#feel free to turn this into a proper thread if you'd like :)
halfdeadsacrifice · 9 months
🎁 for Hilda!
Vayu stared for a moment, leaning one hand against a tree. A few paces away, almost a shadow against the twilight, was a girl -- rather, the girl, the one who was to be brought back to the town of Stadel.
A drawback of spending most his time away from town was that he was too disconnected from whatever situation it was to understand the story behind that bounty, but looking at its subject, something seemed wrong about the whole situation. Some part of him had already made up his mind on what he was going to do about this.
He kept distance between them, and spoke cautiously. "I heard a scream in the woods, somewhere."
Maybe it was her. Maybe she was only chasing it, same as him.
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krohft · 2 years
"in about a moment you'll be sorry you didn't listen to me."
Lara bristled at the statement , unease making her toes tingle . The woman was smart , likely well - traveled and far less impulsive than her . She knew more about the environment than anyone else she'd spoken to — undoubtedly more than books and maps and the odd mural could have taught her . If she wanted to live , perhaps listening for once wasn't the worst idea . 
❝ I'm sorry . I'm not feeling particularly trusting these days , ❞ Lara offered after a beat of silence , loosening her grip on the bow . ❝ You said there's another way out ? ❞
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Subtlety wasn't her best quality , she supposed ; but there was no reason to argue about her lack of social etiquette when they were still in danger of being squashed by a thousand tons of limestone . The aftershock wouldn't be long off either . Better get out of here while they could , and talk later . 
❝ We should be two clicks north of the citadel now . ❞
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shdwtouch · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: my alias is Puffin, folks can call me Selkie tho. both work, I use both, so I'm not particularly picky either way ! whichever folks prefer.
ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS: anything ! they/she/he, though I default to she/they.
MUSE NAME: I've got two kiddos, Shade and Kaey ! Kaey is my older muse, I've been writing him since 2012, while Shade is a newer edition to my collection of ocs. I love them both, they're both my literal children at this point.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Discord please ! tumblr IMs are just... I lose track of them very easily, probably because they're not like. right in front of me / always where I can see them. whereas in Discord I can keep track of folks and conversations much easier. in general, I just feel more comfortable discussing via Discord. its also good for roleplay, if folks are okay with that ! but yeah, Discord all the way.
EXPERIENCE: I have been roleplaying since I was... I literally just confirmed, at least 10 years old. I started out on forums. ever heard of Chicken Smoothie ? its a pet adoptable website, and where I really got into roleplay. from there I was introduced to tumblr by a friend, discovered tumblr rp, and... I've been here ever since. that was back in 2012; I was just about to turn 13, and I'm currently just about to turn 25, so. I've been here awhile. been writing and roleplaying for over half my life at this point.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I'm partial to casual discussion style roleplay, but I also really love just. writing. so. it may take some time to get me in the proper headspace to sit down and write, but its always satisfying to be able to. however, casual discussion style is more accessible, definitely. just easier and quicker. but I will always value writing and reading solid threads, solid interactions. seeing it come together, getting excited about it... its what I love about roleplay, and I wouldn't trade it for anything, even if other things are easier or faster. nothing good comes easy, or so they say, right ? idk. I'm old-fashioned I guess.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: oof, lets see. immediate dealbreakers: no trigger or nsfw tags (especially if there is nothing that says there won't be; I can understand some blogs preferring not to tag if its standard content), no rules or about, posting callouts and witch hunting behavior (ESPECIALLY if its just interpersonal or petty grievances, I have ZERO tolerance for this). pet peeves... I'm pretty chill. just treat me with respect, communicate with me like an adult, and we'll be fine.
PLOTS OR MEMES: yes ? but like, logically speaking... memes are more likely to happen with me than plots, cuz I'm slow and struggle with that kind of pressure. so memes are probably the best way, yeah. but low / no pressure casual discussion ? vibing until we figure something out ? sign me the fuck up !
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: another yes. it really depends, I feel like I fall somewhere in the middle. a couple short paragraphs is my default, but I know for some folks thats considered long, and for others still short. so. I'm dynamic. I'll admit that I'm wordy, I like fleshing out interactions with thoughts and actions when I can, so I would say I'm probably more inclined to long style. I know I've started a few short dialogue threads then ended up getting 1+ paragraph responses, so. but I also don't expect my partners to match length ! idc if other people write short replies, so long as I have something to build off of. "yes, and" rules and all that !
BEST TIME TO WRITE: when the world is dark and sleeping. or when the moon aligns with my medication and energy levels. so... mostly at night. I get a lot of stuff done in the dark of night; I don't feel like I'm being perceived by my family so I feel free to move around and do more tbh. less distractions, too.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: yes. not intentionally, but yes. Shade moreso than Kaey, but Kaey and I still have similarities. I think most writers bleed into their work somehow, and I don't think its something to be ashamed of. for me its. I write and create to cope, right ? so having characters I can relate to, that I can see myself in, helps me... feel better about things. like, if Shade and Kaey can do stuff then I can to ! plus, I won't lie, seeing myself in my muses also helps for introspection. I genuinely feel like I've been able to become a better person by acknowledging my similarities and learning from them, whether through interaction or otherwise. and, of course, the reverse is also true: I learn a lot about Kaey and Shade by exploring my own identity and perspective and how I interact with the world and others.
tagged by: no one, I stole it tagging: @triinitas @anishael @starlixir @asangel @p-aladin @bloodyarn @bloodtwin @elliscousland @kurjaks @never-surrender
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jellyluchi · 3 years
Prosciutto's Fluff Alphabet
A/N: just some HCs I'd wanted to see for him a long time ago. Now that I feel more comfortable writing, I thought I'd do it for myself also because I just love Pros fluff so much.
Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He likes to think his activities are more cultured than anything else. Who else would be pretentious about his interests than this man? Activities like visiting places like museums and art galleries, dining at fancy restaurants, happen often but not frequently. He's not opposed to simply staying home with you in your presence either or going on a walk in the park. In reality, he loves spending quality time with you any way he can, he has so little of it and the best way to spend it is with you.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Just like how Prosciutto believes in spiritual strength or weakness, he believes in inner beauty. Nothing is more beautiful to him than potential and will. But that doesn't mean you have to have either of those to be particularly beautiful to him. When he loves you, he starts to see that about you naturally, and it makes him think you've had those qualities about you the whole time. Physically, he can't help but love your eye.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
You are so lucky. Prosciutto just so happens to be attuned to your emotions. While it takes a bit of time, he certainly knows well the type of things that make you happy. He's also a very good listener when it comes to hearing any problems you may be having. His shoulder is always there to cry on and his arms will envelope you with his warmth whenever you need. He likes to communicate so sometimes you'd have to tell him exactly what you want. Sometimes, if you allow it, he'll advise you and ask for the root of your hurt or worry. He will never push you to speak if you don't want to.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Pros is a planner by nature. When he starts to regard your relationship as serious, he automatically starts picturing you in his future. Being a traditional man, he dreams of a proper wedding and a perfect family with kids. He knows it's dangerous to get married or have kids in his line of work, that's why they're just dreams. Like the ones he used to have as a child but got crushed along the way. He's just happy you're there so he can dream about it.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Very dominant, that's true. He doesn't take control of every single part of your life though, just some parts he considers to be traditionally masculine. Such as paying for dates, or even planning them often. A relationship with him always starts with him being the more dominant person but there is an eventual balance between you two that he likes. But expect him to assert his dominance over you throughout your relationship in various ways. It's in his nature to need to be in charge.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Prosciutto is a confrontational person, he doesn't like to let feelings fester until they turn into fights. He's upfront about his feelings, boundaries, rules etc. He likes to have discussions but that doesn't mean fights don't happen. He takes his time to reflect after fights and tries his best to see things from your perspective since it's something he struggles with. But eventual forgiveness is most likely to happen. He usually ends up giving the cold shoulder or a lecture when fighting, no in between.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Prosciutto goes everyday remembering that his life hangs on by a thread that is so easy to cut. He truly believed he wouldn't be able to find real love in a place like this. So he's more grateful than he can express to you. The fact that he has you to come home to, to love, and to love him back, it's more than he could ask for. He's also an attentive partner, and with acts of service as one of his love languages, he would never miss anything you do for him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Depending on whether you are a civilian or part of the mafia, he may hide his work from you. But even then, he knows he can't hide it for too long. In a real relationship, he values honesty, so he would come clean but he would need time. However, he won't share everything, especially not immediately, he'll need time to open up to you fully.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
His life has hardened him over time, dwindling his optimism and hope. Before you, he was incredibly lonely and in denial of his loneliness. Your presence softened his tough demeanor over time ad even helped him see the silver linings in his life. While he still knows the dangers of living the way he does, he now actively wants to be alive for your sake instead of accepting his deathly fate. He also helps you toughen up when you need to or even soften your edges when he thinks it would be good for you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Prosciutto wants to believe he's self-assured enough to not be jealous. But even he is human and has moments where he does feel slightly possessive over you. This is most apparent when he sees you interacting with his team mates. It's not that he doesn't want you to have fun, he just denies his bouts of insecurity. But with trust and lots of physical affection behind closed doors he's much better.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
An experienced kisser, he knows what he's doing with his tongue when he uses it. He has a variety of them too, soft kisses, bruising kisses, lingering kisses etc. Your first kiss with him was likely a proper romantic kiss. He's the type to ask you if it's alright for him to kiss you before leaning forward and taking your face by a hand. His kisses always leave you wanting more.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Not a shy ma by any means which is why he doesn't have trouble confessing. The only reason he would be hesitant is because he may not want to get you involved in his life or he may even misunderstand your feelings and assume you don't feel the same way. But he has resolve and will definitely use his opportunity to be straightforward with you saying he has feelings for you almost with a straight and stern face.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I'm sure you know by now how much he wants to get married. He's not the best at hiding it sometimes and his eyes linger on wedding dresses and rings when you two are out. It is likely he would propose in a place that is sacred to both of you, perhaps someplace where you shared a fond memory together. He absolutely has a beautiful speech planned. He would have a traditional wedding but the venue and attendance is completely dependent on your circumstances. What matters most to him is making you happy.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He's a classic man so he uses classic names. Other than your full name and abbreviated nicknames (if applicable) he choses to call you 'dear' and 'darling' the most. If you request him of course he has no qualms with calling you names you really wish to hear. Over time he eventually opts for 'honey', especially if you're married.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He's good at hiding his feelings from those he's not close to. But the people that know him well (his teammates) can spot differences in his behavior quite easily. He's very subtle with his show of love but they are there between dropping his strict façade and fond looks and touches that he gives you. If ever brought up, he will deny it vehemently, especially if he hasn't confessed yet.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Despite being naturally physical person, Prosciutto still thinks of his reputation which is why he's not partial to much PDA. However, he will occasionally hold your hand or keep an arm around your waist. Even if he's sparse with his shows of affection in public, he still likes the idea of letting others know you're with him. This is why most of his PDA comes through bragging about you than anything else, he has pride in his relationship.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
His aura is so daunting and intimidating, he may be able to use it t hi advantage when trying to convince someone to get things done for you. Not to mention his aging ability that gets you plenty of senior discounts. He also has several 'connections' and 'strings he can pull' if you want something shady or illegal at your fingertips.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Funnily enough, Prosciutto doesn't think of himself as romantic while being quite dutifully so. He doesn't realize how affectionate he' being when bringing you a beautiful rose or buying things you'd mentioned makes you happiest. He makes the cliché feel new every time he takes you out to dinner or a movie. But he's not opposed to take you somewhere else if you'd prefer. One thing is for sure, he's at your every beck and call, being your support when you truly need him.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
This is simply Prosciutto's forte, it's like asking if fish swim in water. You've never met someone who wants to see you shine within your personal dreams as eagerly as he does. It brings him so much joy to see you succeed in anyhing you do. Whether you are an assassin or a civilian with wildly different aspirations, he will do his utmost to make sure you have all he support you need. If anyone has got your back, it's Prosciutto.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Routine has built Prosciutto's life from the ground up. No matter the adversary, he fishes out a pattern to create some form of normalcy and repetition. While he prefers to keep it that way in the long term, he doesn't mind deviating from it every once in a while. If there is an adventure you want to go on, try something different, he'll be at your side. Plus, he believes in a good spontaneous vacation to feel at ease sometimes.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
At the beginning of your relationship, this is something Prosciutto struggled with. He has a tendency to forget not everyone is exactly like him, not even you. In fact, especially not you. While empathy is not easy for him to channel, he wants to see you happy which is why he tries his best. Eventually, he knows you very well, he has a habit of learning as much as he can about his partner and you aren't spared.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Prosciutto thought he was doomed when it comes to finding love before you came along. Of course it makes him value you and your relationship greatly. The two most important things are you and his job. It's a tightrope walk balancing your relationship and what he does but he tries his best to keep the balance. He would never want you to believe his work is more important than you so with some convincing he may be one of the members willing enough to leave the mafia for you.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When Prosciutto is truly vulnerable, you may catch moments where he acts rather silly, maybe even childish. They're incredibly rare and hard to catch but with you his playful side may come out of the woodwork. It's the most apparent when he doesn't realize he's being so carefree with his self-expression and doesn't mold his behavior back to being reserved.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private, he's a very cuddly and affectionate person, more likely to be all over you than not. When he knows there's no other people around, he's more demanding with kisses and cuddles, much like a cat coming to rub up against you without a word. It's his way of relaxing when he's stressed which is very often.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Whether you know it or not, he definitely has a photo of you neatly tucked into his wallet or breast pocket. It's one of his very prized possessions since he often takes it out when he's missing you during a mission. You are a reminder that he has to go back and stay alive. Sometimes, when he's especially feeling lonely without you, he may give you a call during his down time.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
His life is so dangerous, he has no choice but to lay down his life for his relationship if push comes to shove. Between the both of you it's likely he's more ready to do that. His pride is high, making him regard his relationship as a very high stake and if he has to hide you away from his life to protect you, he may convince you to do that, having as many enemies as he does.
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phantomwarrior12 · 4 years
A Timely Rescue
Prompt: All of y’all insisting on another chapter xD
Word Count: 2,478
Summary: Sometimes hunters are the ones who need to be rescued.
A/N: Hey folks!
It’s here at last! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Upon popular demand, here if chapter two of A Lonely World. I do apologize for the delay, y’all would not believe how crazy life has been since I released chapter one. And, since I wrote this one, I opened my dumbass to a whole ass series, so, y’all have that to look forward to! xD
So, feel free to leave a like/comment to let me know your thoughts! Without further adieu!
A Time To Know Your Enemy (Ch. 3)
The tip of biting steel traces along your skin, a whisper of fear over flesh as you stare with unwavering defiance into midnight.
This wasn't how the hunt was supposed to go. They weren't supposed to be here. This was supposed to be a vamp nest.
Your jaw sets as the blade draws blood and your features contort into a grimace, trying to conceal the searing fire that sings through your veins with an ill-timed, "That the best you got?" You're not prepared for the blade to delve deeper. You're not prepared for the tears to slip traitorously down your cheeks and provoke taunts from your tormentors.
"What was that, little hunter?"
"You gonna cry? We should find a spell that calls for the tears of a human and see just how many different techniques can bring a hunter to tears."
Spite and fury churn in a dangerous concoction in the pit of your stomach. Somewhere, there's a twinge of indignation. Somewhere, there's a building flame that ignites along your ribs and flares along your forearms. Somewhere, there's a nagging fragment that leaves you anxious and wondering if anyone is actually coming to your rescue.
The Winchesters don't know where you are. You're not sure if your prayers are reaching Castiel and there's no chance in heaven or hell that you're going to escape your bindings with two demons circling you.
Yet, despite the hopelessness tugging at your soul, somehow you know these demons are well and truly fucked.
At first, it's a blast of brilliant light that permeates every inch of the room, forcing your eyes shut and your face towards the floor. Then it's a deafening cacophony that splits the air in a high pitched whine that has you straining against your restraints in a desperate attempt to shield your ringing ears.
Somehow, through it all, you can hear the screams of your hell-spawned tormentors. You steal a glimpse of their collapsed frames, eyes burnt out and forms limp as the light and sound fades. As silence falls, you blink slowly, trying to clear the disorientation, barely registering footsteps off to your left. Hunter's instincts kick into overdrive and you're not sure if the newest arrival is better than the former company. You summon what strength you can, feebly wrenching your wrists against biting metal before you feel two fingers press tenderly against your temple and your frame eases beneath their touch. There's a faint whisper of something cool flourishing across your skin, a steady thrum of energy you swear you recognize from somewhere - somewhere celestial.
"Cas?" It's all you can manage in a feeble whisper, swiftly silenced by a violent scream that rips through your chest when the blade is pulled unceremoniously from your shoulder. And then it's gone. Wounds mend, bruises fade and the sharp ache in every muscle ebbs but your head feels heavy and your eyes beg to be closed. When you roll your head to the side, it isn't the tan trenchcoat of your angel friend, but rather dated leather and blue jeans. Confusion emerges victorious before your eyes sag shut and consciousness caves to exhaustion.
The next time you open your eyes, there's a soft breeze dancing through the curtains of your motel room, filtering sunlight streaming over sheets with each whisper of fresh air. The palms of your hands dig in, scrubbing at the sleepy daze over your eyes, willing it to disappear as you sit up on the ancient mattress with a series of squeaks and groans from the springs.
As your gaze shifts over the room you realize all is as you'd left it, a pristine order that suggested the previous evening's events hadn't happened. It's then that the memories come rushing back and you reach instinctively to check what should be a gaping hole in your shoulder.
"Rescued, right? Not Cas, he'd have stuck around," you murmur, swinging your feet onto the floor, fingers threading through disheveled hair, "Balthazar's still on the run...that leaves--" you lift your head, tugging the sleeve of your flannel up and stare at the patch of skin where the invisible sigil hums soothingly along frazzled nerves. Your fingers trace along the skin as your eyes squeeze shut, "Gabriel, I know what you are. I know you're there." You take an uncertain breath, a silencing anxious wave crashing over you. If the archangel is anything like his brother, he can sense it, but he doesn't come.
You wait a long moment before you summon the composure to speak, "Gabriel - I want to thank you...properly." Your eyes open and drift over the room, "Can you at least show yourself before you hit the road again? It's not every day an archangel comes to my rescue."
One. Two. Three minutes pass with utter silence, the only noticable trace of movement being the curtains.
Your shoulders sag, features falling with a dejected breath, "All right. Message received," you stand, moving over to your pack to retrieve a clean set of clothes, pausing only when you detect the unmistakable rustle of wings, "I didn't take you as the shy type, tough guy." You cast a glance over your shoulder, quirking an eyebrow.
"I like my dramatic entrances. Besides, I prefer the term cautious. Humans are unpredictable, and after Cassie let the cat out of the bag? Well, let's just say I'm not overly eager to have all of heaven on my tail any time soon by showing my mug once too often." Gabriel props himself against the bathroom doorframe.
"Then why come to my rescue?" Your head tilts as you turn, studying his blank features for any trace of the warmth they'd held the first night you'd met him, "Why the branding?"
"Is that a hint of disdain, sweetcheeks?" A cocky grin slides easily across soft lips, a mischievous glint flaring to life in alluring whiskey as they trail over your frame. You straighten up, fighting to maintain a detached expression despite the heat rising in your cheeks beneath his weighted gaze.
"Curiosity, at best. Enochian sigils seared into your skin is a little more drastic than getting a man's name tattooed on your arm after the first meeting. So, do I get to hear the story behind my new invisible ink?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Oh, I'm sure it ties in to that night at the bar, but why I earned such a rare branding is still a mystery. You brand every woman you meet?" There's a shadow of a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips as your arms ease into a comfortable cross in front of your chest.
"What happened to that 'proper thank you' you promised me?"
"I need some answers first." You gesture to the bed expectantly.
"Bed? I like where this is going." he flashes you a wry grin and a wink that sparks a stutter in your heartbeat.
"Don't get your hopes up, smartass." You retort as you take a seat on the mattress, determined to remain composed. Though, despite your best efforts, you're failing spectacularly. Your only saving grace is that maybe, just maybe, he won't notice.
"I'm nothing but hope, sweetcheeks," he glides onto the mattress beside you, leaving very little space between the two of you.
He knows. There's no way he couldn't and yet, you can detect nothing more than light-hearted heckling in those glimmering flecks of honey and hazel. The same warmth you'd glimpsed that night in the bar all those months ago. He's different. Granted, he's an archangel and that, no doubt, is to be expected. Still - he's different in a way you can't quite describe. In a way that's there, and yet just out of reach as he reclines on the bed, propped up on an elbow with a broad grin.
"You gonna ask your questions, sweetcheeks? Or just admire the view?"
You're flustered. You're out of your depth and this is stupid. So, you fall back. You slide further onto the bed and cross your legs, squarely facing the archangel and the grin fades to something unidentifiable. You wouldn't call it affectionate or heated but - you don't know what you'd call it as you adjust your flannel and roll your sleeves back down.
"Depends. You going to give me straight answers this time?"
"I gave you straight answers then," he tilts his head just enough to seem all the more adorable. Of course, he probably intends to it to convey his truthful intentions, but the glimmer in those honeyed hues is damned distracting.
"You did," it's a reluctant concession, "but you weren't altogether forthcoming. You left some key information out in those answers."
Gabriel's lips tug upwards into an almost condescending smirk as a golden brow arches, "You're a hunter, sweetheart. You know better than anyone that your opening line shouldn't be monster-related. And given your history with angels," the smirk falters and with it, the playfulness of his voice, "You'd have been out of that barstool in two seconds flat."
You look down at your hands, almost ashamed. He was right, you would have run, regrouped with the Winchesters. But in your experience, archangels haven't been on the side of humanity, and based solely on that fact, you'd never have let him as close as he had been that night - not by your side and certainly not in your arms.
His voice draws your gaze back to his features, "But you knew something was up. The moment I sat next to you, you tensed - like you sensed something was off about me." He props himself up a little higher, honey flecks flickering over your features as if he were trying identify that piece of your soul that separates the human from the monster-hunter, "Didn't you?"
His question is more of a statement than an inquiry and you offer a solitary nod.
"But you didn't run. That hunter alarm had to be going nuts." He slides a little closer, reaching a seated position, "You've been around my baby brother long enough to sense that--" he pauses, reaching out and his hand hovers over your knee, "spark - that faint buzz on the edge of your senses that only comes around when something divine enters the room."
A shy smile slips across your lips at the tingling sensation along your knee and you dare to meet his gaze, "Even if I hadn't, your inability to keep your grace in check gave you away."
He chuckles lightly, "You seemed drunk enough, I figured I'd test just how much. I could see the confusion in your eyes, but you...let it slide. Why?" There's intrigue building in his eyes, determination drawing his brows together into a gentle line.
"I thought I was asking the questions," you deflect, ignoring the sudden weight of his hand on your knee through the thin layer of your sweatpants - though when you'd changed from jeans to sweats, you had no idea.
"Indulge me." His head tilts and the rapid flutter of your heart forces your gaze to the dwindling space between you.
"I've - sensed that buzz in a room when an angel enters. Sam and Dean don't understand it," your fingers wind around the string attached to your pants, weaving in and out and over and under to occupy the anxious thrum through your veins, "but I can also sense their intentions. Their hatred when they're looking for a fight. Their fear just before that blade falls. Their anxiety," y/e/c locks with honey, "when they stride up to a hunter in a crowded bar and attempt to make small talk because they're just as lonely." Your voice fades to a soft murmur, "Their relief when they realize they're safe, if only for a moment, in a loud room with a complete stranger. And their warmth when the walls falter," you lean in, holding inches from the archangel's lips, "and they can be what they are."
"And what are they?"
You could swear there's a twinge of fear in his voice, as if a being of his magnitude could be terrified of the next words to come from a mortal's lips.
I'm on the highway to hell! Highway to hell--
Your shoulders sag, your chin dropping to your chest as you lean past him to pick up your phone, "Hold that thought."
He smiles gently, watching you stand from the bed and pace a few short steps away and answer the phone.
"Y/N! Thank God!" You can hear the relief in the eldest Winchester's voice, you can only imagine what his expression is, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine--"
"We've been trying to get ahold of you for hours. When you didn't check in last night, we got worried. What happened?" It's Sam's voice you detect next as you steal a glimpse over your shoulder at Gabriel who seems enthralled with a loose thread in your sheets.
"Wasn't a vamp nest," you lean against the dresser, watching the archangel absently, "It was a trap."
"A trap? A trap set by who?"
"I wish I knew. If--" you stop yourself as Gabriel lifts his head, concern flashing in whiskey as they lock with y/e/c.
"If what? Y/N, you still there?" Another twinge of fear in Dean's voice.
"I'm here. Uh," you rub the back of your neck, "If I hadn't brought my angel blade in, I'd have been screwed. I was jumped by two demons.
"How'd you escape?" Sam pries, no doubt exchanging a concerned look with Dean.
"Lucky, I guess. Everything's kind of a blur." Your fingers find their way to your temple as you begin to pace, taking your eyes off the archangel on your bed. "All I know is we'll need to have a chat with Crowley."
"Could be Abbadon, but we'll check it out all the same."
"Sounds like a plan." You turn, gaze falling to the empty bed and your heart sinks.
"Alright. Send us your location, we're on our way to you right now."
"Will do. See you in a couple hours." You hang up, hand falling to your side in defeated resignation. You drop the phone unceremoniously onto the bed and glance around the room, taking note of the brilliant red on your nightstand. You cautiously move around the bed, a soft smile tugging at the corner of your lips as fingers curl around the singular rose he'd left in his wake, something Enochian inscribed into the ribbon wound elegantly around the green stem. You'll need Cas to translate, but you realize you never got to ask your questions. Part of you wonders if his disappearing act was a deliberate attempt at preventing it. Though, one thing was for certain - the archangel had no concept of manners.
Would it kill him to bid a proper farewell for once?
Chapter 3
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funtimedancefloor · 3 years
đŸ‘« :) feel free 2 assume that in the future she knows what happened for Foxy to end up as he is
1)This applies to all of the Funtimes, but the guilt regarding her inability to get them out of the torture facility in one piece is RIDICULOUS. Me n' Sav Funbondedâ„ąïž's first thread revolved around her sneaking in there to try and hack into the computer systems to steal evidence about the Funtimes' "design choices." (the blueprints, for example) And so I definitely feel like it's safe to say she went down there at least once.
Yeah, technically her mission doesn't involve bailing animatronics out of robojail, but it's still something she desires and the sight of Foxy in an incomplete state without his family members with him is just soul crushing for her because she blames herself about it. Of course there's no way she could have known about Baby's plan or anything like that but that doesn't change her feeling. It's a big "what if" game basically.
2)Besides Ballora, I think Foxy would be her favourite of the funtimes....if not for aesthetic reasons, its because of his tendency to walk on all fours & act almost dog like at times. It's equal parts funny and cute. Especially when considering he thinks of himself as a dignified figure, at least in my mind he feels like he's a proper gentleman so something like that contrasts heavily w this idea.
3)For Foxy's side, I think one of the ways he might become more trusting of her would be from just her hanging out and speaking to him. It doesnt necessarily matter about what, and it probably wouldnt be specific to Honey, but to actually be around another person would be a welcome respite from just hearing your own voice and nothing else. The chance to actually listen to somebody else and have a real conversation would be a big help for his psyche. I believe that fnaf animatronics are naturally social beings just like humans are, and being alone for too long can really mess with them psychologically. Their instinct is to entertain people and to be unable to do that would not help matters.
4)I like to think that Honey makes the extra effort to see Foxy (and others that might have been discarded in the pizzaplex's utilidoors...whatever it is that disney world calls it?) whenever she can get the chance, because she knows she's likely the only company they ever get besides MAYBE a lost employee once in a great while. She goes to check up on him as much as she can, she stays to watch his shows and give him the chance to relive his glory days in a way the endos cant, she talks to him about anything she can come up with and generally keeps an eye on him (as well as the others). As trust builds, she might ask if it's okay that she takes a closer look at him with or without cosmetics, and perhaps fix him up as best she can. Make him as close to complete as possible. The only thing that sort of sucks about that is that she could never fix his speaker or even just make it so it doesnt go off like it did w Bonnie that one time... That's something that is an exclusively Funtime feature, something that Afton invented and even patented so that he's the only one who could even touch the things. And gods know he ain't gonna teach her about it, 'specially if he ever finds out she's out to kill him & liberate his creations.
Something extra that applies to all animatronics in general is that because she isn't QUITE human, she might feel more approachable than others. Sure, she hangs around them and used to be one, but if you just saw her passing by on the street you'd probably assume she was an animatronic, with the way she moves and can talk and do pretty much anything a human can. I wonder what each character's reaction would be if she ever told them about her origins? It really is something out of a sci fo novel isn't it? A human being turned into a furry and sent back in time to atone for following in the footsteps of the devil. Who knows what people actually think she is or where she came from. Maybe toeing that line between human and beast makes it seem like she could understand them better.
Whew that was a tangent! Gimme ađŸ‘« for four headcanons about our muses' relationship!
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