manybcdthings · 16 days
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manybcdthings · 6 months
Ranström Estate in Sweden
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@dxrkenedheights / @secrettyrant
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manybcdthings · 4 months
JUNE 8th - 15th: SWEDEN
Oskar, Felix, Isabella, Madisyn & Henrik
@dxrkenedheights @rviner @wilddwcrds
JUNE 8th
Felix, Oskar, Madi, Bella, and Henrik arrive in Sweden.
There are many uncomfortable silences between Felix and Oskar but Henrik's presence helps ease the awkwardness between them and the two manage longer conversations than they have done for weeks.
The group reach their apartments in the evening and have dinner together, though the conversation consists of small talk and tense atmospheres.
JUNE 9th
The group travels an hour to Strängnäs to visit Greta and Karl.
Bella opts to wait at a nearby coffee shop, growing concerned as the visit stretches longer than expected.
Greta and Karl are unexpectedly pleasant, engaging deeply with Madi and Henrik which feels strange to Felix and Oskar.
When Felix broaches the topic of family history, Greta's eerie calm response about the charmed notebook raises more questions than answers. She takes the book from him, stating how it was always supposed to be as close to Hanna as possible.
Madi discreetly retrieves the book as they leave and Oskar notes how Karl's reaction was stranger than Greta's, as if he was expecting a different response from her.
Felix suggests visiting the graves of Hanna and Lars, but they return to Stockholm with Bella for Henrik's sake.
JUNE 10th
Tensions boil over at breakfast as Madi accuses Oskar and Felix of lying to her about the family given Greta's initial welcoming and warm nature towards her, feeling robbed of potential connections.
The argument between Oskar and Madi is tense, with uncomfortable feelings shared from the Kennedy witch before she leaves. Bella follows and attempts to console Madi.
Felix and Oskar's argument escalates. Felix comes to Madi's defense and the two of them end up touching on deeper family fractures. Their confrontation only ends when they realize it has distressed Henrik, but no resolution is reached between the brothers.
Plans to visit the cemetery go awry with the group going their separate ways for the rest of the day.
JUNE 11th
The strained group reconvenes in the morning and drives to Köping to locate Hanna and Lars' graves. Felix, lacking his magic, stays behind to watch Henrik.
Madi, Oskar and Bella discover a neglected crypt where the notebook's gemstone begins to glow. Encouraged by Oskar, Madi is able to tap into her magic, leading to a breakthrough between them.
They return to Stockholm to read the book with Felix, revealing disturbing truths about their family's use of abyssal magic, the deaths of Greta's siblings and how she furthered the practice against her own children.
This discovery leads to them learn that, while Agneta is cruel in many other ways, she ended two generations worth of abuse and abyssal magic.
Bella helps navigate these revelations, prompting heart-to-heart conversations and apologies between Oskar and Felix and also with Madi.
JUNE 12th
The group continues to grapple with the shocking family history and desperately need a day of reflection. Bella and Felix spend time with Henrik to allow Madi and Oskar a chance to reconnect.
Felix shares his conflicted feelings about his mother with Bella, and the conversation ties into discussions about their future.
Felix later calls Nina to tell her everything that has been revealed from the book and this prompts reconciliation between her and Felix.
Madi and Oskar spend the day with one another resembling a father and daughter for possibly the first time.
The day ends with the group reconvening, their first moment of real connection during the harrowing discoveries.
JUNE 13th
The group travels to the Ranström estate in Gudmundrå, visiting Anna who lives in one of the homes on the land but she remains indifferent about their arrival.
After a short visit, they return to the main estate to relax. When Henrik is asleep the evening turns into an impromptu dinner party with wine, games and singing.
Many drunken heart to hearts are shared, one of them where Oskar admits that he could have been a better husband to Thea and the group stop him from drunk calling and texting her.
The night ends, late, with Felix and Oskar sharing a rare, heartfelt hug which then prompts Madi and Bella to join before they all go to bed.
JUNE 14th
The group struggles through a day of hangovers, made worse by Henrik's early wake-up. They return to Stockholm but the simple journey to the city is constantly interrupted by Felix and Oskar needing restroom stops.
Back at the apartments, they all spend the day in recovery and there's a lot of groans and grumbles. This becomes equally as amusing with everyone sending Henrik back and forth between them so they can all nurse their headaches and groggy moods.
Oskar teaches them all his hack of wearing a white t-shirt and drawing a road on it so Henrik can use his cars on the back as a relaxing massage. They all fall asleep while watching a movie in Oskar's apartment and decide to order take-out instead of cooking.
JUNE 15th
The group arrive back in New York in the evening, reflecting on the trip filled with revelations and disturbing discoveries.
Oskar cancels his work schedule for the rest of the week, calling Thea to make arrangements so they can spend time as a family with Henrik and he also makes plans with Madi.
Felix rearranges Bella's work schedule after the emotional labor she's put into the time away, giving her a few more days out from work so she can recharge.
They're all much closer than when they first embarked on the journey, but each of them are aware that it's only just the beginning of true changes being made.
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manybcdthings · 2 months
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manybcdthings · 6 months
Ranström Family Home
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@dxrkenedheights / @secrettyrant
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manybcdthings · 6 months
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manybcdthings · 18 days
felix ranstrom and isabella westwood @rviner
After what felt like an eternity, Felix finally had Dorian trotting beside him again, and this time, on a leash. The last time he saw this scruffy ball of wiry fur, Felix was bidding farewell at the vets with the promise he'd see the dog again. And then, for months, Dorian was a world away. But now, as the two of them wandered through the bustling terminal of LAX, Felix couldn't help but notice how much healthier the dog looked. The wiry fur was still Dorian's trademark, and no amount of grooming was going to change that but there was a new sparkle in the dog's eyes, a vitality that wasn't there before. It was as if Dorian had finally found something worth wagging his tail about.
Felix was thankful that Bella had offered to tag along. She was the kind of person who knew when he needed company, even if he didn't say it. And, Felix had never been a particularly big dog person, knowing Bella had a calming presence that seemed to extend even to animals. As they made their way through the airport, Dorian trotted happily between them, his paws tapping against the cold tile floor with a curiosity that made Felix smile. The dog sniffed at everything like it was his first time encountering the world, and in a way, it probably was.
"Can dogs get jet-lagged?" Felix asked, the question slipping out before he could stop himself. It was the sort of thing Bella might know, but even as he asked, his other hand was already fishing his phone out of his pocket, ready to consult the all-knowing internet. He glanced at Dorian, who seemed perfectly fine, if not a little too fine. "He's happy, right?" Felix added, hoping the sudden wave of apprehension that hit him like a cold breeze wasn't too obvious.
This was, after all, a bit more intense than his usual habits. Rescuing a literal stray dog from Italy, flying him across the Atlantic, and now strolling through LAX with a new four-legged companion a month later? It was a far cry from his typical routine of getting drunk and indulging in a few…other pick-me-ups. "Maybe I could take him for a walk on Rosie’s beach or something?" Felix mused aloud, his thoughts half-formed and scattered. The idea of introducing Dorian to the sand and surf seemed nice, a poetic end to the dog's long journey. "Or do you think that would…that's a lot in one day, right? I'd probably tell someone to fuck off if they wanted me to jump around on a beach after a flight." Felix looked at Bella with a shrug over his shoulders. "If you hadn't noticed, the reality of looking after something other than myself is finally sinking in."
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manybcdthings · 4 months
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One of the few and only gifts Felix has received from Olaf is an ornate intricately designed silver lighter, it was also a talisman of the older witch. It used to be the only one Felix used, but since becoming a werewolf it is now buried at the bottom of a drawer.
Has a habit of running his hand through his hair when stressed, in thought or problem solving. Also has the same stubborn strand of hair that always falls in his face.
Has kept a journal for years but has never told anyone, he also sketches in it with fine line black ball point but they're mainly doodles. He wrote about his attack and the emotions that followed the loss of his magic and hasn't touched the journal since.
Bites the inside of his cheek when he tries to suppress a sarcastic comment at an inappropriate time, but it usually finds a way to be said anyways.
Wears a black leather woven bracelet that Isabella gave him, never takes it off.
Always stands straight and in an at ease position or with his hands in his pockets. However, he slouches frequently whenever he's sat down and often stretches dramatically once he realizes like literally arms shooting up above his head with a groan as if he's 90 years old.
Has a somewhat impressive collection of vinyl records but he doesn't consider it a hobby, there's some he's never even listened to.
Is partial to chewing gum, especially when he's trying to quit smoking.
Has a PhD in philosophy but it's never been considered impressive or useful in his family so Felix himself even forgets he earned it.
Delayed working at Zenith by traveling and enrolling in universities in Europe, so he has a bunch of degrees none of which he uses.
Prefers dim lighting. Aside from the natural light in his apartment, there's only mood lighting that happens as soon as the sun goes down.
Has a photographic memory but enjoys the fact he's kept this clueless joke going for years where he claims he can't remember any shared memories.
Has always pulled off elaborate pranks during any first dates Oskar has with people, the only time he didn't is when Oskar began dating Thea because he liked her.
Despite having a hedonistic approach to life for a number of years, he inherently disagrees with hedonism philosophy. He also has never liked casual hook ups or meaningless relationships, always taking his romantic interests seriously. Even if they usually hit the one year mark and dwindled. Some exes or previous love interests might describe him as intense, or that he might have moved too quickly.
In the same token as above, he has already bought an engagement ring for Isabella within months of them first dating until realizing that grand gestures and money was the last thing she cared about. So it's been hidden away and decided to not be the one.
Keeps his living space meticulously clean, and his general surroundings too. Very common to see him tucking a few stray chairs under tables at the institute.
Has a habit of standing in doorways and leaning on the frame or holding the top of them, something he's done as soon as he realized he was tall
Actually has a soft spot for animals and nature, helped Tarquin find foster homes for stray dogs in Romania for a few weeks.
Hums tunelessly when he's concentrating and taps his foot, impatient with his own thoughts.
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manybcdthings · 6 months
Describe the character's typical daily routine FOR FELIX HAHAHAHA
His isn't as lame as Oskar's but it's definitely worse HAHAHA
I think he has a natural body clock to be an early riser, but it's something he hates. He probably wakes up at 6am or 7am but with no idea why he's awake at that time and tries to go back to sleep.
When he was a good boy, he probably stayed awake, and scrolled social media, texted people and went to the gym and had a healthy breakfast. And then a cigarette with his coffee. He probably got into the office late still for a small while, like five or ten minutes and it gradually improved to a few minutes late lmao.
These days I think he goes back to sleep and doesn't wake up properly until 10am, if he's hungover and having a comedown he'll literally stare at the ceiling for a while. His days are aimlessly spent now, but I get the impression he still is mindful of the importance of getting some fresh air or going to the gym. He'll show up VERY late to work, like it's pointless he's even there.
If he doesn't show up at all, which is more likely, he's somewhat retreated until later on in the day when his preferred social circles all start up with plans. Usually ends up with his apartment full of people he doesn't even care about but there's drugs and alcohol until he passes out and it happens all over again.
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manybcdthings · 6 months
for FELIX 👪 / for NICK 👪
Felix Ranström. I'm talking about them all LOL
He has a complex relationship with all of his family members, but they all play a part in who he is. They're all influential dynamics, it's really exciting to write. Being closer in age meant he had a slight overlap of a childhood with Nina, so in some ways it's easy to say they're close to one another. But Nina worked out how to balance social enjoyment and career climbing, whereas Felix never did. He views it as wearing a mask whereas Nina views it as the easiest thing to do, so it's always interesting to me to see where they overlap and where they differ. He's not judged as harshly by Nina, either. Whereas Felix's relationship with Oskar seems really hostile on the surface. Their age difference meant Oskar was already an impressive person to compare himself to as Felix was growing up, so he sits firmly in the belief that Oskar is the favored child. However, I love the glimpses of brotherhood between them where you can see Oskar genuinely cares for Felix but doesn't quite know how to show it. Felix's admiration for Oskar can become jealousy quickly and oof it's just so exciting to write. Love it. And then there's Filippa, who was the OG black sheep in many ways. Felix is drawn to her for many reasons, firstly because he feels less alone but also because she's an interesting person. However, I love that she isn't a complete contradiction to their family and isn't this abundance of warmth and you can still see that she's wealthy and had a cold upbringing. I think it's a great contrast to write against because it's the closest thing Felix has to a warm family connection but still isn't quite as warm as actual loving families.
Nick Belcourt
I love all of them so I'm going to write about all of them but forgive me because HE'S NEW so I haven't been able to get as indepth with him yet. I think Nick definitely idolizes his mother and would be quite funny if the siblings labeled him as a mama's boy, but I think he really admires her and especially after their father's death. Nick and Sebastian's relationship is going to be really fun to explore because on the surface they're quite different but there's this unspoken bond between them that actually, it's pretty rare to see them not around one another. They even live together and me and Essie have a few HCs already that their brotherly dynamic is pretty seamless, especially being twins, we said there's moments even when they're disagreeing that they have identical mannerisms which will be funny to write. Nick and Bella, we've taken a few HCs over from Nick and Lily and I'm excited to explore them, he definitely annoys her purposely but beyond that they view the world quite similarly and have this very diplomatic approach to things. So there's definitely moments where Nick has turned to Bella for advice and he can't imagine going to anyone else for it either. For Nick and Prim, he's typical big brother with baby sister and is quite protective but he doesn't outwardly say this. He actually gets quite hurt if Prim thinks he's not cool enough to hang out with for something too.
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manybcdthings · 1 month
felix ranstrom and chloe belcourt @gloriouswhispers
The piano bar was nestled in a cobblestone alley, the small and intimate setting seemed the perfect way to wind down the week in Italy. Slipping outside for a cigarette, Felix sought a few moments to himself. The evening air was crisp but silent and a welcome contrast to the chatter within. But the quiet didn't last for long, as he lit his cigarette, a crescendo from the piano signaled the door opening. Felix glanced over, catching sight of Chloe as she stepped into the night. Since the poolside fiasco with Ines, he'd made it his personal mission to exist on the opposite end of any room from her. Chloe seemed to have adopted a similar strategy, staking her claim on the other side of the doorway.
Felix didn't utter a word to the Belcourt, fixing his attention elsewhere while hoping she wouldn't break the silence. But, moments later, they were both interrupted by the rhythmic panting and soft patter of paws against stone. A wiry-haired dog bounded into view, tail wagging like a metronome to the muffled piano. It approached Chloe first, giving her feet a curious sniff before it's attention locked onto Felix. It trotted closer, and with the gravity of a royal degree, sat at his feet, eyes gleaming with expectancy.
"I don't have any food." Felix chuckled, watching as the dog's head tilted with one ear flopped down and the other stood at attention. A lopsided salute. "Sorry. Where did you even come from?" he leaned down, hand hovering briefly before settling on the dog's head. Instantly, the pup flopped onto its back, exposing a belly that demanded a rub. Felix laughed again, and of course he obliged, patting at the stomach. His eyes then met Chloe's, a shared amusement between them. "Think he got off a leash or something? Is anyone walking that way?" he nodded in the direction the dog seemed to appear from, scanning the street for any sign of an owner.
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manybcdthings · 1 month
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manybcdthings · 4 months
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manybcdthings · 2 months
Felix Ranström's Acting Career:
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"Arrival" - Felix played a supporting role as a scientist, showcasing his ability to handle complex, thought-provoking material about language and extraterrestrial communication.
"Black Mirror: Arkangel" (Season 4) - Felix played the role of an investigative journalist uncovering the darker implications of the Arkangel technology, which allows parents to monitor and control their children’s lives through an implant.
"Get Out" - Felix played a supporting role as one of the people involved in the sinister community, contributing to the film's social commentary on race and exploitation.
"The Haunting of Hill House" - Felix appeared in this horror series as a recurring character, delving into the complex narrative of family trauma and supernatural occurrences
"Joker" - Felix took on a challenging role as one of Arthur Fleck's (Joaquin Phoenix) co-workers, engaging with the film's dark and socially critical narrative.
"Black Mirror: Smithereens" (Season 5) - Felix played the role of the lead character, a rideshare driver who kidnaps an employee of a social media company to reveal the truth about a personal tragedy caused by digital addiction.
"The Haunting of Bly Manor" - Felix played a key supporting role in this gothic romance and horror series, exploring themes of love, loss, and the supernatural.
"Midnight Mass" - Felix had a major role in this horror miniseries about an isolated island community experiencing miraculous events and terrifying omens after the arrival of a mysterious priest. The series delves into themes of faith, fanaticism, and the human condition.
"Archive 81" - Felix played a significant role in this horror series involving the restoration of damaged videotapes, leading to uncovering a dangerous cult and supernatural events. The show explores themes of memory, reality, and the past's impact on the present.
"The Bear" (Season 2) - Felix appeared as Riley Caldwell, a new character involved in the high-stress environment of the restaurant, bringing depth to the series’ exploration of personal and professional challenges. While filming, he met Isabella Belcourt and the two began a relationship.
"The Crow" - Felix stars as Eric Draven, a musician who is resurrected to avenge his and his fiancée's (Isabella Belcourt) deaths. This role showcases Felix's ability to delve into dark, emotionally intense characters, exploring themes of love, loss, and vengeance in a gothic, supernatural setting.
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manybcdthings · 2 months
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manybcdthings · 6 months
FELIX AND NICK: What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Felix Ranström
I think Felix is quietly confident so he's not checking for imperfections which is interesting to me considering he's self deprecating. I think he notices just his general sense of self when he looks in the mirror, and despite thinking facades and appearances are all fake, he does make sure he's well put together and presentable. People probably notice his height and his Pennywise eyes first though. Maybe his general energy because he's intense.
Nick Belcourt
I think Nick notices his facial expressions first, almost as if he's checking if he's approachable and looks like a decent person to know. Secondary would be his general appearance and clothes. I think people notice his smile first because it has a cheekiness to it definitely, I think that's actually my favorite thing about writing his face is that he's always got some sort of playful grin or lighthearted expression going on.
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