#feels like it went really quick but thats probs cause i skipped over loads of it lmao
riverstardis · 1 year
series 32 episode 44:
finale time!!!
alicia going to the police🥺
ah jonathan barling, i forgot this was this episode
aliciaaa :(((
"things had just gone wrong with a guy i really cared about" :(
"you do believe me don't you?" "yes. why would you put yourself through all this if it wasn't true?"
isn't this room the exact same room as the counsellor's room in the sexual assault clinic? maybe it's meant to be idk i just assumed they were still at the police station but maybe they are in the clinic
eddie being arrested :)
alicia calls bea in for support🥺
the cctv :( they were really quite brave with this storyline, having them have consensual sex earlier. they could've gone the easier route of having eddie be obviously violent or manipulative from the start, and while i'm sure it would still have been a great storyline if they'd done it that way, i'm glad they did it this way!
the police asking eddie if alicia said no at any point and he says "only in play" WTF MAN🤬🤬🤬
alicia goes in to speak to connie but gets roped into resus before she can
eddie going "my boss knows the difference between an accusation and a charge, i'll have her full support" connie? HA sureee you will mate
yup she tells him he's suspended and if he doesn't get charged he'll be transferred elsewhere
alicia saying bye to bea :( IT WAS SO QUICK WHEN IS SHE COMING BACK!!! i still don't understand how this was meant to be her actual exit from the show and not just her leaving for a few months
eddie turning up to alicia's😠😠😠 LEAVE HER ALONE
huh there was a weird cut there. i bet that was a cut for content that can't be aired before the watershed rather than time because it's kinda odd to cut out the middle of a scene like that where it's a really obvious jump cut? and i know there's the bit where alicia says she could see it in eddie's face that he knew what he was doing that's missing, i don't remember what else she said that's missing but perhaps it was too graphic a description for daytime? oh actually i think there's a flashback missing i bet that's what they couldn't show
he throws her through the french doors >:(
eddie telling iain "she fell, she hit the window" and then "we were arguing" and then "it was an accident" right even ignoring the fact that you're breaking your bail, CLEARLY nobody's gonna believe you if you can't even get your own story straight
alicia :(((
the ambulance crashing😬
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