#feels like we've always been moots
muzzlemouths · 2 years
idk how i found your blog, but when i came across your fanart i was so compelled by the expressions! the energy and moods were just so on point🤌 and then i read some of your posts and liked the kind of narrative voice you have, so i hit that follow button👊😌
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that's very sweet of you owhgghgjf. i always feel like my narrative voice is a little awkward so i am. holding this 🥺
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hanasnx · 6 months
diff anon but what fandoms did you meet your close moots through? i don’t know if that counts as indy lore
that counts! more under the cut. i wanted to talk about all my mutuals
@its-clockwork-princess one of my best, oldest, and dearest friends. years and years of friendship, roleplay, fanfiction, writing. every time i see a duo on screen or in any media my first thought is always her and my second thought is always “us.” we went through a thousand different fandoms and i can’t remember our first but we definitely bonded heavily over fandoms like marvel, dc, and fnaf at the very early stages of our friendship. her dad was actually dating my mom for a long time, which gave us plenty of time together. literally cant even summarize everything we’ve gone through together, everything we’ve built, seriously been friends for a decade and i plan on staying that way for the rest of my life. i cant imagine my life without her, how bleak and colorless it would’ve been. i’m honored to know such a generous and kind person, and someone who helped shape me into who i am today. a love truly unconditional.
@ohgodmyeyes loved his takes on anakin, thought he was so real and so down to earth even though he could stand to be more egotistical considering how talented he is. i think about a certain post he made about anakin -> vader's dick literally once a day. i'm not even exaggerating at all when i say it was my roman empire. in just that small amount of time i was taught his quiet confidence, his exquisite way with words, and his unapologetic thought process. i maintain a distance from him because i'm playing the long game and from what i've seen on his personal posts i feel like he might be overwhelmed if i come on too strong, as i often do. but that doesn't stop me from grinning every time i see him in my notifs and i get to think, "this message was approved by ohgodmyeyes." very proudly.
@somuchfrstardust we talked in the comment section of anakin edits on tiktok i feel like and then i was like "hey wanna be friends" and we haven't talked in a while but that's totally cool, that's just how i am. i still consider them my friend i think they're a rly cool person.
@banakinbabygirl was one of the first anakin/hayden blogs i followed, i love how they write smut. it's a very emotional way of writing, very heavy on the descriptions and realistic reactions that drew me in and kept me there.
@starmanskywalker is one of my favorite writers in general. anything on her masterlist is an instant recommendation from me, instant like, instant reblog, instant indy review. i'm such a jealous person in general but the way i feel about alanis' writing is beyond jealousy. it's admiration, it's fondness, it's awe. i don’t feel envious i feel fulfilled. i was very proud to become her mutual, her friend, be on a first name basis with her, and write fanfiction with her. we have a collab we've been working on for a while but because we're both so busy and it's such a big project it takes a lot of time and a lot of love, but i'm still so excited for the day it's finished and can be published.
@xstarkillerx is so much more than a person i met on the internet. truly one of my best friends, and i can’t imagine not having him in my life. there’s so much i can say that i have actually already said on this blog before. donnie has a way with seeing the world i just love to hear about. i’ll ask his opinions and experiences on everything simply to hear what he, specifically, has to say about it. when we have conversations inhibitions are left at the door for the both of us instead of just me. i feel skinless, muscle-less, body-less with donnie. an entity obsessed with him on discord as we write novels to each other, sonnets about how we view the world and its fictions. donnie is my bread and butter, and i’m so glad i found him and stalked him and forced him to be my friend and now he’s reliant on me just like i want.
@weixuldo such a sweet person and very understanding of me and my boundaries. i first found wei’s blog through their fanart of darth vader which i loved so much i sent every single one of their posts to my best friend who i mentioned at the beginning of this post. i still go back to look at those works every so often to brush up on my love for them. such a talented artist i’m very happy i’m worthy of a follow back, and that we enjoy each other’s content.
@mcondance i met through hobie brown back in june 2022. i loved how they kept luring me to their page by mentioning me and my hobie works they kept reading, i swear they were using my vanity as bait and it worked. they are, genuinely, so fucking funny. i only have friends that are funny don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about jupie that when i’m talking about them to other people, that person is like “omg jupie is so funny.” like. jupie just transcends my sense of humor to other people’s. they’re funny to the masses. i’m very bad at texting, but jupie is a person i try to reach out to so they know i’m virtually loving on them. they like the attention. another writer i’m so pleased to be mutuals with when they’re so skilled at the part of writing i always feel like i’m most wooden at. the side of smut writing that takes feeling and sensation and even an edge of genuine horniness, jupie is so good at translating that onto a page.
@murdrdocs is another mutual i gained from the height of the hobie brown era and i believe i saw her content through jupie’s page. now we don’t get to talk too much but that doesn’t mean i don’t think she’s not a super cool person. i don’t read much, but the things i do get to read specifically on icarus’ page make me very proud to be her mutual. not only is she an accomplished and gorgeous writer, but her blog designs are always envy-inducing. she shifts her aesthetics so seamlessly—even tho i know how changing a theme can be draining and time-consuming—and it’s always easy on the eyes. her navigation is especially creative and i’ll never forget her newspaper clipping themed announcement for last kinktober.
@princessbrunette another writer i’m constantly in awe of. i met her through her anakin works, and invited myself onto her kinktober taglist when she was still a relatively new blog that’s how much i was instantly attracted to her work. her style is so distinct and so refined, i can overlook non canon work because hers is just that good. she’s also very funny, and has a gifted silver tongue. i’m always impressed with how she’s able to paint a picture in her pieces using nothing but the most concise and visualizing words. it’s not often that i watch something because a friend watched it, but i watched obx for her so i could still enjoy her work that’s how much i love it. our universes we create in our dms are so special to me.
@empiresheir was someone i met through their anakin one-shot about order 66 which i’ve reblogged several times and it’ll never be enough. it was such a good piece i gave live updates to my best friend who was reading it too. i sent those screenshots to her orc cos she deserved to know what i had to say. she was also an essential help when i was writing my kinktober project, kind enough to read my pieces and give me line by line feedback just like i like so i wouldn’t go crazy from lack of attention on pieces i couldn’t post til october. not only another talented and powerful writer (capable of dropping my jaw at how insanely good she is at wording things), but such a sweet person to talk to. and though she’s not active in the fandom anymore i think of her fondly and i hope she’s having such a good time with baldur’s gate.
@darthvvder had a collection of anakin drabbles that i found on wattpad of all places and i was amazed at what i read. thoroughly impressed by the physical reactions her works were eliciting in me. got me to care about smut tropes i hadn’t cared about before simply bcos she was so good at writing them. i posted about a line that gripped me and she commented that it was her, i followed and the rest is history.
@jarebare99 is my boyfriend :) he gets an honorary mention. i wrote him an entire book of poetry and my thoughts on him so he can read that if he’s feeling left out from everyone getting paragraphs. i met him in irl not through a fandom but idc.
@ddejavvu was someone i’d see in my notifications including my inbox every so often and she was very recognizable. i really can’t remember how us being mutuals happened? i’d like to say i somehow discovered she wrote and wrote well and once i began noticing i consistently liked her content then i followed and lo and behold she was following me too. mei is very respectful of my space and i like that she texts me without expecting an answer back bcos i like to read her updates and don’t always know what to say. i have some of her inbox messages i gatekeep and i go back and read them every so often and think about how diabolical it would be if i answered them and floored the world, but i have yet to be ready to share the genius.
@anakincentric technically through anakin. even though we don’t talk much bcos both of us have really similar no-contact ways that doesn’t mean i don’t think she’s real sweet. i like when she pops in, drops a banger, and then peaces out. like a disney cameo appearance.
@harrisonbrainrot i wanna say han/indiana. i feel like i was already following his blog because i got to read some of his stuff when i was in a han mood and was like, “yea, this guy gets it.” and then when we reconnected in the comments of someone else’s post, i told him i was a big fan which was true, and then wham bam thank you ma’am mutuals. i have no idea if he knew who i was before or if he was following me, but he’s cool asf. not only is he hot and chill, he’s also really kind with me about not texting. a very generous soul who let me use his crunchyroll to watch jjk out of the goodness of his heart, which i am kissing him for. one of the rare writer’s on here who’s unapologetic in the shit they say, which i always admire and prioritize in who i choose to follow. love his han characterization, so when he’s reblogged a han work of mine, i believe it’s been christened by the harrison ford pope.
@anitheus tagging this blog bcos it’s what i followed first but i also follow her other account @silxani because i love her art style. i love how she draws anakin every time. her spider-sam fanart, and her nsfw anakin works are my favorite, as well as the fanart she made of us for my birthday. gorgeous art style i could look at all day, and i like her personality when we text.
@ivysangel i wanna say it was dc comics but i can’t remember the character, might’ve been jason todd. she came for the dc, and stayed for the other stuff including my general tomfoolery. she flatters me with kind words about how i’ve influenced her, which always makes me soft. we have a lot in common, which is always so much fun to compare, and i love that she watched batman beyond when i recommended it even though i wasn’t expecting her to a) do it and b) love it. she’s aware and respectful of my boundaries when it comes to sharing my ideas which i appreciate, and i love seeing her in my inbox. we haven’t had enough time together for me to nail down everything i like about her, but i will.
@loveliestlovelygirl eloise caught me by surprise bcos it’s not often i get instantly hooked, or at least it hasn’t been that way for a while. i haven’t been in an anakin mood for a while, but i still reblog her works instantly so i can get to it later because i know i’ll like it even though i haven’t read it. idk much about her, but her theme makes me bonkers jealous. it’s so beautiful. like her chapter HTML for her fallen angel au makes me drool.
@psuedosis newest mutual. her reaction towards me made me instantly endeared, and i loved her jet works. some zuko pieces as well! hit at the right time bcos i just finished atla animated. very excited to get to know her more.
boom. indy lore and extensive thoughts on tumblr mutuals.
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weird-bookworm · 9 months
this year has been crazy, to say the least. i'd write a long ass message, but actually, each and every single one of my moots deserves their own
so here goes
@silversailormoan- you were my first moot, and i still don't have a name for you. all i know is that i am eternally grateful you trust me enough to share part of your life with me, and that i'm very glad you went from my fav ao3 bts writer to someone who randomly messages me whenever. thank you
@yrhome- i was shocked when you followed me back actually, but after that you've just poofed off the site. i'm sorry we never got the chance to interact more, because you were one of y fav writers on here. i hope we can get closer this coming year!
@maeleelee- mae mae oh mae you are one of the most special people i know on this hellsite, and that is saying something because i know so many people i love here. you were my first friend on here, as unhinged as me, and with such a friendly and warm personality i almost cried (that is a lie. i have definitely cried because you're too cute. i am not joking). we've shared so many moments here, and you've trusted me so much, it made this year so much more special to me. promise you'll keep being your adorable self next year too, but most of all, promise you'll be happy next year <3
@imagine-a-life-like-this- talking to you for the first time felt like a fever dream, even though i had sent asks before and i was already friend with mae. you have always been a writer i respect and like a lot, specially with your smaus (chef's kiss fr). on top of that you are always so sweet??? hello, is this a dream?? i'm glad we got close enough for me to see your more unhinged persona (which i am in love with) and that i could see your bts debut lmao. let's have even more fun next year
@mxnsxngie- you're so mother istg it's the best thing ever lol. what i've said about you in my moots list is very true, you gives me fairy vibes. you're so pretty and lovable and asdfghjkl i just love you okay? i've loved every single conversation we've had and i lovee how you read my rants and then respond with a veryyy long message with a ton of typos because you're getting ready for work in the morning (thank you for still reading and replying though, you're so busy but you always take out time for me <3) keep being adorable!
@hannieheartuu- i love you. you are always so sweet and kind and sensitive and talented i just wanna cuddle you and keep you in my pocket and call it a day. i get too much cute aggression with you and i get too protective over you, but can you blame me? you've given me so much love and so much trust it warms my heart, so thank you ylli. thank you for being an adorable lil bunny and loving me and letting me love you, let's carry forward this energy <3
@fairyhaos- is it just me but i feel like you don't really need me to tell you how grateful i am and how much i love you, specially after what happened today lmao. but honestly, you were one of the first svt writers i came across, you have always been this really kind angel, and you ranting about shua makes my day in the best way possible. you're talented and adorable and so so reliable, and i'm really grateful for that. i'm glad i can call you my friend and i'm glad that you call me that too
@idubiluv- ah, yes, my virtual didi lmao (you said it, not me). you come here rarely because unlike most of us, you are slightly more responsible. and yet, you are so fucking loved and adored and i just love to see you getting so much affection, because you deserve eevry inch of it. we've had really fun conversations and your pfp always leads me to believe that you are absolutely gorgeous (i remember my sleep riddled brain once thinking that you would sparkle like edward when i'll first meet you...yeah i'm weird ahem anyway) and you have such a sparkly personality to match? heaven indeed
@the-therapist-needs-therapy- i remember us interacting continuously for a while, and then we just stopped, and i don't know why. let's become closer this next year, talking to you was fun.
@babyboyquokka- okay so we've talked a total of 4 times, but it was enough for me to decide that we really need to talk more (i am aware our timings don't really match but i have those rare days i pretend to be an owl and stay up very late so we'll see lmao)
@cadenonlinelive- how did we go from me being scared of you (...don't ask) to me actively teasing you (hello reply to me don't leave me on read) it might have something to do with the fact that the wifeys constantly call you adorable but ahem i do quite agree. i feel like my age plays a big factor why you might not feel the most comfortable with me, but i hope we can become good friends next year :))
@slytherinshua- eeeeeee you're my adorable lil (we are going to ignore the fact that you are taller than me) gremlin who makes me wanna kms but also bae are you okay. you have somehow made me question life within the short (yes i know surprising) period we've known each other, and also made me believe that with determination, anything is possible (like ranking 125 smth idols according to how much you love them). i'm really glad you made our server, because i don't think i would've stayed on this hellsite otherwise lol
@icyminghao- why is it that one of us will start a conversation in the other's askbox and then we just. stop interacting again ∏~∏ i love your work and i'd love to be closer :(( let's become good friends the coming year!
@ryuwonieebae- same as with haru, we talked and then stopped, and i wish we hadn't. i hope life is going well and you're happy :))
@rubywonu- niaaaa my love is it just me or did we barely interact but it still feels like we're already pretty good friends lol? i swear your work sends tingles down my spine it's that cute. you're also my favourite couprang, so i'm gonna take that as a free invite to rant to you about him whenever and wherever hehe (this is me telling you to expect ig reels in your dms i have way too many cheol reels saved)
@mesanthropi- weiwei!! bae you give me so many noni vibes + this-is-one-person-i-wanna-keep-around-for-a-long-time-if-they-will-have-me vibes it's crazy. i love our quirky conversations and i adore your art, but i specially like seeing you in others' inboxes— your asks are always just so cute. also, you are definitely someone i have cute aggression with so (...my pocket is large enough me thinks, you're always welcome)
@wheeboo- okay first and foremost, thank you for inviting me in the server in the first place, it has become a trusted source of entertainment and fun and just general clownery, and who doesn't love that? you and zanna really created a safe space for all of us and i'm so honoured that you even thought to add me there sob. BUT i also read your jun fic before anyone else i was squealing did i tell you? i was sooo excited afghjkl the end line is— thank you for trusting me and being my friend ilyyy
@hanniehaee- bro why did you randomly show up one day with a ridiculous amount of reblogs and disappear off of tumblr altogether WHERE ARE YOU I MISS YOU
@aaniag- hello fellow a little too crazy with the emoticons desi carat have i ever told you i love you? i have? well i don't care! i love you anyways lmao. a, i absolutely adore your random ass asks filled with 218 twins (spare me please), b, i love how you never stop yourself from going crazy with the emojis and emoticons, and c, i am very thankful that you love me so much, please don't stop doing that
@woozvc- noraaaa i feel like we've gotten so close lately, i specially love our little trio with cien hehe ^^ i love love love you and the way we blamed noni for never realising we weren't friends on discord for the longest time shall always make me smile. talking to your bf was adorable and i want you to keep reminding me that i have to write a fic for you, please and thank you!
@eternalgyu- to the awesomest most iconic goddess coded person ever, hello bae hru :D how tf r u so gorgeously stunning tell me the secret please i am so whipped but also, GREMLIN LINE!! you are as unhinged as zanna and that is truly appreciated. also, thank you for getting me into riize (i still need help) (also i will show up to tomorrow's quiz promise) i swear everything's so fun when you're around and i really hope we can get upto even more shenanigans next year mwah!
@welcometomyoasis- shu! adorable pretty shua coded shu! thank you for assigning me soonyoung in your end of the year post, and i meant everything i said in the tags okie? you're shua coded because you're soft and sweet and adorable and talented and i just really love you okie? never stop writing though, it gets me through on the bad days and i love it.
@springdayysworld- you get nothing, i'll see you in school (show up please no leaves allowed)
@mirxzii- look, all i know is that i love your voice, and that i really want you to show up in the server more so we can interact more, let's get closer next year!!
@blue-jisungs- axeeeee thank you thank you thank you for handling my silly little rants, specially yesterday's. your typos are adorable, your jokes are impeccable, your boomerness is lowkey rubbing off on me, and i really hope that i can write like you one day. i wish we can become better friends this coming year and continue being idiots. please don't stop being so axe :D ilysm <3
@haecien- cienciencien my smol tiny little bean i know you're older than me but ignore that please it's so fun to tease you and talk to you and simp with you. everything's just so much more fun with your unfiltered commentary and random rocket pictures (please don't stop). one day i would like to count all your husbands and complain to your bf (when is he asking you out please spare us) but until then, i love you.
@aakomii- i'm still surprised you followed me back tbh, you've always been a writer i've appreciated a lot and i'm glad i made an impression big enough lol, let's become good friends next year!
@etherealyoungk- give me your patience or your talent please, it takes me out every time. another thing i wonder is how are you so calm after stanning kwon soonyoung of all people (what is the secret tell me i need to know) but either way, i hope new year treats both of us well <3
@glosskirt- heheheheh fellow army ilysm we haven't interacted much but i hope we talk more because you're sooo fun <333
@candewlsy- mizu!! let's talk more because we really vibe and i look forward to every meme you send me (and the flirting. gotta love the flirting lmao)
@kkooongie- when you become moots on the last day on the year 😁🥰
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xiaojunsmintchoco · 2 years
Taste of love - Kim Mingyu
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Pairing: food science student!yn x food science student!mingyu
Genre: fluff, angst; enemies to lovers, polytechnic au
Synopsis: You and Mingyu have always been in competition for the top spot at everything since secondary school and the cycle doesn't end even after graduation, because you both end up in the same polytechnic AND the same food science course. Until one day, the professor puts both of you together for a year end project, and you both have to knock your heads together if you want to maintain your top GPAs. 
CW: mentions of food (a lot because they’re studying food science)
wc: about 6.9k
a/n: this fic is dedicated to @bangchan-fairy! bee, I hope you like your (belated) christmas gift, and thank you so much for being one of the first moots to see me through my days as a beginning writer starting out on shaky steps — I truly appreciate the support 🧡 I hope you had a great christmas, and i wish you an amazing 2023 ahead!
“Finally, we’re back in the kitchen!” You exclaim to your best friend, Minho as you follow your polytechnic class to the food laboratory. “God, when I left the house this morning, I swore that if we had to attend another lecture today, I’m officially dropping out of this course,” you add, with a dramatic sigh and a hand on your forehead, as if you were about to faint.
Minho gasps in mock horror, and puts a hand to his chest. “So you were planning to leave me to take this course alone? Just because of the lectures?” he asks incredulously.
You flick his forehead jokingly. “Of course not,” you laugh. “We promised we’d graduate from this polytechnic and obtain our diploma together, didn’t we?”
“Glad you didn’t forget, else into the air fryer you go,” he replies. "180 degrees for 20 minutes," he adds with a smirk as you both put on your aprons and caps before turning back to the front to wait for the teacher’s instructions.
The sound of a chair being dragged out from the work desk beside you startles you, and you wish you didn't turn your head to find out who it was. You exchange dirty looks with said person – Kim Mingyu.
Mingyu had been your sworn rival ever since you both started secondary school. From grades to leadership positions to competition results, you were always nearly neck and neck with each other at everything – except that one of you would end up on top in the end. The arrogant glances and smug smirks Mingyu would send you whenever he beat you to the first place in anything never failed to make you bristle with anger. You thought the competition would end when you finished your final exam and graduated from secondary school, but to your dismay, he picked the same polytechnic course as you. So, here you both are, continuing your long-term rivalry in Nanyang Polytechnic's Food and Nutrition course. 
"Alright, class," your professor announces as she makes her way into the classroom. "Listen up! As you know, we've been studying Asian food this week, so today we're going to try our hand at making popiah. On your work benches you should see the recipe as well as the ingredients you'll need. Feel free to add anything else you'd like to the fillings. Work on it with your partner, and by the end of the lesson we'll give them a try. If you need any help, I'll be around". 
You and Minho quickly skim over the recipe for the Teochew-style spring rolls. "I'll make the filling, while you can make the wrappers?" Minho suggests.
And just like that, both of you are ready to start work. Throwing open the cupboard doors, both of you successfully locate the grater, mixing bowl, frying pans and other utensils. You begin by combining flour, salt and water in the bowl, then straining the batter to remove the extra lumps. After that, you set the stove to low heat and place the pan on it. "Good thing I brought my pastry brush today," you offhandedly remark to Minho as you pull the brush out of your apron pocket. Dipping the brush into the batter, you proceed to brush the batter onto the pan, brushing several times to ensure the wrapper would not have holes in it. When the first wrapper is done, you peel it off and set it aside on a clean plate, and repeat the process again until you have five wrappers complete. "I'm done with the wrappers, are you almost done with the fillings?" you ask Minho as he's busy frying an omelette. 
"Yes, I just need to cut this into long strips after and then we can wrap the popiah," Minho replies, removing the omelette from the pan and placing it on a plate to cool. "In the meantime, what about you grind some peanuts? There should be a mortar and pestle in the cupboard and some peanuts in the drawer," he suggests.
"Sure! That's a great idea," you compliment your friend and get the peanuts, as well as the mortar and pestle. Pouring the peanuts into the mortar, you pound them with the pestle until they're finely ground up. At the same time, Minho is done with the omelette strips, so you both get round to wrapping the popiahs. It doesn't take that long, and soon both of you have three plates of popiah, all cut into pieces that are one inch in breadth. 
"Cheers," Minho declares as you each pick up a piece of popiah with chopsticks, gently bringing his piece to yours before you both pop them in your mouth. The flavours in the popiah explode in your mouth, the savoury flavours of the omelette strips and dried shrimps and sweet flavours of grated vegetables and jicama blending together perfectly like a match made in heaven, enhanced further by the sweet-spicy notes of the chili sauce. 
“I think we did a great job!” You remark to your partner, eyes wide in amazement. Minho simply nods, too enraptured by the tasty creation both of you had made together. 
Turns out, the teacher agrees with both of you. “The skin is not too thick or thin, and overall, your popiah is very flavourful. I also really like the addition of omelette strips and ground peanuts for extra protein,” the teacher comments after sampling a piece of the popiah you and Minho had made. “Well done, y/n and Minho! Also, the use of the pastry brush for the popiah skin was smart”.
You both give the teacher a small bow and thank her as she moves to the next table, giving Minho a discreet high-five. “Hmm, it’s not bad, but the popiah skin is a bit lumpy and a bit too thick. How did you prepare it?” The teacher asks Mingyu and his partner, Junhui.
“I just spooned the batter onto the pan and spread it out,” Mingyu answers.
“Did you strain the batter before doing so?” The teacher fires another question at them. You watch on, mildly amused, as both of them exchange glances and shake their heads.
“Ah, so that is why the batter did not turn out that well. In the future, strain the batter before cooking it, and try to use a pastry brush like y/n and Minho have done,” the teacher remarks to both boys before moving on to the next table, and you don’t miss the glance of disdain Mingyu sends in your direction, which for some reason causes the sweet feelings of a small victory to bloom in your heart. Hey, it was only the first practical cooking session your class had had in a long time, but you felt good that you were able to cook up a better dish than him this time. You can’t resist the urge to send him a smirk and mouth “watch and learn” to him, and that gleeful feeling only grows as his scowl intensifies as well. 
“Okay class, as you all know, we’ll be starting our year-end projects soon, so I’ll be giving out some details today,” your teacher declares, bringing your attention back to the front of the kitchen. “I’ve paired all of you up, and in your pairs you will pick a dish to do a macronutrient and micronutrient analysis of. After which, both of you will need to recreate the dish, but make it healthier by changing up the cooking methods or ingredients. Your choice of dish is up to you, you can even create your own fusion dishes. Just make sure to do a macronutrient and micronutrient comparison of the original and the one you both recreated, and write a report on how you made it healthier,” she instructs. “I’ve emailed the instructions to all of you, and right now I’ll be flashing the pairings on the screen”.
You fix your eyes on the screen, hoping that you would be paired with Minho. Unfortunately, your anticipation soon fades to dismay as you see the name next to yours: Kim Mingyu. Oh God, why?
“These pairings are final, so I expect all of you to cooperate with your partners to obtain optimum results, and I will not be entertaining any requests to switch partners. I wish all of you all the best!” Your teacher finishes, dashing the last of your hopes to request to be paired up with another person. “You may go look for your partners now, and discuss arrangements to work on the project”.
Begrudgingly, you push in your chair and drag your feet to where Mingyu is. “So, we’re gonna have to work together for our final project, huh,” you huff, making no attempt to hide your displeasure. 
“Obviously so. Now, I don’t like this any better than you do, so we’ll just make this as quick and painless as possible, then we can get this over and done with and hopefully never have to work together again. Okay?” Mingyu asserts, looking down at you with the same haughty glare you hated so much.
You narrow your eyes into slits, glaring daggers at him. “Deal”. 
“Okay then. Meet me at the subway station after school, we can go to my house to do our research first,” Mingyu instructs, before hurrying off to catch up with Junhui. 
As agreed, you meet him at the subway station to go to his house. "It's only 2 stops away and then a five minute walk, so it won't take long," Mingyu informs you as you both board the train. Not willing to engage in a proper conversation with your enemy just yet, you simply acknowledge with a grunt.
Before you know it, you've reached his apartment block and are already in the lift to his fifth floor flat. Upon entering, the first thing that greets you is the row of medals hanging on the walls, right above the glass cupboard which houses all of his trophies and certificates. Immediately you feel slight bitter feelings rise in you, but you push them down, reminding yourself that you were here to focus on your year end project, and you'd also had your fair share of times when you'd successfully beat Mingyu to attain first place or top scores. 
"You can put your bag down, and I’ll get you some water," Mingyu states. Though his tone was flat, you were mildly surprised that your enemy still treated you with basic hospitality. “Sit down at the table and we can start”.
Now, you weren’t expecting working on a project with your nemesis to be a walk in the park, but you weren’t expecting it to be this difficult and unpleasant either. It’s been more than one hour, and both of you are still arguing about which dish to pick.
“Goddammit, just pick something already!” Mingyu finally explodes, sick of the endless back-and-forth that both of you had been engaging in. 
“Oh if it’s that easy, why don’t you pick then?” you snap, the last wisp of your patience vanishing as well. 
“I don’t know, you keep refuting every one of my suggestions. You got a better idea then?” Mingyu shoots back, eyeing you with a challenging glint in his eye. 
“No I don’t, your ideas were simply trash, and you weren’t listening to any of my suggestions either,” you state flatly. “You’re in the debate club, I thought you’d be more logical than this. Don’t waste my time. You’re my fucking rival but I still have to cooperate with you”. 
Though you’re enemies with him, you regret your earlier words as a look of clear hurt crosses his features for a split second. Mingyu squeezes his eyes shut, draws in a deep breath, and then slowly lets it out again. “You know what, we’ve spent more than an hour here, but all we’ve done is bicker. Since today’s so unproductive and I don’t think we’ll accomplish anything, you can just pack and leave. We’ll continue another day”. 
With that, you pick up your bag and brush past him in a huff. 
“He’s so freaking insufferable! He didn’t agree to anything I suggested and still complained I was the one being picky, ugh. I can’t believe I’m doing my year-end project with him”. 
You’re ranting to Minho over breakfast the next day before school starts, the unpleasant project work session with Mingyu still fresh in your mind. “Gosh dammit, I bet I could finish this project alone and get a much better GPA than this guy can. Lucky you, you got paired with Jaehyun”. 
Minho patiently listens to your every word as you vent your frustrations to him, before finally offering his advice. “You know, y/n, both of you are in the wrong here”. 
Your head snaps towards Minho. “What? You’re my friend, you’re supposed to be on my side!”
“Y/n, I’m just being real here. Did you both tell each other what you found lacking in the other’s suggestions, or did you guys just shoot down each others’ suggestions?” Minho asks. 
You go quiet for a minute, sipping on your coffee as you reflect on yesterday’s events. “I think the latter”.
“There you have it. It’s understandable if you guys didn’t like each others’ suggestions, but at the very least you guys should say why, and do it in a civilized manner. From what I’m hearing, you said some pretty harsh stuff to Mingyu,” Minho continues, explaining his thoughts on the situation. 
“You’re not wrong”.
“And besides,” Minho continues, chewing on his food, “you’ve got to cooperate with him, no matter what. I know he was your rival and you both were competing throughout the year for a better GPA, but here your GPA is at stake. If you don’t cooperate with him, I don’t wanna imagine the drop in your own GPA. You’ve gotta accept that this time you can’t be fighting him. After this project, compete with him all you want, that’s no one’s business. But for now, you’ve gotta put aside your differences and work together, unless you wanna risk repeating year one again”. 
You sip on your coffee, quietly reflecting on Minho’s words. “You’re right. I should have chosen my words more carefully before speaking to Mingyu,” you admit, a twinge of embarrassment pricking in your chest as you remember the harsh words both of you exchanged yesterday. “Maybe I do owe him an apology. Thanks, Min”. 
Minho nods, happy that he was able to help you know how to move forward from the argument and figure out your next steps. “No problem. You can always catch him after class later to say what you need to. If you’re done, shall we go? I don’t wanna be late”. 
“Of course”. With that, both of you clear your table and head off to polytechnic again.
“Mingyu! Mingyu!”
You call for Mingyu as he’s leaving the lecture hall, a puzzled look on his face when he sees you hurtling towards him at the speed of light calling his name. You’d just fought yesterday, so why were you looking for him now?
“I just wanted to say, I’m sorry about yesterday. I should have thought before I spoke and gave your suggestions more consideration before shutting them down”. You pant out your apology, out of breath from running after him. “Sorry for wasting our time yesterday and speaking thoughtlessly to you”. 
“It’s alright. I shouldn’t have snapped at you first, I’m in the wrong too,” Mingyu says, reciprocating your apology. 
“Apology accepted. Can we get along properly and cooperate with each other from now on, at least until our project is over? I know both of us have been in competition for top grades ever since sec 1, but both our GPAs are on the line here. If we want to do well, we must work together,” you request, reaching out your hand to offer him a true truce this time. 
Mingyu’s eyes glaze over with a thoughtful expression as he processes your words. For a moment you worried that he would let his ego get in the way and reject your proposition. “I agree with you. I don’t think any of us want to be retained, so let’s call a truce, at least until this project is over,” he answers, shaking your hand firmly. 
“Good. Well then, I guess we can get to work on this project again. Since you offered your house last time round, shall we go to mine today?” you suggest. "It's not that far from here, just a few bus stops away".
"That'd be great. The last time you were over, we squabbled so much, my mum was worried we'd get a noise complaint from the neighbours," he chuckles, and to your surprise you find it in yourself to get out a small laugh in response.
"No more of that this time," you laugh. "Okay, after school today let's meet at the coffee shop nearby, I'd like to get coffee first". 
"Okay. See you then!" Mingyu shoots you a small smile and a wave, and walks away. 
He’s actually pretty nice when he’s not in his competitive mode, you think to yourself, happy that for once, you were able to talk to Mingyu in a much friendlier manner than usual, with no hateful or malicious undertones.
Mingyu: y/n
Mingyu: I'll be a bit late, Ms Lim wants to speak to me
Mingyu: sorry about it! you can buy your coffee first
Upon reaching the coffee shop, you open your phone to receive these three notifications from Mingyu, informing you that he wouldn't be able to make it on time.
You: no problem! would you like something too?
You figured you'd try to do something nice for him this time to make up for the last argument you'd both had. Besides, he did offer you a drink when you went to his house the other day, so one good turn deserves another. 
Mingyu: yes please, I'll pay you later
You: alright, what would you like?
Five minutes goes by with no reply from Mingyu. Oh well, you'd take your chances with his order. He probably was already speaking to Ms Lim and wouldn't be able to reply to you for a while.
Making your way to the counter, you prepare to place your order. "Hi, can I have…" you tell the barista your order, before hesitating over Mingyu's order. What does he like?
You end up ordering him an iced Americano. Just as you collect your orders, Mingyu comes running in, panting heavily. "Y/n! I'm sorry I'm late". 
"No problem. In fact, you seem a bit too excited to work on a project with your rival," you joke, completely missing the way his cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink.
"I mean, it wouldn't be nice to keep you waiting," he reasons. 
"By the way, you didn't tell me what you wanted, so I got you an iced Americano," you inform, passing him the drink. 
Mingyu takes the drink from you gratefully and sips on it. "Thanks y/n! How did you know I like this?" he asks, surprise crossing his features.
"I've seen you bring this into the lecture hall so many times, and I may have overheard Junhui joking about your Americano addiction yesterday," you explain, motioning to him to follow you. "Anyway, let's get going". 
You both board the bus to your house and settle in the living room to do research. "I think that instead of trying to settle on one dish at once, we can just do our research today and make a list of possible dishes. After we come to a decision, we can get round to thinking of ways to make it healthier and drafting our report. Next we'll make a list of ingredients and possible equipment we'll need, edit our report, and try to find ways to make our practical session as efficient as possible. Sound good to you?” Mingyu fleshes out his plan to you. 
You’ve got to give credit where credit is due, it was impressive that Mingyu was able to think up a sensible plan so quickly. “I guess we can do that. I’ll make a google document for us to list down our ideas, and then we can start doing our research”. 
With that, both of you get down to doing the research again, listing out possible dishes as you go. “Jeez, there’s so many options. Now I understand why we had such a hard time picking the last time,” Mingyu mutters, scrolling through the document for what seems to be the millionth time. 
You’re not having an easier time as well, simply staring blankly at the document on your computer while struggling to come to a conclusion. “Me too. I don’t know how we’re going to pick,” you grumble. At that moment, an idea hits you. “Why don’t we pick a dish that’s seemingly innocent and healthy, but is actually the opposite?”
“I was thinking of that too,” Mingyu agrees, considering all the options again. “In that case, it would probably be chicken rice? I mean, it’s rice, chicken, and cucumbers, which would be healthy in most cases, but in this dish the rice is swimming in chicken fat”. 
“You’re right!” you exclaim, smacking your hand on the table in excitement as you swivel your head towards him. “Okay, let’s do chicken rice then. When shall we meet next to do our nutrient analyses?”
Mingyu swipes through his phone, looking at his schedule. “My next available day would be Friday after school, right after our practical session. Would that be okay? We can go to my house this time”.
You nod, approving the suggested date and noting it down in your own phone. “That’s fine by me. Okay, I guess that’s settled. See you on Friday”.
“We’ll be seeing each other tomorrow for class. Did you forget?” Mingyu points out, bursting into laughter at your expression of sudden realisation. “So I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mingyu chuckles, picking up his bag and preparing to leave. 
“You’re right. Bye then, see you tomorrow,” you chuckle as Mingyu exits your house, pleasantly surprised at how well both of you were able to get along once you both put all forms of competition aside, and simply treated each other with respect and kindness. You hoped above all else, your future interactions with him would be more like today’s meeting, rather than all the other times that both of you ended up fighting like cat and dog. 
“So…what I’m gathering here is, chicken rice is a great source of protein, but too high in fat, especially saturated fat, and lacking in fiber,” you mumble, looking through the information you and Mingyu had compiled in the google document. “So we should find ways to reduce the fat content and boost the fiber content of this dish”. 
“In terms of micronutrients, it’s sorely lacking in vitamins A, C, D, E and K, and has sky-high sodium levels, which we should work to bring down,” Mingyu concludes, looking through the nutrient analysis you’d both done together. “I’m thinking of adding more cucumber slices, which are rich in vitamin B, C and K, as well as some tomato because they’re an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K. In addition, we could add in mushroom slices to boost the vitamin D content,” he adds, getting the ball rolling on your discussion by throwing in the first few ideas. 
“Those are great ideas!” You give Mingyu a genuine compliment, and add your own ideas as well. “Boosting the fiber content won’t be much of a problem — switching the white rice for brown rice and adding more vegetables as you’ve suggested should do the trick. It will be tricky to get the brown rice to have that nice, fluffy texture, but it should be doable. As for the fat content, most of it comes from the chicken fat that’s used to cook the rice, which is what gives the rice its delicious flavour. So the challenge here is to find a way to find a substitute for the chicken fat so the rice retains its signature flavour,” you muse, hard at work thinking of ways to do as you just said. “What if we steam the rice with chicken stock?”
“The sodium content is a concern, though,” Mingyu points out. 
“Many supermarkets offer low-sodium varieties now,” you remind him. “We can always just look for one”. 
“Mm, that’s true,” Mingyu grunts, signalling his approval. “Should we just take these ideas for now and begin working on our report? If we have any other ideas we can always add them in later,” he suggests. 
With that, both of you get busy, drafting out your report and working on the nutrient analysis for the improved version of the dish together. Though it takes about two hours, both of you eventually get it done as you put your heads together. After that comes the task of compiling a shopping list, which you’d have to send to the professor so that the school could help you buy the ingredients you’d need. 
“Brown rice, chicken, chicken stock, cucumber…” you read off the list you’ve both compiled so far. “Anything we missed out?”
“Wait! We forgot to specify that we need a low-sodium type of stock,” Mingyu exclaims, jumping in to correct the minor mistake on the list and scanning through it again. “Okay, this should be it. We can send it to professor Lim now,” he decides, and presses “send” on the email. “Now we can split the work for the actual practical session. It’s actually not that hard to cook — what if we just chop up the vegetables and prepare the seasoning together?”
“Sounds good to me,” you utter. It’s in times like these you’re grateful for Mingyu’s natural leadership skills, it definitely helped both of you get things done in a more organised way. 
“Okay then, we’re done for today”. 
“Alright class, as all of you know, today we’re here to create the dishes you've picked for your year end project in your pairs. You have two and a half hours to complete your dishes. After the time's up, I'll sample your dishes and evaluate them accordingly. Don't forget to submit the final draft of your reports by the end of today". 
You're back in the polytechnic kitchen with Mingyu, listening to Ms Lim prattle on about instructions which the whole class already knew about. Nevertheless, you and Mingyu still give her your full attention, worried that you'll miss out on some important instructions. After all, this project would contribute to your final grade for the year – none of you wanted to mess it up.
"Your time starts now, you may begin". Upon hearing that sentence, you and Mingyu spring into action, with you preparing the chicken while Mingyu slices up ginger and grates garlic and shallot. Once the chicken is safely in the pot of boiling water with the seasonings, it's your turn to chop up the vegetables while Mingyu cooks the rice. As you're chopping up the vegetables, the tantalizing aroma of stir-fried ginger wafts into your nose, signalling to you that all was going well.
Or so you think.
Out of the blue, a sharp pain stings your finger, making you cry out in pain. Holding up your finger, you're greeted by the sight of a red patch that's about the size of a five-cent coin. In your carelessness, you'd cut your finger rather badly.
In a flash, you hear the stove go silent, and Mingyu's hands are no longer holding the spatula, but rather cupping your hands gently and examining the cut, expression of fierce concentration having softened into one of concern. "Quick, wash it," he instructs, guiding you to the sink and turning on the tap, letting you wash the cut under the running water. "Ms Lim! May I bring y/n to the nurse? She's cut herself!" he calls out, raising his hand to get the teacher's attention.
"Go ahead, I'll give you both extra time. Y/n, be careful next time". Ms Lim gives you both the green light, and Mingyu hurriedly brings you out of the kitchen and to the general office. 
"Oh snap, the nurse isn't in," Mingyu groans under his breath as he passes by the empty sick bay. "Nevermind".
He sits you down on a chair, before rummaging through the cupboard where the nurse kept her supplies and pulling out some cotton balls and a bottle of antiseptic. Pouring out some antiseptic onto a cotton ball, he gently dabs at your wound. "It may sting," he warns. 
But you barely feel it. You're more distracted by your surprise at the genuine worry he showed when you'd cut yourself, as well as the sensation of electric sparks coursing through your whole being with every swipe of the cotton ball he made on your finger. 
Electric waves continue to flow through you, and your pulse rate quickens the slightest bit as Mingyu maintains his firm grip on your finger while looking through a drawer for a plaster. Unwrapping it, he quickly wraps it around your wound. "All done. Jeez, be careful y/n! That was a nasty cut!" He exclaims, gently running his thumb over the wound, which was now nicely bandaged up. 
"I will. T-thanks, Gyu". You mentally slap yourself as you catch the tiny stutter that slipped out of your mouth. 
Mingyu raises his eyebrow at you, and his lips curve into a smirk. "Gyu? A week ago we were at each other's throats like there was no tomorrow, and now you're calling me by a nickname that only my close friends use on me?"
You definitely did not intend for that to happen. 
"What? You got a problem with that?" You reply with the boldest tone you can muster to cover up your flustered state. 
Mingyu shrugs as if nothing happened earlier. "Nope. Just surprised. Continue calling me that if you want. Anyway, we should really get going – we've still got a dish to cook," he decides, switching the light off and making his way back to the kitchen with you. 
Luckily the rest of the cooking session goes on without a hitch, and you both successfully complete preparing the chicken rice, all within the original amount of time the teacher had given the class. When she began inspecting each pair's work, thick tension was palpable in the air. "I feel like we're on an episode of Hell's Kitchen, with Ms Lim as Gordon Ramsay," you mutter to Mingyu.
Mingyu chortles in response. "That's actually a great comparison". 
Both of you are stiff as boards when Ms Lim's shadow falls on your workbench, thanks to the apprehension that is plaguing you both. She scruntinises the food in front of both of you, then picks up the utensils you put beside the plate and proceeds to sample each component of the dish, starting with the rice, the chicken, and finally the vegetables. 
With bated breath, you watch as her expression softens into one of approval and begins making notes on her clipboard, and mutters a "good" before heading to the next table. Palpable relief washes over you, and you know Mingyu felt the same way as he lets out the breath he's been holding for God-knows-how-long, and the subtle frown on his face disappears from sight.
Little did you both know, a week later both your relief would become joy as Ms Lim announces that you and Mingyu's project had scored the highest in the class with a distinction, allowing him to maintain his solid 4.0 GPA and raising yours to a 3.9. A few weeks ago you would have given him a glare laced with venomous jealousy, but this time, for a reason you can't quite put your finger on, you're satisfied with your own GPA and finishing second in class – happy for Mingyu even. 
"You're not mad or jealous?" Mingyu questions, audible suspicion in his tone after you congratulate him. 
"Nope," you answer, popping the "p" as you firmly shake your head. "I mean, now that I think about it, second place isn't that bad. Hey, I still got a decent GPA and can move on to year 2". 
"Funny you say this, because I know for a fact that if this happened a week ago you wouldn't have taken this so well". Mingyu points out as you're both leaving the school compounds. "Anyway, congratulations to you too! 3.9 is an amazing GPA as well". He finishes his sentence by offering you a handshake, which you gladly accept while trying to ignore the mild frenzy of butterflies in your stomach. 
Outside the school gate, the sight of a shimmering pastel rainbow greets both of you, as if to signal that the animosity and hostility between you and Mingyu had been dissolved and replaced with genuine friendliness and harmony, just like how storm clouds clear to make way for rainbows. Looking up at the rainbow, a happy, warm feeling filled your heart, so much so that you felt like it would spill out of you.
After the project, though you and Mingyu remained friendly with each other, you both didn’t interact much, aside from a few comments on each others’ instagram posts. 
Hence why it came as a surprise when Mingyu slid into your instagram DMs with this message one day:
Gyu: hey y/n! would you like to come to my house on the 24th for a Christmas potluck dinner party? it’s for all the fn course students!
y/n: sure! I think i can make it
Gyu: alright that’s great, thank you! 
You chuckle as you shut off your phone, thinking back to last year when Mingyu hosted a post-exams party for your whole class. You had also gotten the invite, but because you and Mingyu had such bad blood between both of you, he had refused to personally invite you, opting instead to relay the message to Minho who sent you the details of the party. This was really the first time he’d personally invited you to any class gatherings, a sign that your relationship had improved significantly.
A potluck dinner filled with food and nutrition course students can only mean one thing — every single course will be mouth-wateringly delicious, while not compromising on nutrition. From the air-fryer chicken you’d prepared, to Minho’s greek pasta salad, to Kun’s steamed fish, everything was tasty and healthy — truly a gastronomical heaven. 
But the most unique dish of all would’ve been Mingyu’s fortune cookies. They would have been rather ordinary, if not for the fact that he’d infused them with peppermint flavour and stuffed each cookie with Christmas messages he’d handwritten. If there was one thing the whole class was in agreement on, it was that Mingyu’s fortune cookies were the sweetest thing at the party, both taste-wise and thought-wise. You'd already eaten a couple of them and uncovered messages wishing you a Christmas filled with light and love. 
"Ha! Slowpoke!" you announce gleefully, gathering up the remaining Halli-Galli cards as Kevin groans. 
“Damn, I was hoping to beat her winning streak,” he huffs, though a smile still remains on his face to indicate he wasn’t being a sore loser. “Let’s rematch!” he declares, shuffling the cards again. 
“Um actually, I wanted to steal y/n aside for a moment, if that’s alright”. Mingyu’s voice sounds from behind, startling you slightly. 
“No problem! You guys go ahead without me,” you answer, excusing yourself from the group and following Mingyu into his kitchen, with their arguments about who will win the next round fading into the background along with the Christmas music. 
“I wanted to tell you something, but before I do, please have this,” Mingyu whispers, handing you a fortune cookie. Thanks to the dim light entering from the living hall, you’re able to pick up on the slight tint of pink on his cheeks.
Biting into the cookie, you remove the piece of paper from the inside and unfurl it, squinting as you try to make out the words. y/n, I really like you a lot. This Christmas, would you be mine? ♡
As you read the note, you feel as if the butterflies in your stomach are having their own Christmas party in full swing as well. You look up at Mingyu, mouth slightly agape as you’re still processing the words that he’d written. 
“Actually y/n…I’ve liked you since secondary one, when we were in the same class. You were constantly topping the cohort in so many subjects, and you were acing all of the cello competitions you represented the school in. I was in awe of how smart you were, not just academically but musically as well, and I found that so attractive —  though I admit I was always slightly envious of you. I thought that I should learn from you if I wanted to pull up my own grades. But when I came to ask you for help with Mathematics homework, I think you were having a bad day, which caused you to lose your cool with me and tell me to figure out the question myself, and I snapped back at you in response. It fuelled my jealousy even further, and I began competing with you all the time, which pretty much kickstarted our long-lasting feud,” Mingyu explains while shifting his weight from foot to foot, the words tumbling out of his mouth so quickly that you could barely make sense of what he was saying. “Even though you’ve been my supposed rival since secondary school, I’ve had a crush on you throughout. But I suppose I felt that there wasn’t any way to fix things between us, since we were constantly at war with each other over grades and shit. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have flung those harsh words at you that day”. 
The memory of that first interaction you ever had with Mingyu replays in your head as you try to put yourself in his shoes. If someone you asked for help had lashed out at you for not understanding a question in front of the whole class, you’d be wishing the ground could swallow you. Yes, maybe he shouldn’t have retaliated so fiercely, but you shouldn’t have let your negative feelings take control of you that day as well and just offered him the assistance he needed — maybe then you’d both have had a much more pleasant relationship for the past four years you’d known each other.
“Oh, Gyu, I’m so sorry. I really was having a bad day then, but it wasn’t an excuse to lash out at you when you simply asked me for help with a question. I’m sorry for causing you so much embarrassment back then,” you offer Mingyu a sincere apology. “And I have to admit, I looked up to you a lot as well. You did a great job as the class chairperson, through the ways you maintained order in class, settled class disputes and also brought everyone together. I was also amazed at how you never forgot to check in on everyone from time to time, and how you showed such genuine care for any struggling classmate in any way you could, even if you were bogged down by your own school work. I was slightly jealous of your leadership capabilities and how the teachers found you so trustworthy, but I thought that those qualities made you very attractive”. Taking one of his hands in yours, you continue to speak. “Don’t worry. It’s not too late. I think I’ve always harboured feelings for you, even throughout our time as academic rivals, and those feelings haven’t faded after we began getting along — if anything, they’ve only grown”. You catch the way his eyes crinkle into an adorable eye smile, and you feel your heart rate begin accelerating. 
“Really? So…I take that as a yes?” Mingyu asks, gesturing to the slightly crumpled note that’s still in your hand. 
“I mean…since we’ve both had feelings for each other for so long, why not?” you reason, a shy giggle escaping your lips. “Of course, we shouldn’t rush into things given the previous tension between us, but we could always see where things go. If we’re both happy, I would really love to be with you”. 
Mingyu immediately pulls you into a bear hug, pressing a quick peck to your cheek. “Of course, y/n. I’m so glad you’re willing to give us a chance”. 
Both of you remain like this for a few moments, soaking up the warmth of each others’ embrace. You marvel about how one single polytechnic year-end project had not only dissolved the tension between you and your previous rival, but also given you your first taste of love, one so sweet that even Jaehyun’s air fryer peach pies could never come close. 
“Noooo! I was hoping they’d kiss!” A whine from Jeonghan suddenly punctuates the air, and you turn your head around in surprise.
“Gosh dammit, you idiot! You ruined their moment!” Minghao scolds, smacking Jeonghan on the head gently. 
“Hey hey, be nice now,” Kun chides them both gently, but you see that he’s giving the both of you a happy smile. “Congratulations, y/n and Mingyu”.
“Thank you, Kun,” Mingyu replies, returning the smile. “Wait- why’s the whole class here?”
“Um so…I may or may not have been a bit of a big mouth and told all of them about your plan to confess to y/n”. Junhui blurts out in a tiny voice, but Mingyu picks up on it, and before you know it he’s torn himself out of your hold and is dashing out of the kitchen, to the amusement of all of you.
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zee-143 · 5 months
A lil appreciation post for my moots <333
I love all of y'all sm💗💗
(I totally didn't steal this idea haha-😭)
@michelle4eve: AHHHH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You've been nothing but sweet to me on this entire app and I really appreciate you. Remember to keep loving yourself you silly duck❗❤
@aia45: Heyy there pookie. Love you and your sarcastic personality so much. You're just generally an amazing friend. Heart<333 (ALSO STOP BEING SUCH A BULLY TO ME😭😭😭)
@capitainesyallin: You. You are such a cupcake. Oh my gosh. I don't understand how someone can be so freaking sweet, it hurts my soul. I love you sm btw💞💞💞
@aaa-sia: You deserve all the hearts💗💗💗 Ty so much for being so kind and supportive 🥺 I love being friends with you because it's always so silly haha. Love u!!
@antonsgirlfriend: One of my newest moots but you seem so niceee actually (AND FUNNY SKSKSK) Sending you love wherever you are❤️‍🩹😞
@milf-ivy: I absolutely love your vibe. You seem super duper cool!! Haha, I hope we interact more in the future. Hearts~~💕💕💕
@antisocial-socialbutterfly: Hey there :)) We don't interact much but I'm always seeing you liking my posts which I REALLY appreciate. Love yaaa💜👀
@foivestarrsketchez: Omgee, you seem really kind!! Even though we've only interacted a little, you've been nothing but an angel 😞💓💓
@jinnie-ret: AHHHH, AGAIN, LOVE YOUR WORK. and just the general vibe of your blog is adorable, I love itt❣️❣️
@azuna-sz: Your writing is the only thing keeping me sane ATP. I love it soo much and you feel like an actual sweetie💞💞
@kitteawampus: You're literally always liking some of my posts so like thanks for the support!!! And I love ur pfp!! 🤍🤍
@linos-kitten: Thank you for even looking at the random shit I post haha. You seem real niceee. <33333
@threeeyesslitthroat: We've bearly interacted but I appreciate you sticking around (also how did you come up with your username, it's so cool)💙💙
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verba-amoris · 27 days
is there a reason you're leaving? it seems very sudden 😔 we're mutuals but we've not spoken, I will miss you on my dash.
I mean I've been thinking about it a while, I just kinda feel like I don't fit in here anymore. I barely see my moots posts on my dash, the stuff I am seeing is not for me. Everything feels very extreme and there's very little in the way of posts about vanilla, healthy relationships, intimacy or romance, and it's all about things I feel are inappropriate dynamics. I get less and less actual conversations with people and more and more nasty anons.
Maybe I'm just getting old. I've definitely always been a romantic. But I just don't feel like I fit in here anymore.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
i'm not really one for new years or rly doing anything for it, but i thought i should at least thank all my friends who have made this year infinitely better for me. i'm ngl, this year was really hard in many ways. it felt like me and my family particularly were hit with new things to deal with as soon as the old ones had ended, and we just desperately wanted a break.
my way of getting a break was talking to you all, writing my silly little delusions, and being able to have a space here to share my work. so thank you. whether you were a silent reader, liked, reblogged, followed, or gave feedback for my writing-- all of you have helped me so much this year. the love that my writing has received has given me such motivation to keep going and to keep trying, and i don't think i would've otherwise.
now to thank my lovely friends, who without, i wouldn't be here today :( in no particular order...
@aravrs,, @kyrjnie,, @nyukyujs,, @etherealyoungk,, @rubywonu,, @kyeomyun,, @idubiluv,, @minholing,, @welcometomyoasis,, @dinotoro,, @wonijinjin,, @hannieheartuu,, @mangocustard16,, @amara-mars,, @glosskirt i don't like putting you all together because each of you mean so much to me individually, but i was worried i was gonna forget some of you especially since i don't talk to you guys as much </3 i love each and every one of you, and you have made 2023 such a fun year for me since i was able to talk to you all!! thank you for wanting to be moots with me and for talking to me, talking with you has been so fun and comforting this year <3 cheers to 2024 🫡
@blue-jisungs axe you were one of my first moots ever, and the first blog i followed. we became friends last year but i feel like we became so much closer this year. we watched kdramas together, spammed and ranted to each other, fed each other brainrot and delusions, and just generally enjoyed each others company :( i cannot see my life without you in it, you are so so so important to me now and i want to cry whenever i think about how amazing it is to have you as one of my best friends. i love you more than you know <3
@fairyhaos yena! you were one of the first blogs that i saw and went "woah" bcuz ur writing has always been so amazing. i seriously love it so much, i'll never get sick of it. once i got to know you as a person, i realized that you're even more amazing than your writing is. you're fun and kind and sweet and caring-- thank you so much for being my friend this year and i can't wait to make more memories with you next year 🫡
@weird-bookworm sky you are truly one of my closest friends. we've spent so much time talking and i've enjoyed every second of it. i feel like we have a unique dynamic cause unlike my other friends, we're constantly teasing and bullying in each other in the best of ways <3 in a weird way, the fact that i still know someone who is as big an army as i used to be is comforting. you feel like nostalgia-- like the old me in 2021. and even tho ur older by a bit, you feel like a younger sister to me sometimes skdjsk i really love you a lot, thank you for being my friend this year!!
@haecien cien my only guy friend 👹 talking to you has been especially fun this year. introducing you to the new loves of ur life, listening to you scream about minghao, harua, seungwoo, hyunjae, shin and gaon, playing stardew valley, and sharing some nostalgia from the philippines is all so comforting to me <3 i love u so much and i hope that i can find some more guys to add to ur loml list in 2024 🤞
@kkooongie sarah!! we've talked quite a bit since we met, and it's always been so fun and nice to talk to someone who is as much of a multi as i am <3 finding someone who also stans groups like victon and verivery is extremely hard??? and i'm so happy that there's someone out there who loves silly little nugu kpop men just like me <3 i love you a lot, and i hope you never forget that 🫶
@evalevaeva eva.... ur just incredible to me sometimes?? from writing the best fuma delusions to stressing out abt ur auditions (don't go to cube istg) talking to you has always been so fun!! i'm still so glad that you reblogged that one so mun fic, otherwise i would've never found your blog or talked to you </3 the sieun delusions are real and stan lucy for a better life 🤞 you always make me laugh and smile so much, and i hope i do too cause otherwise that would be a little awkward... 🧍‍♀️ PLS I HOPE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES OUR FRIENDSHIP 👎
@caramel-maveeato viv </3 my wife fr 🥹 whether it was screaming about the men i love the most to dying over your art or fics, you've always been someone who was always comfortable to talk to. i just love talking to you so much its so therapeutic??? stop rizzing me up tho it must stop before i go insane 🙅‍♀️🚫 no more rizzing in 2024 okay 👹 i hope we talk a lot more and stay as close as we are now bcuz talking to you has always been one of my favorite things to do, i love you so much 💖
@candewlsy mizu my baby </3 I LOVE U SO MUCH LIKE PLS PLS PLS KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE U IM GONNA SCREAM I WANNA SQUISH U?? what. ur just so fun and silly and comforting and I LOVE U AND UR HUMOUR 🥹 i love how you allow me to introduce you to new kpop men and actors, and how you love them just as much as me!! you're just as delulu and slightly deranged as i am AND THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUN 😭 i love watching kdramas with you, and i hope we can finally get through our list of kdramas to watch in 2024 cause its getting l o n g e r 🧍‍♀️ thank you also for reblogging my fics bcuz ur reblogs have to be some of my favorites ever </3 they're so fun and entertaining to read, i always end up giggling :(
@wheeboo rania :( i know i usually bully you and you bully me back, the whole divorced wives things but idk i'm feeling a little emo rn so i'm just gonna be appreciative?? i know we have talked recently, but it feels like we haven't talked enough since before christmas cause i've been busy and you've been busy... and idk i've just felt that void a bit?? talking to you has always been so fun and relaxing, and it's guaranteed to make me smile and laugh and just be an escape from anything i've been thinking about. watching k-dramas and having little music sessions were some of my absolute favorite memories of this year. it's just so special that I can call you one of my best friends, and i hope that i can continue to talk to you for years to come because you're one of the most comforting people i've ever met. not to mention that you write like an absolute goddess?? i still remember proofreading psycho for the first time and just being so shocked bcuz how does anyone even write like that????? i love that i'm ur little go-to for fic spoilers pls don't ever replace me or i'll cry 🧍‍♀️ and whenever i'm struggling with a fic, i always go to you as well <3 i can't express how much i love you and how much you mean to-- words just aren't enough 😭 i'll never get tired of talking to you
@eternalgyu i saved you for last cause i know this is gonna be a long ass paragraph.... ppl are gonna be dying to scroll past this so i wanted to make sure u were at the end. saving the best for last yk 🫡 hannie you have changed my life. like from the day i met you my life was completely changed. it felt like i had finally found my missing puzzle piece?? the best friend that i never had was finally in my life. and my life has never been the same since. everyday when i wake up, i text you. my brain is just "hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie" that's all it is now. when you weren't able to text me for 3 days, i felt like my world had stopped. i couldn't think about anything else, i couldn't sleep. at this point, i need you to live. i need you to be able to function. you are the reason i kept writing. you are the reason im alive. and you will always be my favorite person on this entire earth. i'd choose you over everyone and everything in a heartbeat. it's not even a question at this point, but i know the answer is gonna be you every time. i know this isn't an accurate number of the messages i've send to you, but just on discord, in 2023, i've sent you 183,422 messages. i'm sure ive sent thousands on instagram, and hundreds on other social media too. if you ever stop talking to me, i'll literally find u. LIKE U CANT EVER LEAVE ME CAUSE UR STUCK WITH ME FOR THE REST OF TIME >:( i'll start sending you daily emails pretending to be car insurance or smth like idk ill think of smth... anything to keep you as my best best friend for eternity. i know i say that i don't believe soulmates exist, because the idea of romantic soulmates is a little too fantastical for my realist mind. but since meeting you, i can say for certain that platonic soulmates do exist. we fit together so perfectly, i couldn't imagine anyone else as my best friend.
i remember one time before i met you, i tried to make an irl friend here and my dad said "i hope that you'll find your diana". obviously they didn't end up being your diana, but it's fine. because i did find my diana. you are my diana, and i am your anne. if i could spend the rest of my life talking to you, it'll still not be enough, so please keep talking to me in heaven or something.... the beomgyu to my taehyun, the jeonghan to my joshua, the sejun to my subin, the hoyoung to my gyehyeon, the wyatt to my yuto, the anton to my sohee, the taesan to my jaehyun, the yechan to my wonsang, the chanhee to my changmin, the jeongin to my seungmin, the moonbin to my rocky, the jo to my yuma, the jake to my jungwon, the theo to my jongseob, the taehyung to my hobi, the hwiyoung to my hwiyoung (what), THE HWIYOUNG TO MY DAWON (there we go), THE TAEYANG TO MY HWIYOUNG (even better), the jihoon to my minhyun, my one and only hannie. i love you more than anyone and anything. even though we're so different, we work so well together. we have different biases, and different habits. different religions and different plans for our lives. but we both have plans to meet each other, and i know it'll happen eventually. my life won't be complete until i can run up to you at the airport and give you the biggest hug. i'll probably start crying when that happens since i'm crying just think about it. i won't let go of the hug for maybe 5 minutes because i need to make up for all the hours spent that i couldn't give you a hug. i don't usually like hugs, but giving you one is all that i want to do. there's been so many times where i wished i could hug you. whenever you're struggling or feel depressed, whenever you feel hopeless and lost and uncared for and unloved and overlooked. i just want to hug you when i hear about them, because even though i don't know how to help you in those times, even when i don't have the solution, i know a hug would make things just a little better. when we eventually get ourselves a little apartment with a couple of cats, you can always come to me for a hug when you feel down. i'll bake you some brownies or cookies and we'll watch some kdramas together. we'll reminisce to old kpop songs from our childhood (like... srr SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH UH) and we'll eventually be old porch grandma's still bopping to txt's emo songs. i'll spend my teen years with you, and my adult years with you, and when i'm old and wrinkly, i hope you're still by my side. cause i don't want anyone else as my best friend. only you. pls don't cry while reading this cause ik you might AND I DIDNT MAKE THIS W THE INTENTION OF MAKING U CRY BUT LIKE IT MIGHT HAPPEN..... i rly rly love you. seriously. i love you so much. every memory i've made with you in 2023 is precious, and i know we'll make millions more in the years to come. please stay my best friend for the rest of time, because i'm never going to get sick of you. i love you the most, i hope you know that <3 i hope this is a good paragraph cause i forgot everything i wrote at this point, i don't really plan to write this much but whenever it comes to writing an appreciation for you, i always have more to say. you're my favorite person in the entire world, so ofc i would never run out of words to describe how much you mean to me. please be happy in 2024 and talk to me a lot <3 we'll meet each other for real soon and share a long hug together. until that day, let's continue how we are 🫶
happy new year to you all!! i hope 2024 is filled with love and joy and happiness <3 i love you all very much!! - zanna
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em0puppy · 4 months
i really don't normally do these things but i've been starting to feel just a teensy bit guilty about not being the sappy type lol and i got this urge at 1 am this morning while in a coffee-driven all-nighter and decided fuck it (this is a repeating factor in decisions i make. send help.)
so here's a small lil list of amazing people i'm genuinely overjoyed to be friends or even just moots with <3
yes im copying brookie bite me /silly
stuff under cut cuz this is gonna be long lol
@mischiefburns - my darling husband first of course !! <3 half joking marriage aside i'd say you're one of my closest friends - even if we've only known each other for just a few months. you're just the right amount of gentle and still know when to put your foot (er, claw-bug-thing) down, and i admire that about you. you know when to stop when boundaries are set up and to not push those, and you're not afraid to enforce your own, something i constantly fail to do (• ▽ •;) i love how open you are about yourself and how caring you care <3 ilysm !! mmmmwah :3 (im trying to get better at regretevator i promise)
@bluginkgo - first things first if you disagree with anything here i will punt you. (/silly /hj) you're so endearing, and your little emoticons never fail to make me smile. the message you sent me the other week really helped a lot, and your reaction spamming when i post art really does help with my motivation !! you're one of the most wholesome people i've ever met, and when your discord pfp changes to your sona with a bandaged leg i get worried for you. i love seeing your discussions in the nuzi server or your art popping up on my dash because HOLY SHIT YOU'RE GIFTED I TELL YOU !!!! like your nuzi fankid exploded my final 0.3 braincells i have left in the absolute best way but i'll save that speech for another time <3
@noridoorman - HIIIII MOM >:3 (i hope this tag is ok!! lmk if it's not <3) you're literally the second person i thought of when writing the idea down for this fhsfeesfigr. i love hanging out with you in VC and watching your stream or you drawing or listening to you and doomed voice ace attorney and you threatening to throw certain people (brookie and blu specifically) out windows or grab them by the scruff is literally the highlight of my day and never fails to make me laugh. you're so kind and funny and i'm sorry i can't share your love of k-pop 😔 (/silly) TRYING TO CATCH UP ON CINNAMON SCENT TOO BUT THE ADHD IS LIKE NUH UH </33
@brookiedaaroacecookie - im claiming you and miko as my siblings we can be triplets (/hj /nf) BUT SERIOUSLY THO i view you as my younger sibling and i love hanging out with you <3 you officiating mischief and mine's (GRR OFC IT WAS REAL /silly) wedding will forever be a memory i'll keep and tell to my grandkids in sixty something years or something like that idfk. i still have your little tag thing screenshotted and i'm sorry i can't tell the difference between french toast and grilled cheese </3 (/silly) also whats keats and why do you always laugh at it or was that an autocorrect thing /silly but also /gq
@spinnydraws - DFUHERFGRGIE I KNOW WE'VE ONLY BEEN MOOTS FOR LIKE. A WEEK AND A HALF OR SOMETHING IDK. BUT. HEAR ME OUT. already i view you as a friend and i'm extremely grateful to be moots with you! you're extremely funny and kind, and when you like or reblog my art i ascend to heaven. everytime i see your art i explode all over again even if i've already exploded not five minutes ago. AND WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY SO N. LITERALLY. WAHT. (/vpos) BUT LIKE. honestly you're a big comfort of mine already (i have a problem of wanting to be besties with literally every n kinnie out there. uzi kintype noises.) and i'd love to get to know you more !! <3
@nuzilicious - i refuse to give up trying to make you undislike me. until then all u get is ur awesome and im extremely thankful u havent blocked and banned me!!!!!! /silly /j
@uzibrainrot - omg what do i even say. you're so wholesome and so goofy and i loved roleplaying md with you on roblox even if it was just for a bit and if you wanna do it again sometime i'd absolutely love to!!!! i know we don't interact much but when we do it's awesome !! i promise the art trade is almost done i promise promise promise shhdshjdshfh. ALSO WHEN YOU WANNA WORK ON THAT VOLL CRACKFIC TOGETHER LMK!!! :DDD!!
i would @ andy but idk his tumblr so um. andy if you see this, you're not only one of the kindest most woke and most funny beings on this planet (i've never seen a cishet guy do a colon three it's literally so funny HELP /lhj /gen), but also a mind-blowingly awesome mc player !! :DD
ok i must disappear into the void to take care of my cramps (ew) so im gonna die now but ily all sm and hope you're all doing MORE than great !!! :DD!!!!! (/p /gen) explodes and dies in the grand canyon. or something. idk i need to stop exploding.
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agustdiv1ne · 9 months
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honestly? it could've been worse.
lots of things happened in 2023, both good and bad, in real life and on this hellsite. i feel like i've started to hone in on my voice as a writer this year, and my creativity and motivation just seemed to skyrocket for absolutely no reason. it's been fun sharing my work with you guys, and i'm forever grateful for all the love and support i have received <3 furthermore, thank you so so much for 4k followers!!!!! i never thought i would reach such a milestone, so it truly means a lot :')
there's a lot i wish i could have done during 2023 that i didn't end up doing, but i think it is best to focus on what i did accomplish and use that as a stepping stone towards better things. also, there were a lot of times where i didn't feel content with where and who i was. right now, however, i can confidently say that i am happy; i am hoping that happiness will be abundant for everyone in 2024! we all deserve it!!
furthermore, everyone worked hard, so i hope you all give yourself some grace in order to recharge and reset. taking breaks is paramount in maintaining your health and happiness, and i'm glad i learned that it's okay for me to take them lol.
so happy new year everyone! i hope 2024 brings many wonderful things your way, and may we all have a lovely year!! <33
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to: @gummygowon 🖤
MAIIII hi ilysm <333 i can't believe we've been friends for 3 years like that's fucking crazy. we have both been THROUGH it over the years but i'm so glad that we've always been able to talk to each other about the crazy shit that happens to both of us 😹 like idk who else i could talk about it with honestly. we are seriously like the same person which is so wild to me but i'm also so grateful for it fr!! i would trust you with my life methinks...also talking about fic ideas with you is so fucking fun. our brainstorming sessions go crazy fr ‼️ ANYWAYS i need to stop being sappy so i love you bitch and we WILL meet up this year or else i will riot!!! happy new year <3
to: @lunalovesstories 🖤
lunaaaa hii!!!! my fellow yeonjun stan, we feel the same pain and suffering whenever he is wilding LOL </3 also i feel like we became close super fast hehe ^^ i'm so glad that we became friends this year and i am forever grateful for you and how kind and supportive and overall amazing you are. becoming moots and friends with you was definitely one of my highlights of 2023!! our daily conversations are something i always look forward to no matter how short or long they are; i truly love talking with you and i hope we can continue to get closer this year :) happy new year! <33
to: @cheolhub 🖤
SAR!!!! ik you haven't been super active as of late so i hope you've been well <3 you are genuinely so cool and i love you sm. i think i screamed when we became moots and then when we started actually talking to each other i screamed even more...embarrassing. well anyways moving on! you are so fucking funny and i love hearing about what you're up to whenever you reappear on disc. you singlehandedly made me reconsider my bias line in svt bc cheol is currently infiltrating it </3 also lmk if you ever need me to fight that girl bc i will do it. no questions asked. seriously though, i hope you're thriving in the year of 2024, happy new year <3
to: @toruro 🖤
mika mika mika hiiiii ^^ you are crazy in the best way tbh, i aspire to be as unhinged as you are...LMAO moving on, you are hella kind and such a fun person to talk to! i love hearing about what you get up to bc it's usually funny af. like. you are just so real. you are such a bright spot on tumblr, please never change because you are amazing and ilysm <3 also your writing is insane. i always start gnawing on my leg when i see that you posted bc i know it's gonna be a banger!!!! you never miss!!!!!!! okay anyways ily again and i hope you have a happy new year <3
to: @prodsh00ky 🖤
hi sam!!!!!!! i hope you've been doing well <3 i know our convos are sporadic af but i always enjoy talking to you and hearing all of your updates! i just think you're so cool and i always get so excited whenever i see you pop up in my messages. i also love talking about writing with you because you understand my pain LOL. i know you're quite busy so i hope everything in your life is going well!! i also hope that 2024 brings you great things because you truly deserve it :) happy new year!!!
to: @koqabear 🖤
sol....my enemy >:( i will not forget all of those assassination attempts that you tried on me throughout 2023. trust me, i won't. JK ANYWAYS HFJHHFDJ you are like the coolest most awesome person on this website to me and i am so grateful that we are friends <3 also grateful that we started talking this year after being moots for a long while. i've always wanted to talk to you tbh so i'm glad i stopped being a weak little bitch and finally did it 😹 i will always go insane over your fics and write like a 2k word essay in response each time, so i hope that doesn't bother you...i will not be stopping though so ig it doesn't matter.......anyways, happy new year!! here's to another year on this hellsite <3
to: @boba-beom 🖤
smiles!!! you are such a ray of light on my dash, i swear i always smile when i see that you've posted. i know we don't talk all that often but i genuinely am so grateful that we are mooties n friends :> you are one of my longest moots, and i am so glad that you have stayed on here as long as you have because idk what i would do without you fr <3 you are so talented and kind and just a wonderful person to be around! happy new year!! may you be happy n healthy this year <33
and to all of my lovely mutuals: @nightlyawnzz @wolfytae-exe @aduh0308 @hyuk4ngel @dearlyjun @takemehye @mazeinthemoon @tyunkus @mixtape-racha @huckleberrykai @naomiarai @hyukalyptus @mapofthemazeinthemirror @taegimood @blackhairedjjun @txtistheloml @heart2beom @majestyjun @fairyofshampgyu @ttyunz @huenation @cherrypeeking @tyungelic @ncteez @peachanonie @hyewka @heartchoi @beom-pyu @petrichor-han @hoshiseon @strawbrinkofdeath @delcakoo @beoms-sugar @minastras @0x11s @hwasdollie @mimziie @baekhvuns @wooyukh @venusiangguk @ah-ga-seven @jimilter @ateezmakemeweep
hello and happy new year!! i hope all of you doing well and that 2024 is treating you well so far :) no matter how much/little we interact, please know that i am so happy to be sharing this space with you ^^ that being said, i hope we can interact more this year!!! (i promise i will try to be less shy,, the keyword here is try) you are all amazing people and i love you all mwahhh <333
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🖤 — january
27: give me more (m) — yeonjun ; est. relationship au, pwp
🩶 — february
regrettably empty :(
🤍 — march
23: 10:52 p.m. — soobin ; college au, introverts at a party
🖤 — april
04: frat boy!yeonjun
07: confession — chan ; best friends to lovers au + self-care (m) — seonghwa ; est. relationship au, soft smut
08: corruption (m) — hyunjin ; est. relationship au, corruption kink
11: stormy night (m) — seonghwa ; est. relationship au, hwa vs. your fear of storms (he wins)
13: industry lovers — yeonjun ; strangers to lovers au, idol!reader
16: guitar lesson — beomgyu ; best friends to lovers au
21: 2:54 p.m. — taehyun ; college lab partner au
🩶 — may
09: picnic date with boyfriend!yeonjun
16: brother's best friend (m) — yunho ; the au is the title lmfao + 10:21 p.m. (m) — soobin ; est. relationship au, car sex + early mornings with boyfriend!yeonjun
19: vacationing with boyfriend!yeonjun
27: 8:02 p.m — hueningkai ; jack frost au
28: cowboy!yeonjun (m-ish)
🤍 — june
01: double trouble (m) — hongjoong + seonghwa ; poly au
03: 9:05 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; plane sex pt.1
06: 9:23 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; plane sex pt.2
13: the horrors — yeonjun ; est. relationship au, horror actress!reader
23: txt finding out you have an onlyfans (m)
24: late night outing with boyfriend!soobin
26: dry humping (m) — minho ; pwp
🖤 — july
04: meeting odi for the first time with boyfriend!soobin
08: 12:43 a.m. (m) — yeonjun ; best friends to lovers au + best friend!txt finding out you write smut about them online
started my 3k event: love like the movies!! (which is still ongoing. i'm so sorry)
13: 3k event — yeonjun + howl's moving castle (m)
17: 3k event — beomgyu + titanic (m)
24: 3k event — taehyun + twilight (m)
31: 3k event — hueningkai + enchanted
🩶 — august
05: 11:01 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; rockstar au + 3k event — soobin + the avengers
11: 11:58 p.m. (m) — yeonjun + taehyun ; stoner fratboys au
26: 3k event — taehyun + the proposal (m)
🤍 — september
02: 3k event — beomgyu + the devil wears prada (m)
12: ticket to nowhere (but your heart) (m) — yeonjun ; strangers to lovers au
21: untitled (m) — beomgyu ; college au, tutor!reader
22: untitled (m) — taehyun ; college au, nerd!taehyun
🖤 — october
03: telepathy (m) — beomgyu ; mind reader au
23: 3:13 a.m. (m) — beomgyu ; vampire au
🩶 — november
07: 9:51 p.m. (m) — soobin ; serial killer au
🤍 — december
started my 4k event: finish my 3k event LMAO
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🖤 — writing plans
get my 3k (and now 4k?) event done (#1 priority after i finish my current soobin wip)
rings of saturn (tear me apart) (m) — taehyun ; college au, friends to lovers au
going under (m) — taehyun + kai ; surfers!tyunning, summer fling au
and they were roommates! (m) — choi line ; college au, new roommate!reader
cross (m) — yeonjun ; cyberpunk au, cyborg!yeonjun
wait on me — kai ; college au, cafe au
the language of love (and the woes that accompany it) — beomgyu ; soulmate au
love, unabridged — soobin ; single dad au, neighbors to lovers au
adagio (m) — yoongi ; second chance at romance au
art incarnate (m) — namjoon + seokjin ; cursed!seokjin, museum curator!namjoon, love triangle
and many many more..........you will see. this is just a taste >:)
🩶 — goals for this blog + myself
interact with more ppl! and more often!!
write 150k words?? we'll see...
write longer fics!!
plan a collab event ^^ i've always wanted to host one, and i think this year is the year!
that was long as hell (sorry)...anyways! once again, happy new year!! love you all <3
- ashlee
p.s. check out my 2023 fic recs post here :)
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archonfurina · 5 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ mutual appreciation post [ part 2 ] ! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
@jsilverhand torrie! we share many fandoms and i love your blog!!
@princessmelinoe hi annie!! you're super sweet and nice and i love your gifs sm, everything you make is so pretty!
@dareth-sh1ral my da mutual!! i hope you're doing well, i love your blog!!
@princeofhags your blog is so special and i love seeing you on my dash! <3
@water-dhavians we have many similar interests and i'm glad we're mutuals!! i hope you're doing well!
@alistairs hi iva!! everything you make of your ocs (and other things but i'm esp a fan of your ocs) is sooo good!! you're so talented and nice!!
@gortash i love your blog sm and i'm so honored we're mutuals!! you're awesome! <3
@tanaka-drew hi ces!! you're so talented and cool, i can't believe you follow me back fdshssjdf i'm a big fan <3
@not-so-blue hii! i love your gifs and seeing you on my dash!! you're really sweet!
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@fae-knight hiii!! you're so cool and amazing and i'm happy we're mutuals!!
@i-am-not-a-super-hero you're really sweet and kind!! i always smile when i see you on my dash!
@finalfantasy7 your blog is one of my favourites, you're v cool and i love seeing you on my dash!
@faepunkprince doriii! my cp77 mutual!! you're always so sweet and your ocs are awesome!!
@myunghjun hii ada! you're so cool and super nice and i love your blog sm!!!
@wayvirgo my kpop mutual!! you're really sweet and i love seeing you on my dash!!
@kuraioshiro we've been mutuals for a long time now and i'm so glad!! you're one of the nicest people i've met!!
@dreamclouds i love your blog sm, and your url is soo pretty. i love seeing you on my dash!
@dollopheadsandclotpoles anya!! i'll always remember (and miss) our lbc days!! you're amazing and so sweet!
@marrmoris hi sasha!! i hope you're doing well, you're in my thoughts! i love your blog and i'm happy we're mutuals!
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@dripdropv v!! you're so cool and your blog is amazing, i hope you're doing well!
@mosbanks hii natalie!! you're awesome and so is your blog <3 i'm happy we're mutuals!!
@stickymoonsoul lisa!! your blog is one of my favourites and i appreciate you a lot!!
@yanchen hi lara i hope you're doing well!! you're amazing!
@diamozi i feel like we've been mutuals forever, you're so lovely and nice, i hope you're doing well!!
@longfixedfable i love your blog sm, i put so many shows on my watchlist because i know you have a good taste!!
@singharit i really love seeing you on my dash! you're awesome!!!
@formileven my sister!! i love you!! <33333
@fkyb hii! you're amazing!! i hope you're doing well!! <3
@seonbaggirl my bl moot!! i love seeing you on my dash!! <3
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hippolotamus · 6 months
Rewatching Bridgerton Season 2 and it’s got me thinking about your Buddie Bridgerton AU ❤️
Well, hello there, Daffi! With Season 3 impending it has definitely been on my mind a lot, too. Especially now that we've gotten some delicious previews of married Kanthony. Just for you, a little spruced up snippet that takes place during the 2nd ball (master tag list here)💖
“Is there anyone here you haven’t offended yet?” Chimney quips as they enter the main room for the night’s festivities.  “I suppose it’s possible,” Eddie muses. “But the night’s still young.” Chimney huffs out an amused laugh. “And your mother wonders why you haven’t remarried yet.” Eddie shoots him an irritated glare, but there’s no real heat behind it. “Speaking of Helena, she assures me there’s someone. Seeing as you’re more knowledgeable about the Ton’s goings on and gossip, who should I invest my time in?” His friend surveys the room, occasionally pausing to tilt his head as if contemplating whether someone is worth mentioning. “Well, there’s Miss Flores. Pretty, well educated, loves children.” “I feel like I’ve heard that one before. Does she have any personality? Accomplishments other than being trained to marry?”  “Well, she is a private tutor. If that helps.” “Hmm,” Eddie hums, “maybe. Anyone else?” “There’s always Miss Kelly.” “As in Taylor Kelly, printing heiress?” “The one and only.” Eddie sucks in a deep breath and stiffens his spine. He’s only heard rumors about anyone unfortunate enough to become entangled with the family, but none of them are encouraging. “Let’s put that option on hold.” “If you want, I could talk to Hen and Karen. This is their soirée, after all. They might know about someone here I don’t. Maybe someone from out of town?” “It certainly can't hurt," Eddie agrees. "By all means, lead the way.”
also tagging some other moots that have shown interest in this WIP @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @tizniz @diazsdimples @bi-buckrights
@shipperqueen6 @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @spotsandsocks (if i missed you i'm so sorry, no i didn't)
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spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
answering this one bc now is the time to say sweet things that i'll never say otherwise [also apologising for being annoying and tagging yall so much recently]
@hwaightme i wish i could write like her, she makes me feel like i'm watching a movie when i read her fics and she's the sweetest person i've ever ever met i admire her sm i wish i could give her a hug
@starrysvn tho we've not interacted much you're someone i think about a lot! there's just sth special about you and i hope you know that <3
@yunnierights you've been here for so long my old friend pls always stay the same i love your energy sm
@lunehong you're literally the sweetest and your reblogs always make me go :')
@kbandtrash my fav siblings duo. can't wait for rachel to come back and megan is literally the cutest person <3
@my-loves-my-life another old moot! i love your hashtags reblog energy so much! you're so sweet and im always sending virtual hugs to you whenever i see you on my dash
@lavishloving i wish i had better vocab than sweet but she is it. love our interactions and love how you're literally reading everything (almost everything i've read since i followed you is bc you reblogged it you're like my personal fics collection blog now)
@atxxzist i love simping over san with her :') let's keep doing that forever hehe
@eightmakesonebraincell idk i think i love her or sth 🙄
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winterchimez · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
hi anon-ie!! yayyyy ok this is so fun imma just *rubs hands* cook up some scenarios 😋 (tagging the ones i talk to on a daily basis!! 💗)
@sungbeam acedemic rivals - theres something about you just being rivals with changmin and it gets on your nerve whenever he outperforms you but then all that bickering slowly turn into romance and thats something i will be watching from afar with my popcorn.
@from-izzy strangers to lovers - you and hyunjae (as much as i wanna mention the other guy but i won't bcs im trying to be nice 🥰) would meet as strangers on your first day of uni orientation, seemingly also ends up as deskmate in class and boom hes the goofy funny guy, always trying to get you involve in activities when you're just shy and reluctant and then the both of you start falling for each other
@daisyvisions best friends to lovers - we all know how much you love this, esp with hyunjae when yall be doing things that are pretty much obvious that's more than just friends 😏 so by the time yall end up together its more of a meh we've already done this before but then it gets awkward cs you're both now labelled as bf/gf
@aimeecarreros / @momhwa-agenda enemies to lovers - bcs of what you told me yesterday....but juyeon who's always teasing and bullying you...but then it's bcs he actually likes you sm but bcs of his ego he refuses to believe nor accept reality...but then it eventually hits him and hes confronted by you with a revenge dress and he goes oh. 😌
@snowflakewhispers mutual pining - realistically you and jacob would be having feelings for each other but then you both have your doubts (even though you don't look like it when you have beef with me everyday 🙄 HOWEVER it'll be cute but then the rest of us at the side will be all frustrated (aka me, daisy, elena) be like HE ALSO LIKES YOU BACK WTF but you're just "IDK MAN I DONT THINK HE WOULD"
@kimsohn unrequited love (but with a happy ending) - sunwoo's been head over heels over you since day one but you're always just ignoring his advnaces be like "this dude is hella weird", this goes on until one day you eventually see the other side of him, he makes you blush and he gets a high and giddy be like "okay confirmed maya likes me now i've won in life"
@justalildumpling rich kid au - ok i know it sounds cliché but hear me out!! na jaemin aka the rich boy from uni and he gets all the girls and naturally you fall for him too cs hell hes a fine-looking man but then maybe one day you are forced to live with him and thats when you see his true colours which makes you go ew, but then bcs of your personality you'll be like "i will change this man" (which you do) and he realises that you're not like the other girls out there
@ethereal-engene coffeshop au - you just give me calm sunshine vibes so!! you and woozi in the coffee shop, woozi as the barista (WHEW WITH A WHITE SHIRT- 😮‍💨) either you both work tgt as coworkers and eventually become a couple, or you would often visit the store not just for the good coffee but also for the good looking barista 👀
@drunkdrazed childhood friends to lovers - you're literally the sweetest human being so it would only be appropriate for this trope!! either with ten / jacob, you would fit so well 🥺 love the way how yall know literally anything abt each other and when yall reach uni / work and thats when you both realised that you're falling for one another instead 🫶
@h0mebody-heaven soulmate au - you're so funny and another ball of energy!! i can't imagine a better soulmate for hendery than you! lmao i can imagine all the chaos, the jokes that you both are gonna pull, probably asks you to film plenty of questionable tiktoks but then you oblige bcs YOLO 🤭
@strayed-quokka established relationship - do i need to say more, husband sangyeon and you're the housewife. you can replay that scenario in your mind.
@sanaxo-o arranged marriage - chanhee the rich son of dior's ceo ✨ but imagined getting pampered by him??? what a life it'll be 😮‍💨
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madstronaut · 1 month
PSA: i am an absolute sucker for meet-cutes
ya know what's funny? every time I have the passing thought wondering if I'll run out of fic I've bookmarked to (lovingly) rant about, my moots/cod writers never fail to deliver new bangers after bangers... at this rate my bookmark folder is bursting at the seams and threatening to explode into a big flaming glorious ball of confetti and words and emotions and tears (mine, my tears, those are all mine-)
I have also had the most exhausting past few weeks and seeing memes crop up about "becoming important at work is ruining my life" hit a little too real for me to laugh without crying a teeny bit but you know who i know got me? FANFIC WRITERS MY BELOVEDS THAT'S WHO 💖💖💖 (whom? fuck idk anymore how did I even get my job when I fuck up basic grammar lol)
I have been listening to Posty's new country song with Dolly Parton and it feels incredibly gaz-coded to me... I recently went karaoke-ing and let me tell you I would flirt hardcore by alternately winking constantly/making deep unblinking eyecontact into kyle's baby browns while singing this song anyway sorry totally sidetracked by daydreaming about making out with gaz and then wearing nothing but his hat while i ride his d- [rest of sentence drowned out by dolly parton's bridge]
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Reading: Firefighter!Kyle by @stellewriites
ok to start mister mistoffelees!!!!!!! what a name I swear cat owners give their pets the wildest names (I met someone who had two cats named porterhousesteak and shakeandbake - both names were pronounced like one word) (also on the off-chance charlotte if you're reading this, let's pretend we are two ships passing in the night and you can ignore my videogame military men thirstblog and i'll ignore the names you chose to bestow on your pets)
and even before stelly described him I KNEW HE WAS AN ORANGE CAT 😂
also I have not read or seen Cats the book/musical/movie prior to reading this fic but this made me want to so that I can flirt with stelleverse!kyle
“please misty, my arms are tired and my neighbours have probably already lost all respect for me,” you groaned. it turned into a huff when he turned away to clean his paws, ignoring you again. “you win! there, happy? you furry little orange devil, you fucking win!”
🤭🤭🤭 ok but let's be real we've all been there pleading with pettos and having full-on one-sided conversations with em
you pulled out your phone and skimmed the articles you’d pulled up advising you on how to get a stuck cat out of a tree.
*running to google* also is this not the most millenial/gen-z thing to do!!!! lmao the things I have googled....
“ah that looks like a job for our best man, don’ya agree, si? think this requires garrick’s expertise,” the man said again, smirking at the man sat next to him up front.
we stan a man who sees someone and goes "that's my mate's type" i feel like soap would be such a good wingman
“oi! i’d be happy to help the bonnie thing with their pussy, but ah thought you might appreciate stretching yer legs,” ‘tav huffed from the window.
irl men saying this to me: mace to the face first, questions later
fictional video game men saying this line to me: *practicing deep lunges so I can open my legs for them even wider*
“ahh ok,” kyle nodded. he tested the balance of the ladders against the tree. “musical or book?” my mum used to love t. s. eliot, so i know probably more than i should about it,” he joked, slowly reaching his hand out for misty to sniff at.
NERDY MAMA'S BOY THEATER LOVER CAT WHISPERER HIMBO KYLE MY BELOVED (seriously stelly just took all my fucking weaknesses and rolled them into firefighter!kyle)
“it’s what we’re here for,” kyle said easily, shrugging as he came to stand before you. “plus, it’s always easy when the callers are so pretty.” “hah! right, yeah he’s a cutie,” you said and wiggled your fingers at misty, letting him bat at them. kyle waited for you to look up before replying. “i meant you,” he said a little sheepishly.
"he said a little sheepishly" that cat better get back in that tree to make space cos I'd be taking a running leap into his arms after rizzing me up like that
“like, how? on the emergency number?” you hinted. “ah fuck,” he swore and patted at his pockets. you heard the scotsman laugh from the truck and hid your own teasing smile behind your hand.
I would be remiss not to include this cute little challengefic stelly wrote that I have daydreamed about multiple times after reading (I usually picture gaz or soap here when I read about college/uni!141)
the fic also reminds me of the large lectures I attended in college (I was a solid sit near the middle or 2/3 up the room but never allll the way in the back student) where I observed in no particular order:
several randos watching various LOTR movies on their laptop
watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Dragon Ball Z was also super popular
also re: chronic anime porn purveyor -> seeing a girl straight up go over and unplug his charger from the wall socket AND his laptop and just WALK AWAY WITH IT 😂🙌 (my queen I still think about you from time to time after all these years, I oft pray to match a thimbleful of your energy)
girl playing Pokemon Red on an emulator on her laptop (I was riveted and also went to search and download the same and got lost in the sauce burning through all the pokegames for a hot minute too...THANK YOU ARIA!!!!!!!!)
guy playing tetris on his comp at an INSANELY god-tier speed level; i'm positive he did it for an audience because i swear i saw people attempting to look for and sit behind him to observe him during classes to watch his ass play (noooo this wasn't me who said that also he was kinda cute in a 'you are very competent in this weirdly niche area and i find that kinda hot' way)
girl dropping $800+ on topshop website (am I dating myself mentioning topshop lol is it still around?!?!)
guy speedwriting a paper for another class and turning it in - all during a totally unrelated class, honestly was impressed
girl flawlessly applying liner, lipstick, and a glitter topper without spilling or getting the glitter everywhere (btw at a 9am lecture? slay sis)
anyway can you tell i went to a very large uni lol OK WHERE WAS I BACK TO FIC BACK TO FIC
you stared at the screen unblinkingly, thoroughly distracted from your course and the discussion around you until a hand holding a slip of paper appeared at your shoulder in your peripheral. you flicked your eyes up and found the professor busy facing the board and took the chance to swivel in your seat to look up at the one above yours and the handsome man that currently claimed it.
I can physically feel my pupils popping til they engulf my eyes as I read this - also I loved the premise of this challenge (cali my beloved making bangers as usual @the-californicationist) with people having to guess who the chara was! one of the verrrry first fics I read in cod fandom was an insert-blorbo-of-your-choice-here x reader that I looooooooooved; I find the fill-in-the-blank aspect verrrry titillating✨
“i could maybe think of some way you could thank me,” he acquiesced, smile turning sly. “better concentrate on the front of the class for now though.” he nodded forward.
can also physically feel my pupils turning to heart eyes at this line 😍UNFFFF YES YES LET'S HAPPILY BRAINSTORM THE MANY MANY M A N Y WAYS I COULD THINK OF THANKING YOU GOOD SIR
i met some of my best mates (and earned some wild stories to boot) at uni, as they say over on the other side of the pond, and all the fun cute chaotic little moments of serendipity sprang back up when I read stelly's works and made me feel incredibly nostalgic 🥰🥰🥰 going old school and pulling out my 2008 neutrogena lipgloss out of memory lane for my chef's kisses for yooouuuuu mwahmwahmwahmwah😙👌😙👌😙👌😙👌
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koishua · 5 months
closest moots on blr?
@mosviqu my tumblr sister friend mother everything at once tbh we've stayed strong for years atp </3 not even far in age but it still feels like i was raised by her blog at some point and then by HER bar ily we even had two kids together (thinking about reviving blank journal? also k-mystics my little yellow abomination)
@kyuzuberri my little sister i want to adopt so badly i would move mountains for her my dear tumblrinas pls always be nice to her y'all i genuinely want to be with her irl but we're continents apartttt ;-; kyuzu ily bby (my rock actually)
@atrirose i always feel like bullying her is that my love language?? ily my precious i will bite your ankles we've been mooties for a WHILE now but got a lot closer this year i feel like 🤭🤭 i mean this in the nicest way possible but you have a very punchable cutie patootie image in my mind i LOVE talking with you always
@lebrookestore my fellow soldier we've gone through so much on this site im her biggest fan fr i don't even remember when we became friends but it was at the very beginning of the pandemic i feel like?? idk idk imy ily i always think of you. big slay big purr for brooke omg im getting emotional thinking bout the good ol' times :')
@i-luvsang my soulmate ;-; this is the emoji i always use whenever it's about ria bc that's actually me irl whenever i see her im so happy so so happy she's been my friend for so long ughhh if im a sunflower then she's my sun she's the light and guide of my life there's no one like maria for me i hope everybody knows this
@wonfilms not me having the best y/n moments with my favs who turn into my friends ahhhhhh she was the coolest ever ever ever and then she became MY coolest ever ever ever?? mine ppl back off we've been moots for a good while too now that i think about it hehe
bonus @bywons in a very funny way i have to cackle every time but it's a secret she's my little secret ily sru precious always
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when you get this, answer with five mutuals you love and why! then send to five other people <3
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I know what you're thinking... am I really going to tag 15 moots because I got this ask 3 times? The answer is fUCK YEAH
@dontirrigateme I'm gonna start with the one who started it all for me!! Thank you for being the one that got me into BoB and obsessing over them with me all the time 😂 you're honestly an amazing human being and I am so SO grateful I get to call you my sibling!!!
@executethyself35 ALEXI!!!! One of my number one supporters and only one I'm ok sharing Luz with!! You're an amazing human being and I love your chaotic energy 🤣
@ewipandora Ewi !!!!!!!! We don't talk enough but that doesn't mean you're not one of my fav moots to see around!!! You honestly seem like such a kind and sweet persoN WE NEED TO TALK MORE!!!!
@ithinkabouttzu Maaaaacccc!!!! I love getting to talk to you and your writing is INCREDIBLE!!! You are always so kind and encouraging and you mean the world to me!!!
@ronsparky Jess you lovely human!!! I know we don't talk a lot but seeing you in my notes always makes me smile!! Thank you for being my moot and always being so kind and supportive!!
@love--persevering VASILISA YOU GORGEOUS HUMAN!!!!!! I know we don't talk too much but it always means the world to me whenever I see your name pop up!! Thank you for always being so encouraging and kind and lovely and everything in between !!!!
@ronald-speirs MARINE!!!! We've just started talking more and I'm so glad we have!!!! You are so incredibly kind, uplifting, warm, and just all around a wonderful person!! Thank you for being my moot and I can't wait to talk to you more!!
@thicccqueyoongimin Laraaaaaaaaa!!!!! I will never forget reading your ship request and thinking "did I write this in my sleep" 🤣 I love how alike we are and how much we just vibe!!! Thank you for understanding me and my/our obsession with Winters and Liebgott 😝💖
@panzershrike-pretz PRETZ MY BELOVED!!!! You were the first person in the fandom I actually traded discords with so we could talk more!!! Thank you for always having amazing chaotic energy and also your ocs are always so cool and intricate!!!!! You're an incredibly kind and lovely human and I'm so grateful we're moots!!!!
@blueberry-ovaries Mads!!! I know we don't talk a lot but it always makes my heart happy to see you pop on my dash and in my notes!!!! You always have something nice to say and your charts/rankings give me life 🤣💕
@xxluckystrike BLU!!!!! You were one of the first people I wrote a request for!!! We don't talk a lot but we need to talk more!! You are such a kind and lovely person and it always makes me smile when I see your name pop up ❤️✨
@sweetxvanixlla Vani!!!!! I think you were the first person in the fandom to tag me in something like a tag or ask game!! I know it's silly but that first time being included just meant the world to me, thank you for being such a kind and lovely human and including me that first time 💖
@neptunes-blue Aaaaaaa my HBO War Secret Santa!!! The Winters art you made was ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!!!! Thank you so much for being my moot and creating art that is just STUNNING 🥰💕❤️✨
@b00ks1ut Rachel!!! I know we don't talk a lot but seeing your name in my notes always makes me smile!!! thank you for always being kind and encouraging!! We need to talk more ❤️❤️
@hanniewinnix Ok so this is gonna be really silly but I will never forget posting the first chapter of Should've Been Born Later Nix and seeing that you reblogged it with a tag llike OMNOMNOM like it honestly made my day and just meant the world to me!!!! Thank you for always being so sweet and supportive love!!! We gotta talk more!!!!!!
Aaaaaaa I feel like I repeated a lot of adjectives but truly y'all are the kindest, sweetest, most supportive and encouraging people I've ever talked to and even if we don't talk/don't talk a lot please know I love you sosososososo much and my messages are ALWAYS open!!! 💖❤️💕🥰💝
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