#feel like I should do more for the guy because he’s nonexistent on tumblr
whosxafraid · 1 month
Beneath The Light
Tracked from [ x ] (because once again tumblr has f'd up editing reblogs) @morgansmornings
Alright, here's what we are going to do. We’re gonna pull you up on your good leg and pray that I can get you into my truck before you die on me.
That's about as good a plan as any given...well everything. And for a second maybe he actually thinks he might make it. Watches in pieces and parts as she disappears again. The sound of her truck being thrown into and out of gear. The crunching drag of tires moving from pavement to sandy dirt several times. The sensation of something large and dangerous being too close. And then the lights. The breaks casting everything into a weirdly shaded landscape. Colors all out of wack or nonexistent all together. And it blurs everything a bit doesn't it? Makes all this seem like a nightmarish dream and not reality.
The rythmn of his head going up and down with each pant his furry pillow makes. The throbbing pain of everything screaming. No. This is real. This isn't something he's about to wake up from after too much too drink. This---
Dust is kicked up upon her return. His furry pillow inching out from under his head to do--well he's not sure what. Can't understand the commands the woman is giving, or even recognize the language. So instead he focuses on what she says and the hand on his arm.
All right, big guy. Work with me and the ketamine I gave you should help you not feel much of anything here soon...
Right. Okay. Honestly he can't even remember two seconds ago let alone that she gave him something. He's entirely at her mercy now and has been for a while. So in response to the hand on his good arm...He returns the grip. Holds on to it like a life line. Tries to begin the concept of sitting up. But its not easy and jasus christ it feels like he ways three tons. The pain blocking out the secondary part of her words. Until all he hears is...
When you're ready.
He uses it like a bit of the firing of a pistol to begin. Muscles and bones that can't take another lick are forced to work. A head that pounds and sends the world spinning but he does not give in. No with the little angel woman's help he's gained sitting up. And from there it becomes rotating to get up on his good knee, where he has to stop. Has to grind teeth to keep from screaming like a skewered pig. What feels like hours couldn't have been more than a few seconds before his arm has been moved to around her shoulders. The silent understanding now it was time to go up. And to his credit? It only takes two attempts and not a peep of complaint makes it passed his teeth.
"Born 'i."
It's a very lagged response. But there it comes. Tumbling out of his mouth as he's force to let go of her and reach out for the truck to steady himself. Prevent going head long into the side because for all that the wee woman might be capable. He's still easily twice and a half her size if not more. And he'd feel like utter shit if he ended up hurting her in the process of all this.
"Wh---where ta....s'blurry..."
Pushed out as his good eye is slammed shut. Everything starting to spin more, even if his body isn't complaining quite so much right now. She must have done something...given him...something? Wait she had hadn't she? Fucking Christ what why the fuck can't he remember?
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talaxyan · 1 year
hello from 2023
it's so funny to think that all the posts from this tumblr are all just for me in the future but I hope it's gonna be another good reflection to see what I was like in the past.
but let me give you a little update since the last time I was here ((THERE WERE A LOT!!!))
ok first of all. im unemployed now, I graduated college 4 months ago and still haven't been able to land a job- I'm on my last round of interview for this pharmaceuticals company tho and I REALLY HOPE I GET THE JOB BECAUSE IM DESPERATEEEE. if I don't get an offer soon my OPT might expires meaning it'll be harder for me to escape indo.
as much as i love being at home and spending most days with my nieces and having no worry at all, I miss doing something intelligent like doing all the academic weapon I was supposed to be doing. it was hard landing a job yall, I swear I've applied to at least 400+ job but still 0 offer. IM REALLY HOPING THIS PHARMA JOB WORKS OUT I REALLY WANNA GO BACKKKKKK I wanna live in city I can wander around please
anyway, on the fun part ((my nonexistant love life))
in 2022, i went for a semester abroad in LONDON AND IT WAS WILDDDDD like really good experience and I love london so much I wish to go back there again and visiting my london fam innit- it was surprising really good like i had a solid friendgroup in just a month of settling down (shout out to SHAIMA LOVE U SO MUCH GURL) i went travelling to edinburg and Stonehenge. it was a surreal experience.
oh and i was on dating apps while in London and I got the taste of love (a little bit). my first ever date was really good, i'd give it 7/10 I wasn't that attracted to this dude but he was smart and caring at least before he became annoying and called me a self-obsessed girl- like dude HOW CANT I BE OBSESSED OVER MYSELFF? anyway I didn't continue talking to him because I really thought I should give an ugly guy a chance just bc he seems nice personally but he really wasn't so I went to 7 more dates after that--- ND I GOT MY FIRST EVER KISS??? LIKE HELLO? this dude I kissed, we met on tinder and I went to his place the night I first saw him and I gave him a glockglock3000 it was crazy-- but after that night I learnt why people like dick- and he got a pretty one too and it tasted sweet?????? maybe from the lube he was using but we didn't do the full thing cuz I was kinda hesitant cuz I BARELY KNOW HIM OFC??? but yea I learnt some things but my experience with men in general wasn't really working out bc ALL I WANT IS LOVE and it seems like u cant really find that on dating app.
other than that, i cut off some people from my life. it was sad but I think its about time. this girl I really wanted to befriend with since freshman year, we ended became bestie and even lived together in the apartment, but I think it was really toxic tbh- it think the more I knew people, the more I feel like I withdrew myself form them.thats kinda scared me because I really wanted to accept people the way they are but it was really not good having her around- for some reason in social settings, everytime I spent time wth her, it just irritaes me more and that made me realize that friendship wasn't supposed to be like that, it shouldn't cost you your mental health to be living with your friend so yeah, after graduation, I never contacted her and she also never contact me either so it's mutual I think
my time at skidmore was overall fun, I went to typical college parties, got drunk and wasted but it was all really fun. i love my girl friends my bbygurl I love them so much and they made my time at skidmore 100000x so much better. i would be a lot more miserable if it wasn't because of them. there was rough patches along the way but we are good friends so I was able to let go everything and keep our friendship eventho now w graduated and harder to see each other but I really hope to meet them again<3 I love them thao kim connie rebecca and my isu babies<3
my plan now is hoping i land that job in Boston > lease an apartment > fly from jakarta and meet natan > relocate to Boston and get my stuff at Uhaul in Albany > starting working and getting the sense of really world > SAVE A LOT OF MONEY SO I CAN SPOIL MY LOVED ONES AND MYSELF
i think i can do it. delusion is the key and I quite frankly believe in myself. i really hope so I wish.
so yeah, thats mostly the update from me. hopefully in the next post I can give you a better news and more GOOD STORY FROM MY LOVE LIFE yea. ok goodbye for now and I see u later
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lepimobee · 3 years
And I’m done
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Subscribe to his YouTube channel.
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bamf-jaskier · 2 years
Abt the racism over the show: personally I have a huge belief that it has to do with the games, too. A lot of people use the whole "accuracy to the books" shtick but most of the fans complaining are actually fans from the games & there are, like, NO PoC in the games. Mix that in with a fantasy where you can be a typically masculine guy going around fighting things & sleeping w tons of women, and you now have a series catering to a specific type of young male gamer. Keep in mind (cont)
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Okay, so I actually have been thinking about this for a long time.
Now mind you, when I talk about the games and gamer fans rn I'm not talking about a lot of the "fandom" games content because most of it is really disconnected from the actual games and is really more strongly built out of fandom characterization and headcanons. Which is honestly super cool and it's a interesting subsection of the fandom but that's to talk about or get asked another time.
I agree with most everything you've said here (although I will say the show is very different from the books in many ways -- and there are critiques to be had but seemingly the loudest and most popular people all tie them back to race -- also on tumblr microagressions and exclusion is more popular than the blatant racism seen on other platforms). I also want to add it’s well-known there’s ties to white supremacy circles of TW3 fans. More on that here. 
The Show needs to stop trying to be like the Games and focus on the themes of the Books
Long discussion below
The games (mostly TW3) are fun to play especially if u like open-world games. It’s pretty subjective on how you view the characters since they can be pretty different depending on the choices you make. Mostly the game series didn’t feel all that similar to the books to me. The first two games were nothing like the books and the third game is set in a post-book timeline that changes the ending. The whole Triss/Geralt relationship and Kaer Morhen and all those characters in the games are pretty different from the books too. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that a massive theme in the books is extinction.
In the books, there are fewer monsters in the world, there’s less and less need for witchers, non-humans are being persecuted and slaughtered regularly, and the power structure of the Continent is changing. Basically, you follow Geralt and Ciri as they navigate a dying world, and Geralt especially is very specifically framed throughout the books as this relic out of time. People don’t even particularly hate Witchers the same way they do in the games or even show to an extent. They mostly see Witchers as the leftovers of a bygone era. They are considered undesirable because they should be unnecessary. Most people in the books don’t even recognize Geralt as a Witcher when they first meet him. And the only time Geralt really gets appreciation for his craft is when he saves someone’s life and even then, not everyone is grateful.
But of course, this would not be particularly popular in a gaming format so the games present you with a far more vibrant version of the Continent. One where you regularly take contracts (Witchers taking contracts was practically nonexistent in the books). A game where you can fight monsters and grind and level up (in the books monsters are rare and mostly treated with pity and Geralt even tries to help many). And the playing field between non-humans and humans was far more even (the books end with a nonhuman pogrom in Rivia). Even the fact that there are all these Witcher schools in the games is nothing like the books (Coën isn’t a Griffin Witcher in the books, the schools are barely mentioned and there are far fewer than the plenty that exist in the games).
And while there is the White Frost as this big extinction threat in the games (the White Frost is also in the books but in a very different manner) — the extinction in the books is more about the present. It’s about how bias and discrimination and fear of what we don’t understand will destroy us. It’s not some far-off threat like in the games.
And of course, all these sorts of world changes make sense. You want the player to be able to have fun and enjoy playing the game.
But I think this is where the show struggles with a tonal balance.
The show wanted to have games fans interested. While the show is an adaptation of the books, we all know that before the show came out the vast majority of Witcher fans were games fans and not many people actually had read the books. But in order to make a show based on the books compatible with the themes of the show you have to change things in a way that feels disconnected.
For example, the show strikes these cords where they talk about these themes of extinction and showcase the horrors of war. For example, one of my fav episodes of S1 was the dragon hunt and throughout it Geralt talked heavily about how monsters like the Hirikka and dragons were basically extinct and there’s no reason to fight them — a classic book-type moment.
But then in S2 they made a lot of changes that made the world more closely resemble the games. Suddenly there were monsters around Kaer Morhen Geralt was taking Ciri to fight and Basilios coming through portals. This sort of thing is expected in the games but would never happen in the books. Suddenly the theme of monsters dying out is lost. Because now Geralt is grinding and slicing away at monsters just like in TW3.
Similarly, Kaer Morhen in the show looks very similar to the games design, not how it was described in the books. As well, the way the Witchers acted in the show felt like a TW3 cutscene more than anything I read in the books. (Which btw Kaer Morhen and other Witchers besides Geralt only appear in one book of the MAIN series — Blood of Elves — outside of brief flashbacks). Shit even the prostitutes in Kaer Morhen felt like a brothel scene in TW3.
Even the fact that they changed Triss’ hair in the show for S2 came from complaints from gamer fans (in the books her hair is chestnut not dissimilar from S1 and I will go into the polish etymology of the translation variations if I must).
So I felt like in S2 the Geralt we saw on screen felt very far away from the Geralt we saw in the books. He felt like the Geralt from TW3 which don’t get me wrong I love him too but it’s just not what I signed up for.
Actually, the part of season two that I really enjoyed was Xin’trea. It felt much more true to the themes of the books. The idea that elves are targeted for simply existing. The Martin Niemöller quote variation Jaskier used when acting as the Sandpiper. Even having Dara come back and infiltrate Xin'trea and report to Philippa felt just like some of the scenes from Blood of Elves. It all came back to the themes and vibes of the books in a way the Kaer Morhen plots didn’t.
All this to say, I love the show a lot but I feel like there’s a tonal disconnect in S2 based on the show trying too hard to change The Continent into the one from the games instead of sticking to the vibes of the books.
Of course they change things from the books, but isn’t that what all the best adaptations do? If I wanted an exact copy of the books, I would just go reread by well read and well worn copies sitting on my shelf. What's important to me is retaining the themes and overall atmosphere of the books, which I feel like S2 struggles with by trying to have it all and combine the games universe with the books. They are far more incompatible than the show's writers seem to believe.
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Extra Credit
based on this cause @avhrodite and I were texting, and she told me to write it! so this is for you miss bailey <3
also feedback is always appreciated! literally rb, comment, or an anon ask means the world to fanfic writers, now that tumblr’s algorithm is messed up.
enjoy 7.6k of professor!harry lovelies!
also the intimidating as fuck photo that inspired this, and will be used in the story!
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Sexuality Studies. Room 3017.
You had stalled from walking into class with a nervous gut feeling in your stomach with a heavy textbook in your arms, too big to be put in your backpack, but it felt like your book was weighing you down. People were walking around each other to find a vacant seat as you stood there next to the door as you waited till the last minute to walk in and take your seat.
There were a few reasons why you were nervous to walk in. One, it was basically sex class. Your friend had taken the class a few semesters ago, and had told you the basics of it and the rundown. There was a lot of sex talking towards the end.
And although, you’ve had had sex before, you still felt like you were inexperienced. Your sex life was boring, and nonexistent as of a month ago when you broke it off with your, now ex, friends with benefits. He just wasn’t doing the job, like at all. He never made sure you were having a good time or getting off. And that’s just one of the reasons why you broke it off with him. Luckily, he wasn’t mad and didn’t ask questions. Just said ‘oh, okay’ and bid his goodbye. That had made you a bit sad, knowing he didn’t care whatsoever. You two had only been fucking for a month, and the excitement had left your body the first night you slept with him.
The second reason goes along well with the first, and that’s because you aren’t that comfortable. Again, you’ve sex, but you weren’t comfortable in yourself--your sexuality. You never really had time or experience to explore your body or others because you’ve only slept with two people. In that sense, you didn’t know what you liked sexually and what your partner liked, other than blowjobs, handjobs, and being able to cum while fucking you. But there was more to it; you wanted the details, the ticks, sensitive spots, everything. But you’ve slept with lousy frat boys who didn’t care enough to ask if you had finished.
You checked your phone for the time, seeing that you have about two minutes before you have to go in. You take a deep breath, walking over to the opposite side of the wall, preparing yourself to walk in. You don’t know why it was so hard for you to just walk in and sit down. The thought of having to sit through an hour and a half class that is mainly about sex isn’t that hard to deal with either, but your insecurities and anxiety is getting the better of you. With a couple of neck rolls and inhales to deep exhales, you were ready before you heard a voice next to you.
“Nervous about the first day?” You look up to find an incredibly attractive man smiling down at you. His smile had made you blush and his intent eye contact had made you nervous. The way he just looks insanely sexy, and you think his hair is better than yours. He wears a simple button down shirt with two birds next to the collar, along with black jeans and boots. And you think, he’s so good looking and dresses well too. For a student, you don’t see anyone dress or look like him at all.
“Uh, kinda? I don’t know,” you say as you are not quite sure what to answer, so you said the easiest thing that didn’t have to do with how you’re feeling right now.
“No need to be nervous. This semester will go by quickly and I heard the professor is really cool too,” the man says with a reassuring smile, and you felt a bit better because he was right. This class would be a breeze and then you wouldn’t have to retake it, unless you fail.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you. Uh, do you want to sit next to me?” You made the bold move to ask him, and it had shocked you. You never made the first move, but you figured that you needed more friends anyways.
“Oh, thank you, but can’t do that. Let’s go in, shall we?” He waves his hand out, leading you to go first.
You cheeks were filled with embarrassment, thinking that your bold move was a stupid move. Of course, he didn’t want to sit next to you. He barely knows you. You roll your eyes at yourself, making your way to the first row as all the seats behind the front row were taken, and you didn’t want to take the time to look around. You take a seat as your head sank lower from awkwardness you had felt, and you set your book down on the desk and heard your professor speak.
“Hello, class. Welcome to ‘Sexuality Studies.’ I’m Professor Styles. Shall we get started?” Your mouth had been open the entire time he was introducing himself. Shocked was an understatement as you didn’t realize you were talking to your professor outside of the class, but that hadn’t made your embarrassing moment less worse.
How did you not realize that? You should’ve seen it coming because you were thinking about how no student on campus dresses or looks the way he does, and you didn’t think to put the pieces together.
But, fuck.
He was sexy as a ‘student’, but as the professor, that was a different story. You had felt the weird feeling in your stomach, triggering your arousal as you watched him talk to the entirety of the class about what’s to be expected. You turned around slightly and observed the room; noticing that most of the class were girls and there were a few guys, but the female population dominated the class. All the girls had hearts in their eyes, twirling, and biting their lip as they stared at their new professor; probably hoping they would get some extra credit in the middle of the semester to raise their grade or purposefully failing their test so he can call them into his office and they can have classic office sex.
The thought had made your eyes roll. Not at the thought of office sex because everyone knows that’s hot, but the thought of purposefully doing horrible in the class to fuck the professor is beyond you.
The class had gone by rather quickly, Professor Styles only talking about the basics of what everyone is going to learn such as culture, biological, health, anatomy, art, etc.
You walked out of the class in a hurry, not looking at your new professor and anticipated the next time you’ll meet.
The month had gone by rather smoothly, only taking two classes for the semester, so your workload isn’t too bad. The occasional thought about thinking your professor was a student had haunted you, and you think about it a bit more than you would like; feeling quite embarrassed and you’d hope that he had forgotten all about it.
You were sat at the coffee shop, head in your laptop and notes that you had taken during lecture as you were starting on your paper that is due in a little over two weeks. You were so into your introduction that your fingers were typing away on their own, that you didn't feel the presence of someone beside you.
“Hi. You’re in my sexuality class, right?” A voice from your right becomes present, and you look up, seeing your incredibly attractive professor looking down at you with a smile. There was no way in getting out of this one.
“Yes. Mr. Styles, hi,” you say nervously, but trying your best to hide it with your smile.
“Thought I recognized ya. How are you?”
“I’m doing well. I’m actually working on your paper right now,” you chuckle a bit.
“Are ya? What are you writing it on?” You get a bit sidetracked, realizing that he’s still standing and all of your stuff sits on the opposite side of the table. You reach over to move it onto your lap.
“You can sit if you’d like,” you offer. Harry debates for a second, and sees that there’s no harm in sitting with your student, so he gladly takes the seat across from you. “But I’m writing it on the fine line between masculinity and femininity.”
“Ahh, yes. That’s one of my favorite topics that we discussed,” he says.
“Yeah, me too. Pretty important for this day in age.”
“I’m right there with ya,” he agrees.
For the next 20 minutes, you and Harry talk about some main points. Discussing and going over what ideas you had in mind as Harry listens while nodding his head. He notices how passionate you are with the topic of your paper, and he appreciates the passion. Students will lazily write this paper, and it really shows in their work that makes him a bit disappointed because he had thought that he made the class fun; adding a few jokes and having the student participate with the lecture.
But listening to you talk about all the ideas that you wrote down; so far from the earth as you keep talking as he listens intently to you. You’re a sweet person, he’s noticed. You don’t participate all that much in class, but he figured that’s because you’re just a tad bit shy. And he’s still amused at the fact that you thought he was a student, which flattered him. But in all honesty, he can pass as one, and it wasn’t the first time someone mistaken him for a student.
Just as you were finished talking, a hint of pink made your cheeks flushed as you realized you were talking quite a bit, and keeping him from doing whatever he was supposed to. “I’m sorry. I tend to talk a lot when I get into things.”
“Hey, no need to apologize. I’m glad you told me your ideas because I think they’re great.” He checks the time on his phone and sees that he should get going, and his coffee cup is empty already. “But I should get going. Don’t hesitate to ask me about anything for the paper. I’ll see you in class.”
“Thank you, Mr. Styles. Have a great rest of your day,” you bid him goodbye as he softly says ‘you too.’
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Although you had been comfortable talking to him, you have never actually had a close conversation with any of your professors, really. Especially not outside of campus. But you really did feel comfortable. You figured that it’s because Harry is in a way, younger than most professors—at least he looks young.
The rest of your time at the coffee shop was spent finishing up the second paragraph and your coffee before you head back to your apartment.
The paper was due in a week, and you felt confident about turning it in on time and doing a great job on it. But that did not stop you from going into Mr. Styles’ office during his office hours, and he did say not to hesitate to ask if you had any questions, so you were using that to your advantage to make your paper even better.
He was surprised to see you just after two days of seeing him at the coffee shop that happened the week prior; asking him how to rephrase some things and seeing where some ideas fit into the paragraphs that are already written. And Harry happily helped you. Although he thinks you don’t need help at all, seeing as you’re right on track on the topic.
But you had felt a sudden surge of confidence that has never hit you before. And you can tell yourself that you’re comfortable enough to ask him questions all you want, but in reality, you wanted to keep talking to him and most importantly, keep seeing him.
He had this sense of comfort to him that made you feel safe. You never felt the awkward tension that there is in when talking to other professors, and you were glad for it. Mr. Styles had made it a safe space for his students to talk to him. And aside from asking him about school related things, you two had gotten to know each other after the important questions were asked. The conversations were harmless, and you looked forward to them everytime.
A knock was heard on his office door and he told whoever was behind it to come in. You walked in with a smile, laptop and notebook held to your chest, walking in slowly as you closed the door behind you.
“Hi, Mr. Styles. Are you busy?”
He shakes his head, “no, no. How can I help you?” Harry had—and was still trying—to keep it professional between you two. And although nothing had happened, he can’t help but stop the flutter of his heart when you would walk in his class or his office as you gave him a small that he adored. He also noticed how concentrated you are during class; making sure to take every single note and word that he says, making him smile at the thought.
“Uh, I was kind of stuck on something that I could definitely use your help with.” 
“Sure thing. That’s what I’m here for,” he gives you a smile, and you open your notebook, showing him the many marks and scribbles that you had planted out when brainstorming.
“So I came up with this idea because I thought it would be important to talk about the history of masculinity and femininity. I didn’t want to just talk about the modern times as of now. But maybe research how it affected people back in the day when they weren’t acting as their…assigned sexuality, as you could say.”
“That sounds great. You can talk about that and during the times of the first pride march. That would definitely be interesting. But I would say not to go too into it, it’s a pretty straightforward topic, and there’s just a lot that is covered during those times. Just so you don’t get too ahead of yourself,” he gives his opinion. You listen carefully and take in his words as if you’re making a mental list of things you should and shouldn’t write about.
“Sounds good. Thank you.”
“Is that all?”
“Yeah, I think so. Just wanted to ask you that,” you say as you close your notebook, but not getting up to leave yet.
“Okay, can I ask you something this time?”
“Uh, sure,” you respond nervously.
“I see that you’re pretty much on track of the paper, like you know what you’re talking about. And you seem really confident in what you want to say, which is good. And I’m all ears when it comes to students wanting feedback, but I just have to ask….” anxiety boils through your throat. “Is coming to see me practically 2 or 3 times a week have to do with your paper?” You take a deep inhale, but don’t let your breath loose. He read you extremely well, you have to say. And it was a bold move on Harry’s part to ask that because if you say the opposite, then he assumed pretty hard.
You finally let go of the breath you were holding in and answered, “no.”
“No. It doesn’t have to do with your paper?” You shake your head in confirmation. “Then what does it have to do with?” He asks, and you think he definitely already knows what’s going on, but needs you to say the words.
“I just…wanted to see you,” you say softly.
“And why is that?” At this point, he’s teasing you already. Probably wanting to make a fool out of yourself so he could go home and laugh about it to his girlfriend or boyfriend, which you assume he has. And the bold assumption that you had thought he felt that pull towards you was enough to make you feel embarrassed for the second time in front of him.
But the remains of the confidence were still pooling in your head, and you figured you had nothing to lose.
“I wanted to see you because… I can’t deny this attraction I feel towards you. And it’s not based solely on your looks either because no can hide the fact that you’re insanely attractive, but I’ve gotten to know you for who you are this past week and we had some good talks, which was nice because no one has ever gotten to know me well enough for me to fall for them within a week.”
You finish your confession with a straight face, but there was still a hint of hope that he would tell you he felt the same way.
“And on the topic of no one getting to know me, and this is a sexuality class and you’ve recently started talking about sex; I’ve never truly had the chance to explore with partners sexually and explore my sexuality more in depth than just someone sticking their dick inside me, and calling it good sex. So, you talking to me and getting to know me means a lot because no one wants to waste their time on what I like and what I’m into.”
You had said a mouthful, and it can be heard as inappropriate to say that to your professor, but again, why would a sexuality teacher judge you based on your past sex life?
A minute had passed that immediately felt like an hour. The only thing that was heard was the ticking of the wall clock, and that made the tension even more unbearable.
You get up from out of the chair, “I’m gonna go. Thanks for the help, Mr Styles.” 
Before you reach for the door, he finally decides to speak, “Wait.” You turn around slowly and watch him get up from his chair, and walk towards you. His eyes are dark, and they don’t leave yours as he reaches you.
The proximity is close enough that you could lean forward and be pressed up against his chest, but you’re afraid that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself if you do that.
“You’ve fallen for me?” Is the thing that he could respond with after all that you’ve said.
“Yes. I’ve developed a crush on you, well, more than a crush because I do like you,” you say as you look up at him. He looks down at you intently, lips rolled into his mouth. He smells amazing from how close you are, that it’s like a potion that keeps luring you in, wanting more.
“Do ya?”
“I think I make myself pretty clear on that,” you respond with a bit of sass.
“Don’t give me attitude,” his tone changed to dominant, and a pool in your panties made itself present.
“What are you gonna do about it, Mr Styles?” You test, and move closer to him, lips almost touching. You can possibly reach up and your lips will be in sync. A smirk comes to play on his face as if you’ve made the wrong move, but you’re so ready for what’s to come.
And for a split second, it looked like he was leaning in a tad bit to go in for a kiss, but retracts back. “I’ll see you in my next class.” With that, he pulls back and walks back to his chair.
You’re left stunned, mouth slightly open, surprised he didn’t make a move. He didn’t even tell you if he felt the same way, and if it were any other day, you would’ve felt extremely sad, but there was so much tension in the room you needed to go home and take care of yourself.
And that’s what you did.
Once you got back home, you ran a bath for yourself and sat in it as you ran over your skin, leading to where you ached the most. Many thoughts of Mr. Styles doing this to you as he sat behind you in the bath, knowing that you would make a mess on his long fingers and pretty hands. And that definitely helped you reach our orgasm as you moan out his name, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly odd about it.
You finally turned in your paper on the last day it was due, and you were extremely happy with it. You added the history of not acting like your original self, taking Mr. Styles’ advice and not going too in depth with it. This has marked as a halfway point to graduating with your bachelors, and you were ecstatic.
It had also been a week since the tension filled scene that had happened in your professor’s office, and you haven’t been back since. Seeming as you didn’t need to since there were no needed assignments, but you had thought you would visit him in his office everyday after what you had confessed.
It didn’t get easier sitting in his class as he stood up in front of everyone looking so hot as he wore a crisp blue button down with a polka dot tie, and a pink blazer over it. He knew your secret. He knew that you had the hots for him. And he knew that he didn’t say anything to reciprocate those feelings. And you tried very hard not to let it get to you.
The lecture had ted to your paper topic: masculinity and femininity. But this time, it was open for class discussion. You weren’t big on talking in class; just preferred listening to everyone’s opinions and making your own in your head, but the ignorance that someone had made you argue with him.
“I personally feel like men should stay on the masculinity side, and women on the femininity side.” You had turned around to see the guy who had said that. He was wearing a football jersey of the university, laughing with his two friends.
“And why do you think that?” Mr Styles follows up.
“It’s simple. You shouldn’t act as if you’re someone you’re not-”
“That makes a good point in your argument though,” you interrupt, turning in your seat to look at the jock at the top. “You shouldn’t act like someone you’re not, so why would you act like someone you don’t want to be?” The guy had shut up, making you smirk. “I just think that being masculine and feminine as your biological gender is a social construct. It just takes away the substance of that person when people look down on them for being true to themselves. So, why does masculinity only apply to men, and femininity only apply to women?”
Harry smirks at your discussion. It had surprised him that you spoke up in his class, but it didn’t surprise him when you spoke up about this topic. You had definitely shut down his other student, and he was proud of you for that.
The class was dismissed and as you were making your way towards the door, someone stopped you.
“Hey, really great argument back there.” It was the ignorant jock.
“Thanks.” You walked out of the class to get out of everyone’s way, stopping at the wall across from the class.
“I didn’t mean to sound so douchey back there, but what you said really got me thinking, and I see where you’re coming from.”
“I’m glad. You learn something new everyday…”
Harry was watching you the entire time you left your seat to when his student stopped you to have a chat. He had thought you were going to shut him down for being ignorant, but he saw you smile and laugh a little, making him breath deeply as he glared at you, brows furrowed, and coffee cup in his hand. Harry then sees him take out his phone, obvious that he’s asking for his number and he sees you blush as you talk.
Harry tries to control his breathing, and in another world, steam would be coming out of his ears. He walks towards the door, thinking that he was going to call you into his class, but decides against it and shuts the door.
It was already nearing the end of the semester, and you have yet to talk to him.
If it wasn’t for the fact that you had slightly gotten over his unreciprocated feelings, you would have probably dropped out of the class and waited another semester to finish. But you couldn’t let him do that to you; you were way too close to the finish line.
Mr. Styles was in his final topic of speaking about the fun part of sex, and how it could be pleasurable. He talked about the anatomy of it at first, moving onto the techniques. And the techniques he used on how to pleasure a woman and man had you hot in your seat. He demonstrated using his finger, showing the class the way to finger someone, and you couldn’t help but cross your legs. And you were sure everyone was doing so as well.
The simple demonstration of his fingers making a curling motion as if he’s fingering someone made you clench. You had been right about his fingers bringing you to pleasure, and all you wanted to do was rush home and imagine it again since you have a full visual.
“Okay, class. I have an extra credit opportunity for you.” The class perks up at that. You had a low A in the class, and although you were confident about the final, you didn’t want to risk it, so you listened.
“Since this is a sexuality class, I hoped I didn’t make anyone uncomfortable on what I just did,” the class laughed a bit, and you smiled. “For this extra credit, I want you to go to a sex store and buy a toy that can be pretty much anything. Come back and show me, and I will mark you down for points. I don’t require a paper on this, so it is fairly easy, but this is to show that you should be comfortable in your sexuality, and walking into a sex store should be easy for you because there’s nothing wrong with that whatsoever because everyone has needs and if someone judges you, then they’re not getting laid.” The class laughs again. “You can return it if you want after I mark you down or you can keep it. A win win for everyone! Okay, class dismissed.”
You walked out of class with a smile on your face as Mr Styles lightened up everyone’s mood as everyone was stressing for finals. You were glad for it; the weight on your shoulders were still heavy, but a good laugh was needed.
You had two weeks to buy and show him the extra credit, and two weeks until you graduated. The days were counting down at this point, and before you knew it, it was the final week.
You had passed both of your finals with flying colors, and you had the rest of the week to finally relax as you were graduating at the end of the week. The apartment was a mess, and you finally had time to tidy it up a bit; fix the mess of papers on your kitchen table and put your laundry away. You also used that time to finally go out and get your extra credit.
It would be a lie if you had told yourself that you were too lazy to go out and actually buy your extra credit assignment, but that was far from the truth. If you had energy to get up and clean around your home, then you could have easily gotten up and buy a sex toy.
But it was the anxious feeling that you had that you were going to see him so up close, and actually get to talk to him again that stopped you.
The crush on your professor hadn’t died done any less, but it hadn’t increased either. You were stuck in a plateau of not getting over him and not falling for him more. You figured it’s because you see him every week, so you were hoping by this time, you were on your way to getting over him.
You made your way into the sex shop with nerves as you haven’t been into one before, and it was a very relaxed set up. Various of sex toys used for both genders were set against the wall, and a red curtain that led to something in the back that, you assumed, was the more extreme items.
You scanned the toys, figuring that it would be easy to just get a vibrator. Your hands shook as you went to grab the boxed toy, and you remembered Mr Styles’ words; there’s no reason to be ashamed in buying any of these, and that relaxed you.
The employee who rang you up was the sweetest. She greeted you with a bubbly smile, and told you that you had made a great choice because she has the same one. You didn’t tell her that it was for a school thing, because that would sound really weird, and you didn’t tell her that you were planning on returning it later on.
You drove to campus, hoping that Mr Styles was in his office. The drive was a 30 minute drive as you lived a bit far from the school, but you didn’t mind the drive.
Harry heard a knock on his office door, telling them to enter. His eyes perked up as you made yourself present as you opened the door. His heart was beating in his chest as he saw you; remembering the last time you were in his office and missing the presence of you being close again.
“Hi. How are you?” He pointed to the chair, and you sat down. Your heart was pounding as well, feeling nervous about being in his office again.
“I’m doing good. How are you?”
“I’m well, thanks. What can I do for you?” He asks politely. You reach into your bag and grab the box to show him your extra credit assignment. “Ahh,” he lets out as he sees the box. “Perfect. Let me mark you down for that.”
“Thank you,” you say as you put the toy back inside your bag. “Can I ask how I did on the final? If you’ve already finished grading it.”
“Yes. You did really well, actually,” he says as he shuffles through his papers, looking for the grade book. “Ah, here. You got a 95.” That made you smile. You were quite confident for the final, but hearing that you did well brightened up your day. “And that boosted up your grade to a 94, plus the extra credit, that will go up to a 97.”
Your eyes widened; you had passed both classes with an A, and you were extremely excited about that; and it takes everything in you to not jump up and scream. “Wow, thank you.”
“No need to thank me. You deserve it. I’m proud of you,” he smiles at you, and your heart swoons, telling him a thank you. “You graduate at the end of the week right?” You nod. “Excited?”
“Very. I really only needed to take this class, but I was putting it off because my friend took this course and said it was pretty sexual, and that made me a bit uncomfortable if I’m being honest. But I really enjoyed this class…you made it bearable.” Harry blushes, thinking how happy he is that you took the class with him.
“Well, I’m happy you enjoyed it,” he says .
There was silence that washed over you two with the slightest bit of tension; debating if either one should bring up what happened the last time you were in his office. You were feeling so many things at the moment, and he was too, but you were sure it was inappropriate to talk about it when technically, nothing even happened.
“I should get going,” you say instead.
“Sure thing. I’ll see you…uh, around,” he says hesitantly. You tell him goodbye and walk out of his office, probably the last time you would ever see him.
You had finally graduated, and you couldn’t be more happy and proud for yourself. A relieved feeling ran through you when you had put on your cap and gown, and the thought made you tear up. You were done, for now, before you had to go to grad school and get your masters degree. But either way, you were ecstatic.
Now a week has gone by since graduation, and you decided to do some errands. You also needed to make your way to the sex shop and return your item.
As you entered the door you had walked through once before, your eyes immediately spotted the familiar man who had made your heart flutter by the simple act of eye contact. And if it was by instincts, Harry turns his head towards the door and sees you standing at the entrance. He hadn’t seen you since the time in his office and he saw you walk for graduation, if that counts.
There was no way of avoiding him, so you walked over to him. “Hi, Mr Styles.”
“You know you don’t have to call me that anymore. You graduated already,” he smirks, and you chuckle.
“Then what should I call you?”
Yours. “Harry.”
You tilt your head to the side, seeing how fitting his name is on him. “Okay, Harry. What are you doing here anyways?” The question had slipped out of your mouth, but you think that there’s nothing awkward with it.
“Oh, uh, just looking for a cock ring,” he says honestly. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m actually returning my extra credit purchase,” you chuckle.
“Are ya? Why don't you keep it?”
“I don’t know…I actually never used a toy before, and I got a bit intimidated by it.” Harry nods understandingly.
“See, a win win for everyone. You either get your money back or you get a nice orgasm out of it,” he laughs, and you agree with him.“I think you should keep it. This is the time you get to explore your sexuality.” You debate a bit. He was right, and you did have some spare time as of now, so you decided to keep it; see what this thing can really do.
“If you’d like…would you like to get some lunch with me?” He asks, taking you out of your thoughts.
Your eyes brighten. “Of course.”
It was like you were waiting for this moment to come. You had waited for him to ask you out and properly get to know each other outside of school. Harry had taken you to a small shop that sold burgers and fries, and you two sat in the patio of the shop; talking, eating, and laughing at stories you told each other.
“Can I ask you something?” He nods, nervously. “When I told you I liked you in your office that one time, why didn’t you say anything back?”
“To be honest, I was nervous. You’re 22 and I’m six years older than you, and although that didn’t matter much to me, you were on the edge of graduating. I couldn’t risk that, even with how much I like you. The thought of getting caught and losing your chance to graduate, and possibly your acceptance for your masters, would just be selfish on my part because I couldn’t keep it in my pants… So I waited until you graduated; didn’t even know if I was going to see you again if I’m honest.”
You understood well on why he didn’t do anything to reciprocate his feelings, and you were grateful he didn’t until now.
By the end of it, you didn’t want the day to end so you invited him to your apartment.
You two sat on your couch, which thankfully you cleaned the place before, and talked some more and put on a movie. You two were inching closer to one another until you both were cuddling. You had rested your legs on his as he runs his fingers over your ankles, scratching your skin lightly.
You were breathing heavily, wanting to just make more than just innocent touches. As if Harry read your mind, he turned his head to look at you; a striking look in his eyes as you both look at each other. The air was heavy, sexual tension coming in hot.
“Yes, love?”
“Kiss me.”
Harry wastes no time in connecting his lips with yours. The softness of your lips meeting his is enough to drive him crazy. The pull you have on his hair makes him let out a moan into your mouth as you whimper into his. Chests are pulled close together, but not close enough as the hold on each other is tight; afraid one might let go.
Harry found himself in your bedroom, and it seemed like he blanked out during that time. Your kisses probably just pulled him into another world, where he debated if this was real life or if he was dreaming it. It was all real, but it was lovely to dream about.
You sat on the bed as you continued to kiss while Harry was standing above you; him leaning down and you reaching up. You were close to his hard on, and it took everything in him not to drop his pants and have you taste him, but it wasn’t going to be about him.
This is going to be about you.
You’d managed to get both of your shirts off, wanting yourself bare and to see his chest. You were surprised with the amount of tattoos that littered his skin. It was beautiful and raw, and him. You went to press a kiss to the butterfly on his stomach; the only one you can reach, and trailing down to the vines on his hips. Harry throws his head back, loving the feeling of your lips on his. You reach for his pants and before you can fully unbutton, he stops you.
“No, no. Tonight’s about you, baby,” he says as his face is close to yours and he kisses the tip of your nose. You nod slightly, feeling yourself blush; and he pushes your shoulder back so you’re fully laying down on your bed. “You want this, right?” Your head nods quickly, enough to make yourself dizzy. “Need words, love.”
“Yes. I want this so bad.” The words come out quickly, eagerly. Harry smirks at your response, and kisses down your stomach towards the hem of your pants.
He fully removes your bottoms, only leaving your panties, and Harry thinks that you’re just a sight. “God, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he says smiling. His words made you blush, shying away from him by turning your head. “Nuh uh, don’t get shy on me now, my love. It’s just me. You’re comfortable with me, right?”
“Of course,” you respond, remembering that he prefers words rather than gestures.
“I’m glad.”
He continues kissing along the hem of your panties, teasing you slightly by dragging his tongue along your skin. The feeling makes you whimper and buck your hips slightly; wanting more than his kisses.
The fast motion of your panties swiftly being removed catches you off guard as you look down and see Harry looking at your bare pussy with hungry eyes. “Look at you. Fuck.” It takes everything in him to not devour you right then and there, but he wanted this moment to last and for you to enjoy yourself. He has been waiting for this moment the first time you walked into his office, and he couldn’t wait to get a taste of you.
“Harry…” you whimper.
“Please just lick me already.”
Harry kneels on the floor, kissing your inner thighs before taking one long lick up your pussy. The feeling of his tongue makes you moan out loud from the built up tension that you’ve been filled up with since the beginning of the semester.
“Fuck, so good,” he says, going in for another lick, but doesn’t stop this time. He takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it as well as giving it kitten licks. Your hands fall to his hair as you tug, and your face falls to the side as you try and drown your moans against the mattress.
You continue moaning, but they’re muffled and Harry looks up at you. “No, none of that. Don’t hide away your moans. Wanna hear ya, baby. Let me know I’m licking you up just right--just how you like it,” he says and gets back to eating you out. You give him an ‘okay’ before wailing out in pleasure.
The thought had surprised you as you’ve never been with anyone who made sure you were feeling good and alright. And you absolutely loved it.
Harry’s fingers enter you, pumping and curling and finding your g spot. “Fuck, you’re so wet. Who got you this wet?” He teases.
“I did?”
“Yes. You, Mr Styles.” Although you have been calling that more than you called him Harry, his name coming out of your mouth as you’re a moaning mess makes his cock even harder. He stares at you above him with dark eyes and nibbles on the skin of your inner thighs.
“You say you wanna explore? That no one has ever taken the time to make you feel good? Is that right, baby?” He says as he continues fucking you with his fingers.
“Mhm. No one has ever fucked me good enough for me to stay,” you say in an innocent and teasing tone, knowing that Harry will be the exact person that will do that for you.
“How about we have a little fun? With a certain vibrator of yours that you decided not to return? Do ya want that?”
“God, yes please.” Harry kisses your stomach, up to your chest, and then your lips before his fingers slip out and he walks over to unbox the new vibrator. It was a vibrator that you were able to put inside you as it stimulated your clit, and Harry has been dying to use one on you the second you showed it to him for extra credit. You heard the toy turn on as Harry played with the settings.
“Yes, I’m ready.”
Harry sets the vibrations to the lowest setting as he starts to tease your clit with it; slowly circling around it as you moan out from the new sensation. “Does that feel good? Do you want more?”
“Please. Give me more,” you say as you palm him over his underwear, but he pushes you away. “Baby, you’re hard. Let me touch you, please,” you plead.
“This is all about you, so be a good girl and just enjoy this,” he says and you close your eyes, waiting for what’s to come. Harry sets the setting a bit higher. The setting is on a medium level, more stimulations to your clit as Harry moves the toy around. “Holy shit, that feels so good,” you throw your head back onto the bed.
“Yeah? Good thing I told you to keep it. You can use this when I’m not here to fuck you, unless I tell you not to touch yourself and have you wait until I stuff myself in your tight pussy.” The dirty talk is driving you wild along with the vibrator. “Gonna put it higher,” he says and doesn’t wait for you to answer.
“Oh my...fuck!” The setting is at its highest along with the part of the toy that is inside you; Harry moving the toy around a bit so it can thrust inside of you. You’re completely thrashing around on the sheets, and Harry has to physically spread your legs apart as you keep trying to close them.
Harry lays beside you, kissing your chest and taking your pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. Your hand naturally finds his hair and pulls on it as you bring his face to yours, and he gives you a solid kiss. You hold him against you as there were no movements of your lips with his; just the touch of your lips together as you try to control your moans.
As you two part, you scream out, “I’m gonna fucking cum!”
“C’mon, let go for me, baby. Cum for me,” Harry encourages you.
After a few more thrusts and vibrations to your clit, your orgasm washes over you and hits you hard. Your back arched, and you turned, still feeling the stimulation from the toy.
“There ya go. That’s it,” Harry says as he slowly pulls the toy out and replacing it with his hand, gently cupping over you and feeling your wetness as you come down from your high. Your moans have been controlled, and you started whimpering from how powerful your peak was. “You’re okay. Shh. You’re okay, baby.”
You buried your face into Harry’s neck, and he scratches your back, calming you down. After a moment, you lift your head up and lazily smile at Harry, causing him to giggle a bit and kiss you. The kiss didn’t last long nor was it deepened; it was a sweet and loving kiss, and a thank you to him.
“Was that okay?” He asks.
“That was fucking amazing. Never came like that before,” you tell him honestly.
“Well, I’m glad,” he kisses your lips briefly as he couldn’t get enough of them.
“So…” you trail off.
“So…” he repeats.
“Do I get my extra credit?” You ask in a playful manner, and he laughs loud making your heart flutter over the beautiful sound of his laugh.
“Oh, baby. You get more than extra credit.”
feedback here <3
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
it is funny seeing now what ppl have surged in popularity in fandom, namely the ppl i watched years back mindcrack era that i dont feel like even got that much attention in the (much smaller) fandom. like at least fandomwise i never felt like bdubs or etho were that popular in regards to fics and stuff, mostly comparing to others at that time- tho bdubs and his later roleplaying (bteam) did gain him more attention i think. and like, nebtho was certainly a dyanmic ppl liked but it was otherwise pretty contained to those few moments and the fics were very much nonexistent even tho that fun pair. when i did see etho it was often with team canada as a whole. and in similarity w bdubs i feel like etho got more attention during more of that kinda phase (but nothing comparable to now). and ofc im speaking from experience of the ever tiny tumblr community... undoubtedly ppl leaned towards certain guys and it just kinda encouraged more focus on those people.
but i was curious if i could see how correct my memories were. while ao3 is a thing with tags im not sure if itd be skewed due to other things these people are in, so i thought itd be interesting to go to the salad and take a look since it was one of the most contained places for mindcrack fics i used back then
(under the cut bc this got even longer. sorry i can shut up abt fandom analysis and how things change <3)
some of these tags usages can be like... minor appearances. but at first i was surprised to see bdubs with a whole 478 tagged fics... but then the etho tag has a whopping 895. i think hes mentioned in a lot of fics in passing, but still thats a lot more tagged than i wouldve thought in the end. but i can say i really do remember bdubs getting very little attention in the fic area back then so. some of the other notably highly tagged people were beef (601), guude (753), kurt (731), nebris (662), pause (715), vechs (985), and zisteau (860).
leaving vechs at #1, etho at #2, and zisteau at #3. i was not a vechs reader but goddamn he really was everywhere fandom wise i recall, so that adds up. z and etho were definitely people i saw getting more attention at the end of my mindcrack era too (mostly z with vechs). of course some of this again should be taken w a the note that there are likely a lot of background appearances/minor ones. regardless, to know that even some of them were mentioned enough to add up like that is kinda wild when you think about it. i had some blinders on because i cared mostly about kurt and zisteau, and no surprise they have been tagged 700-800 times either- sms wasnt the most popular, but i know it came up quite a bit.
i did take a quick look at the mindcrack tag on ao3 but it houses wayyy less fics (466 right now) than the salad so, i guess its a better idea, mostly because it is what was popular back when these ppl werent as popular!
but in terms of now??? what got me back to watching these guys was being surprised at a post about bdubs that had like, 5k notes. so obvious things have changed A Lot. i mean hell. the salad has 2,578 fics tagged. ao3 has ummm 10k+ hermitcraft fics and 3k+ last life fics.... and for both etho and bdubs, theyre tagged in over 1k hermitcraft fics (2k, if you count last life as separate). actually an even more amusing comparison is Doc- on salad theres 213 tags and hes never someone i considered writing about or reading about (shockingly i did write him once) but in the hermitcraft tag on ao3 hes up as one of the most tagged with 1,940.
i find it so interesting how things change direction. bdubs was kinda early on the rping ideas and its no shock people caught on to him more- but etho is someone im surprised has exploded in popularity now? but also not? like im surprised interest like now didnt catch on until recently. the way people have molded a character and Vibe with him now Makes Sense. i think i always saw him in similar ways years ago, but that fandom attitude hadnt caught up, the fanbase was too small. but its wild to go from a few sporadic fics focused on one of these guys to like..... very very consistent interest, headcanons, fan art, fics, etc. fucking wild.
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yetanothertaylor · 4 years
Fuck it, honesty hour
Since I really don’t have anyone in my life to talk to, let’s go to my gooooood friend Tumblr to deal with my inconsequential homosexual bullshit. So.
On top of working from/living at work (however you view current affairs because both feel accurate) and an ongoing pandemic impacting our lives and our normal way of coping through life, I’ve just been either meh as hell, stressed or sad.
Work is stressful. I’ve been hearing “it’ll get better” like I’m a bullied thirteen year old closet case who can’t walk to the choir building without fear for his life again. That’s a fun feeling to experience again. Who needs Agatha Harkness to relive past trauma?
Because of the pandemic, my stress relieving hobbies are nonexistent now. I can kind of still do theatre, but the stress of trying to produce shows during a pandemic and unknown restrictions neutralizes any stress that is relieved.
But most of all (and trust me, I fucking hate that this is what’s controlling my sadness) is how mother fucking lonely I feel. After my last relationship ended with getting socked in the face by my ex and the majority of the LGBTQ+ community in the area taking his side because he’s from here, I’ve felt really fucking shitty for over a damn year. I feel like I haven’t been able to express that feeling without getting attacked on social media for saying “I feel like shit and fuck my ex and his friends for making me feel this way.” It’s as if any ties I had to our community, and I use that term loosely, are severed and burned. They’re done. So yeah, we’re in a pandemic and we should all be suffering through bouts of loneliness and lack of sex right? Wrong. I seem to be the only person in (what’s left of) my friend group not fucking multiple people a week or talking to someone with mutual interest. That is just more fuel to the fire of insecurity. Am I that unappealing and unattractive that nobody wants to talk to me? And I say that at the risk of sounding shallow as hell. Because it feels like the only people who want to interact with me I have zero interest in. There’s no physical attraction, no sense of intellectual connection, and ZERO personality that makes me want to have a conversation with them.
So why am I bitching on Tumblr instead of talking to a friend? Hmmm... let’s see. None of my female friends I feel close enough to to disclose this type of information without concern that I’m talking about a mutual friend. Any of my gay friends (with one glaring exception, stay tuned) that still like me, just wanna fuck me. They’re my friends for one reason or another. I either value the friendship too much, don’t have a romantic connection, or don’t want to pursue a further relationship with them. That’s stressful because I feel like there’s no way to express that stance without sounding like a dick even when they’re being as subtle as an elephant in a minefield about wanting me to fuck them or date them. So I can’t say woah is me to any of them because for SOME REASON they think “I’d fuck you” will make me feel better about feeling unloved and unwanted. Maybe I’m just a fucking asshole, but that just comes across as selfish on their part using my insecurity for their gain. I don’t know.
Oh yeah, the glaring exception. So my roommate is my best fucking friend in the world. We’ve been friends for 7 years, and that’s the longest friendship I’ve honestly ever maintained. So all has been good the past few years we’ve lived together. Our friendship started as FWB in college. For a minute, there was dating potential but neither of us were at a place to seriously consider it. Flash forward a few years, and we’re now housemates. I’ve always secretly harbored feelings for him and used that as a gauge for if it truly liked a guy. I figured it was a safe metric since we’d never be more than friends again. But then he starts flirting with me around the house and we start having random hookups. That titillates stupid Taylor’s feelings. I start hearing the things I’ve dreamed of hearing from him for years. But it’s so infrequent. I know he’s fucking multiple random people when I can barely get a “hello” for someone on Grindr/Tinder/Scruff/Hinge (I’m trying y’all). I’m sitting here in bed after too much Crown feeling down. I feel like my low self esteem has made me his sex toy whenever he can’t get anything better because I’m 15 feet away. It’s just a sucky feeling, and I know I need to address it with him. I just don’t know how to handle it because we’ve never talked about our hookups outside of the heat of the moment.
So yeah, just needed to get that off of my chest. I doubt anyone read that, and if you did I am so very sorry. Maybe sober Taylor will read this and feel some type of way. If you could DM him some positive words of encouragement, I think he’d appreciate it. Sorry.
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aliasimagines · 4 years
The Cat's out of The Bag//Jason Todd
a/n: i suck at titles 🤷🏻‍♀️. Anyway hope you like it 💕
word count: 1130 (? At least i belive so, i checked it when I finished writing it at 3am but im just too lazy to do it agian)
requested by @im-hqlover
Jason and reader were trying to hide their relationship from other people at school, but somehow someone finds out and soon the whole school know about their relationship. (Maybe kinda angst and fluff too, because I love this combination.)
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It was one of the first things you talked about as a couple. One of the first 'rules' that were set in the relationship. Neither of you made a big deal out of it, Jason completely understood and was very much okay with keeping it a secret.
It's not that you were embarrassed about dating Jason. But he was very popular. A lot of people from school had crushes on him. And you were kinda okay with that, because you knew that he trusted you, that he chose you, he wanted to be with you not anyone else. But maybe some people at school couldn't handle Jason being in a relationship so calmly?
Just thinking about it made you stress. So you didn't tell anyone. Okay maybe a few closer friends knew about it but noone you guys didn't trust. And it was cool, everything was going fine.
So when you walked into school one day, only to hear people whisper behind your back and to get stared at by everyone you had no idea what could have happened.
Until some girls walked up to you while you were still packing your books in your bag from your locker.
"You're Y/N, right?" you heard from behind you. You turned around to see Becky and her two side pieces friends. You noded confused. These three were like the Heathers of Gotham High.
"Is it true?" Becky asks now louder, her words drawing more attention from the passing by students. You had no idea what she was talking about. You had no idea why she would wanna talk to you of all people.
"What is?"
"You and Todd." added Chelsea, the girl on Becky's left. "I personally don't think so."
You gasped. What? How did they know?
"Todd? As in Jason? I don't even know him.." you tried, still caught off guard. The third girl, Sarah lifted her phone and held it out for you to see. On her phone the school tumblr was opened and there was a picture of you and Jason walked out of a bookstore hand in hand. The picture was blurry as you were only lit by street lamps and the store's sign. The picture was taken last night.
You cursed mentally. Someone from school must have seen you and upload this pic to the schools social media. You felt sick. All those whispers made sense now. You slammed your locker closed and left without a word. You ran to the one place were you knew noone would disturb you. The art classroom. You practically tore the door open and fell on the floor. Fortunately noone was in. You felt your thoughts getting louder and louder. It was getting so overwhelming you wanted to scream but you just went to hug your legs close to your chest. You could have sworn that the empty and half covered canvases were mocking you while thei finished pieces just rolled their nonexistent eyes.
You closed your eyes and tried to focus on your breathing. You wish it wasn't a wednesday. Jason didn't have a first period on wednesdays. If he was here this whole thing would be so much easier. You could call him, sure. But between patrolling all night and studying for his finals in all his free time Jason needed all the sleep he could get. And he should wake up soon as it is almost 8am.
Somewhat calmer you took out your phone to maybe listen to some music that'll help you figure out how to get to class. I mean you knew you had to walk to your classroom in a few minutes but there was nothing else that you wanted to do less than that. But yes. Eventually you have to get up and go out. You bit your lips summoning all the courage as you heard the bell ringing.
You opened the door, peaking out if there was anyone on the corridors. When you saw none you hurried through the school with your head hanging low. You tried so hard not to make any noise, to sit on your chair without making a sound, to make yourself invisible. You tried so hard to focus on the teacher but every two minutes you heard someone whisper your name quickly followed by Jason's... You wished for a lifesaving bell instead you heard your phone buzzing slightly. Carefully you looked at the screen.
Jason wrote.
Quickly making up an excuse for the teacher about how you felt sick, which wasn't suspicious at all, you were out on the corridor once again.
Jason: 'I'm in the library. Can you get out of class?'
You: 'Already out, be there in a sec'
Entering the library you knew where to search him as the two of you met up there once or twice. You weren't wrong, behind a big shelf full of classic literature stood Jason leaning against the wall, clearly frustrated. As he saw you he pushed himself away from to wall and opened his arms. Without hesitation you hugged him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"I am so sorry, y/n." he whispered. "I came as soon as I saw the headlines."
You pulled away so you could look at him.
"The whats?"
"Headline.. Oh shit, you didn't see? It's all over the internet. Gotham Gazette has already written a damn article about it. Bruce is making calls at the moment but..."
"Oh my god..." you panicked. Not only the school but whole Gotham knew about yout relationship now. Great, and now you wanted to cry. Jason noticed and cupped your face.
"Please baby, I am so sorry. If I could I would erase that damn picture but... Ah no... I know it's overwhelming, it's okay, if you feel like crying I've got you okay?"
You noded and hugged him again.
"It's just... I know it's stupid but-" you took a deep breath" I'm just kind of afraid..? People been whispering since I'm here and school only started half an hour ago"
You looked at Jason and it made you hurt, you knew he felt guilty even though he had no reason to do so. Shaking, you took his hand.
"Jay it's not your fault, you can't do anything about it now." you said. He bit his bottom lip.
"I know.. I just hate seeing you so hurt."
"It's so much better now that I've got you here."
"It's gonna okay. We are in this crap together, alright? There might be some people who want to have a say in about our relationship, and yes some people might look at you with jealousy because they think they ever stood a change. But they don't because I love you . No one else. "
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soundsfunbutno · 4 years
Janna Ordonia x reader
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Britta’s Tacos 11:00 p.m.
I walked into the kitchen of Britta’s Tacos, just as Oscar was about to leave.
“Oh hi (Y/N)! You about to clock in?”
“Yes, I am. Better get to work, look at all these customers! They’re all waiting for a taco, an hour before midnight.” I said sarcastically, pointing at the nonexistent line of customers at the ordering window.
Oscar laughed while taking off his apron and grabbing his backpack, heading for the back door.
“Well I’ll leave you to it, see ya tomorrow (Y/N)!
“See ya!” I let out a sigh just as he closed the door, why do I have to work the late shift? I wouldn’t be sleeping at this hour anyways, I’d just be endlessly scrolling through Tumblr, but stil!
Running on pure monster energy drink and three hours of sleep, I put on my apron and hat, and walked over to the ordering window to wait for any customers to show up. About a month ago, the owner decided that Britta’s Tacos was going to become a twenty four hours restaurant. And of course I was the one who got assigned the 11 p.m.-7 a.m. shift.
I mean, it’s not that bad. I get some time away from my shitty family and the manager isn’t even here so I pretty much get to do whatever I want. This led to me making a TikTok account dedicated to showing what it’s like to work the night shift at Britta’s Tacos. Of course not all of my videos are about Britta’s Tacos, but about eighty percent of my TikToks are recorded here.
In my first month of working the night shift, I’ve met some interesting people. There was the trucker who had been broke so many times he didn’t know what to believe, the boy toy named troy who used to live in Detroit and many more. But none of them caught my eye like the girl that just sat down at that table just did.
There seemed to be this wave of I don’t give a fuck radiating off of her. And that was way more attractive to me than it should be. I noticed I had been staring when she dropped a heavy book onto the metal table which caused a loud noise to resonate through the courtyard and wake me up from my daydream.
She continued to place more books, sketchbooks and occult looking items such as animal skulls onto the table. And the whole time I was watching her the only thing going through my head was “Fuck, my gay is showing.”
As she stood up and made her way to the order window, I quickly turned off my work voice that I had to use with adult customers and switched to my regular voice.
“Hi, welcome to Britta’s Tacos. What can I get ya?”
“Just a uhm burrito and a large cherry coke please.”
Looks like I’m gay panicking again, okay lemme snap out of it.
“Alright I’ll be back with your order in just a moment.” I went to the kitchen and started off by toasting the tortilla for five seconds on each side. While putting the organs inside the tortilla skin I let my mind wander to that girl again.
I have to stop doing this, I catch feels way to quickly and it’s not even funny, it’s just sad. But I can’t help it.
“Well, I guess it’s time to not shoot my shot and regret it for the rest of my life.” I thought as I wrapped the burrito and poured the cherry coke into a cup. Bagging the order and putting it on a tray, I made my way back to the order number where the girl goddess was on the phone with someone.
“Yes Star, I’m sure it’s her. Now hurry over here before I break into your house and kidnap you.”
She hung up on her friend and turned towards me.
“Sorry for that, how much do I owe you?”
“That would be A dollar and eighteen cents.”
She handed me the money and just when I thought I’d never see her again and I’d never have a chance with her.
It happened.
Her phone rang.
And what was her ringtone?
Dead girl in the pool by girl in red.
Time to shoot that shot like they shot Harambe
“Ugh Tom stop calling me.” She mumbled under her breath as she declined the call.
My brain was fucking zooming as I tried to think of a conversation topic.
Then all of the sudden someone fucking tackled her.
I leaned over the counter and saw a girl with long blonde hair. I immediately recognized her voice as she loudly shrieked out. “JANNA BANANA”
“Ugh, Star get off!”
Okay so now I know her name is Janna. That’s progress, right?
But that’s besides the point. I know that bouncy ball! She’s my favorite TikTok mutual!
She turned her head towards me and her eyes seemed to light up as she recognized me.
“(Y/N)’s Tacos?”
I jumped over the counter and laughed in glee.
“Oh my god star! I had no Idea you lived in Echo Creek!”
“I didn’t know you lived here either!”
The girl who I now knew was named Janna walked over to her table with her food and started reading through one of her books.
“Yeah this is great! So uhm, can I get you anything?”
She held her chin as she thought about her order.
“You saw my sugarrito video?”
My expression suddenly went dead serious as I nodded to her and climbed back over the counter and headed towards the kitchen.
I continued to assemble a normal burrito but then dumped on five heaping tablespoons of sugar. I filled up a medium cup with mountain dew, bagged it up and brought it to the ordering window.
“Alright that’s a dollar and eighteen cents.”
Star grabbed a big stash of money from a wallet that didn’t look like it belonged to her and handed a five dollar bill to me.
“Thank you, and here’s your change.”
She grabbed her change and then proceeded to hurl it past my head into the kitchen.
“Keep the change.”
“I- okay thanks.”
Star took the tray from my hands and made her way towards Janna.
As I was picking up the change that Star decided to yeet into the kitchen I realized that me and Janna had one thing in common that could cause us to become friends.
We were both friends with Star.
Star had the ability to magically create new friendships. Because of star I met Ponyhead, Marco, Kelly and many more people.
I once again hopped over the counter and joined the two girls at their table, where Star was excitedly telling Janna about the science of the sugarrito while Janna was drawing different glyphs on a sheet of paper and mindlessly nodding to make it look like she was listening.
I bravely took a seat next to Janna.
“Watcha drawing?
Janna jumped and looked at me.
“Uhm yeah, ha you startled me. I’m trying to draw light glyphs.”
I looked at her drawings and realized I recognized them.
“Oh like from The Owl House?”
Okay (Y/N), this is your time. If she says she likes the show, mention Lumity and look at her reaction.
“Yes! You watch that show? I started watching after I found out Lumity is canon.”
I let out a soft laugh and smiled at her. “I started crying during the dance scene!”
We both burst out laughing, as we were both attempting to catch our breath we subconsciously scooted closer to each other.
Both of us seemed to have forgotten that Star was there too but she was too busy to notice, aggressively texting someone.
She stood up and grabbed her unfinished drink. “Sorry guys, Marco’s REALLY upset that I stole his wallet again. He wants me to come home to return it. I’ll see you guys, maybe we can arrange a meetup tomorrow.”
She grabbed her wand out of nowhere and took a deep breath before yelling “SUMMONING CLOUDY CHARM”.
A fucking cloud that looked like it just consumed some psychedelics appeared out of thin air, Star hopped onto the cloud and flew away.
“Does she do that often?”
“Yeah, you should be seeing a lot of that when hanging out with her.”
Janna and I talked for what seemed like hours and hours. We both chugged the monster energy cans from my backpack and she tought me about the topics in her books.
She seemed to light up as she ranted about hexes and spells. And by the time the sun rose, I knew more about the paranormal then I thought was possible.
“My manager is coming in an hour, I should probably get everything set up to make it look like I was working all night, I’m not really looking to get fired.”
Janna stretched and began packing up all of her stuff. “So you wanna meet up again some time?”
I stood up placed a hand next to her on the table, leaning to the side.
Okay time for twenty seconds of bravery.
“Sure, when you got time?” I said to her, smirking.
She looked up at me, the tiniest blush forming on her face “Uhm, maybe we can meet up here on Thursday and we can watch a movie at my place? Maybe get some snacks from 7 eleven.
I pushed myself off of the table.
Sure, it’s a date.
I walked back to the restaurant, silently celebrating my succes.
Britta’s Tacos, 07:a.m.
I had just finished all of my tasks and was waiting for the manager to show up to dismiss me.
As Dana walked in she greeted me and looked at me questioningly.
“Girl you just finished an eight hour shift, what’s got you so happy?”
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lalahbug · 4 years
False Ring - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,296 My Masterlist Warnings/disclaim: general Modern Office AU Author’s Note: Continued under story Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 12/25/2016. Revamped/edited in 2020. ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.  Story under cut
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          “Hanji! Take down that mistletoe, now!” ___ barked at her while walking up to her.
          “But it’s Christmas!”
          “There will be no kissing in the office!”
          Hanji kept complaining and trying to defend the decoration.
          “Hanji. I let you get away with going overboard on the decor for Christmas, decorating everyone’s desk, the lobby, the breakroom. I am drawing the line at the mistletoe!” ___ was lecturing Hanji basically in front of the entire advertising and marketing team. Hanji was one of the top managers, behind Erwin and Levi, of course.
          ___ is the CEO but always has a degree in advertising, so a lot of her free time was spent there. Being hands-on and knowing about every campaign and making sure they all appealed to a wide audience.
          “But, ___-”
          “Hanji, you can put it up at home and the Christmas party tonight. But please just, not in the office.” ___ sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
          “___!” Hanji whined.
          “Oi! Shitty Glasses, ___ said no, so get away with that shit.” Levi stood next to ___.
          “Come on, Hanji. I’ll help you with decor for the party, okay?” Erwin wrapped an arm around Hanji, dragging her away.
          ___ took a deep breath. “Thank you, Levi.”
          “Tch, whatever.”
          “Will you be at the party, tonight?”
          “What, why not?” ___ tried to not let the disappointment show in her voice.
          “I don’t like Christmas, it’s over-done and all about presents, nowadays.”
          “That’s why I am holding the party without presents, though. So we can all get to know each other better and spend time with each other and our families.”
          “I have no reason to go, nor do I want to be around all of the brats and lovey-dovey couples.”
          “Oh, okay. I’m sure you’d rather just spend time alone with your girlfriend anyways.” She gave him a sweet smile. Levi just glared at her, making her sigh and look away. “I know, I know, you won’t talk about your life outside of the office.” An awkward air settled between them. “Well, I hope I get to know your personality better in the new year. I’ll see you after News Year’s, I need to tell everyone to go home now.”
          ___ gave a quick surprise to all of her employees, telling them the only reason for them to come into work on Christmas was to clock in and get their bonus check. Telling everyone Merry Christmas, go home and she was looking forward to seeing them and their families at the party.
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          About an hour after everyone had left, ___ was sitting at her desk, finishing some paperwork.
          “What are you still doing here?” ___ jumped a bit, at hearing Levi’s voice, which made him click his tongue at her. “Go home to your family.”
          “Oh, there’s no one waiting for me at home. And this paperwork needs to be finished.” ___ gave him a small smile before looking back down to the papers and filling them out.
          “Isn’t this supposed to be mine?” Levi had walked over to her desk, taking the paper from her.
          “Hey, put that back.”
          “Why are you doing my work?” He glared at her.
          “I’ve been taking half of your’s, Hanji’s and Erwin’s work lately. We got a new client and I know you guys are already overworked. Since it’s Christmas, I wanted you all to be happy and not too stressed out. I prefer being at the office, so I always find where I can lighten the load of others.”
          “You do this often? My work?”
          “Yeah, not just yours, though. It’s not like it’s too hard to do or anything.” She shrugged and opened her hand to Levi. “Come on, give it back. Go home, have a goodnight.”
          Levi sat down across from her. “When are you going home?”
          She stared at him for a moment, confused. “About 3 hours before the party, so I can get ready and get there before everyone. To make sure Hanji didn’t go overboard. But I’ll be back here tomorrow.”
          “Are you going to be there all night?”
          “Yes, of course. I am the main host after all.”
          “What time do you think you’ll go home?”
          “Um, I don’t know. Probably sometime tomorrow. Why are you asking so many questions? This isn’t like you, you normally don’t care.”
          “Do you ever go home?” Levi glanced around, avoiding her question, his voice was getting harsher and judgmental.
          “Sometimes. I usually just go home to shower and get a bit of sleep. But I have a bed in my side office for days where I just would rather get more work done. I have a week’s worth of clothes here. So I guess I mainly just go home to get clean.”
          “Wait, you sleep here? How often?” Now, his voice was belittling and demanding.
          “I don’t know, like 4 times a week maybe.”
          “Tch.” He seemed truly annoying with her.
          “Don’t you click your tongue at me, boy. You’re acting hostile and demanding. I don’t need this from my employee, go home.” She snapped at him. Levi stared at her for a moment.
          “Did you just call me, boy?” He almost growled at her.
          “Ackerman. Go. Home. Now.” ___ let authority coat her every word. It was rare she used his last name or ever had to use an authoritative tone on him. He stared at her for a moment, before clicking his tongue again and leaving her office without another word.
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          “Hanji, thank you for not going too overboard.”
          “Erwin reeled me in.”
          “Then I guess I should be thanking him.”
          “Nah. You both look beautiful by the way. I didn’t know you had tattoos, ___.”
          “Thanks, but yeah, I’ve had them for a while, sometimes I forget about them.”
          “It’s awesome to see so much for your skin, it looks so soft!” Hanji rubbed ___’s shoulders, making her smile then push her away. 
          “Stop it.”
          “Where did you get your dress?” Hanji was feeling the soft material. ___ just smirked at her and looked down at her red strapless dress.
          “Um, I think my mom got this for me last year. So I’m not sure.”
          “How are your parents?”
          “Oh, they’re good. They couldn’t make it over to me this year and I have too much work, so I couldn’t go to them, but I’ll be seeing them for New Year’s, I should be done with all of my work by then.”
          “Why do you have so much work? Hanji and I finished everything the other day.”
          “Oh don’t worry about it.” She gave them a heartwarming smile.
          “It’s because she’s doing some of our work.”
          ___ turned on her heel, to see Levi standing right behind her.
          “You what?!” Hanji screamed, gripping ___ and shaking her by her shoulders. “You’ll never get babies if you keep overworking yourself! You’re going to end up in the hospital again for overworking yourself!”
          “Hanji! Stop!” 
          The brunette stopped shaking her boss. 
          “I love my job. I’m not worried about having children. I won’t overwork myself, again, that’s why I put that bed in my side office.”
          Erwin groaned and Levi stared at all of them.
          “Wait, that’s why you were hospitalized for a few weeks a couple of months ago?” Levi wanted confirmation.
          “Yeah, I came to her for some signatures and she was unconscious at her desk,” Erwin stated.
          “Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
          “You didn’t ask and we didn’t want to tell too many people.” ___ shrugged.
          Erwin and Hanji then continued to bug ___ about giving them their work back so she could go see her parents sooner. Eventually, she caved in and told them she would give them their work back tomorrow.
               “I can’t believe you showed up, just to tattle on me about helping out with work.” ___ grumbled as she and Levi leaned against a wall, drinking some wine.
          “I showed up because Erwin told me to. Ratting you out, after calling me boy, was a bonus.”
          “You were mad at me for calling you, boy? But you’re younger than me by a few years.”
          “I’m not a boy.” He growled.
          “Uh, huh. Sure," she giggled at his anger.
          Levi moved so he was blocking her path and his hands on either side of her head, making her blush.
          “I’m not a boy. I am a man.” 
          “Oh, okay.” She was too shocked to say anything else. Levi moved back a bit to look at her.
          “You’re blushing.” He smirked at this, which only made the crimson dusting her cheeks grow darker; because she had never seen him smirk before. “You’re blushing more now.”
          “Shut up. Why are you teasing me?”
          “Because I didn’t know you were single before.”
          “The whole office believes you’re married.” This made ___ burst out.
          “No! Oh, that is funny.” She kept giggling. “No, no. I don’t have a partner, I mean I have some people I have crushes on. But I have no interest in letting them know that.”
          “Why is that?”
          “I like how things are now.”
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          Levi and ___ hung out together most of the party, well, he hung around her while she talked with many different employees and told stories.
          “So, ___. Tell me,” Jean piped up. He was a new customer service employee. “Is the rumor true that you and Levi are married?”
          ___ almost spit out her drink. “What? So not only was the rumor that I am married is going around, but to Levi?”
          “So I take it’s not true?” Jean chuckled. “Then how would you like to get dinner sometime?”
          “Just because she’s not married doesn’t mean she’s desperate enough to go out on a date with you, horse-face,” Eren sneered as Mikasa glared at Jean before he could retort.
          “If anyone takes her to dinner, it’ll be me,” Levi grumbled, making everyone quiet.
          “So you’re dating?” Jean was the only one stupid enough to ask.
          “None of your business.” Levi glared at him. “Come on, ___.” Levi turned on his heel.
          “Oh, um. I’ll see you guys after the new year. Have a wonderful holiday!” ___ chased after Levi. “Levi, what was that all about? Why did you confuse them like that?”
          Levi scoffed. “Because I meant it. It’s none of their business, but if anyone is to take you out anytime soon, it’ll be me.”
          “What are you talking about?”
          “Oi, you’re stupid for being smart. I like you, clearly. That’s why I got mad anytime you asked about my nonexistent girlfriend or offered to have me come to dinner with you. I thought you were married. Anyone would with that ring on your finger.”
          “Oh.” ___ was blushing and looking down at the ring on her finger, she had stopped walking.
          Levi turned to face her, standing in front of her. “Why do you wear a wedding ring?”
          “It was my grandmother’s, she didn’t have much, but being her only granddaughter. It was the only thing she left me. I just wear it because she was like a mom to me. Plus, it kept away creeps. I didn’t mean to confuse everyone, though, or push anyone away, especially you.”
          “You’ve been visited by the Mistletoe Fairy!” Hanji giggled while holding a stick with mistletoe hanging from it.
          “Hanji, no!” ___ scolded her, pointing a finger at her. Levi glanced up at the small green branch. Levi clicked his tongue before grabbing the back of ___’s neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
          ___ squeaked while Levi pulled her to him, but she quickly let her body relax against his.
          Levi smirked as the tension in her body disappeared, he kissed her gently again, before pulling away, letting his grin slowly fade away.
          “Can I expect Levi babies soon then?” Hanji squealed.
          “You’re just being stupid now,” ___ giggled. Erwin had popped up and dragged away Hanji so Levi and ___ could be alone. “Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Levi.” She beamed at him.
          He froze for a second before pulling her into a hug. “Thanks.”
          She pushed back a little. “What for?”
          “You’re the first person to say that today, a lot of people seem to forget my birthday because of Christmas.”
          “Oh, I even got you a gift. I was just going to give it to you next year, but since you’re here.” She smiled and pulled away from him, grabbing his wrist and dragging him over to the coat station. She asked for her purse and pulled out a small box.
          “I got it last week. So, happy birthday, Levi.” She offered it to him, he cautiously took it. “Well, open it.” So he did.
          He pulled out a couple of sturdy tins. “Is this really Jungpana and Glendale loose tea? This is expensive shit.”
          “Is it? I just went to a tea shop with great reviews and told them you really love tea, that you like to be clean and your birthday was soon. They recommended these.”
          “They are really good, they have good taste, but pay attention to pricing brat.”
          “You like your gift right?”
          “Of course.” He pulled her close to him. “I can’t wait to see more of you, you’re the best gift.”
          “That’s not what I meant!”
          “Well, you being single, is the best news I learned today, so that’s the best gift. But you won’t be single, much longer.” He rested his forehead against hers.
          “Well, if that’s the case, I think you should invite me to test that tea out with you.”
          “Tch, don’t tell me what to do. But you should come over soon.”
          “It’s a date.”
          “Damn right it is.” He pulled her close, keeping an arm around her most of the night, showing no signs of leaving her side anytime soon.
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Author's Note: Continued As far as I know, Levi’s b-day is Christmas, so this fic was written for his b-day.
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writteninsunshine · 3 years
My Enemies Belittle Me - Xemnas-Centric - SFW
Title: My Enemies Belittle Me
Author: Reno
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Setting: The World That Never Was, KHII
Pairing: None
Characters: Xemnas, King Mickey, Ansem The Wise, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Naminé, Xehanort
Genre: Angst/Spiritual
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 778
Type Of Work: One-Shot
Status: Complete
Warnings: Existentialism, Headcanon Heavy, Xemnas-Centric
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: Xemnas visits his thoughts for one final time as the race against him is coming to a close.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! If anyone wants my writing discord, please DM me. I also have a writing tumblr!
Anyway, I really like this fic, I hope you guys, too. It can be very triggering if your mental health is not great, I think, so please read with caution.
Kingdom Hearts Fanfic Masterlist
My Enemies Belittle Me
There was something to be said for the voracious appetite of the Keyblade.
It gathered hearts like nothing he’d ever seen before, and the sheer number of them that Sora was drumming up for him only made a faint smile come to his lips. Watching his Kingdom Hearts coming into being, knowing what it meant for him, well… He would say he was elated if he could feel anything at all.
Not even annoyance crept into his life. There was no question that every last member of his pitiful Organization had their own agenda. Perhaps the other didn’t know it, but he was well aware of Saïx’s true intentions. It was one thing to have a suspicion, but knowing that he was actively being betrayed probably should have elicited more of a reaction from him.
Instead, he felt nothing. Not even a numbness, but a profound emptiness. Part of him recognized that this was likely what death felt like. Or, perhaps, he was death. That was what many considered nonexistence, and by all rules and logic, he didn’t exist. Which meant that nonexistence wasn’t even radio static. It was silence, it was emptiness, it was torturous.
When Xehanort had sought out this end to his emotional upheaval, he had intended to make his life easier. Erasing the emotions would make it simpler to deal with the everyday things that haunted him. 
Or, at least, that was what he had thought. 
Unfortunately, Xemnas had found that completely removing all emotion probably wasn’t worth it. He wanted to have the good emotions back. Why did life deem that an unnatural occurrence? It would have been so much better, so palatable, to be able to just switch off the negativity. The constant intrusive thoughts had driven him to nothingness, and now he operated on the fringe edge of light and darkness.
This was not what he had wanted, and he couldn’t even express his distress. What a mess he had gotten himself into. It wasn’t like he was truly prepared for what true emptiness would feel like. Sometimes, science was an art, and he had never been very artistic. In fact, he had always leaned more into the scientific, to facts, to learning… To exploring the doors that nobody wanted to even unlock.
Perhaps that had been where he had messed up this time.
Would death set him free? He honestly didn’t know. It was an interesting prospect to dissect in theory, but watching his fellow Nobodies dispatched so easily by Sora and his keyblade was growing worrisome. Perhaps he didn’t wish to continue living with nothing inside him, but was it truly so simple? Could the endless nothingness that waited be any different from the empty void he was already a part of?
Sora would bring him an end, one way or another. Be it by his collecting of hearts or his own hands, Xemnas would have to find it within himself to feel solace in the fact that his fate was being written as he sat in silence.
Riku and Kairi were something he hadn’t truly expected, however. Sure, he knew they were loose in his castle, of course, he did, but their reuniting with Sora was a thorn in his side. What twisted the knife was Ansem the Wise’s involvement. 
Xemnas must have been a big-ticket enemy for the King, Riku, Ansem, Kairi, Sora, and even Naminé and Axel to band together against him. Perhaps his ideals were too big, too much for them to understand. Most likely, they would never understand his motivations.
It wasn’t necessarily Xehanort that he desired to become by completing Kingdom Hearts. The end goal was to have the thirteen vessels he would need in order to complete his plans. Everyone listened to him, he was the first, they believed him, or so he thought. Why else would they listen when he told them to do things? It wasn’t like his missions served a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Sure, here and there they would guarantee he was making the correct decisions… But there was an underlying reason.
Tired, overworked people, Nobodies included, would listen. They would do whatever he wanted because they were told to, they were too beaten down not to. He encouraged them to waste themselves away so that his plans would not find any hiccups. Giving them little downtime meant less time to plan a coup. Or, so he’d wanted.
“I will be executed no matter what I do, so what does it matter?” He told the emptiness of the void, watching the hearts swarming to the sky above him. “It will be what it will be.
AN: So, I wrote this as a Solo for my Xemnas rp account! I really like how it came out, I hope you guys like it, too!
Prompt: “I will be executed no matter what I will do, so what does it matter?”
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latestageyouth · 5 years
a quiet, not quite a morning
lmao look at me trying to write fluff, which I absolutely can’t do. this is a continuation of this .This can be read as (touchy) platonic or romantic but I think of it as romantic...
okay, dark side Virgil au go!
Pairings: anxceitmus
Word count: 1,080
Warnings: unsympathetic!Patton, unsympathetic!Roman, unsympathetic!Logan, sympathetic!Deceit, sympathetic!Remus, swearing
Summary: A quiet afternoon gets interrupted because the Light sides are meanies >:(
It has been exactly five weeks and three days since Virgil left the "Light" sides, and things were getting better. Virgil didn't have night terrors anymore, he didn't have an anxiety attack in two weeks, he made progress.
It was morning, well, more like noon, but that didn't matter. It always rained outside, in the Darkscape. To be honest, Virgil kind of liked it, at least there wasn't the constant heavy silence when no one was talking. The radio was on, playing a song that Virgil didn't know the name of. He guessed it was one of those lofi ones. He liked those songs better than the constant loud Disney playing on repeat. Much better.
"Well, well, well, look who's up."
Virgil glanced around the kitchen and spotted Dee leaning against the wall. The smiled softly and handed the tired side his coffee, "Here, you need it more than me."
Dee looked at the coffee and then back at Virgil, "Judging by the eye bags under your eyes, I don't guess so."
"Ha, ha, very funny," Virgil poured himself another cup. He leaned against the counter and looked at Dee, "Where's Remus?"
"Awake in his bed."
Virgil nodded, sipping on his coffee.
"How come you are the last one awake?" Dee asked.
The anxious side shrugged, "Couldn't sleep, I guess. And before you say anything, I didn't wanna bother you with my nonexistent sleep habits...again."
"Yes, because you are totally bothering us. We hate it when you ask us for help and told you a million times that when you can't sleep or aren't feeling well to stay in your room and don't tell us about it," Dee did not look impressed as he sipped on his coffee. He walked closer to Virgil, putting his head onto his shoulder, "We don't care about you at all and want you to be miserable."
Virgil brought an arm around Dee and placed in on his back, "I know, I know, just...old habits die hard. I am sorry."
"You should be sorry, it's all your fault."
"Again, old habits die hard, but hey, at least I didn't have a night terror again, that's progress."
Dee didn't respond, he just looked at Virgil, tired eyes scanning all over his face. He leaned in, placing a kiss on Virgil's cheek.
"Ew, disgusting."
The pair turned around to see Remus, dressed in nothing but boxers, standing in the doorway.
Virgil rolled his eyes, "You're the one to talk."
Remus didn't say anything, instead opening the fridge and crouching to look inside.
Dee raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? You just woke up and you aren't going for the food?"
"If it makes you feel any better I forgot dinner yesterday."
"Why yes, that makes me feel a thousand times better. One sleeps, the other eats. Do I not have the only brain cell in here?" Dee put his now empty mug into the sink and went to sit at the table.
"By the way," Virgil said, "Do you know what day it is?"
Dee squinted his eyes for a second, "Uhhh, Tuesday, why?"
"The others and Thomas are filming today, so don't be surprised if I just randomly sink out," Virgil sipped his coffee once more before placing it into the sink, watching as Remu poured himself some cereal with water and scrunched up his nose, "How can you eat that?"
Remus smiled at him and shrugged his shoulders, "What can I say, I am what the gods fear," he took a spoonful of the cereal water and ate it. Both Dee and Virgil physically cringed, to which Remus replied, "Cowards."
And so, the three dark sides gathered around the television, not even paying attention to what was playing on it. Virgil was on his phone, scrolling through his Tumblr feed, while Dee verbally judged Remus for his food choices. It was in the afternoon that Dee and Remus decided to get dresses, both heading to their separate rooms, leaving Virgil alone in the living room. After a while of mindless scrolling, he started feeling....tingly. His mouth tasted like iron. His feet and fingers were itching. No, not now. Not here. Not today. Virgil put his phone aside and turned his head to look at where the bedrooms were located, "Hey, hey guys, It- it's-"
Before Virgil could finish the sentence he had appeared in Thomas' living room. He shut his eyes for a second, not being used to such light, "Ugh, what do you want?"
Logan was the one who spoke first, "Virgil has been feeling rather unmotivated today, and we suspect it is your doing."
"Yeah," Virgil finally opened his eyes, "Sorry to break it to you, but I got up like, eight minutes ago and have been feeling pretty chill, so I don't think I am the problem here. Isn't Princey all about motivation and stuff?"
Roman scoffed and crossed his arms, "Why yes, blame it all on me. That's just like you, not taking responsibility for anything."
Virgil pulled his hood up, "Oh, Princey, you're so easily offended, but as I said, I am less anxious than I normally am, so I am not the problem here."
"For once..." mumbled Logan.
"Kiddo, I know you like dark and angsty things, but maybe try not to bring the atmosphere down so much?" Patton asked with a plastic smile on his face.
Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed, "I told you not to call me that. Also, since I am not the problem here, I am gonna go, break a leg trying to figure this out by yourselves," he slowly sank back out.
"Don't come back!" Roman shouted.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Princey..."
When he did sink back into the Darkscape, Remus and Deceit were already laying on the couch. Virgil went to lay across the couple's legs, "Ugh, just how annoying can they be? 'Thomas is feeling bad so Anxiety must be doing this!' Fucking god, I really hate them sometimes."
"Sometimes?" sniffed Remus.
Virgil chuckled, "All the time."
"Now that sounds more like it, stormcloud!"
Virgil glanced at the tv, "What are we watching?"
"The black cauldron," replied Dee.
Virgil furrowed his eyebrows, "Huh, never saw that. I mean, I wanted to, but Roman never let us watch it on movie nights, apparently, it's "too dark for a Disney movie'"
Remus smiled, "What's wrong with a little darkness? If anything it is the best Disney movie of all the time."
Virgil smiled back, "Agreed."
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the-crowess · 3 years
Altrovough: Adventure on Every Horizon
Chapter 1: Out of the Dark I hadn't been playing for six months. Not because it had become too expensive. Not because work became too much for me. Not because I got a significant other. Not because the community was bad or anything like that. No, I hadn't played in six months because my avatar was stuck in a trap.
            There are glitches, you see. Somehow in this modern VR experience there are still glitches. And with glitches comes assholes who use those glitches to their advantage.
            So, here's what happened to me: Me and my party went into a dungeon. We split up. Two went one way, two went the other, and I (though I protested) was by myself. Even though I had a lantern when I walked down into the hallway it was completely black. That should have been my first clue that this was a trap of some sort. My lantern still had fire, but no light was being produced from it. Being promised treasure and being a dumbass, I continued forward into the dark. After walking just far enough into the hallway to make the doorway disappear, I sprung a tile trap.
            The floor beneath me sloped downward and I fell rolling after it. Head over heels I fell until I smacked my face and passed out.
            I woke up in chains. I was propped up against a wall. My wrists above my head were on short chains, and my ankles on longer chains.
            Okay, I thought, no biggy. I'll just restart the day.
            Okay, so that didn't work. Which is weird... I'll call my party members...
            No service? What the fuck? That's not even an element in this game!
            Well, uh, okay I guess I'll just bust out of these—rusty—old—chains!
            After exhausting my options, then exhausting them again I logged off.
For months I kept receiving messages that players were interacting with my avatar, so I would log on, only for them to laugh at me and be utterly and completely unhelpful.
            My party visited me four separate times. And all of those times were to make fun or my misfortune, even though they knew that ANYTIME they could unlock the chains and release me. The first time it was all of them together. The captain Jockster (or Jerkstar as I call him) had squatted down in front of me and said, "this is what you get, you know. Playing this way has consequences. Thanks for taking one for the team." Then he had laughed like the drug addicted jackass he was. The others laughed with him. The second time it was only Aliciandria (our rouge) and Marlquan (our cleric). They had been discussing what to do with me when Alicandria accidentally kicked my foot and I responded, and I woke up to them talking about if they should just kill me so that they wouldn't have to worry about how people were judging them for not helping me. The third time it was just Havanio (the sorcerer). He woke me up, then sat across from me and said nothing for an hour. He just sat there like a fucking douchebag and looked at me like I was some caged beast put there for his entertainment. And the last time doesn't matter.
            Players of all kinds and from all districts would stop by only to laugh at me. I became a joke, and even more that that I became a meme! Screenshots of my avatar hanging there like a prisoner spread all over the internet. To add to my torture, a player whose avatar was a homely goblin woman would harass me constantly.
            Behind the happy smile of someone who literally baked cookies for visitors was a demented maniac. This guy—I know she is a he because he fucking DM'd me dick pics. I think he harassed me for three reasons: 1) I fell right into his trap 2) My avatar is a hot man and I think Little Miss Goblin Man is gay or more likely bi and uncomfortable with his sexuality 3) I think he thought he figured out that the gender of my avatar and the gender of myself might not be the same, and he was definitely trying to intimidate me. This asshole physically and sexually harassed my avatar, and I couldn't even report it!
            Not like I didn't try to report it—when I did the staff would send in an NPC (Non-Player Character) and see literally nothing. So, in this trap: it's a glitch mixed with a non-invasive virus; meaning the virus only effects this one spot and not the whole server or game. It can't get into your computer. It like can't get past the firewalls or something I don't really know.
            So, not only did this jack-wad figure out a way to trap me, but he also figured out how to keep his dirty deeds hidden from the staff. For almost three months I continued to check in. Two weeks after the initial incident I jumped at every UAN (Unconscious Avatar Notification) but I quickly learned that nobody wanted to help me, they all just wanted to see if the rumors were true and maybe get a picture. Eventually I stopped responding and eventually my avatar fell out of the popular meme rotation.
BEEP. BEEP. UAN! Someone's interacting with your character! 😊
BEEP. BEEP. UAN!! Someone's interacting with your character.
BEEP. BEEP. UAN!!! Respond you asshole! You should log on!
"Uhg! Fine!"
I left my lunch (thinking I would return to it real soon) and went to my game room to log on.
I woke to a girl poking my cheek. I snapped at her fingers.
"Oh! Fuck!" She pulled her hand away, shaking off the close call, "you're hard to wake up! Not much for answering your UAN's huh?"
Standing over me was a girl of maybe nineteen. Her clothes draped and flowed about figure in Cleric glory. Great. A fucking cleric. She wouldn't've stood out more. Dark skin with undoubtably "sea green" eyes. Her hair was done up in some completely unattainable style that was loopy with braids and pigtails sectioned into pompoms; it was a shade of maroon that says, "I'm a supporting character, but I want to think I'm a main character!"
"Is it true you've been down here six months?"
"Out. Of. Game. I've been 'down here' six months out of game."
"Holy cow, man! That's a while."
"Did you need something?"
"Excuse me?"
I made cold eye contact with her, "Did. You. Need. Something?"
"Uh... wellllllll, I heard a rumor that there was some poor fuck stuck down here who can't get himself out."
"Oh. Fantastic." An awkward silence split between us, "well, thanks for stopping by. Take a screenshot, it'll last longer."
She stared blankly at me, "no. I think you misunderstand. I'm here to help you."
"I'm here to help you."
I couldn't think. Couldn't fathom this thing unfolding in front of me, "what?"
She began to fiddle with the chains on my wrist.
"Wait, no!"
She looked down at me the way a mom would look at her two-year-old who says he doesn't want to eat mashed potatoes because they have eyes and he doesn't want to eat mashed eyeballs.
"Wait." As my heart pounded loudly in my chest, I asked her, "what do you want from me? Like, you—you can't just want to let me go. You must want something from me."
She sat back down on her heels and looked away, her lips followed her eyes away from me and back, and she said, "Well, no. Not really. Like I said: I heard there might be some poor fuck who was trapped and couldn't get out on his own. I thought for my first adventure, I'd go get 'im." Then she went right back to messing with the chains.
I laughed and shook my head.
She stood up and put her hands on her hips, pouting. Lordy, she was cute. The puzzled look on her face gave me some hope that maybe she might actually be able to save me. With a huff she sat down again and confessed, "you're the only reason I got this game. You're a meme, a legend. You're so classic that you're practically nonexistent. Every time this game comes up in social media you're mentioned. On all the subreddits, and in the deepest parts of tumblr—you're there. I just had to come see if you were real, and I was—and still am—planning that if you were actually here that I would help you out."
"No catch?"
"No catch."
I smiled to myself, knowing now that it was I who had the advantage. I could use her. After all, every party needs a healer. Now I just had to make sure she wouldn't ditch me anytime soon. "Are you sure you don't want to try and find a catch? I was a level 52 before this whole ordeal."
She perked up, "what's your level now, cowboy?"
"What?! You're so dilapidated and all your equipment was stolen. H-HOW?"
"Cause I'm just that awesome." This should do it.
"I've changed my mind!"
"I want you as a bodyguard! For two years—"
"One year."
"Alright, one year." She looked like she wanted to ask me to shake on it, but then thought better of it, "can I please help you out now?"
Very quickly, and with very little trouble she released me from my chains. Bruises and scars tattooed my wrists and ankles. How the coding of this game works is literally so fucking far beyond me. I pulled my limbs into myself, feeling the stiff resistance of time.
"Can you get up?"
Without needing to consider it I said, "no, I don't think so. Do you have any potions that will give me a boost?"
"Oh yes! I knew that if I found you, you'd need medical help immediately, so I spent all the gold from my—"
"All your gold??? Are you stupid?"
"Whaaaa? I-I... I—just—"
"Whatever. We'll figure it out. What potions do you have?"
She nodded very curtly, and pulled up her bag contents and read them off to me: "fifteen Good Health Potions, fifteen Great Health Potions, fifteen Fantastic Health Potions, ten Boost 'Ems, seven Leaves Of Health, two Gladiator Liquid Bandages and two Beats of Life. What'll it be?"
"Gimme a Boost 'Em."
She tapped on the icon and a Boot 'Em materialized in her hand. She put it out to me, but when I grabbed for it, she pulled away. I of course made eye contact with her, thinking she was gonna pull a fast one on me. Instead she said, "Valhalla."
"What?" My immediate confusion fell away into fear. This must be a trick. But why would she do that? It doesn't make any sense. I'm clearly smarter than her. It's me that's tricking her, why would she—
"That's my name. Valhalla."
The interruption of my panicked thinking threw me off guard. That's a stupid name. Before I could tell her how stupid I thought her name was she put the Boost 'Em in my hand.
Taking the potion, I had trouble removing the cork. Valhalla silently offered her help, but I shooed her away. I grumbled something about how I was perfectly capable of doing it myself.
With much effort and significant struggling, I yanked the cork out and threw it over my shoulder. Only for it to bounce off the wall and back into my lap. With the kind of drunken vigor seen at taverns I swallowed the creamy blue liquid. The moment it touched my lips, a feeling of power hit me like caffeine in a low-calorie energy drink. Going down my throat it felt like warm milk and honey. Electrifying energy flowed outward from my middle. It snaked its way through my arms and legs. It made my fingers and toes tingle like pins and needles.
I leapt up, a new man. I knew this wouldn't last long, and I knew that later this would end up hurting me more, but fuck.
Fuck this feels good.
"Do you have any weapons?"
"Uh, yeah." Valhalla pulled up her bag again and tapped on the Equipment tab. "What do you want?"
There were certainly more weapons than should have been in her bag if she had just started, let alone had spent all her starter gold on potions. I chose to ignore this. "I'll take the mace." I reached up and engaged with the weapon. The heavy steel handle materialized in my outstretched hand. By the look on her face, it must have been the first time Valhalla had seen anyone engage. I'm glad I was able to be the one to show her, in all the glory I could muster.
"This is a pretty nasty weapon, baby." I swung it a couple of times, feeling the weight; testing the blow power.
"I picked it up because I liked the color!"
I laughed, "I guess I overlooked the purple steel, but this will do nicely."
"Nicely for what?"
"Do me a favor, doll. You see that door over there? Go knock."
"Okay, but," she came right up close to me and stuck her face in mine, "I'm not a fucking doll."
I followed her as she warily walked to the door of the goblin woman's kitchen. Valhalla knocked timidly on the door.
"Come in!" The goblin wench cooed, "I just baked some fresh cookies! We can pose next to the body if you want!"
I caught Valhalla frown and furrow her brows at "the body".
Oh how sweet this will taste, I thought as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I passed in front of Valhalla whispering, "stay back."
I slid through the open door. The goblin hag had her back to me, this couldn't have been planned more perfectly. I crept up behind her with my mace raised above my head and my six-foot-five shadow engulfed her. She turned around with horror, a tray of cookies in hand. Her eyes widened and she tensed as if she were to scream.
But I didn't give her a chance.
"Your actions have consequences."
I let the mace fall down upon her head. The crack of her skull resonated harmoniously with the clang of the cookie sheet on the ground. Giddy joy sprung forth from me as I smashed the mace into her again and again. The second blow shattered her ribcage. Her ribs sprang up and splintered through her tissue. Smashing her hands made her fingers pop off, they flew in all directions. A blow to her thigh created a fountain. Warm blood hit my bare chest, my exposed legs. It splattered on my face. It coated my hands. It made the mace slippery in my hands. Her blood soaked what little was left of my shorts. It sprayed the walls, the kitchy table and chairs, the coffee pot and baking ingredients. Blood decorated the cookies that now laid scattered on the floor. 
Satisfied by the pulpy mound of oozing, squirting flesh and bone I subsided. Reaching down, I tore a blood-soaked rag from her dress. Turning to the wall I wrote LEAVE.
Standing back, I let out a heavy sigh. The effects of the Boost 'Em would soon wear off. I turned around and cracked my neck. I looked over in Valhalla's direction, but over her head. "I need some new clothes." I declared.
She stared at me. Her eyes pulled mine in and her mouth morphed into a grin, "fuck. YEAH!"
"Dude she called you 'the body'. And we both know that she was the reason you were stuck down here. Plus: THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I am so glad I came to find you! Best $130 dollars I ever spent." She then ran up and hugged me. The contact made me tense up.
I shook out of her embrace, "let's get out of this dungeon."
She led the way out. It was different from the way I had come in. We walked down the hallway that I had stared at for so long, hoping that somebody, anybody would come for me. Not ten feet into the tunnel we turned a corner and there was the exit. My stomach dropped. I felt sick.
It had been so close the whole time. Learning this made me want to revive that sonofabitch just to kill her all over again.
Emerging into the sunlight hurt my eyes. I was blinded.
What a sight we must have been. Myself: six-five, soaked in blood, starved, almost naked. Her: small, sweet-looking, fresh-faced, and not a drop of blood on her.
I still couldn't really see when somebody started talking. "Hey, are you guys okay?"
"Oh, we're fine," Valhalla sang sweetly sang sweetly next to me. At that very moment, I lost all my energy. My health bar plummeted, and sirens rang through my headset. My vison flashed red. I fell to the ground.
The group that had approached watched, alarmed. Valhalla looked like she wanted to eat her words.
Stupid girl. She had no idea what to do.
I had fifteen seconds before I'd die. This had happened once before when my former party and I had just started the game. We got attacked by a level 20 dragon and one strike had me seeing red.
10 seconds.
They were bickering about the best course of action. They had no idea I was on the brink of death. Valhalla stared at me looking like a lost idiot.
The sky began to spin. Valhalla's blurry silhouette swayed above me.
Did she forget about all that stuff she bought? How many gaming hours did she log before she came to find me? Did she even go on the tutorial adventure? I mean, you can technically skip it, but—
"BEAT." I coughed out then my head lolled.
The party erupted into tense panic.
5 seconds.
Oh please, please Valhalla. Please don't let me die. After all, you told me you came to save me. So save me!
Just as if she could hear my internal pleas, a beat was shoved in my mouth and my jaw forced upward from the outside to crush it. The juicy tuber gushed in my mouth. I felt Valhalla's hand on my lips, pressing down to keep everything in. I'd heard rumors of the experience of Beat of Life. Some players said they almost wish their party members would have let them die. The juice was hot, potent, and sour. So sour is made my jaw ache. It felt like someone was twisting a wheel, making my jaw tighter and tighter. My teeth felt like they were going to pop out of their gums. It burned my throat, made my eyes water and my nose run. My stomach did not want to accept it. I wanted to throw up, but I couldn't move. Hot flashes waved through my body. An ocean of churning heat pushed and pulled at my organs, my brain. I could feel myself sweating. Growing hotter by the moment. My head swam. My limbs grew numb. I passed out.
I was saved. Unconscious, but saved.
But Valhalla didn't know that. Stupid girl, skipping the tutorial. What was she thinking? Guess I'd have to ask her when I woke up.
And so I took off my headset and it was dusk.
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lovelybrittxo · 4 years
where do I even start?
I’m literally only writing this for myself since typing a whole novel out on the computer is way easier than writing this in a physical journal which is what I normally do. I come to Tumblr though when I have way too much to say and don't know how to say it. I just need to get it off my chest before I blow up. so here it goes...
shall we start at the beginning? I grew up in a decently religious household. my mom, sister and I went to church almost every Sunday with all our aunts and uncles. don't get me wrong, I still believe in God and whatnot and I wouldn't change my upbringing in the church for anything. but it may have suppressed my views on the world. something my aunt said to me a few years ago has stuck to brain ever since and I can't seem to shake it. she told me that she actually believes that being gay is a sin and that you can love the sinner but not the sin. so like, she believes if you're gay, you can be gay but don't act upon it/the sin. she believes, for example, that being trans is a mental illness. like, I just can't wrap my head around that. and honestly, she spoke with so much conviction and “sense” that she actually had me fooled to think the same way for a hot second. and then to learn that my other “cool” aunt also believes this... kinda sad. both of those aunts have literally talked down upon family (and our family is very tight knit) and people they love... what would they do if they ever found out about me?
ive felt a lot of feelings ever since I was young. mostly towards males... but also towards females. I just thought the female part was me wanting to be like them or be their friend and just have them like me and accept me as a chill person to be around. but fast forward to a couple years ago. I was bombarded (in a good way) by social media flaunting (in a good way lol) different sexualities and things. its hard to describe but that “world” was just becoming more prominent to me I guess.
I started to try and put my religious upbringing in the background so I could focus on trying to figure out who I really was. ive been doing this for at least a couple years now. and although im still trying to really figure it out, right now half way through 2020, I think im getting closer to an answer. and guess what has helped me the most? tiktok lmao! no but for real, the internet is an amazing place for discovery in any form. after I started to get into real communities online (like kpop and penpaling) i’ve never felt more connected to the internet and it allowed me to try and find real personal help... if that makes any sense. i’ve just tried to put myself out there and not just google my feelings but piece together a map from asking real people over the Internet here and there to try and figure out who I am.
sometime last year (or maybe earlier) I found a YouTube video of a popular creator retelling her coming out story. I just randomly commented on the video about how I had been feeling, not to get a reply but just to comment. but then I actually got a real reply (not from the creator but still a nice person). they said something along the lines of me basically being bicurious. I had never in my life heard of such a word and I had thought that this person was just making it up. one google search later I found out it was a real thing. although at the time of first looking it up I was still very confused about the word... still kinda am? lol. however, just a couple weeks ago I had seen a post somewhere (an ad I think selling pride flags) saying there was an official bicurious flag. I was in shock. I thought it was a scam, but its not, it’s real (I just don't think it’s talked about very often cause it doesn't seem like a solid sexuality that you can claim your entire life). but anyway.
now what i’m gonna say next I don't want to come off in the wrong way (you nonexistent person reading this lol), but I feel like dating a trans person brought me into that “world” a bit more. like, i had literally never met anyone who was trans before him or anyone who was gay or used a they/them pronoun... never. but in his world, all of that was common and normal. and this is where I don't want to come off wrongly... I don't wanna make it seem like because I dated a trans person i’m qualified to be included in the LGBT community now or to talk about LGBT stuff or whatever. I just think because I dated him, it opened up my shallow world a bit. especially because he’s open about it (on a side note I always loved looking at his huge trans flag above his bed. that was the first flag I had really ever memorized because of him. besides the rainbow one obviously lol). like, his best friend uses they/them pronouns, and although i’ve always been aware of that, i’ve only ever seen things about it through YouTube videos and whatnot. I had never had to actually use those pronouns for anyone I knew in real life until I met his best friend. like, everything I knew about that “world” had only been through online researching/consuming. i’d never experienced it in real life before.
I remember one night we talked about it a little. I knew he was bisexual and so I asked him if he’d ever dated a guy. he asked me if I would ever date a girl and i just said that I had always thought about it and that my tinder profile was set to find both genders. then we talked about pride since it was at the beginning of quarantine and we didn't know if parades were still gonna happen or not yet. he said I could always go as an ally because I told him I felt ashamed and like I shouldn't be allowed to attend a pride parade. (of course he reassured me I can go and he wasn't shocked about me liking both genders at all...he just said ‘nice’ lol)
I still have a little inkling in the back of my mind that I still shouldn't be able to attend though. honestly because I don't know what I would be attending as. I feel like an imposter. I don't want people thinking that im doing all this for attention or just because I dated one person in the LGBT community. i’ve been struggling with this for so long... but it just so happens that now at 27 years old im coming to terms with who I am. I just feel like because I didn't figure it out earlier that I’m not “worthy” of being included. I feel like such an outsider because no one’s “invited” me in yet lol because im still trying to figure it out.
and on the same note, I don't feel like i’m worthy because I still really don't have a solid answer. at the moment I just use bicurious because ive never dated a girl before. the trans guy ive been talking about has been the only person i’ve ever been romantically involved with. im serious. I made it 26 years without being with anyone in any type of way. I feel like I don't have the right to call myself bisexual. however, I feel a tiny bit more confident in using that label maybe after I do end up dating a girl in the future and not feel guilty about using it because that same guy calls himself bisexual but told me right out one day that he’s way more attracted to girls than guys and im in the same situation but opposite. the only difference at this point in time is that he’s dated both and I haven't. but thennnn on the other hand, do I even need to label myself at all right now??
even if I did wanna come out, I don't wanna do it until I really have a solid answer about my identity. i just feel like such a fraud or something because im trying to figure it out so late. and like, im going so over the top with my support this year because I feel like I should fit in and maybe im trying too hard? again, I just don't want people thinking its because I dated one trans guy and all of a sudden im huge into the LGBT community. it’s not like that. all of this is just helping me bring out my true self. ugh this is the part where it gets confusing to put into words. i’m aware and I have pure intentions. im just trying to figure out myself after a long time of trying to figure out myself lol
some days the research is overwhelming. there's so many facts and opinions and different people’s stories and labels. as crazy as it sounds I just want someone who’s been gay their whole life to come up and tell me “yup, your bisexual no doubt” lol or something like that. I guess I just want to be validated in my exploration. and i’ve seen random tiktok comments saying stuff like that, that validates me, but the difference is that their comments aren’t directed specifically to me. they don't know me personally. it’s hard to have a random social media comment resonate with me. honestly, and this may sound selfish and not right, but when I was talking to the guy I was seeing, I almost wish he just told me straight out what I was that day. but instead he said I could go to Pride as an ally. and that was probably just him being respectful and not forcing me to be anything, but it almost had the opposite effect on me. by saying I was an ally it felt like he was giving me that permanent label even after telling him I like guys and girls.... ya know?
something recently happened to me that really stuck with me and I was so happy. I have a penpal who is very southern Texas raised religious. she knows the Bible better than I do. I had posted a Pride doodle I did on my Instagram at the beginning of this month and she was the only one who personally responded with an encouraging and supportive dm. if she can support whole heartedly the LGBT community and still love God, then why can't I?? and that's when I trulyyyy knew that I was right and my aunt’s were wrong and I wasn't going insane lol
I wanted to buy a bicurious or pride flag recently. but then was torn when I saw the ally flag (which I also didn't know existed until recently) and the bisexual flag. I know they're just flags but it feels so solid?? like you buy one when you know what you are.... and I don't yet. so I ended up not buying one at all :/
again, there was no purpose to this post because I know no one is going to read it but I just had to type it out into the world so I didn't have to bottle it up anymore.
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viva-la-fangirl · 5 years
Yesterday Part 3
Yesterday Part 1 and Part 2
*tumblr has flagged Part 2 for ‘adult content’ but I’ve appealed it so hopefully it works
Not that many care- last semester of school was hell and I’m trying to write my own shit so this fell back on the list. I’m finally motivated to write the third part to this.
words: 1.1k
Warnings: mention of assault, prolly bad grammar and spelling
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Your stomach turned on the way to Queen’s practice. You couldn’t eat. Sleeping was nearly nonexistant and every time you thought your mind had wondered off into another topic- your ex would spring back in your mind.
He’s out. He can find you. He can hurt you.
It had taken Roger nearly an hour of begging to get out to tell the other guys. The guilt weighed on you like a horse on your back. But why did you feel so guilty? Your ex hurt you. It should be him that felt guilty. Was it because of everything he put Freddie, Bri, Deaky and Roger through before you ended the relationship? Was it because you made excuse after excuse to make his actions seem understandable.
Looking out of the car window all of those questions filled your head. You barely registered walking up to the studio and through the door.
“(Y/N) how lovely to see-- you look like trash darling,” Freddie greeted you first. His signature down-to-earthiness made you smile a little but it didn’t get rid of the waves of guilt, pain, and embarrassment that continuously washed over you.
“Is everything all right?” Deaky spoke up first. He had always been your silent supporter and you loved him for it. After becoming quick friends with Freddie through uni, Deaky was the first one you grew close with. His soft personality was something you really clicked with. Now, it hurt even more just the thought of your ex insulting him to his face and even worse behind his back.
“Yeah... yeah everythings-” You look at Roger. His stern and clenched jaw gave away the true nature of the conversation at hand. “No actually. Roger and I got a call this morning. A courtesy call,”
“A courtesy call for what?” Brian made his way closer to Roger, sensing his unease and frustration.
“Um... well my ex is...”
“He’s out,” Roger finished for you and stormed away. “He’s bloody out of jail. Beats her within an inch of her life and they sentence him to 15 years and he serves what? A little over 3? It’s absolute rubbish and those cock-suckers are going to pay for letting him out,” Roger looked around like he was going to throw something. Brian, being the most experienced with Roger’s mood laid a peaceful hand and Roger knew what that meant. Calm down. Shit sucks but this is not the time or the place. 
Roger’s eyes were angry but his face softened a little.
“Is that true?” Brian looked at you confused. Hoping that what Roger said was wrong.
“Yes,” you breathed out. Your throat hot and tight.
Another wave of reality hit you and nearly caused you to fall. Freddie ran over to make sure you didn’t slam headfirst into the doorframe. He placed you on a cloud-like sofa.
“Oh love,” he mumbled. “I’m so sorry. I just... can’t believe... I’ll sue them for everything they have if he lays a hand on you” Freddie whispered gently into your ear.
“Thanks Fred,” you mumbled back.
The room was silent for a second. Everyone took in what that meant for them. What it meant for you.
“He shouldn’t be able to find you,” Bri- always the logical one started to try and calm your fried nerves. “You and Roger don’t have your address or phone number listed anywhere and your house is gated.”
“I’m a public figure now,” your voice was horse and dry. “He’ll easily be able to figure out where Queen is playing, and where to go if he wants to find me,” you felt hot tears spring in your eyes. Your body shook. “I’m so scared,”
You thought you heard sirens. At first, they were far away, so far you questioned you heard them. You allowed yourself to close your eyes. Why did you eyes hurt that bad? Why did your face feel wet? When you allowed yourself to open them again the sirens were so loud they pierced your eardrums.
Everything hurt. Your eyes, your ears, your chest, arms, legs, face. You could feel your blood pulsing in your brain.
Why was someone shining a light in your eye? It was annoying and very rude.
“MIss? Miss? Can you hear me?” a calm but urgent woman’s voice called through water. It was thick and muffled.
Of course I can hear you. You wanted to say but as soon as you took a breath it felt like needles scrapping down your throat. You instantly coughed and heaved. Why did it hurt to breathe? Your body started to shake. What was happening? Why couldn’t you move? Why did the air smell like pennies?
“Help,” was all you managed to get out before your eyes forced themselves closed.
It wasn’t until hours afterward that you were told what happened. Well, you had to be told because you barely remembered it.
You remember you and your ex at dinner. He brought a ring out. His greasy smile flashed asking you to marry him. You remembered your gut dropping as you realized this would mean a lifetime of abuse and division between your marriage and friends.
You remembered you said no. That was it.
Considering you didn’t have any family in the country you listed your best friend Freddie Mercury as your emergency contact. You knew you could always count on him. What you didn’t count on was him bringing along Brian, Deaky, and Roger to the hospital.
They saw everything. Brian and Deaky sat silently. You knew they were crying but they didn’t show it. Freddie started yelling at the cops to do their job and find your ex who did this to you. Roger threw chairs, he punched a wall that left a good-sized hole and cussed out everyone.
It was the first time you felt safe in 2 years.
“Don’t worry love,” Roger came over and bent down to your level. “We’ll double security and have his picture at every entrance. No one will let him near you,”
“You can’t promise that,” you weakly stated. It was true and they all knew it. No one could watch you 24 hours a day. The boys kept making promises and personal statements about how they would come over if Roger wasn’t able to be there. Someone would always be with you.
No matter how good the intentions, the crushing pressure of your ex being out didn’t go away.
Eventually, the boys started rehearsing but always glanced in your directions as you sat peacefully on the couch.
During a break Roger came over and laid his head beside yours.
“How we doing love?”
“I want it to be yesterday,”
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sovonight · 5 years
hello, i followed you for your gravity falls art and eventually you art in general. it’s been a while since i came back to tumblr and i see your art has changed to star wars? i was looking through it and i’m curious - could you elaborate who Cel/Jason and Atton is? they were really interesting and i would like to know more about them! also, is it okay to study your art because i love your art akdjakdkak (and if you cld, some tips on drawing people like you do?)
hey welcome back! and yeah of course– atton and the exile (customizable player character, mine’s named cela) are from the rpg knights of the old republic 2. atton’s a pilot & a scoundrel, he’s into pazaak (space blackjack), and he’s easy to love but ooh he’s got a dark secret. he goes around like hey i’m just a regular guy, one of the non-force-sensitive masses, but turns out he’s force sensitive, and oh yeah, has done Some Shit. he’s a love interest which got me shipping him & the exile to begin with, but romances in the game are nearly nonexistent, so it’s like he flirts at you once every blue moon while you never get to tell him you like him. but it works
jason and celandine (cel for short) are atton and cela’s counterparts in what i’ve been calling the celestial exile au (and the reason for the name change is bc the au kinda got away from the source material, so it felt like they should be defined separately)
and as for studying, yeah that’d totally be ok! hmm,,, i’m trying to think of tips, but it’s a big question and i can’t think of anything particularly special that i do atm;; if you had a specific aspect in mind though, lemme know and i’ll see if i can answer it
one thing i like about your art is your shape so i wanna study that. the fact you can draw people with minimal detail is what i admire a lot about your style. your style is also so diverse,, it’s so beautiful i just want to study it and i hope i can Askskakskk
ahh thank u so much///// and oh i can at least say something abt the minimal detail part! for me that one comes from experimenting with paring down lines until you get a feel for what you need to define and what you don’t. i also found that it got a lot easier after i got more confident in my lines and what i was looking for
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