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Humans drink poison?
(here is part 3. I hope you will enjoy it.)
Helle laughed out loud watching the scene. Which reminded Ga'al that he's not alone with Fe'ek, so he let his friend live another day.
She was curious as to what does Ga'al still do to make him fall asleep but it seemed she'll have to wait to learn that.
"So yes... We all had our ways to stay calm... You'll be fine." Ga'al tried to save whatever left of his dignity after the previous scene.
"Sweet!" she smiled than she heard the metallic noice that ment it is soon time to sleep on this side of the ship. "Oh, that's the first nightcall, think we should eat dinner, right?"
"Oh, you are so right... Humans are not exclusively herbivorus, right?" Fe'ek asked. When Helle shook her head he nodded. "Perfect. That means I don't have to cook separatly!"
He started to pack out his cooking tools. He knew he could just use one of the fast food packages but no matter how long he stayed on the ship he couldn't get used to them. They tased like plastic to him. Ga'al was perfectly fine with them, but still preferred "real" food so he also agreed to get a few cooking tools and make a kitchen in their quarters. It took months till they got the green light to build it, but they both agreed, it worth the effort.
While Fe'ek made dinner, Ga'al and Helle started to have a conversation. They talked about their homes. Helle was amazed that on Ga'al home world, the cities were builed on trees. He talked about how Felleg, the biggest city there was taking up half of the planted and still it could not be seen from above.
And Helle told stories about Gaia's culture and how it is still devided into small local regions and all of them have different laws and a lot of the time, even different languages. Fe'ek was listening to them from the kitchen.
"So what do your species eat? Do you also like fish?"
"Yes I personally like it, but some of us hates the taste or the texture. Humans can eat almost everything. I even like coffee in the morning."
Ga'al stopped mid movement. "What?"
"Coffee!" Helle repeated.
"Oh I thought you said coffein... The poison."
"Coffee has coffein in it." Fe'ek peeked out from the kitchen. "I've been working with poisons before and learned that humans are somewhat immune to them. 400 milligrams of coffein daily is completly manageable for them."
"And we can drink more from time to time, but if we go above that every day it can cause some heart problems." Helle added.
"You mean to tell me, that the worst poison that is still legal is barely causing an inconvenience to you?" Ga'al was buffeled.
"That's the main reason it's still legal. Some scientists even suggest that it is beneficial to drink it every day, though it's still debated." Helle shrugged.
"And wait, I know something even better!" said Fe'ek as he came out from the kitchen. "Humans can digest alcohol."
Ga'al stared at Helle. "Is that true?"
The girl just nodded. "Though I hate the taste of it."
Up untill this point Ga'al has looked at Helle as someone who has a very similar physiology to him and is otherwise harmless. Now he was was looking at her with a bit more respect. Helle tilted her head to the side.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
He nodded.
"Dinner is ready by the way!" Fe'ek's hand landed on Ga'al's shoulder. "Could you two set the table, please?"
Ga'al nodded again.
He was silent troughout the dinner while Helle and Fe'ek exchanges a few gossips from the ship. Helle seemed to know a lot about what happened lately in sector no. 12 and 13 and Fe'ek knew all the local gossips in 25 and 26 where they worked.
After eating they cleaned up the table and the kitchen. Everything was done when they heard the nightcall again. It was time to sleep. The lights of sector no. 24 went out with the lights in theor room.
"Oh well... I think we should sleep..." Fe'ek yawned.
Helle started looking for her nightlight. She turned it up as soon as she found it.
Ga'al offered his bed to her, but she declined the offer, saying she's fine with sleeping on the couch and she doesn't want to be any more of an inconvenience.
After that everyone went to sleep. Helle fell asleep almost immidietly. Fe'ek noted that she probably had a long day. Ga'al agreed.
Before falling asleep Fe'ek taught Ga'al some things about humans he knew. He reassured him that even though humans are fine with alcohol and coffein they are not immune to botulinum for example. Ga'al fell asleep after a while so he could go to sleep too finally.
#humans are space orcs#space australians#humans are weird#spaceaustralians#humans are space australians
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Nagy szárnyadat borítsd ránk virrasztó éji felleg.
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"Insecure Excitements"
This is how I would describe my feelings right now. I even made a playlist on Spotify because this is what I do when I'm overwhelmed and can't control my feelings... making playlists. It helps though, I even imagine sending it to the person who is it about so they will magically figure out my emotions lol.
I met someone, again, because we already met about a year ago, but then nothing happened. I was in some other toxic situationship and life was complicated enough already for me, so as a mature person would do ofc I ghosted this guy. And now a year later here we are. He likes me enough to not be pissed at me ghosting him before, he takes care of me, he is kind and attentive and it scares the shit out of me. Why? Because I tell you what I got used to from guys. Said we meet tomorrow - disappeared. Said they want to be in a relationship with me - introduced me as "colleague" the next day. I go out for a cigi in a party - they exchanging numbers with a random girl. Said they love me and I am the only girl they seeing- fuck every girl around. So I literally lost all my trust. All of it. I am so insanely insecure that now there is this guy and the only thing I can think about is to not feel too much or not enjoy it too much because it is going to turn bad. Fuck. I can not hate everyone just because this was the pattern, but it is so hard to give my trust again. And I swear this guy is so nice to me I'm going to fall in love with him. We are hugging, we are kissing, we are HOLDING HANDS, what the fuck? Last time I did this was with my highschool boyfriend, bless. And it feels so nice for fucking once, he even kissed me in front of his coworkers. I am so not used to this it's actually sad. Anyway I went for a run today and decided I'm going to be in shape. I can not be unemployed, single AND fat. So workout it is. I'll also put here my favorite poem, because I think it is beautiful and this is how this guy makes me feel exactly when I am not overthinking but letting my emotions be. And I am being disgustingly romantic which I am usually not so let's hope the next post is not about me being heartbroken.
Radnóti Miklós - Bájoló Rebbenő szemmel ülök a fényben, rózsafa ugrik át a sövényen, ugrik a fény is, gyűlik a felleg, surran a villám, s már feleselget fenn a magasban dörgedelem vad dörgedelemmel, kékje lehervad lenn a tavaknak, s tükre megárad, jöjj be a házba, vesd le ruhádat, már esik is kint, vesd le az inged, mossa az eső össze szívünket.
Don't forget to forget your pin code, Kisses
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Szabó Magda: ŐSZ
Ilyenkor már csak a felleg kövér
meg az eső, mely bő kontyát kibontja,
ám apad a víz a rakpart kövén,
s a hegyek és fák sorvadnak naponta.
Fogy az erdő, a színét váltja, bágyadt,
sovány a város, olyan egyszerű lett:
nyurgább a kémény, horpaszak a házak,
hajnal s alkony közt a rés egyre szűkebb.
A tömör levegő is lefogyott,
keskeny, hasít, és hajlik, mint a penge,
a szenvedély nem tombol, csak morog,
vackot keres, megbúvik a szívekbe.
A vidék is sovány. Diója csörren,
a mustja csorran, mégis ösztövér.
Benned nézem magam már, mint tükörben,
s oly mindegy, én sovány vagyok, kövér.
Köd birkózik az ideges szelekkel;
meddő az írás. Mégse voltam meddő.
Csörög a vers. A termésem kinek kell?
Te gyűjtöd be s a kékszemű jövendő.
Mit feleljek, ha megkérdez az ősz?
Kopár a hegy, vetkőzik a faág.
A visszhang sem volt sosem ismerős,
mért volna ismerős a némaság?
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Rebbenő szemmel
ülök a fényben,
rózsafa ugrik
át a sövényen,
ugrik a fény is,
gyűlik a felleg,
surran a villám,
s már feleselget
fenn a magasban
vad dörgedelemmel,
kékje lehervad
lenn a tavaknak,
s tükre megárad,
jöjj be a házba,
vesd le ruhádat,
már esik is kint,
vesd le az inged,
mossa az eső
össze szívünket.
1942. február 1.
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My aformentioned ttrpg character, Felleg, the elven thief
Their name means "cloud" or "cloudy" in Hungarian, also they're the only queer character in our party full of dilf dwarves, neurodivergent insecure paladins and not-masculine-enough knights with cute little puppies cut half in every single battle
I really love our party
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na mindegy. nagy szárnyadat borítsd ránk virrasztó éji felleg
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Tudósaink velek
Hóh szükségekkel cár istenítő Cicerói indították esztendejével szentségre Királyáért csinálnunk hesperus megelégítő Várán hijába patkolni dicsőségre
Vettenek hazádat közszeretet kifeszítő Zsugori ambróziával jóhiszemben gyönyörűségre Velejével ajánlólevelet vázsony megfrissítő Felejthetem lengyelország temetitek térségre
Megennélek lapu vénségéig rettentőbb Rettegnek trombitával berkébe szegénységed Ledűltek pártosok hazára éltetőbb
Csendességet rejtegetni ezeké nemességed Használja lássál szolgáltak elsőbb Gyönyörűségbe lappangó tekintsen felleged
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Lehunyt szemeim elött táncolnak szavaid
S táncolunk mi is velük együtt hajnalig
Csillogoktól maszatos a vászon felettünk
Forgunk, elfekszünk és össze nevetünk
Álomkép. Pont olyan mint te voltál mindig
Fejemben szőtt történet egy soha le nem játszott cédén
A rét még üres , a csillagok elbújtak
Várják be nem teljesülő dalunkat
Egyre csak nézem szemedben lelked
Nem magam látom benne, s ez meglep
Borús, mint mostanság gondolataim
Amikből kiutat nyújtanának karjaid
Gurulok. A fejem lejtőjének aljába
Várok rád, de mint mindig, most is hiába
Egyedül szemléled a borús eget
S csodálkozol miért borít mindent felleg
A válaszod itt vár, egyedül a mélyben
Felszínre török, mint a benned rejlő részem
Megfogom kezed, s magam felé fordítalak
Ajkam ízleli tied a csillagok alatt
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Az én magyarságom Mindennél keserűbb, Mindennél igazabb.
Az én magyarságom Véres és fekete, Véres és szomorú.
Az én magyarságom Büszke felleg-orom, Büszke, nagy sirató.
Az én magyarságom: Nincs ilyen átkozott, Nincs ilyen igazi.
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our ttrpg party :0
we play MAGUS (its an old school Hungarian ttrpg) and my character is the elf
their name is Felleg, which is an old hungarian word for "cloud" or "cloudy"
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Átlagos nap a mai. A parkban, egy padon ücsörögve, azon gondolkodom, hol ronthattam el.
Mikor kerültem a csúcsról a mélybe?
Az életem, melyik döntése volt visszafordíthatatlanul rossz?
-kérdezem magamtól.
- Nem érkezik válasz. -
Ekkor egy piros, szívalakú lufit pillantok meg az égen, ahogy egyre messzebb és messzebb száll.
Kicsit még játszadozik vele a pajkos szél, mielőtt végleg eltűnik a fellegek között.
Tudni akarom kihez tartozott és miért engedte útjára.
Nem sokkal arrébb, egy hangosan zokogó kislány áll a járda szélén, az eget bámulva.
Hatalmas kék szemeiből, úgy hullnak a könnyek a forró aszfaltra, mint a nyári zápor utolsó cseppjei, melyeket csak néhány másodpercig látunk.
Az anyukája annyira belemerül a telefonálásba, hogy észre sem veszi, hiába szólongatja. Bizony összetört gyermeke pillanatnyi boldogsága.
A kislány sír, a szél süvít, reszketnek a levelek, a lufi pedig messze jár.
Talán ez lehet a válasz az én kérdésemre is. Talán túl korán kellett elengednem, azt az apró boldogságot, amit a kezembe adtál.
Talán nem fogtam elég erősen.
Most pedig kilométerekre van tőlem a piros, szívalakú lufim.
Talán vele szállt a szívem egy apró darabja is.
Talán ezt már sosem tudom meg.
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