#feels like a while since I've drawn the him (it has in fact been Twelve Days)
chiropteracupola · 2 years
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too bad! you're going in the lake
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fourswords · 18 days
starting sketching out light and like. HES 12??? like I get it- he's about to be 13- And knight is the oldest at a grand total of 15 but like-
like I know they're dumb in the manga but 😭 every 12-13 year old I've ever met is like a certified dumpster fire, which you might wanna consider in his character lmso
but I just feel like after the manga it wouldn't even matter that he saved Hyrule, he's just getting grounded until he's a legal adult 😭
like azure THATS A BABY- Aint no way he's smart enough to have even survived half the manga even with his dumb luck!
im crying please add like one year to all their ages im on my hands and knees is your goal to give this tiny child some form of PTSD because he is IN CONSTANT DANGER.children need to have a sense of safety (and their stupidity doesn't count, blue got swallowed alive and frozen, vio was lying to SAVE HIS LIFE, green was straight up about to kill vio and had to deal with attacking another knight, and couldn't bring himself to attack their own dad, and then red got chased by an angry mob and then lost all will to LIVE with blue in that one temple-) 12 is barely even conscious and self aware 😭
like I know 12 year olds have complex emotions and can handle abstract concepts and start getting into deeper moral understanding- but my human of earth the self awareness is either ONE THOUSAND OR ZERO AND THERE ISNT A BETWEEN AT THAT AGE-
im sorry if I sound rude or something btw I'm mostly just joking and I tend to overdramatize for comedic effect but I genuinely cant wrap my head around him being just 12- like at least 14??? maybe bump knight to 16 while ur at it? ?
also I'm gonna figure out some way to incorporate the different colors into his hat probably, its big so its like a bag lol since in the manga blue just shoved his whole hammer in there I'm pretty sure
smithy will be extremely small without complaint.
feel free not to take my words seriously tho lol I just cant imagine a 12 year old going thru the manga, like look me in the eyes and tell me a 12 year old-
if I misunderstood anything lmk lol I am a lil stupid sometimes
HAHAHA YES HE IS IN FACT TWELVE. The Legend of Zelda is a series that's all about "yeah let's hand this child a sword and let him go nuts" (to use a popular example, BOTW Link being canonically handed a sword at age four and is said in Mipha's diary to have been able to best grown men in fights: "At the request of Hyrule's king, a group of outsiders came to greet us at the domain. One of them was a Hylian child of only about four years of age. His name was Link. He made quite a first impression. He was curious and full of energy, with a ready smile. Are all Hylian children that way? One thing that surely sets him apart is his swordsmanship, which I hear is exceptional. He has even bested adults. He must be somewhat reckless, however, as he was covered in bruises.") and I absolutely intend to lean into that as much as possible. Light's age comes mainly from comparing Akira Himekawa's designs for Links of varying ages side-by-side with each other; for example, you have Minish Cap Link, who's very obviously drawn like a young child:
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You have Twilight Princess Link and Ocarina of Time Link, both drawn to look like older teenagers (and we know OOT Link's older age is 16-17 depending on who you ask):
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We have Skyward Sword Prequel Link, who is a fully-fledged adult (his other panels illustrate the difference more sharply, but this is what he looks like, so):
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And then we have FSA Link in the manga, who is drawn to be VERY visibly younger than OOT, TP and SS Prequel Link, but is definitely visibly older than MC Link (he's got the rounder face + eyes, the shorter stature, and it becomes even more visible when compared to the knights in the FSA manga itself):
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His maturity level also does, to me, match that of an average 12-year-old nepo baby (which he really kind of is)—kid who thinks he knows everything & that he's hot shit but is kind of a giant train wreck internally.
All three Four Sword heroes prior to him were explicitly stated to be "young boys", and FSA manga Link is really no different in that regard—in the context of my own AU, he's actually the one who went on his adventure at the oldest age (with Smithy going on his around 8-9, Four going on his at 10, and Knight now going on his at 11). It's just been a shorter time since his adventure than it has been for the others ^^;
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worldwalkernovel · 6 years
so i've been doing that boycott thing and just got back, and the whole time i was sort of thinking about the part in the ladyhawke au where crispen introduces himself with brenneth's last name. i was wondering, in a normal au, would they get married? what would happen with last names? on a slightly different note, what are wedding traditions like in alleirat, and do either b or c want to or really not want to marry the other? what are their general attitudes on marriage? nice to see you back!
Crispin’s deepest most secret most denied desire is to marry Brenneth and has been since he was twelve years old send tweet
Brenneth doesn’t have any Emphatic feelings about marriage one way or the other, but Crispin wants nothing more than to be able to call himself Brenneth’s husband and, while he very much assumes for a majority of his life that it’s wildly out of the question, he doesn’t care about how it’s done, where it happens, or who’s in attendance.  If Brenneth wandered up to him in her worst, rattiest clothes with soot on her face and ash in her hair and informed him that they were going to be sworn to each other in front of the gothed and five street urchins, he would be Absolutely Fine with that.  They don’t legally have last names in Alleirat (worldwalkers are identified as “of Alleirat” rather than by family name or city of origin), but in another universe, Crispin would be more than glad to do whatever Brenneth wanted with their last names--probably leave them alone.
As for Brenneth, like I said, she’s not strongly invested in marriage as a concept, particularly not to Crispin.  As far as she’s concerned, she’s more tightly bound to him than she ever could be to another living being, any ceremonial recognition of that fact is merely a formality.  She’d propose if she knew he wanted it, though, once they’re together.  (Someone eventually tips her off that he might enjoy being married properly--he’d never propose on his own time because he’s such a trainwreck of a person.)
Marriage in Alleirat is similar to marriage in, say, the 1300′s, by which I mean that there’s a distinction drawn between a legal status between two people which recognizes that their material possessions are being merged into a single unit (more common in the upper classes) and an emotional bond being recognized publicly (more common in middle and lower classes).  Generally speaking, arranged marriages are done for business dealings, as nobility isn’t hereditary, but there have been cases of trying to keep a line of powerful magic workers “pure” by arranging marriages to the same class of worker over the generations.  This does not always work--magic is generally loyal, but might occasionally decide to jump the tracks and give you a water worker after a hundred years of steel.
In terms of the wedding itself, attire and preferred season are heavily regionally dependent, largely because most Alleirai weddings happen outside--so, in the northern mountains, summer weddings are standard, whereas in the south only Bona Fide Idiots get married in the height of summer heat.  Some rich folks or Politically Important Folks (like, for example, Brenneth and Crispin) might get married in a ballroom or even in the audience chamber of the gothkenla, the city center, but most of the time marriages happen outside.  Weddings NEVER happen in temples--it’s considered bad luck to hold a wedding in a temple, for two reasons.  
First, while most people pray predominantly to one or the other god, it’s usually viewed as tempting fate to so obviously favor one over the other as to hold a wedding in a temple.  This general wariness is related to the fact that one time the gods got mad and fucking obliterated each other and also a whole continent.  
Second, while upper class and political marriages follow slightly different rules, most people consider it bad luck to turn people away from a wedding!  It’s widely believed to bring a marriage full of dissatisfaction and conflict if you actively turn someone away from an Alleirai wedding celebration.  This doesn’t mean you need to invite the whole town, you invite whoever you invite, but if other people show up it’s expected that you welcome them, give them alcohol, feed them, the whole nine.  While most people don’t bother to show up uninvited to a wedding for people they either don’t know or don’t like, this has led to the tendency to hold weddings outside where you don’t have a functional limit on space.
Most weddings are done by the town magistrate or some other person who is generally agreed to be a local social authority--a small enough town might have one of the local elders perform weddings, a large enough city generally has dedicated civil servants who act as officiants--although two especially devout people might have a priest of each god cooperatively perform the ceremony.  At bare minimum there are two witnesses in addition to the officiant and the couple
There’s some variation in the ceremony itself, but there’s always a handfasting element in which the couple clasps their hands together and have some form of liquid poured over their hands.  It’s usually water, although the extremely devout of the Wanderer sometimes use wine or even honey, and the extremely devout of the Lady of Stars will sometimes use silver ribbon or cord left to soak in cold water instead.  This is because the Lady is traditionally offered an empty cup at meals and associated with permanence and death, thus something that can be kept, and the Wanderer is traditionally offered a full cup and associated with wildness and life, thus wine and honey.  Gifts are sometimes exchanged after the handfasting, but it’s more common for the couple to be given garlands of flowers as a way to mark the end of the ceremony, and the couple usually gets some kind of matching indicator eventually (like rings or necklaces or tattoos or whatever), but it’s not strictly associated with the ceremony proper.
.....Brenneth decides that for once in their lives she will be the romantic one and gets proper gold rings to exchange during the ceremony, like they would have had if they got married on Earth.  The only problem with this plan is that Crispin bought rings, like...literally the second Brenneth assured him she wasn’t joking.  So they end up with two rings each.
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