nothing could hide your red cheeks and bruised lips.
He chokes on his water the moment he sees your neck. "Damn, Romanoff," he gasps, coughing. "Right here?! This is a sacred place! I cook here!"
Natasha hums, shrugging carelessly. "I eat here," she retorts, and you can tell by the crinkles near her eyes she's about to say something that's gonna make you want to bury yourself. "Actually, I was about to devour something really delic-"
"Natasha!" You shriek, tugging her away from the kitchen, but not before quietly apologizing to Sam.
She laughs quietly, following you to the bedroom. "I think we're banned from the kitchen now."
She thinks. You scoff, shaking your head. Trust Natasha to go from a full secrecy mode to telling every living soul about your sex life.
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wandaspup · 5 months
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I never thought I’d be attracted to someone’s throat n neck but here we are.
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romanovthinkver · 5 months
can you please write daddy nat just fucking reader into oblivion everywhere 😩
daddy nat would fuck you brainless in every corner of the house at every hour, especially if she has you on a breeding schedule. you’re busy? who cares, she needs to have her balls deep in you. strong hands throw everything off the surface and starts to pistol into you. around the house you’re always in only baby pink panties, she obviously picked them up for you, one of her large shirt too big for you in order to reach your breasts easily.
do you think that’s all it? no. daddy nat clearly has to try every damn spot to fuck you dumb. it doesn’t matter anymore where, her main goal is to breed you and claim her holes: the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, the living room, the pool, the backyard, the floor, once also in the garage and so on and on.
her favourite place you wonder? the bed. why? rather than be comfortable for both of you, she can pin you down and fucking you raw like an animal and breeding you into a mating press. however, her favourite spot is also by the window. she pins you there and fucks you into the oblivion so everyone can see how a slut you are. thick cock in your tiny pussy, white cream drooling out your thighs and tits jiggling into her hold. you belong to her and she’s much happily to show everyone.
daddy nat clearly doesn’t stop at every corner of the house. she’s obsessed with car sex. having her cock deep in your throat as she drives is her guilty pleasure. having you seated on the passenger seat like a princess while her free hand pump into your tight hole, throwing you in the backseat to watch you jump on her cock or even pinning you down to pistoling into your cunt.
the car isn’t her limit either. she fucked you dumb once also into a changing room at the store. it was breeding time and god forbid her if she miss it, it was necessary she said. she made you seat on her lap facing the big mirror to force to look you reflex at how good you take her massive cock, how your only job is to please her and how much of a cock whore you are for her. her hand sadly was on your mouth, but let’s just say that the skin slapping and she squelching sound of your pussy and her dick meeting, let you have a consumer complaint either way.
your daddy thought it was a waist to not let you scream her name at that point, she definitely will come back to give everyone a show next time. and you didn’t even say a word, why wouldn’t you? in the end you’re always happy to be stuffed full everywhere from your daddy.
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bellaveux · 14 days
AND I LOVE HER | n. romanoff x fem!reader
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pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader | navigation
summary: natasha’s heart has always been yours, but after your relationship deepens with a one-night stand, she struggles to find the right words and the perfect moment to confess her true feelings.
content warnings: 18+ MDNI. natasha romanoff x fem!reader, fluff, soft!natasha, medic!reader, friends to lovers, slow burn ish (?), pining, natasha being absolutely in love, mentions of drinking/alcohol, injuries, starts off with smut; top!natasha, bottom!reader, oral (r! receiving)
word count: 12.7K+
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Natasha could barely think.
The hallways of the compound are quiet, the distant hum of Tony’s party barely reaching this far. The dim light casts long shadows against the sleek walls, flickering slightly as if they’re unsure of its own presence. Footsteps stumble softly over the polished floor, the sound swallowed by the thick air of anticipation that clings to the both of you. Your breaths are uneven, soft laughs and giggles falling from your lips, heavy with the weight of unsaid things and the burn of too much alcohol. Fingers, eager and trembling, trace the curves of bodies, sliding beneath fabric and finding warmth. Her lips meet yours again, desperate and searching, leaving a trail of stolen kisses as the two of you move—half blind, half guided by something stronger than sight. You didn’t need words; the world outside the glow of this narrow hallway is distant, unimportant. All you cared about now is her, how she pulls you closer, leading you closer to her room just ahead.
Natasha could barely think at all. Everything in her mind blurred, thoughts slipping through her fingers like water as soon as they tried to form. The only thing she could focus on was you. The taste of your lips. Sweet and intoxicating. The way they fit perfectly against hers, they’d been made for her to kiss. It sent a shockwave through her body each time your mouths collided, obliterating any coherent thoughts. Her hands, strong and firm, moved on their own, gripping your waist, sliding up your back, over the silk of your dress, desperate to feel more of you, to pull you closer until there was no space left.
She couldn’t think, didn’t want to think.
All that mattered was this—your body pressed against hers, trapping you between her and the door of her room, the soft moans that escaped between kisses, the way her heart pounded in her chest, matching the frantic rhythm of her lips. It was overwhelming, dizzying, and she never wanted it to stop.
The warmth of the alcohol buzzed through Natasha’s veins, making everything feel hazy and wonderfully unreal. Having you in front of her like this, in her arms, underneath her hands, felt unreal. Her head was light, the edges of the world around her blurred as she kissed you, deepening the pleasant fog in her mind. The room tilted slightly every time she pulled you closer, but she didn’t care—if anything, it made the moment feel even more like a dream she didn’t want to wake from. The sharp edges of her usual control were dulled by the alcohol, making her bolder, less cautious. She found herself giggling against your pretty mouth, a sound she barely recognized as her own, drunk on both the wine and the feel of your beautiful body.
With shaky hands, Natasha reached behind you, her lips trailing your neck in sweet, wet kisses as her fingers fumbled for the zipper of your dress. She found the zipper a second later and slowly, deliberately, began to tug it down, feeling the tension in the material as it loosened around your body. The sound of the zipper sliding down was almost lost in the charged silence, but Natasha heard it, like a release of everything she’d been holding back. When the zipper finally reached the end of its line, Natasha let out a deep, shuddering sigh against your neck, her breath warm against your skin.
“Fuck, detka…” Natasha closes her eyes, letting her hands draw away from your back to trail them down to your thighs, her palms flat against your skin as they push the fabric of your dress upwards.
You can feel the pads of her fingers finding their way up, playing with the soft lace of your panties. Natasha moved slowly, savoring the moment for as long as she could. Her mouth paints your skin in light hickeys, trailing downwards to the valley of your breasts while you bring your hands up to run them through her red hair, pulling on it slightly to kiss her deeply once again.
“N-Natasha, please…” You muttered against her lips.
You could feel it—the way Natasha’s lips curved into that maddeningly smug smirk against yours, sending a shiver down your spine. It was as if Natasha knew exactly what she was doing to you, and of course, she did. Your skin burned where Natasha touched you, her fingers trailing with deliberate slowness, as if savoring every reaction, every trembling gasp.
“Please, what, krasivaya?” She asked, her voice low and seductive.
You whimpered, your hands finding their way to her shoulders, trying to tug her jacket off of her. “I need you... Please… Hurry…”
“You are so impatient,” Natasha smiles and kisses you softly. “I’m getting there, darling. Don’t worry.”
Your fingers fumbled with the edge of Natasha’s suit jacket once again, and your movements hurried, almost desperate, as you tried to push it off her shoulders. A soft whine escaped your lips, frustration mingling with the need that pulsed through you, but Natasha just smiled against your mouth, pausing the frenzied kisses for a brief moment. She pressed a softer, lingering kiss to your lips, calming the storm with her gentleness, before reaching up to shrug the jacket off herself. It slipped down her arms and hit the floor in a whisper of fabric, and then she was back, her hands finding your face, her lips capturing hers again.
Natasha guided you backwards with a practiced ease, never breaking apart from your lips. Her hands found their way to your thighs once more, fingers gripping the soft skin through the fabric of your dress. With a fluid motion, she lifted you off the ground, pulling you close as your lips collided again, more urgent this time, more desperate. Your legs instinctively wrapped around Natasha’s waist, your bodies fitting together as though they’d done this a hundred times before. Natasha’s grip tightened, the strength in her arms steadying them as she carried you across her room, never once faltering. The bed was just a few steps away, and the world outside your heated breaths felt impossibly distant. When she reached the edge of the mattress, Natasha lowered you down gently, her hands still firm on your thighs.
God, she’s always wanted to see you like this. Natasha had often imagined what it would be like to see you in this exact moment, but nothing could have prepared her for the reality of it. You were sprawled across the bed, her bed, your dress now a loosely draped, tangled mess that did little to cover your body. Your hair, once neatly styled, now fell wild and disheveled around your flushed face.
With a sense of urgency, Natasha’s fingers fumbled with the hem of your dress. The fabric slipped slowly away from your shoulders, revealing the expanse of your skin beneath, and Natasha’s breath caught in her throat. As the dress fell away, pooling around your waist, Natasha’s eyes roamed over your curves, your breasts, with a kind of awe that was both intense and profound. The sight of you, bare and vulnerable before her, ignited something deep within Natasha—sending a wave straight to her core. Every inch of your skin seemed to glow under the dim light. You were so beautiful.
Natasha pulled on your dress until it was completely off of you, mindlessly throwing it behind her, her eyes never leaving your body. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of her shirt, each one more stubborn than the last as she tried to hurry through them, her impatience palpable. Her gaze never left you, a vision she could scarcely believe was real. The way you looked at her—eyes heavy with desire, your chest rising and falling with each shallow breath—only made Natasha’s hands more unsteady. Her shirt slipped open, one button finally giving way, then another, watching how your lips were slightly parted, breathless. There was a hunger in Natasha’s stare, an urgency she couldn’t suppress, as if unbuttoning her shirt fast enough might bring her closer to the moment she’d been silently craving for longer than she cared to admit. She could feel the warmth of your gaze on her, too, as each button gave way, the fabric parting to reveal the skin beneath.
“You’re so beautiful, Natasha,” you said breathlessly.
She smiled again, leaning down to kiss you between the valley of your breasts, “I’ve got nothing on you, detka.”
Natasha leaned down, hovering over you, her lips pressing softly against your neck, the warmth of her breath sending shivers down your spine. She lingered there for a moment, savoring the way your pulse quickened beneath her kisses as soft gasps escaped your mouth. Each touch was careful, brushing against the delicate skin just below your jaw, then down the hollow of your throat. Natasha’s kisses grew bolder with each passing second as they moved further south, grazing the curve of your collarbone to the swell of your breasts.
You laid back, closing your eyes as her lips explored your skin and the pads of her fingers softly rolled over your hardened nipples. A sigh falls from your mouth as Natasha’s breath glides closely over your chest, her lips wrapping around your nipple and sucking softly. Her tongue darts out, swirling around it, and your hands find themselves resting against Natasha’s shoulders, pulling her even closer.
“Spread your legs, for me, baby,” Natasha whispered against your stomach, her hands gently guiding your thighs apart as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
You parted your legs without a second thought. But the reality of it—the softness of your skin beneath her fingers, the way your breath hitched and your body responded with such raw, trusting openness—made Natasha’s heart pound in a way that left her almost dizzy. She could feel the heat radiating between them, the anticipation thickening the air as she pressed closer, savoring every trembling moment. Natasha felt that she could die happy right here, with you beneath her, so vulnerable and breathtakingly beautiful.
God, you were so pretty.
Her fingers traced the delicate edge of your lace panties, her touch light and almost absentminded as she toyed with the fabric. She could feel the softness of the lace under her fingertips—the way it barely clung to your skin. Natasha didn’t rush—she liked the slow burn, to see you squirm, itching to get her to touch you, the way your breath hitched each time her fingers lingered a little too long or dipped a little too close to where she knew you wanted her the most. Natasha’s eyes flicked up to meet yours, catching the mixture of frustration and desire there, and she couldn’t help the small, teasing smile that tugged on her lips as she continued to play with your panties.
“Natasha, please… Touch me, already…”
She licked her lips, parting them slightly as she listened to your pretty voice begging for her. Fuck, it was making her feel dizzy. “Gonna make you feel so good, angel. Trust me.”
Then, your hand found Natasha’s with an urgency that spoke of all the words she couldn’t say, fingers wrapping around hers and guiding underneath her panties. The fabric felt impossibly thin over her hand, and the wetness, the heat radiating from your skin sent a wave of electricity through Natasha that left her breathless. You were so wet, oh, fuck, and for a moment, Natasha forgot how to breathe, how to think—everything narrowed down to this simple, maddening desire.
“Can you feel how wet I am for you?” You whispered.
The sigh that escaped Natasha’s lips was involuntary, a soft sound of surrender, as she let herself be led by your need, her own mind dissolving into the heady rush of desire that clouded everything else.
The teasing only lasted so long before something snapped inside Natasha, a sharp, undeniable urge taking over, using her other hand to grab your wrist and pin it down against the mattress. She wanted to be the one to do it—to touch you, to make you come. Her finger hooked around the delicate waistband of your lace panties. There was no hesitation as she tugged them down, the lace slipping effortlessly over your hips. Natasha’s heart pounded in her chest as she discarded the fabric, her breaths coming quicker now, driven by the sheer intensity of her need.
Natasha nodded her head absentmindedly, her mind drowning in thoughts of you and your pussy. She said quietly, to herself almost, “Wanna fuck you…”
Her hands found their way under your thighs once more, lifting them up slightly, spreading them even wider as she leaned down to face your glistening pussy. She didn’t hesitate, didn’t give you a single warning, before she dove right in, licking a stripe through your folds, collecting your sweet wetness on her tongue.
Your moan was deep, guttural, a sound that reverberated through the quiet room as Natasha’s tongue ravaged you. It was as if every nerve in your body lit up at once—a shockwave of pleasure that left you gasping for breath. Instinctively, your legs tightened around Natasha’s head, your thighs trembling as they pressed against Natasha’s cheeks, holding her there. Each flick of Natasha’s tongue against your pussy sent you spiraling further, your moans growing louder and needier, echoing in the space around them. Your fingers tangled in Natasha’s hair as she fucked you, gripping tightly as your hips began to move on their own, seeking out every bit of friction you could find. Your whole world narrowed down to this one moment—Natasha’s mouth on you, the unbearable pleasure building inside you, and the primal need to keep her right where she was, between your legs.
Natasha felt like she’d stumbled into heaven itself. It was intoxicating—every taste, every subtle movement. Your body trembled under her touch, and Natasha reveled in it, savoring the way your flavor spread across her tongue, sweet and delicate. She moved slowly, deliberately, wanting to make this moment last forever, her hands gripping your thighs as if she were anchoring herself. Natasha closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the taste of you, thinking that she could stay here forever—right here, where nothing else existed but your taste, your scent, and the soft, breathless sounds that escaped her lips. You tasted better than Natasha had ever imagined—sweet, salty, intoxicating, like some forbidden nectar she had been craving for far too long. It felt like drinking water after wandering in a desert. Every lick, every pressure of her tongue, flicking against your clit, delving into your pussy, made Natasha feel like she was floating. She devoured you.
“Fuck, Natasha—“
Natasha could feel the shift in your body before you even registered it yourself—the way your muscles tensed, your breath catching in your throat as Natasha’s tongue became rougher, sucking on your clit harshly without mercy. It was a subtle change at first, just the slightest arch of your back. She could sense the way your body was coiling tight, your hands gripping the sheets, knuckles white, as you tried to hold onto some semblance of control. But the more Natasha pressed into her, the more she felt you surrender, hips lifting off the bed, with each swirl of Natasha’s tongue. The low, broken sounds spilling from your lips were growing desperate, and Natasha knew you were close; she could feel it in the way your thighs trembled, in the way her head tilted back, and in the way you tried to pull away slightly, as if you were scared of your own climax.
“N-Natasha… ‘Tasha, I-I’m cumming… I–“
Then, it snapped. Your body arched and trembled, reaching the peak of your pleasure, overwhelmed by the intensity of your orgasm as you moaned her name aloud. Natasha’s hands were steady and guiding on your thighs as she licked you softly, helping you ride through the waves, making sure you could feel her—and only her.
“That’s it, baby…” She murmured against you.
When you began to calm down, Natasha pulled back slightly, giving you space but keeping her gaze fixed strictly on you. The sight of you, your body still quivering and your eyes fluttering open to reveal those pretty eyes of yours, struck Natasha as the most beautiful thing she has ever witnessed. You were trembling so much, and Natasha couldn’t help the smug smile that appeared on her face.
You were still trembling, your body humming with the aftershocks of release, your breaths coming in ragged, uneven gasps. But even in your dazed state, you reached out instinctively, your hands searching for Natasha, needing to feel her, to ground yourself in the warmth and presence of the woman who had just unraveled you completely. Natasha didn’t hesitate. The moment your fingers brushed against her, Natasha leaned in, wrapping her arms around your trembling body. Natasha found your lips again, kissing you deeply, the kiss not hurried or frantic like before, but slow and full of something deeper—something that tasted like promise, like... devotion. You could taste yourself on her lips, and Natasha couldn’t help but melt as you moaned softly into her mouth.
Natasha hovered above you, leaving just the barest sliver of space between the two of you. She pulled back, barely a centimeter, her breath mingling with yours, warm and uneven. For a moment, Natasha did nothing but stare, her gaze locked on your half-lidded eyes, the way they fluttered with each rapid breath. Your chest rose and fell beneath her, still struggling to catch your breath, to stop your body from trembling, your lips slightly parted and glistening. Natasha couldn’t help but smile softly, taking in the sight of you like this—disarmed, vulnerable, beautiful in a way that made Natasha’s heart ache with affection. Fuck, she wanted to stay here forever.
“Hi,” you whispered breathlessly, almost with a shy smile.
“Hi,” she murmured, her smile growing. Then Natasha brushed a strand of hair from your forehead, her fingers lingering there as she asked, “You okay?”
You nodded, still catching your breath, but your smile grew a little wider, a little surer. “More than okay,” you replied softly, your hand finding Natasha’s hand and squeezing it gently. “You?”
Natasha’s smile deepened, a rare, genuine expression that felt as natural as breathing in this moment. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “I’m good.”
She found herself lost in the quiet afterglow, her gaze lingering on you with a kind of reverence she rarely allowed herself to feel. You looked so peaceful now, your face still flushed, and your hair fanned out against the pillow. There was something so effortlessly captivating about you—something that made Natasha’s heart stumble in her chest every time she looked at you like this. The way your lips curved into a soft, contented smile, your eyes half-closed and still dazed with pleasure, made Natasha’s breath hitch.
She could almost feel the words forming on her tongue before she even realized it.
I love you.
Natasha blinked. She almost said it. The words pressed against her tongue, desperate to be spoken, to be released. But just as quickly, she swallowed them back. It was a truth that had settled deep inside her, so much so that every time she looked at you, really looked at you, it almost felt impossible not to say it. You looked so peaceful, so breathtakingly beautiful in the dim light of her room, your lips still slightly parted as if caught in a dream. Natasha’s fingers brushed gently against your cheek, tracing the delicate curve of your jaw as she stared, mesmerized. In this moment, you were everything to her—so pretty, so real, and so entirely hers.
God, she wanted to say it.
But, for the first time in as long as she could remember, fear gripped her. Not the kind of fear she was used to—the physical, tangible kind that came with a mission or a fight—but something deeper, something far more terrifying. Would it be too fast? Would you feel the same way? Would you say it back? The thought twisted in her chest, making her hesitate. Natasha wasn’t used to feeling this vulnerable, this unsure. She wasn’t scared of much in life, but the possibility of rejection—of putting her heart on the line and finding out it wasn’t enough—was enough to keep the words trapped inside.
She stayed silent, her gaze lingering on you with a tenderness she couldn’t fully express, her heart aching with the love she didn’t dare speak.
Instead, she kissed you again—slowly at first, as if savoring the taste of your lips might somehow drown out the urge to confess. The kiss deepened quickly, turning desperate and consuming, a way to silence the fears that clawed at her insides. Natasha’s hands roamed over your body once more, fingers tracing familiar paths, as if she were trying to memorize every inch of you, to carve this moment into her memory so it would never fade. The world outside this room ceased to exist; all that mattered was the way you responded to her touch, the soft gasps and whispered sighs that filled the air between them. 
Natasha didn’t stop, couldn’t stop—each kiss, each touch, every moan, became a plea for more time, more of you, as if by making love to you again and again, she could delay the inevitable, could keep the fragile bubble of this night from bursting. The hours slipped by in a blur of passion and quiet intensity, the darkness outside deepening as Natasha pressed closer, held you tighter, and chased the fleeting moments that seemed to slip through her fingers like sand. It wasn’t enough—it would never be enough—but for now, it was all she had.
And so she loved you through the night, as if time itself could be bent to her will, as if each kiss, each whispered name, could stave off the dawn just a little longer.
In the morning, you were gone.
Natasha woke slowly, the warmth of sleep still clinging to her as she blinked against the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. For a moment, she reached out instinctively, her hand searching the space beside her, expecting to find you. But all she felt was the cool, empty sheets where you had been. She let out a quiet sigh, already knowing why. Your work started early—too early—and you were always gone before the sun fully rose, slipping out of bed with a quiet grace that Natasha admired but, at times like this, resented.
She stayed there, her hand resting on the vacant spot beside her, feeling the absence like a weight on her chest. The room was too quiet without your soft breathing; the lingering scent of your hair was still faintly on the pillow. Natasha turned onto her back, staring up at the ceiling, her mind a haze of thoughts she couldn’t quite pin down. She knew you had to go—it was just how things were—but that didn’t stop the hollow ache that settled in her stomach, the longing for just a few more minutes of your presence.
After a while, Natasha sat up slowly, her movements sluggish and heavy as the quiet of the morning settled around her. The moment she lifted her head from the pillow, a dull, throbbing ache bloomed at her temples, spreading like a slow wave of discomfort. She groaned softly, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes as if that might somehow lessen the pounding in her skull. The aftermath of last night’s drinks had finally caught up with her, and it wasn’t letting her forget it.
Natasha let out a breath, trying to shake off the haze of exhaustion that clung to her, but the effort only seemed to make her head spin. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog from her mind, but it was no use. The room felt too bright, the air too still, and the emptiness beside her in the bed only added to the strange sense of disorientation. She ran a hand through her hair, wincing as the movement sent another jolt of pain through her head. It wasn’t the worst hangover she’d ever had, but it was enough to make her wish she could just lie back down and sleep it off—except, of course, that spot next to her was still cold and empty, and there was no comfort in the silence.
She turned her head toward the nightstand, squinting against the light as her eyes landed on a small note propped up beside a familiar pill bottle. She blinked, then reached for the note, the crinkling sound of paper somehow comforting in the quiet room. The words were written in your neat, slightly slanted handwriting: “Thank you for last night. And don’t forget to take these! :)” The smiley face was unmistakably you—a touch of warmth that made Natasha’s chest tighten in the best way.
A slow smile crept across her lips as she read the note again, and again... and again. The headache still pulsed faintly behind her eyes, but it suddenly didn’t feel as bad. The simple gesture, the thoughtfulness of it—you thinking of her in the early morning hours, leaving behind something to make sure Natasha would be okay—it was enough to make everything else fade into the background. Natasha picked up the pill bottle, shaking it gently, then set it back down with a soft chuckle.
Without thinking, she lay back down, the note still clutched between her fingers. She held it up, her gaze tracing over your handwriting, memorizing the curves and loops of each letter. It was such a small thing, but it felt monumental, a tangible reminder that you had been here, in her room, in her bed, that you’d thought of Natasha even after leaving.
But as the days passed, you and Natasha slipped effortlessly back into your familiar routine, all filled with work. The compound buzzed with its usual activities, and you moved through your tasks with the same blend of efficiency and warmth that Natasha had come to rely on. Your conversations flowed as seamlessly as they always had, punctuated by laughter, talks of work and her health, and shared moments of quiet understanding.
Yet, for Natasha, everything had shifted subtly, profoundly.
Every glance, every casual touch between the two of you now felt charged with an intensity she couldn’t ignore. The way your eyes lit up when you spoke, the way you brushed against Natasha in passing—it all sent jolts through her, leaving her with a physical ache that was almost unbearable. Natasha found herself hanging on to every word you said, her heart racing whenever you came near, her fingers almost itching to reach out and close the space between the two of you.
When you brushed her hand against Natasha’s, it was no longer just a simple touch; it was a spark that set Natasha’s entire being on fire. The way your laughter filled the room, how you tilted your head just so when you were focused on your work—it was all consuming. Natasha wanted to pull you close, to kiss you with a hunger that had been simmering just beneath the surface, to feel the softness of your lips against hers and lose herself in you. Natasha wanted more than just the stolen moments and the shared smiles; she wanted everything with you. The thought of a future, of waking up to you beside her every morning.
“What’s going on with you?”
Natasha blinked, momentarily disoriented, as Steve’s voice pulled her out her thoughts. They were in the midst of their mission, moving through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned warehouse. The mission was progressing smoothly, as always, but Natasha’s mind had been elsewhere, lost in a whirl of thoughts and emotions that had nothing to do with the task at hand.
Steve’s brow was furrowed with concern as he looked at her, his sharp eyes catching every nuance of her distraction. It was clear that her usual focus and sharpness were missing, and that was something Steve didn’t overlook, especially in the midst of a high-stakes operation.
Natasha hesitated, her mind racing to regroup, to push aside the tumult of feelings that had been gnawing at her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.
“Just a lot on my mind,” she said, forcing a casual tone that didn’t quite match the tension in her voice. She adjusted her stance, trying to redirect her focus back to the mission. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
Steve studied her for a moment, clearly not convinced. “Natasha,” he said, his tone softening slightly. “We’ve been through this before. If something’s bothering you, you need to talk about it. We’re a team.”
The sincerity in his voice made Natasha’s chest tighten. She appreciated Steve’s concern, but the truth was, she even didn’t know how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions she was experiencing.
Natasha sighed, her frustration bubbling to the surface. She knew Steve was right, but she couldn’t bring herself to share what was really troubling her. “It’s not a big deal,” she said, her voice firmer this time. “I’m fine... I’ll get it together.”
Steve gave her a scrutinizing look, clearly still concerned, but he nodded. “Alright. But if you need to talk, I’m here.”
“I know, Steve.”
The mission was successful. As usual.
On a calm Sunday morning, Natasha sat at the counter, methodically biting into her peanut butter sandwich as she half-listened to Steve’s low murmur about the latest Avengers briefing. The kitchen was bathed in the soft morning light that filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the polished surfaces. Steve was nursing a steaming cup of coffee, his gaze occasionally drifting to the newspaper spread out before him.
The soft sound of footsteps nearing drew Natasha’s attention as you walked in, your presence immediately changing the room’s dynamic.
You greeted them with a quick, cheerful “Morning, guys,” before heading straight for the coffee machine, your voice carrying the easy warmth that Natasha had come to crave.
“Hey, (y/n). Just brewed a pot,” Steve said.
You thanked him with a kind smile and moved quickly, grabbing a cup of coffee from the counter and casting a fleeting, soft, lingering smile in Natasha’s direction as you filled her cup. The smile was fleeting but full of unspoken warmth, a subtle connection that spoke volumes in its brevity.
Natasha’s reaction was immediate. She paused mid-bite, the sandwich almost forgotten as she watched you with an intensity that didn’t go unnoticed. Her fingers faltered, the sandwich slipping back onto her plate with a soft thud. She nodded at you, a nervous, shy smile tugging at her lips as if she were trying to hold on to that fleeting moment.
Steve, who had been watching this exchange with an increasingly amused expression, couldn’t help but chuckle softly. The realization hit him with a sudden clarity. Natasha’s distraction, the lingering thoughts that had clouded her focus during the mission—it all made sense now. The way she looked at you, the way her entire demeanor changed in your presence—it was a classic case of being head over heels.
“Well, well,” Steve said, his voice low and teasing as he took another sip of his coffee. “I think I just figured out what’s been on your mind.”
He shot Natasha a knowing grin, his eyes sparkling with understanding. Natasha looked up, caught off guard but with a soft flush creeping up her neck.
“What are you talking about?” she asked, though her tone was already betraying her discomfort.
Steve’s smile widened. “Nothing, just an observation.” He took another sip, enjoying the moment of revelation. “Seems like someone’s made quite the impression.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, trying to mask her embarrassment with a playful scowl. “I suppose I can’t keep anything from you,” she said, shaking her head but unable to suppress the fond smile that tugged at her lips.
“Looks like it,” he said.
Natasha sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping as she rested her head on the cool surface of the kitchen counter. “What do I do?” she muttered, her voice muffled by the countertop.
Sam strolled into the kitchen just as she had asked this, his expression a mix of curiosity and mischief. He took in the scene with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
“Confess immediately,” he said, his tone light but resolute. “Don’t overthink it. Just go for it.”
Natasha looked at him in disbelief, an eyebrow raised as if she were silently asking how he could possibly know about all of this. Steve, who was leaning casually against the counter, gave Sam a sidelong glance.
“Hey, maybe ease into it a bit,” he said, his voice thoughtful. “What about asking her on a date? A nice, romantic dinner—something where you can talk, you know.
Sam rolled his eyes dramatically, a grin tugging at his lips. “Yeah, no,” he said, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. “A dinner date sounds nice and all, but if you’ve got feelings, you might as well just lay it all out there.”
Natasha lifted her head slightly, her gaze shifting between Steve and Sam; her expression caught between exasperation and hope. “So, you both think I should just... tell her?”
Steve nodded, his expression encouraging. “Yeah, but maybe take the chance to make it special. It’s not just about confessing—it’s about showing her how much you care.”
Sam shook his head with a smirk. “Or you could just cut to the chase. No need for all the pomp.”
Natasha sat in the quiet of the kitchen, the hum of the morning routine a distant backdrop as she contemplated the contrasting pieces of advice she had just received. She already knew she had to tell you. The doing is what’s got her in a slump. Steve’s suggestion of a romantic dinner held a particular allure, painting vivid pictures in her mind of you dressing up all pretty just for her, a soft glow of anticipation in her eyes. She imagined the two of you sitting across from each other at a candlelit table, the air filled with the intimate murmur of conversation and the soft clink of glasses. Yet, Sam’s more direct approach was equally compelling. The simplicity of confessing her feelings outright, of stripping away pretense and diving straight into the heart of the matter, had its own raw appeal. The idea of bypassing all the elaborate gestures, cutting straight through to the essence of her emotions, felt refreshingly honest, more her style.
She tried Steve’s idea first. She had it all planned out, chose a restaurant she thought you’d like, take you out for a walk under the moonlight, and then she’d tell you everything.
But her attempts to ask you out on a date seemed to be thwarted by an endless stream of interruptions. Each time she mustered the courage to approach you, the timing was never right. One time, as Natasha approached the med bay with a hopeful resolve, she was met with the sight of your hands deftly tending to a newly injured agent. The room was filled with the hum of medical equipment and the urgent tones of your focused attention, making it impossible to find a moment of privacy.
Another time, Natasha had managed to catch you alone, only for a sudden emergency to arise.
“I’m so sorry, Nat,” you had said.
Natasha shook her head and urged you to go with a pained smile, telling you that she’ll just find you again later. The sound of the alert echoed through the compound, pulling you away with swift urgency as you dashed off to respond to the call. Natasha watched with a sigh, frustration and longing mingling in her chest as you disappeared down the hallway.
Even when she did manage to find you alone, the med bay door would swing open with startling regularity, admitting a new batch of agents or staff members needing your expertise. Each interruption was a jarring reminder of the busy, unpredictable world they inhabited, leaving Natasha grasping at fleeting opportunities that never quite materialized.
With every failed attempt, Natasha’s patience was tested. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, the universe was determined to keep her moments with you brief and fragmented. But, even then, Natasha’s resolve only deepened, determined to find the right time with you.
The next day, Natasha found herself lingering outside the med bay, her shoulder resting against the doorframe as she watched you from afar. You were sitting at your desk, completely absorbed in a thick, worn book. Your brow furrowed slightly in concentration, a stray strand of hair falling across your forehead as you absentmindedly brushed it away. The soft glow of the med bay’s overhead light bathed you in a warm, gentle hue, casting delicate shadows on your face. Natasha stood there, quietly captivated by the sight, her heart swelling with an almost unbearable tenderness.
There was something so achingly beautiful about the way your eyes flicked across the page, your lips occasionally curving into the faintest hint of a smile at whatever she was reading. The world outside the med bay seemed to fade away, and for a moment, Natasha felt like she could stand there forever, simply watching you.
“You can come in, Natasha,” she heard you say, your eyes never leaving the pages of your book.
Natasha blinked, startled by your words. She hadn’t realized she’d been standing there long enough to be noticed. Clearing her throat, she pushed off the doorframe and stepped into the med bay, the familiar scent of antiseptic and coffee mingling in the air. You still hadn’t looked up from your book, your eyes tracing the lines of text with an almost lazy ease, but there was a small, knowing smile playing at the corners of your mouth.
“You always seem to know when I’m around,” Natasha said, trying to keep her voice steady as she moved closer to your desk. She felt a strange mix of relief and nervousness—the comfort of being near you and the anxiety of what she wanted to say, what she’d been trying to say for days now.
You finally looked up, your eyes meeting Natasha’s with that familiar warmth that always made her heart skip a beat. “You’re not exactly subtle,” you teased lightly, setting the book down. “And I like it when you drop by.”
Natasha smiled, but it felt more like a grimace, her nerves getting the better of her. She shifted on her feet, hands fidgeting at her sides. “I just... wanted to see how you were doing. You’ve been busy. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
You tilted your head, studying Natasha in that way that made her feel like you could see right through her. “I’m fine, and you’re not interrupting,” you said softly, your smile fading into something more serious.
Natasha’s breath caught in her throat. This was the opening she needed—the perfect moment to say what she’d been practicing in her head over and over again. But the words seemed stuck, tangled up in her chest. She could only nod, her gaze dropping to the floor as she tried to summon the courage to speak.
“Natasha…” Your voice was gentle, coaxing, and when Natasha finally looked up, she found you watching her with that same patient expression, as if she already knew what Natasha was struggling to say.
“I—” Natasha started, then stopped. She bit her lip, trying to find the right words. “I… just wanted to see you,” Natasha finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. It wasn’t exactly what she had planned to say, but it was the truth, raw and unfiltered.
Your expression softened even more, a small, almost shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips. You closed the book; your full attention now on Natasha.
“Well, you’ve found me,” you said, your tone playful but laced with something deeper, something that made Natasha’s pulse quicken. “What’s on your mind?”
“Uh, I’ve been... meaning to ask...” Natasha began, her voice tinged with a rare vulnerability that made you pause, your full attention on her.
Your gaze softened as you waited patiently, sensing that whatever Natasha was about to say was important. The air between the two of you felt charged, thick with anticipation, as if this moment could be the beginning of something they both had been skirting around for too long.
But just as Natasha opened her mouth to continue, the sharp ring of her phone cut through the tension like a knife. The sound startled you both, and Natasha’s expression immediately shifted from hesitant to frustrated as she pulled the phone from her pocket. A quick glance at the screen told her all she needed to know: Fury.
Fuck. She sighed, feeling the weight of the moment slip away from her. “Of course,” she muttered under her breath, more to herself than to you. She hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen as if delaying the inevitable.
You gave her a small, understanding smile. “You should take it. It’s probably important,” you said softly, though Natasha could see the flicker of disappointment in your eyes.
Natasha sighed and nodded, the frustration still gnawing at her as she swiped to answer the call.
“Yeah?” She said into the phone, her tone clipped, already mourning the lost opportunity.
As Fury’s voice filled her ear, Natasha couldn’t help but glance back at you, who had returned to your book but seemed distracted, your eyes not really seeing the words on the page. She wanted to be here with you and wanted to finish what she’d started to say. But duty called, and as much as she resented the timing, Natasha knew there was no escaping it. Still, as she listened to Fury’s instructions, her mind lingered on the words she hadn’t yet spoken.
Natasha left the med bay with a heavy heart, her footsteps echoing down the sterile, polished floors of the compound as she moved with practiced efficiency. The cool air felt harsh against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth that had lingered in your presence just moments before. She didn’t want to leave, not when she had been so close to finally asking you out, but Fury’s voice in her ear had been all business, pulling her back into the world of missions and danger. The life she had known so well before you had started to change everything. Now, as she moved toward the hangar, readying herself for a quick mission, Natasha couldn’t shake the image of you sitting at your desk, so patient, so understanding, yet so distant now as the demands of her duty called her away from you once again. The familiar rush of adrenaline from the impending mission did little to dull the ache of leaving you behind, and as Natasha climbed into the Quinjet, she realized that no matter how many missions she completed, this—the moments with you—was the one thing she couldn’t afford to lose.
Natasha arrived back at the compound two nights later.
It was the kind of hour where everything felt suspended in a heavy, muffled silence. The Quinjet landed with a low hum, its lights cutting through the darkness, but Natasha was too tired to appreciate the quietness of her arrival. Her body ached with every movement, bruises blooming across her skin in angry shades of purple and blue. Her nose was still bleeding, a thin trickle of crimson slipping down her lip that she wiped away with the back of her hand. And then there was the stabbing pain in her side—a broken rib, she was sure of it. Exhausted, she stumbled down the ramp, each step sending a sharp jolt of pain through her chest. When she finally reached the dimly lit corridor, she paused, leaning against the cool metal wall for support.
She tapped into her comm, her voice rough and weary as she asked, “FRIDAY, is anyone in the med bay right now?”
The calm voice filled the space around her, gentle but clear. “Doctor (L/n) is in, Agent Romanoff. Would like me to alert her?”
A wave of relief washed over her, mingled with a touch of dread. You. Of course, you’d still be there.
“N-No, I’ll just… I’m heading there right now.”
Natasha closed her eyes for a moment, pushing past the pain as she straightened up. She had barely been able to ask you out before she left, and now she was coming back bruised and broken, needing you in a different way. With a heavy sigh, Natasha started down the hallway. She trudged through the corridors of the compound, her footsteps uneven. The sterile white walls of the hallway seemed to blur as she moved, the intensity of her injuries casting a dull haze over her vision. Her breath came in shallow, labored gasps, each inhale sharp and punctuated by the searing pain in her ribcage. The normally comforting hum of the compound’s ventilation system felt intrusive.
As she approached the med bay, the dim light spilling from under the door painted a faint golden streak across the floor, guiding her weary steps. Natasha’s fingers trembled slightly as she reached for the button on the wall, the cool metal a stark contrast to the heat of her flushed skin. The door opens automatically, and the slide is loud in the quiet space. The med bay was bathed in a soft, muted glow, its organized chaos of medical supplies and equipment casting long, flickering shadows. Her eyes scanned the room, searching through until they settled on the figure she had hoped to find. You stood at a workbench, your focus intent on preparing some medical supplies. The sight of you, so absorbed in your work, made Natasha’s heart ache. The exhaustion and pain seemed to fade a little in your presence even as Natasha forced herself to step inside.
You continued your meticulous arrangement of medical supplies, your back turned to the door as you muttered, “If you’re here for a minor issue, just fill out the form and I’ll get to you when I can.”
Your voice carried the practiced tone of someone who had dealt with countless interruptions, your focus unwavering.
Natasha let out a pained scoff, the sound escaping more sharply than she intended. The noise drew your attention, and you froze mid-motion, your hand hovering over a box of bandages. You turned slowly, your eyes widening as you took in Natasha’s battered appearance. The sight of Natasha, bruised and bloodied, caused your heart to skip a beat, her professional mask slipping away to reveal a raw edge of concern.
“Natasha?” Your voice was soft, almost a whisper, as you took an instant step forward, your gaze fixed on the blood trickling from Natasha’s nose and the pained grimace on her face. “What happened?”
The words came out in a rush, your earlier dismissal forgotten as you rushed to Natasha’s side, your hands already reaching out to help, your eyes filled with a mixture of shock and worry.
Your hands moved with practiced urgency as you guided Natasha to one of the beds, the action firm but gentle. You eased Natasha down onto the cushioned surface, your eyes darting across the extent of Natasha’s injuries with a rapid, assessing glance. Your breath hitched slightly as you took in the sight of Natasha’s battered body—the bruises spreading across her skin, the telltale signs of pain in her face, and the blood that marred her otherwise stoic appearance.
With a quick, deft motion, you reached for a nearby first aid kit, your movements efficient despite the visible tremor in your hands. You worked with a calm resolve, your mind focusing solely on the task at hand.
“Okay, let me take a look,” you said softly, your voice steady but filled with concern.
Your fingers were careful as they moved to inspect Natasha’s broken rib, pressing gently to assess the injury while avoiding exacerbating the pain. Your gaze remained focused on Natasha, your eyes reflecting a deep well of worry and care.
You reached up slowly, cradling her face with your gentle hands, a move that made Natasha close her eyes in relief, feeling your palm rest softly against her face. As you cleaned the blood from her face and applied a fresh bandage, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Natasha’s eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort.
Later, as the night wore on, you kept working and carefully prepared an elastic bandage, your fingers moving with practiced precision. You already administered the painkillers, watching as Natasha swallowed them down with a grimace, and handed her anti-inflammatory pills with a soft reminder to take them regularly. Now, as Natasha sat upright on the edge of the medical bed, her shirt discarded, you gently guided her to lift her arms.
The room was quiet, save for the faint rustling of the bandage as you began wrapping it around Natasha's torso. You always loved Natasha’s body, beautiful and athletically toned, but seeing her buried up like this was a sight you weren’t too fond of.
Your movements were slow and deliberate, the pressure firm but not too tight, offering support without constricting Natasha's breathing. Each pass of the bandage was done with utmost care, your fingertips brushing lightly against Natasha’s skin. Your eyes flickered between your work and Natasha’s face, making sure you weren’t causing any unnecessary discomfort. The bandage gradually wound around Natasha’s ribcage, securing the fractured bone in place, and you took your time, ensuring it was both comfortable and effective. As you finished, your hands lingered for a moment, her touch lingering in a quiet, intimate gesture of care before she finally stepped back, her eyes meeting Natasha’s in a silent exchange of concern and unspoken words.
“You should lay down,” you said sternly, and she obeyed with your help.
You stepped back from Natasha, your eyes scanning over the finished bandage job with concern, then made your way to the cabinets behind you.
As you turned and walked away, Natasha couldn’t help but let her gaze linger, her eyes tracing the subtle sway of your hips as you walked. Despite the dull ache in her ribs and the sting of her cuts, Natasha found herself distracted by the sight of you, the way your hair fell prettily around your face, and the confident yet graceful way you carried herself. It was ridiculous, really—how someone could look so effortlessly beautiful at this time of night. But that was you, distracting and disarming, making it nearly impossible for Natasha to focus on anything else. You were always beautiful. She would never stop thinking it. The pain in her body dulled just by watching you, and Natasha couldn’t suppress a wry smile at the thought.
A part of her, the part she tried to keep buried beneath layers of stoicism and professionalism, kind of liked being in this position. Being injured wasn’t ideal, of course, but if it meant that you were the one taking care of her—if it meant those gentle hands tending to her wounds, those soft eyes watching her with concern—well, it wasn’t all that bad. Natasha leaned back on the medical bed, trying not to wince as she adjusted herself, her mind already anticipating the feeling of your cool hands against her skin again.
Your eyes scanned the cabinet, your mind racing, already mentally cataloging what she needed—an ice pack for Natasha’s ribs and creams and ointments to treat the cuts on her and the bruises on her body. You moved quickly, your hands working automatically as you gathered the items—a tube of antibiotic ointment, a small jar of healing cream, and the ice pack she swiftly prepared, cracking it to activate the cold. You worked quickly and efficiently, but the image of Natasha’s bruised and bloodied face lingered in your thoughts, pushing you to hurry back. With everything in hand, you returned to the bed.
Swiftly, you pulled a chair over, your movements deliberate as you positioned yourself close to Natasha, almost too close, yet Natasha found herself craving the proximity. Your expression was a mix of concern and something else—something sharper, like a restrained anger simmering just beneath the surface. You dipped your fingers into the ointment, your touch cool and soothing as you began to apply it gently to the cuts on Natasha’s face. Your gaze never left Natasha’s, your eyes searching for answers even before you spoke.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” Your voice was low and stern, the tone almost scolding.
It carried an edge that made Natasha’s chest tighten, but not with fear—with something warmer, something that made her want to smile despite the situation. And she did, her lips curving upward, unable to hide her amusement at how your concern manifested in this sharp, almost angry way. She knew it wasn’t anger, not really. It was worry and frustration that you couldn’t have prevented this, that Natasha had come back to you bruised and broken.
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” Natasha replied softly, her voice tinged with that smile she couldn’t quite suppress.
But she didn’t give you the full story just yet, savoring this moment where your hands moved so carefully over her skin, applying the ointment with such focused tenderness. Natasha liked this—liked seeing you flustered, your emotions so close to the surface. It made her feel important, seen.
Your fingers paused for a moment, your eyes narrowing slightly as you studied Natasha’s face. You didn’t seem convinced by the lightness in Natasha’s tone, but you didn’t push—at least, not yet. Instead, you took a deep breath and resumed your work, the soft pad of your thumb smoothing ointment over a particularly nasty cut on Natasha’s cheek. Natasha winced slightly. She could sense the underlying tension in you—the way your jaw clenched ever so slightly, the way you focused a little too intently on the task at hand.
“You know that’s not what I asked,” you said quietly, your voice still holding that stern edge, though there was a softness there too, a plea for honesty.
You didn’t look up as you spoke, your attention fixed on her injuries, but Natasha could feel the weight of your words. It wasn’t just concern—it was something deeper, a fear that gnawed at you every time Natasha walked out of the compound on a mission. And now, seeing Natasha like this, bruised and battered, only made that fear surface all the more.
The redhead sighed, her smile fading as she let her gaze drift away from your face, staring at some indeterminate spot on the wall.
“It was a solo recon mission,” she finally said, her voice dropping to a more serious tone. “Things went south, and I had to engage. Took a few hits, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Your hands stilled again, this time longer, and Natasha could feel the frustration radiating from you, though you still kept your touch gentle. You finally looked up, your eyes locking with her green ones.
“You always say that,” you muttered, your voice stern and laced with exasperation. “You always downplay it, like it’s nothing. But look at you.”
Natasha met your gaze, and for a moment, the room was filled with a heavy silence. She wanted to reassure you, to say something that would ease that worry etched into your face, but the words caught in her throat. So instead, she reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against your wrist.
“I’m okay, milaya,” Natasha said softly, and this time, the smile that curled her lips was tender and genuine. “I promise.”
You didn’t reply right away, but you didn’t pull away either. Your fingers lingered on Natasha’s skin, and for a moment, you simply stayed like that, the air between you thick with tension. Finally, you exhaled a soft, resigned sigh as you resumed your work, the sternness in your expression giving way to something more vulnerable, more caring.
“Just... try to be careful. It’s not like you to be making mistakes,” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, and Natasha felt her heart clench at the raw emotion behind the words. “Is everything okay?”
She nodded eagerly, her words catching in her throat.
You shook your head, a soft, almost exasperated sigh escaping your lips as you reached out, gently cupping Natasha’s chin to turn her face towards you. She allowed it, letting you guide her, the warmth of your hand against her skin sending a shiver down her spine. You leaned in closer, your brow furrowing as you examined the other side of Natasha’s face, your eyes darkening when you saw the bigger bruise that had bloomed there.
“Natasha...” you whispered, your voice laced with a tenderness that made her chest tighten.
Your touch was featherlight as you carefully dabbed ointment over the bruise, your movements slow and deliberate, as if you were afraid of causing more pain.
But Natasha barely felt the sting. No, her mind was somewhere else entirely.
You were so close now, closer than you had been all night, and all Natasha could think about was how your breath ghosted over her skin, how your lips hovered just inches away. The scent of your shampoo filled her senses, clean and familiar, and Natasha’s gaze drifted to those lips—soft, plump, the same lips she remembered so vividly from that night, the lips that had been moaning her name all night. Her heart thudded in her chest, drowning out everything else. The pain, the bruises, the mission—they all faded into the background. All that remained was the memory of those lips, how they’d felt against hers, the way they’d made her forget everything but you.
Natasha swallowed hard, fighting to stay present, but it was useless. Her green eyes lingered on your mouth, tracing the curve of your lips and the way they moved as you murmured soft reassurances. Every part of Natasha ached to close the distance, to taste those lips again, to lose herself in that same rush that had consumed her that night. It was maddening how badly she wanted it—how badly she wanted you.
And for a moment, just a fleeting second, Natasha wondered if you felt it too—if you could feel the tension crackling in the air between you, the way Natasha’s pulse quickened under your touch. But she couldn’t think of anything else. She couldn’t think of anything but how close you were and how desperately she wanted to close that gap.
Your hand lingered for a moment longer, your fingers brushing over Natasha’s skin gently. And you were just about to pull away, to turn your attention back to the supplies on the tray beside you, when she felt it—a sudden rush deep in her chest that she couldn’t ignore. The words she’d been holding back for so long, the ones that had burned at the tip of her tongue for what felt like forever, finally pushed their way out, unbidden and unstoppable.
“I love you.”
It was barely a whisper, but in the quiet of the med bay, it sounded deafening. Natasha hadn’t meant to say it, not like this, not when she was bruised and battered, vulnerable in a way she hated to be. But the moment had slipped through her fingers, and now the words were out there, hanging in the air between you.
You froze, your fingers still resting against Natasha’s face, your eyes widening slightly as the words registered. For a split second, there was nothing but silence, a silence so thick and heavy that Natasha almost couldn’t breathe. She hadn’t planned this, hadn’t prepared for the possibility that she might lose control, that she might let her guard down so completely. But it’s so hard not to when she was with you.
But then your eyes softened, your expression shifting from shock to something Natasha couldn’t quite read—something gentle, something that made Natasha’s heart pound even harder. Your hand moved again, this time not to turn away but to cradle Natasha’s face more firmly, your thumb brushing lightly over her cheek.
“Natasha…” You whispered, your voice barely audible, and there was a tenderness in your tone that made Natasha’s breath hitch. Your eyes searched hers, as if trying to find the truth behind the words, to make sure you hadn’t imagined them.
But Natasha couldn’t take them back now. She didn’t want to. The weight of them had already lifted, and even though her heart was racing, even though her chest ached with the fear of what might come next, what you might say, she didn’t regret it. All she could do was hold your gaze, waiting, hoping that somehow this wouldn’t be the moment everything shattered.
The redhead leaned into your touch, her eyes fluttering shut for just a moment as she let the warmth of your palm soothe the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. The confession had slipped out too quickly, too easily, but now that it was out there, she couldn’t stop herself. It felt like a dam had broken, and all the feelings she’d kept buried for so long were rushing out.
“I’ve always loved you,” Natasha murmured again, her voice steadier this time, though still soft, vulnerable in a way that felt foreign to her. She opened her eyes again, finding your gentle gaze still locked on hers, wide and searching. Natasha’s heart pounded as she watched the emotions flicker across your face—surprise, confusion, and something else she couldn’t quite place.
You didn’t pull away. If anything, your grip on Natasha’s face tightened, your thumb gently brushing against the curve of her cheek. The silence that followed wasn’t as suffocating as before, but it still held weight, heavy with what Natasha had just said. She could see you processing it, trying to make sense of the sudden shift of the words that had come so unexpectedly. But Natasha didn’t waver. She let herself sink into the moment, letting herself be held by your gaze and by the feel of your hand on her skin. She’d always known that her feelings for you ran deep—deeper than she’d ever allowed herself to admit.
“(Y/n)…” Natasha murmured, her voice soft but more certain. She tilted her head slightly, pressing a soft kiss to your palm, her lips lingering there for a moment as you let her words sink in. She wasn’t asking for anything, not really. She just needed you to know. To understand.
Your eyes flickered with uncertainty, a shadow of doubt crossing your expression. It wasn’t like Natasha to confess anything so personal, so vulnerable, especially when it came to her feelings. It left you reeling. You searched Natasha’s face, looking for any hint of insincerity, any sign that this might be some sort of joke. But all you found was the steady, unwavering gaze of someone who had just bared their soul.
“You’re not joking?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper, tinged with disbelief. There was a softness in your tone, a hint of hope that you almost didn’t want to acknowledge.
Natasha’s lips curved into a small, reassuring smile. She shook her head, her eyes never leaving yours.
“Why would I be joking?” she replied, her voice firm, carrying a quiet confidence that left no room for doubt.
There was no teasing in her expression, no hint of the usual playfulness that often accompanied her words.
This was different. This was real.
“You’ve just... never said anything... Before, I mean,” you tell her, drawing your hand back slightly only for Natasha to hold your wrist still. You took a deep breath. “You’ve always said that you don’t like getting too attached to anyone.”
Natasha’s gaze softened as your words hung in the air. It was true—she had always been the one to keep her distance, to draw a line between herself and everyone else. Attachment was dangerous. It made you vulnerable; it made you weak. And in her line of work, weakness could get you killed. She’d lived by that rule for so long that it had become second nature, a part of who she was.
But looking at you now, with the worry and confusion etched across your beautiful face, Natasha felt all of that unraveling. The walls she’d built so carefully over the years crumbled piece by piece, until there was nothing left but the raw, undeniable truth of what she felt.
“I know,” Natasha said quietly, her voice carrying a weight that matched the heaviness in her chest. She hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to explain something she’d never really let herself admit. “I said that because I thought it would make me lose focus. But with you…”
She trailed off, her eyes searching yours, hoping that somehow you could understand what she was struggling to say. “With you, it’s different. It always has been. I didn’t want to admit it, maybe because I was scared… scared of what it would mean. But I can’t keep pretending like I don’t feel this... like I don’t want this.”
“I’ve actually been trying to ask you out on a date these past couple weeks.” Natasha took a breath, her hand moving to cover yours, her thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles. “Had it all planned out... But I never found the right time to ask you.”
You smiled softly, “Really?”
“Yeah,” she replied, shaking her head.
Your smile grew, the tension in your shoulders easing as you absorbed Natasha’s confession.
Her hand remained on yours, her thumb still brushing lightly against your skin. “But if, for whatever reason, you don’t want to or... don’t feel the same way... that’d be okay. It’ll take me a while to get over, but I don’t want to force you.”
Your heart ached at the thought of Natasha being hurt and her struggling through rejection. The sincerity in Natasha’s voice, the way she laid her feelings bare with such honesty, made your decision clear. You reached out and shook your head, your thumb brushing away a stray strand of hair.
“You don’t have to worry about that, Natasha,” you said softly, your eyes meeting hers.
The words seemed to hang in the air, a delicate promise of something new, something hopeful. Natasha’s eyes widened slightly, her breath catching in her throat as she processed your words.
“And... I’d really love to go on that date with you.”
Natasha’s heart leaped at your response, relief and joy flooding through her. The uncertainty that had clouded her mind for weeks, the fear of rejection, seemed to dissipate in an instant. Your smile, soft and warm, was like a beacon of hope that cut through the fog of Natasha’s doubts. The way your eyes sparkled with affection made Natasha’s chest tighten with a happiness she hadn’t allowed herself to fully feel before.
“Yeah?” Natasha’s voice was barely above a whisper, as if she couldn’t quite believe the words that fell from your mouth. She imagined every negative scenario and had been bracing herself for disappointment, for the possibility that her feelings might not be reciprocated, and to hear your affirmation was everything to her.
Your smile grew even wider, your eyes meeting her green ones with a tenderness that made Natasha’s breath catch.
“Yeah,” you said softly, her voice steady and sincere.
Natasha’s thumb gently caressed your hand, her gaze lingering on your face. “I’m really glad to hear that,” she said, her voice filled with excitement. “Just... let me know when you’re free, and we’ll make it happen.”
You give her a look. “How about when you’re fully healed, hm?”
Natasha chuckled softly, the sound mingling with the warmth in her eyes as she met your playful gaze.
“Deal,” she said with a grin, her voice carrying a note of playful defiance. She shifted slightly on the bed, trying to ease her discomfort, but her smile remained. “I guess, to make sure I heal properly, I’d have to let you take care of me a little longer. Not that I’m complaining about that.”
Your eyes sparkled with amusement, a knowing smile tugging at your lips. “Oh, I’m sure you’re not,” she said, her tone teasing yet affectionate.
Natasha’s heart swelled at your words, the playfulness in your voice making her feel cherished in a way she hadn’t expected.
You rolled your eyes and smiled at her, “Now, let me finish. You’re distracting me.”
Natasha’s lips curled into a gentle smile, and she sighed, her eyes sparkling with affection. “Okay, baby. I’ll be good,” she replied, her voice low and tender, the endearment slipping out naturally, almost as if it were second nature.
Your cheeks flushed deeper, your eyes flickering up to meet Natasha’s for a moment before you quickly looked away, trying to maintain her professional composure. Both the embarrassment and focus in your expression were endearing, and Natasha couldn’t help but feel like she was over the moon.
As you continued your work, gently dabbing the last of the ointments and soothing creams on her, Natasha stayed quiet, simply enjoying the sight of you and the way you moved with purpose and care. There was something comforting about being cared for by someone she loved, and in these moments, Natasha felt grateful and at peace.
When you finished, you pulled away to clean your hands as Natasha laid her head back against the adjustable bed, the head of it raised up comfortably for her to lean against. She let out a quiet breath as her head sank into the pillow. The tension that had coiled through her muscles slowly unwound, leaving her feeling weightless, almost serene. Her eyes fluttered shut, and a soft smile played on her lips. The cool air of the med bay, the distant hum of machines, all faded into the background as she focused on the lingering warmth of your touch, the way your fingers had brushed against Natasha's skin so gently.
The pain that had been gnawing at her ribs was a dull, distant ache now, replaced by a warmth that spread through her chest. She let herself sink deeper into that feeling, savoring it, her thoughts blissfully quiet for once.
She was content—more content than she could remember being in a long time. This was enough—your presence, the gentle care you had shown, the soft, lingering scent of antiseptic, and something sweeter, something uniquely you. Natasha's smile deepened, and she sighed softly, her heart swelling with gratitude and affection. She could stay here forever, knowing you were right next to her.
And then, just as Natasha felt herself drifting on the edge of sleep, she heard your voice—soft, tentative, pulling her back from the brink.
There was a beat of silence.
“I don’t think I’ve said it yet,” she heard you say, your voice shy but sure. “But, I love you, too.”
Natasha's eyes fluttered open at the sound of your voice, her heart skipping a beat as she registered the words. She lifted her head, her gaze locking onto your face, which was now tinged with a soft blush. For a moment, Natasha just stared at you, caught off guard by the sudden rush of warmth spreading through her chest as she looked at you. You stood there, absentmindedly wiping your hands clean. But your usual composed demeanor was now softened, your shyness making you seem even more beautiful in Natasha’s eyes. The way you flushed, the way your lips curled into that shy smile—it all felt like a dream.
Without thinking, driven purely by instinct, Natasha tried to sit up, ignoring the sharp protest from her broken rib. Her only focus was you—your face, your lips—drawing nearer, as if she were being pulled by an invisible force. She needed to close the distance; she needed to feel those soft lips of yours against hers.
But before she could move any closer, your hand was there—firm yet gentle—against her chest, guiding her back down with a tender but insistent pressure.
“Whoa, hey,” you said softly, your voice laced with concern as you kept Natasha in place, your touch more soothing than restraining. “Don’t move. You need to minimize all movement.”
Natasha let out a frustrated exhale, her pout unmistakable as she stared up at you, caught between longing and the dull ache in her side.
“You seriously expect me not to kiss you after you just told me you love me?” She murmured, her voice tinged with a playful defiance, though her body reluctantly surrendered to your care.
“Yes, I do.”
But your lips curled into a knowing smile as you saw the frustration in Natasha’s eyes. With a gentle, playful smile, you leaned down, your lips barely brushing Natasha’s in a tender kiss. The contact was fleeting, but it held a promise of more. Natasha’s eyes fluttered shut, her lips instinctively moving toward yours in a desperate attempt to deepen the kiss. She sighed against your mouth, moaning softly at the feeling of your lips finally pressing against hers. She felt a surge of warmth as she reached for you, her hand finding its way to the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair, trying to pull you closer.
But your hand remained steady on Natasha’s chest, a gentle reminder to keep still. You pulled back just enough to keep the kiss from deepening, her breath mingling with Natasha’s as you looked down with a teasing glint in your eyes.
“Agent Romanoff,” you said softly, her tone both affectionate and teasing. “I do believe I told you to rest.”
Natasha’s lips curved into a playful pout, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she gazed up at you, her thumb caressing the skin behind your ear as her hand rested against the side of your neck.
“You know,” Natasha said, her voice a sultry whisper, “I’m starting to think you enjoy having this kind of power over me.”
You chuckled, narrowing your eyes as you gave her a sexy glance. “Maybe,” she admitted, her smile widening.
Natasha grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she relaxed back against the pillow. “Well, if this is what it takes to get more of those kisses,” she said, her voice low and teasing, “then I might just have to let you boss me around a bit longer.”
Your cheeks flushed with a soft pink, your eyes shining amusement. You leaned down again, giving Natasha one last gentle peck before pulling back, your hand still resting lightly on Natasha’s chest. You pulled back slightly, your expression softening as you met her eyes.
“Rest,” you said sternly, though your voice held a trace of affection. The authority in your tone was undeniable, but it was softened by the warmth of her gaze.
Natasha’s smile lingered, a hint of playful defiance still dancing in her eyes. “Yes, ma’am,” she replied softly, her voice carrying a teasing edge despite her agreement.
She sank back into the bed, the pain in her ribs momentarily forgotten as she focused the thought of your presence, your gentle hands, and your soft, delicious lips. As Natasha lay back against the pillow, her body finally succumbing to the soothing embrace of rest, contentment washing over her. The pain in her ribs seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the warmth of your presence.
Later, opening her eyes for a moment, she could see you sitting beside her, comfortably nestled into that same chair, now with a book in your hand. The sight of you getting ready to be absorbed in your reading, keeping Natasha company as she rested, filled her peace.
She reached out to you with a quiet, unspoken need, finding your hand resting gently on the bed. Noticing the gesture, you let Natasha’s fingers settle softly into your own, allowing your hands to rest together against the cool sheets. With a soft smile, you held the book in your other hand, the pages casually open, resting comfortably on your lap. As Natasha’s fingers intertwined with yours, your touch remained light and soothing, squeezing softly as you held her hand. As her eyelids grew heavy and the soothing pull of sleep began to claim her, she relished the comfort of your hand in hers. The warmth of your fingers, soft and steady, felt perfect in hers. The subtle pressure of your grip was calming, intimate, and gentle, wrapping Natasha in a warmth she’d like to keep forever. Knowing you were there eased Natasha into that peacefulness she aimed to never lose.
And with a soft sigh, Natasha closed her eyes, letting the rhythmic sound of your gentle breathing lull her into a serene sleep. Her thoughts drifted, focused on dreaming of you, excited for what the future had in store for the two of you. The gentle light of the bedside lamp cast a warm glow—with Natasha’s face peaceful in sleep, and you occasionally glanced down at your joined hands before returning to your book.
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note: i think i may have gotten carried away womp womp (also there’s no masterlist yet for natasha since this is my first one)
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scarletlizzard · 4 months
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Inked Desires - Part 3
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Pairing: gp!Natasha × fem!Reader
Tags Minors DNI: natasha has a dick, miscommunication, unprotected sex, breeding, cheesy shit
A/n: Thank you to everyone who stuck around for this part, and thank you for 1,000 followers! 🥳 There are no more parts to this, but I do have some drabbles I'd like to write for it if y'all are interested 🫶 Please leave some feedback, and thank you again for reading ❤️
Art Creds for the first 2 pics: @sweet--escape17 (Please go check out their art, it's amazing!)
Also, shoutout: @oolsen (Thanks for helping me with the plot when I get stuck!)
Your eyes glaze over as you stare at the screen of your phone, looking at the same messages that had been sitting in your conversation with Natasha for the past week. You replay the events from the last night you saw her at Joe's bar, wondering where you went wrong. An entire week, gone, and not a single text. No 'Good Morning'. No 'Have a great day'. No ridiculous smiling emojis attached to an even more ridiculous joke. Instead, a one-sided conversation with yourself:
Y/N: I had so much fun last night!
Y/N: Have a good day, baby <3
Y/N: Maybe we can get together soon? Kate told me about a fair happening nearby next weekend. I think that might be fun!
Y/N: Hey, is everything okay?
It wasn't like Natasha to not text you back. The two of you had practically talked every day since meeting, and when you hadn't, she always had a good reason for not replying. Most of the time, it had been you that was too busy to text back... but now the quietness of the empty chat in the palm of your hand allowed an eerie loneliness to seep into your chest, along with a feeling of guilt.
"Come on, it'll be fun! " Kates voice rings in your ear from your phone. A sigh spills from your lips as you shake your head, knowing she can't see you.
"I don't know, I'm just not really in the mood..." You mumble into the speaker and silently thank the man who opens the door for you. The smell of freshly brewed coffee enters your nose, a small sense of comfort filling the cracks in your chest.
"Well, you don't really have a choice. You already know I'm dragging you with me... Plus, you can't be in a bad mood when you're eating caramel popcorn," You can practically see the grin on Kates face, knowing how much you loved the simple fair treat. You can also hear movement from the other side of the phone, raising an eyebrow as Kate shuffles around.
"Alright then, fine. Only for the popcorn," you sigh again as Kate cheers. She tells you goodbye as you walk up to the counter to order your usual latte. You pay and move to the opposite side of the counter to await your drink, when you spot a familiar red head in the corner.
Your eyes widen, chest bursting at the sight of Natasha. The feelings hit you all at once, guilt, anger, confusion. Overwhelmingly at the top, happiness. Her brows pull together in concentration at the paper, headphones rest atop her head as she sketches away in a notebook. Her short sleeve shirt reveals her inked skin, and you feel the familiar desire for her all over again.
You give yourself a second longer to stare, a second longer to mentally prepare yourself for what you want to say. Where have you been? Why haven't you texted me back? But as you step closer to the table, and her kind green eyes move away from the paper and to your not so composed stature, your mind seemingly empties.
"Hi," you say with a small smile after she removes her headphones. Natasha clears her throat awkwardly. You want to kiss her red cheeks.
"Y/N, hey," the smile she gives you back doesn't seem genuine, causing your own to fade.
"I've texted you a few times. Is... everything okay?" You ask, a small tilt of your head.
"Um, yeah, you know. I've just been busy?" She avoids your eyes, her body language distant as she crosses her arms with a shrug. You glimpse at the notebook open on the table, an intricate design of lines and shapes, before she closes it abruptly. "I actually have to get to work," Natasha sighs and throws the notebook and pencils into her bag. You don't miss the fact she's not wearing her work shirt.
"Right." You click your tongue as she stands, the tension in the air killing both of you.
As badly as Natasha wanted to pull you into her arms and kiss the worry off of your face, she couldn't. She couldn't deal with the fact she wanted more and that it was reciprocated. She couldn't deal with the fact that she wanted late night talks and laughs, while assuming you only wanted late night hookups. She couldn't deal with the fact that she liked you more than she thought she would, while assuming your interest in her was not on the same level.
"Look, can we talk?" Your soft tone surprises her as she stands, her tall frame towering over you. "Maybe tomorrow we can get together and just... talk. Huh, baby?" The term of endearment slips your tongue, and in a last ditch effort, your hand reaches out to softly touch her bicep.
Natasha finally meets your eyes again, and the two of you still for a moment, the coffee shop fading around you. She almost gives into you once again. She was weak against you. You feel her muscles tense in your grip, and the sound of your name being called by the barista takes her attention away from you. She takes a step backward and pulls on her pierced lip with her teeth.
"I uh, I'm hanging out with Yelena tomorrow," she rubs the back of her neck, attempting to sooth her nerves. You only stare up at her, feeling defeated. "Maybe next time."
You frown up at her, the feelings of confusion and anger rising to the surface as she refuses to look you in the eyes. "Sure. Next time."
Natasha opens her mouth to speak again, but no words come out. Instead, she turns her back to you and walks away, leaving you behind.
The next day, you found yourself once again staring at the empty conversation on your phone. You had typed up a million different messages, none of them sounding good enough to send. All night, you had tried to come up with the words to say to her. Ranging from paragraphs of you confessing your feelings to a simple, 'Hey, I like you. What are we doing?'
She had said she wanted more, didn't she? Why were you suddenly getting the cold shoulder?
You sigh aloud as you walk into your apartment building, calling Kate for the fourth time since you got off work early. In a rush this morning, you had forgotten your key, and you desperately hoped she was still there to let you in. Trudging slowly up the stairs, you get her voicemail - again.
As you walk up to the familiar sight of your door you knock hard, "Bishop, you'd better have a good fucking reason for not answering my calls," you joke and continue banging on the door. The lock clicks, and the door swings open. "I'm so glad you're home I-" you stop mid sentence, a now unfamiliar sight standing before you.
"Kate saw she had missed calls from you, I think she's hiding," Yelena laughs and steps back inside the apartment as you walk in behind her.
"Yelena.. I- what are you..?" Your heart picks up for a moment, assuming Natasha would be here with her.
"Oh, Kate invited me over for a movie day," her accent is thick as she speaks, and she gives you a friendly smile. Apparently, she was unaware of the current state between you and her sister.
"Aren't you hanging out with Natasha today?" You ask with a tilt of your head. Yelena raises an eyebrow and shakes her own head.
"No?" She questions and returns to her seat on the couch amongst a pile of pillows and blankets.
Your stomach drops. Natasha had lied to you. Why would she lie to you? Your mind begins to spiral at the list of reasons as to why she would. Kate walks out from the bathroom in the hall and sees the furious expression written on your face.
"Uh.. hey, you got off early!" Kate strides across the room towards you. "Everything okay?" She asks.
"Everything's great." You give her a bitter smile, making her eyes widen. "I'm sorry to interrupt your movie day," you look behind Kate to Yelena.
"Well, maybe since you're here, we can call Natasha over?" Yelena looks back to the now wide, sarcastic smile planted on your face.
"You know what, that's actually a great idea," you mutter and walk past Kate towards Yelena, who was already grabbing her phone.
"Y/N," Kate starts, but you quickly silence her with a glare.
"Oh, she finally answers!" Yelena laughs into the speaker and looks to you, blind to the situation unfolding in front of her. "Where are you at? Of course you are, that was a stupid question. Look, I'm at Y/N and Kates, we are having a movie day! Why don't you quit working out for 2 minutes and come over?"
At Yelenas words, you quickly walk to the kitchen counter where your key rests, grabbing it. She was at the gym, of course she was. You don't need to see Yelenas face change as you hear her English switch to fluent Russian. Natasha was finally filling her in. Kate gives you a look that you ignore as you leave the apartment and prepare yourself to make the 5 minute walk to Natashas gym.
The two of you passed by it any time you hung out, always pointing out the fact it was so close to your place and how you wondered why the two of you had never met before her party. Your footsteps are heavy against the sidewalk, and you don't give yourself a second to think about your current state. Still in your work uniformed shirt and slacks, hair a mess, eyes dark underneath from lack of sleep. It didn't matter. You were set on finally confronting her.
You walk inside to see Natasha standing by the weights, an unsurprised look on her face as she watches you move swiftly amongst the workout equipment. Your heart races in your chest, an uneasy feeling as Natasha begins to tower over you the closer you get. You try your best to ignore the tight black tank top she wore, along with the tight black shorts that showed off her toned and tatted thighs. You forced yourself to look only in her eyes.
"Y/N... let me explain," Natasha begins. You roll your eyes and ignore her words, anger bursting from every crack.
"So what is this then? You're just going to fuck me in a dirty bathroom bar then ignore me? Lie to me?" It leaves your mouth faster than you can think about it. Natasha meets your gaze at the words, a hurt expression on her face. Gone are the soft eyes once reserved for you, replaced with the cold stare everyone else receives.
"Are you kidding me? That's funny coming from you, Y/N," she scoffs, tone laced with venom.
"What the fuck does that mean?" You raise your voice, watching as Natasha steps forward towards you.
"Lower your tone," she commands, looking around the gym. You suddenly feel small. "I mean, that's all you want from me, isn't it? Look, I told you I wanted more of-of this," she motions between the two of you. "You don't, and that's fine, but stop trying to text me every time you need to get off." The last part is said in spite, and you feel as if you'd been pushed back. Natasha wanted to take it back as quick as she'd said it, but maybe being harsh was what she needed to get rid of her growing feelings towards you.
"Is that what you think I am? Just some slut trying to use you?" You spit back, watching her face twist in confusion.
"I never said that, Y/N."
"No, but it's implied."
"Unless the words leave my mouth, don't you dare put them in yourself."
"Is that seriously what you think?" You huff out. She nods, standing straight and crossing her arms.
"Well, yeah?" Her voice is unsure as she looks down at you. You sigh loudly, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers.
"You are a fucking idiot," you say with a shake of your head. Natasha face contorts as you look back up.
"Excuse m-"
"Why do you think I text you all the time to hang out? Why I invited you to hang out with my friends ?" You ask her in a serious tone, seeing her body language soften. "You want to talk about putting words in mouths? You don't get to say if I do or don't like you - and for your information, I do. A lot," you sigh as you finish your ramble.
"You do?" Is all she says, and you don't know if you want to slap her or kiss her.
"Of course I do.. I thought that was pretty obvious." It's your turn to cross your arms as she brings a hand up to rub her inked neck, her cheeks turning red to match the hair braided behind her.
"It's just - I thought maybe - You didn't -" She stumbles over her words, suddenly with a nervous demeanor.
Natasha wasn't prepared for this. She was prepared for an argument and then to never see you again. She hadn't given it a thought that you actually did reciprocate those feelings. And now here you were standing before her, in her mind, looking as beautiful as ever. She was putty, again.
"You didn't say anything that night back, so I just assumed.." her voice is soft to match her eyes, and you feel that guilt again, seeping out of you.
"Baby.. I'm so sorry. It was only because I was so excited that you felt the same way I did, I didn't know what to say," you reply just as soft and step forward. Natashas eyes spark with life at the use of her favorite word, leaving your lips, and her arm instinctively flexes as you touch her forearm. "Maybe next time, give a girl a moment to gather her thoughts?" You say with a small smile. Your heart leaps at the smile that spreads across her lips.
There's a moment of silence between the two of you, and just like before, the world seems to quiet and blur around you.
"Hi," Natasha chuckles, and you roll your eyes at the familiar game.
"Hi," You giggle back and reach up to cup her cheek. She leans down with a strong hand resting on your hip, lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.
The two of your pull apart, but her large hand continues to rest on your side as you stand in front of her, now letting your eyes admire her toned muscles that were on display. The black lines on her skin move with every flex in her arm.
"Tell me more about this fair... will there be caramel popcorn?" Natasha asks. Your eyes shoot quickly up to hers as a warmth spreads through your chest.
You hadn't told her about your love for the snack. You lean up and kiss her again, ignoring the confused look on her face and letting yourself melt against her.
Lights of all colors of the rainbow seemed to flash around you. The sounds of laughter and screaming of people on the rides filled your ears. Your eyes search the area around you, watching as couples and families walk from stand to stand. A few teenagers run by, and a loud ringing and a cry of, "Winner!" catches your attention from next to you.
"Holy shit!" Kate laughs and taps your arm, showing you the brown teddy bear she won. You can't help but smile at the sight.
"Only took you about ten tries," you laugh along with her, reaching out to check out the bear. As you hand it back to her, you notice her eyes trail above your head. Then, a pair of thick arms wrap around your waist from behind. You can smell the familiar scent of the fragrance she wore.
"Well, well, what have we won?" Natasha asks from behind you. You lean back against her, smiling widely as she leans down to press a kiss to your cheek. "Pretty girl.." She mumbles in your ear, fingers tracing the material of your dress.
Things had been going great with Natasha since you talked about your miscommunication. Her morning texts returned, along with nightly chats over the phone until one of you fell asleep. She took you on dates, and you even went with her to the gym. Though, that mostly consisted of you shamelessly checking her out while she blushed gorgeously. You were happy, truly happy. One thing that had been building between the two of you was a certain... tension. The last time you both were intimate was the night at the bar. Since then, there have only been a few heavy make-out sessions and teasing between you. It seemed neither one of you wanted to be the first one to give in to those oh so familiar desires.
"Kate finally won a teddy bear, twenty dollars later," you cough out the last part jokingly and rest your hands on top of Natashas that stayed wrapped securely around you.
Kate groans and rolls her eyes playfully, "You know what? I'm not sharing him with you anymore."
You scoff, feeling Natashas chest rumble as she laughs along with Kate. "Yelena is at the ticket stand, by the way," Natasha says with a small smirk on her lips. Kates eyes widen a bit.
"Oh?" She says with a slow nod. "You know, actually, I think I need some more tickets!" Kate pats her pockets innocently with a shrug and gives you a smile. "Meet you later?" She asks, and you give her nod before she walks away.
Turning in Natashas arms, you finally get a good look at her, and you could drool at the sight of her in her white shirt and blue jeans. Just as always, you can see the pops of color peaking out from the seams, dark lines visible through the thin fabric. Her crooked smile lets a chuckle slip through.
"Alright?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as you continue to gawk at her.
"More than alright," you clear your throat and step back, letting your hand take hers. "Now, are you going to win me a teddy bear, or do I have to do it myself?" You poke her side, and she laughs.
"Step aside, I've got this," Natasha leans down to kiss your forehead, taking out her wallet and handing money to the man in charge of the booth.
"Three shots to knock down the bottles, and it's all yours!" He cheers loudly to gain the attention of others, showing off the teddy bear in question. Natasha takes the ball in her hand, and your eyes are glued to her broad shoulders as she winds up. She throws the ball, missing completely.
"That was just a warm-up," she turns back to look at you, clearing her throat. You stiffle a laugh and purse your lips, nodding.
"Of course, baby! Just a warm-up."
"Two more shots!" The man cries.
Natashas gaze changes from playful to pure concentration, eyes focused intently on the stacked bottles in front of her. She throws again, this time knocking two of the three bottles down. You can't help but let out a giggle this time at the proud expression on her face as she turns to you once more.
"One shot, and it's all yours!" He says loudly, shaking the bear next to her.
"Piece of cake," Natasha says with a laugh. She takes the last ball and winds up again, only to miss completely.
"Ohh, out of luck!" He says with a shrug and moves away. "Who's next?" He yells.
Natasha turns to you with red cheeks, "So maybe I'm not so good at this?" She rubs the back of her neck, and you only shake your head.
"Step aside," you repeat her own words to her, brushing against her as you hand the man money. He goes through his same shpiel and hands you a ball. Only when you go to throw it, the ball hits the bottles perfectly. All three go down instantly.
"Winner!" He yells loudly, handing you the stuffed bear. You smile widley as you take it and return to Natasha, a stunned look on her face.
"But.. how did you.." She shakes her head.
"Here you go, princess," you tease and hand her the bear, giggling as she rolls her eyes but accepts it.
"Alright now, at least let me buy you some popcorn," Natasha laughs along with you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you walk.
The two of you spend the next couple of hours riding the carnival rides the fair had to offer, walking around aimlessly, laughing and smiling, teasing each other. You had never felt happier. As you stand there, finally eating your favorite sweet treat, you look at Natasha stood next to you, the sight making you smile. You take out your phone and step back, ignoring the questioning look from her and snap a picture.
You giggle at the image you got of her, the stark contrast of her heavily tattooed and pierced body whilst standing there holding a teddy bear and a box of popcorn was a sight to behold.
"What was that for?" She raises an eyebrow, trying to look at the picture you took.
"Nothing, I just wanted a good memory of this," you smile and put your phone back in your pocket quickly, grabbing another handful of the caramel popcorn. Natasha smiles back. Before she can say anything, a raindrop hits her face.
"What the -" She starts, looking up at the dark night sky. The drops start coming faster, hitting harder as the rain begins to pour. All around you, people begin walking quickly to canopies, attempting to stay dry. "Come on," she says and grabs your hand.
The two of you make your way through the crowds of people, rain pouring down as she leads you out of the fairgrounds. The bright lights and loud music begin to fade as you run behind her, seeing her car just across the lot. Once you reach it, Natasha opens the passenger door for you.
The small act has you swooning as she stands there, waiting with a smile for you to get in. That even in the pouring rain, she was just the type of person to open the door for you. Instead of moving past her, you reach up to take her face in your hands, stepping on your tiptoes to kiss her.
The darkness is thick around the two of you, rain drowning out any nearby sounds. Natashas hands move from the door to wrap around your back, letting you down on your feet as she leans down to deepen the kiss. The cold rain is unforgiving as you melt into each other. A shiver runs through your body as her tongue slips in your mouth, a groan leaving your throat as the two halves spread to engulf your own. At your shiver, she pulls away breathlessly.
"We should get in," she utters against your lips. You nod feverishly.
"Backseat," you say, earning a groan from Natasha. She quickly pulls you away and opens the back door, letting you climb in. She follows behind, and as soon as the door is shut, you are climbing into her lap, lips colliding with hers again. The kiss is messy, tongues sloppily licking at eachothers mouths as you make out.
"Do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?" Natasha moans as your lips travel to her neck, her chest rising and falling rapidly with every nip. At her words, you grind your hips down in her lap, feeling her growing bulge. "F-fuck," she whimpers, bucking her hips up as you grind against her. "I need to be inside you, now," she groans. Her large hands move to your thighs, lifting your dress above your hips.
"Desperate, are we?" You purr, bitting down hard against her neck. She moans and nods, letting one of her hands move up to grip your jaw.
"Y/n," the soft look in her eyes is replaced with dark lust. "I need to fuck you. Now," she reiterates, grip on your jaw tight. Her thumb slips into your mouth, and as you suck on the digit she moans.
Your hands move to the bottom of her shirt, lifting the heavy, wet fabric over her head, along with her bra. Your fingers trace the tattoos that litter her collarbone, nails scratching lightly. You couldn't deny you were just as desperate for her. Natasha lets you up slightly to undo her jeans, pulling them down past her knees along with her underwear. She winces as you return to your previous position in her lap, hard cock rubbing against your still clothed pussy. She could feel you soaking through the thin material.
"God, I've missed this," you mumble as her lips reconnect with yours. You feel her fingers pull your underwear to the side, the tip of her cock rubbing against your aching cunt. Your hips hover over her length before slowly taking in a few inches.
The two of you moan loudly in the small car at the feeling, windows already fogged from your breathy groans.
"My pretty girl.. fuck," Natasha hisses as you lower yourself all the way down, feeling her thick cock stretching you out completely. "You were just made to take me," she moans again, hands resting on your hips. Your hands grip onto her shoulders, nails digging into the side of her neck. Her hands guide your hips to move, and you begin to ride her. Your eyes screw shut as she splits you in two, euphoria filling your veins with every movement of her own hips slapping up to meet your bounces.
"Look at you riding my cock, such a good girl for me," Natasha grunts as she watches your lips part, head thrown back in pleasure. "Taking every inch, fucking yourself on me," she pants out.
The coil in your stomach was building quickly, and as your legs began to grow weak, Natasha held tightly onto your hips, thrusting up into you harshly. Your mouth met hers again, and she swallowed your moans as you kissed her. "Baby I-I'm gonna cum," you moan out, whimpering as she shakes her head.
"Hold it. You cum with me or not at all," Natashas voice is stern, and your head falls forward into her neck. Your chests press together, and you can feel the piercings on her nipples rub against your dress as her arms wrap around your back to hold you in place.
"I wanna feel you soak my cock, god just listen to your pretty cunt make those noises," she moans. You can hear your wetness with every thrust, mixing the the rain hammering onto the roof of the car. The two of you are wet, sticky, and messy. Natashas primal urges to fuck you sending you closer and closer.
"Ohh, Nat, please I need to cum! Fill me up, baby," your moans turn higher pitched and she knows you won't last any longer, and neither will she.
"That's it, pretty girl.. cum for me. That's it, soak my cock, fuck, fuck!" Natashas mouth let's out a string of curses, fucking up into you mercilessly. The coil in your stomach snaps at her words, and you feel your orgasm hit hard. You moan her name loudly, body trembling as you feel her load fill you up, your hot walls swallowing every drop. Natashas hips finally slow to a stop, and you're left limp in her arms as the two of you pant against each others skin.
"So good, so good... my pretty girl..." Natasha whispers against your neck, holding you tightly. You stay like that for a while, head resting against her shoulder and just holding onto each other. The cool piercing on her lip brushes against your skin as she peppers kisses up to your face.
You lift your head to meet her soft green eyes with a smile, feeling her fingers brush your messy, damp hair out of your face. Before Natasha can even think to say it, you open your mouth.
"Hi," you giggle, earning a breathy laugh from the red head.
"Hi," she gives you a toothy grin and kisses your head.
The sunlight creeps through the windows, warming your skin. It was late in the morning, when you habitually reached out to grab your phone. Your heavy eyes barely peeking open as you check the screen. For a moment, in your sleepy morning haze, you looked for a 'good morning' text, but saw none.
It was then a pair of inked arms wrap around you from behind, and you smile to yourself, feeling Natashas body wrap around you protectively.
"Good morning," she mumbles tiredly against you, breath fanning the back of your neck. You chuckle and let yourself melt back into her hold, hands holding onto her arms as you drift back to sleep.
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marigoldenblooms · 6 months
That's a Wrap - One Shot
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Pairing: Director!Natasha x Fem!Actor!Reader x Actor!Wanda (MINORS DNI - 18+)
Summary: You and Wanda can’t seem to get this scene right. With your director’s help, you manage.
Tags: Is Y/N in the room with us right now (They aren’t), Dom!Natasha, Switch!Wanda, Bottom!Reader. Dub-con, power dynamic (Director/Actor), voyeurism, degradation, praise, semi-public sex, semi-orgasm denial, light edging, objectification, oral (W receiving), fingering (R receiving), strap-on use(R receiving), some pet names (baby, sweetheart, darling, ma’am, Tasha(For N), Wan/Wands(For W), Mommy(For W, used loosely)), Nat calls her strap her dick, semi-previous established relationship? Porn with plot, clothed sex, sextape, light aftercare, fluff at the end. 
A/N: Welcome to the first issue of Smut Saturdays! Want to really create some good shit in this genre, so I'm posting at least one spicy fic every Saturday (if I can help it)! This came to me in a vision (called the five minutes before my math class)- After my last smut fic did well (An Important Lesson, Prof!Wanda x Reader, which you can read here), I thought I’d do some WandaNat practice! Not proofread, written in the span of an evening. This is a crime against intimacy coordinators, I’m so sorry. Asides over. Natasha wears a strap to her films and she can dick me down with it, please and thank you!
Word Count: 2.4k - Read Length: 8 minutes, 49 seconds.
It was never fun when the producers came by. 
They’d always arrive in droves of two or three, never the top dog- as if Natasha’s ‘avant-garde chick flick’, as they called it, wasn’t worth their time. They certainly treated it as much. Today was the worst day for them to arrive, in pressed jackets and always on a phone call, because today you were filming the sex scene. It was more of a ‘romance’ scene, with alluring cinematography and enough passion to make your eyes fall out, yet you hadn’t even gotten to remove any clothes from your beautiful costar- Wanda. You knew she was incredible, her previous films as a fem fatale showing her dominant streak, however the spark couldn’t burn when interruptions from the suits kept happening. You weren’t on a porn set, and yet sometimes you wish you were. Might’ve been faster, or at least more fun. 
“From the top,” A groveled voice muttered, Natasha’s steely gaze breaking into your skull-  though a part of you wished she’d break your back. The redhead had always been an inspiration, one of the leading reasons for your participation in her project, besides her being so fine. But now, she looked pissed, worn down by hours of appeasing the producer’s half-baked suggestions and guarding you and Wanda from their prying eyes. “Yes Ma’am,” you replied, earning a slight chuckle from your director, the twinkle in her eye not lost on you- she was on her last legs, but it was yours and Wanda’s compliance that kept her going.
You’d return to your blocking, centered in the middle of your ‘apartment bedroom’, with Wanda’s hand placed gently on your waist. Your roles were lovers, reuniting after a long day of hardship, slowing down after it all. You’d stare up at her, the mild exasperation in your expression making her smile. She’d send a wink down to you, muttering something about being ‘bored too’, but ‘not hating kissing you again’, or the like. She’d invited you out to coffee tonight, and especially after a day like this, you’d take it. Perhaps you’d even forget the paparazzi and really kiss her as you’d been wanting to do this whole shoot. Throw a bone to the fanfiction writers and make their canon comply with reality. Maybe. It was Natasha’s words which startled you from your thoughts, a look of tenderness overcoming your face as you’d sink into your character, “Action!” 
Within an instant, Wanda hiked her hands under the hem of your shirt, eyes darting down to your face. Her palms were warm against you, smooth against your soft skin, as your head rested gently on her shoulder. She’d tug at the fabric- and you’d send her a quick nod, smiling as you’d lean up to capture her lips in yours-
 “Well that’s not very marketable!” A producer would crow, scoffing with both his hands outstretched towards the two of you. You’d freeze, feeling all of the passion drain out from the scene, no more than a shell of itself. His bald head wasn’t very marketable, looking like a morally dubious Mr. Clean- and yet you didn’t comment on it. He’d look at Natasha, the woman pinching the bridge of her nose with a stern sigh, and you gulped. Oh, shit. She was going to lose it. “Can’t you get their clothes off faster? Our focus groups won’t wait around for-”
“Fucking Christ, get- out!” Natasha shouted, a growl in her tone bringing heat to your face. She scowled, roaring to the surrounding suits, “Leave, get off my set- it’s my fucking turn to direct them.” Her hands would fan away their deer-in-headlights looks, ushering them out before locking the door. Her fiery gaze would bore into you then, jaw locked as her heels would click towards you and Wanda, many feet apart. 
The two shared a knowing nod- And before you could speak, your director grabbed Wanda by her shirt collar and pulled her into a bruising kiss. Your jaw would drop as the brunette’s eyes widened, fluttering shut as Wanda moaned into the embrace- Natasha’s hands planted firmly on her tits. She’d squeeze them, earning a gasp from Wanda, your costar’s head swung back as Natasha swiped her thumbs across her nipples. Your director’s gaze would strike yours, and you understood why Wanda’s submission was so quick. You shuddered at the redhead’s gleaming smirk, her voice a husked whisper, “Get those clothes off and get on the bed for me, baby. Now.” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” Your reply was instant, Natasha’s grin only widening as you’d shed your layers, kneeling on the mattress’s soft sheets. They were cold, goosebumps settling up your spine yet you wouldn’t move, eyes trained obediently on Natasha. You were so perfect for her. 
Natasha’s mouth would return to Wanda’s, pressing her into the faux wall that had outlined the bedroom. Her hand would splay against Wanda’s stomach, and you saw how she hiked up the shirt there, continuing to palm her tits while unclasping Wanda’s bra with the other. She’d pepper kisses across the brunette’s neck, sucking hickeys the lower she’d go. 
They’d part only so Wanda’s top could come completely off, your director keeping a claiming touch on Wanda’s hip as she’d look back at you over her shoulder. Her hair was wild, mused from Wanda’s hands slung loosely around her shoulders while her expression remained flushed, dark eyes darting down to the slick that pooled between your legs. Wanda’s voice would ring to you, almost reverent as her hips would stutter against Natasha’s, “She’s fucking drooling for us, Tasha..” 
The redhead would bite back a smirk as she’d watch you twitch. You ached to touch them, yourself, anything- your hands already balled into fists on your thighs, legs rubbing together, desperate for friction. But neither had given the command, and you had an inkling from their hungry looks that they wanted you needy, right where they had you. Natasha’s rasp came second, “Then show her what I taught you.”
Wanda would reach you first, discarding the rest of her clothes in the process. Her hands trailed warm touches up your legs and to your chest, digging into your soft flesh as her lips would meet yours. It was explosive, sweet and tender yet with a ferocity that claimed you quickly, heating up your skin as her knee would slot between your thighs. You’d feel Natasha’s calloused fingers on the small of your back, the sinking of her weight in the mattress behind you, and her tone husked in your ear, “Stretch her out for me, Wan- like we practiced.” Your director’s words sent a buzz to your core, cunt grinding mercilessly into the sheets below as Wanda’s hand would trail there, dragging two fingers along your folds before arcing dazzling circles around your clit. 
You’d eagerly press your hips into her touch, moaning lowly as she’d chuckle, “So wet for me, sweetheart…bet I can just slip right in.” She’d coax her fingers inside, your pussy walls taking her gladly as Wanda curled her digits against that spongy spot. Your back would arch, head growing fuzzy as you’d feel your slick drip down her hand. Her thumb would press into your clit as you’d buck your hips against her, cursing a quick “Fuck-” which was quickly swallowed up by Wanda’s mouth. She’d bite your lip, dragging it with her teeth as she’d settle into her rhythm, spare hand palming your tits with a rougher grasp, “Been waiting for this, haven’t you sweetheart- pretty whore, just for us.”
 “Mhm, good girl just wants to be fucked, don’t you?” Natasha would grit, and you could see her stroking something behind your back. She’d unzipped her slacks- her strap heavy in her hand, glistening with the spit she’d gathered in her palm. Natasha bucked her hips against her hold, cursing as the cock’s base would rub against her clit. She looked incredible, sweat across her brow as her hand would clench around the toy, like she could feel it. “Keep going, Wands- want her perfect for my dick.”
 Natasha would pant, breathing ragged as her hand moved in time with Wanda’s fingers- curling into you almost torturously, feeling your cunt clench around her. The brunette’s kiss would claim you again, moaning into her warmth as her thumb would circle your clit. She’d sigh almost lovingly, fondness overtaking her expression as your head found the crook of her neck, “She’s already perfect, Tasha-” She’d coo, although her hand wouldn’t stop, gasping at the squelching sound of her fingers up your cunt, “This pussy was made for us, darling.” 
Their words and touch brought you so close, yet Wanda’s hands slowed down when she felt your legs quiver or your breathing seize up, never giving you what you needed. You’d squirm against Wanda, begging for more, a lingering touch, anything-  “Please, Wan- I‘m so close,” You whined, earning a tut from your costar. She’d devour your pleas, lost to time as her mouth would reach yours, softer than before. You felt her sympathetic smile against you as she’d shake her head, locking eyes with Natasha’s heavy stare, “Not yet, sweetheart..It’s not my turn anymore.”
The redhead groaned when Wanda slid her fingers out of you, her fingers shimmering with your arousal. Your walls fluttered around nothing, aching for anyone’s touch as you felt Natasha’s rugged grasp on your hips, pulling you up and back so your pelvis was against hers. The strap had warmed in her hand, dragging between your legs. You were dripping for her, soft sparks of pleasure seizing you as her tip would brush against your clit. Her voice would thunder through you, almost delirious with her own need, “Fucking finally..want this pussy all to myself…” 
Wanda would chuckle at that, your director kneading at your hips as Wanda’s thighs settled in front of your mouth, your arms propping yourself just above her soaked cunt. “We promised to share, Tasha..” She’d croon, face flushed and touch softer than Natasha’s as she’d cradle your face in her palms, “Such a pretty girl..are you ready for your reward, darling?” You nodded, a flurry of sensation hitting you all at once- Natasha’s strap sinking into you as the redhead would push your shoulder blades down, pressing your face between Wanda’s legs. 
The stretch was incredible, the woman behind you vicious as she’d drive her dick into you, bottoming out as your mouth would be smothered against Wanda’s cunt. Each thrust would drive Wanda crazy, your gasps and whimpers vibrating right into her core, especially as you’d flat your tongue against her clit, suckling on the sensitive nub. Her thighs would threaten to shut on you, her stretched words lost in your pussydrunk haze, “Yes, like that sweetheart- such a good girl..-” Natasha would rock her hips into yours, pace bruising as she’d pull your thighs flush to hers. You’d hear her muffled curses as she’d bottom out again, sighing as if she could feel you clench around her. “Baby..fuck, so perfect for us…” Wanda’s hands would thread into your hair, anchoring her hold on you as she’d press your face further into her cunt. 
The sight would echo a curse from Natasha’s mouth, her hips growing a little more erratic, “Fucking christ, she’s our perfect little whore, aren’t you baby-” You’d try to nod, moaning as Natasha’s hand would press further into your back, keeping you from moving an inch, “Don’t even think, baby- just fucking take it, fuck-” 
Time would seem to slow, your brain fuzzing into blissful static as you’d feel Wanda’s thighs tremor around your head, her grip tightening as she’d see your body tremble in Natasha’s touch. “Come with me, sweetheart- be a good girl and come for Mommy.” Her saccharine words spurred you into a blinding release, your tongue working Wanda through her orgasm as your body quaked with your own. You’d feel Natasha follow shortly thereafter, cursing aloud as she’d pull herself out of you, watching as you’d clench around nothing. Her hands would immediately find your waist, bringing you gently up to kneel with your back against her clothed front. 
Panting, your arms would shake as you’d catch your breath, leaning up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You could feel both women’s eyes on you as you’d suckle on your fingers, cleaning up with an exaggerated moan, looking towards Wanda as you’d pop your hand out of your mouth, your words almost dreamy, “Mmm, so good, Wan..” You’d giggle as Wanda’s face would alight in blush, although the clink of metal and fabric drove you away from your teasing.
Natasha’s hands would be rushed as she’d pull her pants and harness down, eyes heavy with a lust that made you shudder, “Switch with me, Wands-” She’d grit, thrusting the strap in her general direction before settling calloused palms on your still quivering thighs, her gaze boring into yours, “It’s my turn for her mouth.” 
Wanda’s smirk was immediate, sending you another sly wink, “Gladly.” 
Unbeknownst to the three of you, the cameras had never stopped rolling. That film would never be seen by the public, kept hidden once you left the building. Not to say it couldn't be enjoyed by you three, though.
Natasha and Wanda took you out to coffee afterwards as the brunette had promised. They explained their prior agreement to ‘test the waters’ with you, Wanda working with Natasha on a plan to woo you both in and out of character. The date went well, although with much less lingering glances and more almost-fucking in the back of Wanda’s car afterwards. It was there that the public and paparazzi learned of your relationship, although their camera flash thankfully stopped any romance before it got good. You weren’t on a porn set, after all- and Wanda kept your half-nude form hidden while Natasha cursed out the press. All in a day’s work. 
Unfortunately, the day’s work began anew the next day. Filming the romance scene was no difficult measure now, but Natasha’s grin and Wanda’s wandering hands blurred the lines of professionalism. The film crew couldn’t care less, a few of them- such as Kate, a script supervisor- mentioned how they knew it would happen eventually (and won a bet with Peter, who said it’d take until the award show for you three to get together). 
However, once you three escaped into Natasha’s office for some ‘paperwork’ as she’d called it, it didn’t matter. They were yours, and that was enough.  ~~~
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 months
~ Nerd! Nat Headcanons ~
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18+ content. Minors DNI!
Based on this and this idea.
Nerd! Nat who is getting a degree in something like History in college and meets you at a party (strangely so). Her sister has begged her non stop to drive her to said party and her almost non existent social skills and the people there being from a completely different department of her school make it so awkward for her. But then she catches your eye, you start talking to her and the rest is history!
Nerd! Nat who is basically biologically averse to technology. It's not that she doesn't like it, her brain just doesn't comprehend it. She barely has a random old phone of Yelena's (who begged her to take it not to “embarrass her”) and the oldest, slowest laptop she touches only when she's forced to for certain school projects.
Nerd! Nat who is SO passionate about History. She's read every book (good and bad), gone to every convention, talked to every professor. It is her passion and at first it feels a little strange to her when you start occupying so much of her attention, but she soon gets used to it.
Nerd! Nat who speaks Latin and Greek almost fluently and always uses quotes in those languages. The first time she does it in front of you it is unconsciously and once she realizes what she's done she's scared about what you'll think of her. She blushes like crazy when you act impressed by her skill and ask her about it with interest.
Nerd! Nat who is a little shy but as soon as you give her an ounce of genuine attention starts yapping nonstop in the cutest way possible.
Nerd! Nat who straight up dresses like a grandpa and LOVES it. She's always loved going thrifting for sweaters and now that she does it with you she's ecstatic.
Nerd! Nat who has to speak at some sort of conference at school and is thankful she has a random suit she thrifted a while ago for occasions like this, because she is so engrossed in researching and preparing her speech that she would've never had the time to buy something. When you get to the event, wanting to support her, you see her wearing a tweed suit that doesn't really fit her right and is just a little too big, but she looks so cute in it you can't help but kiss her and hug her, unknowingly calming her down before her speech.
Nerd! Nat who panics when you start sucking her off in her car one night and she doesn't tell you she's a virgin. She tries to hold it as much as she can, but the first time she hits the back of your throat she cums so hard her hips buckle, making you gag around her and making her cum even more (it's a never ending cycle with her).
Nerd! Nat who apologizes so much for cumming quickly but gets shut up by you kissing her because you think she's even hotter now.
Nerd! Nat who, as you straddle her hips while you make out still in the car, shyly asks you to do it some other time. She knows she wouldn't be able to control herself at all if she saw you riding her in front of her bare eyes and she's too nervous about having another “quick” accident. You think she's so cute and you end up just making out for the rest of the night. You understood what her actual “issue” was and you can't help but like everything about her more and more.
Nerd! Nat who soon gets addicted to your pussy. The first time you fuck in missionary she hugs you so tightly and buries her face in the crook of your neck while she ruts into you so frantically. At first the strength behind her thrusts shocks you a little, but her desperate whines right next to your ear soon make you smirk once again at how needy she is.
Nerd! Nat who of course likes tits, but is such an ass girl! She's embarrassed to tell you how much your ass turns her on, but you easily pick up on it (she's not as subtle as she believes). You start almost always riding her facing the other way, to give her a clear view of your ass and it takes her breath away every single time you do it.
Nerd! Nat who wants to try to fuck you doggystyle (because the view would be simply too good to her), but gets so desperate the second you start pushing back to meet her thrusts that you end up fully lying on your stomach while she pathetically mewls and ruts into you, begging you to cum around her cock.
Taglist: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox
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mapis-putellas · 2 months
Emotional support bunny
Pairing: Nat x you
Words: 1362
Warnings: none
Summary: you gift a stuffed bunny to Natasha on your one year anniversary. She adores it, names it, and promptly sleeps with it every single night. Well, that was until disaster strikes and bunny goes missing.
Notes: It’s been months. I have no explanation other than I’ve had some major writers block. I am, so sorry. And I hope this makes up for it.
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It was on your one year anniversary that you’d gifted it to her. A small, grey bunny adorned in a cute black t-shirt with the phrase, this is my emotional support bear written on the front. It was meant as a joke. At least, that’s how you intended it to be at first. She was Natasha Romanoff. The black widow. Why would the black widow want anything to do it’s something so childish?
But surprisingly, she’d been delighted, and she’d quickly given it a name. Tiny. Tiny the bunny. For the first few days, tiny had sat on her dresser next to a photograph of you and her together. Natasha would give it soft smile and fond touch as she passes, and that was that.
But then, tiny would appear in your bed. Just during that day at first, propped up against the pillows when neither of you were there. But then one night, after returning home from a mission with Yelena and Clint, you noticed tiny was neither on her dresser or propped up against the pillows.
Upon closer inspection, as you’d crawled into the bed next to her, you realised that the reason tiny wasn’t in either of his usual spaces was because he was held clutched to Natasha’s chest. Your heart immediately melts at the sight, and after pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, you’d laid down and pulled her close to your chest before too drifting off to sleep.
From that moment forward -with the occasional exception of course ;) - tiny was in your bed every single night. Sometimes Natasha cuddled him, and sometimes you would because Natasha liked him to smell of you. Natasha had never been too settled when it came to sleep. Insomnia, nightmares. You helped of course, but there was something about tiny that would settle her immediately. You guessed it had something to do with healing her inner child.
Tiny would soon start coming on missions too. Of course he remained safely hidden in her bag, out of sight and out of mind from everyone else, but knowing he was there often helped. A reminder of sorts that she always had a piece of you with her no matter where she went.
Everything was great. Until it wasn’t.
You see, Natasha had misplaced tiny before. Whether it be he’d slipped out of bed during one of her restless nights of sleep or he’d fallen to the bottom of her bag after forgetting he was there and unpacking everything but him. But she’d never completely lost him before. Or well, she hadn’t until now. And her reaction to losing him wasn’t anything like you expected.
You’d walked into the bedroom to see her clad in nothing but a shirt and underwear determinedly ripping the blankets off of your shared bed. The rest of the room was a mess too, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you pocket your phone and make your way over to her.
“Nat?” You question, reaching out to touch her arm.
She startles at the touch as she whips herself round to face you, and you hold up your arms to show her you meant no harm as you take a small step backwards. “Baby, what’s going on?” You slowly lower your arms as you sit on the now bare mattress and give the shirt burying her small frame a gentle tug, coaxing her closer.
She steps in between your open legs, and you wrap one of your arms just beneath her rear end as the other one comes up to brush a messy strand of hair out of her face. Her eyes, you realise now, are bloodshot, bottom lip quivering as if she was doing everything possible to stop herself from crying.
You frown in concern as you give her thigh a gentle tug, coaxing it over your lap and against your hip. She complies, and you wrap an arm around her waist to keep her supported as she brings the other leg up so she was effectively straddling your lap.
She burrows her face into your neck, and your heart breaks when you feel hot tears beginning to stain your neck. “What’s going on my love?” You murmur, bringing one hand up to settle on the back of her neck.
Natasha shakes her head with a soft sniffle, and you frown as you give her a soft squeeze, not really understanding why she didn’t want to confide to you but happy to sit here and hold her for as long as she needed. It takes a while, but she does eventually sit herself up in your arms. Your arms move from resting against her shoulder blades to just above her behind, fingers slipping beneath her oversized shirt and grazing across soft skin.
“I can’t find tiny.” She whispers, one of her hands rising to cling to the front of your shirt as her face scrunches up and another soft sob escapes her lips. Your heart breaks, your hand rising up the bare skin of her her back and coaxing her back to your chest. She seems to allow herself to cry freely now, her body trembling as she clutches fiercely to the back of your shirt.
Some may think this was an overreaction to losing a measly stuffed animal, and maybe they were right. But this wasn’t just any stuffed animal. It was her comfort. Her safe place. And whilst that may seem childish to some, for Natasha, someone who had denied herself the most simplest of comforts because she was under the impression she didn’t deserve them; someone who didn’t have any ounce of a childhood, tiny was her everything and you thanked god she trusted you enough to let down her walls and allow you to comfort her.
“Is he in your bag?” You question as you begin the motion of gently rocking her back and forth in your arms.
Natasha shakes her head. “N-no. I looked there.” She manages to choke out, and you nod in understanding as you look around the room to see if there were any spaces tiny could have hidden himself in. When you come up empty, you attempt to wrack your mind for any more ideas.
“You looked under the bed?”
Natasha nods again as she sits herself up in your arms, hands rising to roughly wipe away the tears. You shake your head slightly as you gently knock her hands away, replacing them with your own and tenderly wiping off her cheeks.
You’re about to suggest looking elsewhere in the house for the beloved bunny until a familiar fluffy hand appears in your peripheral vision. You gently pat Natasha’s back to get her attention, waiting for her teary eyes to meet your own before pointing to the corner the room where a pile of clean laundry sat in its basket.
“Did you by chance change our bedding today?” You ask, rising to your feet before easing her down onto her own. Natasha doesn’t acknowledge your question as she all but sprints to the corner of the room, knocking that large pile of laundry to the floor in her haste to grab tiny from here he was hidden at the bottom of it before clutching him to her chest.
She lets out a quiet breath of relief, and you realise, as you make your way over to her and tug her into a hug, that she must have tossed him out of the way whilst changing your sheets this morning and had forgotten to put him back. Natasha’s arms rise to settle around your neck, tiny clutched in her hand, and you immediately bend to lift her up into your arms. Her legs loop tightly around your waist, and you place a single arm beneath her behind whilst your hand rises to rest against her back.
“He was hiding from you.” You laugh slightly, and you feel the way Natasha smiles against the skin of your neck as she moves tiny to settle against her chest.
As you stand there, holding your favourite girl in your arms, you thank your lucky stars that you’d found him before disaster totally struck.
@goldenempyrean - finally got something written 😭 @alotofpockets @natashasnoodle @widowsistersandfriends @widowbitessting
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scarlethexelove · 6 months
Our Omega
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Pairing: Alpha!WandaNat x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 5155
Warnings: Smut, Wanda and Nat have a penis, Soft!Nat, Rough!Wanda, Heat, Mating mark, Knotting, Breeding, Someone tries to attack reader but Wanda and Nat stop them, Hints to lactation kink, I really don't think there is much else.
A/n: I really hope this isn't shit. I really liked writing this. Wanda isn't too rough in this one but definitely rougher than Nat. Just sweet alphas who don't treat their sweet Omega like shit.
The door chimes causing your gaze to lift to the opening door. You’re shocked to see the people walking through the door. The Avengers have just walked through the door of your small bakery. Leading the group is the pack leader along with her mate. Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, two alpha’s. The rest of the mostly alpha pack followed close behind. Normally so many alpha’s in an area won’t bother you but with you so close to your heat and being an unmated omega is making it difficult with all of them around. You put on a mask knowing you need to be your best when the most famous people in the world are in your bakery. 
With a wide smile you greet the group. “Hi, I’m Y/n. We have a wide array of baked goods for you to choose from. Just let me know what you would like and I’ll get them all ready for you.” Wanda tilts her head looking at you curiously but you just give her soft smile back. Nat is also watching you but you can’t seem to read her. The gaze of both the alpha’s on you causes a light dusting of pink to cover your cheeks.  The rest of the group looked around to see what they wanted to eat. 
Nat clears her throat. “Everyone wait outside.” She demands the rest. “But I want to look.” Tony whines. Nat turns to look at the rest. “I said wait outside. We will get everyone something.”  Nat’s demanding tone has your inner omega wanting to submit causing you to shrink in on yourself. As the rest go to wait outside the two alpha’s turn back to you noticing you’re dropped head and smaller form. “I’m so sorry mega. I thought it would be easier without everyone.” 
You wanted to be thankful for what she did but at the same time you need to be able to handle a room full of alpha’s if you want to have a successful business. But you know she just meant well by her actions. You lift your head and give her a small smile. Brushing off your previous distress and ready to help the two women with everything they need. 
With less alpha’s in the room their scents invade your senses. One of their scents laced with cinnamon and spices, reminding you of fall. The other smelling of sweet vanilla. Both of their scents are intoxicating already. Both women are very attractive but you know you can’t think like that they are already a mated pair and they probably wouldn’t want an omega like you. So you push it out of your mind and focus on running your business.
“What can I get for you?” You ask the women. They look around for a minute before Nat speaks up. “Two of everything.” You can’t help the look of shock at the woman's order. “A-are you sure?” She gives you a kind smile. “Yes please.”  You nod and start moving around to get everything you need. “Of course. I’ll have everything ready for you in a few minutes.” You move around the area gracefully. Throwing in a few extras as you go. Wanting nothing more than to satisfy the Avengers. 
You can feel their eyes following you but you are in your groove currently. Once you are done with everything they come up to the counter and Natasha pulls out her wallet. You wave your hands and shake your head. “No, no, no. It’s on the house, my treat. You guys do so much for the city. The least I can do is give you guys some food.” Nat shakes her head back at you. “I’m not sure your boss would like that. Also I insist.” She starts pulling out money ready to pay. “I’m actually the owner so I can give you whatever I want.” You tell the alpha. You would normally never talk back to an alpha, especially an Avenger but you want to get your point across. But neither of them are going to take no for an answer. Wanda takes some money out of Nat’s hands and gives it to you. You look down at the cash and back up at the alpha’s. You can tell by the looks on their faces that they will not take no for an answer. So you look back down at the cash in your hand and gasps. “This is way too much.” In your hand is almost $500 dollars, way more than what it cost to get everything. 
Both alpha’s shake their heads. “Keep it. You deserve it.” Wanda says. She has the softest and kindest smile you have ever seen. “I-I-I don’t think I can take this.” You stutter trying to hand some of the money back but neither of them will have it. Wanda takes your hands in hers. “Please take it.” You look at her hands around yours and then back up to her face. A small blush covering your face when you nod. “Okay.” You say barely above a whisper. She smiles before she and Nat take the baked goods, making their way out leaving you shocked. 
That is how your friendship with the Avengers started. After that day you saw at least one of them once a week. Sometimes alone and sometimes the whole team would come in. You built a friendship with each member but as they continue to come a crush on the two women formed. They were always so sweet and kind with you. Nat plays up a big persona of being hard and little emotion but you can see right through that facade. Which only makes your crush grow stronger, but you know you can’t act on it. So you leave it at that just a crush. 
With the Avengers frequenting your bakery your business picks up exponentially. You had to hire more employees to help you keep up. One of those being your best friend Kate Bishop. You thank the Avengers for their business and the fact they have brought in more customers for you. Always trying to give them free food but none of them ever take it. 
Today wasn’t like other days. You had 3 call offs and your heat was quickly approaching. You thought that you had a few more days but as the day drags on you know you won’t make it. You have already called Kate who had the day off hoping she could cover. She of course said she would but it would take her some time to get there. So now you’re fighting your heat and just waiting for her to get here. 
The room is filled with alpha's, some of them pausing to look at you. A hungry look in their eyes as they realize what is going on with you. You want to run and hide but you can’t leave the store unattended so you suck it up the best you can. That is until a wave of burning stabbing pain hits your lower abdomen. You wrap your arms around your stomach, hunching over as you hold in a whimper. You don’t even hear the ringing of the bell as another patron enters the building. Another stronger wave has you crumbling to the ground, a whimper escaping your lips. 
You can now faintly hear a commotion but you can’t focus on the words or voices. You look up seeing an alpha about to jump over the counter when they are pulled back harshly. There is a commanding roar of an alpha that causes you to whine and bare your neck waiting for the alpha to approach. You wish your inner omega was stronger but with your heat here you can’t control it. Two alpha’s approach you quickly crouching down next to you. You let out another whine and strain your neck more. 
“Oh milaya, none of that.” Wanda’s hand cups your cheek. Both of their scents invade your senses, calming you down slightly. You can’t help but nuzzle her hand causing her and the other woman to smile at you. A whimper escapes as another wave of pain courses through you. Leaving the women concerned for you. They have been falling for you just as much as you for them but they were worried you wouldn’t like them back or want to be involved with Avengers. 
Just then Kate rushes in the door, her eyes scanning the room seeing that there had been a scuffle. Concerned for your safety when she can’t see you. She knows your heat is close, that is until she catches a whiff of your scent. She knows that you have gone into heat and how dangerous it is for you to have been here. She rushes around the counter stopping when she sees you curled in on yourself as Nat and Wanda crouch next to you. Wanda’s hand is still on your cheek. She lets out a growl at the woman. She knows that you aren’t in any danger with them but she instinctively wants to protect you while you’re so vulnerable. Neither of them move their concern only on you. 
“Kate, we are here to help. We don’t want to hurt her.” Nat speaks calmly to the other omega. Kate looks from them back to you. She can see you, how you're trying to nuzzle in further to Wanda. She lets out a sigh. “Sorry alpha.” She puts her head down. Becoming part of the Avengers pack as Yelena’s omega has gotten her close to them and she didn’t want to disrespect the pack leader. “It’s ok. I know you are only trying to protect your friend.” Nat moves closer to you leaning down and moving to pick you up. She acts slowly to give you the chance to pull away but you don’t. It makes the woman smile as she picks you up. You quickly wrap yourself tightly around her and nuzzle into her scent gland. Breathing in her cinnamon scent that calms you. 
“I think we will take her to the compound, she will be safe there. I don’t trust that after those alphas coming after her that she will be safe. They could easily follow her home.” Nat speaks to both Wanda and Kate. They both nod in agreement. “Kate, do you have this here?” Nat asks as she holds you closer to her. “Yeah I think I got this.” Kate replies before the door chimes. All three women go on defense growling at the scent of another alpha but all calm when they realize who it is. Kate’s mate Yelena struts through the door holding up her hands in surrender to the three as you whimper in Nat’s arms. 
Yelena smirks at the older alpha when she sees you in her arms, wrapped tightly around the woman like a koala. Nat rolls her eyes when she sees how her sister is looking at her. “Lena!” Kate says bouncing over to her and throwing her arms around her neck pecking her lips. Yelena’s hands placed firmly on Kate’s hips. “Yel help Kate out here we are taking Y/n to the compound. Some alphas attacked so maybe help her clean up a bit.” Yelena looks around at the mess brows furrowed as Nat speaks. That is until she catches your sweet scent. Instantly understanding your predicament and understanding why the three were growling at her as she came in the door. 
“Please be careful you two.” Wanda tells the alpha and her omega, handing Kate some money. Kate looks at the money and then back up to Wanda confused. “For damages.” Wanda explains. Kate is about to argue back about that but the look Wanda gives her tells her there is no room for that. She is second in command of the pack and will not take no for an answer. So Kate gives her a nod moving to start cleaning up the place, Yelena helping her mate clean as the two women leave with you. 
Once the alphas get you to the compound they take you to the spare bedroom next to theirs not wanting to overstep any boundaries you might have. It has been hard for them to fight their inner alphas to not to just claim you as theirs. You’re currently wrapped around Wanda tightly as she walks into the room. She goes to put you on the bed but you don’t let go. “Malyshka can you let go?” She asks softly, but your only response is to shake your head and whine. Being in their arms is the most comfort you have had in a long time dulling the ache.
So the women decide to take you into their own room. If it provides you the comfort you need they will take the suffering to make you feel even the slightest bit better. Wanda sits down on the bed with you still wrapped around her. Your head in her neck as you let her scent drown out your senses. Nat walked away from the two of you for a few minutes before coming back. In her arms is a plethora of blankets. She sets them on the bed next to Wanda. “Detka?” She crouches down in front of you two and says softly. “Can you please come out? I brought you blankets for a nest.” Her voice is still soft, watching you for any movement. 
Slowly you pull your head out, eyes landing on the pile. You hesitantly move not wanting to leave the comfort of the alpha but your inner omega is telling you to build your nest. “Thank you Nat.” You whisper, taking the blankets and moving to a corner of the room. It has been a losing battle to fight your inner omega who just craves the women. But you don’t want to overstep too much so you build your nest in the corner. You crawl into it moving things around till you’re comfortable. 
Being around the alphas has dulled your pain. It is still there but in less intense waves, but the slick has increased. You can now feel it coating your thighs. The two have watched you intently, hard uncomfortable bulges in their pants. Wanting nothing more than to claim you as their own. It isn’t until your small voice breaks the silence in the room that they break from the trance. “Alphas?” You whimper. The women quickly move over to you concerned that something could be wrong. You look up to them with tears in your eyes, scared to ask anything more of them but craving their comfort. 
Wanda’s hand gently cups your face, her thumb rubbing over your cheek gently. “Yes, omega. Do you need anything?” Wanda’s softness makes you purr as you nuzzle. “Please stay.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but they hear you. The women share a look before they agree. Nat gets in front of you which you instantly cuddle into her side, your head instinctively nuzzling into her neck. Wanda slots herself behind you. Both of them cuddle you tightly. 
Nat notices it instantly, your warm slick slowly coating her thigh. You start grinding against her thigh. Your brain is not even registering it until you let out a soft moan. A look of panic crossing your face when you realize what you are doing. “I-I-I’m sorry.” You try to pull away but their arms wrapping around you tightly keeps you in place. “What do you need mega?” Wanda kisses your shoulder and mumbles. You let out another whine at her words wanting to beg them to use you, breed you, mark you, to become their mate. “We can’t help you if you don’t tell us, sweet girl.” Nat kisses your forehead letting her lips linger there. 
You look up to the woman in front of you. “I want you, both of you.” You whisper. They are both slightly shocked but not entirely due to your recent actions. Nat’s hand cups your cheek. “Are you sure? This isn’t just your heat?” You shake your head no at her words. “Wanted you for a while. Didn’t think you wanted me. I’m nothing special.” You look down out of embarrassment waiting for the rejection, but it doesn’t come. Nat’s finger hooks under your chin, making you look back up  at her. She gently kisses your lips before pulling back your breaths mingling together in the open space. “We want you too, and you are special. You are the most kind and gentle person we have ever met.” 
It’s so quick that you don’t even notice. Wanda’s arms are removed from you and Nat has pushed you on your back hovering over you. “If you want us to stop or you change your mind you can tell us.” Nat tells you gently pecking your lips. “Are you sure you want this mega?” Wanda asks you. You nod your head. “We need words pretty girl.” You look at Wanda who is laying on her side with her head propped on her hand. “Want you.” Was the only words that slipped past your lips. In an instant with red whisps all of your clothes are gone. You look at Wanda a bit shocked, a smirk playing on her lips. 
Soon the alphas' clothes soon follow. Their rock hard cocks springing free of their confines. You feel Nat’s slap against your stomach causing you to look down. Your eyes widen at her sheer size wondering how she will fit. Your eyes then trail to Wanda. She looks even bigger than Nat, not by much but a noticeable difference. You can feel more of your slick coating your thighs as you whine. 
Nat kisses your head as her hand guides her cock to your folds. Swiping through them coating herself in your arousal, her tip nudging against your sensitive bundle of nerves. You let out a moan as she keeps nudging. When she is satisfied, she moves the tip down to your entrance, looking at you for your confirmation that you're still ok. When you give her a nod, she slowly starts to push in. Slowly sinking her cock into your wet and warm cunt. 
“Fuck so tight.” Nat moans as your walls clamp around her member. You’re so thankful for your heat, your slick allowing her to slip in easily. You wrap your legs around her waist as she sinks in further. When her thighs meet your ass you gasp at the fullness. You’ve never felt this full in your life and it feels so right. 
Nat gives you some time to adjust to the stretch fighting her inner alpha to just pound into you mercilessly. Wanda turns your head leaning in to kiss you. Her hands reach between your bodies as she finds your breasts. Her fingers expertly tweaking your nipples causing you to moan in her mouth distracting you from the fact that Nat has pulled almost all the way out before sinking back in. Her pace is slow at first just getting used to you. You feel so good and she doesn’t want to cum too early. 
When Nat feels like she can, her pace quickens. She fucks into you gently, her thrust deep as she angle just right. Hitting your spot deep inside. Wanda’s mouth is still on yours as she swallows all of your moans. Enjoying your full breast in her hands, groping at pinching her nipples as her mate fucks into you. 
You don’t expect the alpha to be so gentle as she fucks you but it feels so good from her. Her caring and soft side showed through with every thrust of her hips. She leans up grabbing your hips watching as her cock disappears into your hole. Entranced by your sweet scent and how you take her so well. How your hips buck into her to meet her thrust trying to get her that much deeper. The outline of her cock bulging from your skin, she presses down and a loud moan is escaping you. She looks back up to watch as Wanda devours you, catching every whimper and moan until you can’t keep up anymore. 
“So pretty and made for us. Taking me so well.” Nat praises you. “So perfectly wrapped around my cock squeezing me so tight. Fuck.” She moans when you clench. Your panting, eyes closed as your orgasm builds. One of Wanda’s hands drifting down between both of your bodies finding your bundle of nerves pinching it between her fingers. You cry out in pleasure and pain as she continues. Both women bring you so close to the edge. Your walls squeezing Nat tight, her grunts and moans filling your ears. Her knot starts to form hitting against your entrance, just begging to fill you. 
Wanda’s hand continues toying with your clit as Nat drives her hips into you. Your legs are slightly shaking around Nat’s hips. She leans back down the more her knot swells. You're both close to cumming. She kisses your scent gland sending small waves of pleasure. Her hips become more erratic when her knot fully forms. Slamming against your entrance. With a few more thrust her knot pops in and her teeth sink into your neck. You cry out in ecstasy as your orgasm washes over you. She marks you claiming you as her omega. Filling you with her cum as your back arches. Grinding into you as white hot ropes of cum fill you. Your cum coating her cock as your walls squeeze her knot, milking her dry. She lets your neck go and licks your wound clean. You look up at her curious and hopeful eyes. She smiles and leans her head giving you access to the opposite side from where Wanda bit. You lean up sinking your teeth in her scent gland. She moans out and you don’t know how it is possible but you can feel a few more spurts of cum filling you. Which just causes you to moan around her bite. You release her and lick it clean just as she had done for you. 
You’re both panting, Nat’s knot locking you together until it deflates. Wanda’s hands move away giving you two a chance to bond. Nat takes the time to gently move you both so that you are on your side. You feel the bond growing strong as you bask in the aftermath. She gently kisses your lips before leaning her forehead against yours. The room is silent until you break it. “Thank you.” You whisper between you two. Nat smiles. “No need to thank me detka. I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” The three of you laugh. It’s funny how you all wanted each other but none of you thought the other would. “Me too.” You smile, your breath still heavy between you two. 
When Nat’s knot finally deflates she removes herself from you. You let out a whimper at the lost feeling empty as your mixed cum leaks out of you. Wanda kisses your shoulder and mumbles against the naked skin. “My turn malyshka. I want you to ride me.” You look back at her, your eyes wide. “I-I’ve never.” You stutter a little having never ridden anyone before. She kisses your shoulder again. “That’s ok detka. You’re going to look so beautiful bouncing on my cock.” 
You feel Wanda shift as she lays on her back. You turn yourself to look at her. She has her hands behind her head and her cock standing proud. You don’t know how she was so patient when you look at her cock. Her tip is angry red and pre-cum has leaked all down her shaft. Her hand moves to wrap around and gently jerk herself. She had wanted to save all of her cum for you to fill you even fuller than you already were. You hesitate for a moment before getting up and shifting. Throwing your leg over her hips hovering over her cock. Her hand is firmly around her cock lining it up with your entrance. You look at her for a second when she gives you a reassuring smile. You give her a small smile before you start to slowly sink down on her. 
Wanda moves her hand back behind her head as she watches you sink down. “Fuck your right Natty. So fucking tight. Fuck even after you fucked her she is tight.” You blush at her words, finally sitting fully in her lap. You didn’t think you could feel this full. Both of them fit you so perfectly like they were made just for you. 
You grind your hips experimentally, the movement causing you and Wanda to moan. You can see the cocky smirk on her face as she waits for you to fuck yourself on her cock. “Fuck I can feel both of your cums leaking all over my cock.” She bucks her hips up, enticing you to move. You groan, taking her hint as you lift yourself up before slamming yourself down. You set a slow and steady pace as you figure out your moments. Bringing yourself up before dropping back down. Wanda enjoys the sight of your breast bouncing every time you sink back down. 
But your pace is a bit slow for the woman. “Ride me like you mean it detka. I want to see you fuck yourself on my cock.” You whimper, nodding your head and picking up the pace. Bouncing on her cock and grinding your hips when you meet her pelvis. The sight in front of her is perfect as the perfect omega rides her. Even at this angle Wanda can see a perfect outline of her cock filling your tight hole. Moaning knowing that you're so full of her and that she is going to fill you even more. 
Whimpers and moans fill the room as you continue to fuck yourself on her cock. Soon you feel hands on your waist as Nat moves closer to you two she helps guid you quicker on fucking her mate. Wanda’s hands moving to your plush thighs digging her fingers into the soft flesh. Starting to buck her hips up to meet you. Fucking you harder than Nat did. 
“Such a whore for us already. Taking our fat cocks in your tight little hole. Look at that.” Wanda presses her hand down hard on the bulge that appears on your lower abdomen. You cry out from the pleasure and her words, looking down to see her cock moving inside of you. Your walls clench her tightly at the sights. “Oh fuck you like that don’t you little whore. Love being fucked by your alpha’s.” Wanda’s moans, her words a stark contrast to Nat’s praises. She is rougher with her thrusts. Showing a different side to each woman. 
Nat turns your head towards her and kisses you hungrily. Wanda sits up planting her feet and thrusting up hard and rough. You love the difference between the two. A gentle Nat and a rougher Wanda. It turns you on immensely more slick coating Wanda’s cock the harder she drives her hips up into you. Nat still helping you fuck yourself down on her cock. 
“Such a perfect cock drunk whore for us. So pretty being our little cum dump, just for us to use.” With every word that Wanda speaks it sends you closer to the edge, your walls clamping down on her. You don’t know how she can keep her rough pace as your walls suffocate her cock. She moans as your walls tighten, her knot forming and pressing against your entrance begging to slip in. Wanda nibbles at your perky nipples. “Want to be bred full of our cum? Fill you with our pups?” You moan into Nat’s mouth mumbling a yes. 
“These tits would look so perfect, full of milk, your belly swollen with our pups.” She bites down on your nipple causing you to break the kiss from nat and cry out. “Mmm.” You whimper, her thrust becoming erratic as your knot fully forms. Nat lets your waist go and Wanda wraps her arms around you thrusting up harder and faster. You didn’t think she could go any harder or faster but it has you moaning louder. Your arms tightly wrapped around her as your nails dig into her back causing her to moan at the sting.
Wanda moves her head to the other side of your neck biting into your other scent gland as her knot slips inside locking you two together. You scream out and throw your head back as your vision blurs, cumming harder than you ever have before. Wanda’s cum joins Nat’s deep inside you filling the void and feeding the desires of your inner omega. Your whole body trembles in her hold as your bond forms. She pulls away, licking your wound. She lets you take the side opposite of Nat’s mark cementing your bond to both women. Small spurts of cum still fill you as Wanda grinds helping you both to ride out your highs. 
When you come down your rigid body slumps into Wanda nuzzling into her neck. Her arms wrapped around you tightly, kissing the side of your head. Her fingers gently rubbing at your back. Your arms loosely wrapped around her exhaustion taking over as you close your eyes. 
“Are you ok sweet girl?” Wanda questions kissing your head again. You hum in response, throat raw from your previous actions. “I wasn’t too rough was I?” You could hear the concern in her voice. So you pull back a soft smile playing on your lips. “No, it was perfect. Both of you.” Your voice is hoarse. You look back at Nat who pecks your lips. You would think that Nat would be jealous of how your body reacted to Wanda but all you can see is the love in her eyes. The stark contrast between the two is something you already love. How gentle Nat praising you as she fucked into you and how Wanda was rougher degrading you. 
When Wanda’s knot deflates they both help you up on wobbly legs taking you to a warm bath and cleaning you up. Your heat subsiding for the moment, a relief you thought you would never have. You’re all now cuddled up in your nest, your head on Nat’s chest, Wanda’s arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes droop shut as exhaustion from the day's events gets to you. If someone had told you that you would end up being the omega mate to two Avengers you would have laughed in their face but right now wrapped up with them is all you could have ever wished for. The love of two powerful and amazing alphas and they are all yours. “I love you two.” You mumble so close to sleep. Both women were smiling. “We love you too.” Wanda kisses your shoulder and Nat kisses your head. “Our omega.”
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