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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
#feelgoodadvise ❤️ love this post!! Had to repost to remind me. It's ok if people don't get me or think I'm weird. As long as I know I'm 😎kul then we're cool #cool if you think I'm weird then we cool. If you tink a tink I'm not weird then we not cool. I'm a cool cat 😼
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
Sometimes you need a little bit of crazy to remind us what life is really about #feelgoodadvise #livenow 3 of 3
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
Sometimes you need a little bit of crazy to remind us what life is really about #feelgoodadvise #livenow 2 of 3
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
Sometimes you need a little bit of crazy to remind us what life is really about #feelgoodadvise #livenow 1 of 2
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
#feelgoodadvise 💬 @benwhitehair Be your own superhero. Know that you are enough. You have everything it takes to create the life of your dreams. And you are absolutely worthy of it all. 💥#bang Just remember superheroes are also smart enough to ask for help along the way. ;) 💥#pow #benwhitehair#superhero #instaquote #quote #worthy #enough #justdoit #hashtag #poundsign 💣#boom 💥 . 📲 #Follow @benwhitehair 🎥🎭🎬
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
#feelgoodadvise I came across a man today, Who years ago, did me wrong. Although much time had come to pass, My resentments were still, so strong. I looked into this man's green eyes. As gentle as they were. The past he left, I could not pass. My anger inside did stir. He looked at me, the man he said, 'You look like someone I know.' I replied to him, 'Yes, I am.' My anger, I did not show. I wheeled the man, down the hall, To a courtyard, at the end. The man he asked, in a gentle voice, 'Are you someone I call friend? ' 'Yes, I am.' I then placed my hand, On his frail, and skinny arm. This man who was like a baby now, Had once caused me so much harm. The man, he had no idea, Of the pain he once inflicted. Although my emotions were very strong. To my love, I was convicted. I spent the day, sitting with this man. As I did, each and every day. And every morning, his day was new, Yet the same things he would say. I wheeled the man back to his room. I placed him in his bed. I walked to the door, and turned out the light 'Nice to meet you.' The man, he said. I returned the next day to see the man, But his bed, was already made. For in the night, that man he left, Now, I wish he could have stayed. All those years that I held onto, The things, I should have let go. Resentment of things, that had come to pass. And the man, didn't even know. In the end, they robbed me blind, Of the time, I could have shared. The man in my mind, he was a monster. But in truth, he really cared. Hold on to what is truly dear, For one day, we all must leave. Resentments, we must let them go, Wear our hearts, upon our sleeve. To them, we are held prisoner, For it is they, that commit the crime. They will rob you of your peace and joy. And they will rob you of your time. by Ryan Lee Morris
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
🔥🚘🚫🐶 Cardinals defensive back Tyrann Mathieu partnered with PETA to ... Mathieu took a challenge from PETA to sit in a hot car in ... His message, and PETA ...#feelgoodadvise If you see a dog sitting in a hot car with out the air condition on or all the windows wide open then break 🔨 the window immediately and call the police 🚓👮🏾 #peta #tyrannmatieu #iloveanimals #ilovedogs
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feelgoodnights · 9 years ago
Be Funny. Have Fun. #feelgoodadvise #lovelifeandbefunny #lovelifeandfeelgood #lifeisbeautiful #quote #by #stephenhawking #rain #raindrops #inspiration #feelgoodadvise
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
Omg!! My heart just melted 😭💗💕💞💓💖❤️💦 2 of 2 🎥. Wow!! What a heart warming moment. I'm still all choked up. Makes you appreciate all the simple thing we take for granted. Life's too short not to appreciate, see, smell, hear, touch, and feel all the beautiful things that surround us from day to day. Is the simple things that make life, LIFE! #lifeislfe #feelgoodmoment #feelgoodclip #feelgood #lovelifeandfeelgood #feelgoodadvise ❕Watch This Baby Girl See Her Parents Clearly for the First Time and Hold Onto Your Heartstrings 📰 A day ago | Today #July142015 | E! Online Get a good grip on those heartstrings, folks. We're about to tug the crap out of them. Baby girl Piper Sinclair was not hitting her milestones, like crawling, so her mom Jessica thought something might be wrong with her eyesight. She was right. The doctors found that she was extremely farsighted, so that meant little glasses for adorable Piper. After they picked up the pink glasses, the family went out to eat, put Piper in her new eyewear and filmed her reaction. You can see instantly that she is seeing things clearly for the first time, and she is so happy to really be looking at her parents. Watch Piper's reaction to seeing her family the way she's meant to see them and good luck not smiling...
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
Omg!! My heart just melted 😭💗💕💞💓💖❤️💦 1 of 2 🎥 Wow!! What a heart warming moment. I'm still all choked up. Makes you appreciate all the simple thing we take for granted. Life's too short not to appreciate, see, smell, hear, touch, and feel all the beautiful things that surround us from day to day. Is the simple things that make life, LIFE! #lifeislfe #feelgoodmoment #feelgoodclip #feelgood #lovelifeandfeelgood #feelgoodadvise ❕Watch This Baby Girl See Her Parents Clearly for the First Time and Hold Onto Your Heartstrings 📰 A day ago | Today #July142015 | E! Online Get a good grip on those heartstrings, folks. We're about to tug the crap out of them. Baby girl Piper Sinclair was not hitting her milestones, like crawling, so her mom Jessica thought something might be wrong with her eyesight. She was right. The doctors found that she was extremely farsighted, so that meant little glasses for adorable Piper. After they picked up the pink glasses, the family went out to eat, put Piper in her new eyewear and filmed her reaction. You can see instantly that she is seeing things clearly for the first time, and she is so happy to really be looking at her parents. Watch Piper's reaction to seeing her family the way she's meant to see them and good luck not smiling...
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
#Feelgoodadvise Talk about what you want to receive in life because if see the positive in every situation good or bad then the universe has no choice but to give you what you love or complaint about. #YourChoice #BreakThePattern #loveistheanswer #LawsOfTheUnivirsee (at Jewel City Bowl)
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
🇺🇸 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE FROM #FEELGOODNIGHTS ♥️💙🗽 #FeelgoodAdvise #FeelgoodTips 1▪️Don't go to the event on an empty stomach. . 2▪️Take drinks at reasonable intervals so good company prevails and nobody gets drunk. . 3▪️Avoid shots , bottoms up and paying rounds. . 4▪️Let the glasses be empty before you ask for a refill. . 5▪️ Keep track of how many drinks you had. . 6▪️Alternate alcoholic beverages with soft drinks. . 7▪️ Avoid drinking games. . 8▪️ Accept drinks only when you want one and make sure you see your bartender pour your drinks before accepting from strangers. . 9▪️DON'T DRINK, (TEXT) & DRIVE❗️ . 10▪️Beware of urban legends: remember coffee does not "sober up" intoxicated people and neither do cold showers. ( EAT FOOD OR BREAD ) . . . 🚔🚨 ( 🚫 SAY NO TO DRUGS 💉💊 ) 🚨👮🏻 Respect your local Police & Fire Department 👷🏼 👮🏿🚓 #LAPD #LAFD . 🚦If you chose to drink or take drugs, please do so in a responsible, safe, sensible, and healthy way. 🍻#GodBlessAmerica 🇺🇸#Feelgoodnights #Rollrandom #USA #FourthOfJuly #PartySafePartyResponsible
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
#feelgoodadvise So weird I may appear to you Strange in so many ways. For some even heartless As I appear to be really different. Different, I am Heartless, I am not My behavior is strange at times That is the way I have turned to be for this world How, do you perceive me? I mean, do you hate me always? I guess you do However, you have your reasons and I have mine So, being weird is my own beauty. by Rohit Sapra
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
All day 💪🏽 #Ilovesplits my favorite fundraiser at jewel city bowl. LAPD K9 UnIt 🚨 #ILoveAnimals #ToProtectAndToServe . It should have been 3 but Markus didn't want any more 🏆💪🏽actually gave me back my last donation because he didn't want any more of this 💪🏽🏆🎳😹😂 It's cool Markus I still love you, I'll give you your rematch when your feeling better 😂😹😂😹😂 Calling you out big poppa for the love of fundraising. Next Thursday you better bring your balls ⚫️⚫️ and let's rock 😹😂😹 #JewelCityBowl #JewelCityBowling #iLoveBowling #LoveLifeAndBowlDaily 🐶❤️🚔🐕👮🏿🐶🚓🚨 #SupportYourLocalPolice I Support My Local Police 🚨 I LOVE K9 DOGS ❤️ . . NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE FOLKS ARE CRIMINALS NOT ALL WHITE FOLKS ARE RACIST. WE'RE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. LETS ACT LIKE WE HAVE SENSE. - CHRIS ROCK 🎥 #feelgoodadvise K9 Dogs are born to the job and put there lives in harms way every day to protect and to serve. #RESPECT ❤️🚨🐕 Please support your local K9 Police Unit in your city. #ILoveAnimals #AnimalsMakeMeFeelGood #jewelcitybowl (at Jewel City Bowl)
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feelgoodnights · 10 years ago
It's time for my favorite fundraiser at jewel city bowl. LAPD K9 UnIt 🚨 #ILoveAnimals #ToProtectAndToServe . It should have been 3 but Markus didn't want any more 🏆💪🏽actually gave me back my last donation because he didn't want any more of this 💪🏽🏆🎳😹😂 It's cool Markus I still love you, I'll give you your rematch when your feeling better 😂😹😂😹😂 Calling you out big poppa for the love of fundraising. Next Thursday you better bring your balls ⚫️⚫️ and let's rock 😹😂😹 #JewelCityBowl #JewelCityBowling #iLoveBowling #LoveLifeAndBowlDaily 🐶❤️🚔🐕👮🏿🐶🚓🚨 #SupportYourLocalPolice I Support My Local Police 🚨 I LOVE K9 DOGS ❤️ . . NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE FOLKS ARE CRIMINALS NOT ALL WHITE FOLKS ARE RACIST. WE'RE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. LETS ACT LIKE WE HAVE SENSE. - CHRIS ROCK 🎥 #feelgoodadvise K9 Dogs are born to the job and put there lives in harms way every day to protect and to serve. #RESPECT ❤️🚨🐕 Please support your local K9 Police Unit in your city. #ILoveAnimals #AnimalsMakeMeFeelGood #jewelcitybowl (at Jewel City Bowl)
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