#felinia: history
feliniakattus · 4 months
regarding the the Age of Bloodshed, how did the conflicts impact daily life of all the groups?
the Coalition in particular. They were still a very small group, unused to the environment they had just migrated to. They were really unsuited to fighting, especially fighting the Pod, who are so much bigger than them.
To make matters worse, it wasn't as if they could just turn tail and run home. I mean, it would have been embarrassing, but they could have taken it.
The grasslands were undergoing some of the worst fires in remembered history. The Coalition had begun migration on the word of their cleric, and erm. they were glad they'd listened to say the least. unfortunately, they were now under attack. So I think they started recruiting child soldiers. The modern tactic of recruiting cubs into base training as early as one (5) probably didn't originate here, but it certainly was founded as a tradition. Young cubs, while they weren't in battle, were absolutely being taught to fight.
They would probably see their first battle late in their second year, (10), and more survived than you would think! (they ran away) and nobody could blame them. The Coalition was also constantly moving for fear they would be found and attacked as they slept if they stayed longer than a few days, which was taking its toll on very old and very young members, along with the injured.
That said, the Pod wasn't without its injuries either. Their monarch was struggling to convince many of the courtskats to engage in battle, especially as the war dragged on with no sign of the Coalition giving up its territory. Many couldn't see the point in fighting - and perhaps let the younger cubs go quicker than they should. All the same, about half of the Pod was camping out in the floodplains at any given time. They spent their time nursing the wounded and sick, and judging who was badly injured enough to go home.
They definitely didn't live in fear, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either.
As for the Skulk, in the earlier days of the battle, they kept out of it. Tradings were suspended, but they were able to get by. However, once the fires had died down, they decided to extend their territory and try to take over the grasslands. They were largely unobstructed, as the Coalition was fighting down in the floodplains, and their day to day life was peaceful, as long as they ignored the yowls of war from the floodplains just a few hours away.
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westonbothafmpy2 · 4 months
Webtoons are digital comics, they were initially released in South Korea however the format became incredibly popular world wide with many people creating and releasing their own titles, I really like this format of comics as it allows anyone to get there comic out there without having to go through a publisher as well as it makes the comic work more universally accessible, this allows you to widen the audience that interacts with your work. I really like Webtoons as they widen the market for people to make their own comics as well as it could potentially kick start careers into the industry however the issue that comes with something like this is that anyone can technically make any comic they want so webtoons won't be met with professional standards as if it were published.
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Some of the Webtoon comics that I enjoy reading would be Duncan and Eddie
Another Webtoon that I have interest in would be Felinia
I also enjoy Artists that post small comedic comic strips on the internet, They are not industry professionals however I love how they put their Art style and humor in their comics.
One of these Artists would be Glassshine who can be found on tumblr, he creates small comics that tackle the audiences relatable humor I love his art style and how his use of color makes a lot of his art seem comforting and warm.
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Today is March 31, 2018, and this marks the 170th anniversary of the birth of Modern American Spiritualism, founded, essentially, when the Fox Sisters were believe to have breached the veil between worlds of the living and the dead by communicating with the strange raps that haunted their Hydesville, NY home. I’ve never dwelled too much on the Fox Sisters. I recognize the significance of those events, but my interests have always been pulled down other avenues. Toward other movers and shakers. And so, I’ve doing something particularly appropriate in that I’m still out in the wilds of Athens, Ohio, continuing my search for the Koons, Tippie, and Kearns spirit rooms. So far the most touching moment was visiting the gravesite of Felinia Koons with my friend Shirley. The death of this young woman in 1851 at the age of 12 largely sparked Jonathan Koons’ involvement in Spiritualism, first as a skeptical debunker, then as one of the world’s most important innovators of spirit communication. He and his family (particularly his mediumistic son, Nahum) gave us the dark seance, the conception of spirit materialization, and spirit trumpets, all from a tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere that thousands flocked to. What they did, right here on the property where I’m staying, changed Spiritualism and our own history forever. They just don’t get enough credit. Felinia’s spirit was a welcome visitor once the Koons family opened their spirit room, and we’re lucky enough to have a poem she herself was believed to have composed for her grieving family, in spirit. And no—it’s not great poetry—and yes—I meant to read it over her gravesite and totally forgot in all of my excitement—but it’s a neat monument to a forgotten figure, buried here so far away from her loving family in the middle of a fallow field: Rejoice in fullness of love/In the smiles of your angel dove, Who was plucked from your kind embrace/From the branch of tender days, Whose soul to you returns/Whose love now purely burns, For friends who yet do dwell/In their weak mortal cell To teach God’s love and will/For their joys to fill. —Felinia Koons (2 years deceased)
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feliniakattus · 4 months
do they have any prominent art? do they paint directly (portraits, scenes, et cetera) often, or is it just for the Big Events?
well well welll,, tumblr user bright-honey asking questions about art who could have predicted this?/lh
The exact type of prominent art varies depending on the settlement, but they all have at least one.
The Skulk lives in huge stone structures shaped out of chunks of stone. Within, they have several reliefs of their Gods, whereas outside the structure, the rock is left natural. Using bioluminescent moss that is almost constantly refreshed, they are able to illuminate these reliefs. Deep within the stone, this is often the only source of light. Young cubs and trainees are often brought here to learn about their gods. Below are Hukum and Yshbid, who are responsible for judging dead souls.
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The Pod also uses bioluminescent dyes in their most prominent artworks, which are each other. The Pod generally hunt for three days straight and then return home to eat and rest for another three days. During the latter period, they paint each other in swirling patterns that represent waves and currents, in order to keep the favour of their founders. Expecting parents paint their stomachs in the pattern associated with the god they're hoping for the patronage of.
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While the Coalition prefers oral history, i.e., storytelling and poetry, physical artwork is still important for them. The most prominent of these would be the paintings in the dens of very young cubs. When a new litter is born, their parents will collaborate with the historians and craftskats to paint a mural depicting a scene from history. This one is from the Age of Bloodshed.
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feliniakattus · 4 months
hmm, shall you share with the people your calendar ideas? they need to see…. the days… of the week…
the plebs shall know about the calendar.
There are 365 days in a year for the Leagues, but only 363 of them are factored into their calendar. There are eleven months to a year, each one 33 days. At the beginning of each season, one holiday or festival occurs, which is not counted as part of the year, or of any month.
Each year is divided into two seasons, cuil (the flooding season) and ceine (the scorching season.) these seasons have two smaller divisions: ceine takes up september-february: hraf-ceine, which would be september-november, and sress-ceine, which is december-feburary.
cuil is made up of rraas-cuil, (march-may) and clach-cuil, (june-august).
The year begins during the first month of hraf-ciene, but the year is only considered to have fully developed after the first fire of the season.
A year is called a ciarall, and is a full cycle from the beginning of hraf-ceine to the end of clach-cuil.
Years are collected in groups of eight. Every eight years is called an Epoch, and eight Epochs are an Age.
So far, there have been 5 ages:
the age of dawning, (formation of the skulk and the pod)
the age of the second sun (formation of the coalition)
the age of joined paws (the coalition's alliance with thorned paw and seasonal holidays. the invention of their modern calendar, specifically with the two off-days)
the age of bloodshed (the coalition begins to migrate, the other leagues attack them to try and take their territory, they are defeated by hamilcat barcat and his son, hannibal barcat)
the age of dayspring (the modern era. peace with the skulk and pod users in a new age of prosperity. the leagues' numbers skyrocket.)
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feliniakattus · 3 months
so... hannibal barcat.. how did he come to be and how did he impact the world around him?
Hannibal Barcat, who was probably known to the Coalition as Topi, was the son of Tessebe. He was born during the Age of Bloodshed, shortly after the Coalition began migration to escape the fires that had razed the grasslands. He had no siblings. It was just him and his parents. 
The Pod had just started pressing on their borders, and the Coalition didn’t pay them too much mind. It wasn’t until the Pod raided their temporary camp that the war began in earnest. This raid was devastating for the Coalition. They were utterly unprepared for any kind of fighting, and if the grasslands weren’t still smoldering they probably would have run home with their tails between their legs. As it was, they fought as best they could, but several kattii were killed, Topi’s mother included. This was the fighting that gave him his distinctive scar, which almost sealed his left eye shut. 
He kept it closed out of convenience at first, as it hurt to open and was blurry, and later it simply became muscle memory to close it. This fight became a core memory for him – the blood, the screams, the shine and shing of claws whistling through the air. His father, Tessebe, was a leading fighter after this. He was often away, but when Tessebe wasn’t, he showered his only cub in affection and attention, usually in the form of practising fighting moves. The other caregivers supported this, encouraging their cubs to do the same. 
What Topi remembers most clearly from this time was the fear. No kattus was completely at ease, and the Coalition was constantly moving. He remembers one occasion when Tessebe didn’t come home for a moon because he couldn’t find the Coalition’s new camp. 
When he turned two (10), he began battle training properly. This was typical for the Coalition’s young at that point. They had realised that the Pod wasn’t going to let them have the land, and as they still couldn’t return to the grasslands (the Skulk was occupying it), they put everything they could into fighting. Including young cubs. Topi was in his first battle when he was a little older than two. He doesn’t remember much except how fierce the Pod kattus he fought’s eyes were. They were barely older than he was, and they truly hated him, and they didn’t even know him. 
When he told his father, Tessebe nodded.
‘They hate us. So we need to hate them back. There’s no point in trying to love something that hates you.’
And Topi nodded like Tessebe had said something wise. 
These were the earliest defining moments for him, but the biggest moment in his life that made him the way he was came when he was six (30). It was another battle with the Pod. At this point, it probably would have been easier to just run back home and chase the Skulk off. At least they knew how to fight on that territory. 
It was becoming increasingly clear that they just did not know how to use the floodplains to their advantage the same way the Pod did. They were haemorrhaging cats left and right, and there were almost no young cubs. But they stayed out of stubborn pride. They didn’t want to lose to a bunch of blubbery idiots. So even though they were dying, the Coalition clung on. 
Topi was in the thick of the fight – as always – when he caught sight of that same kattus he’d seen at in his very first battle. They were over a young cub, claws unsheathed, and he tugged himself free from the kattus digging their teeth into his leg, and flung himself at the Pod kattus. They began to hiss, and he closed his eyes and before he knew what he was doing, he had killed them. 
He had tasted their pulse thudding and falling against his tongue, and felt his teeth sink into their neck as smoothly as any meat. 
Topi told the cub to run, a kind of numbness stealing over him, and then he shrank back from the body and fled into the sea of slicing claws and teeth with new rage. 
This battle was a real doozy for him. Not only did he take his first life, but his father died during that fight as well. 
That shaped him more than anything else into the cold war general that he is known as to the Coalition today. He forever changed the Coalition’s relationship with the other groups – even now they’re less trusting and more guarded with the rest of the Leagues – and the Thorned Paw Clan who helped them win the war that defined the Age of Bloodshed.
More than that, his efforts changed how warfare was carried out by the Coalition. He helped to develop new technology that the Leagues still used today and pioneered several battle moves that are unique to the Coalition. 
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feliniakattus · 4 months
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sneaky little pre-canon timeline for you all
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feliniakattus · 4 months
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out of context moments from the leagues history 🙈
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