#fe natasha
tamafry · 5 months
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Valkyrie Natasha for Lays as part of the Rally for Gaza!
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magvelspires · 3 months
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s support joshua/natasha <3 fe scuffle attack!
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rosecelebi · 8 months
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
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I'm In Love (With My Best Friend)
Summary: Peter Parker x Fe!Reader -> You and Peter have been best friends since middle school. But when feelings get involved, it can lead to a lot of pining and incredibly romantic kisses inside a Stark lab.
Disclaimer: FLUFF, a little angst, a LOT of pining. Kissing. Jealousy. Happy Ending. Not proof-read. No use of Y/N.
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You first met him when you were in middle school. You had been the new transfer student and you had zero friends. The first week of your new school you spent getting lost in the hallways, avoiding the random questions that the people who you assumed were the popular crowd were asking you and trying to concentrate on the work you were being given. 
But, half-way through your second week, you met a boy. 
You had been sitting on your own in the back of the cafeteria, trying to solve your science homework. 
Usually, you were okay with science but every time you entered your numbers, you knew the answer was wrong. 
He’d introduced himself as Peter Parker. 
You recognised the name. 
He was supposed to be in your English, Math and Physical Ed classes though he hadn’t been in due to being ill. 
At first, he sat with you because there was nowhere else to sit. At least, that’s what you thought. Then he asked about your homework. 
“Yeah, Mrs Jackson always sets difficult questions. Do you want some help?”
You accepted his offer and he moved over two seats so he was directly in front of you and for the next 20 minutes, he sat with you and you both figured out the homework together. 
In return, you offered to help him with his English report. 
You couldn’t quite remember when it was after that that the pair of you became inseparable. But, after that, the both of you were never seen without one another. 
Even in High School, you remained the best of friends. Thursday night homework hours were completed together and Friday night movie nights were completed with the same laughter, frustration and smiles. 
And, despite attending different colleges, it was like no time or space had passed between you both. 
You were the first Peter came to when he was ready to tell people about his alter-ego Spider-Man. You were also the first person Peter came to when he had his first crush and date in High School. 
Maybe that was when you had your first heart-break. 
Though you were friends with Peter first, it was a couple years into High School that you realised your feelings towards Peter had grown to be more than friendship. 
But you knew he didn’t feel the same. And knew he probably never would. 
But, at the same time, it didn’t not sting when he dated other girls. 
Either way, you swallowed the pain and your feelings for him and remained determined to keep your friendship with Peter despite them. 
So, you dated other guys. 
And, they were kind. 
Some of them became long term - others, not so much. But despite how much you cared for them, something always seemed to be missing. Though you tried your best to ignore that fact. 
You both had graduated college a few years ago and ever since, Peter had been working for Stark Industries whilst, despite the job offer Tony had given you personally and said he would keep on ice, you had a job helping engineer different plates and surgical equipment that helped towards surgery for animals who’s back legs had stopped moving or had been born without one of the paws etc. 
Still, you met Peter every day in his lab at the compound at 7 since you got off work at 6. 
“Peter? You here?”
“In here. I’m almost ready, I’ve just got to-”
“No worries.”
Whilst Peter ran about the place, finding different parts for some old web-shooters he had in his hand, you sat at one of the tables and tinkered away. 
It was usually like this. 
You’d go and meet him, he’d still be working and you’d sit with him for 40 minutes to an hour before you both left to get food and watch a movie. 
“You know, it’s so cool you work for Tony Stark.”
Peter smiled as he continued to tinker away and you tried to avoid your gaze dropping to check him out despite his outfit consisting of black cargo trousers and a black t-shirt. 
So, he’d been in training today.
“Yeah. You know, you could too if you wanted.” Peter looked up to you for a moment. “He has a job lined up and ready for you whenever you want it.”
You smiled and nodded. “I know. But I like my job.”
“Offer is always there.”
“Hey, did you hear back from Lucy?”
Peter faltered for a moment, though you barely noticed. “Oh, uh, yeah. We’re…we’re going out again, tomorrow, I think.”
You ignored the sad feeling in your chest, despite the fact you had been the one to set them up (technically). 
Lucy worked in the office at your job. Peter came in one day to pick you up and she mistook you both for a couple despite the fact she’d just been flirting with him thirty seconds ago. 
You just opened your mouth and shut the whole thing down. “Oh, no. Hahaha, no. We’re- we’re just friends. Good friends. But friends.”
Sitting up a little straighter, you smiled. “That’s good.”
“What about you? What happened to Frank?”
“Mark,” you corrected. “And it-it wasn’t right. Besides, we only talked, like, twice. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway. He said he hated Disney movies and would rather gouge out his eyes than watch another one.”
You raised your eyebrows with a puff from your chest, still annoyed at the comment. “Yeah.”
“Well, at least you never have to talk to him again.”
At that moment, the door to Peter’s lab slid open and Sam walked in with a pile of plans, presumably for a new set of wings. 
“Steve told me to give you these.”
“Thanks, Sam. Just leave them there. I’ll look over them.”
“Hey, Sam.”
Sam called your name and ran over and hugged you. “How are you doing, kid?”
“Good. Just waiting for this one to finish up. How was Alaska?”
“Cold. Bucky got his arm frozen to a lamp-post. I’ll send you pictures.”
You smiled. “You want them framed?”
“Oh, please.” Sam smiled. 
“Did I ever show you the pictures when Peter froze his webs to the roof? He was still attached to them two hours later.”
Peter, looking between the pair of you, laughing at the photos, shook his head. “Sometimes I regret introducing you two.”
“Too late.” Sam smiled. “Anyway, you both should head out before traffic gets too bad.”
“It’s New York. Traffic is always bad.”
“Even better.”
“And our movie starts in an hour.” you added. 
“Alright, I’m done.”
Sam winked at you and you mouthed a “Thank you” to him before he said goodbye and left. 
Yourself and Peter managed to get to the cinema and find your seats just before the trailers finished and for the next two hours, you spent most of the time trying not to have a heart-attack as the actors jumped from building to building, hanged themselves over the edge of a cliff and nearly died about thirty times before finally succeeding. 
Despite the amount of times you watched movies like that, it didn’t stop your heart from racing and trying not to watch. Horror, sure. You could handle that. But suspense and action - nope. 
“How you feeling?”
You put your hand to your head and covered your eyes for a moment. “I’m still spinning, I think. Please, never do anything like that.”
Peter laughed as you sat down on the bench outside the movie house. “You have my word.”
Slowly, he knelt down in front of you before pushing your chin up. 
“Look at me for a moment.”
You did so and tried to slow your heart down that was beating faster for a separate reason. 
“Stopped spinning?”
It took you a moment to focus. “Y-Yeah. All stopped now.”
Peter stood up again and you mentally slapped yourself as you checked him out again. He’s just a friend. A FRIEND. 
Thankfully, he didn’t notice since he was too busy looking down the street before he gave you his hand. 
“Come on. Let’s head back.”
You took his hand as he helped you up before letting it go, too afraid of what your own feelings might feel if you held his hand any longer. 
Months later, not much had changed. 
You’d still kept your feelings from Peter and dated a couple of people. Peter dated Lucy for a month before breaking it off - though he never told you why. 
But one evening, as you were sitting home alone - your roommate out on another date - you got the craving for Pizza and since there was none in the freezer, you grabbed your bag and coat before heading out to the nearest pizza place. 
You needed to get out of the house. 
Despite there being no change between you and Peter, part of you called out for it. You either needed to tell him how you felt or you needed to move on. And since you weren't going to do the first…ever, that only left you with the second. 
And, oddly enough, that night you met Colton. 
He was standing in line waiting for his pizza and since the chef got an emergency call from his wife saying she was in labour, he mistakenly made half a pepperoni, half margarita. 
Despite the awkwardness, you both decided to share it. 
You sat outside together on a park bench, watching the ducks float down the water, simply talking. 
“So, what brings you to a pizza place at 9 at night on a Tuesday?”
“Hunger, mostly.”
Before you knew it, he was walking you home, you had exchanged numbers and met him for a date that Saturday. From there, you continued talking and soon enough, months had passed by. 
It was late in the afternoon when you were at SI and, whilst talking to some old friends in the hallway since you’d just come from a shared meeting between both companies, Colton turned up. 
“Hey, what-” you kissed him quickly. “What are you doing here?”
“You left your notebook at my house,” he passed you the hardback notebook that contained most of your random thoughts and problems that were either to do with work or could be to do with work, one day. 
“Oh, thank you.”
“And, since I’m here, I was hoping maybe we could get lunch together?”
You smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”
Then someone called your name.
Looking behind you, the four people you’d been talking to seemed to split up and gave you a clear view of who had called your name - though you didn’t need to view to know who it was. 
“Peter,” you said, slightly shocked. 
This was the first time, despite him knowing about Colton, Peter was about to meet him. 
“Hey, I was just- who’s this?”
“Oh, I, uh, this-this is Colton.”
Colton stuck out his hand and Peter shook it after a quick moment. “Nice to meet you.”
Whether it was real or not, it was like a massive tension cloud was above the whole situation. 
“Uhh…Colton, this is Peter. My-”
“Best friend since middle school.” Peter finished. 
“Cool. Well, we were just about to get lunch so I guess we’ll see you later?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Can you- Let me just grab my coat.”
“Course, babe.”
Then Colton kissed you for what felt like the longest time - and oddly, it didn’t feel like the others. It felt…forced. 
Either way, when he pulled away you stepped back a little before heading down the hall and towards the cloak room. And in the time it took you between getting your coat and walking back, that cloud of tension only seemed to feel darker and bigger. 
“Ready to go?”
“Yeah, let’s go babe.”
You nodded, saying goodbye to everyone else but something in the bottom of your stomach felt guilty - especially when you saw the split-second change in emotions on Peter’s face before he went back to how he usually looked at you. 
Once you left the building with Colton and had driven away, Natasha smacked the back of Peter’s head. 
“Ow, what was that for?”
“I don’t know. For whatever the hell that was, for being jealous, for not telling her sooner.”
“Jealous? I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous?”
Natasha just laughed. “Oh, you look just like Steve when Grant from level three flirted with me. Oh, you’ve got it bad.”
“Nat-” Peter rolled his eyes and tried to walk away but she just pulled him back. 
“You can admit you like her. I mean, we’ve all seen this coming for years.”
“I don’t- you have?”
Natasha shrugged. “What? She’s pretty and you’re both close friends. I’m just surprised it took you this long. I thought you were smarter than those idiots.”
“Those idiots are still standing here.” 
“Peter, how long have you liked her?” Laura asked him. 
“I,” Peter shook his head. 
“Oh, boy.” Laura laughed. 
Peter stood there, slightly dumbfounded, as the others walked away. 
Despite how much he denied it, and how much he convinced himself he didn’t feel that way towards you, he did. Ever since Junior year of College. At least, that was when he’d been getting that simmering feeling in the pit of his stomach every time you looked at him, or even when you didn’t. And that simmer seemed to boil every time he saw you with somebody else. 
But he decided never to tell you. 
He figured, since you had never said anything about extra feelings; ones that surpassed a simple friendship bond, then you wouldn’t ever feel the same. 
And when you made the comment of Just Friends to Lucy, he knew you definitely would never feel the same. So, he guessed he had to get used to the feeling of…something towards you. 
Yet seeing you with Colton - his arm around you, his lips on yours - something seemed to start cracking inside of him. 
Either that, or completely being blown to smithereens. 
Nat was completely right. 
He was jealous. 
He has been jealous. Ever since he first saw you get ready for that date you had with Hank, or Hodge or whatever the guy’s name was - he felt that simmer in his stomach and that small voice in the back of his head for a split second let him think he was watching you get ready to go out on a date with him. 
It had confused him, at first. 
You were his best friend and he was suddenly having these thoughts about dating you and…opening the car door for you (despite already doing that, anyway). But it would have been different. 
He would be yours, in more ways than just friendship. 
“You really love her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, she’s my best friend.”
Peter looked towards the door where Clint was leaning against the door frame like a dad getting ready to talk to his son. 
Although, despite the comfort Clint provided, Peter faltered for a moment. He had been alone since Colton came and swept you away to lunch - over three hours ago. He’d been tinkering away and letting his mind wander. 
“Relax, kid. It’s written all over your face.”
“Clint, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Tough.” Clint pulled out a seat across the lab desk where Peter was standing. “Laura has already told me what happened and most likely, Tasha’ will do the same later tonight. You might as well talk, Kid.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Admitting you love her, to yourself, is a start.”
“But do I?”
Even as he questioned it outloud, he knew it wasn’t a question. It hadn’t been a question for the longest time. 
“Pete, according to Laura, you looked like you were about ready to punch his lights out when he kissed her.”
“Well he was just standing there, trying to force himself down her throat. Even I know she doesn’t like PDA like that. And, he was talking about taking her to some kind of salad bar across town when she usually goes and gets her grilled sub from the cafeteria - or I do. And then take it to her. It’s the only thing she ever likes to eat during the day.”
Clint watched as a light, reminiscent smile came across Peter’s face. 
“It’s been the same thing ever since high school. Even if it goes a little cold, it’s still crispy and just as tasty. Plus, the smell doesn’t remind her of the girls' bathroom stalls. There was a leak in the summer before we started. Busted the sewer line that ran under the girls bathroom. The whole corridor would smell but she said it was worse in the bathroom.”
Clint nodded and just let Peter ramble. Though he did get a little worried that the screwdriver he was holding would fly out of his hand at some point. 
Peter’s face grimaced. “I bet he listens to, like, just indie bands and says it’s the best thing in the world and that any other style of music is too…modern because it contains too many lyrics that make sense. She hates that, you know. She had a roommate in college that only ever listened to this…clapping music. Literally, just people clapping along to songs. After that, she moved into one of the sorority dorms. He was probably some douche frat guy, too. Couldn’t get a sorority “chick” then so thinks he can get one now. Not that she’s a “chick” by any means.”
“What is she, then?”
Peter took a short moment to think. “Amazing. Wonderful. Beautiful. Way out of his league. Way out of mine, too. But…”
“But you’re in love with her anyway?” Clint asked. 
“Of course I am but-”
Peter, once again, faltered. 
Had he really just admitted that out loud? 
It felt good. 
“I am. I am in love with her.”
“Then you should tell her. Pete, coming from me, I’d say don’t wait too long. And from Steve, he waited over seventy years - granted, he found Nat. But still. Don’t let her find someone else, especially when you’re already here.”
“But what if she doesn’t-”
Clint already started laughing. He almost doubled over. 
“What? Why are you laughing?”
“Oh, Pete. You really are an oblivious idiot. Kid, that woman has been head over heels for you ever since we first met her. And probably for a long time before that. Trust me, if you tell her, you’ll hear the same thing back.”
Peter stood baffled for a moment before looking at his watch. You should be home by now. You never really liked going out after 6 unless it was for a period run or food.
“I’ve got to go.”
“We’ll be waiting.”
The only thing was…as Peter got to your street, he was stopped in his tracks half-way there. 
You stood on the front steps with Colton. You were laughing and leaning into him and he whispered things to you and then you kissed him. 
You kissed him.
If he went over there…he could ruin the happiness you had with him. He might not like Colton, but you did. And that was what mattered to him. And, even if Clint was right and you did love him back, what was to say you’d say yes to being with him? And, even if you did, what if you couldn’t be friends? Then you’d lose one another. Forever.
He couldn’t risk that. 
So, for the next two months, he watched you flirt and fall for Colton all the while his heart started breaking. 
And then, for about three weeks, he didn’t see you. 
And it was the longest three weeks of his life. 
You had gone on a business trip - and Colton joined you. And, from overhearing Laura and Clint talk, you were going to visit Colton’s family since they lived in the area. 
Part of him wondered if you’d come back engaged. 
You’d only been with Colton under a year but he saw how you looked at him, and how he looked at you - despite not liking either fact. 
But, one late evening as he was working on a couple new designs, he’d gone to the Cafeteria to get some food - he could hear you in his head, cursing him for not having a proper meal in the day. 
When he came back, it was the first time he’d actually had a jump scare. 
You were in his lab. 
You hadn’t even called. 
Friday hadn’t even told him you were in the building. 
You were still you. Not that he expected much to change. 
Your hair half down though the top was thrown into a haphazard messy bun. Your contacts must have dried out in the day since you were wearing your glasses. 
You used to wear them all the time in middle school and high school but they got annoying after a while since they’d slip down your face and get dirty - despite having wiped them thirty seconds ago. Since you wanted to be an engineer and your hands were always full, you changed to contacts. 
It was much easier to focus on the task at hand than the task and the potential of your glasses slipping from your face and landing either in a tank of oil or being crushed under heavy machinery. 
You were wearing a pair of simple jeans that already had oil stains. 
So, you’d been at work today. 
And you were wearing his t-shirt. 
His t-shirt. 
Not Colton’s (unless he owned the same one, though he highly doubted it.). 
“You’re back!”
“I’m back!” you smiled. 
Peter was still stunned at the t-shirt. 
He’d seen you in his t-shirt, maybe once in college, when the washing machine had broken and you had to hand-wash your clothes in his sink since your sink was broken. 
“It’s nice to see you,” you tried to imitate his voice. “It’s nice to see you, too Peter. Yes, I did have a good time on my trip. I’m so glad you’ve come to see me.”
“Sorry,” Peter laughed a little. “It is good to see you.”
Peter came over and hugged you tightly before stepping back awkwardly and, if you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed he wanted distance between you both. 
“How was your trip?”
“Good. I, uh, I secured the deal with the manufacturer. Everything goes to mass production next month.”
“It does? That’s amazing.”
“I know.”
Short silence and then, Peter asked a question he needed to despite not wanting to. 
“Why are you not with Colton? Shouldn’t you be out celebrating?”
“Maybe.” you agreed. “But, uh, we- actually, I. I, uh, well…I broke up with him.”
Peter tried to calm himself. 
“You did?”
“I did.”
“He was a great guy and all and I cared for him and his family were amazing but, uh, he…he just wasn’t…”
You - that was what you wanted to say. He wasn’t Peter.
“He just wasn’t the right fit. He…he wanted too much too soon and, I don’t know, I guess…I wasn’t ready.”
A pang of guilt played in your stomach. 
You were ready. You were ready for all what Colton offered you; love, a family, a promise of the future. But you weren't ready to have it with him. 
Despite all the shutting down of emotions, you still wanted it to be Peter.  
“Oh, well…that’s good, I guess.”
“Yeah. So, I guess…that was it.”
“Oh, okay.”
Neither of you really knew what to do. Peter’s mind was screaming at him to tell you the truth. And your’s was banging on the wide open door in your heart trying to get your attention. 
But neither of you moved. 
Until Peter did. 
“I-I, uh, I left something in the other- lab. I should probably finish-”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. I should probably head back home anyway.”
Peter began to exit the room but half-way out of the door, he stopped though you were too busy trying to keep your focus on the side desk in front of you to spot it. 
“I’m done wasting time.”
Peter didn’t fully know what made him do what he did next, but no matter the outcome, he would never regret it in his life. Or, maybe he would, but in the long term, he might not. 
Turning back, he hurried towards you and for a moment, you looked back up and he caught your gaze. 
If you were going to kill him afterwards, he wanted his death to be worthwhile. 
He kissed you. 
Cupping your cheeks in his hand, he kissed you - deeply and passionately. Though he didn’t force it. 
It was just as he dreamed and better. 
Your head was spinning. 
All the feelings you had ever felt for Peter all rose to the surface and once your brain registered the kiss was real, you kissed him back just as much. 
Your hands that had been gripping the side of the desk to support yourself came to his wrists and then to his chest where you gripped him by the collar, pulling him closer. 
His own hands raked through your hair, holding the back of your head to be closer to you and eventually, when you both had to break apart due to the lack of air, his head remained against yours. 
Both of you were out of breath and holding one another as close as possible. 
“Sorry, I just-”
“Don’t apologise.”
You pushed yourself to stand a little straighter, keeping him close to you before you opened your eyes to look at him. 
“Don’t apologise. I was just a little…” you couldn’t find the words. 
You laughed a little. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
“I don’t want to scare you,” Peter told you. “But I need to tell you something and if you never want to speak to me again then so be it but if I don’t tell you soon I think I might combust.”
“I’m in love with you.”
You beat him to it. 
“Sorry. I just…I am. That probably terrifies you. I’m sorry.”
“No, no. Don’t-” Peter let out a small laugh. “Don’t be sorry. Because I was going to say the same thing.”
“You were?”
Peter nodded and hummed. “I was. But you beat me to it.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
“I’m in love with you, too.” Peter told you. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I know I should have but I just thought-”
“I wouldn’t like you back?”
Peter nodded. 
“What a pair we make, eh?” you laughed. 
“I know you said you didn’t want to move too fast but-”
“Peter, I only said that because…because I wasn’t ready for him.”
“I broke it off because he wasn’t you. Colton was great and all but, that thing that didn’t fit? It was because he wasn’t you.”
“Then will you go on a date with me?”
You smiled. “I’d love to.”
“Great. I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.”
Without a moment to spare, Peter kissed you again and you kissed him back and it was as if your first kiss hadn’t ever stopped. You turned a little as Peter held you closer and you felt yourself leaning against the desk. Before you knew it, you were sitting on the desktop, pulling Peter as close to you as physics would allow it. 
The next day, you both went on your first date as a couple. A week later, you were official and Nat made it everyone’s business that yourself and Peter had finally become a couple.
The morning after your first night together had been special. Despite Peter having to get up earlier than either of you wanted him to, for work, you stood in the kitchen ready to wash the dishes from the night before he left through the front door. 
Less than ten seconds later, he came back in through the door. 
“Did you forget somethin-”
He cut you off with a kiss. 
“That,” he smiled. “I forgot that.”
“I’m glad you did.”
“See you at lunch?” Peter asked, still holding you. 
“See you at lunch.” you confirmed before he kissed you again, and again, and again.
“Okay, I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Be careful.” 
Six months later, you both moved in together before finalising the house you both wished to buy. 
Two years later, you and Peter had made a home for yourselves, together and were planning a winter wedding.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
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A collection of all my fake fanfic titles game.
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Locked In jake seresin x reader 
My Place is Here  jake seresin x reader
Last Trip Around The Sun jake seresin x reader 
Family Reunion jake seresin x oc 
The Night is Calling | the fic jake seresin x reader 
Never Have I Ever.... Until You jake seresin x reader 
Me and The Devil jake seresin x reader 
When The Sun Rises jake seresin x reader 
Non-Believer jake seresin x reader
Clover and Roses jake seresin x reader
Leap of Faith jake seresin x reader
dreamin' about somewhere a little too far jake seresin x reader
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Golden In Our Hearts bradley bradshaw x reader 
More Than This bradley bradshaw x reader 
Where Does It End, Where Do We Start? bradley bradshaw x reader 
Something In the Water bradley bradshaw x reader 
Yesterday, today and tomorrow bradley bradshaw x reader 
Goddess in the Sheets bradley bradshaw x reader
Left for Dead bradley bradshaw x reader
Welcome Home Baby Bird bradley bradshaw x oc
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Stargazer's daughter bob floyd x oc  
Let Go bob floyd x reader 
In the Stars bob floyd x reader
Taking Attendance bob floyd x oc
Lessons Learned bob floyd x reader
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The Wind Blows bob floyd x reader | jake seresin x reader
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Broken Hearts Can Still Soar javy machado x reader 
Wasted Time javy machado x oc
Hail to the King javy machado x reader
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Any Stranger I Choose reuben fitch x reader
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Once in a Lifetime | the fic  mickey garcia x reader
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Make It Happen bradley bradshaw x natasha trace
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Lightning Strikes mickey garcia x bob floyd 
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I Look Better Naked bradley bradshaw x jake seresin 
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My Hands in Yours javy machado x natasha trace
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The Way You Smile charlie young x reader
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fefuckability · 22 days
Sacred Stones Qualifier 4
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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luna-rigain · 8 months
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enstars texposts except it’s in the context of my fire emblem crossover
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Natasha fe8 needs to lose her shit at least once. Girl is holding in so much shit and I think she needs to let things out.
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sophsprites · 5 months
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whoa! we're summoning units from a future magvel now?
that is to say: karina meets her parents, awakening style
today is karina's birthday, and since i updated her design recently, i wanted to do something special for the occasion!
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jisuto · 2 years
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5seraphim · 1 year
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joshua x natasha icons
credit to use!
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obscuriites · 3 months
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lesbian natasha icons for anon, credit to use.
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theofficersacademy · 1 month
Unfortunately, something has arisen in my life so I must drop Natasha. It was wonderful to be here and I may return in the future, thank you all.
Natasha has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod N
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 9 months
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marvelwitchergilmore · 11 months
Detecting Love
Summary: Loki x Fe!Reader -> You and Loki work together at a police precinct in NY, and you have had the biggest crush on him for ages. But when your life is put in danger, will he realise he feels the same way?
Disclaimer: Fluff, Angst, Pining, Taking care of the reader (not sexual), hurtful words shared, denial of feelings, acceptance of feelings. Violent crime cases mentioned. Slight inspiration taken from B99 (I couldn't find ACTUAL police sayings, so I used B99 - sorry for any inaccuracy).
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If Loki had known that the minute you let your voice wash over the radio with those dreaded words, he would have told you his secret earlier. 
It had been a few years since the Asguardian God had come to Earth and been on such a mission that it led him to taking a job as a New York Detective which was one of the main reasons he decided to stay, even after his mission was over. 
This had been where he met you. 
At the time, you had just transferred from Boston. 
Boston in itself had been a big leap for you since you had planned staying home with your folks before getting your acceptance letter from Harvard and joining their police force as a Rookie. 
So, moving even further away was another leap. 
Yet, you didn’t regret it for a minute. 
Loki had been friendly, even in the beginning. 
You had been one of the very few female Detectives when you joined. And the only one with experience in solving and dealing with Homicide. 
Emily, the other female Lead Detective, although having experience in homicide, was more an expert in Narcotics and Fraud. 
That morning when you joined and were setting up your desk, he knocked on your office door and stood there in a freshly pressed suit, his hair away from his face and his shoes gleaming. All the while, a new case file was in his hand. 
He introduced himself and said he’d been assigned as your partner. 
You couldn’t have been more lucky after that. 
Over the years, you’d had a couple partners who were either too harsh with their title or not harsh enough. Some had tried to blame children for something that was completely out of their control. 
But never Loki. 
For all his moments of being “A God” - which came as a shock which you managed to downplay - he was kind. 
One of your first cases dealt with a mother and child in danger. The moment the doors burst open, you made your arrest of the father before handing them over to a fellow cop and turning to the mother who was terrified, bloodied and crying on the sofa with the phone unhooked beside her. 
Meanwhile, you looked through one of the bedrooms and saw Loki put away weapon and kneel down. 
A girl, no older than 6, was cowering in the corner of her bedroom floor, already half-way under her bed. 
You watched as he lowered himself to her height, spoke softly and waited until she felt safe enough to come out on her own. Loki assured her she was safe and that she’d never be hurt by that man again. 
Once she finally did come out, she hugged Loki and he picked her up and carried her outside. 
He saw the look you gave him, questioning if everything was okay and he just nodded, putting his other hand onto the back of the child’s head as she cried her last few tears into his shoulder. 
That moment was almost three years ago, and things were still the same between the both of you. Though, perhaps, there was more of a deeper connection. 
Walking into the bullpen, you found Loki folded over one of the desks, fast asleep. 
Smiling a little, since it was rare to find him sleeping, you picked up a couple files and carried them over to his desk, piling the rest of his under yours. 
Placing a gentle hand on his back, you shook him away. 
“Loki? Hey, Loki. Go home. Get some rest.”
Slowly, he lifted himself from the desk and looked around, still half asleep. 
“I can finish up here. Go on, you head home. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He tried to protest until you told him once more that you were more than happy to finish up the rest of the paperwork and that if he didn’t leave, being a god or not, you’d personally drag him home if you had to. 
After that, he thanked you, grabbed his coat and left, but not before saying goodnight. 
It was at times like this that you were reminded of the harsh truth that Loki wasn’t with you. 
After a year into your friendship and partnership, you began feeling slightly differently towards him. You didn’t know what it was. There was no change in him, there was no change in you. But you began to develop feelings towards him. 
Feelings that left you mad at yourself for even feeling. Feelings that left you a little heartbroken at the end of every shift because it meant waiting more than 8 hours to see him again. And if it wasn’t 8 hours or more, that just meant something terrible had happened. 
Sure, you’d dated some guys over the last three years, but none had ever stuck around long enough. It was either your work hours, or it was Loki himself that they didn’t like. 
Either way, you returned home every evening to your Australian Shepherd, Zoey.
“Zoey! Zo! Where are you? There you are,” you smiled as Zoey came around the corner, clearly having been asleep on your bed…again. 
“Hey, girl. Hello. Oh, thank you.” Zoey gave you multiple licks across the face as she wagged her tail before running to the bathroom. 
“Just give me a minute. You can have a bath soon. I promise.”
 Feeding both yourself and Zoey, you put your plates into the dishwasher before grabbing the dog shampoo from under the cabinet and running a couple of inches of water into the tub just as Zoey jumped inside. 
Little did you know, in a week’s time, you’d hear a set of words which would send your heart into a thousand pieces. 
Everyone at the compound, apparently other than Loki himself, was convinced that you had feelings for the latter. 
Natasha had seen it when she happened to spot you and Loki together getting coffee. Tony, Steve and Bucky had seen it when they went down to the station to give a talk to the officers. Wanda, Peter, Sam and Maria had seen it when they met you in the park, one day, walking Zoey before she ran off only to jump up to Loki. And Thor had seen it every time he went to see Loki. 
Sometimes, he’d show up outside your door when he was looking for his brother because he knew, if he wasn’t at home, he would be at yours. 
That day, you both had been washing Zoey so when Loki answered the door, half soaked with water and you appeared moments later, seemingly in the same situation, Thor had gotten the wrong impression until Zoey then came running out of the front door. 
However, on this particular day, Clint, Natasha and Thor had appeared in Loki’s office. 
It had started out with the group sharing information and handing Loki a case for him to possibly investigate since, if he did it, it wouldn’t draw too much attention too soon. 
But it wasn’t long until the conversation turned towards you and the feelings they had told Loki you had for him, despite having no verbal confirmation from you. 
But this wasn’t the first time your “feelings” about Loki had been brought up to him. And, in all honesty, he was sick of it. 
So he put a stop on it, once and for all. 
Only, he seemed to mistime his rejection. 
“You don’t know for certain.” Loki told them.
“For certain? Jesus, Loki, the woman looks at you as if you’re her whole world! The last time I saw someone that smitten was Peter with MJ this afternoon - and those two are actually together.” Clint told him. 
“For the love of-!” Loki had to take a breath. “How many times do I have to tell you people? She doesn’t like me like that, and I don’t like her that way either! She’s just a friend! She means nothing to me. I don’t have, and never will have romantic feelings for her. She’s just a close colleague, nothing more.”
At the trio’s reactions to his comment, and Thor’s finger signalling to behind Loki, he turned and found you standing there and there was no denying you had heard him. 
She means nothing to me.
She’s just a close colleague, nothing more.
You could, and had accepted that he would probably never have romantic feelings for you. But that didn’t stop it from feeling like a stab to the heart which left a wound that would take a while to heal. 
But those words. 
She means nothing to me. 
She’s just a close colleague, nothing more.
They hurt the most. 
Because, even if you couldn’t have Loki’s acceptance in romance, you at least had him and knew him in a close friendship. 
But apparently that didn’t even exist. 
Something simply made up by your imagination, when it got caught up in avoiding romantic feelings. 
But rather than yelling, crying or fleeing the scene…you said nothing. 
Seemingly, you managed to hide your emotions from them all and mask them completely. 
Loki said your name, ready to apologise, but you just spoke over him, telling him what you had been ready to tell him when you walked to his office. 
“Rebecca called again. She’s got some new evidence for us at the hospital.” You handed him over the case file. “I was gonna ask if you wanted to ride down with me, but…I can see you’re busy.” 
You looked at the trio of Avengers and smiled. “Hi.”
They gave similar replies. 
“We were just consulting him on a case.”
Natasha elbowed Clint in his ribs to shut him up. 
“Oh, you’re really busy then. I can handle interviews this afternoon, you don’t have to worry.”
“Wait,” Loki called your name as you were about to leave. 
“No, it’s okay.” You told him with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later. Bye, guys.”
They all said goodbye to you, watching as you walked back down the hall and towards your office. Within a few moments, you had your coat, badge and bag and stood at the elevator. 
“Well…that was awkward.”
Natasha stamped on Clint’s foot this time.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“You know.”
Loki pressed his head into his hands and groaned. “I’ve really messed up.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.”
“Fuck you, Watson.” Clint replied before he could shut himself up, which earned a glare from Natasha. “Sorry.”
For the next week and half, Loki couldn’t stop feeling guilty. Yet, you acted as if nothing had changed…almost. 
Usually, you’d invite him to get food with you at lunch or grab him lunch, already knowing his order. Instead, you’d work through lunch, running on a coffee or two. You’d still finish off some of his paperwork, but you wouldn’t look at him when you gave it back. There was no longer a crumpled post-it note on top telling him to go home and get some rest. 
And when you’d leave for home, there was no bright goodbye or bright good morning. If Loki himself, or another colleague, hadn’t physically watched you leave, he wouldn’t have known you’d gone home. 
It was hell. 
But everytime he tried to talk to you about it, you’d change the subject or bring it straight back to work. 
And when he asked you about Zoey…you just said that she was good. There were no more funny stories about what she had done when you took her for a walk in the park. There were no more little anecdotes from you or funny quips that you made on the job. 
He was now working with…a colleague. 
You were no longer his friend. 
The conversations between you and himself on the weekends slowly trickled away, turning into simple questions of; “Are you coming into work today?” and, “Have you got the ME record yet?”
Before he knew it, just over a month of this had passed and it couldn’t have been more torturous. 
And then you went on a date. 
You had gotten changed at work since the case had wrapped up early and you could actually make the date this time. 
Stepping out of the bathroom, you were dressed in a floor length emerald green, satin gown. A slit came mid thigh and your heels - for once - were not uncomfortable. Meanwhile, your hair, which felt like it took forever to get right, curled around your face just the way you wanted it and Loki, unbeknownst to you, couldn’t take his eyes off you for a moment. 
All Loki wanted to do was to turn back the clock to over a month ago when he said what he said and slap himself before he could even think of those words. 
Because you had never been nothing to him. First, you had been a partner, then a friend, and then a woman he wished he could have to himself. But that third one, despite the amount of times Thor and the others would tell him that you felt such romantic feelings towards him, he had no other choice but to ignore them. 
For one, you worked together. 
For two…he wasn’t aware about how deep his feelings ran for you when he saw that split-second look on your face after you heard everything he said and how much he missed knowing you, for what you did after work, to what Zoey got up to and even to the notes you’d leave him - even when they were, 95% of the time, about work. 
He missed you, more than he ever knew he could. Even when you were standing directly beside him. 
You looked up to find Loki paused halfway from one of the other detective’s empty desks. His jaw was hanging open for a moment before he closed it shut. Slowly, he walked over to you. 
“You…you look…incredible.”
You looked down to yourself before finding the first ounce of courage in weeks to look him in the eyes. “Really? Thank you.”
“I-I mean it.” Loki paused for a moment again, taking you in. “Wow.”
“I…I have a date so I better…” you signalled to the exit behind you and Loki tried his best to snap out of the trance you had him in. Stepping back, feeling his heart shatter even more, he forced a smile and bowed his head, letting you go. 
Loki didn’t get a minute of sleep that night. His mind was too busy thinking about what you were doing and if your date was treating you how he would, and if he was complimenting you in the way he would. 
The next morning, you stood smiling with Emily. Loki only heard a couple of comments from you about your date. But he couldn’t help but smile when he heard you at the end of the conversation, when Emily asked if you’d see him again, you said; “No. Brad was great and all, but…”
“I don’t know. He talked about his ex quite a bit. And when he dropped me back home, he got a call and he seemed pretty happy about it.”
“Oh.” Emily sighed. “I’m sorry, hun.”
“No. Don’t be. Brad found his “one”. I’m just…I can wait a little longer to meet mine.”
“Well, in the meantime, I have a case for you.”
But, just as Emily was about to hand you the file, you heard your name being called into the Captain’s office, including a couple other officer’s names. 
“We have a hostage situation at the bank, downtown. I need you and these officers to go down there and get as many people as you can, out of there and to safety until SWAT arrives.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Once you left the Captain’s office, Loki made his way to Emily’s desk and asked if she knew what was happening. 
“I don’t know. Whatever it is, the Captain seems upset.”
But then they got their answers. 
“Listen up! We currently have a hostage situation downtown with live civilians inside. I have already assigned a team but I need everyone to be on call just in case.”
Before Loki or Emily could say goodbye and good luck, you were out of the building like a shot. 
Just over an hour later, the team returned, minus one. 
Loki called out your name until one of the officers came over. 
“Where is she?”
“She said she would walk back to the station.”
Both Loki and Emily knew it must have been a tough one if you had decided to walk back to the precinct. 
Only, after 15 minutes of Loki’s thumb hesitating over your phone contact, Emily’s radio came on. 
“All nearest available units and officers to 6th Avenue. We have an active shooter inside Jefferson Library.”
What followed were multiple badge numbers and officers names before those three, dreaded, words. 
Show me going. 
After the first five officers, with people tuning in and out, not really knowing the badge numbers, everyone recognised the sixth. 
“Y/L/N, 64952. Show me going.”
“That’s Y/N.” Emily said before turning to look at Loki who had been drained of colour. 
For the following two hours, Loki spent the whole time trying to distract himself from what could be happening to you. Every now and again, they would hear the sound of bullets flying and Loki had been restrained to remain at the precinct. 
He couldn’t double himself or transport himself to the library. He already had a case to work on and they couldn’t afford to possibly lose another officer, even if said officer was a God. 
When a third hour passed, Loki was ready to leave just as his Captain called him into the office, closing the door behind him. 
“Sir, with all due respect-”
“She’s in the hospital.”
Loki stopped in his tracks. “What?”
“From what they’ve told me, she’s okay. Just a little bruised. She took a bullet to the shoulder but the doctors have said she’ll heal up nicely.”
“Okay.” Loki didn’t fully know where to put himself. 
“They were going to call you, but one of the on-call officers alerted me first and I asked the hospital not to.”
Loki had been your emergency contact for three years, just as you had been his. They should have called him regardless. 
“Because you would have rushed down there and kicked up a storm that they didn’t need. Look, son, off the record, I know how you feel for our girl. We all do. It seems you two are the only ones not to know. But I need you to go down there now, and take her home. Stay with her all week if you have to. I don’t want her feet stepping anywhere near this building until she’s well enough to come back to work, at least at the desk.”
“She’ll still fight you on it.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. But I need her to rest for this week. I’ll have Emily and a couple of the Rookies cover your cases in the meantime.”
“I can still come in to work, Sir.”
“Perhaps, but what happens the moment you leave her alone?”
Loki nodded. He should have thought. 
You’d do something that would probably tear open your wound again, leaving you out of work for longer than any of you want.
“You have a point, Sir. I’ll make sure she rests.”
“Thank you. You’re dismissed.”
By the time Loki arrived at the hospital, you were already sitting up in bed, trying to get dressed. 
“Need some help?”
Looking towards the door, you found Loki standing there. 
“No. It’s okay. I’ve got it.”
“I’m on strict orders from the Captain and the doctors, and Nurse Jenkins to make sure you don’t open up your wound.” Loki said as he walked towards you, watching you get frustrated at yourself. 
Reluctantly, you accepted his help and he pulled your jacket up over your shoulder before kneeling on the floor and helping you put on your shoes. 
“I can tie them myself, you know?”
“Without moving that arm?”
Loki smiled, “Just stay still.”
A moment later, “There, all done.”
“Thank you.”
Loki watched as you went to pull your bag from the floor, but as you did, it slid away from you. 
From the floor, where it now lay at his feet, he picked it up and placed the strap over his shoulder. 
“No. Like I told you, strict orders. I’d hate to break them.”
“You love to break them.”
“But somehow, this way is more fun.”
“Of course it is.”
Loki smiled, “Come on, I’m driving you home.”
By the time you both arrived at your house, Loki opened up the door and you walked in and kneeled down to pet Zoey who was taking extra caution when sniffing you and your new bandage. 
“I’ll make you some food, you must be starving.”
“I am, but, Loki. Please, you really don’t have-”
“What are friends for?”
“I wasn’t aware that we were.”
An awkward silence settled over the two of you. 
Speaking first, Loki said your name. “I’m sorry about what I said. I shouldn’t have said it. You have been my closest friend since I first met you. Know that I didn’t mean it. You mean a lot to me…more than you know.”
After a minute, you nodded. 
“Okay. But this doesn’t mean I forgive you for letting Zoey jump out of the tub that time.”
Loki smiled with a laugh. “Of course.”
“And I have some of those mini pepperoni slices you like in the fridge if you feel like pizza?”
As you left to get into the shower, Loki busied himself with making fresh pizza. Though, his mind ran off with him as he thought back to the first time you taught him how to make it. It had been six months into knowing you and you had just  found out he was a “God”. But not only that, but that he was a God who had never made homemade pizza. 
So you taught him what to do. 
Perhaps that was where his feelings for you had started, without him realising. 
It had been the first time he’d seen you relaxed. You were both in your own clothes - not work attire. Your hair wasn’t in a bun, but rather a loose ponytail until after you finished your meal where you removed the bobble and let your hair down. 
However, just as he put the pizzas in the oven, he heard you call for him. 
“Everything okay?”
“I–” you huffed. “I need your help.”
“Can you come inside?”
“A-Alright. Should I cover my eyes?”
“If you don’t mind.”
Opening the door with one hand, Loki covered his eyes with the other. 
“I can’t get my top on.”
“O-Okay. What do you need me to do?”
“Just…here, hold onto this end.”
Helping him with the instructions, Loki held open your t-shirt for you and helped pull it down your arm and body until you said; 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
Opening them, Loki gave you a small smile. “Everything okay? Wait, here.”
From down your back, Loki pulled your wet hair from out of your shirt. 
“I- I can help you dry it…if you’d like.”
“Sure. Only if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not.”
“After food, though. I didn’t eat at the hospital.”
An hour and half later, you were sitting in front of your desk and mirror with Loki brushing his fingers over your hair as the hot air from the hair dryer blew it back and forth. 
Soon enough, all though too soon, your hair was dry and Loki turned off the hair dryer. 
“There, all done.”
From your desk, you remained seated whilst Loki walked backwards and sat on the very edge of your bed. 
“About what I said that day-”
“Loki, please…you don’t-”
“Yes, I do.”
“No. I-” you looked down at your hands for a moment before looking at him through the mirror. “I heard what you said and, you don’t have to say anything else.”
“But I do.”
“What else is there to say, Loki?”
“That what I said wasn’t true. Not even by a thousand miles.”
You were a little confused, but Loki continued to explain.
“The moment I saw your face…I knew what I had said and all I wanted to do was go back in time and stop myself from even thinking about saying it. And then when things changed afterwards, it made me realise that not only did I love you as a dear friend, but also as something more and I couldn’t put my finger on what that was until today.”
“When I heard your badge number…I couldn’t even think. And when the Captain said you had been rushed into the hospital.”
You could see the tears in his eyes as he told you what was going through his mind. 
“Just the thought of losing you…of never being able to see you again or even just hear your voice…I…it terrified me.”
You turned around on your chair to look at him properly.
“I love you too much to lose you. Please, don’t let me lose you.”
“Then don’t let me go.”
Looking at you, Loki seemed a little surprised and you took a mental picture. There probably wouldn’t be many opportunities to surprise the God of Mischief. 
“What they told you…it’s true. I didn’t know until after a year of knowing you. I still don’t know why, but I do.”
Without saying a word, Loki slowly stood before taking your hand in his, allowing you to stand with him. 
“If I kiss you right now, will you punch me?”
Loki leaned in before pulling back. “You promise?”
“Scouts honour.”
“Were you even a scout?”
You were silent for a moment. “No. But the honour still stands.”
Loki laughed a little and smiled before hooking a finger under your chin and pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours. 
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blue-aconite · 4 days
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Javy loves when he and Natasha are off-duty because it means her hair is out of its regulation bun and he can run his fingers through it whenever he likes.
writer's truth or dare
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