#feelsy ones usually are
griffinisgae · 10 days
Hello! I am here to tell you I am obsessed with My Thesis is a Demigod. Thank you so much for giving us fun fluffy but also feelsy AU food with these goobers!!! (with bonus Shadowheart and Lae fyeah)
I was wondering if you had any other fic plans you maybe wanted to share or tease (yes I am FISHING) or if you had any recs you wanted to shout out that would be super cool aswell! But thank you in any case and keep on truckin!
Oh my god! you're so kind and I'm so glad you're enjoying! :D this made my evening hehe
i am not sure what to "tease" per se, but I have so many ideas I want to write! (I will soon have more time to get them out hehe) and also ton of AUs I have been pondering (fallout, cyberpunk, high fantasy, you name it, I love to daydream all of em), also a couple of which are inspired by super cool art from @demytrixi!
This ask is my dream come true because I also get to spew some of the fics I've been re-reading on the regular (these are by no means all my faves, I have so many faves! these ones were just to hand :D)
Keepers of old, keep us from cold - smutty, and so good with a nice amount of fluff and feels!
Ardent Devotion - because i adore the concept of Isobel being one wine glass deep into her confession to Aylin, and Aylin being an oblivious goof that was scared to impose her feelings onto her
dying to be born again - because I love autopsy scars isobel. also honestly anything else by redledgers! shower them with love here: @buckysleftarm
Moon-chosen, Moon-guided  - recently finished!! aylin/isobel goodness including dealing with trauma, fluff, and much wonderful stuff. amazing read. also anything by theblindbandit! shower them with love here: @oathkeeper-of-tarth
Smitten by Moonlight - i am eating this up every Friday when the author usually uploads! ongoing pre-canon cuties
A Taste of Heaven (In a Confessional Booth) - ... no comment but I didn't think church smut was what I needed (it is)
anyone who sees this feel free to add more to the list, there are so many fics worthy of recognition!
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 4 months
Music Monday
Thanks for the tags @sznofthesticks @lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes and @tellmegoodbye and thank you for starting this tag game yay!!
I sometimes get the need to listen to nostalgic feelsy 90’s pop and last time I sang loudly along to these I had Tarlos on my mind and it made me form this silly lil’ headcanon that TK sometimes get the same need and listens to Dido in the Tarloft, like when he’s cooking in the kitchen, swaying a little bit and loudly singing along while Carlos just does his thing somewhere else!
Even though TK in some ways is a ‘committed-relationship’-guy, and even though it’s meant as a metaphor something about the lyrics
“If my life is for rent
And I don’t learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
‘Cause nothing I have is truly mine”
Makes me imagine TK singing along to those lyrics and reminiscing about how happy he is that he dared to let Carlos push him to ‘buy’ and that even if he ran away at first he took the leap to come back and commit to Carlos and the permanency of owning the Tarloft together!
And even though it doesn’t fit exactly because TK and Carlos are together and his love is reciprocated, he’ll sing loudly along to
“I will go down with this ship
I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my tomb
I’m in love and always will be”
Thinking about how in looove 💕 he is with Carlos and maybe when he’s in a certain mood a little about the breakup and how messy he feels like he made things.
(Bonus about this song is that it’s so fitting to fandom and shipping culture - be it Tarlos or any other ship, we’ll all ‘go down with this ship’🤣)
I also in this lil’ headcanon of mine, I imagine that both Carlos and TK would recognize these song from their childhoods as there both 90’s kids.
I can both picture both Gwyn and Andrea (and Owen tbh) liking and listening to Dido. While I picture TK having memories of him and Gwyn singing along with it together in the Car, Carlos would maybe secretly like it and borrow the CD (this is the 90’s and 00’s after all) from Andrea or his sisters and put it on his room bc a lot of kids like the same music that they grew up with or that their big siblings listen to, but Carlos would have felt like it wasn’t cool to like bc it was ‘girls’ music’.
Which make him like it even more when TK sings badly along with it in their kitchen - it reminds him of Andrea in the kitchen or being allowed in his sisters’ room and listening to music, but it also reminds him how his past insecurities has diminished so much since meeting TK who has brought this more free way of being allowed to be masculine into his life 🥹
Carlos will find it adorable and freeing even if TK’s singing is as good as his impressions🥰
I want to add one last song because it’s such a beautiful love song that also makes me 🥹🥹 when I listen to it while in my Tarlos feels - thinking of one of them being away or working a 24-hour/night shift and thinking of the other being about to wake up and start their day and they won’t be able to kiss good morning and goodbye as usual🥺:
“My mind’s distracted and confused
My thoughts are a million miles away
They lie with you in your sleep
Kiss you when you start the day”
Open Tag!
Plus tags under the cut (tagging everyone who follows me just in case you want to participate and are too shy to use the open tag - but if you don’t want to, please don’t feel any pressure to, and if you don’t want to tagged next time please let me know!! (Or, just don’t like this post and I promise I’ll leave you out next time, and you can let me know if you did want to be tagged)☺️🩷 (if you aren’t tagged it’s because I couldn’t find you in the mentions and you can always let me know if you want to be tagged another time!! (And know that the open tag is for you this time!)))
@storms-s @vineofroses @goldenskykaysani @feministteapot @nancygillianmvp @ladytessa74 @alrightbuckaroo @dramalets @certifiedflower @leave-a-whisper @carlos-tk @herefortarlos @radootti-tippins @whatsintheboxmh @wymyhr @shyfannickelplaid @inkweedandlizards @heartstringsduet @kiwichaeng @craftytragedysalad @paperstorm @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @carlos-in-glasses @curly-fangirly @thisbuildinghasfeelings @thoughtsickles @mentallyill-gremlin @never-blooms @catanisspicy @lightningboltreader @constructiononsunsett @firstprince-history-huh @zenschin @welcometololaland
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youwouldntlietopapa · 11 months
"I'm not jealous, you are jealous."
With Primo
This is anon and it’s definitely not Beth ❤️
I love you and I like you thank you bye
Oof, okay, this one got more feelsy that I was aiming for. Sorry not sorry.
“Buongiorno, sorella.” Primo’s greeting sounds unusually formal and a bit flat when you walk into the greenhouse. Not his usual warm welcome or his smile. In fact, he hasn’t looked up from his work table where he was fussing over one of his plants.
“… Good morning, Papa.” You respond, sounding more like you’re asking a question than offering a hello. “It’s nearly tea time.”
It’s become a habit over the last few weeks. Tea with Primo in the greenhouse at 10:30. Late enough in the morning that he’s ready for a break and early enough to give you some time to spend together before lunch. It’s… something. Neither of you have been willing to name it or put rules to it. It simply is what it is and you’re content knowing that you’re both comfortable and happy with your arrangement, without worrying too much about the rest. Sharing his bed (or work bench, or chair, or whatever else is at hand) when the mood strikes, and enjoying his company just as much.
You walk over, setting the tea tray down on the bench next to where he’s working. Primo still doesn’t look, shifting his weight subtly to make any attempt at a kiss on the cheek awkward if not impossible. It’s not like him to behave that way and definitely not like him to not even offer a thank you for bringing pastries from the kitchens.
“Not today, I think.” He says bluntly. “I am very busy.”
You blink at him for a long moment. “Replanting that hosta? Primo, if you’re going to lie to me, could you at least make it less insultingly transparent?”
He huffs. “I did not think you would come today. I have things to do.”
“Why wouldn’t I come today, of all days?” That’s all the patience you have for talking to his back and you walk around him to actually see his face. “If I did something, I wish you would tell me.”
“You did nothing. I just assume you would be with Cardinal Doyle this morning. Too busy for tea out here.” He says Doyle’s name like a curse, his mouth twisting sourly.
It takes a moment for the meaning to sink in, like an unexpected slap in the face. You had been talking to the Cardinal or, more like, he was talking to you. The other Sisters had already warned you about that man and his wandering hands. He was a menace and a pest, and also had seniority. It was very hard not to talk to him once he got it in his head to talk to you.
“What on Earth are you talking about, Primo? Do you mean at breakfast?”
“In the hall, si. You seemed very interested in what he had to say. I hear him telling you to come to his office later.” He finally looks at you, trying to keep his face neutral but his pale eye glows in the muted light of the greenhouse. “You are not obligated here, Sorella. If you wish to meet with the Cardinal, I am capable of entertaining myself.”
“Are you being serious right now?” You stare at him, stunned. “Where is this coming from all of a sudden?”
“Are you forgetting who you are talking to?” In all the time you’ve known him, you’ve never heard Primo play the I am Papa card. Definitely not with you. He’s told you more times than you care to count that he’s too old for juvenile dick measuring contests. I always win those anyway, he winks every time.
But not today, apparently.
“I thought I knew. But I’m starting to wonder.” You pause and look at him, pieces clicking together. “Are you… Are you jealous???”
Primo scoffs and dusts the dirt off his hands, marching across the greenhouse to look for a larger pot. “Now you are just being ridiculous!”
“Me!? You’re the one who’s all bent out of shape because I was talking to Cardinal Doyle – who approached me by the way! He’s my superior, what was I meant to do? Walk away? I’m so sorry, Cardinal, Papa Primo will be absolutely miserable if I talk to anyone else! A rule I was supposed to just intuit, as it happens. I know, very odd, but you must know that I can read Papa’s mind and know exactly what he wants without him ever actually telling me!”
That certainly got his attention. Primo turned back, pulling himself up tall. It was easy to forget how imposing he could be. Easy to forget that Papa Secondo was his little brother. His little brother who still wouldn’t cross the eldest Emeritus. But you are quickly reminded, fighting the urge to try and shrink down, to back away.
“You may speak to whomever you wish, Sorella. You do not belong to me, clearly. If it is Doyle you want, you have my blessing. May the Old One bring you both nothing but happiness.” His tone was icy cold.
“You are jealous!” Is all you can think to retort. Maybe not your finest comeback and definitely not ideal timing, but no one ever said you were good at keeping your mouth shut.
“I am not jealous. You are jealous!” Primo snaps.
This time you do stand there, looking like he slapped you. Part of you wants to laugh at the absurdity and part wants to scream. Not able to make a decision, what finally comes out of your mouth is simply, “Who in all the depths of hell is it I’m jealous of, exactly?”
“I see you yesterday, and several days before that, Sorella. Don’t think I am so old and feeble I don’t notice. The way you glare daggers at Sorella Abigail when she comes to talk with me.” There mockery in his tone meant to get under your skin and it works all too well.
“Abigail???” You are very aware of how loud you’ve both gotten and the greenhouse walls aren’t thick. But to hell with it. “You think I’m jealous of Abigail???”
“Si, Sorella.” He fires back snidely. “You deny it?”
“Satanas, I think I had better just go get your brothers because I think they may need to take you to the doctor for whatever head injury you’ve apparently suffered. Jealous of Abigail. Lucifer be merciful. Of all the absurd things you could have said. The last person I will ever be jealous of is that catty, manipulative, power hungry little social climber. You can talk to her whenever you want, Papa, I just thought she was making a damned fool of herself, aiming to be rejected by the third Papa this month!”
“And you were, what? Going to Doyle’s office just for a nice chat? Hmm? Everyone here knows who he is. What he does. Don’t tell me you don’t know. I see right through you. You want to fuck that stronzo, you go ahead. And when you are sorry and disappointed, don’t come back here crying to me. I try to warn you.” He slams the bigger pot for the hosta down on the bench so hard it cracks.
“I don’t want to fuck Doyle!” You shout back at him. The shadow of a ghoul on the greenhouse wall freezes, pressing a little closer to listen. You know that silhouette. “SWISS, FUCK OFF!”
The shadow skitters away, leaving you to your shouting match.
“I was only talking to him because his fucking sister is a florist and she knows people who deal in rare flowers, you absolute dickhead! All I wanted was her number so I could surprise you because it’s your birthday next month! But I suppose I won’t need to worry about that now, will I? I don’t need to ask you what this is or if you want more. I don’t need to tell you how I feel. You’re the brilliant Papa who’s already got it all figured out. It’s Doyle I want, right? Just my type. Creepy scumbag who keeps trying to feel me up. Not the man I actually spend all my free time with. Not the man I actually get excited to see.” Your anger and your hurt collide and your voice cracks. All the energy you’d had for yelling vanishing at once.
“Not the man I actually love.” Your eyes drop to the floor because it hurts to look at him, and all you can manage is a tired sigh. “I’m so sorry I bothered you, Papa. Please forgive me. I won’t keep you from your work any longer.”
His hand catches your elbow before you can reach the door and when you look back at him, there’s something panicked and uncertain in his eyes. A hope he’s afraid to give voice to, half certain it will crumble to dust if he tries.
“You don’t mean that.” It’s not angry or even accusing. Just disbelief.
The tears on your cheeks burn like acid. Traitors, every one of them. “You’re going to call me a liar now too?”
“Don’t snip at me about treating you like you’re old and feeble and then tell me you didn’t know, Primo.” You hang your head and give in to the exhaustion. “I love you. Of course I love you. I spend every morning waiting to come out here just to see you. To be with you. To be close to you. You had to know.”
“Why didn’t you say?” His hand slips from your elbow to your hand.
“Say what, Primo? That it wasn’t enough? Because it was. It was enough to just… to just have you to myself for a little while. A few minutes. An hour. Whatever I got. I could make it enough because it was better than nothing. And if… if I said it and it was wrong… it would vanish. I couldn’t… I couldn’t risk that.”
His warm arms envelope you, wrapping you in the smell of fresh turned earth and a dozen different herbs you can’t hope to name all of. The sound of his heartbeat, faster than its usual steady rhythm. His hand rubbing your back, soothing and calm.
“Mi dispiace.” That voice, that’s the one you know. Primo’s voice. “Mi dispiace, angelo mio. Forgive me. I don’t have an excuse. I am a fool. A fool who doesn’t deserve you.”
His finger hooks under your chin and lifts it to look you in the eye. Gently drying your tears, cupping your cheek. “I thought…” He sighs, shaking his head at himself. “I see the way he hangs around you. Like a fly, always buzzing. But you smile, you laugh and I think… Satan knows what I think. Stupid, ridiculous, petty things. Because he is still young, he is flashy and confident… And I am…”
“Perfect.” You finish for him. “You are perfect.”
Primo presses his forehead to yours and closes his eyes. “Far from perfect. But for you, fiore mio, I will keep trying to be.” His lips brush against yours softly. “Anch'io ti amo… from the start. The very beginning. No matter how many times I tell myself you don’t need an old man holding you back. I can’t help it. I don’t want to. Ti amo. Ti amo tanto. Ti amo così tanto che non riesco a pensare lucidamente.”
When you stretch up to kiss him again, it’s no light brushing of lips. Your hands catch the back of his neck and you kiss him deeply, passionately, the way you’ve held back from anywhere but bed. Worried it would overstep some line. Break some unwritten rule. But he leans into the kiss, meeting you with equal desire and need. His arms crushing you to himself.
When you finally break away and look back at him, it’s like seeing a new man. “Does that mean we can still have tea?”
“No.” He says firmly. Letting you go and taking your hand, he starts walking quickly toward the far end of the greenhouse, hidden by a thick layer of foliage, to the private room you two have made use of before.
“No. Today, amore, I still have apologies to make and lost time to make up for.”
Anch'io ti amo = I love you too
Ti amo. Ti amo tanto. Ti amo così tanto che non riesco a pensare lucidamente. = I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much I can't think straight.
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aralezinspace · 2 years
Requested by Anonymous: I was wondering if you’d be willing to write an angsty request (TW) with Morpheus being in an established relationship with the reader, but since he doesn’t eat and is not used to the schedules of humans—he doesn’t notice they have an eating disorder. But someone else points out that they never/rarely eat/only pick at their food and Dream just can’t let it go/stop thinking about it. I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort and I haven’t seen any stories for Morpheus where the reader has an ED
A/N: Warnings: reader has an eating disorder, general eating disorder discussion
you asked for angst? I WILL DELIVER ANGST *cackles* no lie tho, I teared up writing this one. I hope anyone who needs this kind of comfort finds it in this story, and that if you are struggling with this yourself, know that you are not alone (I'm just a stranger on the interwebs but I'm rooting for you) and have access to the help you need 💖💖
I started writing some ✨feelsy spice✨ for this but then it would have been an absolute BEHEMOTH so uh if anyone wants to read PWP/PWF ask and ye shall receive xD
~~Requests for Morpheus and the Doctor (9-13) are open!~~
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“The New Inn,” your read aloud, hands jammed into your pockets as you and Morpheus approached the building. You gave him a little nudge and a playful smirk. “What happened to the old one?”
As usual, the current of the joke went right past him. “It was torn down,” he replied with a hint of melancholy, “Hob Gadling purchased the land and rebuilt it… so we could continue to meet.”
“Every hundred years, right?” A nod. Your brow furrowed as you did the mental math, a headache beginning to pound behind your eyes. “I thought your next meeting wasn’t for another decade or so.”
Dream peered at you out of the corner of his eye, a tiny smile lighting up his face. “You are correct. However, I recently learned that once every hundred years is too infrequent to see one’s friend. And…” He held the door open for you, a perfect gentleman. “I believed it was time for the two of you to become acquainted.”
You gave Dream a beaming grin; you knew how big of a step this was for him. It was a huge step for both of you: your relationship wasn’t exactly new, but it had taken a long time of you asking, and a while for Dream to agree to this. The significance of today was not lost on you, and a little shiver went down your spine.
Hob was sitting in his usual corner near the window, already nursing a pint of amber beer. He rose to his feet with a grin when his eyes found his ‘stranger.’
“Hello stranger,” he greeted Dream with a beaming smile, holding out his hand for a shake. You had to give Morpheus a little nudge but he eventually gave Hob a firm handshake and a little nod of his head. Warm brown eyes then darted to you, quickly roving up and down your body, taking in every detail and committing it to memory. So, this is the one who has so captivated the famously aloof and closed off Dream of the Endless. His first thoughts were that you seemed to be open and kind, but strong and perceptive as well- a perfect combination for his stranger. Loving and giving, but also wouldn’t take his shit.
“Hob,” Morpheus began with a gentle and gallant hand at the small of your back, “This is Y/N, my... my partner.” You held out a hand for a shake, meeting his eyes with a warm smile. Instead of shaking it, Hob gently took your hand and kissed the back before giving it a light squeeze.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N. The change you have brought on our mutual friend is nothing short of astounding.”
A flush touched your cheeks in time with your giggle, the sound slightly choked as the pounding in your head intensified. Morpheus gave you both a tiny frown, but there was no real ire behind it. Hob gestured for the two of you to sit. Once again, a perfect gentleman, Morpheus pulled out your chair for you to sit before stiffly sitting himself. Hob gestured to the bar and a waitress came over to take your orders. Hob ordered another beer and a sandwich, Morpheus minutely shook his head, and the waitress’ eyes came to you.
“Umm…” you glanced at the menu and ordered the first appetizer your eyes focused on. “I’ll have a water and a cup of the onion soup, please.” The waitress nodded with a smile and headed back to the bar.
You mostly listened as Hob and Morpheus caught up- meaning Hob did most of the talking and you and Dream listened. He was full of entertaining and touching stories from his hundreds of years of being alive, all the ups and downs and everything in between. Hob started asking you about your life as the food arrived: what you did for work, if you had pets (not counting Morpheus), what you did in your free time (besides Morpheus).
By the time you had to leave, you had only eaten about half of your soup, both from the fact that the idea of eating made you feel ten shades of awful, and because Hob had kept you talking with his easy going charm. Your headache had faded, only to be replaced by jitters, chills, nausea, and a fog tightly bound to your mind. You excused yourself to the bathroom before you left, barricading yourself in a stall and sitting on the toilet before you passed out.
You doubled over, head hanging between your knees to try alleviating the light-headedness. A deep breath shuddered in and out of your lungs. You massaged your temples, trying to get the rest of your headache to go away. You knew you would have to go back out soon, or Hob and Dream would get suspicious. One more deep breath and you hauled yourself to your feet. You plastered a smile on your face as you stepped out of the bathroom. Hob and Morpheus were waiting by the door, their coat collars turned up and hands jammed into their pockets. Both smiled in their own ways when you approached, but Hob’s immediately fell from his face.
“No offense,” he began carefully, “Your face is kind of pale, are you feeling okay?”
“Oh yea, I’m fine,” you responded a little too quickly. “Just a bit tired, work has been busy.” Hob didn’t press it, but you could tell he wasn’t entirely convinced.
You and Morpheus met up with Hob almost every two or three weeks, mostly at Hob’s request, to get to know you and “make up for lost time.” Most of the time you met at the New Inn for lunch or drinks, but you did have Hob over to your apartment for dinner twice. He was very appreciative of your cooking, asking to bring home the leftovers.
Hob kept a close eye on you during visits. Steadily, his concerns grew: not about your fitness as a partner, although he was pleased and comforted by how much you cared for his stranger and how well you worked together. No, he was concerned for your physical well-being, and the fact Morpheus didn’t notice. How could someone as observant and almost omnipotent as Morpheus not notice how little you ate?
He finally brought it to Dream’s attention one night at your apartment. You had been cooking dinner, gently stirring a pot of pasta, when you asked Hob to mind the stove before rushing off to the bathroom, pale and shaking. He stirred in silence for a moment before peaking at Dream over his shoulder. The endless was seated on your slightly squishy couch like it was a throne, his hands folded serenely in his lap, staring straight ahead. Must be plugged into the Dream Matrix, he thought to himself.
“Dream?” Morpheus’ eyes focused again as he turned to Hob, eyebrows slightly raised in permission to go on. “It’s not my place, but… is Y/N alright?” He paused. “I’ve noticed when we’re together, they… don’t really… eat. Much of anything.”
Morpheus’ brow furrowed in confusion. “Why mention this to me? They are perfectly capable of caring for themselves and eating when their body demands.” Hob sighed.
“Yes, I normally would agree, but… they always seem pale, and weak, and ready to fall over. I’m sure you know, that’s not an indication of good health in a human.”
A deep frown etched itself into Dream’s face as he thought on Hob’s words, and realized his friend was right. “I… never noticed.” His insides writhed with a hot feeling that was somewhat unfamiliar to him. He hadn’t felt it often, and didn’t like to acknowledge when he felt it: it was shame. You occupied his every waking thought, how could he not have noticed?
“I don’t blame you,” Hob continued quickly as he turned off the stove and moved the pot off the burner. “I know a lot of human things aren’t exactly… at the forefront of your mind, but…” he sighed. “I think they may have an eating disorder.” A tense silence filled your apartment.
“An… eating disorder?” Dream repeated slowly. Hob nodded.
“An unhealthy relationship with food, destructive eating habits, that can lead to other problems, or be caused by other issues, other things happening in their life.” Morpheus’ frown grew deeper, the writhing shame suffused with bone deep concern. How could he not have noticed the neglectful harm you were doing to yourself?
“Thank you for telling me,” he murmured darkly. Hob could tell he was angry, but not at you. He knew Morpheus was angry at himself for not noticing, not knowing. For not taking care of you.
You emerged from the bathroom a moment later, profusely thanking Hob for watching the pasta. Dream watched you carefully- now he saw what Hob meant, and wondered how in the infinite realms he could have missed it. He saw the tremors in your hands, the paleness under your skin, the bags under your eyes, your slightly heavy breathing. Hob was right, you looked like you were about to keel over.
You could feel the tension rolling off Morpheus as you placed the food on the table, could feel his stare on your back, could feel the intensity of his frown. You could tell he was pissed, but had no idea what had set him off. Anxiety gnawed at your insides.
All through the meal, Morpheus’ responses were clipped and ground out, but his hand on your thigh was as gentle as it had always been. It didn’t escape your notice that he gave your leg an encouraging squeeze every time you took a bite, no matter how small.
It began to dawn on you what may have happened while you were in the bathroom trying not to pass out.
The rest of the visit was calm and enjoyable, but you could still feel the tension coming off Morpheus in waves. When Hob left, he murmured to the Endless, “Be gentle with them, they know you care and they’ll tell you in their own time.” Morpheus nodded and bid him farewell.
After he had seen Hob out, Dream turned to you. You were seated on the couch, fiddling with your fingers, curled in on yourself as if expecting a harsh scolding. Morpheus let out a breath through his nose. He hated how fragile you seemed, how small. Now was not the time to ask you about what Hob had said. He feared one wrong word would completely shatter you beyond repair.
As you went through your bedtime routine, Morpheus wrapped his arms around your waist. “There is something I must see to in the Dreaming,” he choked softly, the words landing on the sensitive skin behind your ear. “I will find you when you arrive.” You gave him a quick smile and nodded as you rubbed moisturizer into your cheeks.
“Okay, I’ll be there soon. Just need to brush my teeth.” Dream pressed a lingering kiss to the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. “I love you,” he breathed into the ridges of your spine, fluttering the little hairs there. A whirl of sand at your back and he was gone.
Back in the Dreaming, Morpheus prowled through the halls to the library, a determined frown creasing his face. “Lucienne!” he half bellowed, the rumbling echo of his voice bouncing of the ceiling. The librarian jolted out of her seat and faced her lord with her hands behind her back.
“Yes my lord?” she asked anxiously, wondering what could have possibly gotten him worked into such a state.
“I need to do some research, on…” he swallowed hard. “On eating disorders. In humans.”
Lucienne blinked in confusion. “Eating disorders, my lord?”
“Yes,” Dream grit out. “Whatever you can find.” Lucienne nodded and pushed her glasses further up her nose.
“Of course my lord. I’ll bring them to your study.”
“Thank you. I will be with Y/N this evening.” He gave her a nod and swept out of the library. Lucienne frowned as he left, putting the pieces together. She could only hope you were alright.
Morpheus spent all his solitary free time with his nose buried in a book- reading about various eating disorders, how to support loved ones dealing with them. There was a sort of unspoken understanding between the two of you, but one filled with tension that would one day snap. You knew it was a matter of time before he approached you and began asking questions, and you dreaded the day.
It came sooner than you anticipated. The two of you were in one of the palace’s many sitting rooms, reading in arm chairs in front of the fireplace. Morpheus softly closed his book. “Darling,” he asked gently, “Why did you not tell me about your eating disorder?”
You froze, a deer in headlights. Morpheus was never one to mince words, but his question caught you off guard. You closed your book and chewed your bottom lip, trying to piece together an answer. “I am not upset with you my love,” he assured you, reaching over to take your hand, “I am concerned for your welfare.”
Your hand was shaking in his grasp, your eyes watery with unshed tears. Unformed words were stuck in a massive lump in your throat. How could you possibly explain the tangled web of thoughts, fears, and insecurities that had ultimately led to your self-imposed torture?
“Hob brought it to my attention,” he continued carefully, leaving space for you to chime in if you so wished. “I was unsure of what he meant, at first. Lucienne directed me to information in the library, so that I may learn what ails you.” He rose from his chair and knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his. “My darling, you need not explain. I only ask that you tell me how I may be of support to you in overcoming this.” A pause. He swallowed hard, eyes silver and swimming.
“I understand these things can have roots in low self-regard. My love- I will worship your body with love and care until you know and believe, as I do, that you are beautiful in every way, and then continue to do so. I do not wish to see you endure such needless and undeserved suffering.” He lowered his head to press a desperate kiss to your knuckles, and you could have sworn you felt a single tear scorch the skin.
“I am not angry or ashamed,” he assured you again, speaking the words into your hands for you to hold onto forever. “Not at you. Only at myself for not noticing your pain and struggles sooner, for letting you suffer alone and in silence. It seems… I still have much to learn about humans.”
Despite it all, you chuckled, sniffing back your tears. Who’d have thought you’d see Dream of the Endless admit on bended knee that he didn’t know everything. The small sound of mirth took him by surprise; surely nothing about this was laughable.
You slid out of your chair and into Dream’s lap, the warmth of the fireplace suffusing your face and making Dream’s silhouette against the flames appear even darker and more enchanting. “I didn’t know how to tell you,” you finally admitted softly. “I… I was afraid you would see it as just one more human weakness, one more reason why we- I- wasn’t worth your time. I… didn’t want you to think I was weak, or finally agree with the words in my head that’re always saying I’ll never be enough for you-“
Morpheus stopped your words the best way he knew: by kissing you. Unyielding but gentle hands held your face as he captured your lips, leaning you back into the chair. “You need not say any more, my heart,” he growled softly against your lips. His words vibrated with power and promise, an oath he had no intention of breaking before the stars burned out. “Whatever aid you need, you shall have.” One kiss. “You need not endure this alone any longer. I will be by your side.” Another kiss, more lingering. “Always.”
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asimplearchivist · 5 months
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓬 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 ] AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST summary ☾ ⤏ khonshu forgot when he last hadn't felt pain. you make it easier to bear. pairing(s) ☽ khonshu/reader | promises kept!verse word count ☾ 1.8k a/n ☽ ⤏ my eighth entry for the moon knight bingo hosted by @juneknight and @spacecowboyhotch over at @moonknight-events. I will eventually crosspost this to the main fic for promises kept on ao3 when it will best fit the chronological progression of the chapters. ⤏ got a little feelsy with this one. khonshu being so stubborn makes promises kept a glacial slow burn, but sometimes I just want to write him soft. I caved here. ☽ MASTERPOST ☾ ☾ PREVIOUS ENTRY ⤎ ☥ ⤏ NEXT ENTRY [TBA] ☽
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Some days were harder than others.
Khonshu had long since grown accustomed to his present state—malnourished, most definitely, and somewhat inhibited by old wounds on top of it—but the length of time under which he’d had no choice but to suffer did not make the affair any easier with which to deal. The constant nagging ache deep in the core of his wellspring—what he could only suspect was the closest equivalent to hunger in mortals, as he didn’t quite experience the same sensations—was an ignorable, background sensation at this point. Any bit of a boon he was granted by his few remaining followers soothed the worst of that acute, piercing emptiness, but given the fact that his avatars required continual support via the maintenance of the magical integrity of his ceremonial armor, oftentimes the energy would instead be passed right along to them instead of being kept for himself.
Such was the explanation behind Khonshu’s ghastly appearance—how could he sustain his physical manifestations when the continuation of his duties sapped what little energy he had from his own shallow wellspring to start with?
He never spent very much time taking in his own visage, whether it be in reflections provided by glass or by water. Even still, however—after over two thousand years of being trapped in the unrelentingly vicious reality of scrounging around for any scraps of divine energy he could come across for the sake of alleviating the hollowness resounding within himself—he would catch himself expecting to see glimpses of his old silhouette in his periphery, but was always met with the skeletal remains of the glory long ripped from him by his fellow deities.
He tried not to dwell on it too much, and it usually never came up naturally—most of his avatars through time assumed, given their ignorance towards the culture from which he’d originated and had nurtured, that it was how he had always appeared. Languishing in the negative feelings and memories that particular line of thought always drudged back to the surface only debilitated him. Righteous anger was easier to deal with than the repressed wounds still weeping from betrayal and despair. Those feelings never went away, really, given that his ‘hunger’ was a near-constant reminder of that single life-altering event over two millennia prior, but…most of the time he was able to shove them to the back of his mind.
You certainly helped him to do so.
An inexplicable balm to his soul, Khonshu found relief and refuge in the unshakeable lee you formed against the rest of the mortal world entombing him. Your steadfast dedication and devotion fed him, little by little, just enough to ease the ache. Perhaps it was irrational to rely upon that mutual symbiosis, a feedback loop doomed to fail eventually, since he was forced to channel that energy right back into the armor to keep you from harm, but he’d be damned with assurity if he was forced to forfeit you now.
You, mercifully, didn’t comment upon the…unfettered touchiness…that he displayed when the weariness that always followed a night out executing his justice superceded his finer mental factulties.
Your bed was much too small to fit the both of you comfortably, but you’d insisted that it would work if you sat up against the headboard and he pulled his legs up onto the mattress. Your fingers were light against the sweep of his shoulder, tracing the stark line of wiry muscle that conjoined at the scapulae. You’d already explored much of his back this way, reading the topography of him with your palm. Your other hand rested upon the curve of his head, thumb rubbing small circles that metronomed your steady, slow breaths and your occasional quiet humming.
He should have felt foolish, contorted not unlike a child with his head resting on your lap. Throughout the lengthy span of his life, he’d never stooped so low to demean himself in such a manner. The rest of the Ennead would make him the laughing stock of all pantheons if they knew of his particular…weakness for you. Although the Grecians often intermingled with man, the Ennead had long since forbidden it…but he couldn’t help but wonder. If it was so wrong, why did it make him feel the way that it did?
Even still, it would not be a good thing for them to discover. He didn’t fear himself much anymore, but if anything ever happened to you or Badru…
“You okay?” you asked softly, smoothing your hand up between his shoulders to cup the nape of his neck, rousing him from the light, dozing trance into which you’d unwittingly induced him. “You went all stiff on me.”
Khonshu grumbled. I am fine.
You let out a noncommital, if skeptical, sound and shifted a little to press the heels of both your hands into the meat of his shoulders. He winced as you dug in, working some of the tension free from his physical form. “Just got you relaxed and then you went and started overthinking again,” you tutted. “What goes on in that big noggin of yours, I wonder?”
Nothing good, he mumbled.
“I already knew that much,” you huffed. You found a particularly sore place below his scapula and his fingers knotted into the material of your t-shirt tighter as he smothered a grunt. “You’re just as bad as I am.”
You couldn’t fathom the heaviness of all that weighs on my mind, he pointed out sourly.
“Mmhmm.” You leaned forward and reached down to press at the base of his spine. His hiss was muffled by your thigh. “And you fuss at me for not keeping the armor as long as I need it,” you sighed. “Why don’t you use your abilities on yourself, too?”
Because he would bear it if it meant harm wouldn’t befall you. Because he would starve himself until he withered to dust if you had another chance to retain the breath in your lungs. Because you could bleed him dry and he would give you the knife with which to tap the celestiality that coursed through his arteries.
Heliopolitan maladies differ from that of humanity’s, he said instead.
“That seems a little counterintuitive,” you remarked, dragging up his sides to rid his ribs of their tension.
I require a greater expenditure of energy due to the nature of my body being primarily incorporeal and thus sustained only on my magic. It is much easier to heal tangible tissue. Khonshu tilted his head to peer up at your face, creased with determination and focused on the length of his back sprawling away from you. The material of your duvet was soft and warm against the bare skin of his torso, a balm against the perpetual chill that clung to his bones. The natural, thriving heat that emanated from your body certainly helped. What I consume is sufficient.
You frowned, eyes traveling over the gaunt press of his skeleton against his ashen, tawny flesh, barely hidden by the leanness of what muscle he’d retained in this form. “Somehow I doubt that.”
It was enough to sustain him and little else, but you didn’t need to know that.
You are fretting over nothing. Although that is nothing new, he jibed, hoping to redirect you.
He could sense your dubiety, but you thankfully dropped the subject. “...Do you sleep?”
Rarely. Allowing himself to slip into dormancy in his present state for any considerable length of time was a dangerous game he only dared to play when his wellspring was at its lowest tolerable level. He had also always preferred to remain vigilant in order to watch over the earth for any outstanding threats that may crop up on the misfortune-prone planet. Now that he had you and Ru under his protection, he especially resisted the urge that tugged at him at his weakest points. But I am capable of it, if that is what you mean.
“I had wondered. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with your guard down.”
There were reasons for that, too, ones that he’d prefer that you never learned.
I must never set down my creed for even a moment, he said, else the world fall to shambles in my absence.
“That’s called catastrophizing, in my realm of expertise,” you pointed out gently, forfeiting your inspection of his throbbing (but less achey) back and instead scratching your fingernails feather-light over his scalp. Frissons broke out over his skin and skittered down the length of his spine. “Thinking about worst case scenarios doesn’t give you any more control over what could or will happen. Plus, I think we’ve got a sufficient number of guardians all over the world to help give you a break.”
You are aware that those merchandised puppets are not even aware of the realm in which I dwell and deal, aren’t you?
“I’m pretty sure I’ve heard stories about sorcerers or something, but that’s besides the point. You need to let yourself rest occasionally. I don’t even want to imagine what several thousands of years’ worth of burnout looks like.”
You were looking directly at it, frankly. Khonshu readjusted his arms to wrap around your back, hands overlapping your waist as he buried his face into the crease of your thighs once more. I am resting.
You went silent at that, movements stilling for a long moment. Then you shifted, hunched over him, and placed a chaste, lingering kiss on the crown of his head. “Well, then I’ll leave you alone.” You returned to your position against the headboard, pillows cushioning your back, and resumed your soothing touches along his scalp, neck, and shoulders. “...If you wanted to sleep, I can stay up for you for a while. If the world starts ending, I’ll be sure to wake you up.”
It was far more tempting an offer than Khonshu could resist, given your attentiveness had coaxed that old exhaustion to the surface like the tide. He wondered if you possessed any supernatural abilities of your own, or if it was because that was the same tone his mother had always used to convince him to sleep when he was young. You wouldn’t know if there was a disturbance in the astral plane if it struck you by the back of your head, he murmured, sagging into you steadily.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you returned quietly, thumb tracing the impression of a scar along his temple. “Just let me take care of you, Khonshu.”
He was trying his best, truly. It was certainly difficult to protest such a precious gift offered with no malicious intents underlying its tender promises.
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kanerallels · 5 months
Since it's Free Day of Spring Fling with @monthly-challenge, I decided to update the Steve Miller Au (which will hopefully be updated a little more regularly in the future)! Hope you guys like the next chapter-- it's short but feelsy, and I had a lot of fun with it. First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @day-to-day-thots @auroramagpie @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @seleneisrising @cassie-fanfics (DM me or comment if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!)
It wasn’t normal for the Ghost to be quiet— and even now, it wasn’t completely silent. Ezra could hear someone— probably Kanan— moving around in the kitchen, and low voices sounding here and there. It sounded like he was getting ready to make dinner, which meant it wouldn’t be long before the sounds of music would start up. Idly, he wondered what Kanan would play this time.
They were on their way home from another mission, which didn’t usually make things so quiet. But this one was different— at least, it was for Ezra.
This time, he’d found out what truly happened to his parents.
He’d never really expected them to be alive. The odds for people in their chosen profession— namely, rebels— weren’t really that great, especially ones that were imprisoned by the Empire.
But when he’d had that dream… Ezra had hoped. He’d hoped that maybe, after the prison breakout, he’d find them again. And they’d hug him and apologize for leaving him and he’d say it was okay, that he took care of himself, and Kanan looked after him, too.And they’d be proud of me, he thought, swiping at his face and swallowing hard. I hope they were proud of me.
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rosetyler42 · 1 year
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Ericka Pregnancy Dump Part 3!
1.Had the idea of Ericka reassuring Drac for a while, and I've been playing with the idea that, while Ericka is pregnant, Drac sometimes likes to stick around her when he can to make sure she's doing alright. Sometimes that includes him resting on her shoulder in bat form. Ericka, of course, doesn't really mind him being around, but she's still trying to keep him from fussing over her too much. After all, he worries enough as it is.
2. Speaking of Bat!Drac on Ericka's shoulder, I was in a sleepy cuddles mood again!
((Bonus: I hid some fun surprises in the registry book. XD))
3. With the 20th week just past, I thought I'd do Drac finding out that one of the twins is a boy which means he's finally having a son. (He loves that he's having another daughter too. I just thought I'd give the guy his moment since, judging by HT2, he did want a boy at some point.) Ericka's amused by his reaction and Mavis...well, after seeing her father dance in drag around the room after finding out about Dennis, she's not surprised.
Like Mavis, Ericka personally doesn't care what she gets. She's just happy her and Drac's monster-human legacy is actually happening. Whatever combination they come in. Mostly, they found out because these two are both planners who if they knew you COUKD find out before definitely would and plus... well, we've seen how Drac is when it comes to surprises and "Wait and see" situations. XD But beyond names and maybe clothes ("Even that's a matter of preference"), having one he didn't get to have last time etc. Ericka doesn't see why gender matters all that much. Van Helsing apparently didn't seem to care much what gender Ericka was, as long as she could do what was expected of her. Plus, she's also a martial artist. Which, in fighting, gender doesn't make as much of a difference as you'd think, and as a matter of fact female warriors are respected due to their ferocity (coming at it from a mental perspective of being an underdog.) I'm sure being Pan helps too. Her answer to "Do you want a boy or a girl?" Would most likely be "...I want babies." Either that, or just "Yes." XD
4. Wanted to draw some pregnancy stuff with Ericka and Mavis bonding (since Mavis has had a kid of her own already and they both became moms without having a mom themselves.) But I ended up making things feelsy. As much as they are two sides of the same coin, Ericka and Mavis came from very different worlds. And I kinda liked the idea that Mavis, being the more emotional and much less traumatized one of the two, could bring a nice outsider perspective, pointing out some of the more messed up things about Ericka's upbringing that she herself tends to be "This is fine. :)" about. Similar to how Ericka can be the practical brutally honest outsider perspective for Mavis. Plus, the idea of her getting upset on behalf of the stepmom she once tried to crush is both sweet and funny. XD
5.Some pregnant Drericka fluff inspired by some partner in love with pregnant belly prompts I found a while back involving the partner kissing the belly bump and tickling the other person. X3 Which is even sweeter with how touchstarved Ericka is and how strict her childhood was/how she was expected to act. Another one of those "bringing out each other's playful sides" things.
6/7. Was in a pregnant!Ericka mood yesterday morning. Ended up working on these longer than was intended but they turned out great. I've had the idea of Ericka discovering the "belly press-baby kick" game for a while. And of course loving/protective and Sleepy mama are always fun to do.
8. Dracula comforting an exhausted, achey, and very dramatic pregnant!Ericka as she flops onto his legs/lap.
Been meaning to do some Drericka fluff, and I had the "I'm going to be as big as the Legacy by the time they get here" joke for a while. Don't worry, as much as the guys joke, she's not going to get THAT big. They're just messing with her and Ericka's just being her usual dramatic self. As she would say "Look, hon, I can't help how I am. Being Dramatic is LITERALLY in my code. Besides, we're pretty much finding almost every possible way to void the human body warranty with these cute lil imps. And with almost ZERO idea what ANY of us are doing, I might add. I have EARNED my right to be dramatic."
9. Was in the mood for some Mama Ericka fluff. Plus, I haven't drawn Eve much lately. I like the idea of Eve being one of those cats who like cuddling up to their owner's pregnant belly/rubbing it with their paws and purring.
10. Some sleepy pregnancy fluff. While she IS willing to change position, Ericka's not about to give up her favorite pillow (Drac) just because she's having twins. She sleeps better hugging him and resting on his chest or shoulders where she can feel the rise and fall of his breathing anyway - the heartbeat is optional. (Plus, with her body temp higher than normal, the difference in body temp probabky feels REALLY good right now.)
@gothicthundra @ebevkisk @neo-storm @that-obsessed-gay-girl @sine-qua-noon @chica-chuu @animatedpixie @erickadracula @ericka-van-helsing @erickaanddraculasblog @ericka4ever @elenadracula @drericka @drericka-prompts @drericka-is-lyfe-blog @drerickastan @thenerdynightprincess13 @thesecreatoroftrans @f-mhoteltransylvaniacomicseries @kittyball23 @lovelylivelyv
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Good news, everyone! There are TWO Spectators in the House of Hope dungeon, not just one.
No sign of Raphael yet but probably only a matter of time.
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First order of business is to get Hope out of her chains.
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The chains are anchored on giant crystals on each side of the arena, which possibly we could also destroy, but the hammer comes with a unique attack, "Unshackling Strike", which says "Smite the magical bonds keeping a a creature restrained, paralyzed, or stunned, freeing it." So we just need to get into melee with Hope and smack her with it.
I loaded Jaheira up with the hammer since she's the one of us least dependent on weapon attacks; unfortunately she's also the slowest of us so it took two turns during which I had everyone else start clearing the room.
The spectators, as usual, are scary as fuck and have 3 billion attacks; the most concerning bit was that one of them managed to land a paralyzing ray on Jaheira, which puts her out of commission temporarily. Unclear if this was deliberate because she had the hammer or just unlucky.
However! Hector has a freedom of movement potion, and we have Magic Pockets(tm) meaning Minsc could throw it on Jaheira before her turn. TEAMWORK! STRATEGY! I'm SO GOOD at this VIDEO GAME!
(Not really, but I try. XD Throwing the potion apparently doesn't work if you're ALREADY paralyzed, which is fucked up. >:( )
I think their target must not have been random, because they KEPT doing this to Jaheira, forcing us to kill them before we could cut Hope free. A surprisingly scary bit of this ended up being maneuvering everyone so they wouldn't get yeeted into the abyss by the knockback on the imps' eldritch blasts. (I did have to do a reload for this because Karlach got knocked off; I considered a feelsy drabble about it but it didn't really feel like it served any greater character point beyond "oh, whoops, shouldn't have stood there." XD )
The reload went much better; I was able to get Jaheira over to Hope and hit her, at which point absolutely nothing happened. >:( So I guess we were supposed to go for the crystals after all.
At this point I just got annoyed and beat everything up before trying to continue. XD This had the added benefit of letting us short rest and heal up before actually cutting Hope free.
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Strike one.
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Strike two. And she's out!
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"FREE! I never thought I would be, believed I could be, hoped I might be. HEADS WILL ROLL!" she crows, waving her arms around. Then her face falls sharply and along with it, her voice.
"But we must address the hollyphant in the room. I can see how you avoid looking at me. I must be so terribly mutilated after all these decades of torture. Don't hold back. Tell me how bad it is."
Her head bows, her shoulders hunch.
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Hector looks at her with some bemusement. "You look perfectly normal," he says, because she does - really more normal than one would expect under the circumstances.
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She smiles weakly. "We both know that's not true, but thank you for being so kind."
He blinks. "No, really... you look fine."
The smile strengthens, but turns all the sadder for it. "You truly are the kindest fool I've ever met..." she murmurs. A pause, and then she turns away sharply. "We'll carve our way to the entrance hall and chop Raphael into messes! That's the hopeful version of course. The likely version is that WE ARE THE MESSES AND HE IS THE CHOPPER! ONWARD!"
Hector and the others watch her leap back to the platform where they came in, and all of them look more than a little troubled.
"What's she talking about, Hec?" Karlach asks in a low voice. "She looks fine."
"I don't know," Hector answers grimly. "I'm more than a little concerned that perhaps she doesn't at all. It wouldn't be the first thing we encountered here disguised under a glamour."
The deep red of her face pales slightly. "Oh. Oh gods..."
"I hope I'm wrong. Gods, I hope I'm wrong."
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ask-ethari-anything · 10 months
Are there times when Runaan acts childish? Aside from the incident where both Runaan and 8-year-old Rayla both walked off in opposite directions and slammed the doors on each other…
Hm. From my years with Runaan and Rayla in my house, I think I've moved beyond calling outbursts of emotion "childish". They're just feelings! And everyone has them. Sometimes it's harder to keep it inside, and sometimes we just don't want to mask it, or we feel safe enough to be seen with our actual feelings.
I guess what I'm saying is, Runaan's feelings are as valid as Rayla's. And he should feel comfortable enough expressing them in his own house if nowhere else. I know I do, and Runaan accepts me this way.
If I may defend him further, he's usually not quite so feelsy, especially not in a loud way. That clash with Rayla was a bad day for him, and it threw him off for a while. But he'd gotten scared by his own instincts and then accused of being heartless by the one person he'd most wanted to protect. These are not usual factors in my husband's day!
Sometimes life piles up on you like that, though. Runaan isn't immune to getting overwhelmed, but by now he's had a lot of practice at managing the intensity of his feelings. He does his best, and when he needs to let things out, I'm here for him. As always!
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
12 & 21 for the ask game
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
Ooooo I'm torn on this one honestly? I have a lot of AUs in my head not down on paper, some that are just. So far from the original source material that they're practically their own media just with borrowed faces oops XD
But I guess right now it's probably the fate AU where magic is a thing but Most of the characters are just Normal, with the Main fic being a teachers/teaching AU because -slaps head- you can fit so much salt about academia in this bad boy. I started it like...yesterday with the usual brainrot focused on Salieri and my brain has already veered completely into making a oneshot in the same universe focusing on another character's encounter with a supernatural cult leader SO IT'S REALLY GOING. I do also enjoy my Alter Ego Salieri AU.
21. Go onto your AO3. Which ship have you written for the most? The least? Does this correspond to who you consider your "favourite?"
Well, by virtue of works on AO3 it's a bit of a tossup. I have a multi-chapter fic in one fandom but a lot of the entries in it are platonic or can be read both ways so I don't really count it? So then it goes to next most written which is Morwen/Telemain from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles and Padme/Anakin from Star Wars, both with a grand total of two fics each. x'D
Padme/Anakin is a ship I'm neutral about, but since it was basically just a fix-it series that...is a lil abandoned right now, they're together because I haven't decided if they stay together or break it off to just be friends and coparents. Since rn they're both still in a lot of trauma and danger they're just clinging to each other. But I also don't know if I'll ever work on it again because there is SO MUCH LORE I have to remember and Star Wars fans are scary if you get lore wrong. XD But also for them to still be a ship in canon/fix-it they would need. SO MANY TALKS AND THERAPY.
Morwen/Telemain meanwhile is a ship I do hold fairly close to my heart; Telemain is a character I just love, he annoys the hell out of everyone with all his technical magical talk and I feel so seen by it because same, friend, same. I'd like to write more with them eventually, and I did start a multichapter back in 2020 that I'd like to get back to if my brain cooperates. I'd really like to explore Morwen and Telemain both diving into technical magical talk because I feel like she enjoys it too, just tends to remind him to speak a little more plainly when others who aren't as steeped in magical theory are around. And I also have a really feelsy WIP on the effects of the war on Morwen somewhere deep in my docs that also has some shippy vibes, but I've not worked on it for ages because it feels very self indulgent.
And if you look at my WIPs it's all Salieri/Mozart from Fate Grand Order, I have like. Nine in my docs right now, save me x'D and only one up on my AO3.
EDIT: I FORGOT the ask game is: here for anyone who wants it themselves/wants to ask uwu
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so here's the deal for today and the entire weekend: I was finally given the damn book of high school law so I can prepare myself to tutor the kid who needs help. I'm also sleepy and I need to keep prearing math and English.
Which means I'll be doing a bit of studying and a bit of tumblr-ing, alternating like I always do to keep myself awake and alive.
This also means that as always you are VERY FREE to spam me so I have something to write, whether with memes or replies, and that I'll be slower in chats because to chat with someone you can't just write a few words and then disappear for fifteen minutes.
Priority is to shippy things and platonic but feelsy things, positive takes priority over negative too because it's harder to get into my muses' head to write unhappy things without some build up via watching sad videos, I'm too naturally happy to be here lol (But seriously, one of my muses is so AU it's an OC, the other is straight up OC, they are both females and they both have characteristics that are usually considered very unlikeable so having threads at all is AMAZING)
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nibelheimfirstclass · 6 months
Get to know the mun
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What made you pick the current muse(s) you have ? Man I have been writing this butthole for years. But my muse for him comes and goes.
Is there anything you don't like to write ? I have a hard time writing the smut, but I'll do it. I don't do things like highly graphic or intensive in that area. I'm very fluffy. Much fluff. I like exploring depth of emotion and things of that nature!
Is there anything you really enjoy writing ? Anything that gives me the opportunity to delve deeper into a character so I can know them more and love them better. Like Rufus? Gimme those childhood heartbreaks. Tseng? What made you grow that perfect sheet of hair so long. Reno? Why such sarcasm defense? Simple things.
How do you come up with headcanons ? Through interactions with other characters, I tend to get these little bits and pieces figuring things out!
Do you write in silence or do you play music ? I like listening to music, and usually will watch something to help define the mood. Feelsy? Romcom. Action scene? Action movie. Mix of both? Something like Top Gun baby.
Do you plan your replies or wing them ? That all depends on whether or not we've plotted really, but I tend to lean more in the direction of chaos.
Do you enjoy shipping ? I am a feelsy boy. If we wind up making a connection that works (and I ship Cloud with chemistry mostly), then absolutely phenomenal. If not, lets sail off on a friend ship. (Badum TSSS)
What's your aliase/name ? C
Age ? Father time.
Birthday ? August!
Favorite color(s) ? Cerulean
Favorite song(s) ? Presently? Chronically Cautious
Last movie you watched ? Forrest Gump
Last show you watched ? 24 hours in A&E
Last song you listened to ? All Too Well (Taylors Version)
Favorite food ? I am a huge foodie, but right now my favorite dish is Chicken Vindaloo!
Favorite season ? Fall, because HALLOWEEN!
Do you have a Tumblr best friend ? Quite a few but this is an opportune time to call out @flowergirlgillionaire
Tagged by: no one, saw on the dash! Tagging: YOU ;D
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spiral-wizard · 8 months
My dad isn't a very feelsy guy. I usually describe his side of the family as "very loving and awkward about it". A lot of his love/support is conveyed nonverbally which i struggled to understand when i was younger. When i look back though, it's all there: the dresser he built for me when i was born, the coffee table he made for my first apartment. The hours he'd spend driving me places. The fishing trips he'd take me out on, even though it wasn't my thing. All the firm yet gentle pats on my shoulder. He always made sure i ate a square meal every day.
Honestly i think it all clicked for me when i went to his house for Christmas once a few years after i had changed my name. I looked at my stocking, the same one I'd had all my life that has my deadname embroidered on it. This time though, he had written my chosen name on a piece of paper and stapled it to the stocking over my deadname.
If that ain't the most awkward and loving expression of acceptance and support i have ever experienced, i don't know what is!! He'll never know how huge that was for me. I think if i told him he wouldn't know what to say.
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calliecat93 · 1 year
So thoughts on the new episodes now that I'm back on the bandwagon:
Outfoxed: It was okay. Not my favorite, but it's fine. I LOVED seeing Koki being a nerd about foxes, it's adorable. Also, I think so far, her new VA is doing a fantastic job. It's different from Heather Bambrick, but similar enough to not be jarring and letting the VA do her own take. Also, Gourmand has a dog now? Ugh... can someone call the Humane Society, please? Anyways, pretty standard episode. Not great, but not awful either, and hey foxes!
Clever the Raven: This one was better. It felt like the characters got to do a bit more and thus have more fun character moments. It looks like they're doing more common/North American animals at least so far, which since this was in production during COVID, I guess that's all they could do. Which is fine, there's a lot they haven't done yet that I'm actually surprised they held back on. Also, all the villains (aside from Paisley) just being around for no real reason (not even doing anything evil, just there) and Clever annoying them was the best haha~! I actually learned a good bit about ravens that I didn't know, like their ability to mimic sounds. Overall this was a fun one~
Race To Goat Mountain: This one was pure fun! Since Paisley's intro she's honestly been super underutelized, only having I think two solo appearances and the rest with the others. Which is a bummer because it's meant she's lacked a lot of the personality that the other villains had, so this one REALLY helped make up for a lot. Seeing more interactions with the Bros and Paisley was sorely needed. But yeah, this was so fun~! I laughed so much. From Martin's issues with the Bighorn Sheep suit to the crew acting as commentators to Martin being a total drama queen when he's stuck (seriously, Martin is a riot in this one XD). It's a fun ride from start to finish~!
Owl Odyssey: So due to an accident, the Bros and the girls get rocketed to a faraway land, a LOOONG ways away from the Tortuga and without any gear/equipment/discs aside form the Miniturizer. Jimmy doesn't get included which is a bummer, but I guess someone needs to keep the Tortuga safe haha. This was another really fun one! From the girls annoying Martin to poor Jimmy getitng run out of the Tortuga to the girls thinking that the Bros have gone insane... y'know, more than usual. God there's SO may funny moments XD. I won't spoil too much, but there's also a bit of bro feels and that is an easy way to make a good episode a top-tier one!Not to mention all the owls! They've done some specific ones before, like snowy owls and desert owls, but this one is more broad with a whole variety in different continents. This was a really fun odyssey, loved it~!
So I'd say that Owl Odyssey is the best one for being hilarious, adventurous, interesting, and even a little feelsy while still having a good creature lesson. Then Race to Goat Mountain, then Clever the Raven, and Outfoxed at the bottom since I thought it was the most boring unfortunately. But hey it still did its job of teaching the kids, all four of them did. Which if we have more episodes like the last two in store, this is gonna be a fun season~!
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singingcookie · 8 months
Fanfic Q&A!
Thank you for the tag @encyclopika, sorry I'm oh so very late getting back to it 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Good question uhhhh 55???? That seems like way more than I thought it would be....
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
523,858 words! Granted over half of that is just my slow burn story so lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I've written for My Hero Academia (40 out of the total 55). But I've also written for Kingdom Hearts, The World Ends With You, and more recently Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh that's a good question let's see...
Drops of Jupiter (829)
A Princess's Dilemma (381)
Within Arms Reach (378)
One Plus One Does Not Equal a Date (Probably?) (303)
I Roll to Seduce (296)
I'm...genuinely shocked one of my LoZ fics is up there??? And so high??? 1, 3, 4, and 5 are all from my hero fanfics which is not surprising and most of them are super old. Number 2 I only posted in June and it was my first fic for LoZ so that's...interesting to say the least.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! The last year or so I've had a hard time working up the energy or finding the words to respond to comments, sometimes. But whenever I do gather up the energy to do it, I tend to answer everything in my inbox in one fell swoop! And I always really appreciate getting them so tbh sometimes I feel bad that it can take so much energy to reply....
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh gosh idk if I have anything that qualifies as an angsty ending lol. Maybe Tarantism (a KH fic) because it's supposed to be feelsy and then the ending is one of those "it's just a dream" things haha.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest...probably A Family's Orbit? The story has married izuocha with their first kid who they're not sure when or if she'll have a Quirk of her own. But the one-shot ends pretty happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hmmmm I've gotten a handful of complaints on Drops of Jupiter, on occasion. Usually just people telling me I'm going too slow (when I put in the author's notes of the very first chapter that it's "the slowest of slow burns" smh). Or this one time someone told me I didn't give Deku enough victories in the fic and it would be way better if I did.
Outside of that though, I can't think of any on my other stuff. I've been blessed with very kind commentors, I think.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written a couple for Izuocha. But yknow usually, in all honesty, I've only ever written smut out of spite? The two fics I have (Burning Heat and Homecoming) were written in opposition to fandom tendencies at the time. Mostly everyone was talking about Izuku like someone who was a sex addict/sex god and Ochako was just kind of there. And I said "actually I think Deku's on the ace spectrum and probably mostly just cares about pleasing his partner than anything" and thus they were born. I haven't reread them in ages though that said lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Generally, no. However, about a year or so ago I got really into twewy again because I had just finished playing NEO:The World Ends With You. So I came up with a concept that kind of meshes twewy's concept with the my hero world? I only have one chapter posted of Death By Proxy so far, but I have an outline and little details written down whenever I'm in the right headspace for it. For what it's worth, you don't really need to know about twewy to read it, because Izuku finds out how everything works at the same time you do lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Here's hoping it stays that way lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of? I've never been asked about it anyway.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not explicitly? I feel like I help out my friends with their stories and vice versa, but not really.
Although once upon a time me and a friend (you know who you are) wrote a KH fanfic together but I guess that was moreso just for us than anything else lol
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Probably Izuocha, just going by the numbers.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm probably Eri-sitting? I really want to finish it at some point, and I posted the first part with every intention of doing it. But I never figured out the way I wanted to start chapter 2. Maybe someday though. Also!!! I did start writing a fanfic based off of heroes of the dark, but I didn't end up finishing it because it contrasted how the story ended and I thought completing that would be in poor taste with that said lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm I've always found dialogue and characterization comes easier to me than I think it does to most others? There's always been discussions I've seen where people are like "oh sometimes the characters just do what they want" and I've never really...had that happen? Or at least not in a way that completely alters a story like I've seen people say. Little actions or pieces of dialogue that take me by surprise, sure, but like never anything that completely alters a plot beat I had planned. But usually at least for me, the plot beats are so centered around who they are or how they act that the odds of them veering off course are incredibly slim, if that makes sense
God I'm rambling uh dialogue and characterization I guess was my point haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably description is the thing I have the hardest time with. Some people are so good at writing a setting and making everything seem so like immersive in that way. For me, I don't see the point in describing something unless it's like relevant and so my description tends to be very to the point.
Also estimating a story's length. Usually I come up with a concept and then I'll say "oh yeah this'll only be this long" and then I start writing and writing and realize I had a lot more to say than I thought I did initially. This has happened a handful of times now haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I definitely don't see anything wrong with it. I usually only do it for small phrases, myself, but partially because I'm not fluent in anything except for English. And I generally try to do some research or I'll check with friends if I have any who speak the language I'm using.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Kingdom Hearts! Back in the days of yore, yours truly actually wrote KH retellings with OCs back on quizilla lmao. I wrote quite a lot back then although with how long it's been most of the things I posted on there don't exist anymore. But that was back during 8th grade when I started.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh hmm I don't know. I feel like favorites is tough because I like a lot of my stories but for different reasons. I'm exceedingly proud of Drops of Jupiter for example. And I think it's been a true adventure to write and does have some of my best work in it as a result.
But I also think some of the prose and concepts I've made for Call From the Wild has a special place in my heart. It's very different from...basically anything else I've ever written because most ever other fic is "modern" in a manner of speaking and this was my first time writing something that's...decidedly not lol. I also think I'm fond of it because it's adhering to canon while allowing me the creativity to come up with how certain things happened since the details before the Calamity in botw are pretty limited...
Basically I guess my favorite kind of fic I've written is anything that really allows me to go nuts creatively.
Thanks so much for sending this! I don't have anyone in particular I want to tag, but if any of my followers fill it out, please tag me so I can see it!
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sam-glade · 1 year
Happy WBW! Today’s question might be kinda soft and feelsy 💕
What are your characters like when they’re sick and/or injured? Do they rely on their caretakers, or do they deny it and power through while trying to convince everyone else that they’re fine? Is there a certain kind of food that makes them feel better, do they have an easier or harder time resting? Whatever applies!
Hi Ella, happy (belated) WBW💜
Answering for Days of Dusk, since that's all established on page for the main trio. Yes of course they're going to get hurt; who do you take me for.
Please note that the main cast are all Swords, with above average physical abilities (including healing speed, physical resilience, etc.).
Ianim - put him in a light, airy room, give him a stack of books, a simple meal like chicken broth, and time to himself. On one hand he's introverted enough to not need that much company, on the other he wouldn't want others to see him in a weakened state. He's already conscious about being perceived as weaker in terms of the power of his Sword. Even when people genuinely want to keep him company, he'll think he's a burden or that they're doing it out of pity. The two people whose company he'll accept are his grandfather and his tutor.
Gullin gets injured a few times and each time ignores the healer's advice to rest for at least a day. He just can't sit there 'uselessly' while there's a job to be done. Now, magic healing is particularly suitable for healing physical injuries one might get in a fight, and so he's back on his feet within a few hours of having his hip broken. He will of course deny that he needs a break for the sake of his mental health.
Lissan has the uncanny ability to run head first into state or Army secrets just before getting injured and bed ridden. The others have realised quite quickly that when he's waking up, he'll talk. A lot. About the things he's just witnessed. To people who really shouldn't know about them. So he usually ends up with either Ianim (Prince Successor) or Gullin (high security clearance in the Army) waiting by his bed. How convenient. He's also the one who needs most nursing back to health, because he gets most severely injured.
I'd also want to elaborate on the magical healers (Crystals). They're quite rare and so finding one in an emergency is rather hard for an average person. The Army employs a lot of them and Lissan's sister also is one, hence my characters tend to be up on their feet fairly quickly.
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