#feel free to message or ask me for knowledge lifehacks or assurances
nonbinaryspacegoo · 4 years
god, i need to make a masterlist of Advice For The Kids cause like
i WAS the troubled kids
i struggled and i just wanna tell em its not so bad once you get out
listen, you can get a certificate in a job like truck driving, or crane operations, or garbage disposal, and make decent money off it with no high school degree leg alone uni
highschool is a nightmare and in a lot of ways doesnt matter and is way harder than The Real World TM, only reason adults say otherwise is that highschool is more controlled by adults. when youre an adult you have more control over your own life and its amazing
treasure your interests and hobbies because they are what make life worth living. they dont need to make money as long as they make you happy
listen. experiment. nothing matters. dye ur hair, wear the coolest clothes you own just to get groceries at 7:45pm. live your best life every minute.
if youre struggling to poop, drink some water and go for a lengthy walk, it'll loosen you up like a dream.
stretches stop you from getting stiff. "but im not stiff!" you say but trust me. it builds. one day your neck will hurt constantly and youll feel like youre 79 even though youre 22 and youll do a 5 minute stretching routine you found on youtube on a whim and jesus himself will give you a neck rub and you will praise the stretching gods. you have no idea.
listen. every city and almost every town has a shop that sells food thats past its best before date but is still good. FIND IT. it has good deals and saves food from the dumpster.
always sniff your milk before pouring or drinking
try growing your own fruits. find someone who already does and see if you can get your mitts on a clipping (ask first) as it has already stood the test of time. grow way more than you need and gift the excess to anyone and everyone, but especially neighbours, coworkers, and local low level staff (drs, pharmacists, waitresses, service workers). everyone will know you as that person who hands out fresh fruit and will have a soft spot for you.
befriend your local service workers. its a nice thing to do on principal, but if you need more convincing they can and will make your life way easier in small ways because they like you. do not ask for favours and thank them deeply and sincerely for any favours granted.
if youre sick with any kind of flu, boil some water, juice a lemon or four into a cup, add 2-6 teaspoons of pure honey into the mix and add water, drink it as hot as you can without burning yourself. drink it all day every day until youre better. the citrus kills the bugs while the honey soothes your pain and the hot water purifies you. trust me.
if someone is following you and youre feeling freaked, find a public spot and turn on them. if youre worried about seeming weird or paranoid 1. dont be and 2. if you want to check, walk in a wide, illogical circle and see if they follow. then lose your marbles. yell "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" or "FUCK OFF" or even just bark-scream like a rabid dog. it draws attention and more than likely will scare the creep off.
listen. punching people feels scary if youve never punched someone. find a safe, consentual way to lunch someone (martial arts and self defence classes are good for this) and take a swing. understand exactly how much power your punch has. your fist isnt magic, its a fist. lunching someone can really hurt them but probably wont kill them. its hard to explain but yeah. know your own strength.
listen. find people you can cohabitate with and never let them go.
living with a bunch of people is the way to go. alone you can only just afford a tiny flat, but with some good friends you can live in a banging house with a rental split that comes out cheaper than your shitty apartment. example: 1 bedroom apartment with no yard - $150/wk, 4 bedroom house - $300/wk, add 3 pals minimum to the mix and thats $75/wk babey. plus you have a yard and can afford better internet and share streaming passwords.
try to find a few household chores you like doing and then find people who like different chores that you hate.
best way to do utensils and whatnot (cups, bowels, plates, cutlery, etc) is to have one for each person in the house and then one or two spares. this means that you have to wash up a smaller load and you don't get overwhelmed
try to do the washing up every day so the dishes dont pile up
try to wash your bedsheets once a week cause if you try to go by appearance or sensation it will only be when you lie on fresh sheets at someone elses house that you will realise your sheets are Solid with sweat and other body excretions and you will be disgusted with yourself and your surroundings
you can get a duster at kmart for like $3-5. get a super fluffy one and do some dusting. it feels amazing and weirdly satisfying to see all the dust coming off, and after you vacuum you will Breathe like you live in fresh mountain air.
find a Good vacuum cleaner and cherish it like your first born child. features of a Good vacuum: 1. suck good. 2. doesnt make Bad, High pitched noise that makes you want to die.everything else is a bonus.
idk its 4:57 am and i havent slept.check the notes to see if i have added more because i am Full of Knowledge
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