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m-kyunie · 2 months ago
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ot3 agenda loyally luckyyy 🎲🍀
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mywaywardcupcake · 1 year ago
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Have these been done? txt post from here
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romanceddawn · 8 months ago
im thinking about feathershipping again and the unique relationship the 3 of them have, the fact that jounouchi is one of the first to outright say that yugi and atem are not the same and that they should both be given respect, the way yugi and atem both adore jounouchi so openly and show him that same respect back, the way jounouchi understands yugi's feelings about atem and protects yugi in the fire while yugi fights to protect atem, the way yugi trusts jounouchi with the puzzle and atem who is his other heart in a way he does not with anyone else, the fact that atem can apparently reach out to jounouchi even a little bit, implying that he has a bond with him at least a little bit similar to the one he has with yugi, god GOD they are so fucking insane
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undeadbanjos · 2 years ago
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Yugi picked the movie.
Don't worry Joey is just protecting him.
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mic-check-stims · 1 year ago
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Feathershipping board for anon
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v-thinks-on · 1 year ago
It’s so obvious now that the other Yugi—Atem—is his own person, it’s amazing none of them realized it before. Even just hanging out on the Mutos’ couch playing a video game, they’re sitting so close together they might as well still be sharing the same body, and they’re always perfectly in sync. Joey can’t compete with that, and he doesn’t want to compete exactly.
Joey puts down his controller as his cart crosses the finish line and stands up. “I should probably go, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
Two pairs of brilliant purple eyes framed by impossibly spiky hair turn to look up at him in unison—it would be equal parts uncanny and funny if they didn’t pierce straight to his heart.
“Joey,” Atem says, as grave as ever, “there is no reason for you to depart. You should know that your presence is hardly an intrusion.”
Yugi makes an exasperatedly fond face without even glancing at Atem, like they’re still sharing a body, and grabs Joey’s arm to keep him from leaving. “What Atem means to say is that you belong here as much as we do. Please stay.”
Joey never could resist those wide purple eyes.
(Read More on AO3)
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leechysmile · 1 year ago
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I think I forgot to post this lil chibi-ish doodle here. It's a first meeting type of situation. Joey is a tiger hybrid lives alone in a forest and Atem and Yugi were gonna have a little eating session while camping near a lake. The food and prospect of friends attracted Joey lol. Poor baby is looooonely
He is overly friendly and not used to being around people (including other hybrids) so he just kinda has no manners and will pounce on strangers XD Yuugi finds this cute and wants to keep him 🥺
Was for an exchange where I gifted @vtsuion 💚❤️💜
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princessofgames · 1 year ago
The s0/manga feathershipping love triangle fiasco on the brain again...
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battlecitysitch · 2 years ago
Hey folks!
I started this side blog as I've been deep in the Yu-Gi-Oh brain rot for months now (been consuming the English dub and the manga simultaneously) and I'm really looking forward to sharing art and random thoughts with all of you out there who might still be alive in this fandom circle!
Just a quick note, if you decide to hit me with a follow I tend to post OG Yu-Gi-Oh related stuff. I have never seen any of the spin off series and I don't plan to anytime soon.
Also I ship the hell out of Yugi and Joey. Yami and Joey. Hell, all three of them. So if that's your thing stick around! ✌️
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mywaywardcupcake · 1 year ago
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Just thinking about these small smiles Jounouchi gives Yugi/Atem when he thought he was going to die and when he actually does.
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romanceddawn · 3 months ago
always get slightly annoyed by dragonshipping and feathershipping being called yujou, it feels similar to ppl making yugi a stand in for atem with seto but in the reverse, like let these boys have their own relationships with people
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undeadbanjos · 2 years ago
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"....Hey Yug. You wanna do my eyeliner?"
"Sure Joey!"
You bitches can't tell me this didn't happen.
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voicesofchaos · 2 years ago
It has been a very long time since I wrote a fanfic. But duke_kurai made a request of me! I posted both my first draft and a revision of it. You can read it on AO3!
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quoththemaiden · 1 year ago
It's entertaining watching people on my dash going "I've been in this fandom for four months and I can't believe I'm still obsessed with it," while the other half of my dash is people spamming art and propaganda of ships that I don't recall any of us having been unhinged enough to even dream about twenty years ago.
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this takes place in Battle City 😂
it’s Dragonshipping but I guess it can be Feathershipping too?
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leechysmile · 2 years ago
Posted this on twt and I'm posting here too, yall can't stop me
I desire angst where Atem gets his own body so naturally Yugi and him are doing all kinds of things they thought they never could together. But then Jou starts feeling pushed aside/like a third wheel now that everything is out in the open.
Maybe he was pining for both of them but now feels like he has no chance because his insecurities and abandonment issues are acting up and they seem *so much* happier together than with him. But his perception is so biased against himself that it's not even true.
Atem and Yugi love him too; it's just exciting that Atem finally has his own body and after being stuck together so long they just know eachother so well that it can easily seem like they're eachother's sole focus. (Congratulate me for resisting the pun XD)
Anyway, since Jou is lonely & insecure, but doesnt want to be a bother he sort of starts to pull away. One night he's so touch starved that he hires a prostitute and then just cuddles for the entire session. He doesn't even want sex, just love. 🥺😭
Yugi and Atem eventually pick up on how distant Jou's been and go from there. They didn't mean to make him feel less important. They've been trying to figure out how to talk to him about a poly relationship with them.
But sometimes they forget that Jou tries to be stronger than he is. It can be hard to tell where he is mentally when he doesn't communicate the issue and takes his own self-doubts as truth. Atem and Yugi would want to work with him on that.
They know he has reasons for the way he is, but they don't want him constantly fearing they'll abandon him nor do they want to be hypervigilant because he won't say his feelings. Eventually they get together, but it's a bumpy road 🥺
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enemyoflactose · 5 months ago
Yu-Gi-Oh ship list (minus the ones I didn't wanna do). For a fic series. See here for a disclaimer/more info
Admireshipping - Ghost/Mokuba
Agileshipping - Anzu/Vivian
Airshipping - TKB/Shada
Akinshipping - Mako/Sugoroku
AlliumShipping - Yugi/Dark Magician
Ambitionshipping - Mai/Anzu/Ishizu
Amoshipping - Mai/Joey/Shizuka
Angelicshipping - Ryou/Raphael
Angstshipping - Ryou/Malik
Antagoshipping - Seto/Yami Bakura
Apprenticeshipping - Mahaad/Mana
Aptshipping - Honda/Ishizu
Archaishipping - Atem/Set/TKB
Ardentshipping - Honda/Shizuka
Argenshipping - Pegasus/Ryou
Arrogantshipping - Seto/Mai
Ateloshipping - Pegasus/Keith
Attentionshipping - Siegfried/Vivian
Atticshipping - Ryou/Mana
Avishipping - Yami/Ishizu
Aweshipping - Mahaad/Ishizu
Axisshipping - Seto/Siegfried
Azureahipping - Anzu/Seto
Babbleshipping - Joey/Kisara
Bakushipping - Ryou/Yami Bakura/TKB
Bangshipping - Yugi/Mai
Battleshipping - Seto/Joey/Yugi
Bereftshipping - Set/Mana
Bikeshipping - Honda/Mana
Bittershipping - Honda/Pegasus
Blindshipping - Yugi/Atem
Bloodshopping - Yami Marik/Gozoburo
Blondeshipping - Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Blueshipping - Seto/Kisara
Bondageshipping - Yami Marik/Ryuji
Bounceshipping - Ryou/Rebecca
Boundshipping - Yugi/TKB
Breathshipping - Shadi/Cyndia
Bribeshipping - Mai/Ryuzaki
Buddyshipping - Honda/Joey
Bugshipping - Haga/Yugi
Burnshipping - TKB/Kisara/Set
Cageshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami/Malik
Candleshipping - Ryou/Yami Bakura/Seto
Carmenshipping - Seto/Yami Malik/Yami Bakura
Castleshipping - Set/Joey/Seto
Cavaliershipping - Yami/Rebecca
Caveshippinge- Keith/Ghost
Celesteshipping - Valon/Anzu
Celestialshipping - Malik/Kisara
Chairoshipping - Valon/Mana
Changeshipping - Malik/Ryuuji
Charmshipping - Shizuka/Mana
Chaseshipping - Honda/Ryuuji
Cheershipping - Ryuuji/Shizuka
Cherryshipping - Joey/Amane
Chibishipping - Yugi/Mokuba
Chuteshipping - Atem/Kisara
Clashshipping - Yami Marik/Yami Yugi
Clearshipping - Seto/Yugi/Mokuba
Cloudshipping - Noah/Shizuka
Clovershipping - Noah/Kisara
Cobaltshipping - Seto/Kisara/Set
Coinshipping - Anzu/Miho
Coldbloodedshipping - Seto/Blue Eyes White Dragon
Conceitshipping - Yami Bakura/Mai
Confuseshipping - Atem/Ryou
Conquestshipping - Valon/Mai
Copyshipping - Mai/Joey/Anzu
Corruptshipping - TKB/Set
Covetshipping - Atem/Set/Mahaad
Crossshipping - Yami Malik/Yugi
Crushshipping - Ryuuji/Honda/Shizuka
Crypticshipping - Shadi/Rishid
Crystalshipping - Anzu/Mana
Cunishipping - Mai/Anzu/Shizuka
Cuteshipping - Shizuka/Rebecca
Danceshipping - Anzu/Mai
Darkshipping - Yami/Yami Bakura
Dealshipping - Yami Bakura/Amane/Ryou
Dedicationshipping - Anzu/Rishid
Defershipping - Malik/Shadi
Delphishipping - Ishizu/Kisara
Delusionshipping - Pandora/Catherine
Destructionshipping - Yugi/Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
Devilfishipping - Yami Bakura/Ryouta
Devotionshipping - Joey/Malik/Anzu
Diceshipping - Yami Bakura/Ryuuji
Distrustshipping - Seto/Shadi
Disturbshipping - Yami Marik/Shizkua
Dollshipping - Yami Bakura/Dark Necrofear
Domashipping - Raphael/Amelda/Valon
Doubtshipping - Seto/Malik/Ryou
Dragonshipping - Yami/Joey
Dripshipping - Mako/Anzu
Driveshipping - Malik/Mai
Dungeonshipping - Pegasus/Ryuuji
Eclipseshipping - Yami Malik/Malik
Effectshipping - Kaibaman/Maiden With Eyes of Blue
Eliteshipping - Keith/Seto
Encouragesgipping - Yugi/Yami/Anzu
Envyshipping - Anzu/Rebecca
Esotericshipping - Dark Magician/Silent Magician
Ettushipping - Seto/Mai/Joey
Euroshipping - Seto/Ryou
Executeshipping - Yami Malik/Shadi
Eyeshipping - Yami Bakura/Pegasus
Fadeshipping - Yami Malik/Joey
Fairyshipping - Leon/Mokuba
Faltershipping - Rebecca/Ghost
Fameshipping - Ryuuji/Vivian
Fataleshipping - Mai/Vivian
Fateshipping - Raphael/Yugi
Feathershipping - Yami/Joey/Yugi
Fearshipping - Yami Marik/Ishizu
Feignshipping - Yami Malik/Pegasus/Ryuuji
Feralshipping - Yami Malik/Ryuzaki
Fillershipping - Noah/Rebecca
Flareshipping - Seto/Yami/Yugi
Flippantshipping - Ryuji/Mai
Floatshipping - TKB/Isis
Flowshipping - Isis/Kisara
Foreignshipping - Noah/Rebecca
Foreshipping - Ishizu/Yugi
Forgiveshipping - TKB/Shizuka
Forlornshipping - Pegasus/Pandora
Fragileshipping - Yami/Ryou
Frazzleshipping - Joey/Rebecca
Frightshipping - Yami Bakura/Joey
Gainshipping - Yami/Mako
Gameshipping - Yami/Ryuji
Gangshipping - Joey/Hirutani
Garagekitshipping: Joey/Hanasaki
Geminishipping - Yami Bakura/TKB
Gemshipping - Ryou/TKB
Gentleshipping - Valon/Shizuka
Glittershipping - Anzu/Kisara
Goldshipping - Atem/Malik
Gothshipping - Ryou/Ghost
Guardshipping - Seto/Isono
Guardianshipping - Ishizu/Raphael
Graceshipping - Ryou/Ishizu
Greedshipping - Yugi/Ushio
Grudgeshipping - Pegasus/Yugi/Seto
Hairshipping - Honda/Yami
Halfshipping - Ryou/Miho
Headdressshipping - Set/Mahad
Heartshipping - Yugi/Ryou
Hellshipping - Ghost/Satake/Takaido
Hideshipping - Pegasus/Yugi
Hostshipping - Anzu/Ryou
Hubrishipping - Yami Marik/Seto
Hustleshipping - Haga/Mai
Identityshipping - Ryou/Rishid
Illusionshipping - Mai/Yami Malik
Immatureshipping - Joey/Noah
Imoutoshipping - Shizuka/Amane
Impressshipping - Mai/Valon/Joey
Impulseshipping - Joey/Mana
Insightshipping - Set/Ishizu
Intentshipping - Mokuba/Yami Bakura
Intimidashipping - Keith/Yugi
Irateshipping - Joey/Malik
Jeershipping - Valon/Joey
Jiishipping - Sugoroku/Aurther
Jinxshipping - Yami Bakura/Dark Magician Girl
Jointshipping - Yami Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Kashipping - Diabound/Dark Magician Girl
Kaashipping - Mana/Dark Magician Girl
Kamishipping - Joey/Seto/Yami
Kickshipping - Joey/Honda/Ryuji
Kiddyshipping - Rebecca/Mokuba
Kingshipping - Yami/Dartz
Kleptoshipping - Yami Bakura/Yugi
Kusoshipping - Yami Bakura/Yugi/Yami Malik
Kyoudaishipping - Mana/Atem/Mahad
Laddershipping - Yami Bakura/Zorc
Lateshipping - Yami Bakura/Amane
Lavendershipping - Siegfried/Malik
Leechshipping - Ryou/Zorc
Lessonshipping - Noah/Leon
Liberashipping - Malik/Yugi
Lingershipping - Atem/Isis
Logicshipping - Set/Isis
Lonershipping - TKB/Mai
Loyaltyshipping - Yami/Dark Magician
Mageshipping - Mahad/Ryou
Magicshipping - Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl
Manipulashipping - Malik/Anzu
Marbleshipping - Ryou/Ryuzaki
Mastershipping - Seto/Ryuji
Measureshipping - Karim/Shada
Mercuryshipping - Seto/Ishizu/Kisara
Midriffshipping - Malik/Amelda
Midshipping - Yugi/Joey/Honda
Minorshipping - Ryuji/Ryou
Mirrorshipping - Seto/Noah
Misanthroshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami Marik/TKB
Mischiefshipping - TKB/Mana
Misguideshipping - Ryuji/Rebecca
Mistakenshipping - Yugi/Mana
Mistshipping - Mako/Ryuji
Mizushipping - Set/Kisara
Mnemoshipping - Yami/Malik
Mobiumshipping - Yami/Yugi/Atem
Monarchshipping - Atem/Yami
Moralshipping - Mahad/Anzu
Morishipping - Yami Bakura/Honda
Mumbleshipping - Ryou/Seto/Ryuji
Museumshipping - Yami Bakura/Ishizu
Mythshipping - Marik/Ishizu
Mystshipping - Ishizu/Anzu
Negateshipping - Yami Malik/Rishid
Nellshipping - Noah/Amane
Nightshipping - Yami Bakura/Kisara
Ninjashipping - Jean Claude Magnum/Mai
Noteshipping - Joey/Anzu/Honda
Nurseshipping - Mai/Shizuka
Occultshipping - Ghost/Yami Bakura
Obscureshipping - Shadi/Ishizu
Offershipping - Yugi/Ryuji
Onyxshipping - Dark Magician/Magician of Black Chaos
Ouijashipping - Ryou/Dark Necrofear
Outcastshipping - TKB/Kisara
Passionshipping - Pegasus/Joey
Peachshipping - Anzu/Yugi
Pestshipping - Weevil/Anzu
Petshipping - Joey/Seto/Ryuji
Pixelshipping - Noah/Adina
Preserveshipping - Ryuji/Anzu
Placateshipping - Ryou/Kisara
Platinumshipping - Pegasus/Kisara
Pleashipping - Mahad/Isis
Poemshipping - Yugi/Miho
Polarshipping - Joey/Mai
Pompshipping - Seto/Miho
Powershipping - Seto/Mai
Prideshipping - Seto/Yami
Prodigyshipping - Seto/Rebecca
Proofshipping - Honda/Mai
Protectshipping - Honda/Ryou
Puffshipping - Joey/Ryou
Puppyshipping - Joey/Seto
Puzzleshipping - Yami/Yugi
Redeemedshipping - Yami/Pegasus
Redeyeshipping - Ryuzaki/Joey
Refineshipping - Mai/Pegasus
Regalshipping - Mai/Yami
Renegadeshipping - TKB/Diabound
Replayshipping - Yugi/Rebecca
Rerunshipping - Yami Bakura/Noah
Respectshipping - Yami/Mokuba
Revengeshipping - Amelda/Seto
Revolutionshipping - Yami/Anzu
Riftshipping - TKB/Ryou/Yugi
Ringshipping - TKB/Mahad
Ripshipping - Ishizu/TKB
Riskshipping - Joey/Mokuba
Rivalshipping - Seto/Yugi
Rodshipping - Set/Malik
Roseshipping - Pegasus/Cyndia
Ruseshipping - Malik/Rishid
Sacrificeshipping - Amelda/Valon
Safteyshipping - Honda/Yami Bakura/Ryou
Scandleshipping - Set/Atem
Screamshipping - Shizuka/Yami Bakura
Sealshipping - Mahad/Atem
Secretshipping - Shizuka/Ryuzaki
Sedateshipping - Malik/Shizuka
Seershipping - Isis/Ishizu
Shadeshipping - TKB/Amane
Shadowshipping - Yami/Shizuka
Shimmershipping - Ryuji/Mokuba
Shoreshippinge - Mako/Shizuka
Shrimpshipping - Haga/Ryuzaki
Siblingshipping - Mokuba/Serenity
Sickleshipping - Yami Malik/TKB
Sideshipping - Shizuka/Anzu
Sightshipping - Pegasus/Ishizu
Silentshipping - Seto/Shizuka
Sinkshipping - Atem/Amane
Slateshipping - TKB/Anzu
Slickshipping - Aknadin/TKB
Snareshipping - Ryuji/Joey
Softshipping - Ryou/Shizuka
Sororshipping - Ishizu/Shizuka
Sparkleshipping - Kisara/Mana
Spearshipping - Mako/Yugi
Spikeshipping - Yugi/Honda
Spraypaintshipping: Yami/Hanasaki
Staffshipping - Malik/Mana
Stageshipping - Anzu/Dark Magician Girl
Stakeshipping - Keith/Mai
Standshipping - Rishid/Joey
Startleshipping - Keith/Anzu
Starchipshipping - Satake/Takaido
Steelshipping - Keith/Yami Bakura
Stepshipping - Noah/Mokuba
Stoicshipping - Set/Seto
Successionshipping - Rishid/Ishizu
Sugarshipping - Mokuba/Mana
Supportshipping - Anzu/Honda
Sweetshipping - Ryou/Mokuba
Swiftshipping - Joey/Ishizu
Switchshipping - Mokuba/Adina
Symbioshipping - Mako/Espa Roba
Tabloidshipping - Seto/Mokuba
Taleshipping - Siegfried/Leon
Tendershipping - Yami Bakura/Ryou
Thornshipping - Yami Malik/Anzu
Ticketshipping: Yugi/Hanasaki
Tieshipping - Honda/Miho
Timidshipping - Yugi/Shizuka
Tombshipping - Malik/Pegasus
Toonshipping - Pegasus/Seto
Toughshipping - Keith/Joey
Tourneyshipping - Yami/Haga
Towershipping - Yami Malik/Seto/Joey
Trackshipping - Yami Bakura/Shadi
Tragedyshipping - Malik/Amane
Trapshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami/Yugi/Ryou
Trashshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Tributeshipping - Mahad/Kisara
Trustshipping - Ishizu/Seto
Tuftshipping - Ryuzaki/Mokuba
Twistedshipping - Shadi/Pegasus
Unlockshipping - Shadi/Yugi
Utopiashipping - Aigami/Yugi
Vanishshipping - Anzu/Atem
Vaseshipping - Atem/Mana
Velcroshipping - TKB/Haga
Vigilshipping - Ryou/Mai
Visionshipping - Mai/Ishizu
Vividshipping - Yugi/Kisara
Wingshipping - Raphael/Iatos
Wishshipping - Joey/Yugi
Witshipping - Seto/Witty Phantom
Wreckshipping - Yami Bakura/Seto/Yami Malik
Yamishipping - Yami/Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Yingyangshipping - Ryuji/Kisara
Yuumieshipping - Yugi/Yami/Malik/Yami Malik/Ryou/Yami Bakura
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