theflyingfeeling · 1 month
*Gently drops this mf in your askbox*
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Sooo.... how are we feeling about this?
we are feeling extremely unwell about this thanks for asking 🥴 loving those close-ups of this hot fucker 😩
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nichimgriff · 1 year
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Our Discord server made a video for Kevin's birthday :)
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lnights · 6 months
My brain loves your "Decisions, Decisions" fic 😍😍. So much that it came up with a little sequel to it. Hope you don't mind me sharing it with you 😅
So, in the morning Joel wakes up and finds himself tucked in between Olli and Tommi. He just watches them sleep for a few minutes, wondering how he got so lucky to end up with so lovely and beautiful and understanding boyfriends. Tommi slowly wakes up and asks how Joel feels. After a brief chat about their feelings 8and Tommi reassuring Joel that he is 120% not jealous that Joel picked Olli) they start slowly making out, which eventually awakens Olli without them noticing. He watches them for a while before joining in. They trade kisses and when Joel gets hard, they jerk him off together (working Joel up to having sex with more than one person). After it, Olli offers Tommi to ride him and Tommi uses this opportunity to teach Joel how to prepare someone. Joel is nervous about hurting Olli but Tommi takes his time and explains everything to him and also makes sure to praise Joel a lot (simply the thought of having the fingers of two people in you working you open is 🥵). Joel then at first only watches Olli ride Tommi before climbing behind Olli to take care of his needs and jerk him off on Tommi's chest.🥰
AHHHHHHHHHH ok I absolutely love this 💕💕💕
I actually was thinking of a sequel and we have the same beginning, Joel waking up between Olli and Tommi, Tommi spooning Joel.
Mmm something about both jerking him off is so 🔥🔥🔥
And agreed on two different people opening another up 👀🔥🔥🔥
Joel absolutely needs the praise 😂 he's a good boy and needs to be told.
I love all of this 🖤
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catboyolli · 1 year
#that means he lost more than one between switzerland and austria????? my god
Yes, I think he had two with him. His normal one and a backup and the airline lost both of them🙈
Also: #sorry i read 'asses' 👍
That would have been a crime against humanity and the fandom if he would have lost them. 😤
hi Gemma!!!! 💕💖 a back up bass makes total sense and now that you mentioned it I feel like I need pics to describe my current mood:
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but hey, at least this time it was the airport's fault and not his (and it happened within the continent. imagine if it happened across the atlantic) still........ 2 basses lost at the same time???? holy shit my dude is unlucky af 😅😭
let's hope these basses are safe and do not end up being Simba 2.0 and 3.0 PLEASE (but if it happens, I know the guys won't let him forget about it ever)
ps. Olli please don't lose your peachy ass, we will all be very sad if you do 💖
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ominousmotion · 7 months
Hey Kai😊 15, 24 and 29 for the ask game🫶
Thank you Gemma 💕💕
15. Lucky number
I dont really have one i think i just have a number that i like slightly more then others which is 5 lol
24. Tattoos you want
Oooo boy i have plans i want to get finally awake lost society lyrics on my knees and i want to get a we came as romans lyric i survive in my sleeve and maybe get like a giant sword or something lol i really only have plans for little ones rn
29. Sweet or salted popcorn
Salted tho it depends on the mood both are good lol
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outcastedang3l · 6 months
Happy Birthday Ty🎉🎉🥳🥳 Hope you will have a good one🎂
Thank you!! I actually just got back from lunch with my parents
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mondscheinprinzessin · 7 months
⭐ For any part you like to talk about (preferably from your Soulmate AU☀️🌕🌟)💖
I never can decide on anything, or even a specific part, so let me just ramble a bit about it^^
For starters, this was my first soulmate project ever, and while I am not the biggest fan of the trope (it can be so cliche if done without proper inspiration), I got reminded of a fic I read in another fandom, and oh the drama and hurt, I just couldn't resist putting my favs though it as well.
It was also the first fic where I included my now favourite OT3 ship (apart from a short febuwhump prompt). So many firsts!
I think for this AU I did the most planning I ever did for a fic, meaning chapter outlines, what exactly I want to include, I had a big doc of inpsiration of dialogue and scenes etc. But even though I did that a lot changed thoughout the story, sometimes I just went with the flow, for example in chapter 8 where Aleksi has this big blowout with Joel and Joonas, and it's all a big misunderstanding.
With the argument I only knew the start and and the end, but between that it was complete spontaneity, with what would sound natural, what would make sense, and how for Aleksi, and for Joel and Joonas this is a complete different situation, they are playing two seperate parts here with different understandings and goals, and I really wanted it to be frustrating for a the reader, because at some point they will have to find together, right? But it didn't feel right for Aleksi's character at all to be so quick to fall into this.
Now even Joonas seemed to lose his patience and ran both his hands over his face. “No, that’s not how it is at all. We really like you and not just as a casual hook -”
(All they want is a chance, but there's not breaking through at this point of the story, it's too early)
“I’m not stupid, okay?!” Aleksi yelled at them. His hands fell from his arms and tightened into fists. “I’ve seen your mark, I know you’re waiting for someone else, so don’t pretend I’m so important to you when I’m not.” 
(At least Aleksi has grown over the time enough to stand up for himself now, I doubt it would have been the same in school)
This is why in chapter 9, I first had to establish a curve of his character that made sense for Aleksi to finally allow himself to trust, and boy was that difficult. I love love love leaning into character's feelings and thoughts, as difficult as it is sometimes, but I have to admit I'm really proud on how this one turned out.
And yet when it comes to the scene of Aleksi inviting Joel and Joonas in, I couldn't give it the happy ending yet. There was still a point of pessimism, the hint that Aleksi will get hurt, because after years and years of pain it didn't make sense for me to make a fairy tail ending out of this so quickly. And I had to span the character arc a little longer (and I really hope it wasn't too much at this point).
"Because let’s be real, he was far from perfect, and he knew that best out of all people. How long could it take them to realize that too? Obviously they had this picture of him in their heads that they were chasing and once they had him they would be disappointed."
"But no, they had betrayed and hurt him, who was to say Joel and Joonas couldn’t do that too despite saying they liked him? At the latest when they found their soulmate and let go of Aleksi."
But I think in the end it was worth it. This part of the fic really was hard work for me, and Aleksi's character ran away from me and my plans (ryyyd😄), but it was also very much fun to write it.
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im-suchanicegirl · 10 months
Hey Anne-Mare 🤗 For the Spotify Wrapped asks: 8, 23 and 45 please.
And I am curious: Which is your favorite EC song and how many EC in total are in your Top 100?
We got the move is the most played at 175 times, and EC is there 24 times!
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crystalprism · 11 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) 🌟
oh dear, another one 🙈
1. I like how I have settled in my life so far, despite still having bad days I think I generally like myself as a person now
2. I'm good at my job and it even gets recognized and I'm really proud of that
3. I'm proud that I don't try to be another person in front of others anymore. I like what I like and I do what I like and people gotta deal with it 😌
4. I'm more outspoken than I used to be - if I don't like something or disagree with someone, I actually speak up and don't swallow my own opinion
5. uuhhmmm.... I'm a good cat mom?
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random0815fangirl · 1 year
For the ask game: 2, 30 and 40 please? 😄😊
2. what would you name your future kids?
I won't have kids but I always liked the name Alexander for boys and if I ever had a baby girl I'd love to name her after my grandma Leokadia.
30. favourite tv show(s)
There are so many! Community, Buffy, Hannibal, In the Flesh, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, the Good Doctor, the Tribe, Black Mirror, American Horror Story, Rick and Morty, the Handmaid's Tale...
I bet I still forgot some 😅
40. favourite memory
It's really hard to pick just one...
But I really love remembering the moment, when my very best friend of many years confessed to me that he had fallen in love with me. (Spoiler: We married five years later ^^)
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
I'm so sorry to hear that you don't feel well🥺 *tugs you in a blanket and makes you a cup of tea* .🫖
Now I imagine Aleksi being sick and in Helsinki while Olli is in Oulu. Imagine Olli reading a story to Allu over the phone, because Allu can't sleep. And when he hears only snoring on the other side of the line, he takes the phone, gets in the car and drives down to Helsinki. Never hanging up the phone or putting on music🥺. Imagine how happy Aleksi is when he sees Olli and how Olli will care for Aleksi until he feels better again❤️
thanks I'm crying this is too cute 🥺💓 can someone do this for me now please 🤧
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nichimgriff · 1 year
Just checking in to make sure you are still alive after Vlog Nr. 6 and 1:18 - 1:35😁😅💕
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Sorry if this is weird and out of nowhere, but I love your URL! And Avatar/header. Hate/Love ist my favorite EC Song. I freaking love the intro!😍😍😍 (Had to tell you this because I can never shut up about this song😅.)
Absolutely not weird at all!! Hate/Love is tied with Tekkno Train for my favorite EC song. And the music video for Hate/Love is just so good and has so many nice shots of Nico looking hot and brooding and also covered in blood
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ominousmotion · 6 months
For the Fandome you are not in ask game^^
Fandome: Little Mix
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Question: What are their names and which two are my favorites? 😆
Thank you Gemma 💕
Okay so from left to right we have jillian sabrina megan and Adelaide and i think i like jill and sabrina the best
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leopardom · 2 years
Happy Birthday Emma🥳🥳🥳 I only realized now that it's also Joonas' Name day. You picked the perfect member😁. Annnnd today is Wembley day! So here are some flying kisses from Wembley 💋
Hope you have a great day😊 Here is some cake for you. Go blow out the candle and wish for something.🎂
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*proceeds to blow out the candles*
thank you so much ☺️❤️💖 and yeah i became aware of the fact Joonas’ nameday is today last year but had completely forgotten about it, thanks for the reminder 😂
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Thank youuu 🥺🥰🥰🥰 You're wonderful too 💚
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