#fck look at his puppy eyes
rubywithecat · 7 months
—— Being poccessive ——
Hello! It’s been a while since I write but I am always active here, reading other writers’<3 I am like having a really important academic year which is gonna end in next three months finally! But as I just get to watch new season of jjk I’m like wanting to write so much once again. I hope u guys will enjoy this as well <3 Thanks loves ily^^
T/W: Minors do not interact. Mature content included.
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Gojo Satoru: (Jealous type)
He’s always jealous when someone has given u unnecessary attention. Even tho you are talking to your classmate long enough, if it’s a guy, Gojo would act so jelaous about it. He would give silent treatment and is the type to drive his car in speed when he’s mad at you. You would just grab the handle tightly and beg him to speed down. At home, he would be aggressive with you when he’s jealous. He would pushed you to bed and tears your clothes down and kiss you, leaving bite marks all over your neck where it’s seen. And he would fck you (don’t expect to me gentle;) and cum inside you. “Say that you’re mine” he would kiss your lips till it sore to make others realize that you are his only.
Megumi Fushiguro (I don’t care but I actually do care type)
He won’t get jealous in small cases. But if someone show interest in you noticeably, he will give a death glare to them. He would grab your waist tightly, holding you closer. You would tease him if he’s jealous and he would just deny it, feeling embarrassed. If you give him a little kiss on his cheek, he will blush and can’t help but smile. After he made other guy excuse himself, he would hold your hand tightly and walk togther, making everyone knows that you are his and proud about that. He wouldn’t also hesitate to do a huge make out session once u are alone with him, having your lip stains on his cheeks.
Toji Fushiguro (Obey me type)
He wouldn’t straightforward say that but he would look at you with resting face. It’s so scary so u would excuse urself and go to him. “What’s wrong babe” you asked him, giving puppy eyes. He looks down and frowned. He grabs your hips with his big hands and squeezes it, making u a small “ahh” He smirked and whispered. “Tell them that only I can make u feel this good, brat” He would continue to tease u by touching ur sensitive spots and make u moan helplessly. When ur begging so much, he would say like “if you behave next time, I will give what u want. Ok?” U nodded cuz u can’t speak as his hands are chocking ur neck already as he fingers you and then he would take u to somewhere more private, likely to his car and fcks u right there and makes u can’t speak other than his name.
Sukuna Ryomen (You’re dead type)
U are realy dead if he sees u being friendly to a guy he doesn’t have good feeling about with. He would pull your hand and dragged u with him without saying anything. And he would pushed u to the bed when u arrive him and he would start to tease u and turn u on. When u think he’s gonna fck u, and ur waiting for it, being ready. He would laugh and put his clothes on. “Look at u being so needy Awwn” he would say in mocking voice. “Too bad I don’t have a mood right now” he would leave u hanging. Later enough torturing u, not giving what u want, he would make u phone the guy who’s previously flirting with u and make u talk with him about unfinished work interrupted by him earlier and he would fck u aggressively behind, making them hear sounds on purpose. After finishing, he would grab your phone and take the call himself and tell the guy like “I’m sorry kid but only I can fck her like this so don’t ever even fantasize her in ur dream or else I would slice u in pieces. Do u understand?” He then ended the call and tell u like “next round?”, smirking.
(Likes and shares would be really appreciated <3 Feel free to share ur thoughts and request are also open now) Thanks<33 Sry if it’s short! I will make up for it later <33
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beautifulfuckup99 · 5 months
OC getting jealous from the dancers in 3D so JK fcks her in his room on set to prove her wrong 👻👻👻👻👻👻
I love this, but I had to put a spin on it, you can hate me later...
Title: 3D
Warning(s): Dom!Y/N, Dirty Ta!k, Overst!m, Subby!Jungkook
Author's Note: Some Himbo!Jungkook action going on here cause he just gives off that vibe lol. Enjoy!
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"'You're gonna love it, babe', 'The song's all about you and I, babe'..." You mumble in a goofy voice before rolling your eyes. Your boyfriend of a few months had happily invited you on to set of his newest music video and you weren't impressed by all the girls checking him out as he bounced around the set, hyped up and ready to give his all.
"Y/N! Look!" Jungkook calls out to you as you take a deep breath to release your petty aggression. You look over at your boyfriend and pause as you eye the white blazer he was in with no shirt on under it.
"I look good?" He asks happily and you open your mouth to answer, but get cut off by some random backup dancer.
"You look amazing, Jungkook..." She says and you wanna yank her by her blonde locks, but hold yourself back. It's been all morning of this and you were begging any and every god and spirit up above to grant you patience because you were close to losing it.
"I'm going to the trailer." You finally say, tired of putting on a smile. You walk off through the video shoot set towards the trailer parked at the end of the parking lot. Jungkook notices right away, looking towards the director.
"Cut? Please?" He asks and when he gets a nod, he's off towards the direction of the trailer as well.
You sigh as you walk in and make quick work of your sweater. You were hot and annoyed and tired and-
You're pulled from your thoughts by Jungkook walking in after you. Great...
"What's wrong? I wanted you here for fun. Why aren't you having fun?" He asks softly as he looks at you with a frown that you want to yank off of his face. He had no reason to be all upset. You should be the only one frowning here.
"I don't know, Jungkook. Something about my boyfriend being grouped all day long while I watch with the hot sun beating down on me just isn't all that fun." You say finally and he pauses.
"Groped? By who?" He asks and you give him a look.
"You're not serious, right? All those dancers who are eye-fucking you!" You say loudly because it's so painfully obvious! He stares at you with his face just as confused as before. As if your outburst didn't clear up anything.
"Y/N, I... I still don't know what you're talking about." He says, and you groan loudly before grabbing his face and kissing him hard. He wanted to play dumb? Fine.
As the kiss starts to heat up and his hands grip your waist, you pull away. "You've been bad." You whisper against his lips, and he looks at you, eyes instantly growing softer.
"What? I-" You cut him off from his gentle voice.
"You have been misbehaving, puppy." You say quietly as you look up at him.
Size didn't matter at this moment.
Control did.
And Jungkook... Loved being controlled.
"But... I... No, I haven't-" You cut him off from his pouting.
"Are you talking back?" You ask sharply and he quickly shakes his head.
"N-No, Y/N, I just-" You grab his chin and make him look at you in the eyes.
"What did you just call me?" You ask and he shivers quietly, looking at you with a small pout.
"Mistress..." He whispers finally. "Please. I was good. I... I have been so good, mistress. I can't help it if people look..." He tries softly and it makes you glare at him. Wrong answer.
"I know what the problem is. I was away for three weeks. You've been bad because you've forgotten who you belong to." You whisper as you stare him down.
"Mistress... No. No, I... I know who I belong to. I know I'm your puppy. I..." He trails off long enough to kneel in front of you as you cross your arms.
"Puppy's sorry, mistress..." He whispers as he looks up at you while nuzzling against your bare legs thanks to your shorts. You hum as you reach down to brush his hair back before you yank it back hard, so he looks up at you. He softly whimpers, but his tongue licking his bottom lip showed you just how much he loved it.
"Get undressed. Get on the bed." You whisper finally as you watch him nod as best he can with your grip still on his hair. Without a moment of hesitation, he undresses down to his boxers which were also white.
"I know I was bad. I should have... Told them to stop looking at me like that, mistress..." He whispers and you laugh humorlessly.
"Too late for that now." You say as you walk over to stand between his legs as he looks up at you from his seat on the corner of the bed.
"I bet you loved their attention. Because you knew how badly it was pissing me off. Desperate puppy like you? Any attention is good attention, huh..." You whisper as you push him to lay back. He whines quietly at the accusation, but he doesn't deny it...
"Guess what I came with..." You say as you straddle him before reaching into your back pocket. You pull out a golden dog collar. Jungkook's eyes light up when they spot it glistening in the sun rays that are seeping in through the small crack in the curtain. It was ironic. The golden maknae with his golden collar on to be your golden puppy. Such a cute and stupid puppy...
"M-My collar!" He whispers, smiling happily and you hum before putting it back in your back pocket. He instantly frowns.
"Wait. Wait. My-" You cut him off.
"I don't think you deserve it, puppy. I don't know if you're even mine anymore." You say simply.
"What?! No! Of course I'm your puppy." He says fast in a pouty tone. It never took much to get him all small and whiny. He was a perfect play toy. Then again, ARMY swore he was perfect at everything...
It makes you snicker a bit.
"Then prove it..." You whisper as you slowly start to grind against him. He gasps and his eyes shut instantly at the attention. You grab his neck and he moans quietly until you squeeze slightly.
"Eyes stay open, puppy." You growl as you grip his neck firmly. He whines as he opens his eyes only for you to kiss him harder. He can barely keep up as you grind harder against his crotch.
"Please. Please." He whines quietly against your lips as you start to feel him harden under you.
You ignore the soft pleas between heavy pants as you quicken your pace against his hard cock now.
"Oh! Oh, please, mistress. Puppy's gonna cum!" He cries out softly as he raises his hips, desperate to chase down his release but still a good enough sub to warn you before he does. You move from his lips to bite along his neck. Fuck this video shoot, they'd have to redo his makeup, or change his entire outfit lineup, but you were gonna show that he was yours...
"Oh, I'm gonna cum!" He moans loudly as his head rolls back. You smirk as you feel the warmth seep between you both as he pants harshly, whining quietly.
"P-Puppy... Puppy made... Puppy made a mess..." He whimpers quietly as you get off of him.
"I know. Looks like you need to clean it up..." You taunt quietly before you softly rub along his bulge while he moans quietly over the overstimulation. You raise your hand up to his mouth, some cum on your palm that had seeped through his boxers.
He wastes no time in licking up his mess from your hand, sucking hungrily on each finger as you watch on happily before you rub your hand all over his face to smear it with leftover cum and his spit. Then you pull your hand away to undress.
"I-Is... Did puppy show he's good?" He whispers, not even caring about what's on his face. He blinks a bit to focus on where he is, and you want to laugh.
"We're just getting started." You whisper before you get back on him, licking along his chest to one of his nipples. You bite it and he hisses at how good the pain feels, but he arches closer to your mouth when you suck on it.
"Oh. Mistress... You're being so mean..." He whines quietly and you smirk at that.
"You wanna see mean?" You whisper against his nipple as he shivers expectingly. You reach a hand down between you both so you can grab his still semi-hard cock. He gasps in surprise as you start to stroke it.
"Oh. Oh, mistress. I..." He cuts himself off with a struggled cry when you nuzzle his tip into your entrance. "M-Mistress! Mistress. I-If you... If you use my cock like that... Fuck, I might cum again. T-The tip is... It's too sensitive." He whines as he looks up at you, eyes struggling to stay focused on yours as you fake sympathy before slowly sliding down his shaft.
"Please. Please, mistress, puppy is sorry. Puppy-Ah!" He cries out when you take all of him into you.
"Oh fuck, yes..." You gasp, feeling full in an instant and having him withering under you was just as perfect. You start to ride him, feeling him harden between your walls that milk his cock so good. He's a mess of whines and whimpers under you as you speed up.
"You better not cum." You whisper as you grab his neck firmly. "You wanna earn back your collar, right?" You taunt quietly as you ride him, hand on his neck as he nods fast.
"Yes! Yes, mistress! I-I want... I want my collar. Puppy can be good. Puppy will be so good!" He moans as he grips the bedsheets, knowing not to touch you without permission...
"Tongue out." You order as you choke him a bit harder, making him gasp for air, but he opens his mouth with no hesitation, tongue rolling out as his eyes roll shut. You spit in his mouth and watch as he swallows it.
"Thank you! Thank you, mistress! T-Th-Thank you for the drink..." He whimpers as he starts to thrust up into you, actually hitting your spot with how his hips were angled.
"Oh! Oh fuck..." You moan as you hold his neck hard for balance.
"That's it. That's it, mistress. Use puppy. Puppy is so dumb. Such a dumb toy..." He whines as he looks up at you in awe. You love these moments. Moments where even as your 'dumb puppy' he was still smart enough to know how to make you feel good. It was a sensitive balance. He knew when to give and when to take.
"Master, fuck! Yes, yes, yes." He cries out as you feel his cock throb deep inside of you. It feels so good. You sit down on his cock fully to grind hard against it as you feel yourself get closer.
With no warning from you, you cum around his cock, squeezing it as he calls out your name in pure pleasure, not caring who's around. You wished everyone could hear him right now. 'Mr. Seven days a week' was a puddle under you, and you didn't mind if the whole world knew.
You lean down and bite at the spot below his ear as he cries out. "That's it. That's the spot!" He manages to cry out. "Mistress... I'm cumming again!" He whimpers and you suck on his ear lobe as he fills you up, trembling under you.
He's a weak and whimpery mess under you as you pull away to kiss him softly and meaningfully, always a fan of these intimate moments after using him so freely. "Thank you, mistress. Thank you so much..." He whispers quietly as he looks up at you, his eyes shining with adoration as usual. You look at him for a moment as you think about everything that had happened today.
"You really didn't notice, did you..." You whisper after a moment of searching his eyes. He hums softly as he shakes his head. He really had paid no attention to all the girls around him all day long, giving him long looks and overly giggling at his jokes.
"I'm your puppy. I only see you." He whispers tiredly as he looks up at you. You sigh softly at that and shake your head.
"I'm sorry. I guess long distance has me... Paranoid." You sigh as you lay full on him, your chest pressed against his as your hands move to wrap above his head. his hands tenderly stroke your hips lovingly.
"Never be sorry. It's hard, but... I want every minute of this relationship with you, Y/N. I love you..." He whispers as he shuts his eyes when you start to stroke his hair back. You smile sheepishly at that.
"Mm... You've earned back your collar. Sweet talker..." You mutter playfully before pecking his lips softly, making him smile wide and giggle, proud of himself.
"Thank you, mistress..." He whispers playfully and you snort.
"Not so fast..." You say before sitting up again so you're back on his cock. He shivers quietly and looks up at you in surprise.
"I'm not done yet. I wanna ruin you first..." You whispers happily before kissing him happily.
Hope ya'll liked it.... Again, I'm sorry it isn't exactly what was asked for, but sometimes you gotta give the people what they need even when they don't know they need it lol.
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fandom-puff · 6 months
I have lots of smutty thoughts:
John Shelby is secretly a kinky fck with a massive dom side that would put Tommy to shame
Sirius Black is the biggest sub and has cum just by eating you eat out multiple times
Hotch is really vanilla until he meets you and realizes how absolutely filthy you are it ends with him taking a week off just so you two can fck uninterrupted and discover every kink he didn’t know he had
Omggg. I’ve put a ‘read more’ thing cos this is a bit longer!
Send smutty thoughts about fictional men x
John Shelby is one kinky motherfucker, and he’s definitely dominant in AND out of the bedroom. He adores rough, filthy sex, and loves seeing his cum splatters on your body, be it your belly, ass, tits, thighs, whatever. But what really makes him feral is seeing his cum seeping out from your cunt. Fuck, it gets him hard all over again, only this time he’ll fuck you through several orgasms, as even if he’s hard, it’ll be a while before he cums again. Not that you’re complaining obv. Definitely one to grab your cheeks and force you to look at him, telling his pretty girl that she’s gonna cum on his cock over and over, till he’s done with you, that his good girl can take it, can’t she?
Sirius black can be such a sub, and he’s definitely got a bratty streak to him. He’d DEFINITELY cum from eating you out, grinding his hips into the bed, rutting like a horny little puppy. Rather fitting really. His eyes would roll back so much, but when you do see his actual irises and pupils, his pupils are blown so wide they almost eclipse his irises completely. And his pale face is flushed the prettiest pink, a little sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead, his black hair sticking to his face as he dives deeper into your cunt, hardly stopping breathe.
Aaron Hotchner is rather vanilla, given he and Hailey didn’t experiment much. Not that that means he’s bad at sex- I envisage him as someone who wants to make sure his girl finishes at least once or twice before he even thinks of his own release. But when you approach him, your face aflame and barely able to hold eye contact, about your filthy fantasies, he’s taken aback. But hearing that you want him to overpower you, to slap you around a little, to have complete control over your pleasure, you bet your ass he’s doing his research. Absolute consent king. And thus ensues a rather extensive regime of kink exploration, discovering what gets the two of you going.
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hopelessdazai · 10 months
Hello I found your blog recently and I love your writing 😍
I was wondering if you cold write about Dazai and Chuuya with reader got a terrible day at work (sad, upset, angry... The kind of days your u just say fck it all and go home), and when they get home the slightest thing annoyed them, it's the last straw and they lash out Dazai/Chuuya. But reader realises they said mean thing they didn't mean and are truly sorry? May or may not have nsfw elements (your call). I know it's oddly specific I just had a terrible week at work.... Need some comfort ><
hii! I did this as a dazai x reader for you if that's okay, and I hope your situation gets better!!
a rehabilitated despondency.
contents ; dazai x reader, fem reader, yelling, slightly angsty at some parts but it ends fluffy.
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you just wanted to get home and rest, with the majority of the world testing your patience, there was nothing you would've loved more then to go home and simply relax.
but relaxing isn't a popular hobby when you have such a boyfriend as dazai osamu.
"you're home! you're home! oh I missed you, so so so so so so much!"
he bounds up to you, practically the same as an eager puppy, wrapping his arms around you and naturally bouncing up and down with you in his arms.
"dazai- please, let me sit down-.." your voice must've unheard of, as he kisses you and spins you in circles. you'd already been hot and bothered by today, and this certainly wasn't helping.
"for fucks sake, osamu. if you don't get off me.." you mumble, your voice a threatening sort of tone. he doesn't listen, cupping your cheeks and chubbing them together.
"ohhh~ is my poor little grumpy girlfriend maaad~? you're like a cute little puppy!"
you knew it wasn't his fault. and as much as you could blame yourself, you were overwhelmed. so you couldn't exactly help it when you lost your patience, your hands roughly clasping at his wrists to pull them off your face.
you can physically see him deflate, the tone in your voice was more then the usual banter you had. a look in his eyes that was both unreadable and full of an almost hurt ounce of betrayal. he's almost waiting for another word from you as his hands fall to his sides.
"shit, no.. dazai, I'm sorry. just listen, I had a really bad day. it's not.." your breath hitches as you feel tears well in your eyes. was this even a redeemable thing? he shakes his head.
"no- no, [name], I'm sorry. I didn't listen." He sighs, swallowing a little from nerves and exhaling slowly, his fingers figiting with each other. "I should've given you time to relax. I'll let you be alone."
you shake your head, almost frantically, hugging him tightly and immediately beginning to cry as soon as your body latches with his. he returns the embrace, his hands finding your hair to weave his fingers through.
"I'm so sorry." you whisper. dazai lifts you and gently kisses the crown of your head, carrying you to the couch and sitting you both down gently, you fall into his lap. you apologise again, repeating the words over and over.
"[name.]" He says, almost sternly. you look at him, closing each eye as he wipes the tears off your face. "it's not your fault. I'm not upset with you, you had a stressful day. okay? I'm not mad." he whispers, you bury yourself into him.
"let's just forget about it, okay? rest. we can get takeout or something, does that sound nice?" He looks at you so lovingly, you nod. you'd fix yourself. just glad he didn't leave you.
"alright, I love you." He gently cups your cheek, kissing you in a way that means love. you kiss him back.
"I love you too."
- zai
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minnieves · 2 years
hey:) can I ask a smut where Kai trains the reader (orgasm denial/ control 😩‼️) cause she cums to quickly every time he fcks her (bc of his big cock ofc🥺🥺) thx youuu, I love ur writing keep going <33
thank you so much!
"you need to be a good girl for me, okay?" hyuka whispered in your ear. while caressing your face. he was looking at your face q smile slowly creeping up his face. "you look so pretty like this."
"hyuka, just one time please." you told him between sobs. you have been pleading hyuka since 30 minutes ago when he started. "i don't want a toy, please."
he moved away from you. seating on the chair in front of your bed. hyuka looked on your figure. your eyes red from crying. your cheeks wet and staining from tears. your body is sweaty from being edged by the toy he's using on you.
his eyes fall to your lips which has been red and puffy from all the biting and sucking you've done. your legs are shaking from being in all fours for a while.
"hyuka, baby please!" you plead to him. while he watch you from where his at. the remote from the vibrator in his hand. playing with the settings in his hand. "hyuka!" you cried.
"are you going to cum?" he teased you. knowing how your body is. knowing how you react to him. knowing how you look like when you're in the verge of cuming. "i can't have that."
he turned the vibe off. which leads to you grunting from where you are. your pussy clenching the vibe inside you. hoping to be relieved. however, you can't. you pushed the vibe out. feeling it fall on the bed. hyuka looked at you with his brows raising.
"hyuka," you called to him. trying the most puppy eyed look you can master.
"what do you want?" he asked you.
"your dick." you moaned out. arching your ass backwards. "please!"
"who am i to say no to you?" he asked you. removing his belt while smirking at you. he stripped himself of any clothing before walking towards you. "are you going to be a good girl?"
"yes! yes!" you whispered. your hand climbing to his chest while he stands in front of you. you bring one of your hand to touch his dick, but he caught it.
"you're not allowed to touch him." he told you. pushing you towards the bed making you fall back with a bounce. he slapped your thigh, before placing a pillow underneath the low of your back.
"hyuka! i would cum fast!" you told him. trying to sit down to remove it but he just pushed you backwards. spreading your thighs open so that he could see you tremble.
his cold hands feel like relief to your burning ones. which made you moan. hyuka looked at you, smirking at how you're falling apart when he wasn't even touching you.
"what do i want?" he asked you. jacking himself off in front of you.
"that i wouldn't cum unless you told me." you told him. watching his movement. "but you've been playing with me since earlier! i will cum fast."
"maybe i shouldn't fuck you?" he asked you. feigning concern. his other hand tracing your thighs.
"no, no! i would try." you pleaded.
hyuka moved his dick in between your slit. hitting your clit which made you moan. he dipped his head inside you. feeling you cling to him.
"don't clench y/n." he told you. sounding mad which made you almost whimper with how he said it. not used to the hard hyuka in front of you. "i won't fuck you."
you feel yourself cry as hyuka moved inside you. slow movements that makes you feel dizzy. one's that made you feel nauseous yet craving so dizzily against him.
"breahe y/n," he reminded you. while he thrust a little faster inside you.
"i'm going to cum." you cried to him. looking at his eyes to beg. his eyes are not ones who usually meet yours. they look ruthless, like he's enjoying seeing you tremble for him. which made you even hornier than he is.
"you're going to cum?" he mocked you. he slapped your thighs. his hand print seen on your thighs. his other hand is pressing your other thighs harshly. "i won't fuck you again if you do."
"mean!" you couldn't help but cry.
he's thrusting shallower now. sucking on your collarbone as he kept pressing on your thigh the other moving to your stomach to grope the flesh there.
the lines between pleasure and pain is blurring. you're not sure if the one you're feeling is pain or pleasure.
hyuka is now thrusting harsher and harder inside you. his hand gripping your other breast as he breaks you. making you unconsciously clench on him earning a moan from hyuka.
you were expecting him to scold you, but he didn't. he, however, looked at you. his eyes even darker. he suddenly flipped you over. pressing your head towards the bed as he use you like some fuck toy.
"hyuka!" you moaned. feeling the knot on your abdomen tighten harder now than ever. "gonna cum!"
"no." he said simpling making you cry to the bed. both his hands are now on your waist harshly moving. when you feel like you're going to cum he pulled out.
"fuck!" you cried. your orgasm not peaking again. you turned your head to glared at hyuka but he only smiled at you. he's still holding on your waist to prevent you from rubbing on the pillow undernear you.
"i've been good to you hyuka." you told him, screaming in frustration. he laughed at you before sliding inside you once more.
only now, his thrusts are soft and shallow. pissing you off even further. he sneaked both his fingers underneath you to tug on your nipples. making you gasp in pain.
he slowly picked up his pace. when his hands came back to your waist, he thrusts harder inside you. making you moan in pleasure.
"hyuka, i love you." you told him. hoping that it'd tug on his heart so that he'd let you cum. "i'm hoong to cum kamal."
"cum," he told you. snapping your head towards his direction in shock. his never faltering thrusts urged you to do so. making you cum with him.
shaking underneath him. you felt like your body is convulsing. your head emptying in thoughts. your heart beating so fast that it rings in your ear. hyuka's thrust helped you ride both your orgasms out.
hyuka pulled out of you. turning you to face him. before bending towards you to give you a soft kiss. making you smile because you feel like this is your kai.
"i would need to train you a few more times." he told you. nuzzling on your neck. your smile falters thinking of today's event with your legs still shaking. "need to train my cute fuck doll."
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whitefantasy21-blog · 3 years
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Ideas that i want to share in Avatar x Tcf
Choi Han and Jour has the airbender marking, Cale wonders if he should get tattooed too as an honor for his Mom, Choi Han would happily help him if he asks
(imagine Cale getting it too XD he’ll be bald )
Cale wearing the rob gets reactions, mostly screeching about how indecent the rob is and why is he wearing airbender clothes, IS CHOI HAN STAKING CLAIM?!
Ron smiles, it would probably be less threatening if he wasn’t holding a knife
(remember Cale grows up in the earthbender kingdom, not many knows that Jour’s an airbender cause of reasons)
Ron and Choi Han are already fighting in the background 
Beacrox and Ron are refugees from the Fire Nation, they never met Jour since she left before they arrived at the Henituse mansion
Cale who knows that they’re firebenders is terrified of them
‘What an adorable puppy’ Cale’s eyes shook at the terrifying smile the old man gave ‘Is he going to kill me?‘
Raon is a baby dragon that should have belonged to the royal family of the fire nation but due to some mysterious series of events his egg ends up with Cale, and instantly imprinting on him
“Dad!” the baby dragon beams
Cale who thought the egg was just a weirdly shaped rock ‘...fck’
later on;
Hong and On are ranaway children from the southern water tribe, you can guess why
 Cale who gives them one look “Oh look, free kids”
Fun Fact: Alberu is in his dark form in this Au, 
Alberu Crossman is the crown prince of the Earth Kingdom, he is known as a non-bender to his people
Alberu who secretly a firebender because his mother is from the fire nation, he would be heavily discriminated if people find out about this
Cale whose mother is from the ruined air temples and is secretly the avatar
“That's rough buddy,”
“...Call me hyung”
Later on;
Choi han fidgets: Cale-nim...
Cale who was having tea : what is it?
Choi Han :Could you call me hyung too?
Cale : ... fine, hyung
Cales covers his eyes from the brightness that was Choi Han’s smile seriously why wasn’t this guy the avatar ?? he was like a hero protagonist or something
Rosalyn and Lock are from the northern water tribe, Rosalyn is a princess and Lock is her guard 
Cale : oh no, there is more of them now
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kyutown · 3 years
Good evening my liege! 💖 I was intrigued to find out about you while diving deeper into tumblr hell so, I am here with a plead to ship me with nct and svt, of you'd be so kind ✨
Alright so for starters, I'm an infp! I'm a generally well-mannered person with people I meet for the first time, borderline sweet and awkward at the same time. I like not to overinvest in first meetings with people and sometimes I think I am somewhat defensive of myself. My emotions always show on my face, both the good and the bad ones. So if someone does say something that I find offensive or whatnot, it SHOWS. I generally hate rude and offensive people all together, as well as people who are vulgar if we're not well acquainted first.
I'm not good at starting conversations and I usually just tend to listen to my friends talk most of the time. It's not like I have nothing to say but I really like listening to my favorite people ramble on about things they love or generally talk about their lives. Im a pretty good listener and I am always objective, even with my family. I won't hold back and I will give you my honest opinion in every case. I always try to see from all perspectives, maybe that's why I'm often somewhat indecisive.
That being said, I really don't shut up about things I love or my hobbies. I'm usually the mood maker of the group as I hate conflict and tension. I am a very sarcastic and cynical person in general and that reflects on my humor, which can vary from vulgar to very dark and inappropriate. Yes, the type of person that will try to hold in their laughter cause I made a mental joke to a funeral. I love witty, stimulating and deep conversations. I'm not that big on casual chitchat but it's okay most of the time I guess.
I'm the personification of open-minded and im also quite opinionated and I can back up my arguments if needed but I tend to avoid getting into heated conversations cause again, my mind reads it as tension. I love being around friends doing nothing and everything but most of the time, I find alone time to be very healing for my mind and soul. I find authenticity and weird little quirks that people have extremely attractive. I'm somewhat stubborn as well.
I also used to have stress and anxiety issues, not anything serious but enough that I had trouble sleeping at night. It was just a few years ago that I decided to not care about every single thing and have a more of a "fuck that" approach in life and honestly, I've never imagined that it would be so liberating. I regained my confidence, physically and mentally, it was an empowering process! I really do believe that self-exploring and healing is the no1 most important thing that someone can do. Love yourself first and foremost and fck what anybody thinks.
So, moving on xD I am a romantic and soft deep down, even though I try not to show sad emotions when around people. But you can be sure I cry at random rescuing dog videos, or videos with people helping each other. I love humanity but hate it at the same time? 😂 Idk if that makes sense, it is what I feel lol I love to learn new random stuff! I'm currently studying linguistics and uni and I aim to be a translator or interpreter, cause i love languages and the cultural differences that come with it. Hence my undying love for music of different genres and languages! Music relaxes me and I couldn't imagine going on without it for more than 3 days. While I do tend to listen to kpop which is more upbeat and experimental, I also LOVE Latin music and rock. I love love traveling around the world! My hobbies include drawing which I'm self taught, fashion and creative writing! I tend to daydream A LOT during the day and so many ideas pop up in my head. I love exploring other cultures' religions and beliefs as well as mythology. I always found it fascinating. I love plants as well! My room is basically a garden xD I also love mystical but also borderline creepy and gory stuff xD I call skulls "pretty" the same way I would call a puppy "cute" 🤣 I'm aware οf that but I can't help but enjoy the look of horror in people's faces xD
oh, I really enjoy observing people as well! Not in a weird way! Their mannerisms, the way they speak, their features. I also love thriller and horror movies the most as well as dark social drama ones. You know, with murders, suicides etc I like how in even the tiniest ways they depict our society as people and frankly, it's sad but I try to be optimistic and keep a positive approach in life. I also really appreciate stand-up comedy xD
Closing up this huge essay, some last things xD I, and I cannot stress this enough, am unable to flirt. Like at all. I can't even maintain eye contact for more than two Seconds. I wish I was kidding. Sadly I'm not 😂Weird thing is, turns out I am actually able to flirt but I'm not aware I'm doing it?? I'm a master at text flirting apparently lololol. What I am, is also called DENSE AS SHIT when it comes to couple things. True story, if you want to do the freaky with your s/o and you need me to leave the room you better TELL ME RIGHT TO MY FACE or else, we gon be there aaaaall night xD And its actually a remarkable feature of mine, considering how dirty minded I usually am lol
I also think I'm touch starved sometimes, like I really like hugs and cuddling and teasing but I'm not gonna ask for it🥺I'm a night owl and I tend to procrastinate a lot. I can't work efficiently if there's not a deadline, like I need that pressure on me in order to function xD My weak spot is actually to act whiny and needy and cutely in front of me. I can do ANYTHING that u ask me of when this happens. And if I show any resistance, JUST KEEP IT UP. I'm jelly on the floor when this happens. Idfk why, it just works?? My sister is abusing the sht out of this method 😭I can't say I make friends easily, cause I believe I do come off as maybe off-putting or weird at times, plus as I said if you're really cant shove your conversation in my face the first time we meet, imma be just an awkward ball of giggles and smiles and "can I go home now pls" 🤣 My general aesthetic / vibes would be sunsets on beaches, soft grunge, cottage core, lofi and hedge witch aesthetics!
Okay so, I think that's everything and probably way more than u needed, so thank you for reading everything my stupid ass wrote❤️
hi! thank you for responding!
for nct, i think yuta would be a nice fit! yuta also likes rock as his favorite band is one ok rock which is a rock band. i feel like you guys would always listen to music (not always rock) and would enjoy making time go by like this!
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for seventeen, i think you would match well with the8! the8 would be the type to enjoy exploring new cultures with you and new religions, he would also love to dress up with you and put together outfits with you!
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omiscurls · 4 years
oikawa tooru (fck yes)
the word count: 3680
it does get a little angsty in the middle, but don't worry, it's pure fluff.
and let's go!
"You have to stop doing this to yourself, you know, Tooru?" you asked in a soft voice, as you finished wrapping a bandage around his knee, him sitting on the edge of your bed, and you on the floor "Wait, hold on for a moment. Hey there, Elsa, get me your Frozen band aids, alright?" you yelled, and then heard little feet running around the house, so you assumed she heard.
"Why do you call your sister Elsa? That's not her real name" he laughed, running a hand through his hair, and then suddenly falling on his back.
"Ever since she's watched that damn movie, she won't respond unless you refer to her as Elsa" you explained, rolling your eyes. "Surely you remember from when your nephew was her age, if she sets her mind on something, there's just no coming back until she gets bored"
"And how long has it been?"
"Around two months? Everybody got used to it, honestly, except for my mom, cause she chose her real name, and now she's upset, because whenever she uses it, that little monster just throws a tantrum and screams and cries like she's being kidnapped or something" you sighed.
Around the time you finished your sentence, the little girl came running into the room, holding a small box of plasters with "Frozen" characters printed on them.
"Thank you sweetie" you answered, taking the box from her "You can go continue whatever you were doing now, we'll make dinner in a bit, and mom and dad will be home late, alright?" you explained calmly, almost mechanically adjusting her dress, because of course she god it all wrinkled after playing on the floor all day.
But to your suprise, she just stood in place, looking at your boyfriend, draped all over your bed like a fricking Armani's model.
"Alright, 'Kawa, you want Olaf or the reindeer?" you asked, searching through the box.
"It's Sven!" they both shouted in unison, making you chuckle.
"Alright, well you're getting Sven then" you said, taking off the package it was wrapped in, and sticking it onto the bandage. "Cute" you summarized, finally standing up, and sitting on the bed beside Oikawa, who was now back to a sitting position, just to admire the little detail on his bandage.
You noticed your sister was still there, her eyes all glossy, for some reason, and you rewinded the conversation in your head to make sure you didn't say anything to upset her.
"What's up, my little princess?" Tooru asked, a concerned look on his face. For someone as attention seeking and childish himself, he was suprisingly good with kids, or more so, with little girls, boys hated him for some reason.
"What happened to Tooru-san?" she asked, her voice shaking a bit, and her hands trembled as she held onto the box tightly.
He laughed it off.
"Nothing sweetie, it's just there because I like it that way" Oh, what a smooth lie, you thought, because looking at him suffer really made you tear up sometimes as well.
"No it's not!" she yelled "People only get bandages when they're hurt!" she stomped her foot onto the floor loudly, making him giggle nervously, not knowing what to say.
"Oh, I guess you got me there, doctor" he admitted, scratching the back of his head in stress, the nicest smile he could pull off painting his lips.
You only crossed your arms at the chest level, and watched the situation develope. If he wasn't going to promise to be careful to you, then you weren't going to help him out with the little devil. Let him clean up his own mess, you thought.
"Did someone beat you up?" she asked, tears already running down her cheeks, as she sobbed loudly.
"No, of course not!" he got really scared, watching her get all emotional like that. He kneeled down to her level and hugged her "Nobody could beat uncle Tooru up, I'm the best" he smirked, but she only shook his head.
You laughed. He got what he deserved.
"Look, it's nothing serious, alright? I just tripped at practice and have to keep it bandaged so that I could still play volleyball! You remember when your sister took you to my game, right? I always have it like this when I play, you just never noticed, my princess" he smiled, and gently wiped the tears off her tiny face. "Nothing bad happened, I promise, have I ever lied to you?"
"No" she mumbled.
You were right now, though, you thought, but stayed silent.
"Exactly. Now, go finish what you were doing and then I'll do you something extra for dinner alright?"
"Ice-cream?" her eyes lit up as she gasped in awe.
"No" he laughed "Not this time, your sister might kill me. But something special, just for my little princess" he touched the tip of her nose with his finger, making her smile, nod, and run off to her room.
He sighed, as he got back on the bed.
"So lying to children is your new hobby now?" you asked casually, a grin on your face.
"Oh shut it, I got nervous. When did she get so good with puppy eyes?" he whined, covering his face with his hands.
"I guess she's learning from the best" you mumbled, laying down next to him, and hiding your face in the folds of his shirt.
"I guess she is" he laughed vibrantly, then staying silent for a minute.
"You've got to stop doing it, Tooru, whether you like it or not" you whispered, your finger marking circles on his chest, his hand playing with your hair.
You felt him inhale deeply before answering.
"Just one more match, I've got to beat Tobio this time" he hissed, gripping the bedsheet with his other hand.
"You've said that before"
"I can't let him win. You don't understand, I just... I'd fall apart if I lost to him. I was afraid of it all middle school, and even now, he hasn't left me in peace. See, of course I want to beat Wakatoshi. Of course I want to go to nationals, of course I want to win, no matter who I'm playing against. But that's just because I love volleyball, and I'm the team captain, and a third year, on top of that. It's my job to want to win, and the competetiveness I was born with. But against Tobio, it's much more personal. He's like that little demon inside my head who just keeps hissing 'you can't do it', 'you won't make it, no matter what you do, you can't beat me, I'm a genious. Who cares if I'm a selfish little asshole who has no people skills whatsoever, I was born with it, so I'll always win. You'll just never be good enough', you know?"
You felt his hand slide away from your hair, as he was no longer able to focus on doing anything else, getting really caught up in his thoughts.
"Would it help to think he's a human being, too? He has to practice as well, he has troubles, and issues, and worse days, just like you, and just like the rest of the world. Nobody's perfect, Tooru"
"I tried that. Many times in my life had Iwa told me I'm a monster for hating a little hid like that, because he's two years younger and deserves help from his senpais, not hatred. And of course I know that, I know he's just trying to play, like we all are, but fuck, sunshine, I can't get him out of my head, it's like I suddenly can't catch a breath when he's around, I feel trapped, I want to escape as soon as possible, but I know I can't, and it's impossible for me just to forget it and be all nice and senpai-ish. I know you all don't get it, I'm fine with that, I get that nobody understands why someone would be afraid of the one person in the entire world that actually looks up to him, I know I'm dumb and immature, alright? I know all that, I'm fine with being called childish, I just need to win. Or I'll fall apart."
You felt his breathing become short as he started to talk louder and louder every sentence, his voice cracking from time to time. Your heart ached, because there was nothing you could do to help.
You know what he was doing to himself needed to be stopped, but then again, he'd be miserable if he wasn't able to practice before the match, he'd probably panic and start making mistakes he wouldn't do if only he was calm.
It was like an endless circle of pain, both mental and physical, that you just couldn't seem to know how to stop. Like he was stuck in a loop you couldn't help him get out of.
"Sit up" you only ordered quietly, moving away from him so he'd be able to do it. He moved to support his back on the wall beside your bed, looking at you with slight suprise. You decided to sit on his lap to be able to look him dead in the eyes as you speak. "Stop crying"
"I'm not crying" he said, so confidently, you knew he didn't even realize. You swiped your thumbs again his cheeks to wipe the tears away, and only then did he notice he was in fact, crying.
"Listen to me" you cupped his face with your cold hands, causing him to shiver, as he stared into your eyes in shock. "You're not a monster, you just have bad memories with the guy, and it's causing you to panick a bit when you think about challlenging him. Let me break it to you, it's normal. You're normal. You're acting normally. I do understand how you feel, I at least try to, but don't think I'll just let you continue hurting your body like that. That's as bad as hurting yourself on purpose. There's only one Tobio Kageyama and countless other opponents you'll play against in your career, but that is unless you decide to fuck up your knee completely now, and never play again. How does that sound?"
It came out more harshly than you'd want it to, but someone had to break it to him, and you were glad it was you.
"No buts! Tooru, I love you, and I want what's best for you. We'll get through this together, step by step, and before you know it, you won't be scared before facing him anymore."
"I'm not scared of that little brat! See, that's just it, if you try to put my emotions into words, it just doesn't work, I tried that a thousand times already! He's a selfish little kid and I couldn't care less about him, I'm not fucking scared!"
"Shush, my sister is in the room next door, you idiot" you scolded him a bit, your expression becoming very harsh suddenly. He nodded, but continued, only in a lower voice.
"I can't name the emotion I'm feeling. I only know that I so desperately want to feel something else" he whispered, suddenly facing down, eyes focused on his fingers, intertwined together, and kinda sweaty. "Even if it's physical pain, I'll rather have that than this... whatever this is."
Upon saying that, his voice cracked for the last time, before he finally snapped, and started sobbing uncontrollably.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to react like that" he only managed to say, but you didn't respond, only hugging him close to your chest, putting your chin on the top of his head.
"Shh, it's alright. I'm right here" you whispered, moving his head a bit to be able to kiss his forehead. "Stop being a baby with this, and let me help you, alright? We've been through so much together, and this is no different. You're not alone in this, Tooru, and you never will be, do you understand?"
He nodded, not wanting to speak yet, afraid his voice will crack again.
You knew how embarassed he must've felt, he hated crying in front of anybody, but you saw that build up within him ever since your babysitting "date" started; his eyes were watery and tired when he first showed up at your doorstep.
"I'm just glad to have you here today, and know you're not doing anything stupid, if your mind is spiraling like this. I'm glad you told me all that, instead of keeping it all inside, like you always do. I'm glad you're safe. And remember, it's not all that bad to open up sometimes, even if it means sheading a few tears. They make you look more like a man than ever" you smiled, raising his chin up. He giggled, wiping his cheeks.
"Stop talking to me like to a four-year-old" he whispered.
"I mean it! Look at my man, showing he's sometimes a human too, instead of sharing yet another example of toxic masculinity. The pride I'm feeling right now—"
"Alright, alright, enough" he full on laughed. "Shut it already, you sound as seriously as my mum when she says 'no Tooru, of course you were planned. What do you mean you're a dozen years younger than your sister? That was part of the plan!' Really, improve your lying game, sunshine"
You bursted out laughing.
"What're you even talking about, oh my god"
Suddenly you felt arms wrap around your waist, and could smell Oikawa's perfume again.
He held you like that for a second before he could say something.
"Thank you" he whispered "For seeing that something in me that I can't notice" you hugged him back, gripping the material of his shirt, and squeezing his body even tighter. "For being there for the better and the worse, for sticking by my side... for dealing with me. I know I'm a lot"
You pulled back instantly.
"Who on earth had told you you're a lot?"
"Everyone, I guess? I mean, am I not? Even I can see it"
"Well, we all have our good sides and our flaws, but no, you're not a lot. We're all different, and you're my boyfriend, who I love and who I don't have to deal with, I'm just with him because spending time with him is like my own personal drug that I'm addicted to and I don't even want to get better" you smiled widely, as he giggled again, hearing your statement.
"Yeah, plus, you're hot, there's also that" you laughed, and he blushed just a little.
"I know, I have a mirror" he said, but deep down you knew he needed to hear that. Just as he couldn't see through the fact that he wasn't a monster, bullying a little kid, he probably had trouble seeing just how beautiful he really was, as well.
"Alright Mr Selfish, let me put my make up on real quick, if you so want to take Elsa to Pizza Hut" you sighed, moving to sit by your desk, and got all your cosmetics out.
"Hey, can I do it?" he asked, and you turned around, suprised, to see his eyes almost glow in the dark room.
"Am I going to look like a clown? Because if so, then no" you shook your head, but he was already beside you.
"No actually, my sister let me do hers back in the day, and I got kinda good, but I haven't done it in like, forever. It was always so satysfying to do" he said in a dreamy voice, so you took another chair from under the desk, and shrugged your shoulders in a 'you do you' gesture. You were kinda curious how it was going to work out, and after all, you had plenty of time to wipe it off and do again, if it was going to look terrible.
"It gets more annoying than satysfying if you do it every damn day, but you can try if you want to"
He took a quick look at your stuff.
"You use different things than Miko-chan does" he stated, already extremely focused. "Alright so, is this the concealer?" he asked, visibly curious, taking what truly was your concealer.
"Bingo" you laughed, and he opened it and started making dots under your eyes, your nose, and some spots you had on your face. You were suprised, noticing it were the exact spots where you'd put it.
"Where's your blender, though?" he looked around, but the foam was nowhere to be found.
"I don't have one, it was old, I threw it away and haven't gotten a new one. You're gonna have to use hands" you explained, closing your eyes.
It was a nice feeling, because he was extremly cautious, and only tapped your undereyes really sotfly, as if he was afraid to hurt you on accident. His fingers felt nice, touching your skin, but in a totally different manner than usual. It was more like a massage, honestly.
"Powder" he whispered, more to himself, than to you, and grabbed your powder and a brush. He tapped your shoulder, so you'd open your eyes, and showed you the product, with a literal question mark across his face. You nodded, and giggled, when you saw him so focused and serious, he looked like a cute little kid. "Stop laughing or I won't be able to do it" he pouted, and you managed to keep the smile off your lips, while feeling him gently stroking your face with the brush, again, as if he was afraid of breaking something on accident.
"Do you use an eyeshadow base?" he asked, when he finally put down the powder. He put on a little to much, you felt it getting kinda shell-y on your face, but you didn't mind.
"Yeah, but don't use it, we're not going to any sort of party, concealer and mascara will be quite enough"
"Shush, don't interfere in the artist's work" he mumbled, taking the base and tapping it against your eyelids, even more softly than before. He then grabbed a smaller brush and an eyeshadow palette, and sighed heavily before moving on to the hardest part of his job.
You were starting to get bored, and often shivered, feeling his breathing against your skin, for what he'd get all mad at you, because "You twitched, now it's ruined!" even if it wasn't. It was a great experience, though, and you as long as it was keeping his mind of spiraling on the Tobio Kageyama topic, then he could paint your face all day long.
He often cursed underneath his breath, for which you'd kick him slightly, under the desk.
"It's just so... it flakes off so easily! I'll buy you a palette for the next holiday there is" he mumbled, and you tried so hard not to laugh.
"You do know I don't even use it that often?"
"That's because you're the most beautiful girl on the planet without any make up, but what's the harm in making you shine just a bit brighter?" he grinned, focusing again on your eyelids.
Once he finished, he added some mascara, which was stressing for the both of you, and you often to do it for him twice, and then moved on to your brows, which didn't take him too long.
"Do you do contouring?" he asked, looking for the right products.
"I don't, it's too complicated for me. But if I did, I guess you should do that before the eyes."
"Depends on who do you ask" he winked, hading you the little mirror. "Now, be honest."
You were honestly amazed. Did Miko Oikawa train her brother into doing her make up each morning? There was no other explanation for him to be this good at it. He did a bit of a smokey eye, and even though the eyebrows were a little too thick, and the powder was weighting down on your cheeks, you were truly suprised it came out that well.
"So?" he asked, his hands covering his mouth, as he was waiting impatiently.
"It's great, Tooru, when did you learn that?" you said in awe.
"Miko-chan always said I have more control over my hands than she does, so she taught me. My dad didn't like it, though, but at least we had fun." he explained, getting up, and offering you his hand, so you'd get up as well. You put down the little mirror, and followed his lead. "I'm glad you like it" he said, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead. "Wow, did I put too much of that there?"
"I told you to be honest!"
"I was!" you laughed, as he pouted, shaking his head in disbelief. 'The audacity', you heard him whisper.
You left the room.
"Princess, come here, time for your surprise!" he yelled, and the little girl sprinted out of her bedroom, a huge grin on her lips. He kneeled down to her level, and pointed to his back, and she instantly understood what was going on, and jumped on him. He got up, placing her legs over his shoulders, and grabbing her by the ankles, so she wouldn't fall off.
"I don't think you're supposed to do that" you said condesendingly, but he rolled his eyes at you.
"She's being grumpy, princess, right?" he asked, looking up. Your little sister nodded frantically, pulling his hair in all different directions.
"How come you don't get angry when she messes up your hairstyle?" you mumbled with fake jealousy in your voice.
"She gets special privileges for being my princess, duh" he answered, unbothered, and stepped aside, so you'd get downstairs first, upon seeing your deadly glance. "Ladies first, queen"
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baelllamyblake · 6 years
Ask Nicely. ( Billy Hargrove x Reader )
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Request : Can I request a billy Hargrove x reader fix where reader is the new kid and has a photographic memory and like everyone thinks that reader is a slacker because nobody ever sees her studying but when the test scores come back Billy’s just like “wtf how did you get a perfect score when you literally do nothing” lol thanks love ya
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x fem reader
Word Count : 1,709
Warnings : none except for curse words and writers block writing ugh
A/N : okay so an anon asked me when i will write the billy fic they requests and i am PRAYING to that this is the one they asked for. if it’s not, please let me know !! also, if yall out there have photographic memory and this aint anything like it, i am so sorry i did like no research at all. also keep requesting !! this one was really fun to write !! 
“ Hey, why aren’t you studying? “ An unfamiliar voice piped up from besides you, your eyes shifted from the tall trees outside to the sudden blue eyes that belonged to your deskmate. People say that the eyes are the window to soul but these were locked tight. His earring swung slight from side to side, its silvery sheen reflecting the light off whenever it hit that perfect angle. His brown and weathered leather jacket contrasted wonderfully with his maroon shirt on underneath. You had never seen someone so hardened and intimidating in your life but you would never be able to wipe Billy’s face from your memory.
In fact, you could remember every word, feature, and image that you’ve come in contact with. Your brain just didn’t let you forget, it absolutely refused too! Your psychologist called it “ photographic memory “ after the countless MRIs and the many short stories she had you recite back to her. It got to be a hefty burden when you developed a love for books and reading them for fun was nearly impossible. It became downright tortuous when you accidentally walked in on your parents having sex one day.
However, you fully reaped the benefits your photographic memory had to offer. You managed to breeze through middle school by getting your friends to distract the teacher and you memorizing his or hers answer key before every major test. If only you hadn’t moved across the country, you could’ve still been living it up with your closest friends in California. Now, you’re the new kid in a Podunk town with a RadioShack as the most advanced part of the main street. Other than that, it’s nothing more than a miniscule dot on a giant road map.
“ Why do you care? “ You spat out, your eyebrows knitting together in response to Billy’s dumb question. Before he could retaliate with a disdainful insult, the bell rung sonorously around the classroom. You never actually gave him a reason as to why you slacked off and it already began to eat away at Billy. You disappeared like a ghostly apparition with the rush of kids bustling out the doorway. He groaned out defeated, Billy wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.
“ How in the fuck are you passing, Y/N? You’re a fucking lazy shitbird. “ Billy snapped, his eyebrows furrowed in repressed anger. His eyes were glued to the A+ written in red ink at the too of your test. You got a brief glance at his paper before he folded it out of sight in shameful embarrassment. A C- was marked in the corner, you could see the outline of the letter bleeding through the back of the page.
“ I’m not sure but if you asked nicely, I’ll consider telling you my secret and maybe even help you out. How about we talk about it over milkshakes or something? “ You teased the wavy-haired boy, a flirty wink following suit. It was highly unlikely Billy was going to accept your offer. His pride was far too large for him to swallow in one gulp.
“ Forget about it, Y/N. I am not asking you for help. “ Billy seethed quietly, his strong arms crossed firmly over his chest. You stuck your lip out in a childish pout, pretending to be offended by his remark. Your cute puppy dog eyes weirdly struck a chord in Billy, the corner of his eyes crinkled in disgust as he tried to cooly play it off.
“ Suit youself, Billy. Have fun getting C’s the rest of the year. “ You taunted him with the idea of getting better grades. His dad would finally get off his ass about the C’s and D’s dotted on his report cards. Billy leaned back in his chair without replying, his arms still crossed and his eye stuck at the front of the room. You let out a breathy chuckle at how boyish he was acting, how unusual of him. “ I’ll let you think about it. See ya around. “
You sat at a cafeteria table away from the crowds, chattering with your closest friends about the all the newest music coming out. Billy eyed you warily from afar, he desperately needed the help and Billy just couldn’t humble himself to walk up to you. The nervousness growing in his chest made him angry, this has never happened with a girl. There’s no fucking way that he actually liked you, you were a lowlife slacker with no initiative.
Yet, you were a slacker with a class rank of 6.
“ Ah, fuck it. “ Billy grumbled lowly, his stomach doing a backflip with every step he took towards you. Billy never took the time to examine all your features in class, he was too busy constantly rolling his eyes at your teasing. You were laughing A warmth nipped at the back of Billy’s neck, you caught his eye from across the way and waved happily with a gorgeous smile of your face.
“ Hey King, what’re you doing so far away from your pack of wolves? “ You articulated, your eyes wandered to the rest of his group. They were watching Billy’s every move with intent, probably wonddering if he was asking you out. Your attention shifted back to Billy, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck while his boot tried to grind its way into the white tile below.
“ I can’t believe I’m asking you this but will you please study with me? I’ll take you out or some frilly shit like that. “ Billy sighed, his heart drowned out the surrounding noise like a loud drum beating in his ears. The fear of you literally being able to see his heart bouncing around in his ribcage only accelerated his heartrate. “ Please, I’m desperate, Y/N. “
It almost amused you to see how jittery Billy was to leave, is that sadistic? You hoped not. He was growing more and more uncomfortable with every second Billy stood in front of you and your friends. All eyes were either on you or on Billy, lungs were waiting in bated breath for your response.
“ I’d thought you’d never ask. Where do you want me to meet you? “ You commented smugly, your eyes playfully slitting at Billy.
“ Whatever. Just meet me at my car. “ Billy huffed out, sweet relief flooding his mind and body as he sauntered off. Your eyes trailed down his back and stopped at his ass that was practically sculpted by the Greek Gods. He ran a through his hair in sheer stress before being hounded with questions by his friends. Your friends squealed in delight, immediately asking for your intentions with him.
“ A bitch just might make a move. “
“ Okay, Y/N, I think it’s time you tell me your stupid secret or else I’ll make you regret it. “ Billy spoke his empty threat with that signature smirk on his face. You sipped on your chocolate milkshake with a grin, Billy’s homework in your free hand.
“ Oo, I’m so scared, Billy! “ You exhorted, setting down the glass and sarcastically waving your hand in the air. Your brain soaked up his math work, a lot of it was wrong. No wonder he was doing so badly in Mr. Michael’s class. “ If you really want to know so badly, go get me a menu. “
“ Why? I already bought you lunch. “ Billy questioned dubiously, his eyebrows raising in confusion. You shifted your attention from the paper to Billy. God, he’s so fucking cute, why can’t he stop that?
“ Just do it, okay? I swear there’s a method to my madness. “ You digressed, your hand waving to shoo Billy away. He let out a loud groan before forcing himself out of the booth and retrieving the 50’s themed menu. Billy handed you the menu and plopped down on the bench seat, his suspiciouns were growing periodically. Just what were you doing?
“ Okay, I’m done looking at it! “ You chimed happily as you shut the menu within seconds after reading it over. You slid it in front of Billy, your eyes glued to his. “ Ask me what’s on the menu and you shall receive, Billy. “
“ I just got it like thirty seconds ago, Y/N. Don’t tell me you memorized all of it? That’s humanly impossible. “ He observed your confident body language, you knew all twenty items on that menu. Billy could see it by the shining twinkle in your E/C eyes. “ What’s number 16? “
“ Number 16 is the Hop-A-Long Burger. It’s topped with barbeque sauce, onion rings, and cheddar cheese. It also costs 50 cents. “ You declared, a cheesy smile grew on your face. This was only the start. Billy’s eyes turned to slits, how was that fucking possible? “ Give me a more difficult one. I want a challenge. “
“ What were the answers on the math test we had two weeks ago? “ Billy quiered interested, a triumphant smile curling on his features. How about that for a challenge?
“ A, B, D, B, C, A, A, D, B, C, Need I go on? “ You listed off ancouple of the answers when you could’ve named all of them off but you didn’t want to show off more than you already were. Billy looked as if he was blown away, his mouth hung slightly agape. He had never met someone with such an expansive mind. “ I have a photographic memory, Billy. I can remember everything I see like how handsome your smile is and that you’re left-handed. There’s a freckle on your ring finger too. “
“ That’s creepy how you know that but that’s weirdly tubular. I dig it. “ Billy admitted, a content smirk on his face. No wonder you were so smart yet so lazy, you didn’t have to put in any effort at all. He could finally die in peace and it took half a year! You’re so stubborn! “ Let’s do this again. I’ll take you somewhere nicer next time. “
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jinships-ideas · 6 years
BTS Run 44 - The Jin Harem
Bless this ep (you’ll see why)
Also, I’m posting real early this time!!!
Let’s Get It~
Check It Out~
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Wide-eyed cuties mirroring
Look at how Jk is leaning slightly towards Jin...
Gravitating to his hyung~
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Really? Jin? You had to slide your hand all over Jk’s arms?
I mean...I don’t blame you but...
Damn you for flaunting your ability to touch Jk whenever!
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He is just being a show-off now
(Low key don’t know if I want to be Jin or Jk more...)
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Taejin leaning in a little close right there
Joon: *grabs Jimin* Get away from my man! How dare you stand so near him! Chim: *Clenches fist* Hands off the goods
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Jin looking like a model with that pose
Jk looking like he enjoys model!Jin laying his hand on him
Su-J...why are you sad?
Yoongs: *wipes tears* Bitch, it’s your loss.
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Su-J laying his hands on Jin’s glorious back
I bet he wished he placed his hand a little lower...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Jin’s lingering hand...
He graces his fingertips along Jk’s arm...
Touchy Jin is touchy
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The rise of touchy Yoongs?
It’s rare for him to be touchy...BUT I’M HAPPY HE IS HERE
His arm seems angled so his hand is placed lower...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sneaky Yoongs 
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Touchy Jin strikes again~
Jin’s target this time: Tae!
Taejin blessing our screens with their visuals
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He got to touch the Worldwide Shoulders!!!
Left a visual, right a visual
Legend has it that standing between the TaeJin Visuals cleanses your soul and purifies your skin
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Yoongi let his hand fall to the back as Jin thrashes about insisting there was a ‘rabbit’
(There wasn’t)
But Yoongi is a tenacious boy so his hands naturally fall back into place on Jin’s shoulder
Yoongs also lightly smacked Jin for being too enthusiastic about the game
Yoongs: Stop trying to hard. I want to see you in a cute costume
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Yoongi... what are you ‘ahh’-ing about?
Why is he acting like he sees it just because Jin insists there is?
Someone is eager to please their oldest
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(he does belatedly say quietly ‘there’s no rabbit...’)
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Yoongs and Jk reaching out for Jin...
Jk goes directly for jin’s hand
Yoongs goes for a tug on his sleeves...
Pretty sure I’ve mentioned I prefer soft tugs
But JK,the man going straight for the hand-holding 
Jinkook and Yoonjin shippers be rejoicing
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In the midst of chaos, Jin will be Jin and Jin is a touchy boy
Joon is a happy boy
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Hobi reaching for Jin...
2Seok being extra
Ft. Jin’s other hand in a potentially naughty area of Tae
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Chim is NOT ok with 2Seok holding hands 
He goes in and separates them, taking over Hobi’s place
Chim: Only I get to touch hyung! Fck off you bright ball
Tae just outright grabbing Jin’s hand and arm
Tae knows how to take the good stuff
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Seriously though, it looks like its a Jin harem in this frame...
Hobi: *trying his best to get right next to Jin* Chim: *insisting on keeping Jin away from these punks* Back tf up losers Joon: *trying to shove Chim away because* Damn It HE WAS HOLDING ME FIRST Jk: *just chilling because Jin is still beside him in this whole mess* Yoongi: *also chilling but giving warning to the guy who is being too handsy with Jin* Tae: *the guy who is getting too handsy with Jin*
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That’s right. It appears tiny af but that’s Yoongi STILL HOLDING JIN’S SHOULDERS
Yoongs is one persistent alpaca
Or is he a sheep? Sheepish sheep Su-J
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Jinkook’s hands almost interlock in the whole mess
In the midst of chaos, Jinkook still gives us content
notice how Jin’s Jean Jacket (the alliteration) is lifted?
Tae’s hand went under Jin’s jacket in all the excitement and lifted it up
Tae had his hand near/on Jin’s waist and lifted that jacket up
Yoongs placing his hand/hoof on Jin’s back in the whole mess
Bless the chaos 
(I mean... it makes it hard to screenshot but all the content though)
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Ok you don’t see it directly but Jin definitely fell back into Yoong’s body
Yoongi probably tugged Jin a little too hard accidentally to make Jin fall back
Or was it intentional? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, Jin’s hand is right under Jk’s armpit and Jk has his arm on Jin’s back...
Yoonjinkook, bless you
Ft. Cutie Tae right in front + RJ representing us Jinshippers
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Jean (LOLOLOL) amidst another chaos grazes his fingers against Tae’s hand
Jin’s other hand just rests on Tae’s arm/wrist area...
Touchy Jin having a field day
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Chaos: Happens, Yoongs: still has hand on Jin’s shoulder
Ok Yoongs. Glad to see you know how to hold onto things that matter to you in the whole mess
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Even as the group moves back Yoongs still does NOT let go...
Fine Yoongi, you win the most-persistent-on-jin’s-shoulders’ award
Tae has also yet to let go of his grip on Jin’s wrist
HNNNG I love a good wrist grab
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Tae lightly nudging Jin’s arm as he fights for the chance to answer the question
Yoongs: Really? In front of my cute face?
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Yoongi shoving Tae off the frame is so fcking funny
Yoongs:  Move bitch, get out the way
Throughout the entire scuffle Yoongs still firmly place his hand on Jin
Priorities ON POINT
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While being shoved, Jin’s hand find their way near Joon’s waist
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Jin keeps his firm hold on Su-J’s fur too~
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Tae pushing Jin with a smile on his face
Happy Tae is the only Tae we need in life
Sexy Tae too
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Happy Taejin~
Ft. Partial Anindae!Jin
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Jin always got to nudge someone 
And it usually happens to be Jk
Jk isn’t complaining, neither are we
Yoongs:  내가 웃는게 웃는게 아니야 (I’m not really laughing)
(I noticed they used this line in a previous episode but I def used it before them so don’t go around saying I copied the Run eps k?)
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Egyptian Jin?
Jin leveling up his touchiness. 2 men at once 
Yoonjinkook shippers? Are y’all alive?
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Yoongi looks like he is exclaiming how he succeeded in locking arms with Jin...
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Bangtan: *FOND FOR JIN*
Look at all their smiles!!!
I love this fam
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Badly complied Mirror Jinmin!
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Cuties sticking together~
Bless our hearts
Bless our eyes
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Jk never lets a chance to touch Jin slip by him
Ft. side glancing Yoongs + Nervous Tae
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Jin and Jk manhandling Su-J’s head...
That’s animal cruelty you little shits!
Yoongi only laughs in embarrassment XD
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Jin reaching out to Jimin~
mid-process, his fingers collided with Yoongs’~
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*Ugly sobs*
Yoonjin is so touchy this episode
Bless Run Ep 44
Yoongi even softly tells Jin to ‘be faster’ and cheers him on?
I love soft Yoonjin
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Yoongi... LET IT GO, LET IT GO
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Someone does NOT listen...
Su-J being touchy af
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Taejin being visual mirrors~ looking charming while pondering
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Aww Yoongs pouting :(
Why so sad bub?
Is it because you are not in the position to touch Jin?
It’s ok, he’s touching you!
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Awww his pouty lips+ his dejected hands...
This frame looks like Jin is holding Su-J to comfort the pouty bub :’)
(he isn’t tho)
But Jin kept walking into Yoongs while going back while his eyes looked front~
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Tiny Jin being an armrest for Yoongs~
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Jin kept hovering behind Yoongs throughout Hobi’s turn
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Aren’t you two sticking a little too closely?
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Yoongi just kept repeating whatever Jin said
Parrot Yoongs~
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2Seok denim mirrors~
They were also chatting on the side
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JinJjaYeo?! (really?!)
I like how Jin’s name works in this non-pun
Bangtan: *amazed by AmaJin*
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Hobi eyeing tf out of that cup 
Hobi: Need. Cup. Jin’s. Lips. Kiss. Indirect Tae: Really? In front of my Jeju water?
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Chim: *successfully gets the cup Jin just drank from* Jin: *trying to reach for the second cup* Joon: No without me putting my lips all over this damn cup first mister!
(Hobi DOES get to drink from the cup Jin drank from eventually!)
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I don’t care how the game goes
Jimin is the TRUE WINNER
Indirect Chu from Jin+ Jinhug
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Hobi smirking(?) as he has the entire world under his hands
2seok be blessing us
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Yoongi quietly reaching out for Jin’s hand
Jin naturally holds Yoongs’ hand too...
*Heart clench*
Soft Yoonjin Warm Yoonjin Little balls of fur 
Ft. Hobi who still holds the world under his hands
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Yoongi back to being touchy with Jin...
So Yoongs ONLY gets touchy af with Jin huh?
Tae: These flirty pricks Hobi: Bitch move, I want the food, not any of your couple bullshit Jk: What wrong have I done in life to have to endure through this? Joon: How dare you chew and display your pouty lips as though some random ass guy is NOT touching you? Chim: See this? It’s a red card. I’m banning you two from being cringey fcks in front of me Yoongs: Listen up you punks. If you don’t want to suffer through worse, STFU. Jin: *chews and complains about how he doesn’t even like sandwiches* 
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Jin opening the bottle of water for thirsty Yoongs
Why does 2Seok look like they just got a new puppy sheep alpaca and are feeding it for the first time?
Ft. hovering uncle Jk
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Hobi laughing at Jin’s ment on how Yoongs looks like rice and is eating rice
Find someone as supportive as Hobi in your life
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Firstly, 2SEOK!!!
FCK why are they coming after my heart like this?
Secondly, Jin reaching for the spoon hoping to feed Yoongs once
(he doesn’t get to but you can see him scooping tons of rice wanting to force feed and tease Su-J)
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And then Taejin just casually gets super up close and personal 
Srsly, when I first watched this episode I was low key disappointed at the lack of Jinship moments
Once again, this potato gets proven wrong!
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Namjin: That couple that will argue about something stupid and insist they aren’t arguing and suddenly they are back to being gross domestic shits
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Magical Boy acquires a new power: Teleportation
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Jin: *teases Joon* Chim: *laughs a tad bit excessively* Hobi: What a bootlicker. You think you can win the favour of hyung just by laughing at wha the says? Tae: I don’t understand... Didn’t you do that just a few moments ago? Jk: I’m so done with these dumbfcks Joon: Can someone untie me already? Yoongs: Only if you promise to stop trying to flirt with hyung with your flowery language Chim: I’ll gladly lick Jin hyung’s boots Bangtan: What?
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Ahhh Yoonjin back at it again
More like, Yoongi back at it again with his touchiness
Escalate it a little to liven things up Su-J
He kept touching and patting Jin the whole time
I’m complaining but I’m also not complaining
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Chim nudging Jin on the arm~
Jk: Yikes, they are being nasty fuc- flirts again
Joon: Enjoy while you can little shit, let’s see you try to take a bath when all your clothes mysteriously gets put above our fridge
Hobi: This hoe ain’t loyal
Yoongs:  I'm like bitch, who is your mans?
Tae: My fists of fury are about to fly right into your punkass face
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Hi everyone. Today we will learn about ulterior motives.
This right here is NamJoon. 
NamJoon encouraged Jin to take on the bet.
Reason? He has an ulterior motive.
Jin’s punishment for losing the bet is to prepare meals for the Mountain team (Tae+Joon) 
Joon eggs (*badum tss*) Jin on into accepting the bet because even if Jin wins, he won’t lose out but if Jin loses, he gets to taste a meal prepared by Jin
This here is his sly face as he tricks Jin into accepting a bet.
This concludes today’s lesson on Ulterior motives.
(Ok but I didn’t understand why Jimin was so enthusiastic about it? Like what do you gain? I wish he would think a little more for himself and made Jin cook for him tooXD)
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LMAO his fake ass tone and smile contradicting how he feels happy that Chim will def win easily
Joon, your motives are so obvious XD
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Namjin being that couple that likes to disagree on shit all the time
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Poor Jinnie grabbing onto Tae’s pant leg as he screams
(I wanted to write ‘fist’ but that sounded waaay too naughty)
ok but like the whole team (production team too) was against Jin on this.
He stood NO CHANCE. 
THey fcking hinted Chim when he first gave the wrong answer...
FAKE NEWS. This is a conspiracy!
I’ve realised my mistake. Jin mistook Chim about giving the wrong answer but Chim was right since the beginning!
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The face of a good-looking man regretting his choices
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Tae&Chim&Joon: WOOHOO Hobi: Can’t believe those 3 fools played hyung Jin: I’ve been played Jk: Punches are about to be thrown at 3 players. There is only 1 true player. That’s right. It’s me. INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY Yoongs: Save me from this
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Jk consoling Jinnie~
What a sweet boy
Joon: *basking in the joy of being able to taste Jin’s cooking* Chim: Wait... I just realised I don’t actually win anything? HOLD TF UP
I take back what I said about how Chim wins no matter the game. 
Joon and Tae wins.
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Twinning Jinkook being sweet bubs with the younger one patting the older one’s back
Their outfit sorta parallel? Black vs White shoes, Blue denim outerwear Black Jeans vs Black outerwear Blue denim jeans
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Got cheated but still sincere and hardworking Chef!Jin cooking for Tae and Joon~
Feel his love you two!
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Jin probably ate a spoonful of salt to make sure it wasn’t Sugar
Or did he do it because he was salty
Hate me all you want I’ll still continue punning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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This is so domestic?
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Jinnie going the extra mile to make it nicer for Tae and Joon
Joon expresses his gratefulness and how touched he felt
Bonus: Joon’s fakeass laugh when Jin requested it to make up for him waking up early to cook for them
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This, ladies and gentlemen, is 2 happy boys blissfully eating food cooked with love and affection by their very own Jin-hyung!
That’s it for this episode!
Hope you guys enjoyed~
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Until Next time~
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kimmyswriting · 6 years
Hi~. Can I get a ship with Got7, NCT and MonstaX ,please?? I’m honest and keep my word. Not much confidence. Others usually say that I’m feminine, caring, reliable and fun to tease. I can be a dork, unconscious humming song, clueless sometimes, and clumsy… very often. Love sweets (let’s say all kind of food) flowers and ANIMALS. I’m adventurous and love traveling. I prefer walking to driving. I like drawing and enjoy listening to music. I’m also a fan of Horror movies. Thank you❤️
Heyy! Of course you can, I hope you like it ♥
From GOT7, I shipped you with…
This bb came straight to my mind while reading your request. I think he’d like your femininity mixed with your dorkiness. This evil boy would love teasing you about your clumsiness however would love going on calm, romantic walks with you because lord knows those long legs could carry him for miles.
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From NCT, I shipped you with…
He definitely likes someone more feminine in a relationship so from the get-go he’d be attracted to you. He wouldn’t really tease you because it’s just in his nature not to, there would be way more soft moments than comedic moments with him. He’s like the Aesthetic King™️ so y’all would always be taking photos of each other/together with flowers in your hair with some cute puppies you saw on the street. Overall you guys are just a bunch of softies.
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From Monsta X, I shipped you with…
He’s a baby in a big buff extremely sexy man’s body and is fluffy as fck. He has a lot of confidence in himself, particularly his body and he’d try his best to bring some of his confidence to you because in his eyes, you’re beautiful. He’s super dorky too and you guys would be that one goofy couple that everyone envies because you look so carefree and in love. Whenever you travel together you’d share a pair of headphones and listen to a cheesy ass playlist he made for you because this man is a romantic I’m telling you now.
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pornbotsfuckoff · 6 years
Supermarket Chaos
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Klance, I guess???
Word count: 694
This is literally just a trash fic based on memes from @klanceficatalogue (as well as some other memes I had to include). It's awful. Enjoy this mess.
Supermarket Chaos
"Hunk! Push me!" Lance screamed as he raced towards the nearest shopping cart, throwing himself into it. Miraculously, the cart didn't topple, and Lance moved to sit cross-legged near the back of the cart.
Hunk laughed and ran after his friend. He grabbed the cart and began walking up and down the aisles.
Lance poked the big guy in the arm. "Hunk! Go faster! Come on!" he yelled.
Hunk sighed, looked around to make sure the store was mostly empty, and picked up speed. He sprinted down the aisle, Lance whooping loudly.
Lance reached out to knock over a display featuring a variety of Fourth of July themed items. "FCK AMERICA!" he yelled.
The two boys whipped around a corner. Hunk looked up to notice a skinny boy with black hair pulled up into a ponytail at the end of the aisle. He tried to frantically yell at the boy to get out of the way, but the boy ignored him.
Hunk shut his eyes and let go of the shopping cart, hoping that Lance would stop speeding towards the other boy. It didn't work. Hunk watched as Lance, shopping cart and all, crashed into the boy, toppling him to the ground and tipping the shopping cart.
Lance groaned. He had closed his eyes at the moment of impact, and he finally opened them to see that he was lying on top of the other boy, who was looking at him with a look of annoyance.
Lance felt himself blush. This boy was absolutely gorgeous. His dark hair framed his pale face nicely, and his gray-purple eyes glittered in the harsh supermarket light. Lance felt himself reliving his bi panic from eighth grade. "Damn, hit me with that gay shit," he thought to himself. He opened his mouth to speak, but the other boy beat him to it.
"Really, asshole? What made you think that was a good idea? Look at the mess you made!" the boy snapped.
Lance sat up and looked around. A broken orange juice carton lay on the floor next to the boys, the juice spilling out everywhere. He scrambled to his feet.
"I— uh, I'm sorry! I'll pay for it! I'm so sorry!" He stammered. He reached down and offered a hand to the (very attractive) boy still lying on the ground.
The boy sighed and grabbed lance's hand, pulling himself up. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I have to be home soon anyway. I'll come back tomorrow and get it," he said, walking away.
Lance followed after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. "Hey, no! I'm paying for this and I'll buy you a new carton!" he rummaged through his pockets for his wallet, only to realize that he left it in the car.
"Hunk!" Lance called to his friend. "You were the one that pushed me into him, will you pay for the man's juice?"
Hunk caught up to Lance and the other boy. "Buddy, you were the one who wanted to ride the cart," he replied, laughing.
Lance turned to him with puppy dog eyes. "Pwease, hunky wunky? Fow me? Wittle me?" He begged. "I'll do anything!"
Hunk considered this. "Anything?" He asked.
Lance nodded. "Absolutely anything."
"Then perish," Hunk replied suddenly. Lance stared at him, a hurt look on his face. The dark-haired boy looked confused.
"Well, it was... nice... meeting you too, but I'm going to leave," he said slowly, backing away.
"Wait!" Lance yelled. "I'm Lance, what's your name?"
The boy glanced at his watch. "I really need to go!" he said, panicking. "But I'm Keith!"
Keith turned and sprinted out into the parking lot.
Lance began to chase after him. "Hey! There is no way you're leaving without me being nice to you! Come back!" he called as he left the store, looking around for Keith.
Keith was gone. The only living thing around was a small earthworm sitting on the sidewalk. Lance picked him up.
"Well, little guy, I never got to be nice to that guy, so I'm gonna be nice to you. You're coming home with me," Lance said to the worm.
"I'm gonna call you Keith. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," Lance whispered. "Safe and worm."
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wintersonata101 · 7 years
Elemental siblings talents
Petir: can turn anything into a weapon, master of martial arts, specializes in swords, a grumpy kitten who just wants someone to cuddle him uhukAnginuhuk
Angin: is everyone's friend, a moodmaker, cracks jokes that are horrible but people laugh anyway cuz he's cute, and he knows it
Tanah: is an all-rounder, the gentleman, very charming, makes people want to obey him no matter what, lady-killing
Api: can do any sport, extremely flexible, very quick learner, savage is his middle name, has Air whipped for him
Air: is an academic genius, can sleep anywhere, anytime, very observant, photographic memory, Api-whippee
Daun: is the apple of everyone's eye, looks adorable doing anything, Puppy Eyes no Jutsu, the epitome of adorable, thinks that everything is beautiful, protect this baby
Cahaya: can make anything he does and wears look good, sassy as fck, makes everyone else feel inferior in his presence, but he has a heart made of gold
Because I'm very soft for elemental siblings okay
But I also ship them romantically
And Tanah is all for me mwahahaha
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knets-on-baekhyun · 7 years
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Pann: EXO Baekhyun yesterday
OP: He’s fcking cool (plz click the source to see photos)
Overall: [+931;-109] 
[+180;-11] He was freaking cool when he performed with mic stand in suit and even ‘Touch it’ ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠ ‘Call me baby’ musical version is also so good
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[+171;-11] He’s so beautiful ㅠㅠ the color is also great
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[+158;-12] Woah he suits the hair color perfectly...is he even real?
[+93;-2] He was just born to be an idol. Honestly, I think it’s really amazing of him to give such aura made of the mixture of both typical handsome and puppy-like looks. Because he looks stronger when he has makeup, the word “hyung” automatically comes out of my mouth. He is just a born idol. He suits the hair color and the best thing is that he suits every makeup. I still can’t forget his SMA makeup. His jokes, eyes, gestures, and words all can make other people fluttered. This is my though as a high school male fan who became his fan after Seoul Music Awards. Anyway, when will they have encore concert? fck I have no ticket.
[+52;-1] I always feel that Byun Baekhyun looks so good in leather jacket. He looks like an excited puppy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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[+51;-1] Why is he so handsome like that…?
[+48;-1] He’s so handsome
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[+42;-1] Daebak… not a fan but he looks perfect with that hair color...is he even real? it seems there is a suitable word for him, but I have no way to express it…
[+41;-2] Why hasn’t he aged? I feel like all EXO members has aged ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+38;-1] Baekhyun who has gained weight gave a thumb up to Sehun’s abs... fck this is even considered gaining weight?
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viking-raider · 4 years
Mission Impossible: Love *Anon Request*
Summary: Henry has been trying everything he can to get you to realize he’s hopelessly in love with you, as you both work on Mission Impossible: Fallout. But, you are oblivious to a lot of it, worried he’d never love a plus sized woman, like yourself.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,935
Rating: Fluff, Puppy!Henry and PlusSized!Reader
Inspiration: Anon Request (x)
Author’s Note: Who wouldn’t!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes​
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Henry licked his lips as he watched you from across the room, the stars of a love sick puppy sparkling in his blue eyes. He was so hopelessly in love with you, and had been since pre-production. He'd been hinting at it for the last four months the two of you worked together on Mission Impossible, he'd hope you get it by now. He had brought you flowers on the first day of production, you melted as you smelled them and thanked him for them, and virtually socked him in the stomach, when you told him what a good friend he was for thinking of you. He'd invited you to be his special date for one of the award shows he had to attend, and you were ecstatic at the prospect of it. It wasn't every day you got to put on a fancy dress, get all glammed up for something so important. You thought nothing of it as Henry held your hand from the limo and down the red carpet to the venue doors. You thought about it for a split second, when he kept holding your hand, as you both made your way to the seats you would be occupying. But, the thought didn't last long enough for you to process, because you got enthralled by how amazing the venue looked. Henry pulled out every subtle, and not so subtle, hint and clue he could think of to get you to notice him, and how much he was in love with you. He was starting to feel desperate at this point.
“She still not notice you, all but swooning, over her, Henry?” Simon Pegg asked, coming up behind him.
“Not a fucking blink.” Henry sighed, like a deflated balloon. “I even cooked her dinner last night.”
A huge smile broke out over Simon's face, and he roared with laughter. “You made her dinner!” He giggled, everyone from the movie stars to the gate attendant at the entrance of the filming studio outside, knew Henry Cavill was head over heels in love with you, but you still managed to oblivious.
“Yeah.” Henry nodded, turning his head to Englishman. “I had Michelle, covertly, ask her what her favorite food was, like a week or so ago, and then surprised her with it last night.”
Simon's face turned even redder as he tried to bite back another roar of laughter. “Co-vert-ly.” He choked out, between short bursts of laughter. “This movie is really getting to your head, Cavill.” He snorted, then lost it, doubling over, his hands slapping his knees. “Mission Impossible: Love!”
“What in the world is happening over here?” Ving Rhames asked, drawn over by the look of desperation on Henry's face and Simon wheezing from laughing so hard.
“Henry here,” Simon gasped, straightening up and holding his side. “Covertly, asked Michelle to find out what y/n's favorite food was, then made it for her.”
“Are you still trying to get that girl to notice you?” Ving asked, grinning at Henry, just as amused by him trying to pull out all the stops and shower you with as much of his charm, as he could. “Why don't you just go up to her, and tell her you're in love with her?”
“Cause Henry wants to be romantic.” Simon teased him, giving him goo goo eyes. “And he's too shy to admit it out loud.” He added, dodging out of the way as Henry's fist took a swipe at him. “It took a month for him to finally admit it to us.” He said, hiding behind Ving.
“I can only guess what this discussion is about,” Tom's voice called, joining the three of them. “But, the way Simon's hiding behind Ving, and you're redder than hell face, Henry. I'm guessing it's your girl, over there.” He said, motioning to you with his head.
“She's not my girl.” Henry huffed, as the three of them ribbed him over it. “Yet.” He added with a pout, as he watched you walk out of the sound-stage.
“Look, Henry.” Tom sighed, feeling bad for him. “You've been trying to tell her, you're in love with her, every way possible, minus, the one way that really makes it hard for her to miss.”
“And what way is that?” Henry asked, hanging onto his every word, he'd take a suggestion from a cereal box, if he thought it help him out.
Tom rested his hand on Henry's broad shoulder, and looked him dead in the eye. “You just walk up to her and tell her this,” he dragged it out, Ving and Simon snorting back giggles. “Y/n, I'm in love with you.”
All three of them started laughing at him, even making a couple of the crew members laugh, even though they didn't know why. Henry growled, frustrated and raked a hand through his short hair as they kept laughing at him. He wanted to be romantic, it was something Henry enjoyed doing when he was in love. But, he'd never had such a hard time getting a woman to notice his charm. Hell, most women would have noticed him, even if he wasn't trying to charm them. You were completely different though, he never felt so friend-zoned in his life.
“You know, she does like you, you know.” Rebecca told him a while later, as she sat next to him in the food tent, they'd spent most of the morning filming the bathroom scene.
“What?” Henry croaked, choking on his sip of water.
“Y/n.” She clarified, casually eating her food. “She's got a huge crush on you, and has for quite sometime from what I understand, before you two even met in pre-production.”
Henry looked at Rebecca with large and surprised blue eyes. “She does?” He squeaked, in a small voice, in total disbelief. “Then, why hasn't she noticed me?” He asked, when she nodded her head.
“Well, one,” Rebecca started, pushing her plate away from her. “You're being way more subtle than you think you're being. Two, She doesn't think someone like you, could ever like someone like her.” She explained to him.
“Why, because I'm a celebrity?” he asked, concerned and looking around the tent for you.
Rebecca chuckled, shaking her head at him. “No, you dunce.” She grinned. “She's worried because she's a plus sized woman, and you're a...” Rebecca looked Henry over, he was still in his costume, a very well fitting suit, where his dress shirt's buttons strained every time he moved, even the smallest bit. “God.”
Henry turned back around to her, shocked at this information. “She thinks I wouldn't love her, because of her body?” he asked, his stomach and heart twisting at the idea you felt that way.
“Yeah.” Rebecca nodded. “Most men are.”
“I'm not most men.” Henry replied, hurt that you were afraid of that.
“And, She's not most women, Henry.” Rebecca told him, patting him on the back as she got up to go. “I get you want to be romantic and all that, but sometimes the most romantic thing you can do for a woman, especially one that may not have a load of confidence, is to be straightforward and honest with her.”
Henry sat there in the food tent, mulling Rebecca's words over and the information that you had a crush on him. He was starting to see her, Tom, Ving, Simon and Michelle were right, his subtlety wasn't working whatsoever. He needed to change tactics on how to express to you that he was in love with you, and didn't care that you were a plus sized woman, that you were perfect and beautiful as you are, especially to him. He looked around at the still bustling tent and saw you eating with Michelle.
“Hey, Henry.” Simon called, sliding into a chair in front of him, Ving and Tom joining him. “Decided to eat y/n for lunch?” he chuckled.
“You know what,” Henry said, getting up out of his chair and walked over to the table you were sitting at. “Y/n.” He said your name with a confident conviction, startling you out of your conversation with Michelle, and look up at him.
“Henry.” You smiled shyly at him, gulping.
It was the look in your eyes that told Henry that he'd missed your own subtle hints of trying to tell him you were in love with him, as well. As stupid as it made him feel to realize he'd missed them, he felt so incredibly relieved to see it, it galvanized him, “I have something I need to tell you.” He told you, in a clear voice.
“Okay,” You nodded, standing up. “Is there somew...”
“I'm in love with you, y/n.” He told you, catching you off guard, and causing the entire tent to go quiet and look at the pair of you. “I've been trying to tell you in a bunch of subtle ways that I am in love with you; the flowers I gave you, asking you to be my date for the academy awards, asking Michelle to find out what you like to eat and making it for you,” he blushed at Michelle, who winked at him and gave him a nod of encouragement.
“You got this, Superman!” Simon yelled from behind him.
He bit his lips, blushing, as were You. “The surprise birthday gift you got,” he coughed, clearing his throat. “was from me, y/n.” he admitted, and his eyes growing, as you took the heart shaped necklace with your birthstone, out from underneath your shirt. It made him smile knowing you liked it enough to wear it. “You like it, then?” he asked, proudly.
“I love it.” You told him, closing your hand around it. “Like, I love you, Henry.” You admitted, as well.
“That is...amazing.” He beamed, feeling like he was rocketing to the moon, he was so happy. “Would you like to have dinner, properly, with me?” he asked, biting the corner of his lip, again.
You glanced around, feeling every pair of eyes in the room on you and Henry, but you didn't care, as your eyes met his. “I would, absolutely, love that.” You glowed at him, sharing his over the moon happiness.
The whole tent erupted in applause, making you wonder how many of the people working with you and Henry knew, what the two of you hadn't known, all along. You both blushed seriously hard the rest of the lunch break. Henry had moved over to your table, sitting next to you. He was like the puppy you'd got for Christmas, he was so happy and actively talking to you and giving you every bit of his attention, and energy. Simon, Ving and Tom also moved over to your table with him, and all of them enjoyed teasing you and Henry about how long it took you two to get around and finally admitting you were in love, and reminiscing about all the times one of you did something silly to try and show your affection, or just try and get your attention.
“I'm telling you!” Simon laughed, as he told you the story of one of those moments. “The first time he did the arm reload thing, it was completely improvised. But, the minute Henry found out you thought it was cute, he kept doing it every take after that.”
“Oh my god.” You bubbled with laughter and grinned at Henry as he sat next to you, grinning like the guilty boy he was.
“Oh, that's like when y/n heard you liked that one shirt of hers, Henry.” Michelle chuckled, making you gasp at her, faking betrayal. “You washed that shirt every day for a week!” She outed you.
“Oh, fuck you!” You laughed, blushing for the millionth time. “I thought you were on my side!”
“We've all been on the side of getting you two romantic geeks together!” Simon shouted out, another wave of laughter rippled through the table. “I was seriously starting to thinking about forging love letters and sending them to the both of you!”
“That was my idea!” Michelle barked, crumpling up her napkin and tossing it at Simon's head.
“I thought about having McQuarrie land the two of you in one of our remote locations and not lifting you back til you confessed.” Tom laughed, leaning back in his seat to dodge the flying napkin. “McQuarrie was totally on board with it too.”
“Is there anyone that doesn't know!?” Henry demanded, looking around the table.
“Man, the parking attendant across the street, even knows ya'll are in love.” Ving chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.
You and Henry looked at each other, shaking your heads and grinning at each other. You felt your heart flutter as Henry rested his hand gently on your knee, under the table. You bit your lip, resting your hand on his and carefully resting your shoulder against his.
“We start filming again in ten, guys!” One of the producers called, standing in the opening of the tent.
A collective grumble sounded through the tent and people started shifting, finishing the last of their food, getting up to throw their plates away and funneling out of the tent and back to their places and tasks for the rest of the day's filming. You and Henry were the last two people in the tent, still sitting super close to each other, his hand still on your knee and your hand still on his.
“I really enjoyed the dinner you, covertly, made me last night.” You chuckled, tracing your fingertips over the top of his hand. “There's one other person that I know that came make it that good, my mum, and then there's the restaurant I discovered it at.” You blushed, babbling.
Henry smiled, sweetly at you, his stomach full of butterflies. “I'm glad, that I was able to perfect it.” he said, turning his hand, palm up, to thread his fingers with yours. “I only had to google the recipe three times, and watch a youtube video.” He admitting, chuckling nervously.
“I'm really sorry about missing all your hints.” You told him, pressing your lips together.
“I am sorry about missing yours, as well, y/n.” Henry sighed, licking his lips and meeting your eyes. “Guess I was too caught up trying to get you to see me.”
“I was rather, busy, trying to ignore you to some degree.” You said, shyly, brushing a hand through your hair.
“Because you thought, I wouldn't love you.” He said, softly, and giving your hand a small squeeze.
“Look at you.” You told him, motioning to him with your free hand and feeling your insides quiver. “And, look at me.” You motioned to yourself, frowning.
“Y/n, no.” Henry shook his head, his other hand resting on your chin, lifting your head so you looked at him again. “You are beautiful to me, y/n. You have been since I first saw, and you will always be, until I no longer breathe.”
“Henry.” You whispered, quietly, moving in closer to him and closing your eyes, feeling the warmth of his body so close to yours, and his soft warm breath against your skin.
“Let me prove it to you, y/n.” He whispered back, leaning his face nearer to yours. “Tonight. My place, in London. I'll cook you, whatever you want, and we'll watch whatever you want to watch, or whatever else you want to do.”
“And, what do you want to do, Henry?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him.
Henry grinned. “I want you. I want you to be happy. I want to see you smile and hear you laugh, to be yourself, unafraid. I want you to know that I love you, for you.” he confessed, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
“You made me my favorite food for dinner, last night.” You reasoned with him. “Why don't you make your favorite food tonight?”
“Hm.” Henry hummed, rubbing his lips together as he thought about it. “Something with curry, definitely.” He chuckled, nodding his head. “What about a movie?”
“I love the movie, the scent of a woman.” You told him, resting your hand on his thigh.
“I've never seen it.” Henry told you, quietly.
“It's a really good movie with Al Pacino and Chris O'Donnell.” You assured him. “I think, you'll like it.”
Henry smiled at you, caressing your cheek and neck. “I'll trust you on that.”
“Henry,” an assistant called, appearing in the tent entrance. “We're starting filming again, you're needed on set.”
Sighing, Henry nodded, reluctant to move away from you. But, you smiled at him, leaning in closer to him and kissed his cheek, feeling his skin warm against your lips.
“I'll see you tonight.” You told him, getting up and chuckling at him as he didn't let go of your hand until you moved away from him.
He watched you go, totally in disbelief that he was going to have you, in his house, tonight for dinner and a movie. He threw up his hands as the assistant told him again, he was going to be late for his cue, and got up to follow them out, his mind racing about the coming night, and the endless teasing he was going to get from the cast, until then.
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jungkookio · 7 years
bias tag game
hoooooooo boy so i was tagged by @hoodiejungkook​ @literally-just-yoongi-trash​ @aragyeom​ to do this... y do u want me to expose myself like this
Rules: write down the last 15 associated tags with your bias.  
#take his belt and choke me with it
#not to be nsfw buti have an undying need to fucking hug this man 
#when wiwllhe start capitalising on his sweat as a highlight tbh #i wna tthtta glowhgngnnfngngnghhggghhg #why is my grandpa man so hot ti rlly wanan dfckkin d8 him
#omfg fuck off #look at him hes a dumpling #a soot ball #he owns the key to m heart #honestly im rlly soft over my boys tonight #im cryign in th club
#im sorry but he looks like that sailor moon 'but you didnt do anything' meme #but like hot
#im... rlly out here loving this loser i cannot believe myself #i fell in love with some grandpa infant hybrid #look at this pingu lookin ass god i love him so much
#who let this emo kid out the house #wheres his mum
#c hoke #what the fuck wjat the fuck #when will he fucking spit on me #whatthehfuxuckgoddddddddddddddd he #what the fuck i swear everyone wants me to roll into a coma and fucking die #i hope ifkckng choke seriously what thejfuck is thsi #what is his problem why is he like this
#thsi is the begsat theing to evr hapoenr yi me shsudjrnshjsjrbndkansb pleaese
#ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god you own my fucking heart #u cld own my kidney too if u ever need it just ask
#i want him to tuck him in n kiss his forehead but i also want him to spit in my mouth u feel? #probably not #kinkshame me
#okay... he gettin thicker #i love my man's pancake ass okay #im eatin well tonight !!/1!!1/! #nourished !! #acvdhdjsjbdbsjsj hav i evr mntiond i hte mslf
#i love him so much ohmygod  #!! fuck !! #m heart went nyooooooooooooom  #💟💖💗💕💓💝💟💓💕💖💞💗💟💖💕💞💓💝💟💕💞💓💝💟💗💞💕💗💟💓💝💕💗💟💖💖💟💕💞💓💖💗
#m heart just launched outta m chest #idk wht t doabout it tbh #i... need that
#ohmygodohmyogogododdoohohoh #hooh my fuckicjg n god #im fucking malfunctioning btixch #bwaht the fuck he looks so fucking goood #hes rlly rpepin the gays again inhis flannel #an icon #he looks like a billion fckng dollars bitxchm im rlly choking #im gna eat a fucking shoe i love him so mcuh #godthey rlly mad ehim blond again #i dk what to domblond yoongs has always been m favourtei #n im alwaysh fucking screaming about it and bitch x hes rlly blodn n im rlly crying because fuck #hhes in his fckckng prime okay #hes th mc of m heartmcnncnnnnnggggggggggggggjhsbdhjbfhbnj
#i wanna punch him in th face #but with lovecause i love him so much  #i cld never hurt him #honestly i'd much rather him sucker punch me in the jaw #look at him he's such a shit but he's my favourite #eugghhdghhdhhhhjjhhjhj 
#he cld crush a bitxch with those thighs #(its me) #(im the bitxch) #(please crush me)
#fucking b e a n me #rightin th fckn skull #just straight up fucking murder me #what kinda zoom #its all so shiny #hes fckng gleaming #his shirt is fcking gleaming #meanwhile im constructing my coffin while i wait for him to b e a n me #the fuck
#biyxch his tiddies bigger than mine
#its always th lasttwo gufs that tip me over the edge #m reachign fr th mfing gun bitxch #i hate this shirt n its aphrodisiac bullshit #oyster juice #it had to have been soaked in fckng ousyetr juice #can u hear my inner turmoil sis............. this shirt has victimised me #the shirt #it strikes again
#wow look its my emo boyfriend
#ggggggggggggggno the shirt can fuck off #whoever manufactured it #you know what no it wasnt manufactured #it was hand crafted by satan himself to fucking tempt me to evil #show me a single fancam of mr jeon fucking jungkook in that shirt where he doesnt look at one with the fucking devil #find me one! #i can guarantee u wont find any bitxch #possessed #absolute blasphemy #i hope i fckign burn in hell
#the second gif is him throwing my heart out the fucking window
#ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gohd how can he be this cute while literally drnched in sweat #ion kno but hes gleaming #shining #glowing even #he hsa no faults #look at his smile it cld make flwers grow fck off #n the stars are in his eyes #all of them #im real emo tonight #hes so bright #the most beautiful boy #a baby #my best baby boy in th whole wrld #i wld gv hm m everythng #i love hm so mch m heart is so full #im nourished
#this era makes m choke on air #he was so rude the entire time i really hsatge bjgbnkgjbnfdkjbdfj bjbngnbkgnbkgfkbng #...gotta go #i hope he *** **** ******** ** *** ***** ** *** **********
#jungkook is so cute i love him so much what the fuck #he is the purest mostwholesome lil fella ive ever seen #his gecko friend :(((( #bitxch #search: how to be a gecko #hes so excited wgdhjb #'this one is a different guy!" #what the actual fuck jungkook rip m heart out y dont u #he saved m life wow #bad day who? dont know her #m never gna b sad again
#oh my god someone get me out of his ass #i'm too far #so far up his ass
#ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? #i want him to dropkick me down a flight of stairs
#i want to fuxjckxking die and be dead get this photo away from me #what the ever loving fuck #are you seeing jungkooks arm??? are u seei g it #cause biyxch i am and i choxked #i hope i die #ababsbndnenjabsbsjjsnsl ouc h
#hes like my age in these photos whahat the fuck #why do noboys near me look exactly like this with this exact personality and this exact dna
#he looks like a sad puppy and im not having it #ill fight the fucking rain #ill punch a cloud i dont give a fuck 
#i wld step on a lego brick for u
#omg hs lilcrooked tooth #im ugly cryign bitxch #thats it im cryign in th club fr real
#im screamign outta my ass #what the fuck jimin #what kinda extra ass #he did a fuckin split to try and kick a golden glittering pompom #this is gay culture
#he looks like a rich housewife #please step on me
#his fucking n e c k #look at it fuck #what the fuckim..... #im rlly reaching fr th fckng gun sis jesus hcirst
#@nasa i will pay you to launch me into th fckng sun bitxch 
#can he maybe... jump like that again... on m fuckin head 
#i swear hes like... made of gold and honey and stardust or smth what th e fuck
#i literally just said oh my god under m breath #buyt i cldnt get th words right so i just sorta went ohgghg #what the fuck
#this is some chaotic evil behaviour right here what the fuck jimin
#perfection? on my dash? its morelikely than u think!
#i hope i die immediately right now this very second
#can he punch me in th fucking throatplease #i will pay him to straight up fucking deck me
#oh my fucking god im #he #whatthe actual fuck is this?????? #what the fuck is thsi ?!??!?!?! #no #ihave truly had e nough of this shit ajshdbjdbnjfkfl #i become a fckcng jimin stan and this is th shit i get in return???????? #chronic agonising pain #yes thnk u jimin thts rlly what i fuckcing signed up for #this was not part of th fucking contract #i just wanted a cute squishy boy with a lil button nose #n mybe a bit of sad contemplation #i did not want !!!! sin !!!!!! #in my christian household????????? #blasphemy #this is fucking blasphemy #the power of christ compels you #fuck wheres the holy water bitxch #this boysjhdbfjhbfjbjgbjbfbflk #u kno what fuck it if this is what death feels like sign me th fuck up #guess ill just die bitxch
do u ever just look back at your past self and think... is she okay
im tagging: @namjoonsgalaxy @blumiin @minsuga--genius @velvethoseok @hobisnovia @gukiee @itskimtaehyung @parkjiminivan @jiminyoongs (if u want !!)
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