#fellas i love doomed yaoi
obbystars · 4 months
Megatronus: I’m telling you this right now. If you die, then I die, alright?
Orion Pax: ?????
Megatronus: So you can’t fucking die cause if you die I- *tearing up* I’m gonna-
Megatronus and Orion: *sobbing*
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valsnonsense · 6 months
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Floyd: I'm so lucky you came into my life...
Creek: Heh... I'm the one who's lucky..
Floyd: I love you so much, Raindrop...
Creek: I love you too, Sugar Plum
Today I come out as a soft Fleek enjoyer. I love psycho Creek and toxic yaoi fleek as much as the next fella, but soft, healing Fleek is the true owner if my heart.
(Don't worry Creek is still kind of a cunt, I won't take that away from him. Mans an asshole)
Personal headcanons alert!!! (This image falls into my Depths AU, hence Creek's lack of an arm)
TW: Mentions of drug abuse and alcoholism/self destructive actions
Creek sold out his entire people to save his own skin. Why did he do it? There's really only one reason. Guy was scared. Terrified. He was staring death in the face. In the literal jaws of a creature that would devour him without second thought. And fear makes us do stupid things. Things we regret. Things we can NEVER take back.
Creek is genuinely remorseful about his actions. When he winds up alone, fighting for his life every day, he feels he deserves it. He deserves to be alone. To die alone. He may have saved his own life in that moment. But he doomed himself to a life of solitude.
Until Floyd came into his life.
Now Floyd has made his own handful of mistakes. I personally love the headcanon that Floyd feel into some BAD habits during his solo career. I'm talking party drugs, drinking, ext. Mans a party animal, or at least he was. Until it got his ass hundreds in debt, mooching off any who'd take pity on him, then eventually captured.
I like to think that all the brothers did at one point try and go back home, only to find Branch gone and the tree in ruin. Like JD, Floyd though Branch was dead. He thought all of them were dead. So what did he do? He drowned himself in music, drugs, and alcohol. He failed his baby brother. The one promise he made, he failed to fufill. He destroyed himself every day after that. It was a punishment in a way.
Creek and Floyd are both broken, lost souls, riddled with guilt over past actions and failed promises. They understand one another on a level no one else can.
Floyd helps Creek reconnect with others and works to him redeeming himself in the eyes of the Trolls. And in return, Creek helps Floyd manage his PTSD, anxieties, and chronic pain
Now since the whole "spiritual/namaste" thing is actually INCREDIBLY insensitive to various east Asian cultures, I headcanon that Creek was the village physical therapist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, basically a doctor who helped Trolls manage chronic pain, injuries, ext.
He did teach yoga classes, but mainly as a hobby, and to help Trolls practice body positivity.
These two lead a quiet life following all that happened to them. Guys are tired af and need a nap
I love these two as a sweeter couple. Floyd thinks Creek is stupid af but he loves him for it.
Okay imma shut up now this got LONG-
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t4tgempearl · 24 days
cast your moots in rtc
Rtc!! I love rtc :3 (If you couldn't tell already by my icon cough cough)
This is based on vibes and my innate psychic abilities only /silly
Ocean - It's me sorry ya'll </3 she's just my girlie and I can't let her go
She's awful but I could fix her /j
Constance - @ireallyliketalldarksultrymen it's the vibes i fear 😔
and i think constance would also love treebark (doomed yaoi <3)
Noel - @fruity-phrog I think you have the passion for it :] (also i feel like you said at some point that noel is your dream role, so :3)
Misha - @tedfagoffski i want to see you sing "my life is awesome" because i think you'd radiate such immense transmasc swag 💪
Ricky - @royall-ass silly fella :D also your paul & richie catboy post
Jane Doe - @just-watching-dont-worry quiet watchful vibes /pos also i think we need more jane does with a purple-ish theme
Karnak (remembered he's also there) - @abatinthelibrary i think you'd be a fun storyteller :D
Virgil (+ the rest of the rat band) is up for grabs ✨
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kolibrispacestation · 2 months
my top president yaoi ships:
(this is sort of satire?? but also keep in mind, a lot of these i have OC-ified!!!!)
- candytree obviously (reagan x bush sr). best one hands down. self-proclaimed “thursday lunch dates” AND a public confession? AND at least four AUs where one of them (bush) is transfem and goes by the cutest nickname ever (poppy. bro got the most flower coded full name ever) ?? AND a “canon” child (w bush / dubya)? be fr
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- radiotapes (lbj x nixon). my favorite by proxy, my partner loves these guys
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- tippetyler (quite obviously, william henry harrison x john tyler.) love me some tragic pairings. doomed couple 👍
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- herbert hoover x warren harding. also doomed considering warren harding died in office and never got to see hoover become president (not that he’d be to impressed, hoover kinda sucked but the point still stands…)
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- whatever jfk and nixon had going on (i do not have any art of it sorry)
- cherries and cream (zachary taylor x millard fillmore). i have a college AU with them and the other antebellum fellas and this is one of the other tragic ships lol. considering taylor died in office.
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- reagan x nixon. not sure why but it’s probably because i used to confuse them for one another when i was a kid. dont have any art of them next to each other but you already saw my designs for them and get the idea.
- bill clinton x john quincy adams 🔥🔥🔥 this is VERY obviously story-specific because they are from different times
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- jimmy carter x gerald ford. friends :)
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- idk who to put for ten
honorary mention: harry truman x dwight eisenhower because my friend likes them
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crystallizedday · 5 months
Okay so
Hoo boy
This is gonna require quite the explanation…
I was joking around with a friend one day, & we had the idea that it would be really funny if like
Some of the souls Demongo steals aren’t exactly due to the raw power these people once had
But instead cause Demmy either hated these people or just found them really annoying
So he decided to be petty
& trap them for all eternity.
My friend specifically had the idea of one of the strapped souls being a potential ex, & I immediately tried brainstorming who would be PERFECT for that role cause I loved the absurdity of the idea so much.
I specifically used the vast cast seen in the Fusionfall universe, especially since it’s a perfect crossover setting where goofy shit like this could definitely happen.
Considering I’m a predictable Scaramongo fan, I thought it would be cute if Demmy was just drawn to beeg fellas who had musical talent of some kind
Which then later led to me being reminded that Valhallen existed in the FF universe
Which then gave me
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I like to think that since both of them are pretty much immortal & have been around for a VERY long time, they probably have changed & evolved over the centuries
Meaning both of em having some kind of ✨phase✨ at some point was very much in the realm of possibility.
I can see Val probably having no idea what Demmy was ACTUALLY doing at the time & just thought the whole skulls & summoning thing was some cool necromancy shit, thinking it was metal as fuck KAMWKWMWOSMSOKDOSMD
& well
Ya know
Assuming Demmy at the time cherished the relationship since it meant he actually had someone that both respected & accepted him, something his character’s kinda known for…
Makes ya think how much that inevitable breakup could’ve fucked him up KAMWKWMOKSSOXKOSKD
Such potential for tasty angst…
This shit is just doomed yaoi & I am HERE for it KWMWKWMWOWMSODMDOFMOFKFOFK
A universe like Fusionfall where all these characters are in the same space as actual heroes & villains (unlike CN City) is so exciting to me cause it means we can come up with goofy shit like
Maximum security prisons for the most dangerous & crooked criminals out there.
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Don’t know if this shit would go down BEFORE or AFTER the Planet Fusion invasion
But either way
It’s funny as shit WKQNWKWNOKSSOMDOS
Naw cause it’s fascinating how well these two work as a doomed pair, especially since both of them know what it’s like to have to rely on external sources to be powerful…
I just thought that fact was interesting. KWMWOWKWOSKSOSKS
Anyway uh
That’s how a crackship turned into this crazy yet fascinating idea for a pairing KWNWOWMWODKSODKE
Certainly wouldn’t be the first time a Samurai Jack character fell for a beeg blonde himbo QKQKQKQMWOWMWOWMWOSKSOKSOKSSOMS
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fionacle · 5 months
it doesn’t have the same options it used to so they looks but different, plus i’m going by memory, but here’s my doomed yaoi
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i never really fleshed out what makes it happen, but in the story sometimes when you die you go purple & forget who you were & stuff and there’s an evil mastermind purple lady and all these other purple people but also people who are still alive. These fellas were in love when they were alive, brown hair died, white hair has to deal with the complex fact that his beloved is so different, and to make matters worse purple brown hair thinks it’s funny to tease him with flirting since he’s so uptight, and white hair gets all flustered because it’s still the body of the guy & honestly he can’t tell if he likes the new guy or not. At some point they’d have a confrontation about white hair having used to love who used to be in this body, and he hopes he’s still in there, but purple is like I’m so sorry man but he’s gone it’s just me now, and it’s awkward and sad but he’s more sensitive in that moment with white hair that he’s ever been before and they grow closer. idk it’s a came back wrong plot
white hair also has 2 sisters one of which is also purple
main character (this was gonna be a fantasy world comic) was gonna be nonbinary
everyone (including some other purple people) was gonna go kill the evil mastermind purple lady or something
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