#fedorable killjoys
lnights · 2 years
Your tags on one of Niko's stories
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Made me laugh 😆
But a while later I was scrolling through my phone and found a few gifs I made and I found one gif of Joonas (think it's Joonas) rubbing/touching his nipple. I don't know why I made it 🤷. Anyway after seeing your tag I made something with my limited editing skills.
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Niko has been horny for Joonas and this seems like that next step 😂
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As soon as I saw the pic of Joel all burrito up. I immediately thought of your fic - When the world's out of focus and looking kinda hopeless.
Awwwwww all that needs to happen is for someone to cuddle him.........
I am feeling flattered you thought of my fic☺️ I can remember everyone in the comments being like "pls put me in a blanket burrito too!"
I hope Aleksi or Joonas cuddled him under the blanket, it will keep them extra warm.
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bethanysnow · 2 years
For the ask game thing
Yellow: You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you post
Awwwww why thank you!!
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Me again,
For the Blind Channel Ask Game - Band Member Edition
Olli: Last thing you lost?
a pen probably because i own an obnoxious amount of pens
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born-to-lose · 9 months
Congratulations on coming out!!! 🫶🏼🌈
Thank you!!! 🥰💕
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im-suchanicegirl · 1 year
Hi 🎧
Hi❤️ my favorite Michigan dudes❤️
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ominousmotion · 1 year
I pick 4, 5 and 15 for the Spotify ask game.
Bye 🦦
Thank you!! 🦖
4. which is your third liked song?
Im not Famous by AJR
5. do you have any local file songs? what are they!
I do its the Cd version of bad idea
15. are you a shuffler or listen in order?
Both! It really depends on the playlist cuz i like i have playlists of setlists of shows ive been to and i play those in order and then i have like my big boy almost 160 hour playlist that i shuffle so i can at least try to listen to all the songs on there
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chemical-killjoy · 1 year
Demolition Lovers
Pairing: vampire!Gerard x reader
Summary: part 3 of Cemetery Drive
Warnings: way too many references to hang em high and demolition lovers (the songs), blood, death, mild gore? Uh. Sad ending, heads up folks
Word count: 617
Author's Note: Yeah it's a short one and maybe a little poorly wrapped up, but it's ✨the vibe✨ also it's not edited... be warned
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It was nearing midnight by the time the hearse crashed through the cemetery gates, tyres screaming and iron bars scraping. There was no noise besides Gerard turning off the egnition. His dress shoes echoed like gun shots, clicking against the cool tiles of the abandoned church's floor as he calmly walked in. No light inside the building.
“Gerard, how nice of you to turn up. How are you this fine night?” An echo of a voice called.
“Fine myself, thank you.” Gerard sighed. “A little tired, what can I say? Hanging out with corpses and driving in this hearse.” he gestured back to the door.
“Really? I was sure that little girl was aliv-”
“She won't stop me!” Gerard yelled, venom dripping from his voice. “She won't stop me anymore.” With that, Gerard tossed a gun to the floor. “Follow me.”
With that, Gerard led the matriarch outside to where the hearse was parked, on the dusty dirt trail to the church that weaved it's way around graves. He opened the boot and lowered the coffin.
Mariah arched one thin brow. “I don't believe it.”
“Would I lie to you?”
No one spoke a word as Mariah opened the casket to see Y/N, blood spattered down her white dress, cool and not breathing. Mariah breathed in the scent of blood.
“I guess not... But I need to be sure.”
Mariah's fangs were on Y/N's neck before she could even move, causing her to cry out in agony.
“NO!” Gerard shouted, charging at Mariah to knock her away from the person he lived and died for, but when he crashed into her, Mariah was darkly prepared. Gerard felt the sharp spike bite into his skin as the stake pierced his stomach.
The two fell to the ground, Gerard gurgling and struggling, determined to fight until the bitter end. He pulled out the stake.
Y/N remembered Gerard's instructions, his voice whispering in her head. After all is said and done, climb out of the pine box. Y/N jumped out, gripping her neck fiercely, in a feeble attempt at stopping the bleeding. Mariah has a sister, she'll be inside the building. I want you to burn the church. Y/N looked over at Gerard fighting for his life. Don't stop, if I fall, and don't look back.... She knew she was no match for the vampire.. but that doesn't mean she couldn't distract her. The plan just needed to be altered a little.
“RUN!” Gerard bellowed. Y/N grabbed the small bag of ammunition she had in the back of the hearse. And she ran to the church.
Then, chaos.
Mariah staked Gerard's heart. A bomb went off. The church, ablaze.
“No!” Mariah screamed, about to make a run to find her sister, but Gerard was faster. With a scream, he pulled the stake out of his heart, and plunged it deep into Mariah's heart before she could run, blood meeting blood as he killed her with the weapon she used against him.
Mariah hardly noticed, trying to move into the fire as Y/N staggered out, bleeding fiercely from the holes in her neck that she clutched in a bitter attempt to hold onto life.
Y/N dropped to the grown beside Gerard.
“No! No, please. Y/N, no.” Gerard cried, dragging his body toward Y/N.
“I'm with you, my love. I'm with you now.” Y/N said, as she dropped her hand from her neck, breathing hard. Tears mixed with blood on the dirt path.
The two spent their last breaths together, coughing into a pool of blood. Gerard reached out to hold Y/N's hand. Fingers brushed, and eyes met. “Y/N,” Gerard gasped, blood tinting his mouth, “I lo-”
Nothing is forever.
Tagging: @fandomfoodiedancer @smiling-girl @niche-bitch @fedorable-killjoys as always if anyone does or doesn't want to be tagged please let me know! <3 thanks for reading :D
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remingtonisleithal · 2 years
Morning Light
Chapter 3
Remington Leith x female reader
Warnings: vampire stuff? Not heavy gore or anything, just mentions of vampires feeding
Summary: Remington and Y/N meet again
A/N: sorry it took so so long for the next chapter!! Mental health has been failing and both of us have been very busy. This chapter is by me but the fic is a co-written series (check out @cursivetalk!!). this is kind of a filler, but hopefully I'll be writing more often <3 also the image is by the amazing @fedorable-killjoys, thank you!!
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“This needs to be fast, I have to meet our fans after the show, thank them for coming,” Remington said, as he guided Y/N backstage to a cement brick corridor. “But I need to talk to you. I need answers.” Remington let go of Y/N’s arm and gently turned her to face him.
“Well, so do I.” Y/N said, in a harsh way, surprising herself and Remington by the bitterness in her voice. 
Remington furrowed his brows, facial expression asking the question without using his voice.
“I don’t-,” she paused for a moment, and huffed. “I don’t remember anything.” She looked away from Remington’s bright eyes, in an attempt to hide what could be seen in her own. “All I know is I was at a ball. And then some time had passed, I don’t know how much, but I woke up in the bed of a kind family who took me in. That’s all I remember. Before all this went down, you were the last thing I remember.” The way Y/N said this was more accusing than statement, causing Remington to raise his eyebrows and defend himself. 
“I’m sorry, are you blaming me? Because all I ever did was try to protect you.” The venom in his voice and protective glare in his eyes proved he was telling the truth. 
A moment of silence. The passion in his voice caused Y/N to wonder if something had happened between them in the time she had lost. 
Remington let out a sharp breath. “And what exactly ‘went down’?” Remington prompted.
“I don’t know. But now I feed. I’m assuming, just like you. Unless there is another way to live centuries without dying that I’m unaware of.”
Remington looked down, and nodded ever so slightly. Ashamed, somehow, despite it not being something he could help. 
“May I ask you something?” Y/N said, quickly before she could lose her nerve.
“Anything,” Remington said, quickly before he could stop himself. 
“I-Do you know anything about what happened to me? It had been… a while, that I don’t remember.”
“Unfortunately I was hoping to ask you where you had been for the last century and a half. I-” I missed you, he thought to himself. But how could he tell a woman he had but one evening with how she stayed in his heart for 166 years? He couldn’t. 
The backstage door flung open and Sebastian strode in. 
“Rem, we have to-” Sebastian stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Y/N. He had spent days looking for the mysterious woman his brother had fallen for, spent years singing songs his brother had written about her. Spent decades trying to block out the memories of that night. 
His face lost all expression as he gazed into Y/N’s eyes. For a second, a memory flashed through her head. A voice. ‘It was you?’. 
Remington looked back and forth. 
“Sebastian, this is Y/N, you might remember her from one of our affairs.” 
“I remember her. And don’t talk 1800s to me, we have well and truly aged past it. Come on, Emerson is facing the fans alone.” 
“OK, gimme a sec,” Remington told his brother, turning around to face Y/N. “Meet me back at this pub, tomorrow night?”
“Ah, yeah, sure! Around 7?” Y/N asked, as Remington got pulled out by Sebastian. 
He was already through the door when Y/N heard him shout “I’ll be here!”
Y/N had spent the day on autopilot, mind racing. She didn’t eat. She didn’t sleep. But she didn’t need to, she had enough yesterday to get by (the complications of being undead: you need things to live, food and water and sleep, but nowhere near as much as the living). By the time it was 6 o’clock, Y/N was pacing around her bedroom trying to figure out what to wear. 
It was times like this that she really wished she knew another vampire besides the one she was about to see. You can’t easily ask your best friend “what should I wear to see the guy that I met in the 1800s at a ball and I fell in love with then I became a vampire and didn’t see him in over a century?”. Alas, after enough pacing, she found the perfect outfit. All she needed was a little lipgloss and a lot of courage. 
When she got to the bar it was ten to seven. Enough time to panic, but not enough for a full blown panic attack. Her anxiety would just have to wait. She walked into the burgundy room, warm lights providing enough light to see but not much more, though this meant little to a creature of the night. She spotted Remington’s blonde hair immediately, despite the crowd. He was sitting down, knee-bouncing in the corner booth of the bar, obviously trying to calm himself down. Hey, maybe my anxiety and his will get along, Y/N thought with a wry smile. Remington noticed he was caught, and with a small laugh, he walked over to greet Y/N. 
“Hey,” He said. Y/N temporarily forgot words, instead just blinking at him as he went in for a hug. It was somehow cool and warm all at once, a soothing thrill being in his arms. 
“Uh, hi,” she said with a smile. Wow, nice recovery, Y/n. 
“So,” he said, walking back to where he was seated, “what do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t really know where to start. It’s not every day you meet a vampire that you hadn’t seen in over 150 years,” Y/N murmured, careful with her words. 
“166,” Remington blurted, as Y/N used all the care and there was none left for him. “Uh, it’s been 166 years. Since we met. I, um, did the math.” 
“Well, you already know more than me. Everything before… well, I don’t know. But the years after I was turned, and before, are all a blur.” Y/N replied after a moment, trying to remain cool. “Do you, uh, do you have any idea what happened. Did we meet again or something? Because I feel a very strong connection to you but I’m not sure why.”
“No, unfortunately not, though I would have loved to get to know you more back then.”
Do vampires blush? It was a question Y/N had never pondered, nor needed to until that very moment, when she got her answer. Even the undead can turn red with the right situation and person. 
There was a moment of silence full of discomfort, not because of the company but because of the emotion. Y/N put an end to it. 
“I think I’m ready to order. Are you?” 
“Yes, but only if you’ll let me pay.”
A smirk tugged at the corners of Y/N’s lips. How many times Remington replayed that imagine in his mind. 
“Ever the gentleman, my lord,” Y/N teased, returning to the lively person she used to be, and as Remington placed a hand on the small of her back to guide her through to the bar, time seemed to slip. 
Taglist: @sab-falco @smiling-girl @levyasakura @fedorable-killjoys @charlie-rulerofhell (idk if I should include you) and @fandomfoodiedancer
As always let me know if you want to be on or off the taglist, or just specific fics!
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fedorable-killjoys · 1 year
Good evening 😊 1, 22, 53 and 75 for the Get in my Business ask game please 😇.
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1. The meaning behind my url:
Right the meaning behind my url is a mix of two different bands, that I was obsessed with. Still like there music but not as obsessed as I was.
Fedorable - because of Fall Out Boy and that the lead singer always seems to be wearing a fedora or a hat.
Killjoys - because of My Chemical Romance.
22. What's your shoe size?
My shoe size is in-between UK 6 - 7. Depends on the shoe.
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
Assuming this means 3pm? If so I have but only when I've been really ill.
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
No I haven't, to be honest I don't think I would be brave enough to do it.
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lnights · 10 months
From the ask game I choose
TV show of the year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Bye 🦦
Hiiii 🖤
5. TV show of the year?
Good Omens!
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
I'm taking another trip abroad, not going to announce where until the tickets are actually booked but I'm bouncing off the walls about it.
3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
I’m not sure if Electric Callboy was this year or not but then if they were, otherwise I've just started listening to St Aurora, Avatar and Sleep Token and they're all amazing!
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Number 69 for the ask game 😉.
Also I love Ice nine kills music. It's so good and there music videos are so good. I really want to see them live one day. I could go on and on about this band.....
69. Fever by Blind Channel
If you believe it or not but Fever has been in last year's round as well😄 (I can’t do a sickfic again, can I?)
no wait, I’ve got it: Pirate AU
Aleksi is some kind of mythical being that can live in the water but has the ability to transform into human form
one day he gets captured by some pirate’s crew because his scales are worth a lot of money (sold to make jewellery for rich people)
he manages to escape but not without a few wounds and notably weakened
Niko’s crew finds him drifting unconscious in the sea on a piece of wood a few days later and fishes him out of the water, thinking he’s a survivor of a sunken ship
the weakness leaves his body unable to keep the human form up to its perfect extent so Aleksi seems a little bit too ethereal for this world (Joel falls in love instantly)
and as Aleksi is bedridden by fever and chills, pieces and parts of his true nature come through and he can’t hide it
he’s afraid that the scary looking people will cut him open, take everything that can be sold and throw the remains back into the water for sharks to eat up
but instead he’s met with kindness?
Joonas was so nice to feed him, Olli gave him clothes of his to put on, Tommi made sure that no one bothered him, Niko promised him safe travels, and Joel…he was just too lovely to believe it, he’s not even bothered by Aleksi’s choice of food, that is raw meat, untroubled by the blood dripping down his chin
uhm ending? I don’t know any ending😅
Ice Nine Kills talk:
I’ve only seen them once when they were a support band so I didn’t even get to appreciate them. Only fell in love the second I looked them up when I was back home. I might see them in february if everything goes right🤞
I don’t even like horror movies, and I couldn’t even watch their Assault & Batteries mv because I’m scared of such dolls😅, but I love their music nevertheless.
And I mean they’re amazing live, as much theatrics as in their music videos, and like the music in itself is so good!
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Blind Channel Ask Game - Band Member Edition
Joonas: Best pick-up line?
i have nothing for that one sorry
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born-to-lose · 1 year
I know I got into crashdiet because of your Tumblr. Just wondered if you have any music recommendations?
I need some new bands to listen too
Thank you 🦦
I'm still so proud of myself for getting you into Crashdiet and Gabriel Keyes specifically
Not sure what genre you're looking for but I'll give you a few I've been listening to a lot
Glam/sleaze/80s/hard rock
Hardcore Superstar
Speed Stroke
King Zebra
Nasty Ratz
Bai Bang
Supernova Plasmajets
The Royal Beggars
The Dogs D'Amour
Velvet Insane
Temple Balls
Velveteen Queen
Cobra Spell
Stolen Prayer
Shark Island
Trench Dogs
Sister Sin
Crazy Lixx
Dark Tranquillity
The Halo Effect
Lacrimas Profundere
Æther Realm
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Was scrolling through my photos on my phone and saw these pics that I thought you'd like.
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I mean look at his smiley face ( ◜‿◝ )♡
💙👄💙 look at that sweet, sweet man 🥺 My "perhaps I love him" tag has never been more applicable 😌
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years
Hello for the emoji ask game I choose ☀️
Oooo a sun?? Cause I'm practically sunshine, yeah?? 😅
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