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dipndotz · 3 months ago
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mess of doodles u can have fun deciphering
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 1 year ago
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me when my antagonist is throwing a winter ball and she told us all to come to the postern and not bring any weaponry so i show up but since i can't be intimidating physically i need to get a little creative so i don the furs of one of her beasties that i slayed in glorious combat and added a little flare with some of wes' red dye that he had lying around and threw something together. just off the cuff, you know. its nothing serious.
I also often put my Wigfrid in suits!! And one of my saved outfits for her is the same blue Maxwell suit as the post you made! In my current active world I have her in Wilson's Roseate suit. I love making Wigfrid look handsome I want her to look like she'll give people bisexual awakenings/crises
I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME LIKE if there was ever a canonical reason for the survivors to dress up in like. formal attire. i do not think wigfrid would care (in the sense that she would be frustrated for swapping out of her usual clothes), nor would she hold back. shows up to the biannual constant winter ball or whatever dripped out to the nines, got the whole squad sweating and questioning themselves. turns out her weaponry isn't the sharpest thing about her after all
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chicka-boom · 2 years ago
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Yeah I'm going to drop the Feastclops comic. Just been having issues with it, to the point I was struggling to draw overall due to frustration.
I may redo it later
But for now enjoy the very unfinished and messy comic that sort of deteriorates at the end and the story that goes with.
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Now this took place on the day Terrors Below Dropped. Captain finally was to do a Fuelweaver fight in one of his worlds which was primed for such a battle, after months of hinting towards it. However it was the dead of winter abd he didn't want to deal with freezing or wetness during the fight and opted to switch it to a more stable season such as autumn.
I was antsy for a fuelweaver fight since the Wilson rework but too cowardly to take him on alone so I agreed upon skipping winter and spring. Withered didn't care.
Yet autumn never came, in fact it remained winter which was a shock and surprise for all three of us. But not as big of a surprise as Feastclops spawning in base without warning. None of us were prepped with any sanity or health items yet didn't want to loose base (not to mention there was three of us) so we all attacked.
Yet once the first one fell a second Feastclop immediately spawned. Withered died at that point but me and Captain stayed relatively strong, managing to take the thing down.
But one can only fight Deerclops for so long, especially when unprepared. Not to mention I personally cannot kite his Lazer attack for the life of me. A third one spawned in and made short work out of me and Captain, especially given the other two had worn out our armor and weapons.
Then went on a rampage in base
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It was a fun experience, I was sure enjoying it immensely. However I'm not sure it was reciprocated, Captain hasn't touched that world since. Even if I try to convince him it'll be easier if winter's feast was turned off. Normal clops especially after his attack got nullified can be easy to kite. No last second change in direction with the laser.
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goat-slice-art · 7 years ago
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You wouldn’t want to be caught with your torches fizzled out in the moon light of Winter’s Feast, would you?
Happy New Year!
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zestinator5000 · 2 years ago
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I made a shitty comic
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maybe-its-micheal · 2 years ago
Why did I no-death kill Feastclops twice in a row with no practice my first time, but I still sometimes die to Antlion, who I fought for the first time literal years ago? Isn't Antlion easier?? Am I just dumb???
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constantwinterball · 3 years ago
Constant Ball prompts -- preparations
« i hate parties. »
« i'm not wearing that. »
« do i have to go, too? »
« finally! something fun!! »
« should we bring a gift? »
« i've got nothing to wear! »
« you got an invitation too? »
« i'm not sure if i want to go. »
« come on, it's going to be fun! »
« hopefully it's going to be warm. »
« this is a trap. i'm sure it's a trap. »
« do you have a dress i can borrow? »
«i just hope there's going to be food.  »
« what if we completely crash the party? »
« i'm still not sure about this whole thing. »
« this could be our chance to defeat her... »
« i'm going to hide a weapon somewhere. »
« do you think we're allowed to bring a +1? »
« it's been so long since i've been to a ball! »
« i bet something will be set on fire during the party. »
« i swear i saw a shadow creature wearing a bowtie. »
« looks like anyone can be nicer during winter's feast. »
« is it just me, or there are some decorations on the trees? »
« we're trying to survive and she throws a party?! seriously?! »
« if a feastclops appears during this party, i'm going to scream. »
« i hope my usual clothes count as "proper attire", if i clean them. »
«okay, who do you think will die first? there's no way we're all getting out of that alive. »
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gentlcmanscientist · 5 years ago
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“So, the science machine is broken, I lost my beard because I got my ass kicked by the Feastclops, the Feastclops is currently beating the everloving shit out of a treeguard, that poor bastard, and I still haven’t had my coffee.”
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soulstarve · 3 years ago
[if a feastclops appears during this party, i’m going to scream.] - Wes [@cease-starvation]
Constant Ball prompts – accepting!   [ @cease-starvation​ ]
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“ Hyuyu! ”
     Wortox snickered at the mime’s concern, perched on top a chest he kicked his legs and stretched out languidly without a care in the world. The whole ball ordeal had made him considerably cheery. Finally! Something delightful to look forward to within this odd, odd world.
     Quite a shame that his dear companion seemed to hesitant to agree with him.
“ Oh my, rest assured that you’ll be quite alright throughout the long night! ”   he sing-songed, “ I simply cannot foresee that our dear and lovely Queen would wish to ruin her own ball with such a massive brawl. ”
     ...though it would be a fairly amusing prank to pull, one that he would probably consider if he were the one in charge.
“ But! Even if that were the case, ”   he winked, giving them a smile full of teeth that would’ve seem the furthest thing from reliable to anyone else,   “ You’ve got ol’ Wortox to get you out of the place. ” 
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constant--suffering · 3 years ago
A distinctly floral scent, not one mixed with honey, but a purely flowery smell pipes the beast's interest. It isn't the most intelligent creature by any means, but it has learned to distinguish between smells all around it to distinguish nature from manmade. A flower all on its own must've been planted.
Feastclops, as it is called, lumbers towards the smell. Its head cranes around as it walks, trying to make out blurry details from its eye, pulsating with untapped energy. It wants to clear its vision oh so desperately, release the energy stored in its eye, but it knows to save it for prey.
So it follows its nose. Up until the stench of roses become strongest.
It stops. It can hardly see what is in front of it, but it knows who it found.
Who would dare attack the queen?
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 2 years ago
Wigfrid HC but could I specifically request a nice one? I want to be nice to her...
She does it very rarely, but when Wigfrid wants to look nice she absolutely can look really nice... It's just... rare for her to do so when you consider the fact that she needs to allow herself to be more physically vulnerable.
In rare instances where she is politely asked (or beg) to look presentable, though, she would probably comply. And though she doesn't let the others see it, she actually doesn't mind it at all, so long as she's in an environment that feels safe. As safe as the Constant can make it.
... It's sort of hard for anyone to look nice during the Summer months. Layered clothing is pretty much out of the question, and Wigfrid is pretty adverse to skirts, or other breezy wear in that nature.
But she absolutely crushes the Winter formal look. You would be surprised how elegantly she can pull off a deerclops fur coat. It's almost as if she's an entirely different person... Almost. Still as loud and boisterous and eager to please as ever, though.
Ultimately she likes getting and looking nice... If it weren't a luxury that the Constant so scarcely allowed, she would probably do it more often. Unfortunately, the practicality of her usual outfit tends to win out in the end, so you could go for a long, long time without knowing she... actually has fashion sens💥
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chicka-boom · 2 years ago
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Just a sketch of my main in a bunch of freestyle sketches. A lot of which doesn't relate to Don't Starve.
Been stressing over things in life and trying to get comics of DST shenanigans like what occurred in the shenanigans world with Fifth and the march of the Feastclops where we tried to brute force autumn for fuelweaver and the world retaliated by spawning Feastclops after Feastclops
I got to a point I couldn't even draw the characters. So I just decided to drop everything and draw my main since it's the one I'm most aquanted with with little stress of my own expectations. It is a static pose but at least it's drawn.
Also up in the corner is a Shadeling in a stare down with a creature of my own making.
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(repost sorry for double notes I posted it on the wrong blog sorrsoodry)
YEAH LIKE mine are just from "adopted by survivors because you were abandoned and possibly almost dying" like that's sounds normal to "killed a fucking feastclops because it almost killed wendy and that caused you to go into a primal rage" HEL 😭
getting flashbanged by weird memories like how bee queen was pretty pissed at me bc I got an entire nest addicted to honey on accident so I had to keep bugging her and asking for some
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zestinator5000 · 2 years ago
Omg winter feast!!! It has begun!!! Oh joyous day!!!
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