#fearie tales
utoshi-san · 3 months
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"Страшные сказки" Нил гейман и другие авторы
В самом начале XIX столетия немецкие лингвисты братья Гримм начали собирать во всей Европе народные сказки, чтобы сохранить истории, устно передававшиеся из поколения в поколение. Они стали авторами одной из первых антологий хоррора.
В наши дни, когда эти сказки обрели небывалую популярность, Нил Гейман и другие мастера ужасов представляют свою трактовку классических сказочных сюжетов. Каждая из этих историй пугает и очаровывает по-своему, но объединяет их одно - все они написаны на основе самых ранних, не приглаженных цензурой версий знаменитых сказок. Перед вами 15 уникальных авторских сказок, от которых волосы встают дыбом.
Мне понравилась книга. Очень атмосферные, жуткие, местами мерзкие сюжеты, но при этом довольно реалистичные и затягивающие. В основном все рассказы короткие, читаются легко. Я бы ещё подобные сказки с удовольствием почитала.
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luc-elementix · 2 years
With the discover of Apple White’s enventual prototype dress for the canceled crossover movie between Ever After High and Monster High (post here), fans have already started posting some fanarts and edits of Apple White Bite...
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Edit by Eumartchelo on Instagram
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Fanart by Fashionas.ffk on Instagram
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Fanart by Theplasticfilter on Instagram
All these drawings make me want to go back to my sketches of the outfit designs from the movie! ^^
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werewolf240moon · 27 days
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“ Mortician en lice pour les titres de Meilleur Manga internacional 2018 et Meilleur seinen 2018 du 26ème Grand Prix Animeland: Votez pour lui en ligne jusqu’au 31/12 prochain !! “
( Mortician in the running for the titles of Best International Manga 2018 and Best Seinen 2018 of the 26th Animeland Grand Prix: Vote for him online until 12/31 !! )
“ En 2015, Stray Dog avait créé la surprise en remportant le titre de Meilleur Manga 2015 au 23èmè Grand Prix Animeland en passant devant les autres titres bien que son auteure soit française et ce, grâce à vos votes à tous ! “
( In 2015, Stray Dog had created a surprise by winning the title of the Best Manga 2015 at the 23rd Animeland Grand Prix, beating the other titles even though the author is French, thanks to all of your votes )
“ Cette année, l’univers d’Ishtar a plus que besoin de vous pour réitérer cela, alors si la série vous a plu et si vous souhaitez lui offrir ce label de qualité, n’hesitez pas à lui apporter votre voix en mentionnant son nom pour les titres de Meilleur Manga Internacional 2018 et Meilleur seinen 2018 ! “
( This year, the world of Ishtar needs you more than ever to repeat this, so if you liked the series and if you want to offer it this quality label, do not hesitate to give it your vote by mentioning its name for the title of Best International Manga 2018 and Best Seinen 2018 ! )
“ Le BIRD needs you !!!! >////< “
( The BIRD needs you !!!! >////< )
⚠️ Credit/Source: VanRah Facebook @poizongirl
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Rafael Auraleón - Vampi's Feary Tales: The Gray Women
(Vampirella #16 - Warren, 1972).
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crunchyorochiru · 13 days
Planning an animatic somehow gave me a great rarepair... Euna x Cupid.
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Think about it. 2 people caught between 2 worlds, lost to one. Cupid should have the ability to travel between MH and EAH, but we don't see that after she joins EAH. Euna presumably would've returned to MH, but her movie was never finished.
Who else in their worlds would understand their experiences? It's not like Cupid can tell anyone at EAH about her ghoulfriends, they wouldn't believe her. It's the same with Euna, no one would believe her unless they saw for themselves (based on the Lost Movie.) They only have each other, and my animatic ends in them seperating 😭.
Since their names don't mix well (Eunpid or Cupna wtf), I'm calling their ship name ✨️heartfox✨️.
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monsterhigharchive · 1 year
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Concept Art of Unreleased Character “Euna”
Euna was intended to appear in the Monster High movie Feary Tale that would connect Monster High and Ever After High. Unfortunately, the movie ended up being cancelled.
Parts of the planned movie can be viewed here through sketches.
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hazel! 17, 28, 41 for your fic asks!
Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
I don't think it's a secret that I love writing for selkie Ezra! But I definitely just giggle and giggle while writing my Grogu pov fics. It's so fun and silly!
What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Oh gosh, I probably need improvement in every area.
It is also no secret that my fics are soft and gentle fearie tales or little cottagecore domestics, but I would like to be able to create real tension and drama. I think I shy away from conflict, I feel like I tee it up and then don't quite see it through, for fear of being melodramatic or something...
Do you have a writing routine?
I am all out of whack right now. My work schedule is constantly changing, but when I was my most productive, I wrote in the mornings with tea and some music. In terms of outlines and so forth, I mostly just followed where the muse led.
Writer Asks
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(or the songs from beneath)
Walk, the meadows I scented St Mary's. Weather seems weary moths, they don't die.
Yet, in the skies pleas seem not feary tales that I'm réady still, are they mine?
Shine, be prepáred gardens are shrines. Rhyme with your eyes duties are varied!
Seemes, blossomed, rarely sitcoms I dine!
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nocnitsa · 3 years
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Alan Lee- Nixie of the Millpond.  From Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm & Gruesome
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In the Lost Movie (the crossover between Monster High and Ever After High, often referred to as Feary Tale), Draculaura ends up switching her vampire powers with Raven's Evil Queen powers, Clawdeen's werewolf abilities with Maddie's Mad Hatter abilities, and Cleo's hair color with Apple's hair color.
And thank you all for 100 followers! :)
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luc-elementix · 2 years
Apple White's dress from the canceled crossover movie???
Recently, @dollsforthearchive (who had already shared prototypes of the Book To School line) had posted on Instagram pictures of a prototype dress that could be the Apple White's one from the crossover movie between Monster High and Ever After High (called “Feary Tale” or most known as “The Lost Movie”)...
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Garrert Sander commented the pictures with this post: 
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PS: As I write this post, @dollsforthearchives just posted some pics of a jacket in Story, wondering if it’s supposed to be part of Apple White’s crossover outfit...
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What do you think of these prototypes? I loooove the dress, it gives me new inspiration to draw some outfits for the characters from “The Lost Movie”. (I’m still working on the designs of Apple White, Draculaura and Madeline Hatter!)
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werewolf240moon · 6 months
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This is a drawing of Romanov Iruu from Stray Dog and Mortician The Dark Feary Tales
Mortician, Stray Dog & Romanov Iruu belongs to Vanrah @poizongirl
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weirdlookindog · 2 years
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Vampi's Feary Tales: Lilith, by Jeffrey Catherine Jones.
Vampirella 1972 Annual
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thirstycrowsblog · 3 years
Over hill, over dale,
Through bush, through briar,
Over park, over pale,
Through blood, through fire,
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moone’s sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green.
William Shakespeare
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freaky-fableous · 3 years
Trying to write a crossover rewrite is tough bro
The most difficult part is setting up the sequence of events,,
But I’m determined!
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grogusmum · 1 year
Ask game questions: 17, 57 and 76! 😊
Do you have a writing routine?
Yes and no, sometimes writing just strikes. But when I have to cultivate the strike I will set up at the table with my laptop, and some items to inspire like for Seven Tears rocks and shells from the ocean, and then more generally candles of a particular smell and music or soundscapes.
How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I write a far amount of folk/fearie tale type stories, which lends it self to tgat type of writing, so yes, I do. Sometimes, there are happy accidents I'd love to take more credit for, but most of the time, I am thinking about those things.
How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
I don't get much pressure externally. So, it's all internal and I just suffer under the internal pressure LOL. But seriously, I talk to some of my writer moots about it, they remind me of what I need someone else to tell me. And I chill out.
Writer Asks
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