#fc: victoria pedretti.
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Un nuevo habitante llega al pueblo con el nombre de OPHELIA "LIA" WHITMORE. Sus datos confirman que su profesión es MÉDICO RESIDENTE, tiene 28 AÑOS y es originario de SAFE HAVEN, MAINE. Algunas personas lo confunden con VICTORIA PEDRETTI.
¡Bienvenido a Safe Haven, RENÉE! Tienes 48 horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje. Esperamos que tu estadía en el pueblo sea de tu agrado.
APODO: renée
PRONOMBRES: femeninos
TRIGGER WARNINGS: non-con, incesto, pedofilia
ROSTRO RESERVADO: victoria pedretti
CUPO RESERVADO: familia 4 + cupo 4.5
NOMBRE: ophelia “lia” whitmore
PRONOMBRES: femeninos
FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: 17/septiempre/ 1995 (28).
LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO: safe haven, maine
PROFESIÓN: médico residente
su experiencia en la escuela combinado con la atenta atención que siempre prestó en clase, logró entrenar la mente de lia de tal forma que resolver acertijos y problemas de lógica no se le dificulta. por el contrario, suele hacer actividades como estas todas las mañanas para mantener su mente activa.
al igual que la mayoría de los integrantes de su familia, se fue por el camino de ser médico. actualmente es residente de cirugía general y aunque no es capaz de realizar una cirugía completa ella sola, es capaz de recetar medicamentos, diagnosticar ciertas enfermedades, sabe primeros auxilios y puede curar heridas graves.
a pesar de que todavía se le dificulta admitirlo, ha estado trabajando en su ansiedad por los últimos años. desde que su padre falleció y bastante de la presión recayó en la familia, todo empeoró. actualmente toma medicamentos, pero es algo de lo que no habla mucho y su familia ni siquiera sabe sobre ello.
además de alergias y un estómago ligeramente irritable, no padece ninguna enfermedad de gravedad.
nació en safe heaven y por muchos años fue lo único que conoció. recuerda tener una infancia relativamente normal, a pesar de que pasaba mucho tiempo entre el hospital y la farmacia familiar esto no le molestaba, de hecho llego a parecer su segunda casa. decide dejar safe haven a los 20 años para mudarse hacia california con la intención de explorar otras escuelas y luego estudiar medicina. regresó a safe haven hace exactamente tres meses para continuar su residencia y estar más cerca de su madre y hermano.
creció con mucha presión de siempre ser buena en lo que hace. al tener una familia de médicos siempre pareció natural que era lo que ella tenía que hacer. es por eso que le dedica demasiado tiempo a obtener buenas notas y ser la mejor en su clase para poder irse a california a estudiar medicina.
su relación con su hermano siempre ha sido complicada. siempre sintió que tenía que seguir sus pasos o incluso ser mejor que él, lo que causó que la relación lejos de ser una buena relación de hermanos se sintiera como una constante competencia de quien llega a la meta primero.
las cosas se vuelven aún más complicadas tras la repentina muerte de su padre. muchas de las responsabilidades comenzaron a caer sobre su hermano, haciendo que ophelia sintiera más presión de estar involucrada. es por esto que decide mudarse antes de lo pleaneado a california, necesitaba una manera de escapar de todo.
no estaba en sus planes regresar a safe haven, disfrutaba de su vida en california. sin embargo, tras escuchar que su madre no estaba bien de salud y el nuevo proyecto phoenix, decidió regresar para estar más cerca de su familia. decidió comenzar su residencia en medicina general en el hospital familiar, algo que le ha costado trabajo tener que aceptar.
1: thelma, 60, su madre, con quien a pesar de tener una relación un poco complicada debido a las presiones que constantemente pone sobre ella sin que siquiera se de cuenta, su madre es su persona favorita.
2: margo, 28, mejor amiga desde la infancia. a pesar de la distancia, siempre buscaron la manera de frecuentarse en el tiempo que lia estuvo fuera. ahora que regresó es una de las pocas personas que realmente le brindan tranquilidad y felicidad.
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¿Viste a VICTORIA PEDRETTI frecuentando Main Vein? Oh, no, te equivocas: se trata de CEREZA SPECTER. Este residente de Arcadia Bay es originario de ESTADOS UNIDOS y, al igual que otres VAMPIROS, se gana la vida como DUEÑA DE UNA PELUQUERÍA CANINA Y FELINA.
¡Bienvenide a Arcadia Bay, BIBITA! A partir de este momento, tienes VEINTICUATRO (24) HORAS para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje. De precisar más tiempo, no dudes en acercarte. ¡Gracias!
❦ APODO: Bibita.
❦ PRONOMBRES: Ella/suya.
❦ EDAD: + 25.
❦ TRIGGERS: Ninguno en particular.
❦ NOMBRE COMPLETO: Cereza Specter.
❦ FACECLAIM: Victoria Pedretti.
❦ PRONOMBRES: Ella/suya.
❦ NACIONALIDAD: Estadounidense.
❦ OCUPACIÓN: Dueña de una peluquería canina y felina.
❦ FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: 6 de Marzo de 1965.
❦ PODERES SECUNDARIOS (MÁXIMO DOS): Resucitación y vínculo de sangre.
❦ año en el que se convirtió en vampiro: 1992.
❦ ¿cuál es su historia de vida? ¿quiénes eran antes de llegar a arcadia bay? ¿siempre vivieron aquí? cuéntanos un poco quién es.
Cereza, en ese entonces conocida como la adorable Christine, era hija del dueño de una pizzería de gran renombre en sus tiempos. Creció cubierta de harina, con las mejillas siempre ruborizadas gracias al calor de los hornos, y encantando a la clientela que frecuentaba el local. Con el paso de los años, la pizzería De Falco se convirtió en una pequeña cadena de restaurantes; para cuando alcanzó mayoría de edad, llegó a estar encargada de uno de ellos en Nueva York. Le gustaba pasar sus días all��, administrando y alimentando a los gatitos que se acercaban gracias a los olores.
A sus veintisiete años de edad, la joven se encontraba lista para asentarse en una vida común, corriente y segura. Estaba comprometida con un corredor de bolsa: tenían planes para comprarse una casa en los suburbios, concebir un par de hijos y adoptar unas cuantas mascotas. La noche antes de la ceremonia, sin embargo, no regresó a casa. Sus recuerdos de aquella época aún le son muy borrosos, mas lo único que tuvo claro es que ya no era… Humana como tal.
Su hacedora era una mujer encantadora; la conocía. Frecuentaba la pizzería siempre acompañada de alguna muchacha atractiva, pero jamás probaba un bocado. En más de una ocasión, Christine la atrapó dándole miraditas mientras limpiaba el mesón. A pesar de sentirse secretamente cautivada, jamás lo expresó ni tomó la iniciativa de acercarse por mucho que lo quisiera.
La misma mujer no le permitió regresar a casa. No era seguro, le decía. Necesitaba una nueva identidad, así que se la dio. La abrigó durante su despertar, le enseñó a controlar sus impulsos durante sus días como neófita, le brindó un nuevo hogar lejos de Nueva York y la invitó a recorrer el mundo cuando aceptó su nueva naturaleza. Incluso le pidió que la ayudara con su veterinaria, enseñándole el oficio de maneras más informales. De cierta extraña forma, Cereza aprendió a querer a su hacedora de formas que no podría haber recreado ni en sus mejores sueños. Siempre recuerda aquella época de su vida con añoranza, intentando con todas sus fuerzas ignorar su final.
“Es momento de seguir adelante.” Entregándole riquezas para mantenerse en pie, la vampiro se marchó y le dio libertad de hacer lo que quisiera. Por mucho que le doliese, Cereza, cargando su nuevo nombre, no tuvo más opción que rehacer su existencia distanciándose lo más posible de aquello que le identificaba como humana.
Lo único que no consiguió fue deshacerse de su nombre.
❦ ¿por qué decidió acercarse a main vein? ¿cuál es su opinión sobre la salida de los vampiros al mundo, más conocida como mainstreaming*?
Necesitaba un sitio seguro en dónde establecerse con su nuevo negocio. Luego de haber estado formándose y ejerciendo su nueva carrera en otro estado, la gran revelación se dio. Múltiples rumores llegaron a sus oídos: un pueblito en Nueva Orleans parecía ser la cuna de la vida vampírica. Quedarse en donde se encontraba no era seguro, no gracias a las nuevas políticas conservadoras que querían, prácticamente, deshacerse de ella.
Hubiera deseado que el secreto de la existencia vampírica se hubiese quedado como tal, pero no mentirá que disfruta, de cierta forma, de lo que ofrece el mainstreaming.
#main vein: formulario aceptado.#especie: vampiro.#user: bibita.#fc: victoria pedretti.#cupo: f1.#poder: control de los animales.
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victoria pedretti.
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no offense but who are all these white girls u are in love with why do i not know shit about them. Also who the fuck is glen powell. Why am i being gaslighted into thinking hes attractive. Why does america just pull celebrities out of its ass. Im not even that upset im just so damn confused
bestie i don't think glen powell is attractive either, i use him as an fc for an oc of mine. as long as they make money, there will always be new celebs getting churned up in the hollywood butter, i have no idea how/why certain ones get blasted all over socials and others don't. i'm just a bisexual on the internet.
#Asks#anonymoose#victoria pedretti is one of my favorite horror actresses#she's also jewish#lili reinhart is the fc for one of my most cherished ocs#there's really nothing else to it lmao
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Can’t Catch A Breath (Lorraine Warren x OC)
Summary: Sally comes across an article about an old house that might need their sort of expertise. Lorraine agrees, and they go investigating, leading Sally into a tight spot she’s not sure she can get out of.
Word Count: 1,383
Warnings: Haunting, Poltergeist, Strangulation, Choking, Whump, Hurt/Comfort
There was an old Victorian farmhouse settled at the edge of a small, rather close knit community, and it had remained empty since anyone can remember. Some of the local teenagers had passed and vandalized various spots around the property, but anyone who’d stayed there for any length of time did not come away from the house unchanged. Now, it was avoided at all costs.
Naturally, when Sally came across this article in the paper as they were passing through a city nearby to this little community, she had to show Lorraine, see if there was anything worth investigating. She rose from her chair in the diner they’d stopped in for lunch and walked around the table to Lorraine. Standing behind her, Sally lowered her arms around her and flipped open the paper, pointing out the article in question. "Do you think we should check it out," Sally asked. She waited patiently for Lorraine to glance over the article before giving her a definite answer.
"Every small town has one of these stories, but I feel like there might be something to this one. Are you up for the detour?"
"If you think we can make a difference, take one more evil out of the world, then of course I am." Sally went back to her chair and they finished the last remaining bites of their meal before heading out to check out this house.
Sally navigated using a local map they’d picked up just outside the diner, while Lorraine drove. "It should be one more left turn. I think it’s at the end of the street based on how the article described it."
As Lorraine made the turn, she could tell exactly which house it was. About a mile in front of them stood an old, aging home that was covered in vines and slightly obscured by various trees and an overgrown lawn. While she wasn’t feeling the strongest pull to the house, she could tell something malicious still resided inside.
Lorraine parked the car at the road, not wanting to pull it into the grassy gravel driveway. Sally didn’t question her on it. The two of them made their way to the door, noting the various smashed windows, and finding the front door slightly ajar with dead leaves from last fall coating the floor just inside. Sally could see Lorraine's caution, and reached for her hand, gently giving it a squeeze for reassurance, reminding Lorraine that she wasn’t tackling this alone, and that Sally would be right by her side the whole time.
They saw the floors were littered with broken glass from the windows, broken plates and bowls, and books that had fallen or been pulled from their shelves and left to warp and rot in the elements. Despite the house being a wreck, there was nothing immediately alarming. "Why don’t you start checking for anything out of place upstairs," Lorraine suggested.
"Are you sure?" Sally's question was met with a warm smile.
"I’m sure. Whatever energy is here, I don’t think it’s very strong. Just yell for me if you find anything, okay? I’ll be fine." With the last bit of reassurance, Sally nodded, reluctantly took her hand away from Lorraine's and headed for the staircase. The upper floor was less trashed than the ground floor, but things had still been knocked askew and blown over by the wind from the one window that had managed to be smashed up there. A baseball was on the floor of one of the bedrooms, no doubt the culprit of the break in the window.
While Sally didn’t possess the gifts Lorraine did, she could often sense —just by her own intuition— when something was off, and while she had an uneasy feeling about the house, she couldn’t decide if it was anything more than the house itself that caused this unease. Lorraine didn’t seem particularly worried, and that had served to allay some of her anxieties.
Down in what Lorraine assumed used to be considered a study, she rifled through the books on the floor. Most were on various academic subjects, a few were novels, mysteries and romance alike, but something told her to keep looking through them. Despite bent and cracked spines, Lorraine put the books back on the shelves with some semblance of care.
It was only when she picked up a red leather bound volume that she realized it was this that she’d been looking for. It was not coated in either a fine nor a thick layer of dust like all the others. This one had been opened, had been looked at recently. Perhaps that is what contributed to the uptick of activity the house had been having as of late. It was an old journal, nothing that seemed too out of sorts as Lorraine skimmed its pages. Not until it neared its end.
Before Lorraine could truly delve her way into the depths of this mysterious journal, she was interrupted by a strangled shout. She’d only heard the first part of her name before she realized it had come from Sally upstairs. Taking the book along with her, Lorraine flew up the stairs, nearly causing herself to trip in her hurry. When she reached the top of the stairs, it didn’t take her long to spot Sally, and the entity that had her up against the wall with its graying, decayed looking hand around her neck.
The malicious spirit cast its glance over its shoulder, settling on Lorraine for but a moment before using its power to lift Sally from her feet and drag her higher up the wall. Sally, startled by the sudden loss of the floor beneath her feet, grasped desperately at the specter's hand, aiming to use all her strength to pry it from her neck. She was losing air. And fast.
As her eyes filled with tears, she looked to Lorraine, her vision blurring. She had something in her hands. An answer, she hoped, to getting her out of this mess. Something that could cast this thing back to the hell it belonged in. The edges of her vision were becoming dark. She was having no success at even loosening the specter's grip on her throat. If Lorraine didn’t act fast that meant she didn’t have much longer. So much she wanted to say, and yet the strangled words could not leave her throat, no matter how hard she may be able to try and force them.
Lorraine finally spoke, but the words were muddled under the sound of her own blood rushing through her ears as the room continued to fade to black. Then, out of nowhere, she’s dropped. She crumbles to the floor in a heap, struggling for breath as she fights cough after cough. Whatever had ahold of her, now it was after Lorraine. Too weak to divert it's attention, she hoped to god Lorraine had it under control.
Then, words. Latin. The mostly dead language had never sounded so good to Sally's ears before. The blood that had been pumping so loudly in her head subsided, allowing her to hear Lorraine’s wonderful voice, banishing the demonic spirit back to hell. One foul, awful screech, and it was gone. She’d done it, and —her vision having returned to her— Sally noted that the little red book in her hands must have helped her cast it out.
Sally still wheezed when Lorraine came to check on her. "Are you alright?" The soft concern in her voice and the hand that Lorraine rested on her back was all Sally really needed to assure herself that she’d be just fine. She coughed a couple more times and nodded.
"God I—" Sally began after a moment, only to be caught out by another round of coughing. She gently cleared her throat before she tried again. "God I love it when you speak Latin," Sally manages, her less than subtle flirtation being overshadowed by the rasp in her voice. Lorraine laughs —a beautiful sound after Sally's harrowing ordeal— and then she puts her forehead against Sally's. The two of them, sitting on the dirt covered wooden floor, had thanklessly saved this little corner of the world. Maybe no one would ever know it but the two of them, but that was okay. They knew.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @chickensarentcheap, @endless-oc-creations, @unheolycs-ocs, @fawera, @themaradaniels
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welcome to the palmview grove apartments ! thank you so much for applying ! please make sure to take a look at our checklist and send in your account within�� 24 hours ! below the cut is also where you'll find your apartment assignments ! we're very much excited to see you around town ! also, don't forget to grab your keys from the lobby before you move in !
welcome to palmview, LENNON MARSTEN ! VICTORIA PEDRETTI ( emma swan counterpart ) is now TAKEN. they're currently being written by MJ. when you arrive to grab your apartment assignments, please make a note that you'll be staying in MANGO BAY LOFTS #5C !
#appless rp#oc rp#mumu rp#town rp#apartment rp#tumblr rp#new rp#relaxed rp#fandom rp#slice of life rp#literate rp#victoria pedretti fc#palmviewaccepted#accepted
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priscilla quintana, ella purnell, josefine frida pettersen, victoria pedretti or bahar sahin?
OOOOOHH so many good choices. ella purnell is taken as a mascot for the group, but personally ?? obsessed with josefine frida pettersen or victoria pedretti.
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𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕖 "𝕨𝕣𝕖𝕟" 𝕗𝕠𝕩
she was born thirty years ago, is a human and lives in downtown as a art therapist and professor. she looks an awful lot like victoria pedretti.
"If you get the choice to sit it out or dance - I hope you dance."
Wren grew up in a small town. Westport, Washington, to be exact. Being a part of a small town drove her mad to a degree; small towns having small minds to match. At least, that’s how her saving grace of an aunt always put it. She was grateful that someone in her life had some sort of clarity.
Wren and her Aunt Penny would hang out all the time; Wren sometimes skipping school or even going home to head to her aunt’s. They would strum the guitar, meditate, charge crystals, hit the farmer’s market. Some of her favorite activities with her aunt included paint splatter art in the studio and yoga on the back deck.
It was her aunt who drove Wren to attend Penn State for art therapy. Her aunt always believed Wren had more to offer than what the small town of Westport could handle. Wren completed her degree, went on to become an adjunct for Greywood University who offered to give her supervision hours in order to fill a position they were struggling to fill.
She wasn’t expecting to fall for a student in her class 5 years ago. Since then, they married and due to the differences in readiness for a family they divorced. The divorce is recent and has taken an emotional and mental toll on Wren - seeing that she does love this person and is family oriented. Now she’s left to pick up all the scattered pieces.
“what power did she attain when settling in greywood?”
Precognition - When sleeping, Wren gets dreams that span from 5-10 seconds of a scene that then plays out either the next day or following week.
penned by... maisie
#town rp#mature rp#oc rp#supernatural rp#horror rp#literate rp#para rp#fantasy rp#mystery rp#human#victoria pedretti fc#retired
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¡Bienvenido, RESIDENTE! VICTORIA PEDRETTI se ha inscrito al PROYECTO PHOENIX bajo el nombre de RENÉE como FAMILIA 4 + CUPO 4.5.
RENÉE, esperamos tu llegada a SAFE HAVEN durante las próximas 48 horas. Si tu viaje sufre algún retraso te pedimos por favor te comuniques con nuestro equipo para cambiar tu hora de llegada. ¡Buen viaje!
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VICTORIA PEDRETTI ha sido confirmade junto al CUPO F1 a nombre de BIBITA
¡Bienvenide a Main Vein! El sitio abre sus puertas para ti y te recibe cálidamente… o no tanto si tu corazón no late. Cuentas con CUARENTA Y OCHO (48) HORAS para completar y enviar tu formulario. De precisar más tiempo, no dudes en acercarte al staff para pedirlo. ¡Agradecemos tu interés!
#main vein: reservas.#fc: victoria pedretti.#user: bibita.#especie: vampiro.#cupo: f1.#poder: control de los animales.
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⸻ 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎 𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐎: ¡ agradecemos tu interés, joanna ! estamos felices de tenerte por aquí y esperamos que disfrutes de la magia parisina tanto como el resto de sus habitantes. tienes 48 horas para enviar la cuenta de charlotte aveline. si necesitas más tiempo, no dudes en avisarnos.
información ooc.
nombre / seudónimo: joanna
pronombres: ella / suya.
edad: veintiocho años.
país / zona horaria: méxico centro.
triggers: suicidio, pedofilia, abuso sexual, incesto, transfobia.
user de discord: removido por la administración.
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable?: sip
espacio adicional: tengo mucha flojeraaaaa
información ic.
nombre completo: charlotte aveline
pronombres: ella/suya
faceclaim: victoria pedretti
edad y fecha de cumpleaños: 30 años / 23 de mayo de 1993
clase social: media.
ocupación: asistente de una galería de arte & estudiante de artes plásticas
descripción psicológica:
rasgos positivos: protectora, creativa, organizada, versátil, paciente.
rasgos negativos: competitiva, dependiente, iracunda, reservada, terca.
headcanons sobre el personaje:
siempre se sintió atraída por el arte, algunos recuerdos de su infancia se trataban de cuando pintaba las paredes de su casa y buscaba cualquier sitio para expresar su imaginación, construía regalos a partir de objetos que nadie tocaba, sus padres la alentaban. en la adolescencia conoció el arte de la escultura y se obsesionó con el tema.
en la universidad, como se esperaba, se postuló para entrar a la facultad de artes. con el tiempo, los problemas económicos comenzaron a hacer estragos y no podía permitirse pagar la matrícula, mucho menos en su posición. el arte no iba a ser capaz de cubrir las facturas así que decidió abandonar sus estudios para regalar su espacio a cualquiera de sus hermanes.
dentro de la casa se encuentran desperdigadas algunas creaciones suyas: tazas, recipientes para especias, porta incienso, macetas y demás. es una actividad a la que ya no le dedica tiempo, ha pasado bastante desde que se sentó a darle forma a la materia. prefiere olvidarlo.
actualmente su vida se consume entre ser profesora suplente de arte en una secundaria y trabajar de asistente de un comisario en una galería de arte, por recomendación de una de sus profesoras favoritas con quién mantiene contacto. nunca imaginó que terminaría de esa manera, aun así, ha estado considerando retomar sus estudios si tan solo tuviera tiempo.
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Hello friends. Could you please suggest some alternatives to Victoria Pedretti, specifically in Hill House? She happens to be taken in my RP group, but she's a perfect fit for my character. Thank you!
Meaghan Rath (1986) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Carly Chaikin (1990) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Sofia Black-D'Elia (1991) Ashkenazi Jewish / Italian.
Beanie Feldstein (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish - chosen not to label her sexuality but is openly dating a woman.
Hannah Marks (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish, Sephardi Jewish / English, Irish, Creek.
Molly Gordon (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Dylan Gelula (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified.
Niki Koss (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / Italian, Polish.
Maude Apatow (1997) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, Scottish, Finnish, German.
Gideon Adlon (1997) ¼ Ashkenazi Jewish ¼ English (converted to Judaism) 1/2 German.
Nina Bloomgarden (1998) Ashkenazi Jewish, Irish / Guatemalan.
Other suggestions:
Laura Berlin (1990)
Tanaya Beatty (1991) Da’naxda’xw and Himalayan.
Macarena Achaga (1992) Argentinian.
Kaya Scodelario (1992)
Demet Özdemir (1992) Turkish.
Hazar Ergüçlü (1992) Turkish.
Priscilla Quintana (1992) Mexican.
Amrit Kaur (1993) Indian.
Yalitza Aparicio (1993) Mixtec and Triqui Mexican.
Olivia Liang (1993) Chinese.
Zión Moreno (1995) Mexican [Spanish and Unspecified Native American] - is trans.
Benedetta Gargari (1995)
Sophia Ali (1995) Pakistani / Sicilian Italian, Danish, Norwegian, German.
Aslıhan Malbora (1995) Turkish.
Anya Chalotra (1996) Kashmiri Indian / English.
Leem Lubany (1997) Palestinian.
Morgan Holmstrom (1997) Metis of Cree descent, Ilocano Filipino, and Sambal Filipino.
Sydney Park (1997) African-American / Korean.
Amber Midthunder (1997) Hunkpapa Lakota, Hudeshabina Nakoda, Sissiton-Wahpehton Dakota, Thai-Chinese, and White..
Hanako Greensmith (1996) Japanese / English.
Daisy Edgar-Jones (1998)
Lee Rodriguez (1999) African-American / Mexican.
Danielle Rose Russell (1999)
Here you go!
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Not being able to see him as often as she'd like too has been really taking a toll on her. Whenever the two of them can actually get together she's super happy about it can't think of anything better to do other than give him her undivided attention. Which Mia sometimes worries that maybe she's giving him to much and he doesn't always want that. But in the end it seems she's always reminded that he seems to feel the same way about her that she does for him. Right now, she couldn't get enough of his lips being on her own. She smiles against his lips until he eventually pulls back. "Me too." Mia whispers. She easily leans into his gentle touch as he speaks again, making her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. "I missed you too. I always do when you're away."
open to — female or nb! muse — Sauske Chen! Thirty-five, is a commercial fisherman, which means he's usually gone for weeks at a time! plot — pls give me smut that is also really sweet!! can be just dating or married, but their schedules are so hectic that they sometimes don't see each other for a long time! queue an amazing date night and this wild sex scene!
made with beta!!
How often did someone get an empty passenger train? It felt like this city was constantly buzzing with people, but tonight it felt almost silent. The time 1:30am buzzed on the electronic clock that was above them, while they illuminated the room with sounds of kissing and moans. Maybe the alochol in his system gave him the confidence—or maybe he just missed her this much—but he was not holding back. The, typically conservative and sheepish, man had slowly turned into some kind of sexual beast throughout the night. "I'm so glad we didn't uber home..." Sauske blushed, gently letting his thumb wipe over their lower lip then slide into her mouth. "I missed you so much."
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due to player request the following fc is now reopened:
victoria pedretti.
the following fc is now taken:
olivia cooke.
#reopened.#appless rp#oc rp#town rp#tumblr rp#new rp#mumu rp#apartment rp#relaxed rp#fandom rp#literate rp#au rp#canon rp#olivia cooke fc#victoria pedretti fc
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