#feel free to send asks about him 😫💕
plumbewb · 9 days
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𝔻𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕝 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕃𝕦𝕜𝕒 ☠️
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings/ sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
extroverted / introverted /in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious/ reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between (outspoken when he needs to be)
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
loyal / disloyal / unknown
faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious / satanist
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none /all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: never / quit / special occasions /sometimes / frequently / addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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belit0 · 1 year
Hello! This is just a ask, So I just read the Indra reaction to his wife's recarnation in the ninja world, why would he even try to make her independent again when in the present his recarnation is Sasuke, so if Sasuke is also him? Wouldn't Sasuke do that? Because Indra already has his wife in the last but coming to the present and seeing her and his recarnation, his recarnation is Sasuke and his wifes recarnation is independent and strong but it's not like he's gonna live with her recarnation, I'm pretty sure Sasuke and her are the same age why would she go for a man who's a 1,000 years old?😭 And appearntly a man who so happens to be married to a woman and she's the recarnation of the women but it's not like shes gonna get his wife's memories.
Indra and his wife and Ashura, soul all recarnated into Sasuke, Indra's wife recarnation and Naruto. And Naruto and Sasuke have no idea about anything form Indra and Ashura life and their wifes, so why would indra wanna target his wife's recarnation, cause his wife's recarnation definitely isn't gonna g to a man she doesn't know, a guy she's seen for the first time in her life😭
Ohhhhhh anon! I think i missunderstood your request lol.
I wrote it as Indra's pov because I thought you wanted to see his perspective, like if he time-traveled or something 🤣😫 I didn't understand you wanted to see Sasuke's pov as his reincarnation.
I guess I got a little bit confused about it!!
In my head I was writing Indra as a beautiful young time traveler man who came back to look for his s/o¿ LOL 😭
I'm so sorry about the confusion, I hope you can understand where my idea was coming from, feel free to DM me or send another request so I can correct it 🤣🤣🤣💕
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Bf Headcanons
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Hello again!
Now its time for our beautiful and pretty boys time for shine✨
Tysm for everyone who liked part 1 and 2 I'm so grateful for that😊
Also check out part 1 and part 2 if u guys haven't yet cause uhm....because i told u so!(╹ڡ╹ )
Anyways lets not stall anymore shall we and get on with it~!( •̀ ω •́ )✧
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me but to hoyoverse and this is just a fictional work so please don't take it seriously.
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(Inazuma Boys)
~Boba Man~ (Kamisato Ayato)
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~Sly Boyfriend~
• Ya know...i would've just titled him as the prince type boyfriend cause i think he's a gentleman but at the same time i see him as....a sly fox who loves...loves to tease you, like he just finds entertainment by your red face and flustered reactions. Truly a fox man he is.
• When you get into a relationship with this man you have got to get used to he's sassy remarks about somethings and i imagine that you also sadly get affected by he's attitude.
• You and ayaka are besties✨ I feel like at first you'd feel like she didn't really like you because she didn't talk to you or get near you. oh how wrong you were...she actually SIMPS for you, she admires you. she actually watches how you train with a sword probably why she loves you. So when ayato is busy you and ayaka either have tea and chat or spar together. She's my ice princess💕 
• Now sometimes ayato does get jealous of he's sister. Of how much you both get to spend time together. There are sometimes where the siblings fight over you lol. He will cling to you for a whole day without letting ayaka near you claiming that she's had you enough.
• Since he's sometimes lazy to do he's paperwork he tells thoma to send you to him at once. Meaning just so he can get kisses and cuddles from you so he can get energy to complete he's work.
• Gets jealous easily. Once he spots someone hitting on you, He's.telling.that.man.off, Since he's sassy he will talk about how the said person shouldn't be hitting on a taken person and how its disrespectful. SLAYYYY😫
• Overprotective but knows you can handle yourself. But sometimes he does send guards to go with you since he knows clans or the fatui will try and use you against him. and he doesn't want you to get hurt.
• When he's free you both go to he's favorite boba store and just drink and chill while chatting🥺
• I feel like sometimes ayato would do these playfights with you. ya know just casual teasing and making the other jealous, when asked by ayaka and thoma why you both do this you both just respond that its an act of love🥰
• Since he has the money....boom. your getting spoiled, like just look and tell him its your's, he thinks you deserve the best(I mean you do queen/king✨)
• He's an annoying but sweet boi. But we/you love him~
Nicknames: My love, sweetheart, dear, darling and honey
Voice line about you: “ *Sigh* Why am i sighing? My dear love is spending time with ayaka again...hmm..thoma! Take care of this for me...I'm just gonna seal my darling back~”
When he talks to you: ��Hmmm...sweetheart I'm back~, ah there you are. i missed you...where were you? Oh...you were with traveler? Can you at least give me your attention today? I've been needing more y/n in my life..?”
~Perfect Malewife~ (Thoma)
~Golden Retriever Boyfriend~
• Doesn't he just give that vibe!?
• He's perfect. 
• Cooks and cleans for you, always cooks for you everyday. for breakfast, dinner, snacks. ANYTHING EVEN IF ITS FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE HE WILL COOK IT FOR YOU.
• He always smiles and it honestly will brighten anyone's day with it including yours, If your sad he's bright demeanor suddenly dies down and gets upset himself. 
• Your parents probably love him more then they love you-(jk), likewise if you have any siblings they would instantly love him...he's like a big brother to them. whose strict yet fun. Imagine him playing/messing around with your siblings🥺
• Ayato at one point did get jealous....boba man is jealous of you-
• When your days and work are done you both would be laying in bed and he's just going on about how he's day went. He would also be the type to cuddle you close while kissing your forehead💘
• Taroumaru loves you. you and thoma would take turns in hanging out with the cute boi🥺
• Overall thoma is the boyfriend you instantly wanna marry💖✨
Nicknames: Babe, wifie, milady and my love
Voice line about you: “No no taroumaru this isn't for you haha..this is for y/n..ah! Lady ayaka can you please take this to y/n?‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there wafie! I missed you. Alot of things happened today...wanna hear it?‟
~One and oni!~ (Arataki Itto)
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~Himbo Boyfriend~
• Himbo energy. I'm you guys can already sense it...feel it...
• Takes you bug hunting and then to he's battles for support even if sometimes went he actually loses your the one paying...poor you-
• Shinobu appreciates you alot since your the only ones who are sane and you help her keep the boys from going to jail. She loves you like a big sister💕 The gang also got attached to you since they saw how happy their boss was with you so they started to love you as well. 
• He unintentionally hits you with he's elbows because your shorter then him-. He carries you on he's shoulder tho.
• Swears that he loves you more then miss hina-
• When your sad/upset immediately tells the gang about it and they try to cheer you up by doing these weird stage plays and eventually it gets them to trouble😔
• Even if you know how to fight he doesn't let you lift a finger. part of the reason is because he doesn't want you to get hurt, other part is cause he wants to show off😅 But when he does let you...he falls inlove with you all over agin...cause to him you fighting and kicking asses are hot, sexy and beautiful to him.
• He definitely asks you for mora just to buy you a gift😂
• You bet you have ALOT of nicknames. he likes to think he's creative with them✨
• He loves you alot for accepting him as he is so with pride he always talks about you to people and the gang!(Shinobu tells you about this)
• Himbo boyfriend 100%
Nicknames: Babe, baby, lovebug, hottie, he's one and only, honey etc (alot more but he just thinks of them at radom times)
Voice line about you: “Woww...aren't the just amazing!?‟
When he talks about you: “Heyyy lovebug! What? N-no i don't need anything from you...ok maybe i do...c-can i have like...a little bit of mora? Like just 800 mora please?‟
~Furry General~ (Gorou)
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~Puppy Boyfriend~
• What'd you expect?
• He's territorial but also very shy when it comes to you and gets flustered easily. If he's feeling possessive he marks you with he's scent and in other ways too...and when he's shy he just blushes around you alot.
• Your the only one who has the privileged of touching he's ears and tail and when you guys are alone he lets you run your fingers through he's fluffy tail and soft ears. He thinks its very relaxing and you help him groom he's tail and he LEAVES for it✨
• You know that scene in he's event i think(i forgor) where yae miko was talking about how he probably sleeps while hugging he's tail? Well he used to and now he just hugs you while wrapping he's tail around you. he sleeps as the little spoon he rarely becomes big spoon.
• He always remembers your scent and how you walk so when he instantly hears your footsteps or smells you from a mile away he's tail starts wagging and the soldiers who see it don't tell gorou since they know he would be embarrassed but they find it cute how head over heels is their general to you💖
• Kokomi and yae miko ALWAYS teases you both...sadly
• When you get hurt in battle poor baby blames himself for not being able to protect you...so please hold him and reassure him that your fine...
• Since he's basically a dog. I bet before you guys started dating he would talk about you to the other dogs in inazuma since he had no one to talk to about it. and the dogs would actually help him sometimes but always leading you to him, causing tiny accidents and more. So he actually feels grateful for he's furry friends.
• He honestly gets really upset when you go somewhere that he can't follow(Monstadt, liyue or sumeru)He can't help but miss you alot and when you get back he clings to you for the rest of the day.
• He's very loyal to you and is honestly a very good boy💕
Nicknames: My mate and mine
Voice line about you: “Why do i seem upset? I miss my m-mate alot...wait..NO AHHH YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT-‟
When he talks to you: “Y-your back! Hm? i-i can smell another persons scent on you...thats no good...c-can you come here...my mate?‟
~Sassy Detective~ (Shikanoin Heizou)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
• You thought kaeya was worse? Hah! heizou’s wayy worse....
• If your a person who gets shy easily heizou will tease you NONSTOP my man has no mercy....he thinks it's funny and cute(Asshole)
• But despite this he brings you with him to solve some cases of course only the minor and safe ones...he wouldn't want he's precious love to get hurt now can he?
• He randomly pins you to a wall and flirts aka tells you cheesy pick-up lines....and their SO CRINGE💀 
• He has no shame even flirting with you in public.
• I'm sure you guys are aware of that pic genshin posted at he's birthday right? WELL I BELIEVE HE WILL TEASE YOU WITH THOSE EXPRESSIONS OF HIS LIKE TAKE THAT INFO HOWEVER YOU WANT. like he'll purposely moan just to see you blush-
• Whenever a person flirts with you, you best believe heizou to be right there by your side flexing how he's a detective and can get the poor person inprisoned.....
• When he's not being an ass he treats you to a nice meal sometimes and buys you flowers with a side of jewelry too✨
• Complements you every single day💖
• When you do something impressive something as solving a case before him he will shower you with praise and affection.
• kisses that come out of nowhere are he's favs. and when you do that to him he'll have a shocked face with a bit of blush but instantly calms he's composure and teases you back but take it to another level. by that i mean grabing your chin, pulls you by the hips and kisses you roughly and hungrily(^///^)
• Even if he's a flirty asshole sometimes you love him~💖
Nicknames: Mine, baby, sweetheart, dear and beautiful
Voice line about you: “Their getting hi on AGAIN? What can't people just understand that their mine? *Sighs* Traveler can you help me teach that person a lesson? You won't get into trouble i assure you~‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there beautiful~ Awe don't shy away from me now...let me see your cute face~‟ (If you think that line is familiar good job)
~Mr.Samurai~ (Kaedehara Kazuha)
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~Gentle Boyfriend~
• He'd be the calm and gentle type who just wants to be with you.
• If your in the crux you and him would be spending your time either chatting with beidou or laying down at the birds nest just looking at the sky.
• Kazuha often writes haiku’s about you...and tells them to you while you both are chilling, he's another one who won't go a day without completing you and at least hugging or kissing you on the cheek or forehead.
• The crew coos at how cute your relationship is and support you too very much💕 Although sometimes beidou will scold you both for slacking off at certain chores. 
• You and kazuha have a room to yourselves since the crew wants to respect your boundaries as a couple and because beidou doesn't wanna see pda-
• Beidou gives kazuha these talks about how to treat you, to not make you cry, respect your boundaries and just giving advice to him(She cares about you both alot such a mother💘)
• He often also cooks for you. and when he tries new recipes your always he's taste tester. He values your opinions alot and appreciates it when your being honest with him.
• He teaches you how to use a sword or how to defend yourself since he knows if people find out about your connection to him they will certainly use you to get him....but even so he still protects you and is very obversing of you guys surroundings. especially when you guys are outside, he doesn't wanna lose you now....
• He treats you like glass sometimes since he's afraid your gonna break and he's gonna lose you.
• He oftens has nightmares of he's friend and about losing you too...eventually when he wakes up from it he holds you tighter and closer to him...
• Whenever you guys dock somewhere he buys you small trinkets at that place as a souvenir.
• He also sings or hums to you whenever you both go to sleep he's voice is honestly the most softest thing ever💖
• He lets you tie he's hair whatever he enjoys feeling your hands in he's hair.
• He actually isn't shy to tell people that he loves you or tell that your his s/o he finds pride that you choose a dead man and he feels like he doesn't deserve your beautiful and kind self.
• He will protect and love you until the end of time...because your the light that made he's life colorful again.
Nicknames: My dove, my love and my muse
Voice line about you: “Isn't y/n just beautiful? What? haha...yes its obvious that i love them very much indeed...‟
When he talks to you: “My dove...would you like to hear the haiku I've written again for you?‟
~Scaramoche~ (Kunikuzushi)
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~Cold Boyfriend~
• Now some people actually wanna know that out of every man in the world...why did you choose him? Why did you choose someone whose heartless and cold? Simple. You love him. Even sometimes scara doubts why you love him when he's basically someone who can't control he's mouth, and he's reminded by you that you fell for whats behind that attitude of his.
• Now when you break all of his walls and when he starts letting you in bit by bit he starts being unintentionally nice to you. it would shock him and he's subordinates, if your hot he'll buy you a popsicles if your cold he'll give you his coat he'll even let you borrow his hat, basically he becomes more cold to everyone but has a soft spot for you and everyone knows it.
• When your in that stage where his walls are broken down in private he'll start showing his kunikuzushi side while in public he'll only hold your hand while shouting at people. He'll also(surprisingly)ask for kisses and cuddles bluntly with a blush of course.
• Ah...another one that buys you whatever you want with that fatui money✨Just ask him nicely and he'll buy it for you.
• When he's away and busy he sends 2 or 3 fatui agents to watch over you at least since he knows that some people will use you against him and for fatui information so he's extremely careful when with you.
• If your smart with your words you can easily stop scara from sealing the gnosis and turning his back from the fatui. and if you do then consider yourself a pat on the back.
• When he makes sure that your deep asleep he whispers to you about how lucky he is to have you and how he loves you very much with kisses on the forehead. He also thanks you for being patient with him since he knows that he isn't exactly the best person to be with but he thanks you regardless. he knows he should be saying those things to you when your awake but he just can't bring himself to do so....so for now its a secrets.
• He has nightmares about ei and he's old friends so please comfort him and hug him...
•He sometimes puts his work aside and goes to you just to cuddle with you.
•Anyone who disrespects you are instantly dead however if your fast enough to stop him he will just pull you aside, leave you at a place and go back to those trash and beat them to a pulp🙂 Same goes for people who hits on you their  instantly gone or barely alive....your his and only his
• One time he noticed that traveler had kept asking about you and he thought that the traveler liked you even if they just wanted to ask you something...
• When you ask for attention he immediately saids your being to needy when his needy himself.
• He might be cold and all but for you his ready to fight the entire universe just for you💕
• To him your the one who gave him a heart. A heart that beats for you, he understands what love is because of you and his grateful for that. Your the only think that keeps him sane...so please...please don't leave him...
Nicknames: Dumbass, mine, my world and my light(The last 2 only in private)
Voice line about you: “What? What about y/n? Stop asking me about them...wait..do you perhaps..like y/n? Don't delay it now?! You've been asking about them since you've seen me! Let me tell you something traveler they belong to me. their mine. got that?‟
When he talks to you: ‟What do you want? I'm busy, kisses and c-cuddle? I-i suppose i have time for that...your so needy“
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Omg this took quite a while...mostly at ayato and scara’s parts but i managed
Now im gonna say it for part 3 its the sumeru guys but....it might come out a bit late since i haven't started sumeru yet because of school which sucks but i know the characters i just kinda dont know how they act so thats the problem but I'll try and explore sumeru when i have the time during the weekend
Tysm for reading this far and i hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm sorry if their are any grammer or spelling mistakes and i advice you guys to read part 1 or 2 whatever you wanna start first its fineo(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Also feel free to ask requests its always open!
Ok..imma stop rambing now and say goodbye lol.
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arknights-imagines · 3 years
hello <3 can i request some of the r6s operators headcanons? also- what do u think of blitz? he so cute skhsjs 😫💞 i hope u have a great day! <333
Hi there sgshsh!! 🥺
You can definitely request hcs for the r6s Operators 💞 I hope you don't mind me asking what kind of hcs you had in mind?? 👉👈 Like relationship, first encounter, etc? Or maybe platonic ones? Please feel free to send in another ask to let me know!! 🥰
And Blitz svsjsvjss he's really grown on me especially after reading the entire event story 💕 he's SO hilarious too lolol 😭 his voicelines, specifically the in-battle ones are super amusing and cute to me sbjshs ("do you think I have time to use the bathroom?", "kapow!!", "boom!!"). It's really refreshing considering the tone of Arknights is usually very dark
And as for his skills, they're super fun for me! 🥳 Maybe not the most overpowered compared to others but I like his skills and kit a whole lot! 🥰 I'm very glad the gacha gods were kind and gave him to me within 20 pulls 🎉
Anywho, please excuse my little Blitz rant hsjshjs 🙏 let me know about those hcs and please have a good day too!! 🌸
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