#fell undyne
kiok0r0 · 9 months
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You heard it here he is the one
Original screen cap below:
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deltaswapjevil · 3 months
Underfell Routes (My take)
Neutral-Selfish Route
The neutral route has the most ending so each one is very different but the basic cost is Frisk selfishly only saves themselves and escapes the Underground (some routes along with Flowey).
The basic timeline is:
1. Teaming up with Flowey
2. Leaving or killing Toriel
3. Befriending, defeating, or killing Papyrus
4. Escaping or killing Undyne
5. Saving or Killing Mettaton
6. Killing Alphys
7. Fighting (if you have 1-5 LV) or being let go by Sans
8. Killing Asgore
9.Flowey absorbs the Human Souls to stop the protagonist from leaving everyone behind without trying to save them
10. Fighting and either saving or killing Savior Flowey
11. Chara confronts you trying to sway you to do the freedom route now
Pacifist-Freedom Route
Convincing everyone to realize their flaws and work together for their freedom
1. Befriending Flowey
2. Convincing Toriel she needs to learn to move on and handle her grief properly
3. Convincing Papyrus to reconcile with his brother
4. Date/Hangout with Papyrus where you convince him that he doesn't need to be a royal Gaurd to have lots of friends
5. Saving Monster Kid and convincing them that they don't need to act tough and mean to get people to be friends with them
6. Saving Undyne from dehydration and showing her not all humans are evil
7. Hangout with Undyne where you convince her that her pursuit of being the strongest has pushed away those she's cared about
8. Saving Mettaton from Alphys and convincing him that he's beautiful on the inside
9. Convincing Alphys that she's not the bad person she claims to be
10. Date with Alphys where you convince her to do the right thing and come clear about her mistakes. Also where Undyne proposes to Alphys
11. Discovering the True Lab and saving all the Tortured Souls (Amalgamates) and convincing Alphys to let them go free
12. Fighting Sans and showing him all the good things youve done and that everyone deserves mercy
13. Fighting and sparing when he tires Asgore much to his surprise and he apologizes to everyone for all the awful things he's done in pursuit of freedom
14. Flowey absorbs the human and monster souls convinced that when you make it to the surface you'll just reset and take away everyone's happy ending and becoming Asriel again
15. Saving Asriel by first saving the souls within him and then telling him that you are in this together Asriel then breaks the barrier freeing everyone
16. Chara confronts you and tells you that you can move on now and let everyone have their happy ending and tries to convince you not to reset
Merciless-Cruel Route
Killing every monster you fight. Taking away the monsters hopes
1. Befriending Flowey
2. Killing Toriel causing her to try and give up her soul to you but it's too weak
3. Killing Papyrus causing Sans to disappear for the rest of the game
4. Killing Undyne causing her to drop her ring she meant to give to Alphys
5. Killing Mettaton causing him to shut down all power in the Hell-Land and the Labyrinth
6. Killing Alphys causing her to attempt to blow up the Labyrinth in an attempt to take you down with her but Flowey helps you escape and now almost everyone in Hell-Land is dead
7. Sans lets you go like the coward he is to let you kill Asgore 8. Kill Asgore causing him to attempt to absorb the Human Souls but they all break
9. Flowey tries to stop you from leaving trying to question why you did all this
10. You kill Flowey by cutting off his stem and stomping on him
11. Chara confronts you and forces you to reset
Genocide-Lost Control Route
Frisk fully gives up control to the player and kills all the monsters in the underground not just the ones the encounter but actively hunting down every monster possible
1. Befriending Flowey
2. Killing all the monsters in the Catacombs and Toriel causing her to realize that you aren't her lost child or even human
3. Killing everyone in Coldtown and Papyrus causing him to regret not trying to make things right with Sans and Undyne
4. Killing everyone in Dark Seas including Monster Kid and the Undyne who become Undyne the Ever Dying. After killing her she warns you that Alphys has a plan to make sure you're gone for good before dropping the ring for Alphys
5. Flowey betrays you and tells you that you've gone too far and that he can't sit back and let this go on (this might be moved to before Undyne's fight)
6. Killing everyone in Hell-Land and the Labyrinth along with Mettaton.NEO who shuts down Hell-Land and the Labyrinths power
7. Alphys injects herself with determination she extracted from the Tortured Souls and turns in Tortured Alphys in an attempt to finally stop you. She can't be killed and you have to wait until she melts to nothing from too much determination 8. Sans fights you to get revenge and after he tires out you're able to kill him
9. Asgore fights you like normal (unaware of your murders) and is killed
10. Flowey attempts to stop you now and force you to reset but he fails
11. Chara confronts you and tries to force you to reset
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didderd · 1 year
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(Click/tap image for better quality)
Forgot to post this a few days ago.
(The sans drawing was purely bc I didn't know what to draw in the moment lmao.)
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late that night, papyrus took a “what sonic character are you” quiz and once again died instantly upon receiving eggman
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vangold · 11 months
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Bit older picture, found the sketch between the unfinished drafts and finally took the muse to finish it up. Visibly I drew this one a while ago considering the quality of my character art from back than. Also it was on a paper with which quality it was....welp, I say challenging to colour it with ink ^^;
However I'm satisfied with how it ended up after all.
Also we didn't have any Fell!Undyne for way too long x3
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mitski coded
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i cant remember Alphys and Undyne’s ship name
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cherry-poppins · 2 years
Sweet Tooth - Fell!Sans x Reader
Roses are red 
My feelings be true 
I don't do poetry...
Screw you <3
Digging through the Underground's garbage dump was one of your favourite pass times. You usually went once a  week as by that time there was usually new stuff. New books, clothes, a bike with a missing wheel, tinned food if you were lucky and.... oh, what's this?
"Omg no way!!" you squeal in excitement, quickly giving it a sniff test to see if it was still good. BINGO!! Shoving it and a few other items in your bag you were quick to depart the garbage dump.
 You run through the waterfall, passing monsters, having to give a rushed apologies as you nearly run into a few. "Sorry!!" 
Unfortunately you do end up bumping into a monster, one who was comically tall and smelled particularly fishy. "Oof... Oh hey Undyne!" You grinned up at her only to be gently shoved back.
"Nice to see ya to kid but next time watch where ya going next time, will ya?" She sassed as she crossed her arms. 
"Heh, sorry about that. Guess i kinda got carried away... Speaking off i'd love to talk but I'm kinda in a hurry"
"Ha ya think? Welp i'll let you get back to whatever, go get'em kid" Undyne quipped as she threw you a toothy grin. 
"Will do, Cya Undyne!!" You yelled as you past her, picking up you pace but with more awareness or your surroundings. 
Shivering as the sudden change of temperature as you enter the forever winter of Snowdin. You slow down your pace, putting on your thick jacket that was tied around your waist. Your first thought was that he was at Grillby's. Only to be left disappointed as soon as you open the door, the jingle of the bell mocking you. 
"Damn, i swore that he's be here... The one time he's not." You whine, only to spot Papyrus in the far corner. Surely he's know. 
"Hey Papyrus!!" You call out as you made your way to him, giving him a quick wave. 
"Unfortunately not today. I was actually looking for Sans, have you seen him?" You asked 
"I HAVE ACTUALLY, HE'S AT OUT HOUSE. YET I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU'D THINK HE'D BE HERE, HE COMES HERE SO OFTEN YOU'D THINK HE'S LIVE HERE MWAH HAW HAW HAW!" Papyrus laughed at his own joke, followed by your own chuckle of encouragement. 
"Heh, nice one. Thanks for the help, cya around" You waved goodbye as you left the establishment. 
You run towards the skeletons (plus yours) house, barging down the door. "SANSSS!!!" You yelled out, knowing this was the fastest way to get to him rather than looking through the whole house. 
The poor, unknowing skeleton quickly teleports to your side looking around anxiously. "Yo where's the fire?! Are you hurt, what's going o-" Before he could continue, or for you to give an explanation your excitement gets the better of you and you tackle him to the ground with a hug.
"Oi get off ya crazy human" He shoved you off, only to give you a soft punch to the shoulder. "Don't scare me like that, thought you were dyin' or somethin'"  Sans huffed, not bothering to get up off of the floor. 
"Sorry Sans, didn't mean to frighten ya. totally could've handled that better. Anyways you're never gonna believe what I found at the garbage dump of us." You beamed as you pulled yourself up to sit your back up against the couch, sans soon to follow. 
He raised an eyebrow at first before giving a grin, ruffling the top of your head. "Us?....Damn a gift? All is forgiven sweetheart, now whatcha' find" Sans asked as you dug through your bag. 
You pull out the slight smooshed but totally edible box of chocolates. "Look!! This is such a good find, and they're still good, must've been thrown down recently. Eeee i haven't had chocolate in so long and as far as i aware you haven't even tried it" You grinned as you held the box out in front of you. 
San's look completely shifted, snatching the box out from your hands analysing it and giving it a quick sniff. "Holy shit, how the- Yeah i've chocolate, when i was a lil baby bones but man that was... fucking years ago. This is like- and don't tell anyone this cause it's cringy af, but like my absolute favourite." He gushed excitedly. 
"Really me too and there's different flavours too, see" You flip the box in his hands and show him the varieties. "See there's you average milk chocolate, can't go wrong with that, then you got the stuff that has caramel. Hazelnut, mind flavour which people will dbeta whether or not it taste good. Dark chocolate, mocha, strawberry. Ooo and white chocolate, which fun fact arguable isn't chocolate as it isn't made with cocoa solids, only cocoa butter. Nice right" You chuckled, only to see the look on his face faltered. 
"Huh I didn't know chocolate had flavours, I've only had the regular shit ya know." he gave a nervous laugh before changing the topic. Huh what's a valentines chocolate, does it make it special from the other chocolate?" He asked, pointing to the front of the box. 
"Valentines box of chocolates- Oh No, no. It's just marketing, once every year, i believe mid February theres a day called valentines day. Which basically people would give chocolate and roses to another as a token of their affection, it's a custom usually done by lovers yet it can be done in a platonic sense." You clarified. Guess they didn't have valentines day here, nor books about it. 
"Oh, a day dedicated to love? Ew that's disgusting, at least they have chocolate on this day haha" Sans joked, giving you a little nudge.
 Knowing he was shy about that kinda stuff made you giggle to yourself. Especially since he didn't know that you knew. "Actually the price of chocolate and roses usually goes up on that day, which is kinda inconvenient but that's the economy i guess."
"What?! That's an absolute outrage, fucking valentines day making over priced chocolate." Sans barked, flipping off the concept of Valentines day. 
You laughed as San's antics. "Well I guess it still tastes good, tell ya what i'll let'cha have the first piece" 
"Damn no way.. for real life?" He questioned. 
" Knock ya self out big guy" after that he wasted no time opening up the box. Yet the decision of actually picking a flavour stumped him. 
He had to look which flavours was which about five times before he made a decision. "Milk chocolate, it's a safe option since i already know that i like it" He reasoned. 
"Huh good logic. Can't go wrong with classics" you shrugged, waiting for him to try it. 
Before he took he piece and ate it he turns to you. "What's your favourite"
"mine? hmm, i don't think i really have one. but going with your logic i'd say white chocolate as i know that i really like it." You answered. 
"well then here you go" He holds out the box out for you to take your piece. 
You give him a smile and a thanks as you take it. Which Sans then takes his piece soon after holding it out to you.  "Happy valentines day" 
You couldn't help but burst into laughter soon regretting it after." Ahahah, What?"
Sans instantly freaks outs, and is quick to defend and explain. "Nah it's not like that, think about it, if these have been dumped recently then its only safe to assume that the valentine's day is today... give or take a few days i dunno. Besides you said that shit could be platonic.... well we're friends are we not.." He looked away, his anxieties filling his soul. 
You let out a soft little "oh" as it began to click for you. "I love you too Sans" You nudge your piece of chocolate with his, leaving smudges on eachothers "Cheers" You grin at the shy skeleton before you popped the chocolate in your mouth, letting it melt in your mouth
Sans is quick to look at you. Observe the look on your face and demeanour. Only to let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "Heh yeah whatever sweetheart, cheers" He chuckled before, eating his own chocolate, licking the tips of his phalanges which was covered in melted chocolate. 
love ya too
Authors Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Givin' a special shout out to the Aces, Aros, Aplatonics, and anyone who is a mix of these! And if you are loveless this year, so am i , so let's cheers to that! Love comes in all different forms, so tell your friends how much you appreciate them or call your mother, I dunno. And keep in mind that even if you don't experience attraction or love, you still matter and are valued. <3
When chocolates and roses go on sale, don't forget to enjoy!! (And if you can't eat chocolate and don't like roses then please accept these 🍫🍬💐🌼)
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kaissauce · 8 months
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whoaaaaaoaaoaaa oooooo story of underfell
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that-one-sketch · 2 years
Okay, this one took a sec. Do enjoy
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Once again, most of the inspiration of this comic comes from an AO3 I was reading.The fanfic is called ‘A Soul’s Descent’. I did not make this fan fic, This is based off of it! All credit goes to Ren_is_Random on AO3.  I am still a mess, as always. May made more comics of it. Don’t really know
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luna-is-lost · 6 months
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The human didn’t help...
[Without BG and without text below]
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Here's the summary of my new Underfell fanfiction, coming tomorrow on AO3.
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To protect your secrets, how far are you willing to go?
This is the dilemma that Papyrus, the royal guard's captain of Snowdin town is facing since he accepted to protect the last fallen child. What he thought would be a simple task is slowly driving him away from his guard's duty, at the worst time possible.
When he finally understands something is really wrong with Undyne, his rival and only friend, it's too late. Overnight, the general announces to him that he is now in charge of the royal guard and disappears from his life.
Even if he tried, Papyrus couldn't resolve himself to let her go without knowing why she gave up on everything in one night. However, by trying to dig out too many secrets, Papyrus has to face a lot of problems. Threats, intimidation, someone is trying to force him to give up.
But the more he searches, the more he realizes all the tracks lead to Asgore. The King is known for his impeccable justice and his absence of mercy. If he doesn't give up, he might lose way more than just his job.
Split between his vocation and his friendship, Papyrus will have to make a choice.
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kiok0r0 · 6 months
For the character bingo, uf Undyne??
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I'm planning on writing up her character in my take of underfell but every design I see of her, she is super cool to look at (and admire her longingly) and I wish more people drew her more! But also knowing that in canon underfell it seems that there is a friendly rivalry between her and fell Papyrus makes me smile. Like we need more friendly rivalries that totally won't end with some betrayal (that betrayal doodle by vic of papyrus and undyne haunts my every wake because of how tasty that is).
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milkybnnuy · 4 months
Tumblr keeps killing the quality so I just made it a short video instead
Anyways I have been thinking a lot about that one newsletter gif
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Underfell belongs to @/underfell
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didderd · 1 year
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(Click/tap image for better quality)
The lesbians deserve to play with the muzzle a lil too. :>
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cinnamoncinn1 · 1 month
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Omg, it's not Fell??
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kiokodoodles · 11 months
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Day 1 - First Meeting
Morgan will never know how first meetings normally go because everyone somehow meets their twin brother first and it always goes badly.
Doing @scrambledmeggys' self ship UF Papyrus month and starting it off with an awkward meeting due to siblings' shenanigans
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