#feel free to send in another ask if you want other cutouts and/or you can ask for a specific cutout to be used ksndksndksnd
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project--sekai · 7 months ago
puppetic mizuki maybe? ^_^
specifically with this flag if possible!
puppetic mizuki icons
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rb to use — credit optional
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cripplecharacters · 4 months ago
what are the top 5 things you'd like to see a disabled character do in a story?
Hey! This is a very vast question and a lot of it would depend on the character's actual disability - I have completely different wishlists for what I'd like to see intellectually disabled characters do versus what I'd like to see characters with facial differences do. Different stereotypes and tropes affect different groups of disabled people differently - to work with this fact, the below list will try to account for as large amount of disabled character as I can reasonably think of, but it won't have as much detail as you might want. If you have a specific kind of character in mind, feel free to send another ask.
Not in specific order:
Disabled characters being in love. Disabled x disabled, disabled x abled, disabled x very different kind of disabled, all these variants but including more than 2 characters (since I've yet to see a polyamorous disabled character), all of this.
And I mean in actual relationships, not the pitiful and devoid of actual chemistry thing that we usually get (think "really sad disabled man only becomes happy after an abled woman takes pity on him, but they never kiss or god forbid have sex because that's gross and the disableds surely don't do that anyway").
I want to see an interabled couple going through IVF because they want to have kids, a wife with hemiplegia getting to grow old and wrinkly with her autistic husband, a lesbian with Treacher Collins syndrome moving in with her chronically ill girlfriend after a month of knowing each other, DeafBlind men getting hands on each other in the bathroom of a shitty nightclub, a trans woman with autism asking out a trans man with Down syndrome via her AAC tablet, a neurotypical guy with an obvious crush on his classmate with cerebral palsy.
I want to actually see disabled people being shown as desirable partners, good parents and grandparents, potential crushes, going through some new feelings and going on both good and bad dates, from all walks of life, of all sexualities and genders. Just like abled people.
Disabled characters participating in their community. Especially severely and/or visibly disabled characters. This is obviously a concept as vague as it could possibly be, but a big problem with a lot of disabled characters is that they don't... do anything. Not in the sense that they aren't "active enough", but that they aren't really... characters. They're often reduced to a family member who's at home and maybe the abled character takes care of them sometimes, but that's seemingly all that happens; they have no interests, hobbies, agency, preferences, or an internal thought process. All they do is wait for an abled savior to do something to them, not even with them.
I want to see more disabled characters who have jobs (whether it's a "regular" job, a supported employment workplace, a creative job that maybe they can only do a few hours a week, or self-care as a full-time job kind of thing), participating in hobbies that are accessible and/or modified to their ability level, emailing or sending pigeon letters to their friends, trying out new stuff that they're interested in, having actual complex relationships with their caregivers. Anything to actually make them feel like characters that exist in their setting, not just cardboard cutouts that the author had no ideas for.
Disabled characters who are a part of real-world disability (and adjacent) culture. Obviously also a vast topic. Most disabled characters, regardless of setting, are completely separated from concepts that were made by disabled people for disabled people; usually the connection to disability is their actual medical condition and a sterile mobility aid. This is not incorrect or bad to represent since that describes a lot of people, but I'd like to simply see more variety.
I want to see disabled characters who do parasports, who are excited about tactile art, went to blind/Deaf/SPED schools, call themselves #a babe with a mobility aid, decorate their AAC device, learn about disabled history, experience Feelings when hearing that Neanderthals cared about their disabled children, go to disability-centric events or support groups to meet people similar to them.
Do all disabled people do these? Absolutely not, but I'd like for even 1% of fictional characters to represent those who do.
Yeah I just want more disabled characters doing sports. As in real-life sports that real-life disabled people do, apologies to all the fantasy swordfighting that's out there.
There are so many sports out there we can do, some are adapted, some have a sitting or wheelchair version, while others were made specifically for us. Team sports are such a good opportunity to have your character have a community of people like them, have interesting dynamics, yet the only anything I can think of that's about it is REAL by Takehiko Inoue (wheelchair basketball) and the art by @/gayaest / @/sproutwiki (sitting volleyball). Also some Paralympics documentaries that I can count on a single hand - there's like three of them.
I want to see characters who are starting out and really suck at their sport, ones who are decent, ones with ridiculous sports-anime-level over the top abilities. I want to see all kinds of sports done by all kinds of disabled characters; blind kids learning goalball with their blind parents, quadriplegic guys working their ass off to qualify for national murderball championships, folks using sticker-covered bright-pink ramps in their boccia games, people with POTS playing along with their abled partner on their wheelchair rugby league team, standing fencers becoming disabled and adapting to wheelchair fencing that they love just as much. More disabled people having fun, knowing other disabled people, having interests!
Also, parasports are just cool as fuck and interesting to both watch and read about.
Disabled characters getting to make bad decisions. Disability representation is often extremely black-and-white in terms of morality: the character is either an angel who always does the right thing and talks about being grateful a lot, or the character is comically evil, wanting revenge because of their disability, hating their disability, constantly in grief and anger since not a single mildly ok thing happened to them since they became disabled. Neither of these feel like real people.
Disabled characters should be able to say hurtful things, get mad, lie, and whatever else, without being demonized to hell for it the same way abled characters are. They should be allowed to consciously make a decision that they shouldn't take (also known as "dignity of risk" in context of disability). They should get the same consequences for mistakes as everyone else and need to have the opportunities to actually make them.
In a much shorter way: more complex disabled characters.
These are things that I'd enjoy seeing for disabled characters. But the main thing would probably be that I want more of them. The scope of disabled characters in media is so painfully narrow because there's so few of them + they're usually capped at one per series. More writing featuring multiple disabled people please.
Here is a list of wishes from other mods who wanted me to throw them here:
Disabled characters who act like the author did more than a 10 min google search about their disabilities. [So authors doing actual research.]
More disabled characters of color. A lot of time disabled characters are white because it's only acceptable for them to be one kind of marginalized. In real life that's not how it works. People of color are disabled too!
Characters with comorbidities, characters with physical and mental health and developmental symptoms. Disability doesn't just come with one cut and dry disorder all the time - you can even be diagnosed with some things and undiagnosed with others.
[A character can have 5 comorbidities, or 5 completely unrelated disabilities - both happen. Or, most frequently, a bit of both.]
Characters existing in all parts of their diagnostic journey. [So characters who are yet to be diagnosed, currently investigating their symptoms, ones recently diagnosed, and ones who had their diagnosis for their whole lives - and as mentioned previously, you can be on one stage with disability A, and on another with disability B.]
Characters whose whole life isn't just tragedy/struggle! See this a lot when a story with disabled character is just about how life is hard for them as disabled person. Would love disabled characters being leads in other genres and just existing as people. Not to say disability isn't a struggle, but there is more to life and person than disability.
mod Sasza
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wintuvern · 1 year ago
I loved the li facts, thank you for sharing! 👀✨
I was wondering how you edit the psd files on your phone on canva bcs I cannot seem to be able to edit psd files on canva for the life of me, only canva exclusive templates. Do you convert it to another type of file? I'm such a grandma when it comes to editing. 😂😭
Hi 💛 so I'll try my best to explain, however I'm a bit terrible at describing stuff so bare with me please😭
So the template you want to use, you upload and it should say "start creating from your media" with your photos at the bottom of the page after pressing the + button. So you pick the template from your photos and it'll load a new page on Canva.
Then you add the frames for the photos, although adding the square frame from "grids" lets you edit the dimensions which is sometimes better.
Now because there'll be some bits that are off, you can use text overlays as like fix-its I guess. So if something is overlapping something it shouldn't, you can make the text and the text border the same colour and now you have a colour strip overlay that matches the boxes. To get the colour background for text, you need to go on "effects" and scroll to the last one.
Next for any text, I've noticed most of the templates I personally use, use the Montserrat fonts, but that might differ based on what templates you use. The Montserrat fonts are on Canva which makes it a whole lot easier though.
But yeah for text you'd write what you want to write, and then you'd also add a text background, the same colour as the page I guess, and then place that over the original text so you can't see it.
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↑ So for reference, in this case the text background would be the same colour as the whitish colour and the pink.
It'll take quite a bit of time, but the presentation and quality is quite neat considering, and then you save the image when it's done, and you can edit it any way you please.
For the pattern backgrounds I take the edit onto PicsArt, and get rid of the background using "cutout" and then add in whatever background I want.
Hopefully this helped, feel free to send in another ask if that wasn't clear or if you have any other questions 💛 I love answering asks so I don't mind at all :))
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ptergwen · 4 years ago
hii, i love your writing so i was wondering if you could do something where the reader is a celebrity and she receives a package from a promotion brand and they send her lingerie and Tom is all excited :)
thank you babes!! i made this fluffy cuz yeah
being a well known face in hollywood, you’re asked to do a lot of red carpets and photoshoots for high end companies. things sell when they have your name on them. you also get to enjoy the perks of it, your house filled with free swag from each event. you’ve filmed makeup commercials, louboutin ads, anything you can think of except for lingerie.
it’s not that you didn’t want to. you’ve just been waiting for one specific brand to reach out, one that your fellow actresses and favorite artists are all ambassadors for. savage x fenty, of course. besides the fact that you’d be working with rihanna, you love the message of inclusivity she pushes. getting to be one of the beautiful women who represents that would mean everything to you.
plus, the stuff is really cute. tom was practically foaming at the mouth when you told him you got added to the promo list. he’d been a little offended at first that rihanna didn’t choose him after his tribute in lip sync battle. really though, he was over the moon for you. himself as well, to be honest.
they’re sending you a box today, this way you can try on their newest items and post yourself in them. as the supportive boyfriend he is, tom offered to take the pictures for your instagram. he’s so obvious.
“babe, it’s here!” you shout from the front door, your package held tight in both hands. “coming!” tom calls back. his footsteps are loud and fast as he makes his way to you in literal seconds. the eagerness of it makes you laugh to yourself. “you’re more excited than i am,” you joke, tom pressing a kiss to your lips in response. he’s out of breath, so it doesn’t last long.
“open it up, let’s see,” tom pants out with a goofy smile. you drum your fingers over the box, smirking wickedly at him. “upstairs.” “god, you’re gonna be the death of me one day,” he groans, you leading the way and him following behind. once you’re both sat on the bed, you put the package in your lap so both of you can see.
“time for the big reveal. you ready?” you smile at tom over your shoulder. “more than,” he hums, brushing your hair to the side and peppering the back of your neck in tickling kisses. while he does that and you try not to let it distract you, you pull open the pink parcel. your eyes go wide at what’s inside, holding it up to get a better look.
it’s a long sleeve slip made entirely of see-through lace, in a deep shade of purple with a cutout near the middle. there’s another set under the dress, but you’ll save that one just for tom. you want to surprise him with it later.
“fuck.” tom’s voice is a whisper, his arms tightening around your waist. “fucking hell.” he’s bought you lingerie on a few occasions, some for your every day wear, others for the bedroom. none have been like this. it’s so grand, so different from anything else that’s out there. you knew you made the right choice promoting fenty.
“do you like it?” you ask lowly and lean your head back on his shoulder. you’re both gazing at the material, tom giving your waist a gentle squeeze. “i’ll answer that when it’s on you,” he hums, a lopsided grin crossing his features. “what about you, hm?” “yeah, it’s really pretty. i love the color,” you smile back at him. “i’m gonna go try it on.”
tom takes his phone out of his pocket and waves it around. “let me set up for the shoot, then.” “you do that,” you laugh, pecking his cheek before you get up from the bed. his hand grabbing yours stops you. “y/n/n?” you turn around again. “yeah?” “i’m proud of you. know you’ve been wanting to do this for a while,” he speaks softly while playing with your fingers.
“‘s not easy to put yourself out there, either. all the young girls that look up to you, they’re lucky to have someone so strong.” hearing tom’s words of encouragement, you could seriously cry. he makes you feel so conifident in everything you do, and you’re eternally grateful for it and him. “thank you so much, baby. you really think i’m, like, a role model?” you wonder with a hopeful smile. “i’ve always tried to be.”
“you are, and there’s millions of people who would agree with me,” tom assures you and holds your intertwined hands to his chest. you’re so moved by him, you can hardly think of what to say. “i love you,” you settle on, using your free hand to cup his cheek. “i love you too, sweetheart. here,” he hands you the slip dress, biting back another smile.
while you change into your lingerie, tom messes with his camera settings, taking a few test pictures. he snaps one of the wall you’re doing your makeshift photoshoot in front of. the next one he gets, you’re suddenly in the frame, a blur of purple and big grins. tom puts down his phone so he can see you in real time. his tongue runs across his lower lip as he gives you a once over, eyes twinkling in admiration.
“wow,” he breathes out, you doing a little strut over to him. he’s still on the bed with you now in front of him. “i guess you do like it,” you tease and spin around so he can have a three-sixty view. nodding, he sets his hands on your hips, the thin material barely separating his warm palms from your skin. “i love it.” tom uses his index finger to trace the outline of the cutout.
“angel, you’re so gorgeous,” he murmurs, an arm wrapping around your almost bare back. “wrong brand,” you joke in reference to victoria’s secret. his hands run up and down your sides carefully, like you’re a work of art only he gets to touch. you are a work of art in his eyes. “i mean it, you look so beautiful in this.” he’s licking his lips again. “and, all the time.”
“thanks, tommy. you’re a really good hype-man, you know,” you beam at him, putting your hands on top of his. “i’ve been told.” tom dips his head down and leaves a kiss on your exposed belly button. it makes you giggle, your nose scrunching up. “my pretty girl. my gorgeous girl,” he mumbles as he kisses your hip, then your other one. you take his face in both your hands.
“shouldn’t we save this for after the pictures?” you suggest, thumb brushing over his cheekbone. you’ll never get them done if you don’t stop tom while he’s ahead. “mm, i guess so,” he concurs and nudges your stomach with his nose. “we’ll do those, then i wanna do... a few other things.”
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lavenderbexlatte · 4 years ago
a handful (or two)
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stray kids 3.9k words female reader insert Thick/Chubby!Reader x Lee Felix  EXPLICIT/NSFW
connect with me! / masterlist
Sitting at your kitchen table in the early evening, you feel more like a soldier walking into battle than anything else.
You’ve got a list of your body measurements scrawled on a piece of paper beside you, as you scroll through an online shop on your phone. Ruffled blouses, wrap dresses, raw-hemmed jeans, tiered skirts, fitted cardigans. The clothes are cute, and your Likes list has no shortage of garments, but you’ve reached the worst part of clothes shopping:
Finding things that are actually in your size.
Korean online malls are not known for their variety of sizes, even though obviously, the people in any country who need to buy clothes have all different kinds of bodies. The cute clothes, the mainstream ones, the clothes that YouTubers and Instagram models promote, are mostly one-size. And that one size…is small.
Too small for you.
It’s a regular debate that you have with yourself. You shouldn’t even give your patronage to shops like these ones, where you have to filter through every single item and look at the detailed measurements to find the rare pair of pants that you could squeeze into. You shouldn’t play into a system that makes you hate yourself.
But you need new jeans. And in your heart, you want cute jeans from the online mall, like everyone else.
You pull up a pair of jeans in exactly the style that you want and scroll down to the measurements. You have to steel yourself as you look at the numbers.
They’re too small.
You pull up another pair, and another, and another. They’re all too small.
“No,” says a small, dark voice in the back of your mind, “You’re just too big.”
You’re so caught up in this game of finding cute things to wear and discovering exactly how much the seller doesn’t want them to fit on people like you, that you don’t even hear your boyfriend until he’s right next to you.
“What are you doing?” comes a deep voice, right in your ear.
You jump in your seat, fumbling your phone for a second and catching it before it falls. Catching your breath, you look up at Felix, stood beside your chair gazing down at you.
“Jesus, when did you get here?” you ask, putting your phone down before anything else happens.
“Just got in,” he answers, nodding toward the door. “I called hello. You didn’t answer.”
Felix has a key to your place, free to come and go as he pleases, so it’s not exactly unusual for him to turn up like this. He’s dressed in a big t-shirt and joggers, practice clothes, obviously fresh from the studio with the rest of the guys.
“I was distracted,” you murmur.
“I guess so,” he grins at you.
You offer a halfhearted smile in return, feeling stupid for your bad mood, caused by something so out of your control. Shopping shouldn’t ruin your day. Felix pulls out your other dining chair to sit across from you at the small dining table, and you can’t help but stare at his body as he settles down. 
He’s so…skinny.
You’re envious. You shouldn’t be, because your body is plenty good enough as it is. But you are. With a body like that, you could wear anything.
“What are you doing?” he asks you.
You hesitate, but Felix pays no mind to your internal struggle, reaching across the table to pick up the scrap of paper covered in your measurements. You want to snatch the paper out of his hands, which is ridiculous. He knows what your body looks like. Seeing the numbers that describe it isn’t going to scare him off.
But still, you feel that sick self-consciousness rising up as he glances over the paper, and sets it back down.
“I’m trying to buy jeans,” you say weakly.
“Trying?” Felix prods.
“Trying and failing.”
You pick up your phone, unlock it, and shove it at him, the screen still open to the last pair of too-small jeans. He peers at the listing, at the chart full of centimeters, and then down at your measurements scrawled out in your handwriting.
“They call that a large?” Felix says, amazed, and you cringe. “It’s like a half-centimeter difference.”
You know he’s just surprised since shopping for women’s clothes isn’t something he does often, and you’re sure he doesn’t know how common this problem is for you. But his words still sting a little.
“Yeah,” you say, “I think I’m done for tonight.”
You try not to let your deep-seated disappointment in the situation, and in yourself, show too much. Felix watches as you stand up and stretch. You can tell he’s thinking hard, can see that he wants to say something. But you really don’t need his commentary on this. You spend enough time thinking about your body, wanting to change your body, hating that you want to change your body…
“Do you want dinner? I went to the store earlier,” you say, determined to change the subject.
“Sure,” Felix agrees easily.
You cross your little kitchen and fling open the cupboard to dig out groceries for your meal. At least this is a task to take your mind off everything.
You don’t even notice as Felix takes the slip of paper from the table and folds it into his pocket.
--------------- Some days later, you all but trip into your bedroom after work, exhausted but hopeful.
Felix’s shoes and jacket were both waiting by the front door when you came in, which means he’s here waiting for you. He was nowhere to be seen in the rest of your small apartment, so that leaves this.
Of course, you’re not disappointed; Felix is lounging on your bed, playing on his phone and looking like the epitome of comfort in lounge pants and messy blonde hair. He smiles like the sunrise when he sees you.
“Hi, angel,” he says, as you drop your bag on the floor.
Instead of replying, you let yourself fall onto the bed beside him, flat on your back, and stretch out your poor sore limbs like a starfish.
“Long day?” he asks.
“The longest,” you agree.
“You’re in luck, though,” he says, “I have a surprise for you.”
You turn your head to look at him. “Really?”
He nods.
“Then gimme!” you quip.
Felix laughs brightly, and unfolds himself to retrieve a small gift bag from the side of the bed, tucked out of view. He hands it to you, and it’s surprisingly heavy and dense for its size. Today isn’t a special day by any means. Just a weekday, a work day, and you wrack your brain to figure out exactly why your boyfriend decided tonight was the night for presents.
“Can I open it?” you ask.
“You’d better,” says Felix, settling back down to watch you.
So you unceremoniously rip out the tissue paper packing, and when you’re met with a small pile of folded fabric, you upend the whole bag onto your bed.
There are four things inside.
A soft, oversized t-shirt, loose and comfortable and your favorite color, to boot.
A pair of thigh-high stockings.
A single thigh garter, in bright white.
And a pair of panties, also white. You unfold the underwear, to reveal a heart-shaped cutout on the back, and at the bottom…
“Crotchless?!” you ask, flustered.
Felix shrugs, his expression mischievous, “I thought they suited you.”
“What’s all this about?” you ask.
“I wanted to prove a point,” he says.
“What point can you prove with lingerie?”
“I’m proving pretty clearly that plenty of stores sell things to your measurements,” he says cheekily, “Just not that one store you were on the other day.”
Oh, my God.
You’re equal parts mortified and absolutely melting with the sweetness at the heart of this gesture. You didn’t realize that he was paying this much attention to you that day. You didn’t realize he knew how frustrated you were, how discouraged.
“They’re pretty,” you admit, turning the panties over in your hands.
“Then try them on for me.”
Felix’s tone is suggestive and low, lower than usual, and you know for certain that he didn’t just buy these things to cheer you up. He’s got an ulterior motive here.
“What’s in it for me?” you tease.
“Dress up for me and find out,” Felix replies.
Never one to turn down the prospect of some fun, you gather up the clothes and dart across the hall into your tiny bathroom. If Felix wants you to dress up for him, you need to do that alone and make a spectacle of it.
You dump the armful of clothing onto the counter. There’s no bra or anything, so you assume that Felix means for you to wear only the t-shirt. And that’s exactly what you do, stripping out of your work clothes and pulling the shirt over your head. You put on the panties, noting exactly how well they fit. The elastic doesn’t dig, and they don’t ride up, just smooth fabric and lace against your skin, hugging the curve of your ass. You try to forget about the opening at the bottom, baring you to the world; you already know Felix fully intends to use it, but you can’t believe he’s done this. It’s bold, even for him.
The thigh-highs come next, and while these also fit more nicely than any pair of tights you’ve ever owned, you have thick thighs, and the soft skin dimples around the top elastic band. You slide the thigh garter onto one leg, settling it at the top of the stocking. It only makes that indent more pronounced, soft flesh giving way under the thick white band. But you try your hardest not to feel self-conscious about it.
Felix picked these things for you. That means he wants to see you like this.
You pluck up all your courage, and walk back into your bedroom. Felix is waiting eagerly, and when you come into view, lingering shyly at the doorway, he smirks. 
Honest-to-God smirks.
“Oh, angel,” he says, his deep voice nearly breaking over the syllables, “Oh, yes.”
You can see plainly on his face how much this little outfit is affecting him, and it sends a little thrill down your spine. Because truly, these clothes aren’t too out of the ordinary. The thigh-highs are new, and the panties aren’t something you would have picked for yourself, but it’s hard not to feel like you’re just wearing…a t-shirt and underwear.
It’s the intimacy, you decide. The fact that Felix carefully chose items in your most precise, comfortable sizes, and built you a sexy little dress-up kit that makes you feel as good as you look…God. Overwhelmingly intimate, you realize, and hot as hell.
“Let me see you, come here and give me a little spin,” Felix teases, twirling his finger in the air to mimic the model turn he’s demanding.
Smiling, squashing down a touch of embarrassment, you comply, coming to stand before Felix and turning around slowly on the spot. You can feel his eyes on you, and as you turn your back on him completely, you hear your bed creak.
Hands land on your waist as Felix pulls you flush against his front, and you can feel how hard he is already, filling out the front of his sweatpants. He’s always eager, always relishes the time you get to spend lost in each other, but he seems especially brazen tonight, as he grinds his clothed cock against your ass and slides his hands under the t-shirt to cup your bare breasts.
“You don’t even know what you do to me,” he murmurs.
You turn around in his arms, letting his hands drop back to your waist. He’s grinning at you with no small amount of lust in his eyes. You’re sure that you look similarly affected; you can already feel wetness gathering between your legs. His undivided attention, especially when you’re dressed up like this just for him, has you going out of your mind with want.
“Then show me,” you say.
He huffs out a laugh before diving in to kiss you, his pouty bow-shaped lips moving against yours roughly. Felix kisses like he’s starving and you’re one of the desserts that he loves to bake, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he stops ravishing you. His hands wander down to your ass, pinching hard enough that you squeak.
“Easy on the goods!” you chastise, as the spot aches deliciously.
Felix just pinches you again, harder, and guides you back toward your bed. You lay back on the mattress with Felix right behind you, settling between your spread legs. He sits back on his heels, just looking down at you beneath him in your skimpy panties and stockings. He runs his hands down your thighs indulgently, sliding a finger under the garter on one side and pulling it back so that it snaps against your skin.
“Angel, I should’ve thought of this a long time ago,” he says.
There’s no time for you to tease him, because Felix pulls his shirt over his head and discards it over the side of the bed, and you’re taken in by his gorgeous lithe body, his tiny waist and the rippling lines of his abs. No matter how many times you see him like this, it’s still exciting, that you can have someone so beautiful. He takes hold of the hem of your t-shirt next, and coaxes you upright so that he can take that off, too.
Your body is the exact opposite of his, soft where his is hard, sloping curves instead of the sharp cut of his ribs and hips and shoulders. But he leans right down over you and begins to kiss and nibble his way down your body, starting at the juncture of your collarbone. He trails his mouth over your chest, down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You gasp as he grazes his teeth over the bud, and he laughs gently.
Felix continues his slow ascent as you grasp at the sheets, mouthing over your stomach, soft like the rest of you. His hands hold your legs open wide for him as he moves down your body. He skips over your core entirely, choosing instead to bite sharply into the exposed skin of your upper thigh, above the band of the stockings.
“Lix!” you gasp, unable to help how your hips twitch forward at the sensation of his teeth.
He hums in response, leisurely delving forward to press a single lingering kiss to your folds, on full display in these deceptively pure white panties that hide absolutely nothing.
“Fucking love your legs,” Felix all but growls against the soft skin of your inner thigh, “Fucking love-”
Your hand flies down to grip at Felix’s hair as he bites a second bruise, this one on the tender inside of your leg. He’s never been this singularly-focused before, and you marvel at the way he’s worshipping your thighs, your waist, his hands roaming your ass and tweaking the fabric of the thigh-highs. You’ve always known that Felix liked your body – he’s your fucking boyfriend, after all. But this…
“Felix, I can’t,” you whine, “I need you, I need…”
“Oh, believe me,” Felix says, “I need it more.”
He draws away from you to push and kick his sweats and underwear off, and you watch hungrily as his cock bobs free, painfully hard and already leaking precome.
“You want – like this?” you ask, as Felix drops back on top of you, the head of his cock already nudging up against your pussy.
Felix likes it from behind, likes being able to grab your ass and watch your back arch as he drives into you. He likes you on top, so he can watch you bring yourself to orgasm using him. This is uncommon for you, missionary, you sprawled underneath Felix as he bends your knees up for better access and strokes his fingers down the length of your legs.
He nods, breathless. “Wanna see your face.”
His soft, honest admission makes your heart flutter even as you swear you can feel the arousal thrumming in your veins. You need him, need him so badly you could cry –
With a shift of his hips, Felix lines himself up and pushes into you. He’s agonizingly slow with it, just letting the head split your walls before he drags back out. He’s teasing you, absolutely doing this on purpose, and you can’t handle it. You untangle one hand from the sheets to cling to him, as he just dips the head of his cock in and out of you.
You whimper your frustration, and Felix leans in to kiss your cheeks, your nose, before pushing back in deeper, and deeper again, and finally he’s buried in you to the hilt.
“So gorgeous,” he groans, his deep voice reverbing in his chest, “You’re so good, angel, so good.”
He has one hand gripping your thigh tightly, holding your leg up beside your torso in a position that tests your flexibility more than a little bit. The other hand is digging into the curve of your hip, hard enough that you think there will be bruises.
Felix has those dancers’ hips, and core strength that lets him drive into you like he’s doing now, smooth long strokes that you arch up to meet as well as you can in his grip. He’s holding you at an angle that lets his pelvis grind against your clit every time he bottoms out. It’s not enough stimulation to let you finish, but it’s more than enough to drive you out of your mind.
“Lix, Lix, please,” you beg, not even sure what you’re asking for.
He says something, quiet enough that you can’t really pick it up, and when you move your hand from his dip of his spine to the back of his head, Felix fixes his gaze right on you. He’s still speaking, rambling in his deep voice.  
“-Let a fucking app make you think you’re not perfect cuz their fucking jeans don’t fit you,” he’s saying, “So soft, so pretty, like fuckin’ heaven, look at you.”
You can’t look at yourself all that well, but you can look at Felix, glance down to see the way he’s burying his cock in you again and again, holding himself up to look you in the eye as he fucks you into the mattress.
“Perfect,” he swears, “Taking me like a dream, angel…”
He’s never this vocal, either, and the talk has your head spinning almost as much as the brutal pace he’s maintaining. You can hear the obscene sound of your wetness around him. The desperate, weak first stirrings of an orgasm are starting to creep up on you, but you know yourself. You’re going to need more than this to finish.
Even so, you clench around Felix as he works himself into you again, and again, and he laughs breathlessly at the feeling of it.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” Felix asks, low and sweet.
You shake your head desperately, “Not enough – Lix, please, I need-”
“Not enough?” he echoes, amused, as his hips snap against yours in perfect time, “What, is this not good enough for you, angel?”
“So good, so good, just, please,” you whine.
Felix doesn’t answer you, but he does let go of your leg to bring his fingers up to your face. You’re so far gone, so hazy with lust and the orgasm that’s building but just isn’t close enough, that you barely notice him until his fingers are pressing at your lips.
He has small, beautiful hands, and you open your mouth to let him slip two dainty fingers into your mouth. You suck on the digits, knowing how much Felix likes having your mouth on him, or his on you. He’s not picky, as long as someone is licking, biting, sucking…
“So dirty,” he sighs.
Only for him, you think to yourself. You can’t summon the words to say to him out loud, but you certainly think them. Only for him.
“Don’t hold back on me now, angel,” Felix says.
He retrieves his fingers from your mouth, and snakes his hand down between your bodies to press them feather-light to your clit. You can’t help the gasp that escapes from you as he touches you, gentle and precise. The slide would have been wet and easy enough even without the extra help, but the combination of your saliva and your wetness as it seeps out around Felix’s thick cock makes his fingers glide over your clit with friction so good it’s almost painful.
Under your breath, almost like a prayer, you’re murmuring, chanting, “Please, please, please, please, oh-”
“You first,” he says, “Come on, are you gonna give me one?”
You want to, God, do you want to. You writhe in his hold, torn between rocking away from the steady delicious pressure on your clit and into the press of his cock splitting you open. Felix throws his head back as you tremble around him - your peak is so close you can fucking taste it - and groans.
“Love you,” Felix gasps, “Shit, love you, love your body-”
That’s what does it.
That view, Felix above you, so fucked out, working so hard to make you feel good. Physically and mentally, that’s what he’s trying to do. He saw you being upset for like fifteen minutes the other day and he’s putting in all this effort to build you up. He just wants you to feel good –
His name passes your lips, just once, before you’re cumming hard with a strangled moan. Felix fucks into you hard once, twice, and then thrusts into you fully with a cry of his own as he cums against your walls. He’s quick to drop down and meet your lips in a messy kiss, pressing your bodies together, skin on skin.
The two of you shudder and murmur your way through your orgasms, as you marvel at how quickly he was able to bring you crashing right over the peak with him.
Once your voice comes back to you, all your can manage is another squeaking, “Felix.”
“Yeah,” he answers, decisive, like you’ve just revealed the secrets of the universe to him. “Yeah.”
He pulls out and gingerly moves off of you, but not without stroking his hands from your waist all the way down your thighs as he goes. You laugh quietly as Felix collapses onto his back beside you, wiping his brow dramatically like he’s just gotten off a hard day at work. His cum begins to drip back out of you as you sit up, which is gross, but you just want to be close to him. You curl against his side, head on his chest, and Felix accommodates you easily, cuddling into you just as eagerly.
As you readjust on the bed, settle into a more comfortable position, you notice the bruises. Tender new bruises on your hip, and along the side of your thigh where Felix had held you so tightly. It’s the perfect shape of his fingertips, fanning out along your skin.
“Jeez,” you murmur, touching the spots and secretly relishing the way they hurt.
“Sorry,” Felix grins, though he doesn’t look very sorry at all. “Just…your thighs. Your body. Love it.”
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justcourttee · 4 years ago
New prompt idea! Following the defeat of Hawkmoth, Jason is terrified of the idea of Bruce adopting the sunshine child that is Adrien (that and all the puns that the boy makes... Adrien can't meet Dick!!!). He, alongside Damian, decide to try to get Selina to adopt a new cat instead. Unfortunately for everyone (except Adrien), Jon tags along. AdriJon for the ship and maybe Marinette being having a sibling relationship with the Wayne children?
I’m back to writing and when I saw this prompt, I was so excited. If it hasn’t been hinted at enough in some of my pieces, I adore AdriJon. I hope you like it! @elements1999
Stupid Lovestruck Jon
As Gabriel Agreste was drug from his front gates, the crowds surrounding the manor erupted in yet another round of cheers. Even with the hero’s help, the police had trouble keeping them back. Jason and Damian stood on the edge, both wearing matching grim expressions under their hoods and glasses.
“You know what this means D?”
Damian nodded solemnly, the scowl on his face deepening as Gabriel disappeared from their view.
“Father mustn't meet Agreste until we have found a suitable host family for him.”
The idea of Dick and Adrien bonding over stupid puns and forcing Jason and Damian to join in on family game nights was enough to send shivers down the two Wayne’s backs. There was no question about it, Adrien could not be allowed to be adopted.
“What do you think Selina would say if we brought her a kit?”
Damian shifted his gaze to Jason’s face, doing his best to hide his shock that Jason could come up with a coherent idea.
“I believe she would enjoy Plagg very much, Adrien though? Well, that would take some getting used to. How do you propose we get the two to meet?”
Jason’s face darkened quickly.
“It’ll be risky, but we invite them to America. After all, he’s going to need an escape from the media.”
“Perhaps Metropolis?”
The boys nodded as if that was the most logical sentence before both heads snapped up, their eyes widening at the sight of the petite hero that had landed between them. Marinette threw her arms around the boys’ shoulders, dragging them down to her own height.
“There is only room for so much sunshine at the Wayne estate. Dick has monopolized all of it and for the sake of not only you but myself as well, Adrien needs a more stable parental figure than Bruce Wayne. Not that my first choice would be Selena, but I know that she has a soft spot for orphans, no matter what she says.”
Both boys tried to wrestle their way out of her grasp, but it was nearly impossible with Tikki to help her.
“Here’s how it will go. I will go to help the police finalize anything they need for this arrest and you will trail Chat Noir until he decided to transform back. I want to be there as well, but unfortunately, the police aren’t exactly understanding when it comes to personal relationships.”
With a nod, the sound of two smacks echoed as she disappeared into the sky, the only trace of her being matching red spots on both of the Wayne’s necks.
“I really despise when she does that, no matter how much I want to be impressed.”
Jason chuckled as he nudged Damian forward, both of them slipping into the nearest building to change before anyone from the media could catch sight of the American’s on the scene of what would become known as the greatest arrest in Paris’ history.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“You know, I caught the trail of you following me a couple of blocks back. You don’t have to stay hidden.”
Damian let out a small string of curses as he stepped out from behind the chimney and into view of the black cat.
“I hate magic.”
Adrien chuckled as he waited for Jason to step out from the other side, both boys looking a little sheepish that they had been caught.
“Did Marinette ask you to follow me? Cause that sounds like something she would do. Really, I’m fine guys. Once we started the investigation, so much more began to make sense. He wanted to disguise the fact that he was selfish, wanting just my mother for himself, no matter the consequence. Even if it meant sacrificing me..”
Damian swallowed awkwardly as he glanced between Jason and Adrien. Thanks to Dick’s persistent pestering, he had gotten slightly better at reading emotions and watching his tongue, but this was uncharted territory and as much as he hated to admit it, he had no idea what to do.
Adrien let out a shaky laugh as he stood, brushing off the imaginary dust from his suit.
“Whatever, so what is Maribug’s master plan for avoiding the press? I know she sent you here to collect me for that very reason, so what could it be?”
Jason cleared his throat as he stepped forward, his smile completely see-through as the worry shined.
“Well, how would you feel about a trip overseas? Metropolis perhaps? You’re a huge Superman fanboy, aren’t you? Well, Dami here is besties with his son and we thought it would be a grand idea for you to have a distraction. What do you say?”
Damian frowned at Jason’s choice of wording. Besties felt a little strong for the relationship that he held with Jon, perhaps tolerable coworkers was better suited?
Both boys tried to hide their surprised faces. They knew he was desperate for an escape, but his response was still quick for their liking. Honestly, they thought it was going to take a bit more convincing than that.
“Let Marinette know that I’ll be on her balcony whenever she finishes up. I’m sure she has a long night ahead of her and will want to talk to me when she can and guys?” Both boys raised their eyebrows, curiosity, and worry nitpicking their expressions. “Thanks for coming to see me.”
And with that, he leaped off the roof leaving the batbrothers to wonder if Metropolis would be the best idea for the man who effectively was orphaned in one day.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before he even had a chance to throw his hands up in defense, Jon had already tackled him in a bone-crushing hug much to his annoyance.
“I told you not to call me by that stupid nickname anymore Kent.”
With much effort, Damian shoved Jon off and into Marinette’s waiting arms.
“Aw, but Dami it’s so cute.” The muffled laughter coming from behind him was not helping.
Damian cut his eyes to where Jason and Adrien stood, both chuckling to themselves. He knew it was Jason’s idea to call up Jon to make this impromptu trip more believable for his father, but when breaking it down, Damian wasn’t completely sure that this option was much better than taking Adrien straight to Dick’s side.
“Anyways, I know I’m just the cover story so that you can meet up with Selina and all that, but do you have time to spare? I’d love to show Mari and Adrien around Metropolis! That’s your name, right? Adrien? Mari used to have so many cutouts of you-”
A smack echoed through the airport lobby as Jon found himself in a headlock courtesy of one petite heroine.
“Oh, you wanna bring that up now Jon? I don’t suppose you remember asking for a couple of my magazines for yourself huh?”
There was an undeniable shade of red emitting from under Marinette’s arm, one all three boys noted. A sputtering Jon finally managed to free himself, the red more visible as he gently pushed Marinette away.
“Hey it’s okay, it’s the cost of being a celebrity right?” Adrien reached out, his hand gently brushing Jon’s arm.
A sudden realization hit Damian as he watched his friend jump nearly 100 feet into the air, the red seemingly brighter than before. As Jon linked arms with Marinette, hurriedly leading them out of the airport, Adrien gently coaxing the two to behave, Damian gripped Jason’s jacket pulling the two of them to a stop.
“What do you want brat? We’re gonna get left behind-” With one killer glare, Jason slowly quieted, curiosity seeping into his expression.
“Jason, is uh- does Jonathon- does he see guys as viable mates?”
There was a slight pause and for a moment, Damian felt a bit relieved that perhaps he was not the only one to fail to notice such a thing about the Kent boy. But the moment ended abruptly as Jason erupted in laughter, drawing the attention from some passing by.
“What is it you buffoon? People are staring at us, silence yourself, and answer me.”
“Me buffoon? No, no, no” Jason’s laughter slowly ceased, but the shit-eating grin that replaced it did nothing to ease Damian’s nerves. “You see, you are the only idiot here. What is Jon? An animal? His mating preference?”
Damian felt his face heating up as his grip tightened on Jason’s jacket, intent on tearing a small hole in his precious belonging.
“Now Damian, I know you are dense, but Jon has always talked about guys with you. Did you just think they were all besties? That your third-wheeling on his dates where they gave each other like pecks on the cheek or held hands was just because you hate physical contact and his other friends didn’t mind it?”
The more Jason talked, the redder Damian felt his face becoming. Sure he had noticed before, but it never felt like it was something that mattered much. Plus, it wasn’t like Jon had mentioned anything to him about coming along on his supposed dates. How was he supposed to know?
Letting go of Jason’s jacket, Damian huffed after his friends, ignoring his brother’s taunting calls. There was only one thought that was still left on his mind.
If Jon had a crush on Adrien Agreste, this could ruin the whole plan.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He was right.
What was implied to be a one day tour ended with them staying a week in Metropolis. And the worst part? Damian was completely powerless to do anything about it.
“Hey enfant démon, you seen my partner or yours for that matter?”
Damian scowled at Marinette as she leaned against his doorframe, her expression as exasperated as he felt.
“I told you to quit calling me that. Just because it’s in French doesn’t make it better heathen.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him, remaining firm in her spot as she waited for her answer. With a great sigh, Damian shook his head, glancing from his book to out the hotel window.
“They snuck out sometime early this morning while I was on my run. Jason was supposed to be keeping an eye on them.”
A slight protest echoed through the suite as Marinette shook her head.
“Do you think we’ll ever get Adrien to meet Selina at this rate? I know he needed this break, but I hadn’t expected to be gone this long. I just turned 17, if it wasn’t for Jason here being a technical adult, my parents would have never let me come. I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t shown up to drag me to Paris.”
Damian nodded slightly, his thoughts straying to the idea of an angry Sabine showing up at their hotel. The thought alone was enough to send a shiver down his spine. He opened his mouth, unsure how to respond when he caught the sound of a set of familiar giggles outside the suites’ door.
“We’re home! Marinette! You won’t believe how awesome the sunrise in Metropolis is when you’re so high up. Jon is awesome!”
The boy tried his best to hide his blush as he gently swatted Adrien’s shoulder, earning a giggle from the blonde.
“Okay lovebirds, how about you stop running off without the rest of us? At least tell us where you’re going, is that too much to ask?”
A simultaneous ‘yes mom’ came from the duo as they ducked out of Marinette’s reach, racing down the hallway.
“That’s it, I’m calling Selena right now. Damian, Jason, between the two of you, figure out a way to keep our rebellious teens in check. It shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes for her to arrive, I’m sure the two of you can manage.”
Jason peeked his head into Damian’s room, his eyebrows raised matching how Damian felt. Did she have any idea how hard it was to hold down a Kryptonian without using Kryptonite? If only she hadn’t banned Damian from bringing it to Metropolis.
With a small huff of annoyance, Damian swung his legs off his bed, placing his book back on the nightstand carefully. This was going to be the longest thirty minutes of his life.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Dammit children, can’t you sit still for one minute!” Jason gripped both boy's collars as he tossed them back onto the couch that they had escaped from.
“Aw, c’mon Jason. I thought you were the fun Wayne! I just want to show Adrien a good time before he had to leave.”
Damian wasn’t sure how much more Jason could take. The vein on his forehead looked like it was about to burst from him resisting beating the two to a pulp. It was honestly a bit satisfying to look at.
“Can you at least explain why we’re on house arrest? The day has just started and we’re already wasting it.”
“I told you already Agreste, Marinette wants you to meet a friend of hers that lives nearby. We can’t have you skipping out before she gets here.”
Adrien sighed dramatically before falling into Jon’s shoulder.
“But waiting is boring!”
Damian felt his nose twitch while staring at the blonde. Honestly, he didn’t know how Marinette was able to keep up with this child-like energy for all the years she had. He was exhausted after a mere thirty minutes.
The sound of the doorknob rattling caught the attention of the four as a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room.
“Well hello there my kittens, long time no see.” Within a split second, Selina was already on top of Damian, pulling him into the biggest hug she could manage.
“Release me you heathen, I do not like being touched!”
Selina giggled as she tightened her hug before releasing him, allowing him to drop to the floor.
“Oh, I know. I enjoy giving you a hard time the most Damiboo.”
Damian cringed at the nickname as he allowed Marinette to help him back to his feet. While Selina was unbearable, he honestly had to applaud Jason for his thought. If anyone could reign in the energy Adrien had, it would be her.
“You must be Adrien. I’m Selina Kyle, so very nice to meet you.”
Adrien swallowed hard as he tentatively reached out his hand to shake hers. No one could blame him, the look on Selina’s face was terrifying as if she was admiring a jewel before shattering it into pieces.
“Now let’s cut to the chase. Do you want to live with me? You obviously need a parent figure in your life, but you also only have a year left until you can be on your own. I know it’s a big change from Paris, but between Zeta tubes and that little horse your friend Marinette carries, you’ll never be too far.”
Damian bit his lip hard, trying not to yell at Selina for her brashness. She was supposed to be gentle and coaxing. Get him to like her, spend the day with him, and then suggest it. Adrien looked as white as a ghost, as expected when someone you’ve only heard stories about shows up in your hotel room with adoption papers.
“Uhm, I don’t really want a guardian. My aunt said she would rent me an apartment wherever I wanted and when the time came for my 18th birthday, she’d sign it over to me-”
Adrien was cut off as Selina placed a finger over his lips, shocking him into silence.
“Honey, I can do that for you. Don’t rely on family who will want to steal your father’s fortune. However, I will have a few conditions.”
Adrien nodded slowly, his eyes glancing around frantically as if asking for help.
“First, you must visit Wayne Manor once a week for a family dinner, I refuse to let you off the hook with no real resemblance of a family. Second, you must rent here in Metropolis where you already have a good person looking out for you. And third, you must force Damian and Jason to participate in these once a week dinners.”
Jason and Damian shouted frantically for him to decline, their plans falling to pieces before them. They only quieted down after Marinette reached back giving them matching red bumps on their foreheads.
“What do you say, sweetie? I can tell you and Jon are already close and I think this would be best for everyone. You had already finished your studies in France so you can take this year to decide what you want to do next in life and I think between the Kents and us, we can help you with that.”
It took less than a minute for Adrien to agree and for Damian and Jason to be bested by two black cats. Selina insisted on lunch to celebrate, dragging Adrien and Jon with her and out the door leaving the three exhausted crusaders behind.
“Well, technically Bruce won’t be the one adopting him.” Marinette shrugged before plopping on the couch, the other two following suit.
“Yeah, but like, we went through all this trouble to stop Dick and Adrien from meeting, and now we will be having weekly dinners with them. Marinette, you are officially forced into this agreement as well.” Jason poked at her side, a small sigh of defeat escaping from his lips.
“Stupid lovestruck Jon.” Marinette and Jason turned their attention to where Damian sat, his arms crossed in annoyance. “I bet if they hadn’t had this week to hang out, Selina wouldn’t have picked up on their stupid crushes. Why do you women always feel the need to meddle?”
The air was silent for a moment before laughter erupted from Damian’s right side. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help the small giggle that came from his own mouth. Stupid Jon, making him attend family dinners with the likes of Dick and Adrien. He was happy for him, not to be confused with the utter annoyance he felt for him at the moment as well.
As they sat there joking about their shared fate and pondering how it could’ve gone differently, one thought was constant across all three of their minds:
Who could’ve planned for stupid lovestruck Jon?
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idorkish · 4 years ago
The Reaper’s Angel: Fly Away - Chapter 8
Warnings: Smut/mention of smut. Cursing, 
 Thank you so much to those who have stuck around. This section is quickly coming to an end. Please be gentle with me, it’s a long time since writing smut! Also, this is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine. LOL 
Need to catch up? Check out Reaper’s Angel Masterlist 
Angel had been back in Charming for three months when she finally ran into him. Well, it was more that she crashed into him as she wasn’t paying attention in the store. Angel stared wide-eyed over her cart, her fingers gripping the handles tightly. “D-d-David?”
David looked up and smiled, “Angel! Shit, I’m sorry, I should have looked where I was going. I’m zoning out today. What have you been up to? How ya been?”
“Just moved back to Charming. Working at the garage for now. What about you? Thought you were still in the Marines?”
David rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. “Nah. It was time for me to leave. I missed being home. I’m actually working at the police station now. Started a couple of months after I got back to Charming.”
Angel couldn't help but smile at him. It had been years since they last saw one another. Their last interaction hadn't left them on any good terms but Angel couldn't help but take in how much David had Changed. 
"Wow, you? A cop? Well damn. David Hale, all grown up and protecting little ol’ Charming.”
He smiled and gave a small shrug. “Look I know this might seem odd, considering, well you know," David cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck, "But, um, I was thinking that we could catch up over lunch, or dinner if that’s better? Sometime soon hopefully?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Angel smiled a bit at her lower lip. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the butterflies in her stomach when he asked her. How could it be that he made her feel like a teen all over again? 
“Well, I’d eventually like to. But this time, it'll just be us catching up and nothing more. I’m sure you still got the club on your ass about who you’re hanging out with. Wouldn’t want to have the charter buckle down on you more than I’m sure they already are.”
Angel barked out a laugh and quickly covered her mouth, her eyes wide but sparkling with amusement. She did a quick look around their surroundings and let out a sigh of relief that no one was paying them any attention. He was right, the last thing she needed was everyone in the club becoming more overprotective of her. “Always the charmer Hale. I’m free tomorrow night. 7:30 pm. Granted, it might not be a good idea to stay in Charming, considering, well ya know.”
“7:30. I know a place out in Lodi that’s nice. We can meet there. I’ll send you the address and everything.” David couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He had left things on bad terms with Angel, and there wasn’t a moment he didn’t regret that. Once he had left her that day, he knew he fucked up but it was too late. He had made his mind up and hadn’t looked back. This didn’t mean that Angel never crossed his mind. No, no. She was always on his mind. Over the years, he wondered what she was doing, if she was still in Charming or if she went to school in Arizona like they had planned. This was a good start for reconciliation and David was hopeful that nothing would fuck this up. 
The next evening couldn't arrive quickly enough for Angel. She was fidgeting the whole day and avoided Gemma as much as possible.  She loved that woman but knew she wouldn't stop badgering Angel for information.  This was something Angel needed to keep for herself.  When Bobby cornered her in the garage office, Angel claimed she was just excited to see a college friend in Lodi that evening.  Her father took the vague answer and shrugged,  just reminding her to be safe and keep her phone charged. Angel had no idea how she managed to get them to not have someone go with her, but she knew better than to test fate. 
By quitting time, Angel was rushing home to get ready before she could be stopped or distracted by anyone.  It was times like this that Angel wished Precious was still around. She wasn't sure What to wear. What do you even wear to a non date- but kind of a date-situation? Angel groaned and grabbed her phone. She let it ring and sighed in relief at the familiar voice.
"Dollface! miss your Johnny-boy that much you couldn't wait for our chat time tomorrow?"
Angel rummaged through her closet and groaned. “I need help. Remember my ex I told you about - the first one? Well he asked me on a non-date-but getting dinner tonight and I don’t know what to wear. Help?” she whined out and pouted. 
Johnny laughed and Angel could hear him moving about, laughter and groaning, and then a door closing. 
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
“Nah, just a couple people over to watch some movies. You know I’d ditch anyone and anything for you Dollface. Now, I vaguely remember. This was the dude who was a bitch when he left and essentially led you into the arms of your now army-lover-boy correct? And don’t roll your eyes at me! You know that I know when you do that, even over the phone and miles and miles away from me. Now tell me the options.”
Before Angel knew it, she was pulling into a brightly lit,  family-friendly franchised diner. Angel couldn't help but laugh when she realized why David had picked this place - the Sons would never be caught dead in this place and if they did somehow follow her, they would stick out like a sore thumb in the parking lot. Either way it gave her a chance to see if they followed her and adjust her plans. Angel couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto her face. She would have to thank David for thinking this through. 
She locked her car and smoothed out her skirt before making her way inside. The butterflies in her stomach hadn’t stopped and seemed to be going crazier. Angel stopped once inside the door and looked around. Her heart dropped when she realized David wasn’t anywhere in the diner. “Am I early?” she thought as she grabbed her phone to look at the time. “Nope, I’m a bit early though...I wonder where he is..”
A young waitress made her way over and tapped Angel gently on the shoulder, “Miss Munson? Please follow me, your guest is waiting for you over here.” 
She led Angel to the furthest corner of the diner that was hidden behind a large cutout of the mascot. David was sitting in the booth, an arm resting over the back of his seat and the other holding his phone. Angel stood for a few moments and just took in the view. David had changed over the years, he was more filled out from when they were younger, his jaw more square and sporting stubble. Angel took in his attire, blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a short sleeve blue button-up shirt. 
Angel cleared her throat and smiled once David finally took notice of her. He looked up so quickly and stared at Angel, as he dropped his phone to the table, scrambling to quickly get up and greet her. “Sorry, was just letting Unser know I wasn’t in town...in case he needed me or something. You look, wow. Angel, you look great.”
It didn’t take David and Angel too long of time  before they realized they were back to being nearly inseparable. Angel would spend many of her nights at his apartment,  where they cooked dinner and watched movies together. It was nice to be with him again and she prayed that they could maintain this for a while longer. Angel hated that she kept their relationship a secret but she knew it was for the best. David understood. Angel could tell it was hard for him to not say anything to others but he was willing to do it for their chance to be together again.
Like most other nights, Angel was curled on the couch in David’s apartment with some random show playing in the background as she read through one of the many books she left there. David had given her a key to the apartment early on and she’d often go over, even when he wasn’t home. This was one of those occasions. She knew he would be home later than normal but that didn’t phase her. She just didn’t want to go back to the house and deal with arguing with Bobby for another day.
Things had been stressful since Angel had moved back to Charming. And even more so once she was spending more time at David’s. Angel was stuck living with her father for the time being and struggling to find a place of her own. Bobby kept treating her like a child again and always tried to keep close tabs on her. Even though she agreed to work at the garage for a while, Angel knew it couldn’t last much longer. She was tired of everyone “keeping an eye” on her there, and then trying to demand she tell them where she was going. Sneaking around with David had been hard. So far they had been lucky at keeping everything a secret. Angel often parked her car blocks away and just walked to his place, often changing where she walked to get to his place. 
The more she thought of it, the more Angel started to doubt if they could keep this up anymore. It was great to start over again but Angel knew it would have to end again. The book was quickly forgotten as Angel got lost in her thoughts. Would it get to the point that she’d have to pick between David and her family? If she stayed with David, how would that impact her living in Charming? She knew that it would be hard to stay in town and constantly run into her family. But if she let go of David, how would she deal with seeing him around town? Angel knew that if she picked the club - her family - that she would say goodbye to dating for the foreseeable future. 
Angel was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear the door of the apartment opening. Nor did she pay any attention to the figure behind her until the body was leaning close and arms were wrapping around her upper half.. Angel jumped and screamed, flinging her book and falling off the couch.
David froze as a large grin spread across his face. He watched as Angel scrambled on the floor and clutched her chest before narrowing her eyes at him. 
 “Welcome back to earth gorgeous.” David jumped over the couch and moved so he was hovering over her on the floor. “Was your trip to dreamland a good one?” He nuzzled his face against her neck, placing soft kisses. 
Angel grumbled and pinched his arm but closed her eyes and relished in the feeling of his lips against her skin. All David could do was laugh and press his lips to hers. 
Kissing was all they had done, which Angel loved. They had a long talk when they first started their arrangements and agreed to wait it out. There were still wounds that needed to heal and neither wanted to go further until those were cleaned up. 
"I'm sorry sir, but I hope you know you've broken into a cop's apartment.  I don't think he's gonna be too happy about that"
David grinned and raised a brow before grabbing her wrists and pushing them above her head.  "Is that so? Well, a little birdie might have told me he's far off being busy and he had something worth taking a look at." David nipped at her ear before nudging her face to the side, exposing the side of her neck, and grazed his teeth along the skin. 
The sharp edge of his teeth dragged across her skin and Angel closed her eyes once more, sighing out at the feeling. 
“Fuck,” Angel dragged out the word and wrapped her arms tightly around David’s center. The warmth and weight of his body were causing her brain to haze over. The feelings had been building up since they rekindled their once-relationship. This time, the added secrecy was doing something else and Angel wanted more. Digging her nails into the fabric of his shirt, Angel used the leverage to raise and grind her hips against him, hummin in pleasure as she felt David groan against her neck. "Please Davey, I need you."
David pulled back and sat on his haunches, his warm palms running down her sides anf pushing up her shirt. He watched Angel- his angel- writhe beneath him. Her eyes were closed and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she leaned into his touch. That one thing had always stuck in his mind during their time apart.  When they were teens, he could barely control himself when she'd look up at him with her big doe eyes and teeth biting down on her lip.  They were kids then.  Now he had another chance and he had his own place to hide her away and finally have his way with her. 
 "Shh, I know baby," he crooned before leaning over her again, "I'm right here.  Just gotta tell me what you want.” 
He watched more as Angel squirmed under him more. He held onto her thigh snaked around his hip and groaned when she thrust her pelvis up to grind against him. David trailed his eyes across her face, relishing in the pink flush spreading down towards her chest. He followed the flushed skin and stopped at her heaving chest. His jeans were so uncomfortable at the moment but he refused to do anything further unless she asked him for it. 
“Please baby,” he leaned down to press his lips to hers, “all you have to do is tell me. Anything you want, it’s yours. Just tell me baby.” 
Angel was surprised at the whine that burst past her lips. She kissed him back and gripped his shirt, tugging him even closer. “Please, bedroom. Need you so bad,” she murmured against his lips. 
David paused his movements and pulled back slowly. “Are you sure?” His hands rested on her hips. He swiped his tongue across his lower lip, waiting for Angel to answer him. Fuck he wanted her so badly. No, no. Not wanted. He needed her. 
“Yes. Davey, please.”
That was all he needed before he was lifting her into his arms and all but running towards his room, kicking the door behind him. IT didn’t take long to rid themselves of their clothes and fall back onto the bed. Angel ran her hands down his chest and stopped at his abs before wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him further down on top of her. “Davey, please don’t make me wait more.” 
David rested one of his hands on the side of her head and used the other to line himself up and push in slowly. He savored the moment of her walls squeezing around him. There was no way that David was going to rush this moment and did his best to keep his movements slow. 
As David’s thrusts gained a steady tempo, Angel brought her hands to his pecs, his nipples, down his abs, then clamped her legs around his waist to drive him further into her until their sweat-slick bodies slid together. With each thrust, Angel dug her nails deeper into his back. There were no words for how she felt, no way she could comprehend how her body felt so much on fire and the need for David to touch her more. She was so close. The strength of what was building was staggering. The feeling of his lips and scruff against her neck set her off and she let out a wail as she tightened around him more. 
She shuddered against him, her legs quaking, and when he finally slowed to look up at her, he saw her hair was a wild tumble, and her face was glowing. David stilled and just watched her come down from her orgasmic high. When she opened her eyes, he couldn’t help the smug smirk that crossed his face - her eyes were hazed over and the smile on her face was one he had wish to see so many times over the past years. The moment her eyes locked with his, David felt a lump catch in his throat. There were words he wanted to say, but he knew now wasn’t the time. 
“What’s wrong Davey?” 
Fuck, even her voice was wrecked. David shook his head and leaned down to press his lips to her. He started thrusting into her once more, lifting her leg higher up to his hip. He wanted to hear more of the sounds she was making as he thursted harder. David was determined to pull at least one more orgasm from her before letting himself go. 
The two laid on his bed, chest heaving as they tried to regain their senses. Angel curled into David and pulled the covers over them. She knew they should clean themselves up, but her mind and body were too tired. And David was so warm to curl against. They held each other and kissed softly as they refused to let the outside world break their bubble. 
They would have stayed in bed and continued their activities if it hadn’t been for Angel’s phone constantly ringing. She ignored each call that came though. Until the ringtone she assigned for Tig started blasting from the nightstand. 
“Ignore it, stay here... with me.” 
“I can’t. That’s Tig. If I don’t answer for him, the goon squad gets sent out to look for me. Plus something could be wrong with Bambi. Just give me a moment.”
Angel pushed the  hair from her face and steadied her breath before answering.  “Yeah, yeah. Sorry for not answering. Y’all caught me at a bad time and I wasn’t near my phone. Wait, slow down Tig! What...what do you mean?” Angel was jumping from the bed and scrambling to put her clothes on once again. 
David got up and started dressing; part of him was curious, the other part worried. Did something happen to Bambi? If it was Bambi, David knew he would go with Angel. To hell with what the club thought. 
“I-I’ll be right there!” Angel hung up the phone and froze in place. 
“Angel. What happened? Is Bambi ok?” David gently grabbed her chin and lifted her face to look him in the eyes. His heart clenched as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. 
“It’s Opie. I gotta get to the clubhouse.” 
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samcrobae · 5 years ago
Zoo, part 2
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Sooooo this piece has nothing to do with a zoo, but it’s from Mayans take the Zoo, and I didn’t know how else to identify it. Picks up where we left off. Daddy figure Angel at the zoo. @northerncountryprincess said she didn’t know she needed father figure Angel and I didn’t either. BUT I went the zoo today and it came to me. 😍 and now I’m obsessed. This will set up Angel’s relationship with the reader, but more daddy Angel to come.
Warning: Angel cuteness, language, my personal favorite: Angel SMUT
@carlaangel86 @cind-in-real-life @northerncountryprincess
Angel was at the yard lost in conversation with Gilly when you pulled into the lot. Gilly looked up and tapped his arm then nodded in your direction. The guys erupt in whistles as he stood up and walked to your car.
“Thought you were off today?” He asked as you stepped out of the car. “I am. Just wanted to come say hi and see if you wanted to get lunch? I just dropped Emma off with her dad-it’s his weekend.” He reaches over and pulls you into him by your waist. “I’m sorry, I wish I could. I told Coco I’d help finish some shit here. But we were gonna step out later, if you want I can come pick you up? Get you outta that house.”
You chuckle “yeah alright, pick me up.... around 8?”
“Alright I got you.”
You lean in and hug him, but before pulling away, he whispers into your ear, “where something nice for me.” He kisses your cheek and you get in your car and drive off.
“What’s going on with with that hermano? You guys make it official?” Coco asks.
“Yeah right they haven’t even kissed!” Gilly spoke up.
“Nah man, I don’t know, it’s weird. She’s got a kid. I’m being respectful. I’m glad my love life is such a joke, assholes. Oh- I told her to come out with us tonight, the kids with her dad.” Angel gets up and walks over into the clubhouse. Coco looks at Gilly and EZ, “this shit is gonna happen. I have an idea.”
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You get dressed, changing your outfit a million times before finally settling on a black dress, a cutout at your chest. “This will have to do I guess.” You think to yourself. A quick splash of perfume, and you hear a knock at the door. You look through the peephole and see Angel on the other end.
You open the door and greet him with a smile “hey.”
His eyebrows raise and he swallows hard “hi.”
“I just need to grab my phone and we can head out.” You say. You turn to grab your phone and he watches your every movement, he can feel his heart picking up pace and his pants growing tighter as he notices he’s now hard. “Angel you don’t have to stand outside you can come in.” He tries to remain casual and shakes his head and quietly says “trust me it’s better I stay on this side.” You head back out and lock your door and head down your steps into his car.
Before driving off he looks at you up and down as you sat in your seat next to him. “You know, don’t take this the wrong way, but god damn you look incredible.” “You don’t look to bad yourself” you reply back, not missing a beat.
You arrive at the bar and see Coco, EZ, and Gilly at a table. “Holy shit” Gilly lets out when he sees you. “I didn’t think she owned anything that didn’t look like mom clothes.”
“Hey guys.” You smiled at the 3 of them, who were awkward as hell when you approached.
“Ima get some shots, be back” coco gets up out of his seat.
A few drinks later, you find yourself dancing with Angel. Your hips pressed to his as you grind into him with the beat of the song. His hands come up to rest on your hips and the level of restraint it’s taking him to not take you into the bathroom, lift your dress up and fuck you here is unbearable.
Coco makes his way over, “my bad but Bish just texted. Needs me and Gilly, and Ima take Boy Scout here too.”
“He didn’t text me?” Angel questions .
“Guess he didn’t need you then”.
Just then coco and Gilly turn to leave and Angel makes eye contact with EZ. EZ looks at Angel, wide eyed and notions to you. Angel chuckles to himself as he realizes this was part of their plan all along. Bishop didn’t need them but he needed to spend time with you and they knew that.
“Guess it’s just us?” You said.
You spent the rest of the night drinking, laughing, and talking. As the night wound down you and Angel sat finishing your drinks.
“So, why are you here?” Angel looks up at you as he goes to take a drink. You furrowed your brows in confusion. “Um because you invited me?”
“I mean why are you here? In Santo Padre. How did you end up here? You’re too good for all this. For me. This life.”
“You don’t know that. I like you, Angel. Shouldn’t that be all that matters?”
“Yeah but I ain’t your type.”
“How do you know what my type is?”
“I can tell. I’m not it”
“Okay, you’re right. Youre not my type. You’re arrogant and cocky, rude, annoying, and you have a temper,” he looks at you and nods his head.
“But you’re smart and funny, you make me laugh, youre amazing with Emma, you’re dangerous and incredibly sexy, your laugh makes my heart skip a beat, your smile makes my stomach do back flips, the way you call me “mi dulce” gives me butterflies and I look forward to seeing you everyday.” He looks at you and smiles, taking one last sip of his drink. “Come on, lets take you home.”
You get to your front door and you put the key in and turn the knob. You linger for a minute before breaking the silence, “thanks Angel. I had fun.” You look up at him, noticing his gaze has now shifted to your lips. You lick your own lips and he steps closer to you. “You’re amazing, mi dulce.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and leans in to kiss you. You meet his kiss, and he steps back. “I like you too Y/N. Goodnight.” He turns to walk back down your steps.
“Angel?” He stops and looks at you. “Do you wanna.. come in?” He turns Back and walks towards you. “More than you know”.
You open the door and he steps inside. Taking in the sight of your living room, Emma’s toys and things laid out on the floor. “Sorry, I didn’t have a chance to put this all away.” You start to grab her things when you feel Angels hand on yours. He pulls you into him, taking your face in his hands and kisses you again. This time the kiss is rough and your hands come up to rest on his forearms. You walk him backwards to the couch. His legs hit the edge of the couch and he sits down, bringing you with him.
You straddle his lap, your hands on his cheeks as you kiss him and his hands coming up to grip your waist, he breaks the kiss to start kissing on the exposed part of your chest where your dress doesn’t cover, your hands tangle in his hair, his hands now roaming under your dress gripping your ass. You let out a soft moan and in one swift movement he flips you into your back, so that’s hovering over you. Your chest is rising and falling quickly, and he kisses your lips again, slipping his tongue into your mouth his hands still on your ass. “I’ve been thinking about getting you out of this dress all fuckin night.” He lowers his head and kisses the skin on your chest again only this time he’s sucking his mark into every crevice of available skin.
You let out a moan and he finds his way to your panties and pulls them down your legs. He lowers himself so that his face is where you want it most. He looks up at you and lifts your dress, exposing yourself to him. He leaves a trail of slow and gentle kisses up your thighs and your breathing is heavy , anticipating his next move. He looks at you as he slowly brings finger and runs it over your pussy, and you let out the breath you had drawn in. “You’re fuckin perfect princesa...” his mouth crashes onto you, hungrily kissing, licking, sucking at your clit, then slides a finger into you and pumps it in and out of you.
“Oh my god.... yes....” you buck your hips into his thrusts, bringing your pussy closer to him and he grips your hips hard, and you know you’re going to have bruises later. He slides a 2nd finger into you and you let out a louder moan, a warmth pooling in your stomach. Your skin felt like it was on fire, his lips on your skin causing waves of ecstasy to rip through you. “Angel.... yes.... yes.... fuck.....”
“Let go mi dulce... cum..” he picks up the pace with his fingers, flicking his tongue faster across your clit.
Your back arches off the couch and stars cloud your vision as the first orgasm rips through you, your hands pull on his hair and you moan his name “Angellll.....”. He slows his sucking as you come down from your high. Getting up he wipes his beard of your juices and stands you up, your knees weak, and he remove your dress.
“Why am I the only one naked here?” You playfully ask. “If you wanted me naked all you had to was ask baby.” You start undoing the buttons of his flannel and he reaches around and unclasps your bra, letting the fabric fall to the floor. You undo the last button of his shirt then pull it down to the floor, working on his belt buckle and jeans next. He lifts you up and puts you against the wall, taking a nipple in his mouth. You let out another moan, as he bites on the skin between his teeth, his free hand working the other breast.
“I need you Y/N, now.”
“Then take me.”
He aligns himself with your entrance and quickly enters you. “Fuck...” you breath out. He lets out a low growl and begins thrusting into you, each thrust sending you slamming into the wall, almost knocking the breath out of you.
“You feel so good...your pussy is so fuckin wet ..” Angel grits between his teeth.
His thrusts become deeper and he hits that spot that sent you into oblivion just moments before and you let a loud moan leave your lips “yeah like that, please don’t stop Angel... that feels so good.”
“Yeah you like that? You like the way I’m fuckin you baby? Tell me”
“Yea... you fuck me so good... keep going... please keep going ... I’m so close ..”
He sucks into the skin on your neck and you dig your nails into his back. You can’t hold on any longer and you’re practically whimpering words that don’t even make sense and he comes up to kiss you again. You begin to feel your walls clench and he moans into your mouth... “do that again baby... squeeze my dick again..” his thrusts are now erratic, fast, powerful.
“Angel... Angel......yeah...I’m gonna cum ...” you both find your release at the same time, a deep and drawn out growl leaving his throat.. “FUCK!” He burries his face into your chest, beads of sweat across his head as he stills himself inside of you.
Slowly putting you down, he places a kiss to your forehead. Then rests his own forehead on yours. “You’re so beautiful..” as he tries to catch his breath. You bend down and start grabbing your clothes off the floor and head to the bathroom clean yourself up. He follows you in and hands you his flannel.
“What’s this for?” You ask.
“Put it on, you’re my girl. I wanna see you in my favorite shirt.” He leans over and plants a kiss on your shoulder.
“Your girl huh?” You smiled and turn so you’re facing him. He puts his hands on your waist and kisses your cheek, then the corner of your mouth, then your lips.
“Yeah. You’re perfect. And that? That was fuckin... wow. And everyday, all day, I find myself thinking about you. You just do something to me. I care about you. I care about Emma. I don’t wanna pass this up.”
“Angel- I cant tell you how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
You kiss his lips and he pulls you into him, and that was just the first of many nights to come.
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mst3kproject · 5 years ago
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The Devil Bat
Two #fuck this movie entries in a row? Yikes.  Time for something fun.  Here we have Bela Lugosi and a fake bat on a string, in a movie brought to us by the Producers Releasing Corporation, who also gave us the classic I Accuse my Parents.  It’s a bad movie masterpiece all on its own, and Joel and the bots could only have made it better.
As the opening card informs us, Paul Carruthers is the kindly local doctor in the village of Heathville… kinda like how Harold Shipton was the kindly local doctor in Hyde.  In between tending to his patients, Dr. Carruthers has been carrying on twisted experiments in his secret laboratory.  Electrical stimulation has allowed his pet bats to grow to the size of geese, which is certainly impressive but doesn’t seem very useful until the doctor’s business partner Mr. Heath inadvertently insults him.  Seeking revenge, Carruthers trains the bats to attack anything with a particular scent, and then sends that scent to his enemies in the form of a shaving lotion!  Can ace reporter Johnny Layton find the truth about the ‘Devil Bat’ before the entire Heath family is destroyed?
This movie was like a nice sorbet after the two course rotisserie turd that was Curse of Bigfoot and Sorority Girl.  It has everything I want out of a lousy old horror movie: bad actors, a ridiculous plot, and hilariously shoddy effects, all dished out so earnestly that you can’t help but love the result.
It’s a fairly guilt-free pleasure, too, because I’m pretty sure no bats were harmed in the making of this movie.  There’s a couple of close-up shots of a live flying fox, but almost all the bats we see are silly stiff props that don’t even deserve to be dignified with the label puppet.  Dr. Carruthers carries these around dangling from coat hangers.  In order to make them grow he just hooks them up to a battery with alligator clips, then puts some goggles on and watches.  We see the stupid fake bat getting electrocuted, then cut to Carruthers watching, then cut back to a slightly larger fake bat getting electrocuted.
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When the bat attacks, it dangles from a string (shaken slightly to make it ‘flap’) and swoops down to sink its fangs into people’s necks!  This prop does double-duty, since it also appears to serve as the fake bat the reporters rig up to get pictures of.  It’s the sort of monster you see Maciste fight half a dozen of when he visits the underworld.  The movie’s best bat moment, however, is the cardboard cutout that passes by to cast its shadow over the lurid newspaper headlines.  I can’t even describe how hilarious this is.
Bela Lugosi is in excellent mad scientist form, grinning and gloating and giving his all in a movie that really doesn’t deserve it. Everybody else is very bland, both the actors and their characters, but it doesn’t matter because they’re frankly not important.  The audience is here to watch this stupid fake bat kill people at Bela’s orders, and the other characters don’t need to do anything but scream really loud as they die. The film-makers know this, too, because they devote the bare minimum of time to things other than Bela and the bat.  The story speeds through all the plot stuff as efficiently as it can, so it’ll have time to linger on the mad science, crazed monologues, and stupid effects we came here for.
In some movies this might make Layton into a Hero Who Doesn’t Do Anything, but surprisingly, The Devil Bat avoids that pitfall.  Layton and McGuire aren’t exactly likable heroes and their supposedly humourous antics are never funny, but they continue to actively pursue the mystery even after they’ve technically lost their jobs over their pictures of a faker bat, apparently out of active concern for the people the bat is menacing.  Layton follows the clues back to Carruthers in a reasonably sensible fashion, and even has the presence of mind to react to the devil bats by shooting at them rather than standing around yelling!  His motivations for this are slightly selfish, in that he wants his job back and is in love with Mary Heath (what she sees in him is a mystery), but he definitely doesn’t just blunder through it like the reporter from The Mad Monster.
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At the end, Carruthers is destroyed by his own creation when the Devil Bat turns on its master, as is inevitable for any mad scientist movie.  Even this doesn’t leave Layton out of the action, though – Layton came to Carruthers with his theory that the bats are attracted to the aftershave, and puts it on himself in order to lure them… then splashes some on Carruthers, too.  In the finale, then, they are both in equal danger. Layton is an active character rather than a reactive one, which seems to be something very difficult to do in movies like this that tend to focus on the villain.  So props for that.
There’s also some good fun to be enjoyed in Carruthers’ behaviour throughout the movie.  The impression we get of Mr. Heath and his friend Mr. Morton is that they’re grateful for Carruthers’ help and would happily give him more money if he asked for it.  It just never occurs to him to ask for it – he’d rather go straight into mad science revenge mode.  When you note that he started creating giant bats well before his beef with Mr. Heath, it seems like Carruthers has just been waiting for an excuse to send his pets off to kill people.  There’s also the fact that he’s very careful not to get any of his lotion on himself, to the point of throwing away a jacket that has become contaminated with the stuff… but on more than one occasion he shakes hands with somebody who’s just been applying it and then doesn’t wash afterwards.  He ought to have bats gnawing on his fingertips.
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I was a bit surprised to realize that this is only the second bat-centric movie I’ve watched for this blog.  The other was, of course, It Lives by Night.  I was annoyed by the way It Lives by Night presented bats as bloodthirsty little monsters, but for some reason I didn’t have the same problem with The Devil Bat.  I gave that some thought, and decided there were two reasons for it.  The first is just that The Devil Bat spends less time tormenting actual bats.  The Devil Bat itself is very clearly fake, and while a fruit bat of some sort does appear in a couple of close-up shots, it doesn’t look like it’s having nearly such a bad day as the bats from It Lives by Night.
The second, more important reason, is that The Devil Bat gives us some kind of justification for the bat’s behaviour. Carruthers created this animal specifically to be the instrument of his revenge.  It attacks because it’s been taught to hate the scent of the shaving lotion. It Lives by Night does nothing similar, and seems to want to suggest that bats are just naturally murderous.  That’s bad press that these already much-maligned creatures don’t need.
(Bats’ ability to carry nine hundred horrible diseases and not get sick is, by the way, yet another of their amazing superpowers. SciShow on YouTube recently did a video on this if you’re curious.)
Of course The Devil Bat does have its annoyances.  Layton and McGuire are meant to be comic relief as well as heroes, and they’re about as funny as most comic relief reporters in terrible old movies.  They never quite descend to the level of Watney or Dropo but they don’t reach any heights, either.  Each of them also gets a very perfunctory love story that contributes nothing to the plot, with Layton falling in love with Mary Heath and McGuire with her French maid (yes, a literal French maid) Maxine.  So little time is devoted to these subplots that one wonders why the film-makers bothered including them.  The only reason I can think of is that even with them the movie’s only sixty-eight minutes long.
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I probably could say something about The Devil Bat’s gender politics if I wanted.  The Heath family has made their fortune in cosmetics and yet there’s a bit where the newspaper editor seems to ridicule women for ‘all that goo they put on their faces’.  I’m honestly not sure it’s worth the effort, though.  I mean, it’s a movie about a giant bat on a string killing people because it doesn’t like their cologne.
Likewise, there may be some sort of commentary happening in the subplot about the reporters losing their jobs.  They really want to get the real story but they also really need to have something to show their bosses in the meantime, and it’s the latter that drives them to stunts like their even faker bat-on-a-string.  Or maybe something could be made of the thing with Mr. Heath underpaying Dr. Carruthers.  The cheque he sends him is for five thousand dollars, which was, as Joel and the Bots enjoyed saying, a lot of money back now.  The movie seems to feel that Mr. Heath was more than generous… but again, is it really worth taking The Devil Bat that seriously?
That’s as good a sum-up as any of The Devil Bat, really… it’s not meant to be thought about and I, for one, am not going to waste my time doing so.  Not when I can revel in the sight of that stiff fake bat on a string being swung into victims’ necks.  All the film-makers wanted was for us to watch and smile for an hour or so, and that’s exactly what you will do if you look The Devil Bat up on YouTube, where it is freely available in the public domain.  Enjoy!
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thatesqcrush · 5 years ago
The Christmas Date
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Rafael Barba x Reader.
CW: NSFW - it’s about to get smutty y’all.
AN: Prompt #15 (Red & White) from the @thefanficfaerie Christmas OTP challenge.
Tags: @madpanda75 @ottosuricato @dreila03 @sass-and-suspenders @theenchantedgalleryofstories @glimmerglittergirl @melsquared79 @mommakat32 @garturbo @southern-magnolia @niyashell @tropes-and-tales @imjustreallynosy @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @sweetsummertime99 @evee87 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @zoeykaytesmom @redlipstickandplaid @kscarlett1
The instructions from Rafael were simple enough: Wear something fancy and pack an overnight bag for a weekend - pack warmly.
You finished packing the last of your toiletries in your small duffel bag before moving on to slip on a pair of white heels. You wore a red open back jumpsuit, that also had a deep neck in the front which showed off your décolletage. Your hair, which was normally up, was loose and delicate white marbled resin hoop earrings hung off your ears.
You spritzed some perfume on your wrist and rubbed it against your other wrist. You carefully applied your lipstick, which Your makeup was muted, save for a bold lip which complimented your dress.
There was a staccato knock on the door and you knew it was Rafael. You gave yourself a once over and approved of your appearance. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you approached the door and nervous energy coursed through you.
You opened the door to find Rafael there. Though he wore a caramel coat, it was open. He wore dark charcoal suit, outfitted with a red tie adorned with tiny white snowflakes. Rafael let out a low whistle when he saw you.
“Y/N - you are stunning,” he complimented. You preened in response. “And I like what you did with your door.” Your door was decorated with silver and gold snowflakes, cutouts of a holiday village and a big green wreath with a red and white bow.
“Thank you. Do you want to come in or do we have to go?”
“We have to go - do you have your bag? I have a car waiting.”
You nodded and took a few steps just to grab it. You lifted it proudly and Rafael took the duffle from your hand and opened his arm, so you could link into his.
“Rafael when you said you wanted to wine and dine me, you weren’t kidding,” you exclaimed in a near-whisper as you waited to be seated at Rolf, a snug German restaurant and bar known for its elaborate Christmas decorations.
Rafael pecked a kiss on your cheek. “Merry early Christmas. I have much more up my sleeve,” he purred in your ear. His hand rested on the small of your back, as the two of you were led to a table. You looked at him and cocked your brow. Rafael winked in response and you blushed.
“Flat or sparkling?” asked a waiter.
“Sparkling please,” you requested.
“I know I said it already, but you look beautiful,” Rafael gushed, reaching over to take your hand into his.
You flushed pink. “Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. I like the Windsor knot. Very classy.”
It was Rafael’s turn to raise a brow.
“You know knots?” He asked as he took a sip of water.
You nodded. “My brother was always messing with his ties in school. I had to constantly fix them.”
“Reminds me of when I was little and in Catholic School. If my tie was an inch out of place, Sister Maria would give me a demerit. And if I got a demerit, my father...” Rafael gritted the last part and unconsciously, balled his hand into a fist. You reached across and grabbed Rafael’s fist, breaking him out of his unhappy memory.
“Hey. Are you okay? I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
Rafael blinked rapidly. “I should be the one apologizing,” he began, but you held up a hand shaking your head.
“Don’t. And if you want to talk about it, I’m here and if you don’t, that’s okay too.”
Rafael squeezes your hand. “Let’s discuss something else then.”
From there, the conversation flowed more easily, on more lighter topics as you two dined on roast duck, stewed kale, chicken schnitzel and potato cakes. You both washed the cozy comfort food down with hefeweizens.
Rafael was detailing a recent win when he noticed your foot was slowly climbing up his pant leg. You settled at the apex of legs, and slowly rubbed. Rafael coughed and shifted.
You cocked your brow once more, as you took a swig of your beer. The waiter approached once more. “Can I interest you in dessert?”
You shook your head no, and Rafael requested the check. “I’m interested in a totally different dessert,” you purred into Rafael’s ear.
Rafael turned you to face him. “I was hoping you’d say something of the sort.”
“Where are we headed to now?” you asked, as you climbed back into the car.
“It’s a surprise,” Rafael replied.
Twenty minutes later, you were at your destination: The Peninsula Hotel. Gold reindeers and red holly berries flanked the awning over the entrance. Multiple Christmas trees adorned the lobby. It was lavish and over the top. The suite was equally as lavish and opulent. Decorated tastefully in cerulean blue and ivory, the room had Art Deco features and stylish modern furniture. A large lacquered TV cabinet was set in one corner, a fluffy California king-size bed on the opposite side. The suite was large, with big windows which you knew would provide ample light during the day.
“Oh Raf, this is just magical!” you exclaimed, walking in.
Rafael pulled you close to him. He pushed your hair from your face, his soft fingers tracing down your cheek. He studied you intently, as if he were trying to memorize all of your features.
“It’s all for you,” he murmured before dipping his head to capture your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss, fervently kissing him back. Your tongue traced his bottom lip, seeking entrance to which he happily obliged. Rafael’s hands moved to the slope of your waist, drawing you even closer and instinctively you wrapped your arms around his neck. Large warm hands moved to your derrière, cupping and squeezing as your tongues battled against one another’s. You were flushed, and felt warm all over, especially at the core.
Rafael could sense he was quickly going into overdrive and he hesitantly broke the kiss, in a desperate attempt to regain his composure. You whined at the lost contact.
“Paciencia,” Rafael rumbled, low. He scanned the room and found the bar cart. “Can I get you something to drink?”
You shook your head. You noticed the room had a grand piano off to the side. As Rafael poured himself a drink, you sat at the bench. You cracked your hands before years of training settled over you. You sat straight and you gently caressed the keys. As the beginning notes of Liszt’s Liebestraum No.3 began to fill the room, Rafael turned around in stunned silence.
You swayed with the tune, your eyes closed and head bowed down as you concentrated. It had been awhile since you touched a piano but it was almost second nature.
You felt the bench dip with Rafael’s weight and he sat next to you, as you continued to play. After a minute or two had passed, you stopped playing and turned to Rafael.
“Please don’t stop playing on my account. That was beautiful.”
You turned to Rafael and pressed a small kiss on his lips. You hummed in appreciation. “Thank you.”
Rafael took the opportunity to return your kiss. The kiss quickly intensified, the two of you pawing at each other. You made quick work of removing his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders. You ran your hands up and down his arms, feeling the the solid muscles underneath your touch. Rafael’s kisses moved to the slope of your neck, causing you to shiver. Slowly you both stood, continuing to work at each other’s clothes. The two of you crashed against the piano, which let out a groan of cacophonous sounds.
Rafael’s hands trailed up your sides, to the soft swell of your breasts. You sighed contentedly into his touch as he cupped and squeezed.
You broke the kiss, so you could remove the straps of the jumpsuit, before hooking your thumbs into the waist, and pushing it down to let it pool at your feet. You were naked save for the white lace panties you wore. Rafael took your form in; his eyes were dark, and full of lust. He could feel his cock twitch in response. Wantonly, he rubbed himself through his pants.
You smirked and coquettishly bit your lip, before sinking to your knees. As Rafael removes his shirt and tie, you undid his belt and pants, pushing them down. You palmed his erection though his boxers, enjoying the groan that he emitted. You helped Rafael remove his boxers, and licked your lips at the sight before you. You could feel your desire dripping between your legs.
You ran your tongue over his length before taking him fully into your mouth. His cock felt heavy in your mouth. You could taste the salty pre-cum that leaked from the tip.
“Oh God, yes,” Rafael hissed. You sucked on the head of his cock before flicking your tongue at the spot where the head met the shaft. As you sucked Rafael’s cock, you feel your panties dampen more. It turned you on to suck his cock. You used a free hand to jerk him while you sucked and slobbered all over his cock.
You hummed and rubbed your hands up and down the inside of Rafael’s thighs. You scraped your nails gently on his thighs and you felt him twitch in your mouth. The sounds of your mouth slobbering all over his cock drove Rafael crazy.
“Mmmm,” you hummed, sending vibrations up and through Rafael’s body. Rafael tangled a hand into your hair, gripping your head tightly, guiding your movements on his cock.
You pulled away, a strand of saliva connected you to him and Rafael almost came alone at the erotic sight. You ran your hands along his thighs and then to his buttocks, gripping tightly. You relaxed your jaw to take him deeper.
Rafael’s thrusts became more erratic and you knew he was close to coming. Pulling him out of your mouth completely, you ducked your head to lick and suck at his balls gently. Rafael hissed and threw his head back, willing himself to not come - he was dangerously close. Stepping back, Rafael pulled you up and kissed you so hard you were positive your lips would be bruised. His hands cupped your buttocks, and he lifted you, laying you gently on the piano. One hand held you in place, while the other palmed the course of your body. Your nipples were hardened peaks - every fiber of your body was on fire. You could almost hear the erotic charge cracking in the room.
Rafael paused his movement right at your lower belly. Gently, he spread your legs. His breath was warm against your soaking cunt, and you were desperate to relieve the aching in between your legs. He cupped your clothed pussy with his palm. “You’re so wet,” Rafael noted, a pleased lilt in his voice. He pushed your panties to the side and slipped a finger in. You sighed in relief at the feeling of his finger stroke you.
“All for you Rafael,” you mewled.
Rafael slipped another finger inside of you, his tempo quickening.
“Is that what you like?”’ he asked huskily. “My fingers fucking you?”
“Yes,” you cried out, feeling your orgasm quickly build. Rafael chuckled low, before removing his fingers. “Or maybe you will like my tongue?”
You whined at the lost contact. Just as you were about to reply, his lips and tongue were on your most intimate parts, sucking, licking and swirling.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, your back arching at the sensation. Rafael’s tongue lapped one long hard strip from your opening up to your clit, the wet, warm muscle circling your bundle of nerves before his lips closed around it. Rafael worked your orgasm alternating with his mouth and fingers.
You groaned, murmuring Rafael’s name with praise. You grabbed at your own flesh, pinching and tugging on your nipples, as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
Rafael paused his actions to take a breath. He looked at you and the sight was his near undoing: your wrecked face, your quivering body was flushed pink, and your breathing was shallow, uneven. He continued to finger fuck you, at one point scissoring his fingers. With the other hand free, he jerked himself, in an attempt to give himself some relief from his own ache, which was throbbing.
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, nearly sobbing. Rafael used the pad of his thumb to rub your swollen pink nub.
“Oh I will, cariño. First I want you to come for me,” he commanded with a grunt.
Your body commanded his request. You wailed his name as you fell apart, your pussy clenching over his fingers.
Slowly, Rafael removed his fingers. His cock was angry, red and weeping. Helping you off the piano, he kept you steady as your legs felt wobbly, as if they were made from jello. You kissed him once more, your lip nipping and tugging at his bottom lip. There was an large, arm-less over-sized chair off to the side of the piano and you sat Rafael down onto it. Rafael helped you climb onto his lap, and reaching down, you pulled your panties to the side and guided him into you.
“You sit back now; I’ll take care of you,” you cooed into his ear.
Rafael groaned into your neck as you sunk onto his cock. His cock fit you perfectly and you felt delightfully full; the stretch of his girth was delicious. Rafael had one hand on your hips, the other one you breast, pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Your hands were on his shoulders, as you bounced on his cock. Rafael met you thrust for thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good around my cock,” Rafael groaned.
The sounds of skin on skin and moaning from the two of you filled the room.
“Oh God, Rafael - I think I am going to —“ the words were caught in your throat.
“That’s it sweetheart. Cum on this cock, cream for me baby,” Rafael grunted, continuing to fuck into you with every ounce of his being. Beads of sweat dropped off the two of you.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, your head lolling forward to rest against his.
“Never.” Rafael scooted forward so he was on the edge of the chair. He started to fuck you hard and fast. He was relentless, pounding you deeply; you were certain you would feel it the next day. You felt yourself clench around him, your orgasm exploding. You cried out Rafael’s name and squeezed your eyes so hard, you saw stars.
Watching you come completely undone was Rafael’s own undoing and he came with a roar, your name spilling from his lips as he came inside of you. Rafael coming made you come again once more; the walls of your pussy clenched around him tightly, milking his release.
You collapsed against Rafael, and he collapsed against the chair backing. You were both a sweaty tangle of arms and legs.
After a few minutes, you pressed a chaste kiss on Rafael’s cheek before peeling your sweaty self off of him. “Come on,” you outstretched your hand.
You made your way to the fluffy bed and climbed in, Rafael following suit. “Tonight was wonderful. Thank you,” you murmured sleepily.
“Rest cariño - I have more in store,” Rafael replied, holding you close. Snuggling up against Rafael, it wasn’t long before you both fell asleep, wrapped around each other.
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ask-the-crimson-king · 5 years ago
What’s your honest opinion on Darius? What do you like about him? Dislike about him? And do you have any tips for me?
[I’m going to be honest. I am going to give the criticisms and things I personally have problems with, and you’re free to write all of them off as simply my opinion and change nothing. Darius is your OC, and you can do what you want with him. I also have nothing against you, the mun, and if any of this comes across as snappy or mean-spirited, know that is not the intent. 
Now. That being said. 
Darius is an interesting character for several reasons. I think his base concept is pretty cool. Having a character survive a virus bombing and still living among the Imperium and even founding his own Chapter in order to serve it is a neat concept.
However. I do have several qualms with him. I’ll get through those so this can end on a much more positive note.
One of them is how he feels written like a Creepypasta OC from 2014. He feels like, if he HAD been built for that fandom, he’d be the stereotypical ‘everyone bullied me and I killed all my bullies and I killed my abusive parents too’ Jeff the Killer clone who was always broody and nigh-invincible.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against powerful characters. I’m playing one myself. But it feels less natural with Darius. If that makes any sense? I don’t know how to really describe it. It just doesn’t feel right to me. 
I think one of the reasons why it kinda rubs me the wrong way is compounded by how the Revenants feel like they were made only to hype up Darius and were given personalities as an afterthought. I think there’s a bit too much of ‘oh Darius is such a badass that he does this and this and has survived this’ and also ‘oh but he’s also so broken, so so broken, and we’ve all tried so hard to fix him but he refuses to let himself be fixed’ coming from them. I think those vibes are the biggest reasons why I equate him to the 2014-era creepypasta OCs. “I’m so broken, but I can also kill you so easily heh heh.” 
Also I have a bit of a problem with the ‘you call me lord and you get my fist in your skull’ thing he has going on. It just feels like a bit much. You can have a laid back leader without them going ‘address me casually or else I’ll maim you’. I wouldn’t mind if it was jokingly, but it just doesn’t feel that way.
With my criticisms out of the way, let’s get onto the good stuff.
Darius definitely still feels like a son of Mortarion who was still loyal to the Imperium. I don’t know too too much about the Death Guard, but they still seem like stubborn stalwart bastards (I don’t mean that insultingly mind you) and Darius would definitely fit in with them. 
He also has that Chapter Master vibe about him. He feels like a leader. Even if you never introduced the rest of the Revenants and had them as cardboard cutouts instead, I could still see him commanding and bringing together an inner circle and maintaining a chain of command. He has that sort of veteran vibe, like a ‘alright, y’all are fucking kids in comparison to me, but I’m gonna lead you and teach you the good shit anyway because we need to help protect people. You signed up for this bullshit, and now we’re gonna wade through it together’ sort of thing. 
Another thing, the twink “bell”. I think that’s a nice way to bring a bit of humor to Darius’ character. Hide yer twinks, kiddos, else Darius is going to come screaming out of the Immaterium looking for them. Nice little touch. 
Also also he seems to be very loving with his boyfriends off the few things I’ve read, which is also nice. A good way to balance out the humors. 
Now, advice & improvements:
I’ve seen you use ‘Darius’ mask shows no emotion’ several times. It feels moot and pointless. I get that you’re trying to juxtapose that with what he is saying, but it feels kinda... obvious? None of the Astartes helms show much emotion past that portrayed, like Kharn’s snarling helm or the “standard” emotionless design. I would probably advise either finding a different way to provide that juxtaposition or trying to find a way to describe that exact thing differently. Maybe something more like;
“Fucking bastard,” he spat, his anger apparent despite the unmoving expression on his helm.
Another thing that feels a bit repetitive; the size of the Revenants. I think there are better ways to say ‘my fleet will fucking crush you’ than to state ‘we break the Codex Astartes by having about 2,000 marines in our Chapter’. Hell you’d think, with Darius being as old as he is, him and his Chapter would have gained a bit of renown, wouldn’t they? For an alternative, maybe try:
“Do you really want to try and make threats? I could wipe you out with only a fraction of my fleet. I’ve conquered star systems with fewer ships and companies than you can count on your fingers. So would you like to say that again?”
Do you see how that feels like it’s a bit more weighty than simply ‘my fleet is huge and we have 2,000 Astartes’? 
Basically; diversify your language. Try to show, don’t tell. People can go to your profile to learn the precise size of the Revenants, Darius doesn’t need to tout it each time he’s threatened.
Another thing that’s just something I’ve carried over from other sites and rp’s; try to avoid the one line or three word replies. I am sometimes guilty of this myself, especially when I’m burnt out and stressed and I’m like ‘oh fuck I need to get a reply out NOW this person has been waiting for a fucking WEEK, D A M N I T’, but sometimes I’ve seen people send four+ lines and get two or so words back. Try describing how the character in question is speaking, or try to describe their body language, what they’re thinking at that moment in time. Add just a bit more flavor.
IN SUMMARIUM: Darius is a character who definitely has potential, but isn’t without his major flaws. He does have some good and interesting aspects about him, but they feel weighed down by the fact that I can’t shake the vibe of a JtK clone from him. Your writing is pretty good, but a few things feel repetitive and you need a bit more work with show don’t tell. 
I hope this is helpful, and I’m sorry if any of this seemed antagonistic or ‘I am holier than thou’. I’m simply a nerdy dumbass who likes to analyze writing and try and point out the flaws while giving a few ideas on how to fix said flaws and make other writers better. I usually ask for others to provide similar feedback, and this is the type of feedback I’d get from teachers grading my papers throughout my school life.]
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nomorelonelydays · 6 years ago
kick your pretty feet up on my dash
Part 1 | Part 2
Two days after the Instagram account opens, Sidney unofficially gets put on naming duty.
 The strawberry shortcake biscuit is named The Taylor.
 The cream cheese-stuffed banana muffins, crusted with dark chocolate ganache, is The Fleury.
 The slice of warm spiced peach cobbler (available for just two weeks), topped with a generous portion of thick, whipped cream and vanilla ice cream, is The Deidre.
 He shares the account password with her, but she seems more interested in digging up her mom’s old recipes from an ancient box filled with yellowed index cards than photographing.
 “I’ll leave that up to you,” she says, then passes him a card titled, ‘Cherry Layer Chocolate Cake.’ “I think I’ll make this for the holidays. What do you think?”
 Deidre makes just one and a half cakes for a trial run (the other half, which had come out lopsided, is sitting in the back of Sidney’s fridge). It’s another instant hit.
 Sidney watches a couple, two teenagers who are making it pretty painfully obvious that they’re on their first date, split a slice in a corner seat. She’s chasing the cherry around the plate with her fork, and he watching her like she hung the literal moon. He laughs a little too hard at her jokes, his eyes crinkling like Geno’s when he’s chirping Sidney. But with the way she’s beaming, it’s clear that she doesn’t mind at all.
 He’s not jealous—or, at least, he doesn’t think he’s jealous. Having hockey and having a boyfriend have always been mutually exclusive. But now, with no obligations to the NHL, he’s supposedly free to do everything that he’s wanted to. He doesn’t dwell too long on it though, because the last thing he needs is to have an existential spiral in Deidre’s store over whether or not he’s missed his his golden hour to be happy the exact minute the Penguins drafted him all those years ago.
 He finishes lettering the card for the cherry chocolate cake and slides ‘The Jack’ neatly into its proper holder.
Geno calls him on Thursday nights now, like clockwork. He’s grateful for the routineness of it, especially when he knows how much Geno lives on spontaneity. It’s always the same—updates on how the team is doing (good, the weather over in Pittsburgh (not so good), another dumb prank the rookies are trying to pull (hilarious, but slightly unoriginal with the shaving cream), even though it’ll never be as good as the ones Flower used to plan.
 “How are you?” Geno asks one night, while Sidney is puttering around the kitchen to figure out what he wants to make for dinner. “Your tomatoes grow?”
 “I think those are a goner,” Sidney grimaces. The entire plant had shriveled up weeks ago, despite Sidney faithfully watering them. “Guess I’ll just have to stick with the storebought ones.”
 Geno is silent for a bit. Then, “Is quiet in locker room without you.”
 Sidney pauses. “I doubt that’s true.” There’s plenty of rookies every year, eager to prove themselves on the ice and to establish themselves as a personality on the team. Besides, Sidney has never been the life of the party—that’s always been Geno himself.
 “No, is quieter.” Geno sounds like he’s swallowing a yawn. “Different without you.”
 Sidney’s heart flounders, and he has to blink a couple of times before his throat unclogs. “Maybe you should get to sleep. It’s pretty late over there.”
 “No, I’m not tired,” Geno mumbles, sounding very drowsy. Sidney can almost picture Geno, hair-mussed and sleepy eyes about to close as he curls up on his mattress. “Want to keep talking.”
 “I know you have practice tomorrow, G,” Sidney says. “You have the C now, you can’t get there two hours late anymore.”
 “I’m never late,” Geno huffs. “You too early.”
 “Get some rest,” Sidney says gently. “I’ll still be here next week, same as usual.”
 “Maybe I call tomorrow.’
 “I won’t go anywhere.”
 “Wish you still here, Sid,” he murmurs. “Miss you so bad, some days.”
 Sidney doesn’t miss a beat. “I miss you, too,” he whispers, because any louder and he knows his voice will crack. “I’ll be here tomorrow. And the day after, if you still want to call.”
 “Okay,” Geno says. “Okay.”
 Sidney’s restocking the brioche rolls when Deidre’s voice casually pipes up from the coffee machine, “You have a secret admirer, you know.”
 “I know. It’s Samantha. PTA President,” Sidney says, trying to not sound exasperated. He only knows her name and title because she must’ve giggled it at him as a greeting every single time she’s marched in. “She asked me what the main ingredient was in the banana muffins and I told her banana like, three times.”
 “She just likes to hear you say banana. And no, it’s not Sam.” Deidre makes a come hither motion with her hands and slides a napkin towards Sidney. “Yesterday afternoon, there was a young man, maybe around his 30s, who stopped by for a latte and he asked where you were.”
 “Oh.” There’s something he can’t name fluttering in his stomach. The words on the napkin scrawled out, Jeremy, and a string of numbers. “What did you say?”
 “I told him, ‘He’s a cute one, isn’t he? He’s the store eye candy, bringing in all the sales.’”
 “Dee, you didn’t.”
 “I did, and he went full red. It was adorable. And I told him that you pop in in the mornings and in the afternoon to help with opening and closing.” She leans forward, grinning. “I’m just saying, think about it.”
 He thinks about it.
 At night, he tells Geno, “I think I have a secret admirer. Or a stalker.”
 Geno’s voice suddenly becomes infinitely more awake. “Have what? Someone stand outside your house? I read about this before, you need call police.”
 “No, it was at the bakery. I got his number on a napkin. Well, the owner gave me his name on a napkin, so I don’t really know what he looks like. He could be 100. People in this town are usually…around that age range.”
 Geno still sounds perplexed. “So say no.”
 “Say sorry, only go on dates with girls. But thank you.”
 Sidney’s brain feels like it’s stuttering to a pause. “Geno, what the fuck?”
 “I don’t ‘only go on dates with girls.’ I—” Well, to be quite fair, he hasn’t gone on any dates at all. “You know this.”
 It takes a full ten seconds for Geno to crackled back to life on the line again. His voice is hesitant. “You only bring girls to events. Like Halloween, or—”
 “They’re my friends, I’ve told you. I’m not going to bring a guy in front of you guys,” he exclaims, then reigns in his voice. His heart is beating like a jackhammer boring straight through. “Hey, listen, I have a pretty early day tomorrow, I’ll talk to you next week, okay?”
 “Sid, wait—”
 He hangs up and puts his phone face down on the nightstand. It’s not his proudest moment.
 I’m sorry(((, the text reads. The timestamp indicates that the message had been sent at 2 AM. You should go on a date with secret guy. Maybe he’s secret Ryan Reynolds.
 Geno’s texts are never longer than five words, usually cryptic versions of a yes or no, accompanied by eyeless smilies. Sidney wonders if he’d been painstakingly worrying over each word since Sidney hastily ended the conversation.
 I don’t think he’s Ryan Reynolds, Sidney sends back. Besides, no one in this town knows hockey. That’s gonna be a problem.
 Geno’s reply is instantaneous, as if he’d been waiting.
More messages follow in quick succession, before Sidney can even start typing. 
But always best for u. Deserve the best only.
 He laces up his shoes and heads to Dee’s.
 It snows a little mid-December.
 He helps Deidre with the decorations, hanging up tinsel and little snowflake cutouts on the window. She has a box of Christmas lights stored away in a dusty box from the attic, which definitely looks like they haven’t been disturbed since the 80s, but the one of the bulbs dies with a sad fizz the moment Sidney plugs it in. So they have to make do with the other nonflammable options.
 The store looks nice. ‘Well-loved’ is a better word for it, with its mismatched decorations and ancient garlands. He snaps a photo of the mini tree on the counter for Instagram before he goes to help Deidre frost the rest of the ornament-shaped sugar cookies.
 There’s commotion on the streets from all the tourists and families coming back for the holidays. He thinks about flying to Nova Scotia for the holidays, but then he realizes that none of Deidre’s children will be coming to Cardwell Point.
 “They’re busy,” she shrugs indifferently, but she turns her back to Sidney as she busies herself with rearranging the shelfs. “It’s alright. That’s what Skype is for, right? Besides, I have to watch the store.”
 He thinks about Geno, who’s probably headed to Florida soon to escape the onslaught of winter chill that he absolutely abhors, no matter how much he loves the city. He could Skype Geno, or Facetime him. Except Geno would always have the angle wrong, and Sidney’s sure he’d just get an on-brand mugshot of Geno’s nostril from the bottom up for the whole conversation. 
He did ask Sidney if he wanted to go to Florida, except the way he had asked had felt like a given tagged with a question mark at the end (Florida w me this year?). Nonetheless, Sidney had been tempted.
 But he also wonders if he’d feel even more homesick when Geno is physically standing in front of him again, all tall and loud and too big, too much, too many years of his unrequited love staring at him and making Sidney think that he has a chance. He doesn’t want to go to Florida to watch Geno pick up strangers at a club.
 “I’m not going anywhere, either,” he tells her.
 She looks over, finally, pursing her lips like she’s trying to hold back her smile.
Season’s greetings and a happy New Year to our wonderful customers and families here in Cardwell Point. Hope everyone is spending time with their loved ones this holiday season.
 Winter refuses to go. The clouds hang over the streets stubbornly, and each days trudges on like it’s dragging its feet.
 He misses skating.
 He misses Geno. Especially as it gets closer to February and teenagers and adults alike start coming to the shop in twos, their gloved hands clasped together as they squeeze through Dee’s tiny corridor when it’s really much easier to be in a single-file line.
 He’s not jealous. He is not.
 But he is lonely. And really fucking cold.
 He serves up at least thirty slices of The Jack, which is apparently the most popular item these days thanks to Instagram. Deidre switches up the decoration, so the cherry-glazed design in the middle forms a big, gaudy heart. The Internet completely eats up. Sidney doesn’t understand it.
 “It’s like a Titanic reference, right?” a customer asks, as he picks up the cake for his wife. “Like, an ‘I’ll never let you go,’ kind of thing. Jack and Rose?”
 “Sure,” Sidney says. It’s really for his first childhood crush, but he can work with the Titanic.
 The moment Deidre fills her last custom order of The Jack (and there had been plenty of those, for anniversaries to birthdays to just becauses), she tells Sidney that she’s figured out how to make her mother’s cheesecake.
 “Finally worked out how to stop the goddamn filling from clotting,” she says, cutting him a slice. The cake has a brownie bottom, and the inside is perfectly creamy and smooth and dotted with dark chocolate chips. “What do you think?”
 “I’m biased,” Sidney says, trying to not scarf down the whole thing like an animal. “I love cheesecakes. This one is my favorite so far.”
 “Good,” she tells him. “You can name this one, then.”
 His fork stops mid-air. “Weren’t you going to call it ‘The Lily’?”
 She pats his arm affectionately, not unlike the day she did when Sidney told her why he ended up at Cardwell Point. “I figured she wouldn’t mind. This can be our second February special. God, I’m sick of The Jack.”
 The next week, Sidney carefully slides The Geno in its display cabinet.
 (Deidre doesn’t ask about the peculiar name. She never does, and Sidney is grateful.)
 After over a decade in the NHL, he’s well aware of what he can and can’t have. But lately he’s been feeling selfish. He snaps a photo of the cheesecake and sends it to Deidre.
It’s a good photo.
 “I got invited to a neighborhood potluck yesterday,” Sidney mumbles into the receiver, when Flower asks him how retirement is treating him. “I don’t know what to bring. Maybe I’ll bring something from the bakery.”
 “Do you officially work at the bakery or are you just there because the owner is blackmailing you? Does she know who you are?”
 “I just help out when I can. And no, I told you, it’s not a hockey town. They do have competitive knitting here. It’s a thing.” Sidney doesn’t have much to do these days, aside from working out and catching up on reading, which means that he does end up doing most of the latter in the café. Maybe he should take up competitive knitting. “I started an Instagram for her shop. We just hit 200 followers.”
 “You know how to do that?” Flower asks, because he’s a little shit. “I’m kidding, I know you’re not actually a senior citizen.”
 Sidney rolls his eyes. “I haven’t checked it in a while though. I let Deidre handle the posting now. It’s her shop, anyways.”
 “What’s the handle?”
 He tells him. Flower is quiet for a bit as he searches through the page. “Pretty cool, eh?”
 “Yeah,” Flower says, his voice slightly off. “Yeah, it’s—it’s good. Looks like the real deal.”
 “What’s that supposed to mean? Of course it’s the real deal.”
 Flower makes a noncommittal noise. “Nothing. Cheesecake looks good. Does Geno know?”
 “No,” Sidney says. “I mentioned the bakery once or twice. He didn’t ask. Not, uh—not after I told him about Jeremy.”
 “Secret napkin man?” Flower remembers. “You didn’t go on that date?”
 “No, I didn’t go on a date with ‘secret napkin man,’” he mimics. “I don’t think he’d care.”
 “I think he’d care.” Flower always sounds so sure when he wants to be serious, and it’s one of the things Sidney missed most when he left for Vegas—there’d been a metaphorical hollow within the team for a good few months following his departure, and that void never quite got replaced no matter what.  
 Sidney can only hope. But he’s a little too old for hoping these days.
 Foot traffic is slower when they hit March, but Deidre promises that it’ll pick up when Cardwell Point’s 11th Annual Theater Festival starts in the middle of the month, because that’s apparently the other big thing aside from the 4th of July Carnival Bash. Sidney has just packed up another dozen of red velvet cupcakes for Samantha the PTA Queen when the front bell jingles.
 “Hello? I’m look for—”
 Sidney heart leaps to his throat.
 “Sid,” Geno says softly. He looks like the wind knocked him in (it probably had), mismatched Frakenshirts and all. “Hi, Sid.”
 Samantha may as well not have even walked into the store at all.
 “How are—“ He must be imagining things. But Geno takes another step, until he’s right in front of the counter and Sidney can reach out and touch just how real he is. He hasn’t changed much--still the same eyes, the same nose and lips, and maybe his hair is a bit thinner but he still makes Sidney’s chest feel too small and too big all at once. “Where did you—how are you here?”
 “Fly,” Geno says sheepishly. “Wanted to see you.”
 “What about—”
 “No games until Friday.” He’s staring at Sidney like he’s looking his fill and he can’t get enough. “I—I see your post, and I just—buy ticket.”
 “What post?”
 Geno pulls out his phone and flips through it until he lands at a familiar Instagram account. He passes it over to Sidney, his hands warm as it brushes against Sidney’s fingers.
‘I love you’ tastes a lot like our chocolate chip cheesecake, The Geno.
 “Oh,” Sidney breathes. “Oh.”
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puckyeahmightyducks · 5 years ago
NaNoWriMo Day 1
Today’s writing ended up being a complete one shot. Enjoy some (totally unedited) Mallory misery! It had been a pretty decent day. Things were nice and quiet at the base, there had been no criminal activity for the last week, and it was the off season. She had as much free time as she wanted this afternoon and she was going to enjoy it by wandering around the mall and then catching a movie later. Her good mood was shattered when she saw it. Mallory stopped and stared at the life size, cardboard standee of herself outside the Shoe Zone. She remembered doing the photo shoot, but she had never okayed which photos they were allowed to use. They had to have picked the absolute worst one possible. The cutout had her standing sideways, one hand on her hip and an athletic shoe in the other hand while she smiled vacantly. At that angle, her bill looked horribly misshapen. The cutout was a little smaller than she really was, despite being supposedly life sized. They had removed all traces of her muscles in favor of making her into one of the stick-thin, skeletal models California loved. That... That had to go. No way. While she watched, a mother and her young son came out of the store and he excitedly stood by the standee, smiling while she took his photo. While she watched, a three teenage boys came out of the store, laughing as two posed by the standee while the third took their photo. One of the boys grabbed the cardboard breast while the other pretended to slap its rear end. "Dude, she's so hot," one joked. "I know! I'd totally sleep with that alien." "You'd sleep with anything." "Yeah, but," he moved behind the standee and made thrusting motions with his hips, "She's probably never been with a real man." He laughed loudly while his friend gave him a high five. Mallory cleared her throat and took a step closer to them, arms crossed and a death stare directed at the one saying he'd sleep with her. "What was that?" she growled. "Oh, shit..." Kyle's eyes grew wide and the other two grew silent at seeing the real life hockey player in front of them. "That's no way to talk about a lady," Duke's voice came from behind her as he appeared from nowhere. “Now, if I were you,” he pointed at them, “I’d leave before I decide to help her teach you boys some manners.” “Uh, yeah,” Jason nodded. “No problem. Sorry. We didn’t mean any disrespect.” “Bullshit,” Mallory said. “Bye!” the third one said as they all turned and ran to the food court. The two ducks stood in silence for several moments, watching them retreat. Mallory glared at the standee once more, not really sure how she felt. How could some stupid human kids make her feel cheap like that? “They shouldn’t have done that,” Duke said quietly. “It doesn’t matter,” she said, shaking her head. “What time does the movie start again?” He looked at her, weighing if it was worth talking about or if he should just let her drop the topic. “Half hour,” he said. “That’s not a good photo of you anyway.” “I wish I could burn it.” She turned and headed towards the theater, making sure to keep a respectable distance between them as they walked side by side. Boys humping effigies of her was bad enough; she didn’t need more tabloid talk of her cheating on Nosedive with Duke or having a secret fling with the team’s center. “Hm. Not a bad idea.” He kept the same distance, not moving to close it. 0000 Anaconda had been the worst movie that they had seen in a long time and they both loved it. The movie had been good enough to take their minds off the stupidity in he mall earlier. That was, until they walked past Shoe Zone again on their way out. The mall was closing and an employee was moving the standee and shoes that had been displayed with it into the store before pulling down the gate. “Hey!” Duke called out, jogging to the store as the young woman jumped up to grab the gate and pull it down. “Oh! Wow! Hi!” She stopped with the gate halfway down. “You’re Mighty Ducks!” “Hi.” Mallory glared at the paper version of herself. “Yeah. Uh, is there any chance we could have that?” Duke asked, pointing to the standee. “I really wish I could.” She sighed. “We’d have to order another through corporate and this thing is super popular. We’ve almost sold out of the Ice Runner’s this week. My manager wouldn’t let me.” “Okay. Thanks.” He turned to go. “Wait!” “Yeah?” Duke and Mallory turned around again. “Can I have an autograph?” “Would it get us that thing?” Mallory asked. “I don’t want to lose my job,” she said. “It’s okay.” Duke pulled a pen from his pocket and looked at her expectantly. “Oh! Uh…” She felt around in her pockets and pulled out a receipt. Duke signed it and handed it to Mallory. She shook her head, refusing at first, but Duke pushed the pen and paper at her again and she scribbled a quick mess of a signature. “Have a good evening,” Duke said as he and Mallory left. “I hate that thing,” Mallory said again. “How many of them do you think there are in the city?” “How many Shoe Zones are there?” “I don’t even want to think about it…”
0000 “Hey, Mal!” Nosedive called out at seeing his teammate in the kitchen. “What?” She finished putting her sandwich together. “Want to take lunch to Tanya?” “Is she working on something and not eating again?” “No.” “Then she can get her own food.” She added chips to the plate and moved to sit at the table. “Come on,” he pleaded. “Please?” “You make it.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “She likes your food better?” Mallory paused in her chewing and frowned at him. She finished chewing and swallowed before answering. “What are you up to?” “Nothing! Just, make Tanya lunch and take it to her.” “Wait a minute…” She mentally ran over the schedule for the day. “It’s Wednesday. She should be at that island with Huggerman.” “Ugh. Fiiiine.” He sat down across from her. “Just go to the lab, okay?” “Why?” She continued eating her meal. “Because?” He tried a charming smile. “Don’t feel like it.” She munched on a chip. “But—” She put another chip in her mouth and crunched it loudly. He waited for her to finish. “So—” She ate another chip, looking him in the eye and daring him to interrupt over the noisy food. “Are you—” Another one. “Fine!” He stood, throwing his arms up in the air. “Just go to the lab. Duke’s got something he wants you to see.” She stopped eating and frowned at him. Puzzling through what Duke could want to show her, decided it wasn’t that important if he was sending Nosedive instead of telling her himself, and picked up her sandwich for another bite. “You’re really not going?” “Maybe later.” She took a drink of water. “Your loss.” He stood up and left. Just before the door closed, he stuck his head back in and said, “Guess we’ll just set everything on fire without you.” Fire? That sounded fun… She quickly ate the last bite of sandwich and put the plate in the dishwasher before hurrying to the lab. 0000 When Mallory looked entered Tanya’s lab, she found herself surrounded by dozens of the hideous standees from Shoe Zone. “What?” She half shouted. “Why?!” Duke chuckled and walked over to her, a flame thrower in his hands. “You said you wanted to burn it.” “But, how? I didn’t think you could get these?” “Not too hard to run off with them when a star hockey player’s distracting the clerks,” Duke said. Nosedive stood next to one, grinning. “That’s a really bad photo, Mal.” Duke held the flame thrower out to her. She grinned and took it. They moved one of the standees into the flameproof containment unit in the lab and she eagerly squeezed the trigger, sending flames shooting out to burn the cardboard to ash. They spent the rest of the afternoon setting up the standees in different formations, burning them all. 0000 Tanya hummed to herself as she entered her lab. She had some more dermatic dressings growing in petri dishes and wanted to check on them. The distinct odor of chemical accelerant and ash filled the air. Someone had been in there… “They’d better not have messed with the spectrometer,” she muttered, walking around the lab and looking for disturbed things. What she found was an inch thick pile of ash in the containment unit and three sets of bootprints surrounding it. She considered finding whoever did it and forcing them to clean up the mess. Instead, she decided to add an extra serving of capsaicin to dinner next week.
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rebelminxy · 5 years ago
It Was Worth It
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Word Count: 2340
Pairing: Dean Winchester and Reader
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Mild Language
Square Filled: Crossroads Demon
A/N: In this fic, Dean never broke the first seal, being pulled out of Hell before he could. The ending takes place in 4x7, right after Sam sends Samhain back to Hell. And yes, I do realize the symbol in the art above isn’t a seal of sorts but it was the best option I could find on Pinterest to fit with the storyline imaging. Please don’t @ me XD. This was written for @heavenandhellbingo​
Summary: After watching a hellhound tear to shreds your best friend four months ago, you decide to do the worst possible thing ever and make a deal with a demon. But what do you have that’s worth more than a Winchester soul?
Heaven and Hell Bingo
        Dean Winchester saved your life so many times, you had lost count. The man was like an older brother to you, your best friend, and he was gone. Torn away, literally, from you. All because of his baby brother, Sam. 
        After watching Dean being torn to shreds, you left, leaving Sam behind. You knew Sam’s promise to his brother to watch out for you but you didn’t care. Your connection with Sam wasn’t as strong as it was with Dean. So leaving Sam behind as you drove off in your Jeep wasn’t a big issue. You spent the last three months hunting, finding a way to get Dean out of Hell, drinking, and sleeping, in that order and on repeat. Sam and Bobby tried reaching out, calling you constantly, but you just ignored their calls, eventually getting a new phone. Those three months felt like years, lost at sea with no guidance, all alone. Once the fourth month hit and with no other answers, you knew exactly what needed to be done. 
        As you prepared yourself for the worst, you thought back on your moments with Dean. You first met through Bobby, an old man that took you in at the age of 15 after your parents died on a hunt. Being raised in the life, you knew the dangers. But that still didn’t scare you off when you were old enough to start hunting on your own. Bobby kept you hidden while you grew up, not even introducing you to John and his boys whenever they came around. But once you turned 18, you went on your own to hunt those that lurked in the darkness, your anger from losing your parents tearing through the monsters you killed. 
        It was on your 21st birthday that you met Dean. Sucker was cocky and thought he could get into your pants with a few words. But all he got in return was a punch on the nose and an f you. After that, Dean made it his job to follow you everywhere. You hated it at first but had to admit the guy was helpful on hunts. Especially since he had a real sweet ride. After a year of hunting together, it became the norm. Him coming over to Bobby’s to take you out on a hunt, riding around and sharing a motel room. 
        Your relationship with Dean became the sibling type, even though he had a brother who had gone off to college. ‘Wanting that apple pie life’ he would always say when it came to Sam. But you could see how sad he was when it came to his brother. Eventually, Sam would join the both of you, losing his girlfriend to the same monster that took their mother when they were younger. Everything was how it should be, Dean getting his brother back, the three of you getting along, hunting down the thing that deserved to die after their father’s death. All smooth sailing until Sam’s death.
        You felt for Dean, losing his brother. He wanted to be alone with Sam, so you went to stay at Bobby’s, hoping Dean would come back. But when he did, Sam was right behind him, as if nothing happened. You watched as Bobby dragged Dean out into the yard, away from the house. Excusing yourself from Sam, you followed, keeping quiet as you heard Bobby yell out.
“You made a deal, for Sam didn’t you?” Bobby asked desperately. 
        Dean didn’t answer, you could see him turn his face away from Bobby.
“How long they give you?”
“Bobby,” Dean begged.
“....One year.”
        Your eyes went wide in shock, holding in the scream that was itching at your throat.
“Damnit, Dean.”
“Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. This is why ama kill him myself, I mean I got nothing to lose now, right?”
        Bobby grabbed Dean by the jacket and shook him as if trying to wake him up.
“I could throttle you!”
“And what, send me downstairs ahead of schedule?”
        Bobby let Dean go, letting you see the anger on his face, probably the same level of anger you felt at that moment, maybe more.
“What is it with you Winchesters, huh? You, your dad, your both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit.”
“That’s my point. Dad brought me back, Bobby, I’m not even supposed to be here!’
        You felt the tears begin to break, reminding you of the scare you recently had at the thought of losing Dean, losing your big brother. 
“At least this way, something good can come out of it, you know. It’s like my life can mean something.”
“WHAT! And it didn’t before?! Have you got that a low opinion of yourself! Are you that screwed in the head?”
“I couldn’t let him die, Bobby,” Dean muttered, the sadness in his tone. “I couldn’t. He’s my brother.”
“How’s your brother gonna feel when he knows your going to Hell? How will (Y/N) feel? How’d you feel when you knew your dad went for you?”
“You can’t tell them,” Dean begged. “You can take a shot at me, do whatever you gotta do but please don’t tell them.” 
        That’s when Bobby released the tears you already had dropping silently. You watched as the old man pulled Dean into a hug, both crying into each other’s shoulders. You fought back the scream and quietly went back into the house, avoiding Sam at all costs. You went into your room and cried it all out, your heartbreaking at the knowledge of losing the man that saved you from yourself so many times. 
        Right as you buried the tin box with everything inside, you heard a chuckle behind you.
“Well, well, isn’t it the Winchester’s little pet? Didn’t expect to see you out here after Sam stopped begging. Didn’t he tell you, we got what we wanted…”
“I got something better,” you interrupted, turning to face the crossroads demon. 
        The body before you was a woman who looked like she was in her early twenties. But the red eyes made it clear you were talking to who you needed.
“And what do you have that we don't?”
        Without another word, you opened your button-down to reveal your chest. Right above your heart was a marking engraved into your skin, something you’ve had since you could remember.
“You see, the Winchesters aren’t the only ones that descended from the Cain family tree. Cain had a daughter, one that her mother kept hidden because of her magical abilities. This daughter was marked with a sigil by an angel that warned Cain’s wife about the potential danger this family line could cause.”
        You pointed at the marking on your chest and smiled coyly.
“Each baby born from this bloodline get this engraved over their hearts, a sigil that hides our blood so that no magical beings can find them. Not only are we a direct line from Cain, but we females all have magical abilities that are locked away with this sigil, only being able to use them when the sigil is broken.”
“You’re lying!” the demon exclaimed.
“Ask your supervisors and see what they tell you.”
“Give me a moment with her,” a voice softly spoke from the shadows.
        You turned to see a blonde woman walk out from the darkness, her eyes white.
“Lilith,” you growled, having a strong urge to kill the bitch where she stood, but knew that it wouldn’t save Dean.
“Glad to see you alive and well, now what’s this about your family bloodline?”
        Before she took another step towards you, you pulled out your knife and pointed it out to her. She stopped in her tracks and watched you as you lifted the knife and slowly cut through the carving, breaking the skin. You screamed out in pain as you felt your body vibrate, the ground shaking as the knife broke the symbol in half. Once the cut was through the symbol, everything went quiet, your blood seeping down your skin. But Lilith’s eyes grew wide in joy and she laughed as she finally sensed your blood.
“Wow! Cain had mentioned one of his children dying but no one suspected he was lying! I certainly can’t let you go, missy, not with that power running through your veins.”
“I’m here to make a deal, bitch,” you growled at her as you lifted the knife to your throat. “My life for Dean’s.”
“And what makes you think we will make that trade?”
“Because, the moment you set Dean free, I will do anything you ask.”
“Anything?” Lilith asked in a sing-song tone.
“Anything,” you whispered, sure of your choice.
        Lilith giggled and moved towards you, standing very close. Her mouth was mere inches from yours when she giggled again and whispered ‘Deal’. You moved in and kissed her right on the lips, making the contract. 
“Well done there, Sammy boy. But a little too late on NOT breaking the seal.”
        The brothers turned towards you, eyes wide in shock as they saw you walk out of the shadows. You wore a black sheer lace turtleneck dress with long sleeves and a very high V split cutout in the front, black bra underneath. You wore a pair of black leather shorts under the dress and black ankle-high leather combat boots Your hair flowed in waves all the way down to your waist, black as night compared to your original (Y/H/C), a wide brim hat on the top of your head. 
“Hey there boys, long time no see,” you smiled at them.
“(Y/N/N), what happened…” Dean stuttered. “Where have you been?”
“Been here, been there, been everywhere really,” you teased as you walked around them. 
“Bobby and I tried looking for you,” Sam stated, the anger rising. “We thought you were dead!”
“I was, trust me after Dean’s death I died. But, with a small change, I am more alive than ever,” you giggled.
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked. “And how did you find us?”
“Been watching from the background, keeping close but not close enough for you to know.”
“And why didn’t you help us? Why are you hiding until now?” Dean pressured.
“Because my job was getting boring so thought I might make it a bit more fun.”
        You smiled wickedly at them as your eyes turned black. The shock and fear on their faces made you cackle with joy.
“Like I said, more alive than ever boys!”
“What did you do?” Dean urged.
“Eh, deal gone wrong, meant to save you. But, honestly, this feels so goddamn right!”
        You skipped towards them, causing them to back up into a wall. You stopped about three feet from them and smiled, tilting your head to the side.
“Why? Why did you do it?” Dean questioned. “The angels….”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. The moment I made the deal, those fluffy dicks went in and broke you out. They reacted out of desperation but they were too late.”
        You began to swing on your heels, smiling as you stared at Dean, your black eyes never leaving his green ones.
“But, even though they got you out, didn’t mean crap when it came to breaking the first seal.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked.
“As the prophecy states, the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in Hell,” you giggled as you continued. “Well, they were wrong about it just being a man.”
“You didn’t,” Dean whispered as the realization hit him.
“Oh, I did! And I reveled in it!”
“Why? Why did you do it? Your deal was broken!” Sam yelled at you.
“The deal wasn’t broken, my life for Dean’s. Dean up top and mine down in the Pit, didn’t specify the how.”
“(Y/N), you are better than this,” Dean began.
“I was Dean!” you screamed at him, causing him to step back. “I was until I lost the one person that made me feel whole, that made me feel like I had a family. I lost the man I called brother for some snotty nose brat!” you spit out as you looked at Sam.
“(Y/N), you are like a sister to me,” Sam added, but the look you gave him stopped him.
“It’s because of you Dean went to Hell in the first place,” you roared, moving closer to Sam. “It’s because of you Dean had moments where he felt alone. It’s because of you Dean would never love me the way he loves you!”
        The jealousy raged from your voice as to stood inches from Sam. You then moved in to whisper into Sam’s ear, making sure Dean couldn’t hear.
“But if he knew what you and Ruby were doing, well, that love would end in a heartbeat. But I’m not that kind of bitch.”
        You moved away from Sam, giving him an evil smile, his eyes letting you know he was afraid. You then turned, giving the brothers your back.
“Just so we are clear, this isn’t the last you will see of me. But if either of you gets in my way, I won’t hesitate to kill.”
“(Y/N), please, we don’t want to lose you,” Dean begged, making you turn around.
“Oh, you lost me the moment I found out about your little deal.”
        You extended out a hand and pushed them both against the wall, hard. Once they got their bearings and searched the room to look for you, you were already gone. You watched them from a crystal ball in your little apartment miles away from where they were. You watched as they looked everywhere in the room, finally giving up and heading out the crypt. You waved your hand and the inside of the crystal turned into black smoke. You turned away from it and looked out the giant window into the night, smiling.
“Good luck, boys. Gonna need it while dealing with me.”
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genderfluxpositivity · 6 years ago
Requests Open! Please Read
hey guys so because I currently have some free time I’ve opened up requests! What can you request? Please read below!
Please read this thoroughly before asking questions and making requests
What I'm willing to do:
send me your name and pronouns and any facts about yourself and I'll type up a little paragraph for you! This is good if you're feeling down or wanna try out a new name/set of pronouns
Positivity edits
These are little graphics that will say nice things about your identity on the genderflux spectrum + anything you want to include!
Requirements for affirmations:
Send in your first name and pronouns (you can include facts about yourself ex. I like art, I enjoy singing, my dream job is being a nurse, I own 3 dogs, etc.)
Do not send in anything nsfw or rude
Do not send in transphobic jokes like "I identify as attack helicopter"
Do not send anything bigoted or discourse remarks
If you send in anything I said not to you will be blocked.
Requirements for edits:
Keep in mind these are supposed to be simple, all I have is a free collage maker to make these.
Edits can include: pride flags, pattern or solid color backgrounds, simple cutout shapes, and a few different fonts. Here's an example and another example.
Please have these revolve around the genderflux spectrum. This blog is focused on genderflux people and I would like to keep it that way. If you want to include you sexual orientation (ex. Gay boyflux, bi fluidflux, ace demiflux, etc.) or another characteristic ( mentally ill genderflux person, genderflux person of color, disabled genderflux person, etc.) that's perfectly fine.
These are obviously going to be personal to a certain degree, but please do not request something like "Amy is genderflux and great", if you need something like that please request an affirmation.
please do not send in anything bigoted, rude, discourse, or nsfw. I want to keep this blog as positive as possible and I will block you if you send in one of these.
Please keep in mind I am one person who has their own personal life. These will probably be made very slowly (especially edits). Please do not spam message me, if it has been over a month since you've sent your request (and requests are still open) resend your request. Please keep in mind mobile tends to eat asks. If you're rude about it you'll be blocked.
If requests are closed I will delete any that are sent in. Please don't make me turn off asks when requests are closed. I personally like interacting with y'all but I'll turn them off if I get overwhelmed.
As I've stated multiple times, this blog is focused towards people whose gender fluctuates. It is open to people of any gender identity, sexual orientation, people of color, disabled people, mentally ill people, anyone who isn't bigoted. Though please please please do not request these if you're not genderflux, there are other blogs out there for you, this is not one of them.
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atc74 · 6 years ago
Sore Muscles and Surprises
Square Filled: Free Square for @spnfluffbingo
Warnings: Teeth rotting fluff, mentions of pregnancy, Rob being the best husband ever...did I say fluff? SeaCon cancellation
Summary: Snowy weather has got Rob trapped in Seattle, but he manages to surprise me. 
Pairing: Rob x OFC ME (Robelina)
Word Count: 1086
Written for: @spnfluffbingo
A/N: This is unbeta’d. All mistakes are my own. I have been experiencing some writers block and put out the bat signal yesterday. Thank you to all that send me gifs or ideas. This one was inspired by @dolphincliffs:  Hmm how about this - your gone for the day, not expecting him home because of the latest convention, but because it was cancelled, he decided to drive home (cause no flights) and surprises you - brings a tropical feel to your place - crank up the heat, kids at relatives, got some good take out, cover all the windows with pics of a tropical location, brings in a massage therapist to give you an awesome pregnancy massage with awesome smelling coconut oils. I literally cannot resist the urge to write some Robelina, especially when it comes in as a request from this one!
This fits snuggly into my Robelina universe: Say It Like That
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I was exhausted and sore everywhere. I don’t remember being this uncomfortable when I was pregnant with Olivia. I pulled into the garage, shut off the engine and shut the garage door. I leaned my head against the steering wheel and yawned. I just needed to get the groceries unpacked, then I could take a nice long bath and crawl into bed with some tea.
I hauled myself up and out of the car, which, to be honest, was a struggle these days. Carrying a few extra pounds and another human at thirty-six weeks is no easy feat. Especially when I can’t see my feet. I shuffled around to the back of the car, popped the trunk and grabbed one bag. I made it to the door and pushed it open. I dropped the sack on the island and took a deep breath. The house smelled heavenly. Thank goodness for the cleaning lady I hired to help me once a week. She must have plugged in that diffuser I always forgot to fill.
“Babe?” I froze dead in my tracks.
“Rob?” I turned and walked toward the sound of my husband’s voice. He was walking toward me and stopped as he reached the doorway to the kitchen. He was beautiful and god, did I miss him. “I thought there weren’t any flights out?”
“There weren’t. I drove. I needed to be here. I needed to be home,” he confessed, moving closer and pulling me into his arms. “Jason and I drove, then he hopped a flight home.”
God I missed him. I was so worried about him. He had been stranded in Seattle when they cancelled the convention and couldn’t get a flight out. I let him pull me as close as we could get and I broke down.
“Hey, baby, don’t cry. Shhhh, I’m home now,” Rob whispered into my hair.
“I’m so happy you’re home,” I cried, pulling back to look into those blue eyes I loved so much. “I missed you so much. Wait...I talked to you every day. Why didn’t you tell me you were driving?!”
“I didn’t want you to worry any more than you already were,” he said, pulling me back into his arms. “Now, can you do me a favor? Go upstairs to the bathroom. I laid out a robe for you. Get changed into that, then go wait for me in the bedroom?”
“Rob, there’s groceries in the trunk still,” I protested.
“Please? I’ll get them and put them away,” he promised. I made my way upstairs, the aroma from the diffuser getting stronger. I pulled off my clothes, leaving them in a pile for later and slipped into the robe. I tied it high above my belly and shuffled across the hall to our room.
Opening the door, the shades were pulled and the room was dim, lit only by a few candles here and there. Soft music was coming from the speaker on Rob’s dresser. Rob stood next to a massage table and, Sarah, my regular massage therapist. “Sarah? Rob, why is Sarah in our bedroom?” Pregnancy had turned my normally sharp brain to a mushy paste.
“Babe, I called Sarah and asked her to come here to give you a massage. I know you have been busy taking care of the house and Liv, and me, and won’t make your own appointment, so I convinced her to make a house call,” Rob explained. He turned to Sarah. “Take care of my girls.”
I enjoyed a quick catch up with Sarah as she helped me up onto the table and settle comfortably with my ever growing baby bump nestled safely in the cutout. With a wonderful mix of lavender, ylang-ylang, ginger, chamomile, and frankincense essential oils, Sarah had me completely relaxed, my muscles giving way under her expert touch. The sounds I made were unholy and I was slightly embarrassed, knowing Rob was usually the only one that could get me to make noises like that.
A soft knock sounded at the door and I heard Rob’s voice. “How’re you doing, Red?”
“Soooo good. I’m keeping her until the baby comes,” I mumbled, face down in the table.
“Well, good. I mean, not permanently, but she is coming twice a week for the next couple months,” Rob informed me. “Happy Valentine's Day, baby.”
After my massage with Sarah, Rob helped me into something comfortable and led me downstairs to the kitchen. The first floor of the house smelled like coconut and fresh fruit. Jimmy Buffett was playing and there were two mocktails complete with little umbrellas. The table was set with pasta and a spinach salad with fresh strawberries and candied pecans and a vinaigrette, all from our favorite restaurant.
“I was gone for like two hours. How long have you been home and how did you do all of this?” I was stunned as I took a seat in the chair he pulled out for me.
“I called your mom,” he replied, a little sheepishly. “She said she would get Olivia from school and take her in the morning. They got a room for tonight so she is can swim. I knew you had a doctor’s appointment today, too. How did it go?”
“Good. Baby is growing like a weed. My blood pressure is slightly elevated, but other than that, good. Just over a month to go,” I replied, digging into the heavenly, creamy pasta in front of me.
“I know it’s a day early, but I wanted us to have a date night just us. Then we can celebrate with Liv tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day, Red,” he leaned over and kissed me.
“Did you really schedule Sarah for twice a week?” I asked, sipping on the wonderfully fruity frozen concoction.
“Yes, Mondays and Thursdays until the baby comes, then you can set the schedule with her after that,” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
“That is a pretty extraordinary gift, Rob,” I eyed him from over the top of my bright blue umbrella.
“You’re a pretty extraordinary woman, Red. We’re starting a new journey together. Blending two families with this baby. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you or give you, if I can,” he professed.
“This baby is pretty lucky to have you for a daddy,” I smiled, though the hormones and emotions brought tears to my eyes.
“No, we’re the lucky ones,” he took my hand. “All of us are lucky to have you for a mama.”
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean  @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @cherrycokegirls1 @closetspngirl  @roxyspearing @flamencodiva @blacktithe7 @sis-tafics @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten @amanda-teaches @hannahindie @wotinspntarnation @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @kickingitwithkirk  @deanwinchesterwitch @wi-deangirl77 @hobby27 @mogaruke @gh0stgurl 
Rob/Robelina: @supernatural-jackles
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