#fe4 femina
nieznasztejosoby · 1 year
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Genealogy of the the holy war art dump primarly substitutekidsoriented this one : D / it just felt wrong not ot post it since they have like 3 pieces of fanart each even if its also on white backgrounds ^^; . if this gets one non mutual reblog i will post all of my genealogy art otherwise i dont wann be clogging up the tags
Like implied reblogs are aprieciated : D
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texts-from-jugdral · 6 years
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toramelleart · 7 years
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Hermina (Femina) commission
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“Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
Lachesis, Minerva, Misha, [Deets but you already knew I was going to ask that]
LachesisFirst impression - She’s recruitable isn’t she?Impression now - Is a rock somewhere in the desert.Favorite moment - Promoting into a Master KnightIdea for a story - Probably once exploring where travel through the Yied DesertUnpopular opinion - The only unpopular opinion I really have on Lachy is that for me, I haven’t really researched into her a lot. So I actually have not much on ideas on her.Favorite relationship - FinnFavorite headcanon - There is no BeoMinervaFirst impression - THOSE BASE STATSImpression now - FE12 really screwed Minerva with how good Palla & Catria are, Favorite moment - Her recruitmentIdea for a story - Pegasus Knight MinervaUnpopular opinion - I don’t have one?Favorite relationship - Maria, the Whitewings in General, Not MickyFavorite headcanon - She actually trained Maria in at least being able to how avoid fighting Wyverns riders. MishaFirst impression - Her base strength is pretty bad but way better magic than Karin.Impression now - My absolute fave.Favorite moment - Her recruitment convo at the end of the Chapter 17AIdea for a story - Queen MishaUnpopular opinion - THERE IS NONE.Favorite relationship - Karin, Femina, and Fee, I can’t really ship Misha with anyone romantically. She doesn’t seem like a person who cares about that. Favorite headcanon - The Wind Sword she inherited from her mother is actually the same one Dew found at the Tower of Blagi.Deet’varFirst impression - A generic!Impression now - When is FE4 Echoes coming out so I can get a unique portrait for DeetsFavorite moment - Her Fury convo is probably her best highlight in the base gameIdea for a story - My ship for LevinUnpopular opinion - NOFavorite relationship - Levin romantically, friends with the rest of the Angelic Knights up until the split happensFavorite headcanon - She lives
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officialifis · 3 years
my (first) substitute children run in fe4
hi! i finally finished my sub run so, i’m gonna make a summary of my units and how i feel about them <3
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those are CLASSIC
seliph was really good, as always he gave his brave sword to someone else, he has the leg ring (sigurd needed it . so he has it now) and tbh i dont have anything to say about him, he was STRONG
julia, well julia was a monster nothing else to say here
oifey,,, oifey,,,,,,, i love you oifey but GOD why are you so bad? i never have done ANY RUN with a good oifey, he always ended,,,kinda stinky STILL he could be usefull but sadly he’s one of my TWO ONLY unit that aren’t lvl 30 at the end
shannan was (unlike his husband) VERY strong as always so yeah
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dimna is cute af look at him, cute and strong! he’s a little difficult to train, and needs to kill a lot of already half dead ennemies to up but when he’s trained he became really good! he still has some problems to double, with only 13 speed,,, i wanted to give him a speed ring but UNFORTUNATELY he was too poor to get one and then i forgot
mana was bad at fighting (she has no skills) but she was REALLY helpful with her silence restore & rescue, she truly was the mvp of the fallen julia moment so she’s good! a good staves user :--)
jeanne was bad i wont lie, she heals well, and since she is on horseback she was REALLY helpful, tho i must admit i gave her a brave sword and manages to be WAY better than before, her problems is --> she doesnt have any skills
tristan ughhh tristan,,,, he was really really bad he didnt hit hard at all so i kinda bench him a long time and idk on chapter 9 he i decided to train him and he killed all hannibal’s army, so he promote and then BOOM he was really good! so yeah really hard to train but end up really okay!
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altena was really good like all altena i think, i don’t have anything to say about her,, i love u altena
leif was good! as always! he was a monster with tornado don’t ask me why but that was his principal weapon
daisy,,,daisy is so bad oh my god,,,,, i love you so so much my girl, she’s LITTERALY impossible to train LOOK AT HER STATS???? SHE’S LVL 30. i manages to make her lvl30 against a silenced canis healed by equus <3 wans’t worth it at all <3
finn is okay tier, he was really strong but fell behind after a while, still he was really helpful in a lot of situation :-----) best boy
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rodolbahn was kinda stinky at the beggining, like all other sub kids but he ended really good! i’m so proud of him tbh he’s really strong
radney is the same as rodolbahn, tho she’s a little worse? she was really strong too don’t get me wrong but idk she has the tendency to NOT KILL some things and yeah still she’s good!!
asaello was one of the last to promote, he was a little bad compared to dimna at first but with a little of special training he promoted and become strong! the barrier ring is on him don’t ask me why
johalvier i love you so so much,,,,,zkojdqz he’S STRONG!!! BEST BOY, he was my first to promote :---) he was easy to train and super useful since he’s one of two axe user in the second gen
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amid was my second to promote, and he was strong . he did everything good, taking a bunch of silver sword? amid . taking x29 fire mage? amid . killing this fucking amrored boss? AMID . my life was ten times better when i bought him elwind and he stopped using wind <3
linda was like tailto in the first gen! A MONSTER?????? SHE’S SO GOOD WHEN TRAINED????? ultimate boss killer, she comes to you with 2 hp and just . you died :D  she was a really useful staff user at the end too i love her ;; + she’s super easy to train bc she comes with paragon
femina is kinda stinky but useful, since she’s a flier she is USEFUL of course, but,,, yeah she really has trouble to hit hard and to use her adept skill, i really rely on her to go visits villages, as you can see,,,, yeah,,, 16 strenght isnt a lot at all
hawk was good tbh nothing to say on him, light is a really strong tome sadly HE CANT GET NOSFERATU FROM JULIA </3
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leylia aaaaa yeah . she can dance! and she’s cute! SHE HAS MORE STRENGHT THAN FEMINA??????FIOJQOF PLEASE
sharlow was a good,, staff user..! and?????????HE WAS POOR AF????? the broken staff that i couldnt repair bc he was super poor was a physic staff! i wanted him to bought fortify but . yeah??? where did his berserk staff goes???? i have no idea maybe in the pawnshop...????? idk . don’t ask me .
ares was good yeah yeah nothing to say best boy
hannibal was an armored unit in fe4,,,,,,,,,,,,i benched him sorry
now i’m gonna talk a little about everything
this was a really good experience! and (except hannibal) that was so great to not bench anyone, because . i NEEDED everyone, the game was a little more difficult, especially the beggining, eveyone had IRON SWORD so it’s kinda difficult to do everything with them
even for leif and seliph this was more difficult, i really had trouble to train them too, bc i needed to focus way more on my other units for them to be good
i love sub kids, they are so unique and adorable,,, they really are special to me
tbh im a little sad that i already finished this run bc that was really amusing i just love this game so much
please play fire emblem genealogy of the holy war :---)
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texts-from-jugdral · 6 years
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I don’t know if it’s that big of a deal, Hawk.
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deetvar-moved · 8 years
Dream concept, I think it's blessed IMO but you decide if it's cursed or not: The Gen 2 has both the regular and substitutes as units in the FE4 remake. These include but not limited to; Corpul and Sharlow being adorable sons to Hannibal and brothers to each other, Freege family fun time, Femina fangirling on being part of the son of Sigurd's army and working with Fury's kids, Supports galore for character expansion and depth, and maybe both Jo-bros recruited with Larcei and Radney being there.
I want the subs to be available at the start without having to make sure no one is married, so I’d say blessed. 
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So... second gen.
(Part one of the Ridiculously Gay Emblem write up is here)
All right, after the barbecue, next chapter rolls around.
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And I’m getting the replacement kids. I kinda figured that was going to happen, and I’m going to be cheating my ass off anyway, so.
Real question is, how is Seliph?
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Well, the second he runs out of the castle, he’s evil.
Now, here’s a confession; I kinda knew this was going to happen. An LP for a romhack called FE4: Binary did an update where they skipped Deirdre. Here’s the link. Anyway, doing this borked the game pretty bad, and one of the effects is that Seliph turned to evil.
However, there are some curious differences.
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The LP’s Seliph would change every time they reset. My Seliph, however, remained mostly stable. He would have the same stats and the same inventory every time I reset.
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He also has a ton of skills and all of the holy blood.
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A reset does change this, although his new skillset and holy blood is no less illogical. However, further resets won’t change Seliph. This is now what he’s working with.
Also, while Seliph is coded as an enemy unit, he’s not affiliated with anyone, so he can’t move, although if I were to attack him, he’d attack back (although considering his shit stats, it wouldn’t mean much). And yeah, I can kill him, and the game will still continue.
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Much to my surprise, the other enemies can attack him too. I didn’t think this was even possible. They can kill him too, and they game will still continue. Huh.
So what about the others? In the LP, all the other characters were also glitched as hell. Glitchy nonsense items, selecting characters would cause them to teleport, all sorts of shit. In my game? They’re fine.
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More or less. I’m not sure what causes this, and it seemed to change at random. (Also sometimes it’d fuck up like this if I checked the menu from the map, but be fine if I check it from the Unit menu.)
Still, they do function. They move and attack just fine, and the events seem to work fine. Still, without a lord, I can’t continue the game. Hrm.
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Fuck it, Radney, you’re a lord now.
Although, no one seems to recognize her authority.
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Authority seems to change every round, and gets progressively more confused.
Anyway, the most important question is: can Lord Radney seize?
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Yes, she can! Although the event treats her like she’s Seliph.
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Somewhat surprisingly, Julia’s fine. I couldn’t get her Nosferatu or her Aura tome (i seized both castles and she went to both), though, but that might be because I skipped the conversation between her and Mana.
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However, seizing the castle made Radney evil. And game now calls her Seliph.
....guys, I think Seliph might be Chara.
Evil!Radney functions like Evil!Seliph does, in that she can’t move, and other enemies will attack her. Weirdly, even though she’s on the castle, she won’t destroy the castle. Effectively, she’s protecting it.
Also, I changed her class back to myrmidon, to see if she’ll go back to normal.
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And she did. It took her a turn or two though. (I didn’t keep track.)
In the meantime, Femina’s taking over lord-ing. Interesting, when she seized, she didn’t go evil. Femina seized the last few castles, and I managed to make it to chapter 7!
So, next point of interest, how badly did Leif get hecked up?
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Well, he’s not evil. The stats are a bit odd, though. The stats might be due to some of the cheats I applied. Maybe? Although I made sure to delete all the old gen 1 cheats before the 2nd gen started, but I did apply cheats to gen 2, and I had to do a lot of trial and error to see what cheats would work with replacement 2nd gen characters since they’re not labeled in the FAQ. I deleted any that didn’t work with my current characters, but maybe they ended up applying to him somehow? Although I didn’t alter anyone’s skills, so who knows with that. Hrm. He might just be borked. Also, no items.
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Also, Finn kept his inventory, which I guess indicates that the game counts him as unpaired. (Also, yes, those stats are definitely cheated in.)
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Oh, and Seliph is gone.
I kinda want to see if Leif will change if I reset, but if I reset and try to load the save, I get a black screen. Hrm. I don’t know how much longer this will remain stable.
Well, I guess I’ll see. Also, I’ll see if I change Seliph’s class if he’ll become good again. I’ll have to mess around with this some more.
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deetvar-moved · 8 years
So yeah I finished the Sub Run. It was pretty fun and honestly because I knew what I was doing it didn't seem so hard. I believe my Dimna & Femina were blessed so that made it easier. Too lazy to check averages. The hardest part was actually managing money for later units like Hawk and Sharlow who needs all the expensive staves for the Endgame. For me the Sub I liked the most was Tristan. Him having a Hero Sword makes using him a lot easier. His promos are so good that it can fix him even if RNG screwed. The Sub I liked the least was Sharlow. Berserk and Elite isn't worth it IMO when its all hassle to repair all his good staves. Corpul will usually have more money to use and can competently clear the arena more often than Sharlow. Sharlow can barely get past the 3rd while Corpul can at least get to 5th because Adept & Prayer. Overall I had fun and the Subs do make FE4 way more challenging. Maybe I'll do it again, because Tristan was amazing.
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deetvar-moved · 8 years
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It is I, Prince ShanaM of Isaac. Okay this is technically the 1st canonical appearance of Shanam. But he has the same sprite as Shanan and only makes an appearance in FE4 if you visit a paticular village in Chapter 9 with Femina or Janne. So this was lost to a lot of people playing FE5. Anyway, the convo is pretty much the same. Basically Shanam is found out and gives Femina/Janne a shield boosting their Def by 3. I gave it to Femina because her Def is the lacking of the two.
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