#featuring DFO
ilentari · 5 months
That one crack AU where AFO is secretly a huge All Might fanboy.
Based off the recent manga chapters where AFO constantly brings up All Might. Thinks about All Might. Compares other heroes to All Might. Fanboy behaviour 👏👏
Snippet under the read more.
All For One gasped as he made it in time to see All Might barreling down a hall toward the large vault door at the end. He’d come as fast as he could when he’d heard All Might had found his most secret location. He felt panic as All Might drew back an arm to deliver a punch that would smash through the door.
“WAIT!” All For One yelled, running to catch up. That vault held his most important things! He couldn’t let All Might get in there!
All Might paid him no attention. He broke the door right off its hinges with vengeance, stepping into the vault with his hands on his hips just as All For One made it to the no-longer-existing door.
“Fear not!” All Might announced. “I am here to rescue—” He cut off as the dim vault lights finally flickered on, revealing the vault’s contents.
There was a long moment of stunned silence, in which All For One felt colour begin to rise on his cheeks. Especially as All Might turned around and stared at him incredulously.
“What is this?” the hero asked, voice strangled as he gestured to the vault.
The vault. Which was basically a fan shrine to All Might himself.
The entire room was filled with All Might merchandise: posters, clothing, figurines, toys, stuffies, mugs, and other such paraphernalia. Some of it was limited edition and collector’s items, while some was common merch. But there was so much of it that it was practically an eyesore.
All For One felt his blush deepen. This was the worst! He really wished he’d been able to keep his collection at home, but Inko had insisted on clearing out the spare room to make it into a nursery for their unborn baby.
“I-It’s—It’s, uh…” All For One shifted awkwardly. He was hyper-aware of All Might’s piercing blue gaze on him, and had to work to contain the boyish glee at having the undivided attention of his idol. “It’s a, um. For my son.”
All Might’s brows furrowed. “…You have a son?”
Well. All For One didn’t actually know their baby’s gender yet, but Inko insisted it was going to be a boy. “Yeah,” he lied.
All Might’s face hardened, and he stomped towards All For One menacingly. “Where have you trapped the boy? Are you keeping him in a different vault? Was this a trick vault to prevent me from rescuing him?!”
All For One’s heart fluttered with excitement as his idol—the only hero who’d ever been able to match up to him—got into his personal space. “Wha—? I wouldn’t put my son in a vault! My wife would kill me!” he blurted out.
All Might’s jaw went slack. “You’re married?!”
Oops! He’d revealed more than he meant to.
“No,” he quickly lied again.
All Might backed him up against the wall, slamming his fist next to All For One’s head. The concrete cracked behind him.
All For One had to bite his lip to prevent himself from asking for All Might’s autograph.
“Don’t play games with me, All For One,” All Might growled.
All For One pushed down a squeal of excitement. All Might was so cool! How intimidating! No one else had ever been able to make him feel this way!
“I’m confiscating all of that merchandise for police investigation.”
The statement was like cold water poured over his head. All For One gasped. “No! You can’t!”
All Might snorted derisively and glanced back at the vault.
All For One’s hackles rose as he sensed a threat to his precious collection. “Don’t you touch my stuff!” he shrieked.
All Might’s eyes widened. “Your—?”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as All For One went on the attack, fanboy instincts haywire to protect his hero merch.
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tw1nter · 1 month
au by @avis-fictional-world
so as we all know, I wanted to play with some DFO with this au and I couldn’t help but imagine that mermaids lay eggs (like fish) and therefore, when the egg(s) hatch, THEY END UP BEING SUPER SMALL AND BABY. This is part two of that post
so I did a newborn baby Izuku with his dad :>
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And takes MUCH after his uncle (Yoichi) :>> he looks adorableeee
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I also sort of wanted a chance to sketch out AFO’s tail more.
I sort of feel like he’d have a lot of spikes/extra fins on his tail
I really like how his tail turned out, but yeah
I redrew it like 6 times over the course of the week.
I like how Izuku got some of those feature as well, with his own lil fins/spikes
he just looks bombastically adorable ☺️
thanks Avis for this au
I just love it, lowkey obsessed if you haven’t realized 😭
definitely check out @avis-fictional-world for her au ofc, it’s originally hers and I am SO HOOKED.
(edit; as it turns out, in her au she also made AFO with extra fins and extra shark looking. So.. yeah.. 😂)
(double edit: check out her commissions! :D )
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marunalu · 6 months
I wonder about something. We know afo can change both his dna and his appearance. He can change his size and age as well (him looking like a old man when he walks tenko home) and it wouldnt surprise me if he even could change his voice, gender etc. if he needed to. He can look like whoever he wants, which makes dfo so much more plausible and likely to be canon then it already is at this point, espicially if we consider that 1. Afo is still not done 2. Hisashi still hasnt shown up and 3. Hori did confirm hisashi will show up but cant say anything more because that would be a huge spoiler.
But about what I wonder now is, if afo is hisashi and looks different in that role WHY is hori still refusing to let izuku see afos real face? At this point pretty much everyone has seen his real face EXCEPT izuku! Hori obscured afos face in the past to wrap his character in mystery and to make us wonder what he looks like without all the shadows covering his face. We readers and plenty of the side characters in the story know for a while now what his face truly looks like, but still not the MAIN CHARACTER?!?! Even now, afos real body has vanished and his vestige is using tomuras body, so izuku still has no freaking idea what afo truly looks like. And thats so strange.
Why is hori so determinded to not let his main character see the main villains real face, IF izuku wouldnt recognize afo anyway in his hisashi form? And lets say for a moment afo isnt hisashi, then it makes even less sense why hori would not allow izuku to see his face. This whole thing just makes no sense to me. The best explaination I have is afo DOES look different as hisashi but still resemblances his true appearance to the point izuku and inko COULD recognize him: like he is just smaller and his facial features are softer and maybe has an other hair color? So my point is: no matter if dfo is canon or not it makes no sense why hori would hide afos true appearance from izuku for that long. If he looks different as hisashi it makes no sense and it makes even less sene if he is not hisashi!
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mamashenanigans · 2 years
Official AFO Bad Ending Event Announcement
It’s the end of January and thus the Bad Ending Event is upon us! Read after the gif for all the information and share, share, share!!!
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From now until the end of February, writers and artists are invited to take part in the All for One Bad Ending Event hosted by me(MamaShenanigans) and @possiblycringe !!!
Bad endings are fun, but can sometimes be a challenge for writers and hard to depict for artists. This event is meant to be a great exercise in creating a work where the Big Bad(All for One) wins, nobody wins, or a story that takes place AFTER the bad ending(but still is bad). That’s a lot of ‘bad’!
I LOVE bad endings, or rather, when the villain wins! It’s pretty much ALL I write…not counting my still WIP of real world Yoichi being a real world cat lady….we whisper about that in secretive circles.
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Types of ‘Endings’
The Big Bad wins: All for One ends up having his cake and eating it too! Doesn’t matter how it gets there, but the self-described Demon Lord HAS to come out on top by the end of the story. In context, it’s bad for everyone else but him.
Nobody Wins: Despite whatever conflict happens, neither side wins. It’s just terrible for everyone including Mr. Comic Nerd in a Suit. So sad, too bad.
After the Bad Ending: This is a fun one! Your story can take place after All for One has eaten his cake, but the platter is still full! This can be a slice of life sort of story or even something wicked where it seems the good guys are finally going to fix that bad ending….except they don’t.
The biggest thing to take away from this is that: there is NO good ending. Even if you write an aftermath(#3), nothing good can come of it. However! You can definitely play around with all three of these. Maybe it’s an aftermath(#3) where nobody wins(#2)…but then AFO wins(#1)? Maybe you continue on past the Big Bad wins(#1) and just continue right on into #3. Or, you can write or draw for each type! Doesn’t matter! Only that it’s bad.
Minimum story length of 1k words
Fits one or more of the above types of endings
Can include any other characters or relationships such as Yoichi(hurray!) and DFO(Dad for One), and any setting such as canon, fantasy au, real world/no quirks au. Etc and so on. All alternate universes are welcome if you want to write one!
Horror and gore are perfectly fine. NSFW is not permitted in this event.
You can submit as many entries as you want!
Has to depict a bad ending in whatever way you think that would look. All for One must be featured.
Horror and gore are fine. Just no NSFW
Can submit as many entries as you want!
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Please note that the prizes have changed since the last post was made.
To keep things fair, @possiblycringe and I will be creating prizes based on a “first come, first serve” basis. This way, neither of us will be making more prizes than the other. That would be exhausting for one of us! How that works is, for example, the two 1st prize winners are announced. One for art, the other for writing. The first winner to contact me with what they want(art or fic) gets that pick and the other winner will have to take whichever the first one doesn’t.
Choices for Prizes
Written Prizes
Contact me with a prompt
1st Place: 2k word fic
2nd Place: 1.5 word fic
3rd Place: 1k word fic
Art Prizes
Contact @possiblycringe with your prompt
1st Place: Full body color with cell shading
2nd Place: Half body color
3rd Place: Half body lineart
Timeframe & Submitting
Starting now (January 27th) until the night of Sunday February 26th(I have the next two days off after) by 11:59PM. Please note that there is leeway due to time zones!
Submissions can be made at ANY time, so you don’t need to sit on your work until the 26th! I’d prefer you didn’t!
To submit, post on tumblr, AO3, fanfiction.net, or whatever works for you! Tag me if you are able on the platform, otherwise, tag me in a discord we’re both in or DM me on Discord or here with a link to your work! My discord is MamaShenanigans#9608
AO3 Tag/Collection & Inspiration
For writers that want to keep their bad ending a secret from readers, you can tag your work with AFOBEE2023! I will create a public collection once submissions start coming in!
For inspiration, here are three of my works that hit every type of bad ending!
COLD—example of a nobody wins bad ending. Horror
Alternatives chapters 2-3 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the bad ending of a Mafia AU
Alternatives chapters 3-4 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the aftermath of a bad ending where fat!AFO has already become Emperor of the world.
@possiblycringe and I are so excited to see what you all come up with! Have fun and do bad!!!
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hopefulsidney · 1 year
Some people believe that AFO could be Deku’s father, while some others believe Monoma could be AFO’s son, or related to him in some way. But, ever considered that both Deku and Monoma could be AFO sons?
With the end of the series rapidly approaching, and the amount of evidence that has been gathered, it's very likely that the DFO theory could be true and that AFO could very possibly be Deku’s father. But there’s another character that could very possibly be related to AFO; Monoma. As characters have developed and with the discovery of quirk marriages, it is very likely that AFO would have multiple children, very much in the same idea of Endeavor and having the “perfect” child. This could be backed up by the fact that there’s a possibility he could have experimented on them due to the knowledge of his work with Dr. Garaki. These ideas make it a possibility that Monoma and Deku could both be children of AFO, in turn making them half-brothers.
Monoma & AFO
Quirks - Monoma’s and AFO’s quirks are almost exactly the same, and some people see Copy as a weaker and inferior version of AFO since there’s a time limit and an inability to use two quirks at once. Plus they’re two of the three quirk-based quirks.
Monomania - They both have a singular obsession, Monoma’s being Class A and AFO’s being OFA and becoming Demon King.
Poses - AFO and Monoma do very similar poses, and have one of them for their pop figures.
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Comics - AFO has said that he’s influenced by comics (Chapter 364) and Monoma has Franco-Belgian comics listed as his likes in his Shifuku. If he was his son and/or groomed by AFO, he could’ve had Monoma read the comics that he and his brother read in their youth to influence him to help with his plan to become “Demon King,” then resulting in him having his hobby in reading Franco-Belgian comics.
Similar appearances/features with AFO and Yoichi
Monoma and Yoichi have similar features, some being similar hair and eye shapes, and they both have white pupils. In my opinion, if someone drew Monoma or with longer hair I don’t think anyone would be able to tell the difference. And it’s not uncommon for a parent's child to take after their siblings instead of themselves due to the complexity of genetics. 
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I also noticed that Young AFO looks like a slightly older Monoma. They have similar eye and head shapes, other than AFO having a more defined chin, which makes sense as facial features tend to sharpen with age. As of recent chapters, as AFO continues to de-ages with the effects of rewind, he gains a similar appearance to Monoma as seen in these panels.
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Monoma’s Birthplace
This could be a coincidence, but The League of Villain’s old bar base and Nomu warehouse was located in Kamino Ward, Yokohama City. This is located in Kanagawa prefecture, which happens to be where Monoma was born. (Ultra Analysis).
Horikoshi Loves Making Star Wars References
In Class B’s Sports Festival play, ‘Romeo and Juliet and the Return of the Prisoner King of Azkaban,’ Monoma reenacts the “I am your father” scene from Empire Strikes Back with him portraying Romeo, who’s an amalgamation of the characters Romeo, Luke Skywalker, Frodo and Harry Potter. Tetsutetsu could be a representation of AFO, as both Kamino Ward and Final Arc AFO and Tetsutetsu's play character are based on Darth Vader, like AFO. Monoma, being in the role of Luke, could be a foreshadowing element of his connection to AFO. Additionally, this is the only scene of the play we see illustrated/animated which potentially highlights its importance to the overall story.
On top of that, Mirio and Eri referred to him as the “dark side of U.A.'' which can be a reference to the dark side that the Sith practiced and was associated with in Star Wars, that could anticipate a connection with AFO.
  Now, it is possible that Deku being AFO’s son could be a red herring. However, with all of the evidence supporting the 'AFO is Deku’s father' theory, I find this doubtful. This also brings attention to all the evidence supporting the 'Monoma could be AFO's son' theory. I am surprised that I have never heard anyone talk about a possible relation, and with all of this in mind I believe there is some likely evidence that could point to Deku and Monoma being half-brothers.
Horikoshi loves making Star Wars references pt 2
When the original DFO theory became popular people would say Deku, All Might, Gran Torino and AFO would fit into the role of Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan, Yoda and Darth Vader. However, we’re missing out on who would fit into the role of Leia. Most people would answer with Shigaraki but it wouldn’t make sense for Shigraki, the main villain, to be Leia since Luke and Leia were always allies. So if Deku and Monoma were, in fact, half-siblings, this would mean that the role of Leia would fit Monoma more than it would Shigaraki.
Mirror AFO and Yoichi
The Deku and Monoma quirk dynamic shares a similarity to the Shigaraki brothers, Yoichi and AFO. Monoma and Yoichi share similar features/appearances, like them sharing the trait of white eyes. However, Monoma has a similar power to AFO and also shares similar personality traits with AFO, like having a singular obsession over one thing. Deku, on the other hand, shares similar features with AFO, most notably his curly hair and people have said his silhouette could look like an adult Deku. Even so, Deku is the one that possesses the power of OFA and shares personality traits with Yoichi like their similar strong sense of justice.
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Battle Intellect
AFO is shown on multiple occasions to have a genius intellect. Deku and Monoma have both proven that they have a high intelligence and skill when it comes to strategizing and analyzing in battle. They could have inherited their intelligence from AFO if he was their father.
Ability to hold multiple quirks naturally
AFO, Deku and Monoma are the only 3 characters who have quirk-based quirks, meaning that their base level quirks only work when coming into contact with another quirk. They are the only ones who can naturally hold multiple quirks without body modifications or suffer any repercussions, i.e. becoming incapacitated, having cracks form on their body, having their lifespan shortened, etc.
Class counterparts
Speaking of parallels, Monoma and Deku are very similar to each other to the point they can be called each other's counterparts for class A and B. Both characters share similar backgrounds, being told they can’t live up to being a hero because of their quirk status. Both are the biggest influences to their classmates, despite not being the official leaders or representatives. Their quirks are direct counterparts as well; Deku’s quirk can be given to others and Monoma’s “takes” quirks from others. They’re also, coincidentally, both placed in seat 18 of their respective classrooms.
However, I believe Deku isn’t the only counterpart Monoma could have. It’s been shown multiple times that Aoyoma and Monoma counterpart each other as well. Their personalities are very similar; both are fond of posing dramatically, frequently attempt to grab the attention of their classmates, despite frequently being ignored or brushed off, and are highly insecure of themselves and their quirks and try to hide it by acting eccentric and flamboyant. Additionally, both characters have a habit of breaking the 4th wall in their own respective ways, both shown to be very observant, hinted to come from French descent, and are highly insecure of themselves and their quirks and try to hide it by acting eccentric and flamboyant. 
These character traits that all three characters have could indicate all of them having a connection with AFO, especially since two characters already have a canon connection. 
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puckgoss · 6 months
What are your hockey podcast recs? And I love last podcast on the left and behind the bastards and then like … the blonde files and lipstick on the rim lol
oohh i haven't heard of those last two before! i'll give them a try. thanks anon 🥰
hockey podcast recs:
32 thoughts
this is the most popular hockey podcast by far. hosted by elliotte friedman (NHL insider) and jeff marek (sportsnet radio host), this podcast releases episodes every monday & friday and includes a recap of the week's top storylines & news from around the league, insider information, and player interviews. many current players listen to this show as well.
they can have a slight focus on canadian teams, considering the podcast is produced by a canadian company, but they do talk about all teams.
vibes: informative. lots of news is broken/rumors start from this show. goofy gen x dads hosting a podcast about the NHL.
the chris johnston show
this is hosted by the SDPN (steve dangle podcast network). the show is hosted by julian mckenzie (writer for the athletic) and features chris johnston (NHL insider).
this show is similar to 32 thoughts in that it recaps the week's top storylines & headlines and updates biweekly.
vibes: informative. goofy millennials hosting a podcast about the NHL.
the hockey PDOcast
this is run by the same network as 32 thoughts (sportsnet). hosted by dimitri filipovic, this podcast takes an analytics-focused approach. they do break downs of players and teams from around the league. episodes are posted monday-friday.
might be hard to understand if you don't know much about analytics, but if you want to learn more about it, it's not a bad place to start. they won't explain in detail what everything they're talking about means, but you can always pause and do research if it interests you
vibes: let's talk about math but make it hockey!
the athletic hockey show
this pod is produced by the athletic (sports new department of the new york times). it's hosted by various staff writers at the athletic, and they release 1-2 episodes per day.
this show goes into the top news & storylines around the NHL, and also goes more in depth into certain topics like how a particular team is performing, how certain players are ranked, etc. the episodes are essentially podcast versions/breakdowns of the articles they post.
vibes: opinion-based analysis on the latest news and storylines around the NHL. different vibes depending on which writer(s) are hosting each episode.
the DFO rundown
hosted by frank seravalli and jason gregor of the nation network, the daily faceoff rundown is a daily podcast covering (you guessed it) the latest news and storylines around the NHL.
frank seravalli is probably the most controversial "insider" in the NHL world. he gets in trouble for spreading false information sometimes, but has also broken multiple stories before anyone else has. he's super tight with some player agents and will unashamedly be their mouthpiece, which also allows him to get some breaking news before other insiders do.
vibes: very opinionated reporting on the latest news & storylines around the NHL, including rumors that sometimes turn out to be true, and sometimes don't.
spittin chiclets
this is the preeminent, infamous dudebro NHL podcast. it is run by barstool sports and hosted by former players paul bissonnette and ryan whitney.
i'll be honest - this show can be very tough to listen to. very crass, quite misogynistic, etc. i mean it is run by barstool, enough said.
the reason i am including it on this list is that they have, by far, the best current & former player interviews. players feel comfortable with former players like biz and whit, and so the interviews with players on this podcast are far more interesting and in depth than with traditional media members. they really show their personality more than they normally would.
they release episodes once a week, and the episodes are obscenely long. i would recommend just listening to player interviews if you're interested in listening to them in more of their "natural habitat"
vibes: imagine this podcast being recorded in a frathouse. if that disgusts you, don't listen
locked on NHL: prospects podcast
the locked on NHL network has podcasts on general news and news for each team in the NHL. this particular show that i like to listen to is focused on prospects specifically. they analyze both undrafted and drafted prospects and go into what their game is like, the type of player they project to be in the NHL, do mock drafts, etc.
vibes: hockey-nerd analysis of young players who are not yet playing in the NHL / are in their first few seasons in the NHL
bonus youtube channel: the hockey guy
the hockey guy on youtube posts multiple videos a day. shannon is a legend plain and simple. he posts a video previewing each game happening that day, and reviewing each game after it happens. he also posts daily news videos and videos on other topics such as NHL expansion, deep dives into particular teams, etc. he makes things very easily digestible for all fans of the game.
vibes: your wholesome, nerdy neighbor talks about the NHL with the aid of his trusty whiteboards. he has many cats and bunnies who make guest appearances in his videos, alongside his lovely wife yvonne.
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 11 months
20 Questions - Fanfic Writer Edition
I was tagged by both @writer-or-whatever and @jmrothwell so I suppose I better do it 😅 Thanks guys!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 42 (*gasp* am I Miles Morales?)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,265,660 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently just Spider-Man but I used to write for Supernatural and before that Harry Potter. I'm a one obsession at a time kinda girl.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) - 72k spideypool soulmates au
Don't Freak Out - 136k parkner rivals to lovers speedrun
A Peach Like You - 73k parkner featuring autistic!peter, loveatfirstsight!harley, and a cringe self insert as the villain of the week lmao
The Distance Between (You and Me) - 29k parkner bodyguard au
You're Freaking Out - 166k sequel to DFO featuring plot (wow!) and Miles (yay!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
My dudes I try. I know I'm not very consistent and I have a tendency to disappear for months at a time, but I read and cherish each one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings lol I think the closest I've gotten is Lay Me Down - 8k destiel major character death--lowest kudosed fic out of all 42 lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is an impossible question. I am like the queen of happy endings? You want me to rank them??? Fine, it's You're Freaking Out. Best 10k epilogue in the land. Oh hey also I just noticed it has 997 kudos. May I humbly request 3 more pretty please?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Closest was when someone complained on one of my destiel fics about the grocery store not having plastic bags and needing a quarter in order to obtain a cart. I specifically remember they said, "I hate when writers do this," and went on to complain about us making up obviously fake stuff that pulls them out of the story. Like, first of all you're complaining about storytellers making stuff up ??? okay. And second, it was an Aldi. A real grocery store. That I didn't make up.
I had to take a day to cool off before I responded and then they were like oh yeah, my roommate told me when I complained to them, you responded to this really nicely though! WHICH folks LET ME TELL YOU made me angrier lol Like you found out you were wrong and didn't even come back to edit/delete/apologize for your comment???
Anyway after that I internalized that you don't know what kind of lived experience your commenters have so some comments should be taken with a grain of salt. Which is a double-edged sword bc sometimes I get really nice enthusiastic comments and read it like, okay but what if this person is 12 and read it at 2am in a fit of delirium and this is their first fic ever and it's actually not as good as they think haha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I doooo. I haven't published any since I wrote for spn but I have a parkner pwp ready to go as soon as I muster up the nerve.
I have no idea how to interpret the question "what kind" lol uhhh the hot kind? pffft
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have but I never published them. Again, these were for spn which is hella fun to play with merging into other canon. I started but never finished spn crossovers with Firefly, The 100, The Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, Agents of Shield, and Teen Wolf. I think that's all of them. I've been thinking about putting all of my abandoned wips on AO3 for archive purposes, but idk still noodling on it. I wish there way a way I could elect to post without notifying my subscribers :/ Or at least send them a message warning them that I'm about to be incredibly annoying
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🙃
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! A few now! The ultimate kudo in my opinion, and one I never expected <3
The wonderful @bluettspetal has translated An Insignificant Problem, Undercover? I thought you said under covers..., and Completely and utterly devoid of sex appeal into Russian with plans to translate more.
And Faaayeee42 on AO3 translated Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) to Mandarin Chinese.
I'm forever blown away by this.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Done some brainstorming a few times but nothing that has evolved into actually writing out a shared thing. Not sure I'd be any good at it tbh. I'd probably be a very frustrating writing partner.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Peter Parker/Harley Keener. They're good boys.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Infinity War time travel fix it (make it worse) fic 😔 It's got so much potential but it is perpetually at the bottom of the to-do list.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and developing relationships
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
mother fucking action sequences and like, coming up with The Plan (the evil kind and the ones to take down the evil kind)
This silly little graphic I made for You're Freaking Out where Harley mocks The Plan made by the spider dumplin gang was initially one half of my brain negging the other half about being shit at making Plans and I decided that it might as well manifest as the characters lmao
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18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eh. It's fanfiction, you know? Do what you want. Experiment. Try your best to do it justice. Accept that some people are going to let their eyes blur and skim over it while others will pick it apart but most will exist somewhere in the middle. Just write what you want to write, how you want to write it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
*sigh* Harry Potter. Looking forward to my own post getting gobbled up by my block list lmao
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Goodness gracious how do I even decide? I think Peaches Ain't Pretty is my favorite. It's the fic that showed me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can step outside of fanfiction and write whatever I want and be just as satisfied, if not more.
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fractiflos · 5 months
Another for your ask game. Within a year of training OFA, Fourth unlocks the AFO quirk as a permanent feature of OFA going forward. His body is adapted to having multiple quirks now, as will all future wielders.
Ooh, this is fun. But with Yoichi's quirk being underdeveloped, let's say they still can't take any quirks. They can just handle multiple quirks and pass OFA on.
They don't figure it out at first. Hikage never gets the cracks but he's a little suspicious when after years of having it, he's still fine. But not too suspicious since there were some who handled two quirks just fine, so he brushed it off. This time, he dies of actual old age living a peaceful life in the woods. Banjo still got the quirk because he could feel his body beginning to decline and decided it would be best to hand it off to the young, fit hero.
Hikage stockpiled more strength since he got to live longer so the subsequent users got to be stronger with no consequences. Other than AFO killing them. That pretty much follows canon until we get to All Might. Despite them dying off pretty quickly OFA still got a ton of strength, so his injury wasn't as bad and AFO took longer to recover from being turned into Mr. Potato Head.
Honestly, All Might has no reason to look for a successor, but he's getting old now. Another 10 years and he'll be old enough to qualify for retirement. He's still fit but isn't it time to hand off the torch to the next generation? So, he decides it's time to take a successor. We all know how this goes and Deku gets the quirk after a year of hard training.
The Entrance Exam is where this all diverges even more. Deku activates OFA all right, but as he falls back down, float activates and All Might almost has a heart attack. Turns out, they reached singularity early thanks to Hikage and Deku has access to all the user's quirks. Even so, that's a lot of strength, so he still broke bones. On the first day, Bakugo gets even angrier watching him use all his quirks but it's Blackwhip that restrains him. Deku didn't do that on purpose of course, it just activated in response to his emotions. Despite All Might saying all that is just part of his superstrength on the legal papers, AFO catches wind of a child with multiple quirks and decides to pay a visit. Either to get rid of competition or have a useful back up body. He'll decide when he gets there. And he wants pay a visit to his All Might too.
AFO himself comes to the USJ with Tomura, Kurogiri, and nomu to kill All Might and capture Deku. How will they make it out of this? This time, All Might was able to make it to training so he and AFO immediately started fighting while Deku was teleported to Kurogiri's side and captured. Aizawa and Thirteen tried to get him back while most of the students were teleported to different zones. After some convincing, Iida went for help. This time, since AFO and nomu were tag teaming All Might (who no longer had OFA) they managed to escape (well, the nomu was captured) with Deku in hand.
There's different ways this could go. Maybe this is DFO and they have a very tense father-son reunion or the vestiges manage to manifest on the outside world so Yoichi can yell at his brother while Tomura goes into shock over seeing his dead grandma. Or something completely different.
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do you have any plans for future/new fics ?
I have the groundwork for a few fics based on asks and comments, including an interesting ask about an omniscient oc (I am working on and it should be out soon!), an isakei prime fic that takes place during the Golden Age, and my own version of humans are cute AU. Maybe finally get that Papa!Unicron long fic nailed down and finish up that dragon DFO mha fic at some point.
However, I also have a few alternate AU's featuring my darling munchkin Ashlyn Moore, like another sparkling AU (inspired by a commenter), a fae verse, mistaken for an alien, and a cryptid au featuring macadams.
Unfortunately, I am a mood writer. Ideas and plans just kinda spontaneously form as I go about daily life or even clack away on the keyboard. Pretty much everything I've published was written organically and in the moment. I do have outlines and goals for plots in some larger pieces, but even I don't know how we're getting to those points until we're tripping over the doorway.
So anything could spring forth from my mind at any time.
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gear-project · 9 months
Since GFVRising is being discussed, what are your opinions about it in terms of gameplay, visuals, characters, lore, etc.? Do you think there's a decent chance that we may see some GG, Blazblue or even DFO characters appearing as guests after 2B was announced? And are you interested in the series enough to give Re:Link a shot?
I can't make any "strong" predictions... but in Rising's case the odds are higher for another guest than they would be for any other game, though I don't know if Guilty Gear would be chosen among those guests.
Technically speaking though, Guilty Gear could get away with it, since many aspects of the gameplay already reference GG, particularly Zooey and her fighting style (and Gamma Ray).
As for my thoughts, while I haven't explored the "new features" of Rising, I fully intend to once I get my hands on the game. I don't think there isn't anything particularly notable other than the rather "plain looking" Character Select screen, but beyond that everything else is as I remember it from my experience in the original GBFVS.
I am more personally absorbed in the RPG mode the game offers, but that's just my taste.
On the subject of Re:Link, I have my eyes on that game but I can't predict how good it will ultimately be, so I'm taking a "wait and see" approach for this.
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riahlynn101 · 1 year
Poll 2 (MHA Addition)
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For the Fanfic ask thing-
“This is the second hospital trip this month- and you both nearly died today! We're not even in high school your day to day isn't supposed to be so fucking deadly guys!” And that's that's Tsubasa starts crying and he can't help but hate himself a little bit.
-from the same BNHA DFO/ All Might homewrecker au featuring the angst!!
Original wip game post
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marunalu · 1 year
Hey, idk if you talked about this, but I’ve been thinking something about the Inko Shimura theory. So far in the series, Izuku’s dad has been kept a secret for suspense purposes, right (cough cough DFO)?? Well, we also never never get to see Nana’s husband either which I found weird cause it is implied that her husband’s is the reason why she gave up Kotaro. I feel like Horikoshi could have totally drawn a panel where Nana finds her dead husband’s corpse. He draws Nana and Kotaro together but never her husband. Since Nana is the one working, her husband would have enough time to hang out with his family but it’s never shown. Could the reason because he has way too many of Inko’s features and Horikoshi doesn’t want the fans to connect the dots?? Sorry it got long
I mentioned nanas husband a few times in the past but never really put to much focus on him in my dfo or inko shimura metas, mostly because we know almost nothing about him (similar how we almost know nothing about hisashi).
While I dont talk much about him, I have my own theorys and just like you said I also think the reason why hori hasnt shown us what he looked like is because he will have some physical resemblance to inko and would readers give the chance to connect the dots way to soon.
If we look at kotaro for example we can see he comes a lot after his mother appearance wise. He pretty much looks like a male version of his mother. An interesting thing in mha is that usually all the characters look a lot like their mothers and only have some few traits of their fathers.
While I DO LIKE the inko shimura theory and believe in it, I have to say I dont think inko and nana have many similaritys even when inko was younger. The only thing they seem to have in common is a similar hair style and all might mentioning that for some reason inko reminds him of nana but cant really explain why (he says maybe its because of the hair but he is unsure). But like you said its still very possible that inko simply comes more after her father the same kotaro comes a lot after his mother.
I have the headcanon if izuku really didnt inherited his freckles from his father (when afo was younger), then he got them from his grandfather from his mothers side. Inkos hair is dark green in the anime (in the manga her hair color is not confirmed but I guess its the same) and her eyes are big and round, her face is round as well so all of that could come from her father. Since we know almost nothing about him its fun to speculate about what he looked like.
We dont know if nanas husband was a hero, stay at home dad or if he had an other job, we only know he was murdered. And while we dont have any confirmation yet, I think its not far fetched to say that he was most likely killed by afo. My personal headcanon is, he made afo believe that he is the current ofa owner to protect his family and to give nana time to flee with kotaro (and inko she was pregnant with at that time) and as soon as afo realized he was tricked he killed nanas husband, also as a warning towards her that the same thing could happen to her child(ren) if she doesnt give him ofa. Thats why she gave kotaro in foster care and why I think she left inko in an orphanage or the hospital (with her scarf, because inko wears an identical looking scarf like nanas at one point) after her birth.
All in all like you said its strange that hori still hasnt shown us nanas husband in at least a tiny flashback moment, despite that his death had apparently such a huge impact on her that she would stop to smile and only startet to do so again when a young all might became a part of her life. So yes I do feel like hori is deffinitetly trying to hide something about nanas husband, the same how he is hiding hisashis identity (which at this point is so damn obvious afo its mind blowing how some people can still deny it!)
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mamashenanigans · 2 years
Bad Ending Event-AFO Writing & Art
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Starting at the beginning of February, @possiblycringe and I will be hosting a Bad Ending event featuring All for One!
Writing or drawing a bad ending can be a challenge, so this is a great event if you want to push yourself to try something different!
This event allows for 3 different types of bad ending scenarios: a bad ending(the bad guy wins) at the end of your story, the aftermath of a bad ending, or nobody wins. You could even mash 2 or 3 of them together if you so choose!
At least 1k word requirement for writers
Artists can do anything as long as it sticks with the bad ending theme and features AFO
MUST include AFO! However, including Yoichi, DFO(Dad for One), or other characters is acceptable as well as whatever world or setting you want. I.E. Real world/No Quirks, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, etc. All AUs are welcome!
Horror and gore are perfectly fine for writers and artists. Obviously, NO NSFW(you know what I mean!)
Winners in writing or art have the option to choose either a fic or an art piece. This is a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE rule. I.E. Once both 1st prize winners are chosen, which ever 1st prize winner contacts me first and chooses art or fic, the other 1st place winner will get what the first contact didn’t pick. This is being done to give winners an option between the two, but to make it fair so one of us isn’t doing more than the other!
Winners that want Fics: Send prompt to me
1st Place: 2k words
2nd Place: 1.5k words
3rd Place: 1k words
Winners that want Art: Send prompt to @possiblycringe
1st Place: Full body color with cell shading
2nd Place: Half body color
3rd Place: Half body lineart
For those that may need examples, here are three of my works that represent each acceptable “bad ending”
COLD—example of a nobody wins bad ending. Horror
Alternatives chapters 2-3 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the bad ending of a Mafia AU
Alternatives chapters 3-4 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the aftermath of a bad ending where fat!AFO has already become Emperor of the world.
The official start date will be announced here and in Discord servers I’m in like Silver’s Vault come the end of January.
This is going to be a nice challenge for a lot of you and we’re both so excited to see how yall decide to torture the characters…and probably feed the glutton that is AFO 😉
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sohanbir · 7 months
10 Best Affiliate Programs In 2024
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10 Best Affiliate Programs In 2024 For affiliate marketers, achieving top performance is both essential and daunting. Navigating the dynamic landscape of affiliate marketing demands identifying the most suitable platforms and programs aligned with your niche and objectives. Amidst the rapid changes in the industry, determining the right direction, whether you're a novice or seasoned marketer, can be challenging. Hence, we present our annual compilation of recommended affiliate programs to aid your selection process. Explore this curated list of exceptional affiliate programs poised to optimize your conversions and income potential in 2024: DFO Global/VerveDirect: VerveDirect stands out as a premier affiliate network offering a vast array of advertisers and high-quality products. Affiliates benefit from diverse earning avenues facilitated by advanced tracking tools, allowing real-time performance monitoring and campaign optimization. With dedicated support, affiliates experience seamless operations and timely issue resolution, making Verve a stellar choice for affiliate marketing endeavors. ClickBank: With a network boasting 100,000 advertisers and marketers reaching millions globally, ClickBank remains a favored platform among affiliates. Offering commissions as high as 75% and reliable payouts, ClickBank features products with recurring sales and upsell options, promising a consistent income stream for affiliates. MaxWeb: MaxWeb, touted as the "world's strongest CPA affiliate network," empowers over 25,000 affiliates with high-converting VSLs across various niches. Generous commission rates and timely payouts ensure a reliable income source. A robust tracking system coupled with round-the-clock personalized support from affiliate 'ninjas' enables affiliates to optimize campaigns effectively. BuyGoods: BuyGoods presents a lucrative opportunity with its diverse range of high-converting offers and a user-friendly platform. Flexible commission structures and frequent payouts enhance income stability, while intuitive tracking and analytics tools facilitate performance monitoring and campaign optimization. Digistore24: As a leading affiliate platform offering over 8000 products across 40+ niches, Digistore24 boasts a vast selection of high-converting opportunities. User-friendly interfaces and comprehensive reporting tools enable effective campaign optimization, coupled with competitive commission rates and reliable payouts. GiddyUp: GiddyUp focuses on Partner Marketing, fostering performance-based partnerships for brands and affiliates alike. With a stringent focus on quality, GiddyUp offers superlative results for serious affiliates. Widitrade: Widitrade, an affiliate e-commerce and lead generation platform, features top-converting offers with global coverage. Unique pre-landers coupled with comprehensive analytics promise favorable outcomes for affiliates. Digital Media Solutions (DMS): DMS offers high-quality opportunities across various verticals, supported by advanced adtech and expert guidance for effective campaign development and optimization. Zik Analytics: ZIK Analytics offers generous commissions for promoting its leading market research platform for e-commerce marketplaces. Ready-made resources and a user-friendly dashboard facilitate efficient monetization and income stream development. Atera Nexus Program: Atera's AI-powered IT management platform offers one of the highest CPAs and commission rates in the industry. With dedicated affiliate managers and no prerequisite IT expertise, Atera promises substantial results and revenue. Affiliate programs cater to diverse needs and preferences. Depending on your audience and niche, different networks may better suit your requirements. While the programs highlighted here cater to various proficiency levels, they represent just a fraction of available options. Use this compilation as a springboard for your affiliate marketing journey. Read the full article
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typoeastnews · 9 months
Unveiling Veerappan: A Gripping Docu-Series
In the unfolding narrative of 2023, two docu-series revisit the enigmatic saga of sandalwood smuggler Veerappan. A unique twist distinguishes this six-episode series - Veerappan narrates his own story, offering a perspective never explored before.
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Unlike past portrayals from the police's lens, 'Koose Munisamy Veerasamy' presents Veerappan's life in his own words. Opening with journalist Nakkeeran Gopal's unconventional perspective, the series neither glorifies nor justifies Veerappan's actions but lets him recount his journey, from smuggling to being a wanted man for killing 2,000 elephants.
Interweaving Veerappan's tapes with insights from journalists, activists, and those directly impacted, the series raises a haunting question: hero or villain? His daughter, Vidya, adds a personal touch, sharing her first glimpse of her father through televised tapes, while villagers welcome her with reverence.
The narrative takes a chilling turn as Veerappan unabashedly describes the brutal murder of DFO Srinivasan. The series dives into the political landscape, exploring the formation of a Special Task Force by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to capture him, featuring enactments to provide a comprehensive view.
Director Sharath Jothi illuminates the collateral damage in the police-Veerappan conflict, exposing the plight of tortured villagers. As emotions swell, plans unfold for retaliation against unjust treatment. The series, leaving audiences on edge, announces a Season 2, promising to unravel the kidnapping of legendary actor Dr. Rajkumar and its aftermath. Stay tuned for the gripping continuation of Veerappan's complex tale.
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